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Author Topic: THE INFINITY SAGA - just another (SaeYuki) vampire story [CHP 9 - 15/11/13]  (Read 28537 times)

Offline ScarletWings

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Hello minna~ ScarletWings reporting in :cathappy:
i'm challenging myself again to write an ongoing AU story, and somehow this happens to be something i've been thinking for a long time
finally got guts to type it out and post it here  :nervous

anyway, please do tell me what do you think about this story, as i'm still an author-in-training.. comments or suggestions or even critics are very welcomed :twothumbs

about the characters, i already have some plannings and they would be revealed as the story goes on. so please stay tuned! :D




            It’s late at night, somewhere in a dark alley of the city.

            She is on her way home, slightly nervous of the suddenly intimidating aura that emitted from the dark street in front of her, she quickened her pace slightly mumbling some self-encouragement that sounded like “it’s okay, home is in a few blocks from here..” and “nothing’s gonna happen, you’ve crossed this alley for god-knows how many times already..” while clutching her bag tighter.

            “mou, I shouldn’t stay too long chatting with Akicha..” unable to calm her thumping heart and failed to kick the anxiousness away, she start to feel her body let out streams of cold sweats.

            “And to think I have to choose an apartment with this alley as the only access to go through, the hell I was thinking back then..” She silently cursed.

            “a few meters and we’re outta here..” She whispered again to herself in slight relieve, but much to her dismay, she caught a glimpse of few men sitting around the end of the alley, already looking at her with hungry eyes.

            “ah.. Look at this fine lady— Konbawa, ojou-chan” The burly man with scar on his cheek walked toward her with a wicked grin.

            ‘oh crap..’

            She just stood there, feet glued to the asphalt. She's so scared she could feel her heart pumped her blood vessels so fast her head start to spin.

            “Why don’t you come join us for a drink, eh?” He asked her again, arms spread ready to engulf her in his muscles, or in a deadly embrace how she would like to call it.

            “D-don’t touch me!” She managed to stutter out, but only receive howls of laughter from him and his other companions.

            “Why so jumpy, ojou-chan? I promise it'll be my treat~ and I’ll be gentle—” as soon as he’s done talking, she swung her bag wildly, successfully hit his head knocking him down to the ground.

            The laughter died.

            “BITCH! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!” enraged, the burly man lunged forward and grabbed her shirt then yanked it sending buttons flying everywhere. Shocked, she fell down with arms desperately covering her body from being exposed to feed those hungry eyes and about to scream before the guy took out a knife from his pocket and pinned her to the ground.

            “Go ahead and try letting out any noise, you’ll be no better than dead meat, bitch…” he hissed and there she saw his wicked smile again. She whimpered as she saw his companion now surrounding her, some held her hands, another covered her mouth and the rest are busy unbuckle their belts.

            Tears fall freely from her eyes, streaming down her red cheeks as how the humiliating scene unfolds, her blurry eyes managed to see the burly guy’s free hands are now reaching for her cleavage and she squeezed her eyes shut, mentally preparing herself for anything that’ll come.

            But she can never feel his hand touching her.

            And the knife?

            It never came.

            Instead, she could feel soft breeze blew her face as now the hands on her mouth and arms are all gone.

            And a pair of tantalizing blue orbs staring right through her eyes.

            Before she know it, a black robe wrapped around her exposed body make her broke the eye contact, and she couldn’t help but clutching on it with her dear life. She heard sounds of blows, punches, ear-piercing screams and some more smashing, unable to handle the violent sounds, she squeezed her eyes shut.

            And then everything went silent again.

            She carefully opened her eyes, found the figure who stands with the back facing her. The head turned into her direction.

            And their eyes met again.

            As stupid and cheesy as it may seems, she couldn’t move an inch from her current position and her breath got caught on her throat. She just sits and ogles there with her mouth closing and opening like a goldfish while the figure approached her again. But because of the high neck jacket and the hood AND the hat, she couldn’t manage to register her savior’s face into her brain. Only the stunning electric blue eyes, and the short messy hair.

            The figure squatted in front of her, leaned forward and she swears she could feel cold breeze on her ear when the figure whispered.

            “Finally I found you…”

            She noted that the voice is too high-pitched for a guy.

            ‘But no way this person is a girl!’ she argued inside her brain, but soon all the arguments got thrown to the wind and her eyes fluttered closed again when the voice rang for the second time on her ear.

            “Let’s meet again...”

            And when she finally opened her eyes, she felt the cold night breeze as the figure has disappeared.


there you go!
so, what do you think? should i continue? :cow:
and in a meanwhile, ScarletWings reporting out! :cathappy:
« Last Edit: November 14, 2013, 08:13:29 PM by ScarletWings »
My doodle box~ :3
Currently ongoing, "The Infinity Saga"

Offline miyumi

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Re: THE INFINITY SAGA - just another vampire AU story [PROLOGUE]
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2012, 10:17:40 PM »
Please let the vampire be Sayaka!  :fainted: :gyaaah:

Please let Ruka be her!  :kneelbow: :farofflook:

Please. I really love Sayaka  :shy2:

Offline Megumi

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Re: THE INFINITY SAGA - just another vampire AU story [PROLOGUE]
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2012, 10:40:03 PM »
Oh yes interesting!

PLease continue!

Have tumblr have twitter. Just ask ^^

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Re: THE INFINITY SAGA - just another vampire AU story [PROLOGUE]
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2012, 11:32:02 PM »
Interesting. Sounds really interesting.

Please continue ScarletWings-san.
I want to know what's going to happen next.
I'll say "I love you" to the person I love
Even if these feelings aren't returned, saying "I love you" to the person you love
That is the most beautiful thing in the world

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Re: THE INFINITY SAGA - just another vampire AU story [PROLOGUE]
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2012, 02:27:30 AM »
Sounds really good!!! I wonder who is the pairing

Offline ScarletWings

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Re: THE INFINITY SAGA - just another vampire AU story [PROLOGUE]
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2012, 10:52:40 PM »
ScarletWings reporting in!  :cathappy:

Thank you very much for the comments! :D
firstly, i'm sorry if the pairings are not what you expected them to be since i've already planned them long time ago
but i still appreciate every comments and i'm very thankful for you guys who find this fic interesting  :bow:

and as i told you on the prologue, the characters are going to be revealed as the story goes and some more characters other than the pairings i've decided are still developing in my mind.
so any character suggestion would always go into my consideration <3  :cow:

without further ado, i present you chapter 1!  :D


Chapter 1

            Yuki stared blankly to the plain scenery outside her classroom, everyone knows it as it's just her daily routine of spacing out during lunch break after she finished her meal, but somehow, today she looks dopier as her lunchbox left untouched and lunch break is ending in ten minutes.

            And for sure, Akicha isn't really the type that would bother Yuki or any other friends with her questions, she'll usually shrugged it off or that person would open up to her by themselves, but just for today she's unusually nosy as Yuki seemed really out of shape.

            "Hey, you okay?"

            No answer.

            "... Yukirin?"

            And more silence, this surprised Akicha as the latter never ignored her before. She decided to poke Yuki's arm just in case she's not possessed or passed out unknowingly.

            "Oi, Yukirin?"

            "Hmm— ehh..? Oh, Akicha.."

            "Wow took you a while to finally respond to me, what's wrong? You looked unusually... Dumb."

            "Hey!" Offended, Yuki raised her hand ready to smack the insulting friend of her.

            "Hahaha, I’m sorry. But seriously... Are you okay?"

            "Hmm, I'm pretty much fine... Lacking some sleep I guess.."

            "Really? My, you should just tell me you want to go home earlier yesterday.. Your house is pretty far from the karaoke club we went to yesterday"

            Hearing the word ‘yesterday’ made Yuki's blood ran cold and her frozen state somehow reactivated.

            She's assaulted, almost. Or worse, killed yesterday by some ugly yankees, and someone saved her from her distress but mysteriously disappeared before she could even thanked her. And to be honest, Yuki still not sure if her savior is a he or a she.

            Yuki could vividly heard Akicha keeps on rambling, but every words coming out from her just sounds so blurry Yuki couldn't register anything in her brain, seems like Akicha's words bouncing away the moment it reached her ears. Strangely, she could only register a voice, a voice that she longed to hear again somehow.

"Let's meet again..."

            And her words keeps on replaying inside her head, again and again and again like broken records until Akicha's fingers-snapping brought her senses back.

            "Jeez, you seriously okay? I think you should tell sensei to let you go home earlier so you could rest."

            "Hmm.. You think so?"

            "See? That's what I'm talking about, I swear you looked like you've been drugged! Let's go find sensei." Akicha stood up and now tugging on Yuki's sleeve, forcing the latter to follow her.

            Yuki thinks maybe she really need to sleep it off.

