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Author Topic: Come closer please - chapter 9 (Kai x Acchan) 23/06/2016  (Read 17102 times)

Offline sadrilim

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Come closer please - chapter 9 (Kai x Acchan) 23/06/2016
« on: March 14, 2015, 05:09:45 AM »
Here is another fanfic. Enjoy and sorry for bad English.

My name is Takahashi Kai. I am the second child in Takahashi Family. I have an older sister, Takahashi Minami. Well actually she just 5 minutes older than me. Yup! We are twins.

My life is boring. I just an average high school student. Normal live every day.  Love life?...
"Well, I really hope one day somebody will love you the way you love her and you two will be happy forever after. " Sound cheesy right?

But that what my sister say almost everyday to me.  To tell the truth, her word looks like poison to me. Why not?! Somehow those words just keep spinning inside my head.

I do admit since she got herself a boyfriend, I really hate her. Wait!! Hate would be too much for my annoying sister.  Why I said so?

It is because she always tell her story and that Itano boy!! Sigh...

Well, who doesn't want to fall in love? Feeling those butterflies in your stomach, happy that someone will tell you how much she love you..

But, every time I try to fall in love I just can't. I don't feel right. 


Kai : "Uggh!!! Why are you yelling at me? I am not."

"Yes! You are!"

"No! I am not"







Kai : "Huh?! Something went wrong. "

"Haha!! Bakamina. I wonder why you are so different with Takamina. "

Kai : "Stop talking about this. We are twin but that doesn't mean we will be the same in everything. Btw, how your holiday, Yuu?"

The so called boys grinned.
Yuu : "It was fantastic.  It was the best idea ever to go to the beach in the summer.  Those boobs, smooth skin, wonderful thighs, bloody heaven~♥♥."

Oshima Yuu
A happy go lucky boy. Who always positive and confident. But unfortunately he is a pervert. 


Yuu : "Ouch!!"

Takamina : "That for being pervert and stop talking so loud!! Many people can hear you guys. "

Takahashi Minami
Kai twins, smart, beautiful, and cheerful.  A class representative. Have boyfriend name Itano Tomo.

Yuu : "Kai, please handle you twin will ya?!"

Takamina : "Well I won't stop hitting you until your mind is clean and clear from that pervert mind. One hit a day keep Oshima Yuu head clean and clear."

Yuu : "Huh! Sadist."

Takamina : "What did you say?!"

Yuu : "Glup..No.. nothing.. hahaha."

Ahh!! I almost forget. Kai will you accompany me to Akibahara  after school? I need to buy present. For my  cousin  who will life with my family.

Kai : "Ah, sure no problem.  I am free anyway."

After school at Akibahara
Kai : "Hey Yuu, what are we gonna buy?"

Yuu : "Hm.. cakes.  She used to love cakes.  Maybe cakes will make her cheerful. "

Kai : "Her? You cousin is a girl?!"

Yuu : "Yup! I never mention?she is the same age like us. Well, let's buy the cakes first I will introduce you with her."

After that, they went straight back to Yuu house. But before they come in, they hear a  voice.

Oshima ma : "Acchan.. Acchan.. Where are you?! This is bad."

Yuu : "Oka san, what happened?"

Oshima ma : "Oh... Yuu can you please find Acchan? I just left to buy some dinner ingredients.  But when I come back, Acchan nowhere to be found. What I gonna do?!"

Yuu : "This is bad. Kai, let's go. Don't worry ma, I think she just stroll around. "

Kai : "Yuu, what wrong? Why your mother freak out. May be she is walking around or have some walk."

Yuu : "The problem is, Acchan can't see. She is blind..."

Offline The Ray

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Re: Come closer please (Kai x Acchan)
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2015, 06:29:22 AM »
Kai and takamina is twin ??  :?
And achhan blind ??
hhmmm interesting :cathappy:

Please update sadrilim-san  :bow:
~WMATSUI forever~

Offline Zhen

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Re: Come closer please (Kai x Acchan)
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2015, 08:59:40 AM »
Wow. Nice plot. Loving it. :) I'm looking forward to thisssss.
Atsuko is blind uh......
Interestinggggg. :3

Offline black_maa

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Re: Come closer please (Kai x Acchan)
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2015, 09:44:22 AM »
Oh my! Acchan is blind..  :shocked  why~!?
I hope they found her soon.... and then Kai would fall in love with her.. hehe.. :D

Waiting update!  :)
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Offline mgxx

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Re: Come closer please (Kai x Acchan)
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2015, 10:05:46 AM »
OMG mygirl atsuko is blind?

i think this is a interesting story.. cant wait for the next chapter  :bow:

Offline sadrilim

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Re: Come closer please (Kai x Acchan)
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2015, 02:52:59 PM »
Chapter 1 : Find you!!

