arawche079 = Yea~
sasshirie = They're cute right? :3
Yurena = Mayuki shipper eh? >

shanju = Ah. Thank you kind soul.

rindg = AHAHAHAHA. It's a little OOC right?

Korisu29 = Here is the next one!
jhom_09 = Yes yes. After all, Kojiyuu is my favorite too~

cisda83 = Well, sorry for the long wait! Here is the next chapter!
Hello people! First things first, sorry for not updating for the past two weeks.

Have been a little busy as I went to Hat Yai, Thailand for a family trip.
Anyhow, here is the long awaited chapter!
Chapter 6Back in Yuko's office.About an hour later, the two got back to work before Haruna decided to take a break.
"Yuko~" Haruna called out as Yuko turned her attention to Haruna.
"What is it?" Yuko asked as she closed the lid of her laptop, giving her cat her full attention.
"You don't have to stress yourself too much you know.. Takamina is capable of helping you now." Yuko nodded her head as she leaned back in her seat, tapping her lap, gesturing for Haruna to sit there.
Haruna complied and sat herself comfortably on Yuko's lap.
Yuko in turned wrapped her arms around Haruna and pulled her in, resting her head on Haruna's chest.
A muffled I know was heard as Haruna sighed but gently stroke Yuko's hair.
"But I still can't seem to be at ease.." Yuko looked up from her position before leaning back.
Haruna stared at Yuko with a questioning gaze as she pondered on the reasons as to why is Yuko feeling uneasy.
"I mean, it's not that I don't trust Takamina or even Mayu. I know that they are capable enough to handle the club. It's just that..." Yuko let out another sighed as she gathered her thoughts.
"Are you sure it isn't just you being too attached to the club?" Haruna supplied as Yuko smiled a little and squeeze Haruna by the waist, eliciting a high-pitched squeak from her.
"Yuuchan~!" Haruna pouted as Yuko smirked before getting back to her serious mode.
"Maybe I am but..." Yuko played with the hem of Haruna's shirt, buying time for her to think.
Haruna stayed silent giving her squirrel time to sort her thoughts. She couldn't help but smile fondly at Yuko's nervous actions.
"I just don't want them to take over the business because they feel needed to do so. For example." Yuko made air quotes before starting.
" 'Oh, I have to work for Yuko-kaasan and Haruna-kaasan to return the favor. After all, they did take us in, giving us shelter, food education and all.' "
Haruna nodded her head in understanding.
"You don't want them to feel forced or indebted to us?" Haruna tilted her head to the side as she asked.
"Why, aren't you getting better at understanding things. Air head." Yuko teased as Haruna pinched Yuko's nose hardly.
Yuko squealed and apologized as Haruna stood up from Yuko's lap.
Haruna moved the laptop away before opting to sit on the table instead.
Yuko pouted at the distance before grinning inwardly, moving her chair towards the table. Or to be exact, Haruna.
Haruna sweat-dropped at the new position they were in.
"Are you mad?" Yuko asked as Haruna ignored her, whilst picking up a folder and randomly flipping through it.
"Nyan nyan? I'm sorry for calling you an air head?" Yuko reached out and held Haruna's hands in hers.
"I was being serious." Haruna pouted, putting the folder back on to the table as Yuko stood up and peck Haruna on her lips.
"I couldn't resist not teasing you. I'm sorry." Yuko apologized once more as Haruna sighed and wrapped her arms around Yuko's neck.
"Idiot.." Yuko rubbed the back of her head sheepishly before placing her hands on Haruna's waist.
"Anyway, what you said earlier on was true. I don't want them to take over the club just because they feel indebted to us.
If they personally have something else they want to pursue, I won't mind letting them go ahead. I don't want to tie them down."
Haruna pulled Yuko in, giving her a reassuring kiss on the lips.
"We'll talk to the both of them about this matter soon, okay?" Yuko nodded her head as Haruna grinned widely.
"Oh oh! I wonder how is Takamina's date going." Haruna stated nonchalantly.
