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Author Topic: Warriors - Chapter 29 [WMatsui] (01/07/2020)  (Read 113054 times)

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 2 [WMatsui] (11/03/15)
« Reply #20 on: March 14, 2015, 02:11:11 AM »
Aww~ Jurina is cold and rude as always :angry1:
Yes, but it's her most charming point, isn't it?  :P

A wild Churi and Nobunaga appears! Will Airin be making an appearance too?  :O
Airin should not make an appearance. Churi wasn't even supposed to be in the story at first, but I guess I couldn't help it  :nervous

Wow, Churi as a seductress! and they become friends  :ding:
Seductress? That's a nice way to put it  :P

Author-san I've watched the trailer you made..   :stoned:
And can you tell me what is the video source of rena when she close her right eye with her hand at 0:33?? :luvluv2: :pleeease:
Thank you.. :kneelbow:
Thanks for watching my little video! To answer your question, it's from Nogizaka46 latest videoclip, Inoshi wa Utsukushii.
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline MisakiShishido

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 2 [WMatsui] (11/03/15)
« Reply #21 on: March 14, 2015, 10:53:37 PM »
Wow, this is a very interesting older period AU WMatsui fic... Though.. it seems like Matsui-dono has yet to say a single word  :nervous I really like Nobunaga Jurina's portrayal here. Confident and just screams the word "bad**s" XD

Churi is such a seductive bird :lol:

Can't wait for your update on this intriguing fic and of course, Partners!  :thumbsup

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 3 [WMatsui] (17/03/15)
« Reply #22 on: March 17, 2015, 03:13:54 AM »
Thanks to Narukami, Raizel, RenshuChan, TeenyTae and MisakiShishido for leaving a comment on chapter 2. Every comment is deeply appreciated, and it truly motivates me to write :)


The chatting in the dojo suddenly stopped when both women grabbed their bokken and locked eyes, slowly moving towards the center of the room. Rena could see in her peripheral vision all the seated samurais following their every move, and she now could almost hear a pin drop as no one dared making a single noise in the audience.

Yuki had insisted on taking her revenge after losing by a small margin against her at the last  kyudo's tournament. It had honestly surprised Rena to win against the archery master of the clan, but she assumed Yuki's slight distraction during the event probably had something to do with the older Watanabe sister's presence.

Rena didn't miss the way her samurai friend had been interacting with the younger girl this last month. Yuki was definitely fond of her, and judging by the admiring looks the shorter girl had been giving her in return, the feeling was more than mutual.

"Are you ready, Kashiwagi-dono?" Rena inquired, carefully studying her opponent. She received a swift nod and serious look in reply, and she immediately knew her friend had more than decided not to lose a second time.

Unfortunately for Yuki, Rena was in very good shape this afternoon and, most of all, did not have the added pressure of a certain young pair of very expectant eyes on her. The referee announced the beginning of the fight and Yuki didn't waste a second to move her right foot forward, announcing her intention to surprise her with a swift attack.

However, Rena had very keen eyes, and she calmly deflected Yuki's first attack, and the others that swiftly followed. Rena smiled to herself when her friend's expression gradually changed into a slight frustrated one as the minutes went by. It was really unusual for Yuki to get so excited over a fight, and Rena knew it would be a matter of minutes before she started making mistakes. Rena continued to protect herself from her energetic bokken, while carefully watching her every move in search of an opening.

Rena suddenly caught one on Yuki's less protected left side - perfect for a tsuki - but for some reason, she decided not to go for it just yet. She could tell by the samurai's many attempts that she was trying really hard to beat her - not leaving her a second to breathe - and Yuki's relentless attacks really surprised her.

Rena was the clan's kenjutsu instructor and, as such, remained unbeatable in her field of expertise. Only one person had managed once to find an opening in her impeccable defense: Momijimori no kami. Unfortunately, Yuki wasn't the head of the clan and, most of all, she was really starting to lose her temper, reducing her chances of winning against her.

Rena really wanted to see how far her friend would be able to go, but as the fight went on, she realized nothing could change its issue. Startled eyes looked back at her when her wooden sword finally hit Yuki's left side in a swift and assured movement. The referee immediately announced her victory, and Rena lowered her weapon, sending a small smile towards her opponent.

"Congratulations, Matsui-dono," Yuki said a few seconds later, respectfully bowing at her. As she gazed anew at her opponent her surprise was still obvious, and she was still trying to understand what she had done wrong when Rena's voice pulled her out of her thoughts.

"Thank you. You fought well, Kashiwagi-dono," Rena replied. It was not entirely true - the kyudo instructor had made a few minor mistakes during their fight - but it was the proper thing to say after a fight, especially in front of an audience.

The dojo progressively emptied, soon leaving both women alone and allowing them to drop the little act they always had to maintain in front of other people.

"Rena-san," Yuki chuckled, amused by her solemn words. She was well aware that her friend was being slightly dishonest with her, "you could have let me win, for once."

"I could," Rena admitted, a small smile grazing her lips as she placed her bokken back onto the stand, "but it would have been obvious to everyone."

"Don't tell me," Yuki sighed, her voice now void of any amusement, "I was that bad?"

"You were distracted," Rena chided, her eyes briefly falling on the Watanabe sister waiting at the dojo's entrance, before turning to her friend anew, "again."

Yuki was well aware of what she was implying as she followed her gaze on the young girl but she chose not to answer, instead smiling faintly at Rena. "Did I really stand a chance anyway?"

"I managed to beat you at kyudo, didn't I?" Rena replied, amused by her friend's sudden desperate expression, "but you can't win when you let your emotions out."

It was the golden rule of kenjutsu, and despite knowing it full well, Yuki had broken it in a matter of minutes. It was not like herself to lose control, but she had to admit her friend was not entirely wrong. She had indeed been a bit distracted lately.

