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The Hello! Project Fanfics => H!P Fanfics => Topic started by: rndmnwierd on September 05, 2009, 07:41:00 PM

Title: Black and Blue (Ch 34 6/4 The End!)
Post by: rndmnwierd on September 05, 2009, 07:41:00 PM
Chapter Index

First Arc

Chapter 1 Part 2/3 (
Chapter 1 Part3/3 (
Chapter 2 (
Chapter 3 (
Chapter 4 (
Chapter 5 (
Chapter 6 (
Chapter 7 (
Chapter 7.5? (
Chapter 8 (
Chapter 9 (
Chapter 10 (
Chapter 11 (
Chapter 12 (
Chapter 13 (
Chapter 14 (
Chapter 15 (
The Rest of Chapter 15 (
Chapter 15.5 (

Second Arc


Chapter 16 (
Chapter 17 (
Chapter 18 (
Chapter 19 (
Chapter 20 (
Chapter 21 (
Chapter 22 (
Chapter 23 (
Chapter 24 (

Third Arc

Chapter 25 (
Chapter 26 (
Chapter 27 part 1 (
Chapter 27 part 2 (
Chapter 28 (
Chapter 29 (
Chapter 30 (
Chapter 31 (
Chapter 32 (
Chapter 33 (
Chapter 34 (

Black and Blue
Chapter 1 Part 1
Us and Them

Jun was fairly shoved into the small, co-ed holding cell, “You’ll stay here until your trial.” the burly officer said when she stuck her hands through the bars to have her handcuffs unlocked. Without even looking at her bound hands, he turned and walked away.

Letting out a sigh, Jun turned to face the hostility of her cellmates, “Well, you’re a chink ain’t ya?” asked a man who talked like he had more teeth than brain cells and looked like he had previously played hockey, or some other sport where people lost teeth. “A chink is the reason I’m in here.” He was surrounded by what looked like his hockey teammates, including a few less than pretty women.

The group began to surround her, but Jun’s facial expression never changed from her mask of calm.

Down the hallway, the guards looked less than surprised to hear what sounded like someone getting a major asskicking. They were chuckling to each other when suddenly, the sound stopped. The guard’s exchanged a look and decided to go make sure there hadn’t been a death.

Coming to Jun’s holding cell, the guards were astounded to find everyone in the cell, except for Jun, sprawled in various positions about the floor. They turned to the only conscious one, finding her perched delicately on the end of the bench closest to the opening, hands still cuffed and not a hair out of place.

Jun raised an eyebrow at them, her only real show of emotion since being brought in, and said, “Everyone suddenly felt tired.” in gently accented Japanese. Then she put her hands through the bars, blinking expectantly at the guards. The burly one gingerly freed her of her bonds.


Panting hard, Aika ran as though the hounds of hell were on her tail, which wasn’t that far off. Her thoughts generated in time with her pounding feet as she fled across the moonlit rooftops, jumping, climbing, rolling and dodging through the obstacles in her way.

‘How could I be so stupid? How could I make such a rookie mistake?’ She berated herself silently, trying to outrun the inevitability of capture. Her quick mind realized that she was being herded towards a dead end, but Aika wasn’t ready to go down without a fight.

For all her experience and smarts, Aika belatedly admitted that she’d gotten overconfident in her abilities, just as up ahead, she saw the buildings come to an abrupt halt. Still she ran, jumping over the last gap between the buildings and not stopping until she reached the very end. She looked down at the long drop before focusing and looking for a fire escape or pipe or anything she could use to climb down. She paced around the whole roof to no avail, there wasn’t even a roof access she could use. Finally, she was able to hear sirens over her rapidly beating heart as well as the sound of helicopter blades.

‘This is it.’ she thought, finally allowing herself to give up. She walked over to the edge of the roof again, and took in what would probably be her last sight of freedom for a long time. She sighed, watching the moon shine down on the vast expanse of park in front of her, “I’m sorry Nee-chan.” she whispered to the air.

Behind her, the helicopter finally caught up, shining it’s enormously bright light on her. Aika sighed again and turned to face her defeat, raising her arms in surrender.


Sayumi sighed irritably, these orange jumpsuits so weren’t her color. And even worse, she couldn’t even talk herself out of this situation. No matter how much she sweet talked and pleaded, the judge was adamant about giving her ten to fifteen years in prison. A women’s prison to boot, not that Sayu had thought there were co-ed prisons or anything, just that it was so much harder to talk a woman into doing things for her, even if they weren’t straight.

She looked around at the bus full of somber women, she’d already tried to make some strong looking friends, and probably would have succeeded too, but the guards, all women of course, had a strict no talking until you’re processed rule.

Sayumi jolted out of her thoughts when the bus ground to a halt, realizing that they had arrived at their destination. Soon, she was being shoved unceremoniously off the bus and prodded until she reached the beginning of processing. First was another, adorable mug shot, then yet another round of fingerprinting.

Then came strip searching, which, sure Sayu was a little kinky sometimes, but this was definitely beyond her limit of comfort. After the invasive search, the inmates were stripped even more and hosed down. Then dressed in yet another ugly orange jumpsuit and handed their linens.

Never one to cry in public, Sayumi blinked back tears, receiving her linen none too gently and still feeling a little sore in her violated orifices. She was lead down the hall with the others, through two high security doors, and into the cell block, then shoved through the first door she came across.

Inside were three uncomfortable looking bunks, two on the back wall and one on the left wall, and a toilet on the right side. Both bunks on the back wall were currently occupied by two severely thin looking women, both of whom looked up at her curiously when she entered. Sayu didn’t even want give them a second thought, but she desperately needed to make some friends here.

“Hello.” Sayu gave them both a big smile that was innocent and dangerous at the same time, it was a calculated move to show that while she may look and act cute, she was in prison for a reason. Just not a reason that would make her look tough at all, but they didn’t have to know what she was really in there for.

Both women picked up on the ferociousness that lied underneath her expression and gave back cautious nods and greetings.

Noticing that they took her bait, Sayumi grinned a bit wider, “Nice to meet you, looks like I’ll be here a while, so let’s be friends.”


So? Interested? Lemme know if you want more and I will oblige. Slowly...
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 1 Part 1 09/05)
Post by: ShikyoxYaiba on September 05, 2009, 08:51:44 PM
Actually, this is pretty interesting. Never would have thought of the girls in jail. As of right now, Jun's lookin' pretty kickass. 8)
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 1 Part 1 09/05)
Post by: rokun on September 06, 2009, 12:56:43 AM
:lol: Jailbird Musume! So is it gonna be set with them entirely in prison, or is it just setting up an escape? Either way, sounds interesting! Anything coming from you is great, and this looks like a fun idea too, so I definitely hope to see more!

Jun kicking ass! :rockon: Looks like Aika could do a bit of that herself too. Sayu being brought in for something that wouldn't make her look tough though? Hmm... wonder if she kicks as well as the rest. XD They seem to be in different places for now at least...
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 1 Part 1 09/05)
Post by: Comrade on September 06, 2009, 02:39:46 AM
Oh, HELL, yes.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 1 Part 1 09/05)
Post by: badsaints on September 06, 2009, 04:37:05 AM
Oh wow! They'll be one heck of cute jailbirds, if you ask me XD I wanna know more. Oh who's Sayu's mates there? :w00t:

p.s. Jun2 is cool! Remind me of Charlie's Angels haha
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 1 Part 1 09/05)
Post by: slasha on September 06, 2009, 05:03:57 AM
Good 1st chapter! Really exciting!

"Everyone suddenly felt tired" That's the fanfic quote of the year :lol: !

I wonder how Sayu will fare in prison.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 1 Part 1 09/05)
Post by: Amarghetta on September 06, 2009, 05:18:11 AM
Jun can kick butt and Sayu's imprisoned, of course I'm interested!
So, keep it coming!
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 1 Part 1 09/05)
Post by: kRisZ on September 06, 2009, 05:26:57 AM
Jun can kick ass

Aika can run.?.

Sayu's deceiving look

Prison cell

VERY interested  :mon fyeah:

Yay! I'm excited about the other members' story  :w00t:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 1 Part 1 09/05)
Post by: justmijosh on September 06, 2009, 11:11:48 AM
Pachi pachi pachi.. :] I'm WAAAAY more into your smut stories, but these are cute. I'll keep reading if you keep writing. <3
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 1 Part 1 09/05)
Post by: FaqU on September 06, 2009, 07:20:34 PM
Woah this is a total new direction that I haven't read of.  It will be interesting how this will develop...I'll be watching you  :thumbsup
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 1 Part 1 09/05)
Post by: kawaii beam on September 07, 2009, 02:45:05 AM
wow~ is jun the chinese assasin~? XDDD and i wonder what aika did?? plus sam goes with sayu,for some reason i thought that she'd be like those gold diggers that kill the husbands later on, eventhough that's probably not the reason why she's in jail XD
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 1 Part 1 09/05)
Post by: rndmnwierd on September 10, 2009, 05:13:55 AM
@Hashire - Ah, not quite, but close enough.

@SxY - Well, jail isn't really the plot, just the circumstances. It'll come together soon.

@rokun - Nope! But you're giving me good ideas. Unfortunately, I have no idea what jail is like, other than it's actually pretty boring.

@Commie -  :heart:

@baddie - Nobody important, they don't warrant names.  :sweatdrop:

@slasha - I stole the line from a movie... But it's still awesome.

@ Amarghetta - You know, for some reason, I always pronounce your name Armaghetta lol.

@ kRisZ - I only have two chapters written and the first is all introduction, so it'll come out in slow parts.

@Joshy! - You! If you like 'em, go comment on them, don't just PM me! Also, come back to Richmond soon! I miss you, L.A. seems like ages ago!

@FaqU - I hope I don't disappoint.

@ kawaii-chan - Jun an assasin? Hmm.. And you are surprisingly close with Sayu.

I'm still a little worried how this will turn out. I'm trying my best to make it realistic and interesting, but so far, I only have fillers. It's just so hard to get my story board down on paper, so to speak. I've even started making physical notes in an effort to keep me focused. Damn ADHD...
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 1 Part 1 09/05)
Post by: rndmnwierd on September 10, 2009, 05:15:02 AM
Chapter 1 Part 2/3

“Ah, Watanabe-san, your order came in finally.” Risa smiled at the man in front of her, easily hefting the long box onto the tabletop.

“Good good. Can I have a look now?” The man asked, staring into the smaller woman’s bright blue eyes. He didn’t think they were natural, after all she was distinctly Japanese, but those eyes, combined her strawberry blonde hair and deliberate make-up, served to almost drastically change her look until she was almost foreign. So if she didn’t open her mouth, you might almost think she didn’t speak Japanese.

“Yes, of course.” Risa quickly sliced through the tape holding the box shut and opened it to reveal the hunting rifle inside. Almost reverently, Risa ran her hand down the weapon, admiring the craftsmanship and relishing in the feel of the cool barrel in her hands. Coming back to herself with a slight snap, she lifted the rifle out of the box and handed it over to the man.

Risa watched enviously as the man shouldered the weapon and sighted something across the room. He was a collector as well as a hunter, and Risa always made sure to personally handle his purchases, if only because they were one of a kind. Just once though, she wished she could fire one.

“Would you like to try it out on our range?” she asked, as she did every time the man came in to collect his orders.

“No thank you, Smith-san,” he replied, as he always did when she asked, using her alias, “A weapon this fine she not be tarnished with use.”

Risa begged to differ, but didn’t dare say it aloud. Instead, she thanked him for his patronage, and saw him out. Then she headed into the bowels of the store to the shooting range, which only their most distinguished customers and the employees themselves knew about.

“Oi, Daisuke. Take my shift up front will you?” The older man gladly agreed, he couldn’t read his mangas on the range anyway.

As soon as he was gone Risa snatched up a nine mm pistol and a small 22 cal. rifle and a case of ammo, as well as a handful of targets, and headed down to her favorite lane at the very end of the range. Soon she was set up and happily pumping bullets into the defenseless targets.

At first she started seriously, unloading two clips of each weapon into the target, and never missing a shot, then she began to make shapes. First a smiley face, then a flower, even a butterfly, until she was finished a solid hour later.

Realizing that her shift was almost over, Risa quickly cleaned up and paid for the ammo, pausing in closing her wallet when her eyes landed on the single photo that resided there. Affectionately, she traced the face of the girl in the picture with her, as she did every time she saw the picture.

Then she closed the wallet with a snap and headed upstairs to wash her hands, brushing away the mixture of love and sadness she felt every time she glanced at the photo.


Lin Lin glanced around the airport nervously, shifting the bag on her shoulder to a more comfortable position. She felt like she was being watched, but she couldn’t find anyone that looked like they might be following her.

She tried to shake off the feeling, reminding herself that they wouldn’t be aware of her little transgression for at least another day and blaming it on her natural paranoia. She’d only been at the airport for a few hours, but it felt like days already.

She heard her flight number called with the message that they would soon begin boarding. Lin sighed in relief, the prickling on the back of her neck easing a little. Soon she’d be out of the country, a little wiser and a whole lot richer. She couldn’t help but grin at the thought of how much money she was going to have when she reached her destination.

Lost in thoughts of a new life, Lin almost missed it when her boarding call came, but quickly scampered into line. Eventually, she made it to her seat and flopped into it in exhaustion. She leaned her head back, closing her eyes for a minute.

Restlessly, she opened her eyes and watched the other passengers board and the seats fill up. Little by little, the plane became filled to capacity, and Lin felt more nervous by the second. Soon, she wouldn’t be around to deal with the consequences of her actions.

She started bouncing in her seat a little when no more passengers got on the plane, her anticipation rising to the point where she started to chew lightly on the inside of her cheek. Then, just as she was starting to relax, two men in black suits boarded the plane, flashing what she could tell were badges to the stewardess. They also showed her a piece of paper and began to scan over the faces of the passengers.

Lin knew right away that they were here for her. As calmly as she could, she rose from her seat and stated heading back towards the bathroom, hoping perhaps to hide until they were gone. Her plans failed when she heard her name being yelled out by a masculine voice.

Instantly she took off running towards the emergency exit, but her escape was cut short when a huge weight tackled her from behind, sending her to the floor. She struggled as hard as she could, but the man was not only stronger than her, but trained for this as well.

She refused to cry out when she was not so gently hand cuffed and hauled to her feet. Then the men began to drag her from the plane and she couldn’t help the pleading that left her lips.

Lin jerked awake when the plane suddenly started to move, realizing belatedly that she had fallen asleep in her seat and that the plane had begun take off without a hitch. Sighing, Lin wiped the tears that were beginning to form in her eyes, next stop, Narita International.


“You’re wrong.” Ai nearly yelled at the sexist pig that was standing in her way, “The building’s only gonna fall sideways like this. You gotta strap the dynamite here and here,” she pointed out some columns on the blue prints stretched out next to her, “Because this beam here and here,” she pointed again, “Will prevent the building from pancaking.”

The condemned was a five story office building that had long since been shut down due to code violations. Before today, no one had dared to try and bring it down because of it’s precarious location sandwiched between two apartment buildings. Neither building had been evacuated, not a smart move on a normal day, but the foreman had so much confidence in his ability to bring the building straight down, he scoffed at the precaution.

Luckily, most people were smart enough to realize the danger and left for the day. But not all of them had.

“Listen here little girl,” Ai growled at the tone of his voice, “I think I know how to bring a building down safely. I’ve been in the demolition business since before you were an itch in your daddy’s pants.”

Infuriated beyond believe, Ai felt like telling him where to stick his experience. Instead, she only sighed once harshly, bringing her tension down considerably, “Fine. But I’m still gonna go clear this side of the site.”

Recognizing that that was probably the best he was gonna get out of her, Ai’s boss smiled condescendingly, “Right, you go do that, and come back here when you’re done.”

Ignoring his last little quip, Ai set off to do what she’d said she was going to do. Most of the men listened to her and headed for safety, but some laughed her off. Finally, Ai decided to wash her hands of the whole thing and started back towards the base.

She was about halfway out of the danger zone when she heard the sound of an explosion going off. Ai gasped, calculating that she only had about 15 seconds before she’d be playing the harp, and then sprinted towards safety. Behind her, the explosions continued and Ai counted in her head how many until the ones went off that would tip the building on top of her.

In the distance she heard cheering and guessed that so far the building looked like it would pancake solidly, then she heard one more explosion and the cheering stopped. Ai knew that meant, as well as the quickly growing shadow under her, that the building was falling towards her.

Behind her, Ai heard panicked screams, indicating that the men that hadn’t heeded her warnings were realizing that they were about to die. She put on the steam then, pushing her legs until they went numb, not daring to look up at imminent doom. She ran so fast, that she didn’t even realize she was clear of the debris until she ran headlong into her boss.

The two hit the ground at the same time the demolished  building slammed into the building next to it and the crash was so big that for a second, Ai didn’t know what she was hearing. Finally, after about five seconds of silence, Ai pulled herself to her feet and glared at her boss.

“I told you so.” Then she took of her hard hat, pulled something out of the inside, threw the hat to the ground, and then walked away. After she felt that she was far enough away, Ai let her regretful tears start falling. Even though she knew logically that she did all she could to prevent that disaster, she couldn’t help but feel like she had failed.

She looked at the picture she’d removed from her hard hat, smiling tearfully at the girl in the photo, “I miss you.” she whispered, before she put the photo in the pocket and walked away from the sirens gathering behind her.


Did I get anyone with Lin's part? I hope I did.  :D
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 1 Part 2 09/09)
Post by: kuro808 on September 10, 2009, 06:15:25 AM
What a dream for Lin lol

Good job on the two chapters
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 1 Part 2 09/09)
Post by: cogi_yoshi on September 10, 2009, 06:44:10 AM
As soon as he was gone Risa snatched up a nine mm pistol and a small 22 cal. rifle and a case of ammo, as well as a handful of targets, and headed down to her favorite lane at the very end of the range. Soon she was set up and happily pumping bullets into the defenseless targets.
Woah..a trigger happy Risa in there... :mon scare:
And I guess with the picture thingy... there's some kind of 'past' between Ai and Risa... I'm looking forward to the next update! :twothumbs
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 1 Part 2 09/09)
Post by: justmijosh on September 10, 2009, 10:48:41 AM
Awww. I liked it! :] The LinLin part was a little intense, and Ai as a demolition expert! Lol.  :grin:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 1 Part 2 09/09)
Post by: badsaints on September 10, 2009, 05:54:33 PM
A Risa with a gun is kinda a non-violent way, that is XD

I actually thought that LinLin was caught for real; until the part she woke up :lol:

The girls in the photos Risa & Ai? I can understand if LinLin goes to jail but how are Risa & Ai related to the other jailbirds? :? Oh do update soon :bow:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 1 Part 2 09/09)
Post by: kawaii beam on September 11, 2009, 12:09:20 AM
wow~ so  was actualy somewhat right~!?? XDD yay~ X3
 i'm thinking that linlin's probably involved with one of the 8th gen members(duh XD) and she's going to visit them evethough she's a bad criminal as well XD and a smooth one at that~*plays MJ's "Smooth Criminal* XD

so risa's like some spy that's like inlove with guns and likes to dress up as an american??? XDD i realy LOL'ed at the part when she started making pics and stuff XDD and i'm also guessing that her an ai-chan have some connection~? XD does that mean takagaki lovin~???? XD

and finaly ai-chan seems to be the only "normal"one in this sofar? xD i guess she'll get introuble mostly cus she walked away from the building..or what's left of it XD. plus DANG she can run! XDDD

keep up the awesome work~!!! X3
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 1 Part 2 09/09)
Post by: ShikyoxYaiba on September 11, 2009, 02:19:30 AM
...Yeah, definitely liking this. :D I wanna know what's up with Risa and Ai... And I totally thought Linlin was caught until she woke up. Oh my. :sweatdrop:

So...looks like Reina, Eri, and Koharu next? I wonder what their backgrounds will be like. ><
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 1 Part 2 09/09)
Post by: kRisZ on September 11, 2009, 02:18:21 PM
pausing in closing her wallet when her eyes landed on the single photo that resided there. Affectionately, she traced the face of the girl in the picture with her, as she did every time she saw the picture.


Lin jerked awake when the plane suddenly started to move, realizing belatedly that she had fallen asleep in her seat and that the plane had begun take off without a hitch. Sighing, Lin wiped the tears that were beginning to form in her eyes, next stop, Narita International.

Only a dream

She looked at the picture she’d removed from her hard hat, smiling tearfully at the girl in the photo, “I miss you.” she whispered, before she put the photo in the pocket and walked away from the sirens gathering behind her.

Yay it's Risa  :cow:

Robber Lin.?.

Sharp shooter Risa + Demolition woman Ai   :gmon twirl:   I'm excited  :cow:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 1 Part 2 09/09)
Post by: rndmnwierd on September 13, 2009, 07:24:59 AM
@kuro-kun - Thanks. :)

@cogi_yoshi - Do you like trigger happy Risa?

@Joshy - Yeah, I know, it's kinda weird and out of character, but nature versus nurture and all that jazz.

@baddie - I'm glad you think so and haha, I was hoping someone would be like, 'Oh noes! Linx2 !!11one!' lol.

@kawaii-chan - Close with Sayu but you're way off on everyone else, lol. Though Ai is normal, she's a good girl.  :D

@SxY - Haha, I got you too, yay.  :P And yes those three are next, but I'm still trying to figure out exactly how Koharu will fit in later as when I was thinking up roles I originally forgot about her, lol :sweatdrop: so she only gets an introduction and then ignored for a while.

@kRisZ - Robber Lin? Well, yeah, I guess she is, but not exactly.

As for those who guessed TakaGaki, gah, am I really that predictable? Oh well, that's not going to change the fact that I love that pairing and haven't written them in a while, so yeah, y'all are right.  :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 1 Part 2 09/09)
Post by: rndmnwierd on September 13, 2009, 07:29:16 AM
Chapter 1 Part 3/3

“Hey.” Eri looked up at the slight concern in her new partner’s voice. “You alright there?” Normally Reina only showed a flippant attitude, put the older girl was rather pale and she kept rubbing her side like it hurt.

“Uh, yeah, I’m fine.” Resisting the urge to touch the still slightly painful wound, where only days ago a bullet had been removed, was difficult. It was like a bruise, even though it hurt, you couldn’t stop messing with it. Eri tried to keep her hands on her desk anyway.

“Is it bothering you?” Gesturing vaguely, Reina lowered her voice so as to not attract the attention of the other officers in the squad room, “I mean, maybe it was too soon for you to return to active duty. You could still rip your stitches open.”

Blinking at Reina in surprise, Eri fumbled with her words for a second, “How would I open my stitches on desk duty? The worst I can do here is get a hand cramp or die of boredom.” She was still unused to her new partner, not expecting the girl to care so much. Reina had a bit of a reputation as a loose cannon.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Reina scratched her head in slight embarrassment, “I’m still just a little,” She lowered her voice to whisper conspiratorially to the older girl, causing her to laugh quietly, “worried about you.”

“Ah that’s so sweet.” Eri replied loudly, watching Reina instantly turn red, “I knew you were a big softy.” There were a few chuckles spreading around them and Reina scowled at the room at large before turning sideways in her chair with a ‘humph.’

“Damn, see if I’m nice to you anymore. You did take that bullet cause of me, figured the least I could do was worry a little.” Scowl trying to twitch into a smile, Reina bit her cheek gently.

“Aw, you know I’m just kidding Tanaka-chan.” Still laughing, Eri waved her hand dismissively. Reina finally broke into a smile.

“Call me Reina.” At Eri’s surprised sound, Reina felt the need to clarify, “Uh, well, we are partners, so we might as well get comfortable with each other.”

“Okay,” Eri replied after a moment, “Then you can call me Eri.”

The bonding scene was abruptly broken by a file landing on their shared desk, courtesy of their captain, “Glad you girls are getting along. I have the perfect assignment for you.”


“It’s beginning.” Koharu barely acknowledged the voice of one of her trusted servants, so absorbed in sorting the pieces of her jigsaw puzzle. After a while, the man cleared his throat and left.

“Good.” Koharu muttered after he’d left, “Now I can put this together in peace.” Instead of searching for borders, she simply started fitting together as many pieces as possible. “Everything will soon come together.”


Aaand there we go, end of chapter one. I know it's kinda short but eh :on_pick: So any guess on how I'm going to bring them together? Speculation might help my inspiration some.

And BTW, where are you JFC? Even commie left me a little something something.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 1 Part 3 09/13)
Post by: kuro808 on September 13, 2009, 07:37:53 AM
well nice end to chapter 1

keep up the work
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 1 Part 3 09/13)
Post by: Amarghetta on September 13, 2009, 07:57:34 AM
So, you'll include all Momusu? For a moment there, I thought you'd have just a few characters.
I'm particularly impressed by Risa's change. She sounds like a cool and collected person, which goes against her "Reaction Queen" fame. Ai sounds very Ai-esque, with her worrysome and self-blaming ways... I'm intrigued by Lin and Koharu. For some reason, Koha's giving me off the vibe of a psychic or something.

And last but not least...
Armaghetta, as in almost Armageddon? :p
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 1 Part 3 09/13)
Post by: badsaints on September 13, 2009, 08:13:56 AM
“Ah that’s so sweet.” Eri replied loudly, watching Reina instantly turn red, “I knew you were a big softy.” There were a few chuckles spreading around them and Reina scowled at the room at large before turning sideways in her chair with a ‘humph.’
There goes Reina's "reputation" :lol:

The bonding scene was abruptly broken by a file landing on their shared desk, courtesy of their captain, “Glad you girls are getting along. I have the perfect assignment for you.”
I have a bad feeling about this :twisted:

“Now I can put this together in peace.” Instead of searching for borders, she simply started fitting together as many pieces as possible. “Everything will soon come together.”
Oooooh so is Koharu the ebil one here? Seems like everyone are pieces of her chess game :twisted: I'm loving this story more & more :twothumbs

Now that everyone's been intro, let's see how they are connected to one another 8)
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 1 Part 3 09/13)
Post by: FaqU on September 13, 2009, 09:05:37 PM
Gomene!!!! I forgot to comment after I read part 2  :bow:

So a mini description of everyone is out now...hmmmmm... I'm trying to figure out how they will all connect, if Reina and Eri are officers and Jun, Aika and Sayu are apparently criminals, could there be a connection there???

Risa with a gun????!!!! Woah that's sooooo hawt, any of the girls with guns and are into firearms is just hawt  :drool:

Ai is into explosives???? Now that is one occupation that I haven't read her doing,  oohhhh would Koharu be like the overall mastermind collecting these people?????  They all have a special skill it seems right so if you put them all together you get like a dream team, but will it be for good or for the evil????

Can't wait for your next chapter  ;)
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 1 Part 3 09/13)
Post by: kawaii beam on September 13, 2009, 10:20:50 PM
lol my excitement/imagination flew there then ne? XD hmm well i guess koha could be planing something evil~ but then again she could just be talking about the puzzle XDD i cant wait for chappy 2~!! X3
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 1 Part 3 09/13)
Post by: len.chan on September 13, 2009, 11:06:40 PM
WOOO! new fic!  :otomerika: :otomerika:
gah, Gaki-san with guns, that's the coolest and hottest thing ever.  :cool1:
I'm curious about the reason why Koha wants to put them together...
know what? You never disappoint me and I'm sure this is going to be awesome  :heart:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 1 Part 3 09/13)
Post by: ShikyoxYaiba on September 14, 2009, 01:07:57 AM
Ooo...TanaKame cops! And Eri took a bullet for her! I wonder what happened...

And somehow I can totally see Koha just sitting there trying to fit the pieces of the puzzle together without regard to the actual picture itself. xD
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 1 Part 3 09/13)
Post by: kRisZ on September 14, 2009, 06:52:11 AM
“Call me Reina.” At Eri’s surprised sound, Reina felt the need to clarify, “Uh, well, we are partners, so we might as well get comfortable with each other.”


“It’s beginning.” Koharu barely acknowledged the voice of one of her trusted servants, so absorbed in sorting the pieces of her jigsaw puzzle. After a while, the man cleared his throat and left.

A kid with high authority... hmmm  *waits for the next update*
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 1 Part 3 09/13)
Post by: justmijosh on September 14, 2009, 08:34:30 AM
I'm loving the evil Koharu. She's just so cute that it would work out. lol
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 1 Part 3 09/13)
Post by: lil_hamz on September 16, 2009, 02:30:08 PM
I can't believe I hadn't commented on this yet *slaps self* The jail theme is different and cool. But you mentioned it's not the main thing in the fic? Hmmmmm *ponders*

I guess it's not surprising if I say I'm most intrigued by the Risa and Ai parts :P
I'm putting my money on them knowing each other and that picture is the 2 of them.
And gosh, Gaki-san sounds hecka hot when she's playing around with guns like that XD

Koharu's role seems interesting. Could it be...she's finally the one with the brains this time? :D
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 1 Part 3 09/13)
Post by: Sancho on September 16, 2009, 04:50:16 PM
wow. this is nice. It reminds me of Ocean's eleven movie. I got a feeling this story will be something like that where all of the character will form some sort of a group. I mean everyone has their own specialties and I could say they are all dangerous girls ( even Ai's looks like normal job can be deadly if it's used in a wrong way.). I also got the feeling that Koharu will lead this group ( her role is much like a strategist to me.)    I dunno but that's all in my mind when I finished reading it. It really really interesting and I could say one of the fresh ideas so far. Keep it up. Hehehehe.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 1 Part 3 09/13)
Post by: rndmnwierd on September 17, 2009, 06:33:04 AM
@kuro-kun - Thanks, :D

@Amarghetta - Hmm, Risa is very calm here, isn't she. I always kinda thought that Reaction Queen was an image she put up to stand out. And when she's not in reaction queen mode, isn't she kinda like the voice of reason? Ah, yeah :yep: And actually it armaghetta as in ghetto, lol. Like, ' Arm in tha ghetto.' :lol:

@baddie - Yep, right out the window, she'll be working for weeks to get everyone to stop teasing. And maybe not a bad assignment, just unexpected. Evil Koha? Mmmm, maybe maybe...

@FaqU - Ah, you commented now didn'tcha? Hmm, connection between lawless girls and cops.... And Girls with firearms, I agree :inlove:. As for Ai, in this story at least, I kinda see her as a math whiz. Like, I have a friend that I always joke with, saying he's a walking calculator (which he might as well be!) and I based Ai's mathematical skillz on him. So, she's smart, if a little clueless sometimes.

@kawaii-chan - By all means, keep the guess coming, I like to see where people think I'm heading. It really keeps me on track. As for Koha, maaaybe, maaaybe not.

@len - New fic gets two otome Rikas? lol Everytime someone says 'Gaki with guns' (aside from the alliteration that makes me chuckle) I always think of that old photobook with Rika dressed in that short black number and pointing pistols at the camera. Oh, so hot. :drool: Again, Koha will be a lot later.

@SxY - Maybe I'll work the Eri taking a bullet for Reina thing in somewhere. And lol, I could see Koha doing that too.

@kRisZ - Hmm, indeed.

@Joshy - Only you could say she can be evil cause it's cute, lol. But this story is really taking off with itself, it seems to have a mind of it's own, I've gotten seven chapters written and I'm adding things that weren't in my original plan. I hope you will like it. And also, call me! Like, when I'm not working! Usually between 2:30 and 4:30 is good. :heart: <--For you and Baba.

@Hammy-san - Yes, I am going back to my Takagaki ways. I just can't help myself, though my foray into TanaGaki has left it's mark, TakaGaki is practically mandatory. Koharu with brains? Le gasp, heaven forbid! Le sarcasm, lol. I might make her smart or I might just give her incredible dumb luck. She seems like a dumb luck kinda gal.

@Sancho - Hmm, Ocean's Eleven? Actually my inspiration for this was that show on TNT called Leverage. Anyone seen it? Yeah, though probably not plot wise, the whole thing with a hitter, a thief, a grifter, and a hacker. Except there's nine girls so I had to do my own take. Koharu though, I'm still not a hundred percent sure where she fits in, though with y'all's help I'm getting a picture in my head.

Wow, lot's of comments, I'm glad this story doesn't have the sucking power of my old crap. God I hate teenage me :smhid
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 1 Part 3 09/13)
Post by: rndmnwierd on September 17, 2009, 06:35:55 AM
Chapter 2: And after all, we're only ordinary men

“Li Chun?” Jun looked up disinterestedly at the suited man that had called her name, “Please come with me.”

“What about my trial tomorrow?” she asked softly, gesturing around the holding cell where her cell mates were still cowering away from her.

“The charges have been dropped.” Jun gaped in surprise at his reply.

“Dropped? Murder charges were just dropped?” The man nodded and opened her cell, but Jun didn’t stand, “Who are you?”

“I’m just a simple government worker m’am.” Still suspicious, Jun refused to budge. Even though he was wearing sunglasses, inside even, Jun swore she saw him roll his eyes.

“What’s the catch? You wouldn’t just give me my freedom for no reason.” Clearly annoyed, the man crossed his arms.

“We simply need you to work for us for a while. Then you can return to your previous employer.” Jun’s eyes widened at his implications. Even after knowing who her boss was, they still wanted to let her out? She wondered if the man knew just how valuable she was.

“Okay, but can I at least let my boss and his daughter know I’m alright?” Jun allowed the barest hint of pleading to enter her voice. Those two were her only family, she needed them to know about this change.

“Your lawyer has been told of the charges being dropped, he will pass on the message.” Satisfied, Jun finally stood, causing the man to stiffen in surprise, apparently not prepared for her height advantage over him. It wasn’t like she was freakishly tall, just that she had looked so much smaller hunched over on that bench.

“Okay.” Jun nodded amicably, “Where are we going?” She allowed herself to be lead out of the cell and down the hallway.

Sighing, the man replied with a long suffering tone, “You’ll see when we get there.”


Getting off her plane in high spirits, Lin Lin took a deep breath of Japanese air. It wasn’t the first time she’d been in this country, but it had been a while, so she was glad to be back in her adopted hometown. Stepping out into the terminal, Lin took a moment to gather her bearings before starting a leisurely walk towards the exit.

Lin couldn’t help the smile that was growing steadily wider on her face the closer she got to the outside. The elation of making her escape was really starting to sink in and the amount of money that was waiting for her at the secret bank account she’d opened kept flashing in her mind.

Once again, she allowed herself to marvel at how well her plan had worked out. Normally, she didn’t like to brag, but not many people can pull off the amazing hacking job she’d just done. And the best part was, she’d gotten away with it.

“I’m so awesome.” She mumbled to herself in Chinese.

Shifting her bag more securely around her body, Lin became aware of a tingling sensation on the back of her neck. It was the same feeling that she’d had before she’d gotten on the plane. It was the feeling of being watched.

Having that feeling appear so suddenly and interrupting her celebration made Lin falter in her steps, but she quickly regained her footing, trying to seem as if she wasn’t aware at all. Discreetly, she glanced around the airport, spying at dark suited man passing through the security checkpoint that lay in between the terminals and the main airport that she’d just come through.

Another man was waiting by some payphones on her left and further along to her right, yet another suited man was leaning against the wall next to a café. And there were probably more men that she couldn’t see right away that were blocking the way she came from.

The further along she walked, the more men she saw dotting along the alternate paths she could take to leave the airport, so that she was forced to leave through a certain door. When she passed out into the open air, pausing when a blast of August heat hit her face, two tall, black suited males in sunglasses came to flank her sides.

In front of her was parked a black sedan with the back door open and a woman in a fetchingly tailored suit gestured her into the cab. Hesitantly, Lin glanced behind her to see that there were the men who had herded her outside crowding the exit to make sure she didn’t try to make a break for it. Resigned, Lin got into the car.

“Well,” she started nervously to the woman once they were all settled inside comfortably, Lin in between the two men and the woman seated in front of her in a seat that seemed oddly placed in the cramped car, “Not very subtle of you, now was it.”

“Who needs subtlety when you’ve got manpower?” The woman shrugged, surprising Lin with her light tone. She took a moment to study this stranger, taking in her luxurious, shoulder length, wavy, brown hair and her prominent chin. She really was beautiful and Lin felt herself relaxing at the woman’s disarming smile.

“So, am I going to jail?” Lin asked, wanting to get right to the point. Her directness made the woman laugh lightly.

“No, quite the opposite actually.” She cleared her throat, putting on a serious face, “Qian Lin, in exchange for your services, the Japanese government is willing to offer you asylum from China. You need only work for us for an indeterminate amount of time on a single large case and once the case is closed, you will have your freedom.”

Lin thought about it, it seemed like a good offer, but she might being obligated to do things that wouldn’t sit well with her morally. “Will I have to kill anyone?”

“No.” was the immediate answer, “We only need your computer skills; gathering information, perhaps changing a few things here and there. Nothing physical at all.”

“And if I refuse?” Lin was still hesitant about this too good to be true offer.

“We’ll ship you off on the next plane back to China and ensure that you never step foot in Japan again.” Shivering at the steel that lay underneath the woman’s words, Lin quickly made up her mind.

“Well, you’ve got yourself a hacker then.” The woman nodded with a pleased smile and turned to the driver, telling him to start driving.

“Yes, Ishikawa-san.” He answered back professionally.


Aika squinted into the bright lights of the helicopter, barely making out the shapes of four body armor clad men repelling down onto the rooftop she currently occupied. She used one hand in an attempt to shade her eyes from the harsh glare of the light and could better make out the men pointing some lethal looking assault rifles at her.

Belatedly, Aika realized that they were yelling at her, but in her dazed state of mind, she couldn’t tell what they were saying. The four men swarmed around her, yelling and pointing their weapons in a threatening manner. Aika felt faint, the world seemed to come in and out of focus and she started swaying.

A booted foot into the back of her leg brought her to her knees and snapped her back into full consciousness. Her arms were being yanked painfully behind her back and were cuffed harshly together. Her captors didn’t even bother trying to get her back on her feet, they just dragged her painfully on her knees across the concrete of the rooftop.

She cried out as the concrete ripped through her black workout pants and tore up her knees. “Stop!” she heard a male voice command and she was dropped unceremoniously to the ground, busting her chin hard against the concrete, biting her tongue in the process.

Dazed, she looked up through tear blurred eyes, struggling to rise to her feet without the use of her hands. A gentle grip took hold of her upper arms and she was pulled to her feet, looking up she saw a young man in a black suit and slicked back hair, presumably the source of the command.

“Well, Mitsui Aika-chan, you sure have caused us a lot of trouble.” His amused voice rumbled through her chest, the deep tenor surprising her. “And incurred a lot of debt. Luckily, I’m here to give you a choice.” He paused as if waiting for her response.

Maybe because of his kindness, she felt less inclined to oblige him, so Aika kept her mouth shut. He rolled his eyes and said in a falsetto, “What choice is that?”

“Well,” He replied cheerfully, his theatrics causing Aika to struggle against a smile, “I’m glad you asked. You see, the government has seen fit to extend an invitation to you to work off your debt in a way other than jail time. Work for us, and you go free. What do you say?”

“What kind of work?” she asked cautiously, shifting slightly to fiddle with her cuffs. The armed men around her noticed the movement and snapped their weapons up to her face. She stopped moving.

“Well, you can’t find that out until you agree to the job.” the man said with a charming smile.

Aika took a moment to ponder this over. Her curiosity was well and truly peaked, but on the other hand, she could be doing something really distasteful. But jail was pretty distasteful too.

She realized that her curiosity had already decided for her, “Alright.” She brought her hands out from behind her and gave her cuffs to the man, “Let’s go, then.” She smirked at his surprised look.

The man shook off his astonishment and signaled to the helicopter to land. It did quickly and he lead her over to board the small metal bird, indicating to the pilot of her agreement with a thumbs up. The pilot nodded, and the heli lifted off.


Sayumi smiled and nodded at the other inmates that she passed. Having only been incarcerated here for less than two months, she already made friends with the entire population of her cell block and most of the guard. All it had taken was a bit of creative and loud story telling at lunchtime to catch everyone’s attention and then she just worked her charm on a massive scale.

Just like high school, she smirked at the thought. Actually, for big bad criminals, the inmates here were easier than a whore on Sunday. Even in school she’d had some enemies.

She made it back to her cell, calling out a cheerful, “I’m back!” to her celli, who sat on her bunk reading a magazine. Though, how she could read anything with how hard she was shaking was a mystery. Sayu made a sympathetic noise, “Oh, still going through withdrawal?”

“Yeah.” the smaller girl said shakily, “It gets real bad after I eat for some reason. I thought that food was supposed to help or something.”

“Well, I don’t know much about that.” Sayu said with a shrug, “But maybe it’ll make you feel better if I do your hair.” She grabbed a hairbrush and some hair ties that the guards had ‘let’ her have.

Immediately, the girl hopped to her feet and came to stand in front of Sayu. “Alright, sit between my legs here.” Sayu sat on her bed and the girl kneeled where she could be reached. As soon as Sayumi’s hands made contact with her head, the skinny girl relaxed.

Sayu had guessed, that more than anything, this girl just needed a little human contact. The warmth of another person’s touch could work wonders for those who weren’t used to simple pleasures like that. Since she had made a vow to become friends with her cellmates, Sayu had been prepared to do things like listen to problems she didn’t really care about or touch nasty, greasy hair.

She was surprised when the girl’s hair turned out to be well kempt and clean, “Your hair’s so soft.” she commented a little awed. The prison certainly wasn’t providing hair care products to the inmates and Sayumi’s own hair was starting to suffer. She pulled the brush through the girl’s hair gently.

“Oh, thanks.” The junkie’s smile could be heard in her voice, “I’m a little crazy about my hair, so I managed to ‘convince’ the guards to let my friend bring me some actual shampoo and conditioner. It’s the cheapo 2-in-1 kind, but it’s better than just soap.” She practically purred at Sayumi’s treatment of her locks, “I’ll let you use it next shower time.”

“Thanks.” Sayu muttered, concentrating on separating out some hair so that she could start braiding it, “So, tell me about yourself. I don’t really know you too well.” And for once, Sayu found herself actually interested in the answers.

The two talked amicably as Sayumi slowly worked on putting a bunch of tiny little braids in the girl’s hair. This seemed to go on for hours, until there was a pounding at the cell door which startled them both. They scrambled to hide their contraband items under their pillows and mattresses and both stood when two guards entered the room.

“Michishige.” Sayu stepped forward in surprise, “There’s someone here to see you.” The guard motioned for Sayumi to accompany them.

“But it’s past visiting hours.” Though she protested lightly, Sayu still followed eagerly; after all, visitors were few and far between.

They lead her through the usual leaving the cell block procedures and took her to one of the open visiting rooms. Inside the room was a table and two chairs, and in one of the chairs sat a woman, dressed sharply in a tailored suit. Sayu sucked in a breath at her appearance; she could almost be mistaken for a very pretty man, with her cropped blonde hair and her androgynous features.

“Michishige Sayumi-chan?” She questioned smoothly, innocently raising an eyebrow when Sayu swooned, “I have a proposition for you.”

She paused and Sayu snapped out of her haze long enough to acknowledge her, “I’m listening.”

“My bosses are very interested in your particular skills, they would like to employ your services.” That got the younger girl’s attention and she laughed.

“I’d love to, but in case you haven’t noticed I’m a little confined at the moment. You get me out of here and I’ll be glad to, but until then, forget it.” Sayu blinked when a small stack of papers landed in front of her. “What’s this?”

“Your release papers.” The younger girl felt her breath leave her for a painful moment, “If you look them over, you’ll find everything’s in order. All you have to do is agree to work for us and once you’re finished, you’re free.”

Sayu flipped through the papers for a minute, skimming through the lawyerese and reading the important parts. When she reached the end, she found that everything was signed in the right places and everything seemed legit. “This is for real?” she asked hesitantly.

“Yes. So what do you say?” Sayu hesitated, unable to shake the feeling of selling her soul, the woman picked up on her hesitation and reached for the papers, “Well, I’ll give you some time to think about it.”

“NO!” Sayu clutched at her hand, surprising the boyish woman, “I mean, no, I’ll do it.”

Satisfied, the woman grinned, “Good, someone will be for you tomorrow morning, be prepared.” Then she was gone and Sayu was left to contemplate her decision.

‘Did I make the right choice?’


“Have a nice day!” Risa called after the customer as he exited the store with his package. When the door closed behind him, she sighed miserably, running a hand through her blonde locks. She almost laughed at herself, she’d never played with her hair like this before she met that person who was always ruffling her bangs, especially the first time she cut her hair short.

Thinking about that girl, she brought out her wallet to look at the picture next to her driver’s license. It was a picture of two young girls, they had been sixteen and nineteen at the time; Risa remembered that their mutual friend had been trying out her new camera and had suggested the two get a picture together. That girl had refused but Risa had jumped on her later that day, wrapping both arms around her waist to prevent her from escaping. Instead of struggling, she had simply laughed and given into Risa’s demands, pressing their faces together and smiling beatifically for the camera.

A week later, Risa had turned her back and left that person behind, but had never forgotten her. This was the only picture taken of the two together. Every time Risa saw it, she forgot her anger and heartbreak and wondered if she’d done the right thing. She traced their smiling faces, lost in her memories.

The ringing of the bell over the door snapped her out of her reverie and she shoved her wallet out of sight behind the counter, “Welcome~!” she called out cheerfully, suddenly feeling a little apprehensive at seeing the two unfamiliar men walk through the door. It wasn’t often this particular store got new customers as most had been shopping here since before she was born.

These two men were very different than her usual clientele, neither looked to be over forty and the younger man didn’t look any older than herself! Both were dressed in impeccable black suits, and both took off thin framed sunglasses as they entered the store. They marched up to the counter and Risa subtly reached behind the counter to run her hand over the pistol mounted there, “How can I help you gentlemen?”

The two men gave her a once over, seeming surprised at the shock of strawberry blonde hair, but then they gathered themselves and stood up straighter, “Niigaki Risa?”

Risa couldn’t stop her eyes from widening slightly, “No, I’m Sara Smith.” she pulled out her wallet and flipped it open, “See?”

The older man took her wallet and seemed to examine her ID, then he glanced next to it and Risa knew from the way his eyebrows twitched that he’d seen her picture. She mentally smacked herself, sure she’d changed her hair color and such and that picture was pretty old, but it was still obviously her.

“Cute picture.” The older man grinned showing off his scraggly teeth, he handed the wallet over to his younger companion and the boy had the same reaction.

“That’s my little cousin.” Risa defended automatically and both men chuckled, the younger man discreetly tucked her wallet into his pocket.

“Funny how she just happens to look just like you except with darker hair. She also happens to look just like Niigaki Risa.” It was the younger mans turn to grin and Risa noticed when his face stretched into a smile it revealed a paper thin scar that ran down the right side of his face from his forehead to his chin.

“Weird huh? People are always saying stuff like that.” Risa laughed nervously, thinking fleetingly about shooting her way out of this, but ultimately deciding against it.

“So here’s the deal, ah Smith-san, was it? Niigaki-san is wanted for weapons smuggling in a lot of foreign countries. Now we can protect her and in exchange all she has to do is work for us on one major case and then all those warrants will disappear.”

“Well, if Niigaki-san were here, I’m sure she would be grateful. As it is, I’m not wanted for anything.” Risa hoped her bluff wouldn’t be called. Unfortunately, she realized as the older man pulled out a pair of handcuffs, it was.

“Well, I’m afraid you’re under arrest.” The man started around the counter while his partner pulled his sidearm and trained it on her.

“What? On what grounds?” Risa started backing away cautiously, angling herself so she could dart out the back door.

“Fraud, obstruction of justice, and all those other warrants I mentioned. Don’t try to run, I guarantee my partner won’t miss, so one way or another, you’re coming with us.” Risa sighed and gave up, she didn’t fancy another bullet wound. It wasn’t fun.

