@eSsIe21 and virgo_shakaLOL You guys keep claiming them. Let me make this clear...
YOURAN IS MINE!!! (Black/Yuki is my mistress)@ujin1992LOL YEAH!! YOU TELL HER!!
@ArakawaWell everyone has their opinions. After this, I'm not updating fast anymore, aren't I? LOL
@All others who posted a reply to my previous chapterThank for being patient and following me. I always keep your comments in mind. I always end up re-reading them.
Seems like a lot of you don't want Yuki to abort the baby. Will she? Read and find out.
Gakuran/Youran X Black [Chapter 3: Realizing The Flaws (Alt Title: A Man of His Words)]A week has passed since the last time Youran and Black spoke to each other or even seen each other. That means they haven’t seen each other ever since spring break started. And that means Black is almost two months pregnant.
It was the afternoon and Youran was lying in her bed with her arms crossed under her head as a pillow, thinking about what to do today. She turned over on her side to the right. “OW!” She cried out in pain, clutching her right cheek and shooting up from bed. Youran had a bandage patch on her right cheek. Why? That night a week ago, Youran had a run in with some guys who had a knife. She was easily able to smash them but she got deeply cut by the knife on her cheek. It hurts only when she puts pressure on it but it’s healing slowly; a few more days and it should be fine. And hopefully it won’t leave a scar.
While hissing in pain, Youran’s phone beeped, receiving a text message. When the pain subsided, she checked her phone. It was from Black... again; probably the 30th she received this week, all of which Youran didn’t reply to. This text said that she really wants to talk and that really needs to see her. Youran just simply closed her phone. Even though she has cooled down about the whole situation, she didn’t feel ready to talk to Black again, or even face her. She needed more time to think about what to say or do. She wasn’t even sure if she and Black are still together.
Sighing to herself, Youran got out of bed and got ready to go out. She didn’t bother doing her hair so she left it down and flat. Besides, she tried most of the styles that can work with her length of hair but they didn’t suit her. Locking the door behind her, she left her apartment complex.
Youran began to aimlessly walk around, going where her feet took her. Most of the time, she just wondered what to do. How is this problem going to be resolved? What is she going to do? What is she going to do about Black? And the baby too.
Youran still couldn’t process the fact of Black being pregnant but she knew she had to accept it; she can’t ignore the truth. She remembered that she told Black to abort the baby, but she realized that she only said that out of anger and frustration. She didn’t want that to happen; she didn’t want an innocent unborn baby to die because of her, she just can’t live with that on her conscience. But still, Youran didn’t want Black to have it because... because it’s not hers. But that is impossible.
“Why did I even think about that? It’s only been two months or so since we started going out. It’s way too early for that.” Youran mentally slapped herself for thinking about such a ridiculous thing. “I’m not even IN love with her... am I?”
She sighed to herself as she came to a halt, it’s been more or less than an hour since she began her walk. Youran looked in front of her and the place before her eyes gave her a big surprise. She wasn’t intentionally going nor was she expecting to be standing in front of Black’s home, she just went where her feet took her.
“God damn it... Why here?” Youran scratched the back of her head. She looked at the door and thought about Black. “I wonder if she’s home.” Youran took a few moments to decide whether to enter or not. “If she’s home, I’ll just apologize for blowing up then make up something on the fly.” Youran pushed open the front gate and retrieved the key from the mailbox. Letting herself in, she checked the shoes whiling kicking off her own. Black’s boots weren’t there, meaning she wasn’t home. Sighing in relief, she walked inside, without noticing an unfamiliar pair of kicks.
Upon entering the living area, “You must be Gakuran-san,” a voice spoke out to Youran. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
Youran’s eyes shot to the person, a girl sitting on the couch, “Who the hell are you?” glaring at her. Who is this girl that’s just sitting on Black’s couch all chill-like.
The girl sighed, “Do I really have to introduce myself? She never told you about me? Well, I guess I’m not really worth mentioning.” She stood up reluctantly, picking up the wooden sword next to her. “My name is... well, they call me Ken, for obvious reasons.” She refers to the wooden sword. “I’m going to be transferring Majisuka Girls High School as a second year student. It’s a nice to finally meet you” She bowed politely. “I’m also an old friend of Yuki’s. She tells me a lot about you, you really are quite handsome.”