"By the way, I don't recall seeing your protégée in the room," Yuki stated, now quite eager to change the subject. She wasn't really a competitive person, but she was still bothered by the fact Rena's attack took her by complete surprise.

"No, she wasn't present," Rena conceded, not very surprised by the younger sister's absence during the fight. In fact, she still had not spoken to her once since her arrival at the clan. "I have a feeling I won't see her much during her stay here."

"This girl sure is something, isn't she?" Yuki murmured. As she studied her friend's features, it occurred to her Rena didn't seem really bothered by the young girl's refusal to spend time with her.

"That's a nice way to put it," Rena raised an eyebrow. The younger Watanabe sister's behavior during her meeting with Momijimori no kami was still very much engraved in her memory. "I believe rude is the word you're looking for."

Yuki absently nodded at Rena's affirmation, admitting that she was not entirely wrong. The younger Watanabe sister was an aloof person and she had not seen much of her either, even less spoken to her. As the two samurais made their way towards the dojo's entrance Yuki's eyes fell on her protégée's gentle smile, and she wondered how two sisters could have such opposing personalities. 


The fire was consuming everything and the air was becoming difficult to breathe. Jurina's eyes fell on the katana on the floor, her fingers gripping the tsuka tightly. The weapon's weight did surprise her at first, but she soon disregarded this small fact, her furious eyes falling on the woman responsible for their misery. The distance separating them was quite short, but as she moved forward with determination, her steps were soon stopped by the strong hand of a man. Jurina did her best to disentangle herself and she managed after a short struggle, her feet leading her towards her target anew. She was so close. So damn close. Eyes locked as the armed woman turned towards her, an amused smile on her lips.

"You're not strong enough, Jurina."

As the eight year old girl threateningly raised her katana two men immediately seized her, and a desperate cry left her lips when her weapon loudly landed on the wooden floor. Forced to fall on her knees, she struggled anew, in vain against the strong hands that kept her firmly in place. Breathing hard, her eyes followed the sharp blade now placed against her father's neck. Jurina knew what was about to happen, but she still refused to look away, especially when she noticed how much pleasure the traitor was getting from hearing her sister's cries. She was not going to give her that satisfaction, even if it meant that moment was going to stay engraved in her memory her whole life.

The name left Jurina's lips in a cry and her eyes shot open, the woman's silhouette progressively disappearing from her vision. She could still feel the heat around her and she had to restrain herself from extinguishing an imaginary fire on her clothes. One hand moved to her heart as she listened to its erratic beating, while the other went to rest on her sweating forehead. Why did she have to relive that moment? It was a never ending circle, one that had been disturbing her sleep for ten years now.

"Another one?"

Jurina stilled at the sudden small voice directed at her, her breathing still erratic when she sat up on the futon and absently started wiping the sweat off her forehead.

"I'm sorry I woke you up," Jurina murmured.

Jurina could feel her sister's eyes on her but she sheepishly refused to meet them. It was not the first time her nightmares woke Mayu up, and she wished she could find a way to stop these occurrences from happening.

"I wish you could forget about that day," Mayu sighed, her hand now softly caressing her sister's arm.

"I can't," Jurina retorted, this time tilting her head to meet her interlocutor, "I never will."

The words were uttered with such determination that Mayu couldn't help but feel a pang in her chest. A part of her wanted to try and convince her that her nightmares were going to come to an end sooner or later, but it seemed her sister was still unable to put her past behind. Jurina suddenly raised to her feet and Mayu's eyes widened in surprise when the younger girl started to put her grey kimono on.

"You're going to the village again?" Mayu asked, her voice raising slightly in concern. It was not the first time Jurina left their room after one of her turbulent nightmares, and she always wondered where she was heading to.

"Yes," Jurina simply replied, refusing to elaborate. She reached for her tanto and placed it at her waist, before looking back at her sister. "Go back to sleep."

Mayu absently nodded as she watched her move to the door and slid it open, soon setting foot in the corridor. "Be careful."

A mischievous smile instantly fell upon her, and Jurina's reply came shortly after. "I always am."

Mayu was about to retort that it was definitely not the case but the complaint never left her lips, the girl already far gone before she could utter a single word.


Three weeks ago, when Jurina had presented herself in front of the same door for the first time, the guard had merely stared at her and refused to let her in. She was that close to punch him in the face when Churi suddenly appeared, and thankfully intervened. Now, the same man didn't even blink when he saw the boyish girl clad in a grey kimono in front of him, and Jurina couldn't help but smile in amusement when he took her tanto away, as the rule prevented her from entering the place armed.

As she set foot in the house her eyes immediately wandered around the room, in search of a familiar face. Despite the late hour the place was quite busy - a few women were currently  entertaining three clients - and judging by the missing faces, Jurina knew a few other ones were also upstairs. A keen inspection of the main room told her the woman she was looking for was occupied upstairs and she moved to an empty table, knowing she would have to wait a bit for her friend to arrive.

Jurina watched as a waitress served her a cup of sake and she took a sip of it, absently watching one of the women interacting with a slightly drunk client. Judging by his loud laughs and his hands wandering over the girl's body, it was a matter of minutes before they would head upstairs.

From her peripheral vision Jurina noticed a woman approaching her, and she didn't need to look up to know who it was. It was always the same one.

"Nobunaga," The seductive voice tickled her ear as the woman took a seat next to her, her hand soon encircling her arm as she pressed her body against her, "it's nice to see you."

Jurina had to restrain herself from rolling her eyes at the woman's behavior. Three weeks ago, when she had stepped in the house for the first time, a few women had also tried to make a pass at her. It immediately occurred to her that she would need to make herself very clear about the reason of her presence, if she didn't want to be disturbed by their incessant attempts in the future. Her reply owned her a few surprised looks in return, but when it became clear she was not going to change her mind, no one dared to bother again with vain seductive acts.

