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Author Topic: The Hundred Thousand Years' Battle - Arcana [Chapter 2 Part 1] >>> 12/02/01  (Read 42917 times)

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Hi everyone :) I suddenly have this idea coming up and a little from the animes I like XD So I wrote this Prologue. But I want to know if it's interesting for you guys, if it's interesting then I will continue. If not then never mind this.. :grin:
Please try to have a read and give your comment about this :kneelbow: Thank You

The Hundred Thousand Years' Battle - Arcana (Table of Contents)

Prologue (Below)
Chapter 1 Part 1
Chapter 1 Part 2
Chapter 1 Part 3
Chapter 1 Part 4
Chapter 2 Part 1 UPDATED!

The Hundred Thousand Years' Battle - Arcana


There are two realms in this world; the human realm and the familiar realm or what we call Arcana. Every human can summon a familiar but each human can only have contract with only one familiar and once the contract is made no changes can be made. There are many types of familiar; they can exist in the form of a dog, an insect, a hawk, an alien or even a human. Although they take human shape they are still familiar, they can do many things human can’t such as jump as high as 18 Floor or go underwater for more than 1 hour some can even produce fire from their body. All familiars have their own special ability.

Familiars answers the humans’ summon because that’s the only way they can go to the human realm but their master’s order is absolute, the familiar can’t go against their masters’ orders. Because of that there are some familiars who prefer to stay in their own realm rather than going to the human realm.

As human once had kings and queens and now presidents, familiar also have their Lords. Every 100,000 years there will be a game in choosing a new lord and to become a lord the familiar have to win against all the contestants and prove himself/herself as the strongest one. The game is hold in the human realm so the familiar have to make contract with human in order to go to the human realm.

When the game start only the familiars who is going to participate in the game is allowed to stay in the human realm while others have to temporary go back to Arcana until the game ends. There are only 100 familiars allowed to participate in the game and all the contestants will have most of their powers sealed until some conditions are fulfilled then their power will return to them little by little. The key to win the game is to get your power back as soon as possible and beat all the contestants.

And now 100,000 years have passed again, it is the time for another game to start… The game which will determine the new Lord of Arcana and also the start of this story…

« Last Edit: January 31, 2012, 07:22:29 PM by Yagami.Rai »

Offline Sydney W

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Re: The Hundred Thousand Years' Battle - Arcana
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2011, 01:02:45 PM »
nice storyline.. please continue...

Offline karomuwi

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Re: The Hundred Thousand Years' Battle - Arcana
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2011, 01:10:04 PM »
Wow! This is like Zero No Tsukaima! Is that the anime? Or am I wrong?

Anyways, I am interested in reading this! Please do continue!  :thumbsup
Had a withdrawal, so now I'm planning to fall in love with the couples all over again

\(^ - ^)/
Here are my fics~! They can be found amongst these three. :hee:

Love's A Mission
Oh My Dolly!

SoUL (Series)

The Akiba Family (T.A.F)

Offline AKBlover_99

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Re: The Hundred Thousand Years' Battle - Arcana
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2011, 01:13:29 PM »
Wow !!!! This looks really interesting !!! Can't wait for you to update! :onioncheer:

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: The Hundred Thousand Years' Battle - Arcana
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2011, 01:24:55 PM »
@Sydney W Thanks for the comment XD I'll continue :oops:
@karomuwi Yup you're right and a little from Gash Bell too :grin:
@AKBlover_99 Thanks for the comment :D I'll try to update ASAP

Thanks for the comments :kneelbow: I'll continue it XD

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Re: The Hundred Thousand Years' Battle - Arcana
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2011, 04:52:18 PM »
interesting start to this fic, looking forward to more!  :twothumbs

Offline kahem

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Re: The Hundred Thousand Years' Battle - Arcana
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2011, 06:34:13 PM »
Wanna more!!!
The story is really interesting!

Offline Popsicle

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Re: The Hundred Thousand Years' Battle - Arcana
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2011, 07:12:05 PM »
I wonder what couple this is ~  :fap

The storylines really good btw ..  :heart:

Please continue it !!  :bow:

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: The Hundred Thousand Years' Battle - Arcana [Chapter 1 Part 1]
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2011, 03:35:12 PM »
@oddball Glad that it interests you XD
kahem Thanks for the comment :D Here's Chapter 1!!
Popsicle Multiple XD But mainly my favorite :grin:

Today, I got Accounting Quiz and it was a disaster.. So I decided to write this and forget about it!!! XD
This Chapter is about the Introduction of the Characters (Familiar) the humans not yet.. :nervous I'll try to update it soon, since I've got a bit more free time :) Well then, Please Enjoy!