Youran twitched at the sound of Black’s name being used so casually, “Yeah, yeah. Where’s Black-san?” she asked as she took a seat at the dinner table.
“Yuki? I’m thinking she left about an hour ago. I’ve just been sitting here, waiting. For a good 20 or so minutes now.”
“20 minutes? You break in here or something? Does she even know you’re here?”
Ken waved her hand, “Details, details...” she brushed it off. How did Ken get in the house exactly? She actually knew that Black leaves a key in the mailbox for Youran so she used that. Either that or she picked the lock. “And no, she doesn’t. Yuki doesn’t even know I’m in town.”
“The fuck is up with that?” Youran glared at her.
“I’ve been out of town for a few years but now I’m finally moving back. So I wanted to surprise her by showing up at her door unexpectedly but since she wasn’t here...” Ken scratched the back of her head. “Then I remembered that about an hour earlier, she called me and said she was going to
‘do it’. Then she hung up.”
“’Do it’? Do what?”
“You ask a lot of questions, you know that?” Ken turned her head towards Youran, “I didn’t know what she meant at first but when I got here, it hit me.” Ken looked at Youran with calm eyes, “Yuki’s going to do something about
“It?” It took Youran a few short moments before it came to her, “The baby...”
Ken nodded, “You got it. She’s going to abort it. I highly doubt she’s going to get a surgery so she might take the pills.”
Youran got pissed off by how casually Ken said that, she shot up from her chair and grabbed her by the collar, “And you’re friggin’ calm about that? You were going to let Black-san do it? What the hell kind of friend are you?”
“One who doesn’t interfere in personal matters,” Ken remained calm, obviously not threatened by the sudden hostility. “It’s not my problem, Yuki just tells me them. I can only give my opinions, it’s not my place to tell what to do. I can’t tell her whether to keep it or not, it’s her choice.” She said, “The people who would have a say in this would be Yuki, the baby’s real father, and we’re most likely never going to find him... and you, Gakuran-san. You are her boyfriend, right?”
“Uh...” Youran released her grip. She tried to think of something to say, to come back at that line of thinking or to at least answer that question. But she could think of anything, “I...” she still wasn’t sure if she still was her boyfriend, but she knew that she didn’t want Black and her to break up.
Ken fixed her collar, “If I can state my opinion or give you a suggestion, maybe you should run and find her. I think you should be there with her right now. You know, I think she’s doing it to be with you. I mean, she knows how you feel about it and you did tell her to abort the baby that night.” Ken looked at Youran, “Man up and take responsibility.”
“Because of me...” Youran took a few moments to take it in. Black’s going to abort the child; the child is going to die because of her. No, she didn’t want that to happen. She had to man up, “I got to stop her.” Youran turned and ran out the living room and out the front door. After a few moments, she suddenly returned, sticking her head just into view from the doorway of the living room, “Uh... Do you know which hospital or clinic she went?” she asked.
“You ran without knowing where to go? Oh god...” Ken said as she face-palmed and shook her head.
“Shut up, alright?! Just tell me where she went.”
“Probably the closest—“
“Alright!” Youran ran out the door again.
“Ok... Oh ,hey, wait!” Running after Youran to the door, Ken yelled after her, “Hey! Don’t tell Yuki I was here!” hoping that Youran heard her. She still plans to surprise Black with her presence. She sighed, “I guess I should take my leave now.” Ken walked back inside and took her wooden sword and left the premises.
Black stepped out of the hospital, seemingly all stressed and worn out. She looked down to her stomach and placed a hand on it. Did she really abort the child?
She had many thoughts going on in her head and she couldn’t really think straight. But the thought she could make out was that she really wanted to see Youran right now. Black looked around, but then down the road in the distance, she noticed a figure that was gradually getting larger as it ran. She squints her eyes just a bit, hoping it would help.
“Gakuran?” She questioned, “Gakuran?!” Black exclaimed as she made out the running figure. She wondered why Youran was here, but at the same time, she was glad to see her for the first time in a week.
