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Author Topic: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners (23/23) + Destiny (41/41 END) [WMatsui] - REPLIES  (Read 358173 times)

Offline Genkikid

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Since the story's title "Destiny" is the same as the drama Rena's doing, the 'drama' part of the story will revolve around the drama "Destiny" Rena's doing and how the couple cope with it? (Got what I say?)

Offline Minami-chan

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Since the story's title "Destiny" is the same as the drama Rena's doing, the 'drama' part of the story will revolve around the drama "Destiny" Rena's doing and how the couple cope with it? (Got what I say?)

True! I didn't notice it!

Offline sophcaro

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    • sophcaro
Since the story's title "Destiny" is the same as the drama Rena's doing, the 'drama' part of the story will revolve around the drama "Destiny" Rena's doing and how the couple cope with it? (Got what I say?)

I'm not sure I understand your question... Maybe if you could rephrase I would be able to answer your question?  :)
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline Genkikid

  • ecchi
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Since the story's title "Destiny" is the same as the drama Rena's doing, the 'drama' part of the story will revolve around the drama "Destiny" Rena's doing and how the couple cope with it? (Got what I say?)

I'm not sure I understand your question... Maybe if you could rephrase I would be able to answer your question?  :)

That's the simplest my brain can compose. Maa ii... I'll just have to follow the story to get the answer

Offline sophcaro

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They stayed into each other’s arms for a while, simply relishing the presence of the other. From time to time they would exchange a few kisses; Jurina would also trace absently random patterns on Rena’s skin. The older Matsui truly didn’t want to disentangle herself from the comfort of Jurina’s warm embrace, but she was aware they would need to get up at some point. At least, to fulfill very basic needs, such as eating. When she heard Jurina’s stomach grumbling slightly, she knew it was her cue to intervene.

“Jurina, we should get dressed and get something to eat.” Rena suggested. However, despite the soft invitation the younger girl didn’t move an inch, not even when her stomach manifested its displeasure a second time.

Rena waited patiently, amused Jurina would stubbornly refuse to listen to her body’s wishes. To be honest, when she made her offer, she suspected Jurina would declare she was not hungry. She had heard the statement falling from her lips so many times in the past - even when her body was evidently proving otherwise - that it wouldn’t have surprised her in the least. However, Jurina didn’t utter those words at all. On the contrary, after a little while, she expressed something that she would never have expected.

“I’m a bit hungry,” Jurina admitted, before continuing tentatively. “Room service?”

Rena looked back at her, somehow willing to check that she was not joking. Considering Jurina’s head resting heavily on her shoulder and her closed eyelids, it appeared someone was feeling a bit lazy this morning. It was such an unforeseen behavior coming from the usually so energetic ace, that Rena couldn’t help staring at her in awe for a few seconds.

Rena was about to retort that they would need to get out of the room eventually, but she decided to comply with Jurina’s unexpected demand for now. A smile moved to her lips and she ran her fingers through Jurina’s dark hair, before placing a kiss on her forehead. “Alright, sleepyhead. Room service it is.”

Rena pulled away from Jurina’s arms and took a seat in bed, soon sweeping the room in  search of her clothes. What she discovered left her momentarily speechless: their clothes were scattered on the floor all around the place. Last night’s events immediately came to the forefront of her mind, and her heart started beating faster inside her chest at the memory. Ah, that’s right. Their reunion had been quite… intense. When the images of their passionate lovemaking kept flashing into her head and refused to leave her despite her best efforts, she tilted her head towards the sleepy girl partly responsible for the very unusual mess in her room. 

The bedsheet was resting just under Jurina’s chest, and the older Matsui let her gaze roam over her nude form. Without thinking she extended her arm, and let her fingertips travel her skin, appreciating anew its soft touch. A pair of eyes soon fluttered open to gaze back at her but Rena didn’t notice it, too engrossed into her exploration. At some point, the older Matsui did hear a little voice inside her head telling her she should stop right now if she didn’t want the situation to escalate, especially when her fingers were drawing dangerously closer to Jurina’s chest.

But Rena didn’t listen, amazed by the sight in front of her. They had made love to each other last night - and again barely an hour ago - but the pull to revisit every inch of her body was strong to resist when those images kept taunting her. All of a sudden, she felt Jurina seizing her wandering hand and not letting go of it, pulling her towards her the moment after.

Rena didn’t resist, and claimed Jurina’s lips. The chaste kiss soon turned into a lingering one, and Rena knew exactly what was on Jurina’s mind when she tried to pull her further onto the bed. Apparently, the young ace was not as tired as she pretended earlier on.

Rena figured it was wiser to stop before it went too far and she broke the kiss, taking in Jurina’s cute, disappointed pout when their gazes met. Not wishing to give time for Jurina to make another move - and possibly put an end to her last shred of resistance - she pulled back, and put some cautious distance with those tempting lips. They had to get out of bed. They needed to eat.

Rena diverted her attention again to the clothes spread out on the red carpet, squinting to try and distinguish which clothes were Jurina’s, and which one were hers. Unfortunately, despite the morning light penetrating the room it was still too dark to see properly, and she failed to accomplish what should have been normally an easy task. She gave up in her research quickly, deciding for now to opt for fresh clothes. She would gather her clothes later, once the curtains would be opened.

Rena stood up from the bed and started walking towards her suitcase, when a knock on the door suddenly made her freeze. She looked up instantly and waited, wondering for a minute if it wasn’t a mistake, and the person didn’t knock on the wrong door. She certainly wasn’t expecting anyone this morning. Another knock could be heard merely a few seconds later, and a feminine voice sounded tentatively behind the door.

“Rena-san… are you here?”

Sayuri? Rena frowned at the very familiar voice. What was her co-star doing in front of her hotel room? Were they supposed to meet? Somehow, Rena had no memory of a planned meeting. Rena knew the best way to get an answer was to go straight to the source, and she cleared her slightly hoarse voice when she spoke up. “I’m coming.”

Before remembering in stupor that she was not wearing any clothes at the moment. It was obviously out of the question to answer the door in such an undressed state. Rena didn’t wish to make her unexpected visitor wait too long, but she refused to let panic take hold of her either. She didn’t look agitated in the slightest when she took some clothes from her suitcase but deep inside, it was a different matter. Her heart was now even beating a bit faster inside her chest. 

A muffled chuckle suddenly sounded behind her back and, after pulling a red tee-shirt over her head, Rena took a curious peek over her shoulder. Jurina hadn’t moved an inch from the bed but was now watching her every move in great interest. It appeared someone was finding the situation quite funny, and evidently couldn’t wait to see how she was going to deal with her unexpected visitor.

Rena sent her a silent glare, hoping it would wipe this silly grin off her face. Unfortunately it had the exact opposite effect, as Jurina’s smile grew only larger. Rena took a few decided steps towards the bed and seized the sheet, throwing it the moment after over Jurina’s face. Of course, she could still see her body shaking in amusement through the thin fabric, and she let out a light growl at Jurina’s impossibly childish behavior.

Rena decided to let it go for now and finished getting dressed, before approaching the front door once she deemed herself much more presentable. She checked herself quickly in the large mirror beside the door - combing her messy hair with her fingers as best as she could - before turning towards the door and seizing the doorknob. Her appearance was far from perfect - of that she was well aware - but it was the best she could do in such a limited amount of time. She mastered her best polite smile when she opened the door. “Good morning, Sayuri.”

“Re… Rena-san,” the young actress stammered as soon as they came face to face.

Rena was doing everything in her power to keep her composure, but she knew her unusual - far from neat - appearance was unsettling her interlocutor. It wasn’t like Sayuri was making her surprise any subtle. Her eyes hadn’t stopped traveling her body up and down the second she opened the door.

“I hope I didn’t wake you up,” Sayuri continued hesitantly. “Yosuke and I got worried when you didn’t show up for breakfast.”

