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Author Topic: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 23 PART III [04/27/14]  (Read 117461 times)

Offline karomuwi

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[AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 23 PART III [04/27/14]
« on: September 07, 2011, 05:13:30 PM »
Here is the index for easier access for you guys and MOI~! Note that the latest updated chapter shall be in limegreen, and the chapter that is yet to be posted shall be in red. ^^ Please enjoy reading, and do leave a comment!  :bingo:


- Prologue (This post)
- Chapter One
- Chapter Two
- Chapter Three
- Chapters Four and Five
- Chapter Six
- Chapter Seven
- Chapters Eight and Nine
- Chapter Ten
- Chapters Eleven and Twelve
- Chapter Thirteen
- Chapter Fourteen
- Chapter Fifteen
- Chapter Sixteen
- Chapter Seventeen and Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen Part I Part II Part III Part IV
- Chapter Twenty TEASER
- Chapter Twenty Part I Part II Part III
- Chapter Twenty-One Part I Part II Part III
- Chapter Twenty-Two Part I Part II Part III
- Chapter Twenty-Three Part I Part II Part Three

Hey guys, nice to meet you  :kneelbow: So... I am an amatuer fanific writer and I just recently became a fan of AKB48. idea came to me while I was reading AAAice's Mafia Princesses. If you haven't read it yet, I suggest that you read it!  :twothumbs ^^ Anyway, I know that there might be (actually 'are' is the proper word for 'might') similarities with AAAice's story and mine but I'll try to make sure that I don't copy AAAice's story ^^ Umm... so here goes ( I know, I'm awkward when introducing)...


The sky above was full of tumultuous, dark and ragged clouds. Lightning and thunder mixed with the beautiful, yet sad weather. The lightning‘s flash, as well as, the thunder’s roar merged with the sounds of firing and rattling guns. Cries of agony followed each fire filled the whole mansion. Another family war had started.
A war between the Beautiful Family and Rappapa Family. Seriously, the Beautiful Family? What kind of family name was that?

“It’s so lame.” A girl laughed to herself as she shot her enemies through their heads with an AK Draco Carbine.

She stopped, not wanting to waste anymore of her precious gun’s bullets to such lowlifes. She scoffed as she walked to the middle of the room filled with dead and pathetic bodies. She stepped on a lifeless body and pointed the end of her gun to the head. BANG! She shot the head and stepped on the body several times, checking to make sure that the body was lifeless, which was, of course, lifeless.

“Don’t pretend you’re dead when you’re not. You can’t escape me even when you do.” She told the lifeless body before walking out of the room.

She turned her head to the empty hallway and heard gun fires at the lower level.

“Why the hell did you ruin my best dress?! Didn’t you know how cute that was?!” a familiar voice thundered.

She smiled. Uh oh. Seems like the fashion queen has been knocked into her irritated mode. Poor fools. They don’t even know what mess they’ve got into. Matsui Jurina looked at the dead bodies before she closed the door behind her and started walking down the stairs to where the fashion queen was shooting the enemies in a swift and weird way. Well, she was walking like she was modeling on a catwalk or something as she was shooting the poor fools. And that was weird, considering that they were in a fight now. But considering that it was the fashion queen, it might not actually be weird.

“Tch. Your death can’t even compare to the amusement of wearing that dress.” Itano Tomomi scoffed as she lowered her gun.

“You can always buy a new one, Tomochin.” Jurina told her as she walked to the irritated fashion queen.

“I didn’t even manage to wear it!” Tomochin growled.

“Come on, let’s spend our anger by killing some flies.” Jurina told her, making the queen smile.

To Be Continued...

Sorry for any mistakes I made. Hope that you can help me to improve my story  :hee:. Please do suggest anything that might add some spice to this story. Oh and... Can you please help me by telling some stuff about the members? Like their fav colour and food and etc. I'm still new to them  :sweat: hehehe Byee~  :byebye:
« Last Edit: April 27, 2014, 01:41:35 PM by karomuwi »
Had a withdrawal, so now I'm planning to fall in love with the couples all over again

\(^ - ^)/
Here are my fics~! They can be found amongst these three. :hee:

Love's A Mission
Oh My Dolly!

