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Author Topic: Love Within The Club - Chapter 9 (Kojiyuu, Mayuki, Atsumina) 23/3/2016  (Read 39563 times)

Offline JoeYee

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Hey there! Yes, I'm still on hiatus but I couldn't stop my mind from thinking of this plot in my head, so here it is. This is the Prologue only, I hope you enjoy it!

Yuko is the owner of the most famous club in town. Due to her friendliness with the customers and also the good policy in the club, Yuko's club is the hottest in town. Haruna on the other hand, is a girl who puts a lot of hope in her love life. What will happen when the two meet?

Well, that's about it.
Right, when I'm officially back, I'll alternate the updates with HAR and Love Within The Club (LWTC) and also OS (If I manage to think of something).
Thank you for reading!
« Last Edit: March 22, 2016, 06:25:53 PM by JoeYee »
Mainly Kojiyuu shipper! But I also enjoy Atsumina, Wmatsui, Mayuki, Marimii, Tomotomo, Yuiparu, Sayamilky.
Well basically the mainstream pairings. :33

Humans and Robots (Kojiyuu + Others) [COMPLETED]

Love Within The Club (Kojiyuu)

→ JoeYee's OS Corner ←

Offline arawche079

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Re: Love Within The Club - Prologue (Kojiyuu)
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2015, 04:53:52 PM »
yes kojiyuu fic......grrrrrrr :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

I'll be waiting for chapter 1
« Last Edit: September 04, 2015, 05:16:57 PM by arawche079 »

Offline dee_arch01

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Re: Love Within The Club - Prologue (Kojiyuu)
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2015, 05:48:35 PM »
Chapter 1 pleaseeee...get update soon

Offline jhom_09

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Re: Love Within The Club - Prologue (Kojiyuu) 5/9/2015
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2015, 03:41:41 AM »

Awww Kojiyuu  :shakeit: :shakeit: :shakeit:

I can't wait anymore, hehehe where's the Chapter 1?  :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

i know your busy Joeyee so i will wait  :cow: :cow: :cow:

Thank you for this awsome Fic.....

Offline hdiwnsyjsgsisbusvs

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Re: Love Within The Club - Prologue (Kojiyuu) 5/9/2015
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2015, 12:06:20 PM »
I hope you have sayamilky on the cast list author san

Offline rindg

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Re: Love Within The Club - Prologue (Kojiyuu) 5/9/2015
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2015, 01:08:15 AM »
Yayy more Kojiyuu  :rock: :rock:

JoeYee-san, you really are my favourite author  :twothumbs

All the fanfics you write are so awesome!  :twothumbs

Thanks and we'll be waiting for chapter 1  :D
No one but Yuko,
Can touch Haruna's body.
Those who ships it, rules.

Check out my fanfictions:
The Only Road To Take
You and I

Offline JoeYee

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Love Within The Club - Chapter 1 (Kojiyuu) 11/9/2015
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2015, 03:54:28 PM »
arawche079 = Here is chapter 1!
dee_arch01 = Hai hai~ Here it is!
jhom_09 = Thank you for waiting Jhom-san~
hdiwnsyjsgsisbusvs = Hmm, for now they are not in my list..  :sweat:
rindg = Aww.. Thank you~  :shy2:

Hey there~ I'm back~~
Exams are over !  :on woohoo:
Let's start shall we?

Chapter 1
"You don't know how I feel. You played with my feelings and now you're telling me you want us to get back together?" Haruna shouted at said boy before giving him a slap. "You don't deserve me. I've moved on a long time ago."

Haruna took her leave and went to the club that she usually goes to. 'This world is full of as*holes.' She thought as she continued on drinking. Glass after glass she started feeling the effect of the alcohol. Haruna rest her head on the table as she thought about how terrible her love life was. 'At least I still hadn't done it wait anyone..' She sighed as she gulped another glass.

"Why, what's a pretty lady doing here all alone?" An unknown voice startled her as she looked at said stranger with a glare. "Leave me alone." Haruna stated as the man took a few steps towards her. "Now, don't play hard to get." He grabbed Haruna's wrist tightly, hurting Haruna as she whimpered in pain.

"Listen to the girl and leave her alone." Another unknown voice started. The stranger grabbed the man's hand, released his grip on Haruna. "What does it have to do with you?" The man stated as he grabbed said girl by the collar. 'She's going to get into trouble.. I have to help her.' But before Haruna or the man could do anything more, two bouncers appeared beside said girl and grabbed the man out.

"Are you alright?" The bouncer asked the stranger who helped her. She nodded her head and muttered a thank you before he took his leave, bringing said troublesome man out. "Good evening. I'm this club's owner Oshima Yuko. I'm apologized for such act to happened in my club." Yuko bowed at Haruna who looked at her with amusement in her eyes. "It's alright. You did help me out." Haruna stated as she gave the girl a small smile.

