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Author Topic: Night Sky - Chapter 3 (Mayuki)  (Read 3624 times)

Offline lazybunny

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Night Sky - Chapter 3 (Mayuki)
« on: February 18, 2015, 06:20:46 AM »
Hi! I'm lazybunny  :) jut like my name I'm lazy and I like going straight to the point.  ;)

Basically I'm a new author here at this forum and I'm obsessed with MaYuki  :wub:

I just think that Mayu and Yuki would make a very very awesome couple  :deco:

yoroshiku onegaishimasu  :kneelbow:

Genre: Romance, Angst

---+---+--- Chapter 1 ---+---+---
   I'm just a normal student going to a normal all girls school with normal friends. I don't want to brag but I'm somewhat popular. My grades are a little low but it's not that bad that it can affect my life.... I think.

  Overall, I have a pretty normal everyday life and I was as happy as can be!

     Until someone changed it

“Mayu! Come here real quick!”

       I closed my laptop and ran to the front door to see what my mom's all worked up for

“Mayu, I want you to meet Yuki-chan, she's going to be living with us for quite a while due to an agreement I had with her father.”

       I looked up and saw the ever so famous Student Council President Kashiwagi Yuki on our front door looking diligent as ever. She looked straight at me and bowed, introducing herself.

“I'll be in your care Watanabe-san.” Out of habit, I reciprocated the action.

“Mayu, can you show Yuki-chan the way to your room? The both of you are sharing it since we don't have a spare.” I scratched my head a little and eventually gave up.

“Kashiwagi-san, this way.” I took her luggage and walked towards the room. Upon entering, Kashiwagi-san immediately closed the door and started undressing

“WHA! What are you doing Kashiwagi-san?” I immediately covered both of my eyes with my palm and peeked just a little bit.

“Changing my clothes, what else?”

       WHAT'S WITH HER ACTING ALL SO CASUAL? Doing something so sudden! I'm the one that's being embarrassed for her!

“Couldn't you have warned me first before ta-taking off your clothes?”

“I thought you're supposed to be used to seeing girls naked. I mean we do dress out before gym.” Kashiwagi was slowly unclasping her bra so I took the initiative and turned around facing my back against her to prevent myself from peeking.

“Sh-shut up!”

After a long period of silence her voice broke the ice. “I'm done changing.”

“I turned around to see the Student Council President that everyone admires with just her sexy lacy underwear on and God oh GOD I can feel my whole body heating up. I yanked the blanket and hid under it in order to hide my embarrassment.

“You quite have a perverted mind there Watanabe-san.” I heard Kashiwagi-san sighed after saying that. Aaaarrgghhh this irritates me SOOO much!!!!

“Sh-SHUT UP!” I yelled.


“What?” I slowly peeked out of my blanket and was relief to see her on pajamas that covered her whole body.

“Since I'm going to be living here for a little while, call me Yuki.”

“Then call me Mayu.” I saw Ka- I mean Yuki sit on my table and pulled out some papers.

“Homework?” I asked as lay down on the bed looking at the ceiling.

“Student Council work, as the president I have to get all this paper work done in time.”

“Sucks to be you then.”

       After that, none of us said a word. Before I know it, I fell asleep.


“Hey dad, what does being happy mean?”

   “Happiness is something you can't achieve if you worry about big things like money or work. It's not finding a bucket of gold. You can only achieve happiness once you become content.”

“I don't get it.”

   “That's okay Mayu, one day you'll understand. Just promise me one thing, ALWAYS fight for what you believe in and never back down!”

I reached up and sealed my promise with dad by wrapping my pinky to his as he flashed his killer smile.”


“That dream again.”

      I slowly opened my eyes. Adjusting to the dark room I felt a foreign sensation. I looked at the source and saw Yuki sleeping soundly next to me.

I never knew that the very serious Student Council President could make this kind of face. It was as if I was looking straight into an angel's face. I slowly closed my eyes again. I felt a hand land on top of mine but I paid little attention to it as I let sleep take over me.


       The next day, Yuki and I woke up together, ate breakfast together, and walked to school together. It was a little awkward since Yuki's not realy a social type of person. She's the kind that only think about work and nothing but work. When we got to the school gate, there were some Student Council members inspecting the students and enforcing the dress code.

