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Author Topic: Waiting in that summer - Chapter 12 (14/09/20) (MaYuki & others)  (Read 31408 times)

Offline MayuxMatsuixMusic

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Re: [MaYuki] Waiting in that summer.. ~ Chapter 6 ~ -UPDATED-
« Reply #20 on: April 12, 2014, 01:52:45 PM »

Hahaha xD I really love this update haha

Pls update fast
mayuyu and rena is <3

mayuki and mayurena is my fav <3

Offline ryu201

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Re: [MaYuki] Waiting in that summer.. ~ Chapter 6 ~ -UPDATED-
« Reply #21 on: April 12, 2014, 05:54:19 PM »
well actually that because mayuki is sweet couple too ^^
Mayu-kun!!! its her!!! come and let her remind u already!!!
-push mayu-kun to yuuchan-

btw im also atsumina shipper and i little dissapointed since here have kojiyuu but doesnt have atsumina  :badluck:
why dont u add them author-san?! i miss them already!!!  :scolding: :on voodoo: :on kimbo:
hehehe just kidding author-san  :D  its fine since i also mayuki shipper anyway :hee:

keep ur hard work author-san and i will wait ur update soon.
ganbatte ne!!!!  :on woohoo: :on GJ:

Offline kazutoryu

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Re: [MaYuki] Waiting in that summer.. ~ Chapter 6 ~ -UPDATED-
« Reply #22 on: April 12, 2014, 06:13:37 PM »
Waiting for Kojiyuu moment  :mon misch:
thank you for the update!!  :on GJ:

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: [MaYuki] Waiting in that summer.. ~ Chapter 6 ~ -UPDATED-
« Reply #23 on: April 13, 2014, 03:42:05 PM »
Mayu going to find out that Yukirin is Yuu-chan

Waiting for WMatsui moment :3

Update soon

Offline vivinardisa

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Re: [MaYuki] Waiting in that summer.. ~ Chapter 6 ~ -UPDATED-
« Reply #24 on: April 13, 2014, 06:28:10 PM »
Mayu you should try remember that is Yuki  :cow:

Even thought that not gonna be easy  :) but it was worth to try  :lol:

So what will happen next  :?

Please update soon  :bow:

Offline Ceej!~

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Re: [MaYuki] Waiting in that summer.. ~ Chapter 7 ~ -UPDATED-
« Reply #25 on: April 14, 2014, 06:43:48 PM »
@ryu201: you know your comment gave me the motivation to finish this chapter XD I was thinking about adding AtsuMina before.. Let us see if I can put AtsuMina in the fic even for just a cameo. Next time if I ever had a new fic again I'll try to add them  :nervous Thanks for reading!  :bow:
@kazutoryu: KojiYuu moment maybe in next chapter... i'll see what I can do  :nervous
@Kirozoro: same with WMatsui... maybe next chapter~  :nervous

To all readers, Thank you so much for reading... even tho this fanfic is from a newbie writer's work  :sweatdrop: I really appreciate it  :bow: :bow: :bow:
So, here's Chapter 7, douzo!  :jphip:
Chapter 7
“Getting Along…”

As Mayu was reading the rest of the documents and then suddenly someone knock on door.

[Mayu POV]

I fixed the documents and let that someone inside the office.

“Yes? Come in.”
“Uhmmm? Ohayo, Watanabe-san… it’s me Kashiwagi Yuki… I heard from the staffs that you’re in-charge of the idol department now… especially to my career now…” she said.

‘Ehh?! She already know? That was fast? (⌒_⌒; )’ I thought.

“Ahh, about that… yes, Dad just explained to me everything about the department and also regards with your career, from now on I’ll do my best for the department and also with your career, Kashiwagi-san... so uhmmm, Yoroshiko ne!”

“Same here... Yoroshiko, Watanabe-san… Hope will get along as well… and oh I want to have a word with regards with the 3rd solo concert… I wonder if we could discuss about it soon…” she replied.

“Oh yes, about your 3rd solo… let’s see… how about we arrange a meeting with that so that we can talk about it one by one… since I have a meeting later… I can’t talk about it today… I’m so sorry.”

“Oh, it’s okay… there are only a few clarification about it… how about we can have a talk about it this coming weekends if it’s okay with you, Watanabe-san.” she said.

“Oh, if you don’t mind meeting me for a talk about it… sure I’ll meet you then… here’s my number… I’ll give you the details about our meeting soon.” And I handed her my number.

“Oh, sure… and here’s my number… please do update me for our meeting this weekends… anyway, I have to go Watanabe-san, I have a schedule interview for today… Thanks for the time. I’ll see you soon. Bye!” she said.

“Oh sure… I’ll text you the details soon… Have a good interview, Kashiwagi-san. Bye!”
She waved her hand and went out the room.

“Pheww! Finally that was done… Man, I can’t even look at her while talking… I feel weird when she’s around… will I’ll be alright with this?! Ahhhh!! This can’t be right… Mayu, focus! (ーー ; )”

I fixed the files on my table and leave my office and went off to the meeting board.
As I pass by the idol department I saw the idol department’s in-demand boy idol group “IkemenDol”. I just passed by through them while going towards my meeting.

[END Mayu POV]

[IkemenDol POV]

[Natsuo POV]

We had a meeting with the members of ‘IkemenDol’ for our live performance tonight. I wonder what ideas we will have for tonight.
Yosha! Natsuo here! Matsuoka Natsuo! I’m part of IkemenDol… They usually call me as the Mr. Popular of the group due to having a large scale of fans in the group. The truth is I kinda got irritated when I got this much attention because the fangirls are sometimes scary… also some fanboys are chasing me which gives me the chills. Also I’m actually Kashiwagi Yuki’s brother… I just use the “Matsuoka” as my screen last name for covering my relation with her because I don’t want to get involve with some popularity matter with her… of course she knows that reason and neechan understands it… As usually she’s really a great neechan to me and to Sakura… and I’m really grateful for it.

