Hello everyone ^_^ this is my first Takacchan fanfic....i'm usually one of the quiet ones who just read....but I decided to give it a go and come out of my shell a bit! Hope you enjoy this O_O;
A bit blind to love
I love the smell of her hair. I can’t explain what it smells like, but every time she rests her head against me I just can’t help but enjoy the smell that comes from it. It makes me drowsy and tired. Or maybe I’m already tired. I just don’t know anymore. The warmth of the skin as it rests perfectly in the crescent of my neck area. Her breath gently seeps between the cracks of my clothes and against my bare chest underneath. It seems so perfect when she sleeps against me... I never want either of us to wake up as long as we can be together…
“TAKAMINA!!!!!”, Miichan screams as she jumps on top of us. Acchan violently flings her arms around as I jolt awake due to the pain of Miichan slapping my forehead.
“What? What? What?” My eyes blinking nonstop trying to absorb the brightness of the room.
“How dare you try and take my dearest wifey Acchan from me!!!” Miichan quickly pulls Acchan away from me and points her finger at me, glaring at me.
“What? Oh come on, are you serious? Acchan always sleeps on me!” I slowly get off the couch.
“Oh, I see, so once I move to team K you’ve been advancing in this affair!” Miichan begins to pout while cuddling Acchan tightly and gently rocking her in her arms.
“Egh…you can have her… I have to get back to work” I stick my tongue out at her as she turns and grins at me victoriously as I walk out of the room and back into the theatre. Acchan remains silent in MIichan’s arms and watches me as I slowly disappear.
As I walk back into the studio I am attacked by Mocchi. She begins to sniff me endlessly as she holds onto my little ears. I begin to squirm and attempt to jump around in order to escape from her grasp.
“LET ME GO!!!! LET ME GO!!!!” I begin to give up as she seems to have me tightly wrapped in her arms. I feel like a little mouse being strangled by a serpent. Suddenly I hear Mocchi scream and her arms evacuate from my body. I turn and find Acchan next to Mocchi pinching onto her arm. She slowly releases her fingers.
“Stop attacking Takamina”. Acchan looks at me and then quickly diverts her gaze away from me upon hearing Miichan running into the room.
“Acchannnnnnnn!!! You said you would wait for me to go to the toilet!!!”
“Sorry, Akimoto-sama saw me in the hallway and told me I better go to practice”
Miichan pouted at her and then quickly grabbed her arm.
“Fine. I won’t be angry, but you better have dinner with me!”
Acchan laughed and nodded in agreement. She turned and looked up at me and noticed that I quickly turned my head to avoid her gaze.
“How about we have a huge dinner with everyone! Let’s go out to karaoke!!!”
Miichan nodded excitedly. Yuko who was currently tightly wrapped around Haruna turned around straight away.
“Er…Karaoke sounds alright…Nyan Nyan we’ll go as well so we can sing a love duet together?”
Haruna turned and looked down at Yuko emotionlessly.
Yuko eyes suddenly swelled up with tears, her lips pouted and she began pressing her face deeper inbetween Haruna’s breasts.
“But Nyan Nyan I love you and and I love the sound of your voice”
Haruna’s hand came down and slapped Yuko’s forehead.
“Stop being a pervert and get your head out of my cleavage!!!”
Yuko slowly turned her head up to look at her Nyan Nyan. Haruna looked down and was taken aback by Yuko’s intense puppy eyes.
“ergh! Fine I’ll go to karaoke with you but I won’t sing a duet with you!”
Yuko gently blushed and continued to hold onto her Nyan Nyan. As long as she went there with her that was all that mattered… the latter could be accomplished once she fed some alcohol into her…Yuko turned and looked at me.
“You’re coming as well aren’t you Takamina?”
Before I even had a chance to answer Mocchi grabbed onto my arm.
“OF COURSE SHE IS! My lovely takamina will serenade me with her beautiful voice!”
“Egh!! Let go Mocchi I’m not going to serenade you!!”
