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Author Topic: Love in Okinawa - Chapter 6 (MaYuki)  (Read 32799 times)

Offline Ceej!~

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Love in Okinawa - Chapter 6 (MaYuki)
« on: May 01, 2014, 07:17:28 AM »
Hello! Just a thought... oh just another imagination of mine... or let's just say I saw this in my dreams last night XD please spare me but my head and hands are making me move to write a little intro about it. so here it goes...  :jphip:


"My ex-girlfriend broke up with me... I don't know what's the reason why she dumped me... I did my best to make her happy but it seems she doesn't even care about me anymore... so I decided to move on about her, to forget everything, she totally broke my heart, I want to forget our relationship... I decided to have a vacation in Okinawa, where my family owns a beach resort in the said location... My parents knew about what happened to my relationship, they decided to let me go on my own for now so that I can move on my own. As I stay in Okinawa, I met someone... we get a long... I don't know but for some reason, she really helped me a lot on moving on to my past...

Is my Okinawa vacation was a great idea? or this will turn something I don't expected?"


that's all I can think about it for now~ as usual~ possible pair is MaYuki  :wub: since I'm such a bias writer~ sarehhhh D:
if you guys want I can add up pairs~ just give some suggestions and I'll think about it. So, should I continue? or not?  :?
comments are highly welcome here~ thanks for reading  :bow:

« Last Edit: October 22, 2017, 09:36:21 PM by sophcaro »

~ Yukirin Oshi / Sayumin Oshi ~

Fanfics (MaYuki)

Waiting in that summer..
Love in Okinawa


idolfangirl-ceej // Tumblr.

Offline MayuxMatsuixMusic

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Re: Love in Okinawa [undecided]
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2014, 09:23:31 AM »
CEEJ!~ -san!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mayuki :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:

and a little mayurena pls

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs
mayuyu and rena is <3

mayuki and mayurena is my fav <3

Offline chocholate

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Re: Love in Okinawa [undecided]
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2014, 07:11:41 AM »
Aaa make it mayuki pleasee !!! :bow:

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Re: Love in Okinawa [undecided]
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2014, 08:04:03 AM »

Offline Ceej!~

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Love in Okinawa: Chapter 1
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2014, 05:30:41 PM »
Hello! So yeah, it's official... this is another MaYuki fanfic XD and I kinda did MayuxMatsuixMusic's little request. Oh you'll find out soon~ anyway, here it goes... Chapter 1! douzo!!  :jphip:

Chapter 1: Getting Over

“I’m so sorry but this relationship is so over…”

That was the most painful moment I’ve ever got in my past relationship… A break-up… It’s almost been 2 years since that happen but still I don’t know how to feel towards about it.

Until now I still can’t believe our relationship did end and I don’t really know what’s the main reason behind it but eventually I did knew why… and it was all because of my best friend… Eventually my ex-girlfriend and best friend are now dating… I can’t believe it… in the end she was in love with my best friend and not me… not only I ended my relationship with her but also my relationship with my best friend was also turn into pieces. I can’t forgive them… not now… I’m way too hurt about it…

After that happened, I decided on trying to get over it, and what I did was first staying in a far place in Tokyo… in Okinawa…

“Mayu, are you sure you’re staying in Okinawa for now?”
“Yes, Otou-sama… I’ll staying in our beach resort...”
“Okay, son… if you really need some time to be alone. I know you’ll get over it.”
“Arigato, Otou-sama… I’ll help out in the beach resort as well.”

Just as decided… I stay in Okinawa for now… And I will help with the managing of the beach resort from now on.

“Mayu-sama, here are the papers that needs to be check… financial papers for the resort, please do check it out.” said by my secretary, Ai-chan.
“Arigato, Ai-chan… will check this later.”

Thanks to the beach resort, I get myself to be busy and also prevents me of thinking the past.

At that time, I was at the office and suddenly someone just barged in the door.

