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Author Topic: My KojiYuu Story (OS: PSP - 2013 Christmas Special)  (Read 56292 times)

Offline mae

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (OS: Happy on a Birthday)
« Reply #160 on: April 21, 2013, 12:08:48 PM »
Thank you it's so sweet I love it :)

Offline kurumi

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (OS: Happy on a Birthday)
« Reply #161 on: April 21, 2013, 09:16:39 PM »
Thanks for the update! Sweet OS. Happy birthday, nyannyan! :D

Offline 48GGMU

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (OS: Happy on a Birthday)
« Reply #162 on: May 07, 2013, 10:26:37 AM »
:love: this OS andall of your fic :D
Yeah i love SBFnL and Mercilles Loop and all of your OS here.
Your sweet-Haruna its so different with tsun-tsun Haruna :D

Cant wait for your Mercilles Loop update FreakyMonday-san :)
KojiYuu - AtsuYuu - TakaYuu - MiiYuu - MayuYuu - RenaYuu - SadoYuu - SasshiYuu


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Re: My KojiYuu Story (OS: Happy on a Birthday)
« Reply #163 on: May 08, 2013, 01:47:21 PM »
i love your fic
and want more kojiyuu :love:

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (OS: Happy on a Birthday)
« Reply #164 on: May 29, 2013, 12:36:06 PM »
Is the a epilogue to Somewhere between friendship and love?  I can't find it anywhere

. Please send me this epilogue, I really love your story, I cried at the final chapter and I really love all your fic so much. So please send me that epilogue, if you can thanks a million time for your amazing work.

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (OS: Happy on a Birthday)
« Reply #165 on: November 28, 2013, 12:43:21 PM »
i resd your story on wattpad the heart ereki! its great please continue to write kojiyuu fics  :bow: :bow: :inlove:

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Offline freakymonday

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My KojiYuu Story (OS: PSP - Christmas Special 2013)
« Reply #166 on: December 26, 2013, 05:12:17 AM »
A/N: Anoooo~~ Happy Holidays to all~  :on roll: I haven't posted anything here in a while so.... yeah. A little drabble for my fellow KojiYuu fans~  :on drink: I stopped writing for a while so I hope this still reach you guys~  :sweat: :sweat:

I had a hard time ending this one so please forgive me if it didn't end so well~ :gyaaah: i tried my best.

It has been a year since I got here! so thank you all for the very warm welcome.  :kneelbow: :kneelbow: i love you all~
and thank you for the support~  :shy2:

I have no access on the adult's page so I only posted the general patronage part.
For the whole story, here : -->   :on kimbo: yeah~ here goes... thank you all.


It was a minute after midnight of December 24, what others call it as Christmas Day, the tall girl is seated a little irritated on a couch at her room’s unlighted room. Glaring over the door, she shifted her sight towards the ceiling and gave a sigh.  Slowly lifting herself to stand, the long haired lad walked towards the drawer she have long gone visited. Pulling it out reveals what she most needed now to calm down, her PSP.

“Hisashiburi da ne~” she whispered with a smile. “Gomen~ i’ve been busy.”

If the PSP could only talk, it would agree and talk back on how hurt it was for being left inside the drawer for so long, patiently waiting for its owner to pick it up once more and be used. But the time it waited has come to stop.

She sat back to the couch, plopped with her right leg over the other.


“Yadda~” she heavily shakes her head, convincing herself that it would be fine as she tries to catch her breath while covering her eyes with her both hands. “Screwed.”

Slowly pulling the key out of her pockets, it made its way through the keyhole and rotated to open the door that separates her from what she fears. She took a deep breath and quietly pushed the door. Noticing the lights are off, she glanced at the time device on her wrist which says 3AM.

“It’s okay Yuko... It’s okay.” she continuously repeated inside her head to make sure she won’t be heard.

Sneaking in as silent as she could while constructing the best sentence that would explain why she was so late, her breath was kept low. When she successfully closed the door, she felt chills. Heart beats fast, eyes wide open, she froze with the thought of her girl behind her forming triangles on her sides with her arms.

