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Author Topic: POSTWHORING AWARENESS MONTH!! (2019/08/22)  (Read 7140 times)

Offline daigong

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« on: August 23, 2019, 05:57:59 AM »

LETS DO THIS. 8/22 Is When We Got renamed to be this VERSATILE FORUM. REBRAND never felt so sweet. We also drop a shout out, a little liquor for a lil homie FUSHI!! So this weekend FUCK IT. For 5 Straight Days 8/22 to 9/22 Let's fuckin WHORE like we never POSTED LOL.. Get those threads out, fuck let's do some great content shit. Throw out some Polls. Teach us what y'all been up to! Back in my ass is to revamp LLF. Fix all the fuckin PHOTOBUCKET links that are broken!!! CANTSTOPWONTSTOP POSITIVE V! V!!!! So get your sweat pants and adult diapers out and get ready to ROLLL!

Let's crack one open and reflect on what 8/22 is all about. The Spirit of Postwhoring. The Spirit of Being Who We Wanna Be. And that's what Fushi ( embodied. WHO is that you say?

fIRST AND foremost. I wanna recognize this day for Fushi aka Fushidigane. She was a fun loving beautiful Finnish girl of H!P Fandoms whom I had the pleasure of knowing during my hANGRY & ANGRY tours around the globe. We lost her five years ago yet her spirit remains in just beiing silly and WHY SO SERIUS , she is seen with our dear friends in France too. Seen with ChrNo  :deco:

To me every day we have :hipheart: we continue to wave the pink pride flag of POSITIVE PERVY FREEDOM to carry on what those before us started, in the memory of our fallen homies ChrNo, marimari, Jabronisaur, Fushi - our missing bro Thimas. ALWAYS. Doing new and fresh things while not forgetting where we came from. That is what 8/22 means to me.

THUSLY AND JUSTLY for the next month go NUTS. I will. I will get 50,000. I will pick up the Slack as my boy kuro goes in for the fight of his life. We stand as ONE :hipheart: fuckin RIGHTS. Carpal tunnel be damned. Fuckin all that for a drop of blood. Fucking BIM WSP get dat money money money here we go wearing our Pink Gear! Get a new data plan who really reads this I wonder. Well if you're new here, drop by the postwhoring thread and shit!!!


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