sastio13 : thank you for understanding me :'3 this is the update please enjoy it

hello ~
it's been a while since my last update, so sorry for that
i need to think twice about the ending and make some choice about it so i really need some time to decided a good one

and finally it's here~~
this part is the last chapter of Different!!!

TBH i know the story is not match with the prologue

the story kinda change in the middle of it

i may be will make the epilogue, may be not, may be just a special chapter, or may be both

and thank you for anyone who support me from the first time this story being published until now I LOVE YOU GUYS!!
please enjoy it, and sorry if there's a lot of typing and grammar errors
“You’ve prepared yourself well, Yuki. Don’t be too nervous or something.” Rino said while laughing a bit.
“Aarrgghh, I don't know how can I say such a thing? Will we win, Rino? The future of our world, will we save it?” I said then messing up my hair.
“Come on, of course we will win! You’re the next leader of us, Kashiwagi Yuki, the son of The God of Death, Kashiwagi Koichi. You can kill the most dangerous monster in hell when you’re 10. We will win.”
“I hope so.”
“Talking about it, I remember about the time when you were angry to your father, talking that you don't want to be a demon.” Rino took a sit beside me,
“Ah, that time?” I answered him. I don't know that he still remembered that stupid thing I’ve done when I’m just a kid. I think if he doesn’t talk about it just now, I’ll just forget it forever.
“Yeah, I still can’t believe that you’re talking like that to your father. You said to him that you don’t want to be a demon, then you just runaway to earth. I feel grateful that there’s Kora-san that patiently accompanied you even until now. And that little girl, it’s her, right?”
“The girl that open my eyes, yeah, it’s her. She’s the reason why I still being here.”
“I don't want to go back.” Little Yuki pouted. It made the girl beside him smiled softly.
“Why? I believe that your parents are waiting for you now. They’re worried about you.” The girl replied Yuki’s word.
“I... I don’t want to learn how to fight again. I don't want to come to the class anymore. It’s boring. I want to live here. This world is really beautiful.” He took a deep breath, and then smiled.
“Well, it’s not like this world is perfect, you know. Everything had their badness. That’s what my grandmother said to me.” Yuki stood silent,
“And I think it’s not bored at all, it’s cool. At least if you don't like it, do it for the one you love.”
----“And then when you’re back you suddenly really energetic to practicing with sensei. The entire palace is really shocked because of your sudden changed behaviour. After that, you said to your father to let you stay earth for studying. But actually you just want to meet her again, right?”
“S-Shut up.”
“But the whole school thought that you’re a Yankee and part of yakuza. So they start to avoid you, except for that girl.”
“It just because I sleep so late at night and I woke up late in the morning, so my appearance looked like a bad guy or something like that. The school delinquents think that I’m one of them. Because I had no choice then I just took their offer. They kind of challenged me to fight with them if I don't become one of them. You know that was my first time in Earth, I can’t controlled my powers and they can die easily in a few seconds. And how can people in school said that my gaze is chilling them!?”
“Easy man, easy. Don’t burn out this room. We have a war to win this time.”
Rino is right. We will have a fight in just a few hours from now.
Somebody suddenly opened my room’s door.
“A-Ah, father.” I immediately stood up and bowed to him,
“I’m sorry to interrupting your time. I just want to say something. The man you will faced now, is not as great as his old self now. Same like me, he already lost his power after our last war when you born, Yuki. So he must have some tactic to fight us. Use your brain, and don’t be panic. Remember, someone already waited for you, so you must win this war and keep alive.”
“I must go again now. I hope you can do it, you too, Rino.”
“Hai! Arigatou, your highness.”
My father went to my side then ruffled my hair softly, like he used to when I was a kid back there. It felt so nostalgic. When he always did it because I did something good, and he will praise me. It made me remember that since I don't know when, I always rebelled against him.
“I’m sorry that I always bothering you all these time, Father. This time, I’ll bring the troops to win this war.” I said to him while he pulled back his hand from my hair.
“I believe in you, Yuki.” He walked to the door,
“Remember, she’s waiting for you now.” My father exited the room after telling me that again.
Huh, I know, she must be worrying about me because I haven’t contact her for a couple days now.
I miss her, so much. I wonder if I had a time, just a little time to at least let Mayu know about me now. I really want to meet her. I want to know how is she doing now, is she alright? But this war, I have a responsibility to bring our troops to win this war. It will be the last war, and we must win. There’s no way to go back again. At least I must finish it first.