Chapter 1

Part 1 – The Chosen Ones

There’s tension going on in Arcana because the time Holy Time is near. (Holy Time is when the Arcana itself will choose the chosen 100 warriors for the game) The chosen ones will have a light cross over their head indicating they have the qualification to join the game.

A few minutes later 100 crosses appear on top of the 100 chosen ones at the same time all around Arcana.

“sigh* I didn’t want to go to the human realm but I guess I have no choice since I’m chosen…” says Takahashi Minami a.k.a. Takamina while looking at the cross on top of his head.

Name: Takahashi Minami
Gender: Male
Status: First Crown Prince of Arcana
Is a very kind, gentle and responsible prince but is too prideful to make contract with human so he has always been in Arcana.
Special Ability: Has Deadly Flame; nothing his fire can’t burn. He has two types of Flame, White and Black.

“I know what you mean… I can’t understand why those lowly beings are going to be our masters when I believe it should be the other way around” says Itano Tomomi a.k.a. Tomochin while also looking at her own cross above her head.

Name: Itano Tomomi
Gender: Female
Status: First Princess of Arcana
Is Takamina’s half sister; they share the same mother but different father. Really care about her family but usually hide it since she’s a tsundere and she has a little brother complex with Takamina. Same, too prideful like Takamina and looks down on human.
Special Ability: Wind Manipulation. Her wind makes a strong barrier around her forming her famous ‘Zettai Protection’; she doesn’t like others touching her aside from her family and close friends.

“That’s the reason why we’ve always been in Arcana isn’t it?? But now we’ve got no choice since these crosses are appearing on our head” says Watanabe Mayu a.k.a. Mayuyu.

Name: Watanabe Mayu
Gender: Male
Status: Second Prince of Arcana
Cute but is actually a small devil. He may look fragile but is actually tough and strong; he can hold grudges and will plan his revenge 10 times back so don’t offend him. His is actually un-identical twins with Matsui Jurina. Shares the same mother with Takamina, Tomomi and Jurina but doesn’t share the same father.
Special Ability: Ice-make Manipulation. Can use ice to make into anything he wants; but he usually make a beautiful and strong Katana with ice to fight his opponents. He’s skillful in sword techniques. Loves to prank people.

“It might not be as bad as we think it is. You see, Sae has been having fun in the human realm with his master and I somehow also want to see human realm. So think of this as a good chance to have some fun” says Matsui Jurina.

Name: Matsui Jurina
Gender: Female
Status: Second Princess of Arcana
Has cat-like, cheerful smile. Really energetic and loves her family and is especially attached to Takamina since she was still a child. Share the same mother as Takamina, Tomomi and Mayu but different father and is un-identical twins with Mayu. Loves to prank people.
Special Ability: Water Manipulation. Since she and Mayu are twins their ability is also similar. With Mayu having Ice, Jurina has water. Can lock her opponents in her water barrier and drown them, use the water pressure to crush her opponent or can use the water and shoot her opponent and etc.

Author’s Note: In case you’re confuse. The previous game winner is Takamina, Tomochin, Mayu and Jurina’s mother, Ohori Megumi. Therefore, she’s the current Lord of Arcana and she has many husbands, that’s why the child shares different fathers. Since that’s the case it is also possible for her to get pregnant with two children with different fathers at the same time…

“Like what Jurina has said. It’s not that bad at all besides I’m really having fun with her. She treats me really well like one of her family and I’m really thankful about that” says Miyazawa Sae.

Name: Miyazawa Sae
Gender: Male
Status: Son of the Earl of Arcana
Is officially the most energetic familiar in Arcana and was given the title Genking. He’s really friendly with almost everyone and is childhood friend with Takamina, Tomomi, Mayu, Jurina and Yuko. He is also Miichan’s older brother and is over-protective of her.
Special Ability: He can turn any of his body parts into any weapon he wish. But he usually turns his arm to blades and fight off his enemy.

“Since you already had a partner you don’t need to make a contract anymore. Lucky you. I just hope that my partner is sexy, have big boobs and nice body line” says Oshima Yuko drooling over the place.

