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Author Topic: Chanaline's Fanfic | Married!?| Mayuki, WMatsui Reply and Sorry  (Read 43118 times)

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Chanaline's Fanfic | Married!?| Mayuki, WMatsui Reply and Sorry
« on: November 11, 2012, 03:58:16 PM »
Chanaline's fanficition

Hello minna !!!! I am a new writer (but not a new reader XD), it is my first time writing a fanfic...I am so sorry for my weird grammar, my weird sentence and other weird things with my English. I am not very good in English... :nervous
I start to write because cmze-san says that she read my fanfic (even if it is boring, right? Cmze-san? XD I feel I oblige you! :smhid )

Mayuki fanfic!
Yuki: is a man (Danso Yuki :wub: ). He is the grandson of a CEO of a company that earns millions. (At the start Mayu don't know this)

Mayu: is prodigy student and she finish her studies.

I know they do not have a lot of description.


Chapter 1


 I am 18 years old, my name is Watanabe Mayu. I am a girl, who is intelligent more than a simple people, it is why I am graduating n on my university right now. Yes you are impressed, I have 18 years old and I finished my studies, that why I say I am clever.

I search a job, but nobody want to hire me because I am too young. Yes, I am young for the job what I want to do. Actually, I don't know what I want to do. I'm sorry!!
My parents it is not here with me, they are in another country in the world. They left me alone with nothing, I live with a friend but it is long time I stay with her. I don't want to bothering her more!

My friend who is really weird wants to put me with a guy... Don't you think she is weird?

Alalalalalala! And now I go to a “date” with a foreign. She know him because she speak with him (in internet) before planning it. She said that she was put herself in my place to respond what I supposedly respond. Is she an idiot? Yes, I think.

I am in front of the cafe... Why accept this plan? Because she said she fired me from her house if I don't go to the date. She is so naughty!
I enter in the cafe and I see him. He is sitting at a table near the window overlooking the road.
He is exactly like what he was in the picture.

He is handsome like ikemen. When I see a picture of him I was loved his face. He have a small face. He have a little cute black eyes and when I look it I see he is gentle I ignore why. He has a long but in the great size nose, a little mouth with a pink lips. His hair is not like what it was in the picture but he look handsome with this too. His black hair is made of wick back up soon at the top of skull, which gave the impression that he was disheveled. He still left fringe which was split into several parts. He certainly tall because he have a long arms and legs.

He sees me and give a sign to join him. I sit and I feel a bit nervous because for me he is just a foreign. We are in the silent for some minutes.
Eventually, he begins a conversation.

“You are really like in the photo” he smile and put my hand. “Introduce ourselves once again because now we meet each other in flesh and bones” I look at him and I though he is really cute. Why?! Why?!
 “I am Kashiwagi Yuki, 21 the man who talk with you in the internet” he grinned and hold my hand.

“I am Watanabe Mayu, 18 who think you are very cute” I reply this without thinking. When I realized what I said I blushed.
“What am I saying?” I thought.
---------------Inner Me------Chibi's reunion -----------
Evil Mayuyu: Oi! Mayu-san You said that without thinking. Are you an idiot?
Gentle Mayuyu: Don't says she is an idiot! Angry!
Evil Mayuyu: Why? She is!
Oshiri Mayuyu: Oshiri~! Oshiri~! :love:
G & E: Stop say it!
Oshriri Mayuyu: Oshiri... (ok...) :(
Master Mayuyu: Can you stop speak please! Yuki are going to speak.
 I heard him laughed.
“You are cute too you know.” he smile to me I think now I am like a tomato because I feel I flushed a lot.

After our introduction we order what we want to eat. We talk a lot and I have fun with him, my friend was not wrong he is really gentle and funny. However, I believe a weird thing with him but I continue to enjoy the repast.

We finish our meal and it is the time to separation but at moment he told that he want to take me somewhere he loves. I don't know why but I accept.
He takes me in a park, it have a lot of kid and he become to play with them. I says to me to join them. The kids are cute so I join them.

Some time after, the sky is dark and the children are left. We are alone in the park sitting on the bench. I look at him I think he is handsome in the dark. I started smiling. Suddenly he looks at me and stand up. He walk up in front of me and he places his head in front of mine, he puts his arms around my head and his hand puts on the back of the bench. I freeze.

What he want to do? He want kiss me? But it is the first time we meet!
His head is closer, his lips are to an inch of mine.
-------------Inner Me------- Chibi's reunion -----------
Evil Mayuyu: Just slap him! NOW!! :twisted:
Gentle Mayuyu: No push him gently!!
Oshiri Mayuyu: Oshiri! :yep:
Gentle Mayuyu: *up a thumb* Arigatou Oshiri-chan :)
Evil Mayuyu: Why! Oshiri-kun! :angry: You little b-
Master Mayuyu: Shut up Evil-chan! I am for push him gently Boss
Mayu: Thank you Master Mayuyu! :)

 Abruptly I push him away and I run. After some meters I stopped and I say
“I don't want to see you anymore! I am not an easy girl so go away”. I run once again.
What the hell! He is an idiot!!! That is why I do not like men! They think we can kiss a girl like that. No! Aaah! It is remember me a bad memory.
I stop run.
“Where I am?” I say. I look at my wristwatch it is around 10pm.

