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Author Topic: Colour of Truth - Omake (Tanakame) Part 7 (last) - 10/04  (Read 87127 times)

Offline FaqU

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Colour of Truth - Omake (Tanakame) Part 7 (last) - 10/04
« on: January 04, 2010, 02:58:43 PM »

Date: March 8
Time: 9:00 pm

A typical evening where the skies are clear, darkness bestowing upon the country, however in a no so far countryside rustles could be heard and if you have the ears of an animal, one could hear faint pants emanating out of this particular forest.

“Huff…Huff…” *rustle, crack, snap* “Puff…Puff…” The person stops when he was out of breath… ‘Big mistake’ the next sound that could be heard is the crack of a bone and an agonizing scream that scared every feathered friend to fly from their resting place.

~BANG BANG~ the man shot aimlessly “Show yourself” as he held onto his now bleeding ankle trying to crawl away ~BANG BANG~ “I said show yourself, be a man and stop hiding”  In one swift motion, the man was disarmed and hands held behind his back on the ground “Arg!!!”

“Honey, I wouldn’t make this more difficult because, the more you do, the more painful it will be for you when we choose methods of death for you”

“W-w-who are you? What have I done to you?”


“Enough of the bullshit talk Gen, let’s get this over with”

“Awww don’t rush Gen, Ace”  The man turned his head as much as he could to see his attackers but to no avail, it was too dark, he couldn’t even see anyone else besides the weight on his arm.

“I have other things to do Swift, like Sexy is waiting”

The man who was listening on this was getting frightened by the minute “Who are you guys?”

“No one you will ever have to worry about, you know too much already and given us what we want” The next sound he heard was also his last ~BANG

“Alright Whiz, I need to know the scene” Gen spoke into an earpiece

“Looks like we chose a good spot, or a bad spot in his case.  He could only blame himself for not fully cooperating with us, otherwise he wouldn’t have to end up with this route” as the trio high-fived each other after the response from Whiz

“Swift, you know what to do.  So let’s hit the club shall we?” Swift nodded before rushing off disappearing into the trees

“I think Sexy will like that, she wasn’t exactly thrilled that she wasn’t part of tonight’s mission”

“You damn straight I’m not happy” screeched the voice over their earpieces, causing everyone to take out the earpiece at a distant, making sure there was no more screeching before placing it back in their ears.

“Sexy, shut it!  This is expensive equipment!  Whiz!  Shut her off and we will be there in 10.  Over and out!!!” instructed Gen “Ace, control your woman!”

“Sorry Gen but she doesn’t sound so bad in bed” Ace shrugged as they came under the light onto the main road.

“I will be there in 1” Swift’s voice can be heard over the earpiece and as expected headlights could be seen approaching fast and screeched to a halt right in front of them.  The duo hopped into the awaiting metallic silver Skyline GT-R as they rode through the cool breezy night towards their next destination.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2019, 11:35:08 PM by FaqU »

Offline pretend_2besome1

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Re: Colour of Truth - Prologue - 01/04
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2010, 03:10:30 PM »
Whoa! Already starting a new fic, are we?  :grin:

It looks promising  :D
Did I hear gun shots and someone mentioned expensive equipment (translated to brain as: high tech gadget)? Count me in! LOL

Can't wait to see when it's revealed who is who.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2010, 03:17:11 PM by pretend_2besome1 »

TakaSemaru  :heart:

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Re: Colour of Truth - Prologue - 01/04
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2010, 03:29:54 PM »
Indeed I am starting a new fic  :D I have this idea that I wanted to try out using this kind of theme and I hope my head doesn't go  :panic: at how many directions I end up going in  :nervous I am so easily swayed

Unfortunately because this one is not as thought out as Taking Chances, I don't know if I am capable of updating faster but I'll work on it  ;)

Offline kRisZ

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Re: Colour of Truth - Prologue - 01/04
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2010, 06:00:24 PM »
Very interesting  :yep:

*Waits while eating popcorn*

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Colour of Truth - Prologue - 01/04
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2010, 10:55:10 AM »
 :guitar: :rockon: Can't wait for more!!!

Offline lil_hamz

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Re: Colour of Truth - Prologue - 01/04
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2010, 10:17:54 AM »
This seems a little familiar. Ahhhh! It's what you told me before right?

