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Author Topic: Don't be ashamed when you love me (WMatsui fanfic) - COMPLETED  (Read 97754 times)

Offline mo-chan

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Hiiii!!! mo-chan deeeesuu :on woohoo:
I'm new here . I like to read Mayuki and Wmatsui fanfics, so I'm trying to write one :wriggly:
It's my first fic I'm really not good to get ideas and I don't have confidence . so I had much help from my best friend  :on ksweat:
so this is the prologue I hope you will like it . :on drink:


Matsui Jun 2nd year in high school is the most popular  he is so handsome and awesome that all can't resist Jun’s charm and fall for him . He  is a very intelligent student . he is always nice with everybody . he is the friend of all . all liked him girls and guys. he is the first in his high school . he is even a capitan of athletic Club . he is always so cool when he is running . 

Look! Look! It’s Jun-kun’s car
Kyaaa!! A goup of girl yell
Jun comes down from the car .
Jun-kun!! A girl shout
Good morning Jun-sama ! an other
Good morning everybody! Jun said with a beautiful smile

Don't Be Ashamed When You Love Me
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 Part 1 Part 2
Chapter 9 Part 1 Part 2
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 Part 1 Part2 Part3 Part 4 Part 5
Chapter 15

She ran away from me -End-
Chaptre 1
Chaptre 2

« Last Edit: October 22, 2017, 06:07:54 PM by sophcaro »

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
 Mo-chan Fanfics:
Don't be ashamed when you love me
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Offline yukofan

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me [Matsui Jurina] ~Prologue~
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2012, 10:45:02 PM »
let me join those bunch of of girls and scream "Jun-kun, daisuki yo!!"

i can't wait for the first chapter..

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Offline miyumi

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me [Matsui Jurina] ~Prologue~
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2012, 12:07:59 AM »
Please continue and welcome to the forum mo-chan!  :welcome

I hope to see more from you.  :hee:

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me [Matsui Jurina] ~Prologue~
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2012, 03:50:41 AM »
that a Great Prologue :on lol:

I can't wait to read it.... :whistle:

Please Update ...
WMatsui lover ....JURINA & RENA

Offline mo-chan

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@yukofan :
it sound fun to you
@miyumi :
arigatou miyumi-san  :nya:
@xxx220 :
I'm happy you like it
I hope that you will like it  :bingo:

so here we are there is the chapter 1 dozou  :hee:

Don't be ashamed when you love me
Chapter 1 : My secret love
“ Wake up onee-chan wake up“ a girl says traying to wake up her sister
“euhmm~ let me sleep more I am so tired” replay the old sister
“No! we will be late at school we have to hurry”
“ ok ok Kanon 5min more “ the old sister says and return to sleep
“noo” Kanon says and she took the coverlet of the bed of his sister and pulling it down . The old sister didn’t react . So kanon  She sat on the back of her sister and says “ get up and now”
“ok sorry I’m up now it’s really hurt you know don’t do it again” the old sister said
“try to wake up early then I wont do anything may hurt you” Kanon said and laugh
“ try again and you will see what will happen to you” murmured the older girl
“Did you say something Rena onee-chan” Asks Kanon 
“ N-no nothing ok I’m ready now let’s go” Rena says and takes Kanon hand and run

<<at school in Rena’s class>>
“Good morning Rena-san” a girl greeting
“ah good morning Airin” Rena said with a sleepy face
“Rena-can you look extremely tired” Airi says
“ ah yesterday I had a lot of work in my part time job and  I stayed awake up late doing my homework” Rena says
 “I see… but Rena-san you should take care of your health it’s not good” Airi said with a worry face
“ You know that we are poor me and Kanon . after the death of my parents I promise to them that I’ll take care of Kanon. So Airin you don’t have to worry” Rena said and smile to Airi
“But… You know Rena-san we are best friends if you need me I’ll help you anytime I really mean it” Airi says with a serious look
“ Thanks Airin but I’m ok “ Rena says
<< Rena’s talking to the reader>>
I‘m Rena I have a cute sister called Kanon . we live alone after our parents death it was a car accident  last year… I really don’t want to remember the details our siblings didn’t want to take care of us . Like I said before  I promise that I will take care of Kanon even that Kanon don’t show her sadness and I’m really happy that she can smile again after this tragedy. And we promised to each other that we wont give up and we will do our best!
 <<back to class>>>
“ He comes!! He comes!! A girl shout
“ Jun-kun! Jun-kun is here!”  and other girl yelled
“Good morning Jun-kun” Churi says
“Good morning Churi how are you?” Jun says and touch churi’s cheek
“kyaaaaaaaaaa” all girl of the class yell
“ stop it Jun-kun it’s embarrassing we are only friends people will get wrong idea”Churi says
“ But I didn’t do nothing and I only asked you how are you” Jun says smiling
 <<Rena’s talking to the reader>>
Yes we are in the same class will the handsome Matsui Jun . I would like to say to you everybody a secret . actually I love June in secret no one know it so shhut! please don't tell anyone. I’m really happy and lucky  that we are in the same class .
. he don’t even know who I’m and he never talked to me but I can watch him secretly
 <<back to class>>
“Jun-kun is popular like always” Airi says to Rena
“ yes” Rena said smiling 