            Soon, Yuki arrived at her apartment, not before spending a good twenty minutes standing on the same spot she encountered her savior last night staring into the empty alley. She threw her bag to the floor and let her body fell on her bed, not even bother to change her uniform she closed her eyes as she slowly drifted to sleep.

            The moment Yuki opened her eyes, it’s already past 6 PM and her room would be in complete darkness if the curtained window beside her desk isn't uncovered. After a moment of weird-posed stretching and countless yawning, Yuki dragged herself with her seems-to-be-heavier-feet to the front of the window, planning to close the window and curtains until all of a sudden her eyes met the way to familiar pair of blue orbs staring back at her. In normal state, she would scream her heads off and do something to protect herself such as pushing the figure off of her window or throwing random things inside her room such as her boots or her huge yukidaruma plushie, not giving a shit even if her apartment is on the 7th floor.

            But strange enough, she didn’t even let a squeak out.

            Or, more likely that she doesn’t want to.

            “So you live here…” The figure let out a short speech, oh that voice she longed to hear again...

            And as a response, Yuki could only nod dumbly.


            Another nod.

            “But you're a highschool student, aren't you?”

            And more nods.

            “No parents or siblings?”

            This time, the head shook.

            And another painful silence as both of them engaged into a staring contest, Yuki got so mesmerized staring into the blue orbs of her savior’s eyes until the latter broke the contact, suddenly jumped into her room. As surprising as it is, Yuki didn't even complain. Not even when the girl still wear her sneakers, or for a more reasonable statement, the one who just jumped into her room from the window is a pure stranger.

            “A-ano.. thank you for s-saving me last night and.. eto—w-wait, I don’t even know your n-name..” Yuki stuttered, half nervous and half embarrassed over her messy bedroom. The person in question just turned her head toward her and smiled for the first time Yuki ever see.


            “Sae, Miyazawa Sae. And what yours might be?”

            “K-Ka-Kashiwagi Yuki...” and as soon as she finished her short introduction, the girl called Sae knelled down and lifted her hand to brought it to her lips, kissing it gently. At the same moment, Yuki feels like her body floats into the air as her head feels so awfully dizzy due to all the bloods pumped into her brain.

            “Kashiwagi Yuki... I finally found my mate...” The kneeling girl in front of Yuki whispered as the mesmerizing blue eyes pierces deep into her own eyes.

            And deep into her heart.


there you go~  :deco:
.... it's short, i know... but i'm still building the story plot as i'm typing the next chapter
so please bear with my (going to be) slow updates :bleed eyes:

until next chapter, ScarletWings reporting out!  :cathappy:
My doodle box~ :3
Currently ongoing, "The Infinity Saga"

Offline saeyukilover

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Re: THE INFINITY SAGA - just another AU vampire story [CHAPTER 1]
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2012, 12:56:09 AM »
SaeYuki yeaaahhhh!! :)

Another SaeYuki story... I love it .....

Onegai!!! Pls. Continue updating...


Offline immortal_K

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Re: THE INFINITY SAGA - just another AU vampire story [CHAPTER 1]
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2012, 08:36:46 AM »
Hey bro you finally decided to start your own thread now HAHAHA NICE!

Good to see you writing more  :thumbsup oh vampire story =O
That reminds me I still have mines to continue =.= hehe..........

I'll have to come back and finish reading this, gotta run =p
Just wanted to drop by and leave a msg because its your thread bwahahahahahah


Offline ScarletWings

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Re: THE INFINITY SAGA - just another AU vampire story [CHAPTER 1]
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2012, 04:27:40 PM »
Hello minna, ScarletWings reporting in! :cathappy:

@miyumi: Sayaka will have a few appearances here too though i don't make the pairing as SaeYaka.. gomen :bow: but thanks a lot for commenting!
@saeyukilover: yay for SaeYuki~! :deco: :deco: :deco: thanks for reading and commenting  :heart:
@immortal: lol yes bro, you got it right... now go update your fics! especially the one with hospital thingy :D :heart: and thanks for commenting!
now at least i know someone is reading my writings 8') and i'm thinking of writing an ongoing because it might help me getting distracted from real life :D


Chapter 2

            As soon as Sae finished her little confession, or that’s how Yuki took it as, Yuki stammered and pulled her hands from Sae’s hold, she backed away as far as she could until the back of her calves knocked against the side of her bed, successfully tripped her down on her back. And as if she’s possessed, Sae leapt from her kneeling position into on top of Yuki’s already vulnerable position.

            “W-wait! What are you doing?!” Yuki flails her arms to get rid of the girl on top of her with no avail. And instead, Sae grabbed her wrists and pinned her down, preventing her to move.

            “I need to proof something, now please excuse me…” Sae whispered on Yuki’s ear before giving her lobe a kiss, knocked Yuki out in one punch. Feeling the girl beneath her stop resisting, Sae closed her eyes letting her instinct drives her body. Sae’s face travels downwards and stopped on Yuki’s neck, her nose caught Yuki’s scent and it intoxicates her making her crave for more.

            “Why you smell so… Addicting…” Sae mumbled again on Yuki’s neck, breathing in deeply and exhaled in something you would describe as pure ecstasy. While on the other hand, Yuki could only squeeze her eyes shut and pursed lips tightly, busy praying for God’s mercy on anything that would happen to her right at the moment as she suddenly can’t scream for help.

            The sniffing stopped and the head shifted from her neck, Yuki opened her eyes slowly only to see the stunningly beautiful eyes again. But this time, they’re only mere centimeters apart from hers and Yuki silently wishing that the face getting closer to her is only her imagination.

            Unfortunately, it’s not an imagination.

            And Yuki have to close her eyes again, silently cursed herself for being so stupid to give in so easily to a stranger, but when Yuki feel soft breath on her face she quickly turned her face aside in reflect, earning a soft poke on her chubby cheek coming from Sae’s nose. The soft nose turned into warm lips as Sae pecked Yuki’s cheek. Then the lips roamed south to her jaw, trailing down to her neck again and stayed there for a few moments until Sae suddenly grunted then released Yuki’s wrists and sat up, staring at the still laying figure beneath.

            “… Your face, it’s so red…”


            “… How… Do you feel…?” Sae asked panting, her face is not any better than Yuki’s red one as if her body is in fire, her vampire heart beating hard and fast against her ribcage and she wonders if Yuki feels the same.

            “… It’s hot…” Yuki breathlessly replied with blush colored her face, and Sae’s just stay quiet like she just got slapped on the face.


            Takahashi Mansion, deep in the forest located outer part of the city.
            Dining room.

            Two young women are having something that looked like late lunch, but the difference is both only got a cup of thick red liquid as main course. The ‘lunch’ went on with quiet atmosphere, but something is kinda off, at least odd enough for one of them.

            “Hmm… What’s with the unusually happy aura?”

            “… Nothing…”

            “Oh, don’t tell me you already found your mate now? Finally! It’s about time, Sae.”

            “Shut up…”

            “Come on, I mean… I mated Mocchi almost a year ago, and to think we’re supposed to be in a same grade—”

            “Don’t think so high of yourself, Sayaka. We ARE in a same grade, it’s just that my mate is harder to find than yours.”

            “Now now… Stop sulking at me, it’s not that she’s hard to find but it’s you who didn’t seek her careful enough. But I think now that you’ve already hit the jackpot, you should focus on claiming your prize as soon as possible.”

            “I know, jeez… Don’t worry.”

            “I am not, but Takamina does. You’re the only one pure-blood without a mate in this house, even half-blood like Tomochin already got two inugami as pets making her strength is now comparable with you… And do I have to explain again the difference between a pure-blood who has a destined mate and another who doesn’t?”

            “I know… Pure-bloods destined to have mates are stronger and blah-blahs. You should tell Takamina that she could just sit down, and mind her own business.”

            “Whatever sails your boat, Sae… But don’t you dare using that kind of tone in front of Takamina if you don’t want her to disable your vampire abilities. I’m leaving, talk to you later.”

            “Yeah, sure…”

            As soon as Sayaka left the room, Sae slumped down on the dining chair and pinched the bridge of her nose. She didn’t mean to be snappy though, Sayaka just found a perfect timing to poke her hard on the sore spot.

            “It’s not like I don’t want to be stronger… Why don’t you understand?”

            Sae stared at the mansion’s high ceilings, her mind drifted into the past when she stepped her foot into this mansion for the first time, right after Takamina turned her into a pure-blood vampire—no, scratch that. Takamina saved her from death, literally.

            Flashback (on a Flashback)

            Sae and Takamina are used to be partners in ghoul-hunting activity they’ve dedicated themselves into, protecting the used-to-be-village or what they call as city nowadays, risking their lives every day to battle against the evil ghouls without being paid and being heroes among the villagers. Everything seems so lively until one day, something big changed their lives.