"I hope it goes well for her.." Yuko stated with a smile on her face.
"Oh oh! Did you know Sayaka went for a short trip, leaving Mayu to be in charge of the dojo." Haruna once again added nonchalantly.
Yuko's eyes widen in surprised.
"Was Mayu-chan informed beforehand?" Yuko asked as Haruna shook her head.
"I don't think Sayaka mentioned anything to Mayu. She asked me to keep it a secret from her." Haruna stated as Yuko nodded her head in understanding before shaking her head.
"What's wrong?" Haruna asked, still not understanding as to why Yuko shook her head.
"You do remember that Mayu-chan doesn't like to be informed on duties or responsibilities at the last minute, right?" Yuko asked as Haruna stared blankly at her.
The two continued to stare and a few seconds later Haruna's mouth formed an 'O'.
"I forgot." Haruna stated as Yuko face palmed.
"I guess you never did change much huh." Yuko once again teased as Haruna glared at her.
"In a good way." Yuko quickly added, giving Haruna a quick peck on the lips.
Their moment was interrupted when Yuko's phone rang.
"Yuko-kaasan, is Haruna-kaasan with you too?" Mayu's voice could be heard from the other side as Yuko sweat dropped.
"M-Mayu-chan. Yes, Nyan nyan is with me. Give me a second to turned on the loudspeaker." Yuko pressed on the loudspeaker before asking Mayu to go on.
"Do you two have any idea where did Sayaka-sensei went?" Yuko could hear that Mayu's voice was still somewhat calm and composed, which was... unusual.
"I do not know where is she.." Yuko answered as she glanced at Haruna who did a X sign with her hands.
"Nyan nyan doesn't know either." Yuko answered for Haruna as Mayu raised an eyebrow.
"Why can't Haruna-kaasan answer my question herself?" Mayu questioned as the two looked at one another with a surprised gaze before Yuko came up with an idea, grinning perversely.
"She's kinda busy at the moment. She's physically with me but you know.. We just had-"
"Okay. Understood! No need for further elaboration." Mayu stated as Yuko inwardly laughed as Haruna turned red, staring at Yuko's incredulous reasoning.
"Why are you looking for Sayaka?" Yuko asked, pretending to not know what's going on.
"Oh, she just left me in charge without informing beforehand so I was wondering when will she be back and all." Mayu stated, still in her calm voice as it was Yuko's turned to raise an eyebrow.
"I can help you check on her. But are you okay? You seem rather fine with the last minute responsibility that was dumped to you?" Yuko asked as Mayu sighed.
"Hmm.. I guess this time it was fine." Mayu said as Yuko's eyes widen in surprised.
"Heh.. Mayu-chan, something good must have happened. Tell me about it." Yuko asked as Mayu felt herself sweat dropped.
"It's nothing much." Mayu answered as Yuko pushed on.
"There must be something to make you not mad about the situation you are in." Yuko added as Mayu sighed.
"I'll tell you tonight, when everyone is present." Mayu said as Yuko nodded her head before humming in agreement.
"Okay, I'll see you tonight." Yuko bid.
"Oh, kaasan. Don't tire Haruna-kaasan too much okay?" Mayu teased as Yuko laughed while Haruna, after listening to the conversation, decided to defend herself.
"Mayu-chan-" Yuko clamped Haruna's mouth shut, gently as she bid goodbye to Mayu and ended the call.
"Why did you stop me from talking?" Haruna asked with a pout on her face.
"No reason.." Yuko said nonchalantly as Haruna groaned.
"Idiot.." Haruna huffed as she went back over to her desk.
"But I'm your idiot." Yuko moved her eyebrows suggestively as Haruna sighed.
"Yes yes. Now let's get back to work." Haruna stated as Yuko reluctantly complied.
At that night"So.. How are things going on, Takamina?" Yuko asked as the family sat down at the dinning table.
"W-Well..." Takamina blushed hard before gathering her courage.
"A-Atsuko and I are currently d-dating.." Takamina said with a sheepish grinned as the two mothers and Mayu cheered and clapped for her.