“Okay, so what’s this case?” Both men nodded at each other and started to escort her out.


Ai fell off the couch, crashing into the coffee table in front of her and dropping the empty whiskey bottle that had been dangling precariously from her fingers. For a moment, she didn’t know where she was, still lost in her unconscious recollections of the past. Slowly, she realized that she was in her living room and judging from the way the sun shone through her windows, it was well past noon.

Cursing lightly, Ai figured she must have fallen asleep on the couch again, as most of last night was a blur anyway. The last thing she remembered was finishing off the whiskey and watching some variety show on TV. An insistent knocking on the door broke her out of her reverie about the sad state of her life; Ai realized that this must be why she’d awoken so suddenly.

Very hung over, Ai stumbled to the door, tripping over everything in the unusually messy room, and opened it without even checking to see who was there. A young man stood, hand poised to knock again and dressed in a black suit, outside her apartment door. His eyebrows lifted in shock at her disheveled appearance and he unconsciously leaned back, his lips grimacing and showing a paper thin scar that ran down the right side of his face from his forehead to his chin.

Ai thought belatedly that she must reek of alcohol, but couldn’t find it in herself to care, “Yes?”

“Uh, Takahashi Ai?” the young man questioned gently once he’d got his bearings back. Ai simply nodded once, her face blank, “I work for a government agency, and we’re interested in your skills for a job.”

“What kind of job?” Ai asked flatly, not letting him know that she really was a little intrigued.

“Honestly m’am, I’m not sure, I’m just the messenger.” He gave a sheepish smile that was actually rather charming, but did nothing to convince Ai that this was a good idea.

“If you can’t tell me then why should I come?” the younger man immediately began to search through his pockets.

“Well, I was told that if you wanted incentive, I should give you this.” He handed her a nondescript wallet.

Ai looked at him like he was crazy, but he just gestured for her to open it. Inside the wallet there was nothing but a driver’s license of some blonde girl and a picture. Ai froze; this was her picture, the one she’d taken with Risa when they were teenagers. There were only two copies of this photo in existence, and since she knew where hers was, this one had to be, “Risa.” she breathed out in astonishment.

“Yes, that’s right. Niigaki-san has already agreed to work for us, if you come-” Ai cut him off by grabbing the lapels on his jacket and shaking him.

“Where is she!? I want to see her!” the girl she’d been searching for for four years was so close, she couldn’t help herself.

“If you come with us,” the man started pointedly, ignoring her shaking him, “you can see her.”

“I’m in.” Ai slammed the door in his face and went back inside to get ready.


Yep, the whole thing this time. I've been writing frantically since I started posting and this is no where near as boring as I originally though it would be. I just keep adding and adding backstory and it's just keeps connecting and connecting! Oh god! It's alive! Alive! Muwahahahaha!  :shocked:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 2 09/17)
Post by: ShikyoxYaiba on September 17, 2009, 10:57:37 AM
Oooooo... They're all gonna meet up! (And Tanakame are already on the side of justice.) I wonder what the case will be like.

Btw, aren't Aichan and Risa two years apart? Unless, of course, they're only a year apart for the sake of your fic...
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 1 Part 3 09/13)
Post by: len.chan on September 17, 2009, 12:56:22 PM

@len - New fic gets two otome Rikas? lol Everytime someone says 'Gaki with guns' (aside from the alliteration that makes me chuckle) I always think of that old photobook with Rika dressed in that short black number and pointing pistols at the camera. Oh, so hot. :drool: Again, Koha will be a lot later.

well, new fics from you deserve a lot more otome Rikas but I was lazy  XD XD we need sooo badly emoticons of Rika and Gaki-san with guns now  :twisted:

anyway, 'bout the chapter...

“I’m so awesome.” She mumbled to herself in Chinese

that made me LOL  XD

the whole thing wasn't boring at all and I'm, as much as the girls, dying to know what their work will be.
by the way..  :otomerika: and :yossi: ('cause the one with Sayu is Yossi, right?) YAY!
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 2 09/17)
Post by: kRisZ on September 17, 2009, 02:34:40 PM
“Yes, Ishikawa-san.” He answered back professionally.

Yay! I guessed correctly  :otomerika:

Every time Risa saw it, she forgot her anger and heartbreak and wondered if she’d done the right thing. She traced their smiling faces, lost in her memories.

 :? very intriguing

“Yes, that’s right. Niigaki-san has already agreed to work for us, if you come-” Ai cut him off by grabbing the lapels on his jacket and shaking him.

“Where is she!? I want to see her!” the girl she’d been searching for for four years was so close, she couldn’t help herself.

“If you come with us,” the man started pointedly, ignoring her shaking him, “you can see her.”

“I’m in.” Ai slammed the door in his face and went back inside to get ready.

imagining that scene is very entertaining   :on lol:

so it's 6 MM hired to work for that agency, 2 law officers, and 1 mastermind.?. please update soon  :kneelbow:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 2 09/17)
Post by: badsaints on September 17, 2009, 05:17:12 PM
*gasp* Did you just make Jun2 a murderer? :scared: Yay Ishikawa (& possibly Yossi?) is in the house as well :on GJ: And Ai is gonna meet Risa! Potential TakaGaki alert! :luvluv1:

this is no where near as boring as I originally though it would be.
Boring? You kidding right? Me want more :on hypto:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 2 09/17)
Post by: rndmnwierd on September 17, 2009, 08:09:26 PM
@SxY - They are two years apart, my bad. :doh: I meant to make it just after Ai's birthday, but I messed up the math.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 2 09/17)
Post by: kuro808 on September 17, 2009, 08:55:42 PM
that didn't seem so boring  :nervous well i like it so far

Risa trying to  hide her identity lol

good job
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 2 09/17)
Post by: kawaii beam on September 17, 2009, 09:31:21 PM
o.o WOW~! XD so rika and yossie are in this too~?!
it's kinda cool how everyone will come together and such XD
LOL at risa trying to bluff everything XDD
and even bigger LOL with ai instantly agreeing after fining out risa's involved and slaming the door in the guys face XDDD

cant wait for the rest so keep it up~! X3
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 2 09/17)
Post by: justmijosh on September 18, 2009, 01:21:44 AM
Geez, this is getting really good, Val. :] I really love the Linlin story so far. (Especially the fact that Ishikawa's in it! LOL!) Well, keep writing and I'll keep reading.  :heart: :heart:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 2 09/17)
Post by: Sancho on September 19, 2009, 09:19:24 PM
The story is starting to get shape. :twothumbs :twothumbs.      Leverage? Yeah I think I saw that one in the commercial but haven't watched it. Actually, I just remembered that I watched a Dorama entitled " Karei Naru Spy" this morning when I read this one.hehehehehe.  Don't worry, your story doesn't resemble the one I just watched.  :grin: :grin: ...    Hoping for more chapters.   :twothumbs
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 2 09/17)
Post by: cogi_yoshi on September 22, 2009, 05:58:39 PM
Interesting!!! I wonder who that person is..the one bringing them together? :dunno:... that's what I think is happening... they are being pardoned in exchange for that certain 'job'... And I have a feeling (or that's what I wish :lol) That they will work side by side with Tanakamei... that is, if the 'men in black' are really from the side of the government.... :lol

oh yeah... I like trigger happy Risa... and I wish I will see more of that in the next chapters. :twothumbs
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 2 09/17)
Post by: rndmnwierd on September 25, 2009, 02:20:16 AM
@len - Why yes that is Yossui, just because I couldn't bear to leave those two out. I'll make sure they pop up from time to time.

@KrisZ - Frantic Ai is very entertaining, considering I don't think she loses her cool much.

@baddie - Yeah, Jun killed someone, my bad. It's a hard world though, in her case it was mostly self defense. BTW 'potential' TakaGaki? More like absolute TakaGaki! And I just meant 'boring' as in, it now has taken over my keyboard and has a life of it's own so it's not cookie cutter.

@kuro-kun - Yeah, Risa couldn't sweet talk her way into making those agents believe her when that pic was in their faces. Glad you like it.

@kawaii-chan - Rika and Yossui will make a few appearances here and there, so look forward to it.

@Joshy - I tried to call you on the 20th, happy birthday babe! You better keep reading my stuff or I'll have to come down to NC with my broke ass car.

@Sancho - New reader! Yay!

@cogi_yoshi - All in good time, my friend, all in good time.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 2 09/17)
Post by: rndmnwierd on September 25, 2009, 02:22:41 AM
Chapter 3: Me and You

Risa, now with darker hair and eyes, sat with her chin resting against her right palm and elbow on the table, lazily watching the other people in the room and picking at the black sleeve she‘d chosen to wear covering her whole arm today. She’d been over a half hour early to the meeting and so felt pretty used to her surroundings, having explored every inch of the small room while waiting for the others to show up. The room was designed as a meeting room, with an overhead connected to the ceiling and a pull down screen on one wall and a desk with computer set up in the far corner. In the middle of the room was a crescent shaped table with six chairs lined up on the outside and two chairs on the inside.

Risa guessed that there was supposed to be one person per chair, but there seemed to be one person missing. She studied her fellows again; Risa had chosen a chair on the far end and next to her sat a tall, solemn Chinese girl. She had been the next in room after Risa and after her had come a very pretty black haired girl wearing mostly pink. She had sat down on the other end, eyeing the other two warily.

Two police officers had joined them after only a few more minutes, sitting in the two chairs on the inside of the table and fairly ignoring them, flipping through files and discreetly glancing up at one of the three every so often. With the appearance of some sort of law enforcement, the atmosphere became tense and Risa guessed that neither of her companions were particularly fond of rules.

Soon afterwards, a small Chinese girl poked her head hesitantly in the door and Risa felt the girl next to her stiffen. She watched the two lock eyes for a minute and recognition passed between them, but after a second, neither spoke and the smaller girl took a seat next to the pretty girl on the end. Ten minutes later, Risa was just beginning to be slowly suffocated by the tense silence when the door opened yet again to admit another small girl into the room. Her youthful features were somewhat marred by her blank expression, Risa couldn’t help but think the short haired girl would look better with a smile. She quietly took a seat next to the small Chinese girl and Risa felt the girl next to her let out an unintentional breath of relief, apparently glad to have someone between them.

Another stifling ten minutes passed and finally it was time to start the meeting, but there was still an empty seat. This seemed to annoy the officer with the wonky eyes and she made a clucking sound in the back of her throat. “Well, I ain’t gonna wait for that last one anymore. We’re gonna start this meeting.” She announced, her annoyance coloring her words with a delightful accent.

“I don’t care what you did before that earned you this job, I don’t care how many people you beat up or cheated or stole form or even killed. You are all here because you’re the best at what you do.” The officer, whose name plate read Tanaka, continued, “And what you’re going to do for us is-” She was cut off when the door burst open and a flustered young woman ran into the room.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I got lost.” Risa felt her breath catch in her throat when those doe like eyes locked with hers. For a second, the room melted away and it was just the two of them, Risa’s feelings came back in an instant, her love and her anger, and she couldn’t decide which one she wanted to feel more.

Ai visibly shook herself away from Risa’s piercing gaze to apologize once more and then head to the remaining seat. The officer cleared her throat and went on, “As I was saying, what you’re going to do for us is clean up the city of its organized crime.” At that pronouncement, the girls all exchanged looks. Tanaka ignored them, “There are three main bosses in this city and you are going to do away with all of them.” Suddenly, she did a double take at the file in front of her, seeming to lose her words.

Seeing that Tanaka wasn’t going to continue, the second officer, whose nameplate read Kamei, swiftly took over, “Tanaka-san and I will be here to make sure you stay out of trouble, but for the most part, how you go about the job is up to you. We will also act as liaisons between you and the higher ups, bringing you any changes or concerns they have.” She took a moment to scan the faces of the girls in front of her, then smiled brightly, “So any questions? Suggestions?”

The room was silent for a long minute and Risa could see the wheels turning in the other girl’s heads, all trying to twist the situation to their own advantage. Except for Ai who seemed to only focus on Risa herself. That deep gaze conveyed many things to Risa that made her blush and pale at the same time and at once, she knew how to get in control of this situation.

“I think we should have a leader.” Risa announced, surprising everyone in the room, “Someone that we all agree to give the final say so to, someone that can be unbiased and level-headed.” she watched her words sink into the other girls’ heads and nearly smirked when she got the reaction she predicted. Almost immediately after she suggested it, all the girls voiced that they should be the one.

“I think I should be leader, there’s no way anyone could do it better than Sayumi.” the pretty girl on the end stated haughtily.

“There’s no way I would follow someone like you.” the short haired youthful faced girl stated flatly, “I should be leader instead.”

“What makes you think you could lead us any better?” The small Chinese girl shouted energetically leaping to her feet, “Maybe I could do a better job!”

“I would sooner cut out my own tongue than have to follow you as leader.” The up-till-then somber Chinese girl responded instantly, the venom in her voice sending the younger girl back into her seat.

“Well I think one of us should lead.” Tanaka said, getting a nod from her partner, “There’s no way I would listen to somebody with a record.”

The other girls protested immediately, “That’s not fair, we all have records!”

“Yeah, that’s why we’re all here!”

“I don’t want to listen to some goody-two shoes cop.”

Just when it seemed like the argument would degenerate into a riot, Risa stood swiftly, kicking her chair backwards into the wall with a loud clatter. The noise instantly brought everyone’s attention to her, “I vote for Ai-chan.” she said simply.

“Didn’t you hear me?” Tanaka said angrily, “I won’t follow a criminal.”

“Ai-chan doesn’t have a record, she’s never been in trouble before in her life.” Risa resisted the urge to smirk at the look on her old friend’s face, “And she’s obviously more level-headed than the rest of you. And probably older, too.”

For a moment, Risa held her breath, it looked like the others would protest again, but the officers shuffled through their papers quickly, apparently looking for Ai’s file. When they were satisfied with whatever they were looking for, they looked at each other and nodded, “Well, I guess that’s okay.” Tanaka reluctantly acknowledged and Risa let out a breath as the other girls slowly nodded their assent, righting her chair and taking a seat.

“Okay then, now that that’s settled, what to you propose we do next Ai-chan?” Risa almost laughed when she turned to face Ai again, the older girl had a perfect deer in headlights expression, brown eyes wide and mouth formed into a small ‘O’.

“Uh, well, we could. I mean, I think that.” Ai floundered and Risa watched, considering it a small payback for years earlier that she hadn’t forgotten or forgiven, but eventually she intervened.

“May I make a suggestion?” She interrupted Ai’s struggle and the older girl closed her jaw with a click, nodding her assent. “Okay, now the three bosses have formed a treaty with each other. The first and weakest boss is Takashi-dono and he is responsible for the trafficking of drugs throughout the city. The way it works is, he gives about ten percent of his profits to each of the other bosses and agrees to supply the higher ups with as much of his stock as they want and offer discounts to certain members within reason. And in exchange, the other bosses don’t mess with his business and give him sole rights to the drug trade. And vice versa for the other bosses and their trades.”

Now in her element, Risa started to gesture excitedly, “Takashi-dono is the easiest target to start with, if we bring down his main source of income and cut off his supply to the others, it with throw everyone off. And all the junkies in the other gangs will be going through serious withdrawal until they can find another source, of which there is no other in this city or any of the closest outlying regions.”

“Now, to bring down Takashi-dono, it’s going to take three main steps,” Risa held up her fingers as she counted, “one: take out his supply, two: take out his men, three: take out the higher ups and the boss. Now,” here she tapped her index finger on the table, “we’re going to need to pinpoint his main supplier, or suppliers as it probably is, and also find who his men are. Until then I was thinking that we can systematically take down the main dealers and stir up some trouble until we can get the info we need to finish Takashi-dono.”

When she was finished with her little mini rant, Risa finally paid attention to the reaction of the other girls. Ai was staring at her like she was an alien, the two cops had their jaws dropped, the bigger Chinese girl and Sayumi were looking at her with a new measure of respect and the last two girls just looked confused. “Uh,” Risa turned to Ai sheepishly, “If that’s alright with you Ai-chan?”

Ai stared for a moment longer before nodding deliberately, “Sure, let’s do that. How are we going to get that information we need?”

“Well, I figure the police have a file on him or something like that. Or we can just shake down some people until we get what we want.” Risa shrugged nonchalantly at the last suggestion.

“We can’t give you access to those kind of files.” Kamei said slowly, actually looking a little regretful.

“I could get the info if I had my computers.” The smaller Chinese girl said sullenly causing a snort to sound from next to Risa, “You have something to say Jun?” she addressed towards the bigger girl.

“A lot of things Lin, but I don’t think you want to have that kind of discussion around all these strangers.” Jun said haughtily, crossing her arms and turning casually away.

“How many times do I have to say that what happened to your brother wasn’t my fault?!” Lin stood, still speaking in Japanese, apparently as a concession.

“Do you really want to say this here?” Jun turned back to her to glare, the small girl next to her unconsciously leaning back in her chair to avoid the flying sparks.

Unfortunately, she leaned back a little too far and the chair tipped over, sending her flipping backwards into a roll. In an impressive display of agility, the small girl somersaulted safely back to her feet, standing and rubbing the back of her head in embarrassment. Luckily, her little mishap distracted the warring Chinese girls from their argument and they turned their still heated gazes towards her.

“Aaand on that note,” Risa interrupted quickly, attracting the attention of the room again, “How about we introduce ourselves, including what your specialty is or something like that? I’ll go first; my name is Niigaki Risa, I’m 21 years old, uh, I’m from Kanagawa and my blood type’s B. My specialty is ranged weapons, especially guns.” She nervously scratched at the full length arm covering on her right arm when a couple people snickered at her slightly childish introduction.

As if taking up her defense, Ai surprisingly spoke up, “I’m Takahashi Ai, age 23 from Fukui, blood type A. My specialty is explosives.” Short and to the point, just the way Risa remembered her. She was overcome with a wash of nostalgia as she shared a look with the older girl, but quickly turned her attention to the pretty girl on the end when she spoke up.

“Hiii~~!” she started with a high pitched and cheerful tone, “I’m Michishige Sayumi, I’m 20 with an A blood type. Let’s see~ I’m from Yamaguchi! My specialty is, well, I guess you could just say I’m an actress.”

“Yeah, an cold blooded actress who conned people out of their money and committed credit card fraud, mercilessly clearing out people‘s bank accounts.” Tanaka said, rolling her eyes.

“Ah, but they could only prove three counts~!” Sayumi winked at the disgruntled cop, a dangerous glint in her eye.

Eager to stop the fight before it could really begin, the small, youthful faced girl, who had taken her seat again, cleared her throat, “Mitsui Aika, I’m 16, O blood type and I’m from Shiga. I’m a thief.”

“Ehh~! You’re only 16?!”

“Wow, you’re so young!”

“A thief at your age?!”

Aika sighed at the uproar she had caused, “Yeah yeah, whatever. Can we move on?” Jun nodded and stood up.

“I’m Li Chun, you can call me Jun Jun, I’m from China and my specialty is, well, I guess my specialty is hitting people.” here she glared at Lin pointedly, but the girl ignored her, instead starting her own introduction.

“My name is Lin Lin, I’m also from China, in case you couldn’t guess, I’m 18 and I’m a super hacker.” She gave a cheerful peace sign and a grin that caused a few chuckles around the room.

“So is that everyone?” Tanaka asked impatiently, “Then let’s go-” she was cut off by Sayumi.

“You two haven’t introduced yourselves yet!” She stood and slammed her hands on the table to make sure she got attention and looked to the other girls for backup.

“Yeah, that’s right.” Surprisingly, Jun was the one to speak up, apparently wanting to torment the officers a little, “It’s only fair.”

The partners exchanged looks, Tanaka’s clearly saying ‘No way’ while Kamei’s look suggested she thought it might be fun. After a moment, Kamei spoke up, “Well then, my name is Kamei Eri, 20 years old. I was born and raised in Tokyo and my blood type’s AB.” She finished with a cheerful smile and Risa couldn’t help but think she was cute.

Tanaka pouted in a very unintimidating manner, “Tanaka Reina, 20 years old.” she crossed her arms and turned her head away with a quiet huff.

“Now, Reina, that’s not very friendly.” Eri scolded to Reina’s chagrin, “I guess I’ll have to fill in the blanks.”

“Eri.” Reina warned, feeling her face heat up in embarrassment and a little anger.

“She’s got type O blood.”

“Eri. Please.”

“She’s from Fukuoka.”

“Eri, stop it.”

“Oh! She likes ribbons!”

“Eri! Don’t say that!” Reina slammed her hands on the table, trying in vain to get her partner to stop talking.

“She also owns 32 pairs of boots!” Eri grinned when everyone laughed at the teasing, though Risa didn’t think that shade of purple was very healthy for Reina to turn.

A folder slapped down on top of Eri’s head and she let out a cute squeak of exaggerated pain, “Eri, I think they get the point!” Though she was embarrassed, Reina couldn’t help the grin that threatened to stretch across her lips; her partner always knew how to break the ice. She was even feeling a little less hostile towards these criminals.

“Well, now that that’s settled, who’s hungry?!” Eri exclaimed to excited cheers, the dysfunctional group decided that they should fill their bellies before they started really working.


Just them introducing themselves to each other and maybe trying to get a feel for where everyone stands, nothing too mind blowing yet. I'll have some more interactions next chapter.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 3 09/24)
Post by: Kuji on September 25, 2009, 05:51:59 AM
:o This story has me very interested now. It's got a bit of a 'To Catch a Thief' vibe to it with the whole criminals versus criminals thing. I'm surprised that Risa could tell right off that Junjun and Linlin were Chinese even before they spoke. Skills? Glad she got rid of the blonde hair and the rest of that disguise though.

Heh... Ai is made leader. Though if I were the others, I'd suspect Ai of being a puppet leader for Risa after what just happened and also with how familiar Risa appears to be with her, such as knowing she doesn't have a criminal record and the way of address.

Looking forward to more interaction between everyone. As well as finding out more about why Risa has this hatred for Ai and what happened with Linlin and Junjun's brother.

Loved how Eri teased Reina as well and from her attitude, I can see her getting along better with the 'criminal elements' of this team better than Reina.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 3 09/24)
Post by: badsaints on September 25, 2009, 02:32:20 PM
Our little street fighter (Li Chun = Chun Li geddit? Lame, I know XD) clearly hates LinLin here and it has something to do with her brother, though the question is how since LinLin's is (super) hacking and is world's apart from JunJun's specialty.

Love-hate TakaGaki relationship? I like :twothumbs

She finished with a cheerful smile and Risa couldn’t help but think she was cute.
I can't help but go uh oh at this...Now potential TakaGakiKame?
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 3 09/24)
Post by: FaqU on September 25, 2009, 10:05:48 PM
I know I haven't replied for the last chapter but replying now is better than nothing right???

So the government wants them to work for them??? That's a new direction that isn't seen, getting criminals to take down criminals.  I was wondering if one of them (the boyish one) is Yossie perhaps???

Also now you've got me wanting to know what happened between Ai and Risa, what happened so that Risa has a love/hate relationship with her???

Also Linlin and Junjun... so many questions, not enough answers

Lots of interesting stuff here and will more OG members appear????
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 3 09/24)
Post by: kawaii beam on September 25, 2009, 11:58:41 PM
lol at risa's huge rant and everyone all"WTF?!" at her XDD plus i wonder what happened with junko and linko? and risa and ai?! *kawaii wants to know more XD* there was more that i wanted to put but it's already been questioned XD keep it up~! X3
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 3 09/24)
Post by: len.chan on September 26, 2009, 01:55:20 AM
When she was finished with her little mini rant, Risa finally paid attention to the reaction of the other girls. Ai was staring at her like she was an alien, the two cops had their jaws dropped, the bigger Chinese girl and Sayumi were looking at her with a new measure of respect and the last two girls just looked confused. “Uh,” Risa turned to Ai sheepishly, “If that’s alright with you Ai-chan?”

Who's your daddy?! Risa is !! :cow:
obviously, she's going to be the brains of the group. Smart girl + guns = hot (where's the Risa with guns smiley when you need it? : :twisted:) Anyway, what I'm more curious about is Risa and Ai's relationship. They clearly love each other, but Ai-chan did something in the past (or so thinks Risa) that made the younger hate her? can't wait to see how they interact with each other.

She finished with a cheerful smile and Risa couldn’t help but think she was cute.

Eri's always cute and I don't think that Risa was seeing her like more than a silly and cute girl, but it could be interesting if Kame'd show up some interest in Gaki-san later and Risa played along...  :twisted: (but, you know, TakaGaki forever  XD )

aah... I want more!

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 3 09/24)
Post by: writerjunkie on September 26, 2009, 04:11:24 AM
ok I just got through with reading this fic. I finally beat through my ADD! HA, take that ADD! Ahem, so anyways this fic is great! I love the concept and storyline so far. It's very promising. I think we'll be seeing a lot of kick ass scenes some funny stuff and I'm hoping for some TakaGaki goodness! Along with an explanation to why they were away from each other for so long! The crimes the girls done fit them as well. lol I'm really enjoying this fic. I hope you can update it again some time. ^_^
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 3 09/24)
Post by: kRisZ on September 27, 2009, 03:57:09 PM
Risa’s feelings came back in an instant, her love and her anger, and she couldn’t decide which one she wanted to feel more.

I wonder what happened between the two

Except for Ai who seemed to only focus on Risa herself. That deep gaze conveyed many things to Risa that made her blush and pale at the same time and at once


“Okay then, now that that’s settled, what to you propose we do next Ai-chan?” Risa almost laughed when she turned to face Ai again, the older girl had a perfect deer in headlights expression, brown eyes wide and mouth formed into a small ‘O’.

Caught off guard XD

She finished with a cheerful smile and Risa couldn’t help but think she was cute.

A love triangle possibility.?.

“She’s got type O blood.”

“Eri. Please.”

“She’s from Fukuoka.”

“Eri, stop it.”

“Oh! She likes ribbons!”

Hahaha damn that was cute and funny

 :cow: more  :cow:

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 3 09/24)
Post by: lil_hamz on September 29, 2009, 02:27:10 PM
WOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~~~~~~ *celebrates*
More chapters to read :cow:

Ohhh so it's confirmed that TakaGaki have a past.
I too thought that Risa felt something for Eri when you wrote how she found her cute. But then again, it's you so TakaGaki would prevail :P
It would be interesting to see a GakiShige though.
Are TanaKamei gonna be involved in any relationship with the rest or is theirs a purely professional relation?
So many things I wanna know so PLEASE update again soon :bow:
I'm curious about the JunLin feud too.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 3 09/24)
Post by: rndmnwierd on October 01, 2009, 05:21:52 PM
@Kuji - Ah, Risa's Chinese detecting skills? I just thought it would be less confusing than, 'That girl over there.' So, We'll just say Risa is awesome. And Ai won't turn out to be a puppet leader, she knows how to stand up against Risa, eventually, it's just that, Risa has the only solid plan, for now, and it's a good one.

@baddie - Street fighter! :lol: Ah, but maybe Lin has nothing to do with Jun's profession? And the love-hate TakaGaki won't last long... It will just start off slow.
Quote from: baddie
Now potential TakaGakiKame?
No! Absolutely not!.....Well, maybe.... No! Bad! *smacks own hand*

@FaqU - Yes, better late than never. Yes, that is Yossui. And all in good time...
Quote from: FaqU
will more OG members appear????
Oh god, don't tempt my brain, if I added more, I might potentially stab myself with a fork. It will be impossible to keep track of this.

@kawaii-chan - Eventually, all will be explained... :on hypto:

@len.chan - Risa is awesome, I feel a little biased in my role for her, but the truth is, the others are just too lazy to think of it first! Or at least, that's my story...
Quote from: len
Eri's always cute and I don't think that Risa was seeing her like more than a silly and cute girl, but it could be interesting if Kame'd show up some interest in Gaki-san later and Risa played along...
Yes! That's it! But, hmm, you have given me an interesting idea... Maybe, perhaps I can work with that.... Yes, yes, I can see it...

@writerjunkie - ADD! I don't have... Oh look! Shiny!
Quote from: WJ
The crimes the girls done fit them as well.
I'm glad you think so, I had the crimes and I thought hard about which girl got which. Then I added new ones for Ai and Risa!

@KrisZ -
Quote from: KrisZ
A love triangle possibility.?.
No! I couldn't! ...Could I?

@Hammy-san - Eri's just cute, everyone thinks so. Though the others are giving me bad ideas... But yes, TakaGaki FTW XD GakiShige? Hmm, Sayu does sometimes seem attached to Risa and I do like the crackiness... But TanaKame is purely professional, though I do want to add some rokkies love in here(Miki doesn't count, she won't appear!).

I'll post a chapter tomorrow sometime before I head to work. For now I just wanted to get out the replies. Man, I should start doing these in sections....
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 3 09/24)
Post by: Kuji on October 01, 2009, 06:39:36 PM
Heh, I can accept the 'Risa is awesome' school of thought.

As for the puppet leader suspicion, I just said that I'd be thinking like that if I were one of the others. ;D As a reader, I have a better "view" but I'm talking about from the perspective of the characters from where they stand.

After all, Risa first suggests choosing a leader. Everyone wants to be leader. She nominates one. The nominated one then does exactly as she suggests. ...I'm sure you can see how that can look suspicious to a bunch of people who are probably naturally suspicious in the first place. ...of course, I naturally tend to be paranoid and overthink things myself as some other people here can attest to. >_>

lol, anyhoo, I'm looking forward to the next chapter. >3
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 3 09/24)
Post by: rndmnwierd on October 01, 2009, 06:49:44 PM
As for the puppet leader suspicion,

Oh, uh I knew that. No really... :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 3 09/24)
Post by: chibilolli on October 02, 2009, 02:34:03 AM
I just found this story and was sucked in to it straight away.

Like most people I'm desperate to know what happened in the past between TakaGaki and JunLin. Can't wait for an update :thumbup
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 3 09/24)
Post by: gab98 on October 02, 2009, 04:06:50 AM
woooooow nice!!! Momusus Aggressive's XD  :mon woo:

Gaki is so cool :mon dance:

the takagaki relationship is Interesting, i want more plis!! :shakeit:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 3 09/24)
Post by: rndmnwierd on October 02, 2009, 05:22:26 AM
Chapter 4: God only knows it's not what we would choose to do

Ai watched curiously as Risa only ordered a bowl of steamed rice and the other lawless girls glared jealously when it was brought to the table, “Is that all you’re going to get?” she asked, pointing to Risa’s unfilling looking meal and water glass. Now that she thought about it, the cops and she were the only ones that got anything but water.

“I’m on a diet.” Risa responded, sounding a little miffed. Ai shook her head in surprise.

“A diet? What kind of diet could your skinny ass possibly be on?” Ai reached out to the girl beside her and pinched her side gently, causing her to jump.

“It’s called the ‘I’m broke as hell’ diet. The authorities saw fit to freeze my accounts when I agreed to this little project. And from the rest of the orders, I see I’m not the only one.” She nodded to the girls across from her; nobody wanted to sit next to the cops so Ai had volunteered and dragged Risa to sit next to her, leaving the other four lawless girls to sit on the other side to glare unabashedly.

Though at first she didn’t want to sit next to her old flame, Risa soon realized that she could steal food off the kind hearted Ai’s plate from her current position easier than from across the table. Unfortunately, she couldn’t ignore her because every few seconds, the older girl would rub against her or touch her in some way. Risa almost hated how her body reacted to the sorely missed contact, she wasn’t ready to forgive Ai yet, but every brush of those warm fingers chipped away a little bit more of the icy covering she’d built over the place in her heart where the older girl resided.

“Yeah, we haven’t eaten a good meal in days.” Lin grumbled, snapping Risa and Ai out of their little world, “And my computers were taken from my safe house, so I can’t even do anything about it.”

“My tools were confiscated as well so I have nothing either, if I did I’d be glad treat everyone to something.” Sayumi shrugged cutely, almost failing to hide her annoyance.

Eri exchanged a glance with Reina, “Maybe we could do something about that? They’re right, they have to eat somehow.”

“It’s a precaution,” Reina replied unsympathetically, “To make sure they can’t run. But we can still talk to the captain and see if we can’t get a little account set up so we can pay for them.”

“By the way,” Jun spoke up sullenly, “where are we going to sleep? They’ve just been keeping me in various cells or offices at the precincts until today, when they said we’d be in your custody.” She looked around at the others and they all nodded in agreement.

“A hotel has been set up for us, four rooms on a secured floor. At night, the elevators lock on that floor and there’s an alarm on the fire escape and stairwells so no one can leave without someone knowing.” Ai saw the lawless girls roll their eyes at the suspicious Tanaka.

About that time, three meals arrived at the table and exclamations were heard from the girls who couldn’t get any. Reina smirked at them in superiority, while Eri had the good grace to look a little guilty. Ai immediately blocked everything out as she concentrated on her food and Risa couldn’t help but laugh, the older girl would never change.

“Ah, you got the bacon, you cannibal.” Sayu gestured flippantly at Reina in front of her, crossing her arms over her stomach in an effort to cover her belly’s growling.

“Are you calling me a pig!” Reina shouted, standing up and knocking against the table in the cramped space. Sayu rose to counter her, tilting her head haughtily.

“Well, if it talks like at pig and it looks like a pig and even dresses like a pig, guess what it must be?” While she was distracted, Jun took this opportunity to steal food off the wonky eyed girl’s plate, passing some to Aika next to her as well. Eri saw and almost choked in her merriment, letting out an un-ladylike snort.

“You?” Reina answered back swiftly and Sayu’s eyebrow twitched in annoyance.

“Well, if I was a pig I would definitely be a cuter pig than you! At least you already have the nose for it!” Risa absently munched on some of Ai’s food, offering a few morsel’s to the nearly drooling Lin Lin across from her.

Reina huffed incensed, “My nose? What about your cheeks?” Sayu put her hands to her face and looked genuinely insulted.

“My cheeks are adorably chubby. Your nose looks like you were left in the test tube too long!” Reina balled up her fists and half raised them.

“I’ll show you chubby cheeks!” Everyone was suddenly interested when it looked like a fist fight would break out. Except for Ai, who kept steadily working away at her meal.

“That’s enough Reina.” Eri warned, putting a hand on her hip, but Reina shrugged her off, “It isn’t right for a police officer to be getting into a petty fight in a restaurant.”

“Oh come off it, Eri! You don’t always have to be such a goody-goody!” Reina realized her mistake a second too late, but before she could apologize she felt her breath leave her, courtesy of Eri’s fist buried in her gut. Unable to even make a sound, Reina sunk into her seat holding her stomach.

“Who’s a goody-goody!?” Eri shouted, further drawing the attention of the patrons of the eatery.

Situation suddenly defused, Sayumi slowly took her seat, now looking concerned at the girl across the table from her, who was turning a funny shade of red. Still unable to adequately get her breath back, Reina silently shoved what was left her plate across the table to Sayumi, also handing over her utensils. “Not hungry anymore.” She grumbled in response to the raised eyebrow.

“Are you guys always like this?” Aika asked seemingly highly amused and munching on a piece of toast.

“I just hate being called a goody-goody or being told I do things by the book.” Eri sulked childishly.

“Yeah,” Reina was finally able to speak in more of a whisper, “The first time I saw someone tell her that, she knocked him out cold. What was he? Twice your size?” Amazingly, the two partners grinned at each other like nothing had happened.

Shaking her head at the uniqueness of the two, Risa chuckled, “Well, this suddenly seems a lot more interesting.” Her voice had the effect of snapping Ai out of her food daze and she looked up in confusion.

“What? What happened?” Her innocent curiosity made laughter break out around the table and she turned to Risa with puppy dog eyes.

The waitress came up to the table with manager in tow and handed over their checks, “Please pay and leave.” The manager stated shortly, apparently annoyed at the earlier scene. The girls all looked appropriately dumfounded before bursting into laughter.

The lawless girls that only got water immediately shuffled out of the booth and headed for the door while the others tossed cash on the table and quickly followed. “Well, that was very… Something.” Risa commented, flinching when she felt Ai grip her hand gently. She almost let go but then paused and after a second of thought, allowed the touch.

“Let’s go back to the hotel and get settled in, then we can work on this little plan some more.” Reina suggested with a shrug and headed towards the train station.


Ask and ye shall receive! Though it's not that long....
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 4 10/01)
Post by: badsaints on October 02, 2009, 05:54:04 AM
Wahaha Reina is actually a softie beneath that tough exterior. Would it be bad if I say the tiff between Sayu and Reina is cute?

While she was distracted, Jun took this opportunity to steal food off the wonky eyed girl’s plate, passing some to Aika next to her as well.

“What? What happened?” Her innocent curiosity made laughter break out around the table and she turned to Risa with puppy dog eyes.
:mon huh2: So Aichan!

Risa commented, flinching when she felt Ai grip her hand gently. She almost let go but then paused and after a second of thought, allowed the touch.
More TakaGaki! :gmon love2:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 4 10/01)
Post by: Kuji on October 02, 2009, 07:09:55 AM
lol@ the "I'm broke as hell diet". I'm surprised Sayu didn't try to charm/scam her way to a free meal, that would be her specialty after all. XD Well, she managed to get Reina's food anyway even though she didn't have the chance to enjoy it before they got kicked out. Sayu's concern for Reina after the Eri-punch sort of perked up my 'shipper antennae. :3

I bet they could break out of that hotel if they wanted to. Since doing that has to be at least less difficult than taking out mob bosses. The thing is I bet that they're not going to bother trying, they have a fairly good deal going with the cops anyway. :roll: Though I guess if they tried to plan such a thing when the two law peeps are out of earshot, Ai would probably stop them. ~_~ If I were hiring them, I'd chip them all like dogs until it were over. Under the skin and rigged to explode à la Battle Royale so it would hacker!Linlin tamper proof. ò_ó ...*cough*

Anyway, while I STILL want to know what went on between TakaGaki and the pandas in the past, I loved this chapter. XP Your humour is very nicely worked into the story while the plot plods on. lol, though I'm dying for some action soon - take out the mob kind of action. >:3
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 4 10/01)
Post by: kuro808 on October 02, 2009, 10:46:50 AM
well short is something i like doing best eh?

Well interesting chapter as always lol Risa's diet got to be the best lol

Good job keep it up
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 4 10/01)
Post by: kRisZ on October 02, 2009, 05:07:14 PM
Eri exchanged a glance with Reina, “Maybe we could do something about that? They’re right, they have to eat somehow.


“My cheeks are adorably chubby. Your nose looks like you were left in the test tube too long!”


but before she could apologize she felt her breath leave her, courtesy of Eri’s fist buried in her gut.

 :O  :rofl:

Sayumi slowly took her seat, now looking concerned at the girl across the table from her

I see TanaShige  :cow:

Amazingly, the two partners grinned at each other like nothing had happened.


4 rooms = 2 girls each
1 room = High possibility TakaGaki   :w00t:  :luvluv1:  :nya:  :gmon twirl:  :mon lovelaff:  :mon fyeah:

Ask and ye shall receive!

Can ask for more?  :D
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 4 10/01)
Post by: kawaii beam on October 03, 2009, 12:21:24 AM
short matters not~! X3 i loved it XD u showed most of the girls pretty well XD i expesialy loled at eri XD plus i wanna know what happened with takagaki and linko and junko XD plz keep it up~! X3
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 4 10/01)
Post by: len.chan on October 03, 2009, 09:22:27 PM
Quote from: len
Eri's always cute and I don't think that Risa was seeing her like more than a silly and cute girl, but it could be interesting if Kame'd show up some interest in Gaki-san later and Risa played along...
Yes! That's it! But, hmm, you have given me an interesting idea... Maybe, perhaps I can work with that.... Yes, yes, I can see it...
glad to help you  XD XD

LOL at Gaki-san diet, she may be eating just steamed rice but hey, at least she's eating something  :lol:

“Ah, you got the bacon, you cannibal.”
Sayu making friends?  XD

It won't be long 'til Risa gives in, ne? Maybe sharing bedroom with Ai-chan will trigger something? Or... now that I think, maybe she's sharing with someone else?  :twisted:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 4 10/01)
Post by: Sancho on October 06, 2009, 04:51:50 AM
"I'm broke as hell diet."??  Hahahahahaa. One of the best line I've ever read so far. Good job. The way I see things, Every character are strting to develop. Thier connection with each other as well. But it seems Koharu is missing. I wonder what faction she'll be in. Keep it up. :cow:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 4 10/01)
Post by: cogi_yoshi on October 06, 2009, 07:13:45 AM
oohh... Reina's scared with Eri... at least in that scene...  :love:
You got me curious in there.. the real reason why Ai and Risa were like that....I'll just wait for the next update to find out.XD
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 4 10/01)
Post by: rndmnwierd on October 06, 2009, 08:12:19 AM
@baddie - I hope you found it cute.

@Kuji - Ah, the lawmen wouldn't have let her.
I bet they could break out of that hotel if they wanted to. Since doing that has to be at least less difficult than taking out mob bosses. The thing is I bet that they're not going to bother trying, they have a fairly good deal going with the cops anyway.
Exploding chips? Then how would they get any work done?

@kuro-kun - Thanks!

@KrisZ -
High possibility TakaGaki
Can ask for more?
Of course!

@kawaii-chan -
i expesialy loled at eri
Would it be bad if I said, "Me too?"

@len.chan - Maybe it won't come out quite the way you think, but thanks for the idea.
Sayu making friends?
Lol, in the way only Sayu can!

@Sancho - Koharu? Well, she'll be a while.

@cogi_yoshi - Won't have to wait too much longer, hopefully.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 4 10/01)
Post by: rndmnwierd on October 06, 2009, 10:22:01 AM
Chapter 5: "Forward," he cried, from the rear

Aika flopped backwards on her bed, feeling drained from her unproductive day. After lunch, they had come back to the hotel and assigned rooms and pairs. The two cops decided to stay together, which Aika didn’t think was very conductive to doing their jobs, but they hadn’t wanted to share a room with any of the criminals.

Takahashi and Niigaki had roomed together, much to Risa’s chagrin it looked like. At the same time, Aika didn’t think she protested as much as she could have; she decided to watch those two since there was obviously something going on between them. Lin had absolutely not wanted to room with Jun so the last rooms had been decided through a game of rock, paper, scissors.

Lin and Sayu had won the room with a balcony, while Aika and Jun had gotten stuck with the single window whose view was a close up of the brick building across from them. Speaking of her roommate, Aika looked at the door to see Jun leaning against the wall giving her a strange look. Unable to read the expression, Aika instead settled for the direct approach.

“What are you looking at?” she asked neutrally, watching the older girl tilt her head, it seemed as if she were weighing her next words carefully so as to not offend Aika.

“I was just wondering how you became a thief.” The older girl made her way over to the bed and hoisted her suitcase onto it, opening it to rifle through her things. She began to neatly set everything out on the bed, apparently intending to put them in the drawers.

“Well, how did you become good at hitting people?” Aika countered, a little ruffled at the question. She knew she was young, but still, did people think she was incapable?

“It was the only way to survive.” Jun replied easily, not pausing in her actions, “I didn’t mean to offend you, it’s just that…” Aika interrupted her heatedly.

“Just what, that I’m just a girl? That I’m too young?” Finally looking up, Jun gave her a hard stare.

“Just that you don’t look as if you have to resort to criminal activity to make a living. You look like a smart girl, you could have gone to school and gotten a part time job, like a normal teenager. Instead you chose this. It’s not exactly a common career choice for someone.” Aika deflated a little, rolling onto her side to face the wall. Why was she trying to pick a fight?

“I like it.” she said to the wall, “And it was the only job I could get that would support me. I tried the normal life, and so did my sister, but it was just the two of us. The opportunity just kind of fell into our laps. At first, my sis didn’t want me anywhere near it, but she’s just not a natural the way I am. Well, she wasn’t, my sister’s dead now and I had bills to pay so I became a thief full time.”

It was quiet behind her for a long time and then she heard a soft sigh. Aika was about to turn back over when a small yellow object bounced in front of her face. She felt her eyes cross as she focused on the object; a banana. Furrowing her brows, Aika picked up the fruit and sat up, turning to glance curiously at her roommate, who was already eating her own yellow treat.

Jun gave her an encouraging nod and Aika slowly peeled the banana, “Uh, thanks.” The two ate in silence.

After she was finished, Jun discarded her peel and returned to organizing her clothes, now beginning to put them in the large wardrobe that was set up in the middle of the room, Aika guessed that inside the top cabinet was the television.

“My brother was killed while I still lived in China when I was 13.” Jun started surprisingly, “He took the rap for a rookie hacker that he was friends with and ended up getting shot by the police in order to protect her. He was the smart one and I was the screw up, but he took care of me. When he died, I ran to Japan and lived on the streets for a while, doing what I had to to get by. When I was 15 I got noticed by this man and he took me in, using me as a bodyguard for his daughter.” She finally paused in putting away the last bit of her clothes, back facing her roommate, and Aika noticed her shoulders tense.

After a long, silent moment, Jun shook her head and turned back around, “But I like being able to flatten people who think they’re superior with one hit. I like my job, so I know what you mean. I’m not going to look down on you because you’re young and a criminal, and I don’t think the others will either. We’ve all been there to, you know?” Aika had to look away from her intense gaze, but nodded in response.

“Thanks.” She heard Jun make a noise in reply then begin to put away her suitcase. Aika figured she should probably put her clothes up as well, since it looked like they were going to be here a while, but at the moment, she just didn’t feel like it, “Hey do you mind if I shower first?”


Sayumi pouted, she was very bored; having already put away her clothes and showered, she was now flipping through the channels on TV. She could hear the water running in the bathroom, indicating that her roommate was still enjoying the relaxing hot water. With a cute huff, Sayu flung herself to her feet and headed out onto the balcony.

“Oh!” She was surprised to see that she wasn’t the only one with the balcony idea, Risa returned her wide eyed look from the balcony to Sayu’s left, “Good evening Niigaki-san.”

“Good evening Michishige-san.” Was it Sayu’s imagination, or did she seem a little nervous?

Sayu watched her facial expression turn a little sour when she sat down on one of the reclining lawn chairs that were on the balcony. Seriously, lawn chairs? That was so cheap.

“So what are you up to?” Sayumi asked innocently, watching the curious expressions on the older girl’s face. Finally, she seemed to settle on exasperation.

“Well, I’m leaving for a while.” Risa finally said, lifting her hands up in plain sight. She was holding what appeared to be a very long, very thick, black rope.

Sayumi laughed, “What for? And where did you get that?” She watched in amusement as Risa tied the end securely around one of the decorative openings in the concrete balcony and threw the rest towards her.

“To get some things we need. Wrap that through one of those holes, yeah, like that.” Sayu did as she was instructed and tossed the rest back, “I’m mad that the cops won’t provide us with the info we need, so I’m going to go get it myself. As for where I got it, well, I have my ways.” Sayumi laughed again at the mischievous smirk that formed on those full lips.

The meeting tonight had been nothing but them running in verbal circles all night. Risa had clearly stated what they needed to go on with her plan, but was shot down at every angle.

‘We need files.’


‘The hacker needs a computer.’

‘Too risky at this point.’

‘Well, then one of us needs to go out there on her own and get the information, I suggest the so called actress.’

‘Haha, yeah right.’

‘Well, then why don’t you do it?’

‘Hell no.’

And so on. It continued like this for way longer than it should have, before Risa had stormed off to her room in frustration and everyone else figured that meant that the meeting was adjourned.