“B-... Black-san!” Youran finally reached Black, hunching over on her knees while gasping for air, “I finally... found you... Black-san... Phew...” she said with her head hung. “’Closest’ she said. Shit, this place is far!” Youran cursed Ken under her breath.
“Did you run all the way here? For me?” Black watched as Youran pants. When she raised her head, Black saw her cheek patch, “What happened to your face?”
Youran shook her head, “I got into it... with some thugs, but don’t worry.” she explained very vaguely. “About that night... I’m sorry. Because I was really mad, I jumped to conclusions and said some bad stuff. I’m sorry; I know it wasn’t your fault that this happened. If anything I should be blaming Shibuya.” Youran said as soon as she caught her breath. “Let me make this clear, we’re not broken up, I’m still your guy and you’re still my girl. I’m a stupid, hot-headed, insensitive jerk and I was only thinking of myself. I screwed up as your boyfriend but I’m going to make up for it.”
“Ok, ok. But how did you know I was here?”
“Uh...” Youran tried to think of something to say to that. She apparently heard Ken tell her not to say anything about her. “I... went to your place. You weren’t home, so I... waited. But then I realized you might be doing this so I came as fast as I could.”
Black knew that Youran was lying but she didn’t call her on it, it’s not really important. “What did you come here for?”
“I came to try and stop you from aborting the baby and to tell you something.” Youran cleared her throat, “What I came here to say is...” Youran moved closer to Black, looking at her with serious but sincere eyes, mustering up her courage to say the next words, “I want to... be there for you. And I wanted to say that I want be there for the kid too but... it’s too late now. You’re probably on those abortion pills.” She scratched the back of her head. Youran now felt guilty; because of her, Black killed her own child, it’s almost the same as her killing it.
“That text today, the one you sent me earlier, it was about this, right? This is what you wanted to see me about. Shit, if only I came sooner, I could have—“
“Gakuran! I didn’t do it. I couldn’t.”
“Huh? What?” Youran looked surprised. Black didn’t abort the baby?
Black began to explain. “When I first came here, I had my mind set on aborting it. But when the doctor handed me the pill, I began to have second thoughts. It seems that now that I know I can be a mother, my maternal side wanted to protect this new life. In the end, I couldn’t take it.”
“You’re keeping it?”
Black nodded. She looked down, “But it’s going to be hard, I’m still young.”
“I’ll support you!”
“Eh?” Black shot her gaze at Youran. Did she hear what she thought she heard?
“I said I’ll support you. I’ve already said that I wanted to be there for you and the kid. I’m not taking that back; a man never goes back on his word. Besides, I can’t just sit around while my girlfriend goes through the toughest time of her life. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I did?”
Black was touched, but her usual lax composure didn’t show it. She tilted her head to the side, “Are you sure you’re not just saying this as you go along?”
“Maybe I am, but that doesn’t mean I don’t mean it.”
“Ugh... You know what I mean.” Youran looked down to the ground, then to the side, thinking about her next words carefully, she didn’t want to say something stupid, “I know that I’ll never be the kid’s dad, I know that I’ll never be a dad, you know with me being the way I am, but at least let me help you.”
“You... would really do that?” Black looked into Youran’s eyes, she can see her seriousness in them.
“I say that my seriousness is for Atsuko’s and Maji High’s sake but it’s not only for them.” Youran placed her hands on Black’s shoulders, “It’s for you as well.”
Black’s heart pretty much skipped a beat when she heard that, she was happy but she didn’t show it. “...” She didn’t really know what to say.
“How about it?”
Black stepped closer, placing her head on her boyfriend’s shoulder. Youran blushed a little, not used to this closeness in public. With a quiet voice, she uttered “Ok.” Black just couldn’t refuse Youran after what she just said. How can anyone refuse? “Let’s go home,” she means her home. “And we’re walking this time.” Black took Youran’s hand and started walking.
Side by side, the couple walked hand-in-hand through the neighbourhood. Usually, they’re never this close in public but it really didn’t matter at that point. They were content that the tension between them was cleared and now they can return to things as they were. Well, not exactly as they were, in fact, things will be a lot different from here on out. But they’ll worry about that when those differences come up. Just let them enjoy each other’s company.
