@Janix123, glad you have noticed it

@firebird123, and here is the chapter, thanks for the comment!

@buciq, yeah, there is something like that. Maybe not "really hate", but there is some animosity

@Genkikid, thanks!
@MaYukiIsLife, well it is a bit complicated with other pairings, but yeah... there is some FuruYanagi indeed.

@key17, happy to hear it


@junchan48, well I don't really like dropping things. It is kind of not in my dictionary. As long as it takes, I'm committed to things. Thanks for the encouragement

A/N: enjoy about 5000 words. It is a long chapter with well... things will happen. I'm not sure how much chapters there will be, so it is not a slow burn fanfic.
Chapter 1
Matsui Rena POVThe rest of the night was awkward to say the least. When you are in a public place and you hate someone you can stare at them few times, you can make them feel uncomfortable, but you can leave any moment you want. Now was the opposite.
Yes, Jurina’s intense hateful stare gave me chills and made me feel uncomfortable because obviously I was the only one guilty in this situation according to her and the fact that her father drove Akane home didn’t help in this situation.
At first we just stared at each other like having some competition, Jurina said mean things like “look where you watch! You need something? It’s awkward being with you in the same room…” and similar stuff.
Though it sounds kind of simple the way she said it was really harsh and cold. It made me dislike her even more but I don’t know what’s wrong with me because I kept on staring nevertheless.
Later Jurina decided that the best thing she could do is ignore me so she stopped talking with me and even stopped looking my way, now I was left alone just creeping at her unconsciously.
I couldn’t sleep all night because I could hear Jurina’s breathing, I think she even made few moaning sounds in her sleep which made me feel really uncomfortable (and even turned on…oh shit I’m doing it again,erase it!).
I finally managed to calm down but when I looked at Jurina and she slept facing me, how can you not stare at that face? Especially because she looked so…so calm and angelic…it’s weird saying this but I liked sleeping Jurina.
I hated the one that woke up next morning. She kept on ignoring me so it was easier for me as well and when her father left us near school she practically ran away from me.
Soon I noticed her walking together with a boy (oh wait… my mistake… that was actually a girl) and another girl, that was probably Airi and Yuka that I have heard about last night because they looked like new happy couple.
Honestly, they seemed happy, but soon I regretted my though when I noticed Akane’s sad stare. The girl obviously wondered what to do next so I approached her “hey, maybe you want to eat in cafeteria with me? I haven’t had decent breakfast…I ate only one melon pan so…”
I have noticed Akane’s surprised look so I just shrugged my shoulders and confessed “I’m always hungry for melon pan…” and smiled innocently then took her hand and walked inside of school, the girl didn’t mind so soon we found ourselves in cafeteria.
Akane took an apple meanwhile I asked for chocolate cake (what can I say, chocolate also makes me happy, not as happy as melon pan but I ate one this morning so I decided to change my menu for the day).
We sat and started talking, firstly about random things like school, Instagram, twitter, then friends and then I guess it reminded Akane about the whole Airi and Yuka situation because she got sad all of the sudden.
I felt guilty but I decided to ask her “so…I know I’m not..you know…like your friend…because well with friends…you talk about everything…and I’m just…a stranger…but maybe that’s better in a way…I won’t judge no matter what because I don’t think that someone can be perfect…and…maybe you want to talk about it…you know…about what you feel…and what you want…or…maybe just…tell something…remember something…I don’t think you should give up on this situation until you don’t know everything…until you don’t know what she feels…”
This time Akane smiled sadly “I know what she feels…she likes Yuka”.
“You can easily like two people at the same time..trust me I have been in this situation…”
”Really?” now she was curious so I answered, I know I kind of embarrassed myself, but after some time you got used to this and I just wanted to make her smile “yeah…there was a boy and a girl in my kinder garden…and sometimes I wanted to play with that girl and the boy annoyed me, but other days I wanted to play with that boy and I wanted to say to that girl that she should play with someone else, I think I once said that to her and then she started playing with other girl and I got jealous…so yeah…I know difficult situations”
I succeeded because Akane laughed and brushed away the tears. After few more seconds she asked hopefully “can I tell you…how we meet? It just..it makes me feel better because at that moment I didn’t know what will happen next, I didn’t know that I will fall in love…and I will have my heart broken…it was a beautiful moment…” she concluded sadly, but smiled a little bit.
