Chapter 1: The Swallowing Darkness
Turning abruptly around in one spot on both feet in circles, Sayaka searched the crowded street for the tall girl she’d know anywhere, no matter what amount of disguise. She saw people everywhere… tiny, petite and admittedly attractive girls with subtle curves, equally tiny, petite boys that did very little to peak her interest, and the elderly inevitably filling their street-side stalls, calling out the bargains for the day. But where was the one of all these-- that tall gorgeous girl she had come to know so well-- she really longed to see?
Sayaka willed the streets to empty, the people parting before her eyes as the red sea in Biblical stories she had read once upon a time, and yet they continued to mill about her in annoying circles, their laughter and chatter as persistent as the buzzing of a fly in her ear.
Removing herself from the restless churning of the crowd, she stepped to the side and with an impatient groan, threw herself face-first against the outer wall of some store with some name she did not care even close enough to know the name of. Turning around, she flopped against the wall on her back, arms splayed so that she felt the chilled grainy surface prick her bare skin.
“Where is she?” As soon as the words had left her mouth, a hand was on hers, its fingers linking firmly between hers, and she was plucked from the wall. Yanked forward and away, her eyes flitted in their sockets for a moment of surprise before coming to focus on the blonde head bobbing before her.
A smile flew across her lips and she felt every annoyance of the day fade away and for all she cared, even as they weaved together through the crowded street, not a single person remained there but the two of them.
Suddenly she was jerked around a corner and following the girl into a narrow, deserted ally. Emboldened by the sudden isolation the ally afforded them, Sayaka pulled back on the long-fingered, slender hand that linked the two together and curled the palm of her other hand against the girl’s hip.
With a firm nudge, she guided the girl to the ally wall, capturing her there between it and her body. Her hand slipped upward, beginning at the waist, sweeping shoulder blade, gliding across neck, and thrusting into the hair at the nape of her neck. She tugged, bringing the girl’s lips quickly to hers.
It was a kiss she knew so well, but those lips set her entire body on fire as much as, if not more than they had before, every time. Her body softened, fitting to the body against hers and her head fell to the side, coming to rest on shoulder. It was then that she felt the rigidity.
Startled, she lifted her head and looked into the eyes of her first friend and lover. Tentatively-- this was the only girl, the only person she’d ever known that could bring out any sort of tentative nature in her-- she asked, “What’s wrong…?” and felt her stomach lurch when the girl broke the gaze, averting her eyes. A moment of silence that felt like eternity passed between them, before the words were said. “Saya… I’ve met someone else.”
In that moment, her entire life came before her eyes-- every moment they’d spent together since they were babies, through childhood, the fame that had nearly ended them, the leadership responsibilities that had kept them apart for weeks at a time, and all that had brought them to this moment.
For the second time in her life, tears formed, filled her eyes to the brim, and then spilled over with equal amounts of the shattering pain and unending love she felt at that moment. She choked on the name “Yossie…” before her body went limp, the ground fell away beneath her feet, and she was swallowed up in darkness.
Hello! Welcome to my fanfic, Happily Ever After. I know, the title's really corny. But I was just about to post this when I realized I didn't have a name for it and just came up with something quickly.

Anyway, this is my first H!P fanfic! I was inspired by someone to write this. So here it is.
Some hints for the future: 1) Sayaka is not an idol. 2) The person that Yossie has met is.