            That one cold winter day, Sae running late due to heavy blizzard, at the time she arrived to their main base, she got information from her underling that Takamina went alone to hunt down an unknown monster that appeared near the village. Worry washed through her and before she knows it, she’s already running with all her might to seek for her missing partner. Only to find her dearest partner already became a lifeless body on a bloody snow, with a girl hovering on top of her rigid body.

            Aware of Sae’s presence, the girl stared back at Sae with her blue eyes and smiled. She lifted Takamina and disappeared leaving a shocked Sae in the blizzard.

            And ever since, everything began…

            Staring from Takamina’s comeback as a new-infected monster, and Sae as a hunter got new mission to hunt her down and extinct her. But as it always is, things are easier said than done.
            They finally met in a same blizzard night, same place, and same time. Only this time, instead of herself, it’s the monster girl who’s now Takamina’s partner. A fierce battle between two friends is inevitable, but '2 versus 1' is already a good explanation of whose victory it is. In no time, Sae is already sprawled on the cold snowy ground bleeding profusely, slowly dying until Takamina leaned closer to her and whispered something she could barely catch up. an apology, something about transforming her into a new form, and another chance to start anew.

            She could only remember one thing Takamina whispered to her though.

            “We’ll be stronger than ever…”

            And after that, she remembered the pain as Takamina bite her on the neck and not too long after that another pain that feels like mad fire explodes inside her blood vessels and deep to her bones. It hurts so much it feels like it’s killing her all over again, if she’s not yet dead.

            And the next thing she knows, she woke up turned into the way she is today. With Takamina, welcoming her beside the bed she’s laying on.

            “We’re starting a new era, and nothing’s gonna stop us. Not those ghouls, not even human.”

            End of flashback (on a Flashback)

            Sae do aware of the difference between vampires who got a support, a mate, as they would like to call those people who “destined” to be their partner by being a blood supply volunteer, compared to some vampires who don’t.

            Some vampires like her, who still needs time either to find their mate, or just don’t have a mate “destined” for them.

            “And you call them ‘destined’ for you even though the fact is they’re only immune to your vampire virus…”

            “Of course they’re the destined one, if not, how would you like to explain of how they won’t turn into vampire the moment you sunk your fangs on their skin?” The sudden voice caught Sae off guard she fell from the chair she’s been leaning on for a while, the culprit only laughed.

            “Ta-Takamina! What the hell!”

            “Sorry, just wondering what makes you so grumpy these days, and I found out it’s about your mate.”

            “Yeah sure, how do you expect me to react when you actually have that weird feeling toward someone but you still not sure if she’s your mate or not..”

            “Why don’t you go and find out about it?”

            “… And how am I supposed to do that?”

            “Well, first of all… You could always tell from their uniquely intoxicating scent. Use your instinct for goodness’ sake! And if scent isn’t enough…”

            Takamina leaned in to whisper something into Sae’s ear and smirked as Sae look at her with disbelieve painted all over her face.

            “You don’t tell me I have to—”

            “Well, who knows? The ‘destined’ one won’t feel cold from our touches, but instead, they’ll feel our hotness.” Takamina grinned slyly.

            “But really, how do you know that?” Sae asks dumbfounded.

            “Easy enough… You do aware about how we vampires got this low body temperature right?”

            Sae nodded.

            “Yet Atsuko said she feel so warm and fuzzy every time we touched,” Takamina grinned and walked away as she waved her hand. “Good luck, Sae-chan!”

            “But… but I thought Acchan is the one who turned you into vampire..?” Sae questioned as she stare at Takamina’s walking back, the small figure turned her head and smiled.

            “That’s for me to keep, and for you to find out.”

            End of Flashback

            Sae get off the bed and stand there looking at the still busy catching breath Yuki, slowly sitting up.

            “You know what? Under normal circumstances, I would love to grab my boots and slam it on your head by now… 'But I wonder why I still hesitate…'” Yuki started but letting the last part left unsaid, arms crossed in front of her body like she’s trying to cover every bit of skin that is showing.

            “I’m terribly sorry about that, but thanks to you I found my answer.”

            “… And what is it you’re looking for?”


            “… Me?”

            “My mate.”

            “What the— Mate? What do you mean by your mate?” Yukirin’s huge eyes bulged out in shock. ‘what are we? Animals?’ she thought.

            “umm… now how should I put this… It’s a long story I don't know how to start... But I can take you to Takamina and let her explain everything to—”

            “Excuse me? Who is Takamina? And, no! you’re not taking me anywhere!” unable to swallow the entire new information Yuki is now in panic, the girl she used to think as her cool savior is now looked like a psycho-kidnapper to her.

            “Hard to convince huh…” Sae mumbled as she walked closer to Yuki, who’s backing away slightly. Sae took Yuki’s hand and lifted it to her lips kissing it affectionately from the back of her hand to her palm, and her fingers, one by one. Yuki can’t help but blushing beet red over the gentle attention and she keeps wondering how come her body went rigid the moment Sae touched her. And when Sae placed Yuki’s hand on her cheek gently nuzzling it, Yuki feel something tugged inside her heart.

            “I could tell it from your scent… My body responses to you,” Sae said, now staring right into Yuki's eyes "and now I know you feel hot from my touches instead of cold."

            Sae pulled away and stood up, walking toward the window and turned her head to the girl who still sitting on the bed, staring at her questioningly.

            “We’ll meet again, Kashiwagi Yuki… And next time, I’ll make sure to explain everything…” then in a blink of eye, she’s gone. Leaving cold breeze grazes against Yuki’s skin.

            And somehow, Yuki feels colder and lonelier than ever.


Okay~ and that's all for now...
Until next update, guys!  :cow:

ScarletWings reporting out!  :cathappy:
« Last Edit: September 06, 2012, 04:49:54 PM by ScarletWings »
My doodle box~ :3
Currently ongoing, "The Infinity Saga"

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Re: THE INFINITY SAGA - just another AU vampire story [CHAPTER 2 - 09/06/12]
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2012, 09:47:36 AM »
First, yeah vampire story with my OTP!!!

Second, I like how the story flow but idk why I think that flashback on flashback (?) should be on the beginning of the next chapter instead. But yeah that's just my own liking maybe. Lol

I have a lot of question actually but I think I will wait for the next chapter first.


Offline ratata

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Re: THE INFINITY SAGA - just another AU vampire story [CHAPTER 2 - 09/06/12]
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2012, 04:48:49 AM »
i'm not too fond of vampire themed fics but i have hope in this one because it reminds me a lot of saeyuki's kagekidan infinity
that story ends abruptly and the journey from the beginning is not too exciting
but this one has a lot of characters, i hope, and so i'm expecting a lot of details in the plot plus i like the way you write

waiting for the new chap  :otomerika: ganbatte

Offline CheesyBits

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Re: THE INFINITY SAGA - just another AU vampire story [CHAPTER 2 - 09/06/12]
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2012, 10:55:36 AM »
Kyaaa~~!!  :w00t: :wub:
 I want more   :drool:
I can't help but imagine Sae wearing the blue wig that she wore in kagekidan infinity in this story.. Cause she played a vampire role~
Im totally inlove with this story  :inlove:  :wub:

Please update soon, ScarletWings-san  :)

Offline ScarletWings

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ScarletWings reporting in!  :cathappy:
took me a while to finally finish this chapter, inspirations just have to troll on me with coming and leaving as it pleases... :bleed eyes:
but yeah, please bear with it :D

@rishiuri: i hope your question shall be answered little by little by the updates.. :D though you know where to find me for spoilers... :wahaha:

@ratata: thanks a lot! i didn't really get that kind of comment of my writing, i'm happy you likes it :cow:

@CheesyBits: thanks for falling for my story! :deco: and please stay tuned for (slow) updates :D

thanks for the comments, minna. you guys are the best  :on GJ:


Chapter 3

            It’s in the middle of class that time and Akicha couldn’t help but keeps on turning her head toward the seat on her left worriedly, Yuki’s seat. The said girl is busy staring off into space, again.



            “KASHIWAGI YUKI!” the teacher roared out loud, startling the busy dazing girl.

            “H-hai?!” due to the shock, Yuki leapt up from her sitting position and stands straight. The whole classroom filled with laughter in instant and realizing she’s embarrassing herself, Yuki scurried herself to sit down and tried blocking every amused look with the curtains made of her hair.

            “Keep spacing out on my class and you’ll know what happen next” the teacher scolded her while pointing toward the door, hinting that he’ll kick her out the class if she happen to do the same mistake.

            Yuki could only nod her head and some snickering still could be heard as the class continues.


