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Author Topic: All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu,JuriAnnin + Others) Chapter 21 [13/5/16]  (Read 45484 times)

Offline calista_castro

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@arawche079, yup so hard and at the same time good times are ahead of them. Marichan is going to take an important part in the story as well. But for the time being my next chapter as I felt really inspired and felt like writing (thought I really have no time for that  :huhuh ) well, whatever, I'm just posting next chapter!

Chapter 8

“Does it look like I’m joking? Reasonable thing would be apologizing”.

Yuko squinted her eyes with evident doubt. “I don’t know… your suggestions are usually… they just don’t end well”.

Miyuki rolled her eyes a bit annoyed “I could say that…but only because I don’t listen to my own advises and do the opposite… believe me everyone would suggest you the same… of course you can ask every…”

Before Miyuki even managed to finish a word Yuko already had a phone in her hand “you have a point here”, obviously calling Takamina and walking into another room.

Milky sigh loudly to get the attention she always wanted “you don’t need to leave a room, you know!”

While playing around and waiting for Yuko to return, younger girl look around bored and noticed Jurina’s phone back on the counter again. Well it was a different place from the last time but still the girl forgot to take it with her.

Milky rolled her eyes but couldn’t stop herself for checking it, especially as it wasn’t unlocked and surprisingly there was another message from Rena. Unread as Jurina haven’t gotten to it yet.

Rena: everything’s okay? You usually text back instantly. Well whatever. Write when you can. Oh and best wishes to your friends.

Miyuki read the last sentence with prolonging words and making it sound ironic on purpose “oh…and best wishes to your friends. Yeah…sure” and press erase button before even realizing it.

“Please tell me you don’t go around reading Jurina’s messages?” Yuko squinted her eyes noticing how Milky put the phone away from herself and was similar to a caught in act cat that did something it not suppose to. “And that you’re not going around erasing her messages? You do realize Jurina probably wouldn't forgive you, right?”

Milky didn’t comment on it just put both of her hands together and even stretched her back.

“Don’t tell me you go around reading my messages as well?”

“Unfortunately…no” (the first word was said almost audibly though Yuko seemed to catch it)


Milky shrugged her shoulders answering honestly “well…I would like to know if you and Mariko get together…I think the longest time you were separated was…about three months… so you’re not breaking any records yet but every single time you say that its the last time and for real this time… and somehow you still end up together. I’m a bit curios with that stuff. So what others told you?” Milky added at the end finding the perfect moment to change the subject.

“They told me to apologize”

“So you’re going to do that?”

“I mean…yes…probably”

Yuko was walking out of the room as it was still early in the morning and the girl was getting ready to job (finding Milky only as a distraction but not telling the girl, avoiding hurting her feelings).

“Oh…thank you so much for trusting me in the first place! How many people confirmation after mine was enough? Three? two?”

“Two…though the talk with Takamina was a little bit awkward…I wonder why. Maybe you know? You spend more time with those two?”

Avoiding Yuko’s eye contact and finding everything more interesting than the actual conversation Milky answered in a hurry “oh…no no… no idea at all”.

Even though Yuko found this behavior suspicion she didn’t have more time to waste and couldn’t continue to interrogate the girl. Though she made a mental note that she will need to question Milky about it later on.

After finishing with her assignments (because Haruna appeared only in the end of it while other employers were leaving) Yuko used the time and with Mocchi’s approval went inside her office.

Yuko didn’t forget the manners and knocked first waiting for few seconds until she got permission and only after that walked inside sharing a short polite and at the same time awkward smile.

Haruna sigh and seemed a bit annoyed after noticing that it was Yuko. She waited for few seconds until the girl sat in front of her and questioned “Do you need something, Oshima Yuko? Something related to your work?”

Yuko bit her lip nervously. Realizing that its not going to be an easy conversation and for that reason she went straight to the point. “No…actually… I want to apologize”.

This caught Haruna off guard and it could have been read in her face. The girl didn’t expect this at all. “Oh?”

“About that whole…not calling back…I mean not calling at all… I would have called…later…if I haven’t erased the number at the same morning without even thinking about it… wait… when I explain it like this… it doesn’t sound good at all”, Yuko once again bit her lip and almost controlled herself (wanting to hit oneself on the head for silliness).

The fact that Haruna frowned and squinted her eyes showing her unhappy face only confirmed Yuko’s worries.

“Okay…I mean… what I mean is… I was after really bad break up…well not really bad…we were going that way for a long time but… well it was my first time of trying something…like that…I haven’t before…with a different person…as we dated from high school… well for long time.. and I consider it like… am… moving on… and because of that I also thought that… well… that people don’t look at it seriously. I think in most cases… they really don’t…” Yuko added remembering some stories she heard before.

Haruna nod shortly “fine… let’s move on from that”

“Really?” Yuko asked instantly not expecting that Haruna can forgive and forget it so soon. Especially when she had to experience the silence treatment for a week.

“Everyone makes mistakes. But I’m curios about something… so while sharing and being honest… can you answer one question?”

Yuko nod instantly. It would have sounded suspicious in any other case but for now the girl didn’t give herself time to think about it, remembering her rambling before and feeling thankful that she don’t need to carry on with that.

Haruna wondered for few seconds playing with her pen and looking down at some irrelevant file. Probably giving herself time to gather thoughts.

“Imagine a situation… where someone suggests you a well…really huge amount of money… maybe more than you have seen in your life and can even imagine… in exchange for something… like some deal that last for few months or a year…well I’m not getting into details with that… but I’m just curios… would you agree to it?”

“For money?” Yuko questioned just to be sure.

After getting Haruna’s confirmation with a nervous nod, Yuko wondered for no more than two seconds. “I do need money..everyone does… every day… but no. That would be like selling myself…wouldn’t it?” the girl even questioned giving it more thought than necessary.

While contemplating the thoughts and trying to imagine such situation Yuko didn’t notice a short smile that appear on Haruna’s lips after hearing the this answer.

“That’s all for now…I have a lot of work… so… let’s move on from that awkward situation, shall we?” Haruna asked with a short smile and indicating that they had enough of conversation for a day.

Yuko looked up a bit surprised that the talk ended so abruptly but stood up nevertheless knowing that she already got more than she expected.


Haruna stood in front of her father once again “but haven’t you thought that maybe Oshima Yuko…might not agree to your terms?”

That’s what Haruna kept on thinking about for about four days. Since the moment her father announced his decision. Next day Haruna already had a file about Oshima Yuko on her desk which she read instantly both curios and nervous.

That’s when she learn the fact that the girl lied about her name. Also she realized that Yuko is not even planning to call her and probably erased her number.