"Wow.. You did it Takamina-neesan. Congratulations!" Mayu grinned as she gave her a thumbs up.
"I'm so proud of you~ You did a good job!" Haruna gushed as Yuko just nodded her head with a smile plastered on her face.
"A-Actually, it's all thanks to Yuko-kaasan. Without her words, I wouldn't have the courage to confess to Atsuko." Takamina grinned as she abruptly stood up from her seat.
"Thank you, Yuko-kaasan!" Takamina bowed a 90 degrees, surprising the others.
Yuko laughed and waved it off, asking Takamina to sit back down.
"That wasn't necessary but I'm glad you managed to gather your courage and confess." Yuko gave Takamina a pat on the shoulder before averting her gaze over to Mayu.
Haruna who caught on to Yuko's gaze, decided to asked about her younger daughter.
"Mayu-chan, weren't you upset with the sudden responsibilities that was thrown to you?" Haruna asked as Mayu's eyes widen in surprised at the sudden change of subject. She quickly gathered herself before starting.
"Well, as you all have known. Sayaka-sensei is sometimes very irresponsible." Mayu sighed as she placed her chopsticks down.
"Believe me when I said I was upset. But.." Mayu had a thoughtful expression on as she thought back to the girl name Kashiwagi Yuki.
"There was this girl.. She came in to the dojo, demanding to see the person in charge. I told her that I am currently the person in charge and she got mad and stated that the person in charge was Sayaka-sensei." Mayu stopped halfway looking at the expressions her family members are giving.
"Was she pretty?" Haruna asked nonchalantly as Yuko and Takamina facepalmed.
"Well.. She is. But her attitude was just.. rude?" Mayu ended with a questioning tone as Haruna nodded her head.
Takamina gestured for Mayu to go on and so she did.
"I told her that Sayaka-sensei is currently on a vacation and I have no idea when will she be back. I asked for her name card, stating that I will call her whenever Sayaka-sensei returns." Mayu ended as she picked up her bowl and chopsticks, continuing to eat.
Yuko blinked her eyes in mild shock.
"That's it?" Yuko asked with an eyebrow raised.
"Yes?" Mayu answered, unsure why she was being asked that way.
"So you weren't mad at the last minute responsibilities thrown to you because of a rude person?" Takamina asked in a state of confusion as Mayu thought to herself again.
"It was rather interesting to meet such person." Mayu nonchalantly stated as the others sighed.
"Are you perhaps interested in this girl?" Yuko asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.
"Hmm.. I wonder.." Mayu answered as the other sighed.
"Well, Mayu-chan. Remember to stay calm at all times when dealing with this person." Takamina advised as she continued eating.
"Agreed. It's no use fighting fire with fire." Yuko added as Mayu nodded her head in understanding.
"We'll help you check on Sayaka." Haruna stated as Mayu thanked her before the Oshima family continued with their dinner.
The next dayMayu was wearing her gear as a person burst through the doors of the dojo.
"Why, hello there Kashiwagi-san." Mayu bowed politely as said girl rolled her eyes.
"Is Akimoto Sayaka here?" Yuki tapped her feet impatiently as Mayu ignored the fact that this person just ignored her greeting.
"Unfortunately, no." Mayu sighed as she tighten her gear before diverting her attention to the students who were getting ready for training.
"Kashiwagi-san, please give me a minute." Mayu bowed politely before giving instructions to her students to do their warm up in pairs as she reached for her phone dialing for her mothers.
Yuki on the other hand rolled her eyes in annoyance at the fact that this girl is making her wait. She crossed her arms at her chest and huffed.
"Haruna-kaasan? Did you found out on when is Sayaka-sensei coming back?" Mayu asked as she kept her gaze fixed on the students.
"Hmm? Oh, Yuuchan called Sayaka. Sayaka said she'll be back by today. Apparently it was just a short getaway. She'll probably be back after the class." Mayu nodded her head in understanding before thanking her mother and ending the call.
