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Author Topic: [AKB48] Series of (Un)Love - (Un)Selfish Love (05/14/14)  (Read 67317 times)

Offline yukofan

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« Reply #100 on: April 25, 2012, 11:08:05 AM »
shiriri-san and oshiriko-chan <3 oshiri sisters are so cute..
mayuyu's character is so awesome..i love when she threaten haruna..even the shiriri-san can be scary too LOL..

I want sayaka vs must be so intense LOL

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Offline haruhi16

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Wow, Mayuyu surely is scary  :mon curtain:
I don't blame her anyway, kojiharu hurted Yuuchan so much and she was the reason why Yuuchan suffered a lot. DAMN kojiharu  :angry:
I thought this chapter is going to reveal Yuuchan's fiance, well i guess i was wrong.  :smhid
Are you going to reveal Yuuchan's fiance in the next chapter karo~chan? Are you going to add more hurtful scenes? MORE SUFFERING, MORE PAIN~   :twisted: YES PLEASE GIVE ME MOOOOREEEE  :twisted:

I'm glad you updated karo~chan! I'm looking forward for the next chapter! Nice chapter btw  :twothumbs

Offline kahem

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OMG Mayuyu is really scary! But it makes thing more interesting hehehe

Offline karomuwi

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Let's play a game!
« Reply #103 on: May 02, 2012, 06:10:13 AM »
Okay! Since I'm a bit stuck on R.A.Y , SoUL and AKB48 No Fansabisu No Sho...Let's play a game!

This game will be very simple! You just have to choose a random title that I planned on posting after (Un)Selfish Love has finished but it's not going to finish YET from the poll choices. Then you just have to think of the couples that will be focused on for the (Un) Love series you want me to post.. Like...let's say I chose Atsumina for (Un)Selfish Love, and got it wrong. The 'request' shall be ignored. However if you got it right...I'll start writing on it!

As for the fanservice fic, I managed to get permissions from two great people! And 2nd ep shall be updated soon! (a LONG soon!) I'll stop being sadistic and a I'll tell you that the girls will be playing a game. may be a bit disappointing.

Anyway~! Onto the comments!

@Pandah: Yeah, I think my left button's dead now. :hiakhiakhiak: Airin looks so cute when she said that. Lol! Let's just say that Kami-sama wanted something to happen when the bra strap got caught.  :lol: As for fragility, can't Yuuchan be fragile wthout the thought of being in an accident? That's the VERY reason why her getting into an accident is NOT the reason for any of these happenings. Accident and amnesia is TOO mainstream. And you probably noticed how much I try to twist plots. As for Sayaka...Hmm~ Let's just keep her out of the picture for a while. Haruna needs time to spend with Yuko-san. And she has her own troubles to take care of.

@oist: Well, I tried to make sure that she's hated in this fic. It's always Yuko who gets blamed for almost every KojiYuu fic. Mariko will surely make an appearance of course. They've dated before after all.

@Haruko: Well, our little Kojipa is too scared because two people have threatened her. XD

@smarty0821: Thank you. I thought that I had disappointed you guys. Phew! As for the have to play the game first!  :P

@bochang: Hahaha, that would be too easy and boring for me, now won't it? And wow...  :ptam-psst: you're such a pervert Haejin-ssi. Thinking about the bra strap until the end! hahaha. Just kidding!

@yukofan: Hmm~ that would be something to look after for a while, won't it? I mean...Sayaka's going to be busy with Takamina's orders. :hiakhiakhiak:

@haruhi16: Yes! That's certainly right, Haru-chan! This chapter has NO fiance! And let's just say that...her fiance is a bit...far from Japan. Next chappie...would it finally reveal him/her? Who will it be? Will it be !$@#, or &$@ o or maybe )@%? ahahaha~!  :twisted:

@kahem: It sure does!

A/N: one mentioned about the certain hint I left in the chappie huh? Some...pairings-to-be have been revealed. Hmm~ I think I hid it too much.  :twisted: Oh well~ :bigdeal: you guys will just have to get the pairings and story titles correct!
Had a withdrawal, so now I'm planning to fall in love with the couples all over again

\(^ - ^)/
Here are my fics~! They can be found amongst these three. :hee:

Love's A Mission
Oh My Dolly!

SoUL (Series)

The Akiba Family (T.A.F)

Offline songbac

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Re: [AKB48] Series of (Un) Love - Let's play (05/02)
« Reply #104 on: May 02, 2012, 08:25:20 AM »
i love your kojiyuu fic,i hope you'll update next chapter about kojiyuu soon
Love kojiyuu - yuko - chiyuu - miichan - hinana - haruna - takamina - sama - maachan forever

Offline bochang

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Re: [AKB48] Series of (Un) Love - Let's play (05/02)
« Reply #105 on: May 02, 2012, 09:36:23 AM »
i vote for (un)dying love! and the pairing that i want is....
TomoHaeJin! LOL
forget about what i say. LOL

i want to be suprised so, i don't want to predict it yet. hohohoh
i'm a guy.. so.. i can't helped it. LOL
no, but im my mind oshiri sister are pervert! LOL so mayuyu maybe do something like that. LOL

Ah! Btw i just finished reading akb no fansabisu no sho!
It's quite amusing. LOL
And the twist in the end.. Or near the end. When you received the text message from aki-p. LOL
MariMii.. Troll couple..
Poor takamina. She became the victim. LOL
Will looking foward to the next chapter~ :D *wink*
« Last Edit: May 02, 2012, 11:43:45 AM by bochang »
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
Infinity and some OS (Ongoing, Chapter 13 Released)
Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
Bochang's scribble collections

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Offline Kamen Knight

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Re: [AKB48] Series of (Un) Love - Let's play (05/02)
« Reply #106 on: May 02, 2012, 09:38:22 AM »
(Un)known love.. for Wmatsui?

