Hello minna-san this is my second oneshot. I got the idea from my dream

This OS contains genderbending. So if you don't like this type of fanfic, just imagine he as she hehehehe

Enjoy and sorry for grammar mistakes and typos
Replies@sakura_drop_ san: OMG I DIDN'T EXPECT YOU LIKE MY STORY!

you are one of my favorite authors

thank you for your comment, thank you, and advice.
@gilangfajri:Yes she does

The Puppy Which Grown Up To A Big Dog
In Sakae, Nagoya prefecture lived the daughter of Matsui family, the foremost family in Japan. An honored lady of smart, beauty, and kind ethnic heritage. Matsui Rena seventeen years old. There was one thing that disturbed her mind which is....
Rena opened her eyes after hear that voice. She saw the light from the window is trying to get in but covered by the curtain. “Rena-sama....Rena-sama, please wake up,” Her eyes immediately widened as she sees a handsome guy bowing at the edge of her bed. He is Matsui Jun that became her bodyguard since yersterday. Rena furrowed her eyebrows while blushed.
“Ju..Jun?!” She got up from the bed with fast action. “Why you entered my room arbitrarily?! I never remember give you permission for that! How rude,”
“I am sorry. I have waited for you while called your name many times for thirty minutes. You must go now or you will late,”
Rena took a small clock beside her bed. Once more she widened her eyes and the next thing happened is the whole residence hear a loud scream from Rena’s room. Jun just stared at her with no expression and Rena’s uniform on his hand. Don’t know why Rena thinks Jun is creepy but still it’s not erase his handsome looks from his face. Rena did not realize she just staring at Jun and forget she must prepare for school.
“Are you feeling not well, Rena-sama?”
Rena turned back to reality as Jun said so. Apparently her face heated up she felt embarassed because caughted by him staring at his face. “I..I am fine! I am healthy!” She grabbed her uniform from his hand. “I wanna change,so...”
Jun bowed to her. “I am waiting outside,”
He walked towards the door and get out. Rena looked at his back with disappointed expression. ‘He really act like a bodyguard. Whereas formerly...’ Rena throwbacked her mind at the time she was still a young lady. Jun was younger than her for two years. He was the son of her uncle, the head of the residence after her father. Rena’s body was weak since kid. Jun took there by his father to be her friend. At first Jun acted so shy and when he introduced by his father, he just hid behind his father’s legs. His father ordered him to give the present he brings after that. Slowly Jun sticked out his head and looked at Rena shyly. Rena just waited on her wheelchair, so curious. After few minutes, Jun ran out from his hide, gave Rena the present with closed eyes, and finally got back to his hide place.
Rena looked at the present. It was a big puppy doll. At that time Rena considered rather than the doll she got, Jun is more looks like a puppy with that expression waiting for Rena’s reaction. Rena’s cheeks flushed, Jun was so cute! “Th...thank you..” Rena buried her mouth onto the doll. Jun smiled happily with pinkish cheeks.
Since that day, almost everyday Jun followed Rena everywhere like a puppy. It feels like Rena has a troublesome little brother. But...suddenly someday Jun told Rena he will attend school at a far place. Eight years had left and they never seen each other again. Last night Jun came back so sudden like his passing in the past. Rena was surprised when he suddenly bowing in front of her while said, “Long time no see, Rena-sama...” ‘He is Jun who was that annoying and cheerful kid? He looks so mature and his height was taller than me now’ Rena thought.
“You are really Jun?” Rena asked. Not trust her sight.
Rena was mad because Jun answered it while diverted his view. In Rena’s mind she kept asking why Jun changes so drastically like this.
“Rena-sama we had arrived,” Jun opened the car door. “Rena-sama?”
Rena gasped when she realized she spacing out all time the way to school.
‘Oh man because I thinking about his alteration too much I cloudn’t sleep overnight. Ended up woke up late’ Rena sighed. Jun looked at her worriedly. “Rena-sama are you okay?”
Rena POV It’s hard to believe...Jun had grown as a big dog who was calm and overprotective now. I looked straight into his eyes. “I am fine!” He directed his view as I did so. I am getting curious about this strange manner of him.
“I guess your condition is not good Rena-sama. No need to force yourself,”
I frowned. “I told you myself is better than previous. That’s why I can go to school now. Don’t worry,”
I walked first. He made me confuse of his coming, passing, and his alteration. I knew my habit is annoying but I must hold on. I passed the school hall, like usual students praise me. Not just male students but female student too. My white pale skin, long silky hair, and princess like attitude successfully amused them. Though I was not that perfect like they thought. I noticed some boys approached and greeted me with shy expression. But suddenly Jun came blocking the way between them and me. They seems angry.