“So what are you going to get?” Sayu asked as Risa dropped the rope off the side of the balcony. She stood and leaned over the side to get a better look, the rope slapped gently against the sides of the balconies below them down five stories and disappeared into a tree. It was so dark that it was almost invisible and Sayu applauded the older girl’s ingenuity.

“I’m going to go get those files. And possibly some computers.” Risa followed her gaze downwards and gulped, apparently afraid of heights.

“Computers?” Both girls turned at the sound of the voice behind Sayu and looked surprised at Lin, hair still wet from her shower and dressed in pajamas; neither had heard the door open.

“Yeah, you need computers to hack, right?” Risa confirmed, titling her head cutely.

“Well, yeah, but not just any computer will do. To hack, you need hacking programs, which only my computers have. My computers, that are sitting down at the precincts 23’s lock up.” Sayu perked up when she heard that.

“Precinct 23? That’s where my laptops and credit card readers were taken.” Risa tilted her head to the other side.

“Well, that’s where Tanaka and Kamei are from, that’s probably where all our stuff was taken.” The three looked at each other for a long moment.

“Well, that’s an odd coincidence.” Sayumi finally said, “But hey! Let’s make a night of this, I bet Jun Jun and Mitsui-chan have stuff there as well.”

“Okay.” Risa nodded amicably, “Let’s all go, we could probably use Mitsui-chan’s expertise.” Sayu could see the wheels turning in her head and she grinned and scampered back inside, heading towards Aika and Jun’s room.

“Okay, if we’re going to get my stuff back here, though, we’re going to need a big car.” Lin warned, going to get changed.


“It looks pretty busy.” Lin stared at the precinct across the street from them in apprehension. The five lawless girls were sitting comfortably in a huge van that they had, ahem, borrowed from a parking garage near the hotel. Risa had made one stop at a sketchy little store on the way and then they had come straight here.

“Well, police stations are open 24/7.” Aika replied, leaning over the other girl to get a better look through the window.

“What’s the plan, boss?” Jun asked Risa, looking at her in the driver’s seat.

“This is the plan.” Risa held up what looked like a huge can with lettering painted on the side. “It’s an odorless, colorless sleeping gas and we’re going to put it into the air conditioning system. It should knock everyone out long enough for us to slip in and slip out without being noticed. It’s fast acting and dissipates quickly, so we won’t even need masks or anything to go in.” She noticed everyone’s awed stares.

“Where do you get this stuff? You’re like some kind of international spy freak.” Sayumi shook her head in amazement, sitting shotgun. Risa just laughed and ruffled her dark colored hair, in the right light it still appeared to have some blonde streaks even though she’d dyed it twice since being persuaded to join this merry little band.

“Ah, I just had to call in a few favors and I have been keeping up with gang news since I’ve been out of the game. After all, you’re never really out.” A couple of the girls nodded in understanding but Sayu just looked confused.

“Gang?” she asked curiously and she noticed the others shift around uncomfortably.

“I can see by everyone’s reactions that I’m not the only one?” Risa confirmed, turning her head to take in the others nods.

“All of you?” Sayu looked shocked. Risa nodded, pushing down the full length arm covering, in dark blue today, that Sayu had just realized she always wore.

Holding up her arm as though she were aiming a gun, Risa heard a slight gasp when her tattoo became visible in the dim light. It was of a rotting dragon corpse with snakes being glimpsed between where his flesh was rotting off. The tattoo was designed in such a way that it looked as if her arm was the dragon and her hand was protruding from his mouth. Everyone in the car gathered around to get a better look.

“I got it when I was 18. My mentor decided it was time for me to make my alliance official.” Risa explained a little wistfully, seeming to become lost in her memories for a second. She slowly put the covering back into place.

“I have one too.” Jun put her booted foot on the center console, lifting the bottom of one of her pant legs. The girl could just glimpse the tail end of a snake crawling up her shin and twisting around behind her knee. “There’s more but I’d need to take off my pants to show you the rest.” She chuckled quietly, apparently imagining this.

“I’m clean, only a few scars.” Lin admitted, “Though the guys I worked for always bugged me to get one, I’m afraid of needles.”

“I don’t have any tats but I was branded when I was younger, on my back.” Aika said quietly and again everyone nodded understandingly, except for Sayumi, who was confused again. “Anyway, enough of that, are we going to do this?”

“That’s depends, are you ready to fly?” Risa responded with a raised eyebrow.


Aika had to bite her tongue to not scream as she was literally thrown onto to roof of the one story building. When Risa said fly, she didn’t think she meant Jun Jun would toss her through the air. She landed hard on her knees, having completely cleared the top of the building, and paused to catch her breath and push her heart back down into her chest.

When she was sure she wasn’t going to puke or something equally embarrassing, Aika poked her head over the side of the roof and gave her companions a thumbs up. She finally stood and continued with her simple mission, spying the large AC unit smack in the middle of the roof.

She reminisced about the last time she was on a roof and remembered that she certainly hadn’t been this confident before. But this was easy and she wasn’t being chased by a helicopter this time. Aika quickly scanned the skies, freezing in place for a second.

Nope, no helicopters. She hadn’t jinxed herself.

Anyway, Aika shook her head and searched the unit for a suitable place to toss the sleeping gas. Finally she found an opening the looked like it led straight down the vents and activated the little canister. She counted to three, then nonchalantly chucked it into the AC unit, just about the time that she heard the AC click on.

Mission accomplished, Aika grinned to herself and made her way back over to the edge of the roof. Looking down at the faces of her companions, Aika suddenly had a thought, how was she going to get down?


Much, much later, the lawless girls were driving back to the hotel, feeling a little high on their successful criminal activities. All five chattered with each other like they had been friends forever and the van was packed full of computers, guns, and various thieving tools.

After Aika had been secured from the rooftop, basically she had hung down as far as she could and dropped into Jun’s strong arms, the girls had waltzed right in the front door and down to evidence lock up. Well, all but Lin had gone to lock up, which wasn’t even locked! Lin instead went to the security room to erase the footage of them in the building and then she decided to have some fun with intercom system.

“This is God.” She said in a deep voice, startling her companions in the evidence room “What you’re doing is wrong! My computers are over in the corner.” she added quietly.

After that they moved everything quickly outside to the van and loaded it up. When the last of their stuff was taken out of the buildings, the group couldn’t help but start laughing. They were going to get away with this, robbing a police station!

“I can’t believe we did that!” Sayumi repeated for the third time, eliciting more laughter from the others. She had never outright robbed a place before and she found it the most exhilarating of them all.

“Now we just have to hoist all this stuff back up onto the balcony.” Risa said with an ironic tone, laughing harder when she got groans.

They pulled the van in backwards where they had left the rope, quickly camouflaging it to blend in with the trees and beginning the tedious task of bringing their equipment back into the hotel. For a long moment, the five stared up into the darkness at the underside of Risa’s balcony, five stories up.

“You know, I don’t think I thought this part out well.” Risa admitted with a frown.

“I can get up there, no problem.” Aika boasted, raising a haughty eyebrow.

“Well, so can I.” Not to be outdone by the younger, Risa replied in the same tone, “Can you guys?” she turned to the other girls.

Jun nodded hesitantly, but Sayu and Lin gave negative responses. “Well, Jun, you up first. I’ll follow you, while you three secure the stuff and we’ll hoist it up, then we’ll pull you guys up. Aika will be last.” Risa delegated easily.

At first, Jun had a little trouble getting started up the rope, but then she began a steady ascent. Risa was after her, only a little faster as she knew what she was doing but didn’t have the pure muscle that Jun did.

Aika quickly rigged up a big box to be able to carry things up like a basket, starting with her lighter thieving tools and then Risa’s various weapons and even Jun’s few brass knuckles and small knives. Then they started carrying up Sayu’s laptops and Lin’s heavier desktops.

The first few loads were light in comparison to Lin’s loaded down computers. Risa and Jun really had to struggle to bring them up and when they finally got the box up onto the balcony, they worried that the commotion had awakened some of the hotel guests below them.

“We should wait a second.” Risa suggested, sharing a concerned look with Jun and glancing apprehensively over the balcony. They didn’t expect the door to open behind them and Ai to stick her head out.

“Risa!” she called loudly, nearly sending the addressed girl leaping over the side of the building in fright. Luckily, before Ai could continue and possibly wake the authorities across the hall, Jun jumped at her and covered her mouth.

“Oh my god! Ai-chan.” Risa held a hand over her heart, convinced she’d just had her life span lessened by a few years, “You scared me.” She finished lamely, noticing the death glare on the older girl’s face. She motioned Jun to let her go.

“Where have you been?! I’ve been worried sick about you!” Risa felt a sense of déjà vu; hadn’t she said the same thing to the other girl once? How odd to hear her own words being used against her so many years later. She felt something cold grip her heart, the last time she’d said that to Ai was just before the older girl broke her heart.

“You don’t have the right to say that to me Ai.” Risa said evenly, startling the girl into silence. Jun shifted uncomfortably, looking as if she wanted to be anywhere but there at the moment.

“We need to talk.” Ai stated softly, trying to hide the hurt in her eyes.

“Yes.” Risa agreed, “But not right this second, go inside, I’ll be there soon.” Ai sullenly complied.

There was a moment of silence as Risa stared at the door Ai had disappeared through. Finally she turned to Jun and gestured for her to lower the box again.

The two quickly finished hauling up the inanimate loads and then it was time for Sayu and Lin to be lifted. Sayu went up, squealing at first, but managing to quiet herself down after a few seconds. Then Lin strapped herself in and held on for dear life, half afraid that Jun would drop her.

When she finally made it to the top, surprisingly, it was Jun’s hand that pulled her onto the balcony and helped her out of the makeshift harness. Lin felt a flare of hope, Jun’s brother wouldn’t have wanted his two favorite girls to be mad at each other like this. He’d always said Lin was like another sister to him and that she was sure to get along with Jun, whom he adored. Unfortunately, he had died before the girls had properly met.

Once Aika was securely on the balcony, the girls all said their good nights and split up, planning to retire for the night. They could sort through their things in the morning.

Risa sighed, watching Sayu shut the curtain on her window. She turned to her own room, time to face the music, Ai was waiting.


Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 4 10/01)
Post by: Kuji on October 06, 2009, 05:12:42 PM
@Kuji - Ah, the lawmen wouldn't have let her.
Exploding chips? Then how would they get any work done?
The lawmen are the ones I was suggesting she'd scam. They're the only ones at the table with money after all, besides Ai. ;D

And in BR, the trackers only exploded if unauthorized parties tried to take them off. They could still go about 'doing their work' which was killing each other. o.o;

Now, the latest chapter sure was exciting. :3 Risa is awesome and she's also AWESOME... did I mention that she's awesome yet? :w00t: The Junjun and Aika bonding moment was quite sweet though the part where Aika's sister is dead reminds me of Rokun's story... and in that one, Risa is the sister. T.T

I found the tattoo/branding imagery quite effective, showing how they're each still burdened by a past.

lol, now how they'll actually deal with having all this stuff around will be interesting. It's not like it's possible to keep the Reina and Eri in the dark about it forever. :roll: What I'm really looking forward to now though, is Risa's talk with Ai and possibly hearing more about their history. :O
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 5 10/06)
Post by: kRisZ on October 06, 2009, 05:17:28 PM
close up of the brick building across from them

nice view eh  :lol:

Aika suddenly had a thought, how was she going to get down?

Good question  :lol:

They were going to get away with this, robbing a police station!

Yay! Way to go  :pepper:

Lin’s heavier desktops.

... Okay  

“Where have you been?! I’ve been worried sick about you!” Risa felt a sense of déjà vu; hadn’t she said the same thing to the other girl once? How odd to hear her own words being used against her so many years later. She felt something cold grip her heart, the last time she’d said that to Ai was just before the older girl broke her heart.

 :shocked  Now I want a flashback  

Then Lin strapped herself in and held on for dear life, half afraid that Jun would drop her.


Risa sighed, watching Sayu shut the curtain on her window. She turned to her own room, time to face the music, Ai was waiting.

 :w00t: will wait  :w00t:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 5 10/06)
Post by: kuro808 on October 06, 2009, 08:28:03 PM
That was good, they were trying to get their stuff back from the police :lol:

Sayu and Lin are peas in a pod

Good job keep it up
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 5 10/06)
Post by: len.chan on October 06, 2009, 09:47:30 PM
Lin instead went to the security room to erase the footage of them in the building and then she decided to have some fun with intercom system.

“This is God.” She said in a deep voice, startling her companions in the evidence room “What you’re doing is wrong! My computers are over in the corner.” she added quietly.

That's it, I love Lin  XD XD XD

woo tatoos.. I thought about that already when you wrote about Risa covering her arm. Yakuza Gaki-san?  :twisted:
and it seems that Jun already stated that Risa is the boss. It will be fun to see how Eri and Reina react when they'll find that the girls got what they needed without their help...

you won't make us wait more for the TakaGaki talk, right? It will be in next chapter, ne? ne????  :frustrated:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 5 10/06)
Post by: kawaii beam on October 07, 2009, 12:10:02 AM
LOL LAW GIRLS UNITE~! XD lol this was kinda cool seeing kinda where most of the girls came from..and i guess tattos are popular things eh? XD and it explains why risa wears sleves~! but i think i cant realy imagine risa with a tatto...  :sweatdrop:
and i wonder what the talk will be about~? hm~*starts to wonder already*
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 5 10/06)
Post by: badsaints on October 07, 2009, 03:02:47 PM
Robbing the police station?! That's like the coolest thing ever! :lol:

Tattoos and branding? A necessary accessories if you're making them THE best in their fields. 'cept for Sayu of course. The girl's confused as hell XD

Lin instead went to the security room to erase the footage of them in the building and then she decided to have some fun with intercom system.

“This is God.” She said in a deep voice, startling her companions in the evidence room “What you’re doing is wrong! My computers are over in the corner.” she added quietly.

That's it, I love Lin  XD XD XD
Ditto here XD

At least we got more insight on JunLin past. Now time for some TakaGaki talk :twisted:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 5 10/06)
Post by: lil_hamz on October 08, 2009, 10:01:41 AM
OOOOHHH the impending TakaGaki talk has me excited. I wonder what will happen. And Sayu's character seems like it has potential. I can't wait to see what you have in store for her. And I agree about Risa being so cool.

Damn, she's sexy XD

Kinda funny that the TanaKamei pair is oblivious to all of this. But they should be able to find out who took the stuff right? I mean there aren't that many suspects :P
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 5 10/06)
Post by: Sancho on October 09, 2009, 08:02:58 PM
I never thought the one who gave their new jobs have thin mind. How would the people he/she just hired can work effectively without their working tools?? But I also thought that maybe they want to test them if they are effective enough to work as a team and they did it didn't they.  They can't do such crime without each others help (even though Sayumi just scream in some point.  :D). I love When Lin said she's God.  XD XD. Still no sign of Koharu or even Eri on the chapter but I don't mind because I still enjoy reading it. More please.  :cow: :cow:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 5 10/06)
Post by: DO Me DO Me on October 10, 2009, 10:00:44 PM
Wow I'm hooked to this story. It reminds me of another story idea I've had for years. It includes a thief, hacker, and gangster. :lol: but who's who will remain a mystery until I decide to post it, if I ever do.

Anyway, I'm interested in how these criminals will work together to fight crime? XD tanakamei as cops is interesting too. I thought Reina would be one of the criminals. But everyones specialties seem fitting for them although Risa was unexpected but I like it. Badass Gaki-San. Ai is still being Ai it seems, just sits there while Risa does everything XD I noticed that Koha wasn't one of the lawless girls. I wonder what her role is.    
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 5 10/06)
Post by: rndmnwierd on October 12, 2009, 01:49:24 AM
@Kuji - I'm glad you like the symbolism of the tattoos/marks, I hoped my intention would shine through my tattoo bias, lol. I was going over my chapters again, to make sure I have the story straight and realized, there's a lot of dead siblings floating around. Heh heh, oops, not very original backstory on my part, but it works. The next chapter's a little short, but I hop it illuminates some things, though I intend for the Ai/Risa thing to be ongoing.

@KrisZ - No flashbacks yet, maybe in later chapters. I'm still working out the kinks, so to speak. Hope the next chapter will tide you over.

@kuro-kun - Thanks :D

@len.chan - TakaGaki in the next chapter, I promise, but it's not all that much. Just a prelude, I guess.

@kawaii-chan - Actually, I was under the impression that tattoos were still a little taboo in Japanese society. And that's more the point than anything.
but i think i cant realy imagine risa with a tatto...
Yeah, not in real life anyway. :sweatdrop:

@baddie - It's a wonder they weren't caught, isn't it? I mean, it makes the police look bad if that story were to get out. And Sayu's not confused, just not gangster! :lol: Besides, I'm sure she could never think to, 'Mar her beauty.' or something like that.

@hammy-san - Hope I don't disappoint on the TakaGaki, it's kinda short. And are TanaKame really oblivious? Are they?

@Sancho - Are you reading my mind? Stop it! It's freaking me out! :sweatdrop:

@Do me-san - Wow, it's you! Thanks a lot, I appreciate the interest. I would definitely want to read your story, is it already started or on the drawing board?

I'm sure I'll get everything to come together somehow, so here's hoping this monster turns out well.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 5 10/06)
Post by: rndmnwierd on October 12, 2009, 01:51:06 AM
Chapter 6: and the front ranks died.

Risa entered the room silently, not exactly looking forward to the conversation she was about to have with her ex. “Ai-chan?” she called out into the dark room. Almost immediately a light was turned on, making Risa blink while her eyes adjusted to the sudden illumination.

When she could finally see clearly again, her eyes focused on Ai, sitting up in bed and holding a pillow to her chest, apparently waiting for her. Risa took a deep breath, she had been neatly avoiding this confrontation all day, but it was time to sort some things out. “Before you say anything, Ai, let me start.” Risa waited until the older girl nodded until she began telling her the things that had been on her mind for four years.

“I’m mad at you and I don’t want to forgive you. You broke my heart. You, who was all that I had in the world left me high and dry, with nothing. So I had to find something and that’s why I left Japan with Doro-san.” Risa had gradually crept closer throughout her speech and now tentatively sat on the edge of the bed facing Ai, reaching out to wipe away the few tears that the older girl had let fall.

“That being said, now that I’ve grown up I understand why you did it, though at the same time your reasons for pushing me away are confusing. But Ai-chan,” Risa gently cupped her cheek, smiling when Ai leaned into her, “I love you. That has never changed and, though many have tried, no one has been able to replace you in my heart. I’m mad at you still, yeah. These four years and, especially, your absence haven’t helped me to heal the pieces you left me in, but I’ll let you try to make it up to me. Now that we’ve found each other again, I’m not going to let you go so easily this time.”

Ai choked on her words, unable to reply to the heart felt rant that Risa had composed. Instead, she tried to convey her feelings through her eyes and tears and her body, pulling Risa into a tight embrace. The two snuggled together on the bed for a few minutes before Risa pulled back with a concerned look on her face.

“Ai-chan, you’re shaking. Are you really that cold?” Ai shook her head, sitting up straight and pulling her badly trembling hands into her lap.

“I’m not cold, I just need a drink.” Risa tilted her head in confusion, “Let’s go down to the bar.”

“But we can’t leave this floor.” Risa protested, ignoring that she had just climbed down the balcony to get out of the hotel.

“I convinced one of those cops to give me the elevator key. After all, I don’t have a criminal record, so it was easy.” Ai produced said key with a flourish that was only slightly dimmed by her still shaking hands.

The two made themselves presentable and headed downstairs, holding hands as they made their way through the sleeping hotel. In the dark lounge was only the bartender and a single man in the corner at the bar, drinking away his sorrows. Ai and Risa sat at the other end and the bartender came over to take their orders.

“A double shot of Jack on the rocks.” Ai ordered instantly, drawing strange looks from both the bartender and her younger companion, “What’ll you have?” She asked Risa nonchalantly.

“Uh, just a water.” The bartender went away to get their orders. “I didn’t know you drank.” Risa almost turned the statement into a question, obviously expecting some explanation.

Ai waited until her drink was in front of her before she began, “It only took me two days after I broke up with you to realize that I can’t live without you.” She took a huge drink, not even flinching as it burned its way down her throat, “Actually, it was more like five minutes, but I was lost in grief. My parents had just died and even though I loved you, I just felt like I had to deal with it on my own.”

“Before we met, that was how it was for me. I always worked out my own problems on my own. I felt like I couldn’t share my bad parts with anyone else, even you.” Risa took her hand gently, not offended by her ex’s truthfulness. Honestly, she had always noticed that the older girl seemed to hold herself back. “But when you left, I realized that I wanted to share with you, because you were all I really ever had. I never even had my parents and they were there all the time.”

“I looked for you, over the whole city and I started hearing rumors about a one woman teenage arsenal storming a yakuza’s mansion. I knew it was you, only you could go in there intending to kill someone and ending up becoming his mentee.” Ai threw back her drink and gestured to the bartender for another, after the first one, Risa noticed her hands had stopped shaking.

“I used up every favor my dad was owed and every cent of my inheritance looking for you. The last news I heard was that you had touched down in South Africa and then my money ran out. That was only six months after you left, though and I had to get a job to survive.” When her second drink arrived, Ai downed half of it in one gulp. Risa looked on worriedly.

“No one would hire me because I was a mess. I’d barely been getting by after everything had happened and I was so preoccupied with finding you that I couldn’t concentrate. Finally I got it into my head to blow up the house where we’d first met.”

‘And myself with it,’ she didn’t say, but Risa heard it anyway. Ai finished her second drink and ordered a third.

“I got everything strapped up and I was almost ready when all of a sudden, I realized what I was doing. Trying to destroy the house of some of our most precious and painful memories? I thought maybe you’d never forgive me.” Ai sniffled and clutched Risa’s hand tighter, “So I did it anyway.”

“It’s gone?” Risa asked sullenly and Ai nodded. The house where they’d first met, first kissed and first expressed their love for each other was gone? That was also the house where Risa had watched her brother die and Ai had broken her heart, she hadn’t tried to go back to that place since she’d left it.

“I had stolen the dynamite from the construction zone down the road as well as the detonators. The explosion alerted the foreman and I didn’t have enough sense to leave, he found me there. Instead of pressing charges like I thought he would, he offered me a job.” Risa shook her head.

“You took a demolition job?” The younger girl asked in disbelief.

“I know, right?” Ai laughed, a little bitterly, “Me, who wanted to be an architect. Me, who always hated having to clean up my blocks because I didn’t want to knock down my towers. Me, who lost my parents when a building fell on them.”

Risa watched as Ai downed her third drink and got ready to order another, “Ai, I think maybe you’ve had enough.”

“Naw, four is a nightcap for me.” the older girl replied easily.

“Since when did you start taking nightcaps?” Risa asked suspiciously.

“Well, I started working demolitions and made friends with a few of the guys there. I was only 19 at the time so I couldn’t get my own, but when I mentioned I had trouble sleeping since my parents died, my friends went out and bought me various alcohols. They said a capful before bed would help me sleep. I found that whiskey works better for me. Also that a whole bottle will help you forget.” Ai looked down at the counter top, almost unable to bear Risa’s teary eyes. “The more I drank it, though, the more it took to get me either drunk or asleep.”

“When I turned 20, I gave up on finding you and just concentrated on trying to sleep.” Ai admitted, finally turning to look at her companion. Risa couldn’t seem to find the words she needed and could only press her lips against the back of Ai’s knuckles.

Ai turned to the bartender, “I’ll take a fourth drink and a Jack and coke for my friend.” She ordered, intending to teach Risa how to sleep tonight.


It's short, sorry, but TakaGaki! I'll get the next chapter out sooner as an apology for the length of this one.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 6 10/11)
Post by: Sancho on October 12, 2009, 03:30:18 AM
It's nice to start your reading one of your fave story :D.  Telling me that I can (or it seems) read your mind creep me out as well  :lol: :lol:. Lets just say that I had these kind of mannerism trying to predict what would happen to the story that I read or even watched. 

Anyway, The chapter shows Ai's Ironic Job. Never thought an architect won't mind blowing things she used to build. I dunno if the guy who hired her is the same one that almost killed her on earlier chapter. If he was then I wont hate anymore. Hehehehe. Ai may not realize it but if this guy didn't opened the door for her new career, she won't have the opportunity to be with Risa up close. Hmmm... I wonder whose this Doro is. Keep it up.  :twothumbs
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 6 10/11)
Post by: kawaii beam on October 12, 2009, 04:05:18 AM
I...LOVE...YOU...SO...MUCH!*hugs you* XD

the best thing to read before i go to bed and deal with crapy school tomorrow X3
poor ai-chan (i_i) so she's pretty much adicted to alchohaol?? >.<
and poor risa too~ (i_i)
and i understand about the tatto's thingy. my japanese teacher talked about it a few yrs back when i was in japanese 1 XD
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 6 10/11)
Post by: badsaints on October 12, 2009, 01:23:40 PM
Wah TakaGaki! :yossi:

“I’m not cold, I just need a drink.” Risa tilted her head in confusion, “Let’s go down to the bar.”
Erm is this what I think it is? :O

Ai turned to the bartender, “I’ll take a fourth drink and a Jack and coke for my friend.” She ordered, intending to teach Risa how to sleep tonight.
Doesn't sound good to me :(

I love the fact that you just made Ai an alcoholic. Shows that even the non-criminal one has issues. At least the TakaGaki are willing to work out their relationship together. This means more raburabu time together :wub:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 6 10/11)
Post by: YumePouk on October 12, 2009, 03:52:05 PM
*comes out of my lurker's mode*
OMG this story is so great.

 :shocked  Ai's an alcoholic....

>_< can't wait to know what will happen next....
Keep up your great work
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 6 10/11)
Post by: kuro808 on October 12, 2009, 07:37:41 PM
TakaGaki  :heart:  that was an interesting back story, Ai spending all her money trying to find and eventually just giving up because that money was gone. So sweet

Keep up the work
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 6 10/11)
Post by: writerjunkie on October 12, 2009, 08:38:57 PM
It's fine if the update is short sometimes short is better, because it has an ending that hooks the readers and that's what you want. I enjoyed this update. What's not to like? You get to see how Ai hurt Risa damn Ai! She needs to stop doing that! *grumbles*  :smhid but you also see how much they love each other still and that's so cute!  :love: TakaGaki can make interesting and great chapters on their own! lol They're so cute. *sighs* We have to see more of this! And this time fluff with TakaGaki that would be much better. ^_^
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 6 10/11)
Post by: DO Me DO Me on October 12, 2009, 09:34:44 PM
Yay another update. Short and (bitter)sweet and Takagaki. :D Your sig makes me imagine that's how they were in the good ol' days.

Yes, that other story has bits and pieces written but far from having at least one finished chapter. But it's interesting though, I hope I'll get around to it eventually.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 6 10/11)
Post by: len.chan on October 13, 2009, 12:08:14 AM
mmmm... I don't know, I think I have mixed feelings about this chapter..
I'm glad that TakaGaki made up but, on the other side, I felt that it was too easy. Maybe it's just me, that I'm too used to drama and I was expecting something else  :lol: well, at least their love was strong enough to survive after 4 years of being away from each other. I'm wondering, are gonna be Ai's problems with alcohol an issue between them?

as always, waiting for more  8)
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 6 10/11)
Post by: kRisZ on October 13, 2009, 10:51:32 AM
Ai, sitting up in bed and holding a pillow to her chest

Cute and lovely to imagine  :luvluv1:

“I love you

 :w00t:  :luvluv1:

Now that we’ve found each other again, I’m not going to let you go so easily this time

That’s the spirit  :banana:  :muffin:

“I’m not cold, I just need a drink.”

She's turned alcoholic?   :huhuh

Finally I got it into my head to blow up the house where we’d first met


She ordered, intending to teach Risa how to sleep tonight

Like they would, after this convo and all, who could still sleep without having any “I miss you so much” actions  :twisted: nee author-san  :twisted:  :grin:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 6 10/11)
Post by: Kuji on October 13, 2009, 01:40:19 PM
Finally, some TakaGaki'ness :heart:
Of course there is still a lot we don't know so I think I still need to say, "MOAR PLS". :grin: It seems with this conversation though that no matter how cute Kame is or how irresistable Sayu's charms are, Ai's got a pretty good hold on Risa. :thumbsup

Can't wait to see how things progress. Haha... I kind of really want to see Sayu in action.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 6 10/11)
Post by: cogi_yoshi on October 13, 2009, 04:57:02 PM
Finally, the TakaGaki story... So that's what happened in the past... but I hope this 'job' will make them realize they still love each other and.... MORE TAKAGAKI moment in the next chapters!!! :heart: :cow: :heart:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 6 10/11)
Post by: lil_hamz on October 14, 2009, 02:28:59 PM
I'm sad that the house where they shared so many memories is gone. I hope it's not a hint of what's gonna be in stored for them. These 2 will have a happy ending...right? *hopeful*

It seems with this conversation though that no matter how cute Kame is or how irresistable Sayu's charms are, Ai's got a pretty good hold on Risa.

I agree with you about the Eri part but Sayu...hmmmm, who knows, our dear author here might wanna spice things up a little bit :P
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 6 10/11)
Post by: rndmnwierd on October 16, 2009, 09:07:34 PM
@Sancho - No the guy who hired her is not the same as the one we were introduced to. Thanks for the comment, I hope you try to predict some more of the story and creep me out again!

@Kawaii-chan - *is hugged* Haha, thanks. It means a lot to hear you look forward to my story. Try to take it easy at school.

@baddie - More raburabu, but not less drama. Hopefully.

@YumePouk - Ah! A delurker! Thank you for your kind words. This means you have got to keep posting, though!

@kuro-kun - Glad you like it!

@writejunkie - I almost had this as part of the next chapter, but it just didn't seem to fit in. So, Takagaki got their own chapter! Rest assured, I'm not done with them yet.

@Do me-san - I kind of imagine them like that 'back then' as well, except less photogenic lol. Maybe you should finish April no Aho before we start requesting another story from you! Though you know we'll all be their to read it.

@len.chan - Come on now, do you really think I'd make it that easy? That wouldn't be any fun! Trust me, they are far from truly making up. The alcohol might be a problem, or maybe it might be something else.

@KrisZ - Again, it's never that simple. They're different people now, after so many years of separation, they'll have to get to know each other again.

@Kuji - Takagaki is love. It does seems like Ai has a good hold on Risa. Does Ai know that?

@cogi_yoshi - Well, this job will either bring them together or tear them apart. Depends on how I'm feeling later. After all, one cannot live solely on love.

@hammy-san - Consider the house being gone like turning the page in the Takagaki story. And are you sure it's Sayu you should watch out for?

Lol, these comment replies made me laugh at myself. I wonder if I made anyone worry?
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 6 10/11)
Post by: rndmnwierd on October 16, 2009, 09:10:01 PM
Chapter 7: And the General sat

Reina awoke the next morning to a warm body pressed on either side of her, each poking her sides. Since she knew she went to bed alone, this was a little strange to her and she opened her eyes slowly. Two grinning faces looked down at her and she instinctively pulled the covers up to her face so that only her wide eyes were visible.

“Good morning sleepyhead~~!” Sayumi exclaimed, reaching down to ruffle her messy hair.

“Ah, Tanaka-san is so cute~!” Aika cried from her other side, clasping her hands together in front of her.

Glancing around the room, Reina saw the rest of the lawless girls scattered around the room, bright eyed and bushy tailed. Ai and Risa shared the chair in the corner, the older on the younger’s lap. Jun sat next to an awakened Eri chatting comfortably and Lin was at the foot of the bed, flipping through channels on TV.

Obviously, this little party had been going on for a while and Reina was the last to join. She turned an acidic look on her partner, “Eri, what the hell?”

The turtle girl gave an apologetic glance that was tinged with amusement. “They’ve been here for almost an hour. I didn’t know you were such a heavy sleeper, Reina!”

“An hour?!” Reina dove under the covers, eliciting laughter around the room. She couldn’t believe this, “Did you let them in Eri?” she cried, muffled under the thick blanket.

“No, they were here when I woke up. Apparently, Gaki-san called another meeting.” Eri gestured to the slightly older girl who was quietly conversing with Ai on her lap.

“Ah, yes.” Risa opened a thick file on the table beside her, “I got most of the information we needed. That includes a list of suspected gang members and their addresses, as well as drug connections. Now all we need to do is follow the trails back to the suppliers, which will be Lin’s job, I’ll need Sayu to stay with her and help with whatever she needs and the rest of us will go out and start taking out these men.”

“What? You mean kill them?” Ai asked in surprise, turning to face her. Risa nodded, “I don’t think I’m okay with that.”

“Well how else did you think we were going to get rid of them, Ai? Send them to jail?” She saw in her face that’s exactly what she was thinking, “Honey, why else would they send in criminals to do this?”

“I’ve never killed anyone before.” Aika admitted quietly, Lin and Sayu nodded as well.

Risa and Jun looked at each other, “Then I guess it’s just you and me. Unless you have any objections to it?”

“Well, I don’t mind, I guess.” It’s not like Jun felt guilty for the death she was responsible for, just that she’d only killed one person.

“No.” Ai said firmly, “We’ll find another way.” She cut Risa off before she could protest, “You wanted me in charge, right? You wanted me to have the final say, and I say no killing.”

“What else are we supposed to do? Just sit on our hands until we can find the drug connection? And after we find it, what then?” Risa exclaimed, throwing her arms up into the air.

“No killing.” Ai repeated, “I won’t let you do that.”

“If its because you have some image of wanting to protect my innocence, let me just clear that up for you. I’ve killed before, Ai-chan, and I’m totally capable of doing it again. With no regrets!”

The rest of the room looked a little uncomfortable to be witnessing the lover’s quarrel. “I’m putting my foot down, Risa.”

“Ai-chan, please.” Risa tried not to glare, but she just couldn’t help but be annoyed.

“Absolutely not.” Ai would not budge and the younger girl finally sighed, acquiescing for the moment.

“Well, then.” Eri said rising from her bed, still in pajamas, “Now that that’s settled, sort of, Reina, can you give me a hand?”

Reina quickly hopped up, wanting to be away from the awkward atmosphere, and followed her partner into the bathroom, “What did you need?”

“Can you help me change my bandages?” Eri asked timidly.

“Uh sure, what do I need to do?” When Eri handed her a small piece of gauze and some tape, Reina couldn’t help but remember the last time she had help patch up a bullet wound.

She had been sixteen at the time, her father had come home bleeding profusely and she had rushed out worried, gauze in one hand and needle and thread in the other. He had laughed as she patched him up, telling her about how many men he’d killed that day and how he’d let the one who shot him get away with his life intact. According to her father the younger man had earned it, but Reina didn’t understand his complex code of honor.

After that day, she’d swore she’d never stitch up another man. She’d swore she’d never become her father.

“Reina?” Eri poked her shoulder and the younger girl snapped back to reality, her partner was leaning back against the counter, shirt lifted to reveal the square bandage that was taped to her lower left side. Reina didn’t see it, but she knew there was an identical one on Eri’s back.

“Sorry.” She murmured and set about her task. She none too gently ripped the gauze off her partner’s skin, eliciting a yelp, “Don’t be such a baby.” she scolded when Eri whined at her, back to her old self after her trip through memory lane.

“Don’t be so mean.” Eri shot back. In response, Reina reached around behind her and ripped the bandage off her back, her partner yelped again.

About five minutes later Eri stomped out of the bathroom, holding her belly protectively, Reina called out after her laughingly, “Don’t be like that Eri! I apologized, you know it would just hurt worse if I didn’t do it quickly.” When the older girl refused to speak to her, Reina laughed again, “Can you at least bring me some clothes? I’m going to take a shower.” The lawless girls watched the show in amusement. Reina shook her head and went back into the bathroom.

She turned the shower on and stripped down, kicking her clothes into a neat pile. Finally, she felt like she could take a breath. Reina climbed into the warm stream and relaxed, shaking out her aching muscles and her tense shoulders. She reminded herself yet again, not to get too attached to her charges, after all, they were criminals, like her father, and she was a cop, who arrested criminals, like her father.

She was almost done with her routine when she heard the door open and saw a shadow come over to the toilet and set down what she assumed was her clothes for the day, “Thanks Eri.” she called, relieved that the crazy girl wasn’t still mad at her.

“Your welcome, Tanakacchi.” the familiar voice responded, and Reina jumped. That wasn’t her partner.

“What are you doing in here?” she cried, irrationally feeling like covering herself, even though she knew that the older girl couldn’t see through the shower curtains.

“I wanted to talk to you.” Risa said, sitting down on the closed toilet lid, “It’s been a long time since we last saw one another. Back then you were only knee high to  a grasshopper, but I guess that hasn’t changed much.”

Reina concentrated on washing the conditioner out of her hair, trying to ignore the other’s words, “You’re not old enough to call me knee high to anything.” she failed, unable to not respond to something like that.

“Still, you were just planning your first tattoo. Did you ever get it?” Risa asked curiously and Reina could tell by her voice that she was giving the shower a questioning look.

“…” The younger girl reached behind her to touch her inked back. Her father had been so excited when it came time for her to get her first tattoo. He had wanted her to get the female variation of the God of Death figure that marked his own back.

Reina was startled when the shower curtain was ripped open by Risa, but before she could cover herself, the older girl had grabbed her shoulders and turned her around. Reina felt her protests die on her lips as Risa tersely examined her tattoo. At first glance, the tat looked like a horribly warped figure, so badly disfigured that it was impossible to tell if it was a man or woman. Upon closer examination, though, the warped places turned out to be cleverly disguised kanji.

“Hope, justice, and law?” Risa read and the younger girl was impressed that she caught the nuances so quickly. Then she remembered to be mad. “What would your father say if he saw you now?”

“I don’t care what he has to say.” Reina turned and swiftly closed the curtain on Risa.

“That can’t be true, I know you love your father.” The older girl scolded gently, but Reina only got more upset.

“You don’t know anything about me!” she cried, clutching her arms to her chest, “We weren’t even friends back then!”

“Well I know your father loves you.” Risa responded without missing a beat, “Whenever I was in town he would always tell me about you. About how proud he was that you were taking over his mantle. Tell me, are you really okay with us having to kill him?”

“Takahashi-san won’t let you kill.” Reina reminded desperately, ignoring the question.

“Not yet, she won’t, but sooner or later, she’ll have to understand that it’s kill or be killed. Hopefully before someone gets hurt and that’s when we’ll have to go through with it. Takashi-dono I think is a prick, even Kusumi-dono I don’t feel too bad about killing, but I honestly like your father. Tanaka-dono was always good to me, whenever we met he always had a present, he said I was what he hoped you would be like when you finally came to power.” Sinking to her knees, Reina covered her ears. She didn’t want to hear about this!

“I’m not my father, I hate him! I’m not a criminal and I won’t be one ever! I went to the academy to put men like daddy away! And I haven’t spoken to him since I explained my reasons so why would I feel bad about doing away someone who deserves it?!” The curtain was opened again and Risa sat on the edge of the tub, gently stroking Reina’s hair and helping her finish washing it.

“Now, you don’t really mean that, do you?” Reina stubbornly nodded, “We don’t have to kill him, you know? If you can convince him to give up.”

“He’ll never go back to jail, he always said it would be better to die and rot than to live and rot.” Reina allowed the older girl to wrap a towel around her and pull her up.

“Maybe you should go talk to him then. Before we meet in combat.” Risa suggested gently, tilting her head down to look into Reina’s eyes.

“I’ll….Think about it.” The younger girl finally conceded and a sad smile spread across Risa’s face.

“For however much you hate what your father stands for, you’ve always been his princess.” Risa’s parting shot was almost too much for the now emotionally drained Reina.

The towel clad girl sat heavily on the vacated toilet top, when the captain gave her this assignment, she just knew it was going to end badly. It had seemed like she had known Risa from forever ago, to see her unmistakable face in those folders had been almost like a shock to the system.

When the big three had sent out feelers into the surrounding cities, Yokohama had been one of the first to fall under their command. Takashi-dono had sent his second in command, a man nicknamed Doro-san, to strike up deals with the local gangs. Risa’s brother had been one of the go-to guys for arms deals between the two groups and when the three bosses wanted to meet him, Risa had, of course, tagged along.

And Tanaka-dono had brought his precious daughter along to watch and learn as well. Both sides had been a little surprised at the addition of the two youngest little gangsters, but over all, Tanaka-dono had been pleased. Takashi-dono had not been.

The two girls had been sent to the corner to watch silently while the adults talked things out and Reina remembered feeling awkward around the slightly older girl. She had been seven at the time, and Risa nine, but it seemed like there was decades between their ages. Reina recalled the attentiveness that the older girl had shown to the meeting while Reina had only felt bored.

Her young mind had unconsciously realized that Risa was very much intent on following in her brother’s footsteps, while Reina wanted to get as far away from the violence as possible. Reina was obviously bored and Risa obviously fascinated.

So she had tried to distance herself from the older girl, but as soon as she shifted away, Risa took notice of her. “Hi, what’s your name? I’m Risa, I’m nine, how old are you?”

Reina hadn’t wanted to answer her but her father had instilled in her that she had to be polite to people she didn’t know. Yet another lesson she had unconsciously strayed away from. She replied to the older girl quietly.

The older girl had laughed, “I like your dress, your daddy must love you very much to buy you something so pretty.”

“He does.” Reina repeated her answer from the past out loud, snapping back to the present, “He does love Reina very much.”


Risa leaned back against the bathroom door with a sad smile still on her face. She really hoped Reina would do the right thing and go out to see her father. She caught Ai’s curious look across the room and shook her head silently, nobody needed to know that Reina and she had met before.

“Anyway! Continuing with the meeting, if we can’t kill anyone, we should at least go reek some havoc. I know a few dealers we can shake down.” she said in a sing song, “Who’s up for it?”

Jun immediately raised her hand, every inch the eager student, but Ai looked less then thrilled and Aika just looked bored. To her surprise, though, Eri raised her hand as well, “Well,” the younger girl explained to her questioning look, “At least if I go, I can keep you out of trouble. And maybe hit someone.” she shrugged nonchalantly and Risa laughed.

“I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship, kid.”


This one is another short chapter, it's more set up than anything. I'm running out of pre-written chapters fast because I keep making some of them so long, so it will be another week before I get the next one out.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 6 10/11)
Post by: kuro808 on October 16, 2009, 09:31:01 PM
well image of the tattoo came into mind and I could probably see that.  Reina and Risa little girls talking

don't worry about it, i am already on a pre-written one
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 6 10/11)
Post by: len.chan on October 16, 2009, 10:25:32 PM
something inside told me that you were going to update today   :glasses:
I knew you wouldn't disappoint me. It was far too easy for TakaGaki to made up like that.That's why you're one of my favorite writers.

So, besides the alcohol issue, probably the big problem here will be Risa's coldness when it comes to taking a life. But what was Ai expecting? For what you wrote about Reina and Gaki-san's past, Risa was involved in that world since she was a kid (and wanted to be there). I don't know if when they met for the first time (something I really wish you'll explain later) Risa was still innocent or Aichan put her on a pedestal and didn't want to see it... or maybe it was Doro-san taking her under his wing what changed her.... aaaarg!  :frustrated: I need to know!  Well, the thing is that Risa sees the situation from a practical point of view (a yakuza point of view  XD). Ok, the bad guys are arrested, go to jail and then what, get out and begin all over again? That's an intolerable lost of time. Besides, as she said, why else would the police hire a bunch of criminals to do their job?

that's all for TakaGaki. Now, on another note..
You totally got me with Reina's past story. I wasn't expecting her father to be a criminal, not least one of the heads they have to take down... Nice turn there.
Aaand, after all that long and boring comment, a silly remark.. Eri is cute even when she wants to beat someone  XD XD
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 6 10/11)
Post by: kawaii beam on October 17, 2009, 12:18:00 AM
wooot~ XD new chappy~! X3
well idk wha to say next tp that i's epic! X3 i feel bad for poor reina(i_i)
and risa and reina met when they were younger?! (chibi-ness ftw~! XD) and u can clearly see the contrast between them XD
i wanna know what happened with takagaki~ but everything is so~ good that i can wait X3
keep it up~ X3*hugs*
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 6 10/11)
Post by: badsaints on October 17, 2009, 05:47:46 AM
Reina and Risa knowing each other is really unexpected :O This update explains a little on Reina's character though I do wonder what happened in the past that Reina turned her back on her father and hates the lawless so much. It's apparent that she still do care for her father...

TakaGaki's quarrel is so cute! And I'm getting the vibe that Risa has earned Jun2's utmost respect and following now XD

Edit: New Page GETS~
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 6 10/11)
Post by: Sancho on October 17, 2009, 12:40:44 PM
Nice nice chapter. When I said that Ai had an ironic job before, never thought that Reina would have an ironic life. I didn't even know that Reina has an emotional problem when she receive this assignment. Well she has her reason. And that is trying to save her father's life. I wish she could convince him.

Ok, a lot of characters are developing well and that's great. Kusumi dono?? hehehehe. so she's on that side. The 88ers are the action girls of the group. Cool. Hoping for more and I don't mind if it take a week. The story is interesting so I know it's worth to wait.  :twothumbs
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 6 10/11)
Post by: kRisZ on October 18, 2009, 01:37:05 AM
girl who was quietly conversing with Ai on her lap


"What? You mean kill them?” Ai asked in surprise, turning to face her. Risa nodded, “I don’t think I’m okay with that.”

How pure

lover’s quarrel

Yay  :w00t:

About five minutes later Eri stomped out of the bathroom, holding her belly protectively, Reina called out after her laughingly

Very cute

“Can you at least bring me some clothes? I’m going to take a shower.”


The lawless girls watched the show in amusement.

Audience  XD

Back then you were only knee high to  a grasshopper, but I guess that hasn’t changed much.”


Reina was obviously bored and Risa obviously fascinated


“He does love Reina very much.”


Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 6 10/11)
Post by: FaqU on October 18, 2009, 05:53:56 AM
With my life back on track, I have managed to catch up on this fic.  Sorry for the lack of commenting though  :bow: and I know you'll say something along the lines of "its better that you're commenting now that not" but still I feel guilty  :(

Wow!!!! I really missed alot of things but I also came across a few thoughts

1) Isn't it a bit too quick for Takagaki to forgive each other so easily??? I mean you made them sound or at least Risa sound a little stubborn and for her to tell Ai-chan that she is forgiven so early in the story kind of makes it out of character with her stubborn persona that was portrayed earlier.

2) Sayumin doesn't seem to play a big part in the whole plotting plan like she's never killed or anything and her presence was not very useful at the moment in contrast with the other girls.  Aika was the thief that gave them access to their equipment, LinLin is the computer whiz which was useful but Sayumin's capabilities and presence doesn't seem as up to par with them.

3) All for the pairings, gotta love the Takagaki and Tanakamei!!!!  However I always wonder if the pairings in the beginning will be the same in the end.  I feel like you're going to twist them in some way, don't ask me why  :?

4) Ohhhhhh~~!!!  So Risa and Reina knew each other from before??? and the circumstances in which they first met was interesting and I would totally love to know more details of their encounters in the past too.  It seems like their encounters weren't that simple like they did things together and such, Reina seeing Risa as something more than just a girl, maybe a sibling that she once wanted but couldn't get close because she knew where she stood.  Also how about the encounters between Risa and Reina's father???  Like it seems like the history between the two is interesting because it seems like Reina doesn't really loathe Risa at all, yet she loathes criminals in general, so there has to be something there so that he loathe with criminals was not mixed with her relationship with Risa. 