SoUL (Series)

The Akiba Family (T.A.F)

Offline kahem

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Re: Mafia: The Akiba Family
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2011, 07:35:08 PM »
Interesting, continue ;)


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Re: Mafia: The Akiba Family
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2011, 11:23:21 PM »
yeay!!!! more mafia fics!!!  :cow: :cow: :cow:  i wanna read the next update!!!  XD 

maybe you can change the members characteristics a bit to make it more interesting...  :nervous

Offline karomuwi

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Re: Mafia: The Akiba Family
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2011, 01:15:56 PM »
yeay!!!! more mafia fics!!!  :cow: :cow: :cow:  i wanna read the next update!!!  XD 

maybe you can change the members characteristics a bit to make it more interesting...  :nervous

Yeah ^^ I'll try to do that ^^ Please do tell me some of your opinions so that I can reach your expectations ^^ Thank you for reading
Had a withdrawal, so now I'm planning to fall in love with the couples all over again

\(^ - ^)/
Here are my fics~! They can be found amongst these three. :hee:

Love's A Mission
Oh My Dolly!

SoUL (Series)

The Akiba Family (T.A.F)

Offline AAAice

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2011, 03:19:20 AM »
It's here!!! Muwi Muwi is here and her Mafia Fic!!!  :shakeit: Waa, seeing Tomochin in this fic give me guilt. -.- I've always wanted to use AK Carbine for a weapon on my fic but I keep forgetting. :]] So Mafia gun.

Welcome to the family Karonmuwi.
Defeating Gekikara is a dangerous dream.

Offline karomuwi

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2011, 02:10:07 PM »
It's here!!! Muwi Muwi is here and her Mafia Fic!!!  :shakeit: Waa, seeing Tomochin in this fic give me guilt. -.- I've always wanted to use AK Carbine for a weapon on my fic but I keep forgetting. :]] So Mafia gun.

Welcome to the family Karonmuwi.

Ah~ Arigatou~ Hehe, please do suggest more. Oh and I love it that you posted a new chapter!!! Yeah~!
Had a withdrawal, so now I'm planning to fall in love with the couples all over again

\(^ - ^)/
Here are my fics~! They can be found amongst these three. :hee:

Love's A Mission
Oh My Dolly!

SoUL (Series)

The Akiba Family (T.A.F)

Offline karomuwi

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family (Chapter 1)
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2011, 06:27:27 PM »
Hey guys, here's the first chapter. Hope you like it. Sorry if it's a bit... boring. Anyways, here goes...

Chapter 1

They were walking to the ballroom (seriously, they have one?) when they passed their leisure room and found the leader of the group playing darts, using some of the enemies she tied to the wall as targets. Their leader, who was known as the worst dart player,seems to be able to shoot well at the human targets than being able to target the real dart board.

“Oops.” Sayaka smiled sheepishly when she accidentally threw one of her darts at one of the man’s eyes.

“Is that considered as the center of the board?” she asked the man who started screaming in pain.

The man didn’t answer and continued screaming (seriously, I don’t even think he can answer, considering the pain he’s feeling), irritating her. She took out her Tisas ZIGANA M and shot the screaming man right in the face, ending the screams at once. She placed her gun on the table and started aiming at another terrified target.

“Seriously, the Beautiful Family has such ugly faces that I want to fix it.” She sighed and shot the dart.

The dart hit the man’s leg, making Sayaka sigh in frustration. Why can't she control where the dart would hit?! It was so frustrating that the dart would always fly and hit somewhere where she didn't even aimed at!

“One more time.” She said to herself and took another aim at the face.

Right before they could even know where Sayaka managed to shoot her dart, Tomochin and Jurina closed the door and started walking to the ballroom, hearing a few screams from the leisure room as they walked. When they opened the door, they saw the rest of the Family dancing to some tunes as they shot the remaining enemies.