“Mayu, you don't have to wait for me later. Make sure to go straight home though. If you're planning to go somewhere change clothes first, don't go around after school wearing the school uniform it's against the rules. Have a good day.” With that, she was gone in a flash.


       I threw my bag on the desk and sat down angrily. “What's with her? I don't need her to boss me around.” After letting out a little anger I sighed and saw that a friend of mine was standing right next to me.

“Why so grumpy this early in the morning?”

“It's nothing.” I shook off the topic and rest my head on the cold table.

“Oh yeah! Have you heard the rumor that the Student Council President is going to take over this school? I mean it's no surprise since her grandpa's the headmaster but still.”

       After hearing the news I picked my head up and gave my friend my whole attention. “And then?”

“Well, it turned out that... that's not all there is to it.”

“What do you mean?”

“The Student Council President actually has a fiance! Rumor has it that it's one of our teachers too!”

“No way!” My eyes are probably as wide as an owl's right now.

“But isn't it weird for a student to be engaged to a teacher? Not just that! She's only 16!” my friend said

“Yeah. Maybe the rumors aren't true after all.” I said shrugging my shoulders

“Yeah but with all these people making weird rumors about her, I wonder if she's hurting inside.”

“I don't know. She probably doesn't know about the rumors though. She's always surrounded by people that likes her and we have more students that likes her than hates her so even if she does know it herself she probably doesn't pay attention to those type of nasty rumors.”

“Maybe, but it is true about her being the headmaster's grand daughter. I even heard the teachers talking about it.”

 I looked out the window to see Yuki helping the others at the gate, making sure that the students are following the dress code rules.

"She's so serious."

Hope you all liked it  :) Don't forget to tell me what you think   :byebye:
« Last Edit: October 22, 2017, 09:01:57 PM by sophcaro »

Offline Railgun96

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Re: (Night Sky Chapter 1) Mayuki Genre: Romance, Angst (New Fic)
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2015, 12:51:41 PM »
This reminds me of a manga I read called citrus. Anyways, still looking forward to your next chapter. Welcome to  :hipheart: :hipheart:  :welcome


Kami Oshi : Kashiwagi Yuki

Oshi: Miyawaki Sakura, Nishino Nanase, Sakurai Reika,
Li YiTong

My fics

If Only (Mayuki) - Ongoing (Hiatus) :

Night after alley (Mayuki / Nezumi x Black) - OS (Perv) :

More than just a massage (Yukirena) - OS (Perv) :

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Re: (Night Sky Chapter 1) Mayuki Genre: Romance, Angst (New Fic)
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2015, 03:41:02 PM »
Ooooh i like it
Please continue this!
But why its angsty genre?? Ugh make me worried
Especially yuki sama

Offline lazybunny

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Re: (Night Sky Chapter 2) Mayuki Genre: Romance, Angst
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2015, 01:37:03 AM »
Railgun96: No way! Really? I'm definitely gonna check out that manga!  :w00t:  I'm not really big on manga  :nervous  Thank you for welcoming me I feel so welcomed now  :heart: :heart:
gek geki: Thank you for the support  :love:  I'll definitely do my best to meet your expectation  :D 

---+---+---Chapter 2---+---+---

       Under the night sky full of stars I look up. Sometimes I envy the way the stars shine so effortlessly. I consider myself to be the dark part of the night. I'm the darkness that doesn't shine. Try as I might, I'll never be able to shine like the stars....

       I'm the Student Council President of Akiba All Girls High. My grandfather is the headmaster and as his grand daughter, I must take over the business in place of my selfish father who just drinks day and night. My father was definitely a notable man, he was a refined teacher. He inherited my grandpa's intelligent and my grandma's charm. All those went to waste when mom passed away though.

       I picked up a picture frame from the night table and looked at our family picture. We were very happy, until that incident happened that is. I haven't seen my father for years now and yet tomorrow he's going to pick me up and drop me off to a stranger's house for a reason that I don't know.

“Are you sure about this Yuki?” I can see my grandpa's worried look but I assured him with my smile.

“Yes grandpa, a little change won't hurt. Also, you already know everything about the people that I'm going to be living with right? Considering that you already sent someone to investigate them in secret.”  The look on grandpa's face was priceless.