“YOOO!!! Bro!! Mayu, what’s uppp?!  XD

It was my twin-like cousin, Ikoma Rin. Usually people mistaken us as twins due to our looks and also with our personality, we totally relate a lot.

“Rin?! What are you doing here?!  :shocked
“Of course, pay my cousin a little visit… so how are you doing bro?”
“I’m good.”
“Are you sure? Have you move on now?  :huhuh

And I became silent all of the sudden.

“I knew it, still can’t move on about Rena?”
“How could I move on if you keep saying her name?!  :smhid
“Oh, I’m so sorry, Mayu.”
“Nah, I’m really doing my best on forgetting, Rin. It’s just painful to forget the past… I just don’t understand how I feel for now…”
“I know, bro… don’t worry… time will come… you’ll have that time to forget about her...”
“Yeah, it’s just I loved Rena so much that it’s just hurting me more than usual.”
“That’s why you should go date someone now… remember, many girls still wants you, Mayu.  :w00t:
“Oh stop it, Rin… you know me… I can get a date soon if I want to… I’m just giving myself some time… and for now I’m still afraid to fall in love and get hurt all over again…  :banghead:
“Take your time, bro… oh, can you give me a tour in the beach resort? It’s been a while since I last visit here… onegaishimasu!  :bow:
“Yeah, yeah… sure… let’s go.”

I gave Rin a tour in the beach resort and as usually whether I go out and explore in the beach resort there’s always some people who always talks about me.

And some girls are like:

“Oh! It’s Mayu-sama!!!  :inlove:
“He’s with his twin-like cousin, Rin-sama! Kyaaa!  :wub:
“Kyaaa!! Both of them are so dreamy.  :drool:

“Nehh, Mayu… you sure have a lots of fangirls here in the resort.  :D
“Please don’t even mention them, Rin.  :smhid
“Haha! Looks like this resort is totally doing good than before.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, the business in here is great… many tourist… many girls…  :w00t:
“Oii! I know what you’re thinking, Rin!  :smhid
“Hahaha! Fine, fine… I’ll stop XD
As we both talk random stuffs, we passed by the beach and as we walked in the shore suddenly there was an accident that happened.

“Help!! Tasukete! I’m drowning!”

That gave me and Rin an attention on a girl drowning on the beach.

“Mayu! That girl is drowning!”

I didn’t say anything to Rin at that time but all I did was taking off my shirt and run off to the beach to save that girl.
I swam fast as I could and I get to grabbed her and bring back her to the shore.

“Oii?! Are you okay?!”

“Yabaii?! She’s not responding.”

I have no choice but to give her a mouth-to-mouth respiration before it’s too late... after doing it for several times, finally she did responded.
She was coughing hard and throws up all the water that went to her mouth.
And timing I saw Rin on the scene.

“Rin, can you help her and have her treated in the resort’s clinic?”
“H-hai, bro… I’ll do it.”
“Thanks! I’m counting on you.”

I grabbed my shirt that I left on the shore a while ago and leave the scene because I’m really annoyed when people are starting to talked about me.

“Kyaaa! Mayu-sama just did saved that girl.  :wub:
“Waaa! How I wish he would do that mouth-to-mouth respiration to me if I was drowned.  :inlove:

“Now this is why I really hate on doing something big here on the resort, it’s too noisy. Tsk!  :sweatdrop:

I went back to my room to change my wet clothes and after that I called Rin to know how the situation of the girl is.

“So, how did the girl do?”
“She already recovered, already leave the clinic.”
“Oh? That’s good.”

“So? What’s your plan for tonight, bro?”
“I just want to be alone for now, Rin… I think I’ll just be hanging out on the bar to have a few drinks… I’ll talk to yah soon.”
“Oh, take your time! Next time you should treat me with drinks too!”
“Okay, okay… soon! Later!”
I ended the call.

After that I went to the bar by myself.
And I just sat on my usual spot in the bar.

“Oh? Boss? Just the same order as usual?” the bartender asked.
“Ahh yeah, just the usual drink.”

