Here it is minna-san, chapter 2!!!

I couldn't make minna-san wait long more so I made this as fast as I can in my free time

Hope you enjoy, the next chapter will out at May

REPLIES@Koneki, @Minami-chan, @Renshuchan: here is the update~
@Chiqinna: I will make it but not sure on what chapter. Keep read this fic okay
@xxx220: Yeah, she is fainted

Here is the update
@Zhen, @Kirozoro: Sorry I gone too long hehehe. Here is the update
@lahika: I'm glad you think that

You're welcome, here is the update
@River1721: Thank you for your suport!

Normal pov A girl looked with worried expression to a girl who was lying on the bed while holding her hand. She waited patiently for the girl to open her eyes, two hours had left since the girl fainted and did not regain concsiousness. “Rena...wake up, please...” Like a magic her words then made the girl wake up. The girl stared at her weakly and got up slowly from the bed.
“Where are we, Jurina?” Rena hissed suddenly while touched her head.
“Just lie down. you had fever,” Jurina led Rena to lay again. She puts a towel which had cooled by cold water on Rena’s forehead.
“Why you don’t answer my question?” Rena asked.
Jurina was only silent, her cheeks turned pink and she diverted her head. “We are...*echem in..*echem love...hotel,” Rena hesitate at first but then she giggled knowing Jurina blushed. Heard Rena’s giggle voice, Jurina directed her head to Rena, shows questioned look. Rena just shook her head started to keep her laugh. She knew exactly Jurina doesn’t like to be laughed at. Rena smiled to Jurina. “Sorry...”
Jurina furrowed her eyebrows. “For what? Rena you’re weird. A while you giggled after I said we are in love hotel. And now you apologize for nothing?”
“I apologize for making you occupied, Jurina. Anyway is it okay if we stay a little longer here? It’s late of night already,”
“It’s okay , I called my parents what happened to you then they let me but we must go back early in the morning because our uniform are still in house. And don’t worry if I occupied for you since we are friends,”
Rena’s smile dissapear immediately. She forgot Jurina has girlfriend, Churi. Without they realized both of their hands still holding, but Rena, slowly removed her hand from Jurina’s hand. She changed position with her back to Jurina. She didn’t want Jurina see her tears start to roll down. “Jurina, I gonna sleep again can I?” Rena tried hard to ask Jurina without her voice trembling.
Rena pov“
Rena-chan, wait!”
Whose voice is that?
I looking around searching the voice from. But I did not find someone. Suddenly I feel my shoulder touched by someone. Her face was blur but I could see her lips curved a smile to me.”Don’t worry Rena, If you tired being brokenheart all time you can come to me,” She grabbed my shoulders. When I wanted to ask her name, she immediately ran and shouted. “We will meet soon!” while waved her hand. I woke up at 4.30 a.m and found Jurina sleeping next to me. Her face was cute when she sleeping. Out of sudden I reminisce my weird dream. My dreams never became true so I didn’t care much about it instead sweep it away from my mind. I looked at Jurina’s sleeping face, I’m always wondering maybe Jurina would not being my lover. It was not my fate. Our relationship are just friends. I knew I shouldn’t regret it but my heart keep like that, hurt when I see Jurina and Churi together, when I save a special feeling towards Jurina. Thinking of it my eyes seemed wet continue to my cheeks.
I saw Jurina awake already. She rubbed her eyes and quickly I wiped my tears. After her eyes could see me well, she placed her hand on my forehead “Your fever had gone Rena. Let’s go home then or else we will late to school,” I nodded. Jurina took my hand helping me to get up. When I finally stand, our faces were so close. Even my nose almost reach her nose. We kept like that while looking to each other eyes. I felt lost of control, get closer to her face. Our lips would touch. But then Jurina called my name I stopped as I widened my eyes. She released her hand from mine and began to pack our things, we get out of the room after that. Deep inside my heart I feel pain, Jurina’s action looks like a reject to me. I keep quiet as we walking to the receptionist wanted to give back the room key. The receptionist accepts the key. “How was your night? Well, not just a normal couple who visit this hotel. Sometimes couple like you two. Don’t worry,” The receptionist smirked at us. It makes Jurina mad so she doesn’t answer. She pulled my hand while walk fastly until we get out from the hotel. She stops there didn’t say a single word. I just looking at her back because she kept faced-away me. We just stand at there. I was about to poke her back but she walks. “Let’s go Rena!”
She left me behind as she walking first and fast. I felt emptiness on my heart.
Normal pov Morning comes again so fast after yesterday tiring and hurtful day. Rena went to school lazily while evaporate. She didn’t need much time to arrive at school. As she passed Churi’s class she heard noisy voices. She looked inside and found the students of the class surrounding someone. One of the students get out from the class to throws a rubbish. Hurriedly Rena approached her and asked what’s going on inside. The student answered that Jurina gave Churi a surprise for her birthday. Rena began to curious about what present Jurina would give to Churi since Rena fainted before knew what present Jurina bought. She keeps standing there to know the continuation of Jurina’s surprise. Jurina seemed to start her action now clearing her throat. She looking at Churi’s eyes deeply. Rena really convinced in Jurina’s eyes they are love. Rena felt her heart hurt.
“Takayanagi Akane my beloved girlfriend. I, your girlfriend wants to give you the present now,” All students inside kept silent and gave their full attention at the two.
Jurina continued. “Please, close your eyes darling,”
The students aclaimed them. Churi closed her eyes immediately while smiles. Jurina took out the present from her back furthermore gave it to Churi. Wait the right word is placed it onto Churi’s neck. Jurina has gave Churi a necklace that Rena knew well it was the same neckclace as she gave to Jurina two years ago for their friendship sign. Rena still remember she told Jurina, she shouldn’t give the neckclace to others except the person she loves. They did pinky promise for it too. The students yelled makes Rena get back to real world. “Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” and one of the student added. “On the lips!” They kept yelling when Jurina and Churi just laughed while hugging. Because the students kept yelling to do it, Jurina started to get closer to Churi’s lips. Rena couldn’t see it more. She headed to she doesn’t know exactly but her mind command just run no matter where. Once more Rena kept her tears. Start from today she unlike school.
Rena had spent two hours of crying on the rooftop. She makes up her messy face for the last before she get back to class. Whatever if the teacher scolds her, it’s better she cry outside the class than inside right? Her friends and Jurina would confused if they know Rena crying without reason they are not know. After finished Rena proceeded walk towards her class. Before enter her class, she calmed herself took a deep breath. She then entered the class but she wasn’t the only student in front of class. There standing a new student with short dark-browned hair almost cutted like boy hair, boyish appearence, and brown skin. She was handsome above all, looks like a true boy if she doesn’t wear that skirt. The girl smiling to Rena which makes Rena’s heart skipped a beat. The teacher seems not notice Rena, instead introduce the girl to students.
“Today we have a new student. She moved from Tokyo to here because her father’s job. Now try to introduce yourself,” The teacher smiled.
The girl faced the class and smiled. “Good morning all! My name is Miyazawa Sae. Like sensei said I am here because my father’s job. Plus...” She turned her face to Rena. “I am here to be with the person I love,”
Female students were dazing of Sae’s coolness. Sae then got closer to Rena, took her hand and took her along to Rena’s seat. Coincidentally in the left side of Rena’s seat, the seat was empty. Sae once again smiled. “Finally we meet,” Rena realized that smile is not unfamiliar. For a view minutes she thinking where she seen that smile and finally she realized Sae’s smile was the same smile as the girl’s smile in her dream.