Minna-san I'm back~~

actually I had finished this fic from some days ago but I need to finish this drawing first, to let you see how the boys look like

from the left to right is Takamina, Yuu, Yuma, Jun, and the last but not least is Yuizo~

Once again big thanks to Kairi65-san who helped to decide Takamina's and Yuizo's hair
As always, sorry for grammatical errors and typos. Please enjoy!
REPLIES@Bakamina_oshi: thank you for reading and here is the update

@niineechan: you're welcome. I'm happy you think this is getting much better

here is the update~
@Raizel: you're welcome

please forgive me for abandoning this fic

really? Yeayyy

thanks for the spirit, here is the update~
Everyone Has Their Own Problem
Chapter 2
Minami POV“Ray?! Why are you here?”
“Of course to meet you my lovely boyfriend! Come on let’s have a date in the school park~” Hmm I know what did she mean. She would clinging to me all day. She acted lovey dovey in front of people but if it is just the two of us, she would angry with me. Always jealous. I was dating her just to get some fun and prevent those girls from flirting too much with me. Sometimes I am tired being her boyfriend. I want to have a new thing to make me happy. For example make this blank girl fall in love with me. That would be fun.
“Wait, why were you close to this weird girl Minami?” There you go again, she already realized it geezz -_-.
“No, I was not close to this girl. I just want to look to the view outside that’s all.” Being a playboy could change you to be a good liar but if you have a girlfriend like Ray, you have to be careful, she cannot easily get lied.
“Liar...” Wait, I heard somebody murmured in a very soft voice. Someone said liar. Did she...did she who say that? This unspoken girl? I looked at her. She was still looking to the window pane. Because Ray whined to me to grant her request fast, I agreed to go to the park.
The next day
7:35 AMThis morning, Jun and I got called through the speakers. It informed that principal wanted to meet us. When we got called, I was talking to some girls. Definitely this call annoyed me. Jun who was in the class also curious about this call. “Takamina, let’s go to there. Stop talking with them for a while.”
“I know I know. Okay girls, I leave you for a while. Wait me here okay?”
I winked, sent electricity to their hearts that caused heart attack to them. Done with my business, both of us went to the Principal Room. As usual every time we pass the hall, attentions are directed to us. We plus classy boys are popular students that every girl dreamily wants to be their boyfriend. If five of us walk together, school will shaking crazily for sure! Unfortunately the rest of us didn't get called. After arrived at the front door of the Principal Room, Jun opened it. We saw Shinoda sensei was there too. Hmm...feeling suspicious about this.
Shinoda sensei welcomed and told us to have a seat. It was an awkward moment for me and Jun because the tension was heavy as Akimoto-sensei our principal stared sharply. I nudged Jun's arm motioned him to sit first. He furrowed his eyebrows and returned nudge my arm. We did it for some minutes until a clear throat sound stopped us. I decided to sit first, let myself be brave or else punishment will be our present in the new semester.
“I called you two here because I want to give a mission.” Akimoto-sensei started the conversation. Literally straight to the point.
“EH?! What mission?” Jun quickly looked at me. Oh I mean glared to me. I stared at him with a questioning look. He unexpectedly pinched my thigh. That’s hurt you baka Jun! He mouthed something. What I get from it was ”Don’t cut his line! I don’t want to get punishment because of you!”
I nodded and turned my view to Akimoto-sensei. His eyes was looking at me. Silence flow in the air. This became a heavy situation. Shinoda-sensei didn’t say anything since her last words a few minutes ago, poker face was plastered on her face. I think I was the person who made this situation like this. I sighed. “Sorry Akimoto-sensei, you can continue.”
“I want both of you to spy Maeda Atsuko and Matsui Rena. I know you are popular students in this school. You can make all girs fall on you. That’s why I trust you to spy them. Takahashi you spy on Maeda and Matsui Jun you spy on Matsui Rena. Do you understand?”
“Wait, why it has to be us?”Jun complained. By the looks of his face also tell that he doesn’t want to spy Matsui Rena. I wonder why? I'm relax with that.
“Matsui, principal already told the reason right?” Shinoda-sensei finally spoke again.
“But I don’t want to. Matsui Rena is a crazy person! Look at my face, there are some bruises caused by her!” Jun seemed lost his temper. Oh right I don't realize the bruises on his face.
“That’s why I told you to spy her Matsui-san. Each of them have a weird attitude. That’s the main reason.” Principal looked at him with serious gaze. Why doesn’t Jun just say okay? He made this conversation took long time. My girl friends were waiting for me. Besides, the time for class to start is 15 minutes remaining from now.