            “But seriously, I can’t help but laugh seeing your expression that time!” Akicha cackled as both of them walked out the school and Yuki had to pinch her friend’s arm to make her stop embarrassing her more than she already is.

            “Shut up! Mou…”

            “Itai! But you have no idea how priceless your expression is… hahahaha!”

            “Jeez… go laugh until your lungs explodes then, I’m going home.”

            “Aww stop sulking, black marimokkori-san~” Akicha pinched Yuki’s cheeks and the latter squealed, trying to chase away the offending hand off of her face with her swatting hands. Their bickering continues until Yuki’s leg hit something, kicked it away slightly.

            “Hey, watch it! It’s my pet you’re kicking!” a grumpy scolding rang on Yuki’s ears and she turned her head to see a girl shorter than her holding two leashes in one hand and another one on her hips.

            “Ah—I’m so sorry!” Yuki quickly bowed and squatted down patting the now shocked puppy she just kicked.

            “aww… I’m sorry, I didn’t meant to kick you—”

            “Buraun.” The girl blurted nonchalantly.

            “… Pardon me?” Yuki questioned dumbly.

            “That’s the puppy’s name.”

            “Oh…” Yuki made a huge ‘O’ with her mouth and back to the little puppy in front of her. “Hey, Buraun… I’m sorry, okay~” she patted the brown puppy’s head and starts tickling it until it barked happily with its tail wagging around.

            “Looks like she already like you.” The puppy owner said with a smile, Yuki swears she could see a huge fang peeked out from the girl’s lips and for all the loves of watermelons, Yuki is one hundred percent sure she’s not hallucinating.

            “Uh, yeah I think so…” She replied awkwardly, looking at Akicha whose busy playing with the puppies. “Hey, Akicha…”

            “They are so cuuuuute!” Akicha lifted the white puppy and hugged it, almost squeezing it. The owner lifted her eyebrow and faked a cough which made Akicha let the puppy down and smiled sheepishly.

            “Ehehe… I’m sorry, um…”

            “Tomomi, Itano Tomomi. But I think Tomo is fine,” The girl said smiling again.

            “My name is Takajo Aki, you can call me Akicha!” Akicha beamed and slapped Yuki’s shoulder as the latter is now the being busy playing with the Buraun.

            “Eh? Ah—I’m Kashiwagi Yuki… Nice to meet you, Itano-san” Yuki stood up and bowed to Tomo, who suddenly went silent. Yuki feel uneasy with the piercing stare and the awkward silent, decided to ask.

            “Um… Is something the matter, Itano-san?”

            “No, nothing… I just think Buraun likes you so much she wanna go home with you.” Tomo chuckled, Yuki looked down and saw the brown puppy looked at her with its puppy eyes and wagging tail, tongue sticking out and paw poking at her shoe.

            “Aww~ why are you so cute~” Yuki squealed and squatted down again to pet the puppy, “but you’re a good kid right? Good kid must go home with your master~” she cooed again and scratched the back of Buraun’s ears.

            “You could take her home if you want to,” Tomo suddenly blurted out, Yuki stared at her incredulously.

            “N-no it’s okay, she’s your pet I wouldn’t dare to—”

            “Hmm… It’s a request actually, I’m having a tight schedule and I’m afraid I couldn’t take a good care of them… and since this kid won’t be good without me being around,” Tomo said as she squatted down ruffling the white puppy’s head. “I think it would be awesome if you could help me taking care of Buraun. More to say, I’ve never seen Buraun so attached to someone else before, so I think it’s perfect… and I live near here, so you could always send her back to me if you find her annoying or something” Tomo added or more like ended the bargaining for good, she’s looking at Buraun as the little puppy also stared at her master.

            “… I swear they look like they’re having telepathic communication or something” Akicha suddenly whispered, Yuki looked at her as if she grown two more heads, mouthed “what are you talking about” and swatted her away.

            “Well, Itano-san… I would love to help if that’s the case.” Yuki said turning around and smiled at the shorter girl.

            “Thanks a lot, Kashiwagi-san. That’s such a huge favor, I owe you one” Tomo grinned and handed the brown leather leash to Yuki, but before Yuki could even touch the leash Tomo pulled the leash into different directions, Yuki looked at  the puppy following innocently to wherever the leash pulled into earning fits of giggles from the girls.

            “oh my, Buraun why are you so stupidly cute…” Tomo laughed but interrupted by loud barking from the white puppy.

            “Aww, she feels neglected…” Akicha giggled, Tomo smiled and picked the white puppy from the ground and hugged it as if it’s a puppy plushie.

            “Hey Whaitto you naughty kid, don’t get jealous” Tomo cooed and blew air into Whaitto’s face made it scrunched its face, surprised of the sudden contact.

            “See, Whaitto is the cutest~” She giggles.

            “Yukirin, Yukirin…” Akicha poked Yuki’s arm trying to get the girl’s attention, and once she did she make a gesture pointing her inexistence wristwatch trying to give a hint it’s getting late, and Yuki get the point as she too, realize the sky is getting darker.

            “Umm… I think I should get going now, Itano-san… It’s getting late,” Yuki sheepishly said, Tomo just nodded simply and start to walk away.

            “Oh right, here’s my number and do call me if you need some help with taking care of Buraun… But she eats almost everything though so I don’t think it’ll be a trouble if you feed her with anything.” The puppy owner giggled.

            “Well, that would be convenient…” Yuki laughed and they bid their goodbyes as they part ways to their respective home.


            Takahashi Mansion

            Sae whistles random song while walking down the stairs then seeing Tomo came home with Whaitto, realized something is missing Sae raised one of her eyebrow and Tomo didn’t fail to caught the questioning look.

            “Something bothers you?” Tomo asked nonchalantly, her lips curved into a playful smile and Sae didn’t quite get what is in the mischievous girl’s mind.

            “Hm… Nothing, where’s Buraun? I thought you just take those inugami for a walk…”

            “Well I do, and Buraun seems like found a more suitable master than I am.”

            “What are you talking about? I thought those two are like… your power?”

            “They do have another role as my sidekick besides of being my pet, but yeah in the end they’re the one chooses their own masters.”

            “And to whom you gave Buraun? Did that person even know they’re taking an inugami home?”

            “I’m sure this Kashiwagi Yuki girl know how to handle an inugami, hell she already got a pure-blooded raided her room and gone all the way on her.” Tomo chuckled and winked as she walked to her room, and Sae just stand there like someone had just slapped her with a frying pan after she heard the name brought up.

            “Wait, why you leave Buraun to Yuki?”

            “Don’t you understand that I’m trying to help you stalk your prey?”

            “You what?”

            “Oh, don’t you worry, lover-boy. I have a feeling Buraun would try to run away from me again anyway… And I think before she escaped and bumped into random people, I would rather have her around Kashiwagi just in case. And I could always ask this little fella to help you gather Yuki’s personal information from Buraun, which sounds like killing two birds with one stone right?” Tomo said again and make a pointing gesture toward Whaitto. Sae’s expression turned awkward like she badly needs to take a toilet break.

            “… What is it you’re planning?”

            “Not really, more like… Being more careful about your mate’s surrounding. God knows if she got a hunter as a friend, you’ll be screwed dude…”

            “Makes sense… Thanks Tomo—”

            “You do know it comes with a price, right?” Tomo cuts off Sae’s words smiling slyly.

            “… What do you want?”

            “So, I’ve wanted to try this thing called ‘manicure’ on a nail salon but unfortunately my money can’t afford it, so…”

            “Damn, feels like I’m doing an illegal transaction with you…” Sae grumbled as she reached for her wallet on her pocket and before she could debate on how much she should give the sly girl, Tomo took all her cash and Sae could only stand there frozen, only flinched a little as she sees the smug grin on Tomo’s face widened.

            “Thanks Sae-chan~ you’re the best!” Tomo laughed and walked away toward her room.

            “That’s a whole lot of money! You better give me every fucking detail about Yuki or I swear imma screw your nails and yeah you gonna regret it!” Sae grumbled and only receive Whaitto’s barking as a response.

            “Shut up kid, I’m not talking with ya but yo masta’ over there who just robbed me.” Sae scolded the white puppy who keeps on barking.

            “Hey she loves me, period. And just so you know, yankee-talking didn’t suit your personality, Sae-chan. Trust me. It sucks.” Tomo laughed again before closing her room’s door shut.


            Yuki’s apartment

            “Soooo~ welcome to your new house!” Yuki chirped happily as she took of her shoes and walked inside the room, the brown puppy seemed pretty happy and start running around as far as she could until the leash killed her joyful moment.

            “No no no no, you’re not doing that here okay? Good kid won’t act like a wild animal!” Yuki scolded the puppy and it sits down as soon as hearing Yuki’s raised voice, Yuki swear she feels as if the puppy understands her words and amazed by her small discovery, she decided to try something.

