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Author Topic: Let me be your heart [Chapter 5] 29/10 | Mayuki, Atsumina and other pairings  (Read 45749 times)

Offline Sayuki

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Yeah yeah. I know I still have the PJ48 Gakuen fic to finish but don't worry, i will never drop or put that fic in hiatus! I have an urge to make this fic since I was inspired by a book I just bought yesterday. So here you are, a brand new fic!

I don't know if you like it or not so please read and review your thought about this fic so I can consider whether to continue this sudden fic or not.


In year 22XX, the cyborg era had begun. With the non-stop developing technology, scientists and engineers had finally found a new improvement for the social life. They had successfully created human-like cyborgs. They weren’t just normal robots; they were made of metal but they had an alike-human body and human feelings and emotions. They could feel sad, happy, excited, any kind of emotions that human have, except for pain. They were basically robots so they didn’t feel painful, physically.

That was the main reason why all the cyborgs were used for dangerous jobs like miners or lumbers. Some cyborgs were made to be maids, for-renting lovers or singers. Basically, humans didn’t need to do anything beside enjoy their lives because cyborgs had done everything for them.

To make it short, cyborg was just a new term for “slave”.

Because the cyborgs had feelings and their own analysing system, they could rebel anytimes when they realized the real reasons why they were made. So AKY Corporation, where cyborgs were made, had created an army of robots to control the cyborgs. The robots army was like a police agency which assured there wouldn’t be any chaos or rebel from the cyborgs and the cyborgs had to totally obey their human masters.

Yes, a new era of slaves had begun.


It was just another normal night in a Japanese family. The father, the mother and their two girls were having dinner together. They were chatting happily until a maid brought out a vanilla cake. It was very delicious and good-looking like it was made by a 5-star French chef. Everyone would love to eat it but…

“How many times do I have to tell you I don’t like this?!? It’s gross!” The father of the family stood up, threw his piece of cake at the maid and yelled angrily after taking his first bite.

“I’m so sorry, Master.” The maid bowed and apologized.

“You always apologize but you never improve, you useless cyborg! I don’t want to hear any of your trash words.” The father came closed to the cyborg and slapped her hard, making her falling down on the cheek.

“You’d better improve your cooking skill or else, I’ll return you to AKY, where you’ll be eliminated.”

Hearing of AKY, the face of cyborg changed into a shock expression. She immediately prostrated herself before him, begging for his forgiveness.

“I’m so sorry, Master. I won’t repeat that again! Please don’t send me there! Please!”

“Huh.” He hissed. “Why did I buy such a useless cyborg like you from the beginning?” He kicked her away and went to his room.

His wife, who had been eating silently, followed him just a minute later on, leaving their two girls in the dining table. The older one, who had a boyish hairstyle, finished her cake quietly and then walked to her room. After all, there were only the cyborg maid and the youngest child of the family.

The cyborg lowed her head while cleaning the mess on the floor. She was avoiding the sympathetic gaze of her young master. When she was cleaning, she suddenly felt a warm sensation on her cheek, where her master had slapped her few minutes ago. She starled by the touch and stepped back to distance herself from the person.

“O-ojou-sama… What are you doing?” She stuttered as she was staring at the taller girl in front of her.

“I just want to check your cheek. Did my father slap you too hard?” The girl, who had long black silky hair, white smoothe skin and beautiful round eyes, looked at her worriedly.

“N-No. I’m fine… I’m a cyborg so… I don’t feel pain…”

“I know that but…” The young girl walked closer to the cyborg and trapped the small girl between herself and the wall. “You feel painful inside, don’t you? I’m sorry that my father is being so mean and cruel to you but I can’t do anything. I’m sorry. Even I think that my father was getting mad at you for no reason. Your cooking is excellent.” She brought her hand up to caress the flush cheek of the cyborg. The cyborg said nothing and turned her head away, avoiding the touch and gently pushed the girl back.

“I’m fine. Thank you for caring about me, ojou-sama. But you don’t need to concern about my status. Master won’t be happy if he sees us. Please take care of yourself, ojou-sama.”

The cyborg pulled herself away from the wall and walked out of the dining room.

The girl watched her beloved cyborg walking away from her, refused her care. Her hands formed into tight fists. She bit her lower lip to stop herself from crying but yet a single crystal drop falling from the corner of her eye.

“I’m so sorry… Mayuyu…”

Please review~ I need to know if you want me to continue this fic or not >"<

Offline ChuuuPuffss

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Re: Let me be your heart [Prologue] 22/09 | Mayuki and other pairings.
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2012, 12:35:55 PM »
EFF You must continue! I want forbidden love~~~

Sayuki-chan, you make good fictions! You should be a writer or something xD

I'm interested to know what's next. Update soon :3 Also PJ48 Gakuen hihi :>
I'm the lazy author who rarely updates.

Offline yuukimoko

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Re: Let me be your heart [Prologue] 22/09 | Mayuki and other pairings.
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2012, 12:51:00 PM »
I want! I do want you to continue this Sayuki-chan!!!!! I love it, the idea ~

So Mayu is Yuki's maid~   so cute~

Please update soon! from some time there were less updates on Mayuki fics and this makes me sad.......My Mayuki......

Ill try to update soon too~......
“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.”

I'm glad I'm not popular.I'm already a bitch, no need to make my ego bigger.

You were always my favorite, no one loved me as much as you did.-Alison DiLaurentis.

Your first kiss isnt always the first person you kiss, or the first person you date.Your first love is the person that you will always compare everyone to.The person that you will never truly get over, even when you have convinced yourself that you have moved on.

