Thank you all for the comments and votes! According to the poll, the winner is MAYUKI, which means the MAIN pairing will be them. And this doesn't mean that there won't be other pairings appear in this story. There will be many~ Many~ Many~ Hehehe Please looking forward to the next update And thank you for your participation!Chapter 1: Marriage Settlement
Takahashi family, the Royal family that had been the symbol of Japan for centuries. The King and Queen were well known as the most gentle and perspicacious rulers. Every Japanese respected the Royal family since they represented for the perfection and beauty of Japaneses.
But nothing could last forever. In the Royal castle, a big problem had happened to the oldest child of the King, the future inheritor.
“No! I don’t want to marry that girl!” A young man shouted in his room far away from the Court Hall.
“But your Highness, if you don’t marry, your cousin will take your inheritance.” Another man in butler suit tried to convince the young man.
“Then just give it to him! I don’t want to marry this girl!”
“How can you say such an irresponsible thing like that?”
“I don’t care! I don’t want to marry someone that I have never seen her face before! And that is my last word!”
“But this girl... You can’t disappoint the King, your Highness. And if you don’t want to marry this girl, you have to find another one and marry her or else, you will lose your inheritance, your Highness.”
“But...” The young man let out a heavy sigh then collapsed on a chair, supported his head with his arm. “I just can’t do it...” His face reflected a sad and painful expression.
“Your Highness...”
Suddenly the young man flicked his fingers and a big smile bloomed on his face.
“I know what to do! Mario, call my sister to come back here immediately!”
“Wait, excuse me, Ren-ouji-sama. What are you talking about?” The butler called Mario raised his eyebrow.
“Call my sister and tell her to replace me.”
“Huh? But Hime-sama is in America for studying now! And what’s with the replacing idea?”
The prince smirked.
“I’ll go away on a trip when my twin sister will take my place. I won’t marry the one that I don’t love. My sister is a smart girl so she will know what to do.”
“You can’t do this, your Highness. The King will be out of temper!”
“He won’t if you cover for me.” The prince smirked again and looked at the butler, which startled the man in place.
“B-But I...”
“If you don’t help me, I’ll tell my father about your little secret. And I’m sure you don’t want that happen right?”
The butler’s sweat dropped. He knew he was taking the biggest risk in his life but he couldn’t refuse it when his own prince was blackmailing him.
What else could he do?
“... H-Hai... Ren-ouji-sama... I shall contact Hime-sama and book a ticket for you right away.”
“Good.” The prince smiled.
The butler excused himself then left the room. When the door behind him was closed, he let out a sigh and mumbled.
“I’m so sorry, Hime-sama.”
In a small house in America, a young teenage girl was sleeping soundly on her bed. She was enjoying her sweet dream before she was woke up by the ring of her phone. She groaned in frustration then waved her arm to find her phone. When she found the object, she threw it to the wall, breaking it into pieces then went to sleep again.
A minute later, her second phone rang. The girl facepalmed then forced herself to wake up. She rubbed her eyes to open them then she grabbed her phone. Placing it on her ear, she shouted into it angrily.
“Who the hell is calling me in this time?!?”
[This is Mario, your General Butler.]
The voice fully woke up the girl. She was startled and accidentally fell off her bed, hitting her butt hard on the floor.
“M-Mario-sama? I-I’m sorry for being so rude earlier. I-I didn’t know it was you.” The girl stuttered while rubbing her butt.
[It’s fine. It’s my fault for waking you up too early anyway. How is Hime-sama?]
“She’s doing well. Nothing bad happens to her.”
[Good. Listen, I want you to bring Hime-sama back to Japan tomorrow.]
“Wait... WHAT??!?!?” Once again, the girl shouted.
[You heard me. Just bring her back by any chances. Even she resists, you’ll have to force her.]
“B-But Mario-sama! We’re in the middle of school now! I can’t let her ditch school like that! And Hime-sama would never want to go back there!”
[I know but this is an emergency. I’ve already booked tickets for both of you tomorrow morning. I need you to do it or else, you’re fired!]
The word “fired” echoed in her ear, causing her face to turn pale. Her sweat soaked her raven short hair and her heart stopped beating for a second.
“H-Hai. I understand... I-I promise Hime-sama will be at the palace as soon as possible.”
[Good. I’m counting on you, Jurina. I’ll explain for you in more details later. Good night.]
The other line hung up, leaving the girl dumbfound. The girl stared at her phone quietly before banging her head onto the cold floor, trying to hold back her frustration screams.
In the following morning, a teenage girl stretched her arms on her white bed. The blanket slowly fell off, revealing a perfect S-line body and smooth milky white skin. The girl tugged up her long raven hair, showing her beautiful angel face to the bright and warm sunlight. Getting off her bed, she went inside the bathroom and washed herself. Few minutes later, she went out and got dressed. Putting on her casual cloth, she looked like an ordinary person who had a princess like beauty.