Everyone laughed at Mocchi and I and I bowed my head down in embarrassment. I looked up and noticed that the only person not laughing was Acchan. Instead
she was glaring at Mocchi intently. My attention suddenly shifted when I heard Yuko say my name.
“Takamina, I don’t think you have a choice. Even if you don’t want to come to karaoke I’m sure Mocchi will tie you up and bring you with her!”
I bowed my head down in defeat. There was nothing I could actually say in return. I had failed at life again….I lifted my head up and noticed Acchan pouting at me. I quickly removed Mocchi from my arm and clapped my hands together.
“Okay guys you’ve picked on me enough! We better start practice now or I won’t even let you guys out until we’ve got the routine down packed! And that means no karaoke!”
“Aww, come on little one don’t be so grumpy!” Mariko snickered.
“hmmph! I’m not being grumpy! I’m just trying to get practice started!”
The girls slowly began to move into positions for practice. I hope that they’ll become too tired to go out to karaoke….maybe a few of them might suddenly lose their voice for the night…
At the end of practice I quickly went into the change rooms and planned my escape. As most of the girl’s took a shower after practice I took this opportunity to grab my gear and evacuate to the safe haven of my home! I grabbed my bag and quickly tore out the door.
-Escape from the girls- Success!
I felt as my body collided into another. Next thing I know I’m on top of her and my face is in between her breasts. I quickly push myself up and apologise.
“I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to bump into you!”
I opened my eyes to see who it was…
I quickly jumped off her and hugged tightly onto my bag. Fear was evidently showing on my face.
“Takamina let me feel you on top of me again!!!”
Mocchi grabbed relentlessly at the space between us, trying to get closer to me as her lips formed into a kiss and she began to slowly move towards me.
“LEAVE ME ALONE!!” I quickly jumped over her and sprinted down the hallway…
-Escape from Mocchi` SUCCESS!
As I walked out the front door I felt relieved despite my heavy breathing as I was trying to recover from my recent traumatic experience with Mocchi.
“..ergh why can’t she go after someone else…”
“Because you’re the only one she wants”
I jumped and quickly turned my head. Acchan was leaning against the door staring at me.
“Acchan what are you doing here?”
“Figured you’d try and runaway so I decided to wait out here after practice”
I bowed my head in shame. Am I really that easy to read… I looked up as I felt Acchan hold onto my hand.
“Come on!”
“Argh please stop I don’t want to go to karaoke”
“I’m not taking you there yet. We’re going later tonight, its only 5:30pm and we decided to go to karaoke at 7pm but I guess you weren’t listening”
I looked down…I’m such an idiot…I could’ve just gone home normally and just have not come out for karaoke…
“Wait, Acchan where are you taking me?”
She stopped and stared at me.
“You don’t want to come with me?”
“It’s not that. I just wanted to know where we were going”
Acchan let go of my hand.
“I’m going back to my house, but if you don’t want to come its fine”
She began to walk away but I quickly grabbed her hand and walked next to her. She turned to look at me and I quickly smiled back. Words weren’t really needed at this moment. She understood that I was happy to go home with her. I watched her from the corner of my eye and noticed a red tinge appear on her cheeks. My heart suddenly skipped a beat.
As we arrived at her house we continued to hold hands as she opened her door with the other. She pulled me slowly into the house and pushed the door close behind us with a slight kick of her leg. We walked through her house and into her room. Although I’ve been here a lot of times previously, this time felt somewhat strange. She pushed me onto the bed and gently climbed on top of me, resting her head against my chest. She gently played with my fingers, tickling my palm until I let out a gentle laugh. She looked up and smiled before continuing. I grabbed onto her hand gently when the tickling became too much to bear. Lifting her hand up I slid my fingers in between hers. We lay there peacefully until the sound of her voice broke the silence.
“Why don’t you ever stop Miichan from pulling me away from you?”
“Um…I don’t know, I guess since we’re all friends it doesn’t matter that much, and you know Miichan, when she wants something she isn’t gonna stop until she gets her way”
“Why do you ask?”
An awkward silence filled the room. I wasn’t sure if Acchan didn’t hear my question or if she didn’t have an answer for me.