I remember Ace, Sexy etc. All their "codenames" so to speak. And of course the Skyline GT-R :) I can't wait to see how you are planning to expand this plot.

I know I'm definitely not a good enough writer to judge fics but I really feel that you have improved after reading this chapter. Keep up the good work!  ;)

Offline FaqU

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Re: Colour of Truth - Prologue - 01/04
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2010, 05:16:48 PM »
@ kRisZ: Hope you haven't finished all the popcorn  :lol:

@ Her Awesome Holiness: Wait no further!!!! (At least not this chapter  :sweatdrop:)

@ Mame-chan: Bingo!!!! Gotta love that Skyline GTR34, one nice, sexy car (if you alter it and colour it right) This is definitely going to be a tough plot to think about and I hope I can make this interesting every step of the way *crosses fingers* or at least put in enough surprises and interesting scenes.

I don't know whether I have improved but thank you!!!! I'll try to keep it up so I don't disappoint  ;)

Chapter 1

Date: March 9
Time: 7:00 am


“Were there any witnesses?”

“None ma’am”

“Who was the one that noticed the corpse first?”

“It was an environmentalist that just happen to come through here looking for certain specimens”

“So they aren’t locals themselves are they?”

“Unfortunately no”

“Suzuki-san, forensics and the coroner are here!” Suzuki Airi, Senior Detective after graduating with top honours from police academy 2 years ago, turned at the mention of her name.

“Alright I’ll be right over”

“Miya!  Let’s go Gaki-san and forensics are here” as Airi motioned for her partner and second in command, Detective Natsuyaki Miyabi after graduating with honours from police academy 2 years ago, to go towards the coroner.  “Gaki-san, what’s the cause of death”

“Judging by the look, the fatal blow should be the gunshot in the head, and judging by the victim’s visual body colour, the victim died between 8 – 12 last night” Niigaki Risa, replied pushing her glasses up to get a better view, “I will need to dissect in order to get the bullet out for analysis and do a more detailed view of other damages, which will probably be later this afternoon”

“Great, call me when you are ready”

“Will do” as Risa and her assistant picked up their things and headed to their car

“Okay team, let’s get back to the office for debriefing after all information is collected” hollered Miyabi to the team as she and Airi walked to their own car and drove off.

While driving, Airi dialled a number on her Bluetooth connected phone pad screen, “Risa-ane, I forgot to ask you if you are coming home tonight, I’m cooking this evening”

“When you cook Airin, I will be there, just keep Miya out of the kitchen!”

“Hey I am right here and I resent that”

“I know and I don’t care!  A person’s stomach can only take so much damage”

“Okay okay, you guys can bicker later but anyways sis you are coming home for sure right?”

“Yes little one!  I have to go so I will call later to confirm or confirm when you get here. Bye” ~CLICK~

“Why does she always have to diss me like that?” whined Miyabi

“Awww you know she loves you but she does have a point, a person’s stomach can only handle so much”

“Suzuki Airi, if you weren’t driving I would have bopped you on the head”

“Haha sorry!  Anyways to make it up to you how bout I make whatever you want to eat”

“Humph! Fine!  I could never win against you two siblings anyways”

“Awww don’t be upset, you are and always will be our favourite cousin”

“Correction!  I am your only cousin”

“Still the same” as the duo zoomed back to the station
Date: March 9
Time: 8:00 am

~KNOCK KNOCK~ “Reina, Eri time to wake up” Silence “Reina! Eri!  Wake up now or I will barge in there, naked or not”

“Ai-chan, give us 5 more minutes, we are tired”

“Well just to inform you Maimi and Saki are up already”

“What? How can those runts…well one runt, doesn’t matter, how can they be up already?”

“You know how they are; they like to get up early”

“Fine fine!! I’ll get Eri up now!”

“Be out here in 10” as Ai slowly walked away

“Eri, honey, we have to get up now”

“Awww please can’t we stay in bed a little longer?” Eri draped an arm around Reina’s waist

“You know I would want nothing in this world but to do you all day but we can’t, Maimi and Saki are up already”

“What???? How can they be up???? They were working late last night!!!”

