So apparently the people at
SBK fansubs are not too happy with the fact that their subs of
The Quiz Show 2 are turning up on streaming video sites even though they've publicly requested that people don't upload them to these sites. Because of this, they're now saying that they won't be releasing the eps on a weekly basis as they're released, but rather they're going to wait until the series is ended, at which time they'll release one massive bigass torrent of all the eps.
Here's the post with their stance on the whole streaming sites thing: I understand SBK's stance on it, I have to say that they're somewhat naive if they honestly thought that their subbed eps would not end up on some streaming site somewhere. After all, it's not like the people who upload the vids to the streaming sites actually
care about the actual time/effort/work that the fansub groups put into translating and encoding the shows they work on.