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Author Topic: Falling In Love .. (KojiYuu,MaYuki,Atsumina,and others) Chapter 6!!  (Read 10973 times)

Offline nicole123

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Hi guys ..  :glasses: hmm.. This is my first ever story and I'm new author .. Hope you like it thank you :D :kneelbow: :kneelbow:



 "Haruna look .. I'm just trying make you smile, come on please be nice to me just this day!" Yuko said. While trying to make Haruna look at her ..
"Get away from me .. You know your not helping me your just make it worse! Why can't you just stop appearing in front of me every single day! You disgust me!" Haruna replied angrily tossing everything she grab at yuko ..
"Is that all you want ? Will you be happy if I do that ?" Yuko says sadly.
"Please yes! Yes! Happy?" Haruna replied.
"Ok .." All yuko could say.


So.. That's the PROLOGUE .. Minna-San hope you like it ..  :sweat:

Give me comments Kudasai .. Should I continue this ? Or not ?  :dunno:

Also there is many more couples coming so jaa nee ..  :byebye:
« Last Edit: April 16, 2014, 03:52:04 AM by nicole123 »
"Don't tell God how big your problem are .. instead tell your problem how big your God is."

Offline KaoriChan

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Re: Falling In Love .. (KojiYuu,MaYuki,Atsumina,and others) PROLOGUE
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2014, 06:51:54 AM »
Continue please :bow:

...Haruna what did you say :smhid Poor Yuuko :cry:

hope you'll update soon :wriggly:

 :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline ketsnegova

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Re: Falling In Love .. (KojiYuu,MaYuki,Atsumina,and others) PROLOGUE
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2014, 07:02:47 AM »
I wonder what will happen next ... Continue author-san. :)

Offline nicole123

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Chapter 1 (The Characters)


- Rich boy but prefers not to tell his friends about that, very atheletic. Bestfriend of takamina,sae,and sayaka .. But later all of his friends hate him due to some issues .. One of the schools basketball MVP, really really love Haruna for 2 years now .. Becoming the CEO OF their Hotel but his father cancel it due to some reasons .. His father hates him so much.


- is a beautiful girl, one of the C.C of the school also known as the model of their school. Has feelings for Riki Okura, didn't like yuko from the start until the end ? ..


- has been courting Maeda Atsuko for almost a year now but Maeda seems too busy being a school council president. TAKAHASHI MINAMI owns a Restaurant.
Bestfriend of yuko oshima.


- school council president , her parents are actress/actors and they want to pass their acting career to her , she is in love with TAKAHASHI MINAMI but she can't do anything about their relationship she's too busy to handle their relationship right now. But she promise if she finish all the things she will answer all takamina's questions.


- a boy who's everyone wants-to-be-boyfriend, but unfortunately he has a thing for someone else .. :/ very gentle man, yuko oshima's brother, also prefers not reveal his true identity, he is worried about his brother.


- is a rich girl, also beautiful, likes to be alone so she doesn't have that much friends until she met that guy who is so gentleman and fierce to talk to her, she is a quiet girl, falls inlove with that boy.


- kojima haruna's cousin, loves to tease Haruna, and inlove with miichan.


- Yuko and mayu's cousin, yuko's roomate, inlove with mariko too but hides it.


- yuko's childhood friends, a couple since they were 1st year.


- watanabe mayu's classmates and also bestfriend, very sweet with each other , an official couple.


- kojima haruna's fake boyfriend always says that Haruna is his girlfriend, only loves Haruna for money and lust, just playing with kojima haruna's heart .. , hates yuko and his friends, always bully yuko.


Hai .. Hai ..  :hee:

Arigatou minna for commenting ..  :kneelbow: :kneelbow: :farofflook:

Give more comments Kudasai yo .. :D  :kneelbow: :kneelbow:

An Update! Hope you like it :)  :glasses: :luvluv2: :kneelbow:
"Don't tell God how big your problem are .. instead tell your problem how big your God is."

