Minna Thank you so much for voting... But I think I'll go with the Takaboy like the AKBingo! Ikemen Gakuen

I like Kyo Kara Maoh

Yea.. Double Black is for Maoh!!!

I really do agree that Takamina looks really good when she Danso in the Ikemen Gakuen episodes

And I think I delayed the next chapter a bit too long

So here it is now... Although I haven't proofread it yet..
So please bear with any mistakes and my English

I might edit it if I found a mistake when I read it later..
@Ryo Hiroshi & Flean & sorakamiya Thank you for commenting and suggesting

Makes me remember how kakkoi Takamina is

Second Identity - Visual Prince
Chapter 2 – The Birth of the Visual Prince“I would like short, black, shaggy hair and black eyes while I want my body to be a little bit taller and well-built and proportioned. And for the race… Hm… I think I want to be an angel.”
It would be cool to have wings and fly in the air.."... Are you sure??"
"Yes, I am"
"... I mean are you sure you only want to be a 'little' bit taller??? Not a lot more taller??"
"..." Takamina was not happy about what the GM said but she has to agree with her.. "Well... then a lot more taller" answered Takamina.
“Okay, and about the race you chose I would like to warn you first that it will be hard to learn the skill ‘fly’ in the game to prevent too much player from flying around.”
“No, problem!” smiled Takamina confidently “If it’s too easy then there won’t be any challenge” added Takamina.
“Alright if that is what you wish and there are many color for the wings like White, Black, Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Brown, Gray, Purple, etc. But player won’t be able to choose their color…”
“It will be chosen by the a lottery, you will know what color you get when you log in the game”
What?! I won’t be able to choose the color??... sigh* Hope I’m lucky enough to get a nice color…“So now what name you would want to use for your character?” asked the GM
“Hm….” Suddenly Takamina remembers something her parents told her before…
Flashback….Takamina was asked to clean the ware house by her mother.
“Sigh* Why do I have to clean this?” Takamina complained as she start dusting off dust from the boxes and things inside the ware house, then something caught her attention; it was a shiny, gold-colored metallic box.
Takamina was curious so she opened the box and found a notebook that says “Possible names for our child”. Takamina then flipped open the book what she see was Kazuhiro, Takeishi, Ichirou and etc. “Isn’t this all boys name???” Takamina asked herself until she flipped until the last page and there was a big red circle drawn around a name ‘Kai’. Takamina wanted to know what this book is about so she brought the book with her and went to ask her mom.
“Mom, what is this book?” asked Takamina
“Ah… that was the names your father thought of for you when you were not yet born” answered her mom.
“But… isn’t this all ‘Boys’ name?”
“Well… your father always wanted a boy and since you were really active when you were in my tummy your father concluded that you’re a boy and didn’t even bother to ask the doctor your gender and that’s why it was all boys’ name inside that notebook”
“Oh… and what is this red circle drawn around ‘Kai’?”
“Ah, it was the final name your father has decided for his ‘son’ and when you were born he didn’t even realize that you were a girl and almost register your name as Takahashi Kai but luckily the doctor saw the paper and told your father that it was a baby girl and not a baby boy. After hearing this your father was so shocked that he run back to me and check, and when he confirms that you’re really a girl he fainted and was on bed for 3 whole months because of the shock LOL” answered Taka mom amusingly.
Hearing this it was now Takamina’s turn to become shock… She never knew it… She is really grateful towards the doctor for noticing it if not she will be Takahashi Kai and not Takahashi Minami now… and with her boyish character people might think that she is a gay…Flashback Ends….“I would like the name ‘Kai’” Takamina answered the GM
“Okay, let me register your name to the game system…
Beep* Okay, your name is registered. I’ll give you simple explanations about the game then you can start playing” replied the GM
“First of all there are 3 big kingdoms in the game; the Snow Kingdom, Yukice, the Desert Kingdom, Sabou, and the Tropical Kingdom, Sutai. Players can choose one of the kingdom as their starting point, which will also be their rebirth point meaning when they died they will be teleported there. Also when a player died each time a level is decreased meaning if he/she is level 15 but then died when he/she is revived he/she will start from level 14.”
“If I am level 1 and I die what level will I be?” asked Takamina
“You will still remain level 1 since level 1 is the lowest level in the game” replied the GM as she continue her explanation of the game “ Player will be able to form teams and guild with other players, have pet and even get married.”