Offline pen-pen-chii

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Re: [AKB48] Series of (Un) Love - Let's play (05/02)
« Reply #107 on: May 02, 2012, 09:51:22 AM »
Mayuyu is scary~  :mon curtain:

(un)Dying Love~ WMatsui?~  :mon dunno:

Offline Pandah

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Re: [AKB48] Series of (Un) Love - Let's play (05/02)
« Reply #108 on: May 04, 2012, 02:54:17 PM »
cuteness to the max! omg i think i killed the replay button again with that green peas video!! i think i internally squealed every time i watch it LOL plus grinning like a maniac  :nervous

oh yes kami-sama wanted something to happen! lol
ah yes..the twisting of the twisted plots is definitely twisted  8) oh phew at least sayaka wont be killing a cat anytime soon  :P

lol why must you make this so hard for me! this game.....i dont even know which one to pick and which pairing....cos all i ever want to read are kojiyuu and renairin fics LOL and marimii just for the lols xD

ill go for.....(Un)Dying Love AND FOREVER KOJIYUU! which i know is not right LOL

Offline oist

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Re: [AKB48] Series of (Un) Love - Let's play (05/02)
« Reply #109 on: May 04, 2012, 03:44:16 PM »
lol, i dunno.   :nervous
I can pick two right?

(Un)Faithful Love - MayuJuri
Judging from the way Mayu threatens Haruna, we could be having bloodshed for unfaithful actions. And, well, that's fun to read about, no?  XD

(Un)Known Love - RenAirin
lololllololl. Since it's an 'unknown' love, so it hasn't been mentioned right? RenAirin is my current obsession right now, so I'll go with them..

Offline haruhi16

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Re: [AKB48] Series of (Un) Love - Let's play (05/02)
« Reply #110 on: May 04, 2012, 04:26:04 PM »
Undying love, KOJIYUU.

LOL bias XD Looking forward to your new updates karo~chan. <3
« Last Edit: May 04, 2012, 04:53:16 PM by haruhi16 »

Offline YuuMitsuaki

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Re: [AKB48] Series of (Un) Love - Let's play (05/02)
« Reply #111 on: May 04, 2012, 04:38:06 PM »
I love the way you write Karomugi-sama :heart: :thumbup

the fics are great! :thumbup :love:

thanks for your hard work :love: and i'm looking forward to the next chapter :heart: :roll:
ALWAYS KOJIYUU!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: XD XD YAY!

I'd love the KojiYuu Undying love and Forgiving love :thumbup
Yuko_Kawaii<3 :luvluv2:


Offline karomuwi

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[AKB48] Series of (Un) Love - Ch
« Reply #113 on: May 07, 2012, 09:30:33 AM »
@songbac: Thank you. :kneelbow: Here's your update, song-san.

@bochang: ahaha~  :hiakhiakhiak: No.  :smoke: There is no such pairing, oppa~ :P I shall update AKB48 No Fansabisu No Sho after a few decades~ :hiakhiakhiak:

@Kamen Knight: Hmm~ Maybe? But then...Will the pairing be W Matsui? :hiakhiakhiak: Request denied~ :on drink: You can guess again, if you want. ^^

@pen-pen-chii: Hmm~ W Matsui...for (Un)Dying Love? :glasses: Request Denied~ :on drink:
 You can guess one more time, if you want. But the votes shall remain the same. ^^

@Pandah: ahaha~ Of course. Haruna's suffering should be slow...and painful.  :kekeke: Well...since there has been too much W Matsui and I'm feeling a bit of a troll, there MIGHT be RenAirin or not.  :hiakhiakhiak: You can guess again, Pan-chan. ^^

@oist: Hmm~  :glasses: :hiakhiakhiak: Request Denied~ :on drink: You can guess again, if you want. ^^

Haruhi16: Mou~ Haru-chan! Don't be so biased! and here's the update, since you said that SoUL was one of your favs. :hee:

YuuMitsuaki: Haha, mugi-chan... Ahh~ :on drink: I'm remembering my fav character in K-ON now. Mugi-sama~ Thank you for liking it, I'm glad that you do. ^^ And here's the next update.  :hee:

TakaminaBG: Thank you. :kneelbow: Maybe you should play the game? You just might get it right. :hee:

A/N: So... all of the requests have been denied. :hiakhiakhiak: Oh my~ Is it really that hard? Hmm~ :glasses: Maybe I should give a hint or something. Well, here's the possible couples that might be in the SoUL fics.

W Matsui
W Tomo
MeetanXTomo (no idea what their pairing name is, sorry~)

So there~ Those are the pairings that you have to choose from. Keep guessing guys~ You MIGHT just get it right. :hiakhiakhiak: Do take note that the fics will be focused on the several couples, and they're related to (Un)Selfish in a way that the events happening in the fics are happening at the same time as (Un)Selfish. Anyway~ Onto the next chapter that might give some hints to you guys. Or not.

Chapter Six

Making sure that not a snowflake was left on the bottom of her heels, she wiped her high heels once more on the carpet laid out in front of her office door. When she tapped her heels each on the wooden floor and heard the sound she wanted to hear, her right hand reached out and grabbed the cold metal knob of the door.

Turning it, the door opened and she walked in while taking off her coat, never noticing the other presence in the room. Once she hanged the coat onto the stand made for her jackets and coats, she then turned her head and found herself staring back at a short-haired girl.

“Hey.” The short-haired girl greeted, before motioning to her legs that were now up on the couch’s arms. “I just made myself comfortable.”

Haruna arched her eyebrow and crossed her arms, before walking to her chair to take a seat as she asked the older girl a question. “Why is it that whenever I arrive at my office, I always have guests waiting for me instead of the other way around?”

“Because you always take a long time to reach the room, and you tend to leave the door unlocked.” The older girl told her, as she sat down properly with a straight body posture.

The younger girl smiled at her sheepishly for forgetting to lock her office door, and scratched the back of her head as she gave a laugh. Mariko laughed along with her, after a while until Haruna decided to stop their laughing fit by asking the older girl a question. “So what does my rival wants with me?”

“Nothing.” Mariko replied quickly, obviously taken aback by the word ‘rival’. “I just wanted to see a friend.”

She laughed and smiled at Haruna, who just arched an eyebrow at the response she received from the older girl. Seeing that Haruna was not nodding and saying ‘ahh’ to her, Mariko knew that the younger girl sensed what she came to the office for.

After all, Shinoda Mariko never comes to a rival’s office without a reason. Never has she paid Haruna a visit without any reason or a friendly visit, no matter how close friends they were to each other. For Mariko, to visit someone during work hours meant she has business to take care of.

And since it was still ten in the morning, it was definitely business hours.

Haruna continued to stare at Mariko, as if waiting for her to go on with talking. She had felt that the word ‘but’ was trying to escape from Mariko’s mouth, and seeing how Mariko’s smile waver from her stare, she was sure that there was something for her visit.

