gilangfajri: HAHA~ YA~

She a bad friend isn't she?


Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

gek geki : OMG you commented on my fic.

I'm so happy. Because I read a lot of fanfic here and I see your comment a lot. I was wondering when are you going to comment mine, Maybe Mine was bad that's why. Butttttttt YOU COMMENTED make me so happy.


Yuri Machenkov: HAHA sorry, for making you disappointed.

River1721: YA! RENA! Don't be mad at Jurina. OH, Wait. I am writing the story


Let's hope she forgive her soon.


for loving this fic~

Terragen: Yap~ she thought Rena has forgotten about her.
I'm very grateful to those that read my fic and support it.

Thanks a lot~
And I am very sorry for the late update. Hope you forgive me.
I don't think I will be updating very soon, because my sem going to end soon and tons of Final assignment to do.


ONCE AGAIN! I would like to thanks
Kawaiiidolworld for helping me to do proof checking.


THANKS ALOT for reading and I'll be very appreciate if you comment too.
And here is Chapter 10~
(ps. If you haven't read Chapter 1 to 9. Stop reading this. Go page 1 now and read chapter 1 to 9.

I'll wait for you here.

Chapter 10 - Breakdown
Once I am back home, I close the door and lean my back against it. “Ah-h” I place my hand on my chest and clench my shirt tightly.
What am I feeling? A slow kind of pain appears in my chest. I don’t feel like breathing, as if my world was completely crushed.
Ah, that’s the feeling of a broken heart. I have been rejected.
Something flowing down along on my cheek.
What is it?
I move my hand and wipe it. Tears. I’m crying.
The pain I thought I could handle, burst out.
I slowly sit on the floor my back still leaning against the door. I begin to sob. I scream in silent.
I don’t know what to do anymore.
“Ag-h. A-HHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! WHY! ” I punch my fist on the floor hard and scream while my tears roll down my cheek.
I’m tired.
I want to clear off my mind. I stand up and walk to my bathroom. I take my clothes off and turn on the shower. I rain myself with cold water together with my tears.
“Why Rena?” I whisper softly even though she isn't in front of me. “Don’t you love me anymore? Or have you forgotten completely about me? Rena-chan, I’m tired of these. What am I going to do with you? TELL ME RENA!”
Once again, my fist slam against the wall hard. My fist starts dripping with red liquid. Blood.
But this pain is nothing compared to my broken heart.
I walk out from my shower my hand is still bleeding. I take out a first aid box and fix my hand.
After fixing it, I slowly go to bed and curl myself up. I fall asleep while crying silently in my blanket.
The bitter pain in me didn’t go away even the next day.
Even so I told myself, I will breath again. I will make her fall for me once again. I don’t care if she doesn't remember the old me anymore.
I will make her fall for the current Matsui Jurina.
I should mail and tell her not to worry about the confession. Now, I wait till Monday, and begin my plan.
Finally Monday is here.
I woke up in the morning and got ready to go to school with Rena-chan. I arrived at her house and waited for her, I sent her a mail telling her I was waiting outside.
But I got no reply from her.
Her house door opened, a figure appeared. It was her mother.
“Oh. Jurina. You are here to pick up Rena-chan?” She asked.
“Em. Yeah.”
“Rena-chan has already left for school. Didn’t she tell you?” She asked.
What? Rena-chan left school without telling me? That doesn’t seems like her. Normally she will at least text me and tell me about it.
That’s weird. Maybe she forgot.
“Um. Maybe she forgot. It's okay. I’ll go to school now then. Have a good day Ms Matsui.” I bow to her and bid my good bye. I went to my class and find for Rena-chan. But she is not there.
Where is she?
Luckily I reach school early. I went around and find her, but she is nowhere could be found.
Rena-chan, Where are you? You are making me worry.
Ring! That’s the school ball. I went back to class, find her sitting at her place reading a book. I walk toward her place.
“Rena-chan, where were you just now? Why didn’t you rep-“