5) Eri being the one for action eh???  Even when she is just recovering from a bullet wound???  She definitely shows more toughness than her pretty face.  Definitely not a weakling!!!!!  :smhid  kid???? Er... case you didn't notice, you're only older by a few months  :lol:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 6 10/11)
Post by: rndmnwierd on October 18, 2009, 06:41:01 AM
@kuro-kun - Lil' Reina and Risa are adorable, I was just looking some old Gaki pics from when she first joined. :heart:

@len.chan - Takagaki still has a ways to go. I mean, they love each other, they always have. The love they had for each other then was a puppy love that was just beginning to turn serious. Now, it's almost as if they have to start over again, but as adults. As for Reina, yeah, it surprised me too, but it fits.

@Kawaii-chan - Yup, everything will hopefully pull together eventually.

@baddie - Jun seems to sense that Risa knows what she's doing. That's all I'll say. :P

@Sancho - Reina likes to think she's colder than she is.
Kusumi dono??
Haha, caught that, did you?

@KrisZ -  :D :P 8)

@FaqU - Okay, now we come to the reason I felt the need for a comment reply.

Yes, better late than never. Though you can keep bowing if it makes you feel better. XD

1) It seems like they made up, didn't it. But did they really? Maybe they were just affirming their love for each other, maybe they were just trying to find out where they stand with each other. Trust me, Risa and Ai are too stubborn for things to go smoothly.

2) All in good time. She's not really a violent(nor a particularly criminal) criminal, so she doesn't have much of a chance to show off yet. I know I'll be writing a lot of Sayu in the third arc of this story, but I may be able to find a few places she can fit in without getting herself killed.

3) You read rokun's stories, don't you? That might be why. Or you're just crazy, lol. Besides, who said TanaKame were a couple? Or that the story would even end with any couples intact? I might change my mind halfway through and decide someone has to die to further the plot. You never know.

4) I think a flashback and some soliloquies are in order...

5) Eri is surprising even me. Maybe this calls for a see response 4... And I was just using kid as a term of endearment. I call people kid all the time, even if they're older (which really bugs some people for some reason) so don't think about that too much.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 6 10/11)
Post by: DO Me DO Me on October 19, 2009, 05:06:38 AM
Yeah, I'll definitely finish April no Aho first before starting another story, but AnA might take a long time I feel. hehe But that will give me time to work on prewritten parts on the other story in the meantime.

And now your story...oooh, it's gotten interesting. My thoughts of Reina about her being one of the lawless girls instead wasn't completely thrown out, because she almost became one. Well, she chose not to which is good for her! But sucks about her father though, that's tough. But wow, badass Gaki just keeps getting hardcore huh? Killing people, taking action. Eri's quite surprising too, no wonder she got wounded. Don't mess with the innocent looking ones. :lol:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 6 10/11)
Post by: lil_hamz on October 19, 2009, 03:10:45 PM
OMG! How the hell did I miss this chapter? *GASPS* Don't tell me you're gonna make this a TanaGaki? Maybe not to the very end but sprinkled here and there. So Reina's dad is on the black side while Reina while. What is she gonna do when they face off? Would Risa have to take her dad down for her?

Oh Ai, how could you think of not killing anyone? That's not possible with the current situation.

I'm amazed by Eri. Shouldn't she go see a doc to get that bandaged changed? And seeing that Reina didn't have any pervy thoughts when she saw Eri with her shirt up, I guessing no TanaKamei here?

PS: I wanna see hawt Risa kill someone. I bet it will be vey sexy :P
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 6 10/11)
Post by: amEthystx on October 19, 2009, 05:18:04 PM
Hello~!  :hee:

i clicked in a few time but never really got the time to read up XD

SOOO today  :on study: <-- me

i'm glad i finally finish reading one shot  :farofflook:

Group of pretty girls committing crimes~! very interesting~

Risa with guns and tattoo~!  :wub: from there, Angelina Jolie character from Wanted keep popping into my brain~ Sexly dangerous but a big softy to people she loves XD  She is even more worried about Ai-chan being a alcoholic than the fact that she herself have turned is a walking killing machine.   Ai-chan from my display picture there looks like she just woke up from a hangover or something.. but i find it unbelievably charming  :P Here it is in original colour


I can see Sayu will be a pretty good spy~ the seducing type~ haha.. i don't know if it was on purpose or what.. but in the restaurant, she may be picking a fight with Reina so that she is able to distract her so as others can steal her food.. haha  :lol:

It's pretty cute to see how well they are getting along with each other..and of all.. robbing a police station (ironically, the one they currently is working for) was the 1st small planned "mission"  :thumbsup  and i really laugh out at the part about Aika being thrown onto the roof by Jun..haha.. *imaging* Jun carring a small balled up Aika...and Jun taking a few steps back before running in full speed towards the police station and heave Aika up to the rooftop   :mon lmao:

Even though with the "get to work" serious Reina..we can always depend on our cheeky turtle to save the Reina isn't really trying to be mean.. just acting tough.. it is a nice topic or thing to do for some team bonding XD (just like how we always like to talk bad about our boss or something  :on lol: )

waiting for your next update..  :)

 :mon bat: *poof*

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 6 10/11)
Post by: rndmnwierd on October 23, 2009, 08:18:59 PM
@Do me-san - OMG I just realized! ANA! I was trying to figure out what name it was going to be this time, but I completely missed that. God, I'm so... :sweatdrop: Haha, anyway, yup, badassery all around. I intend to make this a little bit shocking in how easily somethings come to the girls. Maybe it's just little things here and there that might make you go, "Wow, only a criminal would do something like that." or "She has no morals!" At least, that's my goal.

@hammy-san - Not everyone is gay so there will probably be only one or two pairings. Maybe someone might be married or something. I'll think about it. About Reina's father, well, even I'm not a hundred percent sure what I'm gonna do with him. I've narrowed it down to three options, one is the happy ending, two is the not so happy ending, three is the ending I might get yelled at for. Hmm, I might have to do that for shock value or maybe an omake.

PS. Next chapter, I promise.

@amEthystx - Hi there, welcome. Always nice to have a new reader type person! I definitely like to hear your take on this, you picked up on a few things that weren't mentioned by the others. That Ai pic is so cute, I always think that whenever I see your avvie. Talking about Angeline Jolie in Wanted always makes me think about her last scene in the movie when she proves that she will live by her beliefs no matter what, to the extent of dying. Maybe that's a pretty good model for little Gaki-san, huh? Though it doesn't exactly bode well for her survival.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 6 10/11)
Post by: rndmnwierd on October 23, 2009, 08:20:32 PM
Chapter 7.5: And the lines on the map moved from side to side (haha, lost count)

“I think this is a bad idea.” Ai said quietly, crouched next to the door of the apartment. Risa, on the other side of the frame, glared at her for speaking.

“You didn’t have to tag along, you know.” She whispered back, shifting on her feet and nearly sitting on Jun behind her. She apologized and saw Eri watching her expectantly over Ai’s shoulder. The four had come to this run down building in search of the major dealer for this part of the city, a man that wasn’t as careful about his goings on as he probably should have been.

Risa knew for a fact that the police were watching him as well, but that apparently didn’t hinder his business. Right now it was quiet, though the girls had seen at least seven people come and go in the past hour. After the last one, Risa had decided it was time to strike.

“Okay, we go in hard and fast; me first, Jun behind me and then Eri after. Ai’s last and will stay close to the door to watch our backs. You two,” Risa pointed to the other girls, ignoring her ex’s look of protest, “will make sure the rest of the house is clear and I’ll take on the dealer. Got it?” Everyone nodded, even a reluctant Ai. “Good. Go!”

Bursting through the door, Risa surged forward almost immediately coming into the living room where a very startled man was just taking a long drag off a makeshift gravity bong. He started to choke on what he had just inhaled when Risa pounced on him, knocking him to the floor and easily getting him into a painful hold. When her knees were securely planted into the small of his back and his arms were twisted behind him, then did she look up to examine the room more thoroughly.

Under the layers of dust, it was obviously a nice place, with expensive looking furniture and appliances littering the living room, dining room and open kitchen. Jun and Eri entered the room and shook their heads, indicating no one else was in the house. Risa grinned ferociously, leaning into her captive a little.

“You should learn to lock your door.” She said nonchalantly, “Someone might come in to rob you.”

“Is that why you’re here?” the stoned man asked, obviously not caring either way.

“Luckily for you, no, we’re not here to rob you. Though I might take that TV with me on the way out.” she gestured at the large, but manageable flat screen on the coffee table.

“Nah, that one’s busted.” the dealer told her amicably.

Risa laughed at him, “You’re really not worried are you?”

“I have very powerful friends.” he said and Risa laughed harder, “They wouldn’t like it if I died.”

“I know.” the girl explained lowly, “Your friends are why I’m here.” she saw his eyes widen, “I need to know where your drugs come from. Who makes them, who distributes them to you, where they’re made, that kind of stuff.”

“Why do you need to know that?” the dealer demanded and Risa quickly thought up a story.

“My boss is very interested in this city.” she said lying easily, “That’s all you need to know. Also that you’ll be sorry if you don’t tell me.”

“I’m not afraid to die.” the stoned man said with a shaking voice, causing Risa to laugh again, a cruel and frightening sound.

“Oh really tough guy? Well, I’m not planning on killing you, if I did that, how would I get the information I need?” With one swift move, Risa planted her foot and jerked his arm until it broke violently at the elbow.

Eri and Jun winced at his cry and Ai came running into the room, “What the hell was that?!” Risa ignored them and poked the man’s broken arm sadistically.

“So, how about that info?” the dealer was sobbing so hard he could barely get his reply out. “What was that?” Risa reached for his other arm and he flinched.

“I’ll tell you! I’ll tell you, just don’t hurt me anymore!” Nodding in satisfaction, Risa pulled out a pen and some paper to jot the names and addresses down. Two suppliers and four distributors.

“Alright! Mission accomplished, let’s go guys.” Risa got up off the crying man and started heading to the door without a backwards glance. Nobody moved to follow her and she stopped, turning around to give her companions an innocent look, “What?”

Ai was looking at her as if they’d never met before and Jun was giving her a respectful glance. Eri was the only one who looked wholly unaffected by what had just transpired and she spoke up, “Are we just going to leave him like this?”

“Oh right!” Risa snapped her fingers like she had just remembered something she was supposed to do. She headed over to a cordless phone she’d spotted on the table and carefully picked it up, trying as best she could not to leave any fingerprints without wearing gloves. She dropped the phone in front of the dealer’s face, he’d curled into the fetal position as soon as she’d gotten up, “Here you go and remember, you fell. Or I’ll be back.” the last part was said menacingly and he nodded fearfully.

The four left the apartment, three in fairly high spirits and one sulking behind, “Who wants smoothies!?” Eri cried cheerfully and Jun and Risa responded like little kids. Ai just crossed her arms and sullenly followed.

“What’s wrong, Ai-chan?” Risa asked her quietly as the group started down the stairs. Ai exploded.

“What’s wrong!? What’s wrong?! You just stormed into that poor guys home and broke his arm like, like a, like-”

Risa cut her off, supplying helpfully, “Like a criminal?”

Ai glared at her, “Like a crazy person!” both girls paused on the stairs and Ai turned to throw her hands up, “Like it was nothing! And then you’re surprised that I’m not all gung ho about it?!”

The stood silently, Ai’s last words hanging in the air between them, not even noticing their amused and silent audience.

The silence stretched for another long minute while Risa ran in her mind the possible responses, only about half of them nice-ish.”

“Well?!” Ai yelled, unable to bear the quiet anymore, “Say something!”

“Uh, he’ll live.” Risa replied, almost turning her statement into a question. Disgusted, Ai turned and continued down the stairs.

“That’s all you have to say?!” She brushed passed Jun and Eri, “’He’ll live?’ What is wrong with you, you can’t just do stuff like that, like it’s normal to assault someone in the middle of the day!”

“Well, what did you want me to do? Ask nicely and then give up when he refused? I’ve done worse than this Ai! I’m not the same girl you knew before.” Risa followed after her hurriedly, one step behind her.

“Obviously.” Ai spat at her acidically, not noticing the hurt look that flashed across her ex’s face, “But I’m not the same either and I won’t put up with stuff like I did back then.” Ai swung open the stairwell door and stepped out, turning and opening her mouth to say something else.

She never got the chance, Risa saw over her shoulder a big man pointing his pistol, but before she could shout out a warning, the man fired. A bullet slammed into Ai’s ribs and the force sent her twirling, she lost her balance and hit the ground hard, holding her stomach. Time seemed to slow down as Risa and Ai looked at each other, Ai unable to comprehend what had just happened but knowing it hurt and calling out to Risa to help. Risa saw the words form on her ex’s lips and tried to will her legs to move towards her but for a crucial second, she couldn’t budge.

Then Risa felt herself be hurled back into the stairwell by Jun and saw Eri slam the heavy metal door shut. Ai choked off her cry in pain and eye contact between them was broken. Ai looked down at the blood on her hands and Risa was pulled to the floor and time sped up again.

“Ai!” Risa called, lunging for the door, only to be held back by Jun, “Ai!” bullets whizzed above her, breaking through the window on the staircase door and sending glass shards raining down on their heads, “Ai!!”

Eri was frantically dialing someone on her phone and Jun still struggled to hold Risa down, “You can’t help her if you’re dead!” She kept repeating, trying to calm the smaller girl.

“I can’t help her if she’s dead!” Risa cried back, but stilled her struggles. Now was not the time to overreact, she needed to breathe, breathe like she’d been taught. She was not a reaction queen anymore, she was a trained killer.

Now sufficiently calm, Risa grabbed a large piece of glass that had fallen at her feet; in an effort to follow Ai’s wishes, she hadn’t even brought a knife with her, but now she felt a little better. The bullets stopped pounding the metal door and Risa took this chance to peek up over the broken window, just a quick glance. Horrifyingly, she saw the man that had shot Ai heading over to her ex’s writhing body, still on the floor, intending to finish her off.

With no other thought to her own safety, Risa burst through the door and lunged at the man, driving the piece of glass deep into his neck. He instantly dropped his weapon and the weight of her tackle sent him to the floor, where she proceeded to slice open his throat in a vicious jerk. This happened so fast that the second gunman, which Risa had only now noticed, didn’t even fire a shot, just watching stunned as a small girl nearly decapitated his bigger partner.

Risa didn’t waste the chance she had, scooping up the discarded gun in one hand and gripping her ex in the other, the younger girl quickly pulled Ai into the safety of the stairwell. As soon as the door shut, bullets thudded into the metal, ignored by the group.

“Ai, can you hear me?!” Risa shouted desperately, trying to examine her wound, but unable to remove Ai’s hands from the spot. She saw a sluggish blood flow and decided to leave the wound be, instead turning to Eri, “Who did you call?”

“Some agents, they should be here soon to help, they told us to stay put.” Eri watched as Risa’s face changed slowly from frantically worried to deadly.

“Fat chance of that.” She checked the pistol’s clip and chamber, making sure the safety was off, then her face turned tender for a second and she stroked Ai’s hair, looking into the girl’s pain delirious eyes, “Relax and go to sleep, when you wake up, it’ll all be over. One way or another.” Ai seemed to find comfort in the softly spoken words because she nodded and relaxed, almost immediately passing out.

Risa stroked her hair once more before turning serious. In one smooth motion, she stood and fired through the broken window, her aim amazingly true. Her bullet sailed into the second gunman’s barrel, causing his gun to backfire and explode in his hand. While he cried out in pain, Risa and Jun rushed from the stairwell, Risa putting a second bullet into the man’s face at nearly point blank range and Jun diving toward a third man that had rounded the corner. A fourth man paused at the end of the hallway and then ducked back into safety, just barely missing getting pegged by another of Risa’s bullets.

Jun planted her feet and threw out a right hook that instantly floored her opponent. Risa came up from behind her and put a round between his eyes to make sure he stayed down. Both girls charged for the corner the fourth man was behind, trying to use the shock tactic to throw him off guard. Unfortunately he was waiting for them, his own gun drawn and his shot whizzed by Jun’s ear.

Risa and Jun ducked back around the corner and waited for a breathless second, trying to figure out the best way to approach him. Risa brought her weapon to bear at the corner and slowly inched her way away from the wall, making a wide circle around the corner. She could just glimpse his shoulder from where she was standing, took careful aim and squeezed the trigger.

His cry of pain was Jun’s signal to strike and she swung around the wall, using the momentum to land a very painful kick right between his legs. The man’s eyes crossed and he sunk to the floor, Jun leaned forward to deliver the final blow.

“Wait.” Risa said and the bigger girl paused, “Are you one of Takashi-dono’s?” she asked the grimacing man. He nodded, unable to speak. Risa looked down for a second, as if contemplating her next action, then looked up with hard eyes, “Then you have to die.”

The man’s eye’s widened, but he couldn’t do anything to stop the bullet that lodged itself in between his eyes. For a moment, Risa looked regretful, but she quickly wiped that expression off her face when the door to outside opened and in stepped two women in finely tailored, black suits.

“Well, I guess you have everything under control here.” The smaller woman then turned to her companion, “Right Yocchan?”

“I don’t think they needed our help at all, Rika-chan.” The boyish looking woman responded cheekily.

“Ai’s hurt.” Risa informed them, “She was shot, you have to help her.” She couldn’t quite keep the begging out of her tone and the two agents smiled at each other softly.

“No problem, we’ll have the paramedics patch her up and take her to the hotel.” ‘Yocchan’ said, gesturing for her companion to summon the EMTs.

Risa and Jun tried to stay out of the way as they did their thing, bringing in a gurney and loading Ai onto it, rushing her outside and into an ambulance. Eri joined the group and smiled in greeting to the agents.

“Well, I guess we’ll give you a ride back.” Rika said, leading the party to the awaiting sedan parked outside.


When Reina left the bathroom, she was surprised to find only three girls left in the room, “Where’s everyone else?” she questioned Aika, still toweling off her hair a little.

“They just left, said something about shaking down a drug dealer.” the small girl answered easily, lounging on Reina’s bed.

The cop rolled her eyes in exasperation, she was not a baby sitter. Lin raised her hand as one might if they were in school and Reina stared at her a second. The younger girl returned the stare expectantly and Reina realized she was actually waiting to be called on, “What?” She finally asked, pointing at her.

“Can we go back to my room so I can work on getting the info we need?” Lin asked politely.

Reina tilted her head at the request, as far as she knew, there was no way the girl could get what she needed without her computers, which were safely down in lock-up. “Uh, sure.” The small group filed out and headed down the hallway. Lin lead the way, drawing out her key card and opening the door. As Reina entered, she froze, staring in awe at the sheer number of computers set up in the room, “Wha-wha-what is this!?”

Three monitors with connecting desktops and computer utensils were hooked up on the given desk that sat in one corner of the room. A small table had been shoved next to it to extend the table top into an ‘L’ shape. In the opposite corner, where the arm chair was supposed to go was an identical set-up. The floor space between the two stations had been cleared to allow Lin to roll from computer to computer in the rollie chair with ease.

The three lawless girls quickly made themselves at home, shivering slightly at the change from normal hallway temperature to the frigid coldness of the hotel room. Lin immediately began to turn on her computers and soon lost herself in her programs.

“Oh, this is Lin’s stuff.” Sayumi answered nonchalantly, plopping down on the bed closest to the door.

“But, her things were secured at the police station.” Reina sputtered, beginning to feel the effects of the chilly room, “And why is it so cold in here?”

The three girls exchanged a long look, before Lin began typing away at her multiple keyboards, “We have our ways.” Aika said mysteriously, flipping on the TV.

Reina quickly came to a conclusion, “You robbed the precinct!” Sayu and Aika immediately denied the accusation.

“No, of course not.”

“Why would we do that?”

Reina crossed her arms over her chest, she couldn’t believe the audacity of these criminals, robbing a police station. “What the hell? I already told you guys you weren’t allowed to have your tools.” She reached for her phone to call in some back-up, prepared to haul the computers back to lock down.

She was tackled to the ground instantly and her phone ripped from her hand, “No!” Reina struggled against her captors, but it was no use, they were simply to strong.

Lin looked up from her machines at the scuffle, “You have to let us keep our stuff, we’re useless without them.”

“You’re dangerous with them!” Reina ground out, bucking wildly.

“Obviously, we’re pretty dangerous on our own, but you hired criminals for a reason and you gave us a suitable challenge. We’re not going anywhere, but we can’t do our jobs without the tools of our trades.” Lin reasoned and slowly, Reina began to calm. Certainly, she didn’t trust them any farther than she could throw them, but what could she do at their mercy? They could just kill her and leave, but they hadn’t yet.

Reluctantly, Reina decided to play along, for now. “Well, what can you guys do?” Aika and Sayu exchanged looks, them released the cop.

“Uh, nothing yet. I guess we just wait for Lin Lin for now.” Sayu admitted, going back to her lounging spot on the bed. Aika resumed watching TV and Reina stood, unsure of herself.

Eventually, she joined Aika at the foot of the bed, “So what’s on?”


With the computers working frantically, it didn’t take long for the room to heat up. Reina now understood why the air conditioning had been turned up so high, sighing as she fanned herself ineffectually. “It turned into a sauna in here.” she complained, getting drained nods of agreement from the other suffering girls.

Even Lin, who was used to the heat output, was sweating. “Let’s go get some ice cream.” Sayu moaned, rolling off the bed and standing ungracefully. She was followed by Aika and Reina, while Lin declined, asking for them to bring her back something. Sluggishly, the three girls entered the hallway, taking in the cool air gratefully.

They stood for a moment, cooling down, before they started towards the elevator, “I think there’s a pretty good shop a couple blocks down.” Reina offered amicably, “It’ll be my treat.”

“Really!?” Sayumi and Aika exclaimed simultaneously, latching onto Reina’s arms in excitement.

“Not if you don’t let go!” The cop tried to unsuccessfully shake the girls off. They simply laughed and held on tighter, “Seriously guys, I’m going to hurt you!” They reached the elevator and Reina struggled to press the down button. No sooner did she reach out, did the doors slide open.

The three startled girls jumped back as a gurney was wheeled out of the elevator, guided by two burly EMTs. They watched, just glimpsing Ai’s pale face as she lay unconscious, as they moved into the room down the hall. Stunned, the girls didn’t even notice their comrades still in the elevator, until Risa spoke.

“Mission accomplished.” She said wearily, appearing beside Sayumi, “We got the addresses of the two suppliers and the distributors.” She held up the paper that was her prize.

“What happened to Takahashi-san?” Aika asked worriedly. The merriment of ice cream seemed far away now.

“She got shot.” Risa stated flatly, moving away to go a peek into her open room door.

“Don’t mind her, she’s just blaming herself.” Eri said, sending the same aged girl a compassionate glance.

“Is everyone else okay?” Sayumi asked, inspecting Jun and Eri for wounds. She caught the agents out of the corner of her eye and turned to them, startled. She had to admit to having a passing crush on the boyish Yoshizawa and so was glad to see them, “Are you guys going to stick around?”

“Probably not.” The agents shared a look, an unspoken message passing between them, “It’s not really our job to interfere. Unless you all were to get out of hand.”

“Or need one.” Rika finished ironically. “How you deal with your mission is up to you, after all.”

“So you were just worried.” Reina concluded, “That’s why you came all the way here?”

“Of course we were worried.” Rika said in a falsely sweet voice, “One of you got injured.”

Reina didn’t believe her for a second, “No, one of them got injured. And I’m sure you didn’t need to come here to make certain she would live. If you wanted a report, all you had to do was ask.”

“Of course, one of them.” Yoshizawa repeated, raising an eyebrow, “That report won’t be necessary, I think we get the picture. Just remember to keep up with your paper work.”

“By the way,” Rika said as Hitomi called the elevator, “Did you know your precinct was robbed last night? Though they have no footage of who the culprits are, because of the gear that was taken, they have a pretty good idea of the masterminds behind the heist. You wouldn’t happen to know where the gear was taken, do you?”

“Of course not.” Reina didn’t hesitate to respond, thinking about the scorching room she had left.

“Good, because if you did happen to know and were just protecting them, it could cost you your badge.” Rika finished dangerously as the elevator doors opened up. The two agents entered and waved cheerfully, disappearing behind the closing doors.

It was silent in the hall for a moment, until Aika spoke up, “You lied for us.” Reina realized that all eyes were on her.

“I may not like you guys, but I hate those two. So don’t get all mushy on me!” The cop tried to push away the cuddling Sayumi that had reattached herself to her arm. Just to make matters worse, Eri joined in on the other side, “You too!?”

“Aw, but I missed you Reinya!” Eri said cutely, causing everyone to giggle.

“Yeah, Reinya!” Sayu added, squeezing her tight, “Let’s go for that ice cream now!”

“Hey, wait! I’m not paying for everyone!” Her protests were in vain as she was quickly dragged into the conveniently opened elevator.

Risa watched the scene from down the hall, almost feeling a smile tug at her lips. Inside her and Ai’s room, the EMTs were finishing setting up the various IVs and monitoring equipment that Ai would need.

“She should be fine.” One of them told her, “She lost a lot of blood, but she’s stable enough that a simple transfusion is really all she needs. The bullet missed all vital organs and arteries and we extracted it cleanly and patched her up.” The man handed her a small, plastic container with the bullet rolling around inside. It was surprisingly intact and was stained with some blood, “Consider it a souvenir.”

“I’m sure she’ll be thrilled.” Risa responded sarcastically, “I’ll make a necklace out of it.”

The tone seemed to go right over the guy’s head, because he smiled, “Yeah, my girlfriend still has her first bullet around her neck too, she says it’s good luck.”

“Good luck.” Risa repeated softly.

“Yeah, anyway, we’ll be back tomorrow to pick up our equipment, she should be awake by then.” The EMT patted her on the shoulder lightly, apparently thinking to offer some comfort, and then they left. Risa stared into her room for a moment, not yet wanting to go inside. She decided to head to Lin’s room instead.

“Hey.” She called out as she entered the hot room. Since the last time she had been in, there had been two large fans set up to blow the air out the open windows. Risa had no idea when this had happened, or where they had come from, but chalked it up to criminal ingenuity.

“Hi, back so soon?” Lin returned the greeting, spinning to face her.

“Yeah, we got the info I asked you to look up. Now I need you to find out what you can about these men.” Risa handed over her prize for the day, “If it’s possible, I want you to find out if the suppliers own any warehouses or land or anything where drugs can be made and grown.” She noticed Lin giving her a long look, “What?”

“Are you okay? Did something happen?” The hacker took the offered paper, but held onto her hand.

“Ai got hurt.” Risa said and Lin’s eyes widened.

“Is she okay?” the younger girl asked in concern, “Are you okay?”

“She’ll live, should even be awake soon. Why wouldn’t I be okay?” The gunner tilted her head, trying to pull herself from Lin’s grasp.

“Anyone with eyes can see you guys care about each other.” The hacker replied nonchalantly, “You must be worried.”

“’Anyone with eyes?’” Risa repeated slowly, “I’m alright, though I will be better once Ai comes to.” Lin finally released her hand and Risa made a hasty escape back to her room.

Pulling up a chair, Risa settled in to watch over her ex. What Lin had said to her still echoed in her ears; she knew she loved Ai, though she was trying not to forgive her so easily, and she wasn’t sure how to act around the older girl sometimes. Their individual pasts left a large rift between them and Risa wasn’t sure how to go about bridging that. Before she had left the country, she never would have guessed that Ai would think about turning to mind altering substances and become an alcoholic. It was just so unlike the girl she had first fallen for.

Then again, before she left, Risa never thought she would be able to do some of the things she had done. Looking at her hands, Risa imagined that she could still see blood stains lingering, even though she knew she had cleaned herself thoroughly. Shaking her head, she recounted the details of the day, chalking up four more casualties to her list.

‘What does that make now? A little over two hundred, I think.’

Two hundred and seven, to be exact. Risa couldn’t pretend not to keep track of her kills, not over some twisted sense of pride, but more out of remorse. 207 faces haunted her dreams at night and plagued her thoughts in the waking hours. Out of so many people, only about fifty really deserved to die.

Some had no choice but to bear arms against her, due to poverty or fear, that was the life they had been dealt. The others had been innocents, just pawns in a demonstration of power. She focused on Ai again, no matter what demons she had in her closest, the woman had never taken another life, had never sold someone else‘s soul for a quick buck. And Risa wanted to keep it that way.

“I don’t know what to do about us anymore.” she confessed to the sleeping beauty quietly, “All I’ve wanted since I was twelve was you. I didn’t understand love or the world, only loss and pain, only my own selfish desires. And that’s all I’ve ever understood, all I’m capable of understanding. I want to be with you so badly, but I think, maybe, I will bring you down to my level if I get too close. Still, a large part of me doesn’t care, only wants you by my side.”

Gently, Risa stroked her hair, “I will only hurt you, just like I’ve always done with my stubborn ways. I guess, I’m just not strong enough to deny myself even the most short lived happiness.” Leaning back in her chair, Risa absently rubbed at her covered arm. She decided that it was time to stop hiding her true nature.

Slowly, she pulled the sleeve off her arm and tossed it behind her, staring down at her mark. She had gotten this tattoo to symbolize her anger and the death of her innocence. With every painful stroke of the needle, Risa had vowed to do whatever it took to live, no matter how degrading or ruthless it might be. She had put it away after her mentor had died and she went into hiding, but still, a small part of her cried every time she saw it.

Since she had this carved into her very being, Risa had upheld her promise, diving head first into her new life. She had wanted to forget at the time, forget her brother and her home and the one she left behind. Eventually, her quest to forget had turned into a quest for power and money, Doro-san wanted his team to be the best and her as his right hand.

Looking at her grotesque symbol, Risa made another vow, “I will do whatever I can to keep Ai safe.” She clenched her fist and the rotting dragon smiled, bearing the snakes tearing painfully into his flesh.

A knock on the door startled her out of her reverie and she stood up to answer it. At the door was Eri with her hands full of ice cream sundaes. “Hi there.” the same aged girl greeted cheerfully and Risa absently helped her free her hands, “I thought you might want some too, so I brought back some for Lin and you. There’s even one for Takahashi-san when she wakes up.”

Surprisingly, Risa was touched by her thoughtfulness, heading over to the mini fridge to put away the cold treats in order to not have to face Eri. She heard the girl come in and make herself comfortable on the bed across from Ai. Turning to face her, she met knowing eyes.

“You must really love her.” Eri said, popping a spoonful of ice cream into her mouth.

“Love? I don’t think I know the meaning of the word. It’s my fault she’s like this, my stupid plan that got her hurt. She wasn’t even paying attention because of me! How could I keep hurting her if I loved her?” Risa felt her frustrations expressed before she could think twice.

“You’re here now, though. And you saved her then, risking your life for her. How is that not love?” Eri said conversationally, “Besides, I don’t think you’re as cold as you think you are. You wouldn’t be fretting over her so much if you were.”

“She’s always been my exception.” Risa reclaimed her chair, stroking her ex’s hair again, “I’ve done things for her I never thought I would. She convinced me to go to school, helped me to temper my anger after my brother died and even got me excited about learning other languages.”

“It doesn’t seem like you have changed much from how she knew you then. You still seem angry, but it fades when you look at her. Your file says you’re fluent in nine different languages, including Arabic, Korean, and French.” Eri gave her a cheerful smile, “You shouldn’t think so little of yourself, Gaki-san, everyone has a capacity for love, especially you.”

“Everyone?” Risa scoffed, recalling some of the horrors she’d seen around the world. Different countries still had the same problems with apathy and greed.

“Yes, everyone.” Eri replied firmly, “Some may show their love in different ways, some may never truly love another human, but people all love something. I’ve met hardened criminals and murderers that turned into children in the presence of an animal. Women who lied to, cheated and stole from everyone they encountered selling out their souls for their children to have a better life than they did.”

“And I’ve seen you, Gaki-san, with your impressive record of suspected kills and illegal and immoral deals, look at her with such soft eyes, it actually makes me feel jealous of you both. You have something that most people will never find.” Eri looked down for a moment, as if remembering something, then looked back up with a smile, “So don’t worry so much.”

Risa studied her thoughtfully, “You’re pretty smart. What are you doing in law enforcement?”

Eri stared at the melting treat in her grasp, ignoring the way the cold was beginning to hurt her fingers, “It was my father’s choice, he’s the Chief of Police and he wanted me to follow in his footsteps. I was a little too young to join the academy, but my dad is friends with the governor and pulled a few string for me to get in. Turns out I was a natural.” She shrugged, but Risa sensed a little bitterness.

“What would you have rather done?” She asked bluntly, causing Eri to look at her in surprise.

“I always wanted to be a dancer.” The cop admitted after a moments contemplation, “I asked for lessons when I was a kid, though my dad didn’t want me to take any, I convinced him that it would help keep me in shape. He eventually agreed and I‘ve been taking Jazz classes ever since. The instructor even let‘s me teach a little.”

Pulling away from Ai, Risa turned to face Eri fully, sizing her up. The other girl was wearing a tight girl’s tee and close fitting skinny jeans, emphasizing her compact muscles. She was obviously in shape with thick thighs and toned arms, even slouching as she was, Risa could tell that Eri could be more than a match for her if she chose.

“I could see that. You know, it’s not too late to fulfill your dream, I know a few places that might be interested in someone with your training, I can put in a good word or two.” She offered, to the surprise of the cop, “You shouldn’t have to live up to anyone’s expectations other than your own.”

Raising both eyebrows into her hairline, Eri responded instantly, “You would do that for me?!” Calming a little at Risa’s amused grin, she said more quietly, “I mean, you would do that for me? Even though you barely know me?”

“Yeah, sure. It wouldn’t be a problem at all, I think everyone should have the opportunity to reach their dreams.” Suddenly, Risa found herself with an arm full of overjoyed cop.

“Thank you! Thank you! Will you help me after all of this is over, no matter what happens?” Eri pulled back to give Risa a serious stare, but the older girl just nodded easily.

“Of course I will. I’ll even promise you and I always keep my promises.” Risa vowed, patting the girl on the head. Content, Eri snuggled herself into her lap and laid her head against Risa’s shoulder.

Before she realized what was happening, the same aged girl was asleep in her arms. Risa glanced down at her and then craned her neck around to look at Ai. Carefully, so that the sleeping Eri wouldn’t fall off her lap, Risa maneuvered her chair so that it faced the bed where her ex slept peacefully.

Due to the morphine and blood loss, Ai probably wouldn’t be up anytime soon and she was rather tired herself, so Risa thought she might as well catch some shut eye as well. She pulled the comforter off the bed behind her and wrapped it securely around her and Eri, leaning her head back comfortably. She passed away the time counting the dots on the ceiling until her eyelids grew too heavy for her to keep them open.


So? Y'all should know that I can't keep the grin off my face thinking about the possible reactions to this chapter. The ball is in your court now friends.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 7 10/23)
Post by: kuro808 on October 23, 2009, 08:58:25 PM
Very info-packed in this chapter

Hope Ai survives and Risa is going to kill :D

TakaGaki  :heart: good protection among each other

Good Job Keep it up
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 7 10/23)
Post by: DO Me DO Me on October 23, 2009, 10:32:21 PM

Damn, I'm scared of Risa, esp. during the first half but then the 2nd half was Awwww~ Risa sure knows how to act in certain situations. Sucks that the only one who didn't do anything was the one who got hurt. Hope Ai recovers soon! It's really funny to see the cute and lighthearted sides of these lawless girls, esp. when they get excited over things like ice cream. :lol: Makes you wonder how these young girls ever got on the wrong side of the law in the first place. Eri's story was a bit sad, sure she's good at what she does but it's not her dream. Haven't we all experienced that before? :roll: Good stuff, has a bit of everything in it, action, comedy, drama, romance.  :thumbsup

LoL, you finally noticed the acronym in the title huh? Unfortunately there is no one in the story with that name, it was an accident that happened when I changed the title of my story. :lol: But hey, I'm seeing this trend with naming my stories with people names, MARI, ERI, and ANA. XD
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 7 10/23)
Post by: kawaii beam on October 24, 2009, 12:47:54 AM
so much epic-ness!!!! X3 poor risa(i_i) she's so worried about ai-chan but she feels like it's all her fault >.<
keep it up~!!! X3*waits patiantly and throws the ball back to u*
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 7 10/23)
Post by: FaqU on October 25, 2009, 03:57:37 AM
The action was great, man I love the details on the fight  :twothumbs

I kinda expected the reaction from Ai-chan as you have described because she isn't a criminal so her views would definitely be different from the rest.  Eri wouldn't be affected because she sees it on a usual basis considering that she is a law enforcer which seems normal wouldn't it?

Love how you didn't make things all too easy by having them ambushed by Dono-san's men because if there wasn't the issue it would seem like the group of girls were invincible another  :twothumbs

Risa being the protective one and more leaderish as usually shown in this fic because she is a criminal and she loves Ai-chan, nuff said.  Her taking action and taking authority position sounds so hawt and exciting like my eyes were going  :shocked: every 2 seconds.

Hmmmmm..... could there be an indication that Risa might take a liking to Eri??? well let's not say liking but infactuated because Eri is supportive and understanding of where Risa stands???  Would Ai-chan wake up or Reina walk in to see Risa and Eri in that position??  Then feelings of jealousy would arise nee???

Finally Reina is more or less getting warmed up to the rest of the group, even lying for them too (Bullcrap about her excuse  :lol:)  Indeed this may become interesting because more or less her views may alter because of her association with the group perhaps???

Great chapter!!!!

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 7 10/23)
Post by: badsaints on October 25, 2009, 07:24:21 AM
I'm so glad you updated! Makes the long trip home so much bearable :w00t:

My reaction when I was reading this:

*shaking the dealer* :mon unsure: --> *Gangsta Risa* :mon wtf: --> *quarrelling Ai & Risa* :mon whimper: --> *shot Ai*  :mon scare: --> *fighting scene* :mon woo: --> *Reinya's scene* :mon inluv: --> *Risa with unconcious Ai* :mon cute: --> *Risa & Eri* :mon lovelaff:

That's a lot of emotions rollercoaster for one reading! But I'm so loving this chapter. Risa did what she had to with the dealer. I mean, you can't ring the bell and ask, "Excuse me Sir, but I was wondering if you could tell me some information about the illegal things you do." Ai will understand the necessary evils they have to face sooner or later, especially now she got shot, that you either kill or be killed.

Reina (or Reinya XD) is just so adorable! Could never get enough of her and her act-tough attitude. I don't think Eri has any crush on Risa, just that she is more accepting towards the lawless. But then again, you are the writer and you might just surprise us with something :lol:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 7 10/23)
Post by: lil_hamz on October 25, 2009, 09:02:42 AM
I call a TakaGakiKame love triangle!!

But something tells me it's not gonna be this way. How about TanaShige then?

*recalls your comment about not everyone being gay XD* So who are the good girls who are gonna take the normal root and get married with a guy and have babies? :D Where are the guys in the first place? :D

Damn, Risa was extremely cool and hawt when she took out the bad guys. And when she held the gun in one hand and grabbed Ai in her other? I totally melted in mush there :wub: You are really fanning my Risa addiction you know? :D

"...Will you help me after all of this is over, no matter what happens?”

This line had me a little worried. What's gonna happen? Is Kame gonna lose the use of her legs and not be able to dance anymore?

This super sappy scene just popped up in my head after I read this chapter. It involves Risa pulling Eri's wrist along and taking her to an empty dance studio in the night. There, she tells Eri to dance, dance like she has never danced before. And Eri complies, losing herself in her love for dancing that she has been forbidden to truly show people. And it is here when she feels the first tingles in affection for Risa. See, told you it was a sappy scene XD
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 7 10/23)
Post by: justmijosh on October 25, 2009, 09:28:21 AM
I'm so sorry that I haven't been keeping up with this story!! (I even stayed up late tonight to finish reading the last two chapters to make up for it. :heart: ) It's turning out to be one of hell of a story! I'm loving Risa's gangsta-ness, and the "boyish" Yossi is just so cute. Let's hope that Ai and Risa can finally get past all of the emo-ness and be together again.  :wub:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 7 10/23)
Post by: amEthystx on October 25, 2009, 05:57:58 PM
*Ready! 1....2.....3!*  NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!  :on speedy:

 :OMG: Gaki-san!!?!!?!! *motherly/good girl image of Gaki-san cracking* *new image.. Gaki-san slashing someone's throat* :on blackhole:  As much as i love Angelina Jolie in Wanted.. and how she up hold her beliefs until the end... BUT! DON'T KILL GAKI-SAN OK!!?  :OMG: maybe you can make her curve some bullets instead XD

Throwing all the shocks aside....i know i might not be in the right mind too.. but then again... Its only a story~~~
Killer/Sadistic Gaki-san is rather sexy~ :shy2:

When the chapter finally slowly settles into me.. i realise some parts were rather hilarious to imaging..

Eri and Jun winced at his cry and Ai came running into the room, “What the hell was that?!” Risa ignored them and poked the man’s broken arm sadistically.

They would be a pretty cute group of "gangster" if they were working for the "boss" that Risa lied about...the guy most probably was in too much pain to think that through..haha..

:on woohoo: Action scenes! more more More!   :on woohoo:

Request!  :wriggly: I would really love to see Gaki-san with a sniper gun!  :bingo: Camping somewhere (preferring rooftops)  for her target~ in lying position!! maybe with pink shades~  cliché? XD 

Suggestion! Gaki-san can take up archery for anger management or for distress~ It's a dangerous weapon and fits her cool image XD  Archery is so much more mentally and physically demanding than using guns.. even i have never tried guns (having intention to learn them) but i'm definitely an archer!

- Liquid cooling CPU (For Lin)
- Flat Screen HD TV  (For Gaki-san)
- Leather Gloves (For Jun)
- Umei (For turtle)

send these to them for me ok?  :mon cute:

 :mon bat: *poof*

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 7 10/23)
Post by: Sancho on October 26, 2009, 03:18:25 AM
This chapter show a jaw dropping persona of Risa. She OWNED this chapter and that's great. The action was so cool as well. I can't write good detail when it come to fight scene. Maybe I should learn a little from you since I'm working on a new story and it need an action scene XD XD.

I can't imagined what kind of hard ware Linlin was using. But when I remember the anime Lain, I get the picture :D.

 Junjun was a top notch in her own right. Dealing out with her bare hands even though free guns are just scattered on the ground? That's way too cool.

Eri's character is starting to unraveled but I hope she'll have a much deeper reason. She still shallow to me but what can I say? There's a lot of possibility of what might happen with just a small twist of your mind. Hard to predict about her but what I can say is that I'm sure that I will enjoy something when someone sees Risa and Eri sleeping peacefully   XD XD

These story is getting better and better. Hope for more.

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 7 10/23)
Post by: Kuji on October 26, 2009, 09:15:00 AM
Recently when I saw Risa wear a blonde wig on Hamachan Ga!, it made me think of this fic and Risa in the beginning as "Smith san". She was just missing the coloured contacts. lol.

Violent Risa is just too kickass. X3 I want to see her beat up more baddies, haha... Isn't it sort of funny how Eri the cop has no objections to the supreme beat down Risa gave the bad guy but Ai does? That's probably why Risa told Ai to enter last. That way the deed is pretty much done by the time she comes in. :roll:

My TakaGakiKame senses tingled slightly too, much like Hammy's but I dunno... mostly I just see Risa and Kame becoming really good friends and Ai being paranoid - she does seem a bit high strung in this fic and the violence isn't helping her keep a cool head either. ^^;
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 7 10/23)
Post by: kRisZ on October 26, 2009, 02:29:00 PM
With one swift move, Risa planted her foot and jerked his arm until it broke violently at the elbow.

Okay, that’s hmmm but yay powerful woman

turning around to give her companions an innocent look, “What?”


“Here you go and remember, you fell. Or I’ll be back.” the last part was said menacingly and he nodded fearfully.

That's right Risa, show him who's the boss   :rockon:

“Well?!” Ai yelled, unable to bear the quiet anymore, “Say something!”

“Uh, he’ll live.” Risa replied, almost turning her statement into a question.

 :on lol:  :k-inlove:

“Well, what did you want me to do? Ask nicely and then give up when he refused?

A very good point

Risa burst through the door and lunged at the man, driving the piece of glass deep into his neck. He instantly dropped his weapon and the weight of her tackle sent him to the floor, where she proceeded to slice open his throat in a vicious jerk.

Eww... good for him.?.

Her bullet sailed into the second gunman’s barrel, causing his gun to backfire and explode in his hand.

Very nice to imagine

Reina realized she was actually waiting to be called on, “What?” She finally asked, pointing at her.


“Of course not.”

Yay! she’s now one of them  :cow:

“I’m sure she’ll be thrilled.” Risa responded sarcastically, “I’ll make a necklace out of it.”

Badass Risa is awesome   :rockon:  :rockon:  :rockon:

I will do whatever I can to keep Ai safe.”


“I always wanted to be a dancer.”

Made me  :lol: idk why  XD

Before she realized what was happening, the same aged girl was asleep in her arms

Lovely. Ai waking up with this...  :hehehe:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 7 10/23)
Post by: rndmnwierd on October 27, 2009, 10:14:02 PM
@kuro-kun - Thanks. :D

@Do me-san - I hope I'm portraying the girls as human and not completely bi polar :sweatdrop: But, yeah, I'm a little slow on some things. What was the original title going to be?

@kawaii-chan - *bounces ball on top of head*

@FaqU - Glad you liked the action, I'm a little worried about how to write some of it. Eri is a very complicated character and I'm hoping to throw a major curveball in the plot for you guys somewhere. Risa is someone who I've always though of as more leader like than Ai, or maybe just more assertive IRL. Of course, in momusu she encourages Ai to take charge, whereas here, she's the most knowledgeable. And that's all I'll say for now.

@baddie - Well throw your hands in the air and wave them around like a wanna be frat boy trying to get down. It's the credit roller coaster! j/k j/k! I dun know where that came from... Anyway, I'm glad Reinya amused you so much, I just had to put it in there. Thank you for seeing the GakiKame for what it really is, lol. And Ai will come around soon enough.

@Joshy - I lab juu! :heart: :heart:

@hammy-san - Tanashige is a pretty good possibility. I'll flip a few coins, roll a few dice, and see what happens. And of course, some of them are too young to think about marriage.
You are really fanning my Risa addiction you know?
*fans some more*
Is Kame gonna lose the use of her legs and not be able to dance anymore?
:lol: :lol: :lol: I don't know why I found that so funny.
*GakiKame sap*
 :lol: :lol: j/k j/k. But that's probably not going to happen either.

@amEthystx -
:on blackhole:
[insert flushing toilet sounds]

Haha, curving bullets. Maybe I'll think of something impossibly cool. If that poor dealer had half a brain cell left, he might have noticed something fishy. Unfortunately for him, he was so stoned he probably thought they were trolls. We'll just say the weed is laced....

Sniper Gaki? Maybe. Archer Gaki? Well, they say write what you know and I know guns only, so probably not so much.
- Liquid cooling CPU (For Lin)
- Flat Screen HD TV  (For Gaki-san)
- Leather Gloves (For Jun)
- Umei (For turtle)

Hmm, there may be some item cameos in future chapters... But what is Umei?

@Sancho - Oh no no no. I can't teach anyone anything. My only advice for action scenes is write what you see. Lin/Lain? Yeah, that's actually what I was thinking too. :lol: I'll tell you a secret about Jun, she couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with a tank. XD Eri might surprise you. Later, much later.

@Kuji - I just saw that ep last night and I laughed. I imagined her with longer hair, though.
Isn't it sort of funny how Eri the cop has no objections to the supreme beat down Risa gave the bad guy but Ai does?
That's probably why Risa told Ai to enter last.
Actually, yes.
mostly I just see Risa and Kame becoming really good friends and Ai being paranoid - she does seem a bit high strung in this fic and the violence isn't helping her keep a cool head either. ^^;
<.< >.> <.< We shall see...