Suddenly, she smelt a sweet scene. Quickly, she existed her room and went straight to the kitchen, where she found a familiar figure of her best friend standing next to the counter and cooked their breakfast.
“It’s rare to see you get up so early.” She smiled at her surprised friend.
The girl turned back to look at the person who just stopped her heart from beating again.
“What the... Jurina, how many times have I told you not to call me like that when we’re alone?” The princess crossed her arms in front of her chest and tapped her foot in annoyance.
“I-I’m sorry, Yukirin. Old habit. Hahaha....” The girl laughed it off then turned back to cook the breakfast. “Your breakfast is almost done. Just sit down. I’ll serve you today”
The princess felt something odd about her best friend but she shrugged it off and sat down on a chair, waiting for her breakfast.
She, Takahashi Yuki or Kashiwagi Yuki – her current name for school – was the princess of Japan. She was the second child of King Takahashi Kai and Takahashi Atsuko and the twin sister of Prince Takahashi Ren. She was well known as a gentle, kind and beautiful princess of the Takahashi family. But she wasn’t a type of person that like following the royal rules and mostly, she didn’t like the atmosphere in the palace. That was the reason why she asked her parents to go study abroad in America, away from the decent and dignified palace, along with Jurina.
Matsui Jurina was a royal guard and also her childhood friend. The girl had been brought into the palace and lived there since she was three. She was trained to become a royal guard and during her training period, she befriended with the twin prince-princess. And after a long period, she was assigned to be the princess’s personal bodyguard. Besides her own brother, Jurina was the only person that Yuki trusted and loved.
A moment later, a dish was placed on the table in front of Yuki, making the princess stare at it in disbelief.
“Pancake? Jurina...” Yuki turned around.
“What?” The girl answered.
“You haven’t made pancake for me for a long time. Why is it all of sudden like this?”
“Eh... Well...” Jurina gulped. “Like you said, it’s been a long time since my last cook so... I guess it’s a good time to make you one.”
The girl was praying inside her head, hoping that the princess wouldn’t notice her plan. The princess looked at her in an observing way, sending her into an uncomfortable state. Jurina could feel her sweat rolling on her pale cheeks and her heart jumping inside her chest. But fortunately, the princess seemed not to notice anything. She smiled, thanked her friend for the special breakfast and then enjoyed her meal.
The girl sighed in relief. She placed a glass of orange juice next to the princess and served herself a glass of milk.
“You’re not eating?” The princess asked her.
“No. I’m still full from last night. I had many suppers.” Actually, she was so nervous that she couldn’t eat. The voice of her general butler was still echoing inside her mind everytime.
“You shouldn’t eat too late. You could get fat by that.” The princess smiled.
“Don’t worry. I exercise everyday!”
With her final answer, the princess turned back to eat. But still, the girl couldn’t relax. She only had 3 hours to get the stubborn princess on the airplane and fly back to Japan. To her, it was an impossible mission. She gulped again. She rubbed her hair, turning it into a mess.
Suddenly, a light bulb flashed above her head, along with a big smile forming on the pink lips. She quickly fixed her hair then turned to the direction where she could have a clear vision of the princess.
“Hey Yukirin, have you ever thought about going back to Japan?”
The sudden question caused the princess to chock on her orange juice. She coughed to clear her sore lungs and throat before looking at the girl with a shocking look.
“Why did you ask something like that all of sudden?”
“Ermm.... I’m just curious.” The girl shrugged.
“You know my answer already and it’s never! Why should you waste your breath to ask something so obvious like that?”
“Just asking.” Jurina smiled. She already knew the answer before but that wasn’t what she aimed for.
“Yeah whatever. You’re weird today, Jurina.” The princess sighed then turned around, facing her back to the other girl.
Taking the chance, Jurina slowly approached Yuki. Even though the princess knew some martial arts but she couddn’t compete with one of the most powerful royal guards like Jurina. This was why Jurina chose the least complicated but quite violent way to get the princess.
When she was closed to her target enough, she raised her right arm up.
“Yukirin...” A soft voice called the princess’s name.
But before the princess could turn around, she felt painful on the back of her neck. Her vision went blur and soon, darkness took over her.
“Gome ne.”
It was the last words Yuki heard before she completely lost her consciousness.
“Ughhh.... My neck...” Yuki slowly gained back her consciousness. The first thing welcomed her was the pain on her neck.
She rubbed it gently then opened her eyes. The color and strange but familiar decoration of the room came in her vision.
“W-Where am I?” She sat up to take a better look at her surrounding.
She observed every single object in the room. The decorations, the furniture, everything reminded her of something that she had long forgotten and never wanted to remember again.
