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Author Topic: Happily Ever After (8 Chapters)  (Read 47990 times)

Offline Pharadox

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Happily Ever After (8 Chapters)
« on: April 07, 2008, 05:30:05 AM »
Chapter 1: The Swallowing Darkness

   Turning abruptly around in one spot on both feet in circles, Sayaka searched  the crowded street  for the tall girl she’d know anywhere, no matter what amount of disguise. She saw people everywhere… tiny, petite and admittedly attractive girls with subtle curves, equally tiny, petite boys that did very little to peak her interest, and the elderly inevitably filling their street-side stalls, calling out the bargains for the day. But where was the one of all these-- that tall gorgeous girl she had come to know so well-- she really longed to see?

   Sayaka willed the streets to empty, the people parting before her eyes as the red sea  in Biblical stories she had read once upon a time, and yet they continued to mill about her in annoying circles, their laughter and chatter as persistent as the buzzing of a fly in her ear.

   Removing herself from the restless churning of the crowd, she stepped to the side and with an impatient groan, threw herself face-first against the outer wall of some store with some name she did not care even close enough to know the name of. Turning around, she flopped against the wall on her back, arms splayed so that she felt the chilled grainy surface prick her bare skin.

   “Where is she?” As soon as the words had left her mouth, a hand was on hers, its fingers linking firmly between hers, and she was plucked from the wall. Yanked forward and away, her eyes flitted in their sockets for a moment of surprise before coming to focus on the blonde head bobbing before her.

   A smile flew across her lips and she felt every annoyance of the day fade away and for all she cared, even as they weaved together through the crowded street, not a single person remained there but the two of them.

   Suddenly she was jerked around a corner and following the girl into a narrow, deserted ally. Emboldened by the sudden isolation the ally afforded them, Sayaka pulled back on the long-fingered, slender hand that linked the two together and curled the palm of her other hand against the girl’s hip.

   With a firm nudge, she guided the girl to the ally wall, capturing her there between it and her body. Her hand slipped upward, beginning at the waist, sweeping shoulder blade, gliding across neck, and thrusting into the hair at the nape of her  neck. She tugged, bringing the girl’s lips quickly to hers.

   It was a kiss she knew so well, but those lips set her entire body on fire as much as, if not more than they had before, every time. Her body softened, fitting to the body against hers and her head fell to the side, coming to rest on shoulder. It was then that she felt the rigidity.

   Startled, she lifted her head and looked into the eyes of her first friend and lover. Tentatively-- this was the only girl, the only person she’d ever known that could bring out any sort of tentative nature in her-- she asked, “What’s wrong…?” and felt her stomach lurch when the girl broke the gaze, averting her eyes. A moment of silence that felt like eternity passed between them, before the words were said. “Saya… I’ve met someone else.”

   In that moment, her entire life came before her eyes-- every moment they’d spent together since they were babies, through childhood, the fame that had nearly ended them, the leadership responsibilities that had kept them apart for weeks at a time, and all that had brought them to this moment.

   For the second time in her life, tears formed, filled her eyes to the brim, and then spilled over with equal amounts of the shattering pain and unending love she felt at that moment. She choked on the name “Yossie…” before her body went limp, the ground fell away beneath her feet, and she was swallowed up in darkness.


Hello! Welcome to my fanfic, Happily Ever After. I know, the title's really corny. But I was just about to post this when I realized I didn't have a name for it and just came up with something quickly.  :lol: Anyway, this is my first H!P fanfic! I was inspired by someone to write this. So here it is.

Some hints for the future: 1) Sayaka is not an idol. 2) The person that Yossie has met is.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2008, 10:20:28 PM by Pharadox »

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Re: Happily Ever After
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2008, 07:23:12 AM »
Hey Pharadox!

Very nicely done start you have here  :yep:  *gasp* Yossi dumps childhood friend and lover for an H!P member?? Sayaka probably just felt like her entire world was destroyed  :cry: But at the same time, I'm really eager to find out who the girl Yossi met is  :O

Anyway, you have a way of writing that just seems to flow and everything just fits together really well. You definately have a way with words that makes me want to keep reading!!  :D  *waits for update*

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Re: Happily Ever After
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2008, 07:44:32 AM »

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Pharadox

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Re: Happily Ever After
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2008, 02:16:15 PM »
Hey Pharadox!