"Sayaka-sensei will be back by today. You can wait for her outside of the dojo if that's what you prefer." Mayu told Yuki who clicked her tongue before deciding to just wait in here.
Mayu raised an eyebrow in surprised before gesturing for her to sit at the chair that is at the corner.
"No thank you." Yuki coldly answered as Mayu sighed.
"Suit yourself." Mayu bowed before taking her leave and headed over to the group of students. She clapped her hands, gaining the attention of the students.
'Who is she to take over of the dojo when Sayaka is not here.' Yuki thought to herself as she continued to eye the girl with a hard glare.
Yuki continued on standing for about 30 minutes before feeling the pain in her leg.
'I shouldn't have wore high heels.' Yuki silently cursed as she massaged her sore legs.
Mayu who caught sight of the girl sighed to herself.
'Somehow it just isn't right to leave her standing when she is wearing such ridiculous height of heels.' Mayu instructed her students to do a 1 vs 1 fight as the amount of students for the day, wasn't that many.
The students volunteered and soon a the first match was on-going.
Mayu quickly went to the corner and carried the chair over to Yuki who looked slightly taken aback by Mayu's actions.
"As much as you hate me, you don't have to hurt yourself by standing to wait. She'll probably only be back after the training." Mayu placed the chair down, she was about to leave when Yuki's words stopped her in her spot.
"I don't need your kindness." Yuki stated coldly as Mayu made eye contact with her.
"Well, you can't stop me from being kind to others." Mayu gave her a small smile and a polite bow before heading back to the group of students.
Yuki felt her heartbeat increased by the kind actions but she was stubborn alright.
She continued to stand for another 10 minutes before sighing in defeat as her legs protested in pain.
Kashiwagi Yuki, finally allowed herself to sit on the chair that was brought by Mayu.
'Now that I think about it. I don't even know her name..' Yuki thought to herself before she furiously shook her head.
'Why in the world do I need to know her name?' She clicked her tongue in annoyance as she took out her smartphone and played with it.
"Mayu-sensei! Can we have a 1 on 1 with you?" One of the students suggested with a grin.
"Yea yea! Yesterday, you managed to do 7 rounds!" One of the students added enthusiastically.
Soon, all the students agreed and asked for Mayu to comply with their wish.
Mayu sighed as she eyed the student who suggested said activity.
"Alright, but we'll start with you first." Mayu pointed to the student who suggested said activity.
"With pleasure, Mayu." Said student grinned.
The other student settled down in a big circle, excited about the first match.
"It's Matsui Jurina!" One of the students shouted.
Yuki who heard the shouting, turned over to look and was surprised to see the students sitting down on the floor with two people in the middle of the human-made ring.
"Oh oh! The two are Sayaka-sensei's best student!" One of them added.
Everyone quiet down as the two opponents face one another.
"Matsui Jurina desu." Jurina gave a small salute as Mayu smiled.
"Watanabe Mayu." Mayu bowed politely.
The two put on their men (mask) and held their shinai tightly.
This caught Yuki's attention alright. She kept her phone and watched as the match unfold before her eyes.
'Let's see how good you are, Watanabe Mayu.'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Jurina shouted aloud, showing her fighting spirit as Mayu remained silent as she eyed Jurina.
'She'll most probably attacked first if I make her wait a little longer.' Mayu thought to herself.
She was correct alright.
In less than 30 seconds later, Jurina attacked with Uchiotoshi-waza.
Jurina intends to knock Mayu's shinai to the side for her to strike Mayu which will caused Mayu to be off-balance.
However, Mayu manged to read Jurina's movement.
Mayu instantly responded and blocked Jurina from her advances with a firm grip on her shinai with Nuki-waza.
Yuki who was watching the scene unfold, felt impressed that Mayu was able to block Jurina's attack.
Jurina was not surprised though that Mayu managed to block her attack. She wasted no time and attacked again with Katsugi-waza.
Jurina lifted the shinai over her shoulder before striking down on Mayu.