The woman practically now sitting on her lap was the sole one that refused to take no for an answer. At first, Jurina found her stubborn behavior quite amusing, as it successfully distracted her while waiting for her friend to arrive. Now, after three weeks of calmly rejecting each one of her advances, not so much.

"Annin," Jurina warned as she felt the woman's free hand sliding inside her kimono. You would believe her refusal to cooperate would put the woman off, but not at all. On the contrary, it seemed to stir something in her, as her actions kept getting bolder and bolder.

"Churi is currently busy," Annin purred, burying her nose into the crook of Jurina's neck, "why don't you come with me for a change?"

Jurina had to admit she did ponder at one point Annin's offer. If anything, she was a very good looking girl, and she understood well why she was one of the popular ones. However, despite the woman's very attractive features, she never managed to let herself convince to pass the door of her room.

"Don't waste your time on me," Jurina replied, catching the daring hand that was now moving upwards between her legs, "it's not worth it."

Jurina's declaration immediately put an halt to Annin's seductive act and she pulled away, staring at her in disbelief. "What is she doing to you?"

Jurina didn't miss the frustration in the girl's eyes, and an amused smile moved to her lips. Most of the girls didn't understand the nature of her relationship with Churi, and Annin was definitely at the top of the list. "More than you'll ever manage to give me."

The always so composed Annin released a displeased groan, and Jurina had to restrain herself from laughing at her unusual reaction. Someone was definitely not happy to be rejected. Again.

A shrieking sound suddenly erupted and the room immediately fell silent, all eyes directed at the staircase in surprise. Jurina's ears perked at the alarming cry, stiffing when she  recognized the voice. Her gaze fell on the guard standing by the door, but the man chose to remain impassive despite the second cry that swiftly followed. When it became obvious he was not going to lift a finger Jurina abruptly stood up, soon feeling a hand on her arm.

"It's none of our business what happens in these rooms," Annin said, tightly gripping the sleeve of her kimono.

Jurina ignored her warning eyes and yanked her hand away, before moving towards the staircase and escalading the stairs. She was trying to convince herself that it couldn't be as bad as it sounded, but as she heard Churi's frightened voice anew, she knew she couldn't afford to wait anymore. She had to know what was going on behind that door.

Her gaze immediately fell on the man hovering over the girl as she barged in, her eyes seething with anger as she witnessed him slapping Churi's face. A quick look at a terrified - and very naked Churi - told her she had been right to not stay idly downstairs, and she immediately grabbed the man by the collar of his kimono - throwing him on the floor a few feet away from the futon - before raising her fist and releasing her anger on him.

"Stop it," Churi's trembling voice interrupted her as her knuckles were about to make contact with the man's cheek for the third time, "he's drunk."

Jurina briefly gazed at Churi before approaching her face to the man, and smelling the alcohol on his breath. Jurina suddenly caught the sound of someone quickly escalading the stairs and she tilted her head, watching the guard now at the doorstep.

"Get him out of here," Jurina exclaimed, raising to her feet and pointing her index at the man who was barely moving on the floor, "I don't want to see him anymore."

The guard locked eyes with her - obviously not liking being given orders judging by his angry stare - before relenting and exiting the room with the drunken man under his arm. Jurina closed the door behind them and she tried to compose herself, despite her fists still trembling in fury at the memory of the man's violent behavior on her friend.

"Nobunaga," Churi's voice pulled her out of her thoughts and she turned around, watching the girl who was now retrieving her green kimono on the floor, "you shouldn't have done that."

Jurina's eyes widened in surprise at the reprimand and she approached her, studying her features carefully and noticing the bruises on her face. "He was hitting you."

"Yes," Churi admitted as she finished to dress, her hands still slightly shaking, "but he had every right. He paid for it."

Jurina stared back at her in shock, not believing what she was hearing. Was her friend truly condoning what had just happened? "I can't accept it."

Churi's mouth tugged into a faint smile and she approached, her fingers moving upwards to caress Jurina's left cheek, pausing on her scar. "You're a good person, Nobunaga," she murmured, soon resting her head against Jurina's shoulder and encircling her waist, "but that's how it works here."

Jurina wanted to retort that she definitely did not agree with her, but she decided to stay quiet instead - listening to Churi's soft sobbing - and making herself the promise to never let such an occurrence happen to her friend again, no matter the consequences.

« Last Edit: January 18, 2017, 03:45:23 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline AKB48couples

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 3 [WMatsui] (17/03/15)
« Reply #23 on: March 17, 2015, 05:38:26 AM »
omg i love your story so much and i am really excited for trailer that i'm making, i will definitely try my best!!!

Offline kuro_black29

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 3 [WMatsui] (17/03/15)
« Reply #24 on: March 17, 2015, 10:09:57 AM »
Yuki being distracted..hahaha
But rena sama didnt care bout

Thanks for the update author san..xDD
Live in the land of mist..nahh just kidding..
Live in the land of Wmatsui and Mayuki...
World of fantasy..World of Lalaland~

            (っ´▽`)っWmatsui~Mayuki ♡ (。’∀’。)

Tend to forget things but not mah fav author and fics

Offline Raizel

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 3 [WMatsui] (17/03/15)
« Reply #25 on: March 17, 2015, 10:29:03 AM »
 :on woohoo: a new update author-san.. Thanks
And a new character plus she is Annin,.. :wriggly:
How playgirl jurina is.. :wahaha:
But It still no contact between wmatsui yet.. :tantrum:
Well I must be patient for the next chapter..   :on drink:

Offline Narukami

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 3 [WMatsui] (17/03/15)
« Reply #26 on: March 18, 2015, 02:17:56 AM »
Author-san i have watch your trailer it was interesting :on GJ:
Rena and Yuki having kyudo match so yuki haven't won against rena :shock:
Jurina saving her friend from the drunk man from being harrass :on lol:

