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Author Topic: Learn Japanese  (Read 68797 times)

Offline Kei

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« on: April 22, 2006, 05:23:48 PM »
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OK, so maliciel admitted that he's Japanese language challenged, and I offered to help him with the basics. But it's just easier posting a thread and helping others too so yeah. Enjoy. If you think I left out something important, feel free to PM me or post and say so and I'll add it in.

First off, hiragana.

あ, い, う, え, お - a, i, u, e, o
か, き, く, け, こ - ka, ki, ku, ke, ko
さ, し, す, せ, そ - sa, shi, su, se, so
た, ち, つ, て, と - ta, chi, tsu, te, to
な, に, ぬ, ね, の - na, ni, nu, ne, no
は, ひ, ふ, へ, ほ - ha, hi, fu, he, ho
ま, み, む, め, も - ma, mi, mu, me, mo
ら, り, る, れ, ろ - ra, ri, ru, re, ro
や, ゆ, よ - ya, yu, yo
わ, を wa, wo
ん - n

-- These next two bits won't be in the katakana section because it's just a matter of substitution--

が, ぎ, ぐ, げ, ご - ga, gi, gu, ge, go
ざ, じ, ず, ぜ, ぞ - za, ji, zu, ze, zo
だ, ぢ, づ, で, ど - da, ji, zu, de, do
ば, び, ぶ, べ, ぼ - ba, bi, bu, be, bo
ぱ, ぴ, ぷ, ぺ, ぴ - pa, pi, pu, pe, po

きゃ, きゅ, きょ - kya, kyu, kyo
ぎゃ, ぎゅ, ぎょ - gya, gyu, gyo
じゃ, じゅ, じょ - ja, ju, jo
ぢゃ, ぢゅ, ぢょ - ja, ju, jo (these are [b]rarely[/b] used)
にゃ, にゅ, にょ - nya, nyu, nyo
びゃびゅびょ - pya, pyu, pyo
ぴゃぴゅぴょ - pya, pyu, pyo
しゃ, しゅ, しょ - sha, shu, sho
みゃ, みゅ, みょ - mya, myu, myo
りゃ, りゅ, りょ - rya, ryu, ryo

Secondly, Katakana.

ア, イ, ウ, エ, オ - a, i, u, e, o
カ, キ, ク, ケ, コ - ka, ki, ku, ke, ko
サ, シ, ス, セ, ソ - sa, shi, su, se, so
タ, チ, ツ, テ, ト - ta, chi, tsu, te, to
ナ, ニ, ヌ, ネ, ノ - na, ni, nu, ne, no
ハ, ヒ, フ, ヘ, ホ - ha, hi, fu, he, ho
マ, ミ, ム, メ, モ - ma, mi, mu, me, mo
ラ, リ, ル, レ, ロ - ra, ri, ru, re, ro
ヤ, ユ, ヨ - ya, yu, yo
ワ, ヲ - wa, wo
ン - n

And finally, some basic kanji that pops up a lot in H!P song titles.
愛 - あい - ai.
恋 - こい - koi.
好き - すき - suki.
大好き - だいすき - daisuki.
恋愛 - れんあい - renai.
青春 - せいしゅん - seishun.
春 - はる - haru.
夏 - なつ - natsu.
秋 - あき - aki.
冬 - ふゆ - fuyu.
友達 - ともだち - tomodachi.
友情 - ゆうじょう - yuujou.
未来 - みらい - mirai.
桜 - さくら - sakura.
大人 - おとな - otona.
人 - ひと, じん, にん - hito, jin, nin.
抱きしめて - だきしめて - dakishimete.
空 - そら - sora.
男 - おとこ - otoko.
女 - おんな - onna.
女子 - じょし - joshi.
少女 - しょうじょ - shoujo.
少年 - しょうねん - shounen.
東京 - とうきょう - toukyou (Tokyo).
涙 - なみだ - namida.
子 - こ - ko.
歌 - うた - uta.
唄 - うた - uta.
物語 - ものがたり - monogatari.
色 - いろ - iro.
太陽 - たいよう - taiyou.
月 - つき - tsuki.
日 - ひ - hi.

...I'll add some more later. For how, learn.

EDIT 1 - Forgot something XD
« Last Edit: September 08, 2013, 09:55:02 PM by Amplifier »
赤い瞳は ソドムの街で
美しい女を 採集する
針で止めた 蝶や蛾の様に
動けないおまえは 俺の物

Offline ~Dan~

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« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2006, 05:32:22 PM »
There's also a thread I made here with some handy hiragana & katakana charts that people can print out if they have a printer.  Handy to refer to.
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Offline Kei

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« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2006, 05:34:41 PM »
Ah crap. If I'd known about that I would've never bothered. D:
赤い瞳は ソドムの街で
美しい女を 採集する
針で止めた 蝶や蛾の様に
動けないおまえは 俺の物

Offline ~Dan~

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« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2006, 05:38:14 PM »
Nah, if you're gonna give lessons and stuff and teach a bit of kanji then carry on.
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Offline maliciel

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« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2006, 06:26:20 PM »

You da man.

Offline hide321

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« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2006, 06:38:09 PM »
The quicker you learn Japanese, the quicker you'll be to possible personal contact with Hello Project members.  Just sayin'...

Offline Kei

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« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2006, 06:39:27 PM »
Quote from: hide321
The quicker you learn Japanese, the quicker you'll be to possible personal contact with Hello Project members.  Just sayin'...