@kRisZ -
Okay, that’s hmmm but yay powerful woman
Hmmm? Why, hmmm?
Eww... good for him.?.
Shock value right there!
Badass Risa is awesome
The necklace might actually make an appearance now, since I was just joking before.
Lovely. Ai waking up with this...
If she wakes up...
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 7 10/23)
Post by: kRisZ on October 28, 2009, 10:41:15 AM
Lovely. Ai waking up with this...
If she wakes up...


*waits for the next chapter* <insert finger ticking emoticon here>  :grin:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 7 10/23)
Post by: amEthystx on October 30, 2009, 03:02:52 AM
Lovely. Ai waking up with this...
If she wakes up...

 :scared: i just couldn't help but notice this!

Oh~ anyway~ i made a mistake on the Umei thing.. should be Umeboshi~ its dry plum~ haha~ i just have to drop Eri something too~ XD

Actually~I really wanted to try dropping a Munchkin Cat for Reina too~ LOL~ cause recently i saw this! =X

Munchkin Cat (


 :mon bat: *poof*

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 7 10/23)
Post by: rndmnwierd on October 30, 2009, 06:21:05 AM
 :imdead: OMG that is so freaking cute.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 7 10/23)
Post by: badsaints on October 30, 2009, 04:34:42 PM
:luvluv1: OMG that kitty is like the cutest of the cutest *melting into a pile of mush :nya:* Reina's got some serious competition there :wriggly:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 7 10/23)
Post by: rndmnwierd on October 30, 2009, 05:58:23 PM
Chapter 8: Black and Blue

Risa awoke to knocking on her door a little while later, looking at the clock determined she had only been asleep for an hour. Groggily, she rubbed her face, calling out to whoever was at the door to hold on. As her knuckles passed over her jaw, she noticed an odd fruity flavor at the corner of her mouth.

Rising to her feet, Risa paused at the mirror to check herself over, leaning in close to glimpse a perfect print of a pair of lips in lip gloss just touching the corner of her mouth, as if someone had deliberately kissed the spot as she slept. She belatedly realized that Eri had not been there when she woke and Ai was obviously unconscious, so it had to have been the same aged girl.

Risa examined the mark for a second longer, before rubbing away the traces and answering the door. Outside stood an excited Lin, holding a few printouts in her hands, “I found it!”

Smiling, Risa patted the girl on the head, “Good work, let’s tell the others, are they back yet?”

“Yes, I figured you might want to plan something, so I had them gather at my room.” Lin gestured

Nodding, Risa followed her back to said room and found the others waiting in various stages of boredom. “Okay Lin.” Risa started as she took her seat at the computer, “Show us what you have.”

“Okay, it was pretty easy to find information on the distributors, they’re all small time thugs with records in possession and intent to sell. I’ve got everything on them from their birthdays to their mother’s birthdays to their children’s birthdays as well as multiple possible alternative residences. What’s surprising is that they all have one building in common.”

Here, Lin brought up a map of the city and closest outlying regions on one of her screens, “These dots,” she indicated the dots in each corner of the map, “Are the addresses you gave me. They’re listed as their homes on each of their files and are residential houses, but the addresses are actually where they do their dealing from. Where these four really live, is right here.” A few quick taps on the keyboard and a large, flashing dot appeared dead center of the city.

“It’s a huge apartment building, owned by none other than Takashi-san.” Another tap and the group was greeted to a zoomed in satellite shot of the building, “I did some digging and found out that every resident in the building has some sort of mob connections, suspected and confirmed. This looks like some kind of safe house.”

“How many apartments and residents total?” Jun asked quietly, making a thoughtful face.

“Seventy-two apartments and one hundred and eight residents.” Someone let out a whistle.

“I’m good, but I’m not that good.” Risa shook her head, “I guess we’ll have to wait for Ai to get better for that one. Anyway, continue.”

“The suppliers are two brothers. One owns a large farm up north, the other own a warehouse by the wharf. There’s lots of activity all day and night, so it’s a good bet that’s where they make/grow/sell the drugs.” Lin brought up aerial views of both places using what looked like a live camera feed. “The police are watching those places, but for some reason or another, haven’t brought down the long arm of the law.”

“Wait, did you hack into the official feed?” Reina asked incredulously, earning wary looks from the other girls in the room except for Eri.

“Uh, yeah. It was too easy.” Lin answered as if talking to a small child. It seemed that the even tempered girl had enough of Reina’s suspicious nature.

“Oh.” Self preservation kicked in just in time for the cop to realize that maybe, just this once, she shouldn’t say anything.

“Hmm, two different places, still with lots of men. The shops have to close down sometime, though, right?” Risa asked Lin curiously.

“I can keep checking. Until then, there’s almost no way to get in or out with our lives intact.” All eyes were on Risa as her own orbs glazed over in thought. The whole room could see the wheels turning and were anticipating her next orders.

It seemed, that even though they had voted Ai to be leader(and she did a good job of controlling the younger bean), Risa was the true mastermind, so much so, that even the wary Tanaka knew to listen to her. “Alright.” Everyone leaned forward in anticipation, “Find out more about the brothers, if they’re religious or take any family holidays. Find out if there is a scheduled day that the drug factories take a break. Anything where they operate on a skeleton crew or close down completely. Review the police surveillance videos back to the beginning if you have to.”

“That could take weeks!” Lin exclaimed in surprise.

“Then you better get started.” Risa said unsympathetically, raising an eyebrow. Lin rolled her eyes and turned back to her computers.

“As for the rest of us, we need to check out that apartment building.” Here, Risa eyed Sayumi thoughtfully, “Hmm, we could use your expertise probably.”

“What do you have in mind?” the mischievous bunny asked eagerly.

“I think that maybe, you and your gangster boyfriend are in need of a place to live.” Turning to Jun, Risa gave her a pointed look.

“Eh?” Jun suddenly found herself at the center of attention. “ME?!”


They had decided to head to one of Sayu’s safehouses on the outskirts of town. Lin and Eri stayed behind for Lin to work and someone to keep an eye on both her and Ai. Surprisingly, Aika had wanted to come along, citing that she had nothing better to do. Risa thought she just wanted to talk to the interesting Reina some more, since the two seemed to have hit it off over the ice cream earlier.

“Where did you get this van?” Reina questioned suspiciously, looking around the spacious interior. The girls all immediately choked off their laughter.

“Uh, it’s a friend of mine’s.” Risa replied from the driver’s seat. Since she was one of the only ones with a valid driver’s license, she had rock, paper, scissors Reina for the job of getting them there safely.

Unconvinced, Reina just nodded, “Uh huh, right.” The rest of the trip was made smoothly, Risa was a pretty cautious driver and followed all the rules of the road. Reina wouldn’t admit that she was slightly impressed by the older woman’s skills.

Risa pulled down a gravel driveway and the van stopped in front of a cozy cottage nestled snuggly between two huge hills. It gave the place a sense of isolation and safety that made the girls feel simultaneously at ease and on edge. Eagerly, Sayu jumped out of the vehicle and ran to the front door, throwing her arms outward as if to give the house a hug.

Laughing at her antics, the others followed her into the house. The decorations were very modern and chic, not exactly what they expected of the unique Sayumi and the surroundings. The living room and dinning room were open spaced with only a small half wall separating the dinning room from the kitchen. Everything was colored in a silver, white and gray theme and the lawless girls looked around in slight awe.

“This is a pretty nice place, Sayumin.” Risa commented as she looked around curiously. Through the thick sliding glass doors in the back she could see a magnificent view of the lake and a slightly worn dock.

“Thanks, it was my father’s get away. When I was little, he used to take my mother, my sister and I here for vacation.” The girl gave a nostalgic smile.

“What happened to him?” Aika asked curiously.

“Well, when my family lost their fortune, my father couldn’t deal with the ridicule.” Sayu shrugged nonchalantly, but the others knew it was a hard subject to talk about. “He sold my sister off and killed my mother and himself in a blaze of glory. You guys might have heard about it, it was all over the news about six years ago.”

“I do remember that.” Risa said. The explosion could be felt all the way in Yokohama and the news channels broadcast the story for weeks.

“Yeah, that kind of sucked. I came here to hide out for a while and it sorta became my main hide away.” Sayu shrugged as though she wasn’t affected by the memory. “Anyway, my closet is back here.”

They followed her into the back of the house and into a small bed room. It was decorated very simply, a princess bed in dark colors with matching walls and other furniture. The main focus of the room seemed to be a non descript closet and a single full length mirror. With a flourish, Sayumi opened the unassuming closet door to reveal the rest of the cottage had been converted into closet space.

To say that the walk in clothing storage was big would have been an understatement. To say that it took up half of the house, would not. The room, for it could not truly be called a closet, was filled to the brim with clothes of all shapes and sizes and accessories and shoes. It was very neatly organized, almost to an OCD state with casual clothes and party clothes taking up the most space in the front. Behind the normal clothes were costumes of all shapes and sizes.

It was a veritable Halloween store for anyone who wanted to blend in or stand out. There were uniform from various water, electric and construction companies. Law enforcement and emergency service clothes. Pretty much, if you needed it, you could find it here.

“Wow.” Was all Aika could say, while the other girls were speechless. Sayumi just smiled smugly.

“Now, let’s get to work on you.” She circled Jun like a hawk around her prey, eyeing her up and down critically.

Getting excited at the prospect of playing dress up, even Aika and Reina began to search through the clothes. Jun was quickly and mercilessly stripped to her skivvies, standing self consciously trying to cover herself. Risa felt bad for her and draped her thin jacket around the bigger girl’s shoulders.

“Why do you have this?” Reina asked as she held out a body suit made of latex.

“If I have to tell you, you probably don’t want to know.” Sayu chuckled as she thrust a pair of ragged jeans at her victim, who gladly put them on. The girls haphazardly threw out various t-shirts and jackets, narrowly missing the two watching from the sidelines.

“Well, I don’t think this is what I had in mind when I suggested you pose as a boy.” Risa stood back as Sayumi forced Jun into a fashion show for them. There was only three pair of jeans that would fit the Chinese girl’s long frame, but there was a multitude of shirts, jackets and hats.

Beginning to enjoy the attention, Jun paraded up and down the small bedroom in various outfits, sometimes walking normally, sometimes exaggerating her stride and sometimes pulling off some fancy footwork to get a laugh. Sitting on the bed and observing the scene with a soft smile, Risa felt like she was watching over her younger siblings. She wondered if her brother felt this warmth for her when he had been alive.

‘What would you think of me now?’ the gunner thought, picturing his smiling visage in her head, ‘Is this the path you thought I would take or were you just as naïve as I was?’

“What do you think of this one Niigaki-san?” Jun’s voice snapped her back to the present and she looked up to see the girl in a ragged pair of jeans with a hole in the knee sporting a plane white undershirt and a thin leather jacket. Her hair had been tied up in a messy bun and stuck underneath a blue cap.

Risa examined her critically as Jun stood with her hands shoved into her jacket pockets and slouching in an unaffected manner. While she looked really cool, her round face and full lips made her seem undeniably feminine, “I like the outfit, but you definitely don’t look like a boy.”

“That’s what this is for.” Sayu chimed in, carefully placing fake sideburns on the Chinese girl’s face. She scrutinized her work and then added a small goatee on her chin.

“Okay, now she looks like a boy.” It was amazing what a little facial hair could do to a face. Jun still looked a feminine, but not so much that someone was going to be suspicious. “Just let Sayu do most of the talking and I think you all will be fine.”

“We’ll add some finishing touches later, but I guess this is what you’ll look like for the plan.” Sayu tilted her head, suddenly realizing something, “Um, just what is the plan?”

Risa felt all eyes turn to her and shrugged, “Well, we have a few options. Option A is that you guys get us a foot hold into the building and we plant cameras either one in every hallway, or one in every room and watch them until we find the right moment to strike. We can disable them or do something that would keep them out of the way until we can take care of Takashi-dono.”

“That sounds boring.” Aika chimed in, “And lengthy, we would be watching them for weeks!”

“Well, there’s Option B where we set up a base in the apartment and then when everyone’s asleep we systematically search every room and disable the people we come across. With seventy-two rooms, let’s say about ten minutes each that would take us about twelve hours to finish.”

“That doesn’t sound so bad, but what do you mean by disable?” Reina asked, leaning against the bed.

“We break all the bones in their bodies or just their legs or arms. Or we could cut the time in half by me just killing everyone with a silenced weapon.” Risa raised her eyebrows and gave the others a pointed look, “There are obvious protests to that part, but it’s the easiest and most efficient route. Unfortunately it also has the problem of going in blind. I would have no idea who’s in each apartment or even if they’re asleep.”

“You? Just you?” Jun asked, finally catching that part.

“Of course just me. I can’t, in good conscience, ask anyone to kill, most especially you. You’ve already taken a life, I can’t let anymore stains be on your soul.” The group was a little surprised by her sincerity, Reina more so than the rest.

“I have no problem with it.” Jun stated easily.

“Liar.” Risa accused gently, “I refuse to believe that.”

“Well, what about doing what we did at the precinct?” Aika piped up again, “You can do it again, can’t you?”

“Well, that was Option C and that’s the most dangerous for you.” Risa took a breath, “To be able to do that again, I would need the blue prints for the building, to make sure of the ventilation. I would also need to access multiple containers of gas that would cause some kind of incapacitation or coma or something like that.”

“Also, to even get the blueprints you would have to search the building’s office and there’s no guarantee that it will even be in there. Not only that, but we have no way of knowing if there are other people inside or what kind of security he has.” Here Risa gave an embarrassed look, “And besides all that, I don’t like to give repeat performances.”

“Is there a gas that can do that?” Sayu asked naively.

“Of course and I know just the one to use. Totally non lethal and it lasts for several hours, if we decided to go with that plan, though, we would need to be ready to take out the big boss right then. So let’s take a vote.” Risa mediated, looking at Reina.

“I vote plan C.” Sayu nodded, echoing her.

“Option C.” Jun agreed.

“Well, it’s ultimately up to you, since you face the most danger.” All eyes turned to Aika now as she contemplated her choices.

It really was easy for her though, “Option C, of course.”

“Okay, here’s what we’re going to do.”


“But Jun~!” The landlord looked up from the front desk as two figures entered the apartment’s door, “Are you listening to me?”

The tall guy wearing a leather jacket looked positively exasperated as a very pretty girl clung to his left arm. They looked like a normal couple, the landlord noticed her barely concealed black-eye and mini skirt and that he was obviously packing a small pistol on his hip, so he felt himself relax. They looked like everyone else that lived in the building. “What can I do for you guys?”

Jun went to open ‘his’ mouth to answer and was cut off almost immediately, “We heard you had a few open apartments.” Sayu answered perkily, seeming to not notice her ‘boyfriend’s’ angry look, “We were wondering if you could show them to us.”

“Well, I don’t usually give tours.” the landlord said, reluctant to get up out of his comfy chair.

Jun slapped a high bill on the counter, “We’ll make it worth your while.” ‘he’ said lowly.

“Well, if that’s the case, I guess I can spare a few minutes.” Aika watched from inside the van parked outside on the street as the man the Jun and Sayu into the elevator down the hall.

“Alright, clear.” She looked to Risa for the go ahead to enter the building and received it with a grave nod. Quickly, Aika scampered into the building and headed behind the desk to the door that seemed to lead into the back office. She made quick work of the door lock and slowly opened it, sticking her head inside.

Empty, the little thief breathed a sigh of relief and entered, securing the door behind her. It was dark, so she flipped on the lights and was dismayed to find at least fifteen filing cabinets large enough to hold blueprints. “Uh guys?” Aika spoke into the mini com system that Risa had borrowed from her friend at the sketchy store, “This might take a while.”

As the landlord opened up the empty apartment on the fifth floor, Jun and Sayu heard in their headsets, “Keep him busy for as long as possible, Tanakacchi and I are going to need to help Aika out.” The ‘couple’ shared a look, stalling they could definitely do.

“Wow~! Look at this Jun!” Sayumi entered with a twirl, trying to take in the whole big living room space, “I think your couch would go perfectly against this wall!” She skipped around the room eagerly, to Jun’s infinite embarrassment.

The landlord gave ‘him’ a long examining look, “Why do you keep her around? It seems like she doesn’t listen much.”

“I may have to tell her things more than once,” Jun held up her arm with a clenched fist to let the landlord get her point, “but she has more uses to me. I mean, look at that body.”

The landlord looked as she jumped up and down in the kitchen, just able to peek at her panties underneath the short skirt, “Oh.”

“Don’t look too long, now.” Jun warned, semi dangerously. Sayumi ran into the bathroom to examine it and the ‘men’ followed slowly.

“The bathroom’s a little cramped, are they all the same size?” Sayu asked innocently.

“Yes.” The landlord said flatly and Sayu pouted.

“Just check out the bedroom.” Jun commanded, and Sayumi scampered off. The two others soon heard a cry of dismay.

“It’s not high enough!” Entering the last room, they saw the girl looking out the window, hands clasped together in despair, “My plants will never get enough light with that building in the way.”

Jun shook her head, “Are you serious?” she asked flatly, but inside was marveling at the girl’s genius. If they could find something wrong with all but the last room, they’d be there forever.

“This apartment won’t do, we’ll have to see the other ones.” Sayu declared, Jun and the landlord shared a look before the Chinese girl handed over another bill.

“Alright.” The landlord pocketed the money, “It’s up two more floors.”


Reina searched frantically through the drawer, looking for anything of interest. She had no idea what a blueprint looked like, so she could only hope to not miss it. So far they hadn’t found anything of use.

“Oooo.” Aika sounded from somewhere to her left. Reina looked over to see the girl shoving stacks of money into her pockets.

“Aika, put that back, now is not the time.” Reina threw a pen at her and it bounced off her shoulder.

“Hey, anytime is the perfect time for a thief.” The younger girl said haughtily, causing the cop to roll her eyes.

“Enough you two, we don’t have time for this.” Risa reminded them and they went back to searching. From the sounds coming from their ear speakers, Jun and Sayu had already gone through three apartments and were heading to the fourth.

Suddenly, the gunner paused in her searching, pulling a file from the cabinet she was rifling through. Curiously, she opened it fully noticing a list of names and addresses, almost all the she recognized as the sub bosses of the Takashi gang. “Are you kidding me?” What the hell would this be doing here?

The reason hit her like a ton of bricks, this wasn’t just the office of a safe house, this was the main office of every safe house. That was the reasoning behind Takashi-dono actually owning the building, no one would ever suspect he would have such important documents in such an unassuming place. It was brilliant, almost no security to trick people into thinking that there wasn’t anything to steal and then putting incriminating or sensitive material here.

“Did you find it?” Reina asked, watching her curiously.

“No, better. Never mind for now, keep looking.” Risa set aside that file to take with her.


For a second, Jun though the landlord might get violent and she’d have to kill him. As Sayu complained about some else that wasn’t right with the last apartment on the list, Jun began to tense in preparation. They had stalled for as long as possible, but she could hear in her ear piece that the others were still looking.

More out of Sayumi’s protection than actual acting, Jun began to drag her off into the secluded bed room, “Hold on just on second and I’ll straighten her out.” She promised the nearly homicidal man, who nodded that he would stay put.

“What?” The grifter asked curiously as Jun pretended to violently slam her against the wall, banging with her free hand for effect.

“This isn’t going to last much longer, we have to think of something else.” The Chinese girl placed her hand against Sayu’s throat and leaned in as if to choke her, just in case the landlord were to look in the room at them.

“Well, I could always distract him the old fashioned way, but if you have a better plan, I’m all ears.” The con artist fiddled with her skirt a little nervously.

“Old fashioned..? Wait, that gives me an idea, but you’re going to have to trust me.”

“Trust you? Okay.” At Sayu’s answer, Jun suddenly pulled away and clapped her hands together to make a slapping sound. Truly startled, the younger girl squealed.

“How many times do I have to remind you!” The Chinese girl bellowed, seeing the landlord come to investigate curiously from the corner of her eye. At that moment, she lunged forward and kissed her companion full on the lips.

“Jun~!” Sayumi whined in character, also noticing the man now hiding behind the door frame. She gave her ‘boyfriend’ a questioning look that only ‘he’ could see at their angle, but Jun just gave her an encouraging expression.

They kissed again, this time with Sayumi as the initiator and they pressed against the wall. “Gotta make it a convincing show.” The Chinese girl mumbled, reaching up to squeeze the con’s breasts.

“Jun!” She let out a very not-in-character screech, but Jun only silenced her with her lips. From the door, the landlord shifted on his feet to a more comfortable position, a creepy smile spreading across his lips.


Down in the office, the three girls paused simultaneously at the strange sounds that were issuing forth from their comms. They exchanged embarrassed looks and turned back to their searching with renewed vigor.

As the sounds grew more and more obvious and their blushes redder and darker, finally Aika elicited a triumphant cry, “Found it! Let’s book!”

“Sayu, Jun, take the room and get down here, pronto. When you leave the building, turn left and we’ll pick you up at the far corner.” Risa ordered, but the sounds didn’t stop. She felt herself flush even deeper, “Uh guys. You don’t need to stall anymore.”

“Sorry.” Jun’s voice whispered over the ear piece, “If I stopped now it would just be cruel.”

“Uhh…” Risa winced at a particularly high pitched squeal from Sayumi echoed in her head.


About twenty minutes later, a grossly satisfied landlord exited the main elevator counting a wad of bills, followed by a smugly smirking Jun and a bright red, but quiet Sayumi. “Pleasure doing business with you.” The landlord said as he tossed a set of keys to the Chinese girl.

“Believe me, the pleasure was mine.” Jun smirked at her companion, who just looked away pointedly. The exited the building and headed towards the rendezvous point, walking in complete silence.

When the reached the van, Jun held the door open and gestured chivalrously for Sayumi to go first. The other three watched the scene awkwardly and the silence that descended was stifling. Risa began to drive away and the group just looked around aimlessly.

“Well that was fun.” the still smug Jun said with a grin.

Immediately, Sayumi slapped her arm, only eliciting laughter, “You’re such a pervert!”

“Well, you can’t say you didn’t like it.” The Chinese girl playfully licked at the tips of her fingers and the con blushed deeply. With a swift movement, she viciously ripped off Jun’s fake sideburns. “Ow!”

And just like that, the tension broke and everyone was laughing. “I’ve never worked with a partner before.” Sayu admitted after it became quiet again, “It was pretty interesting.”

“Obviously.” Reina grinned at her cheekily and earned herself a punch on the arm.

Suddenly, a familiar musical tone filled the air and Risa looked down at her ringing cell phone. “What the..?” Whatever she saw on the caller id made her answer it while driving, “Hello?”

“That’s not safe.” Reina reprimanded her, but was ignored.

“Isn’t that the new Morning Musume song?” Aika wondered aloud about the ringtone.

“How did you get my number? Better yet, how did you program your number into my phone?” Risa listened to the other side before bursting out, “What do you mean you programmed everyone’s phones? That’s not what I asked!”

Suddenly her eyes widened and Reina prepared herself to grab the wheel, “Ai’s awake?” The others held their breath, wanting to hear more, “H-How is she?” Risa tried to sound nonchalant, but it was obvious that she was eager. “Good, that’s good. Wait, annoyed?”

A few chuckles spread throughout the van, “Well, if she’s annoyed, I guess that means she’s fine.” Sayumi remarked, unable to admit that she had been worried about their makeshift leader.

Though no one except for Risa really knew her, there was just something about the older woman that sucked you in. Everyone was relieved she had survived the shooting.

“Alright, tell her we’ll be back soon, jeez.” Risa hung up the phone with a snap. “First, though, who’s hungry?”


Well, it's been seven days and since I'm trying to churn out an update every week or so, here's another. Hope this soothes ya'll's nerves about Ai, heh heh.
Lovely. Ai waking up with this...
If she wakes up...

*waits for the next chapter* <insert finger ticking emoticon here>  :grin:
 :lol: :lol: I just couldn't resist.

Also, just a heads up, there will be no Jun/Sayu as a serious couple. Although they did become a little closer due to this....
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 8 10/30)
Post by: kuro808 on October 30, 2009, 07:23:03 PM
A very packed chapter, Risa going to gas the apartment lol

Jun must have been a very good man

Sayu trying to play cute in a very usual way

Hentai Oyasan lol
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 8 10/30)
Post by: kawaii beam on October 30, 2009, 08:33:23 PM
wow this was a funny/cute/pervy chapter XDDD or should i say mildly pervy XD i love the whole jun ans sayu couple XD bor risa reina and aika, having to litsen to the noises XDDD

and what was with the kame kiss in the begining??? i wonder.. are u planning something rndy? (that's my new nickname for u by the way XDD)gakikame maybe??*realy wishes for takagaki XD*  

plus poor sayumin >.< she lost her whole family ?? (i_i)

mou~ if ur doing a chapter a week then that's good~! X3 i cant wait then X3
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 8 10/30)
Post by: len.chan on October 30, 2009, 10:36:51 PM
hey! sorry for not commenting on chapter 7... busy week  :kneelbow:

whoa, this is being one of the best developments I've seen lately in a fic. The background story from each character (which is being explained slowly with each chapter) is very well written, and if you add a badass Gaki-san to the mix is just amazing  XD
okay, to the point...

chapter 7; seeing Risa torturing that man was a slap on the face for Ai. But as I said before (and Risa herself too) what was she expecting? a nice gangsta asking things politely? of course she was going to break some bones...
You almost kill me there when they shot Ai-chan (and now I'm worried of the possibility that some of them aren't going to arrive alive at the end...). And that Risa's outburst slashing that man throat like who cut butter was a bit frightening, she really can turn into a killer monster at some point...

chapter 8; from Sayu's background story, her wardrobe and safe house, to Risa's three plans and that 'little momen't between Jun and Sayu.. the whole chapter was perfect. I know, I never complain and I should be a bit more critic..  XD
“Of course just me. I can’t, in good conscience, ask anyone to kill, most especially you. You’ve already taken a life, I can’t let anymore stains be on your soul.” The group was a little surprised by her sincerity, Reina more so than the rest
I like how she's worried that any of the others end like her. Well, you see a good leader there, but I'm worried that she could end doing something stupid to prevent that from happening (most likely to Jun, who seems to have become like a kouhai to her?)
well, now a week to see how Ai scolds Risa again?

mmm, I'll give chapter 8  :otomerika: :otomerika: :otomerika:  :otomerika: over 5 (because one can't never reach perfection XD)

oh.. and I almost forget... LOL at Risa's ringtone

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 8 10/30)
Post by: amEthystx on October 31, 2009, 04:04:23 AM
Isn't the cat the cutest ever with it tiny tiny tiny legs? lol~ glad you like it XD

Ohhh~  look at that~ haha.. Sayu finally make her first actual "mission" appearance.. who says she is useless?   :on GJ:

So after all, Gaki-san is still a big big big softy ya~ Just that what is needed to be done, she does it without hesitation..What she want, she gets~ irregardless of any methods~ But that only applies to her enemies..~ i guess the toiletbowl is not flushing in so much now..  XD

“Oooo.” Aika sounded from somewhere to her left. Reina looked over to see the girl shoving stacks of money into her pockets.

“Aika, put that back, now is not the time.” Reina threw a pen at her and it bounced off her shoulder.

“Hey, anytime is the perfect time for a thief.” The younger girl said haughtily, causing the cop to roll her eyes.

LOL~ who can blame her? they frooze her account afterall right?  :lol:

“Isn’t that the new Morning Musume song?” Aika wondered aloud about the ringtone.

Probably Kimagure Princess?~ XD

awwwww~ y not a serious couple for Jun/Sayu~ lol~

The story is getting more and more interesting~ =]

 :mon bat: *poof*
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 8 10/30)
Post by: kRisZ on October 31, 2009, 06:22:20 AM
as if someone had deliberately kissed the spot as she slept

 :mon freeze:

so it had to have been the same aged girl.

 :mon freeze:  :mon freeze: I love GakiKame but  :mon freeze:  :mon freeze:

there’s almost no way to get in or out with our lives intact

Why do I find that funny  XD

“I think that maybe, you and your gangster boyfriend are in need of a place to live.” Turning to Jun, Risa gave her a pointed look.

“Eh?” Jun suddenly found herself at the center of attention. “ME?!”


throwing her arms outward as if to give the house a hug.


“We break all the bones in their bodies or just their legs or arms. Or we could cut the time in half by me just killing everyone with a silenced weapon.”

Your lovely Ai won't allow it Risa   :fap

“but she has more uses to me. I mean, look at that body.”

The landlord looked as she jumped up and down in the kitchen, just able to peek at her panties underneath the short skirt, “Oh.”

That's  :drool:

reaching up to squeeze the con’s breasts.

omg  :on_hot:

“Jun!” She let out a very not-in-character screech, but Jun only silenced her with her lips.

Yay  XD

From the door, the landlord shifted on his feet to a more comfortable position, a creepy smile spreading across his lips.


Down in the office, the three girls paused simultaneously at the strange sounds that were issuing forth from their comms. They exchanged embarrassed looks and turned back to their searching with renewed vigor.


“Sayu, Jun, take the room and get down here, pronto. When you leave the building, turn left and we’ll pick you up at the far corner.” Risa ordered, but the sounds didn’t stop. She felt herself flush even deeper, “Uh guys. You don’t need to stall anymore.”

“Sorry.” Jun’s voice whispered over the ear piece, “If I stopped now it would just be cruel.”

“Uhh…” Risa winced at a particularly high pitched squeal from Sayumi echoed in her head.

Damn  :wahaha:  :on bleed:  :luvluv1:

Suddenly her eyes widened and Reina prepared herself to grab the wheel, “Ai’s awake?”


“Good, that’s good. Wait, annoyed?”

omg that's cute  :wriggly:

“Well, if she’s annoyed, I guess that means she’s fine.”

Damn, Sayu's so right  XD

JunSayu with the audience was cute and very pervalicious  :lick:

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 7 10/23)
Post by: badsaints on October 31, 2009, 11:44:13 AM
Hmmm Eri left a thank you print on Risa, interesting :dunno:

“And besides all that, I don’t like to give repeat performances.”
Yeah where's the fun in that?

"Isn’t that the new Morning Musume song?” Aika wondered aloud about the ringtone.

“First, though, who’s hungry?”
With the $$$ Aika "found", I'm guessing a feast is in order?

I like that you took the time to explain Sayu's past and using it to fit the situation. Poor bunny have to live a painful past :cry: But oh boy, that was quite a treat there for the 3 girls. It's a wonder how they can actually concentrate looking for the documents.

Also, just a heads up, there will be no Jun/Sayu as a serious couple. Although they did become a little closer due to this....
Damn! Why oh why? Oh well, it was fun while it lasted :on bleed:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 8 10/30)
Post by: DO Me DO Me on October 31, 2009, 11:12:28 PM
LoL wow, that was great XD Looks like everyone got to use their skills  :thumbsup and some took advantage of other's skills  :roll: They're very smart, it's really cool and funny to see a group of young girls take down dangerous groups of gangsters. Girl Power! XD Uh oh, Eri's become a little friendly towards Risa?  :shocked: And LoL "Morning Musume" still exists in their world. I wonder who's in the lineup in their world. :lol:

Oh I don't think they're bipolar, the cuteness just brings back the familiarity of the girls we all know. :D The original title for my story was just the English version of the title "April's Fools" but I thought "April no Aho" sounded cooler. :lol:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 8 10/30)
Post by: Sancho on November 01, 2009, 05:01:35 AM
as expected. These story is getting better and better  :grin:.

Eri left Risa her mark. Although Ai didn't didn't catch the two, there's a possibility a new relationship might born.  :P

Sounds like Sayumi did her best to forget her past as she shared it to others calmly. But I guess she'll be ok specially Jun is around. I can't stop laughing on how they pretended to be couple. I guess after what happen, they don't have to act it anymore if they felt for it. They are a good match I guess ( The new Yoshizawa Hitomi was born don't you think?). I wonder how Lin would react if she know what happen.

More update please.  :D :D
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 8 10/30)
Post by: lil_hamz on November 04, 2009, 12:13:07 PM
I shall steal away all your coins and dice so I can rig the results. HOHOHO! XD

OMG!!! Was it really Eri who kissed Risa. It's gonna be one hell of a twist if it were someone else.

Awww so no "real" JunShige? I was kinda enjoying reading about them "together." But I would much prefer a TanaShige coupling :)

Risa hung up the phone with a snap. “First, though, who’s hungry?”


*stares at clock and counts down the next 7 days*
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 8 10/30)
Post by: rndmnwierd on November 05, 2009, 06:25:20 PM
@kuro-kun - Sideburns are very convincing apparently. :P 8)

@kawaii-chan - I am planning something, but I won't say what yet. Also, I realized that I have killed off or otherwise ostracized every character from their families.... It works though, I'm afraid people might call me on it. :sweatdrop:

@len.chan - Better late than never. Glad you enjoyed. Ai getting injured probably won't change her stubborn mind much, though, lol. I am seriously debating whether to kill someone off, but I'm becoming so attached to the girls, that I just can't decide who needs it. Maybe I'll just severely maim one or two of them... I don't know yet, so don't get your hopes up too high for a hammy-like ending.
No, keep praising me, I like it. 8) The RisaJun relations seem to have taken on a life of their own, I never actually intended for it to seem like an instant respect or sempai/kouhai bond to such a degree as I'm seeing. But now I'll have to screw with them a little. :twisted:
because one can't never reach perfection
  :yep: True dat.

@amE - I'm definitely going to have to find some way to completely turn Reina to mush over that kitty, just so I have an excuse to put it in the story. XD
awwwww~ y not a serious couple for Jun/Sayu~ lol~
I gots plans. O0

@kRisZ - Eri's affectionate, what can I say?
Why do I find that funny
Because you just imagined them dying horrible, painful, comical deaths?
omg that's cute
I always think of a sleepy, pouting Ai holding a red blanket and crossing her arms stubbornly, saying, "No!"

@baddie -
Hmmm Eri left a thank you print on Risa, interesting
Yes! :theking
It's a wonder how they can actually concentrate looking for the documents.
Embarrassment is a good motivator.

@DO me-san -
I wonder who's in the lineup in their world.
'I love Africa' is.
"April's Fools" but I thought "April no Aho" sounded cooler.
Oh! April's Fools! I was like, what does April's Idiot mean? :lol:

@Sancho - Thank you.
Eri left Risa her mark.
For some reason, when I read that, I imagined Risa glowing in the dark.
I wonder how Lin would react if she know what happen.
Her head would explode. Like, "Jun and Sayu did what now?...!"(

@Hammy-san -
OMG!!! Was it really Eri who kissed Risa. It's gonna be one hell of a twist if it were someone else.
Yes dear. Although if it wasn't, what kind of sick plotline could I come up with? Ghost of Christmas' Past? Random cat burglar? Nakazawa Yuko? :lol: :lol: :rofl: I just amused myself!
But I would much prefer a TanaShige coupling
Me too...
*stares at clock and counts down the next 7 days*
*pushes clock forward* Will update either later tonight or tomorrow morning.

BTW, just a little aside, Black and Blue has reached 98 pages on Works and almost 42,000 words. :shocked Holy crap, that's a lot to scroll through.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 8 10/30)
Post by: rndmnwierd on November 06, 2009, 08:17:47 AM
Chapter 9: And who knows which is which and who is who

As the group entered the lobby of the hotel, the were immediately assaulted by the sounds of Eri arguing with a stubborn Ai. “You’re in no condition to be down here and walking around like this! You’ll rip open your stitches.”

“No, I’ll go back upstairs when I see the others come in.” Risa rolled her eyes as she saw her ex cross her arms and shake her head like a willful child.

“Ai-chan.” she called out, immediately getting a relieved look out of both girls for different reasons.

“Nii-chan.” Ai called out to her as the younger girl embraced her gently, “Is everyone alright?” she was obviously struggling not to slur her words, but Risa couldn’t tell if it was because of the morphine in her system or the alcohol on her breath.

“Of course we are, it was only a little recon. Ai, let’s get you back upstairs.” the older girl didn’t look like she was satisfied that no one was unhurt, so Risa pulled away and held out her arms, “Look, not a scratch, we didn’t run into any opposition, I swear.”

Reluctantly, Ai nodded and let herself be led groggily to the elevator. Risa decided to send the others up first so as to avoid any potential embarrassment, but surprisingly, Eri stayed behind to help with Ai. They got onto the second elevator car and began the slow trip upwards.

“Was it the morphine that made her so stubborn?” Eri asked, pointed at the now peacefully sleeping woman that rested on Risa’s side.

“No.” the gunner chuckled, “Ai’s always been like that, ever since we first met.”

“So you have known each other a while?” Eri asked like she already knew the answer.

“Of course, doesn’t it say so in my file?” the cop had the good grace to looked embarrassed.

“Well, yeah, but I would rather hear it first hand. There’s only so much you can gather from printed words.” Risa nodded amicably.

“I can see that, I guess.” she shifted to hold Ai closer to her side, feeling the older woman snuggle into her neck. “She saved my life. That’s how we first met.”

“Really?” Eri gave the sleeping woman an appraising glance, seeming to reassess something about her. “How did she do that?”

“You mean you don’t know?” Risa asked in surprise, she had thought the cop would have her file memorized by now.

“No, it doesn’t say anything about that, just that you are childhood friends.” They finally reached their floor and Eri helped to carry Ai to her bed as the same aged girl tucked her in.

“Well, we met when my brother died. I guess maybe I should start at the beginning.”


“Well, here we are.” Niigaki Hiro said as he placed his little sister down in the middle of the dilapidated living room. Risa eagerly uncovered her eyes and took in the sight of the inside of the abandoned house. For as long as she could remember, her brother would do business in this house while she had to wait outside and now, finally, he was inviting her to learn his trade.

It wasn’t particularly spectacular by aesthetic standards, the walls were a grimy white, it was furnished with thrown out furniture that had been second hand before they had been garbage. Their were no decorations or plants, the only lights were two small electric lamps in the middle of the room that left the far corners in shadows.

There was a door at the far side of the room that had been broken down sometime earlier and allowed Risa to see clear through the kitchen and out the sliding glass doors onto the small patio out back. She was eager to explore the rest of the house, but waited for her brother to indicate that she could.

“Now, it’s not pretty, but it serves it’s purpose. You have to remember, though, it’s not just us that use this house. It belongs to the neighborhood, so you do your best to keep it from falling apart. The other kids tend to steer clear of the living room and the backyard, so that’s where the Blues usually gather. If I’m making a deal, I always go outside; the privacy fence is the only thing that we’ve actually spent money on to improve, so we have almost complete seclusion and there are dumpsters and crates outside set up to give us cover and escape should a deal go bad.”

“When we go out, I’ll show you a little more about safe spots to stand. For now, since you can hardly hold still,” Risa stopped shifting from side to side at his amused tone and grinned sheepishly, “Why don’t you go check out the rest of the house and report back to me on how many hiding places you can find to stash stuff and keep yourself hidden?”

As soon as the eight year old had her orders, she took off like a rocket. In the kitchen she found nine small cupboards that were just big enough for her to squeeze in comfortably, but would offer no protection if someone opened the door. She made plans to nail a few of the doors shut and maybe tunnel through the wall.

A hole in the wall in the corner was large enough to fit her hand in and she found a brown shopping bag suspended securely from a nail inside. She made note of it and left it be. She knew better than to go snooping through other peoples stuff.

Out of the kitchen and into the dinning room, Risa nearly tripped on a loose floor board and curiously pried it open. Inside she found another bag and a rat trap. Before she could get it into her head to have a peek in the bag, she shut the board with a snap. The room had no holes in the wall and the only furniture was a makeshift card table and chairs made out of crates and boxes.

The dinning room led to the hallway where Risa saw three more doors and a staircase that led to the second level. She thoroughly investigated the rooms, two bedrooms and a bathroom, and found similar holes in a the walls with bags already in them. Nothing suitable to hide a person, even one as small as she was.

The stairs had the potential to hide her and another person comfortably. They were wooden and beginning to rot so that a small opening had formed in the side nearest the wall. Risa figured that with a little elbow grease, she could easily punch a hole in from the other side big enough to slip under the staircase. She closely examined the stairs and found that it would be easy enough to board it so you couldn’t see underneath.

Adding that to her mental to-do list, Risa climbed to the second floor, making more notes about which steps might need replacing and which ones creaked. The upstairs hallway was much like the down stairs, except there were four doors Risa could see. Checking the first three determined two bedrooms and a bathroom, but in much better condition. The walls didn’t have any holes and there were actually some clean looking mattresses spread out on the floors. In the bathroom, in a bag in the toilet tank, Risa found a shiny pistol and had to restrain herself from taking it. Hiro had promised her a weapon soon enough.

Finally coming to the last door, Risa cracked it open and peered inside. Her breath caught as she took in the room. Someone had obviously put a lot of work into it, the walls were painted a cheerful orange and there was clean, non broken furniture set about in an obvious order. The bed had a sturdy frame and simple sheets adorned it. Perched on top of the bed was a young girl, maybe two years older than Risa, reading a book while listening to headphones.

Startled to find this pleasant hide away in the abandoned house, Risa almost squealed  and backed out. Instead, she found herself studying the oblivious girl. She had shoulder length hair and a concentrated expression, totally absorbed in her book and the music. She wore stylish glasses and comfortable jeans and a t-shirt. There was nothing particularly striking about her, her baby fat was just seeming to dissipate into the promise of future beauty, but Risa found herself drawn to her. Maybe it was seeing such a placid and untouched figure in the midst of her violent existence, like a beautiful flower in a hurricane.

After watching her for what was probably longer than proper, Risa slowly exited the room. As she closed the door, she noticed that there was at least five locks on the heavy; reinforced, she noticed; door. She stopped before heading back downstairs, wondering who this girl was, being so young and yet looking like she lived here.

“Hey there, what did you find?” Her brother asked when she found him lounging on a broken down couch in the living room.

“A few good places, but they need some work first. Onii-chan? Who is that girl upstairs?” She climbed up next to him and looked up at him through her lashes curiously.

“Girl? Oh, that must be little Ai-chan. She’s here all the time, her parents started going out of town a lot recently, so we helped to set up her room to sleep in.” Risa nodded, interested.

“What else? What is she like?” She wanted to know more about this intriguing stranger.

“Well, that, you’ll just have to find out for yourself.” Hiro teased, tapping her on the tip of the nose. She pouted at him, trying to keep from giggling. “Now, tell me more about these hiding places.”


“I thought you said you met when she saved your life?” Eri asked as the two sat facing each other on Risa’s bed.

“I’m getting to that, just hold on. I was curious about her, but we had an odd relationship at first.” Risa smiled, apparently thinking back on it.


Working by the light of a single lantern, Risa hammered away at the staircase. Ever since she had first entered the house, she had decided to do her part to fix it up some. Stealing lumber and tools was a good test of her stealth skills and she could usually work in peace at night, when no one was there.

In the first week she had begun to work, Risa had nailed the four kitchen cupboards that sat on the floor closed and reinforced the doors. The very end of the cabinet could be slid off and a small person could slip inside to their own little hide away. She had already stocked it with her favorite cereal, some water and a lantern of her own, but she hadn’t used it much.

Her next project was fixing the stairs. She started by tearing up the rotting boards and replacing them, which she would finish tonight. Risa’s next mission was to make sure no one could see underneath the stairs by placing more planks there. And then after that, she would punch a hole through the wall big enough to crawl through and out into the hall under said stairs. The biggest problem would be covering the hole adequately and being able to close that make shift entrance from both sides.

Maybe after she had secured the second hide away, she could dig out a few openings though which she could fire a weapon or at least peek out. Giving out a large sigh, the future gunner decided to take a break and get some water. Stepping back and sipping through a bendy straw, Risa examined the mostly repaired wooden stairs. Maybe she could get a few strips of carpeting to put down over it so they wouldn’t have to worry so much about splinters.

As she always did when she looked at the stairwell, Risa found her eyes drawn up to the second floor. She knew that Ai had left for the night and would be back again early the next morning, but she still hadn’t talked to the girl yet. They just couldn’t seem to run into one another, with Risa running all over the place and keeping later hours and Ai being cooped up in her room all day. She usually left when Risa was off getting dinner and came back when she was sleeping at home.

Curiously, Risa made her way to that room again. She hadn’t tried to enter it since that first day, having assumed correctly that the girl probably used all five of those locks when she left. Jiggling the door handle confirmed the locks in place, but Risa pulled a hairpin and a small screwdriver from her pocket.

It took her a while, but eventually, she picked all the locks and the door swung open. The room was exactly as she remembered it, except without the light of day. Cautiously, Risa entered and looked around, as if expecting to trip a trap. When nothing happened, she relaxed and looked around the room. In the far corner against the wall sat the bed, next to the was a small cabinet like surface that doubled as a bedside table. On top of it was a lamp and a small alarm clock.

On the wall to her right and left were two identical dressers that each had various knickknacks on top of them. Next to the dresser on her left was a full length mirror decorated with some print club stickers with Ai and a few other smiling girls. Risa examined the pictures with a sense of missing something, she had never taken print club pictures before and it struck her as an infinitely normal thing to do.

Shaking her head, Risa continued to search the room, checking the dresser drawers to find articles of clothes. She ambled over to the bed and lifted the mattress to find a thin journal underneath. Risa decided to leave that be as it was probably a diary of some sort and she had no intention of reading through that. Instead, she turned to the last piece of furniture and opened the bottom cabinet.

She almost gasped as she took in the contents of the container. It was a lot deeper than it looked on the outside and inside there were stacks of books. She had never seen so many books all in one place before. Curiously, Risa pulled out a pile and examined the spines. A history book, a well worn copy of an English slang book, four fiction books and three whose contents she couldn’t identify by the titles.

There were so many, surely Risa would be able to borrow a few and not get caught. She would just take some from the back, she decided, grabbing three different genres. One was a non fiction about the life of an abused child, the second was a psychology book and the last was a beginner’s Korean guide.

Taking care to put everything back the way she found it, Risa took her prizes out of the room, relocking the door and making her way to her hide away in the kitchen. She would finish the stairs tomorrow, she thought, flipping open the Korean guide.


“So wait, you took her books?” Eri questioned from her place snuggled up into the crook of Risa’s arm. Both girls were laying down on top of the covers on the bed.

“Borrowed. I took them back when I was done. I never much liked going to school, between having to eat and bathe every once in a while, I was usually too busy to go, so I dropped out when I was very young. Her library was my learning facility for a long time, until she convinced me to go back to my studies.” Risa sighed lightly, “But that’s not the point I was getting at, do you actually want to hear this story?”

“Of course, sorry.”


Risa swiftly opened the locks on Ai’s room, intent on returning the last three books she’d borrowed. In the two months that she’d been coming into the room after the older girl had left, she had become quite comfortable in her weekly ritual of acquiring new material to read. She headed over to the usual spot and opened the cabinet door, then froze. There, hanging in front of her, was a sticky note. It said, “Enjoying my books?” and there was a pencil attached for her to reply with.

She was caught, she didn’t think Ai would have caught on so soon and she certainly hadn’t expected this. Slowly, as if the cabinet might bite her, Risa replaced the borrowed books and chose two more. Then she hesitantly scrawled a simple, “Yes.” into the sticky note.

The next night, Risa went back upstairs to see if there was a reply on the sticky. The little note was gone, replaced by a larger sheet of paper. On it was written, “I don’t mind you borrowing my books and I don’t want to know how you got past those locks, but if you wanted something of mine, all you had to do was ask.”

Risa tilted her head, a little confused as to the tone of the note. Unsure of what else to put, she merely replied back with, “Sorry.”