Three guys come to me. The first guy is tall. He has short hair in a brush blond color. His face had a scar on his cheek in the shape of a star. It has small round eyes black. A forked nose with buttons. It looks like a zombie because of its hollow cheek. He wears a gangster is required: black leather jacket, black leather pants, gloves, chains, ear piercings. The other guy look like this too but they have a different hair color and style. I don't love the men like that. I think they don't use the bathroom. Burk!

“Hey! Girl! Are you the Watanabe Kazuki's daughter?” I realized who they are. They are the gangster who seek my parents because my parents have a debt.
I said before that my parents are in the other country it is because of them! But I hate my parents because they left me with them!

I run away. “Hey! Come here little...!” They are after me.
“Why? Why? I have a parent like that!” I shouts because I know now I have not got a hope.
I run in a dead end. I turn around
“What are you going to do with me?” I say
“I don't know” one of guy says smiling “Use you? Sell you? Kill you? I don't know!”
I stiff and I step back but it have a wall. They smile like a crazy man and they move towards me. I close my eyes. It is the end, why I don't let this guy kiss me if I was know today is my last day I let him kiss me. I am such stupid.

Suddenly, I heard screams of pain and when I open my eyes Kashiwagi Yuki was here. He took my hand and we run away. He take me in a car and the chauffeur starts the car. I takes my breath.
“thank you...” I say to him. He look at me.
“Have you got a problem?” he sees me with a dark eyes.
“Y-yes they purchase me because my family have a debt of them” I answer
“Where are your parents” he asks with a worried face
“I don't know...” I murmur.
“I see...” he turn his body toward a window of the car and begins to think.

He turn to me again, take my hand in his hand and he says
“I have a deal”
“Huh?!” What a deal? In this moment?
“Become my wife and I will pay your debt when your mission is clear.”
“What? A mission”
“Yes, I protect you of them and...”
“Wait! Why wife and not girlfriend”
“Because I need a wife” He answer nonchalantly.

--------------Inner Me------- Chibi's reunion -----------
Mayu: Who is this man? He is so weird! He need a wife! He is just 20! So weird! so weird! So weird! So wei-...
Evil Mayuyu: Slap him! :twisted:
Gentle Mayuyu: No! Don't use the violence :smhid
Oshiri Mayuyu: Oshiri! :yep:
Evil Mayuyu: Why? He is is just a sex maniac! :angry:
Oshiri Mayuyu: Oshiri! :shocked
Gentle Mayuyu: He save us! :(
Evil Mayuyu: Then we will give our body for it!?
Oshiri Mayuyu: Oshiri...  :O
Gentle Mayuyu: N-no... *ears down like a puppy*
Master Mayu: What do you want to do Boss?
Mayu: I don't know... Ask him a few questions and then we can know what he want to do. And if he is a ma-

“You have ten minutes to think about” He interrupt my though
“W-wait it is too weird I don't understand and I don't know y-”
“Then it will be how you pay me back to saved earlier.” Oh! No! Now I can't refuse.
“If I don't want-”
“I leave you with these guys” He answer with no emotion. I cry in myself.
“I don't have a choice I accept your deal”
 “But what is the mission?”
“Stay with me until I became the boss of the company my grandfather”
“What? it will take time because you are young”
“No my grandfather was become a boss of the company in 18 years old”.
“Ahh......” I don't have any reply but why he need a wife to become a boss. It is too weird! I don't know how much I said/though “it is weird” today.

“We are here” the mechanic voice says.
 “Ok! Now we are in my home” He says behind a big building”
“What you will not take me to my home?”
“No! Now my house is your house, tomorrow we going to married. But now I am tired so we going to sleep in our bed” He smile to me and go in the building.
“O-our b-bed?!!!!”I shouts, I'm so shocked I could not move. He returns and came to me. I am still shocked. He smile then he takes me with a bridal style and he takes us to the interior of the building.

What do you think?... It is a little( or more) boring.... Sorry! Arg! I think it is boring but I want know what do you think.
And if you get upset because of my grammar errors and other errors PM me :)
Wow My heartbeat is going more faster... I am scared of your opinion... KOWAI! (I am afraid!)
« Last Edit: July 10, 2014, 09:27:14 PM by Chanaline »
Mayuki = Cutest couple

Married?!-Mayuki fanfic (maybe it will have another pair)

Offline mo-chan

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Re: Chanaline's Fanfic | Married!?| Mayuki -Chapter 1-
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2012, 04:12:02 PM »
wow an other Mayuki I'm in haven!!!!  :halo:
hello Chanaline I know you sometimes you comment on my fic  :)
 so en you re not new I say it again welcoooome!!  :welcome
I like your fic very much it's an excelent ;)
it's rare that we find Yuki asd the guy  :nervous but I love this cool Yuki  :inlove: oups if Mayu find I'm in love with she will kill me  :rofl:
okey and about grammar don't worry we are all not that good in english even me it's not my first languge  :catglare:
about my fics are all inspirated by reading cmze-san fics it give ispiration  :cathappy:
PS: I thought you mistzke that cmze-san is a girl  :nervous  so say she not he  :sweatdrop:
oeky I think I have to go now I have a maths exam tomorrow bye good luck in this fic I'm waiting for the next !!  :thumbsup
« Last Edit: November 11, 2012, 04:38:36 PM by mo-chan »

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Re: Chanaline's Fanfic | Married!?| Mayuki -Chapter 1-
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2012, 04:17:27 PM »
Wow, thought Yuki is cool almost in every Mayuki fanfic, "he" is even cooler when "he" is a guy (I mean the danso Yuki, I've never seen Yuki danso before except for one CM that some AKB members do the danso). And he needs a wife  :lol: :lol: :lol:
I think it's a great fic. Waiting for the next chapter.