“I guess I can’t do anything if she won’t at the end… but you should know that I can be very persistent and darling… you will learn with time that at the end of the day…everyone has a price”.

“But…what if…?” Haruna asked having hopes even though she spend only one night with the girl and at the same time persistent to hear some sort of confirmation from her father.

“In worse case scenario…we leave it as it is… maybe you won’t even have to get married…that will be brought into question too… I doubt we will need to do that… but I will have this on mind”.

Haruna nod showing that she understands the meaning while her father added “I guess you have read the file I send you… right? That’s mostly basic information about the girl… we found even more but you don’t need to know everything… and I guess some things you will get to learn while being with her… as you read she’s looking for job at the moment and we’re going to use it to our advantage. After getting her…in this place… I will present this opportunity and we will see”.

He looked at Haruna for few seconds expecting a comment or another nod indicating that his daughter understands the situation. Obviously Haruna had to at least do the later on if she wanted to leave the office.

[Present moment]

Yuko had just left Haruna’s office when she walked into coming from the elevator Asuka. “Good! I was about to message you”.

“Got something on your mind?” Yuko asked in a friendly manner. Also, she was in better mood after getting in good terms with her boss.

“Nothing pleasant, I guess… our boss… you know… like the most important one…who hired you… wants to have a short conversation with you… I think you know where to go, right? You had a job conversation with Mr. Kojima before”.

Yuko nod surprised by the invitation “Did I do something wrong?” wondering that maybe the guy found out about her sleeping with his daughter and that might be a big issue for her employment.

“I have no idea… he haven’t told me about it… I guess you will just have to go and see” Asuka widen her eyes letting her co-worker/message-buddy/almost-friend know that its a serious thing that should be taken lightly.

Yuko smiled not hiding her nervousness “am…I will try to put on my best behaviour, I guess…”

While walking into the elevator Oshima Yuko had no idea that this conversation will change her whole life.

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline Ne_Okotteru

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I wonder what Jurina will think if she finds out Milky read and deleted her text from Rena :dunno:
I can't wait for the next chapter and keep up the good work :byebye:

Offline arawche079

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  • I'm watching Yuu!!! Hiatus!!!!
Oh kojiyuu are in good terms now...

I'll be waiting for their good times....

Whooa Marichan will comeback....hmmmm.... :cool1:

thanks author san....

Offline arawche079

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Marichan :w00t:
Marichan :shocked
Marichan  :?

Milky you're doom with Yuko....... :banghead:

Update please.....

Offline RenshuChan

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I smell that Annin was feeling insecure about Jurina's past relationship with Rena.
come on Annin.... she loves you..
Jurina, fight!  :deco:

Offline calista_castro

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All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, Sayamilky, JuriAnnin, Atsumina) Chapter 9
« Reply #25 on: December 07, 2015, 03:07:26 PM »
@RenshuChan, yes, there is definitely some insecurities. Hopefully, Jurina can change that with time  :)
@arawche079, thank you for always leaving a comment, it means a lot  :w00t:

And this is the chapter... hu hu hu  :roll:  (by the way those new Kojiyuu photos makes me really happy!  :oops: )

Chapter 9

Miyuki let Jurina in with a smile and glass of wine in her hand “look who decided to show up”.

Jurina walked inside taking her coat off and went straight to the living room “wait… where is Yuko?”

“Oh… she’s not back… yet…” Miyuki ended her sentence with a bite of a lip after in return noticed how Jurina rolled her eyes. “So why are we in her apartment? Is Yuko even aware of it?”

“Am… I think you both know… that I made extra keys for your apartments…like two years ago”.

Jurina shook her head commenting “I do remember how Rena once found you in our shower… I don’t know if Yuko knows about your extra keys though…”

Miyuki ignored Jurina’s complains and brought her another glass of wine “okay, let’s change a topic to something more interesting. You have been gone for a week or so… I mean… not literally gone but its really hard to catch up with you. I think you even leave your phone lying around without even checking it”.

“Neither of you text me either way… oh but wait… I have just remembered something… I ran into Marichan the other day. Guess what she asked me?”

Miyuki sat down and looked like a caught deer. Totally giving out the guilt that she was feeling from the second when she told Atsuko and Minami about whole Yuko’s one night adventure.

Obviously, Jurina didn’t wait for long “she asked me if Yuko had slept with someone…yes… even mentioned one night stand. I wonder who could have told her that? Or… not necessary Marichan directly but to someone…who’s very close with her?”

For some time Miyuki tried to avoid Jurina’s stare but couldn’t do it for a very long time as it seemed like younger girl was piercing into her soul. “Fine…it was a slip of a tongue! Not intentional! I mean… yes I said it… well… I kind of had to explain the whole situation…”

“Does Yuko know?”

“Of course not! She would kill me!”

Jurina nod without hiding the fact that it would probably happen which left Miyuki a little bit more paranoid than before “really? You think she would REALLY do that?”

“I wouldn’t stop her and that’s not something that you can go around telling to other so… yeah…”

Miyuki bit her lip feeling even more guilty. At the same time it was hard to understand if she was actually feeling guilty or if she was just afraid to get caught and having to deal with consequences.

“Well… I guess you will have to talk about it with her when the time comes. I’m not planning to get involved but you know I’m also close with Marichan… I mean… I barely see her lately as she’s really busy… and she’s not going to places with Yuko like before… but still… I admire her like an older sister… so I didn’t lie…and I didn’t pretend that I don’t know”

“You could have pretended that you don’t know”, Miyuki sigh and shook her head but once again looked down showing remorse knowing that she’s responsible for this whole situation.

“Tell me about you and Annin instead! I know that you two are going around the city, visiting places and so on! You started those dance lessons, right? No wait…you go there later… You promised to tell. Its not like I can retell this to everyone…Yuko will probably end my life soon enough”.

“You have a point here”, Jurina laughed just wanting to tease the girl for now. But at the same time it looked like she wanted to talk about it too. After all, that’s what friends did — talk about everything — including their crushes.

[Jurina’s story]

Only shortly Jurina mentioned and remember the first date and some awkwardness after three years of not really being on a date. She continued the story of the following day when she went to Annin’s dance practice.

At first Jurina didn’t want to interrupt so she stood in the corner but had a good view from this point watching the lesson with evident curiosity. Annin seemed too concentrated in her job and that was one of those things that Jurina truly admired.

At the end of the lesson Annin finally saw the girl and smiled at her through the mirror in front.

When people started going to different directions, taking their stuff and leaving the place, saying goodbye to her favorite students (or per say maybe the students just wanted to say goodbye to their favorite teacher), Annin walked closer to Jurina. “Hey, you could have called me”

“I didn’t want to interrupt… it seemed like you had a lot of fun”.