"Come with me for a minute. I'll check on your wrist. It'll be very quick." Before Haruna could reply, Yuko already pulled the girl into her office. Yuko looked at the wrist that was a little bruised before taking out the first aid kit and applying the medications needed.

"Do you usually treat all your customers like this?" Haruna asked with an eyebrow raised as Yuko worked on her bruised arm. "..No." Yuko stated as she avoided eye contact with Haruna. "Heh.. Then why are you so kind to me?" Haruna asked as she tilted her head to the side as Yuko looked up at her and blushed. "..I've seen you a few times in my club." Yuko stated as she kept the medications back into the first aid kit.

"Oh? So you're a stalker eh?" Haruna teased as said girl waved her hands frantically in denial. "I-It's just hard not to notice a pretty lady like you." Haruna blushed hearing said compliment. "Did something happened? You were drinking a lot.." Yuko stated as she looked worriedly at said girl.

Haruna let out a fake laughter. "Why even bother when you don't even know me." Haruna stated bluntly as Yuko sighed. "Then tell me about yourself." Yuko stated as she sat back on her seat at the opposite of Haruna. 'Should I? She seem to be a good person..'

"...I'm Kojima Haruna, 24 years old." She stated as Yuko smiled. "As you know, I'm Oshima Yuko. I'll be turning 24 on the October." Haruna's eyes widen in surprised. 'She's the same age as me..' Haruna shook off said thought as she felt Yuko gently reaching out her hand over to Haruna's, squeezing it gently. "Now that we're no longer strangers, will you tell me what happened?" Yuko smiled encouragingly at Haruna.

'Why don't I mind this person's presence..' Haruna returned the gesture and sighed to herself before starting her story. "I was dating a person and he broke up with me a few days ago.. Before I came to the club, he came and find me. He wanted us to get back together again." Haruna sighed as she looked into Yuko's brown orbs that were full of concern and love. It surprised her but Haruna shook it off, thinking that she was intoxicated by alcohol.

"..Did you agree to his request?" Yuko asked nervously as she fidgeted a little. "Of course I didn't!" Haruna stated as she looked at Yuko with an angry expression.  "Do I look like the kind of girl who desperately need love?" Haruna stated as Yuko shook her head. "I'm sorry." Yuko apologized as Haruna sighed.

"No.. I'm sorry. You're just caring for me and yet here I am, yelling at you." Haruna sighed as she slowly stood up from her seat, wobbling a little. "Woah.. Becareful.." Yuko stated as she got up from her seat and held on to Haruna. "I know you don't want to talk about it but may I ask you a question?" Haruna nodded her head as Yuko continued. "Is that man, one to give up easily?" Yuko asked as Haruna looked at her confused. "I'm worried that he might bother you." Yuko stated as Haruna waved her hands off. "I don't think so.." Haruna stated as she walked towards the door.

"And where exactly are you going?" Yuko asked as Haruna continued walking with her help. "To get more drinks.." Yuko shook her head. "You've had more than enough. I'll bring you home." Yuko stated as Haruna looked at her. "What are you planning to do?" She said in an octave lower as she looked seductively at Yuko. "You're planning to bed me aren't you.." Haruna accused as Yuko's eye widen in surprised.

"N-No! I'm just worried!" Yuko retorted as Haruna eyed her up and down before nodding her head. "What was I thinking.. You're not that type of person.." Haruna stated as she slumped on to Yuko, who was now carrying said girl. "Kojima-san? Are you okay?" Yuko got no response as she let out a sighed.

She gently sweeped Haruna into her arms, carrying her bridal style going to the hidden room in her office. She pressed a button and the wall raised up. There was a bed located at the room and she gently placed said girl onto the bed before putting the covers on her.

Yuko carresed Haruna's face as she let out a sigh. As she was about to leave, Haruna grabbed Yuko's hand and looked at her with her puppy eyes. "Don't leave me.." Haruna said at the verge of tears as Yuko looked fondly at Haruna. "I have some things to do.. I'll come back when I'm done.. Okay?" Yuko caressed Haruna's face as she gently removed the grip from her. Haruna gave her a small nod as Yuko beamed at her giving her a kiss on the forehead.

'Why do I feel so warmed in her presence.. What are you doing to me, Oshima Yuko..' Haruna thought to herself as she watched Yuko head back over to her table and sort out some files. Yuko on the other hand sighed at the handful of paperwork that was on her table. She worked on it for nearly two hours before deciding that she should retire for the day. She called her bouncers and told them to take care of things which they agreed to.

The bouncers are Yuko's loyal and trusted right hand man. Of course, both the bouncers respect Yuko very much and would obey with whatever Yuko asked them to do.

Yuko bowed and muttered a thank you to them as they bowed back in return, waving the matter off. They left not long after and Yuko, who was worried that Haruna might suffer from hang over due to the amount of alcohol she took went over to the first aid kit looking for aspirin. 'Eh.. Where did I put it?' Yuko groaned as she couldn't find it.