After this war, I will immediately go to earth and meet Mayu. I promise.
“You will immediately hate it after you know how to do it.” Little Yuki walked through the flowers garden to the big tree in the middle of the park. The little girl walked behind him, following each step that Yuki made.
“I don't think so; I think I will love it.” They both sat under the tree. The little girl looked at Yuki,
“Watanabe Mayu.”
“Kashiwagi Yuki.”----
This is it.
“Uarrrgghh!!”There’s no way I can run now.
“Arrgghh!!”I keep running to the end of these groups of people that are fighting each other. There’s just one goal now, facing the leader of these rebels. Only one thing that can end this long time war, kill the leader.
Even if I got killed, I don’t have anything to worry about. Mayu is safe on earth, with Jurina and Ren. Kora-san will be with her too if I died in this war. I believe there’s a good man will marry her someday. A good man that better than me, more handsome, and he even chose to lose his life than losing her. I believe the man will love her deeply. She will have a cute child with her husband, and live happily until the death separated them.
“When we meet again someday, I’ll definitely fall in love with you again. If it’s not now or someday before I die, I would be reincarnated and I’ll fall in love with you again.”I remembered the words she ever said to me. No way. I will not let her with other man beside me. How can I thought about that but Mayu herself never think about letting me go so easily like that.
“Oi Yuki, in front of you!!”
I snapped from my thought and took my sword from its scabbard and slashed him. Not wanting to waste any time. Another man approached me again and I thrust my sword right to his chest. Then a man attacked me from my side, I immediately blocked his sword and slashed his neck.
“G-Go ahead!! I’ll take care of it from now!” Rino said while fight against the rebels. I smirked,
“I trust it to you, Rino!”
I leave the battle field and dashed to their headquarters. I keep running without looking at back, I’m not worried about Rino, because I believed in him. And that’s what I need to do with Mayu, and myself. I believe Mayu will wait for me patiently now, and I believe I can fulfil my promise to her. I will come back.
Right in front of the headquarters, I saw a man in a black coat that I believe is the leader of these rebels. He was wearing a hood to cover his face.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Black-sama.” The man took of his hood and faced me.
“Let’s just end this.” I hold my sword tight.
“If you insist. We can start it now. Let me introduce you my new pet.” He clapped his hand twice. And just like in any movies I ever saw, someone appeared from somewhere. I can’t say who is it but should I say he? Well, he covered his head with a hood, and a silver jacket wrapped around him. I really don't know who he is, it just I feel so familiar.
“Meet her, Nezumi.”
Wait, what? A girl?
She raised her head. No, no way. It’s not her!
“Mayu?” I walked closer to her. I raised my hand to touch her face, but
She throws me away with shockwave from her hand. No way. How can she do that? Her eyes turned in to red, same thing go to her hair. It can’t be! She – She turned in to a Demon?! B-But how?!
“Well then, enjoy your time.” He smirked and went away. Mayu keep walking to me with that cold face. No, I won’t hurt her! And he can’t run away!
Rino appeared from behind him and tried to slash his neck but just cut through his arm instead.
“You can’t go anywhere, and don't forget that he’s not alone.” Rino said. He raised his sword to that man face. He smirked,
“Well, well, I should not underestimate you, young man.” He took his sword then raised it to Rino.
“Yuki! Go save Mayu! I’ll handle this!”
“B-But, Rino – !”
“I know you’re the leader, but the one who can save her is you! Please trust me!”
Ugh..! Mayu never stop to hit me with shockwaves from her hand. Right, I must trust him. And I can’t let Mayu in this condition.
The sound of two swords clashing with each other can be heard around him. Yuki still laying down on the ground after the nth time Mayu has thrown him, smashed, and shocked him with powers that he doesn’t know where did she get that. He doesn’t know what he should do now. He will not fight her, for sure.
“I-I don't know what to do, Rino. If Mayu will save when I died, then maybe I’ll choose to die, instead.” Yuki said while showing a painful smile. He can’t think of anything that can save Mayu right now. He felt hopeless.
He tried to stand back. His body felt numb. He can see Mayu was looking at him with that expressionless face. He pushes himself to walk towards Mayu. And somehow Mayu doesn’t walked to him either hit him with her powers, she just stand right there, looking at Yuki.
While grimacing in pain, he raised his hand to Mayu’s hood and he pulled it down slowly. Now he can see Mayu’s face clearly without her hood bothering.
