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Author Topic: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 22 - (10/28)]  (Read 100000 times)

Offline arisa03

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 13 - (8/21)]
« Reply #200 on: August 21, 2012, 08:18:19 AM »
I love that argument with Ai and Reina. LOLOLOL.

They're totally fighting over Gaki over there. LOLOL.

I'm so glad your vacation went well ; A ; Post picture of them photosets! ; A ;!!!
Like I’m the most calm... Like, it must definitely be because, Like when we enter, I’ll be hurrying. But Because Junjun is older, I can calm down? I don’t really know, Like I just absolutely want her there beside me. Whenever we go abroad, if Junjun is absolutely not beside me, I absolutely won’t go. Something like that. -- Tanaka Reina about Junjun.

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 13 - (8/21)]
« Reply #201 on: August 21, 2012, 08:57:32 AM »
YOU'RE BACK! *saves spot for comment*
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 13 - (8/21)]
« Reply #202 on: August 21, 2012, 03:15:39 PM »
OKAERI JOU-SAMA~! <3 Glad you enjoyed yourself. I'm jealous. *pouts* do post pictures! :D
Ok firstly, hell of an awesome chapter! Sayu is so... AHAHAHAHA. xD
GO AI! FIGHTO~O! GO AFTER RISA WITHOUT GIVING TWO SHITS 'BOUT REINA! xD LOL. I find Ai so aidorable. And risa so... Stuck like a meat patty in a burger. xD what am I sayin'. ;A; UPDATE SOON~<3

Offline Fushigidane

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 13 - (8/21)]
« Reply #203 on: August 21, 2012, 05:33:27 PM »
Was there possibly somee tanakame?!!!!! :heart: Go Ai-chaaan~! XD

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 13 - (8/21)]
« Reply #204 on: August 22, 2012, 12:14:32 PM »
haha.. thx... sarang, i did enjoy :D
my radar is telling me that there is possibility for aisayu...
i'm glad that the bean's heart is with the monkey... :lol:
wonder what will happen next in their tea session...
if possible, hope to have some tanakame too (it will be quite weird not to see them together in your fics when it always have been for the last 2...)

Offline MsSmigge

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 13 - (8/21)]
« Reply #205 on: August 25, 2012, 11:18:45 AM »
Nice start for a day to notice that you are back and as a bonus with a new chapter!! :cow: And it's also good to hear that you had a nice vacation  :)

Aho Eri xD You're juust so slow when I tries to tell you about Sayu x)

But the best part was this:

   And when one certain store clerk who was dressed fashionably in tight jeans, a jacket, and a hat raised her head, her eyes immediately connected with Risa’s.  Connected, like magnets, unable to escape each other even if they tried. 

 :wub: :inlove: :wub: :inlove: Yes, they are like magnets :pimp:

Also the ending was very cute <3 I hope you will write a chapter where these two are spending an evening together  :roll:

Nice chapter and hopefully you will keep the takagaki alive in this story xD Keep Reina and Sayu away from TakaGaki who aare meant to be with each others xD Lol sorry I am just a big fan of them....
Keep up the good work!!  :cow:

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 13 - (8/21)]
« Reply #206 on: August 25, 2012, 02:59:03 PM »
That's Sayu I know :wub:
The argument in Tresor is kind of entertaining :oops:
Reina didn't keep her emotion towards Gaki-han,nee :lol:

Sorry for didn't comment anything :sweatdrop:

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 13 - (8/21)]
« Reply #207 on: September 10, 2012, 06:11:04 PM »
Sorry i've been MIA. Welcome back from your trip! Just caught up on everything and i wanted to say i love the way you write Sayu!!!  :drool: keep it up!!!!

I wanted to say it is sad kind of reading this with everyone graduated.. I was so depressed thinking about Ai the last few months and missing old MM... But anyway, they will live forever in this thread!!!

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 13 - (8/21)]
« Reply #208 on: December 09, 2012, 07:22:23 PM »
This is kinda late... I finished reading this like a couple of months ago and I was meaning to leave a post too when I got home... but I forgot.
So now imma leave a comment...

Sayu's tsundre attitude FTW! Damn, she’s just like my little sister. *recalls the last kitchen incident*
Urgh… anyway…

“… Did I miss something?” Eri said, wrinkling her eyebrows.  “Is the world ending tomorrow or something?”
no hotshot fashionista was going to strut into her shop and pull a diva move.
GO ERI! Ain't no one messin' with her and her friend/trusted employee in her own shop.

Takahashi-Tanaka battle, poor Gaki-san stuck in between. I like how Ai stood up to the big boss. Gaining some guts to stick with her beliefs and opinion… and impressing the lovely Risa. Good going Ai.

“Of course, Okyaku-sama,” Eri said sweetly, taking private pleasure in watching the kitten flinch at her title.  “That’ll be 2500 yen.”
““You really do have a problem with just doing what your boss tells you, don’t you, Niigaki?” Reina remarked, narrowing her eyes threateningly although her tone revealed her obvious playfulness.  “Just think of it as a gift and take it.  Please.”
Nice tactic Tanaka shachou.

Risa a blubbering mess = <3

Damnit! SarangAi you've got me falling for takagaki once again. Then again you got me hooked in the first place(along with tanakame, which I hope is going to happen here too). I love your stories to pieces. Argh... I can't wait for an update!  :cathappy:

Offline SarangAi

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 13 - (8/21)]
« Reply #209 on: December 18, 2012, 06:39:42 AM »

I know I know I've been MIA for like... 4 months...?  I'm sorry...  :nervous
I have nothing to say if y'all hate me... shit i'd hate me too...  :bleed eyes:

I've been so incredibly busy.  I don't really live at home so much anymore so I was trying really hard to adjust to a new life haha

BUT this extensive break has (hopefully) helped me get over some MAJOR writer's block to FINALLY finish up the next chapter  XD

It's winter break, I'm back in my parent's home, so I hope this means I'll get to write more... but I DO have a job to work :bleed eyes:

but fingers crossed!  :D


Chapter 14 – “O Cinderella, Cinderella, wherefore art thou Cinderella?”

   “No. Way.”  The noodle slipped through the chopsticks of the dumbfounded Mitsui Aika and plopped back into the bowl.  “Tanaka Reina… the Tanaka Reina… bought you… a dress?!”