Offline blakwhite

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Re: Falling In Love .. (KojiYuu,MaYuki,Atsumina,and others) PROLOGUE
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2014, 09:05:48 AM »
look intresting,
pls update soon LOL

Offline Tiptip

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Re: Falling In Love .. (KojiYuu,MaYuki,Atsumina,and others) PROLOGUE
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2014, 12:10:45 PM »
look intresting,
pls update soon LOL

Yeah nicole-san  please update this  :ding: :ding:

Offline KaoriChan

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Re: Falling In Love .. (KojiYuu,MaYuki,Atsumina,and others) PROLOGUE
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2014, 12:18:03 PM »
what's the reason why Yuko's father hates him?? then Haruna didn't like him too.. :on speedy:
main character in cruel situation or suffering,I don't know but "I really Like it" :? . . . Hope for more drama :peace:

Chapter 2 please  :cow: :cow:

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: Falling In Love .. (KojiYuu,MaYuki,Atsumina,and others) PROLOGUE
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2014, 01:37:01 PM »
Why Yuko father hate him...Noooo and everyone else too

Someone need to kick the Riki guy!!!

Update soon

Offline Ceej!~

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Re: Falling In Love .. (KojiYuu,MaYuki,Atsumina,and others) PROLOGUE
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2014, 04:22:09 PM »
waaa! seems interesting~ please continue~

~ Yukirin Oshi / Sayumin Oshi ~

Fanfics (MaYuki)

Waiting in that summer..
Love in Okinawa


idolfangirl-ceej // Tumblr.

Offline cisda83

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Re: Falling In Love .. (KojiYuu,MaYuki,Atsumina,and others) PROLOGUE
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2014, 04:32:37 PM »
Woah... Lots of Hate for Yuko here...

His father, the rivals and others....


Can't wait to find out more

Thank you for the new story

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline nicole123

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Re: Falling In Love .. (KojiYuu,MaYuki,Atsumina,and others) Ch.2 .. Update!
« Reply #10 on: March 29, 2014, 06:40:30 PM »
Eto .. Minna-San Hontouni Arigatou for commenting ..  :kneelbow:

Hai! An Update! Hope you guys like it ..  :sweat:


Yuko's POV

I was with my friends at the school basketball court playing with them .. But my mind wasn't at the game but at a certain person who I love the most but unfortunately hate me so much .. Finally! I was holding the ball but suddenly my bestfriend sae took it very fast ..

"You know what? Let's just stop here .. I don't think someone's paying attention to the game ! , what is the problem again Yuko?"Sae says shouting.
"Hmm .. Sorry I wasn't paying attention to game but I don't really have problem .. Its just i am tired right now .. Can we just continue our game tomorrow?" I replied feeling tired.
"You know your always tired!" Sayanee says.
"Yeah, you know just forget about that Kojima Harana .. ? Harona? .., she didn't even like you .. And you've Been wasting time for 2 years now .. Why can't you just accept that she don't like you .. Just give up .." Takamina said half-shouting.

"Excuse me .. I can't just give up on her .. I do everything I can do just to make her smile or anything .. And I don't care if I'm wasting my time nor didn't like me atleast she knows how I feel for her .. What about you ? .. Huh .. You've been wasting all of your time buying flowers for that Maeda girl .. But still didn't response to you .. And FYI it's Haruna!" I replied angrily.
"Hey .. Don't mention Maeda's name here .. She don't have to do with this .." Takamina shouted.
"We'll, you started this!" I replied.
"Guys enough ! Yuko get out of this court and clear your stupid mind! We're always like this! I hate this.."sae said.
"Ok! Why everyone wants me to forget Haruna .. Didn't you all experience this also? .. Why can't you just help me with this situation? Enough I'm out here!" I replied sadly.

I ran out of the court and start dialing miichan .. I don't know but everytime I was in this situation I just think miichan is the best entertainer for me than those stupid friends of mine .. Didn't they know that I'm always broken inside ? Everytime Haruna shouting at me and tossing everything to get rid of me like I was a disease ..

#phone ringing ..