After looking under the files that were on the desk, she managed to find said medicine. 'I knew I had them.' Yuko grinned to herself before heading back into the room putting it on the side table. She went and get a glass of water as well and left it there.

She smiled as she saw Haruna sleeping soundly. 'I guess I'll be sleeping on the couch tonight..' Yuko took one last glance at Haruna before heading over to the couch. Having trouble in falling asleep, she thought back to herself on how she started noticing Haruna.


Yuko was doing her usual rounds at her club. Greeting people and making sure nothing goes wrong. Her ever ready bartender who saw her, offered a drink to her which was gladly accepted by her. Yuko started looking around the club, seeing how people are enjoying themselves but a woman caught her eyes.

She was amazed by her hourglass figure and her beautiful face that had only a light touch of makeup. Unfortunately for our squirrel, Haruna was with a bunch of people and also a man who was closed to her. He wrapped his arms around Haruna's waist as Yuko looked away. She didn't want to see any further intimacy between the two. Her heart clenched at the thought of it.

Yuko's eyes widen in realization as she realized that she has a crush on said girl. Knowing that she shouldn't as Haruna was taken, she went back into her office, trying to calm her thought which thankfully succeeded.


The next few encounters happened unconsciously. Yuko didn't even know when but every time as she did her rounds, her eyes unconsciously looked for Haruna. This repeated for some time until Yuko finally gathered up her courage to talk to her. Yuko was pleased to see the girl alone tonight but she was pissed when an unknown man walked over to Haruna and forcefully grabbed her.

Not wanting Haruna to get hurt, she interfered and therefore leading us to the start of how the two met. Yuko felt her eyelids closing as she had a small smile plastered on her face.


Haruna groaned as she fell a headache making it's way over as she sat up. She looked around the room, wondering where she was. She took a glance over to the side table and to her surprise, there were aspirins and a glass of water on it. She quickly took said medicine and slowly stood up. Haruna wandered around the place as her memories about yesterday night came back.

There was a good looking girl who turned out to be the owner of the club. She also helped her to get away from the man who was trying to woo her. Walking out from the room, Haruna spot Yuko on the couch, sleeping. She slowly walked over to the girl and kneel down beside her. Haruna arranged the slightly disarray bangs and smiled at the girl. 'She's so pretty..' Haruna thought to herself as she unconsciously caressed Yuko's face.

Yuko's eyes flutter open at said touch, looking sleepily at Haruna who was now blushing. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up." Haruna apologized as Yuko smile and waved the matter off. "How are you feeling?" Yuko asked as she stretched her body. Haruna nodded her head and muttered a thank you. "I took the aspirins you prepared for me. Thank you." Haruna bowed as Yuko grinned.

Yuko walked back over to the table pressing a button, resulting in a wall to come down, closing the section between the office and the room. "Don't worry about the bed. Someone will come to clean it." Yuko reassured Haruna before she could questioned her.

Haruna stared as the room was now out of sight. "Sugoi.." Haruna whispered. Yuko laughed hearing the comment. "I tend to have overtime in my office so, my business partner recommended for me to build a border for a room that will allow me to sleep peacefully." Yuko said with a small smile. "How's your hand?" Yuko asked as she walked back over to Haruna. She gently removed the bandaged, looking at the bruise that wasn't as bad as yesterday. "You should rest today.. Do you have a job?" Yuko asked as Haruna shook her head.

"I got fired by my boss as I was too busy mopping around about the break up.." Haruna sighed as Yuko gave her a pat on the head. "..Do you want to work for me?" Yuko asked as she reapplied the medications that was needed for her bruise. Haruna had an eyebrow raised looking at said girl. "What will I be working as?" Haruna asked as Yuko returned the first aid kit to it's place.

'True.. What will she be working as..' Yuko thought to herself as she sat down on her seat, resting her arms on the table. "I won't prefer for you to work in the club.." Haruna tilted her head to the side in confusion causing Yuko to blush.

"As in, you can work for me but I won't be allowing you to work in the club." Haruna raised an eyebrow at said girl. "And exactly why won't I be allowed to work in the club?" Haruna questioned as Yuko fidgeted. "I don't want yesterday's incident repeating itself. You're pretty, I don't want people to hit on you. Plus, if you want to drink after working hours, you drink here." Yuko said as she gestured to the office they were in. Haruna's eyes widen. 'Is she worried about my well being?' A blush made it's way on to her face.

"Maybe you can help me with the paperwork.." Yuko stated as she arranged the files on her table. "Are you okay with it?" Yuko looked at Haruna with concern in her eyes. Haruna pondered on. 'It'll be great if I have a job, not to forget I do have experiences with paperwork.. And this girl.. I feel like I can trust her.'

Haruna stared blankly at Yuko as Yuko fidgeted. "Oshima Yuko." Haruna started, surprising Yuko. "I would love to work for you." Haruna gave her a small smile and Yuko beamed back in reply.