“That’s true… I enjoy my job very much. But I remember how much you actually loved to dance… why did you stop?”

“I don’t…I’m not sure… I guess I don’t have as much free time as before… life got a little bit complicated… but I don’t want this to sound like I’m complaining. I mean… I dance around my house sometimes… with very loud music… usually almost naked so… no limitation to my movements”.

Annin looked down at her clothes without hiding curiosity “oh…you think there was some limitations in my case… I mean… I can take this off… but some of my students are illegal or barely legal… so if they parents appeared out of nowhere waiting for explanations why their teacher is corrupting them… I wouldn’t know how to justify myself”.

At the same time when Annin looked at her clothes, Jurina did the same with a smirk “Oh no…you danced great…and as long as you can go around dancing your home naked…or almost naked… its not an issue. No one should restrict you”.

They both laughed until Annin suggested “want to dance? You have a good memory… I’m pretty sure you already know the moves from this class”.

Considering this for few seconds Jurina shrugged her shoulders without minding, almost rest of the evening was spend with them dancing to different songs or even inventing new dances.

While leaving the place, as Annin locked the door they walked down the street “maybe you would like to join classes…at least sometimes? Or… you can come later after them… I mean… I am tired but I wouldn’t mind the company. It seems that you can show me some moves that I still don’t know”.

Jurina squinted her eyes without missing an opportunity to use this in a joke “for some reason this sounded more sexual than it actually is. But I would love to”.

“Its unfortunate that you couldn’t come today. I was looking forward to it”, Annin commented while talking on her phone and like before locking the doors.

Instead a little bit late Jurina decided to surprise the girl hugging her from behind. For a split second it seemed like Annin had a heart attack. Who wouldn’t have if someone would have done it to them in a dark valley.

Jurina was soon to say something and let go of the girl “sorry. It looked cooler in my mind. But now when I think about it… it was a little bit creepy, wasn’t it?”

Annin laughed with relief after recognizing that the one trying to surprise her was Jurina. She ended the conversation on her phone that she had with this girl just a second ago and commented “well…the only thing I can tell you is… you’re lucky that I don’t have electroshock or any other self defense tool.”

At first Jurina laughed (for even longer than someone normally would have in this situation), and after that she nod few times evaluating the situation “you’re probably right”.

The situation continued with both of them walking in the park near by. Annin spoke up first now, after about a week with Jurina finally daring to ask “I have been thinking about it… I don’t think we actually talked about it… how long have you dated Rena?”

“Around 3 years…well it would have been three years…in about a week. Its very weird to think about it like that… but I guess I have no other choice but to move on… I was honest from the start… I got dumped… that’s how life works I guess…”

“Well…it will take a long time…to recover and all that…”, Annin commented carefully while looking at Jurina’s face from aside.

Jurina seemed deep in thought but somehow came back from that dark place and smiled looking back at Annin, even taking her hand “well, its good that I have you then, right?” in a joking manner.

Annin smiled back at her but not in such enthusiasm as younger girl. “That’s another thing that I wanted to talk about…”, she carefully and slowly took her hand out of Jurina’s. It didn’t seem that Annin actually wanted to lose contact, but somehow felt that its necessary, especially for the following words.

“As you mentioned…or I’m not sure anymore if it was you or me who mentioned it but… getting over Rena might take a long time… I think we should be…just friends for that time being. Unless…”

“I’m good with whatever decision you make. I’m just glad that I have a chance to spend so much time with you…remember the pasts and so on. Let’s just see what happens next without rushing it, right?” Jurina smiled brightly but used the moment and took Annin’s hand again “but friends do hold hands, don’t be silly”, and smiled cheekily knowing that she already won in this situation.

“Just friends, huh?” Miyuki didn’t seem to approve after hearing some of Jurina’s story. She had to raise both hands in giving up stance after the scold she got from Matsui in return “your choice. Not for me to comment… but also, that’s not something that I could tell to someone… but my suggestion… if you’re so good friends, you can already posts some photos in your twitter… you stayed away from that place from more than a month… I’m pretty sure all of your relatives are curious about your life. You know how relatives can be”

Jurina rolled her eyes finishing the wine and looking down at the clock. “Yuko is late, isn’t she?”

“Well… she decided to apologize to her boss… so maybe something good came out from it”, Miyuki joked and without asking filled Jurina’s glass with wine again.

“Oh wait…but its true… only know I remember about your and Rena’s anniversary…well…if you had one… do you still plan that singing at the bar with Yuko?”

“Yeah…we created the lyrics on the first few nights after my break up… I think Yuko kept on training with the guitar… not sure if she had a lot of time at this point… but we’re still singing”. Jurina nod and seem a little bit excited. “I think that’s going to be like a chance to put a dot. You know… everything has to end in some way. I’m going to say goodbye to Matsui Rena in that manner”.

Miyuki nod agreeing and they chatted about some random stuff for the rest of the evening until they heard a knock on the door. “Yuko wouldn’t have forgotten her keys…”

After this statement they heard Mariko on the other said of the door “Yuko?”

“Oh…damn it!”, Miyuki cursed quietly under her breath. “Maybe she will just walk away…”

“I see light inside… I know you’re home!”.

Jurina and Miyuki both shared panicking looks. Jurina shook her head with disappointment for few times, once again remembering the issue she and Miyuki discussed at the beginning of the evening.

Miyuki sum up the situation perfectly and just in one word “crap…”

Surprisingly for Kuramochi Asuka, after the conversation with Haruna’s father Yuko still came back to her desk. At first looking at the girl she wondered what might be the reason, realizing that maybe she simply forgot something.

Obviously that was the case and it was proven when Yuko took her sweater and noticed Mocchi’s look “want to go out? I wouldn’t mind drinking and I believe that after this day… this glorious occasion needs a celebration”.

Mocchi took her stuff also ready to go out but a little bit surprised because of Yuko’s bitter tone “is everything alright with you? Still got the job?”

“Oh… there’s no way I can get fired by this point anymore… I sigh a contract… and I’m in a very good position”, once again Yuko sounded both bitter, ironic and sarcastic. It seemed like she wasn’t really sure where to hide or what do to anymore. That was probably the reason that even though Mocchi was tired she decided to go with the girl. “Fine…we can go for an hour or so…”

Little did both of them knew is that at the same time Haruna was sitting behind her table and looking and Yuko’s files with wonder and curiosity.

Haruna couldn’t deny it to herself… she was a little bit impressed by the previous Yuko’s speech and respected the girl more at this point.

All her hopes got shattered though when she got a phone call from her father. “Its taken cared of”


“…with Oshima Yuko. She has already sign the contract.”