This managed to catch Mayu off guard but she quickly regained her posture.
The two continued to exchange hits with Jurina on attack while Mayu was defending all of Jurina's attack.
'Not attacking huh..' Yuki thought to herself as she eyed the match with much interest.
"C'mon Mayu.. Aren't you going to attack?" Jurina taunt as Mayu remained in her calm composure.
After a few more exchanged in blows Jurina panted as Mayu cracked the bones in her neck causing Jurina to grin.
"Mayu-sensei is getting serious now!!" One of the students cheered excitedly.
"You done?" Mayu teased as Jurina laughed.
"Bring it on!" Mayu inwardly grinned as she gathered herself before muttering under her breath.
"My turn."
The students around them held their breath as they waited in anticipation.
Mayu charged forward with her shinai raised.
Jurina who realized Mayu was about to strike her, she attacked back with Debana-waza.
'What is that girl thinking?! She's wide open!' Yuki thought to herself.
'Maybe she's not as good as I thought she was.' Yuki rolled her eyes in annoyance.
Yuki was about to return her attention to her smartphone but she felt a tap on her shoulder.
Surprised, she looked up to see Sayaka standing there.
"Watch." Sayaka said as Yuki complied and returned her gaze to the fight.
To most of everyone's surprised, Mayu bend her body all the way back, evading Jurina's attack.
The students and Yuki, jaw-dropped at the scene.
'How the heck does she do that? Limbo?' Yuki had her eyes wide opened as she averted her gaze back to Sayaka who had a grinned on her face.
Mayu took the opportunity when Jurina was taken aback, attacking her with Nidan-waza.
Mayu's 'failed first strike' was covered by her second strike which land a strike on her Kote-bu (Padded area of the right wrist protector).
The students around them cheered as the two took of their men.
"Goodness Mayu.. I can't believe you can still do that." Jurina complained as Mayu laughed.
"Never underestimate my flexibility." Mayu winked as Jurina chuckled.
The two bow at one another respectively before Jurina headed to grab her bottle.
"Oh? Sayaka-sensei~" Jurina called as everyone turned their attention over to said person.
The students stood up immediately and bowed a full 90 degrees at Sayaka, showing their respect.
Sayaka bowed back politely before greeting them with a smile.
"We'll end today's training as of now. Mayu, you okay with it?" Sayaka asked as Mayu hummed in reply, giving her an okay sign.
The students bowed and took off their gears and equipment, placing them neatly back at their place.
"Jurina, Mayu. Meet me in the office in 5 minutes time." Sayaka asked as the two nodded their head in understanding.
Yuki was still in a daze as she continued to stare at Mayu.
Mayu removed and kept her gears in her own bag before taking a towel to wipe of her sweat.
"Yukirin, follow me to my room." Sayaka called but she was ignored by Yuki who was in her own world.
'Hmm..' Sayaka raised an eyebrow, surprised that Yuki is spacing out.
'She looks so beautiful..' Yuki thought to herself.
Sayaka rested her hand on top of Yuki's shoulder, snapping her out of her daydream.
She managed to regain her composure and looked questioningly at Sayaka.
"We have some matters to discuss." Sayaka gestured for Yuki to enter her office.
Yuki nodded her head and stood up from her seat.
She took a glance over to Mayu to see Mayu looking a little worriedly at her.
'She cares huh..' Yuki inwardly smile at the thought before she turned red.
'Did I just thought that she is beautiful? Goodness! It doesn't matter if she cares or not!' Yuki groaned aloud causing Sayaka to stop in her tracks.
"You okay? You seem out of it.." Sayaka asked worriedly as Yuki waved it off.
'What is wrong with me?'
And hello again! We'll be seeing more Mayuki in the future for LWTC.
Oh oh! I tried to explain the Kendo moves but it might be a little confusing.

I used Wikipedia to help me on that scene as I myself have 0 knowledge of Kendo.

Anyhow, I hope you like this chapter.
A big thank you to those who took their time to comment on this fic and of course the silent readers as well!