   Risa blushed as she silently nodded, swirling her chopsticks in her udon bowl, obviously having no intention of actually eating it.  Perhaps it wasn’t the best idea to tell her young friend about what had happened at Tresor this morning, especially during dinner time, since the girl was now completely ignoring her unfinished food and directing her full attention to the bean. 

   “Wow, Gaki-san.  I gotta say, I never knew you had it in you,” she breathed, “but you really know how to play the ladies, huh?”

   “HAA?!” Risa remarked, looking at her friend as though she had lost her mind.  “What are you talking about, Aika?  You know I’m not like that.  Besides, it was just a dress; she was doing it out of courtesy.  I bet she’s going to give gifts to the other interns as well when it’s their turn to go out with her.”

   The puppy narrowed her eyes.  “How much was the dress?”

   “2500 yen…”

   “Not bad,” Aika nodded, grinning.  “That says, ‘I’m kind of into you but I’m willing to take it slow so you don’t freak out’.”

   “Since when does yen translate into the Japanese language…?” Risa muttered.

   “All I’m saying is that she seems pretty interested in you, as more than an employee,” Aika clarified.  “How do you feel about her?”

   “… I... I don’t know…” Risa mumbled, her chopstick busily swimming in the udon bowl.  “I mean, Tanaka Shachou is… she’s nice and all… She seems all tough and unbreakable on the outside but on the inside, she’s very… human.  I like that about her.”

   “But…?”  Aika waited, sensing that there was more to this picture than she could see.

   “But... there’s something between me and Ai-chan…” Risa admitted.  “At least I think there is.  I don’t know, it’s really confusing, but… I feel really safe when I’m with her.  Like I know her.  But then again, there’s also an uneasiness, almost like we’re at a standstill and we’re both too much of a coward to cross the threshold.  I don’t know what to do.  Plus…”

   “Go on.”

   Risa hesitated.  “I’m just… worried about her, too.  I mean, from what I can tell, it seems like… Tanaka Shachou isn’t exactly… fond of Ai-chan.  And if what you said is true about Tanaka Shachou… you know… towards me?  I’m scared that Tanaka Shachou might be even harsher towards Ai-chan.  And I don’t want to be the cause of that.”

   Aika gazed at the older girl for a while, watching her intentionally abuse the udon noodles now by cutting it off, limb by limb, with chopsticks.  It was natural for Risa to be so troubled.  On one hand, she had a sweet, casual, hardworking girl whom she had met through something that one would call fate.  On the other, she had a cool, charismatic, yet sensitive girl-millionaire who seemed to be very attracted to her.  Only having had a couple of teenage relationships that by no means were serious, Niigaki Risa was definitely not familiar with being stuck in this kind of situation.  And whenever the bean was stuck, who else could help her other than her baby-turned-babysitter friend?

   “Look,” Aika started, smiling warmly.  “You know I only want what’s best for you, right?”

   “Of course,” Risa chuckled.  “I only heard that phrase once every day for the past, maybe, 10 years?”

   “Then I hope you realize I’m saying this to your own benefit,” Aika grinned.  “I want you to be treated well, Gaki-san.  And if Takahashi-san isn’t jumping at the chance you gave her to be with you, then maybe you need someone better in your life.  However, from what I can tell, this Tanaka Reina seems brimming with energy to fight for you.  So maybe, if you give her a chance, you might wind up being happier with her.”

   Risa bit her lips.  “I… guess I see your point…”

   “And if what you’re saying about Tanaka Shachou disliking Takahashi-san is true,” Aika continued, “maybe you two just aren’t meant to be.  You’re not that far in the game yet, Gaki-san.  Don’t jump into the water too quickly.”

   “Okay,” Risa sighed.  “I think I understand what you’re saying.  Arigatou, Aika.”

   “Glad I could help,” Aika grinned.  “Now, are you going to finish your udon or should I start the dishes?”

   The bean looked down at her bowl and laughed.  “They don’t exactly look like noodles so much now, do they?”

   “No, more like macaroni,” the younger girl giggled, “after the way you obliterated them.”

   “Hai, hai, sumimasen!” Risa apologized jokingly.  “I don’t think I’m really all that hungry anyway.  I’m gonna go work a bit more on my portfolio, okay?”


   At the point, the two girls split up into their own worlds and went about their business.  The bean returned to her bedroom and turned on the dim lamp on her desk.  Realizing that her curtains were drawn open and her room could be easily visible from the outside through the veranda, Risa walked over and quickly shut the glass sliding door and the drapes.  When she turned around, she intended to get back to her desk and do some work but instead, her comfy bed just looked too tempting to pass up after a long stressful day.  Without any more hesitation, the bean fell onto the soft bed sheets, lying in a large X shape, and exhaled heavily.  No matter how many times she breathed in and out, she just couldn’t relax.  There was a storm in her heart, and the cause of it was still a mystery.

   I guess I should tell Ai-chan that I can’t meet up with her today for tea, she thought to herself.  Maybe it’s better to distance myself from her until I figure this whole thing out…

   A cute ringtone interrupted the bean’s chain of thoughts as her cell phone vibrated on her bedside table.  Risa reached over to answer it.

   “Moshi moshi?”

   “Gaki-san?  It’s me!”

   “Ai-chan!”  The bean immediately sat up when she recognized the voice. 

   “I’m calling about our tea plans that we arranged earlier,” Ai said.

   “Ano ne, about that—”

   “I don’t think I’m going to be able to make it to a tea shop in time,” the older girl said.  “It’s the opposite direction from my house and frankly, it just seems a bit too far.”

   Risa faltered a little bit at the unexpected revelation.  “Ah… um… it’s okay, Ai-chan!  I understand, really.”  Although she was going to cancel their plans as well, she couldn’t help but be disappointed.  Are you… really stepping away now?

   “So instead of tea,” Ai continued through the phone, “I thought of a better place where we could meet.”

   Risa raised an eyebrow.  “Where…?”


   A soft tap resounded from the veranda as Risa jumped in shock.  The phone disconnected as the bean dropped it and rushed to open her curtains.  Another soft tap resounded as a pebble hit the glass before Risa slid open the door and walked out.  She looked around for a while, unable to see well through the dimly lit evening when a hushed voice came from below her.

