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Author Topic: Immortal-shots Collection (Feb 14 ~ Blinded By Love: Be My Valentine [AtsuMina])  (Read 103850 times)

Offline immortal_K

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~Welcome to Immortal's randomness World of One-two shots~

OS Challege requests:
~All requests are welcome I will try my best in completing them, please leave a comment with a pairing and 4 words of your choice)

apparently: Acchan + Yuko (Train, Bus, Coke and Purse)
Keichan: Acchan + Sae (Cheese, Dishes, Mattress and Poker)
Flean: Acchan + Takamina (Smile, Blind, Ribbon, Kiss)

« Last Edit: January 14, 2016, 09:31:55 AM by immortal_K »

Offline WinterAir

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Re: One-shot (Kai/Mizuki)
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2011, 08:04:29 AM »
^^ you really wrote it! haha Thank you!! for taking in the idea ^^ LOL kai x mizuki!! WOOT lol they're moving along quite fast tho ;) nice haha love how it eventually ends up back as atsukoxminami =) lol now i demand you post your other fic!  XD

Offline immortal_K

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Re: One-shot (Kai/Mizuki)
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2011, 08:11:16 AM »
One-shot: Hana Mendol (Kai/Mizuki)

“How did I get myself into this mess?” Kai thought as she walked through the gates of her new school, Osaka Gakuen. 


“Hey Mizuki, when is your new roommate arriving?” Nakatsu asked while sitting on the empty bed, Sano used to occupy.

“Don’t know, Nanba-sempai only told me I will be getting a new roommate.” Mizuki replied while reading her manga.

“I wonder how Sano is doing, so lucky get to go on special training for high jump while touring around the world for a year.”

“Hey didn’t you say you have a date with Komari from St. Blossom’s?” Mizuki asked.

“Oh NO! I’m going to be late,” Nakatsu jumped off the bed and ran out the door, on his way down the hall he passed by a short blond hair guy carrying a few bags. ‘That must be him’ he thought as he did a double take at the height of their new addition.

*Knock* *Knock*

“Come in, the door is open” Mizuki said not getting up from where she is reading her manga.

“Erm, Hi?” Kai said as she opened the door .

“Hi, I’m Ashiya Mizuki, nice to meet you,” Mizuki’s head appeared from above to greet her new roommate.
“Takahashi Kai, Nice to meet you,” Kai said with a bow, before moving her stuff inside.

Mizuki continue to watch her new roommate unpack behind her manga ‘he looks cute, even if he is a little short’

“Would you like me to show you around before dinner?” Mizuki asked while she put away her manga.

“If it isn’t a bother,” Kai answered with a smile.

They walked around the dorm, to help Kai get familiarize with her surroundings then headed out to the garden.

“Wow, it feels nice out here” Kai lift her arms up to stretch her back to loosen up her muscles from carrying all her bags and made a motion to sit down on one of the white benches.

“Don’t sit on that bench its bro…” Mizuki tried to warn Kai and pull him back but it was too late, he end up tumbling back as the bench flipped over dragging Mizuki down as well  since her hand is still holding onto Kai’s arm.

“AHhh,” Kai landed on her back and felt another weight landed on top of her, she looked up to see Mizuki on top of her, they stayed in the position staring at each other, so close they can feel each other's warm breathe. Kai can feel her own heart pounding as her new cute roommate lay on top of her, making no move to get up.
Mizuki finally snap out of it when she notice she is still lying on top of her new roommate. “Sorry, are you hurt?” Mizuki quickly got up and extended her hand to help the other up.

“I’m okay, sorry for dragging you down, didn’t know the bench would flip,” Kai said quickly while turning away as she felt a bit flushed, missing blush from her roommate at the same time.

“.. It’s almost dinner time, let’s go back to the dorm.” Mizuki said as she heading back, making sure Kai is still following her.
Back at the dorm, Mizuki introduced Kai to Yuujiro, “This is Yuujiro, he usually is only friendly around Sano, me and girls,” Mizuki said as she crouch down to pet Yuujiro, but Yuujiro padded past her and jumped on Kai, licking him on the face. “I guess he likes you too,” Mizuki chuckled as she watch Kai play with Yuujiro.