Yuu : "Help me find Atsuko, Kai. You this way I this way."

Kai : "Wh... wait!! Yuu!!!"

Yuu directly go, he didn't let Kai finish his word.

Kai : "I don't know her. I even never see her. Sigh. .."

Kai Pov
Here I am, looking for a girl. Well, I wonder if she is a beauty.  Or maybe she is a ugly one. Is she a far girl or skinny one.

Well maybe it is not really hard to find a blind girl.

I walk and walk till I arrived at a park. Me and Yuu used to play in this park before.  Before I go to the park I found some laughing. 

There is a bunch of kid. From their behavior looks like a naughty ones. Hm.. It remain me the old days. Haha...
One of them holding a stick and used is as a sword.

Wait?! It is a stick for blind people. And yes it is. So I approached them. And ask one of them.

"Say, lil boy. From where you got this stick?  I believed it belong to a girl right?"

"Umn.. I don't know. "The boy looks scared. He then see his other friend
 The one who take the stick. Looks like he is their leader.

"It not your bussiness, weekk!!!" The boys leader said.

"Ok. My patient is on its limits.  Tell me or not?" I pretend to ready to hit them

"No!! " He then throw the stick to me and run. His friends also follow him.

"Tsk.. kid this day.. "
I take the stick and look around.  The  I found somebody sitting  in the ground near the sakura tree. She looks like looking for something. Then I realised she looks.. blind. So I came closer

"Beautifull". Accidentally I said it.
What in front of me is a girl with shoulder length hair, her face is cute and have a brunette eyes. But her brunette eyes looks bad, almost like want to cry.

She then feels like there is somebody in there.
"Anoo.. somebody there? Can you help me? Umnn.. if you see my stick can you hand it for me. Please.. I.. can't see."

Her voice is beautiful.  Like a song to me.  But then I realised she is talking to me.
"Umn.. Maeda san? Your name is Maeda Atsuko right?"

"Yes.. that is my name. You are...?"

"My name is Takahashi Kai, I am Oshima Yuu friend. Nice to meet you."  I then help her, I lift her and hold her waist. I notice her feet is bleeding.  "You are hurt. Let me help you." I then lift her with bridal style.

At first, she looks surprise when I lift her. She then touch my face. Looks like she is scanning my face with her hand. Her hand is smooth and gentle.  I like those feeling when she touch my face.

"Don't worry Maeda san, I will bring you home. You can trust me."

"... un.. thank you Takahashi san."

Offline Zhen

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Re: Come closer please (Kai x Acchan)
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2015, 04:11:01 PM »
Your plot really catch my attention.... Good job. :3
I'm loving it a lot. <3 good job, can't wait for more.

Offline arawche079

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Re: Come closer please (Kai x Acchan)
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2015, 05:25:49 PM »
Wow nice fic!!!!

Can you add kojiyuu....

I like Yuu and kai's friendship in your fanfic..

Next chapter
« Last Edit: March 15, 2015, 04:56:17 AM by arawche079 »

Offline sadrilim

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Re: Come closer please (Kai x Acchan) chapter 2
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2015, 06:44:08 PM »
I am a silent reader and silent writer, so sorry if I didn't reply to some or many comments.
But here is the next chapter.  Hope you like it and enjoy.

chapter 2 : Meeting you

Atsuko pov
My name is Maeda Atsuko.  I used to see everything.  But because of that accident I lost everything. My parents, my boyfriend, I wish.. I wish I died. 

But, dying will be unfair.  Especially for my mother.

It happend in my birthday. When I and my parents went to eat dinner together.  And when after we eat, that accident happen. One car hit us from behind. That night, there is nobody.  It hit our car really hard. Next I opened my eyes, there is my father and mother in front of me. They are stuck in the passage car. There is iron that pitching them, they can't move. My father can't move at all, my mother get pinch in her left leg.

I myself is not in a good shape either. I try to help my parents.  I try to lift the iron but it is no use.  I try to scream, ask for help. But no body come. My vision get blurry.  And I pass out.