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Re: Let me be your heart [Prologue] 22/09 | Mayuki, Atsumina and other pairings
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2012, 02:07:13 PM »
Sayuki-san you don't have to put a poll you have to cantinue  :on GJ:
it's really an exellent story I'm waiting for the chapter  :mon thumb:

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Offline Chanaline

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Re: Let me be your heart [Prologue] 22/09 | Mayuki, Atsumina and other pairings
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2012, 06:36:35 PM »
It is sounds too interesting... :cry: :wub:

I want more XD Sayuki Continue please :peace: Yuki is a good master :wub:
Mayuki = Cutest couple

Married?!-Mayuki fanfic (maybe it will have another pair)

Offline lovefate

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Re: Let me be your heart [Prologue] 22/09 | Mayuki, Atsumina and other pairings
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2012, 06:50:01 PM »
Sayuki chan~~~ of course i want chu to continue the fic <3

i love ur fic so so so much ! ur fic are definitely my type... i yell out loud evrytime i see u update ur fic!

im ur fangirl now u know~ i envy u... u r a good translator , best that i have ever seen!!

this fic is also interesting ... i love it so so muchhh :3 and i luv u toooo ~

so please please continue ur fic ... im always waiting for ur update \(AoA)/

p/s: im also from idol48vn ... hehe but i prefer reading the english version of ur fic more ~

thank u for writing this fic Sayuki chan~ please continue and update soon

Offline rhin12

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Re: Let me be your heart [Prologue] 22/09 | Mayuki, Atsumina and other pairings
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2012, 07:37:07 PM »
As expected from Sayuki-san..   :thumbup

The fact that you posted the prologue is the best reason you must continue it!
And because i'm already waiting for the chapter 1.

hahahaha...  :twothumbs

Offline Kiri-el

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Re: Let me be your heart [Prologue] 22/09 | Mayuki, Atsumina and other pairings
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2012, 08:00:45 PM »
MaYuki never enough, and I like this prologue. I'm waiting to the first chapter. :)

Offline Sayuki

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Re: Let me be your heart [Prologue] 22/09 | Mayuki, Atsumina and other pairings
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2012, 11:10:04 AM »
@ChuuuPuffss: Thanks for your compliment >//< I think I'm not good enough to be a writer though ^^; But thanks a lot for saying that. I'll update PJ48 Gakuen soon since i'm in the mood now xP Thanks for reading my fics again~

@yuukimoko: I noticed that you've been quite depressed these days so I made this fic. Actually, at first, I didn't plan to write any other fic until the PJ48 Gakuen has finished but after reading a book and seeing your depressed mode, I decided to write another one with Mayuki is the main pairing for you. I hope this may cheer you up a little bit ^^; Thanks for reading my fics again, yuuki-san.

@mo-chan: Thanks a lot for supporting me ^^ I'll do my best not to let you down  :twothumbs

@Chanaline: Thanks a lot :) I hope you will enjoy this fic like my other vampire fic. I'll do my best > v < b

@lovefate: LOL... My very first fangirl xDDD Thanks a lot~ Reading your comment makes my day so great~ I really appreciate all of your compliments and your support <3

I'll do my best not to disappoint you > v < b

Oh btw, what's your account on idol48? Somehow I'm too lazy to write in Vietnamese and translate it into English so I decided to write only the English version xP Maybe I won't update Pj48 Gakuen Viet version anymore since I'm too lazy for the translating task, LOL.... Sorry about that xP

Again, thanks a lot for supporting me <3

@rhin_rhin: Thanks a lot ; ^ ; At first I didn't think someone would like my new idea but I was wrong then.... Thanks for your comment!!!

@Kiri-el: I hope I won't disappoint you with this fic. I'll do my best not to let you down > v < b Thanks a lot for reading my fics.

Note: Thank you all with the votes, comments and compliments for me~ I really appreciate all of your support. Even you're just a silent reader, I'm still very thankful that you have spent your precious time to read my fics! Once again, like I have said many times, I will try my best so you won't disappoint at my lame fics!

If you find this fic boring, you can stop reading, I won't mind :)


Chapter 1

Waking up in the morning, the youngest girl in the family stretched her arms while sitting up on her white bed. Gaining back her energy, she left her warm bed and prepared for a new day of school. Wearing her white and black uniform, combing her straight long hair in front of the mirror, she made sure that she looked fine before went out of her room.

The first thing she met when she went down the stairs was her older sister’s famous genking smile.

“Ohayou, Yukirin. Slept well last night?” Her sister, Miyazawa Sae, sat on the dining table and was having her cereal for breakfast.

“Ohayou, Sae-chan. I think I did, maybe?” The girl answered with reluctance. She sat down next to her sister but her eyes never stop locking on the small maid, who just gave her favorite omelette. She saw a big bruise on the maid’s cheek again, much bigger than last night, and that made her blood boiled. She turned her gaze to the old man in front of her, who was calmly reading his newspaper like nothing happened.

The reason why she answered her sister reluctantly before because last night, she was so worried for the maid that she didn’t sleep until it was 3 in the morning. And yet welcome her every morning was always an injured cyborg, who would have a blank look on her face but she knew the cyborg was just trying to cover her pain inside by the emotionless expression. Her father, or rather to be her step-father, always maltreated the poor small cyborg whenever he could. Since the time her mother remarried with this man, the girl never saw the cyborg smile like before. She had no problem with her unrelated sister, Sae, but she had a big problem with that old man. She, Kashiwagi Yuki, really hated her step-father.

“Mayu, can you get me some bread?” The mother asked the cyborg firmly.

“Yes, master.” Yuki watched the cyborg answered and went away to get the bread.

Mayu, the cyborg’s name, had been living with Yuki and her mother for years. Actually, she was the one who found and brought Mayu to their home when she was just a little girl. Her real father bought Mayu, not like what her step-father said.


