ScarletWings reporting in~

whoa, it's been almost a week since i last update, time sure flies...
@ratata: LOL i'm terribly sorry for the not-so-creative inugami names...

and thanks a lot for commenting!

Chapter 4 The joyful atmosphere filled the living room as a group of girls gathered busy chatting and laughing.
“And you know what she said after that?
‘SCREW YOU OLD LADY!’ and then she—”
Ding dong~ “It must be Yukirin! Let me get her…” Yuko leapt toward the door and opened it revealing Yuki with her bag and a leash that connected to a little puppy.
“Yukiriiiiiinn~!” Yuko immediately clings on Yuki’s arm dragging her inside the room, giving the little puppy a short glance and then quickly brings a wide-eyed Yuki inside the room. There’s a lot of girls inside the house, much more than how Yuki think it would be.
“Wow, it sure is a huge sleepover party…”
“Yep, you only know Nyannyan right? I called you to join so I could introduce you to my entire crew!” Yuko beamed happily as Yuki raised her eyebrows.
“Don’t tell me… The Hunter crew you’ve been telling me about since a few months ago?”
“Yep! And in addition, Nyannyan also got her gang strengthened!”
“She got some assistants for her research!”
“Oh, that kind of explains why your house is so crowded tonight.” Yuki chuckled and Yuko pried her bag that hangs loosely on her arm and pulled her along to the crowded living room.
“MINNA! We got a new companion, NOW KIDS! ASSEMBLE~!” Yuko shouted and everyone left what they’re doing at the moment then gathered in front of Yuko and Yuki.
“… Wow, Yuko you make an awesome captain…”
“Baby, I know~” Yuko whispered and turned her attention toward the girls in front of her.
“Minna, this is my friend, Yukirin!”
“Ah—Kashiwagi Yuki desu, but you all can call me Yukirin like Yuko-chan do.”
“Kojima Haruna desu, call me Nyannyan—”
“But Nyannyan, Yukirin already know you…”
“I know, I just get caught in the mood.” Haruna laughed, elbowed the girl standing beside her softly, indirectly telling her to start her own introduction.
“Eh—AH— Fu-Furukawa Airi desu—and you can call me Airi, or—”
“Airin!” The girl beside Airi interrupted and smiled kinda too affectionately toward the now blushing red girl, she turned her head again to Yuki. “Matsui Rena desu, you can just call me Rena. And both of us are Haruna-san’s assistant.” The girl named Rena bowed and smiled warmly.
“Kizaki Yuria desu, I’m also Haruna-san’s assistant” The chubby girl beside Rena smiled and bowed to Yuki.
“Yagami Kumi desu! Just call me Kuumin!”
“Matsui Jurina desu, a part of Yuko’s hunter crew.” The feisty-looking girl next to Yuria introduced herself but Yuki didn’t quite get why she keeps on eyeing Buraun.
“Takayanagi Akane desu, but just call me Churi. I’m also in the Haruna-san’s team” The girl next to Jurina grinned then pinched Jurina’s arm, “Stop that.”
“Ouch! Stop what?”
“Staring at the puppy like you want to eat it, you scared it.” Churi hissed and Jurina pouted.
“Ck, okay okay…”
“Nice to meet you, minna-san!” Yuki bowed and after a small chit-chat Yuko shooed everyone go, “Time for cooking dinner! Go go go! And Yukirin, you can put your bag in my room.”
“Yeah, thanks Yuko-chan—”
“And don’t ever think to help us cooking dinner, scratch that. Don’t even come close to the kitchen! Hahaha~”
“Mou!” Yuko laughed and ran away escaping Yuki’s swatting hands.
The dinner went smoothly and even Buraun got her own portion of dinner made by Yuko. After dinner, Jurina asked Yuki’s permission to take Buraun for a quick walk outside as she claimed that she likes puppies, and Yuki couldn’t reject as Jurina’s strong glare kind of knocked her guts off. After Jurina left with Churi, Yuki later find herself chatting with Yuko and the rest of the gang while eating watermelons.
“Oh crap, we’re out of watermelons now because Yukirin’s here.” Yuko joked and Yuki have to hit Yuko’s arm before the girl embarrass her further.
“Itai! Nyannyan, Yuki hits meeeee~”
“It’s your own fault, why you’re telling that me anyway”
“Mou, why Nyannyan’s so tsuntsun to me…” Yuko said faking a sob and collected plates that scattered on the table.
“No, wait Yuu-chan, let Mayuyu do that for you.”
“What? Mayuyu? Who is that?”
“Mayuyu~ come over here~”
And suddenly a girl with twin-pigtails come out from nowhere, yeah she just appeared like a magic. Yuko yelped and Yuki choked on her watermelon.
“This is Mayuyu, Mayuyu say hi!”
“Konnichiwa, Watanabe Mayu desu.”
“Where did you get her from?”
“What do you mean ‘get’… I
MADE her.” Haruna said, emphasizing her “I” and “MADE” which make Yuko raised her eyebrows.
“You don’t mean—”
“Mayuyu is a cyborg, Yuu-chan. It’s not anything you think she is.”
“…… How could you know what I’m thinking?”
“Let’s just say the power of love?” Haruna giggled and shoved Yuko who pounced at her playfully.
“Now Mayuyu, please take care of the plates—and please bring some water for Yukirin, oh my god I almost forgot you!” Yuko panicked, patting Yuki’s back as Mayuyu handed her a glass of water.