When I awake,  everything when dark. I can't see anything.  No light and it really make me  afraid.  I stand up but then I bumped into something and fall.

"Acchan?! Oh my god!" I hear somebody voice. That voice is aunt Oshima, my mother sister.  She then help me to the bed again.

"Aunty, what happened? Why i can't see everything ? Why you turn off the light?!
Where is otou san and oka san?"

Aunt oshima just crying, hear me refer otou san and oka san. And I started to be panicked.

Oshima ma : "Acchan calm down, and listen carefully.  She then hug me and it really tight.  Your parents died in the accident.  There is a explosion after the car crash. And they died in there. Your mother is still alive but because of that explosion, you hurt your body especially your heart. So your mother... she give her heart to you knowing the rate to alive is smaller. As your father, the doctor said he is died when he arrived in the hospital. Your eyes have a problem and we will find some donors. Don't worry Acchan.  We are here with you."


And after that I passed out.

I cry and cry evertime I woke up. I can't live like this. Why after my parents leave me, my boyfriend also cheat on me. He said he love another girl and can't have a blind girlfriend.

Yes, I am blind. After that accident my eyes become worsen. And my vision become more blurry till the end I become blind.  Doctor said I may not crying, but I can't stop crying.  I lost my loved one. And that become one of the factor why I become completely blind.

End of flashback

Soon after that, I move with Oshima family. I used to come here when I was young  there is a nice park near Yuu house and I still remember the way to go there. Aunty went to the market. So I decided to go there.  I leave a note and go there.

Nothing really changed.  I managed to go to park and find myself sitting in the bench near Sakura tree. But then some boys start to bully me. Such a irony, but that is what happened.  A high school girl bullied by bunch of little boys. One of the boy manage to take my stick. And then throw it. After that they run away. I search and search but it looks impossible. I also hurt my leg when I searching it. I hate my situation.

After a while, I hear a foot step.  There is somebody, come here. So I try to ask his help.

"Anoo.. somebody there? Can you help me? Umnn.. if you see my stick can you hand it for me. Please.. I.. can't see."

"Umn.. Maeda san? Your name is Maeda Atsuko right?"
What a gentle yet deep voice, from his voice I know he is a man.

"Yes.. that is my name. You are...?"

"My name is Takahashi Kai, I am Oshima Yuu friend. Nice to meet you."  after saying that he then lift me to stand up. But due to my feet hurt I can't stand properly.

To my supprise, he lift me with a bridal style. It make me blush, even my ex boyfriend never lift me like this.  I then touch his face try to see his face by using my hand. From his face I can tell he is quite handsome.

End of pov.


Offline sadrilim

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Re: Come closer please (Kai x Acchan)
« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2015, 07:04:02 PM »
arawche079 san
If you want to see kojiyuu OS. I have made one. It mix with Atsumina and Wmatsui OS. You can see it on Atsumina ( kai Acchan) the transfer students is my girlfriend OS. So sorry I don't understand how to link it because I am still new to this. Please see it on my post.

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Re: Come closer please (Kai x Acchan)
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2015, 05:11:53 PM »
wowww cant wait for the next chapter author-san :D

Offline sadrilim

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Re: Come closer please (Kai x Acchan)
« Reply #11 on: March 16, 2015, 04:11:08 AM »
chapter 3 : you are different

At Yuu house.
Oshima ma waiting in the front door anxiously.  She really worried about Acchan. Yuu come  back without Acchan.

It make Oshima ma more anxious.  She nearly want to call police but Yuu stop her because he see Kai with Acchan.

Oshima ma : "Acchan where have you been? You really make us worried sick. "

Acchan : "I am sorry aunty, I didn't mean to. I have leave some note to you in the table. "

Appearently the note acchan left was under Oshima ma groceries.

Yuu : "Mouu!! Kaa chan,  don't blame Acchan.  She must be bored, so she went to the park. You must be talking to the neighbourhood so long that you forget about her."

Oshima ma feeling guilty, so she promised that she will go home faster.

Kai : "Well sorry to interrupt but can we clean Acchan wound first?" Kai gently put Acchan in the sofa.  And Yuu quickly take a first aid.

Kai then started to bandage the wound. He do it as gently as he can.

Yuu : "Wow! Kai you are so skilled.  No wonder you are you dad son. Haha..."
Kai and Takamina father is a doctor.  So sometime on his free times, he will teach them the general knowledge of medical term.

