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Author Topic: Charmy in Wonderland [COMLETE]  (Read 30765 times)

Offline maverickpanda

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Re: Charmy in Wonderland
« Reply #20 on: August 14, 2008, 06:29:22 AM »
Whoo its a close on almost forgot to post my daily chapter. I hope you guys enjoy. This one is fluffier than the others I think but meh whatever!!!!!!

Ch. 4 Rabbit Rage

Rika was always one to wear her emotions on her sleeve, everyone knew it.  Whether sadness, or bubbling happiness, at first sight one can always see how Ishikawa Rika was feeling.  Rika never really liked how she was always so quick to resort to tears, but she couldn't help it, it was just her nature.  She could never be as strong as her.

“Why couldn't I be you?” She uttered to herself, her fingers running through the sand.


It had been a few hours since her last bow.  The crowd had long since disappeared.  Alone she stood on the stage, still able to feel the feint electricity that had charged the stadium.  She slowly made her way to center stage, this is where she stood...this is where we said our goodbyes...this is where she left us.  The girl wrapped her arms around herself, her trembling body falling to the floor as the strength in her legs vanished.  She could hear the sounds of her tears splashing against the stage.  One after another they came, with no sign of stopping.  “How could she keep crying? Hasn't she shed enough tears?  When will the tears stop?”  Her tears continued to flow, her eyes burned, her cheeks raw, as the quiet whimpering of her quivering voice roared into the darkness.  She traced her fingers along the tear stained stage, the bittersweet memories of the concert flooding her mind while her body ached for a comforting embrace, only to be met with the cold embrace of sorrow and abandonment. 

“RIKA!” a voice cried.

Rika lifted her eyes from the stage and scanned the stadium, unable to tell where the cry came from.  Rika shook her head. “Nothing more than my imagination.” She thought to herself.

“Rika...” the voice seemed a bit closer this time.

Her body froze, paralyzed by the sharp tone in the mysterious person's voice.  The hairs on the back of her head stood up, Rika could feel the presence of two burning eyes on the back of her head.  Rika slowly turned her head, lifting her weary eyes from the stage, quickly snared by her mesmerizing gaze.  “How did you know I was here?  How did you know I needed you...” Rika thought to herself, unable to meet the person with a word. 

“ alone” the girl huffed between breathes.

Rika examined the weary girl, she look exhausted with beads of sweat falling from her face as she supported herself against a nearby wall.  The girl's breathes were heavy and deep, she must had been running for a long time to make, since she was not the type to get tired easily.  Rika's eyes widened

“Have you been looking for me Yocchan?” she whispered.

Yossi pushed herself off the wall and staggered over to Rika, her breathing by this point had returned to normal, wiping away the sweat form her forehead.  Her steady footsteps began to quicken, her staggering walk become a full sprint as she approached Rika.  Rika sat up and braced herself, watching Yossi fall to her knees sliding towards her, with open arms.  The two bodies crashed, a hand sliding across Rika's back, cradling her neck while the other pressed Rika's head into Yossi's shoulder.  Rika's mind blank, her hands bunching Yossi's shirt in her hand, tugging on it as she buried her head in Yossi's shoulder.

“Why are you here all alone crying Rika? I Have been looking everywhere for you.” Yossi whispered.

“How did you know where to find me?” Rika asked, through Yossi's damp shirt.

“I didn't. I have been running around for the past two hours looking for you when I heard you did not return to the hotel. Then I had a hunch and followed it here.” Yossi replied.

Rika's cried had dulled into soft whimpers “Two hours...why go to so much trouble, when you could of called me?”

Rika was confused, how could this girl make her feel so at ease?  How could Yossi sooth her aching heart with such ease? Rika could only think one thing, that Hitomi Yoshizawa was something special.

“I didn't have time to think, I was just so worried about you. I mean you mean so much to me and all.” Yossi said pulling away from Rika.

“Now why did you stay here and made me worried sick? Huh?” Yossi asked, lifting Rika's chin with her fingers.

“Sorry...just...Abe-san...and her graduation...” Rika could feel the tears as they crept back to her eyes, unable to finish her thought.

A single tear rolled down Rika's cheek, Rika jumping a bit feeling a set of lips against her cheek.

“You don't have to say any more...I understand. We all loved her and we will all miss her.” Yossi replied after kissing away Rika's tear.

“We have to be strong...for ourselves...and Abe-san.” Yossi said, through a smirk.

She was always strong. No matter how hard it got Yossi stood firm.  No matter how trivial, she would offer you a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen to you...her calm demeanor, her incorruptible love, how could a single person have so much, and wish for nothing back?

“I'm not strong like you Yossi..” her voice barely above a whisper.

“You don't have to be, at least while I'm around.” Yossi answered.

There it is, that trademark coolness.  How natural and true it sounded.

“I love you Rika, nothing will slash can change that...let me bear you sadness for you.” she softly spoke,her gentle voice filling Rika's ears as her warm breath brushed against Rika's neck.

Rika could feel her heart skip a beat at Yossi's offer, how honored she felt to hold the heart of this gallant knight.  She continued to cry, but not out of sadness, the tears that surfaced were those of undying gratitude.  Though she felt unworthy, all doubt was cast away as their tender lips met, the bitter taste of onliness drawn out by the Yossi's luscious lips. 


“OH NO! Oh me oh my! What am I going to do?” A familiar voice cried.