   “Psst!  Down here!”

   Risa looked down from the veranda and automatically broke into a huge smile when she saw the woman she had very much missed, standing outside, two level below her, waving her arms frantically to catch her attention. 

   “Evening, Gaki-san!” she greeted, laughing playfully. 

   “Ai-chan!” Risa exclaimed happily in disbelief.  “What are you doing here?”

   “To see you, of course!” Ai said matter-of-factly.  “Hold on one second.  I’m coming up.”

   “Coming up?” Risa said in confusion.  “What do you mean you’re coming up—O-OI!  CHOTTO!”

   As the bean broke into a panic, the monkey started to climb the first floor veranda and continue up to the second floor, using a nearby tree as leverage.  She was rather quite nimble and agile in climbing, to Risa’s surprise.  In no time, she was up on the second floor, hanging on to the veranda railings, facing the younger girl.

   “Thank god you live only on the second floor,” she remarked, breathing heavily.  “One more level up and I would’ve given up.”

   “You should’ve given up before you even started!” Risa scolded.  She slapped the older woman’s shoulder, hard enough to make a point yet gentle enough so that she won’t fall backwards.  “That was dangerous!”

   “Oh please,” Ai said, rolling her eyes.  “I’ve seen my dad do much worse than that.  But then again, he is an ex-yankii… There’s a lot he’s done.”

   Risa’s eyes grew wide.  “Should I be scared?”

   “No, of course not,” Ai laughed.  “His yankii days are ancient history; he’s not like that anymore… most of the time.”

   Risa gulped.  “Not sure if I feel any better…”

   “Well I can leave if you want…”  Ai shrugged nonchalantly as she backed away a little but Risa immediately grabbed her wrist to stop her.

   “No!” she blurted out.  Watching the older girl raise an eyebrow, the bean quickly restated, “I mean… stay.  You’re here already, so… why waste the trip?  Stay.”

   “Well… only if I get to do this,” Ai grinned.  She reached for the hand that was still holding onto her wrist and locked her fingers around it.  The bean seemed a little surprised at the gesture as her cheeks turned pink.  But after a moment, she pulled away.  Ai looked up at her solemn friend and asked with concern, “Is… something wrong?”

   “No, nothing’s wrong, I just…”  Risa drew back a little as she looked down.  “I think… we shouldn’t meet for a while…”

   There was a pause.  “Did… I do something wrong?”

   “No!  You didn’t do anything wrong!” Risa reassured.  “It’s just… we’re both working people and I just thought that maybe it’s better for us to concentrate on our jobs for a while instead of our social life—”

   “Gaki-san, I can take anything else you throw at me,” Ai interrupted, staring at the younger girl intensely, “but please… don’t lie to me.”

   Risa looked back at her friend, feeling her gaze dig deep into her.  No matter how many times they made eye contact, there was always the same spark; the same trigger that connected them together.  Risa knew she couldn’t deny this.  “I… I’m scared.”

   “For what?”

   “For you.”  The bean exhaled as she stood with her back straight, properly addressing the older woman.  “I’m scared for you.  I’m scared that… if we get any closer, it won’t end so well for either of us, but especially you.”

   “Why do you think it won’t end well for us?” Ai asked.

   “It just seems like the likely option, okay?” Risa groaned.  “Look, remember when we were eating together in the lobby?  And Jun-san caught us?  I see that woman every day at work but I’ve never seen her that harsh before.  And today, at Tresor, Tanaka Shachou definitely wasn’t pleased to see you.  And Kamei-san backing you up like that didn’t really help either.  And even before that, in the car, she was talking about how she was disappointed to hear that we slacked off to socialize.  The world just wants to pull us apart and I think we should let nature do its job unless we have some masochistic wish to get in some serious trouble.”

   At this point, Ai’s expression had turned very grim.  “So you’re saying… we can’t meet anymore.  Not even as friends.”

   “Oh is that what we are?  Friends?” Risa remarked, letting out a tired laugh.  “Come on, Ai-chan.  Don’t tell me that’s how you’ve thought of me all along.  Because it most certainly didn’t seem like it.”

   “We are friends—”

   “No we’re not!” Risa shot back, her words starting to pour out uncontrollably.  “You know why?  Because friends don’t hold each other’s hands unless they’re shopping together or something.  Friends don’t dance together at the club the way we did.  And friends don’t climb each other’s balconies when it is clearly after sunset.  We are not friends, Ai-chan.  I don’t know what we are, but we’re definitely not friends.”

   Silence ensued.  Risa stood in her place, breathing hard from her previous rant, watching for the older woman’s reaction.  Ai was frozen still on the balcony ledge, her eyes blanking out.  Patience was obviously not one of Risa’s strong points, the bean realized, since she lost control of herself so easily like that.  It was a shock, even to herself, how much emotion she had pent up within her. 

   Unable to take the heavy atmosphere anymore, Risa just shook her head as she started to turn away.  “Good-bye, Ai-chan.”

   Suddenly, the bean’s arm was grabbed and her entire body was spun around.  Risa barely had any time to react before a forceful lip planted itself upon her own, kissing her.  She felt one hand of the older woman rest upon her cheek as the other grabbed her wrist and put it around Ai’s waist.  Before Risa could push herself away, however, Ai reached up and placed both of her hands on the bean’s face, completely relying on Risa’s one arm hugging her to not fall to the ground.  Realizing this, the younger woman quickly put her other arm around her friend as well, pulling her into a complete embrace as they continued kissing.  As Ai’s soft lips worked around hers, Risa’s entire mind started to blank out.  A single thought remained in the very corner of her brain, and that was how sneaky she thought Ai was to put herself in a position like this where she had to accept her advances if she wanted to keep Ai from falling.  But she couldn’t quite think that she hated her for it.

   Finally, after having enough, Ai stopped kissing the younger woman and stared deeply into her eyes.  Risa also gazed back, her arms still tight around Ai’s waist, but tried to stay in control this time.

   “What… the HELL do you think you’re doing?!” she hissed angrily.

   “I don’t know what you’re doing but I was just kissing the girl I’m in love with,” Ai said coolly.