“Well… it just seems as though every time we’re together and someone comes into the room to take me you just seem to let them…argh I don’t know what I’m saying, never mind…”
Acchan squinted her eyes in frustration. Unable to address to me how she felt. Although I sensed that it was something serious to her I however let out a slight giggle due to the fact I felt that it was quite a childish matter. Acchan quickly pushed herself up so she was sitting on my stomach and began to play with my hands, swinging my arms all over the place in frustration of my laughter.
“Stop laughing! Egh I shouldn’t have brought it up!”
She suddenly let go of my arms and started moving off my stomach towards the end of the bed.
“Egh, I’m going outside”
I quickly lean forward and wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her back on top of me so she’s sitting on my thighs. Looking at her, I noticed a sad pout, her eyes diverting away from my stare.
“What’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing, I’m just thirsty”
As I felt her begin to wriggle out of my arms in annoyance of being with me I tightened my arms around her and rested my head against her chest.
“Please tell me what’s wrong. I can’t stand having a void between us.”
She wrapped her arms around my neck and rested her cheek against the top of my head.
“I just wish that you’d just protect me a bit more when I’m with you…I can’t explain it but when you walk away I feel depressed and when I find you, you’re always attached to Mocchi intimately.”
I quickly look up at her.
“Trust me Acchan, it’s not intimate at all…I’m being subtly molested by her and I try to get away from her but her grasp is too strong!”
I gently nudge my forehead into her chin.
“Lucky you always come to save me!”
Acchan giggled slightly and then suddenly paused and a sense of seriousness washed over her face. Out of the blue she hit the top of my head.
“Oww! What was that for?”
She looked down with an angry pout of her face.
“Why is it that I always save you from Mocchi and you never pull me away from anyone?”
“Well you seem to enjoy being with everyone who holds onto you!”
“hmmph, lame excuse! If you cared you would take me away from them!”
“Acchan, you beginning to make it sound like we’re dating and you’re the jealous girlfriend”
Acchan’s eyes widened and she began to fidget with my hair and shirt as her eyes began to stare aimlessly around the room.
She pushed me down and quickly pulled my hands off her and darted out of the room. I lay silently on the bed staring at the ceiling…Does Acchan like me like she would a boyfriend? I slowly pushed myself up off the bed. I walk outside and find Acchan curled up of the couch hiding her face from me. I walk over and gently wrap my arms around her.
“Are you okay?”
She remained silent.
“Do you want to talk about it? Would you like me to leave?...”
She burrowed her head deeper, covering it with her arms.
“…I’ll take that as a yes?”
As my arms began to retract away from her, she slowly moved her head up to look at me, her eyes red and teary.
“You think I’m weird don’t you?...You don’t want to talk to me anymore”
She turned her head to the side and rests it against her arms. Silence filled the room as I stared her…I wasn’t sure how I felt…but seeing her like this I didn’t know what to do or how to act. Before I could respond, the sound of Acchan’s ringtone filled the silence of the room. She answered her phone whilst still turned away from me. I slowly got up to collect my bag from her room.
“Moshi Moshi, oh hi Miichan, I’m at home. Yeah I’ll be at karaoke. Just had a nap. Takamina? Argh I don’t know I’ll call her…okay. Bye.”
As I returned to the room, I saw the back of Acchan’s head bowed down.
“Miichan asked if you were going to karaoke… you don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
I frowned as I could hear the pain in Acchan’s voice as she spoke. I dropped my bag and walked up to the couch. My hand gently caressed her cheek and I
turned her face towards me. She was looking downwards…trying to hold back her tears. It was apparent in her voice that she felt as though she had lost me.
“Please don’t loo…”
Before she could continue my lips had already pressed against hers. They felt so soft, similar to marshmellow. Although at first it felt one-sided, soon enough I felt her lips press against mine. I felt as a shiver ran down my spine. However, it wasn’t like the ones I got when I felt Mocchi’s presence around me. Rather, I felt as though I had been electrified, my heart was beating out of my chest, I wondered if Acchan felt the same. My eyes were closed and I wondered if I opened them if I would be faced by shock, sadness, or anger. As I slowly opened my eyes I noticed that Acchan’s eyes were closed. As the kiss ended, her eyes opened and she looked into mine.