Rika's mind returned from her trip into the past, her head darting back and forth looking for her.  Rika Spotted a seemingly upset bunny-Yaguchi near the forest that neighbored the beach shore.  Rika scrambled over to the little bunny girl, waving her arms trying to catcher the little one's attention. No luck.

“I lost my gloves...and my fan! Today just isn't my day.” bunny-Yaguchi said to herself, as she scratched the back of her bunny ear.

“NOOOOOO!!!!” Yaguchi screamed.

Rika skidded to a stop, standing next to the screaming Yaguchi.

“Whats wrong?” Rika asked.

“Something got stuck in the fur!” Yaguchi said, slipping off the fake bunny ears, inspecting the gum that had mashed into the fabric, small tears forming at the corners of her eyes.

Yaguchi craned her neck upwards and looked in to Rika's eyes.  Yaguchi fell backwards at the girl who towered over her.  The little girl looked up, a fire glimmering in her eyes.

“Itai~! What are you doing here Mary Ann?!  Why aren't you at home?” Yaguchi cutely whined.

“Mary Ann? No no no, my name is Rika.” Rika retorted.

“Don't try to fool me Mary Ann! Why are you here anyways, you know what never mind.” Yaguchi sighed, throwing her arms into the air.

“Just go home and grab me a new set of gloves and a new fan.” Yaguchi muttered.

“Uhh...” Rika said confusingly.

“JUST DO IT NOW!!” Yaguchi screeched.

Rika jumped, and ran into the forest, her ears still ringing from Yaguchi's frightening tone.  Rika looked back for a moment, watching little Yaguchi jump and and down.

“And a new pair of ears...cute ones~~~!” Yaguchi shouted. 

Rika nodded and continued to run blindly into the forest that she knew about.  Rika stopped running after a few minutes, her feet began to ache as she trekked across the uneven, rocky ground.  Her arms were covered in small scratches as she stepped through bushes and other vegetation, eventually coming to a clearing with an adorably small looking house with the letters “B.Y.H” on the side.

“This must be it...I hope.” Rika said to herself.

Rika slipped into the house, which was much larger on the inside than it looked on the outside. Rika rummaged through each room, opening closets and drawers, in search of gloves, ears and a fan.  Rika crept into the master bedroom, her eyes lit up as she looked around the room which had been adorned with the most adorable decorations.  Rika mentally slapped herself, “Gotta find the stuff” Rika thought to herself.  After a few minutes of swimming through heaps of clothes, and other things, Rika had victoriously found a pair of gloves and a spare fan.  Rika, in her state of triumph almost forgot the ears.  She had found a pair of ears, that had a heart stitched on the inside of the ear, resting on the bedside table.  Rika bounced out of the room, stopping after a sharp clang catches her attention.  She looked back and sees a small bottle rolling on the ground.  Rika places the items on the ground next to bottle and kneels down, pinching the neck of the small bottle between her thumb and index finger.  Now by this point Rika figured that whenever she ate or drank anything, thus far at least, something would happen to her size.  Not liking the rather small size she was at currently, damn fan, she decided to risk it and greedily drained the bottle.  As Rika wished, her body began to grow. Rika jumped up and down excitedly, stopping only after she bonks her head against the ceiling.

“Itai...” Rika winced, rubbing the top of her head.

Rika shook her head...”not again...” Rika thought to herself as she continued to grow.  Luckily she stopped growing before she damaged bunny-Yaguchi's house.  Rika knelt in the master bedroom, her knees ached as her neck tightened.  What an awkward position she found herself in, with her ear pressed against the ceiling and her legs tucked underneath her.  Oh how Rika wished she was back in Japan, where things made sense, kind of. 

“Mary Ann!” What is taking so long?” yelled Yaguchi who stood at her doorstep.

Rika could hear Yaguchi's stomping as she ran up the stairs.  Yaguchi throws the door open and charged into the room, meeting only the door that had swung backwards.  Yaguchi falls back with a crash, little did she know that Rika had filled her room, not allowing the door to swing open.  Yaguchi sat up and rubbed her nose, her human ears burning with rage.  Yaguchi runs down the stairs and props a ladder against the side of the house.  With her infamously known stubbornness, Yaguchi climbed the ladder, cursing obscenity after obscenity under her breath.  Before Yaguchi reached the top rung of the ladder, Rika nervously pushed the ladder away with one of her hands.  Yaguchi and the ladder teetered backwards before crashing into the ground.  Yaguchi laid on the ground for a moment, her legs and arms wrapped in the ladder.  Yaguchi kicked the ladder off of her and hopped to her feet. She dug through her pockets and pulled out a small shiny box. 

“You want to play Mary Ann? Fine. Lets play! How about a game of help I am on fire?” Yaguchi laughed maliciously, flipping open the lighter.

“Well if you set the house on will burn all you cute clothes...yeah and you wouldn't want that would you?” Rika said as casually as one could, when threatened to be burned alive.

Rika looked out the window and little Yaguchi throw her lighter down, her tiny lips pursed in a pout. Rika had talked her way out of yet another bad situation.  Or so she thought.  Rika looked out the window again but to her surprise, she did not see a defeated Yaguchi, but rather Yaguchi and a horde of animals armed with small rocks.  Rika shook her head and ducked as low as possible, the shattered glass rumbling against the ground as the rocks wrap violently against the walls.  Rika's eyes lit up, as she observed one of the rocks, transform into a tiny little shortcake.  She quickly gobbled up the cake, her face lighting up as she shrunk but her smile faded when she returned to being tiny.  She rushed out the door, knocking back some of the small animals that blocked her path. The garden, was the only thing on her mind, surely a place like that would have angry little animals trying to burn her down...hopefully.  Oh how she wished to be normal size, but no matter how much she hoped all she knew was that she had to run.  After running deeper into the unknown forest, Rika stops and caches her breathe. She is determined to get back to a normal reasonable size.  She searches the forest, every high and lo that she can reach, looking for something to eat or drink, seeing as how those two action seem to affect her size.  Off in the distance Rika can see a mushroom that looked about as tall as she did.  Rika was fascinated by the giant fungus, she search every inch of it, below and around.  Rika stretched her arms and wrapped her fingers around the brim of the cap and hoisted herself onto of the mushroom, only to find herself caught, in a thick cloud of smoke.

