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Author Topic: I want to hear you after death (AtsuMina, KojiYuu, others) Ch1Part1 11/12/2013  (Read 12303 times)

Offline Lost Heaven

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I was in my summer trip and to my head came this idea...

Sorry for my mistakes, my English isn't good yet.  :nervous

Anyway, this is prologue.
Hope you like it!  :heart:

I want to hear you after death


- This is an accurate diagnosis, Yamazaki-sensei? - A girl, sitting on a chair, visibly nervous.

- Yes, no doubt about it. All signs point precisely on this disease, and examination confirmed this.

- I see... - in her eyes  flashed sad. - And there is nothing you can do about it?

- Minami-chan, you're an adult human, so I can tell you ... - doctor morally prepared to tell the patient the horrible truth. - The disease is incurable. We can only slow its progression through the operation, but ...

- How much do I have left?

- Year, maybe one and a half ...


- Takahashi-sensei, ohayou gozaimasu!

A small group of students entered the class, have fun talking to each other.

- Ohayou! - Takahashi-sensei smiled at them. - Itano-san, Kasai-san, you're early today.

Girl with light brown wavy hair separated from a group, went to the sensei and, a mischievous wink, whispered in her ear:

- Just today, I did not have to wait this baka for almost two hours, - and Itano giggled.

Her friend heard it and shook her head.

- Tomochin! I told you that ...

- Yes, yes, I remember, - Itano returned to her, when the other students laughed.

Takahashi-sensei looked at the clock. Before the the start of classes had twenty minutes.

- By the way, have you seen Miyazawa-san? She was supposed to bring me your questionnaire on the choice of the University ...

- I saw her! - One of the girls, Takajo Aki went to the sensei. - Together with Akimoto-sensei she came to the principal's office.

- What happened? - Takahashi-sensei is always worried about her students.

- I heard that yesterday Sae-chan felt sick, and her parents began to insist on the transfer to home schooling.

At this moment door to the classroom opened, and entered always joyful Sae, carried questionnaire.

- Sensei, ohayou! - Miyazawa jumped to Takahashi-sensei, and handed her the questionnaire. - That's what you asked for.

- Thank you, Miyazawa-san. Are you all right?

- Yep, in full! - Sae smiled and walked to her desk.

Takahashi-sensei looked after her and smiled sadly.

"This girl ... Despite serious illness, she enjoys life and laughs. That's what I should, after all ... "

After all, she, Takahashi Minami, 25 years old teacher, die within a year ...

To be continued ...

So how do you?
Should I continued?  :?
Please, leave a comment!  :heart:
« Last Edit: December 11, 2013, 07:25:15 PM by Lost Heaven »

Offline imteedee

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Re: I want to hear you after death Prologue 26/08/2013
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2013, 07:05:47 PM »
ugh Sae and Takamina are meant to die?  :cry:
I'm sensing a lot of drama in this one...

Looking forward! continue please  :)

I felt like I just threw myself into a cliff  XD
my hat is off. saluting.

Offline cisda83

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Re: I want to hear you after death Prologue 26/08/2013
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2013, 07:09:56 PM »
Interesting... Eh... Minami is going to die....

What's going on with sae?

Would Minami be like the teacher at 'Sakura Lara no tegami' Drama, except here Minami being liked?

Or like the teacher 'Haruna' portrait at 'so long' drama?

Or original....?

Can't wait to find out

Thank you....

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Archer1992

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Re: I want to hear you after death Prologue 26/08/2013
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2013, 10:40:57 PM »
Continue this ff

please i want to know what is happening


Offline olive29

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Re: I want to hear you after death Prologue 26/08/2013
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2013, 02:52:58 AM »
Interesting..please continue.. :bow:

Offline blakwhite

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Re: I want to hear you after death Prologue 26/08/2013
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2013, 09:27:37 AM »
pls continue  :cry:
takamina will die after a year ?  :cry:

Offline Kochiki

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Re: I want to hear you after death Prologue 26/08/2013
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2013, 09:40:54 AM »
Minami will die within a year...
-But thank god that Minami-sensei is liked by her student~
-Man...I'm still sad with Minami is meant to be dead...
-What'll she do within this year? For just one year...
-What'll happen within a year of her last moment??
-Will she find love within a year?? Or it'll not happen...