   “I’m not talking about that!” Risa retorted.  “I’m talking about how you just almost let yourself fall two stories—wait…  You… love me?”

   Ai smiled.  “That, I do.”

   “… You’ve got to be kidding me,” Risa said doubtfully.

   “Hey, it’s like you said,” Ai explained.  “Obviously, I don’t like you as a friend.  So I must like you as something more.  And I think… I really do love you.”

   Risa’s heart started to race as she stared at Ai smiling so close to her face.  “I… I need a-a moment… I-I think…”  She mumbled to herself as her body started to feel limp.  Her arms shook weakly as Ai started to fall backwards when there was nothing to support her weight anymore.  Risa let out a short shriek but Ai grabbed on to the veranda railings just in time to pull herself upright again. 

   “I’m sorry!  I’m sorry!” Risa apologized frantically.  “I totally forgot, I-I-I’m sorry!”

   “I’m fine, Gaki-san, calm down!” Ai assured shakily.  “Really, I’m fine!”

   “No, you’re not fine!” Risa babbled on, digging her hand into her hair in search for something to hold on to.  “You almost fell!  I let you go!  I-I-I never should have… let you go…”

   A gentle hand touched the bean’s tense arm as she was pulled back towards the edge of the railing.  Risa took a breather as she let her hands slip back down to her sides, one of them ending up in Ai’s grasp.  The older woman pressed her lips against the younger’s fingers.

   “Then don’t let go,” she murmured.  “Never again.”

   Risa swallowed as she felt her eyes automatically connect with Ai’s, unable to break out of her gaze.  She felt herself being drawn to the woman by an unknown force, just like the one she always felt when she was being looked at like that by this person.  Risa slowly leaned forward, closer to Ai’s face, until their lips gently touched.  Ai’s lips trembled a little, waiting in anticipation.  She wasn’t going to kiss her again until she was absolutely sure Risa wanted it; it was on her this time.  Realizing this, Risa slowly leaned closer until her lips pressed against Ai’s more and kissed her sweetly.  A sigh of relief and satisfaction escaped Ai’s lips as Risa whispered softly.

   “I won’t let you go.  Ever.”

   Ai smiled at this as she eagerly kissed her love again, relentlessly expressing the feelings she had kept hidden until now.  Risa kissed back with the same passion—her childhood friend’s words long forgotten, her previous resolution destroyed—with only a single thought in her mind withstanding: she loved her.  She loved Takahashi Ai and that was all that mattered.  She didn’t know how or why but just that she wanted to be with her.  She needed to be with her.  All this desire was being conveyed through this kiss.

   “Gaki-san!  Can you come over for a second?”

   The two women backed away in a startled manner, seeming to finally remember that the bean did not live alone.  After staring at each other in panic and loss of words for a couple seconds, Risa finally raised her voice.

   “U-Un!  Coming, Aika!” she called back.

   “I should probably go,” Ai whispered.

   “Yeah, you should… probably,” Risa agreed.

   The two stared at each other again, their fingers still entwined together.  In a spark of passion, the two started to kiss again, a little more rushed this time, until a knock resounded from behind the door.

   “Gaki-san?  Are you okay in there?”

   “Y-yeah!” Risa yelled, quickly breaking away from the kiss.  “I’m fine, I’m fine, I’m coming!”  She quickly turned her attention to the woman hanging on her veranda.  “Can you get down okay?”

   “No sweat,” Ai replied.

   “Gaki-san?” Aika called again.  “Can I come in?”

   “J-j-just a second!” Risa stuttered.  As the bean turned towards the older woman again, she found her lips being stolen one last time.

   “I’ll see you tomorrow, princess,” Ai grinned before making her way back down. 

   “Gaki-san, I’m coming in!”

   Risa breathed shakily as her bedroom door flew open, just as her older companion disappeared from the railings.  She whipped around to face her confused flatmate who was carrying a carton of milk.

   “Was someone in here?” Aika asked, raising an eyebrow.

   “No!” Risa blurted out, answering a little too quickly to ease her friend’s uncertainty.  Well, technically, Ai hadn’t been inside her room…

   “That’s funny.  I thought I heard voices…” Aika said.  “Were you on the phone or something?”

   “No—yeah!” Risa stumbled.  “Yes, I, uh, was just on the phone.  Very, very, important phone call.  From… work.”

   “Oh, okay, for a moment I thought you were talking to yourself in there,” Aika chuckled.  “I was just gonna say this milk tastes a little funky.  Should I throw it out?”

   “Yeah, sure,” Risa nodded.  “I’ll get a new one tomorrow.”

   “Okay,” Aika said.  “You should get in and close your veranda.  It’s kind of chilly in here.”

   “I’ll do that,” Risa nodded.  “Thanks.”

   Shooting her oddly stiff friend one more suspicious glance, Aika walked out and closed the door.  Risa immediately let out a huge sigh of relief as she started to sink down to the ground.  But then, she remembered her visitor and immediately turned around to look down below her veranda.

   “Ai-chan?” she yelled in a hushed tone.  “Ai-chan!”

   A figure popped into view from behind the tree as it slowly made its way to an open area on the sidewalk.  She waved happily with a smile, like a little child would, allowing Risa to laugh. 

   “I love it when you laugh like that,” Ai chuckled.

   “Go home,” Risa ordered, rolling her eyes at the sweet words.  “It’s getting late.”

   Ai nodded.  “Sweet dreams,” she said.  “And don’t change your mind!”

   Risa smiled, waving goodbye.  “I won’t,” she reassured. 

   I won’t let you go.  Never.


MEHEHE I hope that earns me some forgiveness..  :wub: :wub:

« Last Edit: December 18, 2012, 06:49:55 AM by SarangAi »

avii&sig by the wonderful kawaii beam~!