Name: Oshima Yuko
Gender: Female
Status: Normal Family in Arcana
Although she is born in a normal family she is good friends with Takamina, Tomomi, Mayu, Jurin, Sae and Miichan. They treat her like their family and vice versa. She is really energetic and cheerful but is really perverted and love skinship. She prefers girls than boys because they are soft and nice to touch and in Arcana no matter what gender it doesn’t really matter since they don’t have the norm like humans.
Special Ability: Acceleration which increases her speed 10 times her normal speed. It is divided into several levels and the higher the level of her Acceleration the faster she can move but she does not usually use too high level because it could also hurt herself, it’s a double-edge blade. Deadly shots is one of her skills too, it gives strong, powerful, and deadly punch and kick to her opponents which can break their bones easily. With her speed and power sometimes her opponents doesn’t even know how did they lost or die…

“Waa… Yuko, perverted as usual… I just hope that the human I make contract with wouldn’t be a jerk” says Minegishi Minami a.k.a. Miichan.

Name: Minegishi Minami
Gender: Female
Status: Daughter of the Earl of Arcana
Sae’s half sister; they have the same father but different mother. Sae and Miichan took the surname of their mothers. Miichan is really attached to Sae and vice versa, Sae loves to spoil Miichan. Miichan is really cheerful and loves to prank people like Mayu and Jurina, her partner in crime is also usually Mayu and Jurina. She resembles Gachapin and loves to eat cakes.
Special Ability: Alchemist, she can turn any material and re-structure/re-construct it into something else. She has superhuman strength.

“Do you want me to suggest some good possible candidates for you guys??” aks Sae.
“What do you mean??” they all ask in unison.
“Well.. my master or I’d rather say friend, Akimoto Sayaka, has some close friends who are really nice and kind too. And due to their family circumstances they haven’t made any contract with any familiar but now that there will be the Lord game held seems like their family wants them to make contracts with the familiar that are chosen” says Sae

“Why would they want to have contract with the chosen ones?” asks Takamina
“There’s a legend that says that if you’re familiar is the next Lord then it will bring prosperity to your family” says Mayu
“But is that even true??” asks Jurina

“Who knows.. Anyway we could give it a try since I don’t want to make random contracts with the humans and I know that I can believe in the people you believe in, Sae” says Tomo
“Yea, I agree with Tomo” says Takamina
“No objection” says Miichan and Jurina

“Wait…” says Yuko
“What’s wrong??” they all ask
“Are they sexy? Do they have big boobs? Or nice body lines??” asks Yuko
They all facepalm themselves with Yuko’s questions.

“Yes, most of them do..” answers Sae
“Oh! Then I have no problem” says Yuko smiling showing her dimples.
“Then when are you going to introduce us to them? Since we still have 2 more weeks before the game starts.” asks Miichan
“Let me go inform them first and confirm the date, then I’ll tell you guys about it” says Sae.
“K” they all answered

Offline Popsicle

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Re: The Hundred Thousand Years' Battle - Arcana [Chapter 1 Part 1]
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2011, 04:22:17 PM »
This is soo interesting!! :twothumbs
Yuko a pervert as usaul ~ :cathappy:

Please update soon !! :thumbup
Ill be waiting :yep:

Offline AKBlover_99

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Re: The Hundred Thousand Years' Battle - Arcana [Chapter 1 Part 1]
« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2011, 04:58:54 PM »
OMG This is so INTERESTING ! You're awesome! :mon crazyinlove:
I really like Takamina's,Mayu's,Jurina's and Yuko's special ability ! :mon lovelaff:
This really makes me impatient to read your next update!
And....Yuko.... You really are pervert! Thx for the update and update soon ! I'm happy now~ :mon trannie:

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Re: The Hundred Thousand Years' Battle - Arcana [Chapter 1 Part 1]
« Reply #11 on: December 29, 2011, 05:20:33 PM »
Sorry I didn't comment before.
Wow! This is very interesting.  :mon star:
The previous game winner is Takamina, Tomochin, Mayu and Jurina’s mother, Ohori Megumi.

I was like  :shock:
Tomochin's brother complex. NICE  :mon fyeah: I wonder who their masters will be?
Thanks for the update. Can't wait for Part 2.  :mon evillaff:

Offline kahem

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Re: The Hundred Thousand Years' Battle - Arcana [Chapter 1 Part 1]
« Reply #12 on: December 29, 2011, 05:34:41 PM »
Yuko will never change lol
Can't wait for the meeting!

Offline oddball

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Re: The Hundred Thousand Years' Battle - Arcana [Chapter 1 Part 1]
« Reply #13 on: December 30, 2011, 12:54:36 PM »
hmm interesting, interesting, wondering where this is going to go from here.....