“She..wait…she did?” Haruna couldn’t hide her disappointment.

“I told you, dear, you still need to learn a lot in this life. So count this as your first lesson… people can’t simple say no to money… if they do say it at first… you just need to keep insisting… eventually… they will agree to your terms… all everyone needs is money”.

“So Yuko agreed…when you suggested more money?” Haruna kept on insisting still in denial not wanting to believe this 100%.

She heard her father sighing on the other end of the line, realizing that he’s a bit annoyed and the conversation is coming to an end. Still he answered with less interest than before “yes. She did. We will start arranging everything and don’t worry, you won’t have to do much… at least for now. The wedding is quite soon but we need to make it look…like you have been together for some time. Oh… I will send you the contract that Oshima Yuko signed as well… you need to do that too. After all, that’s a legal document.”

“I understand” Haruna answered quietly not able to form any other coherent words. Finishing the conversation she left her office actually wanting to suggest Mocchi the same thing that Yuko did not so long ago but both of the girls were already gone.

This time Haruna was the one who sigh in a similar manner like her father but with disappointment and sadness instead of annoyance. Closing the door behind herself she went back to the table where Yuko’s photo could have been seen in the corner.

Haruna took the photo while looking at it for longer, maybe unconsciously, maybe well aware of the fact that she’s admiring the beauty of this woman.

“Why you gave me false hope that you’re different from all the others?”

Putting the photo back on the table the girl looked around wondering for few seconds and made a decision grabbing her coat and phone. With or without Mocchi, she really needed a drink. After all, she’s still can count herself a single girl, though this will continue only for a week or so.

At the same time Mariko, Miyuki and Jurina were sitting in Yuko’s apartment and waiting for the girl to come back. Miyuki tried calling Yuko but the girl in question just ignored the call or didn’t see it if she went to some loud place.

Miyuki and Jurina sat on one side of the sofa, while Mariko sat on a different one and situation could be simply described as AWKWARD. As if feeling the need to voice it out Miyuki get closer to Jurina while whispering “well… this is awkward…”

Obviously the distance between them and Mariko was minimal so older girl heard it too, raising her eyebrows in a manner that showed ‘I can hear you, idiot’. Though Shinoda Mariko stopped herself from commenting and just checked her watch few times, impatient.

“So how are you here if Yuko isn’t?”

*cough* “I have extra keys… in case of emergencies…”, Miyuki answered feeling a little bit uncomfortable and as usual trying to change the subject “wine?”

Mariko shook her head “I drove her. I plan on going back home… so I have to decline that”.

Miyuki pouted a little bit disappointed “you used to be more fun” but shrugged her shoulders once again looking around and feeling a little bit uneasy.

She wasn’t the only one. Jurina stood up saying “maybe I should try calling Yuko again…some time has passed already…”, she took the phone ready to press call button but noticed unfamiliar number. “That’s going to take just a second…”

Jurina walked a bit farther from the two unsure what can be calling her on such hour but soon both Mariko and Miyuki looked surprised at the girl who practically shouted because of the surprise “WHERE? WHERE YOU SAID YOU ARE? IN POLICE STATION? CUSTODY? WHAT? WAIT? SERIOUSLY WITH YOUR BOSS? OF COURSE I’M ON MY WAY!”

Jurina ended the conversation still in shock and at the same time in a rush, only now remembering about two Yuko’s guests. “oh…”

Mariko caught up pretty quickly “what happened? I’m driving”, also standing up and raising her eyebrows questioning.

Jurina bit her lip consciously, realizing that Marichan might be the last person Yuko would want to see this evening but not like Matsui had a choice in this anymore “I’m not sure what happened exactly… but Yuko is in police station…and she asked me to come and take her from there”.

“With Haruna?” Miyuki opened her mouth with evident curiosity that she forgot to hide from Mariko.

“Well…she got only few minutes for a call…so she didn’t get in details… but it seems so…”

“So Haruna is the name of that girl that Yuko had one night stand with…?” Mariko added all things up realizing this because of Miyuki’s reactions and Jurina’s strange behavior, and uncertainty.

All three of them already headed to the doors when Miyuki whispered under her breath, so obviously only for herself to hear “ohh… Yuko is really going to kill me now…”
« Last Edit: April 07, 2016, 03:46:07 PM by calista_castro »

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline arawche079

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What? Mariko- Yuko-Haruna

What happened to kojiyuu?

Why did they end up in Police custody?

Then I have to wait again..... SIGH.....

« Last Edit: December 14, 2015, 06:58:57 AM by arawche079 »

Offline takagil

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eheh love it! update soon!

Offline calista_castro

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All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, Sayamilky, JuriAnnin, Atsumina) Chapter 10
« Reply #28 on: December 11, 2015, 06:22:26 PM »
@takagil, thanks for finding interest in this  :D
@arawche079, yeah a lot of complications for the girls (I'm pretty certain that after this chapter they will have even more...  :nervous ) whoopsy  :grin:

Chapter 10

A lot went down in one evening… the story started when Haruna left her job and decided that she’s going to a bar even if she has to go there alone.

Usually she had Mocchi by her side for such adventures but this time Yuko got to this girl first. Unknowingly Haruna headed in the direction of that same bar that those two drove to.

Yuko wouldn’t have let Mocchi chose a place if she knew that its going to be the case but at this point it was too late to regret things… what was left for us readers to do is to get acquainted with the full story and find out how girls end up in police station.

Haruna chose to drive with her own car without intention of drinking more than one cup of alcohol or maybe not drinking at all. Halfway there she already regretted decision of going out alone but for some reason kept on driving without turning around.

Haruna recalled the first moment she met Yuko at the bar. Being the first one who went to chat with a girl and show interest in her, she got a lot in a return as Yuko looked as curious about her, as she was about her.

“I’m not really good with strangers actually…” shorter girl confessed all of a sudden, in the middle of their conversation, surprising Haruna, as till this point she thought of an opposite. These 10 minutes were more enjoyable than 50% of all of her conversations.

“What do you mean? It doesn’t look like that…”

“Maybe I’m a bit drunk at the moment and that makes me brave?” Yuko questioned with a wiggle of her eyebrows. The act looked both hilarious and cute though probably that wasn’t the effect Yuko was going for. “I’m not saying that I dislike meeting new people… It just get really intense… I can just sit and stare at someone without breaking eye contact until that whole tension overwhelms us… it can get crazy”.

“But you speak a lot right now”, once again Haruna was fast to contradict this girl’s words while leaning in a little bit closer. She wasn’t sure herself what got into her but words left her mouth without even considering them “and I like our conversation. Would you like to… continue this back at my place?”

