I am a silent reader and silent writer, so sorry if I didn't reply to some or many comments.
But here is the next chapter. Hope you like it and enjoy.
chapter 2 : Meeting youAtsuko pov
My name is Maeda Atsuko. I used to see everything. But because of that accident I lost everything. My parents, my boyfriend, I wish.. I wish I died.
But, dying will be unfair. Especially for my mother.
It happend in my birthday. When I and my parents went to eat dinner together. And when after we eat, that accident happen. One car hit us from behind. That night, there is nobody. It hit our car really hard. Next I opened my eyes, there is my father and mother in front of me. They are stuck in the passage car. There is iron that pitching them, they can't move. My father can't move at all, my mother get pinch in her left leg.
I myself is not in a good shape either. I try to help my parents. I try to lift the iron but it is no use. I try to scream, ask for help. But no body come. My vision get blurry. And I pass out.
When I awake, everything when dark. I can't see anything. No light and it really make me afraid. I stand up but then I bumped into something and fall.
"Acchan?! Oh my god!" I hear somebody voice. That voice is aunt Oshima, my mother sister. She then help me to the bed again.
"Aunty, what happened? Why i can't see everything ? Why you turn off the light?!
Where is otou san and oka san?"
Aunt oshima just crying, hear me refer otou san and oka san. And I started to be panicked.
Oshima ma : "Acchan calm down, and listen carefully. She then hug me and it really tight. Your parents died in the accident. There is a explosion after the car crash. And they died in there. Your mother is still alive but because of that explosion, you hurt your body especially your heart. So your mother... she give her heart to you knowing the rate to alive is smaller. As your father, the doctor said he is died when he arrived in the hospital. Your eyes have a problem and we will find some donors. Don't worry Acchan. We are here with you."
And after that I passed out.
I cry and cry evertime I woke up. I can't live like this. Why after my parents leave me, my boyfriend also cheat on me. He said he love another girl and can't have a blind girlfriend.
Yes, I am blind. After that accident my eyes become worsen. And my vision become more blurry till the end I become blind. Doctor said I may not crying, but I can't stop crying. I lost my loved one. And that become one of the factor why I become completely blind.
End of flashback
Soon after that, I move with Oshima family. I used to come here when I was young there is a nice park near Yuu house and I still remember the way to go there. Aunty went to the market. So I decided to go there. I leave a note and go there.
Nothing really changed. I managed to go to park and find myself sitting in the bench near Sakura tree. But then some boys start to bully me. Such a irony, but that is what happened. A high school girl bullied by bunch of little boys. One of the boy manage to take my stick. And then throw it. After that they run away. I search and search but it looks impossible. I also hurt my leg when I searching it. I hate my situation.
After a while, I hear a foot step. There is somebody, come here. So I try to ask his help.
"Anoo.. somebody there? Can you help me? Umnn.. if you see my stick can you hand it for me. Please.. I.. can't see."
"Umn.. Maeda san? Your name is Maeda Atsuko right?"
What a gentle yet deep voice, from his voice I know he is a man.
"Yes.. that is my name. You are...?"
"My name is Takahashi Kai, I am Oshima Yuu friend. Nice to meet you." after saying that he then lift me to stand up. But due to my feet hurt I can't stand properly.
To my supprise, he lift me with a bridal style. It make me blush, even my ex boyfriend never lift me like this. I then touch his face try to see his face by using my hand. From his face I can tell he is quite handsome.
End of pov.