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 14 - (12/18)]
« Reply #210 on: December 18, 2012, 07:08:58 AM »
 LOVELOVE - SAMA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :wigglypanda:  :luvluv2: :luvluv1: :on woohoo: :on gay: welcome back LOVELOVE - SAMA !!! woah ! it's been 4 months ! i missed you so much and yeah this fic of course !!!  :yossi:

 yay ! and with a sweeeeeeeeeet veryyyyyyyyyyyyyy sweet chapter !! yay ! you go aichan ! feels like i am reading Romeo and Juliet !!!  :cow: welcome back again !!! please update moreee ! moree ! MORE UPDATES !!! yay !!! AND MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!!!!!!!  :wub:


Offline kawaii beam

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 14 - (12/18)]
« Reply #211 on: December 18, 2012, 07:27:55 AM »
gah i was startng to wonder what happened to u aiai ;3; im happy you've been bussy in a good way so to speak lol you know i atleast wouldnt hate u ;3; and with a chapter like this who would?! so many kisses it turned me into goo at like 1:30 am XD

overall im glad ur back :deco:
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 14 - (12/18)]
« Reply #212 on: December 18, 2012, 07:44:05 AM »
thanks for giving such a good takagaki moment...  :cathappy:
glad to hear everything seem so fruitful during these 4 months...hope that everything is well in your new life...

please update more often in future  :)

and merry x'mas and happy new year to you   :heart:

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 14 - (12/18)]
« Reply #213 on: December 18, 2012, 07:48:17 AM »
So much forgiveness!! >.<! OMG, I love this chapter! Love it! Just when Risa thinks it might be better to let go, Ai goes and does something so romantic! Please don't disappear for so long against after this!! XD

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 14 - (12/18)]
« Reply #214 on: December 18, 2012, 02:04:47 PM »
I just saw this omg ; A ; I've been busy all day I couldn't even check it. ;___; but omg Ai-chan so cheesy *dies of cheese* Also, welcome back~

On a side not for some lulz, my iTunes was playing on shuffle, and during the part Risa was contemplating between Ai and Reina, Jounetsu no Kiss wo Hitotsu suddenly played. I was thinking "Am I getting trolled by my iTunes like this?" LOL. Then Ai and Risa kissed. <3
Like I’m the most calm... Like, it must definitely be because, Like when we enter, I’ll be hurrying. But Because Junjun is older, I can calm down? I don’t really know, Like I just absolutely want her there beside me. Whenever we go abroad, if Junjun is absolutely not beside me, I absolutely won’t go. Something like that. -- Tanaka Reina about Junjun.

Offline MsSmigge

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 14 - (12/18)]
« Reply #215 on: December 18, 2012, 07:15:07 PM »
Heeey, you're alive!! Welcome back, it's so nice to see you again!!  :cow:

And especially when you came back with a TakaGaki chapter  :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:

But I didn't like Aika... Damn that girl, stop messing with Gaki's head and don't kill the TakaGaki!! *Ahem. Here my inner TakaGaki shipper goes again....*

And Ai.... You did something so romantic when Gaki-san wasn't sure about her feelings and brought her back to earth. That was so cute scene between those two and hopefully there's more in the future  :wub: And Risa, you better keep your promise....

Aaaaa, I'm so happy now when I got to read some TakaGaki raburabu  :wub: :inlove:

And don't get stressed too much, if you have had some changes in your life recently. Take your time, buddy  :cow:

Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 14 - (12/18)]
« Reply #216 on: December 19, 2012, 03:44:04 AM »
DUMDEEDUM AM UPDATE. UDPAAAAAAAATE. FILLED WITH AIGAKI LOVE. **sniffles** You go, Guychan. Go make Risa's yours and show Reina. xD
KISSING SCENE~! *runs back to read*

Offline yunagi

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 14 - (12/18)]
« Reply #217 on: December 22, 2012, 04:31:03 PM »
An update! :w00t: And welcome back!

“Wow, Gaki-san.  I gotta say, I never knew you had it in you,” she breathed, “but you really know how to play the ladies, huh?”

   “HAA?!” Risa remarked, looking at her friend as though she had lost her mind.  “What are you talking about, Aika?  You know I’m not like that.  Besides, it was just a dress; she was doing it out of courtesy.  I bet she’s going to give gifts to the other interns as well when it’s their turn to go out with her.”
Looks like it’s an innate talent, not bad Risa. Anyway… There is no way a boss would buy an intern anything as costly as a dress, that is unless he/she’s into said intern, and Reina is so into Risa.

The puppy narrowed her eyes.  “How much was the dress?”

   “2500 yen…”

   “Not bad,” Aika nodded, grinning.  “That says, ‘I’m kind of into you but I’m willing to take it slow so you don’t freak out’.”

   “Since when does yen translate into the Japanese language…?” Risa muttered.
Aika speaks money XD

  “… I... I don’t know…” Risa mumbled, her chopstick busily swimming in the udon bowl.  “I mean, Tanaka Shachou is… she’s nice and all… She seems all tough and unbreakable on the outside but on the inside, she’s very… human.  I like that about her.”

… “But... there’s something between me and Ai-chan…” Risa admitted.  “At least I think there is.  I don’t know, it’s really confusing, but… I feel really safe when I’m with her.  Like I know her.  But then again, there’s also an uneasiness, almost like we’re at a standstill and we’re both too much of a coward to cross the threshold.  I don’t know what to do.  Plus…”

Stuck in a love triangle, that sucks. It’s even worse for Risa since she’s quite aware of the situation (that and she’s smack dab in the middle of it). On another note she should be flattered at the fact that two gorgeous girls are vying for her attention, well at least one of them is visibly trying.

Ai’s gotta step up her game.

Risa hesitated.  “I’m just… worried about her, too.  I mean, from what I can tell, it seems like… Tanaka Shachou isn’t exactly… fond of Ai-chan.  And if what you said is true about Tanaka Shachou… you know… towards me?  I’m scared that Tanaka Shachou might be even harsher towards Ai-chan.  And I don’t want to be the cause of that.”
And again, that sucks. It’s getting more and more like the tragic forbidden love story of one of its predecessor.

Aika gazed at the older girl for a while, watching her intentionally abuse the udon noodles now by cutting it off, limb by limb, with chopsticks.
Oh God I can totally imagine this. xD

Risa-Aika talk

Damn, looks like things aren’t in Ai’s favor. Ai, do something! >.< Still rooting for takagaki.