Just as Rena was about to reply, a loud thump inside the room distracted her. She kept her eyes firmly on Sayuri despite the sound, even though she was conscious Jurina had just betrayed her presence. Indeed, the noise certainly didn’t go unnoticed from Sayuri, as she immediately looked over her shoulder in surprise. Rena made sure the door stayed only partially opened, not willing to satiate Sayuri’s curiosity.

“Ah… you’re not alone.” Sayuri lowered her voice, looking away in discomfort. “I’m sorry, I didn’t want to disturb you.”

“You’re not disturbing me,” Rena reassured her with a rapid wave of her hand. She could have let it go and changed the subject cleverly, but something was telling her it was not the best move with Sayuri. She could almost hear the other girl thinking out loud. Evidently, her co-star was now convinced there was someone else in the room with her, and most probably believing it was a person from the opposite gender.

Rena feared the young girl would spread false rumors. Until now, Sayuri proved to be very nice and trustworthy, but she had only known her for a month. Besides, she had witnessed with her very own eyes how she acted when she had too many drinks. The young actress was anything but resistant when it came to alcohol, and the beverage was very effective in loosening her tongue. Rena didn’t want to take any chances. She had to right the wrong straight away.

“Do you remember Jurina?” Rena questioned her. Albeit the fact she liked to keep her private life to herself she happened to mention a few times Jurina to her two co-stars. Indeed, sometimes they would catch her into a conversation on the phone with her, and she had no choice but to give them some piece of information. She always shared as little as possible, but she was fairly certain the name would ring a bell to Sayuri. And indeed, she nodded the moment after, her eyes now back on her in interest.

“She arrived yesterday evening to spend my birthday with me,” Rena explained, noticing Sayuri’s eyes widening progressively in realization. “She’s leaving soon, so I wish to spend a little more time with her.”

“Oh… I see.” Sayuri nodded, a bright smile now plastering her features. “Enjoy yourselves, then. I’ll see you later on set.”

Rena returned the smile immediately, not failing to notice the way Sayuri was trying to catch a glimpse of Jurina over her shoulder. It was pretty much useless, considering the fact the partially opened door didn’t give the opportunity to see much inside. However, Rena had discovered quite quickly that Sayuri was tenacity personified. Unfortunately for her, she was very resilient and definitely not about to give her what she wanted. Much as her previous explanation seemed to have satisfied her visitor, she had no idea what excuse she would be able to come up with if Sayuri unexpectedly happened to stumble upon a very naked Jurina.

Rena waited patiently for her guest to leave, and closed the door behind her once she was finally out of sight. She stared at the closed door for a few seconds and let out a small sigh of relief, before turning around to discover the origin of the previous sound. Jurina was still laying in bed and had a slightly embarrassed look on her face, and the older Matsui immediately understood why. It wasn’t hard to guess what had happened, with Jurina’s arm extended towards the floor, and the alarm-clock now laying on the carpet.

“Sorry.” Jurina made a face. “I was trying to take a look at the time, but the alarm-clock slipped from my fingers.”

“Jurina…” Rena giggled at her girlfriend’s unusual clumsiness. She took a few steps forward, bending over to retrieve the fallen object. She replaced it back on the bedside table, before glancing over at the still somewhat petrified ace. “Don’t worry, she didn’t see you. But that’s why you need to put some clothes on.”

“I would love to, but I don’t know where my clothes are...”

Rena nodded in agreement, and moved towards the curtains. She opened them progressively, until the sun inundated the room completely. When she turned around she spotted immediately Jurina’s blue shirt on the floor, then later her underwear. Her own dress laid no far from Jurina’s pair of trousers near the bathroom door. How it ended there? She had absolutely no idea.

“I didn’t realize it was that bad,” Jurina spoke up, taking in as well the state of the room. “Sorry…”

“Don’t apologize.” Rena shook her head at her. Yes, she always liked to keep her place neat and tidy. And Jurina, more than anyone, was well aware of that aspect of her personality. However, she could make a few exceptions. Especially when she was also half responsible for that mess. “I’m going to take a quick shower, then I’ll order room service. What do you want to eat?”

“Anything is fine,” Jurina replied but her eyes lit up suddenly, and she quickly came back on her declaration. “On seconds thoughts, I wouldn’t mind tamago kake gohan with dashi maki tamago. Do you think they serve that?”

“They do.” Rena nodded, pleased to note Jurina’s appetite. When her own stomach started grumbling, she knew they both definitely deserved a nice breakfast this morning.

Nothing could satisfy Rena more than to see the young ace eating her breakfast with such eagerness. So many times in the past Jurina would neglect her health - stating vehemently she was not hungry - and skip meals. Rena would lie if she said she didn’t understand. Rehearsals were challenging to learn - especially the first years they joined the group - and left little free time. It was definitely not unusual to see members skip meals, when they simply could not afford to take a break.

Rena had to admit she did it herself more than a few times. Skip meals. Eat very little. Those were not strange notions to her either. Despite that fact, she learned to listen to her body. She knew when she was pushing it to its limits. Jurina didn’t. Or more accurately, she refused to listen. The simple notion of taking a pause was unconceivable to Jurina when she wasn’t entirely satisfied with her work. And, unfortunately, she was a perfectionist.

Both Matsui often rehearsed choreographies together. When the music would end and Rena was happy with the work accomplished, Jurina would often find a flaw somewhere. We were not perfectly synchronized during the second verse! She would sometimes state in deep frustration. I think I didn’t smile enough during the song, was another common, worried remark.

At first, Rena tried to reason her; Jurina was being too hard on herself. Her moves were beyond reproach, there was nothing to change. But soon, she understood her words had little to no effect, and fell on deaf ears. No one could really change Jurina’s mind when she had it set on something. That was her best quality, as well as her worst flaw: she was stubborn as a mule.

Rena took a bite of her melon pan, watching attentively the young ace who was eating silently opposite her. It reassured her to realize she had regained all the weight she had lost the months following the news of her graduation. Jurina seemed fit again. Besides, Jurina had been spending time with Mayu lately, and the older Matsui knew she could count on the latter to make sure she ate properly. Jurina may be very stubborn herself, Rena sometimes believed she found a serious concurrent in the person of Mayu Watanabe.

At the thought of Jurina’s best friend, Rena remembered a question she had meant to ask her earlier, but had completely forgotten along the way. She couldn’t be happier to have Jurina by her side, but last time they spoke on the phone, she was still with Mayu and Yuki. There was a mystery she wished to solve. “Weren’t you supposed to be at Mayu’s beach house until the end of the week?”

Jurina looked up instantly from her bowl of rice, and let out a small laugh at her confused expression. “Ah, yes. I didn’t explain. Actually, this is a funny story.”

Jurina’s enigmatic words couldn’t render Rena more curious and she waited in expectation, Jurina soon feeding her curiosity when she started narrating a certain conversation that occurred a few days ago with her AKB best friend.


It was almost 11 PM, but none of the girls were sleeping. They had finished watching a movie a few minutes ago in the living room and, as Mayu drew closer to the front door to close it for the night, she noticed through the window Jurina seated alone on the front porch. The latter wasn’t moving and, after a quick studying of the scene, seemed to be observing the dark sky over her head.

Mayu seriously considered joining her to check if everything was fine with her. It was so unusual to see the younger Matsui isolate herself from others. It just didn’t bode well with her extrovert nature. Just as she was about to make up her mind and move forward she heard familiar steps approaching her from behind, and felt a hand squeezing her shoulder lightly.

“Jurina has been awfully quiet today,” Yuki noted as she stood next to Mayu, watching as well the young girl outside. “Do you know why?”

“I don’t,” Mayu admitted. She let out a small despondent sigh.

Since her arrival at the beach house Jurina looked happy and seemed to enjoy herself very much, but Mayu did indeed notice the sudden change in her mood today. Since this morning, Jurina had uttered only very few words, and her face was void of its usual cheerfulness. In fact, it didn’t take a genius to figure out something was troubling her. Mayu believed maybe it was only temporary and Jurina would be back to her normal, joyful self the next day. After all, everyone had its ups and downs. It was human nature. Still, Mayu couldn’t help wondering what had been monopolizing her thoughts all day.