“If you want to appproach Rena-sama, you must show your student card and pass me first!”
They started mad when female students whisper and ask whom the person with me. I gripped his sleeve so he turns his head. “Stop it Jun! Every morning they greet me here. They are not a foreign. Most of all we are schoolmates,”
He didn’t reply. Why he looks not happy? I shook his arm. ”Jun!”
“I understand,” He sighed. “Forgive me Rena-sama. As your bodyguard I am afraid something happen with you,” He then bowed. Female students screaming excitedly when they know Jun was my bodyguard.
Two months later Jun who had grown up...is genuinely changed. Because he is smart principal allowed him to skip classes so he was in the same grade as me. He became the number one who get the highest score at the final exam results when me in the second place. I dropped my jaw in disbelief. I found he was great at sports too especially Judo. I have saw him knocked out his opponent so fast. He made me astonnished of it. Today I went to library, bad luck comes to me. The book that I wanted to take fell followed by other nearby books. I screamed while closed my eyes ready to taste the pain being hitted by these books. But Jun came from nowhere protected me while hugged me. Female students around us amazed by Jun’s coolness when male students jealous of it. Jun was too perfect! As my bodyguard he acted cool like his old self never exist. I stared at him.
“Be careful Rena-sama,” Jun nearing his face to me. Our faces are adjacent, I could feel his breath upon my cheek. It tickled my cheek makes my heart thumping fast. He stroked some of my hair which messy a bit.
“Ju..n?” As I called him he directed his view, again. “Done,”
“Thank you...”
“My duty,”
I was like a stupid person. Our eyes are not even meet. He was just my bodyguard but why it looks like only me who feel the sensation of heart pounding?! I walked back to my class. I felt so weird today, I also couldn’t consentrate at the lesson. Luckily time passed so fast like a blink of eyes. Now I was laying on my bed while hugged the big puppy doll. I’m rolling over my bed when thinking about Jun. He made me have insomnia all night, tonight he does too. Am I too puzzlement by his old self? If I think about it, the alteration of Jun was not just from now.
I remember one day not long after Jun came to my life, I lay in serious condition on my bed. My private doctor told him we could not play today. Somehow I felt our friendship at the beginning is gratifying nevertheless it would change soon to be a burden. His pale face and trembling clenched hands when saw me at that condition....He went out not long after that day. Now Jun acting cold, it must be started from that day. Suddenly I heard a knock voice followed by Jun’s voice which calling me. I sat up on my bed immediately. What a coincidence!
“Excuse me Rena-sama. Because I see your room is still bright, I thought you can’t sleep. So, I made this warm milk for you,” He carried the foodcart towards me and setting up a small table. “I put it here, okay?”
“Thank you. I will drink it,” Ugh. Why my voice always trembling when we talk?!
“Do you want me to add alcohol?”
I shook my head as reply. Here comes the awkward silent after that. He did not move just staring me, so did I to him. “That..doll...” Out of sudden Jun broke the silence. I pointed my view to my hand. Much to my surprise I still hugging that doll! I blushed terribly and immediately hide it in my back, though it useless. He had saw it.
“The doll from me, isn’t it?”
“To..today just coincidentally I play with it. Doesn’t mean I always keep it!”
I walked to behind and unfortunately I hit the foodcart makes the teapot fell and broken. Its broken pieces spread of. Jun quickly carry me up. ”What are you doing? Didn’t you get hitted?!”
He puts me back to the floor. “Don’t worry Rena-sama. It just hitted my shoes and pants. Besides it’s my duty to protect you,”
“Duty you said?”
So my asumption was right. “Because it’s your duty, you can’t refuse what you don’t like right?”
“What I don’t like?” He confused.
“At that time...eight years ago you left me because you hate me right? You left me but why you came back? You divert your view because you don’t want to see me right?” That pale face and trembling clenched hands could not get off my mind. I couldn’t ask his reason and prevent him.
“I am used to be alone, Jun. I don’t want you to be forced beside me. You better stop this job and leave again. I can clean this, get out,” My eyes seemed teary. I tried my best for my tears to not falling.
“Ah Rena-sama, ohayou!”
“Today you came so early. As for us we have morning practice,” My two classmates shyly started a conversation.
“Ohayou,” I replied.
“Eh? Your face is little bit flushed Rena-sama,”
“It’s rare. Today you don’t with Jun?”
I turned my head to the opposite. “Maybe...he won’t come with me again,” Actually I came early because feel guilty to him. And last night I didn’t even sleep because thinking of it.
“Ah! Look over there! Jun surrounded by our seniors. They look scary...”
I immediately stood up from my seat and ran out from class. I was like a stupid person, why I running? What would I say to him after arrived there? But if I don’t go....Jun, eight years ago I could not catch you.
