Hello! I'm back. Just got to finish Chapter 4. I got sick lately so yeah, finally I recovered

and I kinda got nervous for Yukirin passing her form for the election so late~ good thing she did pass on time~ phew~

@Kirozoro: yep, lets see if this relationship will still be the same~ X3
@MayuxMatsuixMusic: Hahaha!! looks like I did grant the kiss you want in the end

so anyway, here's chapter 4, Douzo!

Chapter 4
"One more time"
As another year pass… the last part of their high school days has come… SENIOR YEAR!
Its weekends and usually Yuki would go to Mayu’s home and hang out like they always do. “I think I’ll go to Yuu-kun’s home later to wake him up… I’m sure he’s still sleeping at the moment…. He’s a sleepyhead after all… also it’s been a long time since I hang out in his home too.” Yuki thought while she’s still in bed. ‘It’s not like that I miss him or something… it’s just a normal thing for us… as close friends.’ Yuki thought.
She prepare herself and went to Mayu’s house. As she arrives she saw Mayu’s grandma. “Ahh, Yuki-chan, it’s been awhile… Mayu-kun’s just in his room… feel free see him there.” “Ah, thank you, grandma.” She replied back and went towards to Mayu’s room. As she enter Mayu’s room, he didn’t saw him around. She decided to look around his room and suddenly the bathroom’s door opened. She look towards the bathroom and saw Mayu just topless with on a towel around his neck and with a boxer shorts. “ohh? Yuuchan! Ohayo!” he said. “ehhh?! H-he-hentai!!!!! Yuu-kun no hentai!” she said and throws the pillow on his bed and she run off outside. “Itai! Nandayo? What did I do?! What kind of a morning greeting was that? (=A= ;; ) I wonder why she freaked out seeing me like this... I mean she already saw me like this back in the old days *sigh* I better go talk to her.” He said while changing to his clothes and walk outside. While at the living room, ‘Mou! Why do I have to see that! Honto ni, Yuu-kun no HENTAIIII!’ she thought and made a blush. ‘Never thought I would see his body like that… it’s been awhile I guess? Mou! What are you saying, Yuki?! It’s not like you miss him being like that.’ she thought while it gave her a total red face and Mayu finally went to the living room. “What was that all about, Yuuchan?! Why did you throw me with those pillows? (=A= ;; )” he said. “It’s because why did you even go out from the bathroom w-without clothes! Mouuu!!” she said back. “ehh?! Because I took a bath, silly! And besides you already saw me like that before.” He replied with a small blush. “Mouu! Yuu-kun, that was like when we were in middle school! And look, I’m a girl… you’re a boy… what do you expect? Yuu-kun no baka!” Yuki replied back with a full red face. “*sigh* Wakatta… Gomen… I’m sorry… I should wear my clothes before leaving the bathroom.” he said while giving Yuki a puppy eyes. ‘Oh please don’t give me that puppy look Yuu-kun…’ she thoughts and well after a few minutes she totally gave in. “Mouu... Wakata yo~ I forgive you… I’m sorry too, I shouldn’t go to your room at that time. I should have just waited you here in the living room.” she said. The two just look at each other for a moment and then Mayu broke the silence.
“By the way… why all of a sudden you went here, Yuuchan?”
“Uhmm~ well… since its weekends I was just thinking that we could hang out today… we should… you should make up to me for what happen today.” She replied.
“Ehh?! Fine… sure… it’s been awhile after all. Let’s go to the usual place? The beach?” he replied back with a smile.
“Sure… Let’s go, Yuu-kun.”
After that the two of them went to the beach. The sea looks peaceful as usual on weekends and the thing is no one’s around the beach at that time. They own the beach for now. “How about we take a swim?” Mayu said while removing his t-shirt that made Yuki blush. “C-Chotto matte, Yuu-kun? As in now?!” Yuki replied. “Of course! Like we used to do… so come one, Yuuchan!” Mayu said and took Yuki’s hand and went to the seashore. “Matte, Yuu-kun.” Yuki stopped and took off her loose shirt where she revealed she’s wearing a two piece top and shorts that gave Mayu a mesmerize look.
“Yuu-kun! Don’t look at me like that… it’s embarrassing!”
“Ahhh, Sumimasen… it’s just… it looks good on you, Yuuchan.”
“Mouu~ well, anyway let’s go to swimming now… Iku yo, Yuu-kun!”