“Maybe she misses Rena more than she wants to admit,” Yuki offered. “I hope they’ll be okay.”

Mayu distinguished the worry in her girlfriend’s voice, and she immediately looked back at her in confusion. “Why wouldn’t they be?”

“Long-distance relationships can be hard to maintain, and Jurina has more pressure on her shoulders now that Rena is not in SKE anymore,” Yuki reminded her with a faint smile. “You know your best friend more than I do. She says that she’s fine, but is it the complete truth?”

Mayu didn’t answer, but she knew at her core that Yuki was right. Rena’s graduation had set so many things in motion. Jurina was now sole leader of SKE, and both Matsui would be separated like they had never before. Jurina did seem to feel better when they spoke on the phone lately, and she harbored a bright smile since her arrival for her week holiday. But Rena had barely graduated. The situation was still brand new for Jurina. For now, she seemed to handle it. But would it still be the case in a few months, when realization would hit her that it was permanent?

Mayu remembered vividly how destabilizing the separation had been for her when Yuki and her ended up in different teams a few years ago. Some days, it was definitely hard not to have the older girl by her side. She missed her friend, and a confident. In the end, they were finally reunited again in the same team, and Mayu couldn’t have felt more relieved. But this difficult situation she had to face was nothing compared with what her best friend would have to go through now that Rena had left the group to pursue her dreams. It wasn’t a temporary situation. Rena was never going to come back.

Despite the circumstances, Mayu refused to be pessimistic. And she wished that thought to come across when she replied. “I know Jurina can be stubborn, and it’s true it will be more difficult without Rena by her side in the group. But it’s not like Rena is leaving the country. No, they will not see each other as often as before. And I know it’s going to take some time for Jurina to truly accept the idea. After all, she was privileged to have Rena by her side during all these years. It’s not a small, anecdotic change. But they care about each other deeply. Isn’t it enough to make their relationship work?”

As Mayu still had her eyes boring into Jurina’s back while she spoke, she failed to see the effect her words provoked on Yuki. Indeed, if she looked at her right now, then she would witness her speechless expression. In fact, Yuki gazed at her for a little while without saying anything - almost pensively - until her mouth tugged into a smile, and she inched closer. Mayu noticed from her peripheral vision her sudden movement and she looked back at her in curiosity, clearly not expecting to receive a gentle kiss on the lips.

“My Mayuyu is a romantic,” Yuki whispered when she pulled away.

Mayu let the words sink in progressively, before shaking her head softly. “It’s just… Jurina has invested so much in SKE. She loves both the group and Rena more than anything. I would hate to see the circumstances split them apart, or make her unhappy. Jurina deserves the very best.”

“She does,” Yuki confirmed, before noting that Mayu was staring again at her best friend on the porch. Her intention to have a talk with her best friend was more than clear to her. She gave her another kiss, this time on the cheek. “I’m going to bed. Don’t stay up too late you two.”

Mayu nodded and watched the older girl retreating towards the bedroom, until deciding to finally join SKE’s ace outside. She received a startled look when she took a seat next to Jurina but the latter didn’t say anything, soon gazing at the stars again. They stayed in a comfortable silence for a little while, until Jurina was the one to break the silence.

“Rena will be turning 25 in two days.”

The affirmation took Mayu by surprise, and she immediately turned to look at her. Ah, that’s right, Rena’s birthday was in July. Same as Yuki’s. How come she completely forgot about it? But… wait. Jurina didn’t mention going to see Rena in Kyoto for her birthday. Was it a piece of information she forgot to share with her? “When are you leaving, then?”

“What do you mean?” Jurina looked back at her in confusion. “On Sunday, as agreed.”

“Sunday?” Mayu frowned. “But you will miss her birthday.”

“Well yes,” Jurina admitted, gazing back at the dark sky sadly. “She’s in Kyoto right now. There’s not much I can do about it.”

Mayu simply couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Was her best friend truly saying she was not going to spend Rena’s birthday with her? When was the last time such a thing happened? Never. In fact, even before both Matsui started dated, Jurina would always be by her side for each and single one of her birthdays. She also always bought her gift well in advance, and made sure everything was carefully prepared when the important day arrived.

“You’re serious?!” Mayu’s voice pitched up in shock. Who was this impostor she was talking with? And what had she done with her best friend? “Kyoto is not that far. Go and see her!”

“But…” Jurina murmured, clearly not expecting such a suggestion by the hesitation in her voice. “She’s busy working on her drama. I don’t want to disturb h-”

“I can’t believe we’re even having this conversation!” Mayu cut her off in frustration, standing up abruptly. “I know you miss her, and it’s her birthday. Trust me, you’ll regret it if you don’t spend this moment with her.”

“You should have heard her,” Jurina said, laughing softly when the image of a slightly mad Mayuyu immerged in her head. “She was very decided on having me leave. She even waited until the train departed to leave the platform, as if to make sure I wouldn’t change my mind at the last minute.”

It took a few, long seconds for Rena to react when the young Matsui ended her narration. Out of all the possibilities, she surely didn’t expect Mayu to be the reason behind Jurina’s presence in Kyoto. Unfortunately, she had absolutely no idea when she would cross path with the AKB member again, but she made a mental note to thank her for that. 

There was also a preconceived idea she wished to correct without further ado. In fact, it wasn’t the first time she heard such a stupid thing falling from her girlfriend’s lips. And she still didn’t understand why the young Matsui would ever put such an idea inside her head. It made no sense whatsoever to her. “Jurina… I know I’ve been quite busy lately, but you’re never bothering me.”

Rena extended her arm and squeezed Jurina’s hand lightly, pleased to receive a soft nod and a sincere smile in return. Albeit the fact Jurina was clearly listening to her right now, she still wasn’t entirely convinced not to hear such an incredible thing again. Jurina sometimes had those curious ideas deep anchored inside her head, and it was always hard to remove them. No matter how convincing you proved to be.

Rena decided to let this subject go for now and looked down to their plates, noticing they both had finished their breakfast. She diverted her attention to the script of Destiny laying at the corner of the table. Each morning, before going on set, she always liked to go through her lines one last time. She was adamant on not breaking her routine, but decided for now to postpone it to later. Rena gazed back at Jurina, noticing immediately that she looked quite… pensive.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t have a present with me,” Jurina announced all of a sudden. The young girl made a slight pause, and Rena could tell by her evasive look that she was feeling really bothered by it. “I came straight from Mayu’s beach house.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Rena reassured her quickly. “Your presence is far enough. Besides, I don’t need anything.”

“Really?” Jurina arched an eyebrow in skepticism. “What about Nike’s new pair of sneakers you’ve been mentioning a few times these last weeks?”

Rena felt like a deer caught in the headlights. It was no secret for anyone that she was a real fan of sneakers - even having quite a large collection of them at home - but she didn’t realize she had spoken that much about that red and blue pair of sneakers that caught her eye. If truth be told, she even had set her mind on buying it the minute she saw the advertisement on the television. In the end, the idea fell at the back of her head, too engrossed into her work to really have time to go shopping. “You… you bought it?”

“I did,” Jurina confirmed, doing her best not to laugh when Rena’s eyes widened progressively. Her enthusiasm was anything but subtle. “You’ll have it when you come back to Nagoya.”

This time, Jurina couldn’t hold it any longer and laughed freely when Rena suddenly got up from the table, and embraced her tightly from behind. Without warning she received a kiss on the head, and she quickly lost count of the number of times the older Matsui thanked her. At some point, Rena finally disentangled herself from her and went back to take a seat, but Jurina surely didn’t miss the joy still present in her small brown orbs. That was an expression she could never get tired of. Being able to please her girlfriend in such a way always brought her great satisfaction.

“I was thinking.” Jurina’s features grew more serious. She was about to expose an idea that popped up in her head yesterday in the train, and she was curious to know Rena’s opinion about it. “What if I stayed in Kyoto until Sunday? I don’t need to be in Nagoya until Monday.”

“But… I’ll be on set this afternoon,” Rena reminded her, in a mix of confusion and concern. “And all day tomorrow. I won’t be able to spend time with you.”

