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Author Topic: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 23 PART III [04/27/14]  (Read 113158 times)

Offline Tam_atsu

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 23 PART I [10/03]
« Reply #300 on: October 28, 2012, 03:44:21 PM »
Kojiyuu!!! Please add more kojiyuu!! And please update soonnnnn!!!!!!

Silent reader for now

Offline Megumi

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 23 PART I [10/03]
« Reply #301 on: November 01, 2012, 11:30:13 PM »
 :shocked Karo-chan being troll again  :rofl:

and I didn't leave a review before? What the? .... *fail on me again  :sweatdrop:

Well this was fun from the drama?!shooting to kidnapping which was totally a misunderstanding  *laugh

Thank you Karo-chan for your update!
Great update as always  :thumbsup

ArígatoU! :kneelbow:

Have tumblr have twitter. Just ask ^^

Offline Pandah

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 23 PART I [10/03]
« Reply #302 on: December 04, 2012, 08:36:17 AM »
omg karo-chan!!
my jaw literally dropped when i read this chapter.......
what was all that sexy stuff!!! roflll but then i think i started chuckling ROFL
definitely one long interesting chapter indeed :)

man everyones just so busy nowadays it feels like death o.o
hope you're having fun with your studies :P and not burning yourself out

Offline takamae

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 23 PART I [10/03]
« Reply #303 on: December 06, 2012, 02:19:40 AM »
Just because of detention, a house got destroy, hahahaaa.....
What happen to meetan and maachan?

Atsumina and kojiyuu moment
I kinda got the feeling atsumina going to fake it
but never thought even kojiyuu fake it too, its so funny

Thanx for the update :D
Waiting for the next update ^^

Offline cisda83

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 23 PART I [10/03]
« Reply #304 on: December 17, 2012, 03:35:46 AM »
Interesting story there...

Great coupling plot for everyone.

Thank you for the story.

Hope to see the next one soon.

 :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline gek geki

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 23 PART I [10/03]
« Reply #305 on: December 30, 2012, 06:08:17 AM »

Offline karomuwi

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The Akiba Family - Chapter 23 PART II [01/18]
« Reply #306 on: January 18, 2013, 04:05:01 PM »
@Chanaline: Thank you. I'm glad that I wasn't just thinking weirdly to myself after writing that whole chapter down. XDD And yes. It'll definitely be a Mayuki fic, unless others tell me that they want those two to be paired up with somebody else. :hiakhiakhiak: But since there are lots of Mayuki fans here, you can be rest assured? :hee:

@kahem: hahaha. Thank you! I'm glad that you feel that way! Sorry for updating so long! :kneelbow:

@CrossingCrossroad: Hahaha! You really nailed it! I was like... Woah... This person is good at guessing. XDD And who knows if Akicha might appear? :hee: She might, for the heck of doing a French Kiss performance with the other two. And how can tackling a person be not-so-innocent? :hiakhiakhiak: But then, the whole chapter was not COMPLETELY clean! Like you said, it was dirty yet clean. XDD And I'll still keep you on your words about updating on your fic, Crossing-san! = 3=

@Haruko: Yeah, none of them were actually doing anything. I wanted them to do something, but since I'm very bad when it comes to those kind of scenes, I decided not to write it. :err: And you really do like that love triangle? :luvluv1: YAY~! And roger that! MOAR Atsumina and KojiYuu!!! :onioncheer:

@Juribait: Thank you. :kneelbow: I'm extremely happy that things I found funny aren't weird at all. :hiakhiakhiak: That was one of my worries as I wrote that chapter. :err:

@kurogumi: More Mayuki? :dunno:
 :on GJ: You got it! And suffering? My pleasure! :mon cweepy: Mwuahahahaha! *chokes*

@Bochang: My life's pretty much like eating a spaghetti, Oppa. XDD It's messy. And you should update your fics, you know! It's not just me who's waiting for them! can the readers please back me up on this?

@Tam_atsu: Alright, I will! :on GJ:

@Megumi: Eh~ But doesn't Megumi-san already know that I have been a troll? :hiakhiakhiak: And it's alright that you didn't, though I was a bit sad. I though that you didn't want to read it anymore.  :fainted: ahaha.... :err: Well! Thanks for leaving a review all the time, Megumi-san! Thank you! (BTW, do you have twitter? Me want to follow you~ :hee: )

@Pandah: EH?! Your jaw did?! :hiakhiakhiak: And that wasn't really sexy. Must have been your imagination!  :hehehe: Just kidding! And I'm not having fun! It's so tedious! :fainted:

@takamae: ahahaha. Well, these girls aren't your ordinary girls. Ordinary doesn't even seems to be in their vocabulary! I mean, adding stones into a coup because they thought those were spices? :hiakhiakhiak: Definitely far from ORDINARY, I tell you!