(Image of absolute awesome provided by Gloopip Graphix)

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Re: Charmy in Wonderland
« Reply #21 on: August 14, 2008, 06:50:47 AM »
... suggoi!


what's there for me to say? ... awesome and getting 'awesomer'  XD everytime you update...

nacchi's grad flashback = Yossui is such a gallant prince/knight character... IshiYoshi  :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

will yossui show up only as a flashback character? or will she be the king of hearts (alongside the previously speculated queen of hearts)

thanks for udating today! i'm looking forward for the one tomorrow...

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Re: Charmy in Wonderland
« Reply #22 on: August 14, 2008, 09:28:54 AM »
LULZ at bunny-Yaguchi.

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Charmy in Wonderland
« Reply #23 on: August 14, 2008, 01:37:20 PM »
bunny-Yaguchi !!!!... just love her  :mon inluv:

 Waiting for the next update  :mon lovelaff:

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Re: Charmy in Wonderland
« Reply #24 on: August 14, 2008, 01:43:05 PM »
 :wub: bunny-Yaguchi!  :wub: Yossie is so sweeeet!  :heart:

Ishiyoshi~ DEF.DIVA~ GAM~ hANGRY&ANGRY <33

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Re: Charmy in Wonderland
« Reply #25 on: August 14, 2008, 04:11:41 PM »
Aw, Ishiyoshi fluff!!! :heart: Hehehe, Bunny Yaguchi!! She seems to have a pretty bad temper! LOL that Rika is stuck in the house!!! :grin:

Offline maverickpanda

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Re: Charmy in Wonderland
« Reply #26 on: August 15, 2008, 12:42:07 AM »
Hello everyone! Here is today's update, its a little short, Gomen Gomen!

well anyways I hope you guys enjoy!

Ch 5. Dazed and Confused

Rika had found herself trapped in the thick cloud of smoke.  Each passing moment submerged in the smoke, gradually adding to her mounting anxiety.  Rika could feel the stodgy reach of the smoke slither its way around her body, every one of her senses ravaged by it.  Her eyes blurred, the vibrant colors of the forest muted by ashy gray.  Her nostrils burned, catching the pungent aroma of the smoke.  Rika smacked her lips a few times, hoping that she could rid herself of the musky sweet taste that encompassed her tongue.  Rika shook her body, hoping to free herself from the formless torment, but stilled her body, catching a feint sound.  Rika tilted her head to the side. “There it is!” She thought to herself, hearing the soft hiss of something burning, followed by the soft gurgle of water.  Rika edged her way in the direction of the sound, each footstep bringing her closer to the sound.  The ever anxious Rika, waved her hands in front of her, hopefully dispersing the cloud as she waded through the smoke.  Rika, never being the most graceful person, tripped over her own foot, sending her tumbling forward.  Rika frantically flailed her arms in an attempt to catch herself on the mushroom cap, succeeding as her hands held her face mere inches away from the surface of the mushroom.  Maybe her luck was changing...not so much. Rika had managed to catch herself, but found keeping herself up troublesome.  The mushroom cap was slick with dew, and thusly causing Rika's grip on the cap to slip.  After a few futile attempts at repositioning her hand, it slipped, a hollow thud echoing as her forehead meets with the mushroom cap. 

“Itai~~~...” Rika winced, feeling her forehead pulse against the mushroom.

“My my my...what do we have here?” someone said rather lethargically between their yawns.

Rika looked up and closed her stinging eyes as they met with a rather hefty puff of smoke. Rika sat up and rubbed her burning eyes. “What kind of person would just blow smoke in someones face?” Rika thought to herself, as her eyes slowly opened, her vision blurred by her watery eyes.  As she regained her vision, she could make out the outline of the rude individual, her eyes shutting tightly when the clear image of the smoker came to her eyes.  Rika shook her head quickly. “Oh okay, not a person just...” Rika told herself, opening one of her eyes slowly, before quickly shutting it tightly.  Okay so by this time, Rika began to realize that, for some strange reason, a lot of the inhabitants of this strange place looked a lot like H!P girls, but there was just something so very strange about the girl who sat before her, that all to familiar empty stare plastered on her face. Rika thought she had seen it all, but this...this was just to much. 

“I...Iida-san?” Rika asked nervously, slowly opening her eyes.

“Are you talking to me dear? I think you have me mistaken for someone else.

Rika rubbed her eyes to make sure her mind was not playing tricks on her.  Even though Rika knew it was not who she thought it was, she spoke purely as a reflexive act.

“Iida-san? Why are you here? Why are you smoking? And why are you wearing fuzzy bug feelers?” Rika asked snatching the feelers off of the taller girl's head.