“I'm counting on you Takahashi-san and Matsui-san.” Principal spoke still with his serious gaze. Jun just kept silent. Then Akimoto-sensei allowed us to go back to the class. We bowed to him before got out from that room. While walking, I was thinking about Maeda the unspoken girl. My mission and mission from Akimoto-sensei are in the same line I guess. I smirked knowing that. Jun was talking about the girl he will spy furiously. Seems he didn’t really enjoy this mission.
Before class starts
In the same time with Takamina and Jun get back to the class
7.45 AM“Paruru, I felt so sorry about Haruna...”
“That was not your fault Yukirin...”
“Listen, I was so stupid to choose our seat here, making us close to him. It will makes Haruna sad again.”
“Don’t say like that, okay? Luckily Haruna doesn't come yet. She will remember that again. Aside of that he will hear our conversation as long as our seat near him. Let's stop this kind of chatter.”
Sigh, you are so stupid Yuu! I know you are a pervert person but please calm yourself! You won't have any chance to know her more again after this. Although I touched her boobs, that was not make me happy at all. I am certain she will hate me, she will not care about me anymore and she will avoids me. Actually she is the first person I loved since 1st grade of high school. We were in the different class before but she easily catch my attention. Her big boobs, great oshiri, sexy body like a model and pretty face, too many words that I cannot describe it one by one. Maybe if people hear my explanation why I love her, they will think I just want to play with her. The reality I do not! I couldn’t sleep at night because she is filling my mind. I couldn't concentrate on study because I'm thinking about her. I ignored my girl friends just to be able to stalk her. Now, I had broken all my dreams to date her with an incident! I know it was beyond rude but....sigh.
“Oyy Yuu, daydreaming again huh?” Yuma my best friend patted my right shoulder.
“No. Do you need something? If not just leave me alone.” I leaned my head on my desk, not in the mood to talk.
“He must be thinking about Haruna. Just leave him alone then with his pervert mind.” Takamina and Jun said in unison. They just arrived in the class but seeing the gloomy me, they pulled Yuma's shirt to follow them go outside. When they wanted to walk away Yuma shook his head and patted my shoulder again.
“Let go of me," He shoved their hands. "I will not leave him. He is my brother, not a real brother but he is my brother! We’re so close and always there when needed. You know that?”
“Of course we know. We were be friended since kids (-__-) . Oshiri brothers right?” Jun rolled his eyes. Yeah me and Yuma love oshiri and created a club named oshiri brothers.
“Hey I want to tell you something guys~”
“You ignored me?” Jun pouted. I chuckled when saw that. That pout can’t make us resist. Just Yuizo who can resist it.
“This is important you know. You don't want to know?”
“Meh, okay then. What is it?”
We made a small circle so the thing that Yuma wanted to tell will safe. Yuma whispered to us in a very low voice. Well it still can be heard by the three of us and it caused our eyes to grow big. “I already have a fiancée...” WHAT?! Yuma my friend who said when we were in junior high school didn’t care about love, already have a fiancée?! I pinched my hand to prove that it was true. It was hurt, this is not a dream! So sad, when I have so many girl friends but just one girl who captured my attention and now she is hating me. I am thinking about Haruna again. Could we marry in the future? I looked to behind where Haruna and her friends were sitting. Apparently she got here without I noticed. She and her friends stopped talking and looked at me. Crap! They caught me stalked them.
“By the way, what is her name? Takamina asked him with curious face. I turned back my body to them.
“She is our classmate, princess of this school, vice president of student council.”
“Don’t make it hard brother, just say who.” I crossed my arms and squinted my eyes at him.
“Geezz you all don’t want to think hard first.” Wait, vice president huh? That..that means..one of Haruna’s friends that Kashiwagi girl who mocked me a while ago?! OMG.
“Brother...don’t tell me that girl is...Kashiwagi Yuki.” I stuttered when he just nodded. Takamina held his chin and thinking without say any words, Jun grinned to Yuma and asked him to make a party for only the five of us. Suddenly I saw Haruna got out of class alone. Quickly I chased her, thinking for some words to apologize to her. This time would be a good chance to apologize because she was not with her friends. When I arrived at the front door of class, unexpectedly she is in front of me and staring at me with no expression. Wait,why she is here and staring at me? I thought she wanted to go somewhere far from class. I looked at the trash bin. Gosh, she just threw a trash in it. I was so stupid for not notice the trash on her hand! Now, what should I do in this awkward situation?