“Class, please sit back to your place and settle down," our teacher said as she walked in the class.
I have no choice but to sit in my place while my eyes are still looking at Rena-chan. She didn’t even look at me when I talked to her.
What happened, Rena-chan? I will talk to her again later during break.
Break time has come, I saw Rena rush out of the classroom.
Where is she going? I rushed out of the classroom to follow her. But once I’m at the corridor she has disappeared once more.
I’m so confused.
Why is she acting so weird? I called her phone, but no one picks up. Is she avoiding me?
I ran around the school and try to find her. Suddenly a figure caught my eye. Rena-chan?
Why is she under the tree reading a book while I’m here worrying about her? I walked towards her direction and sat beside her.
“Rena-chan, are you okay?” I asked.
“I’m fine.” she answered coldly.
“Why didn’t you answer your phone?” I asked again.
“I forgot to bring my phone.” Once again she answers me coldly as her eyes never left the book. Why is she acting cold towards me? I don’t understand.
“Rena-chan? Why are you so cold to me? You didn’t even tell me you coming to school early. Tell me what happen.”
“Nothing.” She replied me with cold tone again.
It hurts when she treats me that way. It really really hurts.
I felt as if someone grabbing my heart from inside and tearing it apart. I felt a wave bitter sourness in me. I was confused. Rena never treated me like this before. I must have done something wrong, but I don’t remember what I did that made her act so cold towards me.
She stood up and walks away. She didn’t talk to me at all for the rest of the day. She didn't even look at me.
Rena POVToday I didn't walked to school together with Jurina. I didn’t want to see her after knowing that she lied to me about her being Jun. I saw her message, but I didn’t bother to reply it. I just want her to be out of my mind for a while.
Class is going to start soon, I went back to class even though I didn’t felt like it. I didn’t see her in class. Maybe she is looking for me since I didn’t reply her message. I decided to read a book at my place.
At the corner of my eyes, I could see a figure approached toward my direction. It's her.
“Rena-chan, where were you just now? Why didn’t you rep-“
Ah, there she goes. Worrying about me. As if she cares.
I don’t want to see her or talk to her now.
Not today. I’m hurt by her lies.
Break time came. I rushed out of class knowing she will for sure find me and ask me a bunch of questions that I don’t feel like answering.
Bzzz… Bzzz.. My phone is ringing now. Jurina must be calling me. I sigh.
I’m just going to ignore it for today, I’m just going to find a peaceful place to rest and read my book.
Out of the window as I walked along the corridor I saw a shady big tree. It’s a perfect place for me to rest and clear my mind.
I must have looked like a fool to her. She played with my feelings and lied to me so easily.
Why didn’t she tell me at the first place that she is Jun?
I’m deeply hurt.
If Yuki never told me about it, Jurina would you have told me the truth?
How could I fall for you? I can’t believe that I have been in love with a girl.
Well I’m not against it, but knowing the fact that I have been in love with a girl since I was young just shocked me. I always thought that Jun is a guy and that I had a crush on a guy.
But I was wrong.
Tell me! How dumb am I for not realizing that you are Jun?
Jurina are you treating me like a fool and toying with me? I trusted you.
The pain you bring me are unbearable.
It hurts to know that the ones you love are treating you like a fool. I’m feel betrayed, but I can’t bring myself angry at you because I have fall for you deeply. I am more angry at my feelings.
“I hate you.” I whispered to myself. Then I saw a figure walk toward me again.
She found me.
Jurina is seriously like a puppy, following me all around and not leaving me alone.
She sat beside me and looked at me with a worried face. She asked me some questions, but I answered them in a cold tone.
I just can’t forgive her yet, I need more time.
Sorry Jurina. I feel that I don’t know which one is you anymore. Jun or Jurina? Or are they are just someone that you acted like to fool me?