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
 Mo-chan Fanfics:
Don't be ashamed when you love me
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Offline yukofan

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me [Matsui Jurina] ~Prologue~
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2012, 11:56:34 AM »
so rena likes the handsome jun-kun <3

the 1st chapter is too short..please update soon..this is very interesting..i sense airin's love for rena..

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Offline Megumi

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me [Matsui Jurina] ~Prologue~
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2012, 06:24:11 PM »
demanding more because Jun is kakkoi
I wonder if Jun really know that Rena existing well can't wait to find out!

Thank you for your update!
ArígatoU! :kneelbow:
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Offline miyumi

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me [Matsui Jurina] ~Prologue~
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2012, 06:35:13 PM »
It's very good. Though I agree with yukofan when she says the chapter is too short. Don't be afraid to write more! Put in everything your brain can imagine. Gambate!


Offline ohayou

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me [Matsui Jurina] ~Prologue~
« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2012, 06:32:09 AM »
Oh, hello there~~~
Another wMatsui fanfic I sense~
Hehehe (^m^)
Welcome, mo-chan~

Only chapter one and Rena already knows she likes Jurina Jun~
The hot and handsome irresistible Matsui Jun~ With his girl Churi~
Oh please, Churi~ "Just friends"? You know you love the attention Jun is giving you~ (^^)

I like this meow~
Please do update soon~
I shall be keeping a watchout for your updates (^^)

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Offline xxx220

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me [Matsui Jurina] ~Prologue~
« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2012, 07:12:34 AM »
Wow ...It start to getting Interesting.

Come on Continued Updating the Chapter

WMatsui lover ....JURINA & RENA

Offline mo-chan

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Hey minna  :on woohoo:
thanks all for your comments  :nya:
yukofan and miyumi : I did my best to make a long chapter It's my first time writing a fic and I'm not that good in english :err:
here the next  :hee:

Chapter 2: An other one sided love

<< at school>>
Click “6:23 second you’re always the best Matsui-san good work . continue like this ! I’m proud of you !” The teacher of Physical Education says to Jun
“Thank you sensei I’ll do my best” Jun says
“ kyaaaa! Jun-kun you are  the best!!” a group of girls shout
Jun wave and smiles to the group of girls
“He smiled to me!” a girl says
“no no he smiled to me” an other girl says
“You worked hard! You sure you are thirsty take it drink water” Churi says smiling
“Thank you Churi” Jun says and blush
“ It’s nothing” Churi says
“ And me where is my bottle  manager-san“ Kumi says with a cat face crying
“here is yours too don’t be said” Churi says with a teasing look
“ Thank you Akane-chaaan~” Kumi says and hug Churi
Jun looks at them sadly
“ What’s wrong Jun-kun?” Churi asks
“eu-h! it’s nothing” Jun replays and smile to Churi
“ Next time I’ll win against you Capitan  Jun-kun” Kumi says
“ I’m waiting “ Jun says and laughs
“Wait and you’ll see!”  Kumi says
“ ok let’s do our best” Jun says and smiles to Kumi
“ Churi walk to home together can we?” Jun asks
“mmm sorry Jun-kun I have plans me and Kumi have something to do right Kumi!? ” Churi answers
“ eh!? Y-yes we have plans” Kumi says and looked to Churi surprised
“ aah” Jun says and looks sad
“next time sorry Jun-kun” Churi says and smiles to Jun
“ Yes next time” Jun says and smiles to Churi it a smile fool of sadness
<< in the club’s room>>
“ what are you talking about plans I didn’t know about it !!? Kumi asks
“ Now you know it” Churi says
“ Are you avoiding Jun-kun lately or I’m wrong?” Kumi says
“ no no I just wanted to invite you to my home” Churi says
“ Really!! Sounds fun! Thank you Akane-chan!” Kumi says happy
Jun was behind the door
“Have plans really…. “ Murmured Jun
<<The restaurant of Rena’s part time Job>>
“” more sake please!” a man shouts
“Yes I’m coming” Rena replays
“Rena take this to the table 4” the chef says
“ ok” Rena says
Work time finished Rena go to the dressing room to change her clothes. An other girl who works their entres the room
“good work Rena” the girl says
“ good work Masana” Rena said with an unhappy face
“ Is there something wrong Rena?” Asks Masana
“no it’s nothing” answer Rena
“Don’t say it’s nothing I know there is something you know I can help you” Masana says angry
“euuuh the truth that *I need more money Kanon is now in her last year in junior school she will soon be a high school student and she want to attend the same high school as me and It’s expensive I need a new job but I can’t find one” Rena answers
“ I think that my mother talked about it . I know a part-time job  you will have a good salary but I don’t know if you will accept it Id-“ Masana is talking and Rena interrupt her
“I’ll do it ! a good salary I’m ok with it I want to Kanon be happy!”
“ ok then I’ll talk to my mother about it and you will get it” Masana says
“ thank you Masana thank you very much!!” Rena says and jump of happiness
“ no thank you between us we are friends” Masana says and smiles to Rena
<<Akane’s house>>
“Wow your house is so big and and beautiful. You’re so lucky Akane-chan you are cute girl and nice . you are intelligent student and your parents are rich”  kumi says
“Stop Kumi ! it lokks like you come to my home the first time!” Churi says and laughs
“it’s true Akane-chan…  so whay will we do? “ Kumi asks
“ we’re doing homework” Churi says
“eeeeh  it’s boring let’s do something else” Kumi says nagging
“ I don’t want” Churi says and laugh


