lol i know, it's been two weeks (?) since i updated

i have competitions this month and it makes my schedule turned hectic all of a sudden, plus my college and work lol
anyway, i decided to split this story into 3 parts, in short, this is the last chapter... or maybe not, we'll see how you guys would want it :3
and i do accept sequel requests, just drop some ideas here and i'll write whenever i got time and the inspiration

so, without further babbles, here's part 3~!
Part 3 The visitor walked closer to the sleeping figure, hand stretched forward to touch her.
But the hand never made it.
Within split second, a godly-speed movement already pinned the stranger to the wall, Black sensed someone’s trying to touch her and her being slightly paranoid, reflexively did self-defense.
“E-excuse me, miss. B-but I’m here for a ch-check up…”
It’s the doctor.
'Crap.' “Ah, I’m so sorry sensei. I did that on reflex…”
“i-it’s okay miss Yuki, I’m just kind of shocked…” The doctor let out an awkward laugh. Black blushed, she’s clearly embarrassed.
It has been three weeks since Black discharged from the hospital. Within her hospitalized period, Rappappa gang pays her a daily visit, mostly Sado and Gekikara. Gakuran also join the group of “Black’s daily visitor”, but he only did it when there’s no other person inside her room and god knows why.
They also constantly exchanging texts, starting from Gakuran’s simple “Hi, how are you today?” and they ended up texting the whole day. This is new for Black, she feel anxious everyday over small matter like “is he going to come again today or not?” or “What is he doing out there?”
She feels like a lovesick high-school girl.
She does not hate it though, nor does she feel annoyed. The only reason she could think of is a hidden part inside her which she didn’t even know existed, is slowly developing.
She decided to tell the gang about everything, at one unusual night the five pillars of Rappappa came to visit her together. Sado, Shibuya, Torigoya, Gekikara and even the President Yuko came in her wheelchair. All of them are simply shocked after the revelation and the atmosphere suddenly turned dark. Black never felt so embarrassed in her entire life she can’t even raise her head in front of her best friends. It was until Yuko lifted her face up with a smiling face saying “it’s okay. Whatever happened, you’re still Black, one of Rappappa’s queens, Black. We love you for what you are, and nothing would change our bonds no matter what it is.”
All of them shared a group-hug that night, with a crying Black. She felt totally thankful to have Rappappa’s supports on her back, she’s not alone.
Rappappa’s bonds are indeed strong, even stronger than she’d ever imagined.
That same night, the three queens and the vice president walked out from the hospital after sent the president back to her room, they walked in silence until Gekikara decided to broke it.
“Ne~ how about we hunt down that guy and kill him?” She said, giggling.
“No, to kill him means we’re going to jail. Let’s just make him regret being born.” Sado said with a dangerous smile plastered on her face.
“I think I know how to make him got a ‘dysfunctional’…” Shibuya added with a smirk.
“Hihihihi, hahahaha! okotteru!” Gekikara clapped her hands laughing.
“Ah~ But don’t you think it would be a hard task to actually find the guy…” Torigoya blurted, all of them silently agrees.
“Hey… Do you think Black would keep the child or not?” Shibuya asked.
“It’s up to her, I mean… Even if we tell her to keep it, if she doesn’t want it, she’ll just get rid of it… You all do know how Black is.” Sado sighed, Gekikara and Torigoya looked at each other, tilting their heads side-to-side.
“I want a baby niece though…” Torigoya mumbled, Gekikara smiled and nodded her head enthusiastically.
“Then I think we should ask her later about that?”
“Yeah, we should.”
Gakuran walked aimlessly on the street, his mind is circulating around a certain queen and before he knew it, he’s in front of Black’s house. He blinked dumbly for a few times until an ‘ahem’ suddenly came from behind his ear, made him jumped in shock.
“I should be the one asking that though, what you are doing in front of my house?” The queen said in between her giggles, she found it amusing to tease the latter which somehow made her show her hidden playful personality.
“Ah—n-nothing in particular..” Gakuran scratched his cheek, his gaze flew onto Black’s tummy.
‘There’ll be baby bump soon, huh?’ he thought.
“oi Black..”
“About the uhh… Baby..”
“… Yeah?”