So I encouraged her to tell me all about it. I have quite an imaginary mind so her words turned into action in my head:
It happened five years ago so the girls were…well you can say children back then. They all knew Jurina and the girl decided that it was the time for her two best friends to meet. Though neither Akane nor Airi didn’t want to meet. They didn’t want to share Jurina’s friendship so they weren’t the biggest fans of each other even though Jurina talked to Akane about Airi all the time,and she did the same with Airi telling her about Akane.
It somehow made girls dislike each other even more and they avoided meeting as if this could change everything forever. Finally Jurina tricked the girls into thinking that they’re meeting only with her and they stood in the same place for quite a long time until Jurina showed up.
Of course they didn’t know how other looked so they just stood there awkwardly wondering what that other girl was doing there as well but not saying a word.
After ten awkward minutes Jurina appeared and they both immediately went to meet her now becoming more aware of one another. Jurina smiled happily and introduced the girls “Airi it’s Churi. Churi this is Airi. Finally I have you two together, I was trying to get you together for the last few months, that was really exhausting” she said happily not aware of the way girls looked at each other.
Airi forced a smile “I heard good things about you”, saying it with irony and letting Akane know about it.But Akane did just the same and smiled even wider “same here”.
“It seems like an usual meeting and I guess it was… but even though I didn’t like her…and Airi obviously disliked me too…it also..made me feel different. I don’t even know how to express myself…I was suppose to dislike her and I answered to her unfriendliness the same way but I couldn’t stop staring at her though I realized that’s not normal..and I…”
Akane got lost in words and asked disappointed (I’m not sure whether she was disappointed because of her feelings, actions and thoughts, or because she can’t express them properly) “do you know what I mean?”.
I answered fast without letting myself to think about it. Akane smiled happily and squeezed my hands “thanks, Rena…I haven’t talk with Juri about this..because…well…she..she’s more supportive of the…usual relationships between boys and girls…she really cares about me…and my situation..she supports me…she supports Airi and Yuka as well. She’s happy for them…but at the same time she believes that these kind of relationships are temporal and they can’t last” Akane signed, but didn’t look mad or disappointed. She realized that it’s natural for some people and there’s no point in denying it.
We sat there and talked about more things until I noticed Yuki and smiled widely rushing her to come closer and opening my arms wide with invitation “Yukirin!”
She laughed and hugged me immediately, then sat down with us. At first Akane was kind of distant and hesitant. I’m not surprised though, Yuki can really intimidate people, she’s gorgeous and she always gets all the attention.
Oh, I forgot to mention that’s she’s my best friend. Like I said to Jurina evening before. I have friends! Yukirin decided to show her better side this time so soon Akane got comfortable and now girls started talking with each other forgetting that I even existed.
It was a good because I had time to think about this situation a lot more…everything that Akane described before with Airi and herself…that was what I experienced with Jurina and even though it’s really hard to admit…even to myself. Maybe I’m experiencing some feelings for Jurina…more then the hating thing that’s going on lately. But what should I do about it?
I was laying on my bed listening to Ed Sheeran “This” singing along “This is the start of something beautiful. This is the start of something new. You are the one who’d make me lose it all. You are the start of something new, oh” I really loved this song.
I couldn’t keep on singing because Jurina unplugged my headphones and while I looked at her surprised and confused she said simply “you’re going with me to Airin’s. She‘s having a party..sort of..I don‘t know…just get ready”.
Is she trying to be dominant right now? I looked at her confused “I’m not going anywhere” and kept on listening to Ed Sheeran with my eyes closed.
She repeated her action and this time pulled me up, grabbing my arm, I almost bumped into her and I couldn't breath when she looked at my eyes while leaning her face closer to mine “just get dressed, we don’t have much time”
I have already forgotten about her father’s punishment, the fact that we should stay at home and we were alone because they all left to visit Jurina’s grandma, most importantly I forgot how to breath but I didn't want to be controlled by Jurina so I stepped backwards and said:
“I think I will just stay here…” and sat down on my bed but still locked my eyes with Jurina’s.
She just signed “Churi asked me to invite you because she needs support…she’s thinking of telling Airi how she feels and well…you were so helpful these past days..she can’t do it without you“.
I could hear the irony in Jurina’s voice, I really didn’t want to go, Akane is the only one I know and who knows who else will be there, but I had nowhere to go, I have promised Akane that I will help her no matter what.
Though I got an idea immediately “as long as I can invite my friend”.
Jurina gave up raising her hands dramatically “do whatever you want. Just hurry up!”