I gently caressed her cheek with my fingers.
“I don’t know how I feel, but for some reason I felt as though I wanted to kiss you.”
I gently kissed her forehead. Her eyes closed once again before she slowly opened them to look up at me.
“We’ll work this out together, just give me time to process your feelings properly. I will respond to you once I know how I really feel.”
She nodded slowly and began to get up off the couch.
“Well, we should go to karaoke then” She smiled and began to walk towards the room. “They’ll be waiting for us and it’ll be fun.”
I picked up my bag and waited for her to return from the room. As she walked out I quickly grabbed her hand in mine. She stopped and stared at me.
“Minami, you don’t have to force yourself to try and be close to me because of what happened. I understand it’s hard for you to accept.”
I slide my fingers in between hers and quickly grinned at her.
“I know, but I always hold your hand so it feels weird when I don’t”
She blushed nervously and we continued to walk out of the house and made our way to karaoke.
When we arrived at karaoke most of the members had already arrived and Mariko and Miichan had begun singing a duet together. Miichan was standing on the seat screaming out her lyrics, whereas Mariko was standing in front of the screen with her hand in the air nodding her head to Miichan’s voice. The rest of the girls were either listening, gossiping in small groups, eating snacks, or playing drinking games. Miichan turned to look at us. Her arm rose and she quickly pointed her finger at us.
“Takamina, how dare you seduce my wife!” After a quick giggle she continued to sing.
Acchan held my hand tighter and smiled as we greeted everyone on our way through to the empty seating area next to Miichan. However, I was pulled backwards and Acchan turned to look at me. I began to yelp as I felt Mocchi nibbling at my ears. Acchan viciously pulled me back and pulled me hurriedly through as she glared back at Mocchi. Once we were seated Acchan began to ignore me. It was evident that she was frustrated with Mocchi’s advances on me. I quickly placed my hand on her thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze. She turned and looked at me, annoyance filled her eyes. I quickly bent forward and whispered into her ear.
“Thanks for saving me” I gently kissed her cheek before I moved back. Acchan’s face reddened as she placed a hand on top of mine. We continued to watch as Miichan and Mariko sang violently into the microphones. Before I knew it I felt someone push me off the seat. I turned quickly and noticed a slightly intoxicated Haruna behind me.
“Give us the microphones!!! Yuko and I are going to sing a duet!!!” She walked over me and grabbed at the air before falling down face planting in front of Mariko.
“NYAN NYAN!!” Yuko jumped over me and cradled a crying Haruna in her arms. Acchan quickly pulled me off the ground and checked me closely for scratches.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah” I grinned at her.
“Let’s go outside for awhile” Acchan smiled and pulled me up with her. I followed behind her making sure that I was wary of Mocchi creeping behind me. I quickly jumped in between a few of the girls and darted out the door, closing it firmly behind me before I ran to catch up with Acchan. As I appeared next to her she quickly wrapped her arm around mine and rests her head on mine as we continue to walk. I guess normally she would rest it on my shoulder…but knowing how much shorter I am you would understand how ridiculous it would look if she bent over to rest it on my shoulder…We continued to walk out towards the exit when I heard her stomach grumble. I giggled slightly as she blushed. I grabbed onto her hand and began to walk quickly towards the exit.
“Come on! We have to get you some food!”
“Where are we going?” she laughed as she happily followed.
“I know a really good restaurant around here! It has a really good dessert selection so you’ll love it!”
As we sat down at a table in the restaurant Acchan looked around began to absorb her surroundings.
“How did you know about this place?”
“I came here with Haruna and Miichan when we were filming an episode of PON!”
“Oh…so you took them on a date here first…”
“hehehe not a date! Just had dinner here.”
“So is this a date? Or just dinner?”
“Hmm…whatever you want it to be…but maybe just dinner because I would take you somewhere else on a date”
Acchan blushed and bowed her head down before she looked back up at me.
“Where would you take me if we went on a date then?”