@cisda83: Thank you. :hee:

@Gek Geki: Gek-san! Thank you so much! :farofflook: If it weren't for your message, I wouldn't have had the inspiration to write this chapter! I want to hug you! *virtual hug!* Here's the chapter you've asked for! :hee:

A/N: Okay, guys. Just a little warning. This one is not as funny as before. It's just a chapter to help me put back the story into its original plot, since the Akiba girls' shenanigans have been making me forget about the kidnapping and all. XDD There'll be a revelation in this chapter, probably answering some of your questions. Gek-san... I'm sorry if I disappointed you in this chapter. But I tried my best. :fainted: I just hope that you will still like it.[/b]

Chapter 23 Part II

Everyone laughed to themselves as they watched their two members, Miichan and Mariko, bicker with each other. The two girls were currently arguing over something trivial, consisting of several topics that seem to have no sense at all.
Right at that very moment, the two girls who previously went into the kitchen, finally came back out. Some of them noticed how Yukirin looked so proud of herself, whereas the younger girl beside her seems to be blushing into a deep shade of red.
The two girls took a glimpse of each other, before making their way back to their seat. Sensing how the attention seemed to have been focused on something else other than them, Miichan and Mariko stopped their pointless bicker and raised a brow when they came to realize that two of their members have returned.
Miichan looked at Mariko, asking for an explanation when she noticed how Yukirin seemed to be smirking to herself as she glanced at Mayuyu every now and then whilst hugging her younger sister, Rena.
Mariko, in return, looked back at her when she suddenly noticed the deep blush on Mayuyu’s cheeks. Turning both of their heads to the two girls once more, a light bulb lightened up in both of their heads, making them look at each other and give a knowing smirk.
“Oh my...” Mariko spoke out, almost in a teasing tone. “Gone off to enjoy a private time, eh?”
Mayuyu sent her a glare that seemed to have no effect on the older girl, making her turn her head to the side as she exhaled a huff of irritation. On the other hand, the raven-haired sitting next to Mayuyu has yet to remove the smirk she had on her lips.
This was adding fuel to the younger girl’s irritation, especially whenever she would lock eyes with the older raven, who kept on giving her a glance every now and then. Knitting her eyebrows together, she began to clench her hands tightly into fists as she remembered the incident in the kitchen.
“I’m going back to the garden for a while.” She grumbled as she stood up and quickly walked out of the living room through the huge doors.
The sudden loud cry coming from a certain squirrel-like's mouth startled the remaining girls in the living room, making them all ask a question to themselves for the reason why they felt a sudden chill run up their spines.
What could be happening above them, for the Crown Princess to cry out like that?
“You don’t think that we’re being attacked, Sayaka?” Sae asked the raven-haired, her eyes full of worry as she gripped the edge of the couch’s arm.
The older girl’s face hardened as she clenched her fists, obviously trying to figure out what was happening at the moment. If their two Consigliores were easily taken without even making the rest of them realize it, whoever kidnapped them was definitely hard to deal with.
“Relax, you guys.” Miichan yawned, making the rest of the Family to turn to her with a look of confusion on each of their faces.
Giving them a dismissive wave of the hand, she leaned her chin on top of her palm. “She’s probably playing with Nyan Nyan or something.”
Everyone raised a brow at her, somehow finding the reason a bit hard to believe since the brunette hasn’t played with anyone the same year her parents died in a car accident with their own. Besides, Haruna playing with Yuko was an improbability, since they always see her resisting the brown-haired.
“Just leave them alone.” Mariko agreed, sending them a dismissive wave as she began to flick Miichan’s forehead in boredom.
After muttering words of how painful the flicking she was receiving, Miichan told them about how she has seen the two girls getting closer towards each other, to the point that they have been seen cuddling in the kitchen once.
“Argh!” Miichan cried in frustration, irritated with how Mariko was continuing on with the flicking on her forehead.
Ignoring the two girls who began to bicker with each other once more, the Akiba girls turned to one another, asking if had some sort of clue about what the two girls above them were doing at the moment, enough to make Yuko let out a scream.
However, all they got in return were shrugs and words of how they had no idea about whatever it was happening above them. Even the Atsumina couple at the moment was completely oblivious to the current predicament that Yuko was currently in.
If you would like to know my dear readers — but I’m sure that you do—, the reason for Oshima Yuko’s sudden shout and screaming was all because of a certain brunette’s doing. She was using an object that I know all of you have some knowledge and experience with.
It was a weapon.
Devious and Dangerous.
So powerful, it could even scare one of the strongest and most-feared Family members…
…As well as make her drop to her knees and beg for her life to be spared.