“Excuse me madam...” Iida huffed, grabbing the feelers from Rika, carefully slipping them back on.
“First off m'lady, I am here because I am always here.  Secondly, even though I don't need to answer your noisy questions, I am smoking because it is my favorite hobby.  As for these feelers, I just like them.  Lastly, I am not this Iida...or whatever you were calling me, my name is...” the tall woman was interrupted by a yawn, “my name is...” Iida's lips stopped moving.  Rika tilted her head observing the sluggish girl's still body, the tip of her hookah dangling in her hands, the light in her eyes absent as she vacantly stared off into the distance.

“Did she fall asleep mid sentence?” Rika thought to herself.  Rika listened carefully for snores, but nothing.  Rika began to gently poke and prod the listless girl. The tall girl did not stir, all she did was stare off into the distance.  Rika, feeling a bit offended, waved her hands in front of the girl's empty eyes hoping to get some kind of reaction.

“Excuse me dear, are trying to get my attention?” Iida barked.

Rika jumped back at Iida's sudden return. “No...just...did you fall a sleep?” Rika asked.

“Did I fall a sleep? No no deary just sometimes I get lost in my own thoughts and allow my mind to trav...” Her words trailing off as she stared into the thick smoke, the hookah now resting between her lips.

“Okay I have had enough of this space case. This is just silly.” Rika said under her breath, snapping her fingers in Iida's general line of sight.

“Anyways dear, who are you and why are you here?” Iida said, snapping back to reality.

Rika shook her head, “This is getting me nowhere. If she can't even finish a sentence without spacing out, god knows how far I will get if I start talking about what has happened up until now. Oh well.” she thought to herself.

“Well, my name is Rika Ishikawa of Morning Musume, you know the idol group from japan, well anyways, this evening I was sitting reading a script until my..uh...friend...yeah my friend Yossi walks in ...” Rika began to re-cap her story, occasionally having to clap loudly, pulling Iida's attention back to her story. 

“Then I ran out of the girl's house after drinking the bottle and here I am. Got it?” Rika asked, the tone in her voice hinting at her annoyance with the taller girl.

“Hmmm...seems like a complicated I have one question to ask” Iida said, leaning back, adjusting the feelers that had been slipping off of her head. 

“And what would that be?” Rika quickly snapped.

“” Iida asked, puffing away at the hookah, before falling into her trance like state once more.   

“WHO AM I? I JUST TOLD YOU! Jeez, Iida-san was spacey but this is just ridiculous! You know what? Who are you?” Rika yelled, as she reached the end of her patience.

“Why do you want to know?” Iida inquired.

Rika could not answer.  She had reached her breaking point, she threw her arms into the air and stomped off away from the girl, hoping maybe she could get off of this stupid mushroom. 

“You shouldn't lose your head like that dear, it might be beneficial if you learn to control that temper.” Iida scoffed.

“Control my temper? Control my temper you say.” Rika said, turning her head, looking straight into Iida's eyes.

“Yes.” Iida replied, taking another puff of her hookah.

“Its easy for you to say. You haven't been the one growing and shrinking at the whim of the foods you eat. Your not the one...” Rika paused momentarily, Yossi's face after their argument flashing in her mind, “...your not the one who doesn't even know who you are anymore.”

“Not know who you are anymore? All because of your size? How insecure.” Iida said, chuckling to herself.

“Well not just my size, but I would like to change my size. Maybe a bit bigger than three inches, three inches is to troublesome.” Rika responded.

Iida stood up and stared down at Rika, “Whats wrong with three inches, thats how tall I am and I am perfectly happy with it.” Iida said, her voice taking on an offended tone.

“What I mean is uhh well you know.” Rika stammered trying not to offend the taller girl anymore than she already had.

“You know what, never mind I am tired of this conversation. Goodbye crazy, rude girl.” Iida hopped off the mushroom dragging her hookah closely behind her.

Rika fell to her knees, “Why can't I ever say anything right?” she thought.

“Just so you know, I wouldn't try eating that mushroom your sitting on, one side will make you taller and the other, smaller.” The voice echoed.

By this time. The smoke had cleared and Rika took a deep breath, welcoming the clean air, looking around at the mushroom she had been sitting on.  Rika thought to herself and decided to go with her first plan.  Rika laid on her stomach and reached to one side of the mushroom and broke off a baseball sized chunk of the mushroom cap.  Holding the mushroom firmly in her right hand, she reached for the other side.  Rika slipped and began to slide off the mushroom, catching the edge of the mushroom with her free hand, helplessly dangling by the cap.  Rika let out a sigh of relief, looking up, pouting a bit watching her fingers pinch off the edge.  The edge of the mushroom broke away, sending her plunging into a small puddle of mud.  Rika paddled her way back onto solid ground and stood up brushing the mud from her clothes, cursing slightly under her breath.  Fed up with her tiny size, she bit into the chunk of mushroom, that failed to save her from her the mud.  To Rika's surprise, the grew to her normal size.  Rika jumped up and down in excitement, how happy she was about not being three inches anymore.  Rika wiped the last bit of mud off of her and merrily walked down a small path that she found when she was walking through the bushes.  At the end of the path, Rika found a house.  Her heart beat warmly, as her eyes look over the adorable house, standing no taller than four feet tall.  How she envied the people who could live somewhere like that.  Even though Rika had accomplished her goal of regaining her normal height, she really really wanted to see the inside of the house.  Looking into her right hand, she took a deep breath, wishing that the mushroom in her right hand was the shrinking part of the cap.  Rika shut her eyes and sunk her teeth into the spongy flesh of the mushroom.  She gulped roughly, taking a few breaths after the mushroom made its way into her stomach.  Rika looked down and pouted, she was still normal size.  Despite the fact that she could not go inside the house, she still could at look at the outside.  Rika stepped towards the house, holding her foot mid step, looking up at the growing house. Had she shrunk? Yes but this time into a comfortable nine-inch height.  Rika, content with her current height, dashed towards the house, hoping who ever lived there were more hospitable than some of the others she had met.

