hola-hey-ho! ScarletWings reporting in~

so finally i got some inspirations for Scarred Memories sequel

thanks for all the supports and comments, guys~
they're really the fuel to make us writers work better and faster

without further ado, i present you....
Scarred Memories (sequel: The Birth of New Generation)--------------------------------------------
Gakuran’s eyes slowly opened, her sleep just got to be interrupted by non-stop shuffling and tossing and turning from the girl that supposed to be sleeping beside her. She groaned out her protest as the moving figure didn’t stop.
“Yukirin..?” Giving up sleeping, finally Gakuran proceeds sitting up and rubbing the sleepiness away from her eyes, muttered her partner’s name sleepily. Only to get heavy-breathing noises and sets of pained groan from the latter.
“Huh? What’s wrong?” Finally snapped back to her senses, Gakuran crawled toward Black, only to find the latter’s abnormal behavior. She’s clutching the bed-sheet tightly her palms turned white, face contorted in pain. Worried, Gakuran removed the bed sheet to help her sit up, but much to her surprise, the bed sheet got a huge wet patch, including the lower part of Black’s night gown. Unable to recover from the shock, Gakuran blushed and immediately blurted
“W-what the hell—Yukirin, did you just masturbate? Jeez I am hurt to not get invited... Heck, all you need to do is just wake me up and ask...”
The latter shook her head frantically, her clutching hand let go of the sheet and found Gakuran’s, squeezing it almost painfully.
“M-my water.. Just b-broke..”
Forgot about the fact that the “former-queen-Black” is already entering the 9th month of her pregnancy, our poor Gakuran just find herself sitting there dumbstruck over the fact that Black’s baby is now going to pop out from her belly anytime.
And now she felt like she’s just got hit by a train.
“OH SHIT!—I got to call ambulance! Where’s the fucking cellphone—please hang in there, Yukirin!” Gakuran panicked.
“Sae-chan, j-just call Sado—nghh!” Black’s hand squeezed Gakuran’s again, the latter finally managed to find her cellphone and fumbled on it, trying to find Sado’s contact with her shaky hand.
‘fuck fuck fuck—calm the fuck down, Miyazawa Sae! This is a critical occurrence that only you could do something about! Now stop shaking like a sissy that pissed the pants and call Sado!’ Done with her own self-cursing, she finally found Sado’s number. Gakuran mumbled incoherently under her breath and quickly hit the dial button.
“come on, pick up quickly, come on come on come on come on come on—” Gakuran chanted as her now free hand wiping sweats on Black’s face and then hold her hand tightly on hers.
“You got to give me a very good reason to wake me up at this godly ho—” Sado’s sleepy voice rang on Gakuran’s ear and she quickly cut her down before she finishes talking.
“Don’t fucking curse on me you fucking rascal! Her water broke?”
“Calm the hell down! Now pick her up and let her squat down in the bathtub, or lay down or whatever but definitely not sitting down. Make sure the bathtub is clean and then remove her pants and underwear, I’m going to be there in a few.” And before Gakuran could let out any answer, the line already got disconnected.
“Holy crap! How could she end the call just like that!?” Annoyed, Gakuran threw her cellphone to the bed as she stroked Black’s trembling hands.
“S-sae.. chan... it hurts—!” Black let out a whimper.
“Shush baby, it’s okay, I’m here I’m here.. Please hang in there, Sado’s coming okay?” Gakuran cooed while lifting Black’s arm and placed it around her neck, she slowly lifted Black’s limp body and walked to the bathroom.
“ugh.. ughh—Sae-chan.. It hurts—ngh! I swear he’s doing a somersault inside or some shit!” Black’s pained whimper turned into curses as Gakuran busy sprayed the bathtub with the shower using her foot. After struggling a few moments and a small heart-stopping-moment that she almost dropped Black to the floor, Gakuran finally succeed placing her carefully inside the bathtub, raised her hips up and lifted her night gown, revealing her milky legs covered in sticky translucent fluids. She just stares at them dreamily until Black’s hand that’s still on her back clutched on her shirt as the pain kicks again.
