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Author Topic: This Thing Called Love(UPDATED 11/26/14) [COMPLETE]  (Read 151414 times)

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This Thing Called Love(UPDATED 11/26/14) [COMPLETE]
« on: November 22, 2008, 05:14:50 PM »

“This is so unfair!” I scream

I’m so angry; I slam my fist as hard as I could against the table. It makes my plate and cup rattle. I look across the table to my parents, the reason why I’m this angry. And they look back just as angry as me, but I really don’t care about that. This is one of those times where I won’t keep my mouth shut, even if I disrespect my parents. I go to protest some more, but my dad isn’t having any of that this time. He talks before I could even get a word in.

“We’ve warned you before, Reina.” He interrupts

I roll my eyes. I already know how this talk will end. We’ve done it hundreds of times before. They’ve said this so many times I’m starting to get bored of it. But that doesn’t seem to stop my dad from ranting though and say it again.

“You get into trouble at school again and we would send you to live with your uncle in Tokyo.”

Like I said; “Unfair!”  Only it doesn’t seem that way to my parents. For some reason they get this crazy idea that this is something good for me. I guess they think it might change me. I don’t need changing I just need better luck! My dad leans forward in his chair. He’s so angry it looks like a vein is about to burst from his head any minute. I don’t think I’ve seen him this angry before. This might be serious after all. He looks me right in the eyes to be sure I’m listening. I look back at him with the same glare.

“You managed to get into trouble and get expelled in the same day! This is the third time you’ve been expelled!”

I lean back into my chair and fold my arms over my chest. Big deal, three isn’t so much and I have good reasons to them all. Well…reasons that I consider to be good. I frown and shift forward in my seat too. Let’s see if this reason will get me out of it.

“That guy deserved it! He groped my butt!” 

See, that seemed like to be a good enough reason for me to sock him a good one in his jaw, but my dad doesn’t seem to agree. Crap there goes my only way out. My dad places a hand to his throbbing head annoyed. This might be his last straw.

“He ended up being in coma!”

I flinch. Ok, so the hit was a little too hard than I intended. And the coma thing wasn’t supposed to happen, but I don’t take groping lightly! That guy was an asshole to begin with. He groped most of the girls at school and there was no WAY I was going to be his little defenseless victim. Not on my watch! So I hit him. I won’t tell my parents that, but I do end up saying something worse. Here I go shoving my foot up my ass than it already is and not thinking.

“He woke up the next day. I don’t see the big deal.”

Me and my big mouth…yep, always making the hole deeper just when it needs to be. My dad is fed up and with both his hands he slams the table twice as hard as me with such a force that some of the dishes fell and broke. I jump back startled. He was beyond angry. His face was starting to go red too.

“That’s besides the point! We moved you to a different school to stop the problem, but it looks like it just keeps coming back.” He sighs shaking his head. Man is he really disappointed. I kind of feel bad. He didn’t speak after that, obviously he was too angry to. We sat in silence for a second.


I look to my mom. She sat there most of the time next to my dad quietly. She sounds just as sad and upset as him too. She gave me one of her caring smiles before she spoke. I think I’m in for it now.

“We love you and we’ve tried very hard to keep you out of trouble, but no matter how hard we try, trouble always finds you.” I try to oblige, but she raises a hand cutting me off. What is it with everyone cutting me off today?!

“We know you don’t mean to.” She took the words right out of my mouth. All I can do now is listen. “But this is our last option. Try to understand.”

My stomach twists into a tight knot. This is not good. She’s talking like this is my death sentences and I can’t work around it. I don’t like how this is turning out. Please don’t tell me what I think you’re saying. I’m nearly on the edge of my seat waiting for her to confirm what I think she’s about to say.

“You will be living with your uncle for one year.”

There she said it! My eyes open so wide after that they were about to pop out. My mouth is also hung open in total shock. My mom looks down to her plate. I can’t be hearing this right. Did she just say a year? A year as in…TWELVE whole months?! I try to speak, because I feel that I need to say something even if I know it’s hopeless. My dad only comes in again to stop me.

“Don’t you say a word! This was a hard decision for the both of us, but we feel it’s for the best.”

His tone tells me it’s final and I have nothing else to say. Nothing can be done. I look away. I feel that I want to cry, kick, scream, or anything, but all I can do is sit and take it all in. This is for the best? I would like to see how because I can’t see that anywhere! I’m starting to think about this whole situation now. A year is really a long time. I don’t think I can handle a year. Then something accrues to me. It could probably be my only way out. I would have to try it out and see. I turn to my parents in faint hope.