Very nicely done start you have here  :yep:  *gasp* Yossi dumps childhood friend and lover for an H!P member?? Sayaka probably just felt like her entire world was destroyed  :cry: But at the same time, I'm really eager to find out who the girl Yossi met is  :O

Anyway, you have a way of writing that just seems to flow and everything just fits together really well. You definately have a way with words that makes me want to keep reading!!  :D  *waits for update*

Aww. That's sweet. I'm thrilled you like it so far! :) I will get an update up as soon as possible.


I really don't know whether that's a good or bad response.  :lol:

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Re: Happily Ever After
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2008, 04:13:16 PM »
Ooh! Pharohs fic!

Its well written! It just goes and then you'll just want it to continue more. At first I thought Sayaka was 'Sayaka Ichii' but guess you cleared that out for me. Wow childhood friends huh? And then suddenly dumped.  :doh: poor Saya.. I wonder who Yossie met... hmmm

Ishiyoshi~ DEF.DIVA~ GAM~ hANGRY&ANGRY <33

Offline Pharadox

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Re: Happily Ever After
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2008, 10:25:41 PM »
Chapter 2: A Thousand Voiceless Reasons

   Hitomi had seen her cry only once before and that had been when Kouta died. Sayaka didn’t have any siblings of her own, so he’d been the closest thing she knew to a brother. That was one thing she had always admired about Sayaka—she was strong. Together they had been even stronger.

   So, when Hitomi heard her name burst as a sob from Sayaka’s lips, it fractured her heart into pieces that might never be whole again. She felt tears forming at the corners of her eyes and closed them, willing them not to fall. Suddenly the strength that they had once given each other was gone, replaced by the painful truth of a single admission. Nothing could ever be the same between them again.

   Just as she was sure the tears would break their lidded barrier and fall, she felt Sayaka slump forward and drop with the distinctive thud of skull against concrete. Alarmed, Hitomi cried out “Saya!” and dropped to her knees at her side. Crouching over her, she slid her arms around the small, remarkably light body and lifted it onto her lap, cradling Sayaka’s head against her chest. She laid the palm of her hand delicately upon the center of the girl’s chest and breathed a sigh of relief: a heart, slow and steady, beat there.

   Sayaka’s eyes blinked open and peered up into Hitomi’s, registering at first the girl she loved and in the very next second, the pain. There in her arms, Hitomi’s strong Sayaka trembeled and in a voice that wavered on the edge of a whisper, asked “Why, Yossie? I love you… so much…”

   All will and any strength that may have remained within her up until that point died away as the tears began to steadily force their way to the surface and trickle down Hitomi’s cheeks like heavy drops of dew on blades of grass in the morning. There were so many reasons and not a single one of them meant she no longer loved Sayaka as much as she always had and always would.

   She found herself mute, unable to voice the thousands of reasons that had been tormenting her, rolling and thundering like waves crashing against rock for months in her mind. She moved to take Sayaka’s hands in hers, to help her to feet, but the girl flinched, jerking her hands away as if burnt. “No” she gasped, the flow of tears suddenly ebbing, and she repeated herself more firmly, as a command. “No.”

   With that one word said, Sayaka wrenched herself free, jumped up onto her feet, turned abruptly on her heel, and bolted away as quickly from the alley as they had entered into it together. Yet, even in that moment, as Hitomi helplessly watched the girl she would always love run from her, another girl lingered like the scent of roses in her mind…


In the next chapter, the mysterious "other woman" will be revealed. Haha.

Offline Pharadox

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Re: Happily Ever After
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2008, 02:20:49 AM »
Ooh! Pharohs fic!

Its well written! It just goes and then you'll just want it to continue more. At first I thought Sayaka was 'Sayaka Ichii' but guess you cleared that out for me. Wow childhood friends huh? And then suddenly dumped.  :doh: poor Saya.. I wonder who Yossie met... hmmm

I'm so happy you're reading and you like it. I promise you will find out who Yossie met soon. :)

Offline Grisours

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Re: Happily Ever After
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2008, 02:35:03 AM »
I feel sad for Sayaka, but I'm also extremely curious. I wanna know who Yossi met! Sayaka seemed like she was really important to her, so this new person must be extremely important...
Keep it up! :grin:

Offline JFC

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Re: Happily Ever After
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2008, 04:29:21 AM »
Yossi =  :pen_cry:

Sayaka =  :mon runcry:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Pharadox

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Re: Happily Ever After
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2008, 06:54:57 AM »
Chapter 3: Why did you go so far away?

   She fiddled with the small heart pendant suspended on a chain around her neck, stroking it delicately and thinking of the one who had given it to her. She smiled softly and closed her eyes, conjuring an image in her mind of the beautiful girl who wore the matching pendent, a secret communication between the two of them that silently spoke of how they had felt about each other for so long.