“Don’t tell me...” She mumbled.
Before she could finish her sentence, the door opened. Stepping in was her used-to-be best friend. The girl was shocked and scared when she noticed that the princess had woke up.
“Y-Y-Yukirin... H-Hi.” She stuttered, waving her arm at the princess.
“You...” Yuki said, black aura surrounding her body. “You traitor!!!!”
The princess jumped onto the poor guard from her bed and knocked her down, trying to punch the girl. But with the advantage of being a royal guard, Jurina managed to block all the attack and protect her pretty face.
“Why the heck did you bring me back here?!?!?!”
“Calm down Yukirin!!! I can explain!!”
“How can I calm down when you brought me back to this hell?!?!?”
“Let me explain!!!” Jurina hopelessly begged the princess but seemed that her effort was useless. “Help me Mario-sama!!!”
The girl called for help from the man who was standing beside the door and chuckling. Hearing the laughter, the princess stopped her attack and looked up.
“Mario-san?” She asked surprisingly when she found her general butler.
“Good to see you again, Hime-sama. You’ve grown up a lot but you haven’t changed much.” The man calmly said.
“She did! More violent than before!”
“Shut up Jurina! I’m not done with you yet!”
“OK, your friendship hasn’t changed at all. Still stick to each other like glue.” The man smiled.
“This person is not my friend anymore.” Yuki said while getting off the girl.
“Hey! Hurtful! You broke my heart.” The girl on the ground placed a hand on her left chest to demonstrate her words.
“I don’t care anymore.” Yuki pouted.
“Yuki-Hime-sama, you shouldn’t blame Jurina for that. She just followed my order.”
This time, Yuki opened her eyes widely and looked at the man in shock.
“Wait, what did you say?”
“Pardon for my rudeness but I was the one who told Jurina to bring you here.”
“What? Why did you do that?!?!?! I thought no one would understand me more than you do!!” Yuki showed her dramatic reaction.
“Hey! What about me? I’m your best friend for 15 years, for God’s sake.”
“Oh Shut up Jurina!”
“Hime-sama, this is a request from your brother, Ren-ouji-sama.”
“What? Ren-nii-chan? What is related to him this time?” Yuki raised an eyebrow when she heard about her twin brother.
“Well... He asked me to take you back here and become his replacement.”
“Wait... Replacement? For what? Don’t tell me I’m going to die.”
“Oh no, of course not. But...” The man hesitated.
“Oh come on!! Tell me!!” Yuki shouted in frustration.
“Quiet down Yukirin! No one should know about your existence here!! You’re under cover!” Jurina covered Yuki’s mouth with her hand.
The princess immediately threw the hand off herself then stared at Jurina.
“What do you mean by “no one”? My parents don’t know about this reunion?”
“The answer is no, Hime-sama.” Suddenly, the butler spoke up. Yuki turned to look at the man again. “Because, from now on, your identity will be Takahashi Ren, the prince of Japan.”
“WHAT?!?!?!?!” Yuki shouted again, causing Jurina to cover her mouth in a forceful way.
“Quiet Yukirin!!! Or else we all are going to die!!!”
“What the heck is this?!?!?”
“The King has a marriage settlement with one of his best friend for their first children. So basically, Ren-ouji-sama is supposed to marry the oldest girl of the other family. But he refused so he wanted you to replace him.” Mario calmly explained.
“Oh great... Just great!” Yuki threw both of her arms up in the air. “First, my best friend kidnapped me! Second, I woke up and found myself in the hell that I’ve been running away for 5 years and now what? My
lovely brother pushes everything on me again!!!” Yuki stared at the man in anger. “How could you agree with something like that? I’m a girl and I can’t marry to another girl!!!”
“Ren-ouji-sama didn’t say that you have to marry that girl, Hime-sama. You just need to meet that girl and do whatever you want.”
“So why doesn’t he do that by himself?!?”
“... I don’t know...”
“Oh Great!!!” Yuki banged her head onto the wall.
Jurina, who was silent the whole time, touched her chin with her finger and looked at Yuki. She looked at the girl from top to bottom then let out a comment.
“I wonder what Yukirin would look like in male costume... She’s too girly to become a prince...”
“Well, we have the best fashionist to take care of that.” Mario smiled.
“Mario-san... Where is my brother?” Yuki softly said when her back was facing the other two and her head was still on the cold wall.
“Ermm... Ren-ouji-sama is currently somewhere outside Japan...”
“Oh God... CURSE YOU BAKA REN!!!!!!!!!”
In an airplane.
“Achoo!” A young man in first class cabin sneezed. He wiped his nose off then rubbing his arms. “Ughhh Why do I suddenly feel so cold.... Grrruuuuu .... Maybe it’s because of the weather... Achoo! Or because of my sister...”