“What about school?” I look to my dad. Let’s see what they have to say about that. I know how they consider school very important for me even if I got kicked out a few times from it.

“We’ve already spoke to your uncle about school and he told us that it’s still early to fit in another student.”

My whole face changes to defeat. Are they kidding me?! They must have been counting on me to get expelled. I start to get the feeling that I’m now unwanted. There’s silence again for a few seconds and suddenly my mom starts to cry. I can’t help but feel guilty knowing it was because of me. I really screwed up. It took me a while to see it, but at least I can see it and then admit it. My dad puts a hand to my mom’s hand to try and comfort her. She composes herself to speak again.

“Please, Reina try to understand this is to help you.” She starts choking up again and I feel even worse. I never wanted to make things hard on them. I can see, they’re really going to do this and a part of me kind of hates them for that. I glare at my dad. I can’t show them how much this bothers me. I feel that even around my parents I have to keep my tough appearance up. Call it just a bad habit.

“When do I leave?” I say that much colder than I intended

“Tomorrow at 10am. Start packing what you need. I’ll drive you to the train station.” He says this just as icy as me. Then he points to the kitchen door for me to leave. I get up in a hurry, fuming. At least it’s good to know they didn’t pack my things for me. And they didn’t seem to be jumping for joy back there seeing me leave so soon. I slam my room door shut, to taking my anger out. I hate this whole situation.


I was done packing in about thirty minutes. After that I decided to sit doing nothing, but thinking about this whole thing. I sat on the floor leaning against the bed staring at my wall. At first I was angry about being sent away. I wouldn’t see my friends for a year, but then I felt sad and a little scared when I focused on not being able to see my parents for a whole year. Everything stuck me like a massive brick to the head. I would be alone in a different city, a different school, and a different home. I would be in a place I know nothing about. I would have no friends and I would be living with almost a stranger. I felt myself beginning to panic the more I thought about this.


I rip back from my thoughts and turn around looking over my bed to the door. It was my mom on the other side. I muster all my strength to make my voice normal like I wasn’t afraid.


“You have to head to bed. We’ll have a lot of traffic on the road if we don’t leave early tomorrow.”

My feelings come back up again, but I quickly push it away replacing them with anger.

“Yeah I’m going now!” I growl

I know I shouldn’t spend the last few minutes with my parents yelling at them, but consider this my safety system. Just so others won’t know I’m hurt. You learn to use it fast when you’re in a place like me. I get up to my bed and pull back the covers. I hear my mom walk away going down the hall. She didn’t bother to say goodnight to me. When I hit the pillow all I can do is lie on my side and look at my alarm clock wide awake. I’m not angry with my parents anymore. I’m just really scared.


Chapter 43 (TanaKamei)

Chapter 44.5 (TakaGaki)

Chapter 45 (TanaKamei)

Chapter 53.5 (TakaGaki)
« Last Edit: November 27, 2014, 05:11:55 AM by writerjunkie »

Offline lil_hamz

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Re: This Thing Called Love
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2008, 08:00:18 PM »
Yay!! First comment  :muffin:

Wow, Reina has it tough. But a new school means new people and new experiences. I wonder who Reina will encounter. Something tells me Eri is gonna be the one. But we're gonna have to wait and see eh? I can't wait for the next update! Please post soon :)

Offline ShikyoxYaiba

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Re: This Thing Called Love
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2008, 10:00:14 PM »
Aw, poor Reina. :( Hm... I wonder who she'll run into at school... :mon misch: Five bucks on Eri. xD

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Re: This Thing Called Love
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2008, 10:56:33 PM »
Feel sad for Reina  :cry: :cry:
but great fic
I also vote in Eri

« Last Edit: November 22, 2008, 11:11:06 PM by tay »
s2 TanaKame s2 / s2 TakaGaki s2

Credits for sig  anuskyna

Offline JFC

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Re: This Thing Called Love
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2008, 06:05:41 AM »
She put the guy into a coma (albeit for only 1 day) with a single punch? :o


JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: This Thing Called Love
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2008, 12:05:38 PM »
wow, Reina sure is strong!!!!!!  :cow: :cow:

Offline writerjunkie

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Re: This Thing Called Love
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2008, 08:10:00 PM »

The ride to the station was long and during the whole thing everyone was quiet. It wasn’t the good kind of quiet either. This one was unsettling. And I wondered if it was because my parents were still mad at me or just didn’t have anything to say. I didn’t have anything to say either if that was the case. My dad for some reason kept giving me glances through the rear view mirror. He didn’t look angry though. Instead he looked like he wanted to say something, but he didn’t say anything at all. My heart began to race when I felt the car stop. Together we walked to the nearest station entrance. This was it for me. No turning back, and I only grew more afraid knowing that. This was how I really knew my parents’ mind were set. As we step on to the platform I begin to feel alone even with them on my side. My nerves were really starting to kick in.