“I know,” Jurina conceded, already well aware of Rena’s tight schedule. “But I was thinking I could visit the city while you’re busy, and we could meet for dinner. And you’ll be available during the week-end, no? We can spend those two days together.”

Rena didn’t say anything, but Jurina knew she had agreed to her suggestion when she sent her a warm smile. She reciprocated it without a second of hesitation, looking quite forward to spending more time with Rena. Sunday evening, she would need to go back to Nagoya and assume again the role of SKE’s ace. But right now, in Kyoto, she was not the member of an idol group. She was just a simple nineteen years old girl, enjoying the presence of the girl so dear to her heart.

« Last Edit: December 13, 2017, 02:52:05 AM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline genkingblack

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    • genkingblack
I can imagine how J's face when Rena stop the kiss, really? J need to calm down. but again who's not gonna turn on seeing Rena in nude form XD

And! about J dropped the clock hahaha she must be like a guilty puppy lol

anyway, thanks as always :)
My Projects :
GenkingBlack's Vault [OS/Short Stories] Last update 4-Apr-17
Brave Enough On Going Last update 16-Mar-17
Love is Serious, When War is Involved   Hiatus Last Update 12-Mar-17
Heartsmith | On Going Last Update 19-Oct-17
Hidden Vault | Perv Section

Offline Genkikid

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Puppy Ju dropped the alarm clock!! Glad Sayuri believe Rena's words

Nee.. If Jurina come to Rena's shooting site, would Rena get distracted??

Offline Minami-chan

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Beautiful chapter.
It seems that Jurina has really changed since Rena leave SKE48.

Offline Bukiyou Taiyou

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This is a very sweet chapter indeed. I was happy reading it. Though I must admit that moment when Rena started to touch Jurina again and things almost escalated, I was like, "Not again." Bed scene is inevitable and it's nice sometimes, but bed scene in three consecutive chapters would be too much, at least for me. Well, other readers could have different opinion though. That's why I was relieved when Rena didn't let Jurina make another move. Let's save it for *cough* another *cough* chapter.

When someone knocked the door, I thought it's room service haha! But that's impossible because Rena barely made a call. So, it was Sayuri. I think Rena handled the situation quite well. It could have been worse.

Anyway, I googled about tamago kake gohan and dashi maki tamago, and I think it's a nice choice for breakfast. And melonpan for Rena? It seems like she likes it so much to the point she has it for either breakfast or dinner (this reminds me of Heartbeat chapter 6).

It's interesting to know that Mayu is the reason behind Jurina's surprise visit to Kyoto. As expected, she's a very supportive friend. Though when Yuki said, "My Mayuyu is a romantic," I couldn't help giggling a little just because. Haha! I'm happy to know Jurina will extend her stay in Kyoto. Because it means only one thing: more WMatsui moments. But please, make them go outside! >,<

Thank you for this chapter! Your persistence and passion to write never fails to amaze me! Salute!

Ps. I super like the last sentence of chapter 6.

Offline Guacamoolee

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Another chapter about wmatsui.... This chapter is so fluff, warm and full off happiness it's so painful I want to cry. :cry:
While reading this chapter I keep telling myself that it's still chapter 6 and there will be more to come. It made me think that this happiness might not last forever.  :panic:
I beg you, Author-san... Whatever plot you've planned for this fic, please... don't make it too painful for both of them... LOL kidding!
Please don't listen to my selfish wish hahaha!

Thanks for update as always~

Offline sophcaro

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I can imagine how J's face when Rena stop the kiss, really? J need to calm down. but again who's not gonna turn on seeing Rena in nude form XD

Well, a naked Rena is definitely hard to resist for Jurina but in that case, let's not forget it's Rena who started and provoked the whole thing in the first place! Jurina would have stayed put if Rena didn't have wandering hands  :P

Nee.. If Jurina come to Rena's shooting site, would Rena get distracted??

I'm not quite sure Jurina would come and bother Rena while she's working... so who knows?

Beautiful chapter.
It seems that Jurina has really changed since Rena leave SKE48.

Yes, I believe her past experiences (Rena's grad, and now having to lead SKE by her own) have made her grow, mentally.

Though I must admit that moment when Rena started to touch Jurina again and things almost escalated, I was like, "Not again." Bed scene is inevitable and it's nice sometimes, but bed scene in three consecutive chapters would be too much, at least for me. Well, other readers could have different opinion though. That's why I was relieved when Rena didn't let Jurina make another move. Let's save it for *cough* another *cough* chapter.

In French, we have an expression: "Jamais 2 sans 3", which roughly means: when something happens twice, it always happens a third time. But in that case, I wasn't planning on following the adage. It would have been too redundant, plotwise.

I'm happy to know Jurina will extend her stay in Kyoto. Because it means only one thing: more WMatsui moments. But please, make them go outside! >,<

One more chapter, and the Kyoto 'arc' will be over. And yes, it means more WMatsui moments! And I promise, they will go outside and see the light  :P

Another chapter about wmatsui.... This chapter is so fluff, warm and full off happiness it's so painful I want to cry. :cry:

It's painful when they are happy. It's painful when they are not. You're not making my life any easier, you know that?  :lol:

While reading this chapter I keep telling myself that it's still chapter 6 and there will be more to come. It made me think that this happiness might not last forever.  :panic:

For now, I have around 25 chapters planned for Destiny (it may be more) so yes, there are a lots of things to come! Stick to the end to see what's going to happen  :thumbsup
« Last Edit: April 03, 2017, 04:32:04 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners (23/23) + Destiny (7/?) [WMatsui] (07/08/16)
« Reply #452 on: August 07, 2016, 04:47:10 PM »

“I don’t… I don’t understand what you’re saying,” Jurina finally managed to utter in a feeble murmur, in a mix of shock and confusion. At first, her initial thought had been to laugh at Rena’s improbable declaration - simply refusing to believe a single word of it - but her interlocutor’s serious expression told her she was not joking in the least. “You want us… to part?”

“My feelings for you have gradually changed,” the older girl repeated to her dismay, her calm tone and steady voice leaving no room for any shred of doubt.

A heavy silence engulfed the hotel room as none of them spoke after that, Jurina feeling her chest progressively tightening in pain. More than anything, she wanted to retort that this conversation made no sense whatsoever. They were happy together, why would she wish to put an end to their relationship? However, despite her profound incapacity to comprehend the situation, words desperately refused to come out.

Jurina couldn’t believe what was happening. Rena was facing her silently, her expression completely unreadable. The person she loved so deeply wasn’t such a cruel and cold person. She couldn’t be breaking her heart in such a terrible way.

‘Is something wrong?“ Jurina questioned tentatively. "Whatever it is, you can tell m-”

“Nobunaga!” Rena cut her off abruptly before she had time to finish her sentence.

Jurina widened her eyes in surprise, taken aback. Never had her beloved raised her voice in her presence, nor used such a harsh tone with her. She gulped when Rena’s usual loving expression hardened. Small brown orbs were now staring back at her, in a mix of frustration and anger. “Please listen to me, Nobunaga. I can’t give you what you desire. Not anymore.”

There was such an air of finality in her words, that Jurina could tell it was a well-thought decision. This person in front of her looked very similar to the girl she cared so much about, but her tone was cold as ice. What happened to them? What prompted her to change into a person she barely recognized? Did she, in any way, unconsciously provoke her unhappiness? If truth be told, the other girl had seemed elsewhere these last weeks. In fact, it happened right after her father, the shogun of the clan, asked to speak with her one afternoon. 

Jurina’s eyes lightened up, believing maybe she found an explanation for her odd behavior and terrible words. “Did your father tell you to say those words, Arisa?” Yes, now she recalled vividly the girl’s pale face after a certain meeting with the shogun. At the time, she had questioned her about it in concern but she had brushed it off, stating there was nothing to worry about. What if he discovered their forbidden relationship? However, Rena’s next words put an end to any conviction she had.