That’s right, you guys. It’s the only thing that can make our Crown Princess cry out and have tears flowing down from her eyes, just from the mere action of having it near her. It is what Yuko despises the most. None other than…
Squeaky and ready-to-pop at any time objects. Hated, even by the one who’s narrating the story at the moment. It is the only thing that scares the hell out of Oshima Yuko. She hates it so much, that anyone who dares bring a balloon— even small one— would suffer a long and painful death.
Anyway, what does Yuko’s most feared weapon have to do with her current situation? Well, it’s nothing much. She’s just tied to the bed in nothing but her undergarments, with a bunch of balloons floating right next to her.
At first, she didn’t know if she should feel lucky to have Haruna sitting by the bed in the same lingerie that she modeled in once, during the photo shoot where Tomo~mi refused to be in. However, the moment a small shiny object came into her sight, she began to squirm away.
The action she did only seemed to have fueled the brunette’s desire, making her wave the needle she had in her hand teasingly to the balloons. That caused Yuko to shut her eyelids in fear of having them pop on her face, something that she had sworn never to experience.
It was a good thing that Haruna never really brought the sharp tip too close, making her eyes open as she let out a sigh of relief. The unfortunate thing was… the expression she had on her face caused a sudden feeling of happiness to the brunette, making her regret in not finding about the brown-haired’s weakness sooner.
After all… POWER.
It was the feeling of finally having dominated the younger girl— after seeing her squirming away from her— that made Haruna feel slightly light-headed. Happiness was surging through her, bringing some sort of enlightenment that made her senses tingle in excitement.
“Ara, ara~” She sing-sang, a sadistic smile forming on her face.
“I’d never thought that you’d be THAT scared of such harmless objects.”
“It makes me want to pop one of them so badly.” She smirked, teasingly bringing the needle closer to the balloons as she stared at the expressions formed on the younger girl’s face.
Not disappointing her, Yuko’s eyes widened in horror as she began to fear what the brunette had in mind at that very moment. The brown-haired was certainly sure that she was being taunted into screaming or begging for her to be spared, especially when it was what the older girl told her to do a few minutes ago.
It was a good thing that she was being distracted from having any words form in her mouth by the lights on the ceiling that made the needle to shimmer, almost in a mocking way at her. It did its job of offending her enough to make her scowl, but it also made her cower away in fear.
As the seconds pass, Haruna began to feel a bit dissatisfied with the expression she was receiving— showing just how much she was feeling sadistic at that moment. Wanting to see more, Haruna started caressing the silky brown hair of the younger girl.
She cooed. “Now… Let’s continue on and beat the other two, alright?”
“Someone, please help me!” Yuko cried in her mind, closing her eyes as the brunette moved on to the balloons and got started in popping them.
“Mmmfpffhh [Help me]!!!”
Two girls sat down from across each other, busily focusing their eyes on their own reading materials. Silence was enveloping them, and the two comfortably leaned against their large bean bags, enjoying the other’s company.
Just then, the sound of popping started to get through the walls, entering through the sharp ears of a certain black-haired. She looked up from her magazine and looked around, trying to figure out where it was coming from.
“Is it just me, or am I hearing balloons popping?” she inquired.
Her question made the shorter girl look at her, raising a brow as she did. Takamina tilted her head to the side and began to listen for the same sound that her girlfriend’s ears managed to catch. At the same moment that she did, the sound of popping stopped.
“I think that it’s just you.” She said.
Atsuko sighed. “You’re right. It must have been my imagination then.”
Returning her attention to the magazine in her hands, she started reading from where she left off. Takamina was about to do the same to her manga, until she heard a sudden pop coming from the other side of the wall.
She ignored it and looked at the wall they shared with the KojiYuu pair, wondering to herself about what was going on with them. It has already been several minutes since they have won, though that was what they had only concluded.
After all, the other two were no longer letting out any indecent sounds to counter with theirs, and they practically placed their ears on the wall to make sure that they have already won. When a few minutes passed, the two gave a hi-five to each other before going to their respective beanbags.
Takamina stared at the wall, trying to figure out if the popping was what she has been hearing. Now that she has actually paid attention to it, it sounded like what has been echoing in the background as she busily read her latest favorite manga.
“Acchan, I think that I’m starting to imagine some balloons popping.” She said, sounding worried as she began to clap her hands near her ears to check if she was hearing things.
Atsuko looked up from her magazine again and started looking around, once again searching for the sound of balloons popping along with her girlfriend. It took them a few seconds to realize that it was actually coming from the other side of the wall.
However, despite realizing this, Atsuko merely gave a nonchalant shrug of the shoulders and went back to reading her magazine. There really was no reason for her to be so curious about what the two girls were doing.
At the same time, Takamina continued on listening with her brows knitted together as she scratched the side of one of her cheeks. There was this nagging feeling at the back of her head, and she couldn’t help but feel like it was something really important.
“Hmm…” Takamina sighed.
Noticing the troubled expression on her girlfriend’s face, Atsuko raised a brow. “Is there something wrong, Minami?”
“No.” the shorter girl replied, shaking her head as she did. “I just can’t remember something.”
“Is it important?”
Minami thought for a while, replying a second later. “I don’t think so.”
“Okay then.”
As they return their attentions back to their reading materials, Takamina remains oblivious of her fellow Royal member’s predicament, forgetting the fact that Yuko was completely afraid of balloons. The two of them had no idea that the KojiYuu pair was still ongoing with the battle.
“N-nyan nyan!” Yuko cried, her shirt already soaked from the tears that dripped from her eyes. “I think that they’ve stopped already!”
Haruna ignored the younger girl’s cries and continued popping the remaining balloons, completely forgetting the real reason why she took out the balloons and blew them in the first place— to make some sort of effect for them to win.
“It’s getting quite noisy now.” Takamina muttered under her breath, slightly irritated in being unable to focus— since she has yet to remember of Yuko’s phobia.
Her girlfriend nodded in agreement, sighing as she placed the magazine down on the floor. “The popping’s continuous.”
“They must be having so much fun, since I can practically hear Yuko’s squealing in delight.” Takamina sighed, feeling a bit envious.
What she didn’t know, nothing about the brown-haired’s situation was fun or something to be jealous about. Haruna had blown up a new batch of balloons to pop, just to continue on with being the one to call the shots.
Several popping of balloons later…
“Yuuchan?” Haruna softly called, lifting her head up from the chest of the said girl to stare into her eyes.
The brown-haired kept her own pair closed and breathed in deeply before opening her eyelids, only to find herself locking eyes with a worried-looking Haruna. Forming a smile on her lips, she started caressing the brunette’s silky hair.
“Sorry about going overboard.” The older girl apologized, letting her chin lean on Yuko’s shoulder as she took in a whiff of the girl’s scent every now and then.
Yuko chuckled. “Don’t worry, I’m fine.”
“I shouldn’t have tied you too tightly.” Haruna uttered, noticing the slightly red marks caused by the ropes on the younger girl’s wrists.
Yuko shook her head and kissed the brunette on the top of the head— letting the Haruna place her head back once more on her chest, smiling to herself as she felt electricity run through her spine when the older girl’s breathe and nose tickled a sensitive area.
Atsuko and Minami have finally decided to get out of their bedroom, joining the rest of the Akiba girls in the living room. With huge smiles on both of their faces, they started to search the room for two familiar faces, wondering where the KojiYuu pair was.
To their disappointment, they only found themselves staring back at the rest of the Akiba girls, soon enveloped by an atmosphere that was not intense, nor heavy to bear. It just felt a bit… uncomfortable to be in.
It was all because of the sudden appearance that the two had made, which caused everyone to suddenly feel guilty for imagining some thoughts that one could consider… dirty. After all, they DID heard Atsuko and Takamina— proving just how perverted their minds are.
Even Rena and Kumi are included. Right at the moment, they kept their eyes focused on the floor as they bit the inside of their cheeks, trying hard not to stray they away. Images of Takamina using a whip kept on flashing in their mind whenever they accidentally look at the newly-arrived girls.
However, looking away seemed to do nothing for them since they couldn’t get those things out of their mind, resulting in a huge amount of blood rushing to their heads and letting them up unconscious on their seats.
Sitting a few inches away from them Sayaka and Yukirin, who both had a fairly obvious tint of red on their cheeks. Like the two younger girls, they had trouble with keeping their eyes away and soon found themselves choking hard after breathing at the wrong time the moment they failed to stray their eyes.
On the other hand, four girls gave huge smiles at Atsuko and Takamina. One of them was Miichan, who made sure that the Crown Prince noticed this and even started mouthing the words ‘good job, midget’ to her.
Jurina and Anna giggled to themselves as they sent a knowing look to their fellow Rappapa member, completely aware of the intense liking that she has for Takamina. Even Tomomi~ was grinning at her as she took a few glances here and there at a certain tsundere.
Sae was also sending the same type of glance to Sayaka, who has yet to stop herself from choking, thus unable to give her any attention. And even when she finally to do so, she was far too busy trying to revive Kumi while Yukirin gently patted Rena’s back.
The remaining two girls— Mariko and Tomochin— seemed to be the only ones acting normally. Despite feeling embarrassed that they could imagine such indecent scenes between the two girls, they were able to maintain their composed expressions.