“Here’s your ticket.”

I drop my suitcase beside me and take the pink colored slip from my dad’s hand. He gave me a serious face before speaking.

“Remember to get off near the last stop. Your uncle will be waiting for you outside.”

I look down to my ticket and feel my stomach flutter. I was beginning to get second thoughts again. Maybe crying and begging will get me out of this. I was really that desperate.

“Try not to give your uncle a hard time. He’s a very hard working man and already has enough stress and problems of his own.” My dad puts a hand on my shoulder. I look to him with my emotions masked and gulp. Behind me I hear the train slowly rolling in ready to board passengers. Everything inside me suddenly went limp and heavy. My plan went out the window. With a swish the train doors open and people hurry out. I look up to my dad almost in a pleading way. He just gives me a weak smile. He was never good with goodbyes and neither was I. Maybe it’s better that way. To never really say a proper goodbye. It would make things less painful I guess. The speakers announcing my ride break out moment.

‘Those leaving for Tokyo please board now. The train will be leaving in one minute.’

I felt my dad’s hand leave my shoulder. And the moment he did that I was instantly was smothered into a hug by my mom. I could hear her faint sobs when she hugged me, my arms almost on their own wrap around her back for comfort.

“Be good while you’re there. You’ll be back before you know it.” She whispers into my ear before letting me go. I look back at her unable to talk. Did I just suddenly go mute?! She gives me a little nudge and a small smile. My eyes begin to water.

“Hurry before you’re too late.”

Hearing my mom say that made a huge part of me wish I WAS late. I wished that I was late for the train and that I didn’t have to worry about being gone for a year. Or gone away from them. I knew though, there was no way for that to happen. This was something I couldn’t work around. I just grab my suitcase silently and walk through the doors just before they close. I walk down the lane towards the back row and look out the window to my parents. I gave them one last wave. The train begins to move and I keep looking out the window until I couldn’t see the station or my parents anymore. All I could only see were tracks, tall grass, and empty fields. There really was no turning back. No matter how much I wanted it.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2008, 01:03:49 AM by writerjunkie »

Offline ShikyoxYaiba

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Re: This Thing Called Love(UPDATE 11/23)
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2008, 08:53:38 PM »
REEEEEIIIIIINNNAAAA~ :cry: Poor girl... You'll be just fine, Reina. T___T Right?

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Re: This Thing Called Love(UPDATE 11/23)
« Reply #8 on: November 25, 2008, 12:42:19 AM »
Short...but still...:cry:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: This Thing Called Love(UPDATE 11/23)
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2008, 04:23:25 PM »
i like it :muffin:

wooo poor Tanakacchi, but it will be for better XD

i want to know why the title jojojo :wub:

an update please XD :cow:

Offline lil_hamz

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Re: This Thing Called Love(UPDATE 11/23)
« Reply #10 on: November 27, 2008, 05:10:19 AM »
It is a little short but still good nonetheless :) I can't wait for Reina to actually reach the new place. It's gonna be awesome!!

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Re: This Thing Called Love(UPDATE 11/23)
« Reply #11 on: November 27, 2008, 06:18:46 PM »


I open my eyes and see this scrawny guy looking down at me. Damn I almost forgot to get off. I hope I wasn’t asleep for almost the whole ride. I glare at him. What is he still doing here?! Who is he anyway? But even with my glare he just smiles almost in a cocky way. That really annoys me.

“It’s me Reina.”

Realization hits me and I look up to him a little surprised. He’s a lot different than I last remember him. At least now I know where I get my scrawniness. I yawn as I stretch shaking myself from any sleep.

“You’ve grown. It’s nice seeing you again.” He gives me a smile

I look around me and see that we’re the only ones left in this train. The sun is setting. Out the window the city lights in the distance amaze me. They all glow together like a Christmas tree.

“Come on let’s go home. You can sleep more there.”

I nod, take my suitcase and follow my uncle out to the parking lot. We were the only ones left at the station too. Man I was asleep for that long? I wonder how late it is. I follow my uncle in the parking lot and open the passenger seat door.