Intertwining her fingers together, she started to tap the surface of the table and waited for the older girl to open her mouth and start talking. A few minutes went by without any word spoken by the two rivals, and silence was starting to deafen them.

Unable to take the deadly silence, Mariko sighed in defeat and looked at the younger girl with a tired smile. She must have been smiling widely for the past five minutes, and even a model like her tends to get tired of it. Taking a deep breath, the older of the two then opened her mouth to speak.
“I actually need a favor to ask of you.” Mariko admitted, before walking to the chair located in front of Haruna’s desk.

Mariko played with her fingers, before grabbing the intertwined hands of the younger girl with her own two hands, started pleading. “Please, Kojiharu!”

“It’ll save my life!”

“Well,” Haruna looked at her.

Wanting to keep her image safe, as well as let Yuko know that she was still single, Haruna removed the older girl’s hold on her hands, just in case an employee or paparazzi enters the room and sees them. If they were to ever be seen holding hands in a secluded room, another scandal was surely to break out loose.

“Alright.” She said.

Mariko nodded at her thankfully, before leaning against her seat as she started massaging the temples of her head. Sighing, she then reminded the younger girl. “You know that my contract with my fashion editor has already expired, right?”

“Yeah.” Haruna nodded, before motioning for her to continue on speaking.

Mariko sighed, as she began to tap the desk’s surface with her nails whilst tapping her foot on the floor nervously. “Well, I have a new editor that I just signed a contract for a year with.”

“And what does that have to do with me doing a favor for you?” Haruna asked, wondering what the older girl wanted from her.

Slumping against the chair, Mariko looked at her sadly before answering her question. “It’s a guy.”

A guy? Haruna stared at her friend and scratched the back of her head, before letting out a sigh.

No wonder she’s so worried.

Leaning against her chair, she started thinking to herself quietly on whether she should still accept in helping the older girl. Her silence made Mariko anxious, and started tapping her feet onto the carpeted floor. She was now biting her lower lip, hoping that Haruna would still help.

The younger girl knew perfectly what Mariko wanted to ask of her, and she wasn’t sure if she should do it.

After all, to lie to her best friend who has been trying to bring her and Yuko together…seemed a bit unfair for Mariko’s girlfriend. It was perfectly understandable why Mariko would want her to keep it a secret from Haruna’s best friend, since Miichan had a huge jealousy issue when it comes to Mariko working with guys.

Her jealousy almost caused Mariko’s company to close down.

“Look,” Haruna started as she sighed whilst massaging the temples of her head. “Why don’t you just tell Miichan, that you can’t only work with girls?”

Mariko sighed depressingly and covered her face. She had tried to tell that to her girlfriend several times before, but it always ended up badly. Wanting to let the younger girl that it wasn’t possible, she spoke with sadness evident in her voice. “I tried to tell her that before, but all we always ended up getting into a fight.”

“And have make-up sex afterwards.” Haruna added, making Mariko look at her and give a laugh for a brief second.

Mariko told her, “I really need this guy to work with me.”

“This fashion editor is from overseas and if I let this opportunity pass me by because of my easily jealous girlfriend, I will never live it down.”

“It’s so complicated, Marichin.” Haruna told her, before adding with a sad smile. “I’m not sure.”

Her reply made the older girl cover her face as she let out a sob. Haruna bit her lower lip and sighed once more, since it was practically breaking her heart to see Mariko so torn with her career and love life. However, Haruna wasn’t sure that it would be best if she helped the older girl.

If she was to ever agree in helping out Mariko, she would be betraying Miichan. It was practically impossible to hide something from the younger girl, no matter how hard anyone tries to. And once Miichan finds out that Haruna decided to help Mariko, it would surely cause a fight between the two of them.

But if she doesn’t agree, Mariko’s job would be in jeopardy and she would feel REALLY guilty.

“Can’t you ask someone else to help you?” Haruna asked her, in a voice that almost sounded like a whine.

Mariko shook her head, and answered. “Miichan plans on helping you, which means that she’s going to spend time with you.”

“Then you could have just kept it to yourself, so that I won’t feel guilty.” Haruna whined, hitting her head against the desk.

Mariko sighed, and laid her own head on the desk’s surface. “I might go insane if I don’t tell anyone. Besides, I trust you.”

“Miichan trusts me as well!” Haruna cried at her, before hitting her head against the desk once more.

The two girls sighed in unison, before hitting their heads against the surface of the table several more times. They had no idea on what to do; since the younger of the two was clueless on what she should decide. While the older one was feeling depressed, as well as dejected.

Just then, the door opened and two girls came walking in. The sound of footsteps made Haruna look up to see who it was and gave a wave of the hand to the newcomers, while Mariko sat up straight and looked at one of the girls in surprise. Standing up, she made her way to the girl she was staring at before hugging her tightly.

“Tomo~mi!” she cried, before letting go of the said girl.

She smiled, and motioned for the three of them to take a seat by the couch in the middle of the office. “When did you come back to Japan?”

“I came back yesterday.” Kasai Tomomi replied to her, before standing up as she took out a cup of Starbucks coffee and gave it to Haruna.

When Haruna took it and gave her a thankful smile, Tomo~mi went back to sit on the couch with the other two girls and started talking to Mariko. Deciding to join them since it was her office they were all in, Haruna made her way towards the three girls and sat down next to Tomochin— aka Itano Tomomi— who came in along with Tomo~mi.

“I can’t believe how much you’ve changed!” Mariko cried at her, before scanning her from head to toe.

Realizing how she liked the girl’s figure, an idea entered her mind. She started rummaging her pocket for her cards, before handing one to Tomo~mi with a smile. “Come check out my company if you’re interested.”

“Thanks.” Tomo~mi said to her as she took the card, before putting it on the coffee table in the middle of the room.

“But I already have a job.”

“Oh?” Mariko said, as she tried to maintain her smile even though she was very much disappointed.
“She’s working for me.” Haruna laughed, as she watched Mariko’s smile turn almost instantly into a pout the moment the brunette’s words left her mouth. Sipping from her drink, she then added. “Ever since she came back, which was JUST yesterday.”

“You work fast, Kojima.” Mariko threw a pillow to her as she narrowed her eyes at the said girl, who just gave her another laugh in return.

“What can I say?” Haruna shrugged her shoulders, before continuing on speaking. “I was lucky to see her first.”