“I don’t know but let’s get up”

“Alright, can you get washed up first?  That’ll give me a few more minutes”

“Alright babe” as Reina kissed Eri on the cheek before lazily getting out of bed

When they got downstairs to the dining room, Maimi, Saki and Ai were already eating breakfast.  They each took their respective seats and greeted the girls

“We started without you since you guys took too long to get up” stated Maimi without looking up from the report she was reading

“Yeah, yeah shush you!” grunted Reina, still not liking the fact she had to get up

“We’re going in a couple minutes, so hurry up” chimed Saki ignoring Reina’s grunt as she too was looking at her own report “and can you tell your girlfriend to wake up? Her nose will be swimming in her breakfast”

Reina turned to her girlfriend and sure enough Eri’s head was about to fall into her breakfast.  Reina was peeved at the semi-lecture she was getting from the younger two of the group and it pisses her off even more when the younger ones are right

“Maimi, Saki you guys have a web meeting later today at 2” pointed out Ai taking her eyes away from the laptop she was tapping on

“Got it!!!....Chotto matte!!!!! I don’t remember setting up a 2 pm.  Who is it with?”

“Your parents” at the aforementioned people both Maimi and Saki stopped eating momentarily, glanced at each other and then started eating again. Ai, Reina and Eri ate their breakfast quietly, waiting for the expected cheer/groan


“Damn it!  Why do I have to go?  I went last time”

“Yatta! Yatta! Yatta!  You can’t blame me if you lose”

The three older girls chuckled at the bickering between the two “you lost again Saki?”

“I knew I should have put out paper!!!!  Why did I choose scissors?!! Damn it!!!”

“When will you guys be willing to meet your parents TOGETHER!” stressed Eri, as the three were accustomed to the deal the two younger ones had.  They were to play jankenpon to see who has to face the parents.

“Guys, we already had this discussion before so I don’t want to hear it from any of you”

“Alright alright!  Reina, Eri are you guys ready?  We have to get to the office soon, unlike some people, we have to be on time” Ai looked over at the 2 younger ones who were calmly eating their breakfast

“Yeah, we’re ready.  Who’s driving today?” as Reina looked from Ai to Eri, in which neither gave her an answer “Fine! I will!  Maimi, I am taking the Audi”

“Alright, see you guys in a bit” as she waved at them leaving their house.  “Saki, did you want to drive separately or together?”

“I have to go grocery shopping later; it’s my turn to cook tonight, so if you want to tag along later then we can go together”

“Hang on, let me find out what my schedule is like” Maimi took out her phone, connected it to projector screen and dialled for Ai before aiming the camera towards herself and Saki

Minutes later, Ai’s visage came onto the screen “what’s up guys?”

“Ai-chan, what’s my schedule looking like today?  When’s my last appointment?”

“Hold on let me check” Maimi and Saki watched as Ai pulled out her laptop “Reina slow down for a minute and keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the steering wheel”

Maimi and Saki looked at each other “Ai-chan, tell Reina that if she dirties or breaks the Audi, it is coming out of her own pocket!  And please check Saki’s schedule while you’re at it”

From the background, the duo can hear Reina “I am not doing anything dirty just for the record!  I am trying to find a suitable song to play”.  Maimi and Saki shook their heads chuckling, yes Reina and Eri can be a handful at times but they couldn’t help but love them for their antics and the fact that they can be serious when it was needed.

“Okay girls, you guys should be free by 5 today”

“Thanks Ai-chan, don’t know what we’ll do without you” Maimi and Saki blew a kiss to her.

Ai pretended catching them and placing them over her heart “Awwww guys, I love you both too and don’t mention it.  I’m your secretary right?”

“Hey how come you only love Ai-chan?  You guys are playing favourites!” hollered Eri from the front passenger seat

“Ai-chan can you direct the phone towards them?” Ai did as she was asked, showing an eagerly waiting Eri as Maimi and Saki exchanged glances.  Then they both put their middle finger up at her, shocking Eri and causing her to pout.  Maimi and Saki laughed and high-fived each other. 

“Alright, alright Eri, we’re sorry, we were just teasing, of course we love you and Reina-chan too otherwise we wouldn’t be living together and we wouldn’t keep you by our sides.  You guys are our girls for life!” stated Saki as Maimi and Saki blew kisses in her direction but no reaction from Eri, indicating she was still upset “hey now, don’t be like that!  I’m cooking tonight so how bout I make your favourite spaghetti?”

That caught Eri’s attention as she changed to the hyper, happy person “really?! Okay you guys are forgiven”

“Alright then we’ll see you guys later” Maimi snapped shut her phone, ending the conversation “So I guess we are going together.  Who’s driving?”