About half way home, a thought hit Black, “Gakuran, how are you going to support me? You’re still in school.”
“How? Mm... Maybe a part-time job?”
“You didn’t think that through, did you? Maji High doesn’t allow their students to have part-time jobs.”
“Who the hell follows the school rules anyway?”
Youran sighed, “Alright, alright. I’ll think of something.”
“Graduate first. Looks like I’ll have to get a job myself, then.”
The rest of the way was in silence. During that time, Youran wondered how she was going to do this. She can get a part-time job but it seems that Black’s against it. There’s also the Student Council President and Team Hormone who’ll give her a hard time. Youran’s will be a Queen next month so there’s school pride to establish. Besides, who would want to hire a hot-headed yankee anyways? She’ll just have stay by Black’s side through thick and thin. That’s about all she can do for now.
They reached Black’s home. Black reached into her varsity jacket to take out her keys and open the door. When she put the key in and turned the lock, there was no click; the door wasn’t locked. “It’s already unlocked,” Black mumbled. She wondered why so she glanced at Youran but didn’t say anything. Youran did say she ran to her as soon as thought Black was getting an abortion, she probably didn’t think to lock up before she left. Black sighed in her head and pushed the door open and stepped inside.
Youran stopped just before the door, “Hey, Yuki.”
Black turned around, facing her, “Yeah?”
“I got to go home for a bit, get some things.”
“Oh...” Black nodded, “Ok, I’ll wait for you then. “
“Yeah, ok.” Youran turned to the side, “I’ll be back.”
Black grabbed Youran’s sleeve before she left. “Sae, wait,” Youran turned to see what was up. In that moment, Black places her lips on Youran’s, kissing her rather affectionately. Youran was taken by surprise but she quickly recovers and kisses back. When they parted, Black presses her forehead against Youran’s, “Thank you, and be careful.” She placed a hand on her boyfriend’s cheek, caressing the bandage patch.
“Yeah, don’t worry.” Youran smiles with a small nod. She took off, giving Black her signature finger-head bounce and a reassuring smile.
When she was now a block away and Black retreated to inside her home, she was greeted with a familiar face. Actually a voice first, then a face when she turned the curb, “I see things went well, Gakuran-san. I’m glad.”
“HOLY SHIT!” Frightened, Youran jumped out of her skin. “You again?!”
“I told you, the name’s Ken.”
“Whatever. What the hell do you want?”
“Your word.”
“My what?”
“Your word. I want you promise me something.”
Youran raised a brow, questioningly, “Yeah, and what’s that?”
“Yuki is one of my closest friends, in fact, my only closest friend; I don’t want to see her hurt. I’ve supported her ever since her father left her behind after her middle school graduation.” Ken began as she crossed her arms; seems like this a big deal. “Promise me that you will stand by Yuki. No matter what.”
Youran scoffed, “That’s it? Black-san’s a big girl she can defend herself. And I already promised her that I would so I will.”
“You promised Yuki that, not me. I know that Yuki is fully capable of taking care of herself; she was a Queen of Maji High and she lives alone in a big house, but now she’s in a delicate state with her being pregnant. So I want you to promise me, give me your word.”
“You really care about her, don’t you? Fine, I promise. I give you my word. Man’s honour.”
Ken smiled, “I told you, she’s my closest friend; of course I care.” She turned away, “I leave Yuki in good hands, then. If you hurt her, I’ll hunt you down.” She walked down the road, she said “See you in school.” with a back-hand wave.
“...” Youran watched Ken as she went out of sight, “Black-san’s got some weird friends.” and she went on her way.
How will Black’s pregnancy go from here?
Will Youran keep her promise??
Why do I keep asking these annoying questions???
(A/N: Man, it's almost been a month since I last updated. I'M SO SORRY!! Please don't hate me!! The month of May is always the busiest for me and sometimes June as well. It's just that I always get blown over with a whirlwind of work. And exams are coming up... Anyways! I have good news. Altough I don't think it'll come anytime soon, I've already started the end of this story. Right now, I think this story is almost at it's half-way point, if not already there. As for Reaching Out to You (ROtY)... I'm getting to that. My updates will continue to be a little slow so please be patient.)