When she was 8, her father promised to buy her anything that she wanted for her birthday so they went to AKY shop to find a cyborg. Yuki was an only child so she really wanted to have a friend, which was why she was very excited to go to AKY.

When she looked at the teenager section, she was first impressed by a doll-look cyborg with twin pig-tails in a white girly dress and had a blank look on her face standing next to a white swing. The little girl slowly approached the cyborg and read the profile board placed in front of the cyborg.

Name: Mayu
Look of age: 15
Height: 156cm
Specialties: Cooking, drawing, singing, dancing, good memory.
Suitable jobs: mangaka, babysitter, maid, singer, assistant.
Personalities: kind, girly, easy-going, timid and shy at some time, can be a little perverted.
Cost: ……………..

The little finished reading the profile then looked up to the cyborg. To her surprise, the cyborg looked back at her and suddenly gave her, according to her opinion, the sweetest and most beautiful smile of an angel.

“Hello there, little girl. My name is Mayu. Nice to meet you. How old are you, cutie?” The clear and sweet voice of the cyborg echoed inside little Yuki’s mind.

“E-Etou… Nice to meet you… I’m 8…” Yuki answered.

“Why is such a little girl like you here alone? Are you looking for something?” The cyborg kneeled down before the girl; her smile never faded away from her white cute face.

“Y-yes. It’s my birthday today so my father brought me here to choose a present for me.”

“Oh really? Otanjoubi Omedeto (Happy Birthday), little girl. I hope you will find something you really like here for your birthday.”

“I think I’ve already found it.” Yuki answered with a smile, made the cyborg confused by her answer.

Before the cyborg could say anything, a voice interrupted their conversation.

“Yuki!” A handsome gentleman walked toward the white swing.

“Daddy!” Yuki said happily and jumped onto her father waiting embrace. “Daddy! I’ve found my new friend!”

“Oh really? Can you introduce your friend to me?”

“It’s her!” The little girl jumped of f her father’s arms and ran to the cyborg, who still kneeled down at the same height level with the little girl. “This is Mayu. She’s very nice! I really want her to be my friend!”

The cyborg immediately stood up and bowed at the man with a smile on her face.

“Good morning sir. My name is Mayu. It’s a pleasure to meet you and your lovely daughter.” The cyborg politely said.

“It’s nice to meet you too.” The man smiled back and studied the profile board in front of him for awhile. “Mayu huh? Yuki, are you sure you want her to be your friend?”

“Yes, daddy! I’m very sure!!!” Yuki answered and held on tight on the cyborg slender arm.

The man looked at the cyborg one last time and then he laughed. He reached out his hand to offer a handshake with the cyborg.

“Hello Mayu and if you don’t mind, I want you to be a member of my little family.”

The cyborg looked at the man hand and then the little girl clinging on her arm before took his hand with a sweet smile. “Thank you, sir. I’d love to be a part of your family.”

“Welcome to our little world, young lady.” The gentleman smiled back. “I’ll go to pay the money. You and your new friend meet me at the car 5 minutes later, OK?”

“Yay!” Yuki cheered and hugged her new friend while her father went away to pay the cost. “We’re family now~”

The cyborg smiled and hugged the little girl. “Yes, we are. By the way, I haven’t known your name, little girl.”

“I’m Kashiwagi Yuki. You can call me Yukirin!”

“Yukirin…” The cyborg studied the name. “It’s a very nice name. I love it.”

“I love your name too~ I’ll call you Mayuyu~”

“Mayuyu?” The cyborg looked confused.

‘It’s your nickname from now on! I’ll be the only one who calls you Mayuyu. And you’ll be the only one who calls me Yukirin.”

“Oh… So they will be our special names for each other?”

“Yes. Because you’ll be my bestest friend!!!” The little girl said happily and dragged the cyborg into a tight cuddle again. The cyborg was confused in a minute but then she gave out the happiest smile that she had never had before and hugged the little girl back.

“I’d love to be your bestest friend. I’ll never make you sad and always stay by your side, Yukirin. I promise.”

End Flashback

It had been 10 years since the first time Yuki met her beloved cyborg. Instead of a little cute girl, she was now a beautiful young woman and the most popular girl in her school. She had grown taller and more beautiful but the cyborg hadn’t changed much, except for the smile that she loved so much.

Since the time Mayu stayed with her family, she always had fun and so many precious moments together with her parents and Mayu. Her parents didn’t like the other families; they treated Mayu very well. Not like their slave or servant, they treated her like their own child. Mayu was always a good girl to her parents and a good friend to her. The cyborg never complained anything and helped them in chores. She even became Yuki’s father’s assistance when she could memorise all of his work. Her father liked her a lot so he would never scold or hit the cyborg. In Yuki’s case, Mayu had always been a good babysitter and a true friend to her. When she was sad, Mayu would always there and cheer her up with her manga drawings. When she was bullied, Mayu would protect her anytime she could. It was the best time that Yuki had ever had until…

7 years later, on her 15th birthday, her father got into a car accident and passed away. Mayu was with him at that time but she managed to survive. Yuki had cried a lot on that day when she heard of her father death and she was all alone when her mother was at the funeral while Mayu had to go back to AKY to get her body fixed after the accident. It was her most depressed time when she lost her beloved father and almost lost her best friend. When Mayu was back, Yuki never blamed the cyborg for her father death but the cyborg herself and her mother did… After the funeral, her mother distanced herself from the cyborg and would always scold the cyborg for the smallest mistake she made.