“Erm...Hey Haruna~” I flashed her an awkward smile. Waved my hand too.
“What are you doing here, Haru-chan?”
“.....” She was ignoring me. Should I apologize to her now? arghhh she is driving me crazy!
“Harunyan I—“
“Don’t call me by my first name, we are not friends. What's with that nickname you said?Harunyan? You acted as if we are so close.” She interrupted with cold tone.
“I just wanna—“
“What are you doing huh, Pervert boy?! You do not see Haruna doesn’t want to talk with you?Just leave her alone!” My line was cut by Kashiwagi, Yuma's fiancée. In her side was Shimazaki the salty girl. When I wanted to speak again, Kashiwagi glared to me with black aura coming out from her body. It was scarying me thus I decided to leave them and search for a good time to apologize to Haruna later. Maybe I should chase her all time, act like something never happened between us. Yeah, that’s the best choice I have right now.
Normal POV“What are you doing in here, Kashiwagi and Shimazaki?” asked the president of the student council to them who were still standing at the front door of class.
“We caught that pervert boy got closer to Kojiharu again so we warned him. Tell your pervert friend, he shouldn't near and disturb Haruna anymore!” Yuki released her black aura again. "Calm down Yuki." Was what Haruka could only say to prevent any fight or quarrel.
"He might be pervert but he is kind. Who knows he was out of control that time? Give him a chance to explain."
"Too fast 1000 years for him, Yokoyama! Let's go inside, Paruru and Haruna." As Yuizo wanted to speak, the bell has rang so loud signalling the class start. The pretty girls then entered the class with Yuki still angry, leaving Yuizo behind in silence.
After the pretty girls reached their seats, Paruru and Yukirin moved their chairs to Haruna's desk. It was their habit to talk while wait the teacher to come. Our salty girl does not talk much. Usually she just listens but this time she picked a conversation about the president of student council. She was eager to tell them her experience yesterday.
“I want to tell you my experience yesterday. Yokoyama-kun, I think he has something and hide it with smile.” Paruru told it almost whispering.
“Are you sure? He seems doesn’t like that.” Yuki let out her opinion.
“Well, we didn’t know the truth,” Haruna added. “Hmm why the teacher doesn't come yet? It’s already 8.25 AM. That means 20 minutes has gone.”
“Baka, it’s 25 minutes. Do you forget the class start at 8?” Yuki face palmed.
“Oh really? My calculation wrong again...” Haruna huffed which made her friends laugh. They made noisy voices when laughing and suddenly a girl hit her desk loudly. She got attention from all students in class 2B and she glared to them.
“Don’t make such irritating voice you pretty annoying girls. People who study can’t concentrate!” That girl was Matsui Rena the study maniac girl. Jun who saw that stand up from his seat.
“That’s none of their business if you study.” Girls in class 2B cheered when heard what Jun said. They jolted when Rena hit her desk. Their mind was full with how if they die by sudden heart attack. They thought Jun is their hero because no ones dare to oppose her.
“I am not talking to you weak boy! Do you want me to punch you again?” Rena answered in angry tone.
“Psshh Jun! Don’t get her angriness, remember our mission.” Takamina nudged his arm while whispered and calmed him.
“Woaah so you got that bruises from her?! She is so strong whereas you’re a black belt in karate, Jun. Hahahahaha.” Yuma mocked him, made Jun glanced at him madly.
The chaos ended as someone opened the class door. There was a guy entered the class. He was handsome and girls in class 2B were staring at him with sparkling eyes. Without nobody knows, Yukirin was amazed with that guy appearance. He was so handsome, his aura was bright too. In sudden her heart pounding.
‘Do I like my own teacher? You cannot Yukirin! Remember you have a fiancé soon!’ She slapped her cheek. Her friends saw her, they want to ask but scared she will release dark aura. “Sorry I’m late class, there was a briefing. I am your English teacher. My name is Miyazawa Sae, 25 years old. You can call me Sae-sensei or Miyazawa-sensei. that’s up to you. It doesn’t matter because our age gaps are not far. Okay let's start the lesson! I want each of you to make a study group. A group consists 2 members, one boy and one girl. Search for your group mate now! Remember don’t make noisy voice.”
With Miyazawa sensei demanding the students, our naughty and classy boys were surrounded by girls. They wanted to be in the same group with them. Classy boys got difficulties to calm those girls. Meanwhile, pretty girls were surrounded by boys too. Those boys were wilder than those girls. Because of that, Miyazawa sensei calmed the class and declared to create the group by his own.
“Be quiet class! Because you didn’t follow my demand, I decide the group by my own. Let me see..." It was a moment full of hopes and racing hearts. Many girls really hoped to be the group mate of classy or naughty boys, the same with many boys really hoped to be the group mate of pretty girls.