Standing up, she then motioned for Tomo~mi to do the same. When Tomo~mi stood up, Haruna placed both of her hands on the younger girl’s waist-line and showed the perfect figure that the girl had. Smiling, Haruna turned to her rival and spoke. “With such a figure, I just couldn’t let her fall into your hands, Shinoda.”

“Sheesh, you two are sounding like Tomo~mi’s a product.” Tomochin grumbled to them, crossing her arms across her chest as she did.

Hearing what her fashion designer just spoke, Mariko couldn’t help but chuckle to herself as patted the girl’s shoulder before poking her cheeks. She rarely sees Tomochin acting like this— ever since she had a fight with a certain someone— and decided not to let it pass her by.

“You don’t have to be jealous, you know.”

“W-what?!” Tomochin cried at her, looking at her with a gaping mouth before gritting her teeth at her boss as she growled, “I am NOT jealous!”

Wanting to let out more of her bottled sadistic side, Mariko smirked to herself and placed her own hands on Tomochin and smoothen the piece of clothing to show the younger girl’s figure. When she did, she tried to stifle her laughter and cleared her throat.

“You seem to be gaining fat lately, Tomochin.”

The words struck Itano Tomomi— who very much despised the word ‘fat’—, causing her to give an intense glare to the older girl. Looking around for anything to use as a weapon, she saw a pillow lying on the couch and threw it at the older female. Unfortunately for her, her boss expected the attack and dodged the ‘weapon’ with ease.

That seemed to have made the fashion designer even more annoyed, and started throwing the remaining pillows on the couch. Soon, the entire office had pillows lying around and two girls playing a tag of chase. One of them held two pillows in hand, while the other held her heels to prevent her from getting caught.
As the game of chase commenced, two girls watched with great interest in what the outcome would be. Would it be the fashion designer stopping after realizing how childish they were? Or would it be the model stopping after realizing that her feet were now brownish due to the dust they have collected.

“Shinoda!” Tomochin raged, stopping to catch a breath while watching the said model look at her from across the room.

Mariko’s head now had beads of sweat, but she wasn’t panting as hard as the younger girl. Her breathing was also fine, and her face had a huge smirk that irked Tomochin to the fullest. Guess that it’s Mariko’s win. Haruna thought to herself, as she took a sip from her cup of coffee.

But no.

Mariko still wanted to play with her fashion designer.

Haruna laughed to herself, while Tomo~mi watched the raging girl try and catch the eldest amongst the four around the room. When Mariko ran out of the room with Tomochin right behind her tail, the two remaining girls started sipping the rest of the coffee that Tomo~mi brought from her early break.

“Thank you for giving me the job, Haruna-san.” Tomo~mi thanked her, smiling and tilting her head to the side as she did.

Haruna smiled back, before waving her hand dismissively. “It’s fine. And just call me Haruna, without the formalities.”

“I look forward to working with you, Haruna-chan.”

Haruna offered a hand to the younger girl, and smiled. “So am I, Tomo~mi.”

Tomo~mi took the offered hand and shook it, smiling as she did. When they let go of each other’s hand, Haruna popped up a question she has been wondering ever since the girl came back to Japan after almost four years. However, just before she was about to open her mouth and ask the question that has been encircling around her head for the past several minutes, Tomo~mi asked.

“I heard that Tomochin is working for Mariko-san.” She said, before taking a sip from her coffee. “What does she work as?”

“A fashion designer.” Haruna replied to her, as she stood up from her seat and threw the used cup into a trash bin by the door.

Tomo~mi nodded without a word and drank the remaining contents in her cup of coffee, before walking to the same trash bin and throwing it away. When Haruna took a seat on her own chair and watched Tomo~mi pick up her purse to prepare going back to work, Haruna cleared out her throat.

“Can I ask you something, Tomo~mi?” she asked, making the said girl turn her head to face her.

When Tomo~mi nodded her head, Haruna asked. “Why is it that you’re no longer saying ‘Chiyuu~’ at the end of your sentences?”

“Just a curious question.” Haruna added, so that the younger girl won’t be offended in anyway.

Tomo~mi laughed, before answering her with a smile on her face. “It’s because I find it really childish.”


“If that is all Haruna-chan, I’ll take my leave.” The younger girl said, before walking out of the door when Haruna kept her mouth shut.

“Just you wait, SHINODA!”

Haruna chuckled to herself when she heard Tomochin’s voice echoing throughout the hallways, and even managing to reach her room. Smiling to herself, she took a file piled up on her desk and started typing something out onto her laptop.

Tomochin must have really missed her. she thought to herself.

~o~ ^o^ ~o~

“So, why did you have to bring Haruna HERE?!” the young girl asked with her arms crossed across her arms, while watching the brunette-haired girl putting the dried dishes back into the cupboard.

“Mayuyu, she was hurt.” The brunette-haired replied with a sigh, before walking into the living room with the young girl following right behind her. Seeing the disapproval look on the younger girl’s face, she added. “I just can’t leave her in the middle of the street.”

“You didn’t have to bring her to YOUR house.” Mayuyu pouted, as she sat down on the couch inside Yuko’s living room.

Yuko heaved another sigh, and stared at her best friend. What was it with this girl wanting her to bring Haruna to someplace else?  Then putting her hands onto her hips, she asked the girl a question as her eyebrow arched up while she crossed her arms. “Well, what did you want me to do?”

“I can’t just let a friend go back to the office, after receiving such a shock.”

Mayuyu stomped her feet after hearing her statement, and almost pulled her hair into different directions. Sighing and even smacking her forehead, she cried to Yuko, “Yes, you could have!”

“Mayuyu, stop acting like a child.” Yuko sighed, before massaging the temples of her head.

She was getting a headache from the girl’s outbursts, and the argument was not even worth it. What was wrong with bringing a friend to your house, after almost getting them killed by running over them? Can’t the young doctor understand that it was just due to a good deed she felt that she had to do?

Apparently, the young doctor didn’t see eye to eye with her. Yuko watched as Mayu stand up from beside her, before pacing back and forth in front of her. The girl’s continuous movement made the headache she was feeling to worsen, and caused her to feel the whole place turning upside down.

“Why should I?!” the girl asked her.

“Mayu,” Yuko sighed once more, before looking at her with a tired expression on her face.

She doesn’t want to waste her breath explaining the feeling of need she gets whenever she does something wrong, and not when she was already feeling tired. She didn’t know why, but the headache suddenly came the moment Haruna and Mayuyu left the house.