Everything got worse when a year after her father’s death, her mother married Sae’s father, an old man who hates cyborgs a lot. Unlike Sae, the man always abused and hit the cyborg for no reason at all. The cyborg’s life became hell from that time. The cyborg would never smile again and would never play with Yuki like they used to do. Their relationship, something that Yuki had never wanted, was just like master-servant.

Back to the dining room, Yuki’s step-father had finished reading his newspaper. He took a sip of his coffee before he made his speech which shocked Yuki a lot.

“I’ll bring Mayu with me to the office today.” He said like an order when he looked at the cyborg standing next to the mother.

Yuki immediately turned her attention to the cyborg and noticed her shaking arms. She knew whenever her step-father brought Mayu to his office, nothing good would ever happen. Each time, the cyborg would come home with injuries and bruises over her body or sometimes… her clothes would be torn apart… Yuki knew for sure what happened to her cyborg but each time she asked, the little cyborg would either deny it or just ignore her questions. It was something that hurt her a lot. Seeing her beloved friend being hurt but she couldn’t do anything, her heart was broken into pieces. She would get into troubles with her step-father all the time she tried to protect the cyborg but she cared less. She always hated that man so she didn’t care about being hit if she could protect the cyborg. She was now older and taller than the cyborg so it was her turn to protect Mayu. She had taken enough by watching her step-father abusing her cyborg and she wouldn’t be a coward anymore.

“No. Mayu will come with me to school today.” She said, displeased her father.

“I’m the man in this family and I say Mayu will come with me. Hear me?” The man raised his voice.

“Yes you’re the man but you’re not my father so there is no reason for me to listen to you.” Yuki said, not ever scared by the man attitude. “Mayu, go change your uniform.” She turned to the cyborg and softly said.

“Yuki!” The man slammed his hands hard on the table, which made everyone startle, except for Yuki. “Mayu will go with me, you hear me? Don’t you dare be impertinent toward me!”

“Mayu, go upstairs and change. I’ll be waiting for you.” Ignored the man, Yuki said to the cyborg. Seeing her hesitation, Yuki smiled and gently pushed the girl out of the dining room. “Just go, don’t worry OK?”

The cyborg looked at the girl for awhile before nodded and went up to her room. Yuki sighed and then looked back at the raged man.

“You…” The man pointed his finger at her face but Yuki weren’t scared at all.

“I’m her real owner. It’s written on the paper so I can do anything I want to her, not you. You’re married to my mother doesn’t mean you’ll be my father. We aren’t related except on the paper so I have no reason to listen to you, father.” She stressed the last word sarcastically.

The man wanted to say something more but he was so angry and seeing the seriousness of Yuki’s face, he gave up this time. He quickly grabbed his briefcase and stormed out of the house. Her mother let out a small sigh and then left home to her office also.

“Tsk tsk, Yukirin, you’ve got overboard this time.” Sae said after sitting on her chair quietly.

“I know but I can’t stand it anymore. Can’t you see what he did to Mayu every time he brought her to his office?”

“I noticed that but you know my father already. If he gets drunk tonight, you’ll be in a big trouble.”

“I don’t care anyways. If that happens, I think I’ll have to borrow Gekikara from you again.” Yuki smiled to her sister.

“Yeah yeah. You know you don’t have to say that, don’t you? She’s your bodyguard after all. I’m the one who borrow her from you.” Sae smiled, tapped her hand on Yuki’s shoulder cheerfully and then grabbed her bag. “I’m going first. I have a test this morning. Do you mind if I bring Gekikara to school today?”

“You always bring her to school! You don’t have to ask me that!” Yuki chuckled. Her sister gave her genking smile again then headed to school with a tall, long black hair girl in suit. “Geez… Can’t you just stop messing around with the Yankees and give Rena a break already…” Yuki mumbled to herself.

Rena, as known as Gekikara, was another cyborg that Yuki bought after her father’s death. She bought the cyborg because she needed someone to teach her martial art and everything she needed to know to protect herself and her family. Rena was also a good friend to her when she was very loyal and kind. Normally, the cyborg was a shy, quiet and very kind girl but when seeing someone she liked in danger, she would completely change into a scary person and become super strong that no one could defeat her.  Yuki called this side of her as Gekikara.

Usually, Rena would only listen to her or Sae. Her step-father couldn’t order her to do anything for him. He tried but failed and yet the deadly aura surrounding Rena every time the man warned he would send her back to AKY made him take his words back. Rena would be the only cyborg that Yuki wouldn’t have to worry about since her father wouldn’t dare touch her. To Yuki, Rena was trustful and a loyal friend.

“I’m done…” Snapping out her thought, Yuki turned to where the voice came and smiled to the small girl in a white shirt and a red skirt.

“Good.” Yuki said, slowly approached the cyborg. “You look better than in that maid costume, don’t you think.”

The cyborg turned her head away, trying to hide her flush cheeks. Yuki giggled, took a hold of the cyborg’s hand and dragged her out of the house.

“Come on! Let’s go or I’ll be late for school.”

Right at that time, a yellow vehicle that looked like a bus but had an air system to push it up and fly forward instead of wheels landed in front of her house. Yuki quickly got up the bus along with Mayu before the vehicle flew up and headed to her school.

They sat next to each other at the back of the bus, silently watched the city from above. Their hands still linked to each other. The cyborg took a look of their hands, quietly called a name that she had never said for a long time.

“Yukirin…” Suddenly heard her nick name, Yuki turned to look at the small girl next to her with butterflies flying in her stomach.

“Mayuyu…” She called, a smile appeared on her face but then quickly faded away.

“Ojou-sama… You shouldn’t have done this…”

“Why not? Do you think I’d let him do such a bad thing to you again?” Yuki said with a little angry tone.