“I will” as Saki opened a drawer and looked through the selection “Silvia?”

“Sounds good to me” confirmed Maimi as she checked herself in the mirror one more time, making sure her business attire was straight and professional “okay let’s go” putting on her shoes, following Saki out.

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 1 - 01/06
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2010, 05:32:12 PM »
Let’s go Gaki-san and forensics are here
Risa is the coroner? :w00t: Risa, coroner? :drool: Wow, that doesn't sound super morbid at all...

Anyways, I like how you so neatly set up their relationships, though I'm still not entirely sure about two of them. I want moar, this looks to be epic!

@ Her Awesome Holiness:
Haha, I know I said it, but still. :oops:
« Last Edit: January 06, 2010, 05:37:08 PM by rndmnwierd »

Offline pretend_2besome1

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 1 - 01/06
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2010, 01:53:30 PM »
*steals some of kRisZ's popcorn when kRisZ is not looking*

Unfortunately because this one is not as thought out as Taking Chances, I don't know if I am capable of updating faster but I'll work on it
Faster or not I don't mind, I can wait  ;)

Yay for Miya & Airi as detectives, since it's you can I expect some MaiRi in the future after they all meet?
(Speaking of MaiRi, have you seen the UTB scans of them?)

Coroner Gaki is cool.

“Correction!  I am your only cousin”
“Still the same”

TanaKamei is  :heart: ---> See? I'm being an obvious TanaKamei-ist  :grin:

It's hard to imagine Ai being a secretary which makes it fun btw. (Wouldn't you just love to have a secretary like that? XD).

Then they both put their middle finger up at her, shocking Eri and causing her to pout.  Maimi and Saki laughed and high-fived each other
:O...I'm liking this duo!

I like how you put other members from C-ute and Berryz, makes the fic all the more interesting  :twothumbs

I know I'm definitely not a good enough writer to judge fics but I really feel that you have improved after reading this chapter. Keep up the good work!
:yep: I agree with lil_hamz

TakaSemaru  :heart:

Offline FaqU

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 1 - 01/06
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2010, 03:45:03 PM »
@ Her Awesome Holiness: Which 2 are you not sure of??? I don't know if this can be epic but with the more the characters the more I am digging myself into a grave because I know I tend to think more and more things  :nervous

@ Chloe:  :lol: You may expect some MaiRi in the future when the meet but will it be an actual relationship or just friendship, that's still debatable and in the thinking pile.  (No I haven't had much time so I haven't had a chance to see the UTB scans, I am assuming  :drool: though)

In this one, it's guaranteed that Tanakameism will appear, however, like I said about MaiRi, will it end in a relationship or friendship, it is in the thinking pile. :lol:

For all the Ai-chan fans, wouldn't Ai being a secretary be more....seductive???

Oh, you are shocked as if you've never done that before with a friend....I have!!! Multiple times actually, it's great fun and good laughs.

There isn't enough MM pairings and because I haven't written a kids fic in a while, I decided to incorporate everyone, but then again the more people, the more drama no???

 :shy2: *waves hand* No no, I don't think I have improved, because if I have then that'll mean too much pressure !!!!!

Chapter 2

Date: March 9
Time: 3:00 pm

“Okay guys what do we know about the victim” Airi asked her team

“Ryo Tokugawa, male , 43 years of age, we’ve checked the background and apparently he is a major drug dealer, who was charged last month, there was evidence and witnesses however for some strange reason, the witnesses disappeared or changed their testimony so their was insufficient evidence to put him away.  He is known to not be trusting to anyone, does a lot of things himself, doesn’t like to have anyone help him.”

“Thanks Nakky, anything else?”

“Well we can’t find out what kind of person would kill such a man because the list was endless, our usual dark character” chimed Chisa

“Don’t tell us what we can’t do people!  We are only interested in what we can do” Miyabi slammed her fist on the table.  Airi walked up to her partner and placed a hand on her shoulder, calming her down “Sorry guys you know how I am when we have a dead-end case”

“Miya by the looks of it we will have to wait for the autopsy and the forensics team to give us more clues” ~RING RING~ “Senior Detective Suzuki here… okay we’ll be there” Airi placed the phone back on the receiver “Miya let’s go for the autopsy.  Guys do your best to find other leads and don’t stay late, I doubt you’ll find anything significant anyways because these shady characters are the worst but keep me posted otherwise.  See you guys tomorrow morning” as Airi and Miyabi left to the coroner’s office