[END Natsuo POV]

[Andrew POV]

I was a little early on arriving here… My schedule is really full lately.
Yo! I’m Murashige Andrew… I’m part of IkemenDol and also an actor as well… I’m a halfie that’s why they call me the heartthrob of the group. Not only that I have quite number of fans due to my acting field with my love team, Kashiwagi Sakura-chan which the fans called “SakuDrew”. We really do get along since we’ve been together in the acting field for a long time now. For now, I’m preparing for the group’s performance and doing some practices for our drama in these couple of days. Which totally will give me a full schedule.

[END Andrew POV]

[Aiji POV]

And I thought I was late for the practice. Looks like I just made it in time. Time to get serious and give the fans an awesome performance tonight.
Heya! Furukawa Aiji desu! I’m also part of IkemenDol. The fans know me about my perfect blond hair and also known for the group’s megane guy. Since I always wear my megane whether on stage or performing. It’s one of my charm points after all. Tehee~ the truth is I don’t really give something that much for the group because I still give my main priority to modelling. I’m a regular model in a fashion line. Even though I don’t shine that much in the group, the members are really giving me the reason to work hard and also with the fans who truly supports me.

[END Aiji POV]

[Satoshi POV]

Are we done rehearsing for tonight? Hope I’ll give my best for tonight’s performance. Rock n’ Roll? \m/
Yaaa! Satoshi desu! Yamamoto Satoshi! IkemenDol’s silent rocker. Before I entered the group I was from a rock band. After I ended in my rock band I became a silent rocker in the group. I do my part time modelling also. I still do my rock n’ roll style look which made me gain some fans in the group. Never thought having that look will still gave me the confidence to stand out in the group even for a little moment in every performance. Yoshaaa!! \m/

[END Satoshi POV]

[Makoto POV]

Yoshaa! Minna lets gather now… it’s time for our final rehearsals for tonight’s performance! Ikuzo! 1-2-3! Go!
Yaho! IkemenDol’s leader here! Shinoda Makoto desu! I’m the oldest member in the group which made me the leader of the group… but of course that’s not the main reason why I became the group’s leader, it was also because I’m the most responsible member, I guess it’s still related with my age does it? Hahaha! XD
Anyway, I want our group to stand out and have fun while performing as well. IkemenDol, ikuzo! ~

[END Makoto POV]

The group finished their rehearsals then relaxed for a bit and they went on to prepare for tonight’s performance.

[END IkemenDol POV]

Meanwhile at Yuki’s interview…

[Yuki POV]

While I was waiting for my interview I was already in the set and doing for my preparation for the interview.
“Kashiwagi-san, 30 minutes left” the staff said.

As I was waiting for the time, I was wondering where and what time will I meet with Watanabe-san.

“He hasn’t texted me the details for the meeting this weekends. Hope he doesn’t forgets about it… or maybe he will text it later tonight, ehh?! Yuki what are you saying, it’s only a meeting why do I even feel excited for it? I’m sure Watanabe-san won’t forget about it.” I blushed.

“When I talk to Watanabe-san it feels like talking to someone important to me… I mean we just met and worked with each other but I felt being okay with him…”
When I was thinking at that moment… the staff-san begun to call me.

“Kashiwagi-san, you’re up!”
“Hai. Yoroshiko Onegaishimasu.”

I proceed to my interview.

[END Yuki POV]

Meanwhile, after Mayu’s meeting…

[Mayu POV]

“Arghh! Another tiring day! That meeting such a pain in the butt.*sigh*”
I went back to my condo unit which is located here in Tokyo. I go home in my condo on weekdays or work days and I do go home in the mansion in Osaka on weekends. As I went home and rest up in the sofa… I turned on the TV… and I saw IkemenDol ending their performance.
“Oh, it’s those guys… glad they did give a 101% performance tonight. Another point for the idol department. Good Job guys!” I said while tuning on the show.

And I was about to turn off the TV but then I heard something on that made me watch long on the show. Kashiwagi Yuki’s interview is up next.

“Hmmm? I think I’ll check her interview… it’s not like I’m curious about it or anything…”

As I waited… the interview started… it started about how she started in her idol journey up to the success of her career now. They also did some random questions too.

“Kashiwagi-san, just a random question… we noticed that you’re wearing a pinkie ring always on your left hand… what’s the story behind it? If you don’t mind sharing about it.” The interviewer asked.

“Oh about this pinkie ring? I don’t mind sharing the story behind it… let’s see… actually this was given by my close friend back in high school… this was given before he decided to left Japan to study abroad… I wonder if he went back though. Of course, I really consider this item to be one of the important things in my life… because this pinkie ring is also became part with me throughout my idol career.” Kashiwagi said with a smile.

“What a nice backstory, Kashiwagi-san… thank you for sharing it.” Interviewer said.

And finally her interview ended and I turn off the TV.

“Pinkie ring? Left Japan to study abroad? This is not really happening… and that pinkie ring was the same pinkie ring I gave to Yuuchan (O.O) okay, Kashiwagi Yuki… you’re interesting… I think I found Yuuchan… but the thing is… does she even know that I’m back? But for now… I don’t want to shock her about me coming back now… especially now she’s a famous idol… I don’t want to ruin her career.”

As a few minutes of thinking… suddenly I remembered something…

“Y-Yabaii!! I forgot to send the info about my meeting with Kashiwagi-san this weekend!”
I quickly made the info about the meeting and send it to her number as soon as possible.
“Hope she’ll received it… I better go rest now…”

[END Mayu POV]

[Yuki POV]

I just finished my interview for today and I’m heading home… as I approached home I got a message.
I wonder who could It be and ended up with a shocked when I read the sender part.

“Oh! It’s Watanabe-san!” I said while smiling.