She took Mayu’s hand and they went swimming. After that they went back to Mayu’s home for lunch then they decided to continue their day at Yuki’s home. As they arrived at Yuki’s, they saw Natsuo sitting outside.
“Natsuo, where’s Sakurachan?” Yuki asked her little brother.
“She’s inside with Mamarin, Neechan.” Natsuo responded.
“I’ll go check them for a while. I’ll be back.” She said to the two boys and leave them outside.
Mayu started talking to Natsuo.
“So, How’s it going, Natsuo?”
“I’m good, Nii-san. It’s been a while since you visit here.”
“Yea, we kinda got busy with school after all… since we’re already graduating students.”
“Oh yea, I heard you’re going to be valedictorian again… Omedetto Nii-san!”
“Aww! Thanks, Natsuo! How about you? How’s school?”
Natsuo suddenly became silent.
“Uhmm? About that… I’m good with school… it’s just someone’s been bothering me in school.”
“Someone? Who?”
“You see… I have this classmate… she really hates me… she always scolds me… I don’t even know what the problem is… the thing is I don’t know how I feel but when I’m with her it feels like I’m okay every time when I’m with her… even though she always beats me up.” Natsuo explained.
“Hohoho~ looks like Natsuo has a crush…” Mayu teased him.
“Nii-san… Yamete yo! She’s just a classmate… a little inspiration I guess?” Natsuo replied shyly.
“Don’t worry, Natsuo… this is a guys’ talk… this is a little secret… just the two of us…” Mayu responded.
“Jaa, How about you Nii-san? You have something you like?”
That question suddenly made Mayu silent.
“Uhmmm? Well there’s always been this someone who’s always been there to me ever since… and well, she’s really precious to me… and I don’t want to lose her… she’s really a big part of my life… but for some reason… I still don’t know if she knows it already… or maybe she just sees me as her friend. ”
“Nee, Nii-san? Are you talking about Yuki-Neechan?”
“Ehh?! Why are saying that it’s her, Natsuo?!”
“Well first of all, the way you describe it… it sounds like Yuki-neechan… but like you said… this is a guys’ talk so yeah… it’s just between of us…” Natsuo responded with a smirk.
“Well, as you said… this is just between us guys… okay… I admit… I like your Neechan… but I guess… it’s not the time to tell her about that… I’m waiting for the right time… and l guess we both prioritize our education for our future… Hope you’ll do the same, Natsuo… don’t rush things… okay?”
“Yeah, you’re right Nii-san, I should take things easy… I know I’ll have get in there in the right time… Thanks for the advice, Nii-san and about your feelings for Neechan… I approve with it… Please always look after my Neechan, Nii-san~” Natsuo responded with a high five to Mayu.
“Of course! I will… Thanks a lot, Natsuo” Mayu replied.
After that talk, Yuki went back to them and saw the two of them talking.
“What are you guys talking about?”
“Uhhmmm… oh nothing…” both boys said in unison.
“Mouuu… Fine. More like a boys’ talk… sorry about the interruption.” She said.
After that the three of them went inside home to have snacks that Mamarin prepared for them.
“It’s been a while since you last visit here, Mayu-kun.” Mamarin said.
“Yea, It’s been awhile, Mamarin… glad to visit today.” He replied.
While having their snacks they end up having random conversations until it was time for Mayu to go back home.
“uhmm, Thanks for having me here again, Mamarin, Sakurachan, Natsuo and Yuuchan. I enjoyed a lot… hope I’ll come by again next time. Jaa ne! And Oh, Yuuchan… see you at school. He said while leaving the Kashiwagi Household.
Only few more months until their graduation. At their school, their senior prom is also coming its way. Many students are now looking for their dates for the said event, an event that would remind their senior year. As for Mayu and Yuki, both of them doesn’t have a pair for the prom. As all of the students are busy finding for their pair. A guy entered the classroom and went to Yuki’s table. It was Katayama Haruki, the school’s varsity player. He is really popular with girls but he has a long time crush on Yuki ever since they started in High school. Sometimes Yuki gets irritated when he talks to him.
“Ohayo, Kashiwagi-san!” he said with a smirk.
“What do you want, Katayama-kun?” she said with a glare.
“Oh please don’t give me that glare, Yuki-san… I’m just here to ask you on our senior prom. Please be my date.” He replied back.