“Now this is starting to bore me.” One of the girls, carrying a sketch book and shooting her Czech Scorpion, sighed.

She had been playing with the fools for at least half an hour and boredom was starting to make everything seem dull. She even managed to draw a face on her sketch book using the blood of those she killed. Seriously, how could the Beautiful Family attack them without even bothering to entertain them a lot before dying at the hands of the Queens?

“Let’s finish this. I’m tired.” The eldest out of the four told them, motioning one of the girls to switch the player off.

A girl, wearing black glasses as she read, switched the player off. She put down her book and stared as the three mercilessly shot the remaining men. When all of the enemies were shot, she continued reading and sighed. Why did the stupid Beautiful Family have to attack them and die like bunch of flies? Did the Beautiful Family actually think that they were getting weak since they have been starting to live in peace this past few years?

“Such a lousy family. They can't even match up to our expectations.” She sighed as she turned a page.

Her statement made the others nod in agreement. It was true. They've always thought that the Beautiful Family could at least make their adrenaline run fast. On the good side, at least the Beautiful Family gave them some entertainment, even though it bored them in the end.

“You didn’t even let us play.” Jurina pouted as she stared at the bloody room.

“Well, you probably had your fun anyway.” The girl with the sketch book replied as she took out her pencil and started drawing the scene in front of her.

“Well, I didn’t.” the fashion queen growled and started kicking the dead bodies.

“Let me guess, they ruined a dress?” the eldest one asked.

“Damn right they did, Mariko. They ruined the dress she bought yesterday.” Jurina nodded as Tomochin took the AK Draco Carbine from Jurina’s hands and started shooting the dead bodies.

“Oh no, not that white dress?!” Mariko cried in horror.

Jurina nodded. Mariko patted Tomochin’s shoulder and started talking about how the she understands how the fashion queen felt. If Tomochin was the queen, then Mariko would have probably been the princess of fashion. Ignoring the two, Jurina stared at the Queen who was starting to space out. She went over to the Airhead Queen and nudged her.

“Haruna, you’re spacing out again.” Jurina told her, bringing her back from her spacing out.

“Oh! Gomen~” Haruna smiled sheepishly, embarrassed that she spaced out, even just after a fight.

Jurina sighed. Well, the Airhead Queen would always be the Airhead Queen, no matter what situation it would be.

“Minna, get ready.” Sayaka suddenly appeared from the door and into the room, surprising everyone.

Everyone gathered to the middle of the room, except for one person.

“Atsuko, stop reading and come here.” Their leader told the girl in black glasses, who was busily reading her book.

Atsuko sighed and closed her book as she walked to where everyone was. Everyone looked at their leader, wondering what they should be getting ready for.

“Can’t we clean the house up first?” Tomochin asked her.

“Yeah, it reeks of pathetic blood.” Jurina told her as she smelled the room.

“We don’t have to. We’ll be moving into another house.” Sayaka told them.

Everyone cheered and hi-fived each other. A new house means new decorations! Atsuko took off her glasses as she smiled. She couldn't wait to decorate her room with all kinds of stuff.

“What else?” Mariko asked, sensing that there was something more from the look on their leader’s face.

“We’ll be living in a huge mansion.” Sayaka told her, but by how she said it made Mariko feel as if Sayaka wanted to add the word 'but' at the end.

“But…” Sayaka slowly started saying.

Mariko snapped her fingers. Yep, she was right. There was something. Everyone started staring at their leader, waiting for her to continue what she was going to say.

“I feel like it’s something bad, Mayuyu.” Jurina whispered to the girl carrying the sketch book.

“Me too.” Mayuyu whispered back.

“What is it?” Tomochin asked as she tapped her foot, getting irritated by how the leader was making them all in suspense.

Sayaka sighed and took a deep breath.

“We have to live with the Royal Family.” She said, making everyone’s eyes widen, and even making Atsuko drop her glasses in shock.