“Shet~” she mumbled. “Anoo~” she continued as she slowly turns around. “EH?”

No one is there but herself. She pouted and scratched her head with confusion. Normally, when there’s an event like this and she was this late, the tall girl will always catch her sneaking. Her heart beats more irregular, thinking of what had happened, thinking of the worst to happen.

Putting her bag down on the couch with a disturbed feeling, something caught her eyes that made her bite her lower lip in nervousness. “Oh my God.” she mumbled.

Standing in front of their room’s door frozen, the past visited Yuko.

“I’m really screwed.” she mumbled beneath a sigh of defeat. “I’m really screwed.” she repeated biting her lips in while trying to hold back the tears that is already settling high on her waterline. “Shet~”

“How long are you going to stand there telling yourself you’re screwed?” a voice from inside the room reaches her ears. Yuko’s eyes widened more, fingers turning cold. “So I am that... bad?”

“N-no.. Nyannyan no... I don’t-”

“No. I heard ya.”

Silence fill in the air as Yuko converses with herself at the back of her mind.

“You were suddenly gone after I posted our Meri Kuri picture on my Instagram.” the voice continued. “I wanna take another one, you know.”

Speechless, the short girl’s eyes were focused on the PSP placed on the couch. She shook her head. “I’m sorry... Nyannyan-”

“Don’t Nyannyan me.” the voice interrupted her. “I waited for more than three hours. Yuko.”

She gulped hearing her name. “S-sorry.” is all that she can say.

A sigh reached her ears though it’s from the other side of the door. It was a sign of surrender from the one inside but her heart beat is still as rampant as it is a while ago. Thoughts were submerged over memories of the past as she gazed terrified towards the PSP on the couch, head turned. The door slowly opened, arms draped over her shoulders. “I can’t complain. I know it’s work.” Whispers warmed her ears. “It just upsets me that our time alone is lessening.”

Yuko raised both of her hands to meet Haruna’s, intertwining their fingers and played with it. “We just have to make the most out of it.” she answered. Feeling the tall girl’s fingers, she gulped before giving off a smile that hides nerves. “I’ll make up for the time you waited for me.”

“M-hmm.” the tall girl shake her head sidewards in disagreement. “I know you’re tired.” a whisper so warm that reaches her ear. “Just...”

“No. I wanna make up for it.” the short girl insist on a sweeter tone, turning around to meet the tall one’s eyes. “Let me-”

“Yuuchan.” the older girl interrupted using the back of her palm to cover the younger one’s lips without letting go of Yuko’s interlocked fingers. “Don’t worry about it.” words come to her ears, warm and breathy.

She wasn’t just lost for words. She felt forbidden to utter a reply as her lips were sealed with another pair of plump, warm muscles from the tall one. It was one of those that only moans of delight can escape her throat. Her head was getting filled with words which shouts for wait but the feeling of her girlfriends’ lips devouring her mouth alter the words in her brain into something else. Deeper, it says.

Then she felt the fingers on hers let go. Her eyes which were closed by the kiss re-opened like she woke up from a dream. Heart beating faster, and the insides of her body getting too excited to coordinate on what she wanted to do. Haruna’s arms now wrapped her body, the kiss went deeper making her step back a little. Their lips parted an inch, maybe two. But her eyes was held prisoned by the gaze from the tall one. Again she gulped and smiled nervously.


“Merry Christmas.” the tall one interrupted again, pushing Yuko’s back to seek support from the wall.


 :nervous :nervous :nervous :nervous :nervous
« Last Edit: January 01, 2014, 06:54:46 PM by freakymonday »
---++[ "It's unfortunate that there was a misunderstanding. After all, as far as Yuko is concerned, the 'you' in 'no one but you' refers to me," ]++---

Offline Tam_atsu

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (OS: PSP - 2013 Christmas Special)
« Reply #167 on: December 26, 2013, 05:44:14 AM »
i waited for you.. for 'so long' xD im glad you're back and i read your fic already its so great just like the others!  :wub: :lol: :deco: but.. i prefer if you continue that scene ya know the one when they reach the bed... loljk :inlove: :heart: :heart:
its really cute and great but i dont know the part why did yuuchan ask if nyan nyan played and how many hours?  :?