Kashiwagi Yuki POVThe ride to Airi’s house was…dreadful. Jurina kept on nagging Rena’s choice of clothes, while Rena kept repeating things I couldn't even understand all about Akane’s difficult situation and that Jurina was the one that got her in it.
Few times I tried to say something, but they cut me immediately because apparently what they got to say was more important that my opinion so I decided to stay away from this topic and just drive.
We arrived at Airi’s home. Soon I found out that this girl’s parents were away, there were more people from our school here most of them I already knew so I had no problem with the company and everyone around was drinking so…I really needed a drink after this drive too.
Every time I got drunk I think of something different…so this time I suggested playing “Never Have I Ever” everyone agreed and we sat around in the circle on the ground.
I was the first to start because I initiated this “Never Have I Ever…kissed a girl” I said smirking and of course drank a little of my beer while looking around.
Only Airi, Yuka, Akane, Jurina and Rena joined this game because few others were too drunk and most of the people have already left because of their curfew.
Yuka looked at Airi and smiled drinking a little bit while Airi did the same. That was not so surprising as they were a couple. To my and many others surprise Jurina drank a little bit as well.
It’s good that Rena couldn't have seen herself from the side because she literally opened her mouth and stared at Jurina without moving while younger girl just smirked and looked around without any worry in the world.
Matsui Rena POVJurina has kissed a girl? Well that’s a surprise. Akane and Airi didn’t look so shocked so I guess her friends already knew about it, maybe that was just some dare game.
Yukirin lightly punched me and whispered “Stop staring”. Gosh, I did that again? Jurina didn't seem to notice because she has drunken a lot during the whole party and now she was just looking around.
It was my turn but my mind was blank since the last question so I gulped. Akane looked at me concerned “mhm..I can go on if you don’t…“ but soon I said “okay..so..Never Have I Ever…I was..I’m in…love…I don’t know how to form this question“.
Jurina raised her eyebrows ironically “obviously” but she didn't drink.
Actually none of us except Yukirin drank. So they all decided it was a bad question and it was Akane’s turn to speak, but Yuka interrupted her leaning closer to Airin and kissing her cheek “I don‘t know if falling in love counts…”
Oh, they looked sweet. And the way Airi looked back at Yuka. No wait…Akane is hurting… I’m having mixed feeling.
Akane looked sadly to the ground and let someone else to tell their ‘Never Have I Ever’. I feel so bad for this girl…you can see how hurt she is, I think drunk as well. But…we‘re all drunk now so I wasn't that surprised when Airi questioned curiously „So..Never Have I Ever…Done it“.
She didn't have to say what because we all knew what she meant by these few words, though I didn't like the fact that she and Yuka drink their beer almost at the same second.
I guess that was the last straw for Akane, because she started playing with her fingers and looked distant, she didn't manage to look at Airi at this point though I caught her staring few times before.
I noticed Yuki looking at Akane at that moment, like she was familiar with this situation, or maybe was just as sorry as I was. Unexpectedly Jurina drank too. Are you kidding me? She even looked at me seductively when she noticed me staring. If that was not enough she also winked.
We played the game for few more rounds until Yuka had to go. She kissed Airi on the lips saying goodbye. Like I said before, they were really cute couple and Yuka really cared about the girl. Maybe that what made this situation so complicated.
I noticed Airi going to other room and soon Akane went after her. Crap..I don‘t think that was the right time to say something…Akane was obviously too drunk to think clearly.
I looked at Jurina but she didn't seem to notice anything and she just looked me up and down (yes,making me blush) but then simply sniffed and looked to the other side while drinking more beer. I kept on glancing to the room where girls went wondering if I should do something.
Sometimes I just do something without thinking about the consequences so I stood up and went closer to that room were Akane and Airi now talked in. No one noticed me because the girls were drunk enough, Yukirin was now telling some story to Jurina and she was laughing so there was no risk they can notice that I was standing with my ear closer to the room door as weird as it looked.
I heard the voices inside and Akane was mumbling something. That was not good I though immediately “Airi…Airin… need to…to…tell you something”
Great now she even started shuddering. Soon I heard something from Airi too, I think she wasn’t as drunk as anyone else in this party or at least she knew how to hide it “What’s happening, Churi?”
Akane started again “I just..I need…I think..no I don’t think..I…” then the only thing I could hear was silent and I don’t think that was good kind of silence.
Airi spoke up first and she was really angry “What are you doing?”
“I just…”
“You like…you like me or something?”
“I was trying to say…”
”Well you should have said not kiss me! I’m with Yuka!”