   It had begun eight years ago-- years that felt like days now when she looked back on them. The public had paired them just as they had paired Nozomi-chan and Ai-chan. Yet, while those two were likened to inseparable, incorrigible twins, she and Hitomi had immediately adapted very distinct, opposite public identities. Kakkoii and Kawaii, they complimented each other in a way that caught attention, started rumors, and guaranteed they would be drawn together again and again throughout their idol careers.

   It was only a joke in the beginning. The pairing amused them-- they amused each other. They gave the public something to talk about: a flirtation here, a timid blush there, an arm around a waist, a hand laid upon the slope of a hip, and so many “meaningful looks” exchanged between them.

   She wasn’t even certain when it had become more than a game and laughter at the public’s expense. She only knew that for years they were together, until the time came when that changed and suddenly she knew it was more with every fiber of her being.

itsumo  zutto  issho yatta kara
kizukahen katta...
nande  tooku ni itte moutan?

   Those words had haunted her-- to a degree, she’d willingly left. She had graduated from Morning Musume, run from her feelings to whatever unit Up-Front would willingly send her, put a smile on her face, a twinkle in her eyes, and used those things as a wall around her heart. But whatever barrier she put up could not shut out what had already found its place very deep inside. And that was where Hitomi had remained ever since.

   Rika heard someone enter the room from behind, then felt arms encircle her waist from behind her. Long fingers glided her hips and stomach, pulling her possessively into the crevasses of a body she knew by touch alone. Lips swept the side of her neck as she turned in the circle of arms to face the owner of the matching necklace. A smile flicked across her face for only a moment before she saw Hitomi’s eyes, twisted with sadness and longing, searching her own.

   “Yossie, tell me what happ--” Rika was silenced, lips suddenly upon hers in devouring, desperate hunger. Hitomi’s fingers pressed into the small of Rika’s back, molding their bodies together so that she could not have said where one ended and the other began. She thrust Rika back against the make-up counter, bending her over it as her lips traveled her neck wetly, from the sensitive spot beneath her earlobe, to the soft underside of her chin, and finally the delicate dip where cleavage met lace. Moaning, Rika lifted herself up onto the counter and braced against the mirror, winding her legs around Hitomi’s waist to draw her closer with them.

   That was the moment a knob was turned, a door creaked open, and Okada Yui peered into the room. Yui’s  eyes shot open in surprise, her face lit a fiery crimson red, and she murmured a hurried “SorryjustwantedtospeaktoRika. IwillKNOCKnexttime.” as she all but dove back out of the room, slamming the door in her urgency to disappear as quickly as possible.

   Stunned, Rika and Hitomi stared after Yui and then the empty spot where she had stood just seconds before. They silently turned to face each other in wide-eyed surprise. Slowly the lines of their lips softened, turned up at the corners, and finally broke open in waves of laughter.

   Hitomi flopped down into the nearest chair, tugged Rika onto her lap, and kissed her full on the lips with a chuckle. “That was priceless.”


Is there really any other pairing but Yossie and Rika? It should have been obvious.  :wub: Haha.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2008, 11:30:25 AM by Pharadox »

Offline Pharadox

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Re: Happily Ever After
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2008, 07:02:57 AM »
I feel sad for Sayaka, but I'm also extremely curious. I wanna know who Yossi met! Sayaka seemed like she was really important to her, so this new person must be extremely important...
Keep it up! :grin:

Yeah, Saya's really getting the short end of the stick so far.  :-\ But... the story's not over yet, so who knows what will happen.

Yossi =  :pen_cry:

Sayaka =  :mon runcry:

Haha. Hahahaha. That was great.

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Re: Happily Ever After
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2008, 08:14:10 AM »
O.M.G!!!!! Where the hell have you been all my life? :love:

This story is AMAZING so far. The way you write is so intense, rich and full of detail! Being that I'm a HUGE 1444 fan that last chapter just KILLED ME XDXDXDXDXD KI-LL-ED ME! I haven't been this amazed by an Ishiyoshi Chapter like that in a good while. I love it to bits and pieces, I just wanna read and reread it over and over again untill i get bored. Not to mention that they way you described Rika falling in love was pure  :inlove:.

What's funny is that today I was complain to a fellow author that I'm in the mood for a good romantic, passionate and maybe even epic Ishiyoshi scene. Glad to see someone deliver it!