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Re: Chanaline's Fanfic | Married!?| Mayuki -Chapter 1-
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2012, 04:26:27 PM »
This was hilarious to read!! I'm waiting for their night time *wiggles eyebrows*  :rofl: :rofl:

 :welcome and thank you  :bow:

And yes, I loved Oshiri Mayu too XD
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Re: Chanaline's Fanfic | Married!?| Mayuki -Chapter 1-
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2012, 04:26:45 PM »
It's good~ I love the storyline. And I love the chibi Mayu xD Especially Oshiri Mayu <3 It's so cute~

Even though there are some grammar errors but I still understand the main idea. Maybe you should find yourself a beta reader or a co-author, just to make this story epic!!! It's a good storyline, to tell the truth :)

Thanks a lot, Chanaline-san. I"m looking forward to your next chapter

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Re: Chanaline's Fanfic | Married!?| Mayuki -Chapter 1-
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2012, 04:53:56 PM »

This is interesting! mou~ they are already geting married! yeyyyy!

“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.”

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Your first kiss isnt always the first person you kiss, or the first person you date.Your first love is the person that you will always compare everyone to.The person that you will never truly get over, even when you have convinced yourself that you have moved on.

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Re: Chanaline's Fanfic | Married!?| Mayuki -Chapter 1-
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2012, 05:29:36 PM »
Woah! Chanaline-san, your fic is awesome!!

This is the kind of plot I've been looking for!

As you're a reader of my fics, I will also be a reader of yours~

Hope you'll update soon! MaYuki madness is coming back to me :3
I'm the lazy author who rarely updates.

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Re: Chanaline's Fanfic | Married!?| Mayuki -Chapter 1-
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2012, 05:45:04 PM »
Eh,actualy its really interesting!

I love this kind of story too,The storyline,the character

Well, i love mayuki pairing,so yeah i like it

Hope the next update,and its not boring anyway,thank


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Re: Chanaline's Fanfic | Married!?| Mayuki -Chapter 1-
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2012, 02:44:10 AM »

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Thank you everyone!!!! A lot of people like Oshiri mayuyu when the idea of Oshiri-chan come, I wasn't think you like her as you like her XD

@mo-chan: Me too... I was in heaven when you wrote your Mayuki fic. English is not my first language too... Cmze-san is really a fantastic writer because she have a lot of idea and she write in a correct English!
I think Mayu, right now, don't care if you love Yuki... (After maybe...) And THANK YOU!

@clubhappy: THANK YOU! Yes, you are right Yuki is cool almost in every Mayuki fanfic... I love it XD ! Yuki danso... When I saw the Yuki's danso in the CM. I think that she was like a intelligent man... (I can not express it in English...)

@sakura_drop_:THANK YOU! Is it really hilarious? Aaaaah... Oshiri  Mayuyu is so cute, right? Night time...

@Sayuki: Oshiri Mayuyu... Why do you love her? Because she is cute? I want to find a beta reader but it is complicated and I want to have an epic story XD. You like the storyline, me too! THANK YOU for your advice! :thumbsup

@yuukimoko: Mayuki!!!! They getting married, yes! Wahahahaha!

@ChuuuPuffss: I was looking for this plot too but nobody write it. So I started to write it! Wakakaka! Mayuki madness!!

@kurogumi: THANK YOU! I love Mayuki pairing too!

@javs: Oshiri Mayuyu is a strange character... Chibi's reunion is funny? THANK YOU! Because when I wrote the Chibi's part I was think that was boring...

@anzai48: THANK YOU! the word "poignant" remember me something (maybe nothing) XD He needs a wife but maybe it hides something! No just kidding!! Wahahahahah!

@Amakuchi: Really? you had your ass laughing at the inner Mayu???? (XD I don't understand what is it mean XD) I understand that you have a fun time when you read my fic so I'm so happy! THANK YOU!

Chapter 2: The Beginning of everything

We are in the elevator. I am still in his arms. I had to put my arms around his neck to not falling. In the trip nobody speak. I feel a bit nervous because it is the first time that I enter in a man's house.
But why? He don't take me to my house... After all we don't know each other. I'm scare because he may be a pervert and do something weird.
The elevator stop at 48th floor.
When the doors opened, a little room is in front of me with a single door on the other side of the room. He moved to the door and opened it. Now I can see a big lounge with a big TV which is against the wall. On the ground it have carpet with a little glass table.
At the right, I can see the kitchen and a long corridor. My eyes finally see the large window where we can see a beautiful view of the city. I stop the description.