Takagaki moment

Okay… at first I was all there is no way any sane person would go out of their way to climb a building just to speak to a person, its love I tells you! Then I got a little disappointed at the thought that Risa’s actually going to pull away. Then there’s
  “Gaki-san, I can take anything else you throw at me,” Ai interrupted, staring at the younger girl intensely, “but please… don’t lie to me.
and though it’s a bit uncalled-for I just suddenly though “Ai the walking lie detector”

 :w00t: Yes! Yes! YES! Chuu time~ Ai you sly girl

“I don’t know what you’re doing but I was just kissing the girl I’m in love with,” Ai said coolly.

Damn can Risa be any more oblivious? Kinda contradicts my earlier comment… ah well

“Gaki-san!  Can you come over for a second?”
Noooo… Bad time Aika. Come back later  :lol:

Damn it. Romeo and Juliet. I hope this won’t end tragically as that. More Cinderella influence!  :cathappy:

A though suddenly occurred to me... how did Ai know where Risa lived? ._.
*mind screaming stalker >.>*
« Last Edit: December 22, 2012, 05:37:23 PM by yunagi »

Offline SarangAi

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 14 - (12/18)]
« Reply #218 on: December 26, 2012, 07:45:21 AM »
@maikeatoot: ehehehe thank you!  yes i wanna update more too!  XD

@kawaii beam: lolll aww i'm glad you dont hate me kiwi~ hehe just a small offering for my mia-ness :lol:

@yellow: haha yup!  everything is fruitful!  well, as good as it needs to be at least lol :D

@rndmnwierd: *takes forgiveness* i won't! i rly won't!  well.  i'll try not to disappear...  XD

@arisa03: Cheesy is ma middle name  XD lol your itunes speaks the truth!  XD

@MsSmigge: hahaha well don't hate Aika too much!  She has her reasons!  I think. lol XD

@risa_ai: hahaha sounds like you liked it! :D

@yunagi: for your last question.... shhhhh just go with it!!!  :nervous :sweatdrop: XD

and i'm BACK!  Sorry I'm a bit late for xmas guys...
But nevertheless, merry christmas, happy holidays, to all!  :cow:

and here is a late christmas gift!  XD


Chapter 15 – “The Stepsister hated Cinderella… Or did she?”

   It was quite a rarity for this to happen to Takahashi Ai but for once, she could say, from the bottom of her heart: life was good.  Very good, in fact.  Anyone could tell that she was rather enjoying her days by the way she would make a random full twirl while working in Tresor, the way she had an extra spring in her steps while mopping up the floor, the way she would space out in the middle of the street with a dumb smile plastered on her face…  Indeed, it was quite obvious that Ai loved the way her life was turning out right now.  The phrase, “time flies when you’re having fun” did not even cover the type of joy she was experiencing in her life.  But alas, it was a perfect description of her current state as nearly a month had gone by in a flash since the night that triggered all this bliss: the night she had kissed the girl she loved.

    The past four weeks—give or take a couple days—had been the best Ai had had throughout her entire existence.  And why not?  She had spent most of her time with her “special” friend whenever neither of them were working, doing simple things together such as getting late-night dessert, walking in the park, or window-shopping.  It didn’t really matter what they did as long as they were together, hand in hand. 

   The odd thing was, there had been no confirmation from neither Ai nor Risa as to their current status regarding their relationship.  They obviously weren’t just “friends” anymore… but neither ever used the term “girlfriend” either.  Nothing was ever spoken aloud yet there was still a bond, a commitment.  They didn’t have to say anything or sign anything in blood; they both just knew.  Labels didn’t matter—they could call each other whatever they wanted.  They were in love.  What was more important than that?

   And today happened to be another one of those happy days where Ai was humming some sort of lovey-dovey tune to herself while dressing a mannequin by the shop window of Tresor.  Eri walked out of the back room with a handful of coin rolls as she spotted her friend drifting away to her own world again, and rolled her eyes while grinning.  It wasn’t an uncommon sight to see Ai singing throughout the work day now.  Just the other week, Eri had caught her jamming out to some sort of love song at the top of her lungs in the bathroom.  It was a bit disconcerting at first but the turtle couldn’t help but laugh at how ridiculous the whole situation was. 

   “Ai-chan, it sounds like you’re having a little too much fun,” Eri teased, unwrapping the coins to let them scatter on the counter.  “No having fun when you’re at work!”

   “Hai~ hai~” Ai laughed.  “My bad, boss!”

   “I don’t understand how it’s possible for someone to be as happy as you are,” Eri said, placing the coins in their respective cartridge in the cashier.  “You like her that much?”

   Ai turned around and put an innocent face on.  “Who?”  Eri gave her a look, allowing her to break into a smile and turn back to her mannequin.  “Of course I like her that much,” she said quietly.  “I love her.”

   “Wow.” Eri sighed.  “The Takahashi Ai.  A romantic.  Who would’ve thought?”

   “You make it sound like I’ve been a robot my whole life,” Ai said.  “I can be sensitive!”

   “Please,” Eri scoffed, “if you were the sensitive type, you wouldn’t have lasted all those years living together with that monster of your stepmother without breaking down.  And you still live with the devil’s child.”

   “Hey, come on, be nice,” Ai gently scolded.  “She may not have been Mother Theresa but she did raise me, you know.  She’s family.”

   “Some family,” Eri muttered. 

   “Plus, Sayu really isn’t all that bad,” Ai continued.  “Actually, she’s been really nice recently.  She gets up early to make breakfast—well, attempt to make breakfast.  She cleans the house and takes out the garbage…  You know, the other day, I came back to clean, folded laundry.  Can you believe it?  Sayumi, doing laundry?  It was incredible.”

   “Yeah, I wonder what’s gotten into her recently…” Eri spoke under her breath.

   “And guess what?” Ai grinned, walking towards her friend by the counter.  “She even said she’ll drop by today with snacks!”

   “Oh, please, you believe that?” Eri laughed.  “There’s no way, Michishige Sayumi is going to—”

   “What is up with this weather?!  It is way too cold today to be autumn!”

   The two friends turned their attention to the front door as the jingle of a bell followed by some loud complaining announced the arrival of their guest.  A high ponytail of curls bounced behind her head as the woman briskly walked into the store, shivering away the cold.  She breathed heavily as she placed a paper bag on the counter.  Eri stared at the black-haired girl with her mouth ajar as the older woman shot a smug look at her.

   “You were saying?” she beamed.