I barely know you and I already  :heart: you

KEEP WRITING! For my sake  :'(
« Last Edit: April 08, 2008, 08:16:42 AM by poets »
Rika <3 So funneh

Offline Pharadox

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Re: Happily Ever After
« Reply #12 on: April 08, 2008, 11:33:09 AM »
O.M.G!!!!! Where the hell have you been all my life? :love:

This story is AMAZING so far. The way you write is so intense, rich and full of detail! Being that I'm a HUGE 1444 fan that last chapter just KILLED ME XDXDXDXDXD KI-LL-ED ME! I haven't been this amazed by an Ishiyoshi Chapter like that in a good while. I love it to bits and pieces, I just wanna read and reread it over and over again untill i get bored. Not to mention that they way you described Rika falling in love was pure  :inlove:.

What's funny is that today I was complain to a fellow author that I'm in the mood for a good romantic, passionate and maybe even epic Ishiyoshi scene. Glad to see someone deliver it!

I barely know you and I already  :heart: you

KEEP WRITING! For my sake  :'(

Wow, thank you so much! This really encourages me to keep going. I hope you keep enjoying my fanfic this much in the future.  XD

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Re: Happily Ever After
« Reply #13 on: April 08, 2008, 12:14:23 PM »
Is there really any other pairing but Yossie and Rika? It should have been obvious.  :wub: Haha.

I couldn't agree more  :gmon twirl:

You've gotten yourself another reader here. I'll definitely be watching this thread. The way you write Yossi and Rika falling in love is just so beautiful~  :gmon love2: great work!

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Re: Happily Ever After
« Reply #14 on: April 08, 2008, 01:59:24 PM »
Awww~! Ishiyoshi!!  :heart: It's Rika-chan after all!
I swear, you make my day everyday!!  :D

Yui's awkward entrance was awesome!

itsumo  zutto  issho yatta kara
kizukahen katta...
nande  tooku ni itte moutan?
Osaka koi no uta??

I feel so sorry for Sayaka. I don't think she can go between Yossie and Rika..  :'(

Ishiyoshi~ DEF.DIVA~ GAM~ hANGRY&ANGRY <33

Offline Pharadox

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Re: Happily Ever After
« Reply #15 on: April 08, 2008, 02:46:59 PM »
Is there really any other pairing but Yossie and Rika? It should have been obvious.  :wub: Haha.

I couldn't agree more  :gmon twirl:

You've gotten yourself another reader here. I'll definitely be watching this thread. The way you write Yossi and Rika falling in love is just so beautiful~  :gmon love2: great work!

Writing them falling in-love is a lot of fun, as well. :) I'm so happy you're enjoying it! I hope I can continue to entertain you with this story!

Awww~! Ishiyoshi!!  :heart: It's Rika-chan after all!
I swear, you make my day everyday!!  :D

Yui's awkward entrance was awesome!

itsumo  zutto  issho yatta kara
kizukahen katta...
nande  tooku ni itte moutan?
Osaka koi no uta??

I feel so sorry for Sayaka. I don't think she can go between Yossie and Rika..  :'(

Osaka Koi no Uta, it is. :D And yeah, as much as I have to admit I enjoy writing Yossie and Rika passionately grappling at each other, my favorite part was actually the YUI entrance. It's so damn funny. :lol:

Whether or not Sayaka can come between them, it doesn't mean she won't try...

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Re: Happily Ever After (3 Chapters)
« Reply #16 on: April 08, 2008, 03:38:15 PM »
Whether or not Sayaka can come between them, it doesn't mean she won't try...
lol is that a hint of one of your future chapters?  XD

Ishiyoshi~ DEF.DIVA~ GAM~ hANGRY&ANGRY <33

Offline Pharadox

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Re: Happily Ever After (3 Chapters)
« Reply #17 on: April 08, 2008, 03:42:05 PM »
Whether or not Sayaka can come between them, it doesn't mean she won't try...
lol is that a hint of one of your future chapters?  XD

Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I guess you'll see, won't you?  :lol:

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Re: Happily Ever After (3 Chapters)
« Reply #18 on: April 08, 2008, 07:17:59 PM »
Now we know who the new girl is... Rika!  :otomerika:
Well, it isn't that hard to guess, really... As you said, it should have been obvious!
The last chapter started romantic and kinda sad, but it ended really funny!

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Re: Happily Ever After (3 Chapters)
« Reply #19 on: April 08, 2008, 08:04:02 PM »
Great chapter! Nice to see a new writer on board and to quote a certain someone...  that ending "was priceless  :pig laugh:

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