“I-I don't know what you're talking about.” What a liar. I can see through your lies grandpa.

“Anyways, it looks like he's here now. Good bye grandpa.” He gave me a hug and told me to call him if anything happens. With that, I was out of the house. Frankly, I was glad I finally get to move out even if it's just for a little bit.


       The rest of the car ride was really quiet and while I'm mad at my dad, deep down I know I also longed for him. I want to tell him all the achievements I have, brag to him about my grades, I- I just want him to be a dad to me and not a stranger.

“We're here Yuki, take care.” After I got my luggage he immediately took off.

“I can't believe him!” I sighed

“Welcome! Yuki-chan!” I was startled by the sudden voice but I got my stuff together and smiled at the stranger.

“Hi, I'm Yuki, I'll be in you're care for a while.” I examined the person right in front of me real fast and according to my judgment, she's the type who's big at loving and caring.


       I never realized that I would have to live under the same roof with Mayu. It's not like I hate it but, I just think that it would've been better if it was someone else.


       Three weeks has passed and I'm slowly getting used to this type of lifestyle. Everything is done in a normal way unlike the extravagant ways of my grandpa.

       Mayu came in the room dripping wet from taking a bath and had nothing covering her but bath towels. I paid no attention her and kept doing my student council work when she suddenly said something that I didn't want to hear.


       While taking a shower, I was looking at the sky. The stars sure are sparkling really bright tonight. Sighing, I remembered the rumor abut Yuki being engaged with someone. At first I really didn't care but... but every time I see her peaceful sleeping face... just thinking about someone being able to see that every day other than me somehow bothers me.

       I'm not gonna lie, for this past three weeks I grew a little attached to Yuki. Her long slim body, Creamy looking neck, Silky hair, totally kissable

“WHAT AM I SAYINIIINGG????” I slapped myself immediately in order to comeback to my senses. I sat back down and dipped my face on the water.

       Why am I even fantasizing about her? So what if she's engaged with someone? So what if... if she doesn't like me? I'm totally straight! I don't swing that way!

       I got up and wrapped my body with bath towel since I forgot to grab my clothes with me. I made sure to dry my hair enough not letting them make a trail of water. I marched into the room. I saw Yuki seating on the chair probably doing student council work. Just thinking about undressing in the same room with her makes me nervous.

       After I was done changing, I looked up and mustered out all of my courage and asked her what's been bothering me the most.

“Hey Yuki, is it true that you have a fiance?”

A long pause of silence. The tension in the room is so overwhelming. Only the scratching of the pencil is audible. Droplets of sweat running down my cheeks. And then it stopped.

“So what?” She finally replied. I was taken back by the response I got.
                    “So what if I do have a fiance?”

“So it's true?” She stood up and pushed me down on the bed trapping me between her arms with her on top. I looked up at her shocked.

“Like I said, SO WHAT?” The sudden raise of voice was enough to make me freeze.

       She closed her eyes and sighed. Standing back up, she resumed doing her work. I tucked myself under the blanket. That's when I realized my heart was beating so fast that I thought it was gonna jump out.


       I opened my eyes and realized that I had fallen asleep. I got out of the blanket only to be greeted by the darkness. I looked to my side and saw Yuki sleeping with her back facing me. I was a little sad since I don't get to see what kind of face she's making right now.

Thinking about the scene that happened earlier, I was startled when Yuki rose her voice but what made me more curious was the face that she made. That was definitely a face of someone who's hurt makes.

         “Why? What's causing your pain?” My hand was reaching out to touch Yuki's shoulder but I stopped halfway and went back to sleep.


       The next day Yuki didn't wait for me and went to school claiming that she has student council meeting. I know that's definitely a lie. I know that question probably bothered her really bad so I went to school extra early looking for her.

       I was walking around school looking for Yuki but no luck. I looked for her at the cafeteria, student council room, our classroom, gym, the school's greenhouse but no Yuki anywhere. I decided to give up and go to my favorite place... the rooftop. It's actually against the rule to go to the rooftop but I stole the spare key from a teacher when I saw the opportunity so ever since then, I've been hanging out on the rooftop when I feel like it.

