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Author Topic: The Doctor's Lover [MaYuki] [Chapter 3]  (Read 8593 times)

Offline Wmatsui22

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The Doctor's Lover [MaYuki] [Chapter 3]
« on: April 15, 2013, 10:01:13 AM »
The Doctor's Lover


To Yuki Kashiwagi, a graduating botany student,

Dr. Mayu Watanabe had been an idol for her.

But the real Mayu Watanabe, irritable and insulting, he left her in tears of frustrated rage.

Nothing was more important to Dr. Watanabe than his botanical

research, and he certainly seemed to have had his fill of adoring young students.

As an intern at Watanabe’s private research institute in Tokyo, Yuki won his respect.

Now if she could only convince him that there was room in his life for both work and love.

A/N: Please leave a comment. Thank You :D
« Last Edit: May 08, 2013, 08:32:34 AM by Wmatsui22 »

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Re: The Doctor's Lover [MaYuki]
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2013, 11:16:29 AM »
Mayuki  :luvluv1: :shy2:
My favourite pair..haha  :whistle: :nya:

Please continue the story :kneelbow:

I want to read more about it especially it about doctor Mayuyu ..   :mon inluv:

please also updated your other story too :mon pray2:
Become AKB fan after watching AKB0048.
Oshimen : Takamina and Mayu
Favorite pair : TakaAstu, Mayukirin, KumiYuria, Wmatsui, JirinaMayu etc.
(After reading the fanfic, my favorite pair just keep increasing :( )

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Re: The Doctor's Lover [MaYuki]
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2013, 06:08:33 PM »
Nice start :thumbsup

I wonder how the MaYuki will work out although Dr. Mayu has to be a cool cat under pressure :nervous
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Offline mayuki_daisuki

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Re: The Doctor's Lover [MaYuki]
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2013, 11:33:02 PM »
CONTINUE PLEASE !! :cow: :bow:
My kami-oshi is Mayuyu, and my oshimen is Oku Manami.

Offline cisda83

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Re: The Doctor's Lover [MaYuki]
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2013, 03:04:29 AM »
Nice prologue...

Can't wait to see your story start...

You always make a great story...

So this is going to be another interesting one to enjoy

Thank you for the prologue

 :wub: :inlove: :heart: :love:

Offline ryeangryu

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Re: The Doctor's Lover [MaYuki]
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2013, 03:49:51 AM »
Yes Mayuki! <3

lol, nice prologue

can't wait to see how this story going to start ^__^

this is going to be interesting hehe


Offline leEwẬy

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Re: The Doctor's Lover [MaYuki]
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2013, 03:03:48 PM »
Another Mayuki fic from you :on woohoo:
Nice prologue :on GJ:
Wonder what'll happen :dunno:
Update soon, please :kneelbow:
Working on translating an awesome Kojiyuu fanfic, right now ☆〜(ゝ。∂) :mon beam:

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Re: The Doctor's Lover [MaYuki]
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2013, 05:40:54 PM »
Yuki, show us how to win over Dr Watanabe's  :heart:
Visit my FFs:
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My Little Brother Can't Be This Cute!

Derailed - OS featuring Aya x Nao

Offline Wmatsui22

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Re: The Doctor's Lover [MaYuki]
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2013, 07:41:50 AM »
Doctor’s Lover

A/N: Hello. Thanks for reading and commenting the Prologue and I will update now the chapter 1. I hope you guys like it. Warning: It’s too long ;)
Thank You Also For This People Who Leave A Comment! :D