He enter in his house, and he go near the lounge. He dropped me off on the couch and he sit next to me. The silence... No noise. Suddenly he broke the silence “I want to finish what I wanted to do before” he murmur but I hear it. I do anything but inner me...

--------------Inner Me------- Chibi's reunion -----------
Evil Mayuyu:  :shocked Oh my god! Do you hear him?
Gentle Mayuyu: No!
Evil Mayuyu: Don't lie! I know you hear him because I hear it!
Gentle Mayuyu: Yes but why he says it then he can do it without saying anything?
Oshiri Mayuyu: Oshiri... 8) *think about something*
Evil Mayuyu: He is an idiot! It is simple! :)
Gentle Mayuyu: See his face.
Evil Mayuyu: **Look at the Yuki's face**  :huhuh He seems hesitate!
Gentle Mayuyu: I think if he was a sex maniac, he do it unscrupulous.
Oshiri Mayuyu: Oshiri! :w00t: **The other chibi look at her** Oshiriiii. Oshiri. Shiriri. Oshiriririri!  :inlove:
Gentle & Evil: Oh! What are you saying about in this time!?
Master Mayuyu: Oshiri-chan **sigh** Why are you look at the Yuki's butt in this time? And how can you see his butt?
Oshiri Mayuyu: Oshiri. :inlove: Oshiri. :love:
Gentle, Evil & Master: Butt maniac! :smhid
Oshiri Mayuyu: Oshiri  :wub: **start to make an oshiri form with her hands and jump with a big smile** :D
Mayu: What was that chibi's reunion? :smhid


I look at my shoes. I don't want to meet his eyes. Why? I don't know! Maybe is because I think about his butt?!
Suddenly, he take my hand. I realize that we are in the dark. He gets up.  He pulls me to him and he hugs me. What? Just weird!
He snapped his fingers and the light will illuminate. I am impress! New technology or not!
He let me go “I go to the bathroom, during this time you can visit the house/apartment.”
Then he entered in a room. This is the bathroom, I think.

I go in the corridor and it have five door.
I opened the first door, it is the bedroom. A long and large bed is in the room. The room is sumptuously decorated. All is in the white, blue and red color.

I go to the next room, it is a workroom with an office with computer. The dominant color is brown.
Why? I visit without fear?

Next room, an another bedroom but it have a single bed.
The next is a fitness room, it have a lot of a fitness machine. Weight. Dumbbells. Cross Trainers. Treadmills. Rowing Machines. Exercise Bikes. Cross Trainers. Weights. Gym Equipment.
It is a gigantic room! He can't use all of fitness machine!

The next room is the most weird. It is the weapons room!?
Yes! A weapons room! Firearm and cold steel decorate the room.
Katana, Submachine gun, AK47, Colt 1911, M16,  AKM-59, HK MP5K, naginata, kunaï, dagger, ammunition, chains with dagger...
What is it?
I panic, who is this men? A terrorist? I don't move. I am here during more than 5 min.

A hand tapped my shoulder. I jump and I freeze. Someone closed the door. He grabbed my waist and turned me around.
I'm scare! Why? Why was there so many weapons?

He laugh “You discover my collection. I love the weapon! My grandpa buy a lot for me and in the other country! I have almost all of world weapon. You can't see that it is really dangerous.” he says smiling.
So he just collects only. I'm reassured.

All of a sudden, I realize he is only dressed in a bathrobe. I look other way. It's so embarrassing.
He puts his hand under my chin and he move my head. Then he look in my eyes. His eyes is black but I can see he is lonely.
 His face approach to mine. There was only one centimeter when a ringing is heard. It is my ringing.

I push him. Saved by the bell. I reach my purse on the couch and I get out my phone.

“Hello?” I say
“Hello? Mayu?” the voice says
“Yes. What do you want? Miichan” I ask
“Where are you?” she asks angry “it is 11pm, do you know?”
“Yes, I'm sorry, I have a little problem, the guy with I have a date took me at his home” I say calmly
“WHAT!?” she shouts on the phone
“He took me at his home” I repeat
“...” The silence is here for a few second. “why did you accept?”
“I hadn’t got a choice. It is your fault! Make me to meet a guy I don't know anything about him!” I shout.

Yuki grab my phone and terminates the call. “You don't know anything about me although I speak a lot with you?”

I gulped “I'm sorry, but it was not me. It was my friend.” I said, trembling.
He scare me! What is it? A black aura!?

--------------Inner Me------- Chibi's reunion -----------
Evil Mayuyu: **Trembling** What is it? :panic:
Gentle Mayuyu: I-I d-don't know!
Oshiri Mayuyu: Oshiri! **big smile** :lol:
Evil Mayuyu: how can you smile? :shocked It is a dangerous situation!
Oshiri Mayuyu: *put a finger on his chin and rocking his head on the side* Oshiri? :?
Gentle Mayuyu: she don't understand!
Oshiri Mayuyu: **sends flying kiss to Yuki** Oshiri!!  :heart:
Gentle Mayuyu: She is crazy! :smhid
Master Mayuyu: I think- ** The other chibi except Oshiri jump and cried in surprise** Sorry... I think it is because she loves his butt.
Oshiri Mayuyu: Oshiri~!  :deco:
Gentle and Evil: What the hell!? :angry:
Mayu: Why don't you search a solution of this problem?