Tomochin had her face frowning in irritation, pretty much the usual expression seen on her every day. She was having the same trouble as the rest, and she couldn’t help but blush after desiring to do the same thing to Tomo~mi— which she had accidentally thought of.
“Why do they have to show up?” Tomochin growled quietly to herself, gritting her teeth.
Mariko —who was probably not having a hard time in composing herself— chuckled after hearing the girl’s question. She had her arms crossed and laying comfortably on her chest, smirking at Atsuko as she gave a curt nod.
A mere smirk from the short-haired was what it all took for Atsuko to finally understand the reason behind the uncomfortable atmosphere. She gave a small smile to Takamina and sighed to herself after receiving a clueless expression from the older girl.
It made her pinch the bridge of her nose as she shook her head. The others merely chuckled as they watched Takamina raise a brow in question, completely oblivious to everything, despite the hints that she was receiving from Miichan.
“Where’s the other two?” Atsuko asked, taking a seat on one of the couches furthest away from Mariko.
She had decided to change everyone’s focus, afraid that she’ll get teased and everyone would found out that what they seemed to be trying hard not to think about was all for naught.  Even if she would feel guilty about making everyone think that something happened when nothing did.
She has to make sure that her pride does not get hurt. Besides, if everyone thinks that something really happened, no one would dare take Minami away from her. They respect one another’s likes and dislikes after all.
And hopefully, Haruna doesn’t forget this.
It must be just her paranoia because Atsuko couldn’t help but worry that the brunette would be able to take Takamina away from her, but you can’t blame her right? After all, she caught Haruna staring at the shorter girl several times.
She’s also been resisting Yuko’s advances whenever Takamina was around, and that was something the black-haired was sure of since she was always around the two. She’s still wary, even after hearing Haruna… doing that with Yuko.
“Hey, do you know where Haruna and Yuko are?” she asked, her eyes scanning the room.
Everyone pointed their fingers to the direction above their heads, making the black-haired and her girlfriend look up in result. Yukirin began to inform the two girls that the KojiYuu pair has not left their rooms, ever since they left with Atsuko and Takamina.
This caused the black-haired’s brows to knit together as she turned to the girl beside her. “That must have been the reason we heard balloons popping!”
“Popping?” Everyone asked in unison— the Royal girls raising a brow as they start to wonder why something seems to be nagging at the back of their heads.
Just then, Takamina’s eyes popped open in realization and she grabbed the sides of her head with both of her hands. As she began to mentally scold herself, everyone stared at her with a curious expression on her face.
“Balloons!” Takamina cried at them, the reason why she said it, right at the tip of her tongue.
Still receiving several clueless expressions from everyone in the room, she lets out a groan. “It’s Yuko!”
“I need to make Haruna stop!” she told them, deciding not to let them remember the reason why she has to stop the brunette at all costs.
“Yuko’s terrified of balloons!”
Meanwhile… (Again)
Yuko sighed to herself happily, contented with the ways things are at the moment despite having the broken pieces of the popped balloons on top of her. She wasn’t scared of those. It’s just the sight of the fully-blown balloon and its popping sound that scares the heck out of her.
Not even the sudden barging of a certain Takamina into their room startled her. It was only Haruna who sat up, pulling the bed sheets over their bodies, even though there wasn’t reason for her to do so. Together, they stared at Takamina— with Yuko looking at her with a smile on her face.