After dinner, Kai decided to go out for a walk for some fresh air, since this afternoon her thoughts have all been about her new roommate, Mizuki. After her experience with Ray, she has already accepted the fact she likes girls, but this sudden attraction to Mizuki is throwing her off. Sure Mizuki does give off some feminine traits but how can there be a girl in an all boy school? Of course Kai’s mind is so occupied she forgot that she is currently also cross-dressing and attending this all boy school. Somehow as her mind wonder, her legs took her back to the garden beside the bench from earlier.

“Yuujiro!”  Kai turned around to see the golden retriever running towards her dragging Mizuki along, Kai kneeled down to play with Yuujiro a bit before standing back up to greet her roommate.

“Hi, seems like you and Yuujiro found me,”

“More like Yuujiro found you and dragged me along,” Mizuki said while giving Yuujiro a glare.

“You don’t want to see me?” Kai asked a little disappointed.

“No, no, of course not, I mean I want to see you,”

“Really?” Kai asked, and Mizuki nodded. Yuujiro suddenly started to run in circles around them and his leash caught them in the legs pulling them closer together. Mizuki placed her arms around Kai’s waist to hold them steady, she looked down and is caught in another staring match, she looked down onto those inviting lips, trying to fight the urge to taste them.

“Kai, I know we just met but it seems like I’ve known you forever,” Mizuki said as she lowered herself to capture those lips with her own, gently at first until she felt Kai respond to her. Next thing she know she felt Yuujiro crash into her from behind, pushing them off balance and onto the ground. Once again Mizuki laid on top of Kai with her arms still around Kai. Yuujiro barked a few times to get the two’s attention, that’s when they heard footsteps and voices getting louder coming in their direction. They quickly got up and patted the grass off of their clothes, looking up in time to see Nakatsu return from his date.

“Hey Mizuki what are you doing out here so late? Oh hi you must be the newcomer. I’m Nakatsu Shuichi” He quickly ran up to the two and introduce himself, lucky for the two it is already dark so he can’t see the blush on their face.

“Hi, Takahashi Kai” Kai said as Nakatsu draped his arms around her shoulders.

“So you are Mizuki’s new roommate,” he stated.

“It’s getting late, we should head back” Mizuki suddenly said dragging Kai and Yuujiro with her, just seeing Nakatsu’s around Kai make her feel unease.
The rest of the night the two didn’t really say much to each other, they took turns in the shower, Kai went first and when Mizuki came out Kai was already sleeping. ‘Probably tired from travelling and moving in’ Mizuki thought as she sat beside Kai’s bed to admire his face under the moonlight.

“I wonder if you will accept me if you know I’m a girl” Mizuki whispered to no one in particular.


When Kai heard that she couldn’t stop herself from being surprised, her original thought was to pretend to be asleep so they won’t have to face the awkward atmosphere but this isn’t something she expect. When Mizuki realize Kai is still awake and heard what she said she quickly made a motion to get up and leave but a hand grabbed onto her arm preventing her from leaving. Kai sat up and looked up at the standing Mizuki.

“Mizuki…. I’m not who you think I am….will you still like me if I’m a girl too?” Kai asked while looking at Mizuki’s confused face. She pulled Mizuki forward and place her hands on her own chest. Kai closed her eyes as she heard Mizuki gasp in surprise after removing her hands from her chest. Kai prepared herself for rejection after Mizuki found out she is a girl too but instead she felt a hand lift her head up and a felt familiar lips against her own. Unlike the first time, they were a lot bolder fighting for dominance, somehow Mizuki’s hands end up under Kai’s shirt while Kai had her’s around Mizuki’s neck, eventually they had to break apart to catch their breath.  They just stayed like that looking at each other, before breaking into giggles.

“Mizu…” Kai started but was cut off by a peck on the lips from Mizuki.

“Atsuko, please call me Atsuko,” Mizuki said, as she hugged onto the smaller girl.

“Only if you call me Nami, for Minami.” Kai replied with a smile.

Acchan weaved her arms around Nami and rested her head on her shoulder, Nami put an arm around Acchan after pulling the blankets over the both of them, both drifted off to sleep as they gave in to exhaustion.