“My father has nothing to do with my decision.” Rena’s tone was slightly softer when she replied, but no less decided. “I’m speaking nothing but the truth. My heart doesn’t beat for you anymore, Nobunaga.”

Jurina made a small pause, and looked down to the script in her hand. They were both approaching the end of the scene. She read in her head the lines she was supposed to say next, and gazed back at the older Matsui. The latter still looked as focused as the moment before, and was very much in character. Jurina couldn’t help thinking how beautiful - but also a little painful - it was to rehearse such a terrible breakup scene with her.

Beautiful because Rena’s focused expression reminded her again that she truly was a born actress. But painful as well it was; breakups scenes were always hard to shoot. Especially when it looked so real, as right now. If they both had not slipped into the shoes of respectively Arisa and Nobunaga a few minutes ago, Jurina could easily have believed the older girl was really breaking up with her. The disturbing thought did indeed cross her mind a few times since the beginning of the rehearsal, direct consequences of Rena’s flawless acting. Yes, the twenty-five-year-old actress was definitely pouring everything she had into that intense and emotional scene.

Jurina brushed the thought aside and fell back into her character of Nobunaga at once, opening her mouth to continue with the text. “My heart still yearns for you despite your hurtful words, Arisa,” Jurina stated, looking straight into Rena’s eyes without wavering an instant.

Jurina knew her character was hurting inside, but he was nonetheless keeping his composure despite the incredibly hard situation he was facing. What a strong personality, Jurina couldn’t help thinking to herself. His controlled behavior made her admire him a little more. “However, I can’t stay by your side any longer now that I know your affection for me has changed. I will have left your father’s clan by tomorrow morning.”

Rena didn’t say anything, nor did she show any sign of emotion at her declaration. Jurina knew she still had one line to say, before her character turned on his heels and left the dojo, marking the end of the scene. Still, she felt that something was missing. Nobunaga loved Arisa unconditionally, and it seemed unlikely to her that he would leave without expressing one last time his profound affection for his childhood friend.

As a result, Jurina took a step forward and reduced the small distance separating them. She leaned forward and closed her eyes, pressing her lips against Rena’s. Jurina noted that the lips stayed still at the contact; she didn’t expect any less. Why would the older girl reply to her kiss? No such affectionate moment was written in the script. However, to her surprise, she felt lips moving slowly against hers the moment after.

Jurina could sense Rena was relaxing progressively into the kiss, and she knew she had momentarily slipped out of her character of shogun’s daughter. Although very chaste the kiss was nothing but sweet, and Jurina even accompanied the intimate moment with a gentle caress on Rena’s cheek. She let the kiss last for a few more seconds, before pulling away and distinguishing the slight confusion in Rena’s brown orbs. It made her smile. Rena may not have expected her little improvisation, she was still glad she made such an addition to the scene. It was now perfect.

Jurina took a step back, and her features grew more serious as she switched back to her character, ready to utter Nobunaga’s final words. “I will never forget you, Arisa.”

Jurina held Rena’s gaze, and waited as the script stipulated. It was a clever way for the viewers to believe maybe Arisa would finally intervene, and come back on her words. Stop this madness before it was too late. But it never happened. Arisa looked unfazed, and never uttered a single word.

In the intent of finishing enacting the scene properly Jurina moved towards the door. Her fingers encircled the doorknob slowly as if she was about to leave, but she didn’t turn it. Instead, her fingers retracted, and her expression softened as she progressively let go of the character that was inhabiting her until now.

She took a glimpse at the script in her hand, reading the last indications written on the page. As soon as Nobunaga left the dojo, Arisa’s true feelings finally emerged. It was all along what she wished: to have him leave the clan, in order to protect him from the truth of her imminent wedding. But, much as she should be satisfied that her terrible lies had the desired effect, it didn’t prevent silent tears from flowing down her face one after another.

It was truly a heart-rending scene, and Jurina had not doubt it was going to affect viewers tremendously. She let out a small sigh and turned around to take a look at the older Matsui, startled when she witnessed the distress in Rena’s shimmering eyes. It took her a few seconds to understand that she was still very much in character, and only enacting her part. However, even with that notion in mind, words stayed stuck in her mouth when she noticed a few tears sliding down Rena’s cheeks.

Rena… how can you bring life to a character with such talent? Jurina thought, amazed by the sight in front of her.

Of course, she had witnessed her acting skills a few times before, whether in dramas or in movies. Rena’s ability to fill in so easily the shoes of a character so mad and schizophrenic as Gekikara in Majisuka Gakuen had impressed everyone on set. If truth be told, she wondered if Rena didn’t purposely avoid playing respectable, normal girls on screen. She certainly didn’t play an ordinary girl either in the movie Gift.

Was it a way for her to get rid of this image of perfect Nagoya princess that stuck to her skin for so many years? Or maybe she just simply enjoyed portraying such complex, unconventional characters?

In Destiny, Jurina did notice that the older Matsui had reached a higher level in her acting. In fact, Rena had been taking acting classes these last months. At first, Jurina didn’t understand why she felt the need to do so. However, after questioning her about her decision one evening, it appeared the older girl believed her acting still had a few flaws she wished to correct. And, to be honest, Jurina believed Arisa was probably the most mature character she had ever played until now.

She was not as crazy as Gekikara, nor as wild as Saori; but her character was not less complicated to portray. Her role as Arisa enabled her to express a wide range of emotions: frustration and anger because of the impossible situation she found herself into… but also kindness and devotion when it came to her past romantic relationship with Nobunaga. Moreover, the format of the show asked of her an impeccable constancy in her acting. To top it all, she had a few action scenes to play, much more physically challenging than those she had to execute in Majisuka Gakuen.

Yes, Rena had played many interesting roles in the past; each one of them granting her even more recognition. But this drama was more popular than anything she had ever been in. Her talent was praised by many in the industry, and her picture everywhere in magazines. Once the shooting would be over, Jurina had no doubt Rena was going to be offered many more good roles. Destiny was definitely going to boost her career.

“Thank you for rehearsing that scene with me.” Rena’s voice jolted her out of her thoughts. The light was now back in her eyes as if it had never left, and she brushed away her tears casually. “It’s always easier to get in character when you’re playing opposite someone.”

“You’re welcome,” Jurina replied with a smile, glad the previous heavy atmosphere had now completely dissipated around them. She approached the table, putting down the script. Out of interest she started turning the next pages, curious to discover what was supposed to happen after that emotional flashback scene. “Somehow, I can empathize with Nobunaga. He loved her so much, and will never know she was lying to him all along.”

Jurina searched the text for the piece of information she was looking for, but there was no sign of Nobunaga in the next scene. In fact, as she turned the following pages, two names came back the most: Arisa, and Yoshiaki. No, it didn’t look like Arisa was going to be reunited with her childhood friend. Or if she was, then the director was cleverly keeping their reunion for the very last moment.

“I know,” Rena replied, admitting the terrible consequences her character’s lies had on her relationship with Nobunaga. But Arisa had her reasons for making such a terrible decision: she was only trying to protect the one she loved. Somehow, she could relate with Arisa a little. “By the way, why did you choose to add a kiss? It’s not in the script, and I could tell you were still in character.”

At the sound of Rena’s questioning tone an amused smile plastered Jurina’s face, and she diverted her attention from the script to look back at her. When she chose to kiss her earlier on, she truly wondered if Rena would let it pass. In the end, she had accepted the kiss without saying anything. And even replied to it. But it appeared she was still very curious to know why she had taken the liberty to improvise.

“I just felt like something was missing. I didn’t mean to take you by surprise but…” Jurina paused thoughtfully, until her eyes glinted with mischief when she recalled Rena’s behavior at the time. The older girl didn’t seem that bothered by the small additional, quite the contrary. “You could have pushed me away and asked me to stick to the script, but you didn’t.”

“It was on the spur of the moment,” Rena defended herself, but it was much obvious by the playfulness in her tone that she was playing along. “Such a slip won’t happen again.”

“Really?” Jurina arched an eyebrow. She moved forward and paused once they were standing merely a few feet apart, casting her a glance of defiance. “Are you… sure about that?”