       Grabbing the key from my pocket, I opened the door and was devastated by what I saw. A teacher and Yuki.... they're making out! Oh god I'm gonna be sick! I covered my mouth with my palm.

       The teacher saw me and pushed Yuki with force enough to make her hit the ground really hard. Before I know it, the teacher was gone. Yuki fixed her blouse and looked at me as she wipe her lips with her sleeve.

“What are you doing here?” I can't believe she has the guts to even talk

“You're asking me?” She looked down and looked up. I swallowed my words when I saw the same hurt face that I saw last night. “I- I was looking for you.” I said averting my eyes from hers. She stood up and walked towards me and stopped.

“I'm busy” She looked directly at my eyes and walked past me. I lost my cool and said something that I immediately regretted

“Busy doing what? Busy making out with a teacher?” She turned around and slapped me. I tried to run after her but guilt took over me and I decided to let her leave. I felt something on my now slap tainted cheek and I reached up to check what it is
       “Blood?” I realized that the fall that Yuki took after that teacher pushed her must have injured her. Finding the courage I needed, I ran after her. Being in the track and field really does benefits sometimes. Running around avoiding obstacles, I was able to catch up with Yuki. I grabbed her hand real fast. I must have startled her since she jumped when I made contact.

“Like I thought.”

“What are you doing?” Her eyes were as wide as an owl's when I dragged her to the infirmary. The nurse wasn't there.

“Sit down.” I told her. I rushed to the cabinet and got the first aid kit. I took a seat in front of her and examined her wound. It was deeper than I though but definitely not life threatening. While I was tending to her wound, I can feel Yuki looking at me.


“Shut up.” It infuriates me to think that someone could do this to Yuki.


“NO YOU LISTEN! After all that happened, I think I deserve to know the answer to my question from last night. That teacher- is he your-

“No, he's not my fiance.” I tightened the bandage and let go of her hand.

“Why were you making out then?” I looked up and saw that same pained face for a split second and then her face was back to normal. That's the second time.

“I'm sorry but I answered your question already. Therefore, I don't have to answer such questions.”  She stopped making eye contact and looked down. “I have to go now. Thanks for bandaging up my wound.” She stood up and left.

       Why do I feel so frustrated?

That's it for now. Thank you for reading m(_ _)m  :)
« Last Edit: February 20, 2015, 02:54:37 AM by lazybunny »

Offline fath107

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Re: (Night Sky Chapter 2) Mayuki Genre: Romance, Angst
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2015, 02:30:34 AM »
Please update!  XD

Who is he?!  :O

Oh my... before yuki stayed in watanabe house, does she knows mayu already?  :shocked

If that teacher wasn't her fiancé, so... who is her fiancé? Is it mayu? (I hope it's true hahaha)  :D

Thanks for the update author-san :3
« Last Edit: February 19, 2015, 02:40:45 AM by fath107 »
Shibuya Nagisa | Kashiwagi Yuki | MaYuki~ | NagiUha~ | IkuMai~ | Ikuta Erika | Iriyama Anna

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Re: (Night Sky Chapter 2) Mayuki Genre: Romance, Angst
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2015, 05:03:10 AM »
Who is Yuki fiance don't tell me it *wiggle eyes brown*

update soon

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Re: (Night Sky Chapter 2) Mayuki Genre: Romance, Angst
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2015, 05:14:42 AM »
Whoa that was something...

Ah yuki,her life... I just hope mayu could heal yuki wound,her inner wound,whatever is that

Please next chapter

Offline kurogumi

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Re: (Night Sky Chapter 2) Mayuki Genre: Romance, Angst
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2015, 07:02:11 AM »
agree with gek geki 



Offline Railgun96

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Re: (Night Sky Chapter 2) Mayuki Genre: Romance, Angst
« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2015, 07:41:08 AM »
Hohoho :on ksweat: mayu has feeling for yuki :hehehe:

Who's the fiancé? who that teacher?  :scolding:

I want moarr! Thanks for the update :hee:


Kami Oshi : Kashiwagi Yuki

Oshi: Miyawaki Sakura, Nishino Nanase, Sakurai Reika,
Li YiTong

My fics

If Only (Mayuki) - Ongoing (Hiatus) :

Night after alley (Mayuki / Nezumi x Black) - OS (Perv) :

More than just a massage (Yukirena) - OS (Perv) :

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Re: (Night Sky Chapter 2) Mayuki Genre: Romance, Angst
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2015, 04:49:07 PM »
Sooooo heart touching fic.