   “Saying what?” Sayumi asked, unbuttoning her coat.

   “Oh, nothing, nothing at all,” Ai hummed.  “I see you brought snacks, Sayu.”

   “Yeah, and they weren’t easy to get either,” Sayumi sniffed.  “The line was ridiculous today.”

   “I bet that wasn’t the only thing that was ridiculous…” Eri mumbled, her eyes plastered on the bag’s logo.  “You got this from Mano Bakery!  That place is super pricey!”

   “What?”  Ai grabbed the paper bag and checked the logo herself before turning to her step sister with a sorry look.  “Sayu, you didn’t have to do that…  A simple melon bread would’ve been fine.”

   “… A-Are you mad?” the bunny asked slowly, anxiety washing over her face.  “You don’t like stuff from Mano?  I can go back and get something else if you’d like—“

   “No, no, you don’t need to go back,” Ai reassured, smiling a little.  “I’m really grateful that you bought this for us.  But… I’m just saying you didn’t need to spend so much.”

   “Well… it’s fine, as long as you like it,” Sayumi shrugged.  “I like their stuff so I… I just wanted you to try as well.”

   “That’s very thoughtful of you, Sayu,” Ai grinned.  “Thank you.”

   “Yeah, thanks, Sayu!  These taste great!”

   The sisters turned towards the turtle whose mouth was already stuffed with a bite of cupcake, making her words barely coherent.  Ai laughed at the sight but her sister wasn’t too entertained.

   “Eri, that’s so rude!” she yelled.  “That pink one was for Onee-chan!”

   “It’s okay,” Ai continued laughing.  “I’ll have some of the other ones.  You better enjoy that cupcake, aho-kame.  It’s probably the last you’ll ever get from Sayu.”

   “Don’t worry, I’m enjoying it,” Eri giggled. 

   “Mou… you just ruined it…” Sayumi muttered under her breath.

   “Oh, you bought cake, too, Sayu?” Ai said, pulling out a small box from the bottom of the bag.  She opened the side and pulled out a cute chocolate cake adorned with pink and yellow frosted roses.  “Oishii sou!”

   “Wow, that looks really yummy…” Eri commented, licking her lips.

   “Step away from the cake, turtlehead!” Sayumi warned.  “This time, Onee-chan gets the first piece!”

   “… Turtlehead?” Eri repeated, raising an eyebrow.  “Never got that one before.”

   “Come on guys, let’s just eat,” Ai proposed.  “Do we have any forks and plates?”

   “There should be some plastic ones in the back room,” Eri answered, pointing to the curtain door.  “You might have to do a little searching, though.”

   “I’m sure the cake will be worth it,” Ai smiled.  “I’ll be right back.”

   As her sister disappeared behind the curtain, Sayumi found her eyes following her movement, longing for her.  It wasn’t until Eri clicked her tongue that the bunny returned to earth.  The turtle smiled wryly at her.

   “So,” she started, “you and Ai-chan.”

   Sayumi frowned.  “What about us?”

   “You like her,” Eri stated.

   “I like who?”


   “… Of course I like her,” Sayumi scoffed.  “I have to like her to some extent.  She’s my sister and I live with her.”

   “You know I don’t mean it like that.”

   Sayumi’s face hardened under the older girl’s unwavering gaze.  It felt as though she could see right through her, all her weaknesses, her secrets, her troubles…  It felt like she knew the bunny better than she even knew herself.

   “What are you talking about?” Sayumi huffed, looking away.  “Onee-chan and I are siblings.”

   “Step-siblings,” Eri corrected.  “You guys don’t even have the same family name.”

   “Eri, stop being ridiculous—”

   “No, you stop, Sayumi,” Eri said firmly.  “You’re just running away from something you already know.  Are you really so blind to your own feelings?  Why can’t you just admit it?”

   “I have nothing to admit—”

   “Oh please, it’s written all over your face.”  Eri sighed in frustrated manner.  She walked around the counter to close the distance between her and the bunny.  “You’re making breakfast for her, you do laundry for her, and now you’re bringing dessert for her… Just think, Sayumi.  Who is the person that you’re constantly thinking of?”

   Sayumi paused, letting the turtle’s question sink in.  The person that she was constantly thinking of…?  Was there such a person?  Who had she ever been concerned about more than she was with herself?  She was always ichiban on her own list.  Who else was supposed to care for her if she didn’t treasure herself first?

   Yet, she knew there was one other.  A very special person.  She absolutely adored her, even more than she did herself.  For this person, Sayumi would do anything.  Because this person was the first.  The first one to…

   “… Fine, you’re right,” Sayumi said, quietly but firmly.  “I love Onee-chan.  I love her more than anyone and I’d do anything to have her.  Well, now you know.  I hope you’re happy.”

   “Well, I can’t exactly say I’m happy about this, Sayu,” Eri sighed.  “Didn’t I already warn you last time?  I told you to let everything go.  I told you to run away.”

   “What if I don’t want to let it go?” Sayumi argued back.  “What if I don’t want to run away?”

   “You know she loves someone else already, Sayumi,” Eri reasoned, pursing her lips.  “She loves Niigaki-san.  They’re together.  They’ve been together for the past month.”

   The bunny bit down on her lips, widening her eyes as if to stop tears from forming.  “Don’t you think I know that already?” she said in a low voice.  “I don’t care if—”

   “Listen, Sayu—”

   “No, you listen, Eri!” Sayumi yelled, a sudden burst of desperation engulfing her voice.  “I… I love her.  I love her.  I know I’m a horrible person and I don’t deserve her but… can’t I at least be allowed to chase her?  I can’t even have that much?”  Her voice broke at the last word spoken as she bit her lips to keep from completely losing herself.  “She’s all I have, Eri.  She’s the only one who… who stayed by my side.  I love her.”

     Sayumi turned her head away after making the bravest confession of her life.  Eri looked at her with unwavering eyes and an unchanged expression.  Her face was flawlessly smooth, free of all emotion, as she simply looked upon the younger girl with some sort of remorse in her eyes. 

   “… So that’s what you’ve chosen for yourself…?” she murmured softly under her breath.  “Even though you’ll only get hurt in the end…”  She slowly stepped closer to the black-haired girl.  “Even though she’ll never look back at you… you’re just going to keep chasing her?” 