Hana Mendol
Part 2 (Persona)
Part 3 (Riku/Yuko)
« Last Edit: November 26, 2011, 02:46:38 AM by immortal_K »

Offline anoni2

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Re: One-shot (Kai/Mizuki)
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2011, 10:15:53 AM »
aw i got tricked there  XD

yay kaixmizuki  kawaii   :grin:
Still shipping them early pairs. 1st generation ftw!

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Offline blughise

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Re: One-shot (Kai+Mizuki)
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2011, 01:03:19 PM »
OMG that's so cute! :luvluv1: :on gay: You did a good job on this fanfic :on GJ: Now I want a sequel if possible, pretty please :hee: :on hypto:

Offline kahem

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Re: One-shot (Kai+Mizuki)
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2011, 09:09:09 PM »
I like it!!!!!!!!!!!
I want a sequel too!
There is someone who want write an hanakimi fict with the AKB as the boys?

Offline immortal_K

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Re: One-shot (Mayuki)
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2011, 12:58:33 PM »
Got bored while sitting here at work, so end up writing another one-shot, a very appropriate setting for an appropriate time as I happen to be inside a hospital right now :lol:
I know I said I'll update my other fic tonight during my break so.... will get onto that soon  :wahaha:

One-Shot: Dr. Watanabe

Mayuyu once again checked herself again the mirror in the room to make sure everything is in place and she is presentable before stepping out into the halls to start her morning rounds. It has been a while since she started to wear this wig and cross dress for work. Even though she herself is a fan of danso, that isn’t the reason why, as a fact it is easier for her this way.

“Good morning Dr. Watanabe,” one of the nurses greeted the young doctor.

“How is Kashiwagi-san doing today?” Mayuyu asked.

“The girl has been doing a lot better since she regained conscious, she should be discharged soon” the nurse replied.

“Hmmm, I say in the next few days,” Mayuyu said as she look through the charts in her hand.


Yuki sat there looking out the window of her room at the same old boring scenery, she has been here in the hospital for a while now, since her accident, she looked down at the cast on her leg, in the next few days that should come off too. She check the clock again, wondering where the young doctor is, usually by this time the doctor will already be here. Everyday Yuki watch the young doctor gently examine the patients in the room with a smile on her face, those glasses on her small face, her black hair and white lab coat. What Yuki don’t understand is why the young doctor dress in male attire when clearly her features are so pretty, that anyone will have a hard time resisting. Just as her brain continue on its tangent on random thoughts about the young doctor, the door slide open and in walked the main character of Yuki’s thoughts.

“Good morning” Mayuyu greeted the occupants in the room, she picked up the chart hanging at the end of the bed of the closes patient and started to go over the details, followed by a quick assessment. After writing down some orders she moved onto the next bed.

Yuki watched quietly, she love how diligently the young doctor worked, her genuine smile, the gentleness she has towards her patients, even when they are rude, her kindness outshines those other doctors that Yuki has met during her time of recovery.

“Good morning, Kashiwagi-san, how are you doing today?”

“Good morning, Dr. Watanabe, just call me Yuki,”

“Yuki-san, it seems like your leg is almost healed, we will get an x-ray next week and if all goes well we can take it off, then you would finally be free,” Mayuyu said as she check the charts, “Do you have any other discomforts?”

“Does being stuck inside, on a hospital bed count?” Yuki joked, she watched the doctor giggled a bit. The doctor walked up to the head of the bed, and took out her pen light.

“Okay, I want you to look at the light, I’m just going to check your eyes,” Mayuyu said as she placed one hand on the side of Yuki’s face, slightly lifting her eyelids while the other flashes her penlight by the eyes to check the reaction. Mayuyu repeated the action for the other side, to confirm both side are functioning with no concerns.

While Mayuyu was doing her assessment, Yuki sat there enjoying the close proximity of the cute doctor, her face started to flush a little that went unnoticed by the doctor as she is concentrated on her assessment.

“Yuki can you lie down for me, I need to check your abdomen as well,” Mayuyu asked, then placed her hands over Yuki’s abdomen and applied pressure to make sure it doesn’t feel distended. ‘wow her waist is so thin, she needs to eat more’ Mayuyu thought, making sure to not let her hands roam, fighting the temptation, Mayuyu moved to examine the leg to make sure there is not extra swelling.