As I read the message…

“Konbanwa Kashiwagi-san, Watanabe Marc desu. So here’s the info about our meeting on this coming weekend. We will start at 4pm at xxx Café. Let’s just meet there and discuss what we could discuss about your 3rd solo. See you… Oyasumi.
PS: I watched your interview. Nice work. Otsukaresama! Oyasumi! (★^O^★)
-   Watanabe Marc”

“I knew it, he won’t forget after all… he works like a professional indeed. I see Yuu-kun a lot in him… oh please Yuki… I guess I’m just tired now and I’m thinking random things now… better go to sleep now. Oyasumi, Watanabe-san” I said to myself and I fell asleep.

[END Yuki POV]

Chapter End.

Thanks for reading again!  :bow: :bow: :bow: please do leave a comment~ I think I'll be updating late since my summer classes has started...  :banghead: I'll do my best to update soon... bye for now!  :deco:

~ Yukirin Oshi / Sayumin Oshi ~

Fanfics (MaYuki)

Waiting in that summer..
Love in Okinawa


idolfangirl-ceej // Tumblr.

Offline Chanaline

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Re: [MaYuki] Waiting in that summer.. ~ Chapter 7 ~ -UPDATED-
« Reply #26 on: April 14, 2014, 07:36:19 PM »
Mayu is weird... TELL HER!!!!!!!!!!!

Mayuki = Cutest couple

Married?!-Mayuki fanfic (maybe it will have another pair)

Offline ryu201

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Re: [MaYuki] Waiting in that summer.. ~ Chapter 7 ~ -UPDATED-
« Reply #27 on: April 14, 2014, 08:58:56 PM »
hontoni? ah~ i will so happy if i really give u motivation author-san  :)
just keep writing and i promise u that i will always read ur fiction   :on GJ:

eh?! u will add atsumina for real?!
kyaaaa~ i love u author-san  :ptam-kiss: :luvluv1: :on slopkiss:

ya!!! mayu! what happen to u? she miss u already u know.
go tell her that u back for her already  :on voodoo:
and yuki why u so slow?! he is really ur mayu-kun  :angry:

i really curious about what happen next,please update soon author-san.
i waiting for u,ganbatte ne  :)

Offline MayuxMatsuixMusic

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Re: [MaYuki] Waiting in that summer.. ~ Chapter 7 ~ -UPDATED-
« Reply #28 on: April 14, 2014, 10:38:57 PM »
uwahh~~ at last mayu confirmed it~~

but the problem he decided not to tell it to yuki  mou~~~~ mayu is so kid~~ he really thinks of yuki~~ tsk tsk just confess already XD

can't wait for the next chap :twothumbs :twothumbs
mayuyu and rena is <3

mayuki and mayurena is my fav <3

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: [MaYuki] Waiting in that summer.. ~ Chapter 7 ~ -UPDATED-
« Reply #29 on: April 15, 2014, 04:07:26 AM »
That acsses of Yuki ring.. I think Mayu has figure out

Look forward for the next ch

Offline affiber

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Re: [MaYuki] Waiting in that summer.. ~ Chapter 7 ~ -UPDATED-
« Reply #30 on: April 15, 2014, 12:26:42 PM »
THAT WATANABE MARC!! he better tell Yuki about it!  :bleed eyes: :bleed eyes:
I like how this fic goes~ Waiting for your next update, Mate!  :thumbsup  :lol: :otomerika:

Offline vivinardisa

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Re: [MaYuki] Waiting in that summer.. ~ Chapter 7 ~ -UPDATED-
« Reply #31 on: April 15, 2014, 02:19:35 PM »
Oh~~ looking forward to see what will happen in the meeting  XD

Please update soon  :thumbsup

Offline Ceej!~

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Re: [MaYuki] Waiting in that summer.. ~ Chapter 8 ~ -UPDATED-
« Reply #32 on: April 15, 2014, 07:09:23 PM »
As usual, thank you for the readers who still continues to read my lame fanfic  :nervous  :bow:
Here's Chapter 8! douzo! :jphip:

Chapter 8

At a fancy restaurant the two guys have a business meeting…
Yuuji and John had their meeting for the upcoming fashion event that the two of them needed to discuss.

[Yuko POV]

I meet up with John for his company’s upcoming fashion event and I bring one of the models who would help him with… its Matsui Rena… one of the top models of our company… I’m sure she’ll definitely be a good help with the event.

“John, since we’re here to discuss for the said event… I bring one of the models who would be participating… this is Matsui Rena-chan… one of my company’s top models… and oh wow? What a coincidence you both have the same last name… is John and Rena-chan are somehow related?”

“Ehh?! I’m not related with Matsui-san, Yuuji-san… it’s just a coincidence that we have the share the same last name… oh, a-ano… Hajimemashite, Matsui-san… Matsui Rena desu… Yoroshiko Onegaishimasu!” Rena said while she pulls out her hands toward John.

“Hajimemashite, Matsui Rena… looking forward for you in my company’s fashion event… and yeah, that’s true… we’re not related since this is the first time I met you… is it okay to call you, Rena-chan? Since I kinda get confused since we share the same last name… it feels like I’m calling myself XD and oh you can call me John.” Join said while he shakes hand with her.

“Ahh, yes. Its fine with me… it’s quite confusing to me as well… I’ll do my best, John… yoroshiko!” Rena said.

The two Matsui keep on staring each other after getting to know each other and I approached at them to start discussing the event.

“Uhhmm? A-ano? John? Rena-chan? Can you guys get to know each other after we discuss what we need to discuss?” I said while I cut in to their conversation.

The two let go of their conversation and the both of them slightly blush while looking at each other.

‘hohoho? Looks like the two of them are getting along? Hmmm~ John you better thank me for bringing Rena-chan with me today.’ I thought.

“Okay? Let’s get started…”

As the three of us were discussing about the event…

A girl walked towards our table.