The next night was the same deal, “I didn’t mean to scold you,” the paper clarified, “I just wanted to let you know that you could approach me whenever I’m here.”

The future gunner regarded this paper for a long time before she could think of what to write back, “Yeah, but doesn’t this have the potential to be more fun?”

When she came back again, there was a happy face drawn, “I guess it does. My name’s Ai, what’s yours?”


“We wrote back and forth faithfully every night.” Risa smiled nostalgically, “We eventually could talk about everything and when I told her I had finished reading her collection of books, new ones showed up every week.”

“That’s actually pretty romantic.” Eri raised her eyebrow at Risa’s soft smile.

“I guess, though because of that, we usually tried to steer clear of each other in real life. One night I came in and there was five keys hanging inside the cabinet, she told me to stop picking the locks and just take her spare sets.” The gunner laughed lightly, “We were just kids, but I thought it was nice anyway.”

“So how did she end up saving your life?” the cop asked curiously, watching the merriment fade from Risa’s face.

“Well, of course, while Ai and I became friends, the Tokyo bosses were trying to move into Yokohama. That’s where I first met my future mentor, the man that killed my brother.”


Risa overload, you guys don't mind, do you? ;) Also more GakiKame bonding.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 9 11/06)
Post by: kuro808 on November 06, 2009, 09:10:21 AM
I  :heart: risa lol

well i think it presents a nice backstory to it, so i didn't mind the Risa overload, and GakiKame FTW
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 9 11/06)
Post by: kRisZ on November 06, 2009, 01:02:34 PM
“Ai-chan.” she called out, immediately getting a relieved look out of both girls for different reasons.

 XD lovely

like a beautiful flower in a hurricane.

me loves it

One was a non fiction about the life of an abused child, the second was a psychology book and the last was a beginner’s Korean guide.

Real history  :D  (first and last, haven't encountered the second one yet)

here, hanging in front of her, was a sticky note. It said, “Enjoying my books?” and there was a pencil attached for her to reply with.

Busted  :lol:

“We wrote back and forth faithfully every night.”

This one reminds me of someone :depressed:

“That’s actually pretty romantic.”


That’s where I first met my future mentor, the man that killed my brother.”

Reina's father.?.  :O
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 9 11/06)
Post by: FaqU on November 06, 2009, 04:21:14 PM
What a history between Ai-chan and Risa!!!!!

They were so cute as children and the way that they communicated with little notes. 

I don't know who to root for, Takagaki or Gakikame, they both have their special parts in this chapter, one as a memory whereas the other, present.

The past is probably what would be in the way for any future developments between Gakikame because well Takagaki did share more special moments and it started when they were kids.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 9 11/06)
Post by: amEthystx on November 06, 2009, 05:04:38 PM
*Warning*  Tiny legs - Not For the Faint Hearted

*Shout out to Reina*

"REI~! Beware! some tiny legged feline gonna drop by soon! And some guts feeling tells me that you are gonna be make fun of~" :on gay:

 :nya: here kitty kitty kitty!~ *whistle*

*hugs pillow and wait*

“I guess, though because of that, we usually tried to steer clear of each other in real life. One night I came in and there was five keys hanging inside the cabinet, she told me to stop picking the locks and just take her spare sets.” The gunner laughed lightly, “We were just kids, but I thought it was nice anyway.”

=] We do the silliest yet the sweetest when we were young don't we?  Gaki-san probably picked the locks so many times that i think she might eventually get in equally fast with or without the keys~ LOL~ but it is still so cute of Ai-chan giving her the keys even though they have never met before.. they have not yet.. have they?

Ai-chan : "Here's the spare..drop by anytime"
Gaki-san should probably reply: "Proposal?"
- grown up version XD

 :mon bat: *poof*

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 9 11/06)
Post by: DO Me DO Me on November 06, 2009, 09:15:56 PM
I can't help imagine Takagaki in chibi form when I read the backstory. XD Risa with big bubbly cheeks, aww so cute. XD Interesting story about how they met and Eri egging on for Risa to get to the point which Risa hasn't really gotten to yet. hehe I like the little touches of the English slang and Korean books. :lol:

I  :heart: Africa FTW! XD She needs to come back.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 9 11/06)
Post by: Sancho on November 07, 2009, 02:52:37 AM
I don't mind if it's Risa overload. The chapter is really interesting. it shows that Risa is a prodigy child. At that age with a good common snese and skill? What do you expect of her in the future.

The way Risa and Ai first interact was really cute. I remembered my high school days. I used to talk to one of my classmate that way 4 seat away from me.

I'm having a funny thoughts about Risa and Eri bonding moment. I was guessing that Eri don't listen as she was drawn too much on Risa beauty. It's like;
Risa : I used to borrowed Ai's books.
Eri : You borrowed books from Ai?!
Risa: Uhmm... Yeah... That's what I said.
      ***"Whats with her? is she mimicking me or something" ? ***     :P

Good job there mate. now I'm curious what happen next.  :twothumbs
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 9 11/06)
Post by: badsaints on November 08, 2009, 12:42:52 PM
Ai drank even with morphine in her body, and NOBODY stopped her?! *Damn the medic in me screaming XD*

Ahhh~ Takagaki flashbacks :wub: Eight years old and already a genius? Too bad Risa fell into the wrong side of law. It was sweet how Risa and Ai got to know each other, though in weird circumstances. I think I have a guess on how Ai saved Risa's life but I'll wait for your next update. It's more fun that way :lol:

But I'm starting to question if Gakikame friendship is really purely platonic? 8)
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 9 11/06)
Post by: kawaii beam on November 08, 2009, 09:15:11 PM
i read this on friday but i didnt get the chance to reply so here i go~!!! X3 XDD

CHIBI TAKAGAKI FTW~! X3 ubber lovely~! and cute X3 i used to write notes with my friends all the time XD reading that made me wish that i was back in elementry school again X3
and dang risa was like the dexter of the fighting world XD(dextre's lab. dexter not the serial killer show one XD)i could imagine everything X3 and i guess ai started the korea obsetion too XD cute X3
plus~ is that a good thing for ai to be drinking while still having the morphine in her?? XD
well i cant wait for more of how ai-chna saved gaki X3 and i would be asking the same questions like eri too XD
well keep it up~ i cant wait for the next one~!*wishes that she had a time machine so she can go to the next friday for a quicker update XD*
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 9 11/06)
Post by: rndmnwierd on November 15, 2009, 09:53:43 AM
Chapter 10: Up and Down

Risa stared in awe at the imposing figures that stood in the backyard, the three men had introduced themselves as representing the interests of the Yokohama gangs. Of course, Risa had no idea what that meant, but her brother seemed guarded about them, so it couldn’t be good.

“The Blues are willing to work something out of course.” Hiro told the walking refrigerator in the middle. This always cheerfully smiling man drew most of Risa’s attention, as Tanaka-dono stood a towering 198cm and was built like a Coke machine. The two who flanked him were the wiry and alert Doro-san and the bored looking Watsu-san, Kusumi-dono‘s second.

“Glad to hear it.” Tanaka-dono bellowed, “Hate to have to clear the street of your flags. For now, you can provide us with a show of faith, two full crates by Thursday.”

Looking beside her, Risa took in the pouty, young daughter of the Tanaka clan. She was playing with her nails and looking almost as bored as the Kusumi representative. “Would you like to play a game?” she asked amicably, only to receive a strange look in return. So much for making friends.

“Well, hello little one.” Tanaka-dono boomed out at Risa as he came to collect his own little girl, “Are you gonna help out your big brother gathering up some weapons for us?” Reina giggled happily when her father picked her up in one massive arm.

“Of course! I’m gonna be a Blue soon enough!” the future gunner puffed out her chest in pride and the big man laughed heartily.

“Maybe you would be interested in joining my gang then! My little Reina could always use some more friends.” he gave the youngest girl a warm look when she rolled her eyes at him.

“No way, no gang is better than the Blues. Thanks, but no thanks.” Risa swiftly declined, eliciting more laughter from the man. His deep bass rumbled through her chest in a pleasant sensation and the baby bean felt her own smile tug at her lips.

“I guess any gang with your brother in it is the best then. Too bad, we could use a spunky girl like yourself. You ever change your mind, I’m not hard to find.” and with that, Tanaka-dono was gone, making his way out to a dark sedan with his precious daughter cradled against him. She saw that he was followed by an all too eager to leave Watsu-san, but Doro-san was no where in sight.

Returning to her vantage point, Risa peered out into the backyard again, finding the Takashi representative conversing seriously with her brother. She couldn’t tell what they were saying, but it didn’t seem to please Hiro any. Finally, Doro-san walked towards the house and Risa watched her brother hang his head in what wasn’t quite a depressed way. More like he felt backed into a corner.

Hearing footsteps behind her, Risa spun around and noticed the Takashi representative regarding her curiously. “I don’t think this is any place for children. Go play somewhere else.”

Risa glared with every ounce of anger in her little body. Who did this man think he was, coming to their neighborhood and pushing around both her and her brother within the span of five minutes, “Good thing I don’t see any children here. Maybe you’re the one who needs to find another playground.”

He stalked towards her and Risa felt a spike of fear shoot up her spine, but held her ground when he grabbed her face. “Those eyes hold so much hatred, but you don’t really know anything about the world. Maybe I should teach you.”

“You could try.” Risa spat venomously and then kicked him hard in the shin. More startled than in any pain, Doro-san let her go and took a step back, giving her an appraising look.

“Good, keep that fire, you might need it some day soon.” He turned his back on her and walked away. Risa felt herself reaching for the miniature gun she had tucked into her belt before she thought better of it and stopped. The gun had been a birthday present two weeks ago and had come with strict orders not to use it unless necessary. Fortunately for Doro-san, this was an unnecessary time.

“Risa, let’s go home.” The tired voice of her big brother rang out from behind her.

“Onii-san.” she murmured, “Are you okay?” Hiro nodded slowly and then suddenly reached down to scoop her up into a big hug.

“No matter what happens to me, know that I love you.” he said firmly, confusing the future gunner greatly.


“Looking back on it now, I think he knew that he was being set up. He started training me more in how to use my weapon and timing how fast I could get to a suitable hiding place. He would always tell me to recognize when I was outgunned and outclassed and that it was better to run and live to fight another day.” Risa stared up at the ceiling with her hand folded behind her head as Eri sat up next to her crossed legged.

“I wouldn’t find out until much later, but after they returned to Tokyo, the bosses called a meeting. Tanaka-dono said that he thought it would be more beneficial to work with the Blues, as they had access to resources that the Tokyo bosses didn’t know about yet. Watsu-san only said that he didn’t like them and they should be killed immediately. The tie breaker was Doro-san.”

“He said that the Blues had the potential to be a problem later. Their pride would not let them ever submit to rival gangs and no matter how placid they looked, because of their resources, they would be able to rise up and put a major dent in the Tokyo forces. He said that it would be wise to nip them in the bud.”

“And so that’s what they did.”


Risa sat in her hidden cupboard, placidly reading a book. About a month had passed since the Blues had begun to work peacefully with the Tokyo gangs and despite the smooth sailing, she couldn’t help but follow her brother’s example and worry. The other Blues thought that this was a good step for their normally small time little band, but Hiro seemed to sense otherwise. He had recently been pushing to have her initiated into the gang and had been denied at every turn.

Thinking back on such a conversation she had overheard just last night, Risa lowered her book to her lap. She had been drawn to her brother’s familiar voice arguing repeatedly with someone in the hallway and had found him with one of the founders, nearly on his knees begging.

“Please,” Hiro had said, “reconsider my sister’s application. She needs to be a true Blue so that she has someone to take care of her when I’m gone.”

“I’ve already told you that she’s too young. I’m not going to cannonize a nine year old, nor am I going to ask her to bring back a Red head. We can accept your request when she turns fifteen.” the older man laid a gentle hand on her distraught brother’s shoulder, “Why are you so certain that you won’t be around for much longer? With the backing from our Tokyo brothers, there’s no way anyone will mess with us.”

“Only the one’s who we think have our backs can.” Hiro had replied and then Risa had snuck back around the corner.

For some reason, her brother’s complete certainty of his own demise did not bother her as much as his suspicions about their new found friends did. Maybe it was because he was so sure that his death would be at the hands of the Tokyoites and therefore preventable if the other Blues didn’t trust them. Or maybe it was because she had learned in her short time on Earth, that death was the only certainty in life. Not to say she wouldn’t miss Hiro when we was gone, just that there would be no stopping it if it was his time to go.

Shaking her head, Risa returned to her book, unable to pick up much from it with her distracted thoughts. This was a new book, one Ai had bought specifically for her about the nuances of the art of war. Though the older girl had been a little confused as to why she didn’t want a good fantasy book or happy romance like a normal little girl, she had gone out of her way to bring this for Risa. Her thoughtfulness brought a smile to the little bean’s face, Ai was so kind.

Try as she might, though, Risa could not seem to get back into the chapter on morale and her restless mind soon drove her to wiggle out into the open. She decided to head out back and see what her brother was up to and just as she reached the clear back doors, she paused. It seemed that if you thought of the devil, he would appear. Talking to Hiro outside was a very serious Doro-san and about six of his men.

Whatever was being said didn’t look very good, if the pensive, almost frightened expression on her brother’s face was any indication. She watched, trying to read their lips as Doro-san gesticulated wildly, but just as she reached out to slide open the door, a sudden movement caught her eye.

All six of the Takashi representative’s men had snapped their weapons up at the startled Blues that were gathered in various places around the yard. With a single motion, they opened fire, mowing down the helpless gangsters. Both Risa and Hiro were left too stunned to move as Doro leveled at pistol at the young man’s head. He mouthed an unmistakable, ‘I’m sorry.’ before the future gunner saw her beloved brother’s brain matter explode out of the back of his head.

An indescribable feeling began to well up in Risa’s chest until she realized that she could only see a thin film of red. Through her haze, she locked eyes with Doro-san for a long moment until he shouted and motioned towards her. His men turned their weapons to bear at her, but Risa felt as if she was moving through molasses and was unable to react. A hand grabbed her collar and yanked her backwards out of the line of fire just in time to avoid the bullets that sailed through the place where she had been standing.

A soft, warm hand threaded through hers and began to drag her in the direction of her reinforced stairs. Risa felt herself pulled along and pushed through her secret hide away until she was shoved into the far corner and a body was thrown over top of her. From the kitchen was the sound of bullets whizzing through her cupboard hiding place and the future gunner could imagine her books being torn to shreds as well as her red juice spilling violently out over the floor.

She wondered if that would give the illusion that she was dead. Footsteps thudded on the stairs above them as the men went up to search. Risa could hear them tearing through the rooms, including Ai-chan’s, before deeming the rest of the house clear. Everything else was a blur, but the next thing she remembered was those same soft hands shaking her shoulders and calling her name.

“Risa. Risa! Risa!” A pretty girl with deep eyes and big ears was looking at her in concern and the future gunner belatedly realized that it was Ai. “Are you okay?” she asked quietly.

Risa could only shake her head and shake off those warm hands. She had to see for herself up close. She had to find her brother and so she stumbled out back. He lay in front of her on his back, eyes frozen open in a horrible surprise with a hole in his forehead. A pool of blood surrounded his upper half, emanating from the hollow cavity where his brain had been.

Only feeling a peculiar numbness, Risa reached into her pocket and drew out two coins. She kneeled before the corpse and gently shut his eyes before placing the coins on the now closed lids, “Good warriors get to pay the ferryman.” she mumbled nonsensically to herself, unaware of Ai watching her worriedly from inside the house.

“Risa-chan, we have to go.” the older girl called out, hearing sirens begin to close in on their position.

As if she had just realized she wasn’t alone, Risa looked up startled, “Oh, hi. I guess this wasn’t the most ideal time to meet, huh?”

“Come on, I’ll take you back to my house for a while.” Ai pulled her to her feet and started to lead her off.


“I know she was worried about me for a long time after that, but I was in so much shock that I couldn’t even mourn.” Risa finished while watching her ex’s face and feeling Eri’s eyes burning into the side of her head, “When I finally did cry, I hated it so much that I just started to hate. I think she knew right away when I began to change and she tried her best to pull me out of my darkness. It worked, for a while, until the day that I became a part of Doro-san’s crew.”

“I read about that, too.” Eri confirmed to Risa’s unspoken question.

“Then I guess that’s a story for another day. Now, why don’t you tell me how you got shot?” Both girls sat facing each other and looked down at the barely noticeable bandage underneath Eri’s shirt.

“Ah, I’m surprised you saw that. It was pretty simple really. Not long ago, we got this call for domestic disturbance. Basically, some guy was slapping his wife around loudly enough for the neighbors to hear and we had to go take care of it.” Eri shrugged nonchalantly and Risa nodded in understanding, such things were common.

“We got out there, just the two of us, her a beat cop for all of two months and me not really expecting anything out of the ordinary when this woman comes bursting out of the house in hysterics. We can’t understand a word she’s saying, she’s so frightened and crying so hard. She was trying to tell us he had a gun. We didn’t realize it until he took aim at Reina. I just reacted.” Eri shrugged again, causing Risa to tilt her head.

“Wait, you just jumped in front of her? She couldn’t have taken the bullet herself?” the turtle girl laughed lightly at her tone.

“You make it sound as if I meant to get shot. I was trying to push us both out of harm’s way, but when I leapt at Reina, he changed his aim. We both landed behind our car and I called for back-up while she took a few shots at him. It all worked out in the end, not too much damage done to my insides and I only spent a week and a half in the hospital.” Yet another unaffected shrug.

“That’s pretty badass.” Risa acknowledged, thoughtfully nodding her head, “Will it scar too badly?”

“No, it shouldn’t. I kinda hoped it would, though.” the turtle mumbled through a sleepy yawn.

“Oh, looks like it’s your bedtime, huh?” Risa asked slyly and Eri nodded in agreement.

“It feels like such a long day.” she replied as she crawled to her feet, “Good night.” Eri waved over her shoulder as she left the room.

The room was unbearably silent for a long moment after she left and Risa turned her attention to her ex. Bringing up all those old memories made her think about why she had fallen for the woman in the first place. Ai was filled with the sort of unconditional loyalty that you just couldn’t find in most people today and she truly cared for those that she was close to. She had taken care of Risa until the day they parted.

As if sensing her thoughts, Ai moaned a little and began to stir. Risa nearly tripped over herself hopping out of her bed to check on the awakening beauty, running a tender hand across her cool forehead and down her cheek. “Ai?” she questioned softly as the other’s eyes fluttered, fighting against grogginess.

“Risa.” was the sluggish response when she could finally form words, “What happened?”

“You got shot dear, congratulations.” Relieved to finally see those orbs coherent, Risa broke into a brilliant smile, “You’ve been out of it since yesterday.”

“I missed a whole day?” Ai tried to sit up, but Risa held her down. When she tensed to struggle, the older girl groaned in pain.

“I wouldn’t suggest moving too much, you’re probably going to be sore for a while.” Still, Ai tried to sit up and Risa sighed in exasperation, leaning farther over her to hold on more firmly, “Why do you have to be so stubborn all the time Ai? Let me look out for you for once, you know you don’t have to always be strong around me.”

Ai appeared to ignore her words, but Risa knew she’d been heard when the older girl finally lay still, “What did I miss?”

“Well, after you passed out, Jun and I took care of Takashi-dono’s men and a couple of agents helped to bring you back here. Then all of us except Lin Lin and Kame-chan went to do some recon on a main safe house. That was pretty fun, but not too terribly exciting.” Risa perched herself on the bed next to Ai, “That’s it.”

“What do you mean by ‘took care of?’ You didn’t kill, did you?” Risa felt like rolling her eyes, but instead she just gave Ai a flat look. “You did! Even after I said not to.”

Sensing that her ex was gearing up for a rant, Risa quickly cut her off, partly because she didn’t want to hear it and partly so she didn’t strain herself, “Was I supposed to let them kill us? Or wait for back-up that wouldn’t have arrived on time? I keep telling you that it’s the only way to live! We would have died if I didn’t kill them first.”

Surprisingly, Ai’s doe eyes welled up with tears, “You can’t kill anymore, Risa. You can’t.” The gunner leaned down to wrap her arms around the distressed woman.

“I have no choice, it’s kill or be killed.” she felt warm wetness begin to soak her shoulder.

“I can’t let you do it. It hurts too much to see you hurting yourself like that.” Stunned, Risa pulled back to look Ai in the face, “You say you’ve changed, but you haven’t. From the first moment I saw you in that room, I knew that you were carrying this burden on your soul and it was eating you. You’ve always had such a kind heart. To see you repressing it like this is just too much! You don’t want to hurt anyone, you never did.” she degenerated into sorrowful sobs and Risa could only watch her in silence.

She realized that Ai wasn’t crying for her own pain, but Risa’s, that somehow, the older woman could see right through her, as she had always been able to. Even years apart couldn’t change that. Ai had known that everything she had said and done was just an act to hide how much being this way hurt her. She knew, she had always known.

“I’m sorry.” Ai sobbed into her hands, “I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you.”

Risa tried to speak through a lump in her throat, but no sound came out. Her realization, combined with reliving painful memories had left a chink in her normally unbreakable mask and she felt an unfamiliar sensation burning her eyes. Warm, salty water dripped from her tear ducts and fell down her cheeks and Risa couldn’t remember the last time she had cried.

Before she knew what happened, she was the one sobbing into her hands with Ai trying to comfort her. She was crying so hard, like a child; it felt as if she didn’t, she would just explode from the pressure that was built up from years of bottling up her feelings. Feelings she could only share with the woman holding her.

Risa wept for her innocence and her blood stained hands, for the time apart from her home and heart, for her self imposed anger and her defensiveness that hadn’t been there before. She finally let go of all that was holding her back and leaned forward to kiss Ai deeply, feeling the woman respond in kind. The held each other desperately, sharing in their pain and sorrow, finally together again.


Well, here ya go. Sorry it's a little later than usual, but I haven't felt much like writing recently. I'm passed a few actions scenes and now I'm stuck. If anything's confusing here, make sure to comment on it, also don't mind any spelling or grammar mistakes, I totally don't have an editor. :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 10 11/15)
Post by: kuro808 on November 15, 2009, 10:10:34 AM
I like the chapter, it has a lot of important scenes and the red scene has a dynamic impact in my mind right now
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 10 11/15)
Post by: amEthystx on November 15, 2009, 11:33:24 AM
Risa wept for her innocence and her blood stained hands, for the time apart from her home and heart, for her self imposed anger and her defensiveness that hadn’t been there before.

Take the step and there is no return.. I hope Gaki-san will not be too lost in everything and ends up thinking she is unworthy of anyone..

Ohhhh~ Its so saddening~   :fainted:

 :mon bat: *poof*
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 10 11/15)
Post by: badsaints on November 15, 2009, 01:23:29 PM
They say that when you take another life, you also kill a part of yourself :( This chapter explains why Ai was so adamant on the no-killing rule and also why Risa won't let anyone but herself take the burden of the assassination

It must have taken a lot for Risa to join the very man who kill her brother :O
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 10 11/15)
Post by: kawaii beam on November 15, 2009, 11:26:02 PM
she's just all over the place isnt she?>.<
she's lucky to have someone like ai-chan there for her
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 10 11/15)
Post by: lil_hamz on November 16, 2009, 12:02:18 PM
I think I'm in love with Risa....(like I'm not already XD)

She is just so droolworthy!!! *shoves Ai out of the way* :lol:

OK, now on to the proper commenting. I think all that passing of notes was so cute. And the way Risa reacted to Ai's replies was even cuter!!! Can you tell I'm falling like crazy for that beanie? It's all thanks to your awesome writing of course :)

I can see the KameMame friendship becoming really good. Maybe even to the extent of them taking bullets for each other like how Eri did for Reina. But nope, no budding feelings of love anywhere. Just one question though, why did Eri kiss Risa?

Can I say that TakaGaki are back together for good now? Or are you gonna throw a spanner in the works? You keep me coming back for more and you make my phone bill skyrocket but you know what? I DON'T CARE!!! XD Cuz B&B is that great!!
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 10 11/15)
Post by: kRisZ on November 17, 2009, 03:02:53 PM
“Risa-chan, we have to go.” the older girl called out, hearing sirens begin to close in on their position.

As if she had just realized she wasn’t alone, Risa looked up startled, “Oh, hi. I guess this wasn’t the most ideal time to meet, huh?”

“Come on, I’ll take you back to my house for a while.” Ai pulled her to her feet and started to lead her off.

Indeed. Risa  :cry:

“You got shot dear, congratulations.”

Nice  XD

“What do you mean by ‘took care of?’ You didn’t kill, did you?” Risa felt like rolling her eyes, but instead she just gave Ai a flat look. “You did! Even after I said not to.”

That’s what we call Lovers Quarrel  :roll:

Surprisingly, Ai’s doe eyes welled up with tears, “You can’t kill anymore, Risa. You can’t.” The gunner leaned down to wrap her arms around the distressed woman.


“I’m sorry.” Ai sobbed into her hands, “I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you.”

That's ouches

Before she knew what happened, she was the one sobbing into her hands with Ai trying to comfort her. She was crying so hard, like a child; it felt as if she didn’t, she would just explode from the pressure that was built up from years of bottling up her feelings. Feelings she could only share with the woman holding her.


Risa wept for her innocence and her blood stained hands, for the time apart from her home and heart, for her self imposed anger and her defensiveness that hadn’t been there before. She finally let go of all that was holding her back and leaned forward to kiss Ai deeply, feeling the woman respond in kind. The held each other desperately, sharing in their pain and sorrow, finally together again.

FINALLY!!!    :mon fyeah:   :gmon twirl:   :onioncheer:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 10 11/15)
Post by: rndmnwierd on November 24, 2009, 03:08:15 AM
Gone drinkin'. Will reply laterz.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 10 11/15)
Post by: rndmnwierd on November 24, 2009, 03:09:16 AM
Chapter 11: And in the end, it's only round and round and round

Reina awoke to the familiar sensation of a warm body pressed up against her back. As this was the second time she’d gone to bed alone and later found herself with a companion, Reina sat up quickly, ready to give whoever it was a piece of her mind. Her eyes adjusted to the darkness and she looked down at the form next to her. It was Sayumi, breathing deeply in her slumber and wrapping her arms loosely around Reina’s waist.

For a long moment, Reina regarded the con artist, she was peaceful for once, her usually mischievous smirk no where to be seen. The cop actually considered letting her be, until she heard a small giggle from the other bed. Snapping her head around, Reina locked eyes with her partner.

“I’ve never seen you look at someone so intensely. Should I be jealous?” Eri teased lightly, causing a blush to rise on Reina’s face.

In response, the kitty shook her bedmate until she stirred, “Get up. What are you doing here?”

“I’m sleeping.” Sayu grumbled, trying to bury her head into Reina’s back.

“Why aren’t you in your own bed?” the cop asked, shaking her off. Annoyed, Sayumi lifted her head to glare.

“It’s too hot in my room with Lin’s computers running all night. Besides, I can’t sleep with all the racket she’s making on her keyboard. Now can I go back to bed?” she lifted her eyebrow in questioning.

“No. Get out.” Reina crossed her arms and glared, the dark room barely hiding her blushing face. She wasn’t sure why this was working her up so much.

“You can sleep with me, Sayu.” Eri offered, lifting her blankets encouragingly.

The sleepy bunny rolled to her feet and slid in beside the older girl, almost immediately falling back into slumberland. Eri stuck her tongue out at her partner and curled up with the lawless girl, closing her eyes against the comforting warmth.

Feeling inexplicably cold and lonely, Reina rolled onto her side and closed her eyes tightly. She was a little mad at her partner for encouraging that infuriating con, but at the same time, she wanted Sayu to fight to stay with her more forcefully. Realizing that she wasn’t going to get much sleep with her mind in turmoil like it was, Reina threw off her covers and got out of bed. She decided to head down to the bar for a while, not noticing two pairs of eyes watching her from the other bed.

The elevator ride felt like it took forever and Reina did her best to blank out her thoughts until she reached the bottom. There was almost no one in the lounge/bar except for a lone man at the far end and surprisingly, Ai and Risa sharing a small table in the middle of the room. When she entered, in her bright orange track pants and plain tee, they both looked up at her, seeming just as surprised to see her as she was them.

The two exchanged a quick look before waving her over and Reina hesitated for a split second before joining them. As she got closer, she took notice of their puffy, red eyes and wondered what they had been talking about before she’d shown up. Both were loosely holding different alcoholic beverages, Ai’s in a tall Collins glass and Risa’s was in a small highball glass.

As soon as she sat down, the bartender came over to take her order, “Milk, warm please.” Reina glanced innocently at the strange looks her companions gave her, “What? It helps me sleep.” After staring for another second, the older girls shook their heads and let it go.

“What bring you down here?” Risa asked amicably, leaning back in her seat. Reina noticed that she wasn’t in her pajamas, though Ai was.

“Couldn’t sleep. What are you guys doing here?” Reina nodded in thanks to the bartender when he brought her drink.

The two shared a look before Ai answered, “We were just catching up with each other. It’s been long overdue.” They shared a tender smile and Reina felt like a third wheel, the sensation quickly becoming familiar.

“If I was interrupting, I can just leave.” Reina said, starting to rise. She was immediately halted by Risa’s hand on her wrist.

“No, stay, I wanted to talk to you anyway. Have you given anymore thought on contacting your father?” Reina saw Ai give her a confused look at the question and Risa turned to her to answer her unspoken query, “Since we’re being honest and everything, you should know that Tanakacchi and I go way back. Even after my brother died, her father would keep tabs on me and visit every once in a while. At first it was every couple of weeks and sometimes he would bring her along. As I got older, he started to visit only closer to holidays and such.”

Risa gave an amused glance to the youngest girl, “Usually to ask what kind of presents to get you. He always told me he had no idea how to raise a teenaged girl.” This seemed to make Ai even more confused and she squinted as her sharp mind tried to put together the pieces she had, realizing that there was a major one missing.

“Who is her father?” Ai asked, gaining subdued looks from her companions.

“He’s the second Yakuza boss we have to deal with.” The older girl’s eyes widened considerably at that, “So you can see where this concerns us.”

“You’re not planning on-” Reina cut her off quickly.

“No! No.” she continued much more calmly, “We definitely want to avoid that.”

“Yes.” Risa nodded in agreement, “Though we’re not sure what to do.”

“Have you tried talking to him? Maybe he won’t put up a fight or you can come to some kind of agreement.” Ai suggested reasonably.

“Well, neither of us have talked to him in a long time, I’m not sure how he’d react to us saying, ‘Could you please step aside while we destroy your life’s work?’” Risa shrugged and Ai rolled her eyes. This sounded like a familiar argument. “But he would probably be more receptive to negotiation if his daughter would try to make contact again.”

“I’m don’t even know where to start.” Reina said sullenly. Risa whipped out a pen and jotted something down on a napkin, before sliding it over to the younger girl. Reina looked at it and saw a phone number, “What is- Is this?” she furrowed her brows at the gunner.

“A phone call might be just the thing you need to set yourself on the right course. A simple chat will do wonders.” Risa smiled encouragingly at her, but Reina suddenly adopted a guilty look.

“I don’t know. The last time we met, I said some pretty harsh things. He might still be mad. I was never suited to be his daughter or his successor, even you were closer to him than I was. You said it yourself.” Reina fiddled with the napkin, picking at the edges with her fingers.

“That’s not true, Tanakacchi.” Risa gently squeezed the wrist still under her hand, “Your father has always adored you and has only ever wanted what’s best for you, as any proud parent would. And I was never closer to him than you were, he just wished that you would have embraced the life like I did. As it was, he wasn’t sure how to raise someone with opposite morals from himself.”

Reina looked up when she felt another supporting hand on her arm to see Ai giving her a comforting glance as Risa continued, “He’s a good man, but a bad guy. And you are his flesh and blood. How can you possibly be any closer?” Risa gave her arm a shake for emphasis, “Besides, you’ll never know how he feels unless you talk to him.”

Reina absorbed this quietly, hating to admit that the other girl was right. Talking over the phone would hurt, could it? Doubt began to set in again and Reina pulled her arms away from the warm, comforting grips to wrap them around herself, “I’ll think about it.” The napkin was clutched close to her chest.

Suddenly, Ai let out a jaw creaking yawn an found herself the center of attention, “ It’s getting late, maybe we should sleep on it.” she suggested wisely, reaching out for Risa’s hand. The three got up, the gunner tossing some cash on the table as they did so.

They made their way back upstairs in companionable silence and parted at their doors’, throwing out their goodnights to each other.

“Have sweet dreams, Tanakacchi.” Risa added pointedly and they shared a meaningful look before turning to their own beds.

Suitably distracted, Reina crawled into bed, sitting the slightly wrinkled napkin on her bedside table and curling up on her side to stare at it. The conversation from earlier kept ringing in her head and Reina found herself indecisive. Her father represented all that she found evil in the world. When she’d got it into her head to become a cop, she’d made it her ultimate goal to deal with her father’s crimes personally and now that she had the chance, she was hesitating.

Despite herself and her racing thoughts, Reina found herself drifting off and for the first time in a long time that she could remember, she dreamed.


“So you and Tanaka-chan know each other?” Ai asked as she and Risa lay in bed together, turned to face one another in the darkness.

“Yeah, I met her around the same time I knew you.” Risa said nonchalantly, reaching out to brush a piece of hair behind Ai’s ear.

“Should I be jealous?” The older girl asked seriously, causing the gunner to snort out a laugh.

“Of Tanakacchi? No way! If anything we’re acquaintances, nothing more. I just have kind of a soft spot for the girl, her dad is a good friend of mine.” Risa bit her lip for a second before she snuggled closer to Ai, burying her head under the older girl’s chin. “I’ve really missed this.” she sighed, relaxing considerably when warm arms wrapped around her back.

“We’re going to have to be careful about this.” Ai said regretfully, rubbing slow circles on the younger girl’s back.

“Why? None of the others care and they probably have known before we even got back together.” Lin and Eri’s words about her obvious care for the woman rang in her head.

“Still, we can’t trust them fully, any of them. Who knows what their true intentions are?” Risa nodded in reluctant agreement, “So, nothing too affectionate in public anymore?”

“Yeah, okay. Professional distance, but you have to remember too.” The gunner yawned and snuggled deeper into her companion, quickly falling asleep. Ai was awake for only a few moments longer, still stroking Risa’s back.


Then next morning, Risa strolled into Lin’s room with a cheerful smile, obviously well rested. “Good morning! You look like crap!” she observed happily, to Lin’s consternation.

“Thanks, and good morning to you too. You look like you got laid.” The hacker turned her bloodshot eyes back to her monitors, ignoring Risa’s sputtering denials.

“I haven’t, really! We, I mean, it’s too soon for that.” Risa blushed at the thought of her and Ai together like that. True they were adults now, but still, she just couldn’t bring herself to try anything like that. Yet. “A-Anyway, have you been up all night?”

“Yeah, I haven’t found anything interesting yet. Or any patterns really. The brothers make periodic checks to their factories, but it doesn’t seem to have any rhyme or reason. I’ve written down what dates and times, but so far, nothing.” Lin yawned loudly and stretched her neck.

“You know, it’s a lot cooler in here. Did you do something?” Risa sat on the edge of the bed, leaning back on her hands.

“Yeah, I finished installing liquid cooling in my computers. I never needed it in all six before, but I was afraid they would overheat.” The hacker patted one of her desktops affectionately, “These things are very sensitive, you know?”

“Uh, yeah. Liquid cooling? When did you get that in?” The older girl tilted her head as she asked.

“I’ve had Jun Jun and Aika running around for me. They looked like they needed to get out for a while.” Lin answered easily.

“Does that mean you and Jun are getting along now?” The gunner asked in interest, she didn’t know the whole story behind their feud, but anybody could see the animosity between the two.

“For now. Though I don’t know how long it will last. Jun’s very professional and she’s getting used to me, but she will never stop blaming me for her brother’s death. Maybe she shouldn’t.” The last was added almost too quietly for Risa to pick up on, but she did.

“What happened?” she asked softly, raising her eyebrows slightly.

“China’s very strict. He was teaching me how to hack, but I tried to get into the wrong place. They traced it back to his computer and to him. They said he had a gun and shot him down, but he didn’t, wouldn’t. He was a pacifist.” Lin’s Japanese became choppy as she relived her memories, looking down at her hands in her lap. Risa reached out to grasp them gently, offering silent comfort. “I couldn’t do anything.”

“Why don’t you go get a shower, I’ll watch the monitors for a while.” The gunner suggested quietly, but firmly. Lin knew an order when she heard one and complied, quickly gathering her stuff and heading to the bathroom.

Risa followed her with her eyes until the door shut and then turned to the security cameras with a sigh. Why did all of them have to be filled with so much guilt? All of their stories were the same, knowing only death and living only crime, they were too young to be this way. What really amazed her, was that most of them still seemed to have innocence left. Even Jun, who had killed, and Ai, who was truly an adult.

Thinking about how youthful her companions seemed, even through their hardships, made Risa feel very old and tired. She lamented her jaded existence and wondered, not for the first time, what her life would be like if she had simply stayed with Ai. Would she have had so many stains on her soul? Would she feel guilty for living?

Feeling herself beginning to spiral into dark thoughts, she focused her attention on the surveillance footage, running at x2 speed. She suddenly realized she should have asked Lin to explain the controls before she left the room, but then shrugged, it couldn’t be that hard. She poked at the keyboard, finding the pause and play buttons easily. The speed controls took a little more poking, but after a minute, Risa felt she had the buttons down.

Settling in to watch the screens, the gunner rested her head on her hands, propped up by her elbows. There were only one surveillance video for each plant and it was only of the outside. You could just see the activity through the windows, but unless you knew what you were looking at, you couldn’t tell what was going on. Risa tried to count how many men there were, but it was a veritable swarm in both places, the x2 speed not helping the imagine of men running around frantically.

Suddenly, Risa smacked the pause button. Both screens froze and she stared at the figures that had walked onto the screen at the wharf, there was no mistaking the brothers that they were tracking. The older one, Kenjiro, was dressed in a long, dark trench coat and his face was covered in piercings. The younger brother, Yasuyuki, wore a small, leather vest and tattoos crept out of his collar to cover his shaved head. She hit play and let the video resume at a normal speed.

They were followed by a small entourage and they made their way into the warehouse, the workers giving them a wide berth. Only a few minutes after they disappeared inside did all the workers in the building leave. Risa’s eyes widened, taking note of the date; two months ago. She quickly jotted it down on Lin’s paper, pausing the video again to study the notes.

When the hacker emerged from the steamy bathroom much later, she found Risa staring intently at the monitors in front of her, this moving at normal speed. It took a second for Lin to realize that it was a live feed and she blinked in surprise, “I know you can’t be finished with archives, there was at least seven years of activity on them. I only looked at the last ten months so far.”

“I’ve seen all I need to and I found the pattern.” The gunner explained, waving the paper in her hands at Lin, “You just needed a fresh set of eyes to notice. Every month, the brothers gather at one of the factories for a party. They dismiss all the workers and leave only a small group inside. That’s seventy men turned into ten. The party is the pattern and their weakness.”

Risa turned excitedly to the younger girl, a grin spreading across her face, “Even though there’s no set date or predicable time, it’s what they do. I mean, they could have a party at the wharf on the 30th and then head up to the farm on the 1st, but it only happens once a month. I hope…” Risa scratched her head, excitement wearing off a little, “If I am right, though, it will be easy to trap them. We just need to keep a close eye on the wharf for a while, that should be where their next party happens.”

“So, what? How are we supposed to do that?” Lin perched on the bed, a towel over her shoulders.

“We wait. And you watch.” The gunner instructed firmly.

“Eh? Much more of this sitting around and I’m going to get fat!” The little hacker gestured to her trash bin, which was full of take out boxes and fast food bags. “I can’t exactly make anything healthy with your slave driving all the time.” she said half in jest.

“If you really want me to treat you like a slave, I’m sure I kind find a whip around here.” Risa laughed, “Unfortunately, you’re our info, without you, we can’t do anything else. Tell you what, you find someone who can work you computers for you and you can have a break, until then, suck it up. You can have some freedom when we take down these brothers.”

Both girls shared a laugh, “Well, you seem pretty capable of working these things yourself. How about I try leading the team for a while?”

A knock at the door drew their attention away from their merriment and Lin let a still groggy Ai into the room. The older girl immediately sought out her girlfriend, curling up onto her lap cutely, seeming to fall back asleep as soon as her head rested comfortably on the gunner’s shoulder. Lin and Risa seemed at a loss for a moment, frozen staring at the new addition in confusion. Finally, the gunner gingerly wrapped her arms around the bundle on her lap and settled down more securely in the chair, while Lin reclaimed her seat on the bed.

“Anyway, we’ll start spending time hanging out around the wharf area, while you keep an eye on the monitors. If nothing happens for the rest of the month, then I’ll think of something else.” Risa said, ignoring the hacker’s look at her and Ai.

“Eh?” That got Lin’s attention, “but it’s the beginning of the month! Are you really gonna keep me cooped up here for that long?”

“Of course not, teach Ai what to look for and you and she can take shifts or something. She’s not going to be coming with us quite yet and I think you could both use the company.” Risa finally acknowledged Lin’s questioning stare, “What is it?”

“Are you two dating? For real?” The hacker leaned forward eagerly and Risa rolled her eyes.

“I don’t see how my relationship with Ai is relevant here.” the gunner responded diplomatically, earning a grin from the inquirer.

“So that’s a yes? Come on, I told you my story! Give me something!” Lin pleaded with puppy eyes, causing Risa to laugh lightly.

“Alright, yes. Happy?” The hacker’s look obviously encouraged her to elaborate, “We talked it over and decided that we wanted to give us a try again, as adults this time. Though we need to take it slow, as this isn’t really an ideal situation for romance.”

Satisfied, Lin nodded, “Good, I’m glad. You two seem to make each other happy and she’s clearly attached to you.” she gestured to the sleeping beauty on Risa’s lap.

“Happy? Until last night, we’ve done nothing except butt heads around you guys, how would you know?” Risa asked in disbelief, shifting Ai in her arms slightly.

“I just knew. I’m good like that.” The hacker boasted and the two spent a while teasing each other and talking comfortably.

Eventually, Risa decided to round up the troops and head out to the wharf area, lifting Ai and placing her in Lin’s vacated bed, “Watch over her while I’m gone?”

“Of course.” The hacker replied easily, earning herself a pat on the head. Heading to Jun and Aika’s room, she found the pair already awake and ready for the day, playing cards on the thief’s bed.

“I’m calling a meeting in the cop’s room.” Risa informed them and they followed her across the hall. Barging into the room, they saw Sayu and Eri awake and watching tv, while Reina was still cocooned in her bed. Risa and Aika made themselves comfortable on either side of the sleeping yankii, as Jun took the chair in the corner.

“Well, good morning to you guys.” Eri said, smoothing down her messy hair, Sayumi, next to her just yawned out a greeting.

“Well, we’re going to the wharf, go get ready guys. We’ll wait for Tanakacchi to get up.” Risa grinned mischievously. Eri gathered her things and headed for the bathroom, while Sayu headed back to her own room. To kill some time, Risa pulled out her phone and flipped through her contacts, noticing she now had the numbers of everyone on her ‘team’. Is this what Eri meant when she said she programmed the phones?

She sent Lin a text, ‘Do you have my number?’ The reply came a few minutes later, seeming a bit hesitant.

‘Yeah, did you put it in here?’ Reina shifted into Risa’s side and threw an arm around her waist comfortably. The gunner smiled and rested her hand on the younger girl’s shoulder, exchanging an amused look with Aika.

‘No.’ She typed back, ‘I think that was Kamei-san’s doing. It makes it easier to stay in touch, though.’

She looked down at the adorable sleeping face of Reina again, unable to keep the grin off her face. Really, she looked so innocent like this, nothing like the terror she knew and remembered. Risa affectionately stroked her messy hair, gaining a small purring sound and a cuddle to her hip. Her phone beeped with a two worded message from Lin, signaling her acknowledgment.

“Tanaka-san sure is different when she sleeps, huh?” Aika asked quietly, lightly scratching the cop’s back like she was petting a kitten. A shiver ran through the sleeping girl at the ticklish sensation, but she didn’t wake.

“You really look up to her?” Risa asked curiously at the soft tone the thief used. Aika blushed slightly and scratched her head.

“Well, yeah. She’s good at her job and has such conviction in it, so what if she doesn’t like criminals. Who really does?” the girl defended, growing redder at Risa’s knowing look, “Also she’s really strong minded and sure.”

“Do I sense a girl crush, Mitsui-chan?” Jun asked from across the room, much to the thief’s consternation.

“No! Of course not!” Aika cried, causing both her companions to burst into laughter.

“Looks like you’ve got some competition Jun Jun!” Risa joked, to the Chinese woman’s amusement.

“Guess I’ll just have to work harder for little Aika’s heart, huh?” The older women degenerated into laughs again, causing the object of their teasing to scowl.

“Jeez you guys! Cut it out.” she grumbled with a pout, her cute face making Risa want to pinch her cheeks. She settled for patting her head lightly.

“Don’t take it so seriously, Tanakacchi’s a good role model to have. She’s a good girl.” This seemed to appease Aika somewhat, but she still pursed her lips in displeasure for a moment longer. The three settled into comfortable silence once more.

Finally, Reina began to stir from her nightly hibernation, realizing that she was a lot warmer than when she went to bed. Slowly her eyes blinked open sleepily and she looked up at two grinning faces for the second time. When her mind finally registered that she was cuddled up quite comfortably to Risa, who was still stroking her hair, and Aika, who was rubbing her back, she groaned and pulled a pillow over her head.

“I hate you guys!” The three in the room exploded at her muffled words, holding their stomachs from laughing so hard. It was just so priceless! “What are you doing here?”

“We came to collect you. We’re going to head down to the wharf and wait.” Risa explained.

“Wait for what?” Reina moaned, struggling into a sitting position and trying to smooth out her hair.

“Just wait. Since the wharf is at least a forty minute drive, we need to be close by when Lin gives the signal.” Risa slid out of the bed to let Reina up and she rummaged around for her clothes for the day.

“What signal?” she asked, tilting her head curiously.

“The signal that let’s us know when to attack.” The gunner said, deliberately seeming as if it was obvious.

“Attack what!?” Frustrated, Reina threw her hands up, scattering the clothes in her arms. Jun and Aika smothered their laughter behind their hands.

“The drug suppliers, of course.” Unaffected from the outburst, Risa clarified nonchalantly. Reina took a deep breath, gearing up to yell, when Eri suddenly emerged from the bathroom, refreshed from her shower and hugged her partner affectionately.

“Good morning~!” she sing songed cheerfully, completely deflating the younger girl’s anger.

Giving up, Reina just growled and stomped her way into the vacated shower. Eri was confused, but quickly gather what had happened, “You know she’s going to be grumpy all day, right?” she asked Risa, but the gunner just shrugged.

“If it keeps her on her toes, that’s fine with me. Besides, don’t you agree that she’s so cute when she’s mad?” The same aged girls shared a mischievous smile.


Soon enough, everyone had gathered and they headed down to the van, driving to the wharf area. The day was fruitless and they came back empty handed.

The next day was the same.

And the next.

And the next, until a week had passed. The only progress they had was slowly becoming closer and getting on each other’s nerves at the same time. Since they just drove around for six hours at a time, circling the warehouse district, there wasn’t much for them to do but talk or play cards.

Each night they came back, tired of each other and looking forward to the next day and dreading the next day. Routine monotony was beginning to set in and tempers sometimes flared, not for actual animosity, but more for lack of anything better to do.