“Sorry for making you wait… here you go, boss.”
“Ahh, Arigato…”

As I just drunk out myself again… I just keep on remembering those hard times back in the past…  I just keep on drinking until I reach my limit. As I was thinking while drinking suddenly a girl sat beside me.

A girl wearing a black sexy dress and I kinda stared a long time at her… she’s pretty… and then she begun to order some drink and she started talk to me.

“Hey, are you Watanabe Mayu?” she said in a sexy tone.
“How’d you know my name? Have we met before? Anta dare?”

“Oh, I’m sorry for not introducing, I’m Kashiwagi Yuki… the girl who got drowned in the beach earlier today… Nice to finally meet you, Watanabe Mayu.”

Chapter END. TBC~

Thanks for reading~  :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: comments are more welcome here!  :deco:

~ Yukirin Oshi / Sayumin Oshi ~

Fanfics (MaYuki)

Waiting in that summer..
Love in Okinawa


idolfangirl-ceej // Tumblr.

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Re: (MaYuki) Love in Okinawa: Chapter 1 -UPDATED-
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2014, 06:55:59 PM »
gosh!!!! Yuki recover so quick!! Or is that Black san??  :grr:

Offline MayuxMatsuixMusic

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Re: (MaYuki) Love in Okinawa: Chapter 1 -UPDATED-
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2014, 07:24:29 PM »
woohooo~~~ arigatou ceej-san :bow: :bow: :bow:

mayurena mayurena :cow: :cow: :cow:

but nothing can beat mayuki :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:

mayuyu and rena is <3

mayuki and mayurena is my fav <3

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Re: (MaYuki) Love in Okinawa: Chapter 1 -UPDATED-
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2014, 03:29:37 PM »
So ... Rena is Mayu's EX  :hip smile:

Hope you make the flashback about MayuRena  :shy1:

but nothing can beat mayuki :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:

Agree !!  :nya:

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Re: (MaYuki) Love in Okinawa: Chapter 1 -UPDATED-
« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2014, 07:02:13 PM »
Yuki sound bold here kekekekeke and sexy type character

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: (MaYuki) Love in Okinawa: Chapter 1 -UPDATED-
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2014, 12:08:00 AM »
Hoho Mayuki has meet each other now

Update soon

Offline Ceej!~

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(MaYuki) Love in Okinawa: Chapter 2 -UPDATED-
« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2014, 09:35:42 AM »
dunno what will happened next... I just write on what I could think of and also getting references with your comments XD Anyway, here's Chapter 2~ douzo!  :jphip:

Chapter 2:  Unexpected Night

“Oh, I’m sorry for not introducing, I’m Kashiwagi Yuki… the girl who got drowned in the beach earlier today… Nice to finally meet you, Watanabe Mayu.” said by the girl in a pretty black sexy dress.

“How’d you know my name?  :huhuh
“Let’s just say… I have my connections. :bingo:

I just keep myself silent and tried to ignore her but then she tell me the truth.

“Okay, okay… I got your name from the guy who went with me in the clinic, your cousin, Rin. So, can you please not ignore me now?  :O

I just nodded and continue on drinking my drink.

“Oi!! C’mon don’t be so cold towards me.”

I feel so irritated with her to be honest…

“What do you want? You know, I don’t talk to strangers …”
“Eh? You already know my name. It’s Kashiwagi Yuki, Mr. Watanabe Mayu.”
“Yeah, I know… and I heard you loud and clear, Ms. Kashiwagi Yuki but what I mean is, we don’t even know something about each other except for our names. So? Why even bother talk to me?!”
“Jeez, this is why I’m talking to you… So that we can get to know each other and so that we can’t be strangers to each other.”
“What if I tell you I’m not that interested with having a talk show with you, Ms. Kashiwagi?”

Then suddenly she came slowly towards near my ear and whispered in a sexy tone…

“What if I won’t stop bothering you until you listen to me? I won’t give up on having this conversation with you, Mr. Watanabe.”