Atsuko : "Thank you, Takahashi san." Atsuko flashed me a smile.

Kai : "Just call me Kai."

Atsuko : "Un.. you can call me Acchan or Atsuko."

Takahshi Kai pov
This is bad. I mean, when she give me that smile. My heart beat went faster.  What is this feeling?

After I finished bandage her wound, I lift her bridal style and went to her room. Put her on her bed. She looks surprise again when I lift her like that. I wonder if every girl like this except Takamina? When I lift my sister like that she looks normal. Ahh.. women are complicated.  I sigh.

Again she touch my face..

End of pov

Atsuko : "something troubled you? I am sorry. ."

Kai : " what?! No. Why you said sorry?"

Atsuko : " because you frowned"

Kai : ... it's because I am feeling confused.

Atsuko : confused?

Kai : yeah.. you are different.  not like other girls.

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Re: Come closer please (Kai x Acchan)
« Reply #12 on: March 16, 2015, 02:04:10 PM »
Looks like Kai is already in love with her..  :D  .. or it will be soon..
But the reason why she is blind - is so sad...  :(

Waiting next update!  :)
                                                                             Look at the sky,
                                                                             Imagine, how you can fly,
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Re: Come closer please (Kai x Acchan)
« Reply #13 on: March 17, 2015, 11:14:45 AM »
chapter 4 : can't wait for tomorrow

Atsuko : what do you mean by different? It is because I am blind?

Kai : what?! No.. no. What I mean is you are different from the girl in my class. And well my sister not in negative way. In fact I like it.

Kai can't help but blushing, luckily Acchan can't see his face. If not, he will be very embarrass by what he said.

Yuu : Kai! Your phone is ringging. It is from Takamina.

Appearently Kai left his phone in the living room together with his bag. So he quickly go down and pick his phone.

On phone
Kai : moshi moshi

Takamina : kai! Go back now! Did you forget we will have a family gathering.  father will be coming in any time.

Kai : oh?! I almost forgot.  I will be back.

With that Kai leave Oshima house.

At Takahashi house.
They having a dinner together with their father.

Takahashi Kaito (kai and Takamina father) very dependable, a great father but short tempered. No body will mess with him if he is angry.  He now have work in US for research so it make him very busy. But he always try to go home once in a month.

Kaito : say, Kai how is your study? Have you improve yet? I see your report card, and you still have a lot to learn especially the biology part and math.  why don't you follow your sister. She is smart and looks how she will be a great doctor.

Kai just stay silent as he know his father behaviour.  Whatever his answer will not pleased his father.

Kaito : I hope you can be more focus to this Kai. It is for your future.  I know you can do it. Let's Minami help with your study. And don't make me disappointed again.

Kai : ... yes father.  Now please excuse me, I am very tired and need some rest.

He then directly go upstairs.  Because he doesn't want to hear his father lecture.  Actually his grade is not bad still average. But compare to his sister's grade it is bad. Everybody know Takamina is smart one and she is a top student.

At first Kai didn't really care about it. but as he grew older and his father always compare him to his twin and want him to became a doctor just like him, it really make him hate it. He began to hate the biology and math subject, the main subject you need to pass to be a doctor. Actually he doesn't hate to be a doctor.  But he feel he want to have some choice, to pick what he really like and be free as himself no one compared them.

Knock! knock!
Takamina : kai, can I come in?

Kai : yeah..

Takamina go inside Kai room.
Takamina : uhm.. Kai do you have time after school start from tomorrow?

Kai : what's wrong? I do have free time.

Takamina : well,.. father ask me to help you in your study and ..

Before Takamina finished her word. Kai answer back.

Kai : you know it won't work. We try this already.  Your way of study didn't match mine and it didn't help much.  Forget about this. I just remembered I need to accompany Yuu to buy something.  Now if you don't mind please go out. I am tired.

Takamina : I.. I am sorry.

Takamina quickly go out before her tear burst out. She cry silently, she know Kai didn't like to be compared but she can't help because her father ordered her to do so. And she can't help but to follow her father order. 

Kai just sigh.. he hate it when Takamina said sorry.  He know it is not her fault but him. And he hate it, his anger and disappoint towards himself make lash it out to his twin.

Kai : I will apologies tommorow. And I need to so something with my studies.

at Oshima Yuu house
Yuu : yeahh!!! It is great Acchan?! You finally can go to school.