He advances towards me. “I want something for forgiving you”
“W-what do you want?” I stutter
“Kiss on the lips” he says smiling
What? It is my first kiss! I don't want to let to him my first kiss!
“Is it your first kiss?” he asks. I look other way “I see”
He grabbed my shoulders and he smile. He put his lips against mine. I try to remove but it keeps me strong. When he move his lips. He is not aggressive as I thought. He is gentle. He move his lips slowly. My phone is still ringing but I can't move. Sorry Miichan!

When he broke the kiss I feel the warm go away. He takes my phone and he removed the battery.
He smile “We must go to sleep, tomorrow is an important day.”

He takes my hand. I am red I know it. He take us in the room with the big bed. He search something in the closet. He gave me the garment for sleeping.

“I go out and so you can change your clothes when you're done go in the bed and sleep” he says.

I hear him scream in the pain but I don't care he is just a cruel man! He took my first kiss!
I go to the bed, I put myself under the blanket and I start thinking.

I don't forgive him! I don't want!


Yuki POV

Oh! no! What am I doing? I steal her a kiss! But she was so cute. I couldn't resist.

I walk on a puddle and I slip. The puddle is here because I am still wear bathrobe and earlier I was not dry. I fell hard on the ground and I scream in the pain. My head hit the ground. I grabbed my head in the hope of alleviating pain. I return in the bedroom and I moved into the other half of the bed at a reasonable distance from Mayu.
I don't want her to hate me more!

--------------Inner Me------- Chibi's reunion -----------
Black Yukirin: Wahahahah! it is good she hates you! wahahaha! :twisted:
White Yukirin: Oh no! What are you doing?? :(
Singer Yukirin: Lalalalalala~!  XD Lalaaaaaaaaa~!
Black Yukirin: Ohoh! it is rare that Singer-kun is with me! *High five* :twothumbs
White Yukirin: You, both of us are just idiot! :yawn:
Black Yukirin: ;) Don't be jealous! eheh!
Singer Yukirin: Lalalalaaaalaa!
Master Yukirin: Go to sleep NOW! >:(


A/N: Boring... The end is bad. I know. Now it is complicated to continue hahahaha! Yuki pov! A big fail with this chapter Aaaah~! I am a so bad writer! Sorry! I feel that everything is zero. Other authors can put feeling but I can not do it ... I need something!

It looks complicated for their future married life. Thank you! COMMENT PLEASE!!!!!!

PS:Yuki's chibi is a boy too!
« Last Edit: January 12, 2014, 03:01:43 PM by Chanaline »
Mayuki = Cutest couple

Married?!-Mayuki fanfic (maybe it will have another pair)

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Re: Chanaline's Fanfic | Married!?| Mayuki -Chapter 1-
« Reply #10 on: November 20, 2012, 12:15:25 AM »
Wow! what should i say first?!?  :shocked

I'm loving it man Yukiii is hot!! :w00t:

wait a minute before that "Yes i'm a girl!"  :cathappy: how can u say my englisb is good.. i'm such an english terrorist! :rofl:

<back to the topic>

This is so cool!  :D

Yuki kun needs a wife.. NICEEEEEE!!  :wub:

Oshirii!! they kill me for so much laughing!!!  :rofl:

Omg i can't wait.. That wedding is going to be amazing!!  :wub:

Mayu please don't hate Yuki kun... he thinks ure cuteee!!  XD

Please update soon!!! THIS IS GREAT!!!  :bow:

Btw: i didn't notice the first chapter sorry!! :( but now i'll pay more attention so i can comment in every chapter!!  :nervous

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Re: Chanaline's Fanfic |Married!?| Mayuki -Chapter 2- TBOE
« Reply #11 on: November 20, 2012, 06:32:05 AM »
@cmze: I know that you are a girl!! Sorry for before! :cathappy: The wedding is going... I don't know XD and THANK YOU for your comment! :thumbsup I am really happy! :D And if you are an English terrorist, what am I?
« Last Edit: November 20, 2012, 07:14:54 AM by Chanaline »
Mayuki = Cutest couple

Married?!-Mayuki fanfic (maybe it will have another pair)

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Re: Chanaline's Fanfic | Married!?| Mayuki -Chapter 1-
« Reply #12 on: November 20, 2012, 06:45:58 AM »
ohhhhh~ Yuki must really marry Mayu!! kyaaaaa!!!

I love them together....*sigh* so perfect.
“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.”

I'm glad I'm not popular.I'm already a bitch, no need to make my ego bigger.

You were always my favorite, no one loved me as much as you did.-Alison DiLaurentis.

Your first kiss isnt always the first person you kiss, or the first person you date.Your first love is the person that you will always compare everyone to.The person that you will never truly get over, even when you have convinced yourself that you have moved on.

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Re: Chanaline's Fanfic | Married!?| Mayuki -Chapter 2- TBOE
« Reply #13 on: November 20, 2012, 06:52:51 AM »
@yuukimoko: ahah! :) you are right! Yuki must marry Mayu!