Please update soon :on drink:
I'm waiting for another interesting chapter :cool1:

Offline MisakiShishido

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 3 [WMatsui] (17/03/15)
« Reply #27 on: March 18, 2015, 11:44:15 PM »
Jurina's such a suave saviour, and not to mention, a smooth operator~  8)

I love how cool Matsui-dono (getting hooked onto calling her that now  :lol:) is! The fight with Kashiwagi-dono was written nicely to the point I can imagine everything animated before my eyes~ *swoons*

Can't wait for the next update, Author-san!  :thumbsup

Offline TeenyTae

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 3 [WMatsui] (17/03/15)
« Reply #28 on: March 19, 2015, 10:20:36 PM »
Yuki was definitely fond of her, and judging by the admiring looks the shorter girl had been giving her in return, the feeling was more than mutual.
Mayuki falling hard~  :inlove:

I'm WMatsui all the way, but I do like how Jurina and Churi find solace from the world in each other. I'm curious how Mayu will react when she finds out where Jurina is going at night. On a side note, poor Annin always being rejected by Jurina.  XD

Thanks for the update!

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 4 [WMatsui] (04/04/15)
« Reply #29 on: April 04, 2015, 12:00:41 AM »

Rena knew something was wrong the minute the front gate of her clan came into view and her eyes fell onto the two men arguing. She had just come back from the nearby village - having a few errands to do in the morning - only to witness the guard refusing to let a man pass, despite his vehement protests. A quick look at the newcomer's clothes - and at the katana resting at his waist - told her she was in the presence of a samurai, and she arched an eyebrow in confusion, as she was completely unable to identify him. He was definitely not a member of Momijimori no kami's clan.

Rena dismounted her horse, noticing the very frightened look of the familiar thirteen year old stable boy holding the rein of the man's mount. As she stood next to the samurai she glanced at him, immediately noticing the bruises on his face. 

"Thank you, Akihira-kun," Rena said when the stable boy approached her and took the rein of her chestnut mare. Despite her kind smile directed at him, fear was still written all over his face. It was an unexpected sight - one Rena had rarely seen on the usually joyful lad - and she curiously shifted her gaze to the man in his thirties responsible for his sudden fright.

"Matsui-dono," the guard respectfully bowed at her, immediately standing aside to let her pass.

"What is going on, Atsuhito-san?" Rena asked, her attention still on the seemingly angry short-haired man.

"This samurai claims a member of our clan assaulted him," the young guard explained. He tried to get rid of the newcomer without disturbing her, but it seemed their heated conversation had piqued her curiosity. "He wants to challenge her to a duel."

"Her?" Rena exclaimed, surprised by the use of the feminine pronoun. There were only a few women in Momijimori no kami's clan, and none of them would be reckless enough to do what the stranger proclaimed.

"She calls herself Nobunaga," the man intervened, noticing the guard and Rena's disbelief. His frustration at the lack of trust he was facing was now clearly perceptible. "It's obviously a nickname."

Rena frowned at the revelation and averted her eyes a moment - searching her mind for anyone in the clan who would call themselves this way - before glancing back at him when she found none. "What does this person look like?"

"She's about your height, has shoulder-length black hair..." he started to describe, before pausing, lost in thoughts. He was trying hard to recall more about the girl who had insulted his pride, but their encounter had been quite brief. "Scars," he suddenly exclaimed, as he could now picture her better, "she bears two of them on the left side of her face."

That last part immediately did the trick. Rena knew someone who fitted this description perfectly: a very impolite and unsociable young girl the head of the clan had - for a strange and unknown reason - decided to put under her care a month ago.

"Atsuhito-san," Rena addressed the guard, while still watching from the corner of her eye the impatient and fidgeting samurai, "go and look for Watanabe-san. I'll stay here with him."

The guard casted a last suspicious look at the foreigner before nodding at Rena's order, and swiftly turning on his heels. Rena followed his retreating form before locking eyes with the samurai - sending him a small diplomatic smile - to which he didn't bother to respond.

While waiting for the guard's return, Rena reflected upon her problematic relationship with the young Watanabe sister. The kenjutsu instructor was starting to get used to the idea of having no contact whatsoever with her during her stay here, but it seemed fate had decided otherwise. She was not in the slightest delighted to have her first talk with her under such unfortunate circumstances.


Yuki was well aware that her undying love for kyudo was not shared by everyone. First of all, it could easily be explained by the fact that archery was never the main discipline of a clan. Of course, every samurai had to learn to master it - as it brought them the calm they were required to possess - but it was soon disregarded in favor of kenjutsu. Samurais needed to be truly gifted in sword fighting in order to protect their master, and archery was only a means to achieve their goal.

That's why the sight of the arrow planted very close to the middle of the target brought a smile to Yuki's lips. It was the fifth in a row that almost managed to hit the center. There were many talented archers in the clan - even a few she considered as serious competitors - but she had never seen someone progress as fast as the person standing in front of her. Yuki silently watched as her protégée placed another arrow on her bow, the feathered object soon following the same path as the previous one.

Yuki didn't know exactly when, but at some point during the training, the other archers had stopped planting arrows in their targets to follow the impressive demonstration. Yuki had not missed the way the young girl had at first looked bothered by the attention she was getting - seemingly not really knowing how to react to it - before choosing to focus instead on the exercise and resuming her shooting.

Yuki shifted her gaze from the older Watanabe sister to look at her other students, carefully studying their reactions. There were, of course, a few envious looks. A new member of the clan was excelling so well at the discipline, when others were still struggling to master it, despite months of training. However, it was not the main feeling that transpired in the training courtyard today. As much as they didn't really understand how someone so young could be so gifted at a discipline that required such dexterity, they couldn't help but be impressed.