Appearently Oshima pa request for Acchan, so she can attend Yuu school.  Their school are a normal school, but Oshima pa is a great friend with the school owner so, he allowed Acchan to go to school and try it.

Acchan : un.. thank you uncle.  I really appreciated it. I...
 Acchan started to crying.  She is really grateful, because in her old school, she been bullied and the last thing she know the school didn't allowed her to go to study for whatever the reason it is. She loves to study and in fact she was one of top student in her old school.

Oshima ma : don't cry Acchan. Remember how hard it is we are here for you. We will support you.

Oshima pa : yeah! Acchan whatever you want to do as long as uncle can help, just tell. Uncle will definitely help.

Yuu : hey, don't forget me. Don't worry Acchan. Tomorrow will be so much fun nee. Wait till Kai heard about this.

When Acchan hear Kai name, she can't help it but smile. She somehow very happy can meet Kai again.

Acchan : sure. It will be fun.

Offline black_maa

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Re: Come closer please (Kai x Acchan)
« Reply #14 on: March 17, 2015, 10:07:42 PM »
Oh.. Acchan will go to school..  :huhuh
It would be interesting  :roll:

Waiting next update!  :)
                                                                             Look at the sky,
                                                                             Imagine, how you can fly,
                                                                             If you wanna reach a top,
                                                                             Then never try to stop.
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Re: Come closer please (Kai x Acchan) chapter 5
« Reply #15 on: March 27, 2015, 05:29:54 AM »
chapter 5 : jealousy

Morning come and Takahashi Kai is not in the good mood.  Why not? It because he is late and he got lecture by the 'gate' sensei. It was a name everybody in school give to this sensei, because he always punish and wait at the gate for students who are late.

After what happened yesterday, and now late in the morning is sure not his day.  When he want to go inside the class, he heard a voice.

"... Nice to meet you all. I hope we can be friend."

Kai : "A new student?!" 

With that Kai go inside the class. To his surprise he see Atsuko standing in front with Shinoda sensei.

Shinoda Mariko
Sensei for class Kai class. A good teacher who a little sadistic. Beautifull and tall like model.

Kai : "Atsuko?"

Acchan : "kai? Is that you?".  Acchan give a angelic smile to Kai, it make Kai a bit flushed and it didn't miss Mariko eyes.

Mariko : "I see.. so you know each other.  And Takahashi, to think you dare to be late to my class again. You know I will give punishment right?"

Kai : "sorry sensei! Please spare me. I will not do this again."

Mariko : "well, let me think.  The answer is No!"

Kai : "cih! Sadist."

Mariko : "what did you say?!"

Kai : "no.. nothing."

Mariko : "well, for today punishment you need to clean this class alone and... you must take care of Maeda san, she need some help and I am sure you will help right?"

Mariko give a glare don't you dare to say anything bad or you will see.

Kai : "glup... yes sensei."

Kai then guide Acchan to their chair. He take her hand and the other hand take her bag. After they sit in their seat they have a short chat.

Kai : "well, if you need something just tell me. Don't be shy."

Acchan : "un.. thanks Kai."  Acchan give her angelic smile to Kai. She doesn't know that her smile make Takaboy blush.

Mariko : "Takahashi, if you don't listen to my lesson I suppose you want a new punishment? "

Kai : "no, I am sorry sensei."

With that they continue their study. Kai help a a lot to make sure Acchan get what sensei write in the white broad.

After lesson. Rest time...
Many students come to Acchan desk. They want to know Acchan more. They are curious about Acchan eyes, some of the boy waving at her face and want to touch her face,  it make Kai angry. He yell at the boy who are waving.  That boy name is Sato Takeru.

Sato Takeru, a spoiled brat who love to bully and make trouble.  He is a player and love to playing with girl heart. What he want he will get it. He hate Kai the most because he always come to his way of prank.

Kai : "hey!! Stop it. Don't do that."

Takeru : "what? ? Midget?! Don't yell at me. And beside who you are to tell me not to? You like the blind girl? To think your taste for woman is blunt?! Ha ha ha"

Kai : "un.. I.."

Takamina : "stop it sato san, Shinoda sensei has ask Kai to take care of Maeda san. So my brother have a right to stop you. "

Kai : "yeah! Right! I need to take care of her or I will be punished."