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: The Hundred Thousand Years' Battle - Arcana [Chapter 1 Part 2]
« Reply #14 on: December 30, 2011, 12:58:34 PM »
Thanks everyone for reading and comment and thanks XD Really appreciate it :D Here's the next part but really short :nervous I'll post Part 3 soon :)
So after the introduction of the familiar this time it's the human's turn XD

Chapter 1

Part 2 – The First Meeting

“I’m happy that we’re finally allowed to make contract with a familiar but it also means that we have to participate in the game , right?” asks Maeda Atsuko a.k.a. Acchan

Name: Maeda Atsuko
Gender: Female
Status: The only daughter of the head of the Maeda, Maeda Yujiro.
Is very cute and caring but is a tease. Never fallen in love before because she doesn’t trust guys that come close to her since their objectives is just her family’s inheritance. Can be really stubborn sometimes, just like her father.
Special Ability: No Special Ability unless the aura she gives out when she’s mad counts.

“To join in the game was always our fathers’ objectives from the start. That’s why they didn’t allow us to make a contract until now” says Matsui Ren.

Name: Matsui Ren
Gender: Male
Status: The only son of the head of the Matsui, Matsui Gen.
Is calm, handsome and gentle but can be really scary when mad. Has skinny body structure and weak body since young. Childhood friend with the daughter and son of the Top 7 families.
Special Ability: No Special Ability until his Gekikara mode when he’s mad counts.

“It’s so troublesome… I’d rather just stay home and away from the game” says Kojima Haruna.

Name: Kojima Haruna
Gender: Female
Status: The only daughter of the head of the Kojima, Kojima Riku.
Is an airhead and lack of motivation in everything except on things she’s interested such as games. Got beautiful face and nice body line. Many suitors are dying for her love but she just rejects them without even thinking because they do not interest her at all.
Special Ability: None. No interest in anything, therefore, she didn’t bother to learn anything.

“It might not be that bad.. I could be fun too” says Kasai Chiyuu

Name: Kasai Chiyuu
Gender: Male
Status: The only son of the Kasai, Kasai Tomohiro.
Really cute and naïve. Cares a lot about his friends and loves to have fun though he is against violence.
Special Ability: None. But did learn a bit of Karate when he was young.

“Chiyuu, I don’t think you’ll have fun in the game because from what I heard it’s going to be fighting therefore, voilent.” says Kashiwagi Yuki a.k.a. Yukirin

Name: Kashiwagi Yuki
Gender: Female
Status: The only daughter of the Kashiwagi, Kashiwagi Ruki.
Really beautiful and has snow-white skin. Tends to over react about things and looks like a Marimokkori, especially when she’s surprise. Tends to monopolize on things she like and will not take a step back at all.
Special Ability: Black Yukirin Mode. (No need for explanations because I know you guys already know much about Black Yukirin XD)

“Eh??!! I haven’t heard about that” pouts Chiyuu
“Even if you’re against it, it won’t change anything.” says Shinoda Mario

Name: Shinoda Mario
Gender: Male
Status: The only son of the Shinoda, Shinoda Harry.
Is the oldest among her childhood friends and is like an onii-san to all of them. Really cares about them like his younger brothers and sisters. Can be a troll sometimes. Although mature, he can be really childish sometimes.
Special Ability: No Special Ability but learns some martial arts before.

“Yes, there’s nothing we can do about it. I wonder if Sae is chosen” says Akimoto Sayaka

Name: Akimoto Sayaka
Gender: Female
Status: The only daughter of Akimoto, Akimoto Yasushi.
Strong and elegant in fighting. Got muscles and strong body. Care a lot of her loved ones and treats everyone equally.
Special Ability: No Special Ability but ace in almost every martial arts.

These 7 boys and girls are from the Top 7 families of the world and have been childhood friends. Their parents wanted them to join in the game so they weren’t allowed to make contract with any familiars except Sayaka since her father doesn’t mind. They are now discussing in what they will do in the future.


Suddenly there is a crack forming beside them and came out a figure they all know well… Miyazawa Sae.
“Hi guys” says Sae
“Hi” they replied
“Came to play?” asks Chiyuu
“Not really. I’m here to ask if you guys want to see my friends” says Sae
“What do you mean??” they asks

“Well, me and my friends were chosen as the participants in the game and they all do not have masters yet. So I would like to ask if you guys have already made a contract and if not would you guys want to meet them” answers Sae

“I would love to but it’s impossible for them to come to the human realm without making a contract isn’t it? Then how are we suppose to meet each other?” asks Acchan

“We can make a temporary barrier which lasts around 10-20 minutes and let you guys meet, then you guys can decide” replied Sae
“That’s good but how are you going to make the barrier” asks Ren
“I’ll use this rare golden powder and draw a small magic circle around the garden which allows I think 1-2 people’s space and they can show themselves one by one within 10-20 minutes” says Sae while showing them the powder.