“Every looks good, there isn’t any extra swelling on your foot, once we get the cast off, your, leg might still be a bit weak but shouldn’t be a problem,” Mayuyu said as she finish writing up some orders in the chart. “I’m glad you recovered.” Mayuyu lingered in the room just a bit longer before heading out to check her other patients, somehow she found herself attach to her young charge, since she took over her care.

“Thanks, Dr. Watanabe,” Yuki smiled at the doctor while she left the room.


*A couple weeks later*

Yuki struggles to walk down the sidewalk with a pair of crutches, they had already checked her over again and decided she is good to be discharged, and out of all the days they choose to let her go, it’s the one where her best buddy is too busy hanging out with her mirror tower to pick her up. ‘Sigh’ Yuki continue to try to work the crutches as she slowly made her way down towards the bus stop, at this rate she will probably make it home by sun down.

While moving at her ant speed she notice a car slowly pulled up beside her and stopped, the windows rolled down and Dr. Watanabe’s face came in view.

“You look like you need some help, didn’t you say you have a friend that can pick you up?” Mayuyu asked the struggling girl.

“Something came up and she can’t make it,” Yuki said surprised, the doctor remembers what she said a few days ago.

“Here hop on I’ll give you a ride,” the young doctor said as she got out of the car and help Yuki into the car while throwing the crutches in the backseat. The car drove off after getting the direction to the tall girl’s resident.

“Dr. Watanabe, why do you always dress like a guy?” Yuki finally asked as the question that has been on her mind for a while, looking over the suit the doctor had on with her signature black hair and glasses.

If Mayuyu was surprised by the break of silence and question she didn’t show it at all, she just smiled and quickly glanced at the girl beside her. “It makes work easier, especially when dealing with those older population, they aren’t as accepting to female doctors as the younger population.” Mayuyu explained as she kept her eyes on the road.

“Here we are,” Mayuyu announced, “hmm do you need some help,” she then ask taking note of the few steps in the front that leads to the front door.

“Hehe.. I think I will be able to manage,” Yuki said unsure of herself as she stare at those steps that she need to climb up, help would be nice but she can’t ask that much from the doctor, she already got a ride home.

“Here, let me help you,” Mayuyu got out of the car and help the girl out after grabbing the crutches out from the back. Just as Yuki tried to reach for the crutches, a hand stopped her, before she know she had one arm around the shoulder of the shorter girl while a hand snaked around her waist to help support her.

“Dr. Watanabe!” Yuki said surprised by the sudden closeness, she can feel the soft shoulders throw the thin material of the dress shirt the doctor is wearing.

“Please call me Mayu-chan, we aren’t in a hospital anymore,” The danso girl looked up and smiled at the taller, before helping her up the steps to the front door.

After struggling to get the door to open they stepped inside the dark corridor of the house. Luckily Yuki had her friend come clean it up a bit a few days ago, or they might step into a house full of webs and dust. Yuki tried to reach for the light switch but tripped over a few pairs of misplaced shoes just as she braced herself to face the hardwood floor, she felt hands took a hold of her. With the new traction and support, she twisted a bit and ends up slamming against the wall, but she didn’t feel the hard and cold material of the wall. Yuki placed both hands on the wall to support and steady herself when she notices a soft layer of flesh in between her and the wall.

Looking down with the limited light from the windows she came face to face with her cute doctor, her body seem to lost control of its function, as her heart started to pound, forgetting to breath as she continue to look intently into the eyes of the beautiful face only a few cm away. Mayuyu lean forward, noticing Yuki closed her eyes seemingly expecting certain events to happen, she moved slightly towards the left and whispered into the girls ear with a sly grin

“If you forget to breath, allow me to teach you,”

Yuki turned her head to the side to only to feel warm flesh press into her lips before, they were release back to freedom. The taller girl was shocked from the recent develop of events, she could feel her heart skip a beat and stopped for a second.

“If your heart stop, I am trained to do CPR, I do pristine chest compressions ” Mayuyu whispered again to the stilled girl, as her hands moved up to rest around the slim waist, while she wait for the girl to come back.

“If I'm going to die, will you save me?” Yuki asked.

“With a touch of this finger, I’ll definitely cure your sickness,” Mayuyu said as she lifted her finger and pressed it to Yuki’s lips, then hugged her while resting her head on the taller girls shoulder.