“John, I’m sorry… I just finished with the shoot… did I miss anything?” the girl asked.
‘Who’s that girl? Damnnn?! She’s too pretty… also has a nice body… and o-oshiri… waaa! Yuuji, focus! We have work here… Stop it.’ I thought.
“Oh, Haruna… its fine… glad you made it... oh by the way, this is Yuuji… Oshima Yuuji… the successor of Oshima Entertainment... and he will help us with the upcoming fashion event.” John said.

“Hello, Kojima Haruna… Peach John’s official model ambassadress… Looking forward for your help with the event, Oshima Yuuji-kun.” Haruna said and reach out towards my hand.
“Ahhh… looking forward for the event Kojima Haruna-san.” I said while I hold her soft hands.

‘Damnnn… these hands are too soft and delicate to touch… did I just met an angel?’ I thought.

Both of us kinda hold our hands together for a long time and suddenly.

“Aheem! Yuuji, you can talk with Haruna soon after our meeting IF.YOU.WANT. XD” John said with a smirk.
‘Just returning what you said earlier, dude. Hahaha!’ John thought.

I then let go Haruna’s soft hands and we proceed with our discussion. As time passes by… we manage to finalize everything for the upcoming event and then we just ended our meeting for that day.

“So, I guess that ends our meeting for today… will verify it in a few days… I’ll update you with it, John.”

“Ah, yes… Yoroshiko, Yuuji... thanks for today.” John replied to Yuuji. “And oh, Rena-chan… since it’s almost dinner? Wanna have dinner with me in a famous restaurant I know near here? I’ll also drop you to your home if you want?” John said to Rena.

“Ahh, sure I would love to… thank you for the invitation, John… but what about Yuuji-san and Haruna-san?” Rena asked.

“Oh that, Nee, Yuuji you’re going to have dinner with Haruna too, right? Please do take send her towards her home as well…” John said and he whispered ‘I trust you, Yuuji and what from I see, Haruna’s your type right? Better make your move dude. Please take care of my company’s ambassadress.’ to Yuuji.

“Ehhh?! But?”

“Oh, no buts, Yuuji… Please do enjoy with Haruna.” John said. “Haruna, Yuuji will be treating you dinner and will bring you to your home… please do enjoy the night.” John said to Haruna.

“Well, then see you in a couple of days in the event, dude!” John said.

“Bye, Yuuji-san… Haruna-san.” Rena said while leaving the venue with John.

I and Haruna were left alone in the venue.

“uhhmm? Let’s go? I know a good place…” I said with a smirk.

“Oh, I would love to go, Yuuji-kun… let’s go.” She agreed with a wink in the end.
‘Oh God, why did I end up I even end up being with her for tonight. I’ll do my best to impress her.’ I thought while we both went to the restaurant.

[END Yuuji POV]

Meanwhile with John and Rena…

“So where here… What do you think?” John said.

“Wow! Sugoii… nice place…” Rena said while looking around the place.

“desu yo? Well, feel free to order anything… it’s all in me… since I’m the one who asked you out…” He replied.

Both of them find their table and started to order and after that they received their order and started to talk with each other.

“So? How did you end up working with Yuuji? John asked.
“Ahh, Yuuji-san? I met him before from a fashion event… and since their company are looking for talents I decided to join in their company.” Rena replied.
“Ahh… I see.”

“How about you, John? How’d you and Yuuji-san met?” she asked.
“Me and Yuuji met back in college abroad. Since he is my best friend’s cousin… I get to hang out with him back then and also we got close with each other.”
“Ah. No wonder you two seem to get along well.” She said.

As the two of them enjoy each other’s company… before they finish eating… the two give each other’s contact numbers.
“Here’s my number…” he said.
“Here’s mine. Hope we’ll get in touch, John. Thanks for your treat tonight. Next time, I’m the one who’s going to treat you back.” she said.
“Looking forward for that, Rena-chan. Well, let’s go… I’ll give you a ride home…” he said with a smirk.
“Ahh, thanks… Thank you for tonight, John.” She replied with a warm smile.
“Don’t mention it.” he replied.
‘What an awesome day and a good night to end. I’m glad I met her.’ John thought.

Meanwhile with Yuuji and Haruna…

They arrived in a fancy restaurant that Yuuji often eats dinner when he’s out late for work.

“So, is it okay for you to have dinner here?” Yuuji asked.
“Pretty place… my type of a place… sure let’s have dinner here.” Haruna replied.
“So, please do order what you want… it’s all in me…” he said.
“Honto? Jaa, I’ll take this… and this… oh I want this as well.” she said.
‘Woah? This girl eats that much? Seriously? But she still maintains her body figure… sugoii!’ Yuuji thought.
We waited for our order and the order arrived and we started to eat while having a nice chat with each other.
“So, Haruna, how’d start working under with John’s company?” He asked.

“Ahhh, I’m actually a freelancer model before and I got famous in Tokyo for my modelling and I was then chosen as Peach John’s ambassadress which I accepted it… uhmm? How about you? How did you and John got some connections?” she said.
“Ahh, John is actually my cousin’s best friend… that’s how we met but I ended up being close with him as well since we have some similarities with each other.” he replied.

“I see…”

“Uhmmm? Haruna… can I ask something… can we get to know each other? It was nice meeting you today… I had fun…”
“Sure… I want to get to know you too.”
After that they exchange their numbers to each other.
And Yuuji drove her towards her home.
“I had fun, Yuuji-kun… thanks for tonight and it was nice meeting you.” Haruna said and gave Yuuji a kiss on the cheeks which made him blush.
“Ahhh… sure… anytime… thanks for your time too, Haruna. I had fun… Good night!” Yuuji replied shyly.

“Good night and drive safely back to your home.” She replied and bid goodbye.
And Yuuji drove home… ‘Ahhh! I think I fell in love with her too soon…’ Yuuji thought.