That's it for now.
Thank you to all my fellow readers and also the silent readers! :kneelbow:
Love you lots! :mon innocent:
Now then, off I go~ :on gay:
Mainly Kojiyuu shipper! But I also enjoy Atsumina, Wmatsui, Mayuki, Marimii, Tomotomo, Yuiparu, Sayamilky.
Well basically the mainstream pairings. :33

Humans and Robots (Kojiyuu + Others) [COMPLETED]

Love Within The Club (Kojiyuu)

→ JoeYee's OS Corner ←

Offline ChibiRine

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Re: Love Within The Club - Chapter 1 (Kojiyuu) 11/9/2015
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2015, 08:09:43 PM »


君を見つけたらどんな言葉を掛ければいい?その姿 見とれて僕はきっと立ち尽くす人混みと喧噪の隙間愛する人と出逢えたことだけでしあわせになる


For more gayness and sweetness, visit the FuuMiru Thread and KojiYuu Thread!

Offline rindg

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Re: Love Within The Club - Chapter 1 (Kojiyuu) 11/9/2015
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2015, 12:29:31 AM »
Yushh more Kojiyuu~

I like it when Kojiharu's personality is more direct and upfront because in some other fanfics I read
they tend to over-exaggerate her air-headedness, stupidity and her shyness  :mon exhaust:

(It's what I prefer sorry, but I don't hate it!~)  :mon sweat:
So I usually like stories where Kojiharu is acting very mature and seductive-ish, but that's not all
Yuko being the shy one is kinda cute  :mon lol:

(I'm not even talking about the story anymore lol)  :mon sweat:

Anyways, as expected, good updates come from a good writer and who's the good writer?  :mon huh:
Joeyee-san of course!!!  :mon geek: :mon roll: :mon fyeah: :mon thumb:
(Everyone is a good writer, it's just that I like Joeyee-san's style more :3)
No one but Yuko,
Can touch Haruna's body.
Those who ships it, rules.

Check out my fanfictions:
The Only Road To Take
You and I

Offline jhom_09

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Re: Love Within The Club - Chapter 1 (Kojiyuu) 11/9/2015
« Reply #9 on: September 12, 2015, 03:37:50 AM »

Awwww that was a sweet kojiyuu  :luvluv2:

i love this chapter  :farofflook:

i know haruna will fall fast to yuko  :hehehe:

but where's the chapter 2 Joeyee-san  :gyaaah:

well i think i need to wait again  :cool2:

Thank you for this awsome chapter  :shakeit: :shakeit: :shakeit:

see you next time  :thumbsup

Offline Korisu29

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Re: Love Within The Club - Chapter 1 (Kojiyuu) 11/9/2015
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2015, 11:54:19 AM »
ah~ another kojiyuu fic ~
I need more kojiyuu fic because lately I lost interest in writing ...
i like your new fic!!
puhliss update sooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn .....

Offline JoeYee

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Love Within The Club - Chapter 2 (Kojiyuu) 27/9/2015
« Reply #11 on: September 27, 2015, 05:15:16 PM »
ChibiRine = Thank you.  :shy2:
rindg = I'm glad you like it and you're giving me way too much credit but thank you.  :shy1:
jhom_09 = Chapter 2 is here jhom-san!
Korisu29 = Ah hello there...senpai. :hee: I understand how you feel, tbh, I myself am also struggling with writing but I'll do my best!  :mon yeah:

Sorry for the late update!

Haruna stared blankly at Yuko as Yuko fidgeted. "Oshima Yuko." Haruna started, surprising Yuko. "I would love to work for you." Haruna gave her a small smile and Yuko beamed back in reply.

Chapter 2
"Great! You'll start tomorrow. You can come to the club at office hours." Yuko stated as Haruna stared at her in confusion. "Eh? I thought it'll be at night?" Yuko nodded her head to her question. "It is but I'm worried about your safety so, you'll be working at office hours."

Yuko reached her hand over and squeezed Haruna's hand gently. Haruna returned the favour and sighed. "You are aware that I am a full grown adult, right?" Haruna asked with an amused expression.

"But you're pretty and all. It's dangerous for you to work till late hours." Yuko whined as Haruna giggled at her actions. "Hmm.. We'll work on something." Haruna unconsciously moved her hand towards Yuko's face and pinched her on the nose.

She quickly retreated after realizing what she was doing. "S-Sorry." Haruna stuttered as Yuko shook her head and smiled warmly. "I-It's alright.. So, I'll be seeing you tomorrow?" Yuko asked insure.

"Correction, you'll be seeing me tonight." Haruna said as she recomposed herself. Yuko gave her a curt nod before standing up with a hand extended. "I'll be looking forward to work with you." Yuko smiled a gentle smile that made Haruna's heart flutter. Haruna shook Yuko's hands before deciding to take her leave.