They were so close to each other that Jurina could have easily stolen a kiss if she wanted to, but it was not what she had in mind right now. She surely didn’t miss Rena’s eyes falling on her lips, and found it very entertaining that the older girl was trying to stick to her words, and not give in to the provocation. The young ace decided to make a first move by placing a first quick kiss on her cheek - trying to force her into error - but faced nothing but Rena’s incredible resiliency. Never one to concede defeat she planted another - this time lingering - kiss near the corner of her lips, and was pleased when she saw Rena’s determination progressively faltering.

In order to put an end to her last shred of resistance she brushed her lips against hers lightly, and her mind screamed victory when Rena finally relented and captured her lips. Unfortunately, Jurina didn’t have time to relish the kiss very long that a familiar melody sounded in the room, ruining the intimate moment.

Jurina let out a light groan of frustration - her reaction making Rena laugh a little when she pulled away - and Jurina watched her as she moved towards the bedside table to retrieve her phone. The ringtone stopped as soon as it was secured in her hand, putting an halt to Dreams come True’s joyful song Ring Ring Ring. The older Matsui gazed back at her with a somewhat apologetic smile, and Jurina could almost predict what she was about to announce. “It was my alarm-clock… I have to go on set.”

Jurina nodded silently, realizing the moment of their separation had unfortunately already arrived. Rena started gathering a few things, and Jurina watched her getting absorbed in her preparations. Not wishing to distract the older girl while she was busy preparing her backpack she decided to take a seat at the table, her eyes soon falling on the script placed in front of her.

Now she remembered a question she meant to ask the older girl earlier on. Would Arisa and Nobunaga reunite? In the hope of finding an answer to that question she went through the script again, before realizing it only covered the episode Rena was going to shoot for the next two days. However, Jurina remembered vividly Rena mentioning that the director had given them a few scripts in advance. Maybe he even divulged the end? “Will Nobunaga and Arisa see each other again? Do you know how Destiny end?”

There was a pregnant pause - during which Jurina could tell Rena had stopped what she was doing - until the older girl spoke up. “Ah, that… I have no idea.”

At the sound of the hesitation in her voice, Jurina turned to take a curious look at her. Rena was now seated on the side of the bed, motionless near her half-open black backpack. Jurina took in her somewhat pensive look, wondering if her simple questions had triggered such a reaction. The moment after Rena’s thoughtful expression had entirely disappeared from her eyes and she meant to close her backpack, when she realized something was missing.

“The director hasn’t told us how it ends.” Rena stood up from the bed, her eyes falling briefly on Jurina, then on the script laying in front of her. “He says he doesn’t want the ending to influence our acting in any way.”

“Really?” Jurina exclaimed, her startled eyes following the older girl as she came to retrieve the script, and placed it inside her backpack. “So… you will know how it ends at the same time as the viewers.”

“Yes.” Rena nodded softly. “That’s the plan.”

Jurina stayed quiet, wondering about the director’s curious decision to keep the ending secret from his actors. For a moment, she wondered if it was not a trick to prevent any leaks. Destiny was a pretty popular drama now, with nationwide high audiences. A leak about the plot - especially the ending - would definitely be a real blow for all the staff working hard on the making of the historical drama. The love triangle was at the core of the story; it was essential to keep the suspense intact until the very end.

But maybe the director was also sincere in his approach, and merely attempting to make the best show possible? And believing that, by keeping a few crucial elements secret from his actors, he was going to reach his objective? Jurina didn’t know if she would have liked working in such conditions. Curiosity would have gotten the best of her at some point, and she would have felt a bit frustrated to be kept in the dark. However, it appeared the older Matsui didn’t seem that bothered by the director’s choice. 

From her peripheral vision Jurina noticed the older girl taking a seat opposite her, and she understood by the backpack now closed and placed near the door that her preparations were complete. Jurina guessed it was a matter of time until she would need to leave the hotel to join the set.

“I hope Arisa will end up with Nobunaga,” Jurina spoke up, raising her eyes to meet Rena’s. She took in her slightly startled expression, and she knew she had to develop her thoughts on the matter. “Yoshiaki is a good man, and I believe he would take good care of her but Arisa still loves Nobunaga. Yoshiaki will never be able to fill the void in Arisa’s heart.”

“You forget that Arisa and Nobunaga haven’t seen each other in months,” Rena reminded her. “She has no idea where he is. Even if she was to miraculously find him, there’s a high possibility he would already have moved on. Besides, she hurt him that day. Can he forgive her for her lies and for breaking his heart?”

“I don’t know,” Jurina conceded. “But she will never know if she doesn’t try.”

Rena didn’t reply, but she had to admit Jurina had a point. Of course, she was completely clueless about the ending. Who could say what the director had in mind? At this stage of the drama, it was impossible to tell. Arisa and Yoshiaki had surely grown closer these past episodes, and Arisa didn’t abhor the shogun’s son as much as at the beginning of the show. In fact, Arisa’s progressive change of heart was obvious, and also legitimate. Her host had been nothing but kind and patient with her since her arrival at the clan.

Both characters had been forced into a situation they didn’t want. Somehow, this common trait was bringing them closer day by day. Besides, she couldn’t ignore the fact she had incredible chemistry on screen with Yosuke. They worked perfectly well together and, from what she heard, viewers had taken a real liking in the duo she formed with Yoshiaki. However, because of the few flashbacks scenes involving Nobunaga, viewers constantly found themselves torn.

Rena diverted her attention from SKE’s ace when she heard her phone vibrating on the table. She immediately stopped the second alarm she had set on her phone, and reached out across the table to squeeze Jurina’s hand. Much as she wanted to, she couldn’t stay with her any longer. She had been already very lucky not to have scenes to shoot in the morning. Now, she couldn’t delay her departure any longer. She was needed on set in half an hour.   

“I’m leaving you my keycard so you can come and go as you wish,” Rena said, placing the designated rectangular object in front of the younger girl. “I’ll take another one at the reception.”

Jurina nodded. When she saw the other girl starting to turn on her heels and placing her baseball cap on her head, she understood she had every intention of leaving just like that. Quickly, she grabbed her hand within reach and pulled her towards her.

“Jurina, I’m going to be lat-” Rena tried to remind her, much in vain as she ended up on her lap anyway.

“What about my goodbye kiss?” Jurina claimed, removing her cap from her head at once. Rena tried to get up, but she wrapped her arms around her waist tightly.

Rena shot her an incredulous look at her uncooperative behavior, but placed nonetheless a quick kiss on her cheek. Jurina’s small frown told her she was still not satisfied. As to confirm her thoughts, her tight embrace was still completely preventing her from moving away. 

“Not enough.” Jurina shook her head, holding tight on Rena’s cap when she sneakily tried to take it back from her. “I’m not letting you go until I get what you want.”

Oh yes, Jurina was acting very childish right now, Rena mused in amusement as she observed Jurina’s decided look. In the past - when Jurina was still a young kid - she would sometimes find herself slightly frustrated when facing such a stubborn behavior. Jurina liked to have it her way; and very rarely relented until she obtained what she desired.

Very often, Rena would relent. Not because she agreed with her attitude, but mostly because she didn’t wish to get into a fight with her. What could she say? She didn’t like conflicts and avoided them at all costs. It simply didn’t bode well with her calm and poised character.

But could she really say no to her girlfriend’s demand? Did she want to say no? Not really. Even less when Jurina’s lips formed a small, adorable pout a few seconds later. So Jurina was using that card on her, now? Rena let out a small giggle. “Enough Jurina, you won.”

Rena saw Jurina’s face lightening up instantly, and she pressed her lips against hers without the slight hesitation. When she pulled away after a short exchanged kiss, Jurina’s face was glowing with happiness. A smile moved to her lips at her reaction, and she brushed her cheek with her thumb lightly. “Satisfied?”

“Very,” Jurina affirmed, her mouth tugging into an even broader smile. This time, she didn’t oppose any resistance when the older girl made a move to retrieve her cap, and she unloosed her hold around her waist. “You can go, now.”