“Gaki-san, Miya and I are here, anything new?” asked Airi while tying her safety suit on

“Well I have examined the exterior and beside the obvious bullet wound, nothing so far. I will now check for poisoning…” Rise opened the victim’s mouth and eyes for signs of poisoning, then used the scalpel and started dissecting the corpse to check the lungs, liver and kidney. “No poisoning of any sort can be seen so it seems like my first prediction is right, the cause of death is from the shot in the head.  Now if you give me a couple of minutes, I will take out the bullet.”  Miyabi and Airi waited patiently as Risa used forceps to pull out the bullet ~CLANK~ Risa threw the bullet onto a metal tray “take this to forensics” she instructed her assistant then turned to Airi and Miyabi “well guys we have a bullet, we just have to see what kind of gun it came out of and see if there is a trace there”

“Wait” Airi stopped the assistant “let me take a look at it.”  The assistant placed the tray onto the table and turned on the desk lamp “pass me those plier-things Gaki-san?” she put out her hand and waited for Risa to give her forceps, in which she bent closer to the table lamp, picked up the bullet and placed it under the light “this looks like it came from a normal handgun, I’m thinking PT145 pistol” She placed the bullet back on the tray for the assistant to take away “thanks”

“I forgot we have an arms specialist”

“Well we should wait though to see if I am correct, I want the results in black and white.  We don’t want to be searching for something that is not confirmed and if anything, I don’t want to be correct”

“Why do you doubt yourself?”

“Miya she isn’t doubting herself, she is doing things by the book but why don’t you want to be correct Airin?”

“Yeah yeah I know, sometimes I hate conversing with you two, sooo technical and Gaki-san if Airin is correct that would mean we are at dead-end because that model is too common”

Airi nodded “Technical only when it comes to our job, you know we will like to have fun.  Anyways, let’s get packed up before going to the supermarket.  Risa-ane, we’ll see you home?”

“Yep I should be home in a couple of hours” as she waved at them without looking

“So what’s for dinner anyways?” asked Miyabi as she was taking off the suit

“Did you forget?  I am making your favourite” Airi threw her suit in the basin and put on her leather jacket as both put on their sunglasses before stepping out towards their Mercedes S2000 “Let’s get back to the station and see what we’ve got”


Short chappie but I promise the next one will be longer  :byebye:

Offline pretend_2besome1

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 2 - 01/08
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2010, 04:22:31 PM »
And here I was just commented and yet another update appear.

You should check the pics (in either one of their thread). It's MaiRi worthy.

In this one, it's guaranteed that Tanakameism will appear, however, like I said about MaiRi, will it end in a relationship or friendship, it is in the thinking pile
How could you say that?!  :scolding:

For all the Ai-chan fans, wouldn't Ai being a secretary be more....seductive???
The only answer needed is :yep:

My friends would kill me if I do that to them.

There isn't enough MM pairings and because I haven't written a kids fic in a while, I decided to incorporate everyone, but then again the more people, the more drama no???
Yes, and that's so very you answer XD
I like HP kids and since there aren't many fics about them, I'm glad you include them here.

Don't think about the pressure, I think you'll do fine if not better ;)

I like Miya's personality  :lol:

Gaki-san at work  :love:
« Last Edit: January 08, 2010, 04:29:14 PM by pretend_2besome1 »

TakaSemaru  :heart:

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 2 - 01/08
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2010, 05:55:40 PM »
Which 2 are you not sure of???
Ah, I just meant I don't know what the codenames are for Maimi and Saki. Maybe I didn't word that the right way.

Cute little chappie, here, little bit o setup. The girls at work are cool. :yep:

Offline lil_hamz

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 2 - 01/08
« Reply #12 on: January 09, 2010, 06:56:40 PM »
I apologize for e non bold fonts for C1 and later for C2 but it's almost impossible when u are typing on a phone xP omg Gaki is e coroner?!?! That is like so incredibly hawt!! I like e Miya and Airi detective duo. Hawt and capable :) ah so this has tanakamei. Who will Ai be with? Gaki? Or maybe Sayu when she appears.