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (OS: PSP - 2013 Christmas Special)
« Reply #168 on: December 29, 2013, 02:37:24 AM »
YO!! Finished reading all yours fanfics and the're all so damn awesome!!
I love them all~ kojiyuu just to cuuute~~ XD
just love to read alot of fiction story

Offline freakymonday

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (OS: PSP - 2013 Christmas Special)
« Reply #169 on: December 31, 2013, 06:43:08 PM »
Yuko just announced her graduation and i still can't..... nooo~

T_T) i don't think i can finish my stories anymore~ :(
---++[ "It's unfortunate that there was a misunderstanding. After all, as far as Yuko is concerned, the 'you' in 'no one but you' refers to me," ]++---

Offline atsukojiyuu_C

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (OS: PSP - 2013 Christmas Special)
« Reply #170 on: December 31, 2013, 11:09:45 PM »

My number one love, my all.....
The mighty squirrel just announced her graduation (╥﹏╥) *stab *stab *stab *cut *cut
Yes, regeneration is happening.. But for yuko to grad, my heart just can't..

As much as my sorrow, but please don't stop writing, freakymonday-san..
Don't let kojiyuu die, even they gotta separated (●̮̮﹏●̮̮)
I love all of your stories, honestly my fave kojiyuu stories is yours :(

Let's stand for kojiyuu, onegai >_<

Offline freakymonday

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My KojiYuu Story (OS: On A Warm Place - Valentine's Drabble)
« Reply #171 on: February 18, 2014, 04:30:24 AM »
A/N: This is pretty late but... yeah. Better late than never. Just a drabble for the Valentines I wanna share but I do hope you like it.

But before everything, I would like to thank all those who pushed that 'thank you' button~ :jphip: love you all!! :nervous.. I'm happy for the continuous support~~ :panic:

And thank you to all who commented!! Very much appreciated~ :onionwhip: helps me grow and kept me motivated~ :glasses: so thank you! :kneelbow:

@Tam_atsu thank you!! and for the follow!
@deguchi i strongly believe kojiyuu is the cutest couple you can find. Sweet and innocent.
@atsukojiyuu_C yes. kojiyuu forever! <3

... this is really short though.

On A Warm Place

Arms extended high up the dark sky adorned with the twinkling stars. Visions towards her hand reaching for the nights’ diamonds blurred by tears residing on the edges of her eyes. Fronting a smile beneath a longing she forever wonders an existence in her.

“So this is how it feels.” words echoed from her lips to her ears. “To spend this day with you so far away.”

The wind blows cold and seeping. Memories of the past seemed trapped in a maze inside her head to find its way out. Bumping on every walls of her brain with hopes that maybe breaking the way out would work, these distant pasts continued to hammer her bank of thoughts.

“No homemade chocolates from you today, huh?” the smile on her face hasn’t left yet. “Or a heart-shaped cake made only for me.”

Eyes shut out as a voice from the past enters her ears. No one’s there but herself and that thought of cat-woman whispering gently onto her sensitive lobes about the present prepared with her in mind. It stings; her ears, her lips, her head, her heart. It turned into a fist before it descends to rest over her chest, pulling it closer to the beating muscle trapped inside her.

“So this is how it would hurt next Valentine’s Day... since I’ll be graduating and will be away.”

Air made its way into her lungs, cycled for a bit before it slowly exits through her mouth shakily. The sound of birds chirping at this hour of the night accompanies her silent moment. Her mouth lipped her name, repeatedly, pronouncing it longingly heavier each time over and over. Tears just started flowing out.

“I miss you.” she whispered a little louder than any of the words she has muttered.

Brows get closer but separated by a cringed skin in between. Her eyes opened small, glaring madly at the sides over nothing in particular. Lips that were gently spelling out her name moments ago transformed into a pout of question and annoyance. Clenches tightened, shaking involuntarily.