"Hai moshi moshi .. Miichan desu" miichan answer the phone.
"Moshi moshi .. Yuuchan desu, miichan are you free ? .. Can you take me to a happy place like before?"
"Again? What's the reason? Did that Haruna girl do something again to you ?" She replied angrily like she's going to eat Haruna.
"No! .. It's just that my friends .. They didn't understand me .. :// they didn't know I was broken inside .."
"What? What the heck are talking about yuuchan .. I'm at my condominium come here .. Wait are you drunk?"
"No .. I'm not .. Ok I'm coming over there.."
"Ok hayaku nee .. Be careful are you driving ?" Miichan asked.
"No I'm just going to ride a taxi"
"Ok take care!"
"Hai .. Jaa nee.. "
"Hai bye bye"

After that call I went to called a taxi .. And it was taking me to miichan's condo right now .. I'm totally pissed how can they  kick me out of the court .. Why can't they just give me advice .. Rather than scolding me .. I know what I'm doing .. Hate it that's my friends more like a best friends .. And all they do is scolding me ? Why can't they just understand me ..? I mean why can't they just support me with my love for Haruna ..? I know she is not bad.. , maybe she just don't know what to do .. I hope it really just that ..

End Of Yuko's POV

#back to the basketball court ..


"Why did you do that to yuko? .." A.Sayaka says ..
"What, are you taking his side? .. You know his always like this .. And if we didn't do it , he won't pay any attention to the game .."Sae replied trying to explain their side.
"But still! You have to understand him .. That's what are friends for right ? , what if he didn't show up to you guys .. Because he knows you guys always scold him rather that understanding all he have to say?"
"But! He mention Maeda's name .. And Acchan don't have to do with this .."takamina said angrily.
"First .. Don't be angry and second it's your fault" sayaka replied.
"How is this become my fault? I'm just saying the truth .."
"Because you mention haruna's name first and even said bad things to her .. And you guys .. Haruna is all yuko been thinking from the start until the end .."

After the open forum thing the game ends and they all go to their opposite ways .. SAESAYAKA is going to their house (since they're living under the same roof now) and takamina going to take Acchan to a romantic movie date .. And sayanee is just going to her house :) ..


Minna-San that's it! :glasses:
Sorry if it just short ..  :kneelbow: :kneelbow:

Comment Kudasai yo ..  :luvluv2:

Hontouni Arigatou ! :kneelbow: :kneelbow:

"Don't tell God how big your problem are .. instead tell your problem how big your God is."

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: Falling In Love .. (KojiYuu,MaYuki,Atsumina,and others) Ch.2 !!
« Reply #11 on: March 29, 2014, 10:22:53 PM »
Miichan seem to understand Yuu..good that to have someone understand

Update soon

Offline nicole123

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Re: Falling In Love .. (KojiYuu,MaYuki,Atsumina,and others) Ch.3!!
« Reply #12 on: March 30, 2014, 07:15:07 AM »
Chapter 3


Mayu is walking down the hallway of the campus with his friend Jurina ... He is just helping Jurina to find his girlfriend Rena .. They were walking silently neither one of them don't want to talk .. (AWKWARD XD) .. Everyone's looking at them because Mayu is kinda popular .. Jurina broke the silence by asking something ..

"Hmm .. About the girl your telling me earlier .. What is her name?"Jurina asked trying to break the silence between them.
"Hm .. Her? ... I don't know I forgot to asked her eh .."Mayu replied while scratching the back of his head.
"Well, bad for you ? .. So is she beautiful?" Jurina asked again winking his eyes.
"Hmm.. Yeah? But that doesn't mean I like her .." Mayu replied nervously.
"I didn't even say you like her Mayu .." Jurina says ..
"Ah .. Ah .. I mean that doesn't mean she looks beautiful to me .. It's just that she just looks natural for me .. Yeah that's .. All" Mayu explained nervously.
"Really?" Jurina asked curiously.

And then Jurina tease him the entire day .. And that made Mayu pissed off but somehow love it ..

Meanwhile at Miichan's Condo ..

Miichan's POV

Here it is again .. Yuko need my help again .. I took out my reserved whiskey for mariko and I but I just decided to give it to yuko .. I don't know what's happening to this cousin of mine .. But I need to help him .. I'm just the only one yuuchan could lend on, beside he is so kind to me when I need help also .. But the thing I'm worried is that this always happens frequently now .. , I give him the bottle of whiskey and dialed mariko ..

"There yuuchan drink them all because I'm tired trying to explained anything to you" miichan said.
"Thank you .. For understanding me" yuko replied.