I have a question: is it normal that when the reader comment the subject return to the name of chapter 1?  :?
How can I change the name of the topic???
« Last Edit: November 20, 2012, 07:14:20 AM by Chanaline »
Mayuki = Cutest couple

Married?!-Mayuki fanfic (maybe it will have another pair)

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Re: Chanaline's Fanfic | Married!?| Mayuki -Chapter 1-
« Reply #14 on: November 20, 2012, 10:01:15 AM »
You can change the name from the you made on this topic.

You press to correct the teaser or what was it and were you wrote the title. From thereit changes everywhere.
“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.”

I'm glad I'm not popular.I'm already a bitch, no need to make my ego bigger.

You were always my favorite, no one loved me as much as you did.-Alison DiLaurentis.

Your first kiss isnt always the first person you kiss, or the first person you date.Your first love is the person that you will always compare everyone to.The person that you will never truly get over, even when you have convinced yourself that you have moved on.

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Re: Chanaline's Fanfic | Married!?| Mayuki -Chapter 2- TBOE
« Reply #15 on: November 22, 2012, 02:56:15 PM »
an other chapter  :cow:
it really make me laugh when mayu is confused and she like Yuki's buttb :rofl:
I thought Yuki is cool and sometimes scary  :lol:
but I think now he is kinda cute and stupid  :lol:
Yuki kissed Mayu!!!!  :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:
I can't wait for the next  :deco:

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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Re: Chanaline's Fanfic | Married!?| Mayuki -Chapter 2- TBOE
« Reply #16 on: November 22, 2012, 04:17:20 PM »
YukiMAN!! I don't know what to say except..... :fap :fap :fap :fap :fap :fap

The gym and equipment and stuff is a bit intimidating...I wonder if Yuki is super fit or sth, please describe his body...ahaha. Wonder why he wants to get married so desperately.


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Re: Chanaline's Fanfic | Married!?| Mayuki -Chapter 2- TBOE
« Reply #17 on: November 22, 2012, 06:00:35 PM »
This is so cute :P

All the shocking thing for Mayu hehehe :twothumbs

Please continue Chanaline-san :inlove:

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Re: Chanaline's Fanfic | Married!?| Mayuki -Chapter3-The little Wedding!!
« Reply #18 on: November 25, 2012, 03:04:29 AM »
I am here with an update. I hope you enjoy it!! :)

Chapter 3: The little Wedding!!

Mayu's POV

_|In the morning|_

I slowly wake up. It was a dream right?!
Then I opened my eyes and I see a that this is not my room. It was not a dream...
Yesterday was real! Oh No!! It means that I am going to marry with that guy. Breathe Mayu!!

Seeking the good side:
1- He will pay my debt
2- He is not a rapist (I think)
3- He is not ugly. He is so handsome.
4- Handsome face!
5- He is rich... Is it really good to think about that??
6- He have a beautiful butt!!!!!! <---- It is the better point!!!
7- I think he have got a super fit with the all fitness machine.
8- He is so cute.
9- His smile is just beautiful!
10- He looks gentle... Even if he have stolen my first kiss

And now the bad side:
1- He is weird... He needs a wife! So WEIRD!
2- He have stolen my first kiss!
3- He is dangerous... A lot of weapons **trembling**
4- He... He... He...

--------------Inner Me------- Chibi's reunion -----------
Gentle Mayuyu: Makes you the obvious things Boss! You like him... like now!!! ;)
Evil Mayuyu: Yes, yes, yes for the first time Gentle is right! And the first kiss it means nothing! You are not a kid anymore! 8)
Oshiri Mayuyu: Oshiri!! Oshiri Oshiri Oshiri Oshiririririiiii!!! :shakeit: :love:
Master Mayuyu: But he have stolen the first kiss.  :smhid
Evil Mayuyu: Have you heard me before???   :angry:
Gentle Mayuyu: Eh! Does not she was likes it???  :roll:
Evil Mayuyu: Why? You are so right today Gentle? :twothumbs
Gentle Mayuyu: It is the obvious things!  :D That's why!!
Oshiri Mayuyu: Oshiri Oshiri Oshiri OSHIRI!!!!!!!!!!! :shakeit: :heart:
Gentle Mayuyu: Yes and his Oshiri is perfect...  :thumbup
Evil Mayuyu: Always talking about butt...  XD
Master Master: Then all of us are agree for let Boss with this guy  :?
Oshiri Mayuyu: Oshiri! :)
Gentle Mayuyu: Absolutely :yep:
Evil Mayuyu: Yes and Yes!! :peace:
Gentle Mayuyu: ** Today Evil-chan is amiable, don't you think readers?** And if he ever tries something bad we're going to use our special arms!! :twisted:
Master Mayuyu: Then it is okay... But if our special arms becomes uncontrollable it would be your fault! 8)2
Evil Mayuyu: it is Okay for me!! :thumbsup
Gentle Mayuyu: All for us! to be right! ^-^
Oshiri Mayuyu: Oshiri! >:(

I see all of my chibi is okay for the wedding.