“ nee Akane-chan…” kumi says
“ euum…” Churi says
“ what do you thing of Jun-kun?” Kumi asks
“What do you mean by it?” Churi says
“ You and Jun you are  the perfect couple” Kumi says
“ eeeeh!? No no no we are only childhood friends no more” Churi says and laughs
“ It’s true ! and Jun has eyes only on you . He always looking at you.  You are the only person who Jun want to talk with” Kumi says
“ He is doing that because we are best fiends” Churi says
“ Akane-chan….” Kumi says
“ I don’t know what are you talking about” Churi says and looks in an other way
“You are a fool Akane-chan…” murmured kumi and looks to Akane .  Akane  stand up and go to her birds to feed them

I hope it's not short this time  . I hope you liked it too  :byebye:

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
 Mo-chan Fanfics:
Don't be ashamed when you love me
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Offline kahem

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me [Matsui Jurina] ~Prologue~
« Reply #11 on: July 07, 2012, 12:43:39 PM »
Oh~ interesting fic
I wonder what will be Rena part time job

Offline yukofan

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me [Matsui Jurina] ~Prologue~
« Reply #12 on: July 07, 2012, 10:36:35 PM »
poor jun-kun..
i wonder whether churi really doesn't love jun-kun or she just hasn't realize her feeling..

can't wait for next update..

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Offline ohayou

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me [Matsui Jurina] ~Prologue~
« Reply #13 on: July 07, 2012, 11:26:13 PM »
Oh this is getting interesting~
What's the job that Masanya is offering Rena-san?
(I think I might have an idea of what it MAY be... But I don't know for sure...
I mean, earning lots of money and then Masanya said a BUT.
So... It might be what I think it will be~)
And then maybe Jurina goes down to a club and then sees Rena-san~

Ahem, anyway~
Lol Churi, Kuumin is right, you're a fool xDDD

Please update soon!
Looking forward to it (^^)
It's good (^^)b

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me [Matsui Jurina] ~Prologue~
« Reply #14 on: July 08, 2012, 04:55:12 AM »
OMG!! wmatsui fics love it :D

Offline xxx220

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me [Matsui Jurina] ~Prologue~
« Reply #15 on: July 08, 2012, 05:29:11 AM »
Poor Jun....Akane only think Jun is as Childhood friend

Poor Jun ~ Please continued
WMatsui lover ....JURINA & RENA

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me [Matsui Jurina] ~Prologue~
« Reply #16 on: July 09, 2012, 12:26:58 AM »
 :ptam-wub: :ptam-cry: Poor Jun poor Akane poor Rena poor everyone...