Miichan go to the bathroom of her condo and dialed mariko.

#cellphone ringing ..

"Hai moshi moshi ..?"mariko answered the phone call.
"Moshi moshi .. Eto .. Miichan desu .." Miichan replied.
"Oh miichan .. What is it ? Why did you call?"
"I just wanted to tell you that our dinner at my condo is now cancelled , I'm sorry .. It's because my cousin is here again and he have a problem with YOUR cousin" miichan said angrily.
"Oh .. Is that so? That's no problem to me , did Haruna do something again ? Poor yuko-San .. "
"Yeah .. Hmm.. I think. You should talk to your cousin about this .. Please I can't stand seeing my cousin always like this.. " miichan said.
"Yeah .. Don't worry about this I'll handle this .. I will talk to my cousin about this .. I'm sorry about what my cousin did .. Really sorry"
"No it's ok .. So I'm going to hang out now .. Thank you for you time :)"
"No it's ok jaa nee , hmm you hang out first .." Mariko said.
"Ok bye.."
"Bye .."mariko said and miichan hang out.

Meanwhile at ATSUMINA ..

Takahashi's POV

I was driving my car  to fetch Acchan .. But my mind didn't stop me to think about what yuko said earlier ..


'What about you ? .. Huh .. You've been wasting all of your time buying flowers for that Maeda girl .. But still didn't response to you .. '

Takahashi's POV

I know Acchan is too busy but that doesn't mean she doesn't love me .. It's just that she's too busy .. Right? .. Enough with this .. I can see Acchan now waiting for me ..

"Heyy .. How long have you been waiting here ..?"Takamina asked worried.
"Hmm .. No I just came here a few second ago .. :)"Acchan replied while flashing her famous smile ..
"Oh really? .. Hmm .. Are you ready for tonight movie? .. " takamina asked.
"Yeah .. Are we going to watch a horror movie or a romantic one ?"
"Oh we going to watch a romantic one .. :D"
"Okay .. "
They go buy a large popcorn size and two large coke too .. The movie is starting .. But takamina and Acchan seems AWKWARD with each other .. Until takamina asked a question ..

"Hmm .. Acchan ?" Takamina asked nervously.
"Yeah ..?" Acchan replied.
"Do I really have chance to you ?"takamina asked.
"Hmm.. Yeah ? But you need to wait .. Okay?"
"Really ? .. I do really have a chance? .. YES!" Takamina says while standing at the center of the theater .. Disturbing all of the people who is watching..
"Hey .. Sit down people are watching!" Acchan said happily.
"Okay .. Okay .."takamina replied.

After that takamina drove Acchan to her house .. And they parted ways ..


So .. That's it guys .. Thank you for reading it ..

Hope you like it ..  :farofflook: :kneelbow: :glasses:

Will Mayu get the chance to asked the girl her name ?
Will yuko move on ?
When will takamina and Acchan become official couple?

You guys will find out .. So pls continue reading and giving comments ..

Hontouni Arigatou ..    :kneelbow:
"Don't tell God how big your problem are .. instead tell your problem how big your God is."

Offline Ceej!~

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Re: Falling In Love .. (KojiYuu,MaYuki,Atsumina,and others) Ch.3!!
« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2014, 10:48:04 AM »
waaa!! getting better~ looking forward for your next update~  :wub:

~ Yukirin Oshi / Sayumin Oshi ~

Fanfics (MaYuki)

Waiting in that summer..
Love in Okinawa


idolfangirl-ceej // Tumblr.

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: Falling In Love .. (KojiYuu,MaYuki,Atsumina,and others) Ch.3!!
« Reply #14 on: March 30, 2014, 03:36:06 PM »
Mayu don't even know the girl name xD

Marimii is dating?

Poor Yuko

Offline prof.j

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Re: Falling In Love .. (KojiYuu,MaYuki,Atsumina,and others) Ch.3!!
« Reply #15 on: March 30, 2014, 04:02:43 PM »
poor yuko  :(
author-san, don't too hard to yuko :P hehehe :D

looking forward to next chapter
update soon :grin:

Offline cisda83

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Re: Falling In Love .. (KojiYuu,MaYuki,Atsumina,and others) Ch.3!!
« Reply #16 on: March 30, 2014, 04:53:27 PM »
Poor Yuko... At least Mariko and Miichan are on Yuko's side

What would Haruna do after Mariko had the talk about Yuko?