And finally the weekends came… that means it’s time for Yuki and Mayu’s meeting for her 3rd solo.

[Mayu POV]

“The meeting has come… I’m getting nervous with it… even though it’s only a meeting for her 3rd solo… I mean it’s my first time to talk about with regards to her career. But I can’t wait to see her… Oh why? Mayu shut it up… remember to focus with the meeting.”

Mayu waited for Yuki at the said venue…

And finally the girl showed up in the venue wearing a kawaii dress.

I kinda stared at her for a long time…

‘As always… she looks pretty on what she wears… Yuuchan, kawaii!’ I thought.
“I’m sorry to keep you waiting, Watanabe-san.” She said.

“No, you’re just in time… I was a little early…”

After we greeted each other… we ordered something to eat and drink on our discussion.

“So, let’s start with our discussion on your 3rd solo.” I said.
“Yes, let’s start…” she replied.

“Have you choice your set list for the show?” I asked.
“Yes, I did and already completed it.” She replied.

“Oh that’s good.”
We continued to talk until we finally finish everything that’s needed to be discussed for her 3rd solo.
“Watanabe-san, Thanks for today.” She said.

“Nahh, it’s fine… it’s for your career… like I said, I’ll do my best for your career.”

And suddenly we both fell into silence.

“Uhhmmm? Kashiwagi-san… since we’re working with each other now… I want us to be comfortable with each other… and oh, you can call me, Marc from now on… I’m not used to working with someone who’s calling me with my last name… so yeah… Yoroshiko, Kashiwagi-san…”

“I’ll call you “Marc” if you do the same with me… you’ll call me Yuki from now on… since I’m also not used to calling you with your last name too. So same here, Yoroshiko ne, Marc.”

“Wakatta, Let’s do our best, Yuki.”

And suddenly we both looked into each other’s eyes for a long time that made us looked away with each other.
Of course, I kinda blushed back there… it’s been a long time I’ve looked into Yuuchan’s eyes. I badly miss her… but as I did decided… I think it’s not yet the time to reveal everything… Yuuchan’s been working hard for her career… I don’t want to break that… as for now I’ll help her to maintain it… I know one day… she’ll definitely will know it.

“It’s getting late… we better get going.” Yuki said.
“Ahh, let’s go… I’ll give you a ride home.”
We went out of the place and I drove her to her home.
“Thanks for today, Marc… please drive home safely… See you…” Yuki said.
“Same here, thanks for your time, Yuki. See you around…” I said.

‘I’ll see you around, Yuuchan… hope you did enjoy your day… looking forward for your 3rd solo as well.’ I thought.

[END Mayu POV]

Most likely, this chapter was kinda focused with KojiYuu and WMatsui XD
sorry if I did only a few MaYuki moments will do more next chapter. Thank you for reading again!  :bow: :bow: :bow:
Comments are much appreciated. :twothumbs Will update again soon. Bye for now.  :deco:

~ Yukirin Oshi / Sayumin Oshi ~

Fanfics (MaYuki)

Waiting in that summer..
Love in Okinawa


idolfangirl-ceej // Tumblr.

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Re: [MaYuki] Waiting in that summer.. ~ Chapter 8 ~ -UPDATED-
« Reply #33 on: April 15, 2014, 11:27:07 PM »
Mayu just tell her you are Mayu not Marc tsk  tsk

But love this update

Hope in the future they'll have a triple date xD

You're the best ceej-san
mayuyu and rena is <3

mayuki and mayurena is my fav <3

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Re: [MaYuki] Waiting in that summer.. ~ Chapter 8 ~ -UPDATED-
« Reply #34 on: April 16, 2014, 02:43:01 PM »
Ho~~ here comes KojiYu and WMatsui yeay!!!!  :cow:

Wonder what will happen next  :?

Update soon   :thumbsup

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Re: [MaYuki] Waiting in that summer.. ~ Chapter 8 ~ -UPDATED-
« Reply #35 on: April 16, 2014, 08:37:46 PM »
yey! new update.
im so happy with ur fast update  :cow:
keep the good work author-san  :otomerika:

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Re: [MaYuki] Waiting in that summer.. ~ Chapter 8 ~ -UPDATED-
« Reply #36 on: April 17, 2014, 07:33:20 PM »
finally Kojiyuu moment..

aa i hope mayu tell yuki soon

thanks for the update! :twothumbs

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[MaYuki] Waiting in that summer.. ~ Chapter 9 ~ -UPDATED-
« Reply #37 on: April 27, 2014, 03:49:34 PM »
Hi! it's been awhile... Just got back from a writer's block.  :nervous so here's Chapter 9, douzo!  :jphip:

Chapter 9
“Discovering the truth”
Yuki’s solo live was coming in a few more days... at this moment, the Watanabe twins had a magazine interview and got to be on cover since Mayu has been the most talk about since he was going to be Watanabe Pro’s successor in the future.

Some parts on the interview:
Interviewer: Before you leave the country for abroad, where did you last stay in?
Watanabe Marc: My last stay was in Kagoshima. I stayed there since middle school until high school with my grandparents.
Interviewer: Any memorable memories back in Kagoshima?
Watanabe Marc: I do have a lots of unforgettable memories. Let’s see, but there’s one thing that I cannot forget… there’s this girl back then that used to be my first close friend in Kagoshima, we got close to each other back then that we’re inseparable and in such time I did develop a special feeling for her… but eventually I had to leave her due to my studies, but I did promise her that I’ll be back as soon as I can.
Interviewer: Now that your back here in Japan, does that close friend knows that you’re back in the country now?
Watanabe Marc: For now, I think no. I already saw her but I didn’t have a chance on saying to her that I’m here now… As of now, I just don’t want to tell her that I’m back since I don’t want to destroy her life now. Maybe I can be a pain to her if she knows.
=End of interview=

After that interview, the twins decided to have the rest of the time to hangout.

