Hi! I'm lazybunny
jut like my name I'm lazy and I like going straight to the point.
Basically I'm a new author here at this forum and I'm obsessed with MaYuki
I just think that Mayu and Yuki would make a very very awesome couple
yoroshiku onegaishimasu
Genre: Romance, Angst
---+---+--- Chapter 1 ---+---+---
I'm just a normal student going to a normal all girls school with normal friends. I don't want to brag but I'm somewhat popular. My grades are a little low but it's not that bad that it can affect my life.... I think.
Overall, I have a pretty normal everyday life and I was as happy as can be!
Until someone changed it
“Mayu! Come here real quick!”
I closed my laptop and ran to the front door to see what my mom's all worked up for
“Mayu, I want you to meet Yuki-chan, she's going to be living with us for quite a while due to an agreement I had with her father.”
I looked up and saw the ever so famous Student Council President Kashiwagi Yuki on our front door looking diligent as ever. She looked straight at me and bowed, introducing herself.
“I'll be in your care Watanabe-san.” Out of habit, I reciprocated the action.
“Mayu, can you show Yuki-chan the way to your room? The both of you are sharing it since we don't have a spare.” I scratched my head a little and eventually gave up.
“Kashiwagi-san, this way.” I took her luggage and walked towards the room. Upon entering, Kashiwagi-san immediately closed the door and started undressing
“WHA! What are you doing Kashiwagi-san?” I immediately covered both of my eyes with my palm and peeked just a little bit.
“Changing my clothes, what else?”
WHAT'S WITH HER ACTING ALL SO CASUAL? Doing something so sudden! I'm the one that's being embarrassed for her!
“Couldn't you have warned me first before ta-taking off your clothes?”
“I thought you're supposed to be used to seeing girls naked. I mean we do dress out before gym.” Kashiwagi was slowly unclasping her bra so I took the initiative and turned around facing my back against her to prevent myself from peeking.
“Sh-shut up!”
After a long period of silence her voice broke the ice. “I'm done changing.”
“I turned around to see the Student Council President that everyone admires with just her sexy lacy underwear on and God oh GOD I can feel my whole body heating up. I yanked the blanket and hid under it in order to hide my embarrassment.
“You quite have a perverted mind there Watanabe-san.” I heard Kashiwagi-san sighed after saying that. Aaaarrgghhh this irritates me SOOO much!!!!
“Sh-SHUT UP!” I yelled.
“What?” I slowly peeked out of my blanket and was relief to see her on pajamas that covered her whole body.
“Since I'm going to be living here for a little while, call me Yuki.”
“Then call me Mayu.” I saw Ka- I mean Yuki sit on my table and pulled out some papers.
“Homework?” I asked as lay down on the bed looking at the ceiling.
“Student Council work, as the president I have to get all this paper work done in time.”
“Sucks to be you then.”
After that, none of us said a word. Before I know it, I fell asleep.
“Hey dad, what does being happy mean?”
“Happiness is something you can't achieve if you worry about big things like money or work. It's not finding a bucket of gold. You can only achieve happiness once you become content.”
“I don't get it.”
“That's okay Mayu, one day you'll understand. Just promise me one thing, ALWAYS fight for what you believe in and never back down!”
I reached up and sealed my promise with dad by wrapping my pinky to his as he flashed his killer smile.”
“That dream again.”
I slowly opened my eyes. Adjusting to the dark room I felt a foreign sensation. I looked at the source and saw Yuki sleeping soundly next to me.
I never knew that the very serious Student Council President could make this kind of face. It was as if I was looking straight into an angel's face. I slowly closed my eyes again. I felt a hand land on top of mine but I paid little attention to it as I let sleep take over me.
The next day, Yuki and I woke up together, ate breakfast together, and walked to school together. It was a little awkward since Yuki's not realy a social type of person. She's the kind that only think about work and nothing but work. When we got to the school gate, there were some Student Council members inspecting the students and enforcing the dress code.
“Mayu, you don't have to wait for me later. Make sure to go straight home though. If you're planning to go somewhere change clothes first, don't go around after school wearing the school uniform it's against the rules. Have a good day.” With that, she was gone in a flash.
I threw my bag on the desk and sat down angrily. “What's with her? I don't need her to boss me around.” After letting out a little anger I sighed and saw that a friend of mine was standing right next to me.
“Why so grumpy this early in the morning?”
“It's nothing.” I shook off the topic and rest my head on the cold table.
“Oh yeah! Have you heard the rumor that the Student Council President is going to take over this school? I mean it's no surprise since her grandpa's the headmaster but still.”
After hearing the news I picked my head up and gave my friend my whole attention. “And then?”
“Well, it turned out that... that's not all there is to it.”
“What do you mean?”
“The Student Council President actually has a fiance! Rumor has it that it's one of our teachers too!”
“No way!” My eyes are probably as wide as an owl's right now.
“But isn't it weird for a student to be engaged to a teacher? Not just that! She's only 16!” my friend said
“Yeah. Maybe the rumors aren't true after all.” I said shrugging my shoulders
“Yeah but with all these people making weird rumors about her, I wonder if she's hurting inside.”
“I don't know. She probably doesn't know about the rumors though. She's always surrounded by people that likes her and we have more students that likes her than hates her so even if she does know it herself she probably doesn't pay attention to those type of nasty rumors.”
“Maybe, but it is true about her being the headmaster's grand daughter. I even heard the teachers talking about it.”
I looked out the window to see Yuki helping the others at the gate, making sure that the students are following the dress code rules.
"She's so serious."
Hope you all liked it

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