So finally after a few long days, I finally came up with something decent to start with.

I`ve been going through it a few times in the last day trying to see if there is anything that I can add. It seems to be lacking something but I can`t pinpoint what it is.

Since I started this without properly thinking it through I`m going to treat this like a pilot project and see how it goes. This will be a bit different... Feel free to leave comments and feedbacks. I actually had fun trying to pick drinks for everyone
Just a heads up, it starts off quite emo since the birth of the prologue came from stress at work.
Infinity - II stared up into the starry night and told myself, if you come tonight I would tell you, tell you everything, but.... I couldn't bring up the courage, I watched you walked away alone that night...
I don't remember when it was, that I started to develop these feelings for you, the history of my past are my biggest scars. It's been too long for me, I don't even remember how it felt to love someone from the bottom of my heart. The past that held all the love, the gentle touches, the kisses, it has been too long. I've been walking alone for too long. Once upon a time I held hands and said 'we will walk together till the end' but I broke that promise.
I still remember that night, you in that party room among your friends, a celebration for you and your friends, it was your birthday, even though you held a smile that night, I can see it in your eyes, they told a different story. Searching deep into them I saw sorrow, sadness, pain, it was loneliness, one that I am very familiar with.... yes I still remember that night, playing in my mind like a short film.
"Sae, mix us something to drink," shouted the excited Yuko, "it was their birthday the past week," she pointed at Tomochin, Acchan and finally you.
Our eyes met, you gave me a smile that never reached those beautiful eyes of yours. I was curious but I didn't show it. You watched over me, as I mixed those drinks. Clapping with the others but your eyes... they didn't change.
I picked up a glass and spin in on my palm to start the flair. I grabbed a bottle with my left I tossed it behind me, catching it with my left I quickly flipped it up in front and poured a bit of that into the shaker. I picked up another 2 bottles and juggled it in the air before flipping one up and balancing it on my elbow, with a quick popping motion the bottle flipped back into my hands where I added them to the shaker. Closing the lid to the shaker I picked it up spinning it on my palms and arms, shaking it along the way until it is complete and I finally poured it into the glasses filled with ice.
Throughout the performance, my eye never left you, but you probably didn't notice as your mind wasn't there.
That night I found you in the corner of the room, sleeping after everyone left. They must've been too drunk to remember, or you were too quiet to be noticed. It didn't matter, I carefully placed you on the couch and watched you sleep, peacefully. I gave you my coat to make sure you didn't get cold, I couldn't stop myself from glancing over time to time while I cleaned the tables. I picked up my novel and continue where I left off while I waited for you to wake up, I couldn't make myself disturb your sleep. I flipped the page to 'The God of Rock' they also met by chance, but their fate seems to hold a better future then mine.
You finally stirred, it's already the middle of the night, you held onto your head fighting the ache of the aftermath.
"Here, drink this," I passed you a cup of hot tea, "it will make you feel better." I said while watching you slowly take a sip from the cup.
"Where am I?" you asked looking up, still shaky from just waking up.
"You are still at Infinity, you fell asleep and your friends seem to have left you behind."
"AH, it's so late, I should head home!" jumping up from the couch you start to make your way to the door.
"Here," I passed you my jacket again, "it's cold outside and let me walk you home, it's not safe for a girl to walk home at this hour," I offered to calm the unease feeling of having you walk home alone at this hour.
We walked in silence, I paced slightly behind you watching you admire the night sky, you smiled, one that I learn to eventually become addicted to. I watched you slowly enter your house, I lingered behind watching the already closed doors, I didn't know why at that time but you already started to silently make your way into my heart.
In my heart I know, there will be a day, the day that everything will come to an end, I let time speak for me, because I'm afraid, I know at the end there will not be eternity. I'm afraid to stay those three words to you, those words that will leave us wounded, what if you don't feel the same, what if you find out... I'm not good enough for you, me and you, we were never meant to be.
I'm tired, there is no way I can go back, I am lost as what I should do... what I should say... it is useless. I am useless. Why? I guess you probably don't understand, why two people fall in love but, can never be together. We are of different worlds, eventually we will come to a crossroad that leads a different path.
If this is what it means to live by 'Infinity' then I don't want it.
I look up to the same beautiful night we once sat admiring together, the bright stars that magically illuminate the horizon, it's not the same. It won't be the same without you.
~ 'if' you don't open the door, you'll never realize it, right?
but I'm too afraid...~
Please remember to leave me feedbacks, so I can improve in the next update. I hope I didn`t disappoint everyone