Suddenly, Yuki got distracted by the sound of the voice of her young protégée, and her eyes immediately fell into her questioning ones. "What do you think, Kashiwagi-dono?"

"You did really well, Watanabe-san," Yuki affirmed, surprised her apprentice was still unsure of her skills. It was obvious to everyone how well she had progressed in such a short amount of time but, somehow, she still looked for her approval each and single time.

"Thank you," Mayu nodded, swiftly replicating the warm smile directed at her, before moving towards the target to fetch her arrows and quickly getting back in position.

"Why don't you take a break?" Yuki suggested, placing a hand on the young girl's bow, preventing her effectively from resuming the activity. "You haven't stopped shooting for an hour."

"I don't mind continuing," Mayu replied, frowning. It was the first time her protector had ever stopped her during training. Was there something she was keeping from her despite her comforting words? "Am I... doing something wrong?"

"Of course not," Yuki shook her head. Her apprentice's startled expression was truly a very amusing sight. "But I want my other students to progress, and they don't seem to be able to shoot a single arrow when you catch their attention with your impressive shooting."

At those teasing words Mayu's mouth tugged into a small smile, before she took a peek at the nine men also occupying the courtyard, indeed noticing their eyes more drawn to her than to their target. "I'm still unable to hit the center," Mayu declared with a sigh, following the older girl who was now taking a seat under the wooden shelter.

"Watanabe-san, you're being too hard on yourself," Yuki reprimanded her gently. During the month she had spent by her side, she had became aware of that unfortunate characteristic of hers. "You're truly gifted, and I think you should also practice kenjutsu."

Yuki didn't miss the girl suddenly fidgeting next to her very ill-at-ease. A week ago, she had meant to suggest during a training session to follow Rena's lessons - something she had discovered surprisingly she wasn't doing - but it had slipped her mind, distracted by her protégée's impressive skills at archery. 

"Thank you, Kashiwagi-dono," Mayu replied politely. She knew her protector only meant well, but the mere thought of holding a katana was turning her stomach upside down. She could feel the older girl's questioning gaze on her but she refused to meet it, wondering how she could explain her discomfort. She truly believed she had - contrary to her sister - managed to put her past behind her, but it seemed it was not the complete truth. "I know each member of the clan has to practice kenjutsu, but I would prefer not to learn to fight."

That was definitely a first. From all the years Yuki had spent inside the walls of Momiijimori no kami's clan, she had never heard a single person utter such words. A samurai refusing to fight? That was an unconceivable notion. Yuki knew that her position required of her to ask the young girl to reconsider, but as she witnessed her sudden sadness, she didn't have the heart to push things further. Instead, she moved her hand to the young girl's knee, her thumb soon moving on her hakama in a gentle caress.

"It's alright, you don't have to," Yuki spoke. It was not her right to say so, and she was well aware of it. She would first need to seek approval from Shinoda-dono - and she imagined the head of the clan would not be pleased to learn one of her samurais was refusing to fight. Nevermind, she would have to be very convincing. The thankful smile now directed at her told her it would be absolutely worth it. Fingers were tentatively placed on top of hers, and Yuki responded to the gesture by slipping her hand inside Mayu's.

Yuki didn't ignore the erratic sound of her throbbing heart, and she could guess by the young girl's shy expression that she was probably not the only one feeling so flustered. However, a sudden movement caught her attention from the corner of her eye and she reluctantly retracted her hand, watching the familiar guard quickly coming towards their direction.

"Forgive the intrusion," the man said in a respectful bow, before addressing Mayu. "Matsui-dono is looking for your sister."



The good thing is, Rena didn't even need to ask if they knew each other. The angry look Jurina immediately gave him as she approached, and the man's fingers now gripping tightly the tsuka of his katana were enough proof. Not to mention the very rude way the young girl had just called him. No, she definitely had not improved on her manners since their first encounter in front of the head of the clan.

Rena noticed Yuki and Mayu standing right behind her, and she understood that this problem she had hoped to solve as swiftly as possible, was going to have an unexpected audience. "This man claims you attacked him yesterday," Rena said, ignoring Jurina's interjection. At first, she had doubted the man's words, but the heavy tension between them was telling her he had not lied. Still, she had to make sure. "Is it true?"

Jurina didn't bother to steal a glance at her. Instead, a mocking smile grazed her lips when she observed the bruises on his face. She had done a very good job. "I defended a woman against a drunk."

Rena frowned at her words, appalled. The young girl had just admitted beating up a man, and she didn't feel slightly remorseful about her actions. Rena was starting to wonder why the head of the clan had accepted to let such a dangerous person enter inside their walls.

"You attacked a samurai?" Mayu gasped, taking a step forward and grabbing her sister's arm, her attention with it. She knew Jurina to be impulsive and sometimes reckless, but this was an unforeseen situation. The young girl gave her a side glance, but no explanation left her lips.

"A woman?" The man snorted. "It was a prostitute."

Just when she believed she had heard the worse, Mayu's jaw dropped in shock. Did the man really imply what she thought? "So that's where you go at night?" she stuttered. That was definitely an activity she had not been aware of.

However, Jurina wasn't paying attention to her anymore, instead she gritted her teeth in annoyance at the man's scornful expression. She had really tried to keep her composure, but her fingers were starting to itch. The idea of her sharp tanto against the man's throat was bringing her an immeasurable pleasure.

Rena who had up 'til then followed the conversations quietly knew she couldn't stay idle anymore. The situation was starting to escalate dangerously - Jurina's fingers approaching her weapon was a clear indication of what she had in mind - and she had to intervene. "Please forgive her," Rena chimed in, taking a step forward in front of Jurina in the hope of hiding her intentions. Indeed the man didn't seem to have noticed them or if he did, he apparently didn't take the threat seriously. "She didn't realize what she was doing."