Yeah... Minami was given a OKAY from Atsuko but Atsuko asked Minami to wait...

What's going to happen next?

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline nicole123

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Re: Falling In Love .. (KojiYuu,MaYuki,Atsumina,and others) Ch.4!!
« Reply #17 on: April 01, 2014, 12:00:12 AM »
Chapter 4

Mariko's POV

I was getting ready to to go to haruna's house again .. I mean why can't she just accept that yuko is obsess with her .. Or maybe just pretend that she also like him? .. I totally feel bad for yuko .. :(( .. Wait I need to call Haruna .. .
#cellphone ringing ..

Come on Haruna pick it up .. Ah Finally!

"Moshi moshi ? Who is this?" Haruna replied.
"Moshi moshi .. It's mariko! Can you pls read the caller ID?"mariko says.
"Hai.. Hai.. Why did you call?" Haruna asked lazily.
"Hmm .. Yeah, I call because I'm gonna be there in 5minutes so get your butt out and sat on the HOT SIT now .." Mariko replied.
"Again? What did I do ? ... Yuko again? Huh .."Haruna says.
"We'll talk about that later .. I'm on the way .."

After 20 minutes of driving I'm finally here .. At haruna's house again ..

End of Mariko's POV


  Mariko tap the doorbell .. And knock at the door .. And finally Haruna open the door..

"Heyy .. We need to talk .. But before that let me in first it's cold out here .. "Mariko said.
"Oh .. Yeah come in" Haruna replied.

After that they go inside and start their conversation ...

"So .. What is it all about again?" Haruna asked.
"Are you serious? .. It's all about you being mean on yuko again .."mariko replied.
"Hah .. You know .. I didn't mean shouting and tossing everything at him .. It's just that I don't know why I'm being mad at him .. It's like everytime I see him .. My ego won't stop being angry at him ... "Haruna said.
"But you really don't like him ?"mariko replied.
"Yeah .. I really do .."Haruna sigh..
"What IS really the reason ?"mariko asked confused.
"Tell me .. So I don't have to be here every single day .. You know I'm also tired.. Why don't you just accept that yuko loves you .. Why don't you just give him a chance ? Infact you're single .. Right?"
"You, I don't really need your help .. And for YOU to know .. I'm not single anymore! , me and Riki has been going out for about two months now! And I hate yuko for saying that Riki is cheating on me .. And he even know that me and Riki is in relationship.. So why can't he just stop getting close to me .. I'm sick of him.."Haruna said crying.
"You know .. I'm sorry I didn't mean to pressure you it's just that .. Everytime that me and miichan have a date .. It always get interrupted .. And that is because yuko needs help again .. And miichan have to cancelled everything again .. And there's me .. Sulking .. Because I didn't get the chance again to say to miichan that I love her .."mariko replied sadly.
"So talk to yuko not me .. I don't know how to get rid of him.. "
"Okay I will talk to him .. Hmm .. Haruna?"
"Yeah .."
"What if Riki is really cheating on you ?"
"No he won't , he's a good guy .."
"Just .. Make sure that Riki guy isn't really cheating on you .. Okay?"
"Ok bye I'm going home.." Mariko said while hugging Haruna.
"Ok bye .. And thank you .."
"No, it's ok .."

Meanwhile at the library ....


when will I see him again ? .. Ah! YUKI you're being crazy again .. He is just a random guys that won't to you again .. But I hope to see him again .. He seems nice .. He even give me his handkerchief .. :D



I was heading to the cafeteria to buy some snacks for my hungry tummy .. When suddenly someone bumps onto me .. And drops a milkshake on my uniform.

#Thuud ...