(Image of absolute awesome provided by Gloopip Graphix)

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Re: Charmy in Wonderland
« Reply #27 on: August 15, 2008, 01:03:14 AM »
OSNAP! Kaori's the toked-up caterpillar! And she still spaces out!  XD

“You know what, never mind I am tired of this conversation. Goodbye crazy, rude girl.” Iida hopped off the mushroom dragging her hookah closely behind her.
Wasn't the caterpillar supposed to turn into a butterfly and flutter away at this point? It's been a while since I've read the story so things are a bit fuzzy. :P

Meh, could always just chalk it up to "artistic licence." :P

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline maverickpanda

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Re: Charmy in Wonderland
« Reply #28 on: August 15, 2008, 01:35:36 AM »
I was reading a summary and it just said the caterpillar crawled away so meh.

(Image of absolute awesome provided by Gloopip Graphix)

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Re: Charmy in Wonderland
« Reply #29 on: August 15, 2008, 01:51:47 AM »

... hm... you're really following the format of the original.... EFFECTIVE!

Iida = caterpillar ... fairly appropriate...

i can so imagine her smoking!!! :lol:

another good one!

thanks! MOAR!

Offline maverickpanda

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Re: Charmy in Wonderland
« Reply #30 on: August 15, 2008, 01:54:54 AM »
yeah im pretty much reading a chapter a day then writing the fic after, my job leaves me with a lot of free time.

I was torn between Yuuko and Iida, but ended up with Iida, cause she was more spacey

(Image of absolute awesome provided by Gloopip Graphix)

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Re: Charmy in Wonderland
« Reply #31 on: August 15, 2008, 07:42:49 AM »
Hahaha, Kaorin is that fat-ass catapillar!! Not to put her down of course, but that's damn funny!! Now I have this image of Kaorin as Kato Shizuka (KimuTaku's wife/the person that she played in some episodes of Haromoni theater) smoking and yelling at ppl in that weird voice! Love how Rika gets so damn frusturated!! Man, finally when she gets back to normal size, she goes back to being small!! :lol: Rika's such a weirdo, a superbly hot weirdo!!!

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Re: Charmy in Wonderland
« Reply #32 on: August 15, 2008, 12:42:03 PM »
Kaori spacing out  :mon lmao:
It would be fun if Yuko was the smoker. :mon cigar: 
but then she wouldn´t just smoking  :mon misch:

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Re: Charmy in Wonderland
« Reply #33 on: August 17, 2008, 08:50:27 PM »
Wah! Yaguci-bunny is  :mon lovelaff: !!!!!  Seriously I need the huggible plush toy version now.  I love Maki mouse, she's so funny I really hope we see more of her.  Maybe a showdown between her and the cat  XD

Very cute/funny story and Rika makes a great Alice :mon fyeah:

Ishiyoshi = :heart:

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Re: Charmy in Wonderland
« Reply #34 on: August 18, 2008, 11:35:15 PM »
Hey guys MaverickPanda here and with an update!!!!!!!!!!  I was going to try and post everyday but my schedule has made it so that I can't work on my story on weekends, so again I apologize for the late chapter.  To make it up to you guys This is my longest chapter, I hope you like it!

Ch 6. Girls and Grins

Rika crept silently through the bushes, stalking her way towards the house.  Each step, bringing her closer to the house, each careful step sending her heart racing with anticipation.  Rika could feel her smile widen as she inches her way towards the large oak door.  Rika's smile quickly faded, her lips pursed in a pout, her eyes narrowing, “Why can't I move?” Rika thought to herself.  Rika looked over her shoulder, her foot had snagged on a tree root.  Rika kicked her foot vigorously, attempting to cast the rogue root off of her foot.  Rika became increasingly irritated as the root continued to rebelliously wrap around her foot.  Rika delivered a fierce kick, throwing the root off of her foot, but the soft earth beneath her slipped, sending Rika on another collision course with the ground.  Rika waved her arms frantically, pawing at anything and everything hoping to catch herself, before falling face first into the dirt.  Rika puffed her cheeks, it just was not her day, before falling face first into the soft dirt.  Rika laid in the dirt for a moment, beating her hands and feet against the ground as the dirt muffled her screams.  Rika lifted her head from the dirt, peering through a small opening in the bush, after hearing a knock.  After brushing the dirt from her eyes, Rika slowly crawled closer to the small opening at the bottom of the bush, squinting her eyes, trying to see who had knocked on the door.  Even though she should know better by now, Rika is slightly stunned at what she sees.  Recalling her past experiences with almost-not really's that she had encountered on her journey, she can the this could not be Risa-chan , and this definitely could not be Risa-chan knocking on the big door with a powdered wig on.  Rika let out a silent sigh, “ All these look a likes are confusing me!”  Rika thought to herself, shaking her fist towards the sky playfully.  Another knock, Rika quickly looked back at the door, her eyes shining as it creaked open.

“Tak...Takahashi-chan? Rika nearly shouted, before covering her own mouth.