Thank you so much for writing that nice fic.

Waiting for update

Offline lazybunny

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Re: (Night Sky Chapter 3) Mayuki Genre: Romance, Angst
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2015, 01:35:36 AM »
Thank you for the support guys I feel so happy  :wub:

As for Yuki's fiance... unfortunately that's not gonna be answered on this chapter.

---+---+--- Chapter 3 ---+---+---

       Three days has passed and ever since Yuki  left the infirmary, we never said a word to each other. At night, she would just submerge herself in a pile of work and sleep with her back facing me. At school we would walk pass by each other and she wouldn't even bat an eye at me. After school, she would never come home early claiming that she had work to do.

“I don't know anymore.” I sighed and rest my head on the table

“Mayu-chan!” My friend sat right next to me.


“You never called me by my name. What's wrong? Why are you all so down?”

“It's nothing.” No one knows about Yuki staying in my house. I picked my head up and looked at my friend; her name's Matsui Jurina a.k.a. Gossip girl.

“I have something shocking to tell you!” Jurina said leaning towards me. This is usually what she does when she wants to tell me something important or interesting so I leaned forward giving her my full attention.

“Last night on the way home, I saw the Student Council President making out with one of our teachers.” They're still doing it? Why do I feel as if someone stabbed me in the heart?

“Is that it?” I said. I probably said it in a harsher tone than I intended.

“No that's not all, I think the president's being black-mailed by this teacher.”

“How come?”

“Well actually, this isn't the first time I've seen them making out. It's actually the third time. The first time, I saw that same teacher forcing the president into a kiss. The second time, the president slapped the teacher in an attempt to fight back. And then last night I heard the teacher yelled at Yuki. He was threatening her about telling everyone about a secret from the past.” I slammed my desk and looked at Jurina.

“Are you 100% sure about this?” Jurina took a sip of her drink and nodded slowly. At that time, my body acted on its own and ran out of the classroom. My legs took me to the front door of the headmaster. I grabbed the knob and pushed it as hard as I could.

“What is it?” An old looking man with white hair and thick beard with his arms crossed looked at me furiously. I closed the door gently and turned around.

“How blind can you be?” I yelled.

“It's not polite to talk to an older person like that.” His eye brows wrinkled, a sign of him being irritated.

“Yuki, your grand daughter. How can you not realize that she's being black-mailed? How can you just let her carry all those hardships without helping her? How can you be so cruel?”

“Black-mail? What might you be talking about?”

“A teacher from this school is threatening your grand daughter and forcing her into something that she doesn't want!”

“Get out!” The old man yelled. I took a step back and left.

       How could I? I should have known. The old man's not the only one to blame how can I not know? I'm so mean, telling Yuki all those harsh words. No wonder she looked pretty hurt. Why didn't you tell me about this Yuki?


       The next day, that same teacher never came to school. Jurina told me that he was fired by the headmaster and had to leave school with only his underwear on.

“How embarrassing, having to walk home with just his  underwear and not to mention, he was pretty beat up.” Jurina said while laughing.

“He deserves is.” That old man probably beat him up after confirming what I said. I feel as if a mountain has been lifted off from my shoulders. Old man, you're not that bad after all.

“Watanabe Mayu, please come with me.” I looked at the direction of the voice and saw Yuki on the door looking at me.

“The president! Mayu, what did you do?” Jurina asked. I just shrugged my shoulders and followed Yuki. She brought me to the rooftop.

“The teacher having to be fired, does it have something to do with you?” She asked with her back against the fence, looking directly at me with her arms crossed. I feet a little embarrassed whenever she looks at me like that.

I scratched the back of my head and looked away. “Not really.”

“Stop lying, grandpa told me the story.”  My hand dropped to the side and I sighed.

“I'm sorry. I probably shouldn't have done what I did. I probably just created more problems for you.”

“You really are an idiot you know that?” I looked at her and smiled apologetically. But then Yuki did something that made my heart skip a beat.

“Thank you.” She looked at me straight in the eye and smiled. SHE SMILED!!! For the very first time... I saw her smile! Not to mention she said Thank you!