That totally gave me the chills on my spine while she’s clinging on my shoulders :shocked and I just broke away with her touch.
“Please stop clinging on me like that.”

I just continued drinking my drink and again she came towards me again and whispered…

“I won’t stop being like this until you talk to me.” she said while she’s like drawing imaginary heart swirls on my arm.

‘This is going to be a long night. *sigh*’ I thought.

And I just went through her ears and whispered…

“So, if we talk, you’ll stop bothering me? Fine, start talking, Ms. Kashiwagi.”
“Finally, this is going to be an interesting night.” She said happily.
“Okay, I get it… I’ll be listening… You go start talking.”
“But wait a minute, before I start…”

I let go a sigh…

“What is it now?”
“From now on, drop the “Ms. Kashiwagi”, call me Yuki instead.  :oops:
“Fine, let’s just start this conversation, Yuki…”
“And oh one more thing…”
“What is it going to be now?”
“I’ll call you Mayu as well.”

I just rubbed my head with irritation.  :doh:

“Seriously, we just met and you feel like calling me on my first name already? You’re really something, Yuki.  :smhid
“I’m Kashiwagi Yuki after all, I can do what I want to happen, so if I’m saying I’ll call you Mayu, I really mean it.”

‘Damn, this girl is such a pain in the butt’ I thought.

“Fine, do what you want, let’s just get this over it already.”

We just start talking from the basic getting to know each other and such while having our drink. As we talk for a long time, I kinda got comfortable talking with her.

“Nee, can I open up something?” she suddenly asked.
“What is it? Feel free since you’ve already took my sweet, night time.”

And then she’s starting to talk about a certain topic about her life.

“I have my reasons why I’m staying here in Okinawa… I just want to leave my real life in Tokyo for now.”

“Why’d you want to escape from Tokyo and stay here in Okinawa?”

Silence just pass by for a moment between our conversation... and suddenly she just let go of her reasons…

“Because I want to forget… I want to be away from Tokyo, I want to be away from my jerk, ex-boyfriend who replaced me by some other girls… I can’t believe why he did that to me, I mean… I did my best, just to be the perfect girlfriend for him yet…”

She didn't even finish her sentence because she just broke through with her tears, for some reason my body just move on its own and I just gave my shoulder for her to lean on, I don’t usually do this but in this case I totally understand her feelings, on how she felt at the moment. Somehow, me and her share the same situation about our love lives… both of us are just experiencing the so called “Broken Hearted”.

Then I just broke the silence…

“Don’t worry, that jerk would just regret in the end for breaking up with you. I’m sure that he’s not really the person for you… you deserve someone better… just wait for it… and don’t worry, you’re not the only one who’s has been in that situation… happened to me as well.”

//flash back
“Happy Anniversary to us, Mayu… I love you!”
“Happy Anniversary, Rena… I love you more…”

And I came towards her to hug her and ended up kissing her in a long moment… it’s was our anniversary after all.  :deco:

“You know, you look so pretty every single day I see you…”
“Oh, stop it… Mr. Watanabe.” She said while giving me small punches on my arms.

She’s really adorable when she does that and she’ll just give me a “Gekikara” look when I’m teasing her… :oops: Me and Rena had been in a relationship where we almost call it as a “Perfect” relationship.

Our parents already know each other… our families are actually friends due to some business partnership. That’s how I met, Rena...
We became close friends at first but I ended up falling in love with her… and of course, she has the same feelings towards me before.
Before it feels like we’re both inseparable due to our closeness to each other…

And actually there was a time that our parents are already planning for our engagement but before that could happen a tragic moment just happened.

I saw her kissing a guy with my two own eyes, I never expected that her love for me was not really meant as a lovers feeling… but her feelings towards me was just actually a feeling for just close friends.

What hurts more is that the guy she kissed was one of my best friends, Matsui John and because of that my friendship with John ended.