Rika quickly dropped as low as she could, digging her fingers into the ground, the two powder wig clad girls looking at the rustling bush as they spoke.  Rika lifted her eyes from the ground, back t the door, the two girls had been quietly conversing, occasionally looking back in her general direction.  Rika tilted her head, Risa's face had become slightly flushed, her chest rising and falling with her erratic breath, as Takahashi whispered in her ears.

“Wait wait wait...why is she blushing?” Rika pondered. “Ohhhh...I would of never guess...Risa and Takahashi? But now that I think about it...” Rika started to blush, her lips curling into a devilish smirk.

Rika's attention focused back on the two girls, it seemed that Takahashi's aggressive side took over,  impishly running her fingers down Risa's suit jacket, each button being quickly undone.  Rika's heart began to race, her teeth biting down on her thumbnail while she loudly gulped.  She knew that she shouldn't be watching this, but when would she ever get an opportunity like this again. 

Charmy: “RIKA ISHIKAWA! I am appalled!”

Rika: “Wait...whoa whoa whoa...what did I do wrong?”

Charmy: “Oh no little lady , don't you pretend like what you are doing isn't wrong! Gawking at those two shameless girls doing...whatever there doing. And their your juniors!”

Rika:  “But its not like they are actually Risa-chan and Takahashi-chan, and I think its all kind of...sweet.”

Charmy: “Sweet? What those two girls are doing over there is hot... ahem not acceptable, especially in public.”

Rika:  “Wait, did you just say hot?”

Charmy:  “No! Why would I say something like that, I mean I find the whole H!P inter-dating thing is so sexy...uhh messy.”

Rika:  “A HA! I definitely heard sexy that time, I knew you would not want to pass this up as much as I did. Yet another victory for Rika Ishikawa!”

Charmy:  “Hey can you quiet down, I missing all the good stuff.”

Rika: “Oh yeah. Sorry about that. Hey wait...”

Rika snapped back to the real world, taking a deep breath after her exhausting internal struggle.  Rika's eyes focused back on the two girls, each delicate stroke of Takahashi's fingers, each sharp breath Risa takes while squirming under the other girl's touch, burned into Rika's mind.  Rika held her breath, the heat from her cheeks radiating on her face, while her eyes follow Takahashi's hand slipping into Risa's open jacket.  Rika's eyes shot open “How daring!” Rika thought to herself.  Rika's smirk fell, slightly disappointed watching Takahashi pull her hand back gripping a small envelope “ Thats a little bit anti-climactic.” Rika thought to herself pouting a bit.  Rika's ears perked up at the sound of a loud smack.  Rika looked up quickly, Takahashi was pulling back form Risa, a devilish smile on her lips with a slight blush. Risa on the other hand stood stunned, able only to stumble back tripping over a branch, landing roughly on a tree stump.  Had Rika missed the best part? Seems like it.  Rika snapped her fingers, hearing the large door click shut.  Rika traced her lips with the tips of her fingers, “ Their first kiss eh. Just like that day...” 


Rika tiptoed down the hall, creeping closer to her destination.  Rika wrapped her fingers around the door frame and peeked her head into the room that she stood beside.  A small smile crept to her lips, admiring the innocent image that caught her eye.  In the room laid Hitomi Yoshizawa, fellow fourth generation member, and best friend, happily napping on the small couch in her dressing room after a long day of promoting Mr. Moonlight, Morning Musume's latest single.  Rika never could get over how dashing Yossi looked in her Mr. Moonlight costume, but Yossi did pull off being a boy rather well.  Rika snuck into the room, closing the door silently behind her.  Yossi laid restlessly on the couch,
“Oh I can't wait till promotion on this song is over.” Yossi muttered under her breath loosening the tie that wrapped around her neck.

Rika giggled to herself, hearing her friend talk to herself.  Rika made her way behind the couch, standing slowly careful not to make her presence known.  Yossi could hear the feint rubbing of fabric, but paid it no mind, it surely was her tired mind playing tricks on her, that was until she felt two hands clamp down over her eyes.  A very surprised Yossi kicked her legs wildly, her arms flailing above her trying to grip the person who had temporarily blinded her.  Ever mindful of Yossi's natural reflexes, Rika ducked behind the couch, far out of Yossi's range.

“Yocchan~~! Guess who.” Rika asked playfully.

“Rika?” Yossi answered resting peacefully back on the couch.

“How did you know?” Rika questioned, moving her hands from Yossi's face, pouting slightly.

“I could hear those frills on your dress, and who else would sneak into my room and mess with me while I am sleeping. Hmmmm?” Yossi answered, smiling a bit looking at Rika's pouting face

Yossi sat up and patted the cushion next to her.  Rika stood up and made her way over to the couch, plopping down on it.  Rika looked to her side and smiled, watching Yossi's head rest on her shoulder. 

“Tired Yoccahn?” Rika inquired.

“Yeah, all this promotional stuff is really tiring, and I don't know how much longer I can walk around in this zoot suit, I mean its already bad enough that I am the boyish character of Morning Musume, but I don't know know about this.” Yossi answered snapping the suspenders that hid underneath her bright yellow jacket.

“But you are such a handsome guy Yocchan.” Rika giggled.

“I don't know if I should be offended by that but I guess...thank you” Yossi replied flashing Rika a quick smile.

Rika felt strange.  Her heart skipped a beat, her palms began to moisten and her cheeks heated up a bit, at the sight of Yossi's sparkling smile.  This was the first time that she felt anything like this, especially from just a smile.  Rika swallowed roughly, watching Yossi's face wash over with confusion as the conversation abruptly stopped.