“What is it, Midget?” Yuko asked, smirking to herself when she noticed how flustered and red the older girl was. “Can’t you see that we’re both busy?”
The shorter girl opened her mouth and started to explain the reason why for her sudden intrusion.  However, she was far too shocked at the sight in front of her— even forming words was hard to do so. Blood rushed straight to her head, she fainted and would have hit her head if it weren’t for Atsuko, who managed to catch her in time.
“W-Where are the balloons?” Rena asked, panting hard as she allowed her body weight to lean against her older sister’s body— while letting the rest of the Akiba girls take a peek at the sight before them.
Yukirin took out a handkerchief and started wiping the beads of sweat on the younger raven’s forehead. She turned to Takamina afterwards with a frown on her face, obviously not pleased with the running that she had caused Rena to do— after all, the raven-haired respected Yuko a lot.
“Next time, don’t make Rena so worried.” She scolded the now-awakened girl.
“But there were balloons popping!”
Tomo~mi pouted at her. “Mou~! You worried Chiyuu!”
“Yeah, I thought that Yuko would be crying right now.” Miichan said with an exasperated sigh— though slightly disappointed that she wasn’t able to see the girl in tears.
Takamina looked at them and whined. “I really thought that I heard some balloons!”
“It’s true.” Atsuko sighed. “I heard them as well.”
“And if there weren’t any balloons, Yuko wouldn’t be crying for help then.”  Takamina agreed, nodding her head furiously as she hid behind her girlfriend’s back, afraid that Yukirin would do the same thing she did to Sae.
Tomochin ignored the two figures on the bed and took a peek in the room, though making sure not to take a step inside. “But there’s no sign of any balloons here.”
“I’m telling that I heard them!” Takamina swore.
Mariko sighed. “Are you sure that you didn’t hear something else?”
“If you mind, can you please let us return to what we were doing before someone interrupted us?” Yuko interrupted as she let out an exasperated sigh, ignoring the flustered and embarrassed looks on Haruna’s and Takamina’s faces.
Haruna smacked her on the arm. “Yuuchan!”
Everyone stared in bemusement as their Crown Prince’s jaw practically dropped, stepping aside as they watched the short girl fall backwards after having her brain shut down. Atsuko sighed in relief when she was able to catch the older girl in her arms once more.
Returning their attention to the two figures underneath the blanket, everyone started chuckling to themselves as they watched Haruna smack the younger girl every now and then. Yuko could only protest in pain as she asked why she was being hit, whereas Haruna blushed deeply.
“Nyan Nyan!” Yuko cried, putting her hands up to block the brunette’s attacks.
Haruna kept on hitting her in embarrassment. “H-hentai!”
“Eh?” Yuko stared at her in confusion. “Why am I a pervert?!”
“Y-you didn’t have to tell them what we did!” the older girl cried.
Yuko protested as she dodged a smack on the head. “But I didn’t tell them that you tied me to the bed!”
Everyone raised a brow from the girl’s statement, and this caused Haruna to let out a whine. “Mou~! You just did!”
This earned a huge laugh from each and everyone in the room, including the two girls on the bed who soon found everything that was happening at the moment to be quite hilarious. Unbeknownst to their surroundings, they remained clueless when a camera— the size of a pinhead— zoomed into them and focused on everyone.
Meanwhile… (for the last time)
In a place far away from the mansion of the Akiba Family, three figures stood by a huge screen that shows the every movement made by the Akiba girls— their eyes in a slit and narrowed manner that shows slight of their annoyance at that very moment.
“Are you freaking kidding me?!” one of them cried, pulling her hair in frustration.
The others turned and looked at her, letting out exasperated sighs of their own before taking a glance at the screen. They frowned, clenching their fists in irritation as they started grumbling, agreeing with the statement of the girl with thick eyebrows.
“Are you sure that this is the Family that Boss wants to destroy?” Mariyagi— the second girl— asked.
Crossing her arms across her chest, she turned back to the screen and snorted. “They’re just bunch of morons!”
“Yeah! What do they have to do with anything?” Sanshoku cried, slamming her hands on the table where the controls were laid upon.
Annoyed that they were ordered to go to the surveillance room and watch a Family that acted ridiculously, they began to grumble amongst themselves. However, as they did, they failed to notice the opening of the door by their last companion, who then stepped aside to let a girl with silky black hair enter.
The fourth girl cleared her throat and lowered her head as their superior gave the three girls a stare, instantly quieting them and making them lower their heads in respect as well.
“What were you three doing?” the raven-haired asked.
Mariyagi lifted her head and spoke in a tone that was completely different from the one she had used earlier. “We were carrying out the task you have given us.”
Pleased that her subordinates were obedient, she gave a curt nod and walked passed them. She took a sit on the chair that the fourth girl has taken out from underneath the table, staring at the screen where the Akiba girls talked about nonsense.
She crossed her legs and started raising a brow in bemusement, a bit surprised to see them acting so carefree despite having their two Consigliores kidnapped. The four girls stood behind her and looked disapprovingly at the Family that they were watching, wondering at the same time.
Turning to one another, they started whispering amongst themselves the questions that they have been thinking for the past few weeks. To their dismay, none of them had a clue and started to notice the hardening expression their superior had on her face.
Though curious to ask why, the fear of getting snapped at and getting punished kept them from doing so. It wasn’t like the older girl to snap at them, but lately, she has been getting stressed because of the unfinished business with the Family on the screen.
“What were they doing before I got here?” she suddenly asked— her eyes narrowed to a slit.
The three girls turned to each other, seeming afraid and flustered with what to report to the raven-haired. Their faces had turned red, which caused the two newly-arrived girls raise a brow in question. They were fidgeting, and their superior’s stare was making it worse.
“Mayuge?” she called.