“If they can use this way then why don’t the familiars use this way to come to the human realm?” asks Yuki
“This can only let them show themselves and the space is limited, they can only appear and move within the magic circle. And this golden power is super rare, really hard to get in hand.” answers Sae

“I’m fine with it. So why don’t you do it now?” says Mario
“Eh? Now?” they all asks
“Why not? Let’s don’t waste anymore time” says Mario
“I’m fine. Just let me tell my friends to prepare themselves first” says Sae as he is going back to Arcana.
“Wait.. We’ve got 6 people here without familiar. How many friends do you have? Is it enough?” asks Mario
“Um.. 1.. 2.. 5.. Yes, exactly 6” says Sae as he leave to Arcana.


Few Minutes Later…
“Hi guys I’m back” says Sae
“Welcome back. That was quick” says Sayaka
“Yea.. Now, let me draw the magic circle” says Sae as he starts drawing a magic circle on the grass.

Few Moments Later…
“There! Done! Now everyone please gather. I’ll start it now” says Sae shouting
Then Acchan, Ren, Haruna, Yuki, Sayaka and Mario gathers near the circle as Sae starts speaking something they assume is magic words.
After Sae stops talking the magic circle start to glow and slowly show a small figure…

“Hi everyone! My name is Oshima Yuko and I would prefer my master to be sexy and have big boobs and nice body line… Ah! Like that cat-like girl! I want her!” says Yuko drooling and wanting to go hug the girl but she can’t leave the barrier…
“Arg! This stupid barrier! Don’t interfere!” Yuko says shouting while the others are dumbfounded.
‘OMG! Thank god there is a barrier…. I don’t want her…’ thought Haruna.

Then a hand appear and head-chop Yuko causing Yuko to cry in pain.
“Ouch! What was that for, Miichan??” says Yuko crying
“That’s for being a pervert and scaring them off” says Miichan
“Sorry guys.. She’s a pervert but don’t mind it. My name is Minegishi Minami and I’m Sae’s younger half-sister and nice to meet you all” says Miichan smiling
‘Phew… at least it is someone normal’ the friends thought
‘That girl is quite cute~’ Mario thinks.
“Well then next since the time is limited” says Miichan as she pulls Yuko back with her.

“I’m Watanabe Mayu”
“While I’m Matsui Jurina”
“We are un-identical twins” the twins says cheerfully and smiling brightly at the friends.


Thanks everyone for reading :kneelbow: I'll continue to do my best XD

Offline Popsicle

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Re: The Hundred Thousand Years' Battle - Arcana [Chapter 1 Part 2] >>> 30/12/11
« Reply #15 on: December 30, 2011, 01:41:57 PM »
It's short but it's still really good ! :thumbup
Yuko LMFAO you left a good impression ~ :mon lmao:

Update soon ~! :heart:

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Re: The Hundred Thousand Years' Battle - Arcana [Chapter 1 Part 2] >>> 30/12/11
« Reply #16 on: December 30, 2011, 01:58:12 PM »
The story's getting more interesting. :mon lovelaff:
LOL ! Yuko is so pervert. I'm sure if there's no barrier,then Yuko
will definitely do skinship to Haruna. :hiakhiakhiak:
Thx for the update ! :gmon flowers:

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Re: The Hundred Thousand Years' Battle - Arcana [Chapter 1 Part 2] >>> 30/12/11
« Reply #17 on: December 30, 2011, 03:48:23 PM »
Yay! An update.  :on gay:
Wow, Yuko already wanting Haruna but Haruna's happy there's a barrier between them.  :on lol:
The un-identical twins. haha.
Can't wait for part 3.
Thank you. :kneelbow:

Offline Sydney W

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Re: The Hundred Thousand Years' Battle - Arcana [Chapter 1 Part 2] >>> 30/12/11
« Reply #18 on: December 30, 2011, 04:57:40 PM »
Awesome. Waiting for next update

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Re: The Hundred Thousand Years' Battle - Arcana [Chapter 1 Part 2] >>> 30/12/11
« Reply #19 on: December 30, 2011, 09:39:15 PM »
this story sounds interesting to me :D and i can say that i totally love it !

It's funny and well gender bender :) ! All the couple that i like are here, so i think i will build my house here :))

i love the way u described them as well their character, very interesting! The storyline is also awesome !

Yuko is as perverted as always, and thank to the barrier that Haruna can escape that, but well soon enough, she will have to face her "fate" hehehe.

Well yeah, that's all my poor mind can think for now ! Thank u for writing this great fic ! Update soon will ya :) Nice day !

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