“Uh Rika? Earth to Rika”  Yossi said, waving her hand in front of Rika's face, poking her side playfully with her free hand.

Rika's body shivered under Yossi's playful prods, each touch causing her heart to beat louder and faster.  Yossi took note of Rika's sudden change, a playful smile  finding its way to her lips. 

“Do I excite you Rika? I mean I guess I can understand, I am Mr. Moonlight after all.” Yossi stated proudly, running her fingertips along Rika's bare shoulder.

“Oh don't be silly Yoccahn.” Rika retorted, her voice shaking slightly as she leans over, softly hitting Yossi with her shoulder while giggling. 

“Itai~~” Yossi exaggerated while she rubbed her shoulder, unable to hold back her own laughter.

“Oh aren't we the smooth one Mr. Moonlight. “ Rika said, slipping off of the couch. 

“What can I say, its a gift.” Yossi replied while she brushed some dirt from her pants.

“Well, I guess I will leave you to your rest Yocchan.” Rika cooed, while walking towards the door.

Rika stopped for a moment feeling something tug on her arm, it was Yossi.  Rika looked back and saw a rather serious Yossi looking back at her.  Before Rika could say anything, she felt a rough tug pulling her back.  She fell backwards into Yossi's lap, cradled gently by her firm arms as they caught her.  Rika was caught completely off guard.  Yossi looked down into the the eyes of the girl who she held in her lap.

“ Rika, I have been meaning to tell you something.” Yossi softly whispered.

“What...what is is Yocchan?” Rika squeaked.

“ I have had this strange feeling since I joined...I think...well I think I am in love with you.” Yossi said, while her cheeks blushed.

“What? Well I love you to Yocchan.” Rika replied.

“Rika.. I know you know what I mean.” Yossi barked.

Rika could not say anything.  All this time, Yossi had been in love with her and she could not see it.  Was that what that feeling was whenever they were together?  Love can be a cruel thing. Even though Rika believes in Yossi's convictions, how would others think about it, especially in the public eye.  Rika did not know if it was possible to return such love.  Yossi looked away, disappointment and embarrassment written on her face.

“Ha ha ha, just fooled you Rika, you should of seen the look on your face.” Yossi's quivering voice broke slightly.

Rika was confused, but deep down she knew that Yossi was just trying to be brave. Rika's mind went blank and her body moved under its own accord.  Yossi was surprised, when she was pulled down by her tie, suddenly feeling her lips cushioned by Rika's.  Rika clenched Yossi's tie tightly, , her neck craned upwards feeling the warmth of Yossi's lips.  She knew in that first kiss, that it was love, and she would do anything to keep it.


Rika shook her head, these memory flashes are becoming more and more frequent since she has been here.  Rika looked to the door to see if it was safe for her to emerge from her hiding spot.  After seeing no one in the general area, she hopped out of the bushes and made her way to the door.  Before knocking on the large door, she looked back at the still frozen Risa.  Rika waved her hands in front of the girl's face, poking her cheeks and side every once in a while, she was in quite the daze.

“Wow. Must have been one hell of a kiss.” Rika said out loud.

Rika shrugged and turned her attention back to the door and pounded her fist firmly against the door three times.  After a few moments, Rika grows impatient.

“Why isn't anyone answering the door?” Rika asked herself, beating on the door once again.

Once again, Rika's loud knocks were met with no answer.  Rika pressed her ear against the door, loud voices and sharp crashes can be easily heard through the door. Growing increasingly tired of the outside, Rika invited herself into the house, throwing open the door.  Rika was a bit worried, once again she was in a cloud of smoke, “I hope that caterpillar isn't here.” Rika thought to herself, as she walked deeper into the smoke, her nose burning slightly catching the pungent smell of pepper that laid thick in the air.  Rika sneezed  a few times, catching the attention of the people who were in the kitchen.  Through the smoke Rika can see what seems to be two people, a baby and something else.  One of the shadowy figures opens the kitchen window, the people becoming clear as the smoke blows out of the house.  Rika's jaw dropped to the ground, stunned at the sight of Nakazawa-san, particularly caught off guard by the presence of a baby in her arms.  Rika quickly shot her eyes away from Yuuko, the sight of her and a baby was to much, finding little comfort as she sees Mika stirring a very peppery soup.  Rika threw her hands into the air and fell to her knees, of all the things, this had been the most traumatizing.  Rika buried her head in her hands, hoping to wake up from this strange nightmare.  Rika sat quietly, muttering something under her breathe while something pats her head.  Rika jumps up  and lifts her head from her hands, peering straight into the wide grin of someone familiar. 

“Abe-san!” Rika yelled.

The person only smiled back at Rika, returning to her chair, adjusting the cat ears that adorned the top of her head.

“Oh no, not you too!” Rika said desperately.

No matter how much Rika pleaded with Abe to talk to her, Nacci only smiled back.  Even though slightly disappointed, Rika could feel a small bit a relief while looking at that wide inviting smile.  Rika looked over her shoulder catching the eye of the Yuuko look a like,

“Uhh, may I ask who guys are, and why do you guys have a” Rika asked pointing at Nacci.

“That is no ordinary cat first off, its a Cherise cat, and secondly, who are you to ask who I am in my own house? I am the duchess and this buffoon is my cook, and this little bundle of despair is my baby.”
Yuuko replied sharply. “I am never going to be able to meet the Queen of hearts like this!”

Mika stopped stirring the peppery soup, her ears catching the sudden insult.  Mika began tossing everything and anything within arm reach at the duchess.  Rika was horrified, she staggered to her feet and ran over to Mika, trying to quell her growing anger. 