“Um…can’t tell you”
“Why not?”
“Well because if I were to take you on a date then it wouldn’t be exciting anymore.”
“What do you mean by “were to”? Aren’t you going to?” She pouted at me.
“er….well you know, I um…, er…” Acchan laughed at me as I began to stutter more.
“It’s okay I’m joking. But if you do decide that we are dating then you better take me on a date”
“Of course!” I guess on the inside I had already come to the conclusion that we were sort of a couple. However, I hadn’t formally asked her due to the fact that I just came to the realisation of how we both felt.
After dinner and some light chatting about everyday things we headed back to the karaoke bar. Inside however was a scene similar to what I imagined the aftermath of World War III would look like. The older girls who had been drinking were raging around throwing can at each other. Supposedly a drunken Meetan had kissed Haruna and Yuko was not letting her get away with it alive! However in the process Yuko had accidently jumped onto Mariko’s handbag and broken her iphone4 in which Mariko went berserk and began to prey on Yuko. Haruna was in the corner vomiting up her liver into the bin and Miichan had gone crazy because Haruna had accidently vomited on her when she was running to the bin. The rest of the younger girls were trying to pull the Yuko off Meetan, whereas Sayaka and Sae were attempting to pull Mariko off Yuko.
Acchan and I were standing at the front door wide-eyed. What do we do…in the end Acchan ran to pull a screaming Miichan to the toilet to get cleaned up. I
walked over and notified Yuko that her Nyan Nyan needed her help. Immediately Yuko turned around searching for her Nyan Nyan and ran to her once she had spotted her. Mariko was lifted by Sayaka and Sae and pulled to the side as Yukarin walked over to calm her down. Meetan however, I kept away from…she was currently surrounded by Mocchi and Sasshi…going over there would certainly be the end of me…Tomochin and Tomomi had left once the fight began and the rest of the younger girls had begun to laugh and gather their belongings to go home. After awhile of waiting Miichan and Acchan still hadn’t come back so I decided to go and check if they were alright.
As I slowly pushed the door open I heard Miichan speaking to Acchan.
“So what is the go with you and Takamina? Have you told her how you feel?”
“Yeah…well I didn’t tell her specifically but you know she understands…”
“Did she react alright? Or did she freak out and run away?”
“I think at first she may have freaked out…but she came back and…um…she kissed me…”
“WHAT????? Oh my god! I knew she was an L!!! Now she’s going to try and kiss me as well!”
Acchan quickly slapped her.
“Don’t you dare Miichan! It took forever for us to confess to each other…and she’s still unsure about us…”
“How could she be unsure she kissed you!”
“Well I think she only did it because I was crying…”
“She made you cry?”
“No! Just I was quite emotional…but she was nice about it…and she’s not acting different…”
“So when are you going to tell her how you really feel?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well when are you going to say “Aww Takamina, I have longed to bathe with your skin against mine” you know that sort of confession!”
Acchan hit her again but harder.
“You’re such a loser!”
“At least I’m not a pervert like you!”
“Egh…well I want her to figure out how she feels first…”
A smile suddenly appeared on my face and I quickly pushed into the bathroom.
“What’s taking you guys so long?” Acchan and Miichan both jumped and looked at each other hoping that I didn’t hear anything. Miichan quickly composed herself
and yelled at me.
“You try cleaning vomit out of your clothes and tell me how long it takes!!” I shrugged my shoulders and began to walk out the door.
“Well come out when you are done.”
Acchan quickly ran after me and clung to my arm tightly.
“Are you angry I was with her for so long?”
“Nope.” Acchan pouted sadly. “I was just worried something happened to you” Acchan quickly smiled again and kissed my cheek. I blushed and looked away.
“Anyway, we have two choices, the rest of the girls have begun to leave so we can either leave or go back and check that everyone is okay”
“OF COURSE YOU HAVE TO STAY!” Miichan was running up behind us and hit the back of my head. “I’ve been vomited on so now it’s your turn! and on top of that I’m hungry so we should go get food together!”