After I saw them kissing I just didn't control myself but punch my ex-best friend as hard as I could…
“How could you! Of all people!!! :angry: The one who’s kissing my girlfriend is not other than my so called “best friend”!!! How could you, John?! I trusted you! You’re like a brother to me but then this is how I get from you?!”

“I’m so sorry, Mayu… I can’t helped myself from falling in love with Rena. I tried my best to forget this feeling but I can’t! I’m in love with her!”

As my anger went out I just did punched him many times as I could until a shout stopped me from doing it.

“Mayu! Stop it! It’s not John’s fault. Stop it, please.  :cry:

She then began to cry everything out. And eventually, I just ended up and let go of him and just break into my tears.

“What did I go wrong? I’m I a terrible boyfriend? Just why?! :cry:

“I’m so sorry, Mayu… It’s my fault I know that this would end this way but I’m actually in love with John and not with you… I just did not tell you the truth because I just don’t want you to get hurt. I know I hurt you, so I’m so sorry that I didn’t tell you early as possible. It’s my fault… so please don’t hate John for this… hate me instead…”

I just went on my silent mode… I just don’t know how to respond to what she’s saying to me… it’s just I can’t believe it…

“I’m so sorry Mayu… I’m so sorry but this relationship is over… I hope in the future you can forgive me on causing you this pain. I’m sure one day, you’ll find someone will love you truly. Sayonara, Mayu.”

After that, both Rena and John just leave Mayu in the scene.
//end flash back

Back to reality.

“Ehh? You actually know how I feel?  :?” Yuki just suddenly asked me.
“Actually, I’m also experiencing the heartbreak feeling you’re feeling now but as of now I really hate remembering it, so I’m sorry if I can’t share something right now. It’s just too painful to remember. Maybe in some other time.”
“Nah, I’m okay with you just listening to me… so that means after this… this is not the last talk for us?”
“Ehh? Uhmm… well, you’re not that bad, Yuki… Maybe I just misjudge you earlier. So yeah, you’re not that bad… Maybe this is not the last time we’ll talk to each other… let’s just see.”

“Really?!  :D I’m so happy… I knew it that you’re not that kind of a stubborn guy after all.”
“You really believe that I’m a nice guy? What makes you think about it? We’re strangers back then.”
“Well, you did save me back earlier remember… I know that you have a soft spot in you.”
“Oh? That…”
“Oh! With regards to that, Thank you for saving me, Mayu. :mon kissy:

Suddenly she just hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheeks that startled me at the moment. I don’t know but when she did that my mind went blank… I feel like I was mesmerize with her… :oops: Maybe the effect of drinking too much alcohol tonight.

Me and her just end up staring at each other in the eyes that makes the situation a little different than usually… her sexy gaze just turns me on and suddenly in a blink of an eye she just kissed me on the lips.  :heart:

I can’t hold myself but to kiss her back then… until our kisses became bolder than it is… until we lack out of air, we broke the kiss and then she suddenly whispered on my ears…

“Please, let me help you forget… forget about everything that hurt you before…”
And then I responded to her back and whispered…
“No, let me help you forget as well…”

The next thing is that we leave the place and went to my room in the resort which is not far away in our location. We went inside and suddenly she just pushed me on my bed and went on top of me.

And whispered to my ears…

“Let me your sweet escapade, Mayu.  :wub:

Then she kissed me hard that let me forget my past existence on that night.  :heart:

I'm so sorry if it didn't satisfied you~  :sweatdrop: Thanks for reading and feel free to leave a comment!  :bow:

~ Yukirin Oshi / Sayumin Oshi ~

Fanfics (MaYuki)

Waiting in that summer..
Love in Okinawa


idolfangirl-ceej // Tumblr.