At her declaration Jurina finally broke eye contact with him and stared at Rena's back, incredulous. "What?" She definitely knew what she was doing, and she was more than ready to do it again if the situation presented itself. 

"Watanabe-san," Rena abruptly interrupted her when Jurina was about to develop her thoughts on the matter, "don't say another word."

Jurina's behavior was starting to irritate her. She was trying to solve the situation diplomatically. Why was she making her life so difficult? Could she not understand she was trying to prevent her from getting killed? Rena didn't need to look back at her to know she disapproved her order. The loud growl her mouth produced in protest was enough information. However, unexpectedly, she didn't hear another single complaint. It seemed her words had managed to reach her.

"Please accept my apologies on her behalf," Rena addressed the man anew. She recognized a tricky situation when she saw one, and she knew she had to convince him to withdraw his demand. "My protégée never held a katana before, it wouldn't be a fair fight."

Rena's controlled tone seemed to have an appeasing effect on him as he looked straight into her eyes, seemingly pondering his options. "I can tell you're a reasonable person," he declared, nodding in agreement, "but you should watch over her more carefully."

The man's fingers left the tsuka of his katana and Rena mentally sighed, knowing she had managed to persuade him. She watched cautiously as he approached his horse and mounted it, not before casting a last look at the girl who had left her marks on him. "I'll better not cross your path again. I won't be so merciful next time."

Jurina's fierce protest was already on her lips when she felt a hand tightly gripping her arm, and two eyes looking back at her. She could easily read the silent warning in the small brown orbs of her protector and she stayed quiet, absently catching the sound of a horse's hooves stamping on the ground as the man harshly grabbed the rein and ordered the animal to turn around. Jurina didn't like it at all. It seemed this Matsui-dono had the capacity to silence each and single one of her retorts.


« Last Edit: January 18, 2017, 03:45:47 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline kuro_black29

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 4 [WMatsui] (04/04/15)
« Reply #30 on: April 04, 2015, 12:29:08 AM »
Yeahhh...rena and jurina first confront~ interesting~
Wmatsui~please be warm~ RENA SAMA so cool~
Mayuki~ 'laughing alone..sure some sweet
moment before the guard disturb them..tchh

Thanks for the update sophcaro san  :kneelbow:
Waitin for next  :on drink:
Live in the land of mist..nahh just kidding..
Live in the land of Wmatsui and Mayuki...
World of fantasy..World of Lalaland~

            (っ´▽`)っWmatsui~Mayuki ♡ (。’∀’。)

Tend to forget things but not mah fav author and fics

Offline Raizel

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 4 [WMatsui] (04/04/15)
« Reply #31 on: April 04, 2015, 02:28:57 AM »
It's here...  :shock:  the update.... :farofflook:
Yeah wmatsui finally have a conversation.. I think it's just Rena gives Jurina order.. :on lol:
Rena so cool, just with the look she can silent Jurina.. :cool1:
Mayu so genius as always, those men can't stop looking at her.. :wahaha:
Thanks for the update sophcaro-san. :nya:
Why its so short. :tantrum:
Waiting for the next.. :on speedy:

Offline Kirozoro

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 4 [WMatsui] (04/04/15)
« Reply #32 on: April 05, 2015, 04:25:22 AM »
Mayu is a genius!!

Jurina is so hot head *sign* Rena need to do something

I finally caught up xD

Update soon

Offline TeenyTae

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 4 [WMatsui] (04/04/15)
« Reply #33 on: April 07, 2015, 07:37:05 AM »
I wonder what Yuki would have done if the guard didn't interrupt her.
Jurina has met her match. Rena is going to have to give Jurina some disciplining now.  :lol:
Thank you for the chapter! I can't wait to see what Rena will do next!  :)

Offline MisakiShishido

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 4 [WMatsui] (04/04/15)
« Reply #34 on: April 13, 2015, 10:35:36 PM »
Gosh finally had the time to read your update!  :doh:

Awesome chapter! And Rena's really diplomatic... funny how Jurina and Rena's meeting is such a tense confrontation.  :smhid

I really wonder what will Rena do as Jurina's protector, seeing how Jurina is a hot-head who dares to pull off crazy stunts.  :huhuh

Can't wait for more! Thank you for the update!!!  :D

Offline sophcaro

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 5 [WMatsui] (18/04/15)
« Reply #35 on: April 18, 2015, 03:29:09 AM »

The clashing sound of wooden swords echoed in the dojo as both men moved towards each other and the fight began. The kenjutsu instructor knew she should be focusing on the confrontation in front of her eyes, in order to note and correct any potential mistake her students made, but she was having a hard time doing so, distracted by the unexpected presence in the room.

The young Watanabe sister entered the dojo half an hour ago and observed the training session from a corner of the room, not approaching her or saying a word. Rena was more than surprised to see her follow the training with great interest, considering she had never set foot once in the dojo before. What had prompted the young girl to do so? Rena had no idea, but she couldn't help but be slightly curious about her motive, even though she wished she wasn't. She knew she shouldn't be. After all, the young girl didn't even deserve her attention, especially not after the way she had behaved two weeks ago.

Rena's surprise increased when the training ended and everyone left, except for one particular young girl. The kenjutsu instructor followed her movements from the corner of her eye as she approached the stand, studying the bokken carefully. As she was placing her own wooden sword on the stand she cast a side glance in curiosity at the silent presence, following the fingers that were sliding on the fabric of one of them.

"Teach me," The calm but firm tone finally left Jurina's lips.

"Excuse me?" Rena's brow furrowed, meeting her eyes as the young girl finally bothered to glance at her. She understood well what she was asking her, but she couldn't believe her ears. This wasn't a request. It was a command.

"I don't want you to protect me anymore," Jurina explained, her attention back on the weapon now in her hand.