Haruna was about to leave but then Yuko offered to give her a lift home. Haruna politely declined the offer, not wanting to bother the younger girl. "You sure?" Yuko asked as she walked Haruna to the entrance of the club.

Haruna gave her a nod and muttered a thank you before leaning forward giving a Yuko a peck at the corner of her lips. Yuko was surprised by the action but nonetheless, she smiled at Haruna as she took her leave.


'Why do I have a bad feeling..' Yuko thought to herself as she walked back inside. 'Somethings not right..' She ran back into her office, grabbing her coat before running out of the club looking for Haruna. 'My guts are telling me that something isn't right.' Yuko weaved through the crowds as she thanked the heavens for her small stature.

"Where do I look from?" Yuko muttered to herself as she continued looking around with her eagle gaze. Spotting a familiar looking figure she ran towards said figure. She hid behind a lamppost and let out a relieve sighed after confirming that it was indeed Haruna.

'Maybe it was just my mind playing tricks on me..' Yuko sighed to herself as she wondered. She was about to leave when she saw her Haruna being pulled into a back alley. Without wasting any time, Yuko ran towards the back alley.

Haruna gasped as she felt a hand covering her mouth. The person doing so was very strong as she couldn't pry the grip off from her. 'I should've accepted Yuko's offer..' She mentally reprimanded herself. 'I'm going to die.' She thought to herself. "What a pretty catch." The stranger muttered. 'Not again.. Someone help me!' She shut her eyes as she felt herself starting to tear.

The strong grip was released from her as she heaved heavily. "Haruna, are you okay?" Yuko questioned as she took a glance, looking at Haruna with a concerned look before returning her gaze to the pervert man. "What the fu-" He was stopped short by Yuko who delivered a punch right into his face, causing him to stumble back.

The man groaned in pain as he held unto his broken nose. "You bi-" Once again, Yuko attacked said man with a kick causing him to fall unconscious. Yuko quickly went over to the shaking girl, wrapping her arms around Haruna while whispering soothing words to calm her down.

"It's alright.. Everything's fine now.." Yuko cooed as Haruna buried her head into the crook of her neck, sobbing. "Yuuchan.." Haruna mumbled as Yuko's eyes widen, hearing Haruna called her with a nickname. "Shh.. I'm here now, Nyan nyan.." Haruna looked up at Yuko with her tear streaked face. "N-Nyan nyan?" Yuko nodded her head and leaned in to kiss Haruna on the forehead.

"Well, since you gave me a nickname, I thought I should return the favor." Yuko pinched Haruna on the nose. "That's your nickname from now on.." Yuko grinned as Haruna smiled a little. "Yuuchan~~" Haruna called as Yuko blushed.

"Do you think you can walk?" Yuko asked as Haruna nodded her head. She stood up and unfortunately fell forward but thankfully, Yuko managed to catch her before she fell. "Nope.. You're not in any condition to walk." Yuko looked at Haruna worriedly.

'Looks like I'll be carrying you back to my club..' Yuko put a hand under Haruna's legs while the other was placed at her back. "Hold on to me." Haruna looked confusedly at Yuko, wondering what was the small girl planning to do. Without saying a word, Yuko stood up and carried Haruna bridal style as Haruna shrieked in surprised.

"E-Eh?" Haruna stuttered as she tighten her grip on Yuko. "Thank goodness you're not that heavy." Yuko teased as Haruna pouted. "Yuuchan~~" Haruna whined as Yuko laughed. "C'mon.. Let's go.."

The two headed back to the club which wasn't located too far away. The two got quite an amount of stares but it wasn't like Yuko cared about it as she ignored all of it. Haruna on the other hand was well aware that they were getting the crowds attention. She buried her head further into Yuko's neck in order to hide her blush.

As soon as the two reached the club, Yuko gave a curt nod to their bouncers who look worriedly at the two. Yuko waved it off and asked them to prepare lunch for four. (Yes, Yuko's bouncers know almost everything. From cooking to cleaning to kicking people out of the club.)

Yuko went into her office, shutting the door and locking it as Haruna eyed her. "Why did you lock the door?" Haruna asked. Yuko didn't answer her, instead she headed to her table and pressed the button that shows the hidden room as the wall slides up. 'Deja vu..'

Yuko thought to herself with a small smile. She headed in and turned left, going right into the toilet. "I think you need a bath, to refresh yourself. I'll prepare the clothes for you." Yuko said as Haruna widen her eyes in surprised.

"Do I smell?" Yuko giggled at the question as she shook her head. "I was thinking that a shower will help you to clear your mind from the incident just now.. Do you prefer a bath instead? You can have a bubble bath if you want to.." Yuko gestured over to the bathtub as Haruna nodded her head furiously like a little kid.

Yuko laughed and gave her a small nod. "If you need any help just call for me. I'll be working on some files." Haruna gave her a smile and muttered a thank you. Yuko waved it off and headed out, shutting the door along the way.