            “Buraun, lie down!”

            The puppy lies down on its stomach.

            “Buraun, roll over!”

            The puppy rolls over, and Yuki stared at it with a very amused expression.

            “… Lets see if you could do this… Buraun, BANG!” Yuki make a shooting gesture with her hand and the puppy closes its eyes and stuck out its tongue as if playing dead.

            “Oh my! I wonder how you could understand that!” Yuki laughed and walked toward the fridge trying to find something for a reward, she found only a pack of chocolate she bought last week and watermelons. She looked back at the sitting puppy behind her.

            “Hmm… Are dogs allowed to eat chocolates?” Yuki mumbled to herself as she took the small pack of chocolate and walked toward the couch and sat on it as the puppy followed her but ended up sitting on the floor since it’s too tall to jump over, Yuki opened the small pack and plopped one chocolate into her mouth as her eyes wanders between the sitting puppy and the chocolate pack and wonder if she should ask Akicha for advice.

            “But Itano-san said Buraun eats everything, right…?” Yuki wondered out loud as she picked another small piece of chocolate, and suddenly her cell-phone rang.

            It’s from an unknown number.

            Debating if she should answer it or just reject the call, she ended up pressing “answer”

            “… Moshi-moshi?”

            “Good evening, Kashiwagi-san.”

            “Hai… Who is this?”

            “Pizza delivery service, maam.”

            “Ehh?? But I didn’t—”



            “Hahahaha, this is Oshima Yuko speaking!”

            “Yuko-chan!” Yuki can’t help but laughed, the cheery jokester girl never ceased to amuse her with her endless pranks and uncommon sense of humor.

            “Hey, are you free tonight? We’re having a sleepover party~”

            “Sleepover party?”

            “Yep! Nyannyan and everyone are coming, so I want you to come too!”

            “Hm… Fine with me though, but… can I bring a puppy?”

            “Huh? Since when do you start liking animals? The last thing I remember about it is when you cried when I flashed you a living rabbit…”

            “Mou! That’s three years ago!”

            “But I’m surprised you actually got rid of the phobia so quickly, hahaha”

            “So can I bring her?”

            “Of course! So it’s a baby girl?”

            “… Well you could say it like that……”

            “Okay, come over before dinner okay! See you soon, Yukirin~ *smooch*”

            And the line went dead before Yuki could even answer.

            “Why she always do that to me…” Yuki pouted to the empty room and walked into her bedroom for packing, the thought of feeding the brown puppy a piece of chocolate already thrown out the window, she tied the leash on the doorknob and start getting absorbed into her packing. From cute pajamas, t-shirts, shorts, long pants until sexy undergarments are all scattered on her bed.

            “Should I just bring these? Wait, no… this one is better—wait this one is cute!” Yuki got excited by herself as the little puppy helplessly sits on the floor and stare at her new master. After a painful hour, finally Yuki’s done with her packing and walked out the room, bringing Buraun with her.

            “Umm… I’m sorry about earlier, but let’s go find something to eat for you at Yuko’s place, since she loves animals I think she’ll give you something delicious!” Yuki told the brown puppy that perked its ears on the mention of food, wagging its tail happily.


aaaand~ there you go!
for you guys who wonders "wtf. why those random puppies :on shady:" please don't hate them, i let them exist here to be Tomo's sidekick. :mon sweat:
just for the sake of the story plot.. :nervous :nervous
and if you got questions or anything, just put it here (on your comment) and i'll be more than glad to receive and answer them :D

until next update, guys! :deco:
ScarletWings reporting out :cathappy:
« Last Edit: September 13, 2012, 04:57:31 AM by ScarletWings »
My doodle box~ :3
Currently ongoing, "The Infinity Saga"

Offline ratata

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buraun and whaito lol random names for dogs, inugami even
i was like 'bloody hell, itano just send one of her loyal dogs to a stranger! nonsense!' but then the explanation comes shortly after haha,, so it's good~
i'm waiting for the report buraun gives itano and sae  :otomerika: go go!

Offline ScarletWings

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ScarletWings reporting in~ :cathappy:
whoa, it's been almost a week since i last update, time sure flies... :bleed eyes:

@ratata: LOL i'm terribly sorry for the not-so-creative inugami names... :bow: and thanks a lot for commenting! :cow:


Chapter 4

            The joyful atmosphere filled the living room as a group of girls gathered busy chatting and laughing.

            “And you know what she said after that? ‘SCREW YOU OLD LADY!’ and then she—”

            Ding dong~

            “It must be Yukirin! Let me get her…” Yuko leapt toward the door and opened it revealing Yuki with her bag and a leash that connected to a little puppy.

            “Yukiriiiiiinn~!” Yuko immediately clings on Yuki’s arm dragging her inside the room, giving the little puppy a short glance and then quickly brings a wide-eyed Yuki inside the room. There’s a lot of girls inside the house, much more than how Yuki think it would be.

            “Wow, it sure is a huge sleepover party…”

            “Yep, you only know Nyannyan right? I called you to join so I could introduce you to my entire crew!” Yuko beamed happily as Yuki raised her eyebrows.



            “Don’t tell me… The Hunter crew you’ve been telling me about since a few months ago?”

            “Yep! And in addition, Nyannyan also got her gang strengthened!”


            “She got some assistants for her research!”

            “Oh, that kind of explains why your house is so crowded tonight.” Yuki chuckled and Yuko pried her bag that hangs loosely on her arm and pulled her along to the crowded living room.

            “MINNA! We got a new companion, NOW KIDS! ASSEMBLE~!” Yuko shouted and everyone left what they’re doing at the moment then gathered in front of Yuko and Yuki.

            “… Wow, Yuko you make an awesome captain…”

            “Baby, I know~” Yuko whispered and turned her attention toward the girls in front of her.

            “Minna, this is my friend, Yukirin!”

            “Ah—Kashiwagi Yuki desu, but you all can call me Yukirin like Yuko-chan do.”

            “Kojima Haruna desu, call me Nyannyan—”

            “But Nyannyan, Yukirin already know you…”

            “I know, I just get caught in the mood.” Haruna laughed, elbowed the girl standing beside her softly, indirectly telling her to start her own introduction.

            “Eh—AH— Fu-Furukawa Airi desu—and you can call me Airi, or—”

            “Airin!” The girl beside Airi interrupted and smiled kinda too affectionately toward the now blushing red girl, she turned her head again to Yuki. “Matsui Rena desu, you can just call me Rena. And both of us are Haruna-san’s assistant.” The girl named Rena bowed and smiled warmly.

            “Kizaki Yuria desu, I’m also Haruna-san’s assistant” The chubby girl beside Rena smiled and bowed to Yuki.

            “Yagami Kumi desu! Just call me Kuumin!”

            “Matsui Jurina desu, a part of Yuko’s hunter crew.” The feisty-looking girl next to Yuria introduced herself but Yuki didn’t quite get why she keeps on eyeing Buraun.

            “Takayanagi Akane desu, but just call me Churi. I’m also in the Haruna-san’s team” The girl next to Jurina grinned then pinched Jurina’s arm, “Stop that.”

            “Ouch! Stop what?”

            “Staring at the puppy like you want to eat it, you scared it.” Churi hissed and Jurina pouted.

            “Ck, okay okay…”

            “Nice to meet you, minna-san!” Yuki bowed and after a small chit-chat Yuko shooed everyone go, “Time for cooking dinner! Go go go! And Yukirin, you can put your bag in my room.”

            “Yeah, thanks Yuko-chan—”

            “And don’t ever think to help us cooking dinner, scratch that. Don’t even come close to the kitchen! Hahaha~”

            “Mou!” Yuko laughed and ran away escaping Yuki’s swatting hands.

            The dinner went smoothly and even Buraun got her own portion of dinner made by Yuko. After dinner, Jurina asked Yuki’s permission to take Buraun for a quick walk outside as she claimed that she likes puppies, and Yuki couldn’t reject as Jurina’s strong glare kind of knocked her guts off. After Jurina left with Churi, Yuki later find herself chatting with Yuko and the rest of the gang while eating watermelons.

            “Oh crap, we’re out of watermelons now because Yukirin’s here.” Yuko joked and Yuki have to hit Yuko’s arm before the girl embarrass her further.

            “Itai! Nyannyan, Yuki hits meeeee~”

            “It’s your own fault, why you’re telling that me anyway”

            “Mou, why Nyannyan’s so tsuntsun to me…” Yuko said faking a sob and collected plates that scattered on the table.

            “No, wait Yuu-chan, let Mayuyu do that for you.”

            “What? Mayuyu? Who is that?”

            “Mayuyu~ come over here~”

            And suddenly a girl with twin-pigtails come out from nowhere, yeah she just appeared like a magic. Yuko yelped and Yuki choked on her watermelon.