“You... Why did you go on a vacation without me, Idiot!?” her voice raise a little. “Why did you have to go somewhere so far today?! It’s...” rising a little more. “It’s Valentine’s Day!” She shouted. “It’s Valentine’s Day ‘you hear me?!!” there was no hint of madness but annoyance. “It was supposed to be our day together you airhead!!”

Another ball of air seep out of her mouth that was dug deeply from within her lungs. Eyes now overlooking the city lights, the looks on it sharpen even more towards the sight in front of her.

“You should’ve at least left me a chocolate!!” she shouted loud without any care. “Or a kiss.” a word she pronounced in contrast with the last one.


“Ara~” smile stretched her lips. “Yuuchan commented about my IG post through her blog.” She giggled excitedly, imagining the girl’s face.

Bearing that giggly feeling, she went out to play with the sand under the high sun, took pictures of the deep blue sea, and herself enjoying the place.

After running around the beach and exploring the place all day, tiredness finally knocks on her. As she drag herself back to her hotel room adorned with fresh flowers partnered with a nature feel sheets covering her bed and couch. She grabbed the nearest pillow and slumped herself on the comfort of the inviting couch.

“Ahh~ I should’ve brought Yuuchan along.” She murmured. “She’ll definitely love the place.”

Rolling and lying down on her back, she gave a sigh before resting her arm on top of her eyes. The grin that was possessing her lips earlier transformed to something straight and emotionless.  Soon seen softly biting her lower lip to hide the smile of regret that resonated from her heart, water streams down from underneath her arm.

“I’m so sure I wanted to bring you along.” She whispered talking to herself. “Why didn’t I?”

Days before that came rushing to her head. That dilemma of bringing her along or not sends her to a week of sleepless nights and lost appetite. Bothered by the busy schedule of the shorter girl to ask her out and the feeling of not wanting to keep the young one to skip work just because she wanted to get together, she ended up not asking at all.

“I miss you, Yuuchan.”

Unveiling her eyes from the arms that covers it reveals still teary orbs. She shook her head while standing up, dragging her whole body to bath. Not only does she look tired and heavy, but an aura of dissatisfaction succumbs her.

“If only you’ve shown me at least a little act of wanting to be with me…” she talks to herself in a low tone. “…I could’ve gathered the confidence to ask you out.”

She releases a big ball of breath that seems to be hiding deep inside her lungs.

“Then maybe I could’ve given you a homemade chocolate today like before.”She shut the door of the shower room lightly.“…or a Valentine’s kiss maybe.” She murmured sighing. “Yuuchan, you idiot.”

---++[ "It's unfortunate that there was a misunderstanding. After all, as far as Yuko is concerned, the 'you' in 'no one but you' refers to me," ]++---

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My KojiYuu Story (OS: PSP - 2013 Christmas Special)
« Reply #172 on: February 27, 2014, 10:01:13 AM »
one of the best kojiyuu fanfics i've read so far (Somewhere between friendship and love). sad but a very nice story. :)
« Last Edit: February 27, 2014, 10:20:10 AM by ainivel »

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (OS: PSP - 2013 Christmas Special)
« Reply #173 on: July 02, 2015, 02:04:05 PM »
I found this while i was googling about kojiyuu, i read it all in one night and damn you, i love you and i hate you!!!!
nyannyan  :cry:  :banghead:

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (OS: PSP - 2013 Christmas Special)
« Reply #174 on: June 10, 2016, 11:38:03 AM »
author san
I read it and it keeps in my heart.. and I even mention it on the kojiyuu fanfic reader/writer as my first fav fic.
I really touched by the story and how you describe each of kojiyuu feeling to each other. the romance and the sadness..
haruna's death is very surprising, unexpected.
I agree that haruna couldn't live without yuko but yuko can live for haruna and their dream.
it's a beautiful fic. thank you and wish you make another complete kojiyuu with the end they live happily ever after  :hip smile:

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