[Mayu POV]
“Nee, niichan! Let’s go have grab something to eat and hang out for now. I really want to catch up on what’s happening to you now.” Miyuki said.
“Okay, Miyuki. Let’s go… I’m getting hungry after that interview.”

At the café…
“So what do you think about the interview early, Niichan?”
“Well, it wasn’t bad… it’s been awhile since I did a photo shoot though.”
“You look good in the shoot, Niichan… it’s our first time on doing a shoot together… also our first cover together. I hope that won’t be the last shoot.”
“Well, I guess not. Since I’m already giving the media some attention about it. Hahaha!”
I was drinking my coffee and suddenly Miyuki let out a question that surprised me.
“Nee, can you tell me something about what happened back in Kagoshima?”
I almost spill my coffee with her question.
“W-What about it, Miyuki?” I asked nervously.
“What you said about the interview? I never thought niichan will have something special moments in Kagoshima… So please if you can tell me about it… Please do tell me, we’re twins after all and don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone about it… it’s only between us… twins only.” She said with a smile.
“Oh, fine… you got me… Yeah, I have some special moments in Kagoshima before… that’s when I first met my first friend there… she became my close friend since then.”
“She’s a girl right? Which means?! Niichan! You had a girlfriend before?!”
“That’s not it! We didn’t get into a relationship… only we have a mutual understanding relationship… and I didn’t even dare on being a relationship with her since I’m still going to leave her in Kagoshima but you know what I think I already found her.”
“Ehh?! Honto ni?! Who is she Niichan?! Oii! Tell me! =A=)/”
“Phewww… Fine… Don’t tell anyone, okay?! You know Kashiwagi Yuki right?”
“The talent you’re handling now, right?”
“Yeah… she’s the one I’ve left in Kagoshima… Yuuchan.”
“Ehhh?! Never thought that’s niichan’s type of girls. Well, if niichan’s happy with her… I’m happy for you… but still she doesn’t know about it, right?”
“Ahhh, yeah… she still doesn’t know about it… I don’t want to ruin her career just because of me. You know the rules of being an idol, right? The love ban rule… I don’t want her to get involved with it. That’s why I’m still waiting for the right time…”
“I understand, niichan… Good Luck with it…”
“Thanks, Miyuki… I’m sure things will work out…”
The two finished their meal and left the café…
“Miyuki, you go ahead home first… I have to gather some things back in the office… I left some of my stuffs there. I’ll see you later…”
“Sure, niichan… later...”

I stopped by my office and grab my stuffs and I noticed a new folder with a note.

On the note:
“Just dropping the photos for a latest magazine shoot. Hope you gave me a comment about it soon.
-   Yuki”

“Oh? From Yuki… what the-  :shocked” and I opened the folder and my face became all red! The photos are all gravure shots for a magazine and all for photos are all Yukirin’s shots in bikini which made me startled when the first time I saw it.

And suddenly somebody went inside my office, it was Yuuji and John.

“Oh! Marc! Good timing you’re here!” John said.
“We have something to talk about. Hey wait a minute… are you sick or something, ‘coz?! Your face is all red all of a sudden.” Yuuji said.
“Ehh?! No. I’m fine, really… nothing to be bothered about my face. hehee…”

And I accidentally let go the folder and all the photos spread on the floor and both of those guys saw everything.

“Hohoho~ no wonder you’re all red all of a sudden, ‘coz.” Yuuji said with a smirk in his face.
“Hahaha! No wonder, we all know that Marc has some weakness with these kind of stuffs… sweet stuff!  :w00t:” John added.
“Uwahhh! It’s not what you think guys! I swear… it’s just my talent who left it here on my desk… and I didn’t even asked her to give me a copy or something…”
“Kashiwagi? Yuki? Oh?! Isn’t she the successful talent of your company now?” Yuuji asked.
“Wait a second?! Kashiwagi Yuki? Isn’t that the girl you always mentioned back in college, Marc?” John added.
“Oii! Can you guys please lower your voices?! Please?!” Okay, okay… yes, she is the company’s successful talent as of now and yes, she’s the Kashiwagi Yuki that I’ve been talking about back in college.”
“EHHH?! So that means you guys finally meet each other again?!” both of the guys said in unison.
“ehee?  :nervous Actually yes, we meet alright but the thing is she doesn’t even had an idea that I’m Watanabe Mayu she knew and I don’t think she doesn’t even remember me…”
“EHHHH!?! You should have told her that you’re back, you baka!” both said in unison.
“Ehh?! Remember guys, she’s an idol! Please do remember the love ban rule… and I’m here to maintain and improve her career status, okay?”
“But Marc… you love her right? Until now right?! for almost 4 years of waiting!”
“I know you still have that feelings for her, ‘coz. I hope you’ll be able to tell her the truth in the end.”
“I will definitely tell her in the right time… but for now I can’t tell her or else something bad might happen. I swear there’s a right time for her to know it… I’m just waiting for the right time.”
“Wish you luck on that, Marc.”
“Yeah, wish you for the best, ‘coz… but seriously… never thought you have a great taste with girls… nice catch, ‘coz” Yuuji said with a smirk while patting Mayu’s shoulder.
“Yeah, pretty much… man! I would die for a girlfriend like that” John added.
“Ehh?! What are you guys saying! Still the perv senses never leaves you guys after all.  :doh:
[END Mayu POV]

As days passed by… rehearsals for Yuki’s concert is also starting…

[Yuki POV]

“Kashiwagi-san, time to practice for the songs on the setlist.” Staff said.
“Okay, let’s start…”

I practiced with my band for the concert after how many hours of rehearsing the band and I myself took a break.
And suddenly Marc appeared in the place.