“No but… You’ll get yourself into trouble tonight. I’m sure Master won’t leave you alone after what you said to him…”

“Mayuyu listen…” Yuki sighed and then gently lifted the cyborg’s chin up to look at her. “I don’t care what he will do to me. I just only care what he has done to you and I’ll never forgive him for those damn things. I won’t be a coward anymore. I’ve taken enough after 3 years. This time, it’s my turn to be your protector, your real guardian angel. You won’t suffer anymore because I’ll always be with you. I promise.”

Seeing the sincere and the seriousness in those black orbs, Mayu couldn’t help but hear her mechanic heart beating rapidly in her chest. There was only one reason that made her stay in this hell and bear all the pain she went through. She believed in it and she knew she was right after she heard her young master’s words. She let out a small sigh, slowly leaning on the slim but strong shoulder.

“You’re really stubborn sometimes…” The cyborg said softly. Yuki smiled at the cyborg on her shoulder and stroked her hair gently.

“I know… And I mean what I said. You’re my most important person so I won’t let anything happen to you again.”

The cyborg remained silent while enjoyed the comfortable warmth on her silky hair. Without the young master noticing, a sweet smile bloomed on the blank face for the first time after 3 dark years.

A small but bright light finally shone in the dark corner of the mechanic heart.

Please read and review~

Offline yuukimoko

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I almost started crying at the end of the chapter..... :cry:

Thank you very very much Sayuki-chan!!!!!!

I really needed this.....and Im sorry if I made you write this story without wanting to....

Ill try to stop being depressed and start working on the next chapter for Lovepuppy......

Thank you very much! I really love Mayuki.... :wub:
“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.”

I'm glad I'm not popular.I'm already a bitch, no need to make my ego bigger.

You were always my favorite, no one loved me as much as you did.-Alison DiLaurentis.

Your first kiss isnt always the first person you kiss, or the first person you date.Your first love is the person that you will always compare everyone to.The person that you will never truly get over, even when you have convinced yourself that you have moved on.

Offline Chanaline

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Re: Let me be your heart [Chapter 1] 23/09 | Mayuki, Atsumina and other pairings
« Reply #10 on: September 23, 2012, 01:23:12 PM »
Me too Yuuki-chan I started criying in the end :cry:

Yuki's step-father is really bad!!!! :angry: Poor Mayu :cry:

I love when Mayu and Yuki meet each other. It was really cute :wub:

Please continue Sayuki-san,it is too interesting!! :peace:
Mayuki = Cutest couple

Married?!-Mayuki fanfic (maybe it will have another pair)

Offline karomuwi

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Re: Let me be your heart [Chapter 1] 23/09 | Mayuki, Atsumina and other pairings
« Reply #11 on: September 23, 2012, 03:50:22 PM »
Sayuki-san...  :cool1:

You're my hero! Not only did you hook me up with your other fic, but now this!
:on GJ: A job well done, Sayuki-san!
I really love your stories, and surely will love any more fic you're going to write! That's just how great you are!

I mean, look at this!
It's like hitting a bird with two stones!
Not only is this a forbidden love between master and slave, it's also a forbidden love between human and cyborg!
Awesome idea, Sayuki-san! :on GJ:

Thank you for this!
Had a withdrawal, so now I'm planning to fall in love with the couples all over again

\(^ - ^)/
Here are my fics~! They can be found amongst these three. :hee:

Love's A Mission
Oh My Dolly!

SoUL (Series)

The Akiba Family (T.A.F)

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Re: Let me be your heart [Chapter 1] 23/09 | Mayuki, Atsumina and other pairings
« Reply #12 on: September 23, 2012, 05:03:51 PM »
I wouldn't mind if you kill me now, Sayuki-chan. *^*

Lol joking xD If I'd die, I'd still be reading this from heaven hohho -Like a Boss-

Awwe Yuki stood up for Mayu~~~ And she's willing to get beaten up! -Fangirls-

Update soooooooon ( Now would be great if u insist )  :deco:
I'm the lazy author who rarely updates.

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Re: Let me be your heart [Chapter 1] 23/09 | Mayuki, Atsumina and other pairings
« Reply #13 on: September 23, 2012, 07:52:55 PM »
I really like this cyborg-human pair. And you write always my favourite pair :) But what finally convinced me: "A small but bright light finally shone in the dark corner of the mechanic heart." I can not explain why, but this is the most beautiful thing what I read in a fanfiction.

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Re: Let me be your heart [Chapter 1] 23/09 | Mayuki, Atsumina and other pairings
« Reply #14 on: September 24, 2012, 10:14:39 AM »
OMG!  :panic: this is great! This is super!
I didn't know from beside PJ48 Gakuen you wrote another great fic!  :thumbsup
Can't wait for next update!

Ps: Yukirins father is an a** hole <--- sorry for "offensive monologue"

ArígatoU! :kneelbow:
Have tumblr have twitter. Just ask ^^

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Re: Let me be your heart [Chapter 1] 23/09 | Mayuki, Atsumina and other pairings
« Reply #15 on: September 24, 2012, 06:14:55 PM »
@yuukimoko: You don't need to apologize. It's not your fault to be depressed! If I didn't want to write this fic then I wouldn't have written any word from the beginning :) I actually enjoy writing this a lot. I even wrote a plot for this so it will never be running out of ideas for this story~ But guess I failed... It's supposed to cheer you up, not to make you cry  :cry: I'm so sorry about this!!!! I'll try to write it in a more cheerful way... but guess I can't... Anyways, thanks for reading my fic!

@Chanaline: I'm glad that you like it but.. I didn't expect you to cry ^^"... Well... it's a sad story but.... I don't think I'm skilled enough to take someone tears though... But thanks for reading my fics anyways.