            “This is Mayuyu, Mayuyu say hi!”

            “Konnichiwa, Watanabe Mayu desu.”

            “Where did you get her from?”


            “What do you mean ‘get’… I MADE her.” Haruna said, emphasizing her “I” and “MADE” which make Yuko raised her eyebrows.

            “You don’t mean—”

            “Mayuyu is a cyborg, Yuu-chan. It’s not anything you think she is.”

            “…… How could you know what I’m thinking?”

            “Let’s just say the power of love?” Haruna giggled and shoved Yuko who pounced at her playfully.

            “Now Mayuyu, please take care of the plates—and please bring some water for Yukirin, oh my god I almost forgot you!” Yuko panicked, patting Yuki’s back as Mayuyu handed her a glass of water.

            “… Well, isn’t it fast…” Yuko said in amazement as she now looking at Mayuyu head-to-toe in curiosity. Mayuyu’s expression only stayed still though.

            “Ne, Mayuyu… Oshiri!” Yuko lifted her hand forming a “C” and held it out in front of Mayuyu who just stared at it blankly.

            “… Oshiri.” Mayuyu followed suit and Yuko grinned, sticks their thumbs together and enthusiastically said “OSHIRI!”

            “Oshiri.” Mayuyu copied Yuko.

            “Call me Oshiriko, I’ll call you Shiriri!”





            And Mayuyu held her hand for Yuko to connect, forming an “oshiri”

            And that’s how team Oshiri formed. (no, i'm just kidding.)

            “Yuu-chan, what the hell! Don’t teach her weird things!” Haruna protested. And Yuko only laughed, patting "Shiriri"'s butt.


            Few blocks away from Yuko’s house.

            “You can show your real form now, Buraun-san.” Jurina stopped on her track and throw the leash on the ground startling Churi who walked beside her.

            “What are you doing, Jurina! What if she runs away?”

            “She’s not a mere dog, and I’m sure Yuko-san already realized it.”



            At the time Churi turned her head toward the puppy, it’s already gone. There’s only a girl who looked like a boy with short messy brown hair in an outfit dominated with brown color, wearing a similar necklace like the puppy has.

            “What the—who are you?!” Churi shrieked, Jurina stepped forward and stopped in front of Churi as if protecting her.

            “Well well, what do we have here? An inugami… What brings you here?” Jurina said as she’s ready in her fighting stance.

            “Whoa, a feisty werewolf aren’t you?” The brown haired girl took out glasses from the inside of her jacket pocket and put it on.

            “Explain yourself then.”

            “No offense, I’m just happened to be a brown puppy brought along by my master to her friend’s house.” The girl said again with a sly smile.

            “Lies, where are you from? What do you want?”

            “Well, nothing. Nothing from the two of you, just want to warn you about making a scene though… it’ll turn ugly if somehow Yuki-san finds out you beat up her puppy.”

            “You think that’s convincing, huh… Who’s your real master?!” Jurina raised her voice, and soon as the question shot out from Jurina’s mouth, strong wind blows around them.

            “Oh why, that would be me, wolf-kid.” A husky whisper could be heard from their behind, Churi turned her head and almost screamed her lungs out as another girl magically showed up mere inches from her face. Jurina taken aback with the sudden interruption and reflectively throw a punch toward the interrupter, suddenly sensing a huge danger.

            “Heh, nice move.” The husky voice turned out into a girl with a long, wavy hair and when the girl smiled, the huge fang peeked out from her lips. Beside her, another short-haired girl in a white-dominated outfit standing with a blank expression.

            “Who are you?!” Jurina snapped, her form slowly turning into wolf as her tail and ears are already popped out, might due to the startling stunt the fang-girl pulled on her.

            “Itano Tomomi, not really nice to meet you. This is Whaitto, and the other one over there is Buraun.”

            “What do you want?”

            “Just as simple as not to touch my pet.”

            “Ju-Ju-Jurina, who—what are they?” Churi asked with her shaky voice, hands gripping tightly on Jurina’s shirt.

            “Inugami, and a vampire, i assume…”

            “Oh my god!”

            ‘This is bad, I can’t fight with Churi clutching on my shirt here…’

            “Churi! Hold on tight!”

            Jurina then swooped Churi on her back, lifted her piggyback-style and as if knowing what Jurina’s going to do, Churi clung her life on Jurina who ran in an inhuman speed then jumped toward Tomo, fist ready to knock her. But it never reached Tomo’s smiling face because Whaitto suddenly appeared, blocking Jurina’s fist with her hands. Whaitto shoved the offending fist away getting ready on her fighting stance until Tomo’s hand on her shoulder distracted her.

            “No, Whaitto. We’re not here to fight her.” Tomo shot a dirty look at Jurina who still has Churi clinging on her back, then went to Buraun and whispered something to her and the latter just smiled and gave Tomo a slight nod.

            “Hey wolf-kid, you better take this puppy back to her ‘master’ before she gets worried.” Tomo added again and her hand goes to Whaitto’s clenched fist, tugged on it a little.

            “Let’s go, Whaitto.”

            And the inugami turned into a white puppy, following her master leaving the now silent street.

            “… So… What now, werewolf-san?” Buraun broke the silence and Jurina glared at her menacingly.

            “Hey, no hard feelings… I haven’t even done anything to you, let’s just return to Yuko-san’s house in peace…”

            Jurina said nothing and let Churi down on her own feet, she took the leash on the ground and throw it to Buraun who caught it in time before it slapped her head, she took off her glasses then put it inside her jacket pocket and hooked her necklace on the leash before shape-shifting into a puppy and ran toward Jurina and Churi.


            “Ta-tadaima…” Churi greeted awkwardly to the people inside the house, everyone turned their head to Churi realizing the girl looked kind of sick but as the girl smiled it off, they didn’t mind it. Yuko is the only one realizing something is off from the two usually-cheerful-and-genki girls, Jurina is awfully quiet.

            “Something happened?”

            “Nothing, I think Churi is just tired.” Jurina answered shortly.

            “Well then, I guess it’s time to sleep, minna~” Yuko clapped her hands and the girls scurried into the huge bedroom Yuko prepared.

            “And for you, you could just sleep on the mat…” Jurina hissed to Buraun who just stare at her with her puppy eyes and Jurina swear she could feel Buraun’s making mocking faces to her from those puppy eyes. And as if on cue, Yuki looked at her new pet and she got an idea.

            “Yuko-chan… Can Buraun sleep with me?”

            “Uhh… I don’t really mind about that, but you sure?”

            “Yep, I don’t know why but I just can’t let her sleep alone outside the room…”

            “Fine then.” Yuko smiled.

            “Ah, I need to go to the toilet… Yuko-chan please hold this for a while…” Yuki handed Yuko Buraun’s leash and as soon as Yuki entered the bathroom, Yuko crouched in front of the puppy.

            “Listen, I know you could understand me. I don’t know what you’re planning to do, but I do know something happened to Jurina and Churi. If you’re trying to mess around, you’ve chosen a very wrong place and time.”

            The puppy only barked and waved its tail.

            “Good to hear.”

            And not too long after her speech, Yuki reappeared from inside the bathroom, took Buraun’s leash and they entered the bedroom giggling all the way while preparing themselves to sleep.


            Oshima Residence

            2:25 AM

            Yuki meet her again, the blue eyed-girl who captured her heart the moment they gazed into hers. She approached her with opened arms, and as if they’re magnets, Yuki feel her body responded automatically to her calling gesture and they shared an embrace.

            It’s so warm, and it stirred her inside with a desire, Yuki just want to hug her and stay like that forever if it’s possible.

            Her face turned to Yuki, there she goes with her mesmerizing eyes, Yuki thought. Yuki felt the two arms that wrapped around her waist moved away, the hands caressed her body and Yuki shivered in delight. Yuki closed her eyes feeling like she’s in cloud-nine, but not long it feels slightly weird. The moment Yuki opened her eyes, the smooth hands turned hairy and covered with brown fur and one of them lifted to her face slightly poking it.

            And as if the surprise ends there, the face came so close to hers Yuki could feel her breath, Yuki closed her eyes again and feel the wet tongue brushed against her cheek and that snapped her out.

            Yuki opened her eyes and found everything gone, her heart thief has gone, only a brown puppy poking her with its paw and licked her face.

            “… Buraun…? What is it…” Yuki mumbled sleepily, half disappointed her pet just ruined the best dream she ever had and the culprit only let out a puppy whine as an answer.

            “Hm? Do you hungry?” The puppy keeps whining.

            “You want to poop?” This time, a bark.

            “Shh! Shh!! Okay okay let’s go out, but don’t be noisy!” Yuki whispered to the puppy and took the brown leash and hooked it on Buraun’s necklace then walked out the room.