To Be Continued…

Please do suggest whatever you think that can improve this.
Had a withdrawal, so now I'm planning to fall in love with the couples all over again

\(^ - ^)/
Here are my fics~! They can be found amongst these three. :hee:

Love's A Mission
Oh My Dolly!

SoUL (Series)

The Akiba Family (T.A.F)

Offline blughise

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 1
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2011, 12:49:17 AM »
Hey nice start...though it's short....

Wanna know more about them :)

Offline kahem

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 1
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2011, 01:05:24 AM »
Oh Royal family? Takamina as the king? Xd

Offline immortal_K

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 1
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2011, 02:02:46 AM »
Woot more mafia stories keeke  :lol:

Ohhh Royal family keke this will be interesting,

Please update soon,  :twothumbs

Offline karomuwi

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 1
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2011, 07:53:18 AM »
@Kahem: Yeah, something like that ^^

Hey guys, here's the second chapter. Hope you like it  :D It might be a bit boring though :thumbdown:  so... Sorry  :kneelbow:

Chapter 2

“We have to live with the Royal Family.” She said, making everyone’s eyes widen, and even making Atsuko drop her glasses in shock.

“THE ROYAL FAMILY?!” Everyone cried as they stared at their leader with wide and shocked eyes.

“Y-You’re kidding, right? Right?!” Acchan exclaimed as she shook their leader who kept quiet.

“O-Oi! Haruna! Stop spacing out! We’re in a situation here!” Mayuyu told the Airhead Queen who was starting to space out due to the shock.

“Sayaka, we can’t live with them.” Mariko told her as she tried calming herself.

“We have no choice guys. It’s Kiyoto-sama’s orders.” Sayaka told all of them.

“That stupid man!” Tomochin growled and kicked the poor dead bodies on the ground.

“Guys, come on. We knew sooner or later that we would have to live with them.” Sayaka tried to reason as Jurina started kicking the dead bodies as well.

“We are already part of the Akiba Family anyway. So why not try to get along with the Royal Family?” Sayaka suggested to the rest, making the two stop kicking.

So, are you confused and now wondering why the Rappapa and Royal Family have to live with each other? And especially wondering who the Akiba Family is?

Well, let me take away your confusions. First of all, the main reason why these girls are strongly against living with the Royal Family is due to the past between these two families. The Royal and Rappapa Family have known each other for a very long time, and eventually became rivals.Even though they’ve known each other, never have they once been close. In fact, the only thing these two families have been close to is killing each other. They even once fought about which family was the rightful heir to the wealth of Akimoto Yasushi the First’s.

The issue, until now even after several generations, hasn’t been resolved yet because both the Rappapa and Royal Family were descendants of the First. Ever since the arguments about the wealth, the two have been after each other, well, the Rappapa Family has always been the one going after the other to be more exact. The Royal Family, who is so damn filthy rich, doesn’t even seem to care about the First’s wealth.

So, why can’t they give the wealth to the Rappapa Family? Actually, who WOULD give one’s wealth to another? If it’s rightfully yours, then of course it has to belong to you, which means that why should you just give it to someone else, right? So this was basically the case between the two families. Some of the other reasons were the pride and such of the two Families.

After years of trying to assassinate each other (more likely the Rappapa Family has always been the one trying to assassinate the other), the known great-grandson of the First, Akimoto Yasushi the Fourth, thought of an idea to stop the two families’ constant arguments. The idea? Form a new family consisting of both families. The new family? The Akiba Family. (So there you have it. Is it much clearer now?)

“Whatever. Even if we are now family with those guys, I would NEVER. EVER. LIVE, WITH, THEM.” Jurina said to their leader in a firm voice.

“Jurina, how can you say that? You can’t even be sure that-“ Sayaka started to say but was interrupted by Jurina.

“They were the ones who killed my parents?” Jurina asked, finishing Sayaka’s sentence for her.

Sayaka sighed as she felt the younger girl's anger.

“Just because it wasn’t proved that they didn’t kill them, doesn’t mean that they didn’t do it!” Jurina said with deep hatred.

