So as requested from way back, I slowly pieced together a two-shot continuing from where I ended the night for Kai and Mizuki and gave it a name. Somehow my boring night shifts always come in handy when I'm only on standby, it means people are healthy and getting better and of course more
studying writing time

For those that like to listen to music while reading, no3b - 3 seconds is recommend

For those who haven't read the beginning its the first OS post
One-Two Shot: Hana Mendol (Persona)“Mizuki, WAKE UP! You are going to miss breakfast!” Nakatsu shouted running into the room, he looked up and found Mizuki’s bed empty, confused as to where the cross-dressing girl is, he hear a groan from the side.
Turning to look in the direction his eyes almost fell out, in his line of view is Mizuki snuggled up with Kai her head resting on his shoulders, her arms around the her smaller roommate, while his arms lay loosely over top of hers. Shocked is an understatement, Nakatsu felt like he was just hit by a wave, as he spend half of the last school year chasing over the girl but end up losing to Sano who just took off around the world. Then another half a year to get use to their best friend status and suddenly he finds her in the arms of her new roommate that she just met YESTERDAY!
While his mind and body goes through the tremors, Mizuki started to stir, she used one hand to rub her eyes while the other is still around the sleeping Kai, “What is it Nakatsu” she asked still drowsy from being woken up.
“Morning… Late… Breakfast…” Nakatsu tried to form a sentence but failed miserably as he tried to comprehend the scene in front of him. The fact that Mizuki is in bed with her NEW roommate so soon after Sano left, his brain just won’t function.
“Ahh!,” Mizuki tried to get up but found herself held down by a pair of arms, then she remembered last nights event and the fact that Nakatsu is standing right there staring at them, she turned away to hide the forming blush on her cheeks.
“Errmmm, we will be down in a minute,” Mizuki said as she lightly nudge her sleeping bed mate “Nami, wake up she whispered into the girl’s ears making sure Nakatsu can’t hear what she said. From his view, he just saw Mizuki lower her head towards the sleeping boy, leaving enough to imagine as he mind went through all possibilities of what she can be doing from that angle.
“Nakatsu, do you mind leaving, I need to get changed, we will be down in a minute.” Mizuki asked the statue that stood tall in the middle of their room.
“Oookay..” Nakatsu sluttered before leaving the room, and closing the door behind him.
Once Mizuki is sure that Nakatsu is gone, she leaned over and kissed her sleeping beauty, to raise her from her deep sleep. After spending a little time together, they decided it’s time the grace the rest of the student body with their presence down in the dining hall.
When they both stepped into the dining hall, everyone suddenly went quiet as they wonder who the shorty beside their resident cross-dresser is, it doesn’t help the fact that they are walking a little too close for stranger comfort.
“Good morning! This Kai, my new roommate our new dorm mate,” Mizuki introduced casually.
“Takahashi Kai, good morning and nice to meet you.” Kai said with a bow. At this time members from dorm 1 and dorm 3 started to pile in and from the crowd emerge two familiar faces.
“Riku! Kuu! What are you two doing here?” Kai shouted in surprise.
“Eh! KAI!” The two exclaimed in surprise.
“Hey you know each other?” Nanba asked, as the three just nodded.
“President sent us here, something about being friends with the principal and they needed more students,” Riku explained.
“But why are you in dorm 2? Shouldn’t you be in dorm 3 like us for performing arts?” Kuu asked.
“Hi, I’m Kai’s roommate Mizuki,” Mizuki broke in while playfully throwing her arm around Kai. Riku and Kuu quickly turned to look at each other to confirm that they just saw some guy with his arm around Kai and he didn’t seem to mind.
“Kojima Riku, nice to meet you,”
“Minegishi Kuu,”
“How do you know each other?” Mizuki asked again curious as to who these two are as they seem close to Kai.
“We are Persona!” the three said together with a smile, they haven’t done that in a while since they announced that they are disbanding.
“Ehh!” this took the students of Osaka by surprise, never would they though they will get idols in their school.
“Now that you mention, you three do resemble Persona, but he seems so much shorted in person,” third dorm leader Oscar Himejima said pointing at Kai.
“Who are you calling short!” Kai shouted ready to run and tackle the all flashy dorm leader, if only Riku and Kuu aren’t holding her back.
“Kai,” Mizuki said while putting her hand on her aggressive roommate, and to Riku and Kuu’s surprise, Kai immediately stopped struggling and turned to look at her roommate.