“It’s a long ride back and Tokyo traffic is the worse so just sleep if you’d like.” My uncle tells me before he starts the car. I lean back into my seat, close my eyes and go into another peaceful dream.


“Reina we’re here.”

My uncle shakes me from my sleep. I groan and groggily open my eyes. Outside it’s completely dark, but there’s still traffic. This city never sleep does it? I glare at my uncle.

“You really have grown. You’re a lot different than the last picture your mother sent me.” He chuckles. “Are you hungry?”

My stomach growls before I could speak. I haven’t eaten all day because I was so nervous. He gives another chuckle and opens the door. I get out too, grab my suitcase and follow him to the apartment entrance. We walk up a few flights of stairs and stop in front of his door.

“Make yourself at home. I don’t have much, but it’s something.” He opens the front door and flicks on the kitchen light.

He wasn’t lying about the ‘I don’t have much.’ part. This living room is small with just a TV and a couch in the middle of it. The hall leading to the rooms, I’m guessing is even smaller. I’m scared to see what my room looks like. Will I even have a bed?

“Do you want ramen?”

I look back to my uncle and nod. My stomach grumbles again. I place a hand on it and rub it. Right now anything to eat would be good. He goes straight to cooking.

“Why don’t you go and unpack. I won’t be done for a few minutes. Your room is just down the hall and to the left.” He points to the hallway for a second, and then goes back to cooking.

I might as well decide to unpack I have nothing else to do. So I walk down the narrow hall. I can barely see anything it’s so dark. I turn to the left, find my door with little trouble, and push it open. That split second after, something black jumps nearly on my face and I scream falling to the ground. I fell back on my butt. I hear running coming from the hall the second I scream.

“Reina?! Are you ok? What happened?” My uncle quickly went to my side. I get up rubbing my butt. I hate when things jump at me like that! I pull away from his grasp and growl.

“Yeah…I’m ok.”

He begins to laugh. I turn around angry. His eyes just look to the ground still laughing. He bends down and picks up something.

“She didn’t mean to scare you.” He holds a black cat up to my face. It’s eyes glow in the dark looking at me. “You must have scared her when you opened the door.” He walks to me with the cat. “She’s friendly you can pet her.” I chuckle. Yeah she’s friendly all right! She almost tried to scratch my face off! I look at the cat wondering what it will do to me next.

“You just scared her. Her name is Yuka.” 

He places the cat to the ground and instantly she runs over to me and rubs my leg. I smile. “See, she likes you already.”

I reach down and stroke her black fur. Maybe she isn’t so bad. I pick her up to pet her better.

“I have to go before I mess up the soup.” He goes down the hall leaving me alone again. I turn back to the room, and place Yuka down and get my suitcase. Blindly I search for the light switch. My hand feels something a lot like a switch and I push my hand up flickering the light on. The room is smaller than the living room! It’s a good thing I didn’t pack much. Placing my suitcase on my little bed, I open the suitcase looking at the clothes neatly folded inside.

“I better get this over with.” I begin to take them out into a neatly stacked pile.

By the time everything was unpacked the ramen was done. My uncle and I ate in silence the whole time. It didn’t seem to bother him though. When I was done I walked towards my room. I was done for the night.


I turn around. He looked up from his bowl of soup.

“Tomorrow I’ll have to sign you up for school. Try not to sleep too late.” He went back to eating his soup before I could complain. He’s just as stern as my dad. With a frown on my face I walk back to my room. I flop on to my bed and curl up on my side. Yuka jumps up and meows. She began to nuzzle my face. I guess she can tell I’m kind of upset. I pet the top of her head. I think I just made a new friend already.

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Re: This Thing Called Love(UPDATE 11/27)
« Reply #12 on: November 27, 2008, 06:46:48 PM »
Great chapter 
Reina so cute :wub:  even in its situation it made a small friendship koneko Yuka :w00t:
the uncle of Reina seems to be a good person

~~ Gambare~~
s2 TanaKame s2 / s2 TakaGaki s2

Credits for sig  anuskyna

Offline ShikyoxYaiba

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Re: This Thing Called Love(UPDATE 11/27)
« Reply #13 on: November 27, 2008, 08:06:14 PM »
Reina's uncle doesn't seem like the talkative type, but he seems a bit nicer.  And yay for a new friend. Reina and the kitty cat. xD As expected of Reina.