Offline MayuxMatsuixMusic

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Re: (MaYuki) Love in Okinawa: Chapter 2 -UPDATED-
« Reply #11 on: May 04, 2014, 10:51:47 AM »
ceej-san too fast too fast :bingo:

but i love it :ding: :onionwhip: :onioncheer: :ptam-aww:

ahh that scene :scolding:

i want it :tantrum: :tantrum: :shy1: :shy2:

update :bow: :bow:
mayuyu and rena is <3

mayuki and mayurena is my fav <3

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Re: (MaYuki) Love in Okinawa: Chapter 2 -UPDATED-
« Reply #12 on: May 04, 2014, 10:57:06 AM »

Offline Ceej!~

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Re: (MaYuki) Love in Okinawa: Chapter 2 -UPDATED-
« Reply #13 on: May 04, 2014, 11:06:46 AM »
ceej-san too fast too fast :bingo:

but i love it :ding: :onionwhip: :onioncheer: :ptam-aww:

ahh that scene :scolding:

i want it :tantrum: :tantrum: :shy1: :shy2:

update :bow: :bow:

Hahahaha!! wrote the update yesterday but I was so lazy to post  XD

ehhh? what scene?  :jerk:


I can picture out that "WOW"  :lol:

~ Yukirin Oshi / Sayumin Oshi ~

Fanfics (MaYuki)

Waiting in that summer..
Love in Okinawa


idolfangirl-ceej // Tumblr.

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: (MaYuki) Love in Okinawa: Chapter 2 -UPDATED-
« Reply #14 on: May 04, 2014, 01:38:30 PM »
O-O' is that to fast!!!!

Poor Mayuki have broken heart

Update soon

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Re: (MaYuki) Love in Okinawa: Chapter 2 -UPDATED-
« Reply #15 on: May 04, 2014, 01:40:15 PM »
WHOAAAAAA :yossi: :grin:
........ and that escalated quickly, Mayuboy! :doh:

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Re: (MaYuki) Love in Okinawa: Chapter 2 -UPDATED-
« Reply #16 on: May 04, 2014, 02:29:44 PM »
This could not end differently :bigdeal:

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Re: (MaYuki) Love in Okinawa: Chapter 2 -UPDATED-
« Reply #17 on: May 06, 2014, 06:02:16 AM »
 :cow: They getting along with each other~~
Well,about that.. I need an updatee! .-. :bow:

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Re: (MaYuki) Love in Okinawa: Chapter 2 -UPDATED-
« Reply #18 on: May 06, 2014, 04:55:26 PM »
ceej-san too fast too fast :bingo:

but i love it :ding: :onionwhip: :onioncheer:

He/She right ceej-san !!
We need an update !!

ahh that scene :scolding:

i want it :tantrum: :tantrum: :shy1: :shy2:

update :bow: :bow:

And i want to know ' that ' part  :grin:

Offline Ceej!~

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(MaYuki) Love in Okinawa: Chapter 3 -UPDATED-
« Reply #19 on: May 11, 2014, 08:11:22 AM »
Hello! just got the update XD I'm sorry for keeping you waiting~ please do excuse the errors on this... I really don't know what I'm writing here~ I just write on what I thought. So yea... Hope this satisfies you.. I hope :nervous So here's Chapter 3! douzo!  :jphip:

Chapter 3: Lingering Memories

‘Ouch, why does my head hurts now? Is it morning already?’

I thought while I’m still on my bed. It feels like I have a rock in my head. I slowly got out of my bed to grab some water to refresh myself. I guess I caught myself to a hangover, all I can remember is that I was too drunk last night. Before going out of my bed, I noticed something that caught my attention…

“Wait a minute? Speaking of being drunk? How did I arrived safely in my room?” and after that thought I took off my blanket and I just noticed I didn't wear anything except for my boxers.

“WHAT THE- w-why am I wearing only my boxer shorts? :shocked did something happen last night that I forgot?”

I was so confused while walking towards to the kitchen to grab some cold water.

“How did I lose my clothes if I was drunk last night? Ahhhh!! I’m so confused now… I don’t remember it well.”