The said girl flinched at first despite the unemotional tone, nervously taking a step forward before she started reporting everything that she and the other two had witnessed. Even the embarrassing parts were included, for she knew that she would definitely receive some sort of punishment if she left them out.
Ten minutes passed by, and Mayuge has finally finished with the report. She quickly took a step back to align herself with them, receiving a pat on the back from the three as well as pitied looks. Not a moment too soon, the girl sitting in front of them took out the gun from the inside of her pocket, and shot the screen.
“E-Eguchi…sama?” they spoke out the raven-haired’s name.
Eguchi Ami stood up from her seat and gently pushed it towards the controls, turning on her heels afterwards. She had placed the gun back into her pocket and started heading for the door, alerting Comeback— the fourth girl— to open it for her.
Without a word, the other four followed her out into the hallway, making sure to glare at anyone who dares stand in front of their way. They had no idea where they were heading at, but they knew better than to open their mouths and ask the older girl a question.
After all, they have been with the older girl for more than three years, and that was enough time for them to receive the horrible punishments whenever they asked unnecessary questions that irritated the girl.
It was a good thing Ami wasn’t like that all the time. In fact, she’s pretty much a cool person, which was the very main reason for why the four of them decided to follow her and work under her. Other than that reason, she was the one who saved them from an untimely death, owing her their lives.
There must have been a very special reason as to why she had that hard look on her face earlier on, when she was watching the screen. Now that they were thinking about it, the faces of the Family looked extremely familiar.
“Ne, Comeback.” Sanshoku turned to the said girl, who only looked back with a raised brow. “What’s the name of that Family again?”
“I don’t actually remember.” The girl replied with a shrug. “But they definitely do have something to do with the death of the previous Boss.”
The three girls sighed. “Oh.”
Just then, Ami stopped walking and caused them to do the same with a sudden halt, making them fall out of balance as they were afraid to collide onto the back of their superior, and land on their butts. They each let out a pained groan as they stood up, soothing their soar butts by caressing it gently.
“Once we have entered the room, keep your distance from me. Understand?” The brown-haired ordered, looking at them with a slightly hard look on her face.
The four girls nodded their heads frantically, dusting their clothes as they resumed their walking behind the older girl. As they took several more steps towards the destination they have no idea they were headed, the gauge of their curiosity continues to grow.
Finally unable to keep quiet, Mayuge spoke up. “Eguchi-sama…?”
“What is it?” the brown-haired asked, never looking over her shoulder to give the younger girl any glance.
Wetting her lips, the bravest of the four asked. “Where are we going, Eguchi-sama?”
“You’re going to meet the Boss of the Yabakune Family.” She replied, earning a surprised look from each of the four.
Her statement had caused the four of them to stop, staring at her back as she remained walking in the same pace as before. They were taken aback with the sudden news of finally meeting one of the Bosses of the Family— even though they have been in it for at least three years.
“Remember not to speak, unless spoken to.” Ami finally stopped and turned to them, fully turning her body to face them. “Don’t even move unless I order you to, do you four understand?”
“H-hai!” the four girls nodded, before rushing to her side and walking after she has taken five steps.
As they made their way through the hallway, heading straight for the huge door in front of them, they glanced at each other. They would be meeting the girl— whom no one but people as powerful as Eguchi Ami— has seen before.
The door opened and the four girls entered the darkened room after the brown-haired, relying on their instincts to help them figure out where the older girl was. Unfortunately for them, the room was too dark and their curiosity has somehow numbed their senses.
Not wanting to embarrass their superior in front of the Yabakune’s Boss, they quickly aligned themselves into a horizontal line and waited for whatever would happen afterwards. They didn’t have to wait for long though, since a second just passed until the door opened and allowed some light to enter.
Thanks to it, they were finally able to locate the position of their superior, as well as reveal whoever it was who opened the door and let the light in. A clearing of the throat echoed in the room, suddenly reminding them of their duties— to lower their heads whenever a powerful person is in their presence.
They remained still on their spots, keeping their feet pointing at the grand chair located by the windows, making sure to have their eyes staring at the floor. They remained in that position until they heard their Ami’s fingers snap— an order to raise their heads and face whoever it was in front of them with a blank expression on their faces.
“Are these your subordinates, Ami-chan?” a girl’s voice echoed in the now-lighted room. “They seem so properly trained.”
“Not like the fools that I have to deal with every day.” The girl added with a snort.
Their ears perked up in interest as she continued to complain about her own subordinates— talking about how lucky Ami was to have the four of them— smiling to themselves as they took in the compliments.
At the same time, they were a bit surprised to find out that the Yabakune’s Boss was none other than a girl around their age, looking a bit younger to say the truth. Her voice sure did have that commanding voice, but it definitely was at a lower level than the girl they directly serve under.
“Yes.” Ami replied, not a hint of proud could be detected.
The brown-haired started moving closer to the younger girl, giving a slight glance at the four as she began to speak once more. “They were the ones who did the kidnapping.”
“Hmm~” the Yabakune’s Boss nodded and smiled in approval, looking extremely pleased at the news. “You did a great job in doing so, Ami-chan!”
The said girl merely lowered her head and uttered. “Thank you, Rabu-sama.”
Oota Aika— better known as Rabutan or Rabu-sama— is the current Boss of the Yabakune Family, seen by people with the same position as herself, or those with enough authority to have the permission to stand within her presence—  the reason itself for her name being unfamiliar to others.
“So?” Rabutan raised a brow, letting her chin lean on her palm as she lazily yawned. “What is the report?”