>Plz update soon...I can't wait for the next one~ It's great!!~

Offline Lost Heaven

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Re: I want to hear you after death Prologue 26/08/2013
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2013, 07:23:57 PM »
Minna'san, hontou ni gomen-nasai! I didn't update my fanfics in a long time...
In fact, currently all of my fanfiction in hiatus. Now I'm very busy with school, because this is my last year in high school. I strenuously preparing for exams to enter university.
Therefore I can't update my fanfics very often. I beg your pardon.  :bow:

Demo, this is the first part of first chapter of "I want to hear you after death". Finally!
Minna, enjoy!

Chapter 1.
~Meeting that changed the destiny~
Part 1.

She sighed, one more time held the bow across the strings and lowered the violin. Applause broke out and she heard the creaking of soft but rather old chair.

- Bravo! You, as always, gorgeous, Atsuko!

She opened her eyes and smiled softly, seeing the happy face of her manager .

- Thank you, Yuko -san. You're praising me too much, - Atsuko went to the table, on which was a case, and gently lowered there a musical instrument.

- Tomorrow is an important concert , so you need a good rest, - Yuko filed to violinist her coat and red scarf . - Want to go to karaoke with us?

- I... - Atsuko wanted to say that she had a lot to do, but manager would not let her finish her sentence .

- Come on! We look forward to it, right, Nyan Nyan?

In response to her question she heard a soft " Yes, of course ", and from the next room came Maeda's stylist - Kojima Haruna. She studied in New York and is considered one of the best specialists in the country.

- Acchan, sometimes you have to relax ! You recently very tense, - Haruna leaned against the wall, watching the violinist. - You already have bags under your eyes and trembling hands. If you continue in the same spirit, you will be in the hospital due to exhaustion.

- Here, here! - Manager hastened to confirm this. - Come on, this will be fun! And if you don't go, - Yuko's look became intimidating, - I will lock you in the closet with the spiders.

Immediately came the laughter in the room. Atsuko, calmer, finally said:

- Okay, okay! All power to you, I'm not going anywhere.

- That's good! Nyan Nyan, get ready! Today we get drunk!

- Yuko, but let's not do that.


- Interesting ... - Minami sat at her desk in the staffroom and view the students profiles of choice university.

- What happened? - Her assistant - Akimoto Sayaka - located in front of her and checked tests in chemistry. - Something's wrong with the questionnaires?

It was already quite late, and in the school were only two of them.

- No, just ... - Takahashi -sensei smiled. - I never thought that our WTomo gather to enter Todai Faculty of International Relations.

- Itano and Kasai? That same inseparable couple ...

- Yeah. Now I have to give them an enhanced program in English.

- You just do not overdo it, okay?

And both the teacher laughed.

Minami laid Tomochin and Tomomi's profiles in a pile and took the next.

- America?

- Huh?

- Aki wants to go to America and go to Massachusetts Institute of Technology...

- Takajo-san? She's pure humanities.

- Well... - Takahashi made ​​a note in her notebook. - If she wants, I advise her to go to a consultation to Ayaka and Shiori.

Sayaka, a little thought, if something remembered.

- What about Kashiwagi-san and Matsui-san?

- They have not decided yet, unfortunately. I think if Yuki agree, I give recommendation to the Faculty of Foreign Literature .

- Literature?

- Yes, she reads a lot. During the lunch break, in her hands I saw a book of Hugo, Bronte, Dickens...

- Minami, you 'll notice it all? Impressive... - Akimoto-sensei shook her pencil. - And Matsui-san?

- Mmm... It is much more difficult... She is too closed and a little mentally ill... I need to talk to her.

- What do you think she will choose?

- I do not know... Maybe a nurse?

- Huh? Are you kidding?

Minami just smiled enigmatically and went back to not scanned profiles. A minute later, she raised her head and looked at her colleague.