“Damn, Yukirin… Never in our lovemaking history I remember seeing you this wet before.. Never.” Gakuran said in awe wearing a perverted expression on her face. Seeing this, Black’s free hand flew in a godly-speed and landed on Gakuran’s head, earning a satisfying smacking sound.
“Of all things, you think of that!”
“I’m sorry, but I can’t help it…” Gakuran blushed while removing Black’s underwear, she felt her face burning in embarrassment as she holds the soaked cloth on her hand, her imagination runs wild and she’s about to reminisce the good times with Black on their bed, until she heard loud knocking on the front door.
“That must be Sado! Oh thanks God.. Wait here okay, don’t sit down yet or you’ll crush the baby with your butt. I’ll be back in a sec.” Gakuran gave Black’s hand a soft squeeze and a kiss before she got another painful smack, then left to open the door, and just when she’s about to question on how fast Sado reached their house, her jaw fell to the floor seeing the one standing in front of her.
It’s Gekikara, smiling while biting her nails.
“Ne, Gakuran… Okotte—”
“Gekikara?! What the hell!! I got no time for chit chat! Black’s baby is about to pop out anytime soon! The hell you’re doing here at this hour anyway?!” Gakuran pulled her own hair in frustration and about to slam her head to the nearest wall until she heard hurried footsteps coming closer. Both of them turned their heads and caught a glimpse of Sado, but she’s not alone…
“Sado! What took you so long—wait, what…”
Behind Sado, Shibuya and Torigoya is also running toward the house, leaving Gakuran frozen in front of the door with her jaw fell on the floor.
“Move it, Gakuran! What the hell are you doing there?” Sado shoved Gakuran aside and everyone gets inside the house
“Where is she?” Sado asked.
“In-in the bathroom inside the bedroom..” Gakuran stuttered while her eyes are glued to the three former Queens whom now sitting on the couch in the living room, Torigoya just smile at Gakuran, Shibuya checking her nails and Gekikara stare at Shibuya’s nails with an
‘I want to bite them’ face.
“Wait, wait wait wait! why are you guys here..?” Gakuran asked
“Sado texted us about Black and I just feel like coming here…” Shibuya said nonchalantly.
“I want to see my nephew! ... Or niece? ehh, whatever!” Torigoya beamed happily and Gekikara just nodded enthusiastically, her attention are now back to Shibuya’s nails
“Ne, Shibuya… Can I get a bite?”
“… What?”
“Your nails look tasty”
“… No, go away.”
“Hihihihi.. Ne, okotteru?”
“I’m not if you’re not going to bite me.”
“Then.. itadakimasu!”
Soon, the scene turned into Gekikara trying to get a taste of Shibuya’s nails while the latter struggled to escape the crazy girl’s persistent attempt, and Torigoya just sit there, reading Gakuran’s manga. While Gakuran, she just stand there with a very dumb and lost face, her brain refuses to register the current situation in front of her eyes, it’s too amusing she don’t want to believe its existence.
But her frozen state just last for a few seconds until Sado’s loud voice rang from inside the bathroom.
“C-coming!!” Gakuran immediately sprinted toward the bathroom, while the three Queens stopped what they’re doing at the moment and followed suit.
“Three of you, out of the room. Now. It’s too crowded!” Sado commanded. Shibuya and Torigoya’s mouth formed an “o” and left the room, pulling the curious Gekikara along the way out.
“Damn, why don’t you tell me you got such small bathtub? This won’t do.. Get her out the bathtub and spoon her.” Sado commanded.
“Spoon her? What?”
“Support her from behind, lift her, hold her, stupid. Quick! And where did you put the towels?”