   Then, the older girl reached out towards her friend, gently placing her hand on her cheek.  Sayumi slowly raised her head to look at the turtle, her face evident of her shock at the sudden contact.  Eri’s eyes were dark and serious, something that had never been seen before in the girl.  Her hand softly yet slowly caressed the bunny’s cheek, as if to comfort her or to pity her.

   “Why can’t you take the easy way out and give up?” she whispered.  “Why can’t you… choose otherwise…?”

   Sayumi felt her cheek growing hot where the older woman was touching her.  She could not hide the surprise in her face no matter how hard she tried to calm herself down.  Her words continued to echo over and over in her head.  Choose…  Choose…?

   “Ugh, that took way too long!  Sorry, guys!”

   Along with the loud voice, Ai stumbled out from the curtains, holding a box of plastic utensils and plates.  Before the bunny knew it, the turtle was already steps away from her, skipping back towards the cake on the counter. 

   “Mou, Ai-chan!” she whined.  “You had us waiting for a while there, you know!  I was starting to think we’d have to eat with our hands!”

   “Gomen, gomen,” Ai laughed.  “Here: plates and forks!”  She then did a double-take as she spotted her stepsister, frozen a few feet away.  “Sayu, come on!  We’re gonna cut the cake!”

   “Yeah, Sayu, hurry!” Eri grinned at her.  “I’m really hungry~”

   Sayumi remained in her place, her eyes plastered on the turtle who was now smiling brightly at her.  Her serious and dark demeanor that had shocked her moments ago was now nowhere to be found.  She was just her old turtle self again, as if the way she had caught the bunny off guard was just a dream.  However, her words could still be heard.  Choose… otherwise…

   “I… I think I’ll just go home,” Sayumi mumbled, casting her eyes down.  “I need to… I have something to do.”

   “Well, at least have some cake before you go!” Ai offered.  “You brought it, after all.”

   “Gomen, Onee-chan,” Sayumi apologized.  Her hands at her side started to ball up into a fist, as if to stay in control of herself.  “I’ll see you at home later.”

   With that, the bunny hurried out of Tresor without bothering to look back.  Ai stood with a blank face, trying to figure out what had just happened.  Sayumi seemed a little odd.  She wasn’t really the type to just run out like that.  Rather, she proudly walked out as if she owned the world.  And she… she actually apologized for not being able to stay.  She apologized.  Either something had happened or she was seriously ill.

   “Nee, Eri,” Ai said, tapping her friend who was already digging into her piece of chocolate cake.  “Is it just me or is Sayu acting a little weird?”

   Eri shrugged.  “I don’t know.  I thought she was being her normal self.”

   “I don’t know…  Something just felt off,” the older woman said.  “Maybe she’s sick…  The weather is getting a bit cold.”

   “She seemed fine when I was with her…” Eri said, forking another portion of the cake into her mouth.  “If you want, you can take some cold medicine with you.  I think I have some in my purse.”

   “Yeah, I think I’ll do that,” Ai nodded.  “Arigatou.”

   “No problem,” Eri chirped, revealing a childlike pure smile.  “I hope… she feels better soon.”

**  **  ** 

   Sayumi jogged down the street until she felt that she had come a certain distance away from Tresor.  She stopped in her tracks and breathed heavily.  She was definitely not the one for exercising.  She moved away from the middle of the sidewalk and took to a small alleyway between two buildings so she could catch her breath for a minute.

   No matter how hard she tried, it was impossible.  She couldn’t get Eri’s face, her serious words, out of her head.  Choose otherwise… Choose…  What the hell was that girl even saying?  She was… trying to get her to give up on Ai.  For her own good, it seemed.  It was a reasoning that someone like Sayumi would never understand yet it was something very logical for the turtle to do.  Or just the rest of humankind.  We were supposed to be a compassionate race: something Sayumi could never comprehend.

   Choose otherwise.  Sayumi couldn’t help but laugh out loud at this as she coughed out a dry chuckle.  Choose?  Eri spoke as if she had a choice.  Well, Sayumi knew very well that if she did have a choice, she would choose not to have such feelings for her older sister.  There was just too many complications involved, too much pain.  It consisted of everything that Sayumi preferred to stay away from. 

   But alas, she had no choice.  From the very day that the two sisters had met, Sayumi’s fate was sealed.  After all, Ai had been the first.  She had been the first to smile at her, the first to attempt at getting closer to her, the first to hold out her hand.  No matter how horribly Sayumi treated her, she was the first to not run away.  She had been the first to give Sayumi a chance to be herself. 

   “I don’t have a choice…” Sayumi mumbled, her legs giving out as she slipped down into a crouch.  She forced a helpless smile but alas, her tears betrayed her.  “I don’t have a choice, you know…  I love you.  I love you so much… Onee-chan…”  I love you, Ai…  I love you.  I love you.  I love you.

   How could anyone choose otherwise?


a bit of sad chapter for the holidays... sorry!  :nervous

But i'm planning out the next chapter so i can get this story moving! YER!  XD

 :byebye: :sleep:

avii&sig by the wonderful kawaii beam~!

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Re: Juliet and Cinderella ~ [UPDATE - Chapter 15 - (12/26)]
« Reply #219 on: December 26, 2012, 09:22:18 AM »
Omg an update!  :w00t:  :on gay:

Awwww, cute Ai-chan in her own little TakaGaki world all the time~  :luvluv1:
I kind of figured out earlier that Sayu liked Ai, but what's that moment with Eri and Sayu?  :?  :dunno: I have many thoughts in my head about this, but I think I wont say anything.... Yet. xD

And yes, Sayu, leave Ai-chan alone. She is already taken~
But I wonder is there going to be problems now that Sayu knows who Ai is dating... Maybe she will team up with Tanaka and together they will make some evil plans, so they would get what they want?  :lol:
I hope this wont happen though....  XD

And Aika has no reason to try to stop the TakaGaki love!!  :angry: Damn that kid, if Ai-chan "hadn't been there for Risa" when Aika talked with Risa, that brat would have done some serious damage to Takagaki and then.... *Kicks her takagaki-fan alter ego away*

Anyways, merry Christmas to you too~ :mon santa4:

Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.

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