- Sayaka, see... - Takahashi handed her one of the questionnaires filled neat handwriting. - Miyazawa- san... She wants to become a chemistry teacher .

Akimoto read what is written one of her students, and, smiled softly, softly whispered:

- Sae-chan...

- Apparently , the school will have to wait another talented enthusiastic chemist. You...

Then to the staffroom came director of this school - Shinoda Mariko .

- Takahashi-sensei, I was looking for you !

- Mariko, don't officially, - Minami nodded in greeting.

- Well, - Shinoda smiled. - Minami, Sayaka, tomorrow you and your class are coming to the concert instead of classes. Call for students that they were ready.

- Understand, - Sayaka has already taken her phone.

- Yes, and more, - Mariko already started to leave when she remembered something. - Sayaka, come to me in an hour .

- Okay.


- Concert, huh? - Minami plopped down on the couch with full force and opened a jar of alcohol-free beer, gladly took a sip . - Ahh... Good !

Takahashi took another sip and sighed. The doctor's words didn't give her a rest. Is what Yamazaki Sensei said is the truth? Of course, Minami started noticing that she was tired of the day faster than six months ago, that in the evenings she constantly have a headache.

She has nobody talked about it. Even parents and sister. For them it will be too big a shock .

«Makka na bara wo te watasarete ...»

"Well... just thought of them ... "

- Hello. Takahashi Minami listens.

- "Minami-chan? You haven't called. Are you okay?"

She loved her family, but now she didn't want talk to them.

- Yes, Mom, it's okay. Just been a little busy.

- "Want to come to us tomorrow ? Juri soon protect her diploma, she needs your support".

- I'm sorry, I can't tomorrow. I going with my class on concert.

- "Then come on Sunday, okay?"

- Got it. I bring lint, - Minami pressed the phone, ending the conversation.

- Damn... - Takahashi sighed . - How things go at the wrong time ...

And replies!  :heart:


Yea, there will be a looot of drama!
Thank you for reading this!


You will know this in the next chapters!
There will be a lot of secrets  XD


Thank you for reading this!  :heart:


Thank you very much!  :heart:
I will continue this no matter what!


Thank you!
Here the new chapter!


This is a secret!~
Thank you!


So much questions... But I like it!  :heart:
You will know about this in the next few chapters!
Look forward to it!

Offline Zita

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Next please :grin:

Offline cisda83

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Interesting beginning...

What's going to happen next?

Can't wait...

Thank you for the update

  :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline noah minami

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dont stop keep writing! :thumbsup
minami n sae is going to die? :shocked
please not so soon.. :(

Offline chichay12

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i when i first saw your title fic..oh god please not minami but but.. when i read this
- This is an accurate diagnosis, Yamazaki-sensei? - A girl, sitting on a chair, visibly nervous.

- Yes, no doubt about it. All signs point precisely on this disease, and examination confirmed this.

- I see... - in her eyes  flashed sad. - And there is nothing you can do about it?

- Minami-chan, you're an adult human, so I can tell you ... - doctor morally prepared to tell the patient the horrible truth. - The disease is incurable. We can only slow its progression through the operation, but ...

- How much do I have left?

- Year, maybe one and a half ...
OHHHH SH*T its minami  :OMG: :frustrated: :tantrum:

i hope my poor heart can take it when i read your future update  :scared:
and please update soon :on gay:

Offline noah minami

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    • noahminami
i when i first saw your title fic..oh god please not minami but but.. when i read this
- This is an accurate diagnosis, Yamazaki-sensei? - A girl, sitting on a chair, visibly nervous.

- Yes, no doubt about it. All signs point precisely on this disease, and examination confirmed this.

- I see... - in her eyes  flashed sad. - And there is nothing you can do about it?

- Minami-chan, you're an adult human, so I can tell you ... - doctor morally prepared to tell the patient the horrible truth. - The disease is incurable. We can only slow its progression through the operation, but ...

- How much do I have left?

- Year, maybe one and a half ...
OHHHH SH*T its minami  :OMG: :frustrated: :tantrum:

i hope my poor heart can take it when i read your future update  :scared:
and please update soon :on gay:

i know that feeling chichay :banghead:

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