Almost instantly Haruna regretted her decision to speak up, realizing how this might have sounded. Also Yuko just kept on staring at her face with wonder and intensity. Attraction and pull to one another was obvious. The only thing that they still needed was bravery. Obviously Haruna took the initiative with a question but already considered taking it back. She even started saying “I mean if…“

But to her surprise, probably because by that time Yuko realized that the girl in front of her is considering withdrawn , she answered without putting much though into it. “Okay…“

Even though they were in quite close proximity Haruna still felt herself leaning in even closer. She was unsure where from all that courage came from but she didn‘t want to stop feeling this way. So adventurous… till this point with whatever relationship she had that was never the case. Her hand somehow ended on Yuko‘s tight, face only inches away from the girl‘s “now?“

Yuko spend at least 10 second simply staring at her lips. Well aware of the hand. “Now”

Through the rest of that first night they continued on talking, making out and of course sleeping together. It wasn’t just physical and that made in more special. Haruna found “Sayaka’s” (because Yuko lied about her name), kisses intoxicating, something that you can get used to, something you can addicted to.

Haruna stopped in a parking lot near one of her most frequently visited bars. Actually, it was Mocchi’s most favorite one, in Haruna’s case she rarely had time to go to such places but decided to make a change.

Sadness… that’s what Haruna felt after realizing that money is still the most important thing and because of money Oshima Yuko agreed to this deal.

After getting inside she walked around for a little bit, surprised when she noticed no one else but Mocchi by the bar. Maybe this night will not turn out as horrible as Haruna felt it might turn out to be.

“Hey, you didn’t mention that you plan on going here tonight”.

Kuramochi Asuka turn to look at both her boss and friend with honest surprise and without hiding that fact “oh… well I thought you had enough of adventures… also, Yuko kind of suggested and…”

“Who? are…you here with… Oshima Yuko?” Haruna instantly looked around both cursing under her breath but at the same time feeling some tremors inside her stomach.

“We got separated few minutes ago… I think she went to the dance floor with some girl… but yeah… it seemed like Yuko needs some fun… she hasn’t told me about it yet… but I know that your father invited her to his office… something important?”

Haruna bit her lip already knowing all the details (or believing that she does). She shook her head shortly “no…well… you will find out about it sooner or later but…oh…I see her”, this time in usually ‘bored’ Haruna’s voice there could have been heard a hint of jealousy after noticing Yuko dancing with some other girl with close proximity.

This time she asked out loud bitterly “so you two came here to have some fun?”

“People keep coming to me to show them the best places in the city… I don’t know what it makes you think that I’m reliable person with stuff like… but yeah… ”

Haruna waved her hand in front of herself dismissively. “To have fun… did she specifically told you that she wants to go and have fun…?”

“What…what do you even mean?” yes, Mocchi could have gotten an award for being TRULY confused in a situation that she neither had any opinion about nor knew any details.

“What did she say?”

“I don’t know… that she wants to drink… that it has been stressful long day? If I know a good place… why are you people so strange right now?”

Asuka didn’t get an answer to that as Haruna looked really attentively at the scene in the dance floor. In her eyes that dance was far from innocent. That girl even touched Yuko’s body and…

After about 20 seconds, it took this long for Haruna to walk pass people until she reach Yuko, she get close to two girls taking Yuko by the hand and pulled her closer to herself. To say that her ‘future wife’ is simple surprised would have been an understatement.

Shock, confusion, surprise, anger, questioning = all of that could have been read in her face during first few seconds after this short interaction.

Her dance partner didn’t get a clue still standing there and looking at the pairing with question, ready to continue the fun of the night, Haruna saw it in that smirk of the stranger so she pulled Yuko EVEN closer.

“What are you…?”


Passionate one.

Oh… almost a french one.

After Haruna suddenly stole a kiss from Yuko, the girl was too surprised to do anything, kissing her back came naturally to Yuko, remembering all the bits of their first night.

Somehow Yuko came back to here senses pulling back “what the…”

That stranger simply gave up walking away, probably deciding that its not worth the trouble while Yuko managed to step back and free herself from Haruna’s grip “why would you even…all of a sudden…”

“You agreed to marry me with a contract… didn’t you?”

“So? Yes but…”

“Can deny the money? I know my father can be generous when he knows he can gain something…”

“Its not really money… its…”


Yuko bit inside of mouth. She couldn’t speak about it. There was something included in her contract that she couldn’t speak with anyone about.

“Is there any difference… still you can’t just…”

“Doesn’t it count like I simply bought you?”


“I…” before Haruna got a chance to say anything else or regain her awareness Yuko was already out of her side. Actually she grabbed and dragged Mocchi with herself.

Haruna stood still for few seconds only now realizing what she had said. Yes… this had been on her mind for some time… Yuko agreeing with her father’s proposal meant she only needed money. Everyone needs money… in a way what she said was true but Haruna did regret voicing her fear and thoughts out. Certainly that’s not a way to talk with your future wife.

Meanwhile outside of the bar Yuko went straight to her car which she decided to drive herself. Neither she, nor Mocchi hadn’t got to drinking yet. They didn’t even spend much time at a bar, Haruna appeared about 15 minutes later than they did.

Asuka wanted to ask what’s the matter and why are they rushed out of there but the short stare that Yuko directed in her way scared the living shit out of her. (Apparently there’s a saying like that which couldn’t be more accurate in such situation).

“WHO’S CAR IS THAT?” Yuko asked angrily seeing that someone blocked her way out.

Mocchi leaned a bit trying to see the numbers of the place realizing that it looks familiar. “Actually… I think that’s Haru…”


Yuko literally drove into her boss and future wife car. On purpose.

She even wanted to drive out of there without looking back but Haruna’s car hit the other car with a driver that just turn into this parking lot at an unfortunate moment.

After that, everything happened really fast. All Mocchi could recall is the fact that all three of them (driver, Yuko, Haruna), kept on shouting at each other while she just stayed in the car. Police showed up about 5 minutes after all the noise and lastly they found themselves sitting in a police station, required to call someone to pick them up and pay deposit.

People were quiet. Probably because they lost their voices and strength with all the fighting and Mocchi was left the one to explain the scene, not wanting to rant on Yuko so assuring that it was just an accident.

After the call — Jurina, Mariko and Milky came sooner than Haruna’s father so the girl got a chance to witness the scene as well.

Three girls went to Yuko instantly, surprised and requiring explanations, forgetting where they are and simply demanding answers.

“I told you… do whatever you want but avoid police stations… and avoid police… like… have they ever done anything good for you?” Milky questioned out loud, not paying attention to officer standing close to them.