Waiting for next update!
ArígatoU! :kneelbow:
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Offline mo-chan

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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me
« Reply #17 on: July 17, 2012, 10:33:02 PM »
@yukofan: we will see  :hehehe:
@ohayou: you're too fast cantinue reading  :whistle:
@xxx220: yeah poor Jun  :fainted:
@Megumi: hold your tears we are only in the beganing  :hee:
@kahem and @Haruko: I'm happy you like it  :farofflook:

sorry minna I was really busy these days . I'll upload faster next time  :err:
so here is the Chapter dozo  :hee:

Chapter 3 : The new part-time job

<< in the cafeteria >>
“Rena-saaaan here the table” Airi calls Rena
“ Yes Airin I’m coming” Rena says and goes and sits next Airi
“ This school year is almost ends it was fast ” Airi says
“ Yes you are right” Rena says
“ I think it’s almost time your sister going to be a high school student” Airi
“ Yeah! She even took the entree’s exam I’m really happy that Kanon will be in the same school as me ” Rena says happy
“ what!? Really ! but is it ok…” Airi said worried
“ what do you mean?” asks Rena
“ You know it’s expensive an-“ Rena interrupt Airi
“ It’s ok Airin .  I took a new job one of my mother’s friends helped . It’s a good job and I’ll have best seller than the last one”
“ If you say then I’m relived!” Airi said and smile to Rena
“ thank you Airin you are always worried about me I love you so much!” Rena says and hugs Airi
“Airi blushes and says with slow voice “ m-me t-too I I I I lo- “
“aaah!! Sorry Airin I have something to do go to class first I’ll come after you” Rena says
<<in the other side of the cafeteria>>
“Akane-chan why aren’t you eating your lunch” Kumi says
“ I’m thinking and I ‘m not really hungry” Churi says
“ What are you thinking about??” Jun asks
“ About your birthday present it’s almost your birthday” Churi answers and Jun blushes
 “ If you are not hungry you can give me your lunch I’ll be happy if you do it” Kumi says and smile to Churi
“ What are you talking about Kumi you are a girl  you can’t eat two lunch! Thank you Churi you are the best I really forget about I’m happy you still remember it” Jun says
“ Jun-kun what are you saying who is in this school who don’t know Matsui Jun’s birthday -_- “ Kumi says
“ I’m thinking but still I don’t know . What do you want in your birthday?” Asks Churi
“ but I want it as a surprise anything I’ll be ok with because it’s a present from you” Jun says and smile to Churi
“ ok If it’s like this wait I’ll give the best present of your birthday” Churi says and starts eating her lunch
Jun was blushing like a tomato
“ nooo Akane-chan you said that you’re not hungry” kumi says
“ Did I say it ? “ Churi says
“Yes you said it you are so mean Akane-chan” Kumi says with a sad look
Jun and Churi laugh at Kumi 
“Stop laughing at me you stupid couple” Kumi says Jun and Akane blush
“ S-stop it Kumi what are you talking about” Churi says and continue her lunch and her face looking down . Jun looks at her with a sad look.
 *Ring bell*
Rena is running “ oh no I am going to be late at class” Rena says Rena keep running and and other person appears behind from nowhere and *pah!*
“ I’m so sorry I didn’t sow I was in hurry” Rena says and start  remaking her books to take it and the guy help her  to get other books
“ Here are your books It’s ok be careful next time it a teacher see you running you will be in trouble” the guy says
Rena looks at him so surprised that she lost the ability to talk 
“ Jun-kun what are you doing we will be late hurry up” Churi shouts  Rena blushs
“ here is your books yes Churi I’m coming” Jun says and walks to Churi
“It’s the first time Jun talked to me I’m so happy” Rena thinking
“ Who is that girl  Jun?” Churi asks
“ I don’t know” Jun says
“ How can you  be like this you too it’s Matsui Rena she is in our class how  can you don’t know your classmates” Kumi says
“ she has the same last name us you” Churi says
“ You are right” Jun says
<< end of study at school >>
“ I have to go to my part-time job now see you tomorrow” Rena says to Airi
“ You’re starting today so fast I wanted to invite you to eat crepe with me” Airi says
“ sorry Airin I don’t have time maybe next time” Rena says
“ ok next time then see you tomorrow” Airin says
“ Bye bye” Rena says
“ Bye bye” Airin says
Rena stops behind a modern villa a nice  house and it looks so spacious .
“ here we are. Mmm why did I took this job….” Rena says to herself
“ mum this is my friend who want to take a part-time job” Masana says
“ aah welcome Rena-chan” Masana’s mother says
“ thank you madam “ Rena says
“So Rena-chan I have a friend who wants to get a maid can you do it?” Masana’s mother says
“ Yes of course madam!” Rena says
“ what a maid I didn’t know it was a job like this but I need money I promised to kanon that I can let her attend our high school” Rena thinking
“ ok then Rena-chan here is the the house were you are going to work go there tomorrow  after school” Masana’s mother
“ thank you very much Misses Oya I’m really grateful to you you too Masana” Rena says and smiles to them
<<end of the flashback>>
Rena wakes and ring the bell a voice of an old woman says to her
“ It’s Matsui’s house what do you want
“euuh I’m I- I am” Rena says and looks at the camera on the top of her
“ You must be the new girl who mistress is waiting” the old maid says 
“ y-yes” Rena says
“ I’m coming wait from me and the door opened itself . Rena entered the house and sow herself in a large garden . there was a fountain in front of the house . There was a bulldog sleeping next his doghouse. Rena was a bite scared of the dog but the old women arrived it was an old maid . 