Chapter 1

As Yuki deftly removed the cork from the bottle of burgundy, her ears caught the faint whine of airplane’s engine. With the sound her heart suddenly raced. Only one guest was scheduled to arrive at the inn by chartered plane that evening, and that was Dr. Mayu Watanabe. It had to be him!  Her dark black eyes sparkled with glee and excitement. This time tomorrow, incredible as it seemed, she’d be out in the rain forest... Actually collecting botanical specimens with him! It was the dream of a lifetime.
With reluctance Yuki brought her mind back to a more immediate reality. “I think you’ll find this dry enough,” she said, concentrating with some difficulty as she poured half an inch of wine into the glass.
The middle-aged man swirled the dark liquid, sniffed it with his eyes rapturously closed, and then took a small sip. “Delightful,” he said after a moment. She bit back a smile. It was quite a tribute to the house wine at three dollars fifty a bottle, but his female companion seemed duly impressed. Yuki poured a glass for her, then filled the man’s and set the bottle down on the table.
With all of her customers attended to for the moment, she headed to the distant empty section of the restaurant to peer through the big windows at Lake, its muted blue sparkling in the remnants of patchy evening sunlight. Pretending to straighten an already perfect setting on the corner table, Yuki watched as the little, blue-and-white Cessna 210, fitted with pontoons, landed smoothly on the placid lake. It slowed, turned and taxied towards the Kagoshima Inn’s wooden dock.
Only one person emerged from the plane: a not so tall, a not so broaden-shouldered man who jumped down from the Cessna’s doorway on the dock with athletic ease. Yuki waited for someone else to follow him; certainly this wasn’t the world-renowned botanist. He was too young, too.... too...
While she watched, Acchan, a fellow part-time waitress, appeared at her side. They saw the not so tall man swing a suit bag over his shoulder, then with his free hand take the large, loaded backpack the pilot pushed off the plane to him. He walked off the dock and up the pathway across the sloping lawn, carrying the pack easily in one hand, as if it weighed a five pounds not fifty. The path, which led to the lobby entrance, skirted the dining room so they got a good look at him as he walked by.
“That’s Dr. Watanabe?” Acchan whispered, her cute face suddenly filled with envy. “You’ve been holding out on me, Yuki Kashiwagi!” she complained ruefully. “I had no idea your idol was so attractive or I would have paid more attention when you raved about him”
“I didn’t rave, and he’s not my idol” Yuki whispered back warmly. To be honest, of course, he was,  but Acchan, who was her roommate at college and who was rarely serious about anything, would tease her unmercifully if she admitted it. “As you very we know” Yuki added, looking at her friend, “It’s just that he’s one of Japan’s most eminent botanists, and I admire and respect his work. And that’s all”.
Actually, Yuki was more than a bit surprised by Watanabe’s looks. If she’d  thought about his appearance—which she hadn’t thought of it, being more interested in the scientist than the man—she might have hazarded a guess that he’d be meek-looking and retiring man with a shallow chest—the results  of long hours hunched over a microscope.
Whatever she had imagined, it wasn’t this virile-looking 5’2 feet or  so of lean male in his early twenties, with thick, deep dark black coloured hair, who moreover, dressed in an expensive and well tailored white sleeve with matching cute necktie and a black slacks. The man radiated an overwhelming aura of sophistication—casual, confident sophistication and wealth. She might have guessed about the wealth, if she’d given it any thought. Anyone who established and supported his own private research institute had to have a money. Lot of it.
“Well, he’s so yummy Your very lucky Yuki to get to go on a trip with that man for three whole days!,” Acchan drawled, as they watched the object of their fervent attention disappear into the lobby doorway. Then unable to keep a straight face any longer, because her friend, usually so calm and collected, looked positively flustered and she broke into a broaden smile. “I’m just teasing, Yuki. He’s all yours. But I hope you’re at least going to introduce me if you get the chance. He’s bound to have some absolutely divine friends.
“Acchan, really” Yuki whispered in not-quite-convincing indignation. “The only thing about Dr. Mayu Watanabe that interest me in the least is his brain!”
As Mayu Watanabe strode through the old-fashioned traditional style lobby, he toyed with the idea of skipping  a hot dinner and having a sandwich and a scotch sent up to his room instead. He smiled wryly, Nana, his matronly lab technician was right. He was turning into a recluse. “Furthermore” she had said, “you’re working yourself to death. You need a break—a change of scene, even if it’s just a couple of days”.
“Look, Nana, I’ve just made a breakthrough in my research” he answered, trying to rub the tension out of his temples and wishing she’d leave him alone so he could get on with his work. “I need to follow it up. By the way, have you phoned round yet to find me a local mycologists who’s familiar with the Kagoshima rain forest? I need that assortment of fresh plant material as soon as possible”.
“Of course, I did, but I could  only find a kind” Nana said, her tone doubtful, “a student from Kagoshima University, who was raised at Kagoshima Lake and is supposed to be quite knowledgeable—and who has a brother who joined the Japanese Army. The brother—Jurina Kashiwagi. Mayu let out a heavy sighed. It had been months since he’d done any of his own field work, and he missed it. Certainly now that his research was taking him into mycology, an area of botany he knew relatively little about as yet, he really could stand to get some first-hand collecting experience. And, of course, there was the lure of that clean, cool, unpopulated forest.
“I’ve given you a third-floor room, very quiet with a view of the lake” said the young man with modish wire rimmed glasses, as he handed Mayu who brought back his soul at spacing out a key. “The dining-room’s open until nine, and you won’t need a reservation. Our summer season’s over now, no more crowds”
“Thank You” Mayu said coldy
Wet as it was, Mayu reflected with satisfaction that the climate was ideal for at least one thing: mycology, the study of that teeming family of primitive  plants lacking of chlorophyll such as mushrooms, which had drawn him here and had injected such an exciting new note into his research. The climate was good for something else, too, he mused a while later when he walked into the dining-room: protecting a delicate complexion from the roughening effect of too much sun. Standing at the entrance, waiting to be seated, his eyes had fallen-and stayed-on a tall, slender young woman. He stood rooted, his mind suddenly far away from mushroom and chlorophyll. He supposed: her nose was a shade of too short, her mouth a trifle too generous to label her a classic beauty. Still, her complexion is like a pure snow, her sensual red lips, and her long, raven black hair. The name tag, the simple white blouse with a matching blazer and a brown wrap over skirt that marked her as one of the waitress. Her hairstyle: all that lovely, thick hair was pulled severely back and held by a clip at the nape of her neck. The sudden, strong desire to walk up to her and free her hair so that he could see what it looked like spilling over her shoulders. Mayu frowned slightly, he had no wish to become involved with anyone. He didn’t have time for it. And he was past the age when  quick one-night stands held any attraction for him. Not that this young woman looked like the type who would jump into bed with a man at the first meeting. He only sighed. There was an air of youthful innocence about her, although obviously she had to be old enough to work in a restaurant that served alcohol. No doubt it was merely the refreshing and unusual absence of heavy make-up on her  face that made her seem so fresh and dewy. Innocence was quite out of fashion these days, even here in kagoshima.
His deepening frown made the young woman realise she was staring. With a wash of delicate colour flooding her cheeks, she turned quickly away and hurriedly reached for a nearby coffee pot, and then was off refilling the coffee cups of the remaining customers.
“It will be interesting” He evilly smirked