Yuko expected Jurina and Milky to show up… but not Mariko and for that reason she looked at Marichan with slight guilt. Recalling this day events and even this present moment…

“And who are these people?” Mariko showed at Haruna and Mocchi questioning. At the same time she might as well just been too curios to know which one of them was Yuko’s boss. With a long drive to the station and not shutting up (when nervous) Miyuki, she heard enough.

“My co-worker and…”

“and her fiancee”, Haruna answered before considering the outcome for the second time this evening. She remembered Shinoda Mariko face clearly from all the photos already knowing that she’s Yuko’s ex girlfriend. Haruna was unsure if what she felt was jealousy or possessiveness but this was not a time to think about it.

“YOUR WHAT?” Mariko, Jurina and Milky shouted out loud the worst in sync as if she had practiced it a lot in the past though it was just in a spur of the moment.

Even Mocchi leaned back in her chair comically so she could get a better look at two sitting next to her. “Seriously?”

TO BE CONTINUED (in... *coughs* 2016) I'm heading home for the holidays and believe me... I'm preparing for the Christmas madness that I get to experience every year (I have a feeling this is going to be just the same), so I'm leaving you with a cliffhanger up till then (I'm only going to post the stuff I have written beforehand (so probably few more posts with other fics) but didn't get a chance to sit and write as I would love to do)...  :on crazygran: (oh...but there is a lot on my mind still... and a lot of things that still need to happen in this story. Marriage bells and on) so see you next year! Wishing you a happy holidays!  :mon xmas2:
« Last Edit: December 30, 2015, 11:15:38 AM by calista_castro »

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline arawche079

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Re: All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, Sayamilky, JuriAnnin, Atsumina) Chapter 10
« Reply #29 on: December 14, 2015, 06:56:44 AM »
WoW.... Kojiharu possessiveness and jealousy results into disaster...

I think she hates seeing Yuko dancing with the other girl more than Yuko signing the contract....

MARICHAN.......... heartbreak........ now I'm kinda wondering how her relationship with Yuko turn into a mess....

Wedding waiting for it.....

Offline sasshirie

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Re: All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, Sayamilky, JuriAnnin, Atsumina) Chapter 10
« Reply #30 on: December 14, 2015, 10:47:00 PM »
Posessive Haruna? YES PLEASE!  :drool:
maybe they will have trouble in future because of it but... i like it
and everyones reaction to the news  :rofl:

Offline calista_castro

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So I'm back earlier than I planned (though not sure when I can post next chapter again), still its not January yet and here is an update (so let's call this an achievement of some sort).

@sasshirie, that's indeed possible, and everyone is shocked, I would be too  :dizzy:
@arawche079, you might have a point here... Haruna is hurt because Yuko sign the contract but at the same time... here comes jealousy after seeing here with other girl. (Not this chapter but next post will reveal a bit more about the history of Yuko/Mariko...)

Chapter 11

Jurina and Annin were sitting in a coffee shop near dance studio and Annin was more than curios to find out what is happening in Jurina’s life as apparently it got more interesting overnight.

“That’s a bit… insane isn’t it?”

Jurina laughed shortly as it was exactly the thing she thought of herself “tell me about it. And because we know Yuko too well and she’s not that good of a liar to pretend that she’s not in a relationship for a year, or you know… she definitely didn’t date that girl behind Marichan’s back… just that same evening when Haruna’s father showed up we were practically forced to sign and agreement that we won’t tell anyone about it and pretend that its a real marriage”.

“Wait… so all of you did sign it…even…?”

Jurina nod and seemed to consider it for few seconds “yeah…even Mari-chan… believe me it happened so fast that we didn’t even understand what was happening… one moment we were standing there, next moment we were going back home scolding Yuko why she hadn’t told us about it before… but she also made the decision same evening and…”

“Why Yuko agreed to do this whole fake marriage deal?”

“Honestly… that’s the only thing we know nothing about. I don’t know what Mari-chan thinks about it also… well Mariko mentioned that all of a sudden she get more active with her model career and might even need to leave the country for some time… to follow her dreams… but what are her actual thoughts on this situation… We don’t know… I think Milky enjoy it a little bit though…”

All during the lunch time Annin listened to Jurina curiously even though it didn’t have such important influence to her life. “Oh…I see… why?”

“Milky is a weird one… don’t ask why. But also… Yuko will have to move on and live with her boss now… I should probably call her by the name… at least she is good looking, Yuuchan type for sure… though after one night stand Yuko mentioned that she had like a perfect body. Don’t know about the temper though…and they need to pretend that they have been together happily for a year but Yuko kept glaring at her during all evening…”

“What do you mean?”

“Oh…I haven’t even mentioned the best part… Haruna’s father drove us back home in his limousine. Yes… I know… apparently some people drive to work this way… good for him for showing off his money”. Jurina concluded a bit sarcastically.

Listening to the girl for a bit longer Annin finally nod her head with last but certain comment “well… life is definitely changing for you all… not only Yuko… with that facade that from now you will have to put on… oh but wait… when is the wedding?”

“After a week and…” Jurina laughed shortly because of the absurdity of this situation “they are not even talking with each other.”

Atsuko just left, giving her girlfriend a short kiss before walking out, and now Takamina stayed alone (or that’s what she thought at first). In reality, Miyuki who overslept walked out of her room surprisingly dragging her luggage after herself.

“Wait…you are going somewhere?” Takamina asked a bit confused, knowing that Miyuki didn’t have any plans.

The girl who was questioned looked up a bit surprised after noticing that there is someone still at home “well no… actually…” she took the envelope from her pocket giving it to Takamina “I planned leaving this on the table… but it doesn’t really matter which way I say it…”

Takamina looked down at the envelope and without waiting looked what’s inside. There was money for rent and short message, but instead of reading it she heard the reason from Miyuki directly.

“I think its pointless for me to continue living with Sayanee… she’s against it too, she’s just doesn’t want to look like the bad guy so she keeps those thoughts for herself… I don’t want to cause any trouble and opportunity presented itself…”

“Moving in with Jurina?” Takamina questioned realizing that maybe that’s the only logical explanation. Also Miyuki spend there enough time either way so it didn’t look like she even stayed at her own home anymore.

“Yeah… she didn’t mind… and after Rena’s… well… we all know what happened… she doesn’t mind some company. She will realize this mistake only when she finally starts dating again”, Miyuki joked realizing that it might be a bit complicated for Jurina to take Annin back home when there will be someone else waiting.

“I will use this opportunity while she still hasn’t thought about it. Oh by the way… tomorrow is the night”.


“Yeah… Yuko and Jurina have been preparing that song for some time, wrote the lyrics and music, Yuko’s playing the guitar… maybe you two can come as well? You can also congratulate Yuko with her upcoming wedding”, Miyuki added jokingly at the same time knowing that its a ‘hot’ topic with everyone.