”I just…”
“I’m falling in love with Yuka. Gosh…” That was harsh I decided it was my cue to come, but I decided to act innocently pretending that I haven’t heard anything “hey guys…”
Airi just walked right passed me without looking back and Akane had tears in her eyes, now she looked really heartbroken and the only think I though of doing was to hug her.
Yuki and Akane soon left the house (I asked Yukirin to drive Akane home first, since the girl didn’t want to talk or look at anyone at this point).
I walked outside and saw Jurina near the pool. She had a cup in her hand and she walked very close to the edge so I couldn't risk her falling in there in case she can’t swim.
I looked around but Airi was nowhere to be found so I went outside to join Matsui.
At first I tried to reason with Jurina “Jurina, we should go home. Everyone has left”
She looked back at me when she heard my voice “so?” and finished her cup now throwing it away.
I got frustrated at this point, I picked up the cup and throw it to the nearest bin. While Jurina just laughed “you’re not good with parties, you know that, right?” and sat on the edge of the pool.
I wanted to go and just leave her alone. Well not alone, Airi was somewhere inside but I guess I was the good child in the family because I worried what Jurina’s father might say if he finds out we didn’t obey his rules.
I sat near Jurina looking directly at her “the party is over, so I’m not destroying anything”.
For some time she watched the stars but then looked back at me, not only my eyes but my lips as well. It somehow made me feel anxious “It don’t have to be”.
I got confused or maybe I just got lost in those sparkling eyes and those…inviting smirking lips “what?”
“The party. It doesn’t have to be over”, she repeated her words now with a lower more sexier tone and I just lost it.
Jurina leaned closer and kissed me. I was staring at here lips all that time, but now I closed my eyes and soon when I realized what’s happening I kissed back.
Jurina’s lips were so soft, she started the kiss slow but then her kiss became more aggressive, more wanting. I get conscious at some point and I don’t realize how I manage to end the kiss but while doing that I also somehow pushed Jurina into the pool.
She soon appeared all wet and obviously bothered “what the hell?” then swam closer and asked angrily “help me”.
Well she didn’t ask, she ordered. My first thought was to just stand up and run away but after all I didn’t want to push Jurina into the pool so I decided to help her.
To my surprised soon I found myself wet as well.
I was in the pool with Jurina now getting closer to me and this time she kissed me angrily. It’s embarrassing to confess but now I was wet not only literally.
Jurina pressed me against the pool wall and let one of her hand wander lower now putting it on my waist. All I managed to say between kisses was “Juri…na… slow down”, but it only made her smirk “Slow down? Impossible” and right after that I felt her lips on mine again while rubbing small circles on my waist, and with her free hand she caressed my cheek.
My body was ticking like a bomb, at that moment Jurina could have done anything to me, I was not the one in control, her angry kisses made me loss control and forget about reasoning.
Furukawa Airi POVI though everyone have already left so now I just took all the trash outside. I don’t need more drama if my parents come back and find out about the party. That was also great opportunity to stop thinking about what just happened with Churi.
I’m starting to fall in love with Yuka and Churi was always one of my best friends so that was too confusing. I know I was harsh so I’m glad that Rena interrupted us because who knows what else I could have said.
I finished cleaning the kitchen and decided to check outside in case anyone went there and left more rubbish.
What I found instead of trash was… Jurina and Rena kissing in the pool. Kind of unconsciously I asked out loud:
“What the…what are you two DOING THERE?”
Matsui Rena POVCould I be more unlucky? At first drunk Jurina kissed me and made me feel butterflies when I’m suppose to hate her. Then Airi found us and practically yelled at us what are we doing in her pool, what’s happening and since when Jurina is lesbian. That was really harsh because well…I mean yeah it’s shocking to see one of your best friends kissing other girl especially when like an hour ago your other friend kissed you and confessed that she likes you. But still we weren’t doing anything wrong…
I think…
When Airi kicked us out of her house I had to take care of Jurina because she almost walked. She laughed a lot and one time even leaned to kiss me again but when I reacted quickly and turned my head she laughed again.
I guess it was all just a game for the girl. Luckily Airi gave us her clothes so we don’t have to go home completely wet. As soon as I found the taxi, older man drove us home.
Jurina fell asleep and I could feel her breathing on my neck. It was intoxicating. I tried to move away but this time Jurina put her arm around my waist just murmured something incomprehensible and kept on sleeping. I didn’t like how taxi driver said that we looked cute.