“Just because she hurted me years ago, doesn’t mean that I can’t forgive her.” She said, before almost letting out a pained moan as she felt her head throb.

“She stole away your boyfriend!” Mayuyu cried at her, making her flinch away.

Yuko let out a groan, and looked at the young girl. “Mayuyu, that was years ago. Besides, I don’t even remember what he looked like.”

The girl’s shouting was really doing her no good, and she might just collapse if the doctor doesn’t stop. Struggling to watch the girl without letting her notice the pain she was feeling, she sighed. Mayuyu was stomping her feet on the ground at the moment, and it was so loud that Yuko felt the whole place shake— which was due to her headache.

Sensing that she wouldn’t be able to sit up straight any longer, Yuko moved her body and laid her body on the soft couch. Trying to hide her eyes away from the dazzling light in the ceiling, Yuko covered her eyes with her whole arm as she sighed.

She struggled to keep her head from feeling the throbbing pain. “Look, can we just not talk about it?”

“Please?” she asked, with a hoarse voice.

Hearing the scratchy word coming from her best friend’s mouth, immediately made Mayuyu stop her ranting. The young doctor turned her head and saw her best friend lying down while showing a pained expression on her face. Worried, she quickly knelt beside the girl and started pressing some acupuncture points on Yuko’s head.
“Does it hurt?” she asked.

“Hmm.” Yuko nodded, before wincing once more in pain.

Mayuyu looked at her guiltily and made a beeline for the kitchen; to get some stuff she knew would help ease the pain Yuko was feeling. Quickly taking out a bowl and pouring in some cold water, she took one of Yuko’s used towels and started washing it with hot water to get rid of the germs that were probably in it.

Once she finished, she went back to Yuko’s side and started wiping the beads of sweat from the older girl’s forehead using the handkerchief she haven’t used. Seeing how there was no longer any sweat and feeling Yuko’s temperature rising, Mayuyu damped the washed towel into the cold water and pressed it against several parts of the girl’s head.

“Thanks, Mayuyu.” Yuko told her with a weak smile, as she stared into the girl’s brown orbs.

Mayuyu sighed, and pressed her finger against her friend’s lips. “Shh, just rest.”

The young doctor carefully tapped the wet towel against the girl’s forehead, making sure that each and every skin would be covered. Seeing a familiar scar on the girl’s head, Mayuyu bit her lower lip and started tracing it. It has faded over the years, but it was still visible once the hair covering it was moved.

“When did you last go for a check-up?” Mayuyu asked in a soft voice, making sure that she won’t bring the girl any more headaches.

This has happened so often years ago during her time with the older girl in the US, so she perfectly knew what she should and shouldn’t do. Not only that, she was the one who sewed the scar when the girl came to the hospital with Sayaka and Rena.

Yuko mumbled to her, as she took the girl’s tracing finger off the scar. “Three years ago, maybe?”

“You should go to my hospital,” Mayuyu said with a sigh, turning her head to focus on the towel she was damping wet once again.

Tapping it once more onto the girl’s head, she then spoke softly. “We need to make sure that your head is fine.”

“It’s fine.” Yuko told her with a sigh.

Seeing that the girl’s face was now relaxed, Mayuyu threw the towel into the bowl and started massaging the girl’s head. It was something she always made sure to do whenever this happened, to help the nerves in the older girl’s head to relax even more.

“Just have some minor headaches, that’s all.” Yuko told her, as she smiled from the pleasurable massage.

Mayuyu scoffed at her, before flicking her forehead in annoyance. “Right~”

“And you think that I didn’t see you walking like a drunk two days ago?” she asked, crossing her arms as she stared at the older girl.

“Hey!” Yuko cried at her, before touching the spot where she was flicked at. “I drank too much wine and accidentally added some vodka.”

The pain she was feeling a few minutes ago has not disappeared as if it didn’t even occur, making Mayuyu sigh in relief. But the girl’s condition two days ago continued to worry her, making her look at the Yuko with a questioning expression on her face.

“Just go to my hospital.” Mayuyu told her after a while of staring between the two of them.

When Yuko nodded obediently, the young doctor sighed and stood up from her spot. Walking towards the kitchen, she carried the bowl and put it onto the older girl’s sink, before walking back to the living room. Sitting down beside the girl once again, she sighed and started caressing the older girl’s head.

“I need to make sure you’re not getting a tumor in your head.”

“I won’t die, Mayuyu.” Yuko laughed, as she rubbed the flicked spot on her head.

Her headache has now ceased to exist, but there was a new pain she was feeling. Fortunately for her, the pain was bearable and not as painful as the one she had felt before. Turning to the girl beside her, she then smiled to assure the girl of how sure she was about her statement.

“It’s better to be safe than sorry, Yuuchan.” She uttered.

Drying her hands with a tissue, Mayuyu sighed and told her with a bitter smile. “One of my patients had the same thing happen to her.”

“And?” Yuko arched an eyebrow, wondering what the young doctor would say.

The young girl started tapping her chin ad pursed her lips as she started thinking out loud to herself. “Hmm~ What was her name again?”

“Ah!” she cried all of a sudden after a few seconds, snapping her fingers along.

“Her name was Oku Manami!”

“Maachan?” Yuko asked in shock, to which the young doctor nodded her head in reply.

The same girl who was so healthy when I last saw her, has the same condition as me? Yuko thought to herself, finding it hard to believe. It was actually really hard to, since the young girl was so healthy that she never got any kind of sickness the whole time Yuko knew her.

“Yeah,” Mayuyu nodded.
Sighing sadly, she added. “She died.”

“When?” Yuko asked, completely taken aback by the news of her junior’s death.

“Three years ago.”

Yuko stared at her friend in silence, not knowing on how to react after receiving such shocking news. She knew about the girl and even tutored her in some subjects, when she found out that Maachan was set on studying in Harvard years ago.

During the time the two girls spent together, Yuko found herself taking a special liking the girl more and more like a sister. In fact, she treated Maachan even more like a sister than she does to Mayuyu, which made the young doctor stop talking to her for a week.

“Maachan was such a nice kid.” Yuko sighed sadly, before leaning against the couch.

It was really hard to believe, even more since Mayuyu told her that Maachan had the same thing happen to her and die. No wonder Sayaka was so against in almost everything I do. Yuko thought to herself, as she remembered being scolded by the older female the moment she tried to carry her heavy luggage when she came back to Japan.