Haruna lay down on the floor in the middle of her office with some work related papers around herself. But she wasn’t that professional because even though there were many of them and she lay on her back taking one and then the other checking, still time after time she grabbed magazine instead.

The article about her romance was released with Yuko and hers photos on the front page. Obviously, her father changed the information, so reporter wrote that these two are in a relationship and that’s just the first time they were caught on camera.

Haruna smiled slowly while looking at these photos where they looked so careless but happy at the same time. She even traced Yuko’s face in one of them.

“You’re at it again?”, all of a sudden she heard Mocchi voiced when she came to check up on her boss, apparently founding her in this position not the first time.

Haruna sigh a bit annoyed “what?” not wanting to admit that its becoming an issue.

“How about you try communicating with your future wife instead? You’ll eventually have to spend a lot time together… so talking is necessity”.

“Don’t tell me what to do”, Haruna whined while putting that magazine under the papers and taking one of work related documents instead “and don’t disturb my work”.

Mocchi stared down at her hopeless boss for few more seconds “fine… do as you like but… oh whatever… its not like you would listen to me”, she added giving up and having the feeling that Haruna will just keep on staring at that magazine when she leaves.

She was right, after her employee close the door Haruna looked at the document for few more seconds and throw it aside not able to concentrate and even understand what was the main point of it. Instead… quite skillfully she took the magazine out (as skillfully as someone who hides porn would do) and looked at it again.


Few days ago, Yuko’s friends and Mocchi looked at these two with disbelief “you’re serious?”

Even always joking around Miyuki felt loss for words and stared mouth agape. Mariko shook her head a bit annoyed “if that’s some sort of joke…”, turning around and kind of planning a quick leave, if not Yuko who grabbed her hand in the process.


Mariko sigh without hiding the fact that none of this makes any sense. “If that’s actually truth…you do realize how it looks”.

Yuko shook her head instantly “it’s definitely not how it looks”.

Haruna squinter her eyes recognizing Mariko and remembering the photos of those two together, she felt slightly uncomfortable, both for her boldness and also feeling jealous in a situation where she probably shouldn't be, remembering that this only counts as a fake marriage deal.

Mariko raised her eyebrows in question “then please… explain me how… should I see it?”

Everyone looked at the two as if watching their favorite drama (expect Haruna, who remembered a horror movie instead), so Yuko feeling conscious of the looks stood up “can we…talk about it…? farther away?”

“I don’t really care where we talk”

“Still…?” Yuko insist while standing up and Mariko had no other choice but to give up.

“Maybe…I should be included in the conversation?” Haruna slowly rose her hand questioning.

The two instantly turn in her direction answering in unison (without a doubt in their tone) “NO”.

Afterwards, they walked as far as they could from the curious group that tried to hear their conversation even with some distance between them. Both Jurina, Milky and even Mocchi also looked in the direction of Haruna who took as big part in this as others, wondering that maybe if they ask, she could tell them about what’s happening as well. Unfortunately, no one actually dared to voice out their thoughts and questions.

Yuko let go of Mariko’s arm when they walked away from their friends “I’m sorry that you hear about it this way… not from me directly”.

“I don’t think it matters how I heard it… also… about your one night stand…I heard about it from some other people as well”.

“Wait…waa…?” Yuko forced herself to close her mouth but still shook her head annoyed “of course they can’t keep a secret… not that you shouldn’t have known about it… not that it’s a secret… but it was nothing… it just got complicated”.

“How complicated Yuko? I know its not possible that either of you get pregnant… and any other reasons…wouldn't make sense at all”.

“It makes sense but…” Yuko couldn’t voice it out remembering what she agreed to. “I have a good reason but…”

“You can’t tell me?” Mariko finished her ex-girlfriend thought with a raise of her eyebrows “just like in the pasts… some things just stay secret? Its not like I can control you or anything…we broke up but…”

“I know… I also realize that there is no reason for me to keep explaining myself… I can make decisions myself and…”

“So you fall in love all of a sudden? That’s one thing that I would like to know. You won’t tell me if there is any other reasons so its pointless to ask and expect to hear about it. At least be honest with something…that you can be honest with”.

Yuko thought for few seconds considering Mariko’s words. Obviously she knew her well enough. She even knew what to expect from her. All of a sudden, Yuko felt more uncomfortable than before. Nothing happened as it suppose to happen.

She shook her head giving an answer “no. There are other reasons…” which she couldn’t tell (just like Mariko guessed).

At least this small truth (the most important one as it involved feelings), calmed Mariko a little bit. If that’s even possible when things like that happen around you.


Haruna kept on laying on her back and remembering all that happened that evening. She didn’t hear Mariko and Yuko conversation and only saw it from a distance. It was agonizing enough seeing two exes that probably still have feelings for each other in a calm discussion about the current situation.

Haruna even felt thankful for her father who appeared to take care of the situation and disturbed those two.

Maybe Haruna would have kept in this position for the rest of the day in self pity and disappointed if not some ruckus behind her office door.

She stood up hearing louder voice and decided to go and check what might be happening there. It was a calm company after all.

After opening her door she realized that things like one girl slapping the other on the face also hadn’t happened here before.

Even though Haruna had no idea who’s that cat-like looking girl who gave the slap is, but she did know Yuko which received it without much of a fight.

In a blink of an eye, probably realizing that it might not be the end Haruna stepped forward this time managing to catch Atsuko’s hand before it touched Yuko’s face again “what do you think you’re doing?”, Haruna asked now looking at shorter girl with calmness but at the same time danger in her eyes.

No matter the situation but Haruna had no plan of tolerating someone slapping her future wife in front of her.

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline arawche079

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Getting married without communication... :sweatdrop:

It seems like Haruna did hurt Yuko after all....

Haruna being protective on her wife.... :cool1:

Secrets..... :banghead:.Waiting for kojiyuu wedding....

I got a hint about what happend to mariyuu couple...

Is it a hint or I'm just assuming it.... Well thanks for updating....