Haruna sighed in relieve as she leaned back in the bathtub. 'This does help to clear the mind..' Haruna who was much calmer now, thought back on what happened.

'I got dumped and I was a sobbing mess until I got fired from my job. After that, he still had the guts to ask me to reconcile with him.' "Assh*le.." Haruna muttered under her breath. 'I came into this club which I come to regularly and met another idiot who wanted to bed me. Thankfully, Yuuchan was there and helped me out of the mess. Who would've thought that a little girl like her would own a club.. Not to forget, a famous one.' Haruna giggled to herself.

"Nyan nyan. I've put the clothes and towel on the rack, you can use it later." Yuko stated as Haruna nodded her head. Remembering that Yuko can't see her, she said. "Hai Yuuchan.. Thank you." Haruna said as Yuko muttered a you're welcome.

'She treated my bruised and even allowed me to sleep on her bed.. Then this morning she offered to fetch me home which I stupidly turned down and nearly got myself rapped. Thank the heavens that Yuuchan was there..' Haruna thought as a small blush made it's way on to her face causing her to sink further into the water to hide her blush. 'But why was she there? I'll have to ask her later..'


As Yuko was doing the paperwork, Haruna emerged from the toilet. "Yuuchan, you can use the toilet now." Haruna said as she walked over to Yuko who was drowned in the amount of paperwork until she didn't notice the sound of the toilet door opening and Haruna calling for her.

Haruna walked towards Yuko from the back as she took a peek over her shoulder, wondering what was Yuko so focused on. She mentally sighed as she saw that it was the paperwork for the club. Deciding to help Yuko release some stress, she put her hands on Yuko's shoulder, massaging it in an attempt to help relax the girl.

Yuko squealed when she felt a pair of hands on her shoulder. She turned her head over and let out a sigh of relieve, seeing that it was Haruna. "You're done already?" She asked, leaning into Haruna as Haruna worked on her shoulders. "Mmn. I even called you but you ignored me.." Haruna pouted and Yuko averted her gaze to avoid looking at the overly cute face that was making her blush.

"S-Sorry.. I have the tendency to get lost in work." Yuko apologized as Haruna giggled at Yuko's shyness. "Oh, we should talk about me hiring you first." Yuko said a she gently grabbed Haruna's hand, asking her to sit on the chair opposite of her. Haruna complied and she straighten her back after she settled down.

"So, Kojima-san.." Yuko said in her business tone. 'Why don't I like the way she call me..' Haruna thought to herself as she inwardly frowned but kept her calm composure outside. "I would like to hire you to be my secretary. Do you have any past experience of holding a post similar to this?" Yuko asked as Haruna nodded her head. "I worked as a secretary in my old company.." Haruna stated as Yuko nodded her head.

"Alright then. Do you have any other requirements?" Yuko asked as she wrote on the file. "I don't want you to call me Kojima-san and I may have the need to stay over sometimes." Haruna stated bluntly, surprising the both of them. "Oh? Then what do you supposed I call you?" Yuko placed the file down and leaned over, wiggling her eyebrows in a suggestive manner making Haruna pout.

"Alright alright. I was just teasing you, Nyan nyan.." Yuko grinned as she pinched Haruna on the nose. "I'm fine with both of your requests." Yuko smiled as Haruna beamed at Yuko's statement. "I'll be looking forward to work with you, Nyan nyan." Yuko said playfully causing Haruna to giggle.

That's it for now. Sorry for the not so long chapter.  :mon hanky:
Thank you to those commented and of course the silent readers as well!
Off I go~ :on gay:
Mainly Kojiyuu shipper! But I also enjoy Atsumina, Wmatsui, Mayuki, Marimii, Tomotomo, Yuiparu, Sayamilky.
Well basically the mainstream pairings. :33

Humans and Robots (Kojiyuu + Others) [COMPLETED]

Love Within The Club (Kojiyuu)

→ JoeYee's OS Corner ←

Offline arawche079

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Re: Love Within The Club - Chapter 2 (Kojiyuu) 27/9/2015
« Reply #12 on: September 28, 2015, 03:09:00 AM »
WoW just WoW....

Hmmmmmmmm..... I really like this fic.....

More please.....


Offline Korisu29

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Re: Love Within The Club - Chapter 2 (Kojiyuu) 27/9/2015
« Reply #13 on: September 30, 2015, 04:08:25 AM »
aaahhh ... short ...  :mon duh:
hihihi ... just kidding  :mon dance:
looking forward for the next chapter,,,I wanted to know what would happen to them ...  :mon lovelaff:
pliiiisss update sooooonnn ....  :mon cute:

Offline jhom_09

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Re: Love Within The Club - Chapter 2 (Kojiyuu) 27/9/2015
« Reply #14 on: September 30, 2015, 09:00:37 AM »

ohh? kojiyuu is like a married couple :luvluv2: hahaha in my dream i think  :fainted:

but i love the part that yuko save haruna and they call each other nickname  :onioncheer:

i love this fic joeyee-san pleaseeee update soon,   :on gay:

i know you will, hehe :on asmo:

thank you for this,  :luvluv1:

Offline rindg

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Re: Love Within The Club - Chapter 2 (Kojiyuu) 27/9/2015
« Reply #15 on: October 01, 2015, 01:30:11 AM »
This is so cute ahah

Yuko is just so sweet and Haruna is so, so spicy haha lol

Thanks for the update  :twothumbs
No one but Yuko,
Can touch Haruna's body.
Those who ships it, rules.