“Then welcome please flow me ” the old maid says and they introduce the villa . There were expensive paintings hanged up to the walls . The furnishings were modern and looks really expansive . There were statuettes in all places
“wow  what a beautiful house they are sure very rich” Rena’s thinking
. They walk until they arrive  to the living room
“ Mistress here is the girl” the old maid says to a charming old lady
“ welcome young lady you are the one who Oya-san talked me about?” the long lady says
“ Y-yes I’m Matsui Rena” Rena says
“ nice to meet you Matsui Rena get ready you will be my son’s personal maid so please take care of him”  the old lady says
“what personal maid!? Her son?!!” Rena thinking
“ kyoka please call my son to come here” the old lady says
“ ok mistress” old mais says
Rena sit and wait the door opened and Rena open her eyes and start to the son surprise
“ Jun this is your personal maid” Mrs Matsui said
“ nice to meet you I’m Matsui Jun” Jun says
“whaaat I’m Jun-kun’s personal maid” Rena thinking
<< room maid>>
“You are so lucky you start working here today and you  become the personal maid of the young master” a young maid says
“ I didn’t know it a friend helped me to get this part-time job” Rena says
“ It’s because it’s the friends of our mistress that’s why . by the why I’m Mukaida Manatsu you are? “ the young maid says
“I’m Matsui Rena nice to meet you Manatsu-chan” Rena says
“you have the same last name “Matsui” nice to meet you Rena-chan” Manatsu says
“ What is going one I’m working in Matsui Jun’s place . I am dreaming or what “ Rena thinking
“ Jun this is your personal maid” Mrs Matsui said
“ nice to meet you I’m Matsui Jun” Jun says
<<end of flash back>>
“How many days do you work?” Asks Manatsu
“ I work all days only Sunday I don’t work” Rena says
“ because you are a personal maid I only work two days Monday and Tuesday “ Manatsu says
“ aah I see…” Rena says
“ I’m really happy to see someone in my age work the same work as me” Manatsu says
“ thank you Manatsu-chan” Rena says and smile to Manatsu
“ enough young ladies it’s time to get to work” kyoka says
“ Yes madam” Rena and Manatsu  say
“ go and serve dinner it’s the time “ Koyaka says
“Yes madam” Rena and Manatsu says and go to do what kyoka told them. Jun comes from the upstairs to eat dinner.
Jun and his mother eat their lunch and the other maid watch them and wait if they have something to do or help their misters or young master. The atmosphere is quit until Jun break it .
“ It’s rare to see you at home” Jun says coldly
“ you are so mean Jun-chan you haven’t seen me your mother for 3 months you should be happy” Jun’s mother says
“ why should I be happy if you and father don’t care about and don’t see me and care about me” Jun says
“ you know that it’s work and we can’t stop we have to work hard to make you comfortable and give you all what you need” Jun mother’s says
“ what I need is you my parents I want you to be by my side! “ Jun yell
“ I’m sorry for interrupting but mistress you have a call” kyoka says
“ who is it? “ Jun’s mother asks
“ it’s the manager he wants to talk about the project in New York “ Kyoka says
“ ok” Jun’s mother stand up and goes with Kyoka
“ you don’t even listen to like always” Jun stand up and goes to his room in the upstairs
“ young master you didn’t finish your lunch” Manatsu says but Jun ignored her
“ how rood of him but I can forgive because you are a victim of loneliness”  Manatsu says
Rena looks so sad to Jun who is going to the stairs . she doesn’t know that the smart and handsome who was always shining and smiling always at school is so lonely in the truth .
“Rena what are you doing here you are young master’s personal go at see if he want something” Kyoka
“ok madam I’m going now” Rena says
Rena goes to Jun’s room she was so nervous that she couldn’t  open the door . The door opened it was Jun he looks to Rena . Rena blushes like tomato
“ what do you want ? “ Jun says
“ I said what do you want?” Jun says again
“I-I Kyoka-san said if you need something I ca-“ Jun interrupts Rena
“ I don’t need nothing go downstairs and don’t come near me “ Jun says angry and close the door of his room one Rena’s face
Rena was shocked first she new that Jun was very lonely then she discovered a new personality of Jun that she didn’t know before or no one in school don’t know about it.
<< maids room>>
“good work Rena-chan” Manatsu says
“ good work Manatsu-chan” Rena says
“ so you’re going to work tomorrow?” Manatsu says
“ of course” Rena says
“ tomorrow the mistress is going to new work it will be only the young master at home” Manatsu says
“ what New York ?? “ Rena says surprised
“ yes she came three days ago and she will go again I feel sorry for the young master he is always alone” Manatsu says
“yes “ Rena says with a sad look
“ see you next Monday Rena” Manatsu says
Bye bye
<< Rena’s house>>
“ welcome home onee-chan”  Kanon says
“ I’m home Kanon. Aaah~ I’m so tired “ Rena says
“ how was your new part-time job onee-chan?” Asks Kanon
“Full of surprise” Rena says and go to her bed
“what is she talking about she looks so tired “ Kanon thinking
“ Onee-chan I wan- what she is already sleeping” Kanon says
“ get up Onee-chan you can’t sleep with you uniform” Kanon says and try to wake up Rena
“mmmeuuh I so sleepy Kanon let me sleep a little bite I’m so tired “ says Rena the eyes closed
“ ok just a little bite” Kanon says and kiss her sister on the cheek