            Outside the house

            “There you go, don’t take too long okay? It’s cold…”


            “Hm? Yukirin?”


            “Hey, this is amusing… How come you’re here at this time?”

            “Itano-san! What a surprise! I’m doing a sleepover at my friend’s house and just in time, Buraun needs to poop…”

            “Hahaha, let me guess… She wakes you up?”


            “Well, just the same thing as this kid. She does that all the time, she just won’t let me sleep…” Tomo laughed, pointing to the Whaitto that now busy playing with Buraun.

            “It’s been a while, Yuki…”

            That familiar voice startled Yuki, at the time she turned her head to the voice, her eyes bulged out from their sockets, her throat went dry and she just gaped there like a dying fish.

            “Wow, I never know you could make someone reacts like this, Sae-chan…” Tomo giggled as Sae smiled and walked closer to Yuki who seems petrified and has turned into stone.

            “Yuki…? Yuki you okay?”


            “Well, it nice to see you again…”

            “S-same here… Wha-what are you doing here…?”

            “Joined Tomo for a walk…”

            “Ah I see—”

            “Pffft, that's a cheap lie.” Tomo snickered and Sae shot a glare to the now laughing girl.

            “Say, Yuki, are you… Busy?”

            “… Uh… No—”

            “Sae-chan, that’s lame. Who the hell has business at this hour? You must be either crazy or stupid.”

            “Shut up, Tomochin.” Sae frowned and Yuki can’t help but giggled, Sae heard it and immediately blushed.

            “Now if you may excuse us~” Tomo said with a sing-song voice and took Buraun’s leash from Yuki’s hand then tugged Whaitto’s as the walked away. Unfortunately, not so far from where they were standing as Tomo saw a pair of fierce eyes on them.

            “Stop right there, vampires. And might as well… Inugami-tachi… What a pleasant surprise…”

            It’s Oshima Yuko, and her hunter gang.


And that's for now :D
have any questions? critics? comments? you know where to tell me :deco:
until next update, guys~ :cow:
ScarletWings reporting out! :cathappy:
My doodle box~ :3
Currently ongoing, "The Infinity Saga"

Offline ratata

  • ecchi
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so many mythical creatures popping

yuki has some gang to hang around with... vampires, werewolves and hunters... i think she was born under a bad star or something
and i love the fact that jurina has made an appearance... and she's a badass lol

you're not going to make them fight each other like it did in twilight, aren't you? because i sense a war coming between them

anyway, thank you for the update, i'll try to leave one whenever i spot an update

Offline zeebulb

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  • Tokyo Doom
Thanks for the update,really enjoy it  :D

War between vampire and werewolf who is hunter or...?
You're fic is interesting,and Jurina being werewolf just awesome,so Churi know nothing about them?

Hope you update soon   :lol:
Shipping MariHaru = Kojiharu moved to team B
Shipping SaeYuki = Sae moved to Shang Hai
Shipping MayuAika = Rabutan moved to HKT
Acchan fans = Acchan graduated
 2012 is so funny :|

Offline Sleno

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if jurina's a werewolf then when she transforms wouldn't she be... naked?
oh gawd!!!!
will there be a scene where she would be... naked? lol
kidding aside
nice story ^^

Offline kahem

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Oh I wonder if they would fight~

Offline ScarletWings

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  • SaeYuki all the way! :D
ScarletWings reporting in :cathappy:

First, i'm terribly sorry for the long wait...
i'm actually got a pretty hectic schedule on hand with my college and jobs, and few days ago i just got my dislocated wrist treated, so i find it hard to type for a few days...  :kneelbow:
but yeah mostly because i'm always in a writer's block.
man, i'm really sorry about that. :bleed eyes: :bleed eyes: :bleed eyes:

@ratata: a fight is inevitable if it comes to things like these :twisted: but don't worry, it's not even that huge to be considered as a war :D thanks for commenting! :deco:

@zeebulb: let's just say the hunters consisted of anyone (or anything) who has personal matter with the vamps :banana: and thanks for enjoying my fic :D

@Sleno: lol, oh you ecchi-reader :D no, the werewolves won't be naked when they turned back into human, just like in twilight i think..? thanks for commenting  :hee:

@kahem: they would, but not now.. i guess..?  :shifty: and thanks for commenting :D

reading those comments of yours really make me much more inspired... :on gay: :on gay: :on gay:


Chapter 5

            “Well, isn’t it the feisty wolf-kid from earlier?” Tomo smirked and Jurina flinched at the mocking tone Tomo’s using.

            “… So she’s the one you bumped on earlier?” Yuko asked and Jurina just nodded.

            “No wonder I feel something off from that puppy… it turned out she’s an inugami!” Kuumin groaned, Airi just stand there looking confused and shocked while Rena just stand there with a blank expression.

            “No wonder you’re so snappy… Did you forgot about immediately tell me if something happened?”

            “… I’m sorry, Yuko-san.”

            “Well well, if you hunters might excuse us… We would like to escort the ‘princess’ back to the house she’s supposed to be.” Tomo said, “Or… We might need to do it with a little bit of violence…” She added, as she could sense the intimidating aura coming from Yuko and the werewolves. With a snap of fingers, the puppies had turned into their human-inugami form.

            “You’re not going anywhere if it’s with Yukirin.” Yuko said sternly, but much to her dismay the couple behind Tomo just seem like they didn’t know what happened. Tomo turned her head and called Sae,

            “Oi, Sae-chan, you're done wooing your girl yet?”

            “… Seems like things will get ugly…” Sae groaned as she could feel the bad aura emitted from the current situation.

            “B-but… What happened...? Why Yuko-chan and Itano-san looked like they’re going to tear each others’ heads off…?”

            “Come with me, and I’ll explain everything to you.” Sae said as she held both of Yuki’s hands.

            “Yukirin! They are vampires!! Don’t listen to any of them!” Yuko screamed, Yuki turned her head and blinked dumbly.

            “Tch… As if Sae-chan’s virus would do anything to her…” Tomo scoffed, Yuko raised an eyebrow hearing this.

            “Wait, don’t tell me—”

            “Yup, Kashiwagi-chan over there is Sae’s mate, zannen.” Sayaka suddenly butted into the conversation, startling everyone. Meanwhile Sayaka’s mate, Mocchi, could be seen near Yuki and Sae busy talking and then they ran away taking Yuki with them.

            “WHAT!?” Startled by both the sudden revelation and Sayaka’s unpredicted appearance, Yuko slipped a yelp.

             “Oh, it’s you Gori-san…” Tomo smirked and Sayaka replied with a grin.

            “So, what now, hunters?” Sayaka taunted.

            “Tsk… Mari-chan won’t be pleased to hear this…” Yuko snarled and dashed toward Sae, going straight to the point of problem.

            “Yuu-chan?!” Haruna yelped in surprise. “Crap! I still can't let Mayuyu handle the fight since I haven't tested her in fighting mode before…” she added as she slapped her forehead.

            “Not that fast, Oshima-san…” Sayaka blocked Yuko’s way and blow a punch toward the small girl who dodged it just in time, Sayaka’s fist kissed the pavement cracking them and Yuko rolled on the ground, suddenly shape-shifted into a cheetah.

            “Oshima Yuko, the shape-shifter… Tsk, we got a pretty problematic opponent here…” Sayaka smirked while Tomo already dashed passed her chasing the cheetah, but a few shadows distracted her as her instinct told her to stop and duck, which she did and rewarded with two werewolves that almost pounced on her body, now blocking her path. Tomo raised an eyebrow then simply flicked her hair and snapped her fingers, soon, two inugami in huge dogs form jumped and attacked the werewolves.

            “Wait! Oh my god, are they even sober enough to realize that we’re in the middle of residential area?!” Rena said frustrated with both hands on her head, she then quickly turned to Airi.


            “Understood, Rena-san.”

            Then Airi sprinted forward turning into a huge fox and chased Yuko, she flashed across the fighting werewolves and inugami then ran with all her might to catch up with the cheetah.

            “Yuko-san! Don’t! We can’t risk getting ourselves exposed here!” Airi howled and that seems to make the cheetah pulled her emergency brake and stopped chasing the escaping vampire.

            “Shit!” Yuko turned back into her human form and cursed. Airi then soon reached her position and also turned back into human form.

            “Tch, they escaped…”

            “Yuko-san, I guess we should warn Jurina and Kumi, they’re still caught in a fight with those inugami.”

            “Right, come on let’s head back.” Airi nodded and turned into her fox form and Yuko hopped on her back.


            “Jurina! Kumi! Stop!” Rena tried her best to gain the werewolves’ attention, Yuria is also there occasionally screamed out “Kuu-chan! Jurina-chan! Stop it!” only to be ignored by the werewolves.