Mayuyu nodded in agreement, before saying with a sad sigh. “Well, no one expected that she’d even get brain cancer and die so quickly.”

Yuko saw the girl getting all teary-eyed, making her bite her lower lip as she tried to think of a way to make her smile once more. Patting the young girl’s head, she told her with a confident voice while caressing her back and rocking her back and forth. “Well, I’m perfectly healthy.”

“Just…” Mayuyu looked at her, before grabbing her hands as she pleaded. “Visit my hospital, okay?”

Yuko nodded at her, making Mayuyu smile a bit and hug her tightly as she whispered. “I don’ want to lose you, Oshiriko-chan.”

“I won’t die, Oshiriri-chan.” Yuko assured her with a pat on the head, before leaning her head against the younger girl’s own head.

She sighed and closed her eyes, as she spoke. “I will get married and live happily.”

“Yeah, and you have to be my maid-of-honor at my wedding.” Mayuyu told her with the sticking out of her tongue, when she removed herself from the older girl’s hugging.

Yuko asked with a chuckle. “And may I ask who you’re going to be wed to?”

“That girl I met!” Mayuyu told her with a huge smile.

“You don’t even know the girl’s name, and you’re already talking about marriage?” Yuko asked in disbelief, before laughing to herself.

“Of course!”

“Mayuyu,” Yuko sighed, as she patted the said girl’s head. “Just because you and Jurina broke up, it doesn’t mean that she won’t be the one you’ll be marrying.”

“Besides, you two just broke up a week ago.” She added, before tucking a strand of hair behind Mayuyu’s ear.

The young doctor frowned as she crossed her arms, and asked with narrowed eyes. “What are you trying to say, Oshiriko-chan?”

“Give her a chance, Shiriri-chan.”

“Jurina is such a flirt!” Mayuyu suddenly cried at her, making Yuko stare at her in surprise.

Chuckling to herself, Yuko made Mayuyu sit on her lap and started rocking her from side to side when the young girl did. She started combing the girl’s black hair with her hands, while listening to Mayuyu’s ranting about the reason for breaking up with Yuko’s cousin.

“I can’t believe that she went out for dinner with her sister’s co-worker!” she cried, stomping her feet onto the ground.

“Who?” Yuko asked, not really surprised since she had known that Jurina was a bit of a flirt.

Mayuyu sobbed. “Takayanagi Akane!”

“Churi?” Yuko laughed, before patting the young girl’s head.

To hear that Jurina actually went out with the girl was kind of surprising, and Yuko can’t help but pity her best friend. She has heard from the eldest of the Matsui sisters about how much Jurina preferred older girls. Though many situations proved that fact, Yuko has seen how much Jurina enjoyed being with her best friend.

Wanting to make the two get back together, she nudged Mayuyu and said to her. “Then, shouldn’t you be trying to get Juri-boy back?”

“Why should I?” Mayuyu pouted as she gave a scoff.
Yuko smirked at her. “Well, those two dated once.”

“What?!” Mayuyu cried as she jumped up from Yuko’s lap in total shock.

She started gaping, and cried out in disbelief. “She said that I was her first!”

Wanting to give the younger girl a push, Yuko debated on whether she should add the information she knew. It would hurt Mayuyu’s feelings, but it might make the girl run to Jurina and regret the break-up. The two really suited each other, since they have been together for almost five years.

“They’ve dated for like…” Yuko tapped her chin, before smiling at the younger girl.

“…Two years and ten months.”

Mayuyu frowned before crossing her arms, as she exhaled a huge amount of air from her nose. Looking at her best friend, she bit her lower lip and replaced her frown with nothing but sadness. Seeing the expression being given to her, Yuko stood up and patted the girl’s shoulder as she pushed her towards the door.

“Go to her.” She said, before smiling while tilting her head to the side.

Mayuyu nodded at her, and said with a determination. “I will give her a piece of my mind!”

Yuko sweated a drop but knew that even though the girl was acting like that way, things might get better. Once Mayuyu finished speaking, she opened the door and ran out into the streets without any care for the red light. Yuko had to shout at Mayuyu several times to make sure that the girl notice the passing cars, and sighed in relief when Mayuyu managed to reach the other end of the street safe and sound.

When Mayuyu waved at her, Yuko waved back weakly and watched the young girl run towards the nearest train station. When the girl was out of sight, Yuko closed the door and walked back to the living room. Arranging the couches, she saw something unfamiliar behind the pillows.

Picking it up, she realized it as a business card. She sat back down and started reading about it, once the word ‘fashion’ was seen on the top portion of the card. As she read on, she realized that even though she was working at home, she wanted to work in an office.

“Sakura Fashion and Model Company?” she read out before continuing on to read the name of the person in bold letters.

Kojima Haruna.

“Hmm~ Maybe I should check this out.” She said to herself.

It had perked her interest and she was starting to get bored with working at home. Sayaka told her not to work outside, but being home all day long was just a bit too much to bear. She wasn’t someone who had a condition that makes her stay at home.

She was perfectly healthy, in fact.

Typing out the company’s number from the card, she cleared out her throat and started waiting for the anyone to answer the call. Several seconds passed by and Yuko was about to hang up, when the call was answered the moment she was about to press the ‘end call’ option.

“Hello?” Yuko heard an unfamiliar girl’s voice speak.

Yuko spun the card on the surface of the table, and asked the other person on the side of the call. “Is this Kojima Haruna-san?”

“No, this is her secretary.” The girl cleared her throat, and started speaking to her formally. “Can I help you?”

“I saw Kojima Haruna-san’s business card, and I got interested in working for the company.” Yuko replied.

The female on the other end of the call asked her, “Which one of the modeling departments are you interested in? Lingerie? Gowns?”
“Ah…Not modeling.” Yuko said, sweating a drop as she remembered about her height.

It was actually sad, since she wanted to be model once. But when she received the news that she couldn’t become one because she was a little bit too short, she decided on choosing anything in the fashion course. Realizing that she hasn’t been talking for the past minute, she cleared her throat.

“I actually want to apply for the position of fashion editor.”

“Fashion editor?” The secretary hummed, and Yuko started to hear some shuffling from the background. “Well, you’re lucky. We’re currently looking for one at the moment.”

“Can you please tell me about yourself?” the secretary asked.

Yuko hummed, before informing the secretary. “Well, I graduated from Harvard University from the United States.”