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Re: This Thing Called Love(UPDATE 11/27)
« Reply #14 on: November 28, 2008, 08:29:10 AM »
A kitty with a kitty. Awwww that's so sweet. Besides a cat friend I hope Reina gets a human friend too. I'm bursting with anticipation!! Who will it be?!?!? :banghead:

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Re: This Thing Called Love(UPDATE 11/27)
« Reply #15 on: November 28, 2008, 12:57:25 PM »
wow...lots of updates today...must be all the turkey.

awww Reina had to move to the city.  I hope she ends up at a better school.  Her uncle seems like a decent guy so far and the cat is a plus.

so far I really like your characterization of Reina...she's strong yet a lot softer in this story.  It makes you really want to root for her.

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Re: This Thing Called Love(UPDATE 11/27)
« Reply #16 on: November 28, 2008, 01:42:23 PM »
hehehe. so cute~

Reina and her new bestfriend~  :lol:

cnt wait till she gets to school!!  :P

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Re: This Thing Called Love(UPDATE 11/27)
« Reply #17 on: November 28, 2008, 02:40:34 PM »


Ok it’s bad enough that I have to go to school here, but of ALL the schools; my uncle has to pick THIS one! An ALL girl school! That’s just as worse as a normal one.

“I’m not going in there!” I fold my arms and stop right at the entrance. My uncle looks back at me calmly.

“The last school you got expelled from was an ordinary school. So obviously that didn’t work. Just give this school a try and if it doesn’t go well, I’ll take you out.” He looks to me waiting for an answer. I slowly think this over. There has to be a catch. This sounds so simple and easy.

“You would take me out? If I didn’t like the school?”  He nods “Just like that?” He nods again. That seems fair to me. I might as well try it. “Ok fine, but if ONE little thing goes wrong I want out!”

He gives me a smile. We walk once again into the building. How could he get me to do this without force? Normally my dad would have to threaten me to move and against my will I would listen. My uncle’s way cooler than my parents already. Inside the school this place is packed with girls. They were everywhere doing something, talking with friends, getting ready for class, or heading into classes early. I’m still weary about this place. My uncle better stick to his word or else!

“This way Reina.”

He points to the office door for me to enter first. I walk in and stand next to him in front of the office desk. Let’s just get this transfer crap done with.

We were done in about thirty minutes answering questions and filling out paper work. The principal went over my record a few times and then came that whole awkward silence. That happens a lot when people read my record. A few seconds later he asked me why was I expelled three times back in Fukuoka. I didn’t go into detail on why, but when I didn’t, I was sure he wasn’t about to accept me. I was really nervous. It all worked out in the end though. And now I start school tomorrow first thing in the morning. I don’t really look forward to that. I’m walking outside now with my uncle to the car. I don’t know where we’ll go, but I just hope it keeps me out of trouble. Just as I reached the bottom of the steps some girl comes down the sidewalk running at top speed. She held her book bag in her arms and had a uniform like the other girls inside. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out she was a student running late for school. As she was running her books inside her backpack spill all on to the floor. It wasn’t only open, but she was holding it upside down too! Not really a smart thing.

“Ah! No!” She places a hand to her head and starts calling herself ‘baka.’

She quickly starts picking up her books. I look down and see one textbook close to my foot and go down to get it. The minute I touched it, her hand touched mine. I felt a little nervous to look. Slowly, I look up. She smiles at me timidly and quickly pulls her hand back. Making my hot body cool down in relief.

“Thank you.” She whispers

I stand and hand her the book. Now I’M the one who’s shy! This is weird. I’m never shy and if I am, it’s not this bad. I rub the back of my head trying to get myself to speak.

“Uh…no problem.”

Now we’re just starting at each other. This can’t get any weirder! On top of that my body feels heavy again, but not heavy from fear. This is something different. Something I’ve never felt or don’t know what to call. I don’t even know how to handle it besides just freaking out. The school bell rings, and I jump.

”No! Now I’m late!”

Then the strange girl just ran off without saying goodbye. I turn around and see my uncle sitting in the car waiting for me. I blush and hurry over. I’m sure he saw the whole thing, but just won’t say a thing about it. He looks at me for a second and then starts the car. See, he wasn’t going to say anything, that’s good. I lean my head against the window. My head was all fogged with questions. The main one was; who was that girl?

“You know,”

I lift my head up, look at my uncle. His eyes are focused on the road as he continues to drive. Maybe I spoke too soon about the; ‘he won’t say a thing about it’ part. I’m kind of worried what he might say.

“If you have anything you need advise on…you can come to me. Even if it sounds weird or wrong to you.”