I know he probably didn’t mean it in that way but now that was the only way I looked at us. We were enemies but somehow… Jurina gripping on me and even shortly kissing my neck through her sleep didn’t help at all.
We came back home and thankfully our parents were still away. Trying to help Jurina walk was the worst thing I have ever experienced. She wasn’t heavy or anything but she kept on touching me and getting closer and I kept on having those butterflies and sweating.
I knew Jurina was drunk, nobody would doubt that but why she kept on torturing me I had no idea.
“It’s our room, can you just…few more steps” I asked nicely this time even though I was kind of irritated. She stopped for a moment (causing even more trouble for me and my balancing) and looked right at me laughing:
“It’s my room. We are sharing it only for a moment. But this my dad’s and your mother’s relationship..this…situation” she pointed her finger at me and then at herself and added “won’t last long” but then again she buried her head in my shoulder near my neck and I couldn’t even think about her words.
With few more struggles I managed to walk Jurina near her bed now helping younger girl to lay on it but she griped my waist and pulled me on top of herself. I don’t even remember how this happened because my head was blank like the first time she kissed me.
Though this time Jurina just kissed my neck lingering her tongue on it and making me shiver. Obviously she enjoy the effect she had on me while I begged unconvincingly, “Stop. You’re really drunk right now.” She just smirked while kissing my neck softly again “You don‘t really want me to stop, do you?“
I really REALLY didn’t. But somehow I pushed myself away and stood straight “not..not when you’re drunk and..mhm…we…let’s go to sleep…”
Jurina lay on her back but raised her hands like a child even pouting which was adorable “you don’t want to sleep with me?”
Yes…NO…crap…yes I do…
“You are drunk, okay? Let’s talk about this…in the morning…I will sleep downstairs” I said realizing that I couldn’t say no to Jurina if she keeps asking me the same.
I literally ran from the room and closed the doors behind and I was lucky Jurina was too drunk so she probably fall asleep right away. I immediately took my phone and dialed Yuki.
She sounded sleepy “Hey…is there something you want in the middle of the night?“
I breathed out and I couldn’t contain myself so I started my long story speaking very quickly, I doubt Yukirin understand half of what I said “Jurina kissed me when you and Akane left and then she..drunk…I..home..room..my neck..and then..”
“Hey, slow down…so now you like Jurina? Five minutes ago you hated her…”
I guess I got insecure at that moment because I answered immediately “I do. I do hate her. That’s why I don’t…I don’t understand what she‘s trying to do…”
I confessed but deep down I knew that after that kiss I could never hate Jurina again. Did I actually hated her in the first place?
Matsui Jurina POVMy head was spinning but I still managed to stand up and get closer to my door. I knocked the vase with flowers while walking and I almost stepped on the glass, but somehow I turned myself the other way and now I put my hand on the knob starting to pull the door when I heard Rena’s voice behind “I do. I do hate her. That’s why I don’t…I don’t understand what she’s trying to do…“
I took my hand back an step backwards immediately. I don‘t remember when I came back to bed, what I thought or what I felt at that moment but I soon fall asleep.
Matsui Rena POVNext morning I wake up first and decided to check on Jurina. I wasn’t sure what to say to her, but when the family came back home and her father asked where’s Jurina I decided to help her again.
For the last time — I convinced myself.
I went upstairs into Jurina’s room and found that she had already waken up and sat on the bed with her head in her hands. I decided that speaking quietly would be better because of the headache “your dad came back. He asked where are you…I guess he wants to talk with you…and…“ the second she heard my voice she looked right at me, checking me up the same way she did during last night’s game and making me feel uncomfortable again.
Then she stood up and opened her mouth to say something but we heard her father from downstairs “Jurina, come down, Haru is here!”
I opened my mouth slightly surprised and already creating scenarios in my head “Haru?” I asked quickly looking at her, I guess kind of hopefully.
Jurina just smirked coldly and simply said before leaving me standing in the middle of the room alone “Haru is my boyfriend”.
Important Note: The story will continue in SEPTEMBER. I repeat...in Autumn. I'll be traveling and working for almost three months during the Summer so I won't get a chance to write... unfortunately... I those who still read this will continue waiting and supporting the story. I would really appreciate it. As well as likes/comments since as you might know it is like motivation for the writer and readers' opinion matters. (There will be few more posts from me before the summer in other threads, I'm not disappearing instantly yet... I have about a week since June hehe...). But either way, this is goodbye for the time being! Hope you all will have a great summer!
I feel like I'm leaving the same note in different places, but yeah, I guess it is kind of important.