I hope you all liked it  :byebye:


« Last Edit: July 17, 2012, 10:57:04 PM by mo-chan »

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
 Mo-chan Fanfics:
Don't be ashamed when you love me
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Re: Don't be ashamed when you love me [Matsui Jurina] ~Prologue~
« Reply #18 on: July 18, 2012, 03:58:36 AM »
poor jun-kun..
i hope he won't feel lonely anymore..he has rena as his personal maid now..hehe..

thanks for the update..

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Offline mo-chan

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Don't be ashamed when you love me [ Wmatsui] Chapter 4: The shock
« Reply #19 on: July 18, 2012, 10:09:18 PM »

Chapter 4: The shock

Rena goes to Jun’s room she was so nervous that she couldn’t  open the door . The door opened it was Jun he looks to Rena

. Rena blushes like tomato

“ what do you want ? “ Jun says


“ I said what do you want?” Jun says again

“I-I Kyoka-san said if you need something I ca-“ Jun interrupts Rena

“ I don’t need nothing go downstairs and don’t come near me “ Jun says angry and close the door of his room one Rena’s face

“no young master don’t  at me don’t hate me no young maaaaaaster” Rena shouts and stand up from her chair and see that she is in class all students  look at her

 surprised . Rena was so embarrassed her face was all red of what she did. All class laughed at her .

“ Matsui Rena-san what are you doing!? You won’t learn if you’re asleep will you?” the teacher says

“ I’m sorry sensei” Rena says and she looked down

“ you’re sleeping too much these days I know you have personal problems at your home but I think you should study to keep going in this life” the teacher says

“ she has problems in her home… “ murmured Jun

Rena rise her head and see that Jun is looking at her . but when their eyes meet Jun turn his face.

“ I’ll forgive you this time sit down now” the teacher says

Rena sit down and the teacher continue his lesson . Rena took her book and listen to the teacher. Jun was looking at Rena who was looking to her book Churi was

looking at him and Airi was looking at them sadly .

<<end of lesson>>

The pupils get out from classes to go eat their lunch.

“Rena-san how are you ? you look really tired” Airi says worried

“ I’m fine Airin I just slept it’s not the first time it happen to me” Rena says

“ ah that’s right what did you do in your new job? How was it?” Asks Airi

“good….” Rena says and looks to Jun who is talking to Churi and Kumi.

“ What are you going to do today after school “ Kumi say

“ nothing special I’ll be at home “ Jun says

“ I’m going to go do some shopping you want to go with me Kumi?” Churi says

“ Yes of course! By the way did you hear what Matsui-san said “ Kumi says and laugh

“ Yes she said no young master do she mean by that” Churi says

“ I don’t know it was funny right Jun-kun. Jun-kun?” Kumi tray to talk to him but Jun looking to Rena

“ hey Jun-kun! Are you listening!” Churi says

“ yes what is it ? what did you say Kumi? Asks Jun

“ I was talking about Matsui Rena when she said young master I wonder why did she say ir? Kumi says

“ I don’t know I have no idea” Jun says

Rena looked at him but he tuned his head.