“I really don't know what to do anymore, Mayu. I’m hopeless. And I can’t fight you. I won’t hurt you anymore.” He took Mayu’s hand and brings her hand to his chest,
“There, you can feel it, right? It’s beating so fast, just for you. But, if the only thing to save you is killing me, then you can kill me now. He wants me to die, right? Just do it.” Yuki’s hand that holding on Mayu’s shaking while he tried to hold his tears.
“I know you’re in there, Mayu. I know you’re somewhere trapped in that body of yours, deep there, you’re still there. If I died, Kora-san will take care of you. And I love you.”
He loosened his hold on Mayu’s hand and smile softly,
“You can do it now.”
He closed his eyes and he can feel Mayu had lowered her hand from his hand. After a few seconds he still not feels anything.
He opened his eyes and found that Mayu was kneeling while holding her head in pain. Mayu was trying to fight someone that possessed her body. She suddenly screams while tears start to fall down to her cheeks. Yuki could feel that his heart ached when he sees Mayu in such condition and he can’t help her at all. He was eager to help Mayu ever if it will cost his life, but he doesn’t know how. He started to kneel in front of Mayu and hugged her tightly.
“I’m sorry, Mayu. I’m so sorry. I can’t do anything. I’m sorry.” he still held her close despite Mayu keep trying to let go of his arms on her.
“Y-Yuki... G-Go a-away.” Mayu said between her cries.
“No, I’ll never let you go again. I’ll never leave you alone again. Because you are my life, and when you’re not right beside me, I’m nothing but a lifeless body. I prefer to die than to life without you.” He holds her tight,
Right after Yuki said those words, he can feels that Mayu’s hold on her head loosened and those hands wrapped around him tightly.
“If the one who lost their memory saying Aishiteiru to the person he/she loves with all of their heart before the spell was pronounced, then he/she will get back their memory slowly.”Suddenly there’s a ‘ting’ inside Yuki’s mind.
Love! There’s nothing that can beat love! If that spell will broke after she say Aishiteiru. Then maybe,
Yuki loosened his arms around Mayu and suddenly kissed her deeply. Mayu was too shocked and she can’t reply his kiss until his hand hold on her waist tightly. She closed her eyes and she can feel all the things that hold her just now already gone somehow. She put her hands around his neck, pulling him down to deepen their kiss. Until both of them feel that they may die because the lack of oxygen and pulled off their kiss.
“I love you, Mayu.”
A bullet ran trough Mayu’s body. Everything happens so fast that Yuki’s mind can’t think properly. Until he realize, right now, Mayu is dying, right on his hand.
“Useless human.”
“I-I’m sorry, Yuki. I-I can’t beat him.”
“M-Mayu, h-hey! Wake up!!” he called her name continuously but still no answer, until he put her body to the ground slowly and then stood still right in front of Mayu.
“What do you want to do now? Crying for her? Well, it may be your last time seeing her so... URK!”
Yuki was right in front of that man. His hair along with his eyes turns in to red, while his hand holding a sword that thrust in to that man chest.
“U-Ugh, welcome Black. S-So that’s your flash speed. I-I’m impressed.”
“Just die.”
Yuki pulled out his sword and let his lifeless body fall to the ground. He turn back his focus to Mayu and immediately run to her side,
“M-Mayu, can you hear me?! Anyone!! H-Hey, Mayu!! Wake up, please!! MAYU!!!”
“... U-Ugh,”
I blink my eyes to adjust to the light in the room. All I can see was just white, and this room smells like medicines. I realize that I’m in a hospital after my eyes can look better. I turn my face to my right side to look at someone that I thought was the nurse since her uniform was like one of them. She has a short hair and maybe her age was just a year younger than me or more. After she looks at me, her eyes bulge like it will fall out soon. What a weird expression, just like Yuki.
“W-Wh... Where’s – “
I tried to talk to that girl and all I can was just making that hoarse voice. She immediately running to the table and give me a glass of water. I drank the water until there’s no droplet left. I’m thankful she knows that I’m really thirsty now. She then took the glass and put it back to table beside my bed. Ugh, why I feel hurt at my abdomen. And Yuki, where’s him? Is he okay? That girl realizes my pained face and then holds my body to not moving too much,
“D-Don't moving too much, Mayu-san. Your wound still hurt a bit. Yuki Nii-chan will come in a few minutes. He’s going out to eat some food. He need to eat because he doesn’t want to let his attention ruined from you even if just for a second. I must promise him that I’ll look after you. He’s really reckless sometimes.”