            “Heh, is that all you got, puppies?” Jurina taunted and jumped toward Buraun, only to get a head butt on her back from Whaitto sending her flying a few meters and slammed hard onto the lamp-post made her poofed back into her human form. Shocked, Kumi angrily jumped and about to counter-attack the aggressor when the brown inugami suddenly turned into human form and ran fast toward the fallen Jurina.

            “Hey! Not that fast, puppy!” Kumi growled and jumped back with her claws ready to tear some flesh off, the brown inugami jumped away from the attack and Kumi took the chance to aid Jurina.

            “Hey, Jurina! Man, are you okay?!”

            “I’m okay…” Jurina grunted as she stands up, she could feel her ribs clacking as they heals and clutched on her shirt. The inugami are standing not too far in front of them, seems ready to launch an attack, Kumi is readying herself beside Jurina anticipating any kind of movement from those two, but nothing came out for a few moments and later, strong wind blows around them as it seems like they got two more guests to join the party.

            “Well well, how was that, wolf-kid?” Tomo’s snickering voice broke the silence, and the inugami quickly returned to their master’s side, Sayaka is also there, arms crossed. And just in time, both Yuko and Airi who already turned into human form finally reached Jurina and Kumi’s side.

            “Let’s go back, we can’t risk our identity here…” Yuko whispered and Kumi quickly returned into her human form as well.

            “Heh, afraid of getting busted now, aren’t we…” Tomo mocked. “Now if you guys may excuse us. Kids, let's go.” Tomo added with a smirk and in a godly-speed, she’s already far behind them, escaping with her inugami tailing behind, Sayaka however, still stand there looking at Yuko with a frown on her face.

            “Where’s Shinoda?”

            “It’s none of your concern.”

            “It’s been years, Yuko.”


            “And to think we used to be allies until that incident occurred and destroyed everything…” Sayaka hissed.

            “You don’t have to bring that back now, Sayaka.” Yuko frowned and Sayaka sighed. “Just… Go away.”

            “Yuko-san?” Kumi blurted in disbelief as Jurina and Airin only stare blankly at their leader.

            “Go away before I change my mind.” Yuko whispered again, fists clenched tigh. Seeing this, Sayaka sighed again as she left the now silent street. Then a few moments after that Rena, Yuria and Haruna arrived.

            “Yuu-chan! Are you okay?”

            “Yeah, I’m fine…” Yuko let out a weak smile, Haruna slightly saw the escaping figure and she immediately know what ticked Yuko off, she then reached out to Yuko and hugged the small girl as the rest of the girls could only stare and wonder what was that all about.

            “Let’s go back home—”

            “No, Nyannyan… We need to find a new place.”


            “We need to settle this with those vampires before they get even stronger, and I’m worried about Yukirin.” Haruna saw Yuko bit her lower lip and sighed. She knows nothing stops Yuko’s decision when she’s serious about it.

            “… I got it, but lets just go back for now and think about it tomorrow… Please? Everyone look pretty shocked, and I think some are exhausted. Besides, we owe them some explanations…”

            “… I guess so…”

            And the hunter gang returned to their home.


            Sae, Yuki and Mocchi arrived at Takahashi mansion, Yuki can’t help but be awed over the hugeness of the mansion. More to say, it’s in the middle of a deep forest, woods and trees everywhere and she would like to assume she’s in the middle of nowhere now.

            “How come there’s such a mansion built here…” Yuki blurted out in awe, Sae turned her head to Yuki and silently laughed. But once her eyes caught the whole glimpse of Yuki, she couldn’t help but become enchanted again by her beauty.

            ‘More like how come there’s someone as real as you are…’ Sae thought.

            And of course, Mocchi didn’t fail to see Sae’s in-love expression, smiled and decided to leave the two alone, she quietly walked away until loud noise could be heard from behind of them, startling the three figures.

            “Hey what did I say about ‘wait for me’?!” Sayaka grumbled as she dusted some leaves and dirts from her pants and shirt.

            “You took too much of my precious time. I want to hurry and go home so I can sleep earlier, which part of that you don't understand?”

            “And there you go with your mood-swings… Jeez, you should go eat some sugar to lessen the bitterness on your tone.”

            “And what’s your freakin’ problem, gori-chan?” Tomo walked away and flicked her hair as the puppies ran alongside her, but as they walked across Sae and Yuki, Buraun stopped and wagged her tail in front of them.

            “Buraun!” Yuki squatted down and patted her head, “So you guys are actually lived here all together?”
            “Well, duh.” Tomo rolled her eyes and walked passed the couple and Sae sweat-dropped hearing Tomo’s snappy retort. As Whaitto ran along following its master, Buraun didn’t go and just sit there looking at Yuki.

            “Heh, told you inugami chooses their own masters.” Tomo smiled to Sae, who just shot her with an amused expression.

            “Well, well… Why don’t we all go inside now? I’m pretty sure Yuki-chan is tired.” Mocchi smiled as she wrapped her arms around Sayaka’s.

            “What is it you’re suggesting, Mocchi?” Sayaka grinned playfully, Mocchi just give her a displeased look and let go of her arm, giving it a slap and walked away.

            “What’s wrong with you, I just feel like grabbing your triceps and you just have to spoil the mood…”

            “Awww, I thought you suggested something else—”

            “Like exactly what?” Mocchi looked at Sayaka from her shoulder with a seductive smile pasted on her face, a final blow for Sayaka’s self-composure limit. And as the temptress Mocchi walked into the mansion, the gorilla only jaw-dropped.

            “Uh… I think she’s drooling…” Yuki said uneasily.

            “Let her be, she's always like that when it comes to Mocchi. Come on let’s go inside, I want you to meet Takamina.” Sae smiled and offered her hand which Yuki gladly took, the couple then walked inside the huge mansion.


Inside Takahashi Mansion

            Yuki and Sae walked inside the dining room after decided to leave Sayaka ogles alone outside, they passed through the huge living room with a grand marble-stairs and saw Tomo upstairs walking toward her room and quickly closed the door leaving a wailing Whaitto locked outside, Tomo opened the door again clicked her tongue and muttered something like “why you're such a slowpoke” and shut the door closed after she let the puppy in.

            After watched the short scene, Sae guided Yuki until they are now in front of a huge and sturdy-looking door. Sae opened the door and Yuki could see two girls sitting inside, one in a chair with her fingers clamped on each other, and another girl sitting on the table with her legs crossed.

            “I’ve been expecting you, Kashiwagi.” One of the girl stood up, and Yuki can’t contain her surprised expression seeing how short the girl is. The other girl just snickered, Sae sighed and walked toward the two girls.
            “Stop that, we’re not in action movies or something…”

            “Why you have to spoil my cool moment?”

            “Jeez, Takamina… That’s more like disgusting than cool.”

            “Oh shut up.”

            “Anyway, let me introduce you to, uh... 'my-soon-to-be-mate?' Kashiwagi Yuki—” and all of a sudden, the girl beside Takamina moved in a godly-speed and now stands face-to-face with Yuki staring straight into her eyes. The poor girl instinctively widened her eyes and squeaked in surprise, startling everyone.

            “A-Atsuko?! What’s wrong?” Takamina hurriedly jogged to the girl’s side and grabbed her arm, Atsuko just keep on staring deeply into Yuki’s eyes as if reading Yuki's mind until Sae stepped in between them, totally blocking Yuki from Atsuko.

            “Acchan, is something wrong?” Sae said calmly, but already in her stance. Atsuko looked at Sae and just smiled.

            “Ruka, you finally found Maria.”

            “… Huh?”

            “It couldn’t be wrong, I know those eyes. Maria’s eyes.” Atsuko said again, Takamina gave Sae a puzzled expression and Yuki just stands there as if she’s been cursed with a frozen cast.

            “… Ruka…”

            “Eh?” Sae startled by the quiet voice, turned her head to the girl behind her, and there she found Yuki staring deep into her eyes.

            Yuki’s eyes are pitch black, and for some unknown reason, Sae is mesmerized instead of freaked out. It feels like Yuki's eyes are glowing, but she's not sure what is it. Atsuko smirked again and dragged Takamina away with her.

            “W-wait, Atsuko? What—”

            “It’s reminiscing time for Ruka and Maria, we shouldn’t disturb them.” Atsuko cut Takamina’s words off and winked, Takamina only blinked a few times and looked back at the couple that engaged into a staring-battle and decided to follow Atsuko’s persistence dragging.


And that's all for now...
Don't worry (and don't be confused) as the puzzle pieces will slowly complete the whole picture, bit by bit :D

I'll try to update as soon as i could, so stay tuned~ :byebye:

ScarletWings reporting out! :cathappy:
My doodle box~ :3
Currently ongoing, "The Infinity Saga"

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