I am a fan of AkB48.

I really love their songs.

I really like their fan fiction.

Offline cisda83

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Re: The Doctor's Lover [MaYuki]
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2013, 03:02:34 PM »
Wah.. indeed.... Mayu seems to not interesting in relationship...

But Mayu seems to be interested a bit to the girl that standing in his entrance...

Who was it...? Yuki?

Can't wait to find out next

Thank you for the lovely update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline kuro808

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Re: The Doctor's Lover [MaYuki]
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2013, 03:11:10 PM »
Mayu is a well educated male who wants to not get into flings although Yuki is probably thinking of the same
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Offline Chanaline

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Re: The Doctor's Lover [MaYuki]
« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2013, 09:24:36 PM »
Well, it seems really interesting! I want to know what will happen!!! :D
Mayuki = Cutest couple

Married?!-Mayuki fanfic (maybe it will have another pair)

Offline mayuki_daisuki

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Re: The Doctor's Lover [MaYuki]
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2013, 09:59:02 PM »
thanx for the update :cow: :bow:
My kami-oshi is Mayuyu, and my oshimen is Oku Manami.

Offline leEwẬy

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Re: The Doctor's Lover [MaYuki]
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2013, 03:29:14 PM »
It's really long :ding:
Mayu kinda not interested in relationship :hehehe:
Who is the girl standing in his entrace? :dunno:
Maybe it's Yuki :kekeke:
Can't wait to know what'll happen next :on lol:
Anyway, update soon, please :kneelbow:
Working on translating an awesome Kojiyuu fanfic, right now ☆〜(ゝ。∂) :mon beam:

Offline ryeangryu

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Re: The Doctor's Lover [MaYuki]
« Reply #14 on: April 20, 2013, 08:53:28 AM »
ah, this story is really interesting!

i wonder what's going to happen next ? o:

update soon~ c: & your other amazing fanfics ^__^

Thank you for the update!


Offline Wmatsui22

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The Doctor's Lover [MaYuki] [Chapter 2]
« Reply #15 on: April 26, 2013, 10:49:19 AM »
Doctor's Lover

A/N: Hi Guys!  I really appreciate it and I also inspired to write the next chapter because of your wonderful comment. Thank You very much..