Sayumi and Reina were the two most frequent culprits, fighting like cats and dogs all day and the con still trying to sneak into the cop’s bed every night. Reina began to get used to the constant interruptions of her sleep schedule and they began their own routine of Sayu climbing in behind her, Reina waking up and then kicking her to Eri’s bed, where the con stayed the rest of the night.

The weather was cold, winter setting in hard and everyone was going a little stir crazy. Something had to change.


I will post this before I head off into the moonlight though.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 11 11/23)
Post by: kuro808 on November 24, 2009, 04:05:20 AM
interesting chapter

Reina should call the father  :lol:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 11 11/23)
Post by: kawaii beam on November 24, 2009, 04:15:32 AM
very interesting XD poor reina seems she cant get a break
cant wait for the next one X3
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 11 11/23)
Post by: badsaints on November 24, 2009, 04:57:33 AM
*grinning widely right now* Do I sense a hint of Tanashige here? Oh but Aika got a crush on Reina too XD (who won't when she's sooooooo damn cute :wub:) Sigh I like that you insert the rokkies friendship in here as well :heart:

don’t you agree that she’s so cute when she’s mad?”
Hell yeah! XD but nothing for Ai to be jealous for. Gaki still belong to her XD

I'm :heart: this story more than ever, if that's even possible :D
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 11 11/23)
Post by: amEthystx on November 24, 2009, 05:20:49 AM
1. Ai and Risa are finally taking the first step out.. =]

“Good morning! You look like crap!”

“Thanks, and good morning to you too. You look like you got laid.”

LOL~  :lol: oh~ and Lin finally got her computer equipped with liquid cooling  :thumbsup without that she would be a hot piece of crap instead =X

A knock at the door drew their attention away from their merriment and Lin let a still groggy Ai into the room. The older girl immediately sought out her girlfriend, curling up onto her lap cutely, seeming to fall back asleep as soon as her head rested comfortably on the gunner’s shoulder.

Sooooooo cute~  XD

“I hate you guys!”

-> Reina is saying this to all of us too? course i bet all of us reading enjoys seeing her like this too.. LOL Voting for a 3rd time *runs away*

5. Reina's rabbit kicking routine -> ohhhhh~ Rabbit is determined! Go go go!

 :mon bat:

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 11 11/23)
Post by: Kuji on November 24, 2009, 05:49:31 AM
Do I need to start chanting for TanaShige? XD Reina's reaction after Sayu leaves her bed is so tsundere-like.
Ai and Risa were adorable this chapter. I was thinking, 'so much for professional distance :roll: ' when sleepy Ai came in to snuggle into Risa's lap. They're so obvious.

Sayu and Reina's fighting makes me think of those dramas where  you know the people who fight the most always end up together at the end... of course, we don't that yet. Who knows, Mitsui could come in and swoop Reina away from underneath the bunny's nose or it could be revealed through some twist that it was TanaKame all along. :P I'll wait and see.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 11 11/23)
Post by: lil_hamz on November 24, 2009, 07:25:10 AM
Ohhh--kie.... I'm betting a green tea frappuccino that the next chapter will see some action at the wharf. *excited*

Something tells me there's gonna be a 6kkie triangle with Reina and Sayu  :heart: each other with Aika and Eri  :heart: Reina. Wow, the kitty's really popular huh? XD

I like how comfortable Risa is getting with the other girls. But I know it's almost too nice a situation to stay for long.  What are you gonna do to them?!?!!? Maim/blind/comatose someone? TEEEEEEEEEEEEEL MEEEEEEEEEEE :banghead:

Just so you know, I'm really warming up to Lin2 in your fic. Reina too. Gah, did I say Reina? :shocked Keep throwing in more TakaGaki cute moments. I  :wub: those.

PS: I drink milk to help me sleep too :P


New page gets!! :P
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 11 11/23)
Post by: kRisZ on November 24, 2009, 01:56:32 PM
“I’ve never seen you look at someone so intensely. Should I be jealous?”

Yay!  :w00t:

“You can sleep with me, Sayu.” Eri offered, lifting her blankets encouragingly.

Should Reina be jealous?  XD

As she got closer, she took notice of their puffy, red eyes and wondered what they had been talking about before she’d shown up

Kiss and make up dear  :nya:

“Milk, warm please.”

Damn  :lol:

‘Could you please step aside while we destroy your life’s work?’”


“A phone call might be just the thing you need to set yourself on the right course. A simple chat will do wonders.”


What really amazed her, was that most of them still seemed to have innocence left. Even Jun, who had killed, and Ai, who was truly an adult.

That's what I like about them

A knock at the door drew their attention away from their merriment and Lin let a still groggy Ai into the room. The older girl immediately sought out her girlfriend, curling up onto her lap cutely, seeming to fall back asleep as soon as her head rested comfortably on the gunner’s shoulder. Lin and Risa seemed at a loss for a moment, frozen staring at the new addition in confusion. Finally, the gunner gingerly wrapped her arms around the bundle on her lap and settled down more securely in the chair, while Lin reclaimed her seat on the bed.


lifting Ai and placing her in Lin’s vacated bed,

 :nya:  :luvluv1:

“Good morning~!” she sing songed cheerfully, completely deflating the younger girl’s anger.

TanaKame  :w00t:

Sayumi and Reina were the two most frequent culprits, fighting like cats and dogs all day and the con still trying to sneak into the cop’s bed every night. Reina began to get used to the constant interruptions of her sleep schedule and they began their own routine of Sayu climbing in behind her, Reina waking up and then kicking her to Eri’s bed, where the con stayed the rest of the night.

Lovely to imagine  :luvluv2:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 11 11/23)
Post by: rndmnwierd on November 24, 2009, 05:09:58 PM
@kuro-kun - I agree, she should just suck it up. XD

@kawaii-chan - Yeah, but she secretly likes the attention. :P

@baddie - Maybe just a hint or two. ;)

@Baby Sticky - 1. Yup, trying to take it slow.

2. I'm glad you brought the cooling thing to my attention, I didn't even take that into account. lol

3. So much for taking it slow, huh? :lol:

4. She likes it.

5. Yup, routine. :yep:

@Kuji - You can chant if you like, it may or may not influence my decision  ;) You guys are giving me too many good ideas for twists.

@Hammy-san - Eww, green tea frappuccino, you can keep it, please. :lol:
Reina is very popular, isn't she IRL too?
Ah, don't bang your head! Would it make you feel better if I said I'd maim someone in the face? Two people? Though I'm not saying who...
I rather like Linx2 and I think she's actually pretty close to Ai and Risa, their characters just mesh well. And isn't Reina so awesome when she doesn't come between Takagaki?
Actually, I don't take anything to help me sleep, though I(think) heard somewhere that Reina likes milk? Maybe?

@kRisZ - Lolz, don't get too happy about the Tanakame teasing.
But lot's of 'making up' for Takagaki in later chapters. I've got this awesome scene planned for when Ai heals a little better. ;)
Glad you enjoyed so many parts!
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 11 11/23)
Post by: Sancho on November 25, 2009, 03:22:27 AM
Sorry for not replying on your last 2 chapters. Playing Dragon age really kills time  XD XD.

Anyway, Same as before, the story is getting interesting  :D. I'm still curious of Risa's brother. Death threat always cling on the word Gangster. I'm just curious with the details though XD XD. But I think I'm expecting it in the future, am I?  :D

Showing that Risa and Ai want to try their relationship again made me thought of my personal thing. Will it work like the same as before? I wonder.  :)

I really love the way these criminals and her partner treat Reina. I guess her character is so obvious to everyone. They can read her mind easily. Except for her personal matters though. I wonder what will she do with her father. I hope she'll do something that she won't regret for her entire life.  Please continue   :twothumbs :twothumbs
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 11 11/23)
Post by: amEthystx on November 25, 2009, 04:46:13 PM
OMG  :stunned:

@Baby Sticky

lOoks like i'm really gonna get stuck to this nickname.. LOL~

Reply to no.4: She likes it??? LOL so she is just being tough again then i guess XD

kitty kitty~  :mon cute:

Oh~ I recently saw this old movie all over again~ some how or rather it got me thinking about this story~ haha...and thought maybe you might like it~ its in Cantonese though but there are english sub titles~

Title: So Close (夕阳天使)

About 2 sisters whom are assassins~ but only the elder sis goes on the mission to kill and the younger sis uses technologies to assist her~ Then there is a cop that is hunting them down...but eventually there is a slight twist in the story~

So Close 01 (

The first part is here.. you will get hooked~ really.. LOL~


 :mon bat:

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 11 11/23)
Post by: rndmnwierd on November 25, 2009, 05:40:23 PM
@Sancho - Dragon Age, lol, I heard it was good. How are you curious about Risa's brother? Takagaki relationship, what can I say about it? It'll take work.
And Reina wears her heart on her sleeve, for the most part, lol.

@Baby Sticky - Haha, yes you are stuck with it. But it's so cute. Ooo! So close! I love that movie, I have the dubbed version somewhere. *rifles through junk* Somewhere... I wanted to see it subbed instead, but I couldn't find it like that to buy. I've also seen the sequel, which was really weird. The same characters but and different life and that guy made me mad there. But a pretty okay movie action wise. Definitely not as good as the first one, which seriously almost made me cry at THAT part.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 11 11/23)
Post by: amEthystx on November 25, 2009, 05:53:28 PM
Ohhh~! you have seen it before! Haha~ There is a sequel to it? I didn't know o.O

ohhh~ the one i link you to the original version with eng subs~ but i rather watch it on DVD~ better images~

but I couldn't find it like that to buy.
-> u mean you cnt find the dvd that have the original voice with subs?

cry at what part? Which THAT part???  :dunno:

 :mon bat:

~ Baby Sticky ~

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 11 11/23)
Post by: rndmnwierd on November 25, 2009, 06:35:01 PM
There is a sequel to it? I didn't know
If you liked the actors in the first one, it's worth a look at least. There are some cool parts.
u mean you cnt find the dvd that have the original voice with subs?
Yes, that's what I meant.

cry at what part? Which THAT part???
The part where the older sister dies.<--- Highlight for answer.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 11 11/23)
Post by: lil_hamz on November 30, 2009, 09:16:30 AM
@Hammy-san - Eww, green tea frappuccino, you can keep it, please. 
Reina is very popular, isn't she IRL too?
Ah, don't bang your head! Would it make you feel better if I said I'd maim someone in the face? Two people? Though I'm not saying who...
I rather like Linx2 and I think she's actually pretty close to Ai and Risa, their characters just mesh well. And isn't Reina so awesome when she doesn't come between Takagaki?
Actually, I don't take anything to help me sleep, though I(think) heard somewhere that Reina likes milk? Maybe?

The macha thingy isn't as bad as it sounds. I had actually swore off all green tea food(s)? cuz they tasted so bad every time I tried it but this frap was surprsingly good? Maybe it was cuz I was drinking my friend's XD

Hang on a sec, 07 is popular IRL? Hontoni? I thought Ai was the one who had everyone at her feet. Then again, I don't keep up with Reina news too much so I could have missed something.

Ooooh, who's gonna get hurt in the face? Spill, QUICK! If you don't tell me I'll...I'll kidnap you and lock you in a cupboard. One without Eri inside XD As long as Reina stays out of the TakaGaki I guess I don't mind her scrawny self around :P Oops, I so should not have added that word *protects neck*

Hey you know what, it's almost a week since your last update. You know what to do ;) 
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 11 11/23)
Post by: amEthystx on November 30, 2009, 12:11:48 PM
I'm sure i can find the DVD with Eng subtitles over here~ I can get you one! For real~ :D

Is the green tea frappuccino that lil_ham mentioned like from McDonald's? LOL~

~ Baby Sticky ~

 :mon bat:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 11 11/23)
Post by: badsaints on November 30, 2009, 12:24:34 PM
Oooh I want to watch that movie too :P

I'm guessing the green tea frappucino Hammy is saying is from Starbucks, am I right Hammy? :lol:

But Hammy's right, it's almost a week.... (More Tanashige please. I'm so loving that pairing XD)
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 11 11/23)
Post by: amEthystx on November 30, 2009, 12:58:35 PM
Me toooooo~ I'm super interested in Tanashige~ Let the rabbit sleep peacefully XD

Starbuck! I'm missing starbucks............ I want my Java Chips......... T.T

I can get you one too~  :D

 :mon bat:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 11 11/23)
Post by: rndmnwierd on November 30, 2009, 10:57:30 PM
Chapter 12: "Haven't you heard? It's a battle of words."

“Hey.” Risa greeted quietly as she walked into Lin’s room at sunset, like she had been doing every night since her little plan started. Ai returned the call just as softly, aware of the dozing girl in her bed behind her. They shared a quick kiss and Risa sighed happily, instantly relaxing from the simple contact, “Anything new?”

“No, of course not. Lin Lin nodded off about two hours after you guys left, as usual, so I’ve been pretty bored again. Though I did get the new high score in solitare and I finally finished my book.” Ai reported dutifully, earning a chuckle and firm hands rubbing out the kinks in her shoulders.

“You’ve been sitting too long, you need to get up and stretch every few hours. Do some exercises or yoga. Nothing too heavy, though, don’t want to pull your stitches. Come on, let’s the three of us head down to the gym, I could use a work out, too.” Risa suggested, walking over and shaking Lin gently. “Wake up, time for all good hackers to get up.”

The Chinese girl groaned and sat up, blinking groggily, “Back so soon?” she mumbled, struggling to her feet, wearing sweats.

“Yeah, come on, let’s go down stairs. Then I’ll treat you guys to dinner later. Or breakfast, in your case.” The gunner patted the hacker on the head gently as the three exited the room.


Aika looked up from her book as Jun sat on her bed, back facing her as she dried her wet hair. The older woman was clad in her pajama pants and an open backed shirt that showed off her toned back and shoulders. It also revealed deep, criss-crossing scars that Aika had only previously glimpsed. She had wanted to ask about them before, when she first noticed them, but she wasn’t sure how to broach the subject.

Before she could censor herself, out popped the only thing she could think to say, “How’d you get those cool scars? Fighting?” The thief immediately felt like smacking herself, but tried to play it cool when Jun made eye contact with her, seeming amused.

“Actually, they’re from horrible childhood abuse. But they are pretty cool, thanks.” Aika did smack herself now, clapping a palm to her forehead, eliciting laughter from her companion.

“I’m sorry, that’s definitely not what I wanted to say.” The younger girl apologized profusely.

“So you didn’t want to know about my scars?” Jun teased the already flustered girl.

“No I did. I just wanted to be more tactful than that.” The fighter laughed again at the blunt response.

“Yeah, my dad didn’t much like my brother and I, but I was always bigger and stronger than him, so I always took the blame. My brother was so sensitive sometimes.” she sighed, a sad smile on her face.

“You miss him.” Aika stated sympathetically, her companion nodding in agreement.

“Don’t you miss your sister?” Jun shot back pointedly. They fell into contemplative silence.

Suddenly, Aika turned her back to her roommate, hesitantly lifting her shirt up to uncover the pale skin beneath. Jun felt her eyes widen as she saw deliberate, swirling burns etched into her back. Aika had mentioned being branded before, but this was beyond anything Jun had ever seen. There was barely an inch of skin left uncovered, the burns overlapped each other in multiple places and turned into an abstract work of horror.

“My father fancied himself an artist. He was never satisfied with the design. Eventually, I never had to do anything wrong to get a new line or swirl.” Her voice was strained and Jun found herself crawling across the bed and reaching out to touch the scars. Aika jumped at the first hesitant brush of cool fingers against her warm back, but relaxed as those hands gently smoothed away her tense muscles.

“I’m here.” The older girl said simply and the thief relaxed even further. Those were the words her sister always used after one of their father’s sessions. No promises, no lies, just a simple comforting fact. Aika blinked away her tears, there was no time to cry.


Reina blinked groggily as she felt warm arms wrap around her middle. Once again, Sayu had crawled into her bed in the dead of night. Why couldn’t the con just sleep in her own room? Did she have some sort of goal in pushing Reina’s buttons constantly?

The cop was about to roll over and give the older girl a piece of her mind, again, when she realized how tense the body pressed up against her was. Sayumi was practically humming with tension, making her seem warmer than usual and her breath to brush forcefully against the back of Reina’s neck.

The younger girl felt herself blush, her own body temperature rising. She found herself paralyzed under the strange feelings that assaulted her and instead of kicking Sayu out of her bed for the ninth night in a row, she leaned back into the loose embrace the girl had her in.

The con gasped lightly in surprise at the action, but quickly regained her composure and tightened her hold on the cop, happily hugging her. Both girls fell into a comfortable sleep soon after.


“Wait up, I’ll come with you.” Risa called out to Ai before the older woman could leave the room. Both were dressed in sweats and, even though a morning work out wasn’t the gunner’s habit, they were heading down to the gym. Since Ai had begun to feel much better, she’d decided to get back into the long neglected routine she’d had of exercising before starting her day.

They rode the elevator in comfortable silence, subconsciously holding hands as they made their way through the nearly empty hallway on the communal second floor. This floor had no guest rooms and was reserved for laundry, gym, and the indoor pool and sauna rooms. Both women made a mental note to check out the latter later.

The work out room was empty of people and very large, consisting of a few treadmills and stair steppers and even weights in the far corner. What really drew their attention was the opposite corner, which had nothing in it except for a square of hard wood. It was obviously designed with stretching or yoga in mind and Ai and Risa immediately headed over there and spread out their mats.

Risa followed Ai’s lead, stretching and twisting and bending in a fairly impressive show of flexibility that proved that she kept in shape. The older girl was obviously still sore, as she could not exceed the gunner’s own form and groaned when she tried. When they finished stretching out, they split up to do their own thing, Ai popping in some ear buds and beginning a light dance routine and Risa heading over to the weights.

Picking up a set of eight pound barbells, the gunner began her modified form of training, adopting various poses one would use to hold a rifle, then a pistol, then a rifle again. She absently kept one eye on her girlfriend, watching for the first signs of stress. The door to the room opening drew her attention and in walked a sweat clad Eri, seeming surprised to see them there.

“Hey, good morning.” the cop called out, the other woman returning the greeting with one of her own. Risa put down her weights, feeling like going to get a bottled water, and exited the room as Eri began her own stretches. The drink machine wasn’t very far down the hall and it took her little time to grab a few bottles of water, one for each of them. When Risa returned to the room, she froze in her tracks.

In the time it had taken her to walk down the hallway and back, a pounding hip hop beat had begun to issue from the sound system built into the wall. Eri had finished her warm up and apparently decided to challenge Ai to a friendly dance competition, as both girls now gave their undivided attention to each other. Risa’s eyes widened as she watched one of them sway and twist and then the other match them move for move.

It was like watching a show, except she was sure no choreography could be this beautiful. Ai swung her hips in a slow circle and then thrust her chest out, feet moving in a pattern only she could keep up with and face a mask of concentration. Eri responded as soon as she stilled, throwing her hands up and gyrating her butt, one hip cocked to the side. Her hands slowly traveled down her body, mussing her hair and passing over her chest seductively and a huge grin spread across her face.

Before she had stopped, Ai was moving again, twirling and tossing her head back, feet nearly a blur of steps. Eri paused for only a second before joining her, matching her movements with ones of her own. As they danced together, sometimes with each other and other times as opposite forces, Risa was drawn to the expressions on their faces. Eri kept up some form of a happy grin, obviously enjoying herself. Ai’s face stayed serious, sometimes baring her teeth in a sexy grimace during a particularly energetic grind, but Risa knew she was having fun too.

The current song tapered off into silence and both competitors took a moment to catch their breath, panting heavily from exertion. As the next song started up, Ai let out a low groan and began to fall, clutching her side. Eri was quick to catch her, face transforming into a look of concern and Risa was up and running before it even registered that she had sat down.

“Ai!” both women called out as the demolitions expert was laid gently on the floor. Risa lifted up her shirt a little to glimpse the bandage over her wound. Blood had soaked through where Ai had torn her stitches out. The gunner grabbed a nearby towel and pressed it against the bandage hard.

“Ow!” Ai yelped, her hands clasping the offending object, “That hurts.” she whined and the other girls breathed a collective sigh of relief.

“Jeez, Ai, I told you not to over exert yourself.” Risa scolded, now over her initial worry, Eri just looked guilty.

“I was having fun.” Ai mumbled easily as Risa helped her sit up. The gunner indicated with her eyes to Eri to grab their things and then struggled to put Ai on her back.

“Well, now you can have fun on bed rest again.” The younger woman said as she secured her girlfriend against her. When everything was collected, the three made their way back upstairs. It didn’t feel like all that long before Risa was laying Ai back on her bed, instructing Eri to go get the first aid kit.

What Eri came back with was a hospital in a box. The kit had everything you could possible need in it, though it weighed a veritable ton, and soon, Ai had new stitches placed painfully into her flesh to hold her wound together. After wiping away the older woman’s tears and sending her to get cleaned up, did Risa finally slump down on her own bed.

“Well, today’s going to be interesting.” she mumbled to her same aged companion. The cop just chuckled.

“Yup, already feels like one of ‘those’ days.” she agreed, “What’s the plan, anyway?”

“What’s been the plan for the last agonizingly boring week now? We drive around the warehouse district until Lin calls, or doesn’t.” Even Risa sounded like she would rather chew glass than do that again.

“Well, let’s go shopping.” Eri suggested happily, “I know there’s a mall right nearby there, we’ve passed it every day.”

The gunner gave this a moment of thought, “Okay.” Though she really didn’t need to, “I’ll make sure Lin has thawed our accounts.”

“She can do that?” Eri asked incredulously.

“Of course, she’s already done her’s and mine as of yesterday.” Risa raised her eyebrows at the cop’s look of shock, “You look surprised. We’re criminals after all.”


“Woohoo! Shopping spree!” Sayumi cheered as the group trooped into the mall. She immediately dragged Reina off by the arm, to her flustered protests, into the nearest lingerie shop. The others just shook their heads and wandered off together. It didn’t take them long to find a shop they could all agree on and they split into twos, Aika and Jun going over to the clothes section and Risa and Eri heading over to where the electronics and snack section met.

Jun inspected a pair of black leather gloves seriously, they were very nicely fitted on her hands and made of strong material suitable for hard labor. She wondered if she could fit brass knuckles over them.

“Jun, what do you think?” she heard a call over to the side and turned her attention to Aika, coming out of the changing rooms. The younger girl was wearing an all black ensemble of tight, but stretchy pants, a long sleeved, formfitting turtle neck, thin gloves, a beanie and steel toed work boots. She looked downright badass and Jun gave a whistle.

“Nice. Try these, too.” she handed the thief a dark purple v-neck, a black thermal undershirt, gloves also in dark purple and a black and purple striped beanie. While Aika changed again, Jun turned back to her serious contemplation of the gloves. They were really nice. Nodding to herself decisively, she grabbed them and turned around to go through a rack of cute shirts.

A few minutes later, Aika emerged wearing the purple outfit. Jun gave her a big grin and a thumbs up. The girl really was too cute, “Which should I get?” she asked, pouting in indecision.

“Get them both. Can never have too many work clothes.” Jun shrugged, grabbing another set of gloves, in brown this time.


When Eri rounded the corner into the electronics section, Risa was discussing something rather seriously with the cashier. On the counter was two power strips in a bag.

“Is that all you bought?” The cop asked when the gunner finally came to an agreement with the worker.

“Oh no, I’m having the rest delivered to the hotel.” Risa answered nonchalantly and Eri raised an eyebrow.

“What exactly did you buy?” she asked cautiously.

“Oh about,” the other woman looked at her receipt and grimaced, “400,000 yen too much, but some of it’s to keep Ai from getting too bored. What are you getting?”

Eri held up a jumbo sized box of some kind of snack, “Umeboshi! It’s my favorite.” The gunner chuckled at her innocent smile.

“Kame, you’re so cute.” Risa playfully pinched the other girl’s cheeks.

“Hey guys!” Aika’s call made them turn their attention to the approaching pair. “We’re finished here.” Eri headed over to pay for her treat.

“I think we’re almost done, too. Where to next?” The gunner asked easily as the cop rejoined the group.

“Maybe we should rescue Reina?” Eri suggested lightly, as though she didn’t care either way.

“Maybe we should just get something to eat?” Aika replied mischievously, to the agreement of all. With that goal in mind, they headed for the food court.

They all split up to get their food and then found a big table close to the edge of the seating area. No sooner had they sat down, though, did the missing two appear from around the corner, each holding bags from the store they had been in.

“Jeez, took you long enough.” Eri griped to her partner as Reina sat down next to her. She examined the bag curiously, trying to peer into it, “What did you get?” the younger girl yanked the bag away with a blush.

“None o’ yo business! Damn, don’ be so nosy all da time!” The other girls laughed at her sudden accent.

“What was that? I don’t speak yankii.” Aika teased her with a grin.

“Oh, the other yankii doesn’t understand? What a shock!” Jun threw in off handedly, eliciting more laughter.

“I’m not a yankii!” The thief cried, scandalized.

“You’re right, you seem more country.” Eri agreed, getting in on the joke.

“I’m from Shiga! I’m not country or yankii!” Aika defended in vain, the others paid her no mind.

“Ah, a country yankii!” Jun declared, clutching her stomach in merriment.

Aika smacked her hard on the arm, “I jus’ told ya, I’m from Shiga, damn!” her response drew the loudest reaction of all.

Risa was laughing so hard, she almost didn’t hear her cell phone ringing. Luckily, the vibrations drew her attention to it and she snapped it open, with a still chuckling, “Hello?”

Whatever she heard on the other line wiped the smile off her face, “Are you sure?” she asked gravely, catching her companions’ attentions, “Then wake Lin up and tell her to freeze the police cameras, she’ll know what I mean. We’re heading there now.” Everyone looked at each other in slight concern, “And Ai? I-” Risa paused, suddenly aware of her audience, “I’ll see you soon.”

“So?” Eri asked impatiently when she hung up.

“It’s time.”


“Okay guys, let’s suit up.” Risa said, opening the storage compartment in the floor of the van. There were gasps all around as everyone peered at the contents of the storage space. Weapons of all kinds, projectile weapons; everything from slingshots to rifles; bladed weapons; daggers, machetes, and swords; and hand to hand enforcements; brass knuckles of varying designs and cat’s claws.

“Holy crap.” Jun murmured as she picked up a set of brass knuckles with inch long spikes. “Where did you get this stuff?”

“Oh here and there. You know how it is.” Risa shrugged, beginning to bring out a few holsters, “Now, I know the cops have at least basic pistol training, so that’s what they’ll get. The rest of you, feel free to choose something.”

Reina and Eri shared a look from the front of the van and the older girl followed the unspoken request to gather up suitable weapons for them. Eri climbed into the back and found two 9mm pistols and two different holsters. She knew Reina preferred a shoulder harness, though rarely got to use one, while she would rather wear her weapon on her thigh. Eri strapped on a snug waist belt that allowed her gun to rest low at her side and also to carry up to five extra clips, which she quickly filled.

As Reina was driving, she had to get someone to help strap on her own holster, but before Eri could reach her, Sayumi, who had grabbed a large machete, volunteered. Her soft touch and teasing hands caused Reina to flush brightly, much to the older girl’s amusement, “Why Reinya,” she asked as she secured the straps between her breasts, “is your heart beating faster?” her fingers lingered longer than necessary, finally snapping the cop out of her daze.

“No way, now quit it, I’m driving.” she couldn’t keep the quiver out of her voice and Sayu headed back to her seat with a grin. Eri shared another look with her partner, this one completely different. “Shut up.” Reina said preemptively and the older girl chuckled heartily.

In the back, Jun found that the spiked knuckles she had chosen fit perfectly over her new gloves and Aika practiced opening and closing a small, but heavy, metal retractable baton. Risa had strapped on an absolutely huge hand cannon to her hip and a tiny snub nose around her ankle, as well as copious amounts of ammo for both. After a few seconds of thought, a mid sized knife was slipped onto her belt.

“What the hell is that monster?” Sayumi asked, pointing to the hand cannon.

“This is an S&W 500. It’s mostly for fear factor, as the recoil is so strong I have to be nearly point blank to hit anything, but I shouldn’t even have to fire it if I can just clobber someone over the head.” Sayu nodded, still eyeing the thing uncertainly.

“Guys, we’re here.” Reina interrupted their murmurs, sending everyone’s tension skyrocketing. The van parked within sight of the warehouse and the group slowly climbed out. “Let’s go.”


Risa crept quietly through the front door, Jun by her side, looking around cautiously for any signs of movement. They had split into three groups, Reina and Eri had taken the side entrance while Sayu and Aika climbed up to the second floor. The gunner could faintly hear rowdy voices echoing from farther inside the plant and began to make her way there.

The warehouse was a partial maze of shelves and boxes that seemed to be makeshift walls. There was still a few conveyor belts leftover from whatever it’s original function was, but they were rusted over from disuse and added to the creepy atmosphere. The two passed by them and into another maze.

Risa paused, smelling a strange odor coming from a room to their left and hearing a couple male voices conversing in quiet tones. As they moved to investigate, a tall man suddenly walked out into the open in front of them. He barely had time to look surprised before Risa had smashed the heavy back end of her hand cannon into his face, knocking him out cold. Before his body hit the ground, they charged into the room he had exited and confronted the two men inside.

“Stop right there.” Risa commanded quietly, pointing her fierce looking revolver at them. Both paused, assessing them, before they charged with identical yells. Jun reacted instinctively, surging forward to meet the one closest to her, while Risa calmly waited for the other to reach her.

Jun’s opponent threw a wide hook that completely missed her and she shot out with a quick jab, changing the trajectory of her fist at the last moment as Risa’s instructions ran through her mind, ‘Don’t kill anyone!’

Her spiked knuckles buried themselves in his shoulder and he gave a cry of pain. At the same time, the other man tried to clobber the gunner with a haymaker that she easily dodged. Sliding slightly to the side, Risa brought her knee up hard into his gut, winding him and sending him stumbling. With his back to her, it was easy to knock him out. She turned to watch Jun viciously chop her opponent in the throat and then, in an impressive display of flexibility, twisted her body and kicked him in the head.

“Nice.” Risa complimented easily, causing Jun to beam, “Let’s get going.”


Through the crack in the door, Eri saw two men immediately inside the warehouse chatting with each other and smoking cigarettes. She turned to Reina, kneeling beside her and indicated what she saw with simple hand signals. Her partner nodded and gestured back that they would rush in on the count of three and subdue the men quietly.

The yankii held up three fingers, drawing her gun in the other hand. Then two, one, and then they charged, bursting in the door with a startling bang and pouncing on the two men. It was laughably easy to knock them out.

“Ouch, that guy managed to burn me with his cig.” Reina rubbed her forearm gingerly where a small welt was forming.

Eri examined it closely, “You’ll be alright. It’ll heal soon enough, I bet it won’t even scar.”

“This might.” Both women turned in surprise when they heard a male voice speak, followed by the click of a bullet being chambered. From around the corner came a man they had obviously missed, pointing a large gun at Reina’s head. Before he could pull the trigger, though, a blade flashed from beside him and buried itself into his elbow. Another blow by a baton to the back of his knees made him drop to the ground.

Sayu and Aika stepped from the shadows, the con jerking her bloody machete to the side. The sound of blood droplets hitting the floor echoed loudly in the room. “Hi there~!” Sayumi called cheerfully, Aika waved, eyes seeming to be stuck wide with fear. “We took care of two guys upstairs to. Don’t worry, they’ll live.” She felt the need to clarify at their worried looks.

“Though they’ll probably never walk again.” Aika added quietly with a shudder. The man on the floor groaned loudly and made to get up. With a grin, Sayu kicked him onto his stomach and brought the machete down in a smooth motion, hacking his spinal column in half but not doing enough damage to terminally wound him. His cry of pain was cut of by a boot to the head and the con wiped her blade on his shirt.

“I haven’t had this much fun in a while.” Sayumi grinned dangerously at her companions and the cops understood Aika’s fear.


Arriving at the main office, Jun and Risa heard raucous laughter that seemed to only come from three voices. Deciding to keep with the surprise attack, they busted down the door with a swift kick and entered, Risa readying her hand cannon and training it on the man closest to her. This group was a lot quicker to react, immediately diving behind cover and drawing their own weapons. The two women crouched behind a thick metal desk, Risa propping her gun up on the surface and taking aim patiently.

She didn’t have to wait long, two of the men popped up with pistols at the ready and she realized that she had a perfect shot to hit two birds with one stone. Before either men could pull their triggers, Risa fired off a round, the recoil nearly making her drop her revolver and the report sounding loudly throughout the entire warehouse. The man’s head closest to her exploded with the impact of the magnum round, which traveled farther behind him and impacted on the second man’s gun, knocking it out of his hand forcefully.

He ducked behind his cover again with a cry of pain. “Yasu! You okay?” the third man called out to him.

“Yeah Kenji, I’m fine. Watch out for that bitch though.” Yasuyuki replied to his older brother.

“Go!” Risa called to Jun and the bigger girl vaulted over their hiding place and charged forward to the uninjured Kenjiro. He rose to meet her, attempting to aim his pistol at her, but Jun was faster. A lightening quick punch had the gun sailing across the room and a left hook was barely dodged. The Chinese girl went on the offensive, pressing her advantage.

Yasuyuki began to stand and Risa fired her magnum again, the bullet ricocheting off the shelf next to his hiding place. He ducked with a curse and Risa pulled out the knife on her belt, hopping over the desk and charging for him. She took a swipe that he easily dodged and then took another swing at his face.

Hand to hand was not her forte and it showed in her quick, but clumsy movements. Unfortunately for Risa, Yasuyuki was obviously a skilled fighter and soon had her scrambling backwards.

His brother was the opposite, barely able to keep away from Jun’s spikes and not getting a punch in edgewise. Risa saw this and called out, “Jun Jun! Switch!”

The older girl immediately reached back to grab the gunner’s arm, twirling her around to effortlessly change their opponents. Jun met Yasuyuki’s jab with her own fist, her spiked knuckles sinking perfectly between his joints. He gave a loud cry and stumbled back, clutching his wound.

As she spun around, Risa lifted her leg in a powerful roundhouse kick, sinking her booted foot into Kenjiro’s mid section. He gasped and clutched his stomach, falling backwards onto his butt. The gunner leapt onto him and snagged three of the piercings along his eyebrow with her finger, viciously ripping them out. Her knife swiped down and hacked into his left ear, nearly cutting it off.

Meanwhile, Jun didn’t let up on her opponent, throwing a haymaker at his head when he was distracted by his pain. Yasuyuki saw it just in time to duck out of the way and Jun’s spikes sunk into a box on the shelf that was behind him. She yanked hard, but her fist was stuck and the man took this opportunity to begin pounding into her exposed side.

Giving out a grunt of pain with every blow, Jun opened her fist and slid her hand out of her knuckles, turning to chop against the side of his neck fiercely. Yasuyuki gasped as his air was suddenly blocked and stumbled back, holding his throat. Jun swung her still spiked hand and pegged him in the abdomen, she immediately swung with her other hand, clocking him in the jaw.

His head snapped back and Jun threw a right hook, her spikes sinking into his cheek. He let out another, choked cry and she used her fist to jerk his head up so he looked at the ceiling, pounding into his side with her left hand.

Risa straddled her opponent and raised the knife high above her head, eager to thrust it into his throat. “Wait,” Kenjiro croaked out, “We can help you.” Despite herself, Risa hesitated, something she knew to be a bad move.

“I’m listening.” She said, but his eyes focused on the fight behind her, “Jun, stop!” Suddenly, the scuffle paused, “How can you help me?”

Kenjiro quickly outlined how he could assist her and Risa listened, becoming more intrigued by his proposal. It definitely wasn’t their original goal, but it was just too tempting to not consider. At the same time, this plan would keep her from eliminating absolutely everyone, which would keep Ai happy.

“Alright, I agree to your terms.” Risa stood, examining his bleeding face, “Since I don’t trust you, I’m going to ensure you stick around to keep up your end of the bargain.” With that being said, the gunner pointed her tiny revolver that she had taken from the holster around her ankle at Kenjiro’s middle. Before he could shout, or even move, she had fired a single shot into his stomach.

“Brother!” Risa turned to see Yasuyuki, still connected to Jun’s knuckle, try to run towards his wounded sibling.

“Break his legs so he can’t get away.” Risa ordered and the Chinese girl immediately complied, stomping hard on the guy’s knee. With a sickening crack, it bent backwards and he fell to the ground, unable to support his weight on the wound. He cried out in silent agony, blood streaming from the newly made holes in his face.

As she reached the door, Risa turned back around, “When all this is over, I’ll come back for you guys. Don’t forget your promise or I’ll make this pain seem like a tiny pinprick.”

The two exited the office and almost ran right into the rest of their party, “What happened? Are you guys okay?” Sayumi asked in concern, “We heard the shots, but we’ve been busy taking care of everyone else.” she gestured to the few bodies laying around in various states of unconsciousness.

“We’re fine. I’m letting the brothers live, for now, so call an ambulance and have them put on twenty-four hour watch.” A little confused by Risa’s change of plans, Eri reluctantly complied.

“Why didn’t you kill them?” Reina asked bluntly. Risa put away her various weapons, looking down to hide her face.

“They may have more useful info. Plus Ai would be mad.” Now that her adrenaline wasn’t pumping so hard, the gunner became aware of a few aches and pains in her body. Her jaw hurt from where Yasuyuki had gotten in a solid punch and she realized her lip was split. She turned to Jun, who looked as though she was realizing her pains as well, “You alright?”

“Yeah, my wrists hurt a little and so do my ribs. But it’s nothing a few nights of rest won’t cure.” The Chinese girl answered respectfully. Risa nodded at her, squinting for a second longer to make sure.

“Well, let’s go back and rest. I think we deserve a break after this.”


Well, here y'all go! The promised action scene. Is it what people were expecting?

Quote from: Hammy
Ooooh, who's gonna get hurt in the face?
There, they got hurt in the face! I didn't say it would be one of the girls. Please don't kidnap me, I can't write in a cupboard.... :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 12 11/30)
Post by: DO Me DO Me on December 01, 2009, 02:49:17 AM
Wow! I don't know what most of those weapons are but they sure sounded dangerous! Damn Sayu, spinal cord?  :shocked I was imagining slow mo Matrix style action and then it suddenly became almost j-gore violence (ala Machine Girl :lol:). The dance battle was cool and the shopping spree was cute.  :D
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 12 11/30)
Post by: kuro808 on December 01, 2009, 03:01:14 AM
A very action-packed chapter with guns and knives XD

Although, this seems to have a lot of themes that related to each other, which is kool :thumbup

Keep up the work
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 12 11/30)
Post by: kRisZ on December 01, 2009, 08:29:16 AM
They shared a quick kiss and Risa sighed happily

makes TakaGaki fans happy too  :mon dance:

JunAika   :w00t:

The con gasped lightly in surprise at the action, but quickly regained her composure and tightened her hold on the cop, happily hugging her. Both girls fell into a comfortable sleep soon after.


Ai popping in some ear buds and beginning a light dance routine and Risa heading over to the weights.

Why do I find that cute  :inlove:

Eri had finished her warm up and apparently decided to challenge Ai to a friendly dance competition, as both girls now gave their undivided attention to each other. Risa’s eyes widened as she watched one of them sway and twist and then the other match them move for move.

Yay! Battle between my two favorite MM Dancers  :w00t:

Risa sounded like she would rather chew glass than do that again.

 :lol: That boring eh

“Maybe we should rescue Reina?” Eri suggested lightly, as though she didn’t care either way.

Damn  :lol:

“It’s time.”

Fort some action   :mon fyeah:

“Now, I know the cops have at least basic pistol training, so that’s what they’ll get. The rest of you, feel free to choose something.”

lol okay

Sayumi, who had grabbed a large machete, volunteered

Machete?  :shocked  Interesting  :w00t:

Her soft touch and teasing hands caused Reina to flush brightly, much to the older girl’s amusement, “Why Reinya,” she asked as she secured the straps between her breasts, “is your heart beating faster?”

I'm loving TanaShige   :inlove:

“I haven’t had this much fun in a while.” Sayumi grinned dangerously at her companions and the cops understood Aika’s fear.


Jun met Yasuyuki’s jab with her own fist, her spiked knuckles sinking perfectly between his joints.


Her knife swiped down and hacked into his left ear, nearly cutting it off.


“They may have more useful info. Plus Ai would be mad.”



SO CLOSE my most fave Asian Movie... great movie... should watch...
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 12 11/30)
Post by: badsaints on December 01, 2009, 01:03:31 PM
Great chapter with lotsa action :on kimbo: But the Tanashige parts makes Badsaints a happy girl :luvluv1: Can never get enough of this cute couple

Ai is like a little puppy next to Risa, isn't she? :wriggly:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 12 11/30)
Post by: kawaii beam on December 02, 2009, 01:36:11 AM
my god this was so epcly descriptive X3 keep it up rndy X3
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 12 11/30)
Post by: Sancho on December 02, 2009, 06:09:07 AM
SUGOI!!!!!! The action is too much intense and somehow a bit brutal but what the heck, I loved it!!  XD XD 

Ai and Eri in a dance showdown.  :on GJ:

“What was that? I don’t speak yankii.” Aika teased her with a grin.

“Oh, the other yankii doesn’t understand? What a shock!” Jun threw in off handedly, eliciting more laughter.

“I’m not a yankii!” The thief cried, scandalized.

“You’re right, you seem more country.” Eri agreed, getting in on the joke.

“I’m from Shiga! I’m not country or yankii!” Aika defended in vain, the others paid her no mind.

“Ah, a country yankii!” Jun declared, clutching her stomach in merriment.

Aika smacked her hard on the arm, “I jus’ told ya, I’m from Shiga, damn!” her response drew the loudest reaction of all.
This lines are familiar and I love on how you used it.  :twothumbs :twothumbs

S&W 500??!!! Now that's what I call a gun. I just hope she used the smaller version because I can't imagine on how she'll hold and swung the 13 inch version of it easily. I guess that's the reason why you showed what kind of training she does.

You know what, after you show how they look on there "working clothes", it somehow gave me an urge to draw them. I dunno if I got the time but well see. I can't promise that one though.  Please continue.  :on GJ: :on GJ: 

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 12 11/30)
Post by: amEthystx on December 02, 2009, 04:45:33 PM
Question: How dangerous are you~? Seems to be quite familiar with weapons and stuffs XD

They shared a quick kiss and Risa sighed happily
-  :wub:

The younger girl felt herself blush, her own body temperature rising. She found herself paralyzed under the strange feelings that assaulted her and instead of kicking Sayu out of her bed for the ninth night in a row, she leaned back into the loose embrace the girl had her in.
- At first i thought... awwwww.... how sweet.... later on....

“I haven’t had this much fun in a while.” Sayumi grinned dangerously at her companions and the cops understood Aika’s fear.
- .............   :on freeze:

“Ouch, that guy managed to burn me with his cig.” Reina rubbed her forearm gingerly where a small welt was forming.
- I was already thinking how Sayu might help her on this one =X

Great action scene~ Love the switching of opponent part of Jun and Risa..

 :mon bat:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 12 11/30)
Post by: rndmnwierd on December 04, 2009, 07:31:01 AM
@DO me-san - Haha, Machine Girl? I was thinking more like, Tokyo Gore Police. I laughed through both movies though I also enjoyed them. Then again, maybe it's not quite that bad. Thank you very much!

@kuro-kun - I like to lure you guys into a false sense of security before I strike. :lol: Hence a little normality with your blood and guts.

@kRisZ - Thanks for the long comment, makes me fuzzy inside. I'm glad you're liking the little interpersonal hints I've scattered copiously here and there (and everywhere) I promise, more of that to come!

@baddie - Hope you're not squeamish, lol.
But the Tanashige parts makes Badsaints a happy girl
Ahaha, yeah. *rubs the back of head* Though they're not getting off so easy.... And Ai is like a puppy? More like a lion hiding in the grass, waiting for her moment to strike.

@kawaii-chan - I'm glad you think it's so descriptive. You can totally see it in your head, right? More to come!

@HaPo-san - <-- Sorry, it's too much work to type out your whole name, though I did try. XD I think I heard somewhere that the 500 is the biggest handgun. Or one of the biggest, in it's full size form. It's the 'If it's pointed at your head you shit your pants' gun. Ah, thanks for calling it great, yay!

@Sancho - Brutal=Good Times. There may be an AiEri rematch in the future. Aha, I'm glad you like the little country yankii convo. It made me lol when I first saw it, especially Aika hitting Jun and Jun cowering from her. And, nope, Risa used the full sized version of the 500, I love that gun, though i've never shot it myself, I'm too afraid it might break my wrist or something, even with the vents on the side, the recoil is amazing and the report is so loud!
You know what, after you show how they look on there "working clothes", it somehow gave me an urge to draw them. I dunno if I got the time but well see. I can't promise that one though.
*puppy dog eyes* Prease?

@Baby Sticky -
Question: How dangerous are you~? Seems to be quite familiar with weapons and stuffs
*adopts a gruff tone* Well, I killed a man once, but they never caught me. In fact, I'm still running and I'm writing this under mah bridge by the over pass. It's so cold tonight and the desktop is so heavy. So, so heavy.

J/K! I do know a good bit about weapons and anything I don't know, well, that's what the internet is for.
The younger girl felt herself blush, her own body temperature rising. She found herself paralyzed under the strange feelings that assaulted her and instead of kicking Sayu out of her bed for the ninth night in a row, she leaned back into the loose embrace the girl had her in.
- At first i thought... awwwww.... how sweet.... later on....

“I haven’t had this much fun in a while.” Sayumi grinned dangerously at her companions and the cops understood Aika’s fear.
- .............   :on freeze:
Yup, Reina has herself quite the admirer, doesn't she? Will she be able to handle all that potential psychoticness?

I'm glad you like the RisaJun switch, I had this awesome image in my head about it. :D

Just to give you guys a bit more of a visual about this part.
Risa fired off a round, the recoil nearly making her drop her revolver and the report sounding loudly throughout the entire warehouse. The man’s head closest to her exploded with the impact of the magnum round,
Watermelon vs. 50 caliber S&W M500 500 magnum (
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 12 11/30)
Post by: cogi_yoshi on December 04, 2009, 07:40:52 PM
Ohhh...other pairings...  :love:
AikaJun... TanaShige... about Eri??? Don't leave her all alone!!!! On second thought.... it's somewhat a little bit of TanaKame (coz Eri and Reina are both cops and they knew each other better) and KameShige too (coz Reina pushes Sayu away from her bed towards Eri)... woah... Sugoi!!!  :on lol:

This chapter's full of action!! I'm glad that she lessened her 'trigger-happiness' a little bit and decided not to KILL them... but instead... TORTURE them!!! ahahaha... now which is the lesser evil? hmmm... :grin:

“I haven’t had this much fun in a while.” Sayumi grinned dangerously at her companions and the cops understood Aika’s fear.
BE afraid Aika.. be VERY afraid! It's the narcissistic bunny we're talking about...  XD
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 12 11/30)
Post by: lil_hamz on December 06, 2009, 06:09:22 AM
@amEthystx: The green tea frappuccino is from Starbucks. McDonald's has it too? Golly, I've got to give it a try then. Or, get my friend to :P Don't I get a drink too? :D

@badsaints: You are so right ;)

Now, onto the fic comment...

It's good to see Jun Jun and Aika being able to share some parts of their painful past. I know the girls aren't all gonna be les XD But at least they can become closer friends. That is, until some of them die :cry:

The con gasped lightly in surprise at the action, but quickly regained her composure and tightened her hold on her cop, happily hugging her. Both girls fell into a comfortable sleep soon after.