On the other hand, there’s also Mayu having Kobayashi Marina asking him out for the prom as well.
“Mayu-kun, please be my date for the upcoming prom.”
“Uhhmm? Kobayashi-san… out of all people in our class, why even me?”
“Because I like you, Mayu-kun… please be my date for the prom…” she said back and went to Mayu’s ears and whispered something.
“If you don’t be my date… I’ll do something bad to your Kashiwagi-san on the day of our prom.” She whispered that made Mayu worried.
“Fine! I’ll be your date! Just don’t do something stupid for the prom.” He replied that everyone heard especially Yuki.
(Back to Yuki)
As she heard that from Mayu she felt something breaking in her heart.
“Nee, Yuki-san… so what’s your answer?” Haruki asked.
“Katayama-san, I’ll be your prom date.” Yuki replied to him that also heard by everyone in the classroom.
Mayu heard it as well that made him silent.
‘So she finds her date… hope she’ll be fine with it *sigh* How I wish it was me though. I’m doing this for your safety, Yuuchan. Hope you’ll understand.’ he thought.
‘He choose to be with Kobayashi-san rather than with me on the prom. I can’t believe him. How I wish to spend the last days in High school with him. I guess he likes Kobayashi-san after all *sigh*.’ she thought.
The two never spoke at each other…
Their prom day finally came…
Everybody arrived with their partners in the prom. Mayu went together with Marina and Yuki went together with Haruki. The thing is that both pairs arrived at the same time. Mayu and Yuki just look at each other and pretend that they didn’t see each other’s faces.
‘Yuki looks pretty in her dress. How I wish I was her partner in this prom. *sigh*’ Mayu thought.
‘Looks like Mayu’s enjoying his time with Kobayashi-san. *sigh*’ Yukirin thought.
As the prom comes to an end… it’s time to announce the Prom Queen and King.
“And for this year’s Prom King is no other than… Watanabe Mayu!” announcer said.
Mayu went up stage with a straight face.
“Okay, time to meet your Prom Queen for this year and this year’s Prom Queen is no other than the school’s idol, Kashiwagi Yuki.” announcer said.
Both Mayu and Yuki’s face were shocked they didn’t expect all of this. While Marina walked out and also Haruki went outside not wanting to see the two together on the stage.
“The results are actually came from the crowds’ vote. So, Prom King and Prom Queen please have your dance together now.” announcer said.
Mayu and Yuki just stared at each other for a moment and finally Mayu gives his hands to Yuki. “Uhmmm? If you don’t mind… can I have this dance with you, Prom Queen?” Mayu asked.
“Uhmmm, sure.” Yuki replied with a blush on her face.
The two of them dance on the stage and as the time goes by… finally they talked to each other…
“Nee, Yuuchan… to be honest… you look pretty tonight… I mean you’re always pretty but tonight you look so stunning… and… uhmmm… how I wish I was your my partner for tonight… the reason why I didn't asked you to be my partner is that Kobayashi-san will make something bad to you if I wouldn't go out with her tonight… I don’t want Yuuchan to be in danger for our last prom after all. I’m so sorry for not talking to you these days too… I was scared that you don’t want to talk to me and also I thought you got angry at me. I’m so sorry, Yuuchan.” Mayu explained.
And for that Yuki replied with a tight hug and said “Yuu-kun, you don’t know how much I missed you… I thought you really want to be with Kobayashi-san rather than me… I thought you don’t want to speak with me.”
“Looks like we thought the same thing… I thought you want to be with Katayama-san rather than with me tonight… uhmmm? Even though I spend my time dancing with Kobayashi-san… I’m glad that I got to dance with you… and one thing this will be my last dance for the prom… last dance with you is more memorable to this prom.” he said.
“Same here… my last dance will be yours, Yuu-kun… I’ll definitely remember this…”
“Nee, Yuuchan… I have one thing left to say… we’ve been close friends since then but I really have this thing about you… I don’t know but every time I’m with you I feel like everything’s okay… Yuuchan, uhmmm… I’ve always love you since then… love more than just a friend… Yuuchan… I love you… it’s been a long time that I’ve been keeping this… but that’s how I really feel towards you… I’m really falling in love with you...”
After hearing those words, Yuki can’t help it but blush all the way which made her face so red.