As I think of the situation last night… I saw a note posted on the kitchen’s refrigerator…

“I had fun last night. Thanks for being my sweet escape…
Hope we’ll meet up again soon. Call me! ;)
PS: I saved my number on your phone... tehee~
-   Yuki”

I suddenly spit out the water that I’ve been drinking. Fuuuuu-  :shocked

“WHAT THE HECK?! I slept with her last night?! Gawdd damnnn, Mayu… what did you do last night?! REMEMBER IT FOR CRYING OUT LOUDDD!!  :banghead:

I just remembered that I had a drinking session and suddenly this Kashiwagi Yuki joined with my drinking session but I didn’t remember that she went along in here??! WHAT IN THE WORLDD!?


“Let me your sweet escapade, Mayu.  :wub:

Then she kissed me hard that let me forget my past existence on that night.  :heart:

She suddenly broke our long kiss and she first took off my shirt and unbuttoned the button of my jeans then she took it off as well. That leaves me with my boxers that time.

“Feeling comfortable :heart:?” she said while her hands are touching my abdomen part.

That just leave me speechless with a red face on what she’s doing to me :mon bleed2:. She’s too much for me, I just had a drinking session with her and I never thought we’ll end up being here in my room and doing this kind of stuffs. Suddenly, she slowly removes her shoulder piece of her dress.

“W-What are you doing?!  :shocked” I just let out with a super red face.

“Undressing~ you want… to see? Oh right… or you want to be the one to undress me? Jaa… do the honor, Mayu…” she then took my hand and put it on her shoulders and she moved towards to my ears and whispered…

“Do the honor to undress me, Watanabe… Please be gentle, Mayu…”

Her voice is taking over me that I can’t even control myself that my hands just simple went to the zipper at the back of her dress and I ended up to unzip it slowly… and her dress just simply falls off to the floor. That leaves her wearing only her black lingerie. I ended up staring at her body and admiring on how perfect her body is…  :inlove:

“If you stare at me like that… I might get pregnant with that endless stare of yours.  XD” She jokingly said and she suddenly hug me tight like there’s no tomorrow.
“Thank you for being my comfort for tonight, Mayu.” She said behind me ears and suddenly she slowly bit my ears and went on kissing my neck.
“ahhhh… hngggg” her kisses turns me on… and with that kisses she end up making a hickey on my neck.
“Uwahhh?! This is going to leave a mark!  :shocked
“I know… so that everyone will know that Watanabe Mayu has finally moved on and owned by Kashiwagi Yuki.”
“O-Owned?! By you?! Since when?! :mon dunno:
“Since you kissed me back in the bar.  :heart:


“Hmmm? I know…”
Yuki suddenly moved her hair on the other side of her shoulder and exposed her neck.

“Do your revenge, Mayu. I’m giving you the honor to make me yours.”
“Oh gawd. Are you serious? Why are you even willing on this?”

“Because I’m slowly falling hard for you, Mayu… I don’t know but I think I’m madly in love with you and I want you to own me as I own you.”

That leave me speechless when she said that to me. I just got mesmerized with her more and I just end up kissing her neck and ended up making a hickey on her neck also it’s very visible to the eye.

“Ahhh, your kisses are too hot, Mayu.” she said and ended up on kissing me on the lips and pushed me once again on the bed while she’s on top of me.
Our kisses grew bolder and bolder every time we did that long kiss and until I can’t hold on… I ended up kissing her back more and it became more bolder than it is… now this time I let her lie and I’m on top of her. I just looked into her eyes, it feels like we just had a little staring contest on our own.

“I think I’m falling hard for you as well, Kashiwagi…  :wub:
“I love you, Mayu…  :wub:

She then kissed me while her hands are on my shoulders like she doesn't want to let me go. I just ended on kissing her back. Until we already got turned on with each other… but just when we’re going to do it in the next level I ended up being knockout all of the sudden and I fell asleep.

“Mou, you’re really drunk, Mayu.” she whispered on sleeping Mayu beside her. She then pecked a kiss on his cheeks.
And suddenly I just spoke out randomly while asleep.