Check out my fanfictions:
The Only Road To Take
You and I

Offline NyanNekkoNyan

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Re: Love Within The Club - Chapter 2 (Kojiyuu) 27/9/2015
« Reply #16 on: October 01, 2015, 08:05:52 AM »
 Wow!! A KojiYuu fic  :luvluv1:
 It is so hard to find a KojiYuu fic this days so i'm glad to find this story  :fap :cow:
 Good start, i love it. Wonder what will happen on the future chapters.
 Good job and please update  :mon cute: :mon innocent:

 “As far as Yuko is concerned, the ‘you’ in ‘no one but you’ refers to me” - 小嶋陽菜

Offline JoeYee

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Love Within The Club - Chapter 3 (Kojiyuu) 5/10/2015
« Reply #17 on: October 05, 2015, 11:39:49 AM »
arawche079 = Aahahah... I'm glad you liked it! Here is the next Chapter!
Korisu29 = You'll find out here! Update yours too! :wriggly:
jhom_09 = You're welcome and here is the next update!!
rindg = Haruna being the dominant one is indeed interesting..  :ding:
NyanNekkoNyan = Indeed it is.. Well, we'll see how things go~

Hey guys! I'm back with Chapter 3!
Oh, my results are out! I have improved compared to my Mid-Terms so ya!  :onioncheer:
But, I will be going on hiatus again.. This time the hiatus.. It'll be for about two months. :err:
Sorry about that my fellow readers.  :kneelbow:
Well then, as an apology. This Chapter has a very interesting scene. :kekeke:
Let's start!

Chapter 3
A few months have past after Haruna started working at the club. Yuko and Haruna have become closer due to the amount of time they interact with one another. At times, Haruna would stay over at Yuko's club and sleep with her.(Not what you're thinking) They would snuggle and talked all night till they fall asleep.

"Nyan nyan~" Yuko whined as her cat ran away from her. "Yadaaa~ Go and shower! You just came back from your jog." Haruna retorted while running away from Yuko who pouted. "Fine." Yuko took her towel and went into the toilet as Haruna let out a relieve sighed.

Haruna found out that Yuko exercises regularly in the morning and she would be a little late on coming to work, compared to Haruna. Haruna came to work and started doing the paperwork, that is until Yuko returned, wanting to give Haruna a bear hug in her sweaty state. Haruna of course ran away not wanting to get all sticky because of her. (Not what you're thinking.)

Haruna took her seat back at Yuko's table and started going through the files again. Running a club wasn't as easy as she thought it would be. Working for months at the club had shown Haruna that there were many incidents that would occur, whether it was good or bad.

Well, usually it's bad but she was amazed. Yuko ran the whole club by herself for nearly a few years, doing all the paperwork and taking care of the customers herself.

Haruna had once offered to help her in doing her rounds around the club but she was shot down as soon as she ended her sentence. Yuko mumbling something about Haruna might get hit-on and stuff. 'At least I can lessen her burden by doing the paperwork..' Haruna smiled to herself before continuing on what she was doing.

Haruna was so focused in her work that she didn't noticed that Yuko had reemerged from the toilet. Yuko sneaked her way over to Haruna and wrapped her arms around Haruna's neck. "Hey there.." Haruna jumped from the touch and pouted at Yuko. "Yuuchan.. You scared me." Yuko giggled at her reaction. "Sorry sorry." Yuko said with a grin.

"Do you want me to help you dry your hair?" Haruna asked as she gently held Yuko's arms that were around her neck. Yuko gave her a nod and the two headed over to the bedroom.

Haruna did her best in being gentle as she dried Yuko's hair. Yuko on the other hand was enjoying herself with the amount of attention she had from the girl. Haruna mentally sighed as she thought of the question that has been in her head for some time now. 'Are we mere friends? Or are we just employee and employer? Nothing more than that?'

All of a sudden, Haruna's hand stopped moving. "Nyan nyan? What's wrong?" Yuko turned around to look at Haruna who had her head down. "..Ne Yuuchan.. What are us?" Yuko's eyes widen in surprised as she stayed silent. "Are we just friends? Or are we something more?" Haruna slowly looked up and to Yuko's surprise, Haruna's eyes were getting teary.