"Ouch .." Yuki said. 
"Oh ... I'm so sorry .. I'll will make it to you next time .. But for now I gotta go ..sorry" a guys replied.
"How could that guy leave me here .. HUH .."yuki said.
"Hmm .. Heyy .. Daijobou desu ka? .. Do you need help?"
"Hmm .. No it's okay.." Yuki replied while wiping her uniform by her hand.
"Are you sure? Here .. Take this handkerchief .. ^^"the boy said.
"Oh thank you .."
"Hmm .. It's okay .."
".. Hmm .. I gotta go .. Need to return this book from the library so .. Yeah .. Bye , and thank you again!..."
"No problem .. See you around .."
After that yuki buy her favorite snack and go to the library .. That where she realize she didn't asked the boys name..



how lame .. I didn't even asked his name thou .. I know we will meet again .. And I'm looking forward to it .. :)


meanwhile at the school basketball court ..


It's their break time now .. And Sae suddenly announced something ..

"So .. Guys .. What do you think ? The school basketball finals are coming up .. What do you think, should we get yuko back at the team or search for another member?"sae says.
"It's up to you .. Your the captain right?"Yui replied.
"But I'm was just only asking for your opinion .. "
"Hmm .. I think we should talk to yuko .. And get him back at the team .." Sayanee said.
"What do you think takamina?"says asked.
"Hmm.. I'll talk to him .. Besides I also need to apologize to him .. "Takamina said.
"Okay .. Takamina and I will talk to yuko tomorrow you guys keep practicing tomorrow okay ? .. For now practice dismissed.."

 After that the other member of basketball club .. Starting to part their ways .. But takamina asked sae something ..

"Sae!"takamina shouted while running.
"Oh yeah? .. "
"What do you mean we're talking to yuko together ? .. I can do it myself .."
"Well .. I also want to apologize to him .. "
"Oh .. Okay .. Are you going home now or still doing something ..."
"Hmm .. Me ? Yeah I'm going home because sayaka said she prefer food for us tonight .. How about you?"
"Ah .. Sweet .. Me ? I'm buying something :)"
"Oh .. For Acchan right?"
"Yeah .. But don't tell her okay ..?"
"Of course .."
"Oh so .. See ya tomorrow.."
"Okay bye!"

After that they parted ways .. Sae going to their house while takamina buying something for Haruna ..


I was entering a Tiffany & Co.'s store when suddenly I saw mariko ..

"Heyy .. What are you doing here? Are you also buying gifts for miichan ? "
"Yeah .. You buying for Acchan?"
"Yeah .."

After that they search for a perfect gifts for their girl? . ..

"So .. Are you and Acchan official now? .. "Mariko asked.
"Not yet but .. She said .. I have to wait .."
"Oh nice .."
"How about you and miichan? "
"Hmm .. No .. Not yet .. I didn't even said i like her yet .. "
"Oh .. That's bad .. But why .. "
" long story .. So .. I gotta go, I have to go home now my parents are probably worried about me now .."
"Ah .. Me too .. So see you around .. "
"Yeah .. Bye .. Say hi to Acchan for me .. Okay?"
"Okay .. Bye .. Say also hi to miichan for me .. "
"Okay .. "

After that they parted ways and got to their own houses..



So .. That's it guys ..  :glasses:

Hope you like it minna-San ..  :sweat:  :kneelbow:

Thank you for commenting and reading my story ..  :kneelbow: :kneelbow: :luvluv1:

Hontouni Arigatou .. :nya: :kneelbow: :nya:

BTW! This what takamina but for Acchan ..$EcomItemL$&op_usm=1,1,6&defaultImage=NoImageAvailable&&

And this is what mariko buy for miichan ..$EcomItemL$&defaultImage=NoImageAvailable&&
"Don't tell God how big your problem are .. instead tell your problem how big your God is."

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: Falling In Love .. (KojiYuu,MaYuki,Atsumina,and others) Ch.4!!
« Reply #18 on: April 01, 2014, 12:45:02 AM »
I hope Haruna chose a right guy

Update soon

Offline Ceej!~

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Re: Falling In Love .. (KojiYuu,MaYuki,Atsumina,and others) Ch.4!!
« Reply #19 on: April 01, 2014, 02:36:42 AM »
can't wait for next~  :twothumbs

~ Yukirin Oshi / Sayumin Oshi ~

Fanfics (MaYuki)

Waiting in that summer..
Love in Okinawa


idolfangirl-ceej // Tumblr.

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