“Mayu-chan… can I see you… you without the wig?” Mayuyu nodded as she allow Yuki to take out the pins from her hair and slowly pull the wig off, letting her long hair flow down, back into place.

“You look better without the wig,” Yuki said before capturing the girl’s lips, it was short and gentle. Mayuyu’s hands have already made their way under the girl’s shirt, massaging the abdomen muscles as they made their way up.

“Stay,” Yuki said then added “Dr. Watanabe please take good care of me.”

« Last Edit: July 14, 2011, 05:20:31 PM by immortal_K »

Offline AAAice

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Re: One-shot Collection (14/07~Mayuki)
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2011, 01:21:40 PM »
That was hot! (For me it is)

Ahh I miss Danso. Dr. Watanabe is pure smexy!
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Re: One-shot Collection (14/07~Mayuki)
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2011, 01:34:16 PM »
@ AAAice: I'm currently wishing a Dr. Watanabe work at my hospital, then I would actually be happy to be at work haha


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Re: One-shot Collection (14/07~Mayuki)
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2011, 02:46:21 PM »
That was hot! (For me it is)

Totally agree with that...  XD      I like your OS!!!!  :twothumbs

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Re: One-shot Collection (14/07~Mayuki)
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2011, 05:08:06 PM »
Great!!!! The last sentence made me smile

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Re: One-shot Collection (14/07~Mayuki)
« Reply #11 on: July 14, 2011, 05:16:02 PM »
While reading the CPR sentence >>> OMG !! I just love it >//<
I love Mayuki kekeke
Thx !!

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Re: One-shot Collection (14/07~Mayuki)
« Reply #12 on: July 15, 2011, 06:22:54 AM »
OMG~ it's Watanabe sensei~!!  :inlove:


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Re: One-shot Collection (14/07~Mayuki)
« Reply #13 on: August 04, 2011, 10:22:39 AM »
So here is a short random scribble that I did when I was sitting around at night waiting for a friend to reappear after giving me a brb....... it was a very long brb  :lol:

After the last MaYuki OS with Dr. Watanabe, here is a very random OS for Team A as a result of youtubing late night. Came across a few behind the scene camera for their first Janken elections notice how Aamin was with Shi-chan and Sasshi for most part so here goes.

One-Shot: Team A

It is the weekend and some of the girls on Team A have gathered together for their weekly bonding, surprisingly the normally packed kitchen only stood a lone figure working diligently to prepare food for the night. This week they choose to gather at the Oya resident as they decide against the idea of crashing at the Kojima resident for obvious reasons.

Shi-chan stood at the counter cutting up some vegetables when she felt a hand tap her in the shoulder. After putting down the knife she turned to see a smiling Akicha.

"What is it Akicha? Do you need something, you should be outside with the others, I have everything taken care of here."

"Shi-chan, can you cut up this cabbage for me?" Akicha pulled out a giant cabbage from behind and placed it on the cutting board. Shi-chan looked at the cabbage then back at her adorable team mate, knowing the other girls obsession with the sound of cutting cabbage she can only agree.

Taking out a bigger cutting knife Shi-chan decided she can add some coleslaw salad to their menu since last time they made cabbage soup.

"Are you ready?" Shi-chan asked, watching Akicha pull up beside her leaning closer to the counter with ears out ready to hear one of her favorite sound.

With professional skills Shi-chan started cutting into the cabbage, luckily her father trained her well, each piece cut nicely with the same fine distances apart, leaving perfect strips of cabbage on the cutting board. Shi-chan can hear the happy giggling coming from beside her as she concentrated in processing this giant cabbage, a smile slowly creeping up to her lips, she really like it when her team members are enjoying themselves.

The two at the counter were so absorbed in cutting and listening they failed to notice another body enter the kitchen behind them.

Sashihara or Sasshi, came walking in with an empty cup looking to refills her drink, but stopped when she came across the scene in front of her. A frown made its way to her face, as she watched Akicha lean in closer to their 'no damage' team mate.

"Getting jealous?"

Startled by the sudden question, Sasshi turned around to find their team’s youngest member leaning against the kitchen entrance, with a deliberate smile.