“Are they running around in circles, panicking about how both of their Consigliores have been kidnapped?” she asked, smiling as she began to think about it to herself.
Breaking her mood, Ami shook her head ad replied. “They aren’t, Rabu-sama.”
Ami informed. “It’s the total opposite as to what we have expected.”
“What do you mean?” Rabutan inquired, narrowing her eyes to a slit.
“Instead of worrying and searching frantically for the Consigliores,” she sighed disappointedly. “They are having fun, playing games with each other.”
The younger girl instantly shot up from her seat and screamed. “What?!”
Her eyes blazed with fire as she watched the older girl take several pictures from Mariyagi’s hands, receiving it afterwards. Her anger grew as she flipped a photo, ripping it into shreds and throwing them on the ground.
“Shouldn’t they be worried sick about their Consigliores?!” she cried in frustration, stomping the pieces as she did.
Turning to the brown-haired, she demanded. “How can they be so carefree?!”
“I want them to suffer!” she growled, grabbing Ami by the collar hard enough to make her let out a choke. “Make them suffer!”
Ami’s four subordinates stared at Rabutan in shock, before turning their attention afterwards to their superior. They started worrying if they should make a move to somehow lessen the girl’s anger towards her, seeing as how Rabutan has yet to release her from her hold.
Comeback’s instincts started to scream at her to run towards the two girls and rip Ami away from the younger girl’s grip. Even the other three had the same thought of doing so, but were momentarily stopped after receiving a narrowed look from the girl herself.
This made them turn and look at each other, suddenly understanding and remembering that they have to carry on the order given to them earlier that day— about staying in their places unless ordered to. It was hard to witness the older girl being scolded that way, but saving her would make things worse.
“Rabu-sama, they will be moving according to our plans soon.” Ami assured, causing the younger girl to stop shaking her by the collar as she stared at the brown-haired with a curious expression.
Rabutan’s glare lessened in intensity, and she finally released her grip on the older girl, earning a sigh of relief from the four girls. She took a deep breath and sat back down, massaging the sides of her temples with her fingers as she hummed to let Ami continue on.
“How will that happen, Ami?”
The brown-haired fixed her clothes and smiled in return, snapping her fingers afterwards to alert the people behind the door— the very same people whom she had left her four subordinates in charge of. A second passed and the door suddenly opened, making everyone turn their attention to the newly-arrivals.
When everyone did, they saw a group of girls in yellow clothing dragging a struggling woman in with a sack over her head, preventing anyone from seeing the person’s face. Mayuge turned to her comrades and mouthed if they knew who it was.
Sanshoku and the others only gave a shrug as a reply, before turning their attention back to the tall figure. She was trying hard to escape from the girls’ holds, but was unable to as they tightened their grip on her even more.
Ami snapped her fingers once more and cleared her throat, making them stop as they push the female closer to her and the Yabakune’s Boss. Rabutan tilted her head to the side as she raised a brow, watching Ami as she walked to unknown female, who was then forced to fall on her knees.
“I’m curious to find out how this person shall help us, Ami.” Rabutan said.
“It’s actually easy, Rabu-sama.” Ami smiled. “We’ll show them just how serious we are.”
Ami walked to the back of the kneeling female, grasping one of her shoulders before squeezing a nerve by the collarbone hard enough to make her grunt in pain as she dropped to the ground. Everyone watched as she tried to recover from it, only to have her neck gripped on this time as Ami grab one of the corners of the sack and pulled, making Rabutan smile in satisfactory.
“Ohori Megumi.”
Everyone kept their silence, watching their captive try and adjust her eyesight to the sudden exposure to a bright surrounding. Her face was all bruised up and swollen— evidence to the torture that she has received before she was brought into Rabutan’s presence.
Ami walked away and stood by Rabutan’s side, staring at the captured woman with a bemused expression. “A gift, Rabu-sama.”
Meetan’s eyes were finally able to adjust and see as clearly as before, allowing her to notice them and automatically send a glare. When she suddenly caught sight of Ami, her eyes widened in surprise before instantly being replaced by a look of anger.
“You.” She growled, attempting to stand up and head straight at them.
However, Ami’s subordinates were completely faster than her and held her by the arms, pushing her low down on the ground, enough to paralyze her. Ignoring the pain that she started to feel after being beaten continuously for hours, she looked up at the brown-haired with hatred.
“How could you?!” she demanded. “How could you betray your Family and hand the two of us to them?!”
The woman’s statement caused Rabutan to laugh out loud and catch the attention of everyone who was in the room. The younger girl was leaning on the chair and had crossed her legs, looking at the captured Consigliore with a completely amused expression.
On the other hand, Ami has a blank look on her face, seeming like she wasn’t being affected by any of the words that Meetan had thrown at her. Rabutan noticed this and stood up, gesturing for the yellow-clothed girls to take several steps backwards as she stood by Meetan.
“Oh, she didn’t betray her Family.” She laughed.
Giving a smirk, she said. “In fact, she did extremely well.”
“And don’t tell me that she betrayed you.” Rabutan leaned in closer to the older girl’s ears and whispered, loud enough though for everyone in the room to hear. “After all, weren’t you the one who betrayed her by kicking her out of the Royal Family when she did nothing wrong?”
“Nothing wrong?” Meetan repeated the words, hissing them out of her mouth as though they were poison.
She gritted her teeth and glared at Ami. “She was the main reason why Erena died!”
“Oh?” Rabutan looked at her, feigning innocence. “Didn’t you know?”
“I was the one who killed Erena.”
To Be Continued…
A/N: Well, that’s all guys! Sorry if it’s late as a New Year’s treat. I actually got lazier this year. Hahaha. But since my New Year’s resolution is to be more productive, I think the updates will keep on coming every now and then… if I can procrastinate, Procrastination. XDD
Had a withdrawal, so now I'm planning to fall in love with the couples all over again