She heard a hum, and continued on. “I got a Master’s Degree in Fashion, and I also have worked for a well-known company that sent me to several places like London, Paris, Korea and US.”

“That sounds very interesting, but can I ask why are you interested in working for our company?” the secretary asked politely.

Yuko smiled to herself, before speaking. “Well, I just came back after nine years from the US, and I decided to permanently stay in Japan.”

“Well, with what you’ve told me I can confidently say that you’re already hired. You can come and meet our CEO with your papers.” The secretary told her with an evident tone of happiness in her voice.

The secretary started to say, “You can come in anytime, Miss…”

 “Oshima.” Yuko answered, when she realized that she hasn’t given her name yet.

“Well, it’ll be a pleasure to work with you. I’ll be looking forward to meet you, Oshima-san.”

Yuko spoke a word of thanks and hung up. Sighing to herself, she remembered the reason why she came back to the country. It was the only reason why she returned, since both of her parents were now dead. And it was the main reason why she wanted to meet up with everyone after such a long time.

Standing up from the couch, she headed to the stairs leading to her room and stopped by in the middle. She started tracing her finger on one of the picture frames she had set up, and smiled to herself after pressing her lips to the picture.

At that very moment, she started to hum a familiar wedding tune and walked up towards the balcony of her bedroom. When reached the wide balcony, she sat down by the rails and flipped her phone open. Pressing the speed dial button for the person she intended on calling, she started waiting for the call to be answered.

“To what do I owe this lovely princess, for her to bestow upon me a call?” A guy asked in a voice that made Yuko swoon, once she heard him speak.

He just never stops being so sweet. Yuko thought to herself as she giggled to herself quietly. Her boyfriend always called her sweet things that even though they’ve been together for such a long time, she can’t find herself getting tired of hearing him talk to her in such a formal manner.

Yuko smiled to herself when the guy asked her, “Did the apple of my eye miss me so much, that she just had to call me for the 5th time this afternoon?”

“Well yes, kind sir.” Yuko admitted shyly, before adding a giggle as she started playing along with him. “This princess that thou hast been dating missed thee so much, that being unable to hear thy gentle voice makes her queasy inside.”

She heard him chuckle, and the two of them started laughing out loud. Not wanting to disturb others, Yuko went inside her bedroom and plopped herself onto her Queen-sized bed. Once she was comfortable, she started speaking. “My dearest prince, I need to tell you something!”

“What is it, princess?” he asked with a laugh.

She cried to him happily. “I’ll be working today, and I just got interviewed!”

She heard another chuckle coming from him, and smiled to herself. Her prince started to tell her how proud he was of her, and even told her that once his work was finished, they would talk non-stop. Just then, he added when he remembered about her inability to stay still at a place.

“I knew that you’d be bored with working alone and at home, Yuuchan.” He told her, and Yuko could almost imagine his warm, loving gaze on her.

Adding with a laugh that made Yuko pout, he spoke. “I’m actually surprise that my Yuuchan managed to last two weeks working at home.”

Yuko started to tell him about how terrible it was to work at home, and having no one to have a talk with. As she continued on exaggerating about her horrible time at home alone, he listened to her and even agreed to some of what she had said.

He started to laugh at her exaggerations, and the two started to forget the fact that he was still working and. What made them come to realization was the interruption of one of his co-workers shouting in the background, telling him to drop the call and work.

“Don’t worry about it, Yuuchan.” He told her with a laugh.

“He’s just jealous that I’m calling you.”

The two of them laughed, and Yuko started hearing the third wheel shouting at her prince even more. Looking at the clock, she realized that his break has just finished and that calling was forbidden at the time. Biting her lower lip, she asked him while twirling the locks of her hair.
“Am I keeping you from your job?”

She heard some more shouting, but he just gives a laugh as he replied. “Not at all, Yuuchan. It’s just that THIS guy, feels extremely jealous.”

Yuko laughed to herself and made a mental note to talk to her ex— whom she was sure interrupting their calls . It was actually one of her favorite things about her prince, since he doesn’t have any bad feelings towards those whom she has dated before him. It was also a good thing, since her ex was her prince’s best friend and co-worker.

“But he just keeps on telling you to hang-up.” She told him with a sad sigh.

When she heard another shout coming from her ex, she told him with an energetic voice, “You should work now.”

“Don’t worry, Yuuchan.” he assured her. “I’ll call you as soon as work finishes, okay?”

“Okay, take care.” She said.

She heard a loud kiss from her prince, and blushed to herself. When she didn’t utter a word, he chuckled and spoke. “Take care, Yuuchan.”

“I love you.” Yuko whispered, though she had no reason to keep her voice down.

He whispered back to her, “I know, but I love you more.”

And with a laugh, he hangs up. Yuko waited for a few seconds to pass by before flipping her phone close to make sure that her prince hanged up and wasn’t just waiting for her to hang up on him since it was one of their games.

“I won.” She said with a laugh, before closing her eyes as she snuggled against her pillows.

It was just eleven-thirty in the morning, and she was sure that taking a short nap right before lunch would wake her up in time to visit her new office. Smiling to herself, she began to drift off into the land of dreams and started dreaming of the day she was asked out by him.

Her handsome prince.

To Be Continued…

A/N:Well, that was surely lousy update, huh? I’m sorry, guys. But anyways! I think that answered one of the mysteries you guys had in mind! So…Yuko’s fiancé is a GUY, and not really Sayaka. :hiakhiakhiak: Well, it seems that I also revealed some of the characters I’ll be doing the series on since there haven’t been any correct predictions except for the couples. I decided to be less sadistic and give you guys some hints. Well…I’m not just going to give out hints all the time, alright? Haha~

Thank you for reading!!! Byebye~! :mon bye: :byebye:

Results: Some (not going to tell who or how many~ 'Some' can refer to one, or two or maybe even three  :P) got the pairings right, but not the series. And as for (Un)Dying Love....I shall not update it. Since I plan on finishing it the last.'s one of the major/minor pairings.
Had a withdrawal, so now I'm planning to fall in love with the couples all over again

\(^ - ^)/
Here are my fics~! They can be found amongst these three. :hee:

Love's A Mission
Oh My Dolly!