once again I love how you wrote out so clearly how Risa runs through her work. Does Risa's assistant have a name? Somehow Nakky strikes me as e cop to go undercover in a prostitute ring crackdown XD you are including quite a few awesome cars ;)
« Last Edit: January 09, 2010, 06:58:54 PM by lil_hamz »

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 2 - 01/08
« Reply #13 on: January 10, 2010, 01:40:49 AM »
Risa's a Medical examiner  :heart:

“Awww don’t be upset, you are and always will be our favourite cousin”

“Correction!  I am your only cousin”


Wake up now or I will barge in there, naked or not

Naked?! I'd like to barge in  :on woohoo:  :D

“You know I would want nothing in this world but to do you all day but we can’t

Did I read that correctly  :shocked  :mon blood:

Her nose will be swimming in her breakfast

Lovely to imagine  XD

“Hold on let me check” Maimi and Saki watched as Ai pulled out her laptop “Reina slow down for a minute and keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the steering wheel”

 :mon blood:

“I am not doing anything dirty just for the record!  I am trying to find a suitable song to play”

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

I’m your secretary right


Then they both put their middle finger up at her, shocking Eri and causing her to pout.  Maimi and Saki laughed and high-fived each other

This is riot  :twisted:

“I will” as Saki opened a drawer and looked through the selection “Silvia?”

Hmmm, what's next

I’m not that familiar with the kids but Yay! I like them being with MM  :cow:

*Waits for the next while still munching on the popcorn…* ‘Wait, where did my popcorn go?’ *Looks around, spots C and yells ‘C, give me back my popcorn!’  :pleeease:  lol

Offline FaqU

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 2 - 01/08
« Reply #14 on: January 11, 2010, 05:26:40 PM »
@ Chloe: I can totally say that because that's the teasing rights I have  :hiakhiakhiak:

Oh my friends would definitely kill me but at the end of the day, they know its for laughs and we'd just laugh it off.

What do you mean it's a very me answer??? I'm shocked  :grr:  :kekeke:

I wonder why there aren't that many kids fics???  :?

@ Her Awesome Holiness: Ohhhh you mean codenames, I see....don't fret, I'm pretty sure you'll figure it out....or not  :kekeke:

@ Mame-chan: Well I could do one of two things, first would be to satisfy the takagaki's out there and second would be to set up a new pairing that has never been done before....which do you prefer???  :hee: (Do I even have to ask?)

Trust me to write out Risa's work was causing me a headache because if I didn't do that scene it would seem like Risa's involvement in the fic to be almost nonexistent and that would be boring on her part because she plays a big part in the fic.

Unfortunately Risa's assistant does not have a name because I don't think that character will be a major role in the fic at all besides here or there.  Nakky strikes you as a cop undercover in a prostitute organization??? Wow....yeah Wow!

Of course where is the coolness when you don't have an awesome car to go along with these characters??? I also always wanted to incorporate a fic with all the cars I love  :bigdeal:

@ kRisZ: You're not the only one that would want to barge in  :hiakhiakhiak:

Yes you read that correctly the first time however the second time, no that wasn't what you thought it would be

Chapter 3

Date: March 9
Time: 5:00 pm

“Ahhhhh another day” as Maimi stretched her arms inside her own office “look at the time, I should call Saki to see if she is ready to go” as she dialled Saki’s extension “hey are you ready?”

“Yeah just need to give some instructions to Eri, meet you at the parking lot?”

“Sounds good” Maimi hung up, put on her blazer, took her purse and picked up a couple of files before heading out of her office.

“Takahashi-san, hate to do this to you but do you mind making these corrections ready for tomorrow?”  Maimi took one of the files and handed it to Ai

“Sure” as she opened the file and examined the damage as Maimi walked towards Reina

“Tanaka-san, I am going to put you on this project, here are the details in this file, double check the deadline date but I think it is in a month.  Let’s set a meeting tomorrow afternoon okay?”

“That’s fine Ms. Yajima” as Reina took the file from Maimi and checked the deadline date before entering it on her calendar

Maimi took the elevator and walked towards the metallic silver Nissan Silvia, where Saki was patiently waiting “hey sorry bout that, had to drop things for Ai-chan and Reina”

“No worries” Saki started the car and slowly drove out of the parking lot “So what do you feel like having?  I just know I promised Eri to make spaghetti but what else?”

“I feel like steak and potatoes tonight, okay with you?”

“Yeah that’s fine!  I don’t think the others will mind either but are we having it with wine?”