Offline sasshirie

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HaruNyan protecting her woman  :mon innocent: :mon star: :mon cute:

Offline shanju

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wow, i wonder where iam who didnt notice your fic until now
and i finish 11 chapter in just two hours
I love it :D
i love when haruna be jealousy monster and over protective to yuko
im waiting your update
update soon!  :mon pray2:
« Last Edit: January 05, 2016, 07:10:54 AM by shanju »

Offline Korisu29

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aww, haruna try to protect your future wife, huh ...  :mon misch:
wait, why atsuko slapped yuko?  :mon huh:
pleeeaaseee update sooon ....  :mon beam:

Offline calista_castro

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All I Want Is You - Yuko/Mariko BackStory [EXTRA] 7/1/16
« Reply #36 on: January 07, 2016, 09:40:15 PM »
@sasshirie, yes, overprotective maybe? But I liked that part myself (while writing of course).
@Korisu29, thanks for the comment and welcome back (I think you were away from this forum for a little bit, right? I remember you took a break for some time earlier). Oh... I'm not sure if I get into explaining Acchan's reasons about the slap... so I will answer like that: Minami (Yuko's best friend), Acchan (Mariko's best friend). After finding out about one night stand and whole marriage deal and not knowing the reasons behind it (as Atsumina pair weren't in police station), let's just say Acchan lost her temper and hit Yuko because of Mariko... I don't know... is that clear enough?
@shanju, thank you for the comment and welcome to my FF (new readers are always appreciated!) 2 hours? So like a movie  :shifty: me too... I think jealous Haruna overprotective of Yuko is my weakness...hehe...
@arawche079, now I'm really curios if it was a hint or you just assumed it. So maybe this extra will confirm it? You can tell me later about it!  :hee: as usual, thank you for reading and dropping a comment! They are always appreciated!

So this is an extra about what happened with Yuko and Mariko relationship. I will post and actual chapter next week  :on asmo: As usual (even if I don't mention it), thanks for everyone dropping a comment, liking the story, and thanks for the silent readers!

Oshima Yuko and Shinoda Mariko (BackStory)

Every love story starts the same way. You see the person and somehow she or he gets your attention. You get closer, keep communicating, keep meeting and slowly fall for each other.

Yuko and Mariko love story started just the same. They met back at school and experienced all kind of love through the years. They started with Skinny Love (when two people love each other but are too shy to admit it but they still show it.), and carried on with passionate, curious, jealous, even obsessive love. Whatever you can think of… you can name it.

They had calmness and they had craziness through all the time. They had a time without speaking for one another because of some stupid reasons they friends couldn't figure out. They had a time when they were truly excited by an opportunity to get Atsuko and Minami together as they friends were obviously into each other. Also… as in any other relationship… they had a time when everything started to fall apart.

Staying in relationship for 10 years would be a difficult task for anyone. It doesn't matter how much you love the other person it still gets rough and it depends on how you manage to deal with those struggles.

Mariko and Yuko loved got weaker with years. The first five years they were going strong. The future seemed bright, they considered traveling the world together, going to the same college together, even working at the same place if such chance presents itself. As anyone who’s in love they felt like everything is going in their favor and nothing can go wrong.

Only later on, when they had to face reality they started to seem cracks in the relationship. Living together only worsen the situation as they agreed to move in very suddenly without the concern of their parents and without even having jobs.

They got in lots of fights because of the mistakes, debs and simply because they wanted different things out of life. Mariko still dreamed of traveling the world and becoming a model… meanwhile with time Yuko realized that she wanted a calmer life. No one would have thought this way just by looking at their squirrel girl always excited to tell a dirty joke but for Yuko… she wanted a bookstore… and she wanted to settle down completely. Also just living together didn't seem enough anymore.

Mariko knew about Yuko’s wishes as well but she tried to avoid talking on the subject as she couldn't promise anything. Mariko hadn't considered such things and still hoped to achieve her dreams.

Unfortunately for the girl, she wasted a lot of time trying to keep up with Yuko and trying to help her out with the bookstore… she also wasted a lot of money which she could have used to go for model career and finally reached an age where its almost impossible to get a proposal for a job abroad.

She barely had any jobs in her own country and after going into even bigger dept, after bookstore fiasco both of them realized that they’re doing something really wrong.

The truth was… their feelings changed and they were only dragging each other down. Girls were used to the routine of waking up and going to sleep together, rarely sharing a kiss or a shower anymore. During the last months of the relationship… rarely speaking at all…

Both started thinking about ending it but were too afraid to voice it out loud. Until one evening… they finally did… they speak through all the night remembering the good times they shared… they laughed, cried, laughed again… they weren't sure which one started the conversation but by the morning both girls reached an agreement that their relationship come to an end…

They didn't regret the past or being together but at the same time they knew that this just can’t go on like that. Feelings do not disappear over night… they disappear gradually and even while breaking up they still kept some love inside…

Knowing that it might be really hard… realizing that they might get scared of the real world and get back together as they had few times before… but hoping that maybe… just maybe… this time it can be different and they can find new light in their life to keep the happiness coming.

Just Tell Me It's Not The End (Kojiyuu)  [2015]
Consequences (MaYuki, JuriYuki, JuriMayu)  [2015]
Money Can't Buy You Happiness (WMatsui, Atsumina, MaYuki) [2015-2016]
New Love (RinoRie, MaYuki + Others) [2015-2016]
OS Corner + Other Short Stories [2015-2016]
- My Rommate From Hell, Literally (KojiYuu) + How I Fell For My Idiot Roommate (sequel)
- Searching for Happiness (WMatsui)
KitaRie dedicated OS Collection [2016]
Angel of Death (Atsumina) ~Oneshot~ [2016]

Dating Game (Multi-Pair)
Psychotics (Multi-Pair)
All I Want Is You (Kojiyuu, JuriAnnin + Others)
The Lake (AtsuYuu)
Randomness: Cal's Stories Based on Prompts (Various)
You're the Worst (WMatsui + Others)
Running with the Wolves (Multi-pair)

~All of my on-going stories will continue in September~

Offline arawche079

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Re: All I Want Is You - Yuko/Mariko BackStory [EXTRA] 7/1/16
« Reply #37 on: January 08, 2016, 01:35:00 AM »
Ah.. I guess it right then its about mariko's career and yuko's urge of having a  bookstore .. So kojiyuu is next... Finally an update.  Thanks!!!

Offline jhom_09

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Re: All I Want Is You - Yuko/Mariko BackStory [EXTRA] 7/1/16
« Reply #38 on: January 08, 2016, 04:04:23 AM »

That was? hmm too deep i think, now i know why yuko and mariko break up, well even if they make a decision like that i think they love each other :)

but still i'm kojiyuu shipper so it's still kojiyuu in my heart, hahaha

i like your fic i'm sorry i didn't put any comment but i read your fic, i'm just lazy
thank you for this update
see you next time author-san  :thumbup

Offline yocelin17

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Re: All I Want Is You - Yuko/Mariko BackStory [EXTRA] 7/1/16
« Reply #39 on: January 09, 2016, 06:18:37 AM »
Your stroy is insteresting, i would love to read it more, you make my kojiyuu shipper side verry happy, please continue this story
Usually a silent reader.

Sorry for my broken english, english is not my first language.

Kami-oshi: Kashiwagi Yuki

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