“Ohayo, Watanabe-san” one of the staffs said.
“Oh, Ohayo… is anything here okay?” Marc asked.
“Ahhh, yes sir. Kashiwagi-san’s doing great with her rehearsals.” Staff replied.
“Oh, that’s good” Marc said.

He went towards to me and sat beside the chair next to me.

“Ohayo, Yuki.”
“Ohayo, Marc… what brings you here?”
“Of course, checking you and your rehearsals, you’re my responsibility after all.”
“Oh… okay…”

After that long pause, he noticed that I was playing the guitar for my song “Rainy Day”.

“So you’re playing a guitar for the concert?”
“Yeah, be playing it while singing ‘Rainy Day’, good thing I kinda got used to it now.”
“Oh? That’s cool… can I check that guitar?”
“Uhmm, sure… here~

I handed the guitar to Marc.

“Ohh? This one’s lighter than I thought… good choice… It’s been awhile since I touch a guitar.”

Then Marc started to play some chords with guitar. He plays the guitar like a pro.

“Ehh? You can tell if the guitar is good or not? And you can play the guitar?!”
“Oh sorry, looks like a guitar geek side went out XD I used to play the guitar back in college… just a hobby though… I had a band before but mostly I only do the vocals.”
“Oh? sugoii… never thought you have a band before… I can’t even imagine you in a band, Marc.” I jokingly said to him.
“Ehh?! I’m not that bad. Music is really a big part of me after all.”
“Fine… I believe yah…”
“Well, anyway… I have to go… I have an appointment. Good Luck with your rehearsals and also for the concert.”
“Ahh, yeah… I better get back to practicing as well… See yah around Marc.”

Marc bid her goodbye and she went back to practice.

After the rehearsals for today, the staff handed over a magazine to me which the cover of the magazine was the Watanabe Twins, Miyuki and Marc.
“It’s Sir Marc and Ms. Miyuki’s magazine cover for the promotion of the company, the other staffs are giving it to everybody who’s involved with the company… so you take one, Kashiwagi-san.”

I was staring on the cover… especially staring towards Marc… He’s so handsome in the cover.  :bleed eyes:

“Uhmm? Kashiwagi-san, are you okay?” the staff said.
“Oh, yeah… I’m fine… thanks for this.”

The staff left me in the room and I started to read the magazine until I reach to this part of Marc’s interview:

“Interviewer: Before you leave the country for abroad, where did you last stay in?
Watanabe Marc: My last stay was in Kagoshima. I stayed there since middle school until high school with my grandparents.
Interviewer: Any memorable memories back in Kagoshima?
Watanabe Marc: I do have a lots of unforgettable memories. Let’s see, but there’s one thing that I cannot forget… there’s this girl back then that used to be my first close friend in Kagoshima, we got close to each other back then that we’re inseparable and in such time I did develop a special feeling for her… but eventually I had to leave her due to my studies, but I did promise her that I’ll be back as soon as I can.
Interviewer: Now that your back here in Japan, does that close friend knows that you’re back in the country now?
Watanabe Marc: For now, I think no. I already saw her but I didn’t have a chance on saying to her that I’m here now… As of now, I just don’t want to tell her that I’m back since I don’t want to destroy her life now. Maybe I can be a pain to her if she knows.”

After that, I was really curious about that part… He knows someone back in Kagoshima? He also did study there? I wonder what school though? And after that he also leave the country for studies like Yuu-kun. Now this is confusing… now I’m starting to think that Marc and Mayu are the same person…

After giving some deep thoughts I just stop on thinking about it.

“Mouu, I have to forget about this for now… I need to focus for the upcoming concert. After this, I swear I’ll investigate about this.”
[End Yuki POV]

After a few days passed Yuki’s concert finally came.

A lot of fans went to the said event and the concert was totally a big success to her career.
After the concert, backstage.

“Kashiwagi-san, Omedetto on your concert!” one of the staffs said to her.
“Ahh… Arigato… uhmm? Did Marc visit here?”
“Uhmm? Didn’t you heard the news yet? Sir Marc got sick and he was asked to stay at his home in Osaka. Anyway, I have to fix something, Kashiwagi-san.”

And the staff left her.

“Ehh?! Marc got sick... No wonder when we last me his face was kinda sick. I’ll pay him a visit in Osaka. He’s the reason why the concert went successful after all.”

After that everything was settled, Yuki went to Osaka to visit Marc in Watanabe’s Mansion.
Finally she did arrived in the mansion without any problem. Then she click on the door bell and a girl open the door.

“Oh? Can I help you?” the girl asked.
“Oh? I’m here to visit Watanabe Marc. I heard he’s sick, I just want to pay him a visit.”
“Oh? You’re here to visit niichan? You’re Kashiwagi Yuki, right?!” the girl asked.
“Oh, right… Hajimemashite… Watanabe Miyuki desu. I’m Watanabe Marc’s twin sister.”
“Oh yeah, I know you… you’re in the modelling department in the company and also a well-known model, Hajimemashite, Miyuki-san.”
“You can call me Miyuki, Kashiwagi-san.”
“Oh same with me, you can call me, Yuki.”
“Oh yes, please come in, Yuki.”

Yuki went inside the mansion and was amaze on what’s inside the Watanabe Mansion.

“I’m glad someone visited niichan… oh here’s niichan’s room, you go ahead first Yuki while I get some refreshments.”

Then Miyuki left Yukirin in front of Marc’s room. Yuki knocked the door but there’s no response. She decided to go inside the room and she saw Marc on his bed sleeping. Then she sat down on a chair next to Marc’s bed.

“Nee, Marc. The concert was successful… thanks to you… Congrats to us.” Yuki whispered to sleeping Marc.

Then she begun to explore Marc’s room with her head roaming around the room and she saw next to Marc’s bed was a picture frame… She then looks closely to the picture frame and she got shocked on what she saw… it was Watanabe Mayu and her back in high school.