"I...I don't know what you are talking about," Sasshi silently cursed herself for sluttering but an idea came up to mind to get back at the taller girl.

 "Oh I know you just want me to go drag Akicha away, so you can be over there," Sasshi grinned as she watch the girl choke on the water she just happen to be sipping at the time.

"*cough* Sashiko... *cough* you must be hallucinating," Aamin said while she recovers from her near water choking incident.

"Hi girls when did you two come in?" The two by the entrance turned to see Shi-chan and Akicha looking over to them with interest.

"Ahh.... I came in here for some water," Sasshi said while quickly making her way over to the refrigerator.

"Errrr... I came to see if you need any help..." Aamin said.

"Or more like see if there is anything to eat!" Sasshi pointed out from behind the open fridge door, "I swear you Maeda's eat a lot."

Aamin just stuck her tongue out at the older girl, which Sasshi took the challange and started to make faces back. The two continue to battle each other until they got distracted by the sound of laughing from Shi-chan and Akicha.

"Is the snacks ready yet?" the kitchen occupants turned to see Acchan sticking her head out from behind the door to check on her preys.

"Speaking of the devil, here comes the other Maeda," Sasshi joked as Acchan made her way towards the counter, their short captain in toll with an apologetic look.

"Sorry, I couldn't keep her out of the kitchen, she was getting hungry and Haruna was occupying the PS3 shooting down monsters." Takamina replied as they watch Acchan pick up some uncut celery and started eating while passing one over to Aamin.

"That's okay, we all know our ace is unstoppable." They joked as everyone started to pitch in and help before their W Maeda finishes the food before it’s cooked.

Offline AAAice

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Re: One-shot Collection (04/08~ Random OS)
« Reply #14 on: August 04, 2011, 11:14:53 AM »
Haha so fun to read! I mean, I haven't read any Akicha, Shi-chan, Sasshi, Aamin in some fics. (Well to Sasshi I did read some) but hell yeah this is really entertaining, with all Akichan Cabbage obsession. :]]]] Damn, I love Shi-chan from start when she's still a Kenkyuusei way back the old times. Also to Maeda Ami and the members that appeared in this OS.

The jealous Sasshi and Aamin. xD

Ami and Acchan's stomach!!! Haha, yet I haven't seen Acchan in some ways to eat a lot.

LOL at this. 'Haruna was occupying the PS3 shooting down monsters' Glad Yuko isn't there to disturb Haruna in her serious gaming.

More more OS!
Defeating Gekikara is a dangerous dream.

Offline blughise

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Re: One-shot Collection (04/08~ Random OS)
« Reply #15 on: August 04, 2011, 03:21:40 PM »
that so cute!!!
I didn't know Aamin eats alot too :grin:
Can you write more of this please!!!
I want the continuation....It's so interesting!!! I love Team A bonding time XD

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Re: One-shot Collection (04/08~ Random OS)
« Reply #16 on: August 04, 2011, 03:24:01 PM »
quit denying XD it's all over ur face hehe

Team A's bounding is hard to break  :lol:

waiting for more

btw back to reading and commenting only XD
Still shipping them early pairs. 1st generation ftw!

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Re: One-shot Collection (04/08~ Random OS)
« Reply #17 on: August 04, 2011, 10:35:24 PM »
LOL~  :rofl:

Please update soon~  :twothumbs

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Re: One-shot Collection (04/08~ Random OS)
« Reply #18 on: August 05, 2011, 09:12:12 PM »
team k is more relevant to me T^T

lol jk~ haha so random, nice to see some of the team a bonding time. sasshi getting jealous keke, i like (;

now where's that atsuyuu one shot LOL

Offline immortal_K

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Re: One-shot Collection (04/08~ Random OS)
« Reply #19 on: August 12, 2011, 05:37:25 PM »
So as requested from way back, I slowly pieced together a two-shot continuing from where I ended the night for Kai and Mizuki and gave it a name. Somehow my boring night shifts always come in handy when I'm only on standby, it means people are healthy and getting better and of course more studying writing time  :twothumbs
For those that like to listen to music while reading, no3b - 3 seconds is recommend  XD

For those who haven't read the beginning its the first OS post here.