“… Well, isn’t it fast…” Yuko said in amazement as she now looking at Mayuyu head-to-toe in curiosity. Mayuyu’s expression only stayed still though.
“Ne, Mayuyu… Oshiri!” Yuko lifted her hand forming a “C” and held it out in front of Mayuyu who just stared at it blankly.
“… Oshiri.” Mayuyu followed suit and Yuko grinned, sticks their thumbs together and enthusiastically said “OSHIRI!”
“Oshiri.” Mayuyu copied Yuko.
“Call me Oshiriko, I’ll call you Shiriri!”
And Mayuyu held her hand for Yuko to connect, forming an “oshiri”
And that’s how team Oshiri formed.
(no, i'm just kidding.) “Yuu-chan, what the hell! Don’t teach her weird things!” Haruna protested. And Yuko only laughed, patting "Shiriri"'s butt.
Few blocks away from Yuko’s house. “You can show your real form now, Buraun-san.” Jurina stopped on her track and throw the leash on the ground startling Churi who walked beside her.
“What are you doing, Jurina! What if she runs away?”
“She’s not a mere dog, and I’m sure Yuko-san already realized it.”
At the time Churi turned her head toward the puppy, it’s already gone. There’s only a girl who looked like a boy with short messy brown hair in an outfit dominated with brown color, wearing a similar necklace like the puppy has.
“What the—who are you?!” Churi shrieked, Jurina stepped forward and stopped in front of Churi as if protecting her.
“Well well, what do we have here? An inugami… What brings you here?” Jurina said as she’s ready in her fighting stance.
“Whoa, a feisty werewolf aren’t you?” The brown haired girl took out glasses from the inside of her jacket pocket and put it on.
“Explain yourself then.”
“No offense, I’m just happened to be a brown puppy brought along by my master to her friend’s house.” The girl said again with a sly smile.
“Lies, where are you from? What do you want?”
“Well, nothing. Nothing from the two of you, just want to warn you about making a scene though… it’ll turn ugly if somehow Yuki-san finds out you beat up her puppy.”
“You think that’s convincing, huh… Who’s your real master?!” Jurina raised her voice, and soon as the question shot out from Jurina’s mouth, strong wind blows around them.
“Oh why, that would be me, wolf-kid.” A husky whisper could be heard from their behind, Churi turned her head and almost screamed her lungs out as another girl magically showed up mere inches from her face. Jurina taken aback with the sudden interruption and reflectively throw a punch toward the interrupter, suddenly sensing a huge danger.
“Heh, nice move.” The husky voice turned out into a girl with a long, wavy hair and when the girl smiled, the huge fang peeked out from her lips. Beside her, another short-haired girl in a white-dominated outfit standing with a blank expression.
“Who are you?!” Jurina snapped, her form slowly turning into wolf as her tail and ears are already popped out, might due to the startling stunt the fang-girl pulled on her.
“Itano Tomomi, not really nice to meet you. This is Whaitto, and the other one over there is Buraun.”
“What do you want?”
“Just as simple as not to touch
my pet.”
“Ju-Ju-Jurina, who—what are they?” Churi asked with her shaky voice, hands gripping tightly on Jurina’s shirt.
“Inugami, and a vampire, i assume…”
“Oh my god!”
‘This is bad, I can’t fight with Churi clutching on my shirt here…’ “Churi! Hold on tight!”
Jurina then swooped Churi on her back, lifted her piggyback-style and as if knowing what Jurina’s going to do, Churi clung her life on Jurina who ran in an inhuman speed then jumped toward Tomo, fist ready to knock her. But it never reached Tomo’s smiling face because Whaitto suddenly appeared, blocking Jurina’s fist with her hands. Whaitto shoved the offending fist away getting ready on her fighting stance until Tomo’s hand on her shoulder distracted her.
“No, Whaitto. We’re not here to fight her.” Tomo shot a dirty look at Jurina who still has Churi clinging on her back, then went to Buraun and whispered something to her and the latter just smiled and gave Tomo a slight nod.
“Hey wolf-kid, you better take this puppy back to her ‘master’ before she gets worried.” Tomo added again and her hand goes to Whaitto’s clenched fist, tugged on it a little.
“Let’s go, Whaitto.”
And the inugami turned into a white puppy, following her master leaving the now silent street.
“… So… What now,
werewolf-san?” Buraun broke the silence and Jurina glared at her menacingly.
“Hey, no hard feelings… I haven’t even done anything to you, let’s just return to Yuko-san’s house in peace…”
Jurina said nothing and let Churi down on her own feet, she took the leash on the ground and throw it to Buraun who caught it in time before it slapped her head, she took off her glasses then put it inside her jacket pocket and hooked her necklace on the leash before shape-shifting into a puppy and ran toward Jurina and Churi.