@anzai48: Well, I don't make Sae a cyborg because I want Mayuki to be somehow.... different xP A human x cyborg love. Sae will be *spoiler* Mayu's rival *spoiler* and I'm not planning to make Geki as another love rival though. But yeah, You'll get to see Geki in action many times in the future. Thanks for reading my fic!!!

@karomuwi: LOL.... You started your comment so seriously that I thought I was getting a bad feedback in a second xDDD I'm very thankful that you like this fic and my other fic. If I can, I'll surely not let you down in the future stories >.< b

If you mean kill two birds with one stone than yeah. I wasn't planning to have two forbidden love in a story but guess I just followed my instiscts xDDD Anyways, thanks for reading my fics~

@ChuuuPuffss: LOL.... Send me some photos of heaven when you get there ok? xDDDD Thanks for reading my fic and hope you will enjoy the rest of this story ;)

@Kiri-el: Your comment really made my day! I didn't expect you to like that image so much. It was just an image that first popped in my mind when I wrote that part. I guess I'm being too cheesy and romantic sometimes xP Thanks a lot for reading my fic~

@Megumi: LOL>. now you know xDD If you hate Yuki's step-father that much then.... I succeed!!!!! I expected you guys to hate him from the beginning so I tried my best to write many negative things about him xP Thanks for reading my fic and hope you will enjoy the future chapters~

Note: I though I'd finish this chapter tonight but too much HW slow me down >.<;; Because of that, I will post the first part of this chapter now and the rest tomorrow (hopefully I can finish the new chapter of PJ48 Gakuen tomorrow night if I don't receive much HW)

Thanks for spending time to read my fics <3

Please enjoy~

Chapter 2 [Part 1]

The bus took about 10 minutes to reach its destination. When the bus landed in front of a huge school, Yuki immediately dragged Mayu out of the bus, preventing the cyborg from running away. The cyborg didn’t really want to go inside the school but Yuki kept dragging her ahead.

“O-Ojou-sama! Stop! I can’t go with you!” The cyborg said while trying to break free from the tight grip on her wrist.

“Not until you stop calling me ojou-sama.” Yuki smirked in a serious way.

“De-demo… I can’t…”

“Then come with me.”

The cyborg reluctantly let Yuki drag her into the campus. The cyborg knew for sure that her young master was very popular in the school, always called as “Princess”. She got many fans and received lots of confessions but the girl rejected all. It would be a big problem for the cyborg if someone found out she was walking with the Princess. In this society, cyborgs were the lowest class but Yuki chose to be with her rather than other people so she would get lots of troubles from her fans. Yuki seemed not to notice all the angry and jealous looks from the other students in the school when they walked pass.

Only the one who received those looks noticed about it.

“What is that cyborg doing with Yuki-sama?” The cyborg heard some whispers from a group of students nearby.

“Yeah, why does Yuki-sama have to spend time with that slave?”

“Hey, don’t tell me that Kashiwagi reject me because of that loser?!?”

The whispers and comments kept attacking the poor cyborg, which sent her to the edge of crying. She bit her lower lip to calm herself. But suddenly, the girl in front of her stopped. Then she felt a force pull her toward and fell into protective arms.

“Hey, stop all the nonsense comments already!” Unexpectedly, the princess shouted, which startled everyone since it was the first time Yuki would ever shout at anyone. “I don’t need your judge on whoever I hang out. I can go with anyone I want, is that clear?”

Mayu was surprised to see a nice and kind girl like Yuki would shout at people and maybe lose her reputation just for her. Staying in the gentle and protective arms, Mayu felt her face get hotter.

Yuki once again dragged Mayu away from the gossip student and headed to her classroom. Ignoring all the curious looks and whispers, Yuki and Mayu finally arrived at their class, where they were greeted by the two best friends of the princess.

“Ohayou, Yukirin.” A short girl with a high pony-tail smiled.

“Ohayou, Yuki-chan.” A tall girl with cat-like ears said.

“Ohayou, Takamina, Kojiharu.” Yuki smiled to them then sat on her seat with Mayu standing right behind her.

“Mah mah~ Our princess made another chaos again. You have to see the faces of your fans, Yukirin. It’s very funny, I'm telling you.” Takahashi Minami, as known as Takamina, was a short girl but yet very smart. She had great leadership, completely different from what she looked. She was one of Yuki’s real friends in school.

“As if I care. They’re really annoying.” Yuki sighed.

“We know but you don’t have to get everyone attention early in the morning like this.” Kojima Haruna, as known as Kojiharu, was another friend of Yuki’s. She was quite air-headed and a little dumb but she was a nice girl, who you would always expect to get help from.

“I don’t plan to do that. Why is so weird to bring a friend to school?”

“Well… If it’s a human friend then it’s nothing. But in this case…” The midget took a look at the cyborg then smiled. “It’s a very cute cyborg. No wonder why they’re jealous. Is she the cyborg that you always told us?”

“Yes.” Suddenly, a smile appeared on Yuki’s face. “She’s Mayu, my best of best friend.”

Mayu immediately bowed at the new girls, which then she received a bow back.

“Nice to meet you, Mayu-chan. I’m Takahashi Minami but you can just call me Takamina. And this cat girl next to me is Kojima Haruna, as known as Kojiharu. And don’t be afraid of us. We aren’t like the others in this school. We see cyborgs as friends.” Minami smiled and then offered a handshake to the cyborg.

“Eh… etou… Nice to meet you too, Takamina-san, Kojiharu-san.” The cyborg shook hand with the midget. Noticing the short girl was staring at her arms, or specifically, at her bruises, Mayu quickly withdrew her hands and hid them behind her back.