"The boy who wear spectacle and reading," Miyazawa-sensei pointed to Yuizo as his first target. Some girls was holding their breaths, really hope to be his group mate. Yuizo raised his hand. "Yes you and the girl with short dark brown hair, you two are group mates."
Students immediately groaned as to demur. Female students disappointed as well as male students. It didn't happen long after Miyazawa-sensei clears his throat. At least there are some remaining, they thought. Miyazawa-sensei looked around to choose his next target. Once more, students held their breaths. "Hmm...the girl who looking outside the window and wear spectacle," students flinched at Maeda Atsuko who was being pointed. They didn't want to be her group mate, definitely a no. All was in slow motion after that. Miyazawa-sensei's eyes were roaming to one student to another student. And finally he pointed...
"The boy with blonde hair, you are in the same group with her." Takamina snapped back to reality from another space when students gasped loudly.
"Next, you boy," he pointed to Yuma who was reading a manga secretly. He slowly lifted his head. "Yeah sensei?"
"Your group mate is the pretty girl with long wavy dark brown hair over there." He pointed to Yuki who was blushing. She didn't expect he calls her pretty. Inside her was squealing happily but she hide it very well. Even she didn't care her soon-to-be-fiancé is her group mate. "Wait, sensei."
"What is it?"
"Which one is my group mate? Kojima at the front or Kashiwagi behind her?" He asked with straight face. It makes sense since Haruna and Yuki has similar hairstyle.
"Your group mate is Kashiwagi." Miyazawa-sensei winked. Yuki almost squeal out loud while Yuma mumbled. "She again."
Miyazawa-sensei continued. "Okay, the girl who reading a book with twin tailed hair your group mate is...oh! The boy who yawned," he pointed to Jun. "Yes you two are in the same team."
"What?! Me and that crazy girl?! I—" Before Jun could protest, Takamina covered his mouth. He whispered. "Just accept it! We can do our mission easily because of this." Jun sighed and have no choice except nodded.
"Next next~ the boy with messy hair, you are in the same group with with Kojima." Miyazawa-sensei grinned when seeing Yuu's surprised expression. In other hand, Haruna and her friends let out heavy sighs. Female students shrieked because their hopes were broken. Male students couldn't stop saying crap. The English teacher kept continue pointing other students, he didn't care about these sad howls of them. He finished 10 minutes later afterward ordered the students to sit with their partners. The class was full with groans, shouts, laughs, and many voices.
“This is your first assignment. Make a dialogue with your group mate, the theme is up to you. Next month, each group present it in front of class for speaking test. Understand?” Miyazawa sensei clapped to get attention.
“Hai, sensei!"
Kojiyuu, Mayuki, and Yuiparu moment."Shimazaki, you write the dialogue and I tell my idea okay? ^_^" Yuizo gave his notebook to Paruru.
"Why in rush? We have one month time.."
"You know that I dislike wasting time, Shimazaki."
Paruru took out her pencil case. "And yesterday you told me that I don't know you well at all."
"Yes you are."
"I can't understand you." Paruru started to write the assignment title on the notebook. She was tired dealing with this president guy. In her mind, she kept saying that they will never get along. How she really wished to switch partner with someone...
Meanwhile, our soon-to-engaged couple were busy with their own worlds. Yukirin played with her iPhone signing to twitter. Mayu continued reading his manga but soon he got bored. He made a click sound of mouth then turned his gaze toward Yuki.
'Why girls really like to check on their social medias every single minute like there is no other thing to do.' Yuma thought.
"Yuma, help me..." Yuu poked Yuma's back but ignored by him. He was out of ideas to pick a topic for a conversation with Haruna and she did not even take a glance at the poor Yuu. She was fixing her hair while looking at pocket mirror since Yuu sat beside her. Hopeless, that was what Yuu feel.
Atsumina and Wmatsui moment"Atsuko, which theme is better, shopping or going out?
"Who do you think will start the conversation first? Me or you?
Takamina sighed. Jun who sat next to him crossed his arm. He didn't talk about this assignment with his group mate, Matsui Rena, at all. Both weirdy girls were reading books when Takamina asked these questions to Atsuko. "Hey Jun, why you don't talk with your partner? Look at you, you look like a statue."
"It's useless to talk with her. She is abnormal."
Rena heard that and the next thing happened she was ready to punch him again.
Ps, for Yuiparu shippers, sorry in this chapter is less Yuiparu moment. Next chapter, I promise there will Yuiparu moments more. See you later minna-san