Ryeangryu: Hi. Ryeangryu-san, thank you for commenting in all of my fanfics! :D
Leeway: Hi. Leeway-san, thanks for the comment. I really like the emoticons that you used :D... The girl standing in the entrance is Yukirin. Your guess is right.. :D
Mayuki_Daisuki: Hi. Mayuki_Daisuki-san,  thanks for the comment...:D
Chanaline: Hi. Chanaline-san, thanks for the comment...:D
Kurosawa87: Hi. Kurosawa87-san, thanks for the comment and review of the chapter..:D
Cisda83: Hi. Cisda83-san, thanks for the comment... Your guess is right, the girl is Yukirin! :D


Chapter 2

Time: Evening

Dr. Mayu POV

When I looked intensifying at the waitress who have a raven hair, a second waitress quickly went towards me to hand me the menu as if she expected to be bitten by my deathly glare.

“I’m sorry to keep you waiting, sir” she stammered apologetically.

“This way please” she said as she guide me, her light brown eyes  with a fear emotion. Following her to a table near the window, I was relieved that this young woman would be his waitress. Actually, with her genuine look and her short black hair that is perfect in her pretty face, she was attractive enough but she preferred the other waitress because this waitress in front of her was like a common-variety daisy.

As I opening the menu, I just stared at it for a long moment

“Would you care for a cocktail this evening?” This voice was soft and vibrant, sensuous and guileless at the same time. I knew who it belonged to and I suddenly looked up. How did she goes after all? What happened to the cute-like-angel faced waitress? The lines of my mouth thinned with an irrational anger as I looked up to find those very dark eyes gazing at me, quite serene and composed. “Bloody Mary” I said coldly and I clenched my both jaw and display the cyborg looked in my face.

She bite her lip when she saw my expression as she’d been on the verge saying something against me. I smirk in my thoughts.

“I’ll bring it right away” She said as she fled in a very fast way. What did I do that? I almost scared the two waitress in my first day of arrival. Is that the effect of so much stress?

“Have you decided what you’d like to order yet?” The waiter asked me as she put down the drinks

“Do you serve a Fugu dishes?” I asked her

“No, we don’t serve it. Fugu is a very dangerous delicacy and our chef here is, also not familiar in cutting and preparing this dishes” She said as she informed me

“Would you like to like try our Salmon delicacy? It is called Blue-Black” Her voice is husky filled with nervousness. My eyes flicked to her name tag and I suppressed a killer smile.

“Yukirin...” I murmured unconsciously and she looked surprised at me and I cursed myself for saying her name in that way

“Pardon Sir? Anyway, it’s caught in the lake of Kagoshima and it’s quite delicious” she said tentatively

“It’s sounds fine and I want a glass of milk to go with it” I said as my face turned into shade of red due to embarrassment

“A glass of M—Milk?” She said as she widen her eyes, her jaw down and her mouth agape. If I am not embarrassed right now, I would like to laughed to her precious reaction, I can name her a beautiful reaction queen

“Ah. Right away sir.” She said as she immediately leave my table. I only sighed at my silly order. I get my notebook that
contain an information about botanical flowers. I searched the meaning of Snow Flower. Yukirin means a Snow as pure as white. However, Snow Flower is only found in northern part of Siberia. This flower is also rare and difficult to find but when you saw it bloom, it’s like a grand prize to saw it bloom beautifully like her.

When she returned with the glass of milk and put it in the table. Sipping my glass of milk and ignore the Bloody Mary wine, I stared reflectively at the window. As soon as I made a start on my new phase of work, I will be very busy in a week and after that I will have a great vacation. It will be more fun if I have a female companionship. I think Risa would fulfil my stresses nicely. Risa,  with her long curly blonde hair, sexy body and elegance in nature. I think if I called her, she will immediately arranged it as soon as possible.

The young raven-haired woman with her waitress costume, who had  unknowingly caused these unexpected reflections, reappeared at his table. I was aware of her strawberry cake fragrance as she reached out to move the crystal water-glass slightly to make the room for a miniature breadboard on which sat a small, brown wheat meal loaf and a dish of butter squares. Setting the board down next to his opened notebook she accidentally hit his full milk glass, toppling it over and snapping the stem. I snatched quickly my notebook out of the path of the spreading liquid just in time.