“Uhmm, a-anoo… I’ve always wanted to hear that from you… and I thought I’m the only one who has that feeling towards Yuu-kun… I’ve always been in love with Yuu-kun… ever since we’ve become close friends… I have different feelings towards you… you’re more than a friend to me Yuu-kun… you’re important to me… and I don’t want to lose you… Yuu-kun… I love you…”
The two stop dancing and ends up hugging each other and later they realize they are still on stage and the crowd became excited that made the two embarrassed on stage. Later, they went down stage and talk for a while and ended up going home.
While on their way home, the two decided to stop by at the beach for a moment.
“Hey, also this place… the place where we first met… Of course, I won’t ever forget this place…” Mayu said.
“Of course… if you didn’t grabbed my hand back there… we wouldn’t have met.” Yuki said.
The two went silent, and suddenly, Mayu is moving his face towards Yuki… and they made a short kiss. That was their first kiss together.
“Nee, I don’t mind giving my first kiss to Yuu-kun.” She said while blushing.
“Watashi mo, Yuuchan’s my first kiss you know. I’ve been planning on giving you that. I don’t want anyone else to get my first kiss but Yuuchan.” he said with a super red face.
The two decided to go home since it’s getting late. As they go toward to their homes the two will never forget their prom night that put smiles into their faces.
The days passed by and also their graduation day is fast approaching.
At Mayu’s home.
Mayu received a call from his dad. “Hello Mayu-kun after your graduation, you’ll be studying abroad in order to take over our business… like you said before… since we already planned this before I want you to prepare yourself for it. Good Luck, son.” Call ended.
As Mayu finished talking to his dad, he became silent and thinking. ‘How could I even forget those times I said to my family… I’ll be leaving Kagoshima… that mean’s I’ll be leaving Yuuchan too… I don’t want to leave her but this is for the best… and I swear I’ll explain everything to her everything before my time will be out.’
One more day before graduation… Mayu said that he wants to meet up with Yuki on the beach.
“Why did you want us to meet here, Yuu-kun?” she asked.
“Uhmm, Yuuchan… there’s something you need to know about after our graduation… uhmmm… I’ll be leaving Kagoshima… I’ll be leaving Japan… I’ll be studying abroad… Actually, I’ve been talking about this with my family before where we already agreed about it and now that we’re graduating… I can’t just simply turn down what my family has requested to me. I’m so sorry for not telling you soon.” He explained.
Yuki was shocked from what she heard. She then run away from him. She wanted to be alone for a moment since its really painful for her since she was really looking forward to have college with Mayu.
‘Yuu-kun, why? Why didn’t you tell me sooner? I don’t want to get separated with you’ she thought.
Graduation day has passed by… Mayu got the Valedictorian spot as predicted. After that, Mayu went to Yuki’s house and handed a letter for Yuki and leave.
Yuki read the letter.
“Dear Yuuchan,
I’m sorry for being a selfish friend for not telling you about my studies in abroad. I know you’re pretty upset about me leaving. I’m so sorry about it. If you want to see me before I leave please come by at the beach at 5:30pm. My flight will be tonight. Hope at least before I leave… I get to see you for the last time… I’ll wait for you there…
- Yuu-kun”
As she looks at her watch it was already 4:48pm which made her run towards the beach and good thing it was 5:28pm that she got there and she did made it and saw Mayu waiting for her in the beach.
The two went to each other and gave each other a hug.
“Have a safe trip, Yuu-kun… I really hate seeing you go but if it’s for the best I’ll bear with it, Yuu-kun. I’ll be waiting for you here in Japan. I promise you that… I’ll definitely wait for you…”
“Yuuchan, I promise I’ll be back as soon as I can… I’ll work hard to be back soon… Yuuchan, I love you… I’ll never forget you… I swear I’ll definitely be back”
As time is running out... both of them gave each other a kiss on the lips.
“I love you, Yuuchan.”
“I love you more, Yuu-kun… I’ll be waiting…”
They gave each other a long hug and Mayu suddenly leave something to Yuki, a pinkie ring for a sign that he will be definitely back to see her again in the future.
“I’ll be leaving now, Yuuchan… my flight is almost there… Take care.” his last words then he left the beach.
‘I’ll be waiting Yuu-kun… I promise….’ Yuki thought while holding the pinkie ring that Mayu gave.
Chapter End. So that ends the past moments between Mayu and Yuki 10 years ago.. next chapter will be about the present. Thanks for reading and please do leave a comment