Hearing that make Acchan feeling sad. She is aware that there is somebody want to play a prank on her. Since she is blind, she get bullied, so it is obvious in the new school they will try to bully her. But what make her sad is Kai word. She think kai feel burdened by her.

Kai pov
Urghh.. so embrassing.  I lost a word and need my sister to defend me in front of Acchan. Sigh... I can't answer no because I am not sure. But..

I fall in love with Atsuko?!  It can't be right? Ha ha ha... must be because I don't like him from the start. He always bully the weak or new student.

Well from what I always  think girls are crybaby always want this and that and if you answer her when she ask they will get angry with the reality I say. Well, I do have interest in girl but their behavior make me sick.  Girls are complicated. 

End of pov

Yuu : "YEAHH!!! Stay back from my cousin.  I won't let you hurt her. Let's go Acchan." 

Yuu then take Acchan go from the class and followed by Kai and Takamina. But Takeru and his gang stopped them. Everybody in the class just see because they are afraid of Takeru.

Takeru : "not so fast. What I want I will get it."

"You better not mess with them"

Turn out it was Itano Tomo. He come to Takamina class to check his girlfriend after hearing some ruckus.

Itano Tomo
A handsome boy who have a good taste of fashion, he also good at fighting and a bit rebellious .  Only Takamina can calm him down.

Takeru : "I.. this is not over  yet." 

After that Takeru and his gang run away.

Tomo : "Minami, are you all right? Nothing hurt right?"

Takamina : "un. Thanks Tomo."

Tomo then see Atsuko.
Tomo : "I never see her. A new student?"

Yuu : "yeah! This is my cousin, Maeda Atsuko. Acchan, this is Itano Tomo, takamina boyfriend. Takamina is Kai twin."

Itano : "nice to meet you, you can call me Tomo."

Takamina : "nice to meet you, I am Takahashi Minami, kai twin sister. "

Atsuko : "nice to meet you too, you can call me Acchan."

Yuu : "well I bet you all hungry.  Let go to canteen."

With that they go to canteen. Takamina talked a lot with Acchan.  Actually she is really surprise to see her twin talked to girl and more than that they are chatting.  She want to know more about Acchan.

Takamina : "say, Acchan do you have a boyfriend?"

It make kai chocked.  He hardy to breathe.  He quickly drink a water  and glare at his sister.

Acchan : "no. I used to have a boyfriend, but I broke up with him. He cheated on me."

Yuu : "yeahh!! That jerk, he broke up with Acchan just because of she is blind.  Thinking of that make me want to punch thay boy again."

Acchan : "its ok Yuu. I.. I know I am not a normal people anymore. I.. just a problem"

kai :  "enough! Don't say that.  You are not a problem.  I don't think so. It's ok to depend of people." 

Takamina : "We are friend, you can depend on us."

Tomo : "yeah.  If you have problems just say to us. We will help."

Acchan : "un.. thank you." 

Atsuko is very happy, she  never know that she will have a good friend in here. Back in their old school, ever since she is blind everyone seem to change.  Everybody started to bully her, even her ex boyfriend bullied her. Till the point she want to end her life.  At her home town, she live with her aunty from father side, aunt noro. But aunt noro is very busy and she can't always watch over Atsuko. So she ask for Oshima ma to take care of Atsuko. And Oshima ma agree in no time.

After that they decided to go back to class. Kai and acchan have a little chat before class started again. But they didn't notice there a pair of jealous eyes looking at them.

Ray : "why Kai?! You ever say every woman is annoying so you don't want to be friend with them. But why that Maeda girl?! I won't admit it. You are mine Kai.."

Offline Dianalrs

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Re: Come closer please (Kai x Acchan)
« Reply #16 on: March 27, 2015, 07:35:20 AM »
Awww so sweet Kai and Acchan  :heart:
But I'm scare for what going to do Takeru and Ray  :(

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Re: Come closer please (Kai x Acchan) chapter 6
« Reply #17 on: April 01, 2015, 08:42:38 AM »
chapter 6 : don't cry

Kai pov
What take her so long?! Even after I finish to clean the class she hasn't come back yet. Did something happened?! Atsuko where are you... it is my fault.  I should have accompany her.