Right after that girl explain those things to me, the door opened,
“Sakura, is she – Mayu?! You’re awake! Why won’t you call me or something like that, Sakura?! I need to call Haruna now.”
Yuki suddenly closed the door and running back to call someone he call Haruna just now. I and the short-haired-girl he call Sakura can’t help but laugh after looking at his stupidity. Seriously, he doesn’t need to be that shocked. But, he looks so much skinnier than before. And, how long I’ve been here?
“A-Ano, how long I’ve been in here?” I asked to her, and then she smiled,
“You’ve been in coma state for a month. Haruna-san said that you may not last, but Yuki Nii-chan always believes that you’ll awake someday. And I’m happy that he’s true.”
The door opened once again then a tall woman with white coat entered the room. Maybe she’s Haruna. Wow, she should be a model or something like that. With that appearance, I believe she will be a success woman in a short time. Well, but it seems like she’s the doctor. Right after her, Yuki entered the room.
It seems like my guess was true.
“Hey, Mayu, right? I’m Haruna and I’m your personal doctor here since Yuki told me to observe you regularly these past few weeks and until you recover back to your usual self. So, may I?” she smiled to me then start to take a few cross check to my body especially to the wound at my abdomen.
“Well, I think you’re fine now. The wound may take some times to heal, but don’t worry about it. I’ll come here again later to take a full check-up of your body. You may rest now.” Haruna smiled
“Ah, aside from that, first I want to say sorry to you. If you can’t remember what happens that made you can be here, the rebels took your body and turn you in to a demon to become the bait for Yuki. But unfortunately, we can’t remove the demon inside your body. So your body now was like, half human and half demon. I’m really sorry.” She bowed to me,
“You may need some time to adjust it. But when Yuki beside you, I believe you will be fine.”
“Please excuse me.” Haruna said then exit the room, followed by Sakura. So, yeah, there’s just me and Yuki inside the room now.
“Hey, are you okay?” he asked me while took a sit on a chair beside me and hold on my hand tightly. He was holding it like I’ll going to leave him. I think what just Sakura said to me is true. He looks terrible. His pale skin and that black eye bags below his beautiful eyes can’t lie. A month with lack of sleeps and eats, just for me.
“... Because you are my life.”“I-I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. Haruna-san has told us that I’m fine, right? You should take a rest now. Sakura said to me that you – “
“I can’t stop to worry about you! T-That time, when you just arrived here, Haruna said that you can’t survive because you’ve lost a lot of blood after the shoot to your abdomen. But I tried to keep believe in you! People around me keep saying that what I did was just a waste of time. Even Rino, Sakura, Yuu, everyone, they told me to let you go. But I can’t! I know you’ll wake up someday with your smile plastered on your face.”
“After a few weeks, I start to doubt myself. Are you going to wake up? Is it the end of all? I-I can’t sleep at night; I can’t stop to think that you’ll die soon. I love you too much that make me prefer to die with you if you can’t survive. I can’t live without you...”
His holds on my hands tighten while he keeps his face low while saying those words. I don’t know that he suffered a lot because of me. I extend my hand to reach his face and he looked at me.
“I-I’m sorry to mad at you like that, it’s just, I’m afraid to losing you again.”
He put his hand above mine that was on his cheek and closed his eyes,
“Even until now, I still thought, is it just a dream? That you’re here, talking with me, and hold my face like this.”
He laugh bitterly and then opened his eyes. He let go my hand and then he put my hair behind my ears,
“I’m sorry that we can’t remove the demon inside you. If just I was faster back there, you can fully become a human; you don’t need to suffer again. But I was slow, and I can’t do it. I really – “
“No, it’s okay, really. If becoming a half demon means I can always be with you, then I’ll be fine. Whatever happens next, if you’re with me, I know I can survive.” I said to him,
“I’m glad that I love you, Mayu.”
“Well, if you were in love with Jurina, I think you’re going to die. You never saw Ren Nii-chan angry.”
“Don’t be silly, I’ll never in love with her. The only person I love in this universe is you.” Yuki pinched my cheeks and then we laugh together.
From the start, the differences never bothered us. Because I believe, God makes so many differences to test us, to deepen our love to each other, to make us know that nothing can separate us if we keep fighting for it.
And hey, we’ve promise to each other that we’ll never stop to love each other. Someday, we will die. But I’ll wait for the time when we will be reincarnated, I’ll wait for you to come to me again, and I’ll fall in love with you again.
You’re going to stuck with me forever, Kashiwagi Yuki.
... And I’m glad that I love you too.