I turned and looked at Acchan who just smiled in agreement to the food idea. I shrugged and started walking back into the room. Most of the girl’s had left.
Seemed as though it was only Miichan, Acchan, Mariko, Yukarin, Sayaka, Sae, Mocchi and Sasshi left. We gathered the girls up and decided to go to a nearby Ramen store for noodles. Mocchi quickly grabbed onto one of my arms as I began to walk out of the karaoke club. Acchan who was close behind with Miichan quickly barged past grabbed onto my other arm. Mocchi looked across at Acchan and shrugged before snuggling closer against me. Acchan who seemed frustrated with my lack of effort to despatch Mocchi from my arm let go of me and began to walk ahead of me holding onto the Miichan. Miichan who felt quite victorious quickly turned around and stuck her tongue out at me.
As we arrived at the Ramen shop we were taken to a small quiet room. Mocchi pulled me towards one side of the table as Acchan ignored me and walked onto the other side with Miichan closely wrapped around her arm. I quickly flung Mocchi off my arm and walked around the table and sat next to Acchan and looked at her with a pleading look. Acchan turned and looked at me, then quickly turned away, immediately starting a conversation with Miichan. Mocchi although devastated that I had moved away was quickly latched onto Sasshi for comfort. I slipped my hand underneath the table and held onto her hand. Her cheeks slowly became red and she continued to pretend to ignore me. Her hand tightened around mine and slowly slipped her fingers in between mine as the waitress came to take our orders. My attention was then taken away by Sayaka.
“Ergh, yes Sayaka?”
“I heard that you are going to have a Mendol reunion show tomorrow”
“Oh…OH! Yeah I totally forgot about that! Miichan, we have that Mendol reunion show tomorrow”
Miichan turned and looked at me with her eyes wide open.
“I forgot about that!”
“Yeah so did I, Sayaka reminded me!”
“Haha lucky you remembered Sayaka because Takamina and I forgot!”
“No it was nothing! It’s just that I heard that Takamina and Hanako has to kiss tomorrow because the fans voted for it on the online polling!”
“ERGH!!!! What online poll! Who decided?” I felt as though I was going to die…suicide seemed like the best option.
“There was an online poll that was up since the fans were told of the reunion show”
I felt Acchan’s hand slip out of mine and I quickly turned to face her.
“Well I guess you have to do it then.”
“Acchan…” I slowly frowned. She turned away and continued to talk to Miichan who was looking over at me to see if I was okay. Sayaka tapped me on the shoulder.
“It’s alright! Don’t worry I’m sure you could just kiss her cheek and get away with it!”
“Good idea!” I began to smile instantly. However I still felt uneasy inside…Acchan had already begun to ignore me…this lasted for the remainder of the dinner.
After dinner all of us split up into our own groups and said our goodbyes before travelling home. I was walking home with Acchan and Sae…it was quite awkward as Acchan ignored me and wrapped her arm around Sae for the walk home. Lucky enough Sae lived close by and soon enough it was just myself and her. The silence was deadly and the fact she was walking quickly ahead of me wasn’t helping. I had to scurry in order for my little legs to keep up. Suddenly she stopped walking.
“Are you going to kiss her?”
I didn’t know what to say. I guess everything that had gone on today was a bit too much for me. However, I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her as I rested my head against her back.
“I really don’t want to. But it’s hard when it’s going to be a live broadcast.”
“So-“ before she could say anything else I quickly continued.
“I love you Atsuko. Kissing her or not isn’t going to change how I feel towards you right now. I know I told you that it would take me time to figure out how I feel but I guess I’ve known the answer all along.”
There was a few moments silence before I felt her hands moved on top of mine around her waist.
“I really love you Minami. Please don’t hurt me. I was scared you would leave me when I told you how I felt. But now I’m just scared that someone else will take you from me.”
I slowly turned her around to face me. My hand slowly moved up to cup her cheek as we looked at each other.
“No one is going to take me from you. Even if they physically pull me away, my heart will always be yours.”
“Minami…” She slowly began to smile again. I took that chance to grab hold of her hand and started walking down the path.
“Come on let’s go home!”