“Of course, what’s steak without a little red wine?” Maimi chuckled “anyways how was the meeting with the parents”

“Groan…don’t remind me.  Just the usual trying to get to know what’s been going on in our lives making up for the times when they didn’t have the time for us.  Your parents were asking me why you weren’t there though in which I gave them the usual, we are busy with a project etc etc.  They want to set up a dinner though and they wouldn’t take no for an answer”

“I don’t get them at all!!  We are already doing as they wish, what more do they want?  We didn’t need them around then, what makes them think that we need them now?  We turned out fine growing up just the two of us”

“Calm down Maimi, don’t let them affect you.  I think they feel guilty though for what they did in the past.  I understand where you are coming from and believe me if there is anyone that understands the way I feel or think, it is you and I believe it’s the same vice versa.  We can just go to the dinner and that’s it right?  They are getting old and I know its all business for them but like I said, in a few years they won’t be here anymore so while they are here let’s just try to get along?”

Maimi sighed, “you’re right Saki, I guess I should give them the last of their chances and try to get along.  You are also right though, if there is anyone who can understand me it has to be you.  I was fortunate that you were there for me when we were kids and have been there for me up till now.  I guess that is one thing the parents did right”

Saki laughed “you aren’t going to get sentimental with me now are you?”

Maimi punched Saki lightly on the shoulder “way to go ruin my only moment where I am not on offense”

“Don’t say that!  I just thought it was rare that’s all, the usually calm, cool and collected Maimi being emotional and sentimental hasn’t appeared in front of me for a long time now, I kinda forgot how it was. Its nice to be reminded you know?”

“Word gets out and I will personally have to strangle you, and just for the record its only in front of you.  I can’t show that side in public because it makes me weak you know?”

Saki parked the car and placed a hand on top of Maimi’s “you should never think that it is a sign of weakness and I don’t think the girls think you even have a weak side.  They might think it is an imposter haha”

“Haha, yeah well you should be the one to talk, you’re the same as me.  But anyways, we should go shopping, this moment is becoming awkward for me”

“Wouldn’t want to hunger the girls right?”

The girls walked in to the supermarket, Maimi pushing a shopping cart as Saki started picking out her ingredients. ~CRASH~ Saki turned to find 2 girls and Maimi picking up some ingredients off the floor from their overflowing shopping carts.  In particular, one girl caught Saki’s eye, she was slightly taller than Saki and was wearing very casual clothes and distinct features, especially her chin.  Saki walked over to see what the issue was as well as help Maimi

“Sorry” both Maimi and the other girl apologized at the same time

“Haha, sorry it was totally our fault, we weren’t looking” said the girl with a toothy smile, hair tied in a bun

“No no I think I was over absorbed in my own thoughts that I didn’t look where I was going”

“Maimi, are you okay?”

“Yeah, I was deep in thought and never saw these pretty ladies and well we crashed carts”

Saki turned to the 2 girls and noticed the one with a toothy grin was blushing slightly while the one with a long chin was staring at her “Sorry about my friend here, she tends to bump into things”  Saki explained without looking away from the girl

“No worries!  The same is for Airin here too” the girl smiled ‘she has a nice smile’

“Well since neither party is harmed, I guess we should be off?” Airi looked at Maimi and Saki

“Sorry once again” Maimi apologized before pushing her cart away leaving “Come on woman!  We’ve got hungry people at home waiting”

“Coming!” hollered Saki not taking her eyes off the girl and was about to turn around but before doing so she winked at the long chin girl

Airi caught the wink and turned to her companion who was still staring at the girl walking away and nudged her in the arm “Miya the girl is gone, you can breathe now”

Miyabi turned to Airi and pushed her lightly “Shut up!  I was always breathing”

Airi cocked her eyebrows in doubt “yeah and I am a Kappa”

“I never thought of you as anything else, you know a kappa in human disguise” smirked Miyabi before slightly jogging away

“Get back here doofus!  Feel the wrath of the kappa” she rolled the shopping cart after her faithful companion, partner, cousin and long time friend

“I saw you oogling that girl Saki, interested?”  Maimi asked as they were carrying the groceries to the car

“For your big fat information, I was not oogling, just…you know surveying my environment” as she pushed the button to pop the trunk

“Yeah right, first I am not big nor fat and second you were practically drooling over the long chin like you were ready to pounce and I bet you winked at her”

“Man I hate it when you know me inside and out, it tends to get creepy and scary you know and I wasn’t drooling”

“But you did wink right?  Did you catch a name?  And I do know it is scary but the feeling is mutual”

“Yeah I did and no I didn’t catch a name but we do know that the toothy one’s name is Airin, which sounds like a nick”

“Tough then!  Hey the girls are home already” Maimi stated when they entered their premises eyeing the midnight blue Audi A4, checking for any exterior damage. ‘Reina better not damage the cars again or I’ll wring her neck’

“A little help here?”