“Hmm…” Minami scratched her chin. “You were right, Yukirin. It’s worse than I thought. Your step-father is way too cruel.”

“You have no idea what more he has done to Mayu. If I didn’t bring her here today, he would bring her to his office and do something bad to her again.” Yuki sighed. Her eyebrows furrowed in anger.

“Ojou-sama… You really don’t need to do this for me… I can take care of myself… I’m used to it already.”

Hearing what Mayu said, Yuki immediately turned around to look at the cyborg. In the process, the girl pulled the white thin arm toward herself, causing the cyborg to fall on her and ended up sitting on her laps face to face. Then Yuki cupped Mayu’s face between her hands, earning herself lots of gasps from her classmates.

“Listen carefully, Mayuyu. You’re not used to this and you can’t take care of yourself alone. Like I said before, I won’t be a coward anymore. I won’t stand outside and watch you suffering in pain any longer. And finally, I’m not your master. I’m your protector, your guardian angel and your best friend. So from now on, I don’t want to hear you calling me ‘ojou-sama’, OK Mayuyu?” Yuki said with a deadly seriousness shown in her voice.

The cyborg’s face was now like a matured tomato because of embarrassment when there were lots of people looking at them. She sweatdropped, quickly nodded but Yuki didn’t have enough.

“I don’t hear you, Mayuyu.”

The cyborg gulped.

“Y-Yes, Y-Yu-Yukirin…” She stuttered. Pleased by the answer, Yuki smiled happily and let go of the cyborg.

“Now that’s better.”

Seeing everyone was still staring at them, Mayu quickly excused herself and ran out of the classroom and headed to the rooftop. Yuki giggled and then turned back to her friends, who had a weird, funny expression on their faces.


“… I didn’t know you could be so bold like that, Yukirin…” Minami finally managed to say while Haruna remained speechless.

“What? I’m just being my usual self…” Yuki shrugged.

“Whatever you say…” Minami quietly sighed. “Anyways, like you said, Mayu’s case is very serious. I don’t think you can protect her forever. I know your step-father is very violent when he’s drunk.”

“I know. But I have Rena so I think I’ll be just fine.”

“Rena can’t be with you 24/7 when Sae always messes with the Yankees. That Genking always causes herself troubles and makes Rena to rescue her all the time.”

Yuki sighed and looked at the window. The image of the most beautiful smile she always shed for popped in her mind.

“I think you can ask CIA for help, Yukirin.” Suddenly, Haruna said which caused Yuki to look at her.

“CIA? As in… the Central Intelligence Agency?” Yuki repeated surprisingly.

“No no. That’s CIA for us. What she means is CIA, the Cyborg Independent Agency.” Minami quickly said. “It’s an underground organization for cyborgs that work to protect cyborgs’ rights and provide shelter for any abandoned cyborgs that managed to get away from RPA, the Robot Police Army.”

“OK… If there is such an organization like that… Why have I never heard of it?”

“Hello? Don’t you know what ‘underground’ means? Secret! Of course you can’t know about it. Only the cyborgs know. They all know this organization.”

“… Hey… Don’t tell me that…” Yuki opened her eyes widely and covered her mouth in shock. “You two are cyborgs!”

“Baka!” Minami gave her a knock on her head. “Of course not! Can you tell whether we’re humans or cyborgs after those years playing with?!?”

“Ouch! That hurts…” Yuki caressed her head softly.

“Just say I know some friends who are actually working in that organization. You shouldn’t talk about this out loud OK? You may want to think about that. You can ask for their help or for the best, just send Mayu there. At least she will be safe in that organization.”

Finishing her words, Minami and Haruna went back to their seats since the teacher had arrived, leaving a thoughtful Yuki to think about the cyborg and the new organization that she just knew. She knew her friend make a good point. It was better for Mayu to join the CIA but she didn’t want to. She wanted to be her protector, to prove that she wasn’t a little girl anymore and could take care of herself and also Mayu. Most of all, she didn’t want to leave her beloved cyborg. The feeling of not having the cyborg by her side was painful and really hard to bear. Yuki would never know what to do if she didn’t have Mayu with her.


The lunch bell finally rang. Right after hearing the bell, in high speed, Yuki ran up to the rooftop, ignoring the hopeless call of her friends and also her fans. Reaching the rooftop, Yuki stopped to restore oxygen into her tired lungs. While gasping for air, she looked around to find a certain small figure. She saw nothing but an empty place covered with a clear and warm voice that she loved to hear.

Yuki smiled and locked the door behind her so no fans could find her here. She slowly walked to the source of the sweet voice.

An angel, leaning her back on the white wall behind, mingled her voice with the wind.

Ashita ga kurunara Please listen to this song before continue reading

sayonara wa iwanaide oku yo
I am not going to say goodbye.

datte me wo tojiru tabi ni utsuru yo itsumono kimi ga
Because everytime I close my eyes, You are always there.

ashita ga kurunara nanimo iranai yo tada kimi dake ni warattete hoshii kara itsudemo
If tomorrow is coming, I do not need anything else. I just want you to keep smiling. always...

iwanaide yo mada motto kimi ni furetetai yo kuchi ni shitara nani ka koware sou de tsunaideru te no nukumori dake tashikameteta
Please do not say it. I want to feel you by my side more. If you say it out, I feel like something is going to break. I was making sure by the warmth of the hand of yours.

tomaranai jikan ga itsuka futari hikihanasu nara
If unstoppable time is going to separate us apart

motto kimi mitetai yo
I want to stare at you more

zutto dakishimetetai yo
I want to hold you forever

time is slipping away
time is slipping away

ashita ga kurunara nanimo iranai yo tada kimi dake ni warattete hoshii kara itsudemo
If tomorrow is coming, I do not need anything else. I just want you to keep smiling. always...