“Please please, can you mind what you are doing, she has a baby!” Rika cried.

“If everybody minded their own business...the world would go around a great deal faster than it does.” Yuuko chimed.

Rika looked at Yuuko, a bit confused at her statement, and began asking her about what she meant. No matter how much Yuuko replied, Rika continued to be confused.  After a few exchanged, Yuuko was fed up and hurled the baby she was holding at Rika.

“You can take care of the baby, since you seem so interested in my affairs, and I have to get ready to meet with the Queen anyways.” Yuuko huffed.

Rika hurried out the door, sensing that the cook and duchess would kill it if it had stayed with those two.  Rika cradled the delicate baby in her arms, her body still shivering with horror from the callous actions of the duchess towards her own child.  Rika looked down to look upon the young one's face, her motherly smile fading to sheer disgust.  “Had Yuuko really been carrying a pig this entire time?”  Rika thought to herself struggling to keep the kicking pig under control.  The pig suddenly broke free from her grasp and ran into the forest, its high pitched squeals fading as it runs deeper into the forest. 

“Well I guess Yuuko and a baby is just TO wild of an idea, even in this place.” Rika muttered chuckling to herself. 

“My my mai~~ aren't we the little comedian” A mysterious voice purred.

Rika whipped her head from side to side, attempting to find the source of the voice, before looking up.  Rika stepped a few feet back, rubbing her eyes, while watching a grinning Nacci sitting on a branch, kicking her feet, playing with her fake cat ears. 

“Uh Ab...Miss Chesire Cat ma'am, can you help me?” Rika asked.

“Well that depends~ on the question miss.” Abe cooed.

“Where should I go next?”

“Wherrre~ do you want to go?”

“I don't care where I go I just want to go somewhere.”

“Well if you keep walking, you'll get somwherrre eventually” 

 Rika was getting nowhere fast.  Rika decided that she will go with another tactic.

“Okay miss cat, what kind of people live around these parts?” Rika questioned.

“Well~, the mad hatter lives in that direction and the march hare in that direction, both are to say the very least, mad!” Abe replied.

“Well I wouldn't want to go near anyone who is mad.” Rika concluded.

“Well we are all mad here, even you are, or else you wouldn't of come~. Oh will you be joining the Queen in croquet?” Abe retorted.

Before Rika could answer, Abe vanished from the tree.  Rika jumped up feeling a finger run across the back of her neck. She whipped around quickly, facing the wide grin of Abe once again.

“What became of the baby anywayss~” Abe asked.

“ kinda was became...a pig.” Rika answered.

“Ah...I should of guessed.” Abe whispered fading once again into thin air.

Rika tries to decide whether it would be better to visit the Mad Hatter or the March Hare. She figures that the March Hare might not be completely mad since the month is May and not March. Abe reappears again to ask whether Rika had said "pig" or "fig". Rika expresses her annoyance at the Abe's tendency to disappear and reappear so suddenly. So this time Abe vanishes slowly, beginning with her tail and ending with his grin, which lingers for a while after the rest of her has disappeared.  Rika walked in the direction of the March Hare's house, stumbling onto a rabbit-head shaped house after a few moments.  The house looked a bit to big for her, again she had to change her size.  Rika desperately rifled through her pocket pulling out a small chunk of mushroom. Thankfully she remembered to keep some handy just in case.  She took a small bite and grew two feet tall. Rika walked towards the house, no doubt another crazy adventure waiting for her.

(Image of absolute awesome provided by Gloopip Graphix)

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Re: Charmy in Wonderland
« Reply #35 on: August 18, 2008, 11:48:48 PM »
woo~~ takagaki~~~

... hmm... mr. moonlight is where it began, eh?

well... you know IshiYoshiness is my primary concern here... aggressive Rika, pull in a kisser by the tie... i should wear my favorite tie all the time just in case i see her walking around somewhere :lol: ...

the rika-charmy debate here is the best one ever!!! RIKA WINS AGAIN!!!!

awesome fic here, keep at it!

thanks for the update!

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Re: Charmy in Wonderland
« Reply #36 on: August 19, 2008, 12:06:36 AM »
Oooh, sexy Takagaki and sexy Ishiyoshi!!! :drool: Rika beat Charmy!! Cuz we all know Takagaki is :mon bleed2: Shoulda known the Cheshire Cat was Abe!! It's the smile! :grin:  :mon lmao: at Yuko and the pig baby!!!
This was an amusing chapter!! :mon thumb:

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Re: Charmy in Wonderland
« Reply #37 on: August 19, 2008, 12:22:52 AM »
I wanted to start the Ishiyoshi beginning before Mr. Moonlight but Mr.moonlight is my favorite MoMusu song/ Yossi moment so I decided to start there.

Thanx for all the feed back and so quickly too

(Image of absolute awesome provided by Gloopip Graphix)

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Re: Charmy in Wonderland
« Reply #38 on: August 19, 2008, 03:43:48 AM »
Don't worry about sticking to a set schedule for updating. If you do you'll end up posting updates that you might not be fully proud of and/or that could be a bit better if you gave it time.  Frequency is nice, but quality is better (and it's more appreciated in the long run). :thumbsup


JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Charmy in Wonderland
« Reply #39 on: August 19, 2008, 02:40:48 PM »
Love Charmy vs. Rika
*this time both are perverts XD

Hmm...who is the queen of heart   :mon dunno:
I kinda think that it is Miki   :mon determined:

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