End of pov

Kai is cleaning the classroom as the punishment from Mariko sensei. As Acchan is waiting him. Kai told her to wait for him as he want to show Acchan the school, the other have a club activity so they can't accompany Kai.  As he cleaning the class, Acchan have a sudden urged to use the bathroom, so she excuss herself.  Kai want to accompany her, but she doesn't want to be accompanied because she already remember the way to go to the restroom.  she insisted Kai to stay and will be angry if he followed her.Takamina has told her the way and she remember it. She manage to find the rest room and finish her business. But in the way to go back to her class, someone has taken her by force. And atsuko try to resist.  She manage to touch the culprit face before her hand get yanked, that make atsuko whinne in pain. And she know that the culprit is a girl from the touch of her face.

They close her mouth and tied her hand with rope,  locked her in a room. She doesn't know where it is. As she try to scream, they just laughing.

" just scream as much as you want, no one will hear you"

After that they leave Atsuko alone.

Kai is really worried.  He doesn't want to make his friend worried but, he has search around and can't find Atsuko. So he decided to ask help from Tomo. Tomo used to be a bad boy until he date Takamina. He change and stop to be a bad boy, but that didn't stop his underlings to follow him.  They still feel Tomo as their leader. Kai then phone Tomo.

Tomo : "yeah? What up Kai?"

Kai : " Tomo, I need your help. I can't find Atsuko at school, please help me. it is my fault. "

Sensing the worried tone from Kai, Tomo decided to help.  He then order his underlings to find Atsuko. They search anywhere at school.

Kai alone decided to search around the class one more time. Until he hear some girls talking.

Noro : "He he he, Ray sama you are genius.  In there, whatever she want to scream, no body will find her."

Noro is Ray bestfriend.  She always support Ray and help her when she need a help.

Ray : " yeah, that her punishment because she is a bicth!"

Paru : "Un.. but do you think we are a bit overdue? I mean, she is blind. What if something happened?"

Ray : " paru! How could you worried about her?! Whose friend is you?! Who do you think you are? Don't dare to talked back to me! You are just my servant child!"

Paru aka Shimazaki Haruka. A salty girl. She is one of Ray 'friend'. But unlike Ray, she is a good girl and don't like when Ray plan something evil toward the other.

Ray then want to slap the so called Paru. But Kai stop her. Ray is so shocked. She is so afraid of Kai. Because from Kai eyes all people can see he is very angry.

Kai : "I should know that it was you ! Ray!! Where is Atsuko?! Tell me now!!"

Ray : "I.. I don't know., hiks.. Kai do you need to be so rude?"

With that Ray run away. Followed by her other friend.  Kai want to chase her but he was stopped by Paru.

Paru : "Takahashi san, follow me. I will show you the way. I am sorry. Please don't hate Ray. She mean no harm."

Kai : "... just show me the way."

Paru : "... okay."

Paru then show him the place. Atsuko is being locked behind the school building. There is an old gym building and it is not being used. 

Atsuko pov
I scream for help. But it is no used. I think I being locked for one hour already and there is no body.  I don't hear any people voice. I try to find a way, but in the end I hurt my leg and hand. I tripped over,  and i think i touch a broken glass,   there are a lot of thing in here. I started to feel afraid. It is no good to move around.  I decided to sit down and wait for help.

Will somebody help me?! What if they forget about me. Why they do this to me? Did I do something wrong? Kai.. help me.

"Ac.. Acchan!"

Kai?! I hear Kai voice. Kai you really come to save me. I can't help but crying. 

End of pov

Not long after that, Kai come arrived and opened the door. He see Acchan sit down in the corner of the building. she want to stand up but then fall down. She is crying and Kai felt really quilty.   He then hug Atsuko and kiss her forehead. 

Kai : "Acchan I am sorry.  I.."

Acchan : Kai.. I am hiks.. afraid. Hiks... hiks

Kai really at lost. Acchan doesn't stop crying, he  then decided to bring her to the infirmary.  Paru followed them from behind. 

In other place and In the same time
Ray : "where is Paru?!"

Noro : umn.. I think we left her behind.

Ray : "I don't care. She is so slow. And because of her, Kai now hate me. Wait until I go home. I will punish her!!!"

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Re: Come closer please (Kai x Acchan)
« Reply #18 on: April 04, 2015, 04:10:03 PM »
Update soon. Don't make me wait author san. Lols :cow:

Offline black_maa

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Re: Come closer please (Kai x Acchan)
« Reply #19 on: April 04, 2015, 05:01:46 PM »
Ah.!! Those bad girls.. I hope they will get punished ?!!  >:(

Poor Acchan.. At least she have a friends and Kai for her.

Waiting next update!  :)
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