Without noticing, Yuki raised her voice and mingled with the girl, making a beautiful duet song. The girl startled by the new voice but soon smiled happily when she recognized whose it was. She turned around to look at the black gems she treasured so much. Their voice mixed together, becoming an angelic sound flowing with the wind.

kimi ni au tame dake ni umarete kita no nara
If I was born just to meet you.

yakitsuketai every moment in my heart
I want to burn every moment in my heart.

ichibyou demo ii ato sukoshi
Can be just one more second.
kimi no soba ni isasete
Let me be your side a little longer.

ashita ga kuru nara nani mo iranai yo tada kimi dake ni waratte te hoshii kara, forever more

If tomorrow is coming, I do not need anything else. I just want you to keep smiling. always...
Forever More

ashita ga kuru nara nani mo iranai yo tada kimi dake ni waratte te hoshii kara, itsu demo
If tomorrow is coming, I do not need anything else. I just want you to keep smiling. always...

sayonara wa iwanade oku yo
I'm not going to say goodbye...

Finally, the song had ended but the eye contact had never been broken. The two girls shared a happy smile on their face before busted into laughter. Yuki slowly approached the smaller girl and sat down, pulling along the girl with her. The girl immediately placed her head onto Yuki’s shoulder and linked their hands together while enjoy the fresh wind of a beautiful day.

“You know, Mayuyu, your voice is very beautiful, as always.” Yuki softly said.

“You too. You have improved a lot after 10 years. You can become a singer already.” The cyborg giggled.

“Well, just because I have a good teacher to teach me how to sing.”

“Flattering won’t lead you anywhere, Yukirin.”

Both of them giggled before buried into a comfortable silence. They just sat there, enjoy their rare time together. Then, Yuki decided to break the silence.

“I haven’t heard you singing for a long time. Why all of this sudden you wanted to sing now and why this song? It’s very beautiful but you did say before that you don’t like it because it’s so sad.”

Mayu stared at the sky for awhile before a sigh escaped from her pink lips.

“I don’t know… I just had a feeling… And somehow, this song fits the feeling so well that I couldn’t help but singing it out loud.”

“… Do you… still have that feeling?” Yuki looked at the cyborg worriedly.

Mayu slowly turned around and connected their gazes. Seeing how worried Yuki was, Mayu once again had to lie the girl. She gave out a wide smile, trying to hide her real feeling inside.

“After I saw you, that feeling has faded away. I think it just lasted for a moment. Don’t worry too much, OK?”

In just a second, Yuki felt like her heart had jumped out of her chest when she saw the sweetest smile that she had been long waiting for. A comfortable sensation went throughout her body, refreshing her soul with happiness.

An idea suddenly popped in her mind.

Yuki quickly moved her hands to her neck and took off her necklace. After that, she carefully tugged Mayu’s hair to the side and wore the necklace on her. Mayu stared at the wing-shaped with a “Y” in the middle necklace confusedly and then gasped in surprise.

“W-Wait… Yukirin… This is…”

“Yes. It’s the necklace my father gave me a day before he passed away.” Yuki smiled. “I want you to have it.”

“But… It’s your most precious thing of your father. I can’t take this.”

Mayu was trying to take off the necklace but a pair of hands gently grabbed hers, stopping her from what she was doing.

“Don’t, Mayuyu. I want you to keep this for me. Yes it’s very important to me but I want you to know that whatever happen in the future, I’ll always be with you and protect you. I’ll be your wings and fly with you upon the sky of freedom. It’s my promise to you, Mayuyu. You’re so important to me that I can never leave you.”

The low but soft and sweet voice echoed in the cyborg’s mechanical mind. Once again, Yuki would never fail to make the cyborg’s heart go crazy. Seeing the cyborg’s red face, Yuki giggled and helped both of them stand up.

“Come one, Mayuyu. I have P.E class this afternoon. You should join with me.”

“Eh… Wait a minute, Yukirin! You haven’t had your lunch yet!”

“Nah, I’m already full.” Yuki playfully smiled and dragged the cyborg out of the rooftop.

Part 2 is gonna be quite short... and quite depressed... So maybe some of you readers would like to skip part 2 of this chapter though.

Anyways, please read and review~

Offline yuukimoko

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ahhh~ so cute...... :heart:

Thank you for updating! and no, Im not skipping part 2! I need to know everything, good or bad!
“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.”

I'm glad I'm not popular.I'm already a bitch, no need to make my ego bigger.

You were always my favorite, no one loved me as much as you did.-Alison DiLaurentis.

Your first kiss isnt always the first person you kiss, or the first person you date.Your first love is the person that you will always compare everyone to.The person that you will never truly get over, even when you have convinced yourself that you have moved on.

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so sweet mayuki~  :twothumbs

thanks for the music.. i downloaded it..thanks sayuki-san.. mayuki's voice so cute..  :wub:

you're scaring me with you warning about the part 2.. but i will read it, because you wrote it..and it's not good to skip a part of the story..

thanks for the update..  :twothumbs

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ehhh~? but the link isnt working...I want the song too... :cry:
“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.”

I'm glad I'm not popular.I'm already a bitch, no need to make my ego bigger.

You were always my favorite, no one loved me as much as you did.-Alison DiLaurentis.

Your first kiss isnt always the first person you kiss, or the first person you date.Your first love is the person that you will always compare everyone to.The person that you will never truly get over, even when you have convinced yourself that you have moved on.

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^ hehe yeah right it's not. here it's working..  :thumbsup you can also download it..just follow the instruction.

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