“Rena… Rena… why you leave me? Am I not enough for you?”

Yuki heard everything Mayu said.
“I knew it… you’re still not over her…” she then look at the picture frame on the table side of the room… it was Mayu and Rena’s photo together.
She then went to Mayu’s ears and whispered.

“I swear, I’ll help you move on, Mayu… I’ll wait for you…”
She then kissed his forehead and got dress back and leave Mayu sleeping on his bed.”


Back to reality.

Gawddd!! What did I even do to her last night?! Hope I’ll remember it  :?

Suddenly someone rang on the door. I just speak through the speakers inside to speak outside.

“Who is it?”
“It’s Rin, Mayu!”
“Oh? Wait a sec.”

I then run towards the door and open it… Rin went inside the room.

“Bro! I’ve been calling last night. What happened to you?”

He looked at me and was surprised on what he saw.
“Hohoho!  :w00t: What did actually happened last night? Looks like someone finally moved on.”
“Dude, look at you… you’re on your boxers only… then you have a messy hair…”
“Seriously? Rin, I just woke up and I always sleep like this… what’s wrong with that.”
“Not only that, Mayu… what I really mean is that!” the Rin points out the red mark on Mayu’s neck and Mayu run towards the mirror in the room.
“WHAT THE HELL?! It’s not what you think, Rin!  :doh:
“Oh please, Mayu… don’t hide it from me, I’m your cousin… so it’s fine… and to be honest that’s a very obvious hickey.  :grin:
“*sigh* Whatever, Rin… okay if this is a hickey, I really don’t have an idea where did I have this… I was so drunk last night and the next thing I knew I was here in my room being like this.”
“Did you have someone on your drinking session?”
“Ahh? That… Yeah…”
“Kashiwagi Yuki… and actually it’s your fault that I ended up having a drinking session with her!”
“Hahaha! I knew it was her… well from what I see looks like she did enjoy hanging out with you last night.”
“Seriously? You should be in my position.”
“Hahaha! I’m sorry, dude! But you know me and she’s not really my type… and to think… I think she’s pretty much your type.”
“Oh, shut it, Rin. I just need my peace for now  :huhuh

====AT THE BEACH====

I went on a stroll at the beach since Rin was insisting me on going there. I was only with my shorts and being topless since it’s very hot lately at the beach.
“I’ll just go look around, Mayu. I’ll meet you up later.”
“Fine, see you.”

And as Rin left I let myself space out in the beach… and suddenly my phone rang.

“Who could this be? Hello?! Who’s this?”
“Hey, you’re here too? At your back!”

And I turned my back it was Yuki who called me and I hang the call and she walk towards me.

“Oh? ummm, Hey…”
“Never expected of seeing you here…”
“Same with you.”
“So? How’s that thing on your neck.  :oops:
She said while smirking at me. I guess she noticed that I hide the hickey using a Band-Aid on my neck.

“I guess I know now who did this.”

And suddenly before I said something to her someone called out my name.


Then I turned my back, it was my ex-girlfriend, Rena…


“It’s been, awhile… how are you?”

“Uhmm, I’m good… you?”

“I’m good, Mayu…”

“What brings you here?”

“Oh, we just had a little vacation here. I’m with John.”

When she mentioned that bastard, John… :angry: I can’t help myself but my anger on hearing that name increases but I just manage to hide it from her.

“Oh? That’s great. Enjoy your stay here.”

“Thanks, are you with somebody?”

I just noticed that I’m with somebody alright, I’m with Kashiwagi Yuki and something inside my mind created a thought that made me move towards Yuki.
I grabbed Yuki towards Rena.

“Ahh, yes… I’m with my GIRLFRIEND… Kashiwagi Yuki.”


As always, thanks for reading and feel free to leave a comment!  :bow: :bow: :bow:

~ Yukirin Oshi / Sayumin Oshi ~

Fanfics (MaYuki)

Waiting in that summer..
Love in Okinawa


idolfangirl-ceej // Tumblr.

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