Everyone looked down. Several years have passed since her parents’ death. They felt sadness for her as she couldn’t even manage to remember her parents’ faces, since she was just 10 when they were killed. She grew up hearing some rumors that it was the Royal Family who killed her parents.
Her hatred for that family instantly grew as she began to believe those rumors. The Royal Family was the only possible culprit. So why can’t anyone prove that they killed her parents?!

She clenched her fists and felt her anger rising. Even the forming of the Akiba Family won’t just make all the years of hatred for that blasted family dissipate. She was waiting for the time she could face the people who killed her parents and make them suffer, but the forming of the new family was preventing her from doing so, since members can’t kill a fellow member. Blasted that damn Fourth. He probably knew about her plan for revenge, thus making that rule and the punishment as death. She scoffed. Whatever, she would just have to wait for the right time to kill that family without becoming a suspect.

“Jurina, we’ll find the real culprit. I promise you that.” Mariko told her as she hugged her.

Jurina calmed down a bit. Seeing what hugging did to the younger girl, everyone decided to join in the hug, even Haruna, who managed to stop spacing out. (What? Even those people in the Mafia have feelings, you know. They’re not just cold-hearted people, especially these girls.) They stayed like that for a while until  Jurina decided to break the group hug. She stared at her Family. Her parents may not be there with her, but at least she has her loving Family.

To Be Continued…

So yeah. I kind of managed to make this chapter work. I also tried to break the long paragraphs here so that you guys won't feel bored, though I don't think that will work  :depressed: Anyway, took me quite some time to figure out a reason why Jurina has so much hatred for the Royal Family :dozing: Anyway, thank you for reading. Byee~!  :byebye:
« Last Edit: September 24, 2011, 01:32:59 PM by karomuwi »
Had a withdrawal, so now I'm planning to fall in love with the couples all over again

\(^ - ^)/
Here are my fics~! They can be found amongst these three. :hee:

Love's A Mission
Oh My Dolly!

SoUL (Series)

The Akiba Family (T.A.F)


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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 2
« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2011, 08:20:05 AM »
i missed to comment on the first chapter..LOL...  :lol:

the start are quite nice...  :twothumbs  I'm looking forward for your next chapter...

two rival families living together, this gotta be interesting...  XD  me so like royal family btw... LOL... :cow: :cow:

Offline blughise

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 2
« Reply #12 on: September 10, 2011, 07:18:50 PM »
So they are actually called the Rappappa family? and The Royal family are were their other respective pairs....
such complicated family :grin:

update soon

Offline aoi_sora

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 2
« Reply #13 on: September 12, 2011, 07:39:43 AM »
nice story!!!!

where's Sata-sama????  :rofl: ahahahahaha!

feel bad for Jurina, well don't you worry Jurina-chan, Princess Rena is in the Royal Family!
as well as... Princess Yuki, Princess Tomo~mi, Princess Yuko, Princess Miichan, Prince Sae and King Takamina!!!  :doh:

MaYuki! please!  :mon whine:

Offline karomuwi

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 2
« Reply #14 on: September 12, 2011, 06:10:41 PM »
@aoi_sora: Hehe, well, he's in the Royal Family ^^ And yeah. I hope that Jurina would also lose some hate for the Royal Family because of Rena.

Here's the 3rd Chapter.  :err: This chapter doesn't really have any excitement to it, just some stuff to make sure the story is well informative and such, so you guys would probably be bored with it  :bored:  :depressed: I promise to make the next chapter exciting  As for this, please bear with me  :fainted:

Chapter 3

Jurina calmed down a bit. Seeing what hugging did to the younger girl, everyone decided to join in the hug, even Haruna, who managed to stop spacing out. (What? Even those people in the Mafia have feelings, you know. They’re not just cold-hearted people, especially these girls.) They stayed like that for a while until Jurina decided to break the group hug. She stared at her Family. Her parents may not be there with her, but at least she has her loving Family.

“What in the world happened here?” the door of the whole mansion suddenly opened as a girl in her uniform walked in.