“o-okay, uhh.. it’s over there” Gakuran pointed above where the cabinet is while carefully lifted Black, who drenched in sweat and slowly squatted down to the fresh towels Sado spread on the floor, letting Black leaned fully on her body and anchored her weight on her elbow that rests on Gakuran’s knee, Gakuran wrapped her arm around Black, just right under her breasts hugging her from behind and Black quickly entangled their fingers together, practically squeezing Gakuran’s hand. Her other arm lifted Black under the leg supporting her weight.
“Good, now Yuki, you can hear me right? Calm down, breathe in and out slowly.” Sado start instructing and Black nodded, she huffed, trying to control her breathing.
“Good, you’re doing very well.. Now in my count, push the baby out okay?” Unable to give any verbal answer other than her pained grunts and whimpers, Black nodded again. Gakuran whispered words of encouragement on her ear and Black starts calming down, her grip on Gakuran’s hand tightens.
“I’m here, Yukirin.. You can do it, I know you can..” Gakuran cooed again, looking at Sado, she nodded.
“One, two.. Three! Push it Yuki!” Sado commanded, Black’s eyes screwed shut, teeth gritting and she let out a long nasal hum
“Very good! You’re doing very good, Yuki.. Now breathe in, breathe out…” Sado instructed again, fearing Black would pass out because she forgot the importance of breathing. Gakuran said nothing and just let Black’s head rests on her shoulder, panting heavily.
“Okay, one more time, Yuki.. Push it like you did just now okay? Gakuran, don’t let her go okay.”
“Never.” Gakuran grinned and kissed Black’s head who could only let out a weak whimper.
“One.. Two.. Three!”
“ugh.. uunnnnngggghhh—aaahh!!” Black’s head flew back and her eyes once again winced closed as she screamed her lungs out, Gakuran could feel Black's nails digging into the flesh on her arm, but she just don't feel any pain anymore.
Gakuran saw it with her own eyes, how the baby slides out smoothly into Sado’s ready hands and she quickly lifted the baby and placed it on Black’s chest. Gakuran looked at the baby with an amazed expression and quickly hold him then kissed the tears away from Black’s cheek, whose hand followed suit to hold her baby while still catching her breath, Sado took another towel and wrapped it around the baby and sighed in contentment. She then continues removing the placenta from Black’s opening, Black exhales loudly as the process carried on. After she’s done, Sado walked toward the small table where she puts her equipments and took a medical scissors. She handed it to Gakuran.
“Here, cut the umbilical cord.”
Startled Gakuran, took her eyes off the baby that rests in Black’s embrace and stared at Sado.
“Huh? Me? Cut the what..?”
“Yep. The umbilical cord.” Sado smiled.
“… Do it.. Gakuran…” Black turned her head, whispered to the frozen Gakuran giving her hand a small squeeze, she’s now sitting comfortably on the towels while still leaned against Gakuran, holding the baby.
“Cut it… here.” Sado lifted the cord and stretched it in front of Gakuran and Black, whose eyes turned as big as plates.
“… Please put it away, Sado-san.. it’s going to touch my nose…” Black said uneasily, Sado just grinned.
“Come on, Gakuran. You’re going to cut it off of the baby as a sign that he’s now living his own life.”
“Hey.. Don’t say it like we’re going to dump him as soon as he’s born…” Gakuran muttered and Black only chuckled. Sado let out a laugh, looking at Gakuran whose hands still holding the scissors.
“Quick, I’m getting tired.” Sado clicked her tongue gaining Gakuran’s attention, who looked at Black, who only smiled at her.
“Yosh~ here we go… Welcome to the new world, kid…” Gakuran lifted the scissors and cut the cord off the placenta.
“Okay, we’re done… Gakuran, go put Yuki on the bed, she need lots of rest.” Sado stood up and patted Black’s head and walked out the bathroom heading to the kitchen sink to wash her hands, only to be attacked with questions from the three curious Queens.
“How is it going?”
“Is it baby-girl or baby-boy?”
“Wow, I never know Black could scream like that!”
“Shut up, Geki”
“Ne, okotteru?”