"A-Ah.. Don't cry.." Yuko quickly wiped away the tear that fell. "Haruna, I-" Yuko was cut short by her bouncer who knocked on the door, a little too frantically. "Oshima-san, there's a guy out here. He claims that he is Kojima-san's boyfriend."

Haruna raised her eyebrow in surprised. "We'll be out in a moment." Yuko said as she looked at Haruna fondly. "We'll continue this conversation later." Yuko leaned in, giving Haruna a quick peck on the forehead as Haruna gave a small nod.

Yuko gently tugged Haruna as the two made their way to the club. "What's the matter?" Yuko looked questiongly at her ever loyal bouncers. "This man here is stating that he's Kojima-san's boyfriend." He gestured towards a figure who stood right up on his feet as soon as he saw us.

"Haruna-chan!" He stated as he walked briskly over to the other two but was stop short by the bouncers. Yuko looked over to Haruna and she saw that annoyance was evident on her face. "What do you want?" Haruna asked with a cold tone that made even Yuko shivered.

"I want us to get back together." He stated bluntly as Haruna sighed. "I've already told you before that we will never ever get back together." Haruna looked directly into his eyes. "Impossible.. You were just joking weren't you." The man said with a laugh.

Yuko who grew weary of this man, pulled Haruna back a little and stood in front of her. "You heard her. Stop bothering her." Yuko said as she glared at the man.

"Oh? I didn't know you swing that way. You even found another one to play with eh.." He said as he secretly moved his hand into his back pocket. "You're a good player aren't you." He said and soon a knife was on his hand.

He rushed forward, surprising all of them. He was aiming for Haruna but before she could do anything, he was stop short by Yuko. Unfortunately, Yuko was not quick enough and she got a little cut on her hand. The bouncers made their move and quickly held him down, restraining him.

"You! You won't get away with this!" He shouted as Yuko quickly dialed for the police. As soon as that was done, Haruna brought Yuko to the bar where the first aid box was located at. "Are you okay? What were you thinking? That was reckless." Haruna scolded. Yuko waved it off and smiled lovingly at her. "It's just a small scratch.."

Haruna sighed as she washed it with antiseptic. Soon, the police came in and arrested said man. Yuko's bouncers had gotten the CCTV video footage and passed it to the police as they brought said man out. "You should go and rest." One of her bouncer said as Yuko nodded her head, gently tugging for Haruna to follow.

Yuko leaded Haruna back into her room, looking the door as she shut it. "..Yuuchan?" Haruna asked as Yuko stayed quiet. She turned around and kabe-don Haruna, peering into her eyes. "Haruna, what do you want us to be?" Yuko started as Haruna's eyes widen in shock. "Friends? Strangers? Or lovers? You choose. I'll comply with whatever you want." Yuko carresed Haruna's face with her free hand.

"I want us to be lovers." Haruna answered without missing a beat as she wrapped her arms around Yuko's neck. "Yuko, I love you. You've been helping me out ever since we first met. I really want you to be mine. Will you fulfill this selfish wish of mine?" Haruna stared into Yuko's eyes full of sincerity.

"Are you sure? You won't be able to take back what you said after this." Yuko moved in on Haruna, pinning her between her and the door, brushing their lips a little. "I have no plans on taking it back." Haruna answered as she pulled Yuko in, connecting their lips.

So, I hope you enjoyed it. Writing a smexy scene is indeed hard.  :fainted:
Erm, yes. Hiatus. But I'll try to update whenever I can.
I'm really sorry for the short come-back.  :kneelbow:
Once again, a big thank you to my fellow readers!
Silent readers and also those who commented, a big thank you!
I hope to see you soon!
Off I go~~  :on gay:
« Last Edit: December 09, 2016, 01:45:14 PM by JoeYee »
Mainly Kojiyuu shipper! But I also enjoy Atsumina, Wmatsui, Mayuki, Marimii, Tomotomo, Yuiparu, Sayamilky.
Well basically the mainstream pairings. :33

Humans and Robots (Kojiyuu + Others) [COMPLETED]

Love Within The Club (Kojiyuu)

→ JoeYee's OS Corner ←

Offline Claito

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Re: Love Within The Club - Chapter 3 (Kojiyuu) 5/10/2015
« Reply #18 on: October 05, 2015, 12:19:46 PM »
I wasn't even thinking anything... But you kept saying 'not what you're thinking'. Its funny! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Then there's that... You know what I mean.  :bleed eyes: :bleed eyes: :bleed eyes: Your imagination... I'm just amaze! I tried writing one, but it always goes to the dump. Hahahaha!

« Last Edit: October 05, 2015, 12:38:45 PM by Claito »

It's not right in the kokoro, it's right in the OSHIRI!

Offline arawche079

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Re: Love Within The Club - Chapter 3 (Kojiyuu) 5/10/2015
« Reply #19 on: October 05, 2015, 01:36:21 PM »
I always like your fics and this chap.... :w00t: :w00t: :drool:

I'll be waiting for your comeback....

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