She looked at the bodies on the floor and the broken furniture, and then stared at the girls in the middle of the room. Her right eyebrow rose when she noticed Jurina’s eyes a bit watery.

“Juri, were you crying?” she asked.

“I-I wasn’t!” the watery-eyed girl cried as she looked away and wiped her eyes with the end of her sleeve.

“Anyway, what happened? I just left for a day for a school trip and I get back home with the whole mansion in a mess and dead bodies lying around.” She asked as she kicked the body lightly, making sure it was dead.

“The Beautiful Family decided to attack us.” Atsuko told her as she opened her book to resume her reading.

“The Beautiful Family? There’s a family with a name like that?” she asked and was answered by several nods.

“Seriously?” she asked, still not believing them.

“That’s such a lame name!” she laughed, dropping her bag and holding her stomach while saying the name.

“Stop laughing, Anna. Just because they had such a lame name, it doesn’t mean that you can just mock them.” Sayaka told her, making her stop laughing.

“Anyway, pack your bags, guys. We’re going to the mansion tonight.” Sayaka told them and left the room, heading to her room while talking to someone on the phone.

“Wait, what for?” Anna asked them.

“We’re leaving in a new mansion.” Mayuyu told her as she admired at her sketch made of blood.

“Cool!” Anna cheered but Mariko put her right hand on her shoulder and sighed as Jurina told her the news.

And we’ll be living with the Royal Family.” Jurina sighed depressingly.

“YOU’RE KIDDING!!!” Anna cried.

Meanwhile, at the same time in an office of the Royal Corporation CEO’s room, a girl had just ended a phone call and sighed.

“Guess that it can’t be helped. We were bound to meet each other sooner or later.” She sighed as she fixed her desk.

She pressed a button on a speaker and spoke.

“Will everyone from the Akimoto family come to my office right away, please? There is an emergency meeting that has to be conducted.” She announced, using
the name ‘Akimoto’ instead of the real name ‘Royal’.

She leaned back against her chair and sighed. Using the fake family name was a pain since all of them were really from the Royal Family, but if she used the real family name, things would get chaotic. She sighed again. She shouldn’t really think about that, since there was something else she had to think about.

“Living with the Rappapa Family, huh?” she murmured to herself before realizing that she sighed once again.

“Will it work out, I wonder?” she sighed depressingly as she laid her head on the desk.

Suddenly, the door opened and an ikemen-looking girl bursted in, making her immediately sit up straight. She can’t let anyone see her depressed when she should be the one always happy in front of everyone, since everyone looks up to her.

“What is it, crown prince?” the energetic girl asked, slipping on her words.

“Shh!” she hissed and motioned the energetic girl to close the door.

“Where are the others?” she asked as she leaned against the chair.

“They were just behind me. I guess that I ran to fast.” The girl in front of her smiled sheepishly.

She shook her head. Just how can this girl be energetic?

Her sigh was followed by the opening of the door, revealing three out-of-breath girls. They closed the door and wiped their sweats on their foreheads as they stared with disbelief at the girl who arrived in front of them with no signs of tiredness from running.

“Good, you’re all here.” She smiled and stood up from her chair.

“Why are we having an emergency anyway?” the girl, who was straight away going for the snacks on the desk, asked.

“Yeah, what is it Takamina, chiyuu?” Tomo~mi, in a pink dress, asked.

“Yeah, I was working on a new design with Tomo~mi.” Yuko, who was holding some lingerie designs, sighed.

“Where is Rena and Yukirin? They should know that they can’t be excused for this one, since it’s an emergency meeting. As for Kumi, I know that she’s in a school trip, so she’s excused.” Takamina asked, wondering where the two were.

“They’re fetching her right now, so they should be back soon with Kuumin.” Miichan told her as she ate a second cake from Takamina’s tray.

“Good, because we have an issue to work on. Actually, a problem.” Takamina told them as she sat on her desk with her arms crossed.

“What? The sales are going down or something?” Yuko asked.