SoUL (Series)

The Akiba Family (T.A.F)

Offline bochang

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TomoxHaeJin is exist!
(at least in my fics. LOL)

LOL at Tomochin and Mariko-sama LOL
Mariko-sama, don't tease my princess too much or i'll do something bad to you..  :pimp:
and what happened? Tomo~mi didn't use chiyuu anymore? OMG! the sky is falling! LOL

and i get the bad feeling about scar on yuko's had.. Maachan died?! OMG! what?

i hope Yuko will be alright.. don't kill her, hime-sama!!
but it'll be a more tear-jerking story if you kill yuko..
it'll be a tragedy.. hohoho for her fiance or NyanNyan.. Love it so much~ #i think i'm a little bit sadistic too. hohoho

hmmm.. who's this guy..
calling yuko, his princess..
and such a dramatic bastard..
*thinking about my self*

whatever! I'm still happy reading this chapter!
and i'm reading it in the middle of the personality class! LOL
i want to laugh and squeal but the lecturer sit in front of me. hohohoh
thank you muwi, for updating in a risky time. LOL

waiting for the other fics too. hohohoh
« Last Edit: May 07, 2012, 10:28:08 AM by bochang »
[size=14]ON HIATUS[/size]
(for writing, next term gonna start and lack of inspiration ==" Yeorobuen, Mianhaeyo)

My fanfic:
Infinity and some OS (Ongoing, Chapter 13 Released)
Akibahara Syndrome (Ongoing, Chapter 2 Released)
Bochang's scribble collections

ask me anything @

please drop by :D

Offline haruhi16

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Well, yeah, i am really biased when it comes to akb pairings in fanfics, but i do like some other pairings aside from KojiYuu, Atsumina, etc.
To the pairings you've just posted above, it would be cool if you make the MariMii couple as the new pairing in your upcoming fic. I do love these two, even though this couple is not that popular like kojiyuu and atsumina, i would still love to see and read more about them. Well, you know, for a change.. we all know Kojiyuu and Atsumina couples are too mainstream now a days, i would like to read a fic where the non-popular couple are the main characters.
Well, this couple had a big impact on me. Since these two are trolls and funny, it makes me want to read a new story about these two and i'm sure it's going to be a laughable story :) . Well if you do want to add some dramatic scenes, it'll be fine. Since you're good at making angst story, i know you can do it well. :)
I really hope it's MariMii! I would definitely follow and read the story!  :D

Onto the new chapter....

I feel sad for Mariko, i know she cared about her girlfriend Miichan, but she also needs her job for her financial needs! So what if her new editor is a guy?  Mariko is not the type of a girl that would like to flirt with her new editor! LOL I can sense that she really loves Miichan so much, if not, she should have broken up with her after what Miichan had caused her! Well, i just hope that Miichan will soon realize that there's nothing to be jealous about and just fully trust her girlfriend.
So Tomo had stopped adding Chiyuu at the end of her sentence, well, i'm sure Tomochin has an explanation for that  XD since Tomochin hates childish people, i'm sure she wanted Tomo to grow up and act like a woman.
Mayuyu surely is one of the characters that are blocking Kojiyuu to make up. Well, i understand her anyway. If i was her, at first, i would give Yuko a nonstop scolding for bringing kojiHaru to her house,.. but as what Yuko have said, PAST IS PAST, people should move on and just be happy of what they are or what they have now.  :)
AND OMGGGGGG, who is this guy?!?! ALL ACTING SWEET TO YUUCHAN!! :shocked He sounds really handsome and a nice guy! I just like the way he talk to Yuko like a princess, it's so sweet  :wub:  and Yuko calling her Prince is just......omg! What am i saying!! I WAS ABOUT TO SHIP TO THESE TWO, BUT! BUT! BUT!!! HOW ABOUT KOJIHARUUUUUU  :shocked LOL Okay i totally forgot about KOjiharu after reading the part where this guy was talking to Yuko, it's just really....sweet! They sound really comfortable with each other and Yuko seems to be in love with this guy as well  :shocked

Now i need a serious talk with you Karo~chan, is this going to be a KojiYuu or what? Though i love this kind of idea, but what should Kojiharu do to win her back?! IT SEEMS IMPOSSIBLE!! It looks like Yuuchan had totally forgot about Haruna and she didn't even talk about her feelings towards her anymore! WELL I NEED YUUCHAN'S POV!! GIVE IT TO ME NOWWWWWW!  :angry:

THIS IS SO CONFUSING!!  :frustrated:  but i like what you did there anyway :P

Great chapter karo~chan!  :thumbsup
Now i can't wait for you to update the next one! PLEASE UPDATE SOON AS YOU CAN  :panic:

« Last Edit: May 07, 2012, 04:57:49 PM by haruhi16 »

Offline kahem

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I can sense Tomotomo!!!
Yuko seems so happy but I want her be with Kojiharu. So, the guy have to leave lol

Offline smarty0821

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WHO THE HELL IS THAT GUY??!!!!  :angry: :angry: :angry:
Yuko is not for you!!! :bangchair:

Please UPDATE!!!!!!! :mon mad:

Offline Haruko

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OMG!!1 this fic is woooooooooow... so many things happen.. Kojimaaa fight for your squirrel..

I love mariko character :D and tomotomo yeah...

Jealousy micchan is fine for me...

But yuuchan disease make sad T_T... and that FIANCE GUY.. I HATE HIM SO MMUCH::

Offline Pandah

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renairin renairin *continues chanting* LOL
boo knew i got it wrong! UNFORTUNATE LOVE FOR KOJIYUU OR RENAIRIN THEN?! *prays*

oh wowowooww! MIICHAN YOU JEALOUS GACHAPIN! poor mariko...she only gets to work with females hahaha wow i wonder what miichan did to almost get the company closed down :O

aww tomo~mi doesnt say chiyuu anymore :( chiyuu is so cute though~ hahah jealous tomochin is funny as always :)
mayu loves her juri so much shes gonna go win her back!

but ehgueahgiuearh yuko! what lies has people been telling her? what im so confused....haruna stole her ex boyfriend what? what ...her past memories what??  :? :? :? yukos sick? tumour? cancer?  :O im so lost D: NANIIII KOREEE?!?!!  *dies*
BUT WHAT FIANCE! OMG WHAT IS THIS I CANT STAND THIS SWEET TALK! LOL need to spew *blarghh* can only take the squirrel sweet talking to her beloved cat! no other!
OMG IS HER FIANCE RIKU?! LOL but arghh  :bleed eyes: my soul has left me

thanks for the update ..........dont know what to feel *rolls*

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