MINNA-SAMA! I, Takarano Ame, presents to you my short stories thread.

This is where I'll be dropping off my precious short stories.

Alice’s Mischief
(Rena X Kei/Yuki/Jurina)Chapter 01
“Rena-sama…” A voice called from behind. The pale girl with the long, black hair remained unmoved in her high-back chair.
The one who called her is a tall lady with long, straight, jet black hair. She walked towards the front of the seated girl named Matsui Rena.
“My lady called for me that’s why I’m announcing my presence…” Jonishi Kei said as she bowed Before Rena.
“Very well, Keicchi…” Rena smiled slyly. “Anyways, I’m wondering where my other two dolls are loitering by now…”
“Yours truly didn’t know where they might be…” Kei answered straight-forwardly. “Would you like me to search and fetch them for you?”
“No need, Kei… They’ll be here soon. I can sense it.”
After Rena said that, the door swung open and another girl entered the dim lit room…
The newly-arrived girl, who is the eldest of Rena’s three so-called dolls, is named Kashiwagi Yuki. She shyly entered the room.
“G—gokigenyou, Rena-sama… Forgive me for my tardiness.”
“Explain why.” Rena said with an unforgiving voice.
Yuki was afraid. She didn’t want seeing Rena upset. “I—I ran into some old friend whilst I was going here and she started talking about so many—”
“Enough. I don’t want to hear it anymore.”
Rena was totally upset.
The girls glanced at each other, exchanging worried looks.
“Change into your costumes now.” As she stood up, Rena said with a superior voice.
Yuki and Kei had seen it coming.
So, they started walking out of the dim lit room with slow steps – leaving Rena there all alone…
The two girls headed to their dressing room. Upon entering, they can already see lots of sexy, bunny costumes hanged on the clothes’ rack.
Keicchi let out a sigh as she grabbed a piece of cloth. “I wonder where she is…”
“Ah, Jurina-chan? I don’t have any idea…” Yuki grabbed a costume, too.
The two girls started undressing themselves and putting on the clothes made of light materials and frills and laces everywhere…
Then, they looked at each other…
They looked miserably pitiful wearing those sexy costumes…
It has been like this for almost two weeks already…
The three of them have been Rena’s dolls… She, doing everything she wanted without any complaints from them.
They knew that they were just toys in Rena’s eyes…
But none of them had the courage to leave her. And the reason why…? It was obvious. They were obviously in love with Matsui Rena.
Meanwhile…Rena was waiting inside her large play room, a special room adjacent to her own bedroom.
She composed herself. She had been really quite moody these past few days…
She was lost in deep thought when she heard few soft knocks on the wooden door.
“Come in…” She said, keeping up a stoic face.
Yuki and Kei both entered the room with racing hearts. Rena’s eyes scrutinized almost every exposed part on their body. Both felt like melting before Rena’s cold gaze…
“Keicchi… Have a seat right here…”
Kei did what she was told to do.
“Yukirin… I want you to lie on the bed.” Yuki was as nervous as hell. She laid herself on the bed. “No… Lay on your stomach.”
She turned to lie on her stomach… Rena went over a cabinet. She pulled out the drawer and reached for something inside…
Kei’s eyes widened when she saw it… and so did Yuki’s.
“Rena-sama… Wha—”
“Silence, Keicchi.”
The thing Rena was holding was a whip.
“My dear Yuki… Forgive me but…”Rena traced the whip along the back of Yuki’s thigh up to her back. “I’m going to punish you for your tardiness…”
Yuki shut her eyes closed as she felt the object ran through her body. “Rena-sama… I—I’m sorry…” She pleaded.
But Rena didn’t answer to Yuki’s pleading. Instead, she aimed the whip high in the air…
“Rena-sama! Please don’t—” Kei protested but she was stopped by Rena’s deadly glare.
“I said be quiet, Keicchi.”
She then proceeded back on her target. Yuki closed her eyes and silently prayed that Rena will not continue what she’s planning to do.
Again, she aimed the whip high up in the air.
But before it landed on Yuki’s soft white skin, the door banged open.