“Jun-kun do you want to go with us after school ?” suggest Kumi

“ is it of Churi? “ Jun asks

“ of course why do you ask “ Churi says

“ Thank you !” Jun says and smiles to Churi and Churi smiles back

“ so Airin what do you do these days ?” Asks Rena

“ nothing special go to school back to home eat dinner take a bath do homework read manga that’s it” Airi answer

“ you must be relaxed “ Rena says

“ I don’t know I’m always bored and I don’t know what to do” Airi says

“ you’re lucky you have much free time than me I always work and back too late at home it’s really tiring “ Rena says

“ you work all the week?” Airi says

“ no I have only Sunday I can realax but I don’t do nothing in it” Rena says

“ mmm how do you want to go out Sunday to have good time” Airi says

“ good idea I didn’t go to karaoke for a long time” Rena says

“ ok let’s go to karaoke and have fun on Sunday!” Airi says  with  face extremely happy

“ Yes” Rena says

“I have to go to my work now to my work Airin “ Rena says

“ ok take care of yourself” Airi says

“Let’s go Jun-ku n Kumi” Churi says

“ Ok” Jun and Kumi say

And they went to do some shopping like Akane said  then they stopped in front of  seller of creps in a park

“Do you want to eat crepe” Asks Akane

“ yes of course “ Kumi says

“ and you Jun-kun?” Asks Churi

“ I would like a chocolate one “ Jun says

“ me too me too but Jun-kun you are the guy you have to pay for us “ Kumi says teasing Jun

“ It’s ok Kumi I want to pay this time  you’ll pay the next time Kumi” Churi says

“ eeeeeh why I want to save my money”  Kumi says nagging

“ you’re so lazy Kumi “ Jun says laughing and Churi laughing

“ you’re so mean to me as always you too” Kumi says

“ yes yes  I’m going to get the creps wait here” Churi says and go to the seller  Jun and Kumi sit on a pew

“ Jun-kun  you’re going to do nothing?” Kumi says

“ about what ? “ Jun says

“ about my mother ! “ kumi says

‘” stop it I’m talking about Akane-chan” Kumi says

“ euum I don’t really to make Chui uncomfortable and she said herself that we are only best friends nothing else “ Jun sadly

“ It’s ok Jun-kun  she is only shy  try  you’re not going to loose nothing “ Kumi says

“ no I’m scared that I loose her she is precious to me and afraid that I loose her as a friend too” Jun says

“ I encourage you Jun-kun do your best!”  Kumi says

“ Thank you Kumi “ Jun says


“  here a re your crepes “ Churi says

“ Thank you “ Jun and Kumi say

“ what were you talking about?” Asks Churi

“it was nothing” Jun says

“ come on tell me too” Churi says

“ mmm we was wondering what is your present for Jun-kun” Kumi says and laugh

“ aah about that I won’t tell you it’s a secret “ Churi says and smiles

<< Matsui’s villa >>

 “ madam I did what you told what to do”  Rena says

“ ok and call me madam it’s ok all her  call me Kyoka-san” Kyoka says
“ ok mdam no I mean Kyoka-san

“ from now you have to do all your work without my order do you understand” Kyoka says

“ I’m not going to stay here for ever so you have to look after the young master” Kyoka says

“ yes I understand Kyoka-san” Rena says

“ even he act like that but that child suffered too much . but it’s a nice child do not judge him from the first look” Kyoka says

“ suffer in the past ? “ murmured Rena
Rena went to Jun’s room to clean it . Jun’s room was really big it’s three rooms one for sleeping one  a library room  for reading and a sport’s room and he has his

 one bathroom .

“ wow so big only his room make a house” Rena says it was the first time for Rena to enter Jun’s room no one was allowed  to enter it only Kyoka. Rena goes to

the library to clean it Jun come into his room but he didn’t know that Rena was in his room. He goes to the bathroom  and take off his clothes. Rena comes from

the library to get some of her stuffs of  maid. Rena’s ring she stoop to get it then she sow from the mirror it is Jun taking of of his clothes in the bathroom,. Rena

was confused she doesn’t know what to do and she couldn’t move  because Jun will heard her Rena closed her eyes for a 1min

Then she opens it and a shock appears on her face !

“ What Jun is a girl!!!!” Rena’s thinking

She sees Jun coming from bathroom to get someone . She runs and hide herself in the sport’s room

<< Rena’s thinking>>

“ what is it mean all of this Jun is a girl ?? I’m in dream? That must be something wrong . I’m in love with a girl.