       Her smile was so contagious that I couldn't help but smile as wide as I could. Maybe Yuki's right. Maybe I really am an idiot. I don't mind being idiot if that means I'll be able to make her smile though.

“W-what is it? D-don't look at me like that. Baka. Just so you know, I'm still mad at you.” Yuki's smile disappeared but was replaced by a little blush. She was also shyly looking away from me.

       That night, I woke up at midnight and was finally able to see her sleeping face again. But then, I realized something that I was probably better of not knowing.

I reached up and touched her cheek with my palm. “What should I do? I've fallen for you.”


       A week after mom died and my family slowly crumbled, I decided to run away. At that time I was only five years old. When the night came, I packed all my toys and ran away. With nowhere to go, I went straight to the empty playground. I sat on the swing and tears fell one after another.

“Why are you crying?” I heard someone asked. I looked up and saw a little pig tailed girl standing in front of me with a big smile.

“My mom...

“Oooohhh!!! You're lost aren't you! Come on I'll help you look for your mom!” The girl grabbed my hands and pulled me with her. I tried to say something but my voice never came out.

       After a long time of walking it wasn't surprising that we got more than a couple eyes looking at us. We were both 5 years old back then with no adult present. The girl stopped and turned around with an apologetic look.

“I'm sorry I can't find your mom.”

“Mom's already... gone.” Her grip slowly weakened but then it became tighter.

“I'm sorry.” She looked down sadly and somehow I feel guilty. The girl turned around and started walking.

“Where are we going?” I asked her but she never responded.

       We went back to the empty playground, past the swing, and into the woods. I don't know where she's taking me but the darkness scares me. I looked up and saw the shadows of countless trees and there were some scary noises. But just like a tunnel, a light was illuminating the end.

“We're here.” She said as she tightened her grip on my hand and dashed to the light. The scene was breath taking. What lays in front of me was a dead end but you can see the city lights on the bottom of the cliff and on top was a sky full of stars. It was as if two different worlds merged into one

“Isn't the night sky pretty?” She asked. For the first time inside a whole week I managed to smile again. All thanks to this person.

“Very.” I said.

“You know, my dad... he's also gone. This is where he used to take me when I'm feeling down. Dad loved stargazing and was a very kind person. What about you? What was your mom like?”

“My mom was a very kind and beautiful person. Whenever I'm down she was there for me. When dad's scolding me she makes me feel better afterwards. She always takes me to her work. She did everything she could just to make me happy. I love her very much.”

“She sounds amazing.”

“So does your dad.”

“Hey, I forgot to ask your name.”

“Kashiwagi Yuki.” I felt butterflies in my stomach as I say my name. For then next months I spent every single night with that girl at our secret place until... she had to move. Ever since then, I never saw her again.

As you all noticed... we have a new character! Matsui Jurina!  ;)
The teacher never got a name because he doesn't deserve it  8)2

Yuki's fiance's still a mystery  :)

Thank you for reading m(_ _)m
« Last Edit: February 20, 2015, 02:55:05 AM by lazybunny »

Offline fath107

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Re: (Night Sky Chapter 3) Mayuki
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2015, 03:09:35 AM »
pig tailed girl? MAYUU!!! :w00t:

wow! so two of them was childhood? hmmm but... why mayu didn't remember or recognize yuki? :?


yuki... blushed because of mayu wide smile  :on gay:

author-san~ please update soon hahaha  :lol: you make me curious!

thanks for the update by the way.. i'm happy two of them not ignored each other again  :D
Shibuya Nagisa | Kashiwagi Yuki | MaYuki~ | NagiUha~ | IkuMai~ | Ikuta Erika | Iriyama Anna

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: (Night Sky Chapter 3) Mayuki
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2015, 04:22:02 AM »
Mayu and Yuki are childhood friend...i wonder why Mayu dont remember Yuki

Ha! Take that u damn pervert teacher

Yuki is blushing OMG *squeal*

update soon

Offline wmatsui fanfic.

  • ecchi
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Re: (Night Sky Chapter 3) Mayuki
« Reply #13 on: May 03, 2015, 10:08:24 PM »
I never realize that you update the chapter,  i waaaaant moooooreesssdds

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