He stays quiet after that. I raise an eyebrow. What is he trying to say? I have nothing that needs advise. Nothing that I need help in to understand, well…besides homework I’ll be sure to get tomorrow at school. But other than that, I’m not hiding anything. I don’t understand. I look to him confuse. All he does though is smile and keeps on driving. I think I’ll leave things at that. It would make things less complicated.

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Re: This Thing Called Love(UPDATE 11/28)
« Reply #18 on: November 28, 2008, 04:08:07 PM »
Excellent chapter
who will be the mysterious girl 
I imagine Eri, because the girl shy and is delayed

s2 TanaKame s2 / s2 TakaGaki s2

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Re: This Thing Called Love(UPDATE 11/28)
« Reply #19 on: November 30, 2008, 02:55:25 AM »
“It’s me Reina.”

Realization hits me and I look up to him a little surprised. He’s a lot different than I last remember him. At least now I know where I get my scrawniness. I yawn as I stretch shaking myself from any sleep.

“You’ve grown. It’s nice seeing you again.” He gives me a smile
Evidently it's been quite a while since the two of them have seen each other.

I turn back to the room, and place Yuka down and get my suitcase. Blindly I search for the light switch. My hand feels something a lot like a switch and I push my hand up flickering the light on. The room is smaller than the living room! It’s a good thing I didn’t pack much. Placing my suitcase on my little bed, I open the suitcase looking at the clothes neatly folded inside.
Well, Reina has to remember that she's going to be staying in an apartment now, not an actual house like what she was used to before. Uncle sounds like a life-long bachelor, since he's got the cat and all.


I turn around. He looked up from his bowl of soup.

“Tomorrow I’ll have to sign you up for school. Try not to sleep too late.” He went back to eating his soup before I could complain. He’s just as stern as my dad. With a frown on my face I walk back to my room.
The similar personality traits she's noticed so far are probably just a result of how they were raised themselves (i.e. Reina's grandparents were probably just as strict on the two of them when they were growing up).

I flop on to my bed and curl up on my side. Yuka jumps up and meows. She began to nuzzle my face. I guess she can tell I’m kind of upset. I pet the top of her head. I think I just made a new friend already.
Awww.  :oops:

Ok it’s bad enough that I have to go to school here, but of ALL the schools; my uncle has to pick THIS one! An ALL girl school! That’s just as worse as a normal one.
Could've been her parents' idea to go with this type of school. :O

“The last school you got expelled from was an ordinary school. So obviously that didn’t work. Just give this school a try and if it doesn’t go well, I’ll take you out.” He looks to me waiting for an answer. I slowly think this over. There has to be a catch. This sounds so simple and easy.

“You would take me out? If I didn’t like the school?”  He nods “Just like that?” He nods again. That seems fair to me. I might as well try it. “Ok fine, but if ONE little thing goes wrong I want out!”
Psychology-wise, it's a nice approach that her uncle did just now. He's by no means "forcing" her to go. He's outright told her that he's going to give her some say (i.e. some control) over her own fate here (which is something that can often be traced to as being the reason why some kids rebel).  If he hadn't done this, Reina would obviously just completely oppose going to school here and wouldn't even consider giving it a chance. What her uncle has told her shows that her opinion matters, and that he'll be willing to at least listen to her on it.

We were done in about thirty minutes answering questions and filling out paper work. The principal went over my record a few times and then came that whole awkward silence. That happens a lot when people read my record. A few seconds later he asked me why was I expelled three times back in Fukuoka. I didn’t go into detail on why, but when I didn’t, I was sure he wasn’t about to accept me. I was really nervous. It all worked out in the end though.
Question now is, just how much of a chance will the principal and the rest of the staff give Reina? Will she be automatically branded as potential trouble and watched like a hawk watches it's prey, or will they give her a chance for a fresh start?

Hmmmmm...Eri? ;D

“You know,”

I lift my head up, look at my uncle. His eyes are focused on the road as he continues to drive. Maybe I spoke too soon about the; ‘he won’t say a thing about it’ part. I’m kind of worried what he might say.

“If you have anything you need advise on…you can come to me. Even if it sounds weird or wrong to you.”

He stays quiet after that. I raise an eyebrow. What is he trying to say? I have nothing that needs advise. Nothing that I need help in to understand, well…besides homework I’ll be sure to get tomorrow at school. But other than that, I’m not hiding anything. I don’t understand. I look to him confuse. All he does though is smile and keeps on driving. I think I’ll leave things at that. It would make things less complicated.
One would almost think that Reina's uncle actually knows what Reina's going through (as in, having first-hand knowledge). :?

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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