\(^ - ^)/
Here are my fics~! They can be found amongst these three. :hee:

Love's A Mission
Oh My Dolly!

SoUL (Series)

The Akiba Family (T.A.F)

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 23 PART II [01/18]
« Reply #307 on: January 18, 2013, 04:53:06 PM »

The new villains arrive.  :twothumbs I love their comment about the akiba family. :lol:

And it's.... WOW!!! who kidnapped the two!!!

It is so interesting!! I love it :D

So it will be a Mayuki so cool :twothumbs

Thank you for this update!!!
Mayuki = Cutest couple

Married?!-Mayuki fanfic (maybe it will have another pair)

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 23 PART II [01/18]
« Reply #308 on: January 19, 2013, 02:12:16 AM »
So many funny kojiyuu thank you so much!!  :inlove:

Silent reader for now

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 23 PART II [01/18]
« Reply #309 on: January 19, 2013, 02:16:31 AM »
Oh god Lovetan is the bad guy... I wanna know more about this
The Kojiyuu patt is funny

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 23 PART II [01/18]
« Reply #310 on: January 19, 2013, 02:47:09 AM »
Thank for the update muwi-san LOL

Love kojiyuu antic here,i dont realize the weapon until i read this,LOL i though its dangerous weapon.
Its a long time when i watch that akabingo episode that yuko scared with baloon LoL

Ehehe im wondering what happen. In kitchen,
Mayuki! Mayuki! I want more mayuki! LOL

Again thank


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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 23 PART II [01/18]
« Reply #311 on: January 19, 2013, 05:00:09 AM »
JAjajaj my kojiyuu feelings... :B Im so happy

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 23 PART II [01/18]
« Reply #312 on: January 19, 2013, 01:41:05 PM »
I guess kojiyuu win  :P
Serious??? Haruna like takamina  :?
But it's so funny when takamina faint twice  XD
Poor meetan and maachan, I just hope they won't end up like erena

Thanx for the update :)

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 23 PART II [01/18]
« Reply #313 on: January 20, 2013, 01:23:46 PM »
KOJIYUU!!  :deco:

nooo~ meetan and maachan  :cry:

go royal family got to go save them fast.....

btw like the new plot twist of adding a ex-member of the royal family and finally we know who killed erepyon!

thanks for the update!  :heart:

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 23 PART II [01/18]
« Reply #314 on: January 21, 2013, 12:11:08 PM »
OMG, Kojiyuu is awesome!! :deco:

OMG, Rabutan!!! :shocked:

OMG, Ami!! :shocked:

OMG, Mayuge!! :shocked:

OMG, Comeback!! :shocked:

OMG, Sanshoku!! :shocked:

OMG, Meetan got kidnapped by them!! :shocked:

OMG, Thanks for the update :D


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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 23 PART II [01/18]
« Reply #315 on: January 21, 2013, 03:43:39 PM »
muwi-chama... sakuchan is at loss of words... I'll comment some time later, okay? *tries to get over the feelings in her heart and mind*
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 23 PART II [01/18]
« Reply #316 on: January 23, 2013, 01:11:34 AM »
Wah.. it's getting more and more interesting...

So heartless person this killer...

Thank you for the update...

Can't wait to see the next

 :wub: :inlove: :heart:

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 23 PART II [01/18]
« Reply #317 on: March 30, 2013, 03:58:27 PM »
I'm going to cry~
It's soon April and Karo-chan hasn't updated yet. But I guess that your extremely busy with study aren't you?  :)

Meanwhile I've been gone so long from this forum that now I have to catch up with fics  XD
I've PM you my twitter account if Karo-chan didn't saw it yet.

So now to your update critic XD.
Hohoho, what's with this MaYuki hrrm?  :lol:

It was a weapon.
 Devious and Dangerous.
 So powerful, it could even scare one of the strongest and most-feared Family members…
 …As well as make her drop to her knees and beg for her life to be spared.
 That’s right, you guys. It’s the only thing that can make our Crown Princess cry out and have tears flowing down from her eyes, just from the mere action of having it near her. It is what Yuko despises the most. None other than…
Oh my gosh XDDD I laughed so hard here  :rofl: Poor the squirrel *cough* I mean "the Crown Princess"  XD
Haruna seems to enjoyed it a lot. *chuckle*

“Is it just me, or am I hearing balloons popping?” she inquired.
“I think that it’s just you.” She said.
Atsuko sighed. “You’re right. It must have been my imagination then.”
LOLOLOL! Only if they knew...

“Y-you didn’t have to tell them what we did!” the older girl cried.
 Yuko protested as she dodged a smack on the head. “But I didn’t tell them that you tied me to the bed!”
Ahahaha  :rofl: again.

WOah! New characters! Oh my~  :shocked
Meetan...Rabutan? Erena?  :OMG:   <---- my face right now

Thank you for your update Karo-chan
ArígatoU! :kneelbow:
Have tumblr have twitter. Just ask ^^

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 23 PART II [01/18]
« Reply #318 on: July 13, 2013, 10:29:06 AM »
Damn Cliff Hangers  :angry:
can you put in more SaeYaka plz....there's hardly any of the two together  :oops: :wub:
I'm Loving the Fic  :twothumbs
I hope Sata & Kiyoto make an appearance  :cathappy: O0
I cant wait for the next part!  :panic:

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Re: [AKB48] The Akiba Family - Chapter 23 PART II [01/18]
« Reply #319 on: July 14, 2013, 04:53:20 AM »
cool  :w00t:
and ami and rabu-tan is the one who killed erena? o.O
or meetan killed erena?  o.o
and pls update :3

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