After the conversation, I stood up and walked away.
Break time is almost over. As I was about to stepped into class someone grabbed my hand and pull me away.
I turned around and saw the back of the person. It’s her. “Ju-jurina.” I could hear the bell rang, the class starting soon. Where is she taking me?
“Wh-where are you taking me to?”
“Awh.” The grip of her hand is hurting me as she pull me with force.
“....Sorry” She said and her grip on me loosens a bit.
“Where are you taking me? The class is starting soon.” I reminded her.
“.....” No answer from her.
I looked around and realized that she brought me to the rooftop that normally not much people hangout at.
When we reached the rooftop she let go of my hand.
“Rena-chan, what happened to you? Why are you treating me so coldly?” she asked with sad eyes.
“.....” I remained silent.
“Rena-chan.” She said my name softly.
“I don’t feel like talking to you.” I turned around and walked away.
She quickly grab my hand and in a short moment I found myself pinned against the door by her.
"Ju-Jurina what ar-" she suddenly cut off my words as I felt her soft lips clashed against mine.
My brain stopped working for a while, as my eyes widen. I’m gasping in shocked. My heart started to beat very fast all by itself.
Jurina is kissing me, her soft lips is pressing hard against mine.
I had mixed emotions in me.
A part of me are happy that she is kissing me, another part of me are still angry at her for lying at me.
She released her right hand and traveled down to my neck, pull me even closer for a rougher kiss.
"Pf-St-op" I said between our kiss. As my left hand is free, I try to push her away from me but she is too strong.
A single tear burnt a wet trail along my cheek and reaches down our kiss, saltiness could be tasted between the kiss.
Jurina noticed the tear of mine, she quickly let go of her grip and broke the kiss between us. I looked into her eyes.
I could see a slight of tears formed in her eyes too. Why is she crying when she is the one that forced a kiss on me?
Tears started to flow along my cheek. I begin cry.
It hurts so much that I cry in front of her even though it's the last thing I wanted to do.
“Wh-y, Jurina. Why?” I shout at her.
“I’m so-sorry. I can’t control myself anymore. Rena! It hurt me when you didn’t talk to me, avoided me for a whole day and acted cold towards me. It frustrating not knowing the reason why. It hurts me a lot, as if I can’t breathe. Can't you see? I’m breathless for you. Rena.” She answered in a low tone.
“It hurts you uh? JURINA, you want to know the reason? Jurina or should I call you Jun? You lied to me. Why didn’t you tell me that you were JUN when we first met? Knowing the truth from someone else HURTS me even MORE! Do you understand that?! ” Tears start flowing uncontrollably.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to keep it as a secret, Rena please listen to me.” She said as she held my hand.
“Let go! I don’t want to hear any words from you. I hate you.” I shoved her hand away and said it with a loud tone.
I tried to wipe my tears off but a large amount of them continue flowing non-stop.
It hurts, it really hurts.
I turned around and walked away. I didn’t feel like going back to class. I just wanted to hide myself and be alone awhile.
Jurina Pov“Rena-chan.” I whispered.
My sight went blur as tears started flowing from my eyes. I cried once again.
I lean my forehead against the wall, and cried silently.
“You don’t understand.”
My thoughts now are just full of Rena. The harsh words that she said echo in my head the non-stop "I hate you". What am I going to do now? I don’t know anymore.
I took my phone out, dialed a number and called.
“M-mayu…. *hic*”
“Ju-jurina??? What happen? Why are you crying?” She sounded worried.
“M-mayu… Re-ena.. I don’t k-kn*hic*ow what to do *hic* an-ymore.”
“What happened?”
“Ma-ayu *hic* I want to go *hic* back”
“You want to come back to New York? Are you sure? Do you really want to give up on her?”
“I th-ink so. M-aayu *hic* I’m tired.*hic*”
“Okay, if that’s what you want. I will help you to buy plane ticket.”
I’m lost, I’m tired, I’m breaking.
I think both of us need some time.
(To be continue)
Thanks for reading again.