I sit on the bed and nobody is on the other side of the bed. Where is he?

Whereas I asked that, the door opened. He is here with a tray which it have a breakfast. He smile at me.
He is so cute!!
He comes to me and he files the tray in front of me.
Then he sits in front of me and this man handed me a toast. I take it and I eat it.

_|Some time after|_

We finished eating the breakfast.
“Go get dressed.” He says “We will go to your house and take your belongings”
I nod to say yes.
Then he left the room and I get something to dress (it is my clothes yesterday).

We arrived in front of my friend's house. Suddenly I remember that I haven't said anything to Miichan. She surely going to be angry! I guess.

I knock on his door and a few minutes after the door opened.

“MAYU! Where were you last night??!!!!!” She yells at me.
“She was in my house.” Yuki says behind me. When Miichan sees Yuki, her anger went away very quickly.
“Ohhh! Come in. I'm sorry, Mayu, I was not knew it.” She smiles.
What is the problem with her???? I told her yesterday!!
“Thank you” it is his turn to smile. (Yuki)

“Mayu, Take your things and put it in the moving truck.” Yuki says
“moving truck? what are you talking about?” I say.
“The one in front of the house.”
“Okay” When this moving truck was arrived here????
“Wait!” Miichan intervened “Mayu you're going to move?”
“Yes” Yuki answered “Now, she is going to live with me”
“Huh!! Mayu are you okay with that?”
Miichan I don't have an other option because he will pay my debt and he going to protect me. Oh! And I have debt with him too! I wanted to say that but I don't want her to think that I am a weird person.
“Yes, Miichan it is okay” I smile
“And we're getting married” Yuki says as if it was nothing.
“WHATT!!” Miichan's eyes bugged out.

She grabbed my hand and she takes us in my room.
“What is it?” she whispers
“Not your business” I say impassive.
“You are just 18, you know?”
“Yes, but it is you the one who chose him, I don't think you chose the bad man for me” I explain
“But you don't know anything about him”
“Miichan, stop I don't want to speak more” or else I going to tell you the truth and I don't want it!

--------------Inner Me------- Chibi's reunion -----------
Evil Mayuyu: Just say that you got love at first sight! :pirate:
Mayu: This is wrong! :mad:
Gentle Mayuyu: Be honestly!  :-\
Mayu: I am honest, i am not in love!  :angry:
Oshiri Mayuyu: Oshiri Oshiriiiii...  :shakeit: :?
Mayu: Yes, I like his butt! BUT as I said before I hate him!
Master Mayuyu: Wahahahah she is not honest! :rofl:
Mayu: Why are you all against me? :'(
Evil Mayuyu: Because we are you, in another personality of us. I am more mean than you, she is more gentle than you and Oshiri-chan is more butt maniac than you! And we know what do you think! :D
Mayu: I know that! >:(
Master Mayuyu: **Alone in a corner** And me I m more what?? :cry:? **mumbles**
Gentle Mayuyu: Did you say something? Master? :?
Master Mayuyu: Eh! No nothing! Well stop talking and get back to the story!
**Everyone nods**

_|After some hours|_

I have finished to put my belongings in the moving truck.
Now Yuki and I are in a car with a driver. I don't know where we go.

The car stop in front of a jewelery. We enter.

“You can choose any ring” He says
“What?” I asked. Have I really heard it?
“You can choose any ring” he repeats
“Really?” Ohohoh! You are going regret it!!

I look at the windows looking for what I want.

“Find!” I exclaim
“So, which one?” he asks
“That one” I say as I showed him the ring.
“Hmmm... It coast 500, 000 Yen... It is expansive.”
Wahahaha! If you want to marry me then you will have to spend a little.
This is a rather flashy ring, but it is quite lovely. It have a heart formed with gems.

“I buy it for you” he smile at me. I nod.

Then we go at the till. Here, the cashier smiles at us.
“Hello, can I help you?” he asks
“Yes, I would like to take this ring” Yuki says as he showed the ring.
“Fine” he go to another room behind the counter.
“I'm back” he says with a little box “Please lend me your hand to see if it is your size”
I lend my hand but Yuki stop my hand.
“Sorry can I do that? I wanna be the one who put the ring on my fiancee” he smirk.
“Of course! It is okay.” the cashier declares

Yuki take my hand and he knelt.
“Will you marry me?” He asks and I am freeze now. I was not expect that he going to do that. I hear "awww" around us. What should I do?
Then I see his puppy eyes and I unconsciously say “Yes”.

--------------Inner Me------- Chibi's reunion -----------
Evil Mayuyu: Woah Yukiboy you are the best wahahahahaha! Like sadist! :whip:
Gentle Mayuyu: Where do you see the sadist? :smhid He is just so romantic! :roll: :inlove:
Oshiri Mayuyu: Oshiri Oshiriririr Oshiriri. :heart:
Master Mayuyu: Oshiri-chan, please, stop speak about Yuki's butt :smhid
Oshiri Mayuyu: Oshiri Oshiri **start to hit Master* :bangchair:
Master Mayuyu: I-I-I- Ouch! I-I am Sorry Oshiri-chan!! **begins to leak**
Oshiri Mayuyu: Oshiri Oshiri!!! **pursues him** :angry:
Master Mayuyu: I am sorrryyyyyy, and why you just hit me while the other two will often say that?
Oshiri Mayuyu: **stop pursues him and return with G&E** Oshiri~! Oshiri~! :love:
Master Mayuyu: Why I feel alone? I haven’t got a friend here. **Start crying** :cry:
**a hand arises on his shoulder**** he looks at the other chibi** :thumbsup Thank you.