“Thank you, Jurina.” Rena laughed. She placed a kiss on her forehead and stood up, securing her cap on her head. She definitely didn’t wish to leave the room without her precious red, baseball cap. This morning, the weather forecast had promised another scorching day. And the intensity of the sunrays currently penetrating the room told her her pale skin would definitely need the protection.

Rena moved towards the door and retrieved her backpack, taking one last look around the room to make sure she didn’t forget anything. In the end, her gaze fell on Jurina who was now standing next to her, and - as she started opening the door - gave her a smile and kissed her cheek one last time. “Have fun visiting the city. See you tonight.”

It had already been a month since her arrival in Kyoto, but Rena’s busy schedule had prevented her from enjoying the charms of Japan’s old capital until now. That is why she immediately agreed when - after making a few wishes at the nearby temple - Jurina suggested to take a stroll in the Maruyama Park. On this Sunday afternoon, it was thankfully not as hot nor as humid as the previous days. The occasion was perfect.

Rena made a pause on the stone bridge. There were a couple of families taking a walk in the park, but the place was less crowded than what she would have expected for a week-end. Her eyes soon fell on the beautiful nature surrounding her, taking in the blue flowers on her left, then the large maple trees on her right. Finally, the artificial lake at her feet monopolized all her attention and she observed it for a little while, soon getting lost in the peacefulness the sight procured her.

Without realizing it her eyes fluttered close, and she relished the pleasant sensation of the soft wind blowing against her skin. Why didn’t she come here any sooner? Spending time in such a quiet and beautiful place was truly invigorating. Indeed, she could feel all the tension and stress accumulated during her week leaving her body progressively. Rena made a mental note to come back to this place as soon as she would have a little free time.

Rena felt a hand slipping inside hers, and she took a peek at the quiet girl beside her. Jurina’s features seemed more relaxed, and she could tell the place was having the same positive impact on her. They shared a smile, and the older Matsui squeezed her fingers lightly.

“There are a few benches over there,” Jurina spoke up, showing a quiet, isolated area a bit further away in the park. “Why don’t we go and take a seat?”

Rena nodded in agreement and followed her willingly, Jurina never letting go of her hand as she led the way. She looked so happy. That fact was very much obvious when she observed her quietly from aside. It was her last day in Kyoto, but Rena could tell Jurina wanted to enjoy every minute of their time together.

They took a seat on a small unoccupied bench, located ingeniously under the shade of a maple tree. Rena let her gaze wander around, agreeing with Jurina’s choice of place. Indeed, apart from a solitary elderly man taking a nap on a bench a bit further away, bystanders were few and far between. It truly looked like they were not going to be much disturbed during their peaceful time alone.

Rena suddenly felt the young girl drawing closer on the bench, and a smile moved to her lips when Jurina rested her head on her shoulder. Fingers slipped into her hand the moment after, and she completed the affectionate gesture by lacing their fingers together.

Rena didn’t know how long they stayed into that position. The usually so talkative ace didn’t once try to break the comfortable silence they had settled in. The moment was so pleasant, that the older Matsui couldn’t help leaning her head against hers, and closing her eyes to relax.

It was the feeling of an object hitting softly her left leg that made Rena open her eyes again. She looked down in confusion and noticed a big, white ball at her feet. It didn’t take her long to understand where it was coming from as she saw a small boy - who couldn’t have been more than five years old - running towards her. As soon as they found themselves face to face he stopped, and gave her a somewhat hesitant look. “I’m sorry, onee-chan.”

Rena didn’t have time to react that Jurina had already grabbed the ball and, flashing the boy one of her most beautiful smiles, handled it to him. “Here you go.”

The boy stared at Jurina for a few seconds without saying anything, and Rena certainly didn’t miss his pale cheeks turning slightly pink. In the distance, Rena heard the boy’s parents calling his name, but he didn’t bulge. Instead, his eyes stayed glued on Jurina a little longer, as if refusing to part with the girl who had evidently already stolen his heart.

“Goodbye, Keiji-kun.” Jurina waved at him. “Have fun.”

It took a second calling of his name for the boy to finally turn on his heels, and he run off towards his parents. However, it didn’t prevent him from turning to look at Jurina once last time, and sending her a shy smile. 

“And someone else has fallen victim to your charms,” Rena teased her girlfriend who was still waving at him. How many times did she witness that kind of scene? SKE’s ace exuded joie de vivre, and her cheerful personality always had a very positive impact on people. Children, more than others, adored her very especially.

Jurina laughed a little, before tearing her eyes away from the young boy who had now entirely disappeared from her sight. “You’re just jealous.”

Rena rolled her eyes at her playful expression, before noticing a small square red box slipping out of Jurina’s pocket. The young girl noticed it as well and immediately put it back in place, avoiding her gaze. Rena frowned at her strange behavior. What was she trying to hide? And why did she suddenly look a bit… nervous? When Jurina chose not to say a word about it, she decided to let it go. They fell into a comfortable silence again, until Jurina spoke up after a little while.

“Do you want to have children, Rena?”

Rena gazed back at her in confusion, more than taken aback by the out of the blue question. At first, she believed maybe Jurina was only messing around with her, but she could tell it was not the case by her attentive look. She took her time to reply, pondering over her question seriously. “I’ve never really thought about it,” she finally answered in all honesty. “Maybe later? For now, I want to focus on my career.”

“I understand,” Jurina murmured.

Rena really wondered what had triggered such a curious question. Was it her latest, brief encounter with the small boy that prompted her to ask such a thing? In fact, she didn’t believe they ever broached such a topic before. But, as she observed her pensive expression, she could tell she was really letting her answer sink in.

“Do you?” Rena decided to return the question, now a little curious to know Jurina’s opinion about it. Considering the silence that followed, it appeared the younger girl had the same trouble answering.

“I think… I would,” Jurina replied after a little while. “I’m not entirely sure about that yet. But I know for sure that I want to get married.”

Rena didn’t blink at the statement. Why would she? She had heard the girl voicing her desire to get married a few times in the past, now. In fact, she still recalled vividly the first time she heard her saying such a thing. It was on a television show, and their future had been casually mentioned at some point during the conversation. When it was Jurina’s turn to answer the host’s question, the fourteen year old girl had casually declared she wasn’t opposed to the concept of getting married once she would have left the group. 

Rena had kept quiet at the time and her face didn’t show any sign of surprise, but the declaration had definitely caught her off guard. How could she already be thinking about that? And at such a young age? Given that Jurina had uttered those exact same words a few minutes ago, it appeared she had not changed her mind on the subject.

“You still don’t want to get married?” Jurina’s question jolted her out of her thoughts, and she let out a small sigh, knowing perfectly well why she was asking her that.

That was a subject they talked about a few times together. Manifestly, it was a choice Jurina still didn’t understand after all this time. “No, Jurina… I don’t want to get married.”

And here it was again, the incomprehension in her eyes. Jurina was doing her best not to say anything, but it was much obvious she was not going to keep it to herself much longer. And open her mouth to speak she did, although she didn’t quite say what she expected. “Alright. I won’t try and change your mind.”

Rena sent her a smile of gratitude, before seeing Jurina slipping her fingers inside the pocket of her shorts, and retrieving a small square red box. The box she didn’t want her to see a little while before. Rena gazed at it in curiosity.

“Thursday afternoon, I found these in a small jewellery shop,” Jurina started, her eyes never leaving hers once. “You know I felt bad not having a present for your birthday, so when I saw those in the shop window… I simply knew I had to buy them.”

Rena wanted to retort that she didn’t need anything. Her presence was far enough; a beautiful gift she would never have expected. Besides, the young ace bought her the pair of sneakers she dreamed of, didn’t she? They were waiting for her in Nagoya. Why would she feel the need to buy her something else? Jurina’s generosity was no news to her. In fact, she always liked to shower her with presents at every given opportunity. Of course, Rena was moved by her caring attitude but sometimes, it could get a bit overwhelming.