One-Two Shot: Hana Mendol (Persona)

“Mizuki, WAKE UP! You are going to miss breakfast!” Nakatsu shouted running into the room, he looked up and found Mizuki’s bed empty, confused as to where the cross-dressing girl is, he hear a groan from the side.

Turning to look in the direction his eyes almost fell out, in his line of view is Mizuki snuggled up with Kai her head resting on his shoulders, her arms around the her smaller roommate, while his arms lay loosely over top of hers. Shocked is an understatement, Nakatsu felt like he was just hit by a wave, as he spend half of the last school year chasing over the girl but end up losing to Sano who just took off around the world. Then another half a year to get use to their best friend status and suddenly he finds her in the arms of her new roommate that she just met YESTERDAY!

While his mind and body goes through the tremors, Mizuki started to stir, she used one hand to rub her eyes while the other is still around the sleeping Kai, “What is it Nakatsu” she asked still drowsy from being woken up.

“Morning… Late… Breakfast…” Nakatsu tried to form a sentence but failed miserably as he tried to comprehend the scene in front of him. The fact that Mizuki is in bed with her NEW roommate so soon after Sano left, his brain just won’t function.

“Ahh!,” Mizuki tried to get up but found herself held down by a pair of arms, then she remembered last nights event and the fact that Nakatsu is standing right there staring at them, she turned away to hide the forming blush on her cheeks.

“Errmmm, we will be down in a minute,” Mizuki said as she lightly nudge her sleeping bed mate “Nami, wake up she whispered into the girl’s ears making sure Nakatsu can’t hear what she said. From his view, he just saw Mizuki lower her head towards the sleeping boy, leaving enough to imagine as he mind went through all possibilities of what she can be doing from that angle.

“Nakatsu, do you mind leaving, I need to get changed, we will be down in a minute.” Mizuki asked the statue that stood tall in the middle of their room.

“Oookay..” Nakatsu sluttered before leaving the room, and closing the door behind him.

Once Mizuki is sure that Nakatsu is gone, she leaned over and kissed her sleeping beauty, to raise her from her deep sleep. After spending a little time together, they decided it’s time the grace the rest of the student body with their presence down in the dining hall.


When they both stepped into the dining hall, everyone suddenly went quiet as they wonder who the shorty beside their resident cross-dresser is, it doesn’t help the fact that they are walking a little too close for stranger comfort.

“Good morning! This Kai, my new roommate our new dorm mate,” Mizuki introduced casually.

“Takahashi Kai, good morning and nice to meet you.” Kai said with a bow. At this time members from dorm 1 and dorm 3 started to pile in and from the crowd emerge two familiar faces.

“Riku! Kuu! What are you two doing here?” Kai shouted in surprise.

“Eh! KAI!” The two exclaimed in surprise.

“Hey you know each other?” Nanba asked, as the three just nodded.

“President sent us here, something about being friends with the principal and they needed more students,” Riku explained.

“But why are you in dorm 2? Shouldn’t you be in dorm 3 like us for performing arts?” Kuu asked.

“Hi, I’m Kai’s roommate Mizuki,” Mizuki broke in while playfully throwing her arm around Kai. Riku and Kuu quickly turned to look at each other to confirm that they just saw some guy with his arm around Kai and he didn’t seem to mind.

“Kojima Riku, nice to meet you,”

“Minegishi Kuu,”

“How do you know each other?” Mizuki asked again curious as to who these two are as they seem close to Kai.

“We are Persona!” the three said together with a smile, they haven’t done that in a while since they announced that they are disbanding.

“Ehh!” this took the students of Osaka by surprise, never would they though they will get idols in their school.

“Now that you mention, you three do resemble Persona, but he seems so much shorted in person,” third dorm leader Oscar Himejima said pointing at Kai.

“Who are you calling short!” Kai shouted ready to run and tackle the all flashy dorm leader, if only Riku and Kuu aren’t holding her back.

“Kai,” Mizuki said while putting her hand on her aggressive roommate, and to Riku and Kuu’s surprise, Kai immediately stopped struggling and turned to look at her roommate.

“I’m hungry lets eat,” so together they sat down at a table, leaving two shocked past time idols standing in the middle.

“Now that everyone is here, we will make an important announcement,” Nanba said with the other two dorm leaders at his side, cheers can be heard throughout the hall.