He puts the ring on my finger.
When I hear the people around applaud us I blush a lot. A big smile appear on the Yuki's face.
“I buy it” He says while I always frozen. Yuki choose his ring and then the cashier speaks.

“Our boutique offers you a photo couple for only 500 Yen” It is not really offers ahah!
“I want to do that” he exclaims
“Then come with me.” he leads us to a room where there are the photographer equipment.
He puts us in front of the lens.

“Boy,  take your fiancée in your arms from behind and put your head on his shoulder.”
Yuki do that, I feel my heart going faster.
“Smile” the man says.
He take a lots of pictures and each time Yuki changes his pose.

Suddenly the cashier says that we should kiss for the last shot.
Yuki once again took me by the shoulders. I take a step back. He notes it and keeps me harder and kissed me full on the lips. At first I want to break the kiss but as time passes I want more. Without realizing I put my arms around his neck. A flash appear and we break the kiss. It was the camera.

We return in front of the desk and the cashier says at us to wait a few minutes for the pictures.
He buy another ring for the wedding.

We go out and we are going at City Hall. Here, we meet the mayor and he started his crap for marriage. I skip the passages.
“Kashiwagi Yuki do you want to have Watanabe Mayu to be your wife?”
“And you Watanabe Mayu do you want to have Kashiwagi Yuki to be your husband?”
“...” Yuki gives me a shot.
“Y-yes” I stutter.
“According to the law you are married, just sign here, please.”
We sign.

“We go to see my friend, okay?” he asks
“Okay” I answer

_|After a few minutes walking|_

We arrived in front of a law office. It is write “A law office of Matsui”
We enter and we directly going to a room.


“Enter!” I hear a masculine voice.
“Ren! how are you?” Yuki asks.
“Fine, and you?”
“Fine” Yuki answer.
“While I owe your visit?”
“I am married” Yuki smirk. Why he smirk?
“OOOHHH! Congratulation!!!” The man, Ren, congratulates us. “And you're the lucky one?” He asks to me.
“Y-yes” I stutter.

They speak more and suddenly someone knocked the door.

“Enter, please!” Ren says
“Ren” A girl voice says “I am here”
“Jurina” Ren says with a big smile “Why did you come?”
“I just want” she respond. Ren approached Jurina. And he strokes her cheek.

Someone grabbed my hand.
“We must go out” Yuki says as he takes us out.

_|On the street|_

“What is their relationship?” I asks
“They are together, but Jurina is just 15”
“WHAT???? So he is-”
“Yes” he sighs “Don't say anything, please. They are really in love.”
“I don't want. Anyway I saw nothing. But she is not look 15, she looks more 17”
“Yes” He smile a little bit. The silence came after that.

_|A few Minutes after|_

“It was just that?” I ask
“The wedding”
“No, it is just for being married with the law, but in a few month we going to have a real wedding with families and friends” he explained “Are you disappointed?”
“No, not really”
“Now, I am disappointed. Then from now we have to do couple things!” Why he disappointed? The couple things??
“What do you mean?” I ask
“The couple things!”
Okay, I don't want to know more! What are he talking about? I hope it is not a pervert things!!
“Like go to the cinema, to an amusement park, to a date, playing something together, to know each other and the other thing” he says smiling.
Whew! It was not a pervert thing!


A man watched the newlyweds away.
“She is here, with her husband.”
“....” on the cell phone (we can't hear it)
“Yes, she enjoy his presence. I saw their kissed before.”
“Yes, I am sorry.”
“Ohhh! The mission begins! Wahahahaha!”

@anzai48-san: Thank you for your comment! And maybe it becomes My-Husband-Is-A-Gangster type of story XD... But why ganster, why not soldier or yankee or intelligencer?? XD

@javs-san: Not Yuki inner for this time sorry! Thank you! :(

@mo-san (mo-chan douchi?): Stupid, when are you think that? At the end? :P Yuki  is cool and sometimes scary, right?  :D Wakakakakaka!!

@saeyu-san: I going to describe his body later. Perhaps when they going to beach or pool or onsen or another place hahaha! :lol: You discover why he wants to get married so desperately later too. But now the principal reason is said in Chapter 1 :peace:

@21stMay-san: Thank you for your comment! Poor Mayu, right?! XD :love: :?

Author: I know the end is weird XD! BUT COMMENT PLEASE!!! Oh! And sorry for my weird grammar and the other mistake!!
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Re: Chanaline's Fanfic | Married!?| Mayuki -Chap.3- The little Wedding!!
« Reply #19 on: November 25, 2012, 08:55:11 AM »
Thanks for the update Chanaline-san.
Mayu must be falling for Yuki now.   :wub:
So the man took the photos for Mayuki has some secret plan to hurt them????  :?

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