Oh yes, Rena repeated her - more than a few times - that it was very thoughtful of her, but she didn’t need all these things. But it never stopped her girlfriend from continuing as if she had never spoken. Apparently, it was an aspect of her personality she would never be able to change. And a little voice inside her head told her incredible stubbornness definitely didn’t help in the matter.

Rena didn’t wear a lot of jewellery in general; Jurina was perfectly aware of it. So what made her decide to opt for that kind of present this time? She didn’t have to wait long to know its content as Jurina slowly opened the box, revealing two matching silver rings.

Rena held her breath and widened her eyes in surprise, their previous conversation coming to the forefront of her mind. No, it couldn’t be what she imagined. Jurina was not…

“Don’t worry.” Jurina giggled a little. “I’m not asking you to marry me.”

Relief spread though Rena’s chest, and she relaxed progressively. She let out a small laugh, realizing her previous reaction had evidently betrayed her thoughts. “You scared me for a minute,” she admitted, before continuing on a light, teasing tone. “Besides, we’re much too young for that.”

“Yes, I’m only nineteen,” Jurina conceded with a smile. “But in five years, I’ll be twenty-four and will probably have left SKE.”

Jurina paused, and the older Matsui tried to understand the meaning behind her cryptic statement. In fact, it looked awfully like she wanted to add something else. Rena waited in expectation, somehow having a small idea of what she was about to say. Their previous conversation. These rings. Jurina had just stated it didn’t mean what she thought but… somehow she could feel she was not far from the truth. Not when Jurina was giving her such a serious look.

Jurina never developed her thoughts. Instead, she flashed her an innocent smile and extracted one ring from the box, placing it carefully inside the palm of her hand. “You don’t need to wear it. I just thought it would make a nice present.”

Rena truly didn’t know what to say, and she gazed silently at the small rounded object in her hand. It wasn’t a cheap ring; of this she was certain. Money never was a problem for Jurina, especially when it was a present for her. However, despite guessing the object was of quite important value it remained quite simple on the exterior, with not decoration to speak of. Somehow, she liked the simplicity of it.

From her peripheral vision, she saw Jurina extracting the other ring from the box, and she looked up in curiosity. Jurina placed it on her ring finger without a second of hesitation, and was now admiring the ring from every angle, even playing with it a little. Rena was never one to draw hasty conclusions, but she couldn’t ignore the fact the young girl had chosen to put her ring on this finger in particular.

Jurina never did anything by chance.

Rena tore her eyes away from the younger girl, trying not to delve too much on the message she could read between the lines. Instead, she cast a glance at the silver ring still inside her palm. She took it carefully with her fingers and decided to take a better look at it, her eyes widening in surprise when she noticed an inscription engraved inside. She had completely missed it when Jurina placed the object inside her hand earlier on. She read it attentively.

Forever yours, J.

A broad smile spread across Rena’s lips. It was cute. A little cheesy even, if she had to admit. But it was also very touching and adorable. All those adjectives that characterized so well her girlfriend’s personality. It was very much like Jurina to customize a present in such a loving way. Jurina’s previous words came to the forefront of her mind: You don’t need to wear it.

Rena knew perfectly what had motivated her to say such a thing. Jurina knew she was not that fond of jewellery; she obviously didn’t want to push her to wear a ring just to please her. But how could she not put it on? Especially after discovering Jurina went to great length to make sure her feelings came across? Her mind made up, she placed the ring on her left index, and planted a lingering kiss on Jurina’s cheek. Jurina’s face lightened up instantly when she accompanied the affectionate gesture with a soft thank you into her ear.

Rena took another look at the new object on her finger, getting accustomed to the cold sensation of the metal against her skin. There was no point denying what this gift really meant for Jurina. Nor the words the young ace had kept to herself.

Rena couldn’t possibly project herself in five years. Would she have accomplished her dreams and become a successful actress? Would Jurina still love the thirty years old girl she would have become? She was no fortune teller. She didn’t have any answer to those questions. However, she had an absolute certitude. As long as their feelings for each other remained intact, she would treasure that ring.

« Last Edit: December 13, 2017, 02:54:51 AM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

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Offline weirdasspotatoe

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners (23/23) + Destiny (7/?) [WMatsui] (07/08/16)
« Reply #453 on: August 07, 2016, 06:45:35 PM »
Dear lord, this is absolutely beautiful. The way you write is amazing and makes me want to read more. I also love how you portray both their characters here. Thank you for the update author-san.  :twothumbs

Offline Genkikid

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners (23/23) + Destiny (7/?) [WMatsui] (07/08/16)
« Reply #454 on: August 08, 2016, 01:56:54 AM »
It shocked me at the first scene. I thought Jurina was having a nightmare. Turns out it was just them rehearsing Rena's drama. But the last scene was totally sweet. That small gesture of Rena's consideration.

Oh, I think you make a little mistake at the last sentence of paragraph 50 when Jurina was explaining why she hope nobunaga and arisa will end up together. You wrote Rena instead of Arisa. Or was it intentional?

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners (23/23) + Destiny (7/?) [WMatsui] (07/08/16)
« Reply #455 on: August 08, 2016, 02:41:21 AM »
Oh, I think you make a little mistake at the last sentence of paragraph 50 when Jurina was explaining why she hope nobunaga and arisa will end up together. You wrote Rena instead of Arisa. Or was it intentional?

It was a typo. I corrected, thanks for telling me :)

My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
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Offline Guacamoolee

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners (23/23) + Destiny (7/?) [WMatsui] (07/08/16)
« Reply #456 on: August 08, 2016, 03:09:35 AM »
THAT FIRST PART OF THIS CHAPTER GAVE ME A LITTLE HEART ATTACK!! :shocked I thought Rena will leave Jurina for real, no this can't happen in parallel universe too. :smhid Thank God they were just practicing the drama script. :bow:

It's painful when they are happy. It's painful when they are not. You're not making my life any easier, you know that?  :lol:
You know S, wmatsui shipper's life is never easy. Please get used to it :lol:

Chapter 7, I love it! What a great chapter! Thanks for make them happy  :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: I'll stick around until the last chapter for sure.
You're such a great author :thumbsup
« Last Edit: August 08, 2016, 03:45:48 AM by Guacamoolee »

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners (23/23) + Destiny (7/?) [WMatsui] (07/08/16)
« Reply #457 on: August 08, 2016, 03:42:46 AM »
You got me for a second :|
It's like proposal but not so proposal. I mean the ring is huge thing right?

I read this last night, I was about to say the same as Genkikid. Glad someone pointing that out.
Like we said in tumblr, I dunno I feel somewhat weird like too much happiness. As if you are preparing the worst conflict later... but hey I love this kind of Rena ^^
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Offline Bukiyou Taiyou

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners (23/23) + Destiny (7/?) [WMatsui] (07/08/16)
« Reply #458 on: August 08, 2016, 03:19:33 PM »
Just like everyone else here, I found the first paragraph quite shocking. What a twist! Apparently Rena is really serious about practicing her part. She didn’t forget to go through her lines one last time, even when Jurina was around. As expected from Matsui Rena!

...Jurina had already grabbed the ball and, flashing the boy one of her most beautiful smiles, handled it to him. “Here you go.”

I almost wear shades imagining this scene. Jurina can be so bright when she smiles!

The conversation about marriage and having children is a bit heavy for them, I guess? But then “Forever yours, J” made me smile because it’s so Jurina! XD


Oh, I think you make a little mistake at the last sentence of paragraph 50 when Jurina was explaining why she hope nobunaga and arisa will end up together. You wrote Rena instead of Arisa. Or was it intentional?

Genkikid did such a good job to find the typo! And also did count the paragraph until 50! I salute you fellow reader!

Thank you for writing this sweet chapter, Author-san!

Offline Minami-chan

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Re: Heartbeat (20/20) + Partners (23/23) + Destiny (7/?) [WMatsui] (07/08/16)
« Reply #459 on: August 09, 2016, 12:11:09 AM »
Jurina has bought a pair of rings!
I can not believe that rena will ignore the meaning of the rings ...

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