“Yes, as long as both players are willing to be married to one another they can go to the church and get married.” Then the GM continued “BTW, stats point are given to the players randomly but what is given depends on your class too and although Second Identity provide 99% reality the pain the player received from getting injured or dying is only 40%, if not then the player could die which is not what we want.”
40%... It still hurts a lot… Takamina thought to herself.
“One more unique feature of Second Identity is that players make their own skills but only according to their abilities, for example if your STR is 1 you could not make a skill that will deal with a lot of physical damage, the skills made should be reasonable and only every 5 levels the player will be able to gain a skill slot. Skill slot is the space available for making new skills, if the player’s skill slot is full then the player may not learn new skills unless they choose to forget a skill.”
“Wow! That’s cool!!! I’ve never heard that before” shouted Takamina
“Yes… as I have explained it is one of the features only available in Second Identity”
“But what if I want to know my stats and so on..?” asked Takamina
“In that case, you just have to say the word ‘Stats’ then your stats will appear in front of you, say ‘Skills’ then your skill slots will be shown, ‘Friends’ friend list will appear, to whisper/p.m. other player you just have to say ‘P.M. XXX’ and when the other player accept you could start talking to him/her only, ‘Log Out’ for logging out and that’s all of the basic knowledge of the game so now please choose the kingdom you wish to start your journey and I would teleport you there then you could start your journey”
“Hm… Let’s go with the Tropical Kingdom, Sutai.” answered Takamina
“Hai… In 10 seconds you will be transferred randomly either to the Village of New, Village of Shin or Village of Ruins, these 3 villages is where all new players will begin their journeys.” GM replied and bows “Please enjoy your time here, at the Second Identity.”
Then in 10 seconds Takamina was teleported to the Village of New.“Arg…” as Takamina slowly open her eyes and find that she is now in a village.
System: Player Kai has logged into Second Identity
“Wow… everything… is so… real…” Takamina said to herself in awe.
Then she realizes that she is a he now and there is a pair of black wings growing out of her back.
(Since Takamina is logged in the game now, I’ll refer her as Kai.)“Wow… Wings!!! So cool!!!! Lucky!!! It’s BLACK!!! I wonder if I can fly with it” then Kai tried to jump and fly but he just landed back to the ground.
“Aw.. why can’t I fly?.. Ah…” then Takamina remembers that the GM said it would be hard to learn to ‘fly’ which means that she will have to learn how to fly first…
Maybe I should ask someone about where can I learn how to fly… then Kai looks around only to see farmers farming and some villagers.
Since Kai is the first player there is no other player yet, there is only NPCs; like the farmers and villagers Kai saw. Kai feels excited and hurriedly check the backpack that was hung on his back when he was teleported here and he assumes it to be the newbie’s bag.
“Let’s see what I’ve got” Kai says as he opens the bag.
Inside the bag it contains a newbie’s clothes, newbie’s shoe, newbie’s glove and a short dagger.
Kai was disappointed at the item he got
sigh* Well… Can’t expect to get good items from the start… Then Kai hurriedly changed into the new clothing he got and play around with his dagger.
Maybe I should check my stats… “Stats!” Then suddenly a screen appeared in front of Kai:
ProfilePlayer Name: Kai
Level: 1
Gender: Male
Race: Angel
Class: NoneStatsSTR: 2
INT: 1
WIS: 2
CON: 3
AGI: 5Now… what should I do?? Kai asked himself as he starts walking out of the village aimlessly.
Then he spotted some jelly-like monsters which is usually refers to as ‘Slime’, Kai was so excited to see his first target then he dash towards the slime and stab it a few times with his dagger until the slime turn into a light and fly away.
System: Player Kai has killed a slime and has gained 20 Exp.
Hearing this Kai was awed Wow… this game is just amazing… Then he continue walking and look for his next target.
Kai spotted another slime and he dash towards it but this time the slime managed to dodge Kai’s dagger and bite Kai’s hand.
“Ouch.. it hurts a bit..” Kai became a bit furious as he stabs and kills a few more slimes and one of the slimes leave an apple before turning into a light and fly away, Kai went to pick the apple and smell it then bite it “Wow.. delicious”
System: Player Kai has killed a slime and has gained 20 Exp.
Player Kai has killed a slime and has gained 20 Exp.
Player Kai has killed a slime and has gained 20 Exp.
Player Kai has killed a slime and has gained 20 Exp.
Player Kai has level up.
Player Kai has restored 10 hp from eating Sweet Apple.
After hearing the announcement Kai was so excited as he as level up 1 level. “Stats”
ProfilePlayer Name: Kai
Level: 2
Gender: Male
Race: Angel
Class: NoneStatsSTR: 2+1
INT: 1
WIS: 2
CON: 3+1
AGI: 5+1“Yes! Just what I need, now let’s continue and level up!!!” Kai shouted excitedly to himself.
Thanks for reading

Hope I can update soon..

But I'm getting a bit lazy recently