Keep dreamin', buddy! XD
赤い瞳は ソドムの街で
美しい女を 採集する
針で止めた 蝶や蛾の様に
動けないおまえは 俺の物

Offline Dronak

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« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2006, 01:51:12 AM »
A while ago, I found a game called Slime Forest at and thought it was useful for drilling katakana, hiragana, and kanji.  The game is free, but you have the option of registering it for extra benefits.  I don't remember what they are because I got enough use out of the game as-is.  The kana include four outdated kana that are no longer used.  I think people complained about it, but the author wasn't going to take them out.  I forget the exact reasons, but I think it was because it was only 4 more characters and knowing them could be useful someday.  As for kanji, they teach you meanings rather than readings.  An interesting point to the game is that if you sleep/save in the inn, it charges you by real life day.  The point of this is to keep you coming back regularly because it's the regular practice and drilling that helps you remember what you're learning.  I haven't played in a while, so I don't remember much of the kanji.  And frankly, since I get very little practice with Japanese, I'm not even 100% sure of my kana reading skills.  But this may be a useful game for people who want to get some practice with kana and the meanings of some kanji.

Offline aimaime

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« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2006, 12:02:05 PM »
wow it's a language rpg. looks fun. thanks for the info. hopefully it would help my kanji...

sangatsu7 - movies, music, variety shows, japan, aichan, rants, etc..

Offline StreakInTheSky

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« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2006, 12:21:26 PM »
I played that game for a day and just lost interest :lol:

Offline Rnd

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« Reply #10 on: April 23, 2006, 06:04:17 PM »
wew... still i didn't get it how to remember those hiragana n katakana...
worth...? maybe...

Offline aimaime

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« Reply #11 on: April 23, 2006, 06:15:56 PM »
Quote from: Rnd
wew... still i didn't get it how to remember those hiragana n katakana...

the ultimate kana challenge at is pretty useful to help you remember them.

sangatsu7 - movies, music, variety shows, japan, aichan, rants, etc..

Offline Rnd

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« Reply #12 on: April 23, 2006, 09:11:49 PM »
remember to play... how interesting... iihihi...

sankyu aimaime...
worth...? maybe...

Offline Dronak

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« Reply #13 on: April 23, 2006, 10:41:37 PM »
Hmm.  The Ultimate Kana Challenge is a completely different type of game.  You have to click the kana in order (a, i, u, e, o, . . .) while they're all moving around the screen.  This can be helpful, too, but I think I prefer the random drilling of the Slime Forest RPG.

Slime Forest can help with kanji, but it depends on what sort of practice you want.  As I said, it's only meanings, not readings, so you get things like "person" instead of "hito" for that kanji.  A nice thing is that they try to give you reminders that will help you associate the kanji's shape to its meaning.  I found that helpful, and I think a few of them have stuck with me even though I haven't played the game or practice with the kanji for quite some time.

FWIW, I've downloaded and tried a number of other games/programs for learning.  Some are more like kanji dictionaries for reference, but others are games like the couple mentioned here.  These are a few more game-like programs you can try if you like.

Knuckles in China Land ( is another RPG
Kanji Trainer Penpen ( which the site calls Tetris-like in that things move and you can't stop them
Learn Kana ( is a flash card program
Dream Kana ( is a similar flash card program, which I don't have, but found when looking for the Learn Kana web site
« Last Edit: April 23, 2006, 11:05:34 PM by Dronak »

Offline aimaime

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« Reply #14 on: April 23, 2006, 11:12:53 PM »
Quote from: Dronak

A nice thing is that they try to give you reminders that will help you associate the kanji's shape to its meaning.  

i think that's the best way to learn kanji as it makes you remember them longer and i think some japanese children are also taught that way (like imagining a man resting against a tree for "hito" or something like that). found primary school books and tv shows that also teach kanji this way but rarely do they have english translations. T_T

but the sites you listed are very good. thanks a lot.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2006, 11:34:23 PM by aimaime »

sangatsu7 - movies, music, variety shows, japan, aichan, rants, etc..

Offline Tanier

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« Reply #15 on: April 29, 2006, 07:12:28 AM »
wow cool links when finals are over, i'll have to check these out, please thread don't die!
I'm backkkkkkkk


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« Reply #16 on: May 01, 2006, 01:36:48 AM »
I've found to be useful when dealing with fair amounts of text in Japanese. It works out better than most online translators, too. It is a firefox extension though (

Offline Jeskko

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« Reply #17 on: May 02, 2006, 06:54:07 AM »

I've found pretty nice for learning some basic Japanese. It might be a bit hard if your hiragana/katakana skills are rusty, but take that as kana practice. :)

For learning hiragana and katakana, find some nice flashcards software, is pretty good for unix-based operating systems. You could also try this simple web-based flashcards stuff I coded:

Offline vscarecrow

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« Reply #18 on: May 06, 2006, 12:20:09 PM »
For learning how to write kanji:

Offline haryodwi

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« Reply #19 on: February 12, 2007, 07:06:06 PM »
This forum is very good.

I am indonesian and now i am trying to learn japanese (Nihongo).
I am learning Minna no Nihongo series now. (this is very good book for non-Japanese learner).

If you'd like to get some files related to this material (books, audio files etc). Here is the link for PART 1 (There are 4 parts, 50 units)

extract these files to a folder then mount the img file using daemon etc. ready to use!!!

If you would like to grab another parts i will give you later.

Thank You.

Doozo Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu


here is very good software : Atlas V12.
Translator English-Japanese, Japanese-English:)

« Last Edit: February 13, 2007, 07:45:43 AM by haryodwi »

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