It was her third doll, Matsui Jurina. The short-haired, young girl stood there. “We need to talk.”
She went and gripped Rena’s wrist, dragging her out of the room. The two other girls sighed of relief. Thanks to Jurina, Yuki didn’t have her punishment.
Meanwhile, Jurina dragged Rena into the latter’s own bedroom.
“Rena-sama… I quit!” Jurina started what she wanted to say.
Rena wasn’t saying anything as she sat on the edge of her bed. She just stared at Jurina with dark blank eyes.
“Are you listening? I said I don’t want to be your doll anymore, Rena!”
“Oh, really?” Rena swiftly grabbed the edge of Jurina’s shirt, tugging it towards her. The action caused the girl to lose her balance and fall, seating right at Rena’s lap.
The latter took advantage of the situation and embraced Jurina.
“Are you sure you wanted to quit…?” Rena said this as her hands traced along Jurina’s tummy.
The young girl gasped. Rena’s touch never fails to make her knees weak.
Rena moved her face close to Jurina’s ears. “I need your answer, Jurina… Do you really want to quit…?”
Jurina cannot answer. Rena’s warm breathing tickles her skin.
Jurina gasped once again when she felt Rena’s hands trailing up, closer and closer to her chest.
“R—Rena… S—stop.”
But Rena pretended not to hear Jurina’s pleading. Her hand caressed Jurina’s now developed mounds.
“Are you sure… that you want to quit?”
Rena just repeated her question. Jurina cannot think clear, especially with Rena’s hands distracting her.
Rena’s actions were turning Jurina on…
She can clearly see that the young girl was containing her moans.
Rena was enjoying this. She loved watching girls getting aroused. But she loved it better when girls were being teased, being left on the edge just as they were fully turned on. She loved those disappointed and quite pissed look on a girl’s face – it looked so pitifully lovely.
But she had no mercy.
That was her nature…
She wanted to see more of Jurina’s aroused state so she moved her lips close to Jurina’s neck. She kissed it lightly.
The light contact lingered on Jurina’s skin, bringing electric impulses on her body.
She bit her lower lip to suppress the moan that almost accidentally slipped out of her mouth.
Rena isn’t getting what she wanted. That’s why she roughly kissed and sucked Jurina’s sensitive neck while she continues massaging her breasts…
Jurina cannot take it anymore. The lovely torture Rena was giving her makes her heart race and her knees turn to jelly. A soft moan escaped from her when the older girl lightly bit on her neck.
At last, Rena got what she wanted… but she needed to hear more! So, she continued her pace, pressing her body closed to Jurina’s. Another moan echoed in the room – much audible than the first one. Jurina’s hands arbitrarily gripped on the bed sheet. The pleasure she was getting was too torturous.
“I—I need to… stop her!!” Jurina thought to herself.
Rena felt Jurina gently arching her back. This is exactly what she wanted…
“Stop.” Jurina held Rena’s wrists and moved it away.
“Ooooh… So you’re resisting now?” Rena crossed her arms.
Jurina stood up and faced Rena.
“Why are you doing this, Rena?!”
“Because I wanted to.” Rena’s cold stare pissed off Jurina. “I’ll ask you one thing, Jurina… Why did you agree… and come with me in the first place?”
The question almost left Jurina speechless. “Because I…”
“You wanted this, too, right—”
“No! You don’t understand anything, Rena!”
“I perfectly understand. You are my little doll, Jurina…”
Rena showed no emotion at all. There came a hint of sadness on Jurina’s eyes.
“I—I loved you, Rena…”
Rena, after hearing that, almost had her mouth gaped open.
“I loved you, Rena. Back then.”
Jurina didn’t move at all. She just stood there with a fired up glare.
“I said leave me alone!”
Rena was now totally mad. Jurina did turn to leave the room, banging the door close and leaving Rena with a confused mind.
“She loved me? That can’t be true. Nobody loves me – nobody ever will.”
That's it, for now.
I'll post the next chapter maybe next week.
I'll appreciate your comments, minna-sama. Thank you~