Normal POV“Everytime we keep Rena-sama’s happiness but after you came Rena-sama looks sad everyday! We trying to calm, but you, you don’t even deserve to be in her side!” The seniors scolded Jun. However he is still acted cool.
“You are right. I am always think of it too, that’s why...”
Suddenly one of the seniors grabbed his collar and yelled right in front of Jun’s face. “What are you talking about huh?! We would not forgive everyone who made Rena-sama sad!”
Jun gripped his hand. “That’s what come particularly in my mind!”
“Stop! Get off your hand from him!” Rena blocked their way. They shocked of Rena’s sudden arrival.
“I am not sad. Because I was different from eight years ago,”
Rena POV I could not stop him caused by my weak condition. I was out of breath after run fifty steps. From that time I wanted to be strong, even Jun leaves me again I could catch him. I am strong now. “Despite of that, if you want to resign from your job do it fast! I am fine-“
I fell into his embrace, out of breath. He hurriedly carry me and ordered the seniors to call my home person while he took me along to the infirmary. Arrived there he laid me gently on the bed and took off his blazer. The nurse panicked. “We must give her sip medicine and infusion for bronchitis disease. Can’t wait for her home person to come. Must do it now,” Jun murmured.
“These things cannot do it here. Importantly there is no doctor and medicines for it...”
Jun suddenly showed a card to the nurse. “The doctor, I am,”
“This?! Chicago University Hospital, Doctor Matsui Jun?! And this is license for Japan doctor?!” The nurse so shocked.
I am really confused. Jun opened a small trunk. “I bring the medicines and equipments. This time let me protect you Rena-sama,” He assured me.
I didn’t know what happened next. My vision became blur then dark.
“Gradueated from Doctor Faculty beyond the country you said? Why can you joking like that?!” I literally did not believe what have I heard a while ago. In this young age he already a doctor?!
“I am not joking. Actually since I born my intelligence level was high. They said I am a gifted child. Nine years old I had entered university. Twelve years old I continued the Doctor program in Chicago University. After graduated I got Doctor Academic Title and license of Japan Doctor for practice. Honestly I got invitation to attend school beyond the country from the university. I don’t go because I am still hesitate about it. But the day, eight years ago when I saw Rena-sama in serious condition, I couldn’t be with you if this happen particularly I thought. Despite of that to be with you I decided to be a Doctor,”
He succeded explain me the reason of why he became a Doctor in this still young age. But I have one more question for him to answer. “So that pale face, trembling clenched hands, and your passing are not because you hate me?”
“Of course,” He answered it with serious expression, lol.
“If so why your attitude changed drastically? You act cold, divert your view, and excuse all of that are your job or duty!”
Jun lowered his head. ”That are because this eight years Rena-sama has changed into beautiful lady. I think I should indicate my mature side to you too. And...I do so hard to act cool. Sorry,”
What?! What have I Seen? I saw a pair of dog ears and heard a pleading voice of dog. I must be halucinating. I rubbed my eyes. “I am nervous to act like an adult. Rena-sama is pretty, famous, and nice. If I look into your eyes my heart races, couldn’t act cool, and clumsy. Or you can say I covered my nervousness,” I knew my cheeks are terribly red now. My heart also pounding so fast. Arrrgghh this puppy caused many strange feelings!
Some days later After that Jun was still a troublesome puppy. Finally he turned to my personal doctor. Nevertheless actually Jun was a little different now. Like tonight he checked my temperature, etc. His hand when touched my forehead...I felt some butterflies in my stomach.
“Again you acted cool, nee?” I stared at him. It made him blushed and his clumsiness showed.
“I...just want to be suitable for you,”
It was natural for people to change but the sincerity of heart won’t change. Hope I could catch, chase, and meet him in the future as my husband. Well I forgot to tell, Jun and I had engaged. Our parents planned this since we kids. “Jun promise me, you’ll always beside me right?” I looked to the ring then to him with flushed cheeks.
He smiled cheerfully. “I promise!” Out of sudden he hugged me tight. I widened my eyes. “What...are you doing?”
“Eh!? Gommennasai Rena!” He released the hug.
Somehow it makes me sad. He was still shy! I grabbed his coat and pulled it to me. I captured his lips. We kissed for a few minutes started with simple one continued to passionate. I spread my arms around his neck while pull him closer to my bed. Finally I lay on the bed with him on my top. “Shall we do it tonight, Rena?” He smirked and breathlessly asked as we parted for air. I gulped. It was a mistake to kiss him. Look now his naughty like dog side appeared. I only could hope tonight he will be gentle. “Su..Sure..”