“I’m hungry lets eat,” so together they sat down at a table, leaving two shocked past time idols standing in the middle.
“Now that everyone is here, we will make an important announcement,” Nanba said with the other two dorm leaders at his side, cheers can be heard throughout the hall.
“Our annual sport festival is coming up and as usual the three dorm will be competiting against each other,” Himejima said uproars can be heard on either side of the room, signalling the high energy of each dorm
“Last year we put together a cheer with Mizuki to boost moral and energy before the event, this year we will be doing the same,” Tennoji explained to the already excited students.
“This year our principal also ask that Persona, make a special performance for the audience as well,” Nanba finished as he glanced over at the three members.
“HUH!” “EH!” “WHAT!” was all they heard from the members of Persona.
After breakfast, Riku and Kuu dragged Kai away, saying that they need to plan and practice for their performance. Even though Kai was reluctant to leave Mizuki’s side, the other two did make a good point, they haven’t practice together in a while and they don’t want to look rusty in from of an audience.
“So who’s this Mizuki guy?” Kuu asked?
“Just my roommate,” Kai sluttered,
“You are lying!” Riku pointed out, “even when you were with Ray, you still looked uncomfortable when she had her arms around you.”
“Plus you totally calmed down when he placed his hands on your shoulder!” Kuu added, while looking at the silent Kai trying to avoid the question.
“I thought we were here to practice our performance,” Kai tried to dodge the questions.
“Don’t try changing topics on us, it won’t work,” they slowly advance trapping Kai against the wall. Even though Kai was reluctant to leave Mizuki’s side, the other two did make a good point, they haven’t practice together in a while and they don’t want to look rusty in from of an audience.
“So who’s this Mizuki guy?” Kuu asked?
“Just my roommate,” Kai sluttered,
“You are lying!” Riku pointed out, “even when you were with Ray, you still looked uncomfortable when she had her arms around you.”
“Plus you totally calmed down when he placed his hands on your shoulder!” Kuu added, while looking at the silent Kai trying to avoid the question.
“I thought we were here to practice our performance,” Kai tried to dodge the questions.
“Don’t try changing topics on us, it won’t work,” they slowly advance trapping Kai against the wall.
“You like him!” Kuu suddenly said, while Kai just turned away to look towards the side, a blush slowly making its way to her cheeks as images flash by her mind.
“You are blushing! You totally have the hots for him… but I thought you like girls? Well he does look a little feminine,” Riku said with one finger tapping her lips while in thought.
“We should start practicing,” Kai pushed pass her two friends and started to warm up.
“Ahhh, why am I here!”
“Quit whining, and start taking pictures, Hara-san won’t be happy if she knew you are slacking on the job again,” the taller of the two photographers said as they stood at the bleachers of the annual Osaka sport festival.
“But Mariko I don’t want to take pictures of sweaty guys,” the shorter of the photographer whined again.
While the two were having their own conversation, the music started as students in cheerleading outfits came running onto the field for their performance, with Mizuki in the center. The audience roar in excitement as they watch the guys do their routine in perfect sync. The crowd all stood up and applaud for the guys when they finished their performance.
“Thank you for coming to our annual sport festival, this year we have a special treat for all of you out there,” the principal said through the mic in the announcing booth, “let us welcome PERSONA!”
The music started again as three lone figures made their way to the middle of the field, “Thanks for coming, We are Persona! Here we bring you 3 seconds!”
“sanbyou mitsumeru dake de
otoshite miseyou ka
omae no ai nante
ore no omoi doori sa
manazashi no NAIFU ga sono mune wo tsuranuki
me no mae no otoko no toriko ni naru yo
dare mo minna nozonde iru
tooi dokoka tsurete itte hoshii to
sanbyou mitsumeru dake de
mahou ni kakeyou ka
risei wa suitorare
sugu ni ugokenaku naru
sanbyou mitsumeru dake de
otoshite miseyou ka
omae no ai nante
ore no omoi doori sa
sanbyou mitsumeru dake de
mahou ni kakeyou ka
risei wa suitorare
sugu ni ugokenaku naru
sanbyou mitsumeru dake de
otoshite miseyou ka
omae no ai nante
ore no omoi doori sa”
By the time they finished their performance everyone was up on their feet, cheering and whistling for the three. It has been a while since anyone has heard them perform.
“See they weren’t so bad right,” Mariko said but never received a reply, “Yuko?” she turned to look over at the empty space beside her, the smaller photographer missing from her spot.