Rena simply stared at her, taken aback. Maybe she should be glad the young girl was finally reaching out to her after two months of deliberately ignoring her. However, after witnessing her impetuous behavior, she wasn't sure teaching her kenjutsu was a good idea. Who knew what she would do with such knowledge? She was already dangerous enough without a weapon in her hands!

"Did you hear me, Rena-san?"

Jurina's voice jolted her effectively out of her thoughts, and she arched an eyebrow in surprise at the unexpected familiarity. Did she just call her by her first name? Only Yuki had the right to address her in such a way and, as her close friend, she was legitimate in doing so. Rena wanted to give the young girl the benefit of the doubt, to believe that her lack of respect wasn't intentional, but her apparent impassive gaze wasn't fooling her one bit. Her will to provoke her was more than clear. It was the final straw.

"I refuse," Rena replied. She picked up on the shocked expression of her interlocutor but she chose to ignore it, turning towards the stand instead and checking one last time if each bokken was in its rightful place.

"What?" Jurina interjected, roughly placing her bokken back. She observed the older girl for a while who was completely disregarding her presence, before catching the sleeve of her black kimono as she was about to leave. "The head of the clan put me under your care."

Rena tilted her head as she was forced to stop in her tracks, briefly gazing at the fingers now encircling her arm forcibly, before locking eyes with the younger girl. "I am going to watch over you, but I'm not going to teach you sword fighting."

"Why?" Jurina gritted her teeth. This unexpected reply, coupled with her unsettling calm expression, was annoying her to no end.

"You're rude, Watanabe-san," Rena declared. She usually wasn't so straightforward - always preferring to tread carefully with people - but she knew it was useless with the young girl facing her. "Added to which, kenjutsu requires calm and discipline. Both qualities you apparently lack."

Rena waited for a reply, expecting something rude in return, but no invective left the young girl's lips. She could see she wasn't at all delighted - the glare she was currently giving her was a clear indication of it - but surprisingly, she didn't add a single word. Instead, she saw her release her hold on her arm, and the young girl turning on her heels. Rena watched silently as her protégée stormed out of the room, not before shooting a last displeased look at her as she passed the door.


After years of working here, Churi had discovered that alcohol had a truly powerful effect on people. At best, men would become more cheerful, at worst, it would trigger violent behaviors. However Churi had noticed, after watching countless of times her friend sipping cup after cup, that the beverage had surprisingly no effect on her. Nobunaga never were the talkative type and, unfortunately, sake was ineffective on liberating her tongue.

Churi was quite used by now to this characteristic of hers, and she didn't mind being the one leading most of their conversations. She would narrate her days to an always attentive ear, and would sometimes make her smile with amusing anecdotes. God knew she had a lot to share with all the men she saw passing through. Until now, Nobunaga's silence had not really bothered her but today, she could tell her friend was bothered by something. Indeed, the lost expression of the girl staring into her cup of sake wasn't fooling her at all. She wasn't listening to a single word she was saying.


Churi's questioning voice jolted Jurina out of her thoughts and she shifted her gaze from her cup of sake to the girl sitting by her side, her eyes falling into her friend's worried ones.

"What?" Jurina exclaimed. As she tried to recall her friend's last words it suddenly occurred to her she had not followed the conversation, and she cursed herself immediately for her behavior. She had stepped in the place in the hope that Churi's company would help her ease her mind, but she hadn't stopped reliving her latest confrontation with the kenjutsu instructor.

A soft sigh left Churi's lips as she watched her friend carefully, trying to understand where her unusual behavior was coming from, before gently sliding her fingers into the palm laying on the table. "You've been very quiet tonight," Churi affirmed, noticing the slight stiffening of Jurina's hand at the contact. "And awfully tense. Is everything alright?"

"Not really," Jurina smiled slightly, not surprised by Churi's perceptiveness. It also wasn't the first time her body language was betraying her.

Churi pondered her options carefully, wondering if she should push the matter through, before thinking against it. Something was telling her her question was going to stay unanswered. It wasn't like her friend shared much about her usually, anyway. "I've heard clients are pretty satisfied with Annin's services."

Jurina raised an amused eyebrow at her declaration, stealing a quick glance at the designated girl who was seducing a man a few tables away, before locking eyes with her friend. "Am I boring you?"

A smile grazed Churi's lips, and she shook her head slightly. "Of course not, but something is telling me you could use the distraction."

Jurina took a sip of her beverage absently, her eyes falling again on the girl who had many times tried to lead her upstairs, to no avail. "I'm not interested."

"You haven't bedded any of the girls yet," Churi affirmed.

"How do you know I didn't?" Jurina replied, her mouth curving up in amusement. Churi's self-assurance was surprising, considering she would never share that kind of details with her, but mostly very amusing. She could had slipped very easily into one the girl's rooms without her knowing about it. It wasn't like she was aware of her whereabouts 24/7.

"Trust me, I would have known," Churi chuckled softly as if she could read her mind. "These girls are anything but secretive." It was the perks of being confided into this house. Women got bored easily during the day, and gossips would run rampant, especially about the people who shared their beds. "Doesn't any of the girls suit your taste?"

"There are a few good looking ones," Jurina admitted, a small amused smile on her lips at her friend's persistence. Although very popular, Annin wasn't the only one granted with advantageous features.

Churi raised an eyebrow in confusion when her interlocutor didn't elaborate. Even if the young girl had rejected everyone's advances, it was clear she wasn't completely immunized to their charms. Maybe there was another explanation. "Are you in love with someone?"

"Love?" Jurina snorted, shaking her head in disbelief. "Absolutely not."

"Then there's nothing wrong in having a little fun."

"I am having fun. With you."

"Flirt," Churi chuckled at the cheeky reply. This Nobunaga was really one of a kind. "You know well that's not what I'm talking about."