“Damn!” I muttered loudly. As soon as she’d heard it, she apologized quickly. I didn’t meant to swear at her and it was my partly my fault: his notebook hadn’t left her much room. Not that totally explained why a woman who moved so gracefully was so unrelievedly clumsy when it came to serving me.

“Sorry” I said with a smile as she frantically mopped up the spilled milk. “No harm done. First day on the job?”

Pink stained her cheeks as she finished cleaning the spill milk and then picked up the pieces of glass. “No,... and honestly I’m not usually this awkward. I’ll bring you a new glass and some more milk”

“Okay. Thank You. I really need to boost my energy to the early start of my work tomorrow” I said to her

“I—er—“ Yukirin stopped for a second, biting her lower lip in anxiety. This didn’t seem the right time to tell him that she was trusty, competent guide. Approaching the subject indirectly, she said “It’s just that it’s exciting to see you in person, Dr. Watanabe Mayu. I’ve read your book and all of your articles and I admire your work so....”

Amazed at her knowing who he was—pictures of authors rarely appear on the backs of scholarly book jackets or in journals, and I never allowed public tours of his institute.

“I’m flattered. Not many people spend their spare time curled up with articles on botany. Certainly you’re the first waitress I’ve met who has”

“Oh, I’m only a waitress at weekends” Yukirin explained, adoration leaping into her eyes. “I’m a botany student at Kagoshima University. So is Acchan—the other waitress. Your work on increased food crop productivity is the most significant research anybody has done in botany in seven years” “You’re a tremendous inspiration to me....I mean us...” Yukirin says as her face is now shade of pink

Mayu’s blood froze; he remembered the last time he’d had a conversation with a young student with hero worship in her eyes.
“That’s nice. I wish both of you luck with your studies” My dark eyes become more darker had turned as cold as streams in the mountains of Lake Kagoshima.”Shouldn’t my dinner be ready by now?” I asked her

“I’ll go and check” Yuki replied calmly but Mayu could see the hurt and confusion in those beautiful expressive dark eyes
He had meant his words to be like a slap in the face, and as rotten as it made him feel, he couldn’t have himself. When you nipped things in the bud, as any botanist knew,  it was no time to be gentle.

As she returned, her eyes is still hurt and before she put in the table, her grip loosen and the newly cook dished that I order is fall in my........



I am a fan of AkB48.

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Re: The Doctor's Lover [MaYuki] [Chapter 2]
« Reply #16 on: April 26, 2013, 11:03:02 AM »
"fall on my..." LAPTOP???  :shocked :shocked

Mayu sounds like he doesn't like being admired?  :?

Interesting!  :jphip:
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Offline cisda83

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Re: The Doctor's Lover [MaYuki] [Chapter 2]
« Reply #17 on: April 26, 2013, 11:13:31 AM »
Ara... Mayu is quite rude toward the waitresses...

Why..? Is it because Mayu is shy?

Ah... Mayu is even worse after knowing that Yuki is a student in the same department as he is.

Where did the meal drop to...? His notebook... or his lap?

Whichever is great... he is a bit rude... and he kept making Yuki uncomfortable... and jumpy..

What's going to happen to Yuki...?

Would she get fired?

How about Mayu... would he be so angry that he would treat Yuki even worse than before?

Can't wait to find out

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline kuro808

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Re: The Doctor's Lover [MaYuki] [Chapter 2]
« Reply #18 on: April 26, 2013, 04:41:54 PM »
I could imagine how the next chapter shall start XD

So Yukirin and Acchan are botany students and to meet a person of great importance would help them greatly for their studies
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: The Doctor's Lover [MaYuki] [Chapter 2]
« Reply #19 on: April 26, 2013, 05:52:19 PM »
Mayu is quite a nasty customer  :twisted:in the restaurant. haha. And a bit too insensitive. Poor yukirin.  :cry:

Hope somehow Mayu will have some setbacks to pull him down from his current high status and let yukirin go heal his heart...that'll be great lesson for him and a chance of romance for her.  :deco:
Visit my FFs:
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The Foreigner Husband and The Traditional Wife (Wmatsui)

[Short OS] "Puppy" Love (Pairings: JR + YH)

My Little Brother Can't Be This Cute!

Derailed - OS featuring Aya x Nao

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