‘Y-Yuu-kun?! And that’s me… why does Marc has this photo?! Watanabe Marc, what’s your connection with Watanabe Mayu?  :?’ I thought.

And suddenly Miyuki went inside the room with the refreshments.

“Oh? sorry for making you wait, Yuki… looks like niichan’s still asleep… good thing he recovered soon with he’s sickness… oh I’m really worried of him.”
“Oh, its fine, Miyuki.”

Then the two of the girls start eating while chatting random things with each other.

“Looks like Marc’s going to sleep for a long time… I better get going too, it’s getting late. Thanks for letting me inside here, Miyuki.”
“Oh, it’s fine, Yuki… you can visit here anytime… feel free.”
“Well, Bye… and thanks again.”

Before Yuki left, Miyuki grabbed her hand.

“Uhmmm, take this, Yuki…”

Miyuki handed a CD to Yuki.

“What’s this Miyuki?”
“Oh, it’s some performances that might help you in the future. Please do check it out soon.”
“Oh? I will… thanks for this… I’m sure this will help. Anyway, see you.”

Yuki left the mansion.

‘Please do check it, Yuki… hope that would help Niichan for making a move.’ Miyuki thought.

After her visit to the mansion she went back to her home in Tokyo.
She went inside and Natsuo and Sakura greeted their Oneechan.

“Okaeri, Neechan!” Natsuo and Sakura greeted in unison.
“Tadaima Natsuo, Sakura… I’ll leave you guys for a while… I need to check something… I’ll be in my room.” Yuki replied.

She then went to her room and check out the CD that Miyuki gave to her earlier.
The video started to play and it was Marc with his band back in college.

“Ehhh?! It’s Marc?! And his band… why did Miyuki gave this to me… I better check this.”

As Yuki watched the video and there’s was a part that gave Yuki a shocked.  :O

In the video:
MC part:
“Uhmmm? Hai! I'm Watanabe Mayu Marc! Of course most of you guys calls me Marc. So, I wrote this song for someone special to me back in Kagoshima, Japan… she’s really special to me… I hope one day, she’ll get to hear this song… Kashiwagi Yuki… this one’s for you… kiite kudasai “My Sweet Baby”.

Then he begun to sang.

"My baby, sweet baby
I see you smiling when I close my eyes
’cause I miss you, I need you right now

"tadaima" moroku ni ienakute gomen ne
Never knew I’d make you feel lonely
kuchiguse no "tsukareta" mo boku wa iisugi dane…
kaeri wo matsu hou ga tsurai no ni…
(For my fragile heart not saying "I'm back", I'm sorry
Never knew I'd make you feel lonely
My way of saying "I'm tired" is past now
The way I was waiting to return was painful.)

and we’re back to screaming
sasai na koto de mata
can’t stop the rain
so tagai ni yuzurazu ni kigatsukeba
together again
’cause only you can drive me crazy
(And we're Back to Screaming
The trivial thing
Can't stop the rain yet
So we both surrender
Together again
'cause only you can drive me crazy)

my baby, sweet baby oh
itsumo sunao ni dekinai boku wo
anata wa yasashiku tsutsunde kureru yuiitsu no hito dayo
(My baby, sweet baby oh
You're always unable to be honest with me
Your gentle shyness makes you unique.)

do you believe in destiny
’cause I can’t deny, baby you and I
naze bokura ga koko ni iru no ka?
(Do you believe in destiny?
'cause I can't deny, baby you and I
Why are we living here?)

deau beki futari ga deatta to shitara bokura
donna konnan mo koereru ne?
(If the two of us must meet by chance,
what kind of other difficulties must be surpassed?)
tsugou yoku kangaete
mata kimi wo komarasete
sonna fuu ni kyou mo mata boku wa kimi ni amaesugi
’cause only I can drive you crazy
(Think about the conveniences well
You are still troubled
That kind of thinking, I still depend on you too much even today
'cause Only I can't drive you crazy!)

my baby, sweet baby tte kore kara mo saki isshou kimi ni
iitai!! tte boku wa kokoro karasou omou ndayo
(My baby, sweet baby, After this I want to talk to the future you!!
That is what my heart tells me)

naa baby, please tell me? oh
kotoba janakute ii kara
tada tonari de hohoen de kurereba sore dake de ii kara sa!!
(Naa Baby, Please tell me? oh
Because it's fine without words
Being next to you smiling is my only wish.)

the world’s in a hurry
bokura no jikan wa tomete okou
there’s nothing to worry
toki wa bokura wo tsuresare wa shinai yo
(The world's in a hurry
Our time has been stopped early
There's nothing to worry
Time won't lead us apart.)

My Sweet Baby ♪”

“Thank you so much!”
And then the video ended.

Yuki’s tears just simply went out in her eyes.
“Finally, I see you again Watanabe Marc- oh no… Watanabe Mayu… Yuukun.”

Chapter End.
A/N: insert song: My Sweet Baby by ONE OK ROCK. one of my fave bands :twothumbs inside the parenthesis "()" is the translations.
Thanks for reading, please do leave some comments. Until next time~  :bow: :bow: :bow:

~ Yukirin Oshi / Sayumin Oshi ~

Fanfics (MaYuki)

Waiting in that summer..
Love in Okinawa


idolfangirl-ceej // Tumblr.

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Re: [MaYuki+other pairs] Waiting in that summer.. ~ Chapter 9 ~ -UPDATED-
« Reply #38 on: April 27, 2014, 04:54:18 PM »
 :on gay: ah finally new update..
and yuki ganbate ne!!  :gmon sweet:

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Re: [MaYuki+other pairs] Waiting in that summer.. ~ Chapter 9 ~ -UPDATED-
« Reply #39 on: April 27, 2014, 05:36:39 PM »
Yeiiii  :cow:
Finally yukirin knew Marc is Mayu  :hip smile:

Wait for next update  :hip smile:

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