“You two shut up, or I’ll do it myself with my bloody hands”
“Eww, that’s just gross”
“Did you just say… Blood?
*grins, start biting nails*”
“No! Geki!”
“Hihihihihi! Hahahahahahaha!!”
“Shut the hell up! Black is resting!”
And the silly bickering keeps on going.
Inside the bedroom, Gakuran sits on the side of the bed, staring lovingly at Black’s face.
“You did a splendid job back there, dear…”
“… Thank you, for supporting me when I needed it the most…” Black smiled, contentment filled her heart and seeing Gakuran looked so happy pleased her even more.
“Don’t mention it, I’ll always do, whenever you need it…” Gakuran leaned in and kissed Black’s forehead. “I love you, Yukirin…”
“I love you too…” Gakuran smiled hearing this, and kissed Black's lips gently.
“Now go get some rest okay? I’m going to wash my hands and told those noisy Queens to shut up.”
“Un..” Black answered and giggled afterwards.
“Sleep tight too, kiddo..” Gakuran cooed to the sleeping baby, and walked out the room, closing the door gently.
When Gakuran set her foot into the living room, the silly quarrel getting even louder with Torigoya slapping Shibuya's hands that pulling on her jacket while screaming to get Gekikara, who's biting her ear, off of her.
“You guys sure don’t know how to keep quiet…” Gakuran said as she walked toward the kitchen, following Sado. The quarrel immediately stopped.
“Hey, hey, what’s the baby’s gender?” Torigoya asked curiously.
“It’s a boy.”
“How’s black?” Shibuya asked again.
“She’s resting on the bed, you guys could see her in a few minutes I think..?”
“ne, ne, how’s your ears after she screamed on them?” Gekikara asked, giggling.
“It’s fine, I’m used to it already.” Gakuran shot her a meaningful smile and washed her hand after Sado finished.
“Wow tiger, we don’t need that kind of details anyway..” Shibuya raised her eyebrows, Gakuran laughed.
“Shibuya, what does she mean by
‘used to it already’?” Gekikara asked again, tilting her head side-to-side in confusion, Shibuya blushed and pulled her ear.
“ow! ow! Hey what the hell!”
“Payback for biting my ear. Let’s go see Black.” Shibuya mumbled while blushing.
“Why is your face so red?”
“Shut up.”
“Oh, hey I wanna go too!” Torigoya chirped while following the other two Queens, and Sado is about to follow them.
“Oi, Sado..”
Sado turned her head, facing Gakuran’s grinning face.
“Thanks a lot, I owe you one.”
“Heh, it’s nothing… just send the payment to my account.”
“hahahaha, look at your face! What the hell is that weird face you’re pulling! I’m just kidding anyway!” Sado cackled, pointing at Gakuran’s face.
“That’s one hella jokes you’re doing right there… I thought you're fucking serious...” Gakuran sighed, Sado just stare at her with an expressionless face.
“… W-what is it? Don't tell me you really meant it...” Gakuran gulped, her fingers start to count how much the money she had on her account. But fortunately, Sado asked something different from what she thought it is.
“Promise me one thing, Gakuran.”
“… What is it…?”
“Protect them, Yuki and the baby. As he’s now also a part of us, the old Rapappa. I’ll never let anyone mess with us, if you get what I’m trying to say…” Sado stopped and looked deep into Gakuran's eyes. “I want you to protect them with your life, do you understand?”
“… I understand.” Gakuran gave Sado a smile, her eyes are not blinking even from Sado's intense stare.
“Good. Now go, Yuki might need your help now.”
Gakuran walk passed Sado, and turned her head again.
“Thanks again, Mariko-sama” she shot another charming grin of hers and then left Sado in the living room.
“Heh, that rascal…” Sado smiled, and opened the door to see the three Queens plus Gakuran surrounding Black and her baby, with Gekikara got into a small bickering with Gakuran.
“A very heart-warming scene, right Yuko-san?” Sado closed her eyes and exhaled, smiling over the kids inside the room.