“I’m just wondering, have you decided on anything yet..?”
“… I don’t know…”
There’s a moment of painful silence when the two of them just stand there saying nothing at all, from the corner of his eyes, Gakuran saw Black’s hand slowly touching her stomach.
“… Hey..”
Black raised her head.
“I know I’m not in a position to say this, but…” Gakuran hesitated a while before taking a deep breath and face the girl.
“I want you to keep the baby.”
As soon as the words left his lips, his face turned red. Black was standing there, dumbstruck. Until she could feel warm hands grabbed her own, she looked into Gakuran’s eyes and he continued.
“I mean... He's not the one on fault right? You can't just kill him like that... And I-- I promise I’ll help you take care of him after he’s born.”
Black think if her eyes could get any bigger, they would be rolling on the floor now. Her face felt hot as if it’s going to melt her head and she can’t find any words to say, she just gaped there like a fish. Seeing her shocked state, he cursed himself after what he did and let go of her hands.
“Uh—I don’t mean it as—” He couldn’t finish his words as a pair of arms enveloped him in a tight hug.
“Thank you, Gakuran…” Black mumbled on his neck, Gakuran could only let out a goofy laugh.
“I just can’t let you do this by yourself, after all I… I…”
“Huh?” Black loosened her grip, looking at his tomato-red face.
“I—I…” Gakuran stuttered with the sight of the girl wrapped in his arms, she tilted her head, eyes gazing into his, and he never know Black looked so beautiful from this angle.
“You what?”
“I'll do everything to make you happy, because I... I like you.” He said as he tightens the hug.
‘at least she won’t be able to see me blushing so hard now…’ he thought.
She didn’t receive any answer but she could feel a faint nod from the latter, she blushed.
“A—and if it’s not too much of a request, I want to protect you and your baby… As your boyfriend.” He mumbled again against her hair.
Black couldn’t express how she felt, she could only tighten her grab on the back of his shirt and bury her face on his neck. Gakuran could feel his neck is getting wet, so he pulled away and looked at the latter. She’s crying.
Black is crying.
She couldn't explain the feeling inside her chest, it's all so new and unusual. All the mixed feelings of happiness, worry, guilty, relieved, everything stirring inside her heart makes her don't know how to react. But she's sure about one thing.
She want to keep her baby, and raise him together with Gakuran if it's possible.
‘Oh shit! Did I said something wrong??’ Gakuran thought to himself.
He panicked and was about to ask her what’s wrong until she looked straight into his eyes with her teary eyes and smiled a genuine smile.
“Thank you, Gakuran…” She whispered, her voice sent chills to his body, he shivered lightly.
“I—it’s not a big deal..” He chuckled, both of them went silent for a few moment until Black pulled the hem of his shirt, caught his attention.
“I think I should go inside now, it’s late…”
“A—ah, right! You should get inside now since it's going to be even colder, I’ll be on my way home then…” Gakuran said as he walked away from her front door, he felt a huge blow on his heart as she didn’t give him any response for his confession. A one-hit K.O.
‘heh, you dumbass. She don’t like you.’ He cursed himself mentally as he walked, but his thoughts were scattered into pieces as he could hear Black called him again.
He turned his head, Black walked toward him with a smile, he can’t help but forcing out a smile as he faced the girl. Black realized the hurt reflected in his eyes and immediately feel guilty. She lifted her hands to cup his face, looking straight into his eyes.
“Why the long face,
boyfriend?” She giggled.
Hearing this, Gakuran froze. He looked at Black with a disbelievingly happy face, the latter only giggled with the dumb face he's showing her and patted his cheek, but Gakuran more than happy to be patted like that.
Heck, he would still feel happy even if Black slapped him silly.
“Now go home, it’s late… You still need to go to school tomorrow, right?”
“Yes, I’ll be heading home now.” Gakuran replied with a wide grin, he’s in Black's-cloud-nine now and no one could make him any happier than that.
“I’ll see you later, Gakuran…” Black let go of his face and walked back into her house. “Do tell me if you reached home.” She added with her hand signaling a phone-call. Gakuran only nodded and stare until she get into her house and closed the door, he looked into the dark sky and smiled a content smile before walking home.
~End of Scarred Memories (?)~