“Ta-tadaima…” Churi greeted awkwardly to the people inside the house, everyone turned their head to Churi realizing the girl looked kind of sick but as the girl smiled it off, they didn’t mind it. Yuko is the only one realizing something is off from the two usually-cheerful-and-genki girls, Jurina is awfully quiet.
“Something happened?”
“Nothing, I think Churi is just tired.” Jurina answered shortly.
“Well then, I guess it’s time to sleep, minna~” Yuko clapped her hands and the girls scurried into the huge bedroom Yuko prepared.
“And for you, you could just sleep on the mat…” Jurina hissed to Buraun who just stare at her with her puppy eyes and Jurina swear she could feel Buraun’s making mocking faces to her from those puppy eyes. And as if on cue, Yuki looked at her new pet and she got an idea.
“Yuko-chan… Can Buraun sleep with me?”
“Uhh… I don’t really mind about that, but you sure?”
“Yep, I don’t know why but I just can’t let her sleep alone outside the room…”
“Fine then.” Yuko smiled.
“Ah, I need to go to the toilet… Yuko-chan please hold this for a while…” Yuki handed Yuko Buraun’s leash and as soon as Yuki entered the bathroom, Yuko crouched in front of the puppy.
“Listen, I know you could understand me. I don’t know what you’re planning to do, but I do know something happened to Jurina and Churi. If you’re trying to mess around, you’ve chosen a very wrong place and time.”
The puppy only barked and waved its tail.
“Good to hear.”
And not too long after her speech, Yuki reappeared from inside the bathroom, took Buraun’s leash and they entered the bedroom giggling all the way while preparing themselves to sleep.
Oshima Residence 2:25 AM Yuki meet her again, the blue eyed-girl who captured her heart the moment they gazed into hers. She approached her with opened arms, and as if they’re magnets, Yuki feel her body responded automatically to her calling gesture and they shared an embrace.
It’s so warm, and it stirred her inside with a desire, Yuki just want to hug her and stay like that forever if it’s possible.
Her face turned to Yuki, there she goes with her mesmerizing eyes, Yuki thought. Yuki felt the two arms that wrapped around her waist moved away, the hands caressed her body and Yuki shivered in delight. Yuki closed her eyes feeling like she’s in cloud-nine, but not long it feels slightly weird. The moment Yuki opened her eyes, the smooth hands turned hairy and covered with brown fur and one of them lifted to her face slightly poking it.
And as if the surprise ends there, the face came so close to hers Yuki could feel her breath, Yuki closed her eyes again and feel the wet tongue brushed against her cheek and that snapped her out.
Yuki opened her eyes and found everything gone, her heart thief has gone, only a brown puppy poking her with its paw and licked her face.
“… Buraun…? What is it…” Yuki mumbled sleepily, half disappointed her pet just ruined the best dream she ever had and the culprit only let out a puppy whine as an answer.
“Hm? Do you hungry?” The puppy keeps whining.
“You want to poop?” This time, a bark.
“Shh! Shh!! Okay okay let’s go out, but don’t be noisy!” Yuki whispered to the puppy and took the brown leash and hooked it on Buraun’s necklace then walked out the room.
Outside the house “There you go, don’t take too long okay? It’s cold…”
“Hm? Yukirin?”
“Hey, this is amusing… How come you’re here at this time?”
“Itano-san! What a surprise! I’m doing a sleepover at my friend’s house and just in time, Buraun needs to poop…”
“Hahaha, let me guess… She wakes you up?”
“Well, just the same thing as this kid. She does that all the time, she just won’t let me sleep…” Tomo laughed, pointing to the Whaitto that now busy playing with Buraun.
“It’s been a while, Yuki…”
That familiar voice startled Yuki, at the time she turned her head to the voice, her eyes bulged out from their sockets, her throat went dry and she just gaped there like a dying fish.
“Wow, I never know you could make someone reacts like this, Sae-chan…” Tomo giggled as Sae smiled and walked closer to Yuki who seems petrified and has turned into stone.
“Yuki…? Yuki you okay?”
“Well, it nice to see you again…”
“S-same here… Wha-what are you doing here…?”
“Joined Tomo for a walk…”
“Ah I see—”
“Pffft, that's a cheap lie.” Tomo snickered and Sae shot a glare to the now laughing girl.
“Say, Yuki, are you… Busy?”
“… Uh… No—”
“Sae-chan, that’s lame. Who the hell has business at this hour? You must be either crazy or stupid.”
“Shut up, Tomochin.” Sae frowned and Yuki can’t help but giggled, Sae heard it and immediately blushed.
“Now if you may excuse us~” Tomo said with a sing-song voice and took Buraun’s leash from Yuki’s hand then tugged Whaitto’s as the walked away. Unfortunately, not so far from where they were standing as Tomo saw a pair of fierce eyes on them.
“Stop right there, vampires. And might as well… Inugami-tachi… What a pleasant surprise…”
It’s Oshima Yuko, and her hunter gang.
And that's for now

have any questions? critics? comments? you know where to tell me

until next update, guys~

ScarletWings reporting out!