Maimi turned to see Saki juggling the grocery bags “Naw I think you’ve got it covered” as she leaned on the Audi

“Come on Maimi, I am not as strong as you are and just to remind you that the longer it takes for me to get this stuff in the house, the longer it will be before we eat.  You remember the last time the girls were hungry”

Maimi recalled the memory and shivered “yeah on the other hand let’s get the food inside” as she quickly helped Saki carry things. 

“Honey, we’re home!!! Did you guys do any damage to the house??” asked Saki as she eyed Ai on her laptop and the duo who were playing on the Maximum Tune arcade system

“No mom and dad” mocked Reina without turning away from the game

“That’s a good baby” retored Maimi

“So tonight we are having steak and potatoes along with spaghetti, any objections?” Silence “I assume not then”

“Saki-chan, would you like any help?” offered Ai

“No Ai-chan, you cooked yesterday and Maimi offered to help anyways but thank you”

Maimi and Saki walked into the kitchen and started preparing dinner after changing their clothes and putting on aprons. Maimi’s cell rung suddenly indicating she has a new email message “Saki, I need to deal with this, I’ll be back in a couple” Maimi stated after looking at the sender as she dashed to her study and locked the door

Maimi connected her computer to the TV before opening the video attachment to her email she had just received  “Here is some information for your next project in which I need verification before we make our next move.  You know what you have to do, I hope to hear from you soon”

Maimi clicked open the attached documents and examined them, she picked up her pen and scribbled the words ‘next project: data research required’, stuffed it in her pockets, before heading back out to help Saki

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 3 - 01/11
« Reply #15 on: January 11, 2010, 06:17:07 PM »
Hmm, I wonder what the next project is? Will we get another appearance of the Bad!Girls? :drool:

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 3 - 01/11
« Reply #16 on: January 11, 2010, 06:23:20 PM »
I can totally say that because that's the teasing rights I have
Damn author power :frustrated:  :lol:

What do you mean it's a very me answer??? I'm shocked
I dunno. It's you :nervous

Maybe people doesn't like kids fic much?

I feel like steak and potatoes tonight
I like that :drool:

:w00t: the MiyaSaki and MaiRi meeting!
This Saki is captain, right?

“yeah and I am a Kappa”
“I never thought of you as anything else, you know a kappa in human disguise”
“Get back here doofus!  Feel the wrath of the kappa”

Many mysterious things still but definitely getting interesting.

*Waits for the next while still munching on the popcorn…* ‘Wait, where did my popcorn go?’ *Looks around, spots C and yells ‘C, give me back my popcorn!’  :pleeease:  lol
:mon sweat: *gives back popcorn and offers kRisZ a can of coke as a peace offering*

TakaSemaru  :heart:

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 3 - 01/11
« Reply #17 on: January 12, 2010, 03:23:55 AM »
Woo a CSI-ish fic? COOL! and eh is Maimi and Saki older then Eri, Reina & Ai here? Or are they just young biz kids?

I wonder how gang Maimi and gang Airi are gonna clash together tho..


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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 3 - 01/11
« Reply #18 on: January 12, 2010, 04:19:06 PM »
“Coming!” hollered Saki not taking her eyes off the girl and was about to turn around but before doing so she winked at the long chin girl

That’s no slacking, time is gold  XD

‘next project: data research required’


:mon sweat: *gives back popcorn and offers kRisZ a can of coke as a peace offering*

 XD  Domo  :D

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 3 - 01/11
« Reply #19 on: January 12, 2010, 08:51:17 PM »
XD the chin joke never gets old. Ok so this will be a MiyaSaki eh? Interesting.. Yet believable. In response to ya qns about the pairings, it really depends on who it is. I could deal in most cases. Oh and you didn't voice ya thoughts about Nakky. Do you agree she looks the part? :P

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