“Our annual sport festival is coming up and as usual the three dorm will be competiting against each other,” Himejima said uproars can be heard on either side of the room, signalling the high energy of each dorm

“Last year we put together a cheer with Mizuki to boost moral and energy before the event, this year we will be doing the same,” Tennoji explained to the already excited students.

“This year our principal also ask that Persona, make a special performance for the audience as well,” Nanba finished as he glanced over at the three members.

“HUH!” “EH!” “WHAT!” was all they heard from the members of Persona.


After breakfast, Riku and Kuu dragged Kai away, saying that they need to plan and practice for their performance. Even though Kai was reluctant to leave Mizuki’s side, the other two did make a good point, they haven’t practice together in a while and they don’t want to look rusty in from of an audience.

“So who’s this Mizuki guy?” Kuu asked?

“Just my roommate,” Kai sluttered,

“You are lying!” Riku pointed out, “even when you were with Ray, you still looked uncomfortable when she had her arms around you.”

“Plus you totally calmed down when he placed his hands on your shoulder!” Kuu added, while looking at the silent Kai trying to avoid the question.

“I thought we were here to practice our performance,” Kai tried to dodge the questions.

“Don’t try changing topics on us, it won’t work,” they slowly advance trapping Kai against the wall. Even though Kai was reluctant to leave Mizuki’s side, the other two did make a good point, they haven’t practice together in a while and they don’t want to look rusty in from of an audience.

“So who’s this Mizuki guy?” Kuu asked?

“Just my roommate,” Kai sluttered,

“You are lying!” Riku pointed out, “even when you were with Ray, you still looked uncomfortable when she had her arms around you.”

“Plus you totally calmed down when he placed his hands on your shoulder!” Kuu added, while looking at the silent Kai trying to avoid the question.

“I thought we were here to practice our performance,” Kai tried to dodge the questions.

“Don’t try changing topics on us, it won’t work,” they slowly advance trapping Kai against the wall.

“You like him!” Kuu suddenly said, while Kai just turned away to look towards the side, a blush slowly making its way to her cheeks as images flash by her mind.

“You are blushing! You totally have the hots for him… but I thought you like girls? Well he does look a little feminine,” Riku said with one finger tapping her lips while in thought.

“We should start practicing,” Kai pushed pass her two friends and started to warm up.


“Ahhh, why am I here!”

“Quit whining, and start taking pictures, Hara-san won’t be happy if she knew you are slacking on the job again,” the taller of the two photographers said as they stood at the bleachers of the annual Osaka sport festival.

“But Mariko I don’t want to take pictures of sweaty guys,” the shorter of the photographer whined again.

While the two were having their own conversation, the music started as students in cheerleading outfits came running onto the field for their performance, with Mizuki in the center. The audience roar in excitement as they watch the guys do their routine in perfect sync. The crowd all stood up and applaud for the guys when they finished their performance.

“Thank you for coming to our annual sport festival, this year we have a special treat for all of you out there,” the principal said through the mic in the announcing booth, “let us welcome PERSONA!”

The music started again as three lone figures made their way to the middle of the field, “Thanks for coming, We are Persona! Here we bring you 3 seconds!”

“sanbyou mitsumeru dake de
otoshite miseyou ka
omae no ai nante
ore no omoi doori sa

manazashi no NAIFU ga sono mune wo tsuranuki
me no mae no otoko no toriko ni naru yo
dare mo minna nozonde iru
tooi dokoka tsurete itte hoshii to

sanbyou mitsumeru dake de
mahou ni kakeyou ka
risei wa suitorare
sugu ni ugokenaku naru
sanbyou mitsumeru dake de
otoshite miseyou ka
omae no ai nante
ore no omoi doori sa


sanbyou mitsumeru dake de
mahou ni kakeyou ka
risei wa suitorare
sugu ni ugokenaku naru
sanbyou mitsumeru dake de
otoshite miseyou ka
omae no ai nante
ore no omoi doori sa”


By the time they finished their performance everyone was up on their feet, cheering and whistling for the three. It has been a while since anyone has heard them perform.

“See they weren’t so bad right,” Mariko said but never received a reply, “Yuko?” she turned to look over at the empty space beside her, the smaller photographer missing from her spot.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2011, 07:25:21 AM by immortal_K »

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