Jurina smiled in amusement at the kiss placed on her cheek, before letting her gaze wander around the room, her eyes soon falling on Annin who was now sitting alone at her table. It appeared her charms had failed to work on her client, as the man had moved to another girl. Judging by Annin's displeased expression, she was not in the slightest happy to have lost his attention, but her mouth instantly curved up into a seducing smile when their eyes met.

"Maybe you're right," Jurina murmured. Churi's company - as pleasant as it was - was failing tonight to erase the pale girl from her mind. Maybe she needed another sort of distraction, after all.


Two days ago, Rena had requested an audience with Momijimori no kami. It took her a while to finally make this decision. A part of her would have preferred to resolve the matter on her own, but it appeared she was completely incapable of doing so. It seemed only the highest authority of the clan would be able to find a solution to her problem. 

She was now seated on the floor in front of the short-haired samurai, watching her silently as she was reading a scroll at her desk. The older woman barely glanced at her when she stepped in the room a few minutes ago, engrossed in a mountain of work.

Rena took advantage of the older woman's attention on her duty to go through her speech again. She had rehearsed it in her head on her way here, choosing each word she was going to say carefully. Nevertheless, she couldn't help but feel a tinge of apprehension. After all, she was about to make an unforeseen request, and she didn't know how it was going to be received.

"Matsui-san." Rena was suddenly jolted out of her thoughts as the older woman glanced back at her, giving the signed scroll to her advisor by her side. "I think I know why you're here."

"Shinoda-dono," Rena replied, bowing at her courteously. Her interlocutor's words, as well as the strange amused smile at the corner of her lips, were unsettling. She had never mentioned the matter she was about to expose to her before, and she surely saw no reason for the older woman's delight.

"Watanabe-san came by two days ago," Mariko continued, absently nodding at her advisor who bowed at her before leaving the room. "She claims you refuse to teach her kenjutsu. Is it true?"

Rena was momentarily at a loss for words, taken by complete surprise by the revelation. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. The young Watanabe sister had dared to complain about her to the head of the clan. She had some nerve!

"It is," Rena finally replied. She knew her unsteady voice betrayed her unease, and she paused, taking a moment to compose herself. She had requested an audience with the head of the clan - something  she rarely did - for a very good reason, and she wasn't going to back away. "I believe I'm not the best suited person to be her instructor."

"She has been difficult, hasn't she?"

"Maybe it would be wiser to allocate her another tutor," Rena trailed off, confused by her interlocutor's sudden laugh. This conversation wasn't going at all as she expected. Not in the slightest. "Someone who would be able to handle her unpredictable behavior."

"I see. Well, I have no doubt you will succeed in doing so."

Rena stared back in surprise at the woman who was trying to calm down from her amusement, going through another scroll again. The kenjutsu instructor couldn't believe what was happening. She had hoped her arguments would manage to sway her interlocutor's, but her words didn't have the slightest effect on her. It was as if her mind had already been made up before she even began to speak.

Rena raised up to her feet, bowing in respect to the older woman who wasn't paying attention to her anymore and still chuckling. She knew pushing things further would only prove useless - not to mention utterly disrespectful - and she turned on her heels, wondering why on earth the head of the clan was finding her situation so amusing. She surely wasn't. Unfortunately, it appeared she was still stuck with the wrong sister.

« Last Edit: January 18, 2017, 03:46:15 PM by sophcaro »
My WMatsui fanfics:

- Heartbeat | Completed
- Partners | Completed
- Destiny | Completed

- Warriors | Ongoing
- Back in Time | Ongoing
- One Shot collection: Her Sun | Completed
- Fire and Water | On hiatus

Offline Raizel

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 5 [WMatsui] (18/04/15)
« Reply #36 on: April 18, 2015, 04:44:17 AM »
Yeah.. Jurina interest in learning kenjutsu but Rena was right to refuse.. :cool1:
Jurina is so rude to her after all,  :angry1: Well Rena will make her behave in the future..  :ding:
Shinoda-dono find Rena situation funny, yeah me too..  :on lol:
That Annin try to seduce Jurina once again, I dont think its gonna work..  :grr:
This is full of wmatsui moments love it author-san..  :luvluv1:
And thanks for the update..  :kneelbow:

Offline kuro_black29

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 5 [WMatsui] (18/04/15)
« Reply #37 on: April 18, 2015, 05:31:38 AM »
Is jurina has fallin for rena but denied her
feeling and use others as distractions????
i can see why rena sama refused jurina..mahh..
i would refused too...wmatsui...please be warm..
need mayuki moment too...shinoda dono found
everything happen to rena amusing and

Thanks for the update~
Waiting for next~
Live in the land of mist..nahh just kidding..
Live in the land of Wmatsui and Mayuki...
World of fantasy..World of Lalaland~

            (っ´▽`)っWmatsui~Mayuki ♡ (。’∀’。)

Tend to forget things but not mah fav author and fics

Offline MisakiShishido

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 5 [WMatsui] (18/04/15)
« Reply #38 on: April 18, 2015, 11:40:05 PM »
Reading your fic after studying for quite a while made me smile  :)

Jurina got rejected by Rena and decided to seek comfort in Churi/Annin? Typical J.  Pfft~  :smhid  :lol:

Shinoda-dono is just trying to fan the flame of 'feelings' for WMatsui huh~ as expected of her!  :lol:

Can't wait for the next update, Author-san! Thanks for this update!  :thumbsup

Offline TeenyTae

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Re: Warriors - Chapter 5 [WMatsui] (18/04/15)
« Reply #39 on: April 19, 2015, 01:14:26 AM »
I'm thinking that Mariko knew that Jurina and Mayu would be the perfect people to open up Rena and Yuki. She knows everything. She's also head of the ship clan after all.  XD
Thanks for the chapter! Can't wait to see when Rena realizes she was stuck with the right sister.  :)

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