But he I mean she always looks cool and handsome . was all of that acting fo what she is doing it. I really can’t understand nothing . this family is really weird

even the mother called her my son “

<< back to reality>>

“ what I’m doing here if she found about me I don’t know what she will do to me” Rena thinking

Rena sneaks out of the sport’s room but on her way she touches some books and they fall on the floor

“oh shit she will heard me” Rena thinks and pick up the books and return them to their place but when she returns behind her to leave the room she sees Jun in

front of her wearing a bath towel . Jun looks really angry and says

“ who allowed you to come to my room!”

“ I I I I’-m here for cleaning “ Rena says trembling

Jun realise that Rena was in front of her wearing only a bath towel . Jun’s face was all red and hung herself.

“ can’t you be embarrassed I’m only with a bath towel” Jun said

“ no it’s ok I’m not bothered “ Rena said

“ I am so get out of my room” Jun shouted

Rena walks to the door

"nee…” Rena said

“ What is it” Jun said angry
“you are... a girl?" Asked Rena

Jun was  shocked immobile and couldn’t say nothing Rena looked at Jun then she walked to her and said

“ you’re a girl right!?”  Jun didn’t say nothing then Rena walked to the door to leave the room but Jun grabbed her from her hand and then she will push Rena in

her bed . Jun was on the top of Rena.

“ what did you say right now! You say me?” Jun said


“listen ! If you open your mouth and say something about what you sow and about you are working in my home you will be fired .You need money that’s why

you’re here so keep your mouth closed” Jun said

Rena knows that Jun wont do anything bad to her. They looked to each other in the eyes . then Jun said

"I wont hurt you... because I’m a girl"

She moved away from Rena and told her "get out!!"

Rena was really sad . Tears  dropped from her eyes  and she got out from Jun’s room

<<maids room>>

*Snob snob sniff sniff*

Rena was crying by herself . Kyoka entered the room and sow Rena like that she asked her

“ what’s going on my child ? did something happened?”

“ it’s nothing Kyoka-san” Rena said and hide her face

“ then why are you crying it was Jun’s who did it”

“………” Rena kept crying

“ don’t blame him it’s not his fault that he is like this” Kyoka said and hugged Rena and Rena cry more and more.

Jun was behind of the door listening to Rena’s crying and blame herself

<< tomorrow at school >>

*ring bell* lunch time

<< in the classroom>>

“ Jun-kun do you want to go with us by some things from the cafeteria “ Kumi asks

“ I don’t want go you two I’ll be in class” Jun says with tired face

“ why did something happened Jun-kun? “ Asks Churi

“ no I’m only not in the mood it’s ok you can go without me” Jun says

“ ok let’s go Akane-chan” Kumi says then the two girls left the classroom

“ Rena-san you look really sad today did something happened?” Airin asks

“ nothing Airin I’m only a bite tired “ Rena says

“ no it’s different this time you look sad did someone do something to you I can help you Rena-san you know I’m your friend you can trust me that what are

 friends for” Airi says worried

“ I’m ok Airin I’m just tired like always you don’t have to be worried” Rena says

“ but Rena-san…” Airi says

“ Airi the teacher called for you go to see him” a girl shouted

“ I’ll be back Rena-san you will tell me ok? You have to tell me” Airi says and leave the classroom

Jun stand up and walks to Rena

“ come with me “ Jun says to Rena then they left the classroom . They walked and walked and walked

“where are we going?” Rena says

 But Jun didn’t answer her and keep walking . they arrived to the roof.

“ here no one will disturb us” Jun say

“what do you want?” Rena asked


“ your secret… I won’t tell no one about it so don’t worry . Like you said because I need money so I’ll shut my mouth and won’t say nothing” Rena says and wept
Jun didn’t say nothing .

“If you have nothing to say then excuse me I wont disturb you “ Rena says and left

“why you are crying again I only wanted to apologize “ Jun murmured and start crying

Churi was looking at him hidden

<<flashback >>

“ euh where is Jun-kun??” Churi says

“ didn’t he said that he don’t want to get out from the classroom?” Kumi wondering

“ Where is Jun-kun? Churi asks

“ He goes with Matsui-san” a student says

“ Matsui Rena-san?” Kumi says

“ yes “ the student says

“ where did they go?” Churi says

“ I don’t know he said something to Matsui-san them they go out from the classroom” the student says

“ It’s weird didn’t he said that he don’t know her?”  Kumi says

“ yes “ Churi says and looked worried

<<end of flashback>>

Jun was kneeling and crying . Churi was really worried . It’s her first time seeing Jun in this situation . it made her really sad.

“ what’s going on ?” murmured Churi

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
 Mo-chan Fanfics:
Don't be ashamed when you love me
 One Shots
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