“No. Much more important than that.” She said as she stared at her Family members, who were not really paying much attention to her even though she was talking.

“Oi! Pay attention!” Takamina told them, getting irritated.

“Come on, Takamidget! Relax!” Miichan told her.

“This concerns the Family. The Akiba Family.” Takamina told them, making all of them immediately stop what they were just doing and pay attention to their leader.

Their leader never discussed with them about the Akiba Family and it seems like there was no Akiba Family after all. It was like some kind of treaty or something. But now that Takamina was holding a meeting about the Akiba Family, it must be something important.

“What is it?” Sae asked, in a serious way.

Takamina sighed before looking at them and saying, “We’re going to move to another place.”

“And?” Miichan asked as she placed the finished plate down.

“We’ll be living with the Rappapa Family-“everyone’s eyes started to widen in shock.

“-and we WILL get along with them.” Takamina told them, stressing the word ‘will’, making everyone groan.

“Do we have to get along with them? I mean, I agree and am fine with leaving with them.” Yuko started saying.

“But getting along? Isn’t that… A bit too much?” Yuko asked as she imagined herself living the Rappapa Family.

“Chiyuu heard a lot about them. They sounded rough and mean.” Tomo~mi told her in a scared voice.

“Guys, come on. Sure, they might have bad manners, horrible attitudes, smelly bodies and more. But they might be nice.” Sae said with a disgusted look on her face.

“Sae, they’re girls, not guys. Plus, they’re not as bad as the rumors say they are.” Takamina assured them.

“How can you say that? Have you met them?” Miichan asked her as she thought about how her food was going to be eaten by the other Family.

“Yes, I’ve actually met their leader, but not the members. She was actually well-mannered, kind, and she smells nice. We can definitely get along with them, even though her eyes were kind of scary.” Takamina told them.

She shuddered at the last sentence as she remembers how terrified she was when she stared into the leader’s eyes. She shook her head and looked at her terrified members.

“Just try to get along with them. That’s all, you can go back now.” she told them as she sat down onto her chair.

Miichan followed the three to the door as she took another slice of cake from the tray. The four of them were about to leave the room when Takamina said “Wait.

They looked back at her.

“Pack your bags. We’ll be moving in tonight. Actually, you can go home now and pack. We have to get there before them and prepare everything for their arrival.” Everyone’s jaws dropped and stared at her as she get back to doing her work.

“Well? Get going.” Takamina told them as she shooed them away.

To Be Continued...

Told you right? This chapter was boring. Anyway, i'll really try to make the next one exciting and add maybe some love.... Maybe. Let's see. Oh, and add any suggestions if you guys want. Byee~ :byebye:
« Last Edit: September 14, 2011, 06:33:00 PM by karomuwi »
Had a withdrawal, so now I'm planning to fall in love with the couples all over again

\(^ - ^)/
Here are my fics~! They can be found amongst these three. :hee:

Love's A Mission
Oh My Dolly!

SoUL (Series)

The Akiba Family (T.A.F)

Offline kahem

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Yuko and Chiyuu were testing lingerie? ^^

Offline blueangel65

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Well this is my 1st time to read this, or shouLd I say wiLL read it,
 'coz I saw Takamina's name, and I'm AtsuMina Pairing Fans so maybe Acchan wiLL be in here too..
heHe! So I wiLL read it now, and by the way your FanFics is not Boring you know, IT'S NOT! Just continue, OK? and Thanks!   :)

Offline blughise

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Nice...yes kinda boring but that's alright....It happens XD
update soon.

Offline immortal_K

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I wonder what will happen when they finally move in?

Hmm seems like Jurina has a grudge against the royal family hope things will all work out.

Please update soon

Offline MESS

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“We’ll be living with the Rappapa Family-“everyone’s eyes started to widen in shock.

“-and we WILL get along with them.” Takamina told them, stressing the word ‘will’, making everyone groan.
LARALARAA!! :gmon sing:  :gmon twirl:
PLEASE NEXT CHAP! :mon beam:

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