Isn't this much better? :lol:

Risa’s eyes widened as she watched one of them sway and twist and then the other match them move for move.

I dunno if this is such a good idea. I mean, Ai is hurt.

As the next song started up, Ai let out a low groan and began to fall, clutching her side. Eri was quick to catch her, face transforming into a look of concern and Risa was up and running before it even registered that she had sat down.

See, I knew it! I can't believe Eri challenged Ai to a dancing contest. Even if it was on a whimp, shouldn't she know better? Seems like Eri really needs someone more mature to look after her. Someone like Risa :P

“400,000 yen too much, but some of it’s to keep Ai from getting too bored.

Wooo~~! Risa sure is a generous girlfriend.

“And Ai? I-” Risa paused, suddenly aware of her audience, “I’ll see you soon.”

This line freaked me out. I thought something bad was gonna happen.

As Reina was driving, she had to get someone to help strap on her own holster, but before Eri could reach her, Sayumi, who had grabbed a large machete, volunteered. Her soft touch and teasing hands caused Reina to flush brightly, much to the older girl’s amusement, “Why Reinya,” she asked as she secured the straps between her breasts, “is your heart beating faster?” her fingers lingered longer than necessary, finally snapping the cop out of her daze.

LOL! Sayu you little devil. Taking the opportunity to grope Reina. And Eri was funny. I can just imagine her expression.

*Sayu action*

Wah..I didn't expect her to be so capable in this department.

“Why didn’t you kill them?” Reina asked bluntly. Risa put away her various weapons, looking down to hide her face.

Agreed. Will this become a problem in the future?

There, they got hurt in the face! I didn't say it would be one of the girls. Please don't kidnap me, I can't write in a cupboard....

I dunno what to say about the action scenes except :shocked You are awesomely good :twothumbs I could install a light in the cupboard. Will that be better? Or I'll feed you with loads of green tea fraps if you don't update sooner XD
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 12 11/30)
Post by: amEthystx on December 06, 2009, 01:51:55 PM

adopts a gruff tone* Well, I killed a man once, but they never caught me. In fact, I'm still running and I'm writing this under mah bridge by the over pass. It's so cold tonight and the desktop is so heavy. So, so heavy.

 :mon scare: Stop scaring the babies out there~ Including me! Poor thing~ You carried the desktop??? lol

Yup, Reina has herself quite the admirer, doesn't she? Will she be able to handle all that potential psychoticness?
- *Digs Reina a grave*

To the video: I happy i'm not that watermelon.

@Hammy: McDonald was a wild guess~ =X Ohhh~ Maybe i'll go try it the next time i go Starbuck~ I'm already missing Starbuck  :(

I could install a light in the cupboard. Will that be better? Or I'll feed you with loads of green tea fraps if you don't update sooner
- LOL ~ a few weeks later.. you might see rndmnwierd turning into a green tea plant.. THEN... I'll help you change the lights into some better UV lamps~

 :mon bat:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 12 11/30)
Post by: rndmnwierd on December 08, 2009, 10:16:46 PM
@cogi_yoshi - Are you hoping for a rokki orgy or something? XD

@hammy-san - What makes you think I'm going to kill someone? Did I say that somewhere? Hmm, I guess I still haven't decided if I'm going to or not, so... Maybe I will, maybe I won't. :bigdeal:
Eri just wasn't thinking about that. She forgot. :sweatdrop:
What's a little money to someone's happiness?
What did you think was going to happen?
I was going to make Sayu a wimp, but I changed my mind half way through.
Hmm, it might, but maybe not in the way you think. I'll touch on that in later chapters.
Ah, thank you. Light is good, but if I turn into a plant, I'll be unhappy. I don't even like green tea! *waves arms*

@Baby Sticky - Yup, I plugged the power cord into my ear and rubbed a balloon on my head until it turned on, lol.
Nooo! No green tea plant! I wanna be a happy tree. *pouts*
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 12 11/30)
Post by: rndmnwierd on December 08, 2009, 10:18:43 PM
Chapter 13: the poster bearer cried.

As soon as she entered Lin’s hotel room, Risa made a beeline for her girlfriend, engulfing her in a tight embrace. Ai let out a small squeak as she was squeezed, but returned the hug with just as much vigor. “Welcome back.” she greeted softly.

“I’m glad to see you.” Risa said when she finally released the older woman. Ai noticed her split lip instantly and began to check her over for other injuries, “I’m fine, Ai, just a little sore.” She finally turned to acknowledge the other girl in the room and hugged her as well, “Hi Lin Lin.”

“What happened?” The hacker asked curiously.

“Everything went according to plan. Everyone was neutralized, only one death.” Risa shrugged at Ai’s still disapproving look. “Sorry, that one couldn’t be helped.”

“Neutralized how?” Lin asked uncertainly, it didn’t sound very encouraging.

“I don’t know what Sayu did, exactly, but the other’s seemed a little afraid of her on the ride back and she was the most covered in blood. She didn’t kill anyone, though I heard the ones she dealt with lost the use of their legs.” The gunner reported nonchalantly.

The demolitions expert shook her head, “Even Sayu?” she looked down for a moment, before suddenly snapping her head up, “Oh yeah, earlier, some guys came through with about 400,000 yen worth of electronics to our room. You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?”

“Yup, I bought it. To keep us from getting too bored.” Ai smacked her head at her girlfriend’s answer.

“Why did you buy that much stuff?!” Risa tilted her head in puzzlement.

“Because I can?” Exasperated, Ai stood and walked out, “Oh come on, it’s mostly for you!”

“Good night Lin-chan.” Ai greeted as she exited the room.

“Night Ai-nee-san! Good night, Niigaki-san.” Risa was almost too distracted to respond, but she did and quickly followed Ai back to their room.

“Look look! I got a PSP and a DS and lot’s of games and a big screen TV and a Wii and a 360 and a PS3. And movies! And some horror books, too!” Risa explained excitedly, waving the novels around.

Ai, sitting propped against her headboard, rolled her eyes at the younger woman’s puppy like eagerness, “Still, you spent so much.”

“Do you want jewelry, too? I’ll get you something else if you want.” Risa completely missed the point, blinking innocently at her girlfriend.

“Gaki-san, I don’t need all this stuff. Keep your money.” Ai shoved away the very tempting PSP.

“What else can I spend my money on? I don’t need anything else, but to make you happy.” Risa pouted, sad her gifts were being refused, “I know you’re bored being here all day while we go out.”

“Risa, the only thing I need to make me happy is you.” Ai declared firmly.

“Really?” The gunner asked shyly. Ai nodded and beckoned her closer, the younger woman eagerly complied, crawling up into warm arms. “But still, this stuff is for entertainment purposes. I’m keeping it.

Ai sighed in exasperation, shaking her head. She decided to just address the issue later, leaning down to press her lips to Risa’s. The younger girl buried her hands in Ai’s dark locks, bringing her closer. They slowly pulled apart, staring deeply into each other’s eyes. “All that being said, I really wanna play with that Wii.”

The break in mood sent Risa nearly rolling off the bed. “Wanna try out the Sports Resort game?”


“Why are you taking a shower in our room? Don’t you have your own shower?” Reina griped as a bloody Sayu sauntered into the bathroom.

“You’re welcome to join me.” she proposed seductively, causing a blush to appear on the cop’s cheeks.

“No thanks.” she stated flatly, turning her head away with a hum.

“I will, Sayumin.” Eri said, grabbing her own towel and following the con into the bathroom. Reina could only shake her head at them.

“Why do I put up with this crap?” she flopped down on her bed face first. When she looked up, her eyes connected to a bar napkin with a number scrawled on it.

Though it had been a week since Risa suggested it, Reina hadn’t called her father yet. She wondered if she ever would. They were so close to taking out Takashi and his higher ups, so close to moving on to her father’s gang.

Shaking her head, Reina sat up, reaching for the drawer of the bedside table and pulling out some files. She’d only given each a cursory glance, but decided now would be as good a time as any. She flipped through the stack until she found Sayu’s file and opened it.

Name, birthday, height, weight, hometown and her mug shot. A brief history was also given on the introductory page. Born into a rich family, her father’s company went bankrupt and he went crazy. He sold his oldest daughter to a slave ring and completely destroyed his mansion, with him and his wife in it. The only reason Sayumi escaped was because she was out of the country at the time.

Why was she out of the country by herself? She couldn’t have been fourteen at the time. Reina flipped a few more pages, scanning for the answer. “At such and such date Michishige Sayumi was in Bali for her- You have GOT to be kidding me!” Thinking she couldn’t possibly be reading what she was, Reina stared at the line again. “Honeymoon? She’s married?” The yankii felt a strange hollowness in her chest that she certainly didn’t like, “She’s married.”


Jun groaned as the cold ice packs shifted on her aching body. When she got back to the hotel, a thorough examination concluded that her ribs were bruised from the pounding she’d taken and her wrist had been sprained from the pounding she’d given. Since it was her left hand, Jun figured it had happened when she’d lost her spikes.

Watching her worriedly from her own bed was Aika, who’d found the ice for her. “Do you need anything?” the thief asked quietly.

“No, I’ll be fine. Just the hazards of the job taking it’s toll.” Despite her words, the Chinese girl felt her eyes tearing up in pain.

Aika slowly crawled over to her, climbing into bed beside the older girl. Hesitantly, she wrapped her arms around Jun, holding her as the tears started, “Go ahead and cry, you’ve deserved it today.”


Reina angrily sipped at her beer, sitting at the hotel bar later that night. She was still mulling over the information that she’d learned, feeling absolutely idiotic. How could she have even begun to think that the con artist had any sort of feelings for her or any feelings at all that weren’t selfish. The girl was married and apparently had no qualms about cheating on him. She thought back on the exchange she’d heard between Sayu and Jun at the apartment.

The cop was kicking herself for doing exactly what she’d tried to avoid doing since she’d taken this assignment; getting attached to these criminals. They were nothing but lowlives and had no morals. Feeling her fury peak, Reina guzzled the rest of her mostly full beer and ordered another. If she was being honest with herself, she wasn’t even really mad at Sayu, she was more disappointed with herself for her feelings for the older woman. And if she was being honest about her feelings…

Well, she really didn’t want to think about it honestly. In fact, she intended to drink until she couldn’t be honest to herself about anything. Someone sat down next to her and she turned a fierce glare towards them. Ai recoiled comically, holding up her hands in surrender.

“Whoa, hold on, I come in peace. Don’t you know you should never drink alone?” Ai ordered a drink of her own.

“I’m too angry to want company. Go away.” Reina took another gulp of beer, “Where’s your shadow?”

Ai tilted her head at the conflicting responses, “Risa? Sleeping, she was really worn out.” Reina just nodded and they fell into silence. Ai laid a hand on her shoulder, “Do you want to talk about it?”

“No, I just want to drink myself into the stupidity I’ve displayed recently.” The yankii replied in a slightly depressed tone.

“Oh.” The demolitions expert couldn’t think of a suitable comforting thing to say to that, “Well, I’ll help you then.”


A loud thump, followed by badly muffled giggles sounded outside her room, causing Risa to awaken with a start. Zeroing in quickly on the sound, she almost laughed herself at the voices she heard in the hallway.

“Shh, be quiet Rei-chan. Risa’s trying to sleep.” Ai’s unmistakable voice echoed loudly, this was followed by a fumbling scratching that the gunner guessed was her trying unsuccessfully to open the door with her keycard, “Hmph, stupid lock.” Risa couldn’t help the grin that spread across her face as she rose to let them in.

“Hi guys.” the looks on Ai and Reina’s faces when the door was suddenly jerked open was totally worth being rudely woken up in the middle of the night. The two drunk women were quickly ushered inside and the cop wasted no time in flopping face down on the bed on the far side of the room.

“I’m sorry for waking you up Sacchan.” Ai apologized sincerely, throwing her arms around her girlfriend and cuddling her tightly. Still grinning, the gunner patted her affectionate girl on the back. She was kind of cute like this.

The two made their way to the unoccupied bed and flopped down in a tangle of arms and legs, Ai bursting into giggles upon impact. “Shh, you’ll wake up Tanakacchi.” Risa shushed quietly.

The older woman got her laughter under control slowly, under the amused gaze of her girlfriend. Noticing this watchfulness, Ai pounced on the gunner, rolling so that she was snuggled comfortably on top. Both girls sighed contentedly at the comfortable warmth that flooded from where their bodies touched, Risa closed her eyes and began to drift off.

Jerking awake with a moan, Risa felt something soft and wet caressing a sensitive spot on her neck and realized that Ai was kissing and biting the place rather distractingly. She sucked in a breath as the older woman shifted positions to hover over her more securely, getting serious about their necking. A bolt of electricity shot down Risa’s spine and into her nether regions.

Now, the gunner was no stranger to this feeling as she and Ai had been teenagers when they dated and it was terribly pleasant, but the demolitions expert was very drunk and Risa didn’t want to do anything they’d regret later. They’d agreed to take it slow, with that thought in mind, the younger woman pushed her amorous girlfriend away firmly. Ai resisted at first, drunkenly trying to reattach her lips to the place they’d been before, but the gunner would have none of it. Eventually the older woman just pouted, her unfocused gaze trying to lock onto Risa’s.

“Why? I wanna make you feel good, Risa.” The younger woman blushed at the tone and breathless way her name was said.

“Not like this, Ai. I want you to be lucid when I finally make you mine.” The demolitions expert seemed to contemplate this statement seriously before she nodded.

“Okay. Good night, I love you.” Ai planted a chaste kiss on her girlfriend’s cheek and snuggled up against her side, fading into unconsciousness almost immediately. Risa was stunned by the ease with which she‘d fallen asleep, but quickly snapped out of it when Ai’s still jean clothed leg rubbed against her own nearly bare one.

Shaking her head, the gunner glanced at the other bed to see Reina face down in what looked to be an uncomfortable position, hanging half off the bed. With a sigh, Risa untangled herself from her girlfriend and made her way to the youngest girl’s still form. She stripped her of her daytime clothes and put her in some shorts that lay at the end of the bed. Then she maneuvered her onto her left side and under the covers, making sure that there was nothing that could potentially suffocate her in her sleep.

Satisfied that the cop was going to wake up with a terrible hangover and be confused about where the rest of her clothes were, Risa turned her attention to Ai. She tugged off her shirt and jeans, leaving her in just her under garments. The gunner took a moment to admire the lithe form, marred only by a clean white bandage. She felt her heart beat faster.

Shaking her head of naughty thoughts, and absently rubbing her still sensitized neck, Risa crawled into bed with her girlfriend, bringing the blankets up around them both and cuddling up with Ai closely. Her work finally done, it didn’t take long for Risa to join them in slumber.


A knock on the door early the next morning was greeted by two twin groans of pain. Chuckling, Risa got up to answer the door, reluctantly leaving her warm cocoon. Outside was a slightly frantic Sayumi, “Have you seen Reina?”

“Yeah, she’s in here.” The gunner had barely stepped aside before she was pouncing on the sluggish cop.

“Where were you! Why didn’t you come back to your room, do you know how worried Eririn and I were?!” Even Risa winced at the shrill tone which sent the hungover girls scrambling to cover their ears.

“Oh, so you care now? Fuckin’ hypocrite, why don’t you crawl back to your husband?” Already grumpy, Reina almost couldn’t stop the words from spilling forth, causing the other occupants of the room to widen their eyes, Ai even poked her head out from where she’d burrowed in the blanket to watch the unfolding drama.

“So you found out about that, huh?” Sayu scratched the back of her head as if she’d been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Her nonchalance only seemed to enrage Reina further.

“Why do you say that as if it doesn’t matter!? You’re married and carrying out a fling with Jun Jun and whatever it is you were trying to pull on me! You’re the worst kind of scum.” Reina said with such vehemence that the con pulled back a good ways, hurt shining in her eyes.

“It’s not a big deal, that was an arranged marriage, I was fourteen! He’s a nice enough guy that he’d agreed that even though we were legally bound to each other, we should still look for our own happiness. We only have to be married until I’m 25.” Sayumi explained calmly, “Besides,” she added shyly, “What happened with Jun Jun was just a fluke, an act. It didn’t mean anything to either of us.”

“That still doesn’t make it right in my eyes. Arranged or not, you still made those vows.” Only slightly less angry, Reina rubbed her aching temples, “I won’t forgive you.”

Sayumi looked helplessly at their audience, who both just shrugged at her. When she turned back to Reina, the younger girl was on her side with her back facing the others, an obvious dismissal. It was apparent that any other tries at communication would be met with silence.

Feeling a little sorry for the con, Risa escorted her to the door, one hand on her lower back in a comforting gesture, “Maybe you should try again later.” Sayu’s crestfallen look tugged at her heart strings as she nodded in resigned silence. The door closed quietly behind her.

“Tanakacchi? Are you okay?” Reina grumbled something that probably wasn’t very nice, “You didn’t have to be so mean, Sayumin was just worried about you.”

“Worried?” The cop scoffed cynically, “That con artist has no feelings for anyone, except herself.” Risa and Ai exchanged a look at her bitter words.

“Why don’t you go take a shower? I bet that might help you feel a little better.” The oldest woman suggested kindly, prompting Reina to rise from her comfortable nest.

Looking down at herself in confusion, the cop asked, “Where’re my clothes? When did I take them off?” Risa chuckled, lightly.

“Don’t worry about that, I’ll get you a fresh change.” Too hungover to argue, Reina just complied, heading to the bathroom.

“What are we going to do about them?” Ai asked once the younger girl was out of earshot.

“Nothing yet, now isn’t the time for budding romance. It’s bad enough having to trust absolute strangers, but falling in love with one? No, we can’t let that happen now.” Risa shook her head to emphasize how bad of an idea she thought that was.

“But it will happen and if it doesn’t, then things will just be awkward.” the demolitions expert pushed.

“Well, we’ll have to cross that bridge when we come to it. It’s hard enough just getting along. Anyway, let’s take the next few days off. What do you suggest we do, Leader?” the gunner crawled back into bed with her girlfriend.

“Hmm, I don’t know. What’s a good group activity?” Ai wrapped her arms around Risa’s shoulders, hugging her tightly to her chest.

“I don’t know what the others like, but how about we just tell them to do whatever? You and me can go on a date or something.” Though her tone sounded nonchalant, the gunner looked up hopefully into the older woman’s face, judging her reaction.

Ai couldn’t help, but smile broadly at the offhanded suggestion, “Really? You mean it?”

“Yeah, let’s go tonight. To dinner and maybe a movie. Or a musical. You still like those, right?” The demolitions expert nodded vigorously and then held her aching head, causing Risa to laugh at her. “Alright, it’s settled then.”


A meeting was quickly called and the good news was given. The other girls wasted no time vacating the hotel. Eri, Sayumi, and Lin Lin decided to head downtown and walk around looking for anything interesting to do. Aika and Jun headed out to eat and Reina dragged Ai and Risa off to karaoke. The latter two sat in amused boredom as the youngest girl hogged the microphone.

“Well, this wasn’t exactly what I had in mind for us tonight.” Risa commented as she sipped her wine. As soon as they had gotten there, they’d ordered a big bottle of plum wine and a little something to eat.

“Well, this is fun anyway. And with Reina up there providing background music, it’s almost like we’re alone.” Ai scooted closer and shifted the gunner into a comfortable position leaning against her chest between her legs. They lay stretched out along the couch, with Ai’s back to the wall.

“Still, I’ll make it up to you later.” Risa promised, snuggling into the older woman’s warm chest. She could faintly hear her thudding heartbeat under her ear and pressed closer to listen better. The fast, but steady beat calmed her thoughts to nothing except the presence underneath her. “Your heart…”

“Eh?” Ai asked, tilting her head down to look at her companion. She’d been watching Reina perform a particularly energetic dance, seeming lost in her own world.

“Your heart is pounding so fast. It’s so… Real.” Risa pulled back to make eye contact and both girls became mesmerized by the sweet tension that passed between them.

“Of course it’s beating fast, you’re so close to me right now, I can’t think of anything else.” the demolitions expert whispered quietly, “I’m so glad to be together with you.”

“I’m glad too.” Was all Risa could mutter as her voice caught in her throat. That look Ai was giving her was so intense, possessive and loving, she thought if she stared too long, she’d start to fall. Oddly, she didn’t mind the strange sensation, it had been a while since she’d seen anyone with that look. The last person to give it to her was this amazing woman with her arms wrapped around her.

That felt like yesterday and forever ago, had they really been children still? Risa’s eyes flickered down to Ai’s lips when the woman’s tongue darted out to wet them. They leaned towards each other, Risa intent on claiming those tempting lips, when a hand suddenly grabbed the gunner on her arm.

Startled, both women turned to find Reina, whom they’d nearly forgotten about, with a teasing expression on her face, “I don’t think so, not here. Now come and sing with me Gaki-san.” Risa was pulled out of the warm embrace and found herself on stage before she could process what had happened.

When she finally came back to awareness, a microphone was thrust into her hand, “Eh? What? Wait, what song is this?”

“It doesn’t matter, just follow my lead. Don’t look so smug, Ai-chan! You’re next.” Reina warned, shaking her finger at the lone woman.


By the end of the night, all three women were exhausted, happy and more than a little drunk. They stumbled back to the hotel, which hadn’t been that far from the karaoke place, arms supporting each other and laughing about some joke or another. They tried to keep it down in the lobby after management gave them dirty looks, but all they succeeded in doing was laughing harder.

“Goodnight guys.” They parted ways at Reina’s door, the youngest giving each a kiss on the cheek. They were all feeling a little bit more friendly than usual.

Reina entered her room as quietly as possible, beginning to shed her day clothes almost before the door had shut. She tossed them onto the chair in the far corner, deciding to deal with them tomorrow. Standing in just her underwear, she began to search for her usual pajamas, but only managed to come up with a very thin tank top which she didn’t think even belonged to her. With a shrug, she put it on anyway and crawled into her bed.

Colliding almost instantly with a warm body, Reina wrapped her arms around whoever it was that decided to stay there, having a hunch even in the complete darkness. A small gasp sounded as the person awoke from their slumber and stiffened in the embrace.

“Sayu.” she whispered huskily into a thick mane of hair. Her hands began to wander across the figure in her grasp, squeezing a plump handful in her right hand while her left traveled lower. Reina felt a lazy grin spread across her face as her digits slipped past an elastic waistband and down into even warmer territory. She would have continued her assault if a sharp elbow hadn’t connected with her gut and the body forcefully pulled itself from her arms.

“What are you doing?!” Sayumi nearly yelled, her surprise keeping her from being wary of the other sleeping occupants of the floor.

“Just having some fun.” Reina slurred easily, bringing her wet fingers to her lips. She knew, even in the darkness, that the con could see her every move and she grinned wickedly at the taste of the whitish liquid on her fingertips.

Letting out a slightly disgusted and horrified, but mostly indignant noise, Sayu stormed out of the room, leaving the yankii chuckling in her wake. She wouldn’t be gone for long, but maybe now that she’d been burned a little, she might not be so eager to play with fire. Reina brought the previously occupied pillow to her chest to hug, smelling the older girl’s familiar shampoo on the fabric. Content for now, the cop finally drifted off to sleep, the comforting smell enveloping her.


Risa grinned as she watched her companions joke about something across the table from her. Tonight was the last night of their break and the whole group had decided to go out to dinner, the gunner couldn’t help but marvel at how well they got along now. It seemed liked they had known each other for years, not three weeks. She guessed that if you shared such dangerous experiences with people you’d become closer faster, due to having to trust the person to watch your back. Kind of like soldiers who were friends with each other.

Thinking back on their first meal together, Risa grinned to herself. They were sitting in the exact configuration as they were back then, Reina, Eri, Ai and herself on one side with Sayumi, Jun, Aika and Lin on the other in that order. All of them got a hearty meal, thanks to Lin’s thawing of their accounts, and they all chattered with each other happily.

The only tension seemed to be between Sayu and Reina, with the con refusing to make eye contact and Reina giving her a self-satisfied smirk every once in a while. Those two plus Eri seemed to be having a group discussion without actually talking about the same things and it was quite amusing to watch the turtle girl be caught in the middle. Across the table, Aika listened as Jun Jun regaled her with some outrageous, but true tale, the thief watching her wild gestures with a smirk on her face.

Turning her attention back to her girlfriend and Lin, she half followed along as they talked about strategies to defeating the difficult mini-boss in one of the games Risa had bought. It was a two player, so the hacker had frequently made her way into their room when ever they were there to play with Ai. Risa wasn’t really all that interested in those kind of games, so she just watched them have their fun with Ai nestled comfortably against her chest between her legs.

Out of the corner of her eye she noticed a large entourage enter the restaurant, causing the entire staff to hum with tension. The manager nearly climbed over himself to serve a suited man with greasy, slicked back hair, leaving himself open to teasing from the man’s lackeys. Turning her full attention to the scene, Risa watched as the group was led into the backroom that was secluded enough to offer privacy, but still was open enough so that the occupants could be viewed without getting too close.

Racking her brain for where she knew the greasy man from, Risa continued to silently observe the entourage of him and about twelve other men of similar dress. He sat at the head of one of the long banquet tables, watching in amusement the antics of his men as they playfully argued and joked around. He turned his head to the left to talk to the only calm man and as he did so, Risa’s eyes widened. The motion made a black tattoo visible, a dragon peeked out of his collar. Just the tip of the snout was shown, indicating that the whole of the ink was massive, probably encompassing his entire back.

It clicked in the gunner’s head where she knew the man from, he was one of the head lieutenants in the Takashi gang! And furthermore, the calm man at his side was also a high up sub-boss. What were the odds that they would run into two of their main targets without even looking for them? Already plans were forming in Risa’s head on how to deal with this opportunity. She concluded that Ai was going to kill her later, but it was too tempting to pass up. Excusing herself from the table, the gunner slipped outside to the van to gather supplies.

It was only a few minutes later that she reentered the restaurant, a small gift bag in her hand. She took her place at the table again and set some packs of ear plugs in the middle. Her strange action halted the conversations immediately.

“What is this for?” Reina asked, picking up a pack and examining it closely.

“It’s for blocking out loud sounds, what do you think?” Risa replied sarcastically, gaining an eye roll in response, “Just put them in and don’t ask anymore questions. Jun, I need you to flip the table up into barrier when I give the signal.” The now alert Chinese girl gave her a wide eyed stare.

“What’s the signal?” she asked lowly, one ear plug already in.

Risa just gave a grim smile, reaching into her gift bag and standing up. “You’ll know it when you see it.” At her side, Ai’s ears perked up when she heard a familiar metallic clinking sound, but before she could ask anything, Risa was running towards the back room.

The oldest woman felt as if time was slowing down as fear gripped her heart. Her girlfriend ran at full speed towards the gangsters, but it seemed to her as if she was fighting through molasses. Risa gripped the bag tightly by the handles and began to swing it around, her actions finally being noticed by the surprised group. Before any of them could draw their weapons, she flung the bag into their midst and spun on her heel.

Jun took this as her signal and the table was flipped up into a defensive barrier, the other girls instinctively diving behind it for protection as the entourage brought their weapons up to bear on the little gunner. Risa sprinted as fast as she could back to her position as behind her, the men opened fire. Bullets whizzed past her and thunked heavily into the thick table.

At about this time, inside the bag, six grenades detonated, the force of the explosion sending Risa flying over the make-shift barrier and onto her companions with a chorus of groans. Despite the ear plugs, the sound was nearly deafening and instead of bullets, now debris rained around the girls.

For Ai, time sped back up. She was huddled underneath Lin Lin’s arms, the hacker having pulled her from her seat when the table had been flipped. When everything finally stilled, the group all cautiously rose to examined the carnage. The walls were still standing, thankfully, but the grenades’ force had flattened everything in it’s path. In the restaurant proper, tables and chair lay overturned as though an angry child had given them a swipe with his arm.

The backroom was all but rubble, everything completely flattened. Nothing moved for a long moment, until in the very back corner, something began to struggle. Wasting no time, Risa hopped over their table and marched over to the form, drawing her sidearm as she went from her pocket. As she drew closer, she realized that it was the greasy man that stirred, the calm man lay heavily across his lap, shredded from obviously taking the brunt of the blast in an effort to protect his higher up.

Standing in front of him now, his slicked back hair mussed and his suit torn and burned, Risa almost felt pity. He struggled to open his eyes, one seeming to be glued shut from the blood that covered the whole left side of his head. Eventually, he glared at her balefully with his good eye and the gunner pushed her feelings away.

“Do you remember me? It’s been a long time since we last met. I think I was just beginning my training with Doro-san at the time.” Though he opened his mouth, no words came out, but he didn’t need to say anything for Risa to read the recognition in his eyes. “I lived.” she said with finality, leveling her pistol at his head and firing twice.

Then she turned and headed back to her group, not bothering to wipe away his blood and brain matter from her face. The girls all were stunned into silence at this blatant display of brutality, even Eri, whom had never seemed affected until now. Risa said nothing, just walked towards the exit. And they followed.

The ride back to the hotel was mostly silent, Risa driving and Ai riding shotgun, occasionally sending her worried glances. Finally, the gunner spoke, “Our break’s over, tomorrow we begin to hunt.” In the rearview mirror, she saw the others exchange uncomfortable looks. “We need to take out Takashi soon and the only way to do that is to take out his sub-bosses. From now on, it’s kill or be killed. No exceptions.” Risa knew they were all thinking about the carnage they had just witnessed and knew there was more to come.


Alright, enough stalling. Here you go, lodge any complaints in the complaint box. *points to box on the wall* The paper slides down the furnace and warms the house, lol.

Anything constructive, is welcome.

I don't know why I felt the need to put that here...
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 13 12/08)
Post by: DO Me DO Me on December 08, 2009, 11:00:23 PM
I think I had a dumbstruck look on my face complete with open mouth the whole time I read this part.  :O hehe Wow, so many things, you're so good with details. Tanashige, what's that all about? Sayu amuses me in this story, I thought she wouldn't have anything to contribute to the group but she's very interesting and a bit crazy, and it's funny seeing Reina fume at her with jealously for the lack of a better word.

I was going to reference Tokyo Gore Police, but I never saw that movie but I had a feeling the action was similar to your story. And there goes Gaki's killer instinct again. She's awesome.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 13 12/08)
Post by: alwaysYou on December 09, 2009, 02:34:29 AM
the takagaki is  :wub: :wub: :wub:
and tanashige moment is   :lol: :lol: :lol:

hope it will be happy ending for tanashige XD
but how about eri then.. :banghead:
and dont let her interfer takagaki!!!

need more takagaki.. :heart:
it's just so so sweet.. :wub:

tomorrow we begin to hunt
action begins!

nice fic..^^
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 13 12/08)
Post by: kuro808 on December 09, 2009, 02:41:13 AM
sweet an update, I should update mines soon, but which one????? :lol:

well that Sayu being married was sort of surprising but Reina seriously likes the cons way too much IMO  :lol:

Almost perv moment but no dice at this time awww

Neways keep up the work and good luck on finals if you have any :thumbup
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 13 12/08)
Post by: kawaii beam on December 09, 2009, 04:02:22 AM
OMG!CWHY!WHY MUST U END IT THERE!!!?!?!?!god! just as it was getting good!
smexy takagaki is good~ XDD but so is risa spoiling ai wth gifts X3 and i guess a drunk ai is a naughty ai ne? XD
and sayu's mareied?! O.Ohot dang!
and reina's just in the "i love the bunny/i hate the bunny" mode ne? XD
and lastly...WTH RISA! just as i thoght hse was gonna be all "i wont kill anyone so cazily anymore" she does that!!!
eventhough i love how quickly she thought of the plan though...why do i feel that when her and ai talk about this it wont end so good?(or maybe i'm wrong..idk ^^;)
over all...GOOD JOB! X3 cant wait fior the next one~
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 13 12/08)
Post by: amEthystx on December 09, 2009, 06:06:25 AM
@Happy Tree~

awwww~ I'll kiss the pout away~ :mon kissy: *Please refrain yourself from any violent.*

Yup, I plugged the power cord into my ear and rubbed a balloon on my head until it turned on, lol.
- LOL~ Cannot help but laugh at the image~ rubbing a balloon on head  :mon lmao:

OK~ for the real comment now~ LOL


Risa and Ai:  :wub: :wub: :wub: Risa could not even walk str8 after her mission but Ai was more important.. Drunk Ai indeed is very cute~ haha~ and so sweet that Risa still plans to take Ai out on a date~~

I guess even if Ai was in control of Risa most of the time, but that was only because Risa allows it~ At the last paragraph, when Risa went so out of it, Ai dare not interrupt as well. So meeting the guy finally made Risa make the hard decision... She escape death once..and got her chance for revenge...She if they are going to do that as well.. they all gonna be dead meat~~ sooner or later~

Reina and Sayu: wooooo~ somethings seems to be burning inside Reina now..due to jealousy?  Her turn to tease the bunny~ Lol

Reina brought the previously occupied pillow to her chest to hug, smelling the older girl’s familiar shampoo on the fabric.
- She just wants to be with her..  ;) anyway~ Drunk Reina is pretty cute too

Is it ok to get them drunk all the time? LOL~ Even though it's not very good but they are cute....soooooo..... *Bright smile!*

Wondering what a drunk Sayu might do to Reina~ *Brighter Smile!*

“What else can I spend my money on? I don’t need anything else, but to make you happy.” Risa pouted, sad her gifts were being refused, “I know you’re bored being here all day while we go out.”
- Forgot this.. it's just too cute to see Risa like a kid trying to make Ai-chan happy~  :P

 :mon bat:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 13 12/08)
Post by: badsaints on December 09, 2009, 01:35:36 PM
What? Nobody dropped any complaint yet? Well little me will be the first then. *Takes a deep breathe* Here it goes....

%hfn^u9#@^)&&HG%**^%$!$^** TANASHIGE @^UI^$EDE@%RUI)(&%$ SAYUMI #^%ftt%rrcguytt REINA &&opht%y$#r$

*breathe out* Okay I'm done ranting :P Sigh I love you but I hate you rndm-chan. Why must thou make TanaShige suffer like this? It's really sad the way Reina treated Sayu after she found out about the marriage. It's like Reina is trying to convince herself that Sayu is indeed a scum not worth respecting. But she can't deny that she has for sure fallen for the bunny. I guess they will grow to be a stronger couple if they can work through this :cry:

On the bright side, TakaGaki just make me mush inside. Risa trying to please Ai is just so cute. Plus Ai trying to be the mature one reprimanding Risa about overspending when the chibi her is jumping for joy at all those toys XD

Everyone was neutralized, only one death
Errr that's a very diplomatic way of putting it. I'm thinking of the watermelon at the part where Risa blows that guy's head off :lol:

Okay now Author-san will get serious.. Strap on your seatbelt everyone
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 13 12/08)
Post by: kRisZ on December 09, 2009, 06:46:17 PM
As soon as she entered Lin’s hotel room, Risa made a beeline for her girlfriend, engulfing her in a tight embrace. Ai let out a small squeak as she was squeezed, but returned the hug with just as much vigor. “Welcome back.” she greeted softly.

Nice start  :D

“I don’t know what Sayu did, exactly, but the other’s seemed a little afraid of her on the ride back and she was the most covered in blood. She didn’t kill anyone, though I heard the ones she dealt with lost the use of their legs.” The gunner reported nonchalantly.

Traumatized  XD and eww

“Because I can?”


Ai shoved away the very tempting PSP.

Must resist huh

The break in mood sent Risa nearly rolling off the bed. “Wanna try out the Sports Resort game?”


“You’re welcome to join me.” she proposed seductively, causing a blush to appear on the cop’s cheeks.

The seductive ebil Sayu  :on lol:

“I will, Sayumin.” Eri said

 :on bleed:

Reina stared at the line again. “Honeymoon? She’s married?” The yankii felt a strange hollowness in her chest that she certainly didn’t like, “She’s married.”


Sayu's married at 14?  :shocked

“Go ahead and cry, you’ve deserved it today.”


Reina angrily sipped at her beer, sitting at the hotel bar later that night. She was still mulling over the information that she’d learned,

Yay!  :mon dance:

She thought back on the exchange she’d heard between Sayu and Jun at the apartment.

 :mon blood:

“Where’s your shadow?”

Damn  :on lol:

“Not like this, Ai. I want you to be lucid when I finally make you mine.”

  :luvluv1:  :gmon twirl:

Satisfied that the cop was going to wake up with a terrible hangover and be confused about where the rest of her clothes were


“Why do you say that as if it doesn’t matter!? You’re married and carrying out a fling with Jun Jun and whatever it is you were trying to pull on me!

Now she admitted it  :D

“I don’t know what the others like, but how about we just tell them to do whatever? You and me can go on a date or something.”

and do that thing  :twisted:

“I don’t think so, not here. Now come and sing with me Gaki-san.”


“Goodnight guys.” They parted ways at Reina’s door, the youngest giving each a kiss on the cheek. They were all feeling a little bit more friendly than usual.

Makes me think of threesome  :twisted: but no, no please  :D

Just having some fun.” Reina slurred easily, bringing her wet fingers to her lips. She knew, even in the darkness, that the con could see her every move and she grinned wickedly at the taste of the whitish liquid on her fingertips.

 :mon blood:

Letting out a slightly disgusted and horrified, but mostly indignant noise, Sayu stormed out of the room, leaving the yankii chuckling in her wake.


The only tension seemed to be between Sayu and Reina, with the con refusing to make eye contact and Reina giving her a self-satisfied smirk every once in a while.


hose two plus Eri seemed to be having a group discussion without actually talking about the same things and it was quite amusing to watch the turtle girl be caught in the middle.

Amusing indeed  :on lol:

Risa was running towards the back room.

Alone  :shocked

not bothering to wipe away his blood and brain matter from her face

Umm, eww

From now on, it’s kill or be killed. No exceptions.


Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 13 12/08)
Post by: lil_hamz on December 10, 2009, 11:50:33 AM
*takes out some paper, scriibbles on it and stuffs it into complaint box*

This list is gonna be long :P

1) Why must Reina be such a meanie? She labeled Sayu as scum without even letting her explain! Seems like this is a common trait of the yankii in many fics XD Plus, she was 14 when she married. Can that even be taken seriously?

2) Ai not being grateful to Risa's enormous purchase. Shouldn't Gaki-san get something good in return, say a nice make-out session :p

3) Is Jun-Aika headed where I think it is?

4) Why is Lin2 the one who grabbed Ai when the madness started. <-- This isn't exactly a complaint. I was just wondering thats all :D

5) Why is Reina acting like a such an as****e again by doing that to Sayu when she was drunk? Poor Sayumin. Her heart must be so hurt :cry:

6) That action packed scene at the end was way too short. It was awesome but still, just when I was getting into it all, bamn, it ended :banghead:

7) You made everyone scared of Risa :smhid How can anyone be frightened of the lovable and squeeshy bean? XD

See, I told you it was long. But really, these aren't complaints. I was just trying to be a moron. All these points were what really struck me and I can't say if its good or bad cuz it depends on what happens next. I know one thing for sure. There isn't a single  :yawn: moment. You are incredible!

Let's say I don't turn you into a plant, then can I know the ending now? I'm DYING to know :banghead:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 13 12/08)
Post by: Sancho on December 10, 2009, 01:40:15 PM
I'm starting to get a hang of this story's kinkiness and brutality. and I'm expecting of it more.  :P

“Look look! I got a PSP and a DS and lot’s of games and a big screen TV and a Wii and a 360 and a PS3. And movies! And some horror books, too!” Risa explained excitedly, waving the novels around.
all those stuff are really tempting but I'm still go For Lin's PC.  :lol: :lol:

In this chapter. I'm on to Reina. I feel so sorry for her.  :cry:

I got good news. I already started doing the fun art. I don't why. Maybe I just missed drawing things.  :P just wait for a couple of days for this.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 13 12/08)
Post by: cogi_yoshi on December 10, 2009, 06:34:39 PM
WHUT!?!?!?! SAYU MARRIED AT 14?!?!?! :shocked: :shocked: :shocked:
Somehow that thought makes me think that her father was brought up in a Tribe where early marriages are allowed. :lol:

And Reina... :on shady: :scolding: :grr:!!!!!
Think WELL before letting your feelings take over you!!! Gaaahhh... But then again, maybe she's just confused because she's starting to fall in love with the bunny. And she's just desperately finding some 'bad things' about Sayu so that she will not fall in love with her. Although she doesn't have the right to accuse her. After all, her father's doing bad things too.

Ohh, Risa's really sweet!!! I hope she didn't regret buying those stuffs to Ai. After all, if I was into her game mode... She might ignore Risa. :lol:

..... :sweat:....
ok I take that back.. Risa's SCARY!!!!

@cogi_yoshi - Are you hoping for a rokki orgy or something? XD
Ahahaha... not really... but then.. if you make it like that... :bow: :bow: :bow:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 13 12/08)
Post by: rndmnwierd on December 17, 2009, 07:31:51 PM
@Do me-san - Ah, thank you very much. I'm really having a lot of fun with the volatile Tanashige relationship, I hope it shows. Originally, Sayu was just going to be a supporting character, but then she started to write herself. Oh Tokyo Gore Police, that's such an, er, interesting movie. Definitely not for the squeamish, there's some really sick stuff in there.

@alwaysYou - Hi, thanks for commenting. Be warned, I'm not going to let any couple have it easy. Though I'll try to make lots of fluffy moments to make up for the pain I'm going to cause them. Maybe...

@kuro-kun - I think you're the only person who said Reina likes Sayu TOO much, lol. And there prolly won't be a perv for a while, but if there is, I'll be sure to post it in it's appropriate place. Not to say that I won't have some heavy making out in later chapters.

@kawaii-chan - Ah, it wasn't too much of a cliffhanger, was it? There will be lot's of crazy killing in the next few chapters, so look forward to it! Everything will work out in the end. Maybe. :twisted:

@Baby Sticky -
*Please refrain yourself from any violent.*
Does violent blushing count?
- LOL~ Cannot help but laugh at the image~ rubbing a balloon on head 
Static electricity, baby. He who masters that masters the world. XD

Risa finds it quite difficult to live by someone elses' rules, being raised with such a lawless background and then her later violent training made her independent and wary. So if she slips up, that's just survival instinct rearing it's head. Also anger...

And Tanashige will continue with it's love/hate take. So expect some more clashes between them. BTW, I just realized how many time I got the girls drunk. So many days in a row, I'd die if I had to even lay eyes on another beer. :lol:

@baddie -
What? Nobody dropped any complaint yet? Well little me will be the first then. *Takes a deep breathe* Here it goes....

%hfn^u9#@^)&&HG%**^%$!$^** TANASHIGE @^UI^$EDE@%RUI)(&%$ SAYUMI #^%ftt%rrcguytt REINA &&opht%y$#r$
I just imagined you banging your head against the keyboard, lol. :lol: But yes, Reina is trying to convince herself that Sayu's scum! Cause she does illegal things and that's bad. Don't worry, though, after a few more arguments, maybe I'll give them a break. Enjoy the mental torment and be glad I don't off someone, yet, muahahaha.
Errr that's a very diplomatic way of putting it. I'm thinking of the watermelon at the part where Risa blows that guy's head off
  :lol: :lol: Diplomatic, yeah, but also a little cold.

@KrisZ - Jeez, so much to respond to and I'm too lazy to do some massive quoting. I'll just say thanks you so much and I'm glad you found so many things to comment on. I promise I won't be so half-assed next time. XD

@Hammersteinz - Thanks for the warmth I need it to keep my fingers from going numb so I can write.
1)Reina's set in her stubborn way and the marriage is perfectly legal. I'll resolve, or at least explain it later.
2)What do you think happened when they tried to hook everything up?
3)Why if you were thinking that it would be a forbidden love between a sixteen year old and a twenty-one year old with lots of ups and downs and misunderstandings from family and friends as well as them being shunned be the general populace, then you're absolutely wrong. Lol, they're just close is all. :lol: But now that idea warrants a fic.
4)They were sitting next to each other and Lin is quite fond of the older girl, so of course she wants to keep her safe. They bonded over their time doing surveillance together and talking about video games and manga.
5)She was drunk and a little amorous, she made a mistake, but to be fair, Sayu is always teasing her as well.
6)Yeah, that was the point. It was just a shock and then wham! You're as stunned as the characters.
7)It'll work itself out. Or I'll just kill her. :lol:

I'm glad you think it's interesting. I'm trying to keep up a balance of action and emotions, but all my fingers keep writing out are feelings, so I hope instead of boring you to tears it makes the girls feel like they have a bit more depth.

You want to know the ending? Me too. :lol:

@Sancho - Glad you like it. I just realized how much pent up violence I have, lol. XD Oh Lin's pc set-up? I drooled a little as I was describing it. Yeah, poor Reina, I'm probably not going to give her much of a break, at least until she can deal with her father. As soon as you finish your art you should post it up here. That would be really awesome seeing as how I have the artistic talent of a rock. :D

cogi_yoshi - Yes at 14, it's not completely unheard of in this day and age, just pretty rare in the so called civilized countries. I think the marriage age in Japan is 16? Maybe? So she would have had to go out of country to get the license and blahblahblah, details. The important thing is it happened.

And Reina...!!!!!
Think WELL before letting your feelings take over you!!! Gaaahhh... But then again, maybe she's just confused because she's starting to fall in love with the bunny. And she's just desperately finding some 'bad things' about Sayu so that she will not fall in love with her. Although she doesn't have the right to accuse her. After all, her father's doing bad things too.
Uh, yeah, that's pretty much it. Although you bring up an interesting point.
Although she doesn't have the right to accuse her. After all, her father's doing bad things too.
Reina's father is like a constant black mark against her character. When people find out about this, they transfer the sins of the father to the child when, really, Reina is an individual. What her fathers does is the reason she's so wary of other criminals and why she's so adamant about hating them.
BTW, don't get too excited about that orgy, I gots plans for them later.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 13 12/08)
Post by: rndmnwierd on December 17, 2009, 07:32:38 PM
Chapter 14: "Listen son," said the man with the gun

Early the next morning, a meeting was called in their make-shift war room. The atmosphere was grim in the aftermath of the explosive conclusion of their break, but the girls were all ready to do whatever it took to take down the Takashi gang. Risa stood in the middle of the room, eyeing them seriously for a long moment, before she dropped a file down on the table in front of her. It landed with a slap that sounded loudly in the quiet room.

“This is our key to winning. Inside is a thorough profile of each member of Takashi-dono’s lieutenants, including their addresses and basic schedules. Apparently, he didn’t trust any of them and always kept tabs on them in case he needed to take them out himself. That will work to our advantage.” Reina grabbed the file and drug it closer to get a better look at it.

“Why are there ten names with three crossed out? I thought we only killed two guys.” The first page in the file was a list of names and, as Reina mentioned, three were crossed out, one in black ink and two in red. “D-Dwight-o L-Roberts?” she tried to say the first name, tongue stumbling over the foreign pronunciation.

“He’s been dead. There were originally ten sub-bosses, now there are seven. On the page, they are written in  a specific order. Roberts-san was Takashi’s number one. The men we-I took out last night were numbers 2 and 4. I’ve been planning on how to take out the others since I found this file and I know we’ll have to work fast. Five through ten will be easy, but it’s number three we have to worry about. We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it, though.” Across the table, Ai met Risa’s eyes and held them meaningfully.

“What exactly are your plans?” The older woman asked evenly, causing the gunner to adopt a pleading look.

“Please, I need your support. I need you to say you’re okay with what I have to do.” Risa was nearly whispering, feeling the pressure of everyone’s eyes on her.

“I’m not okay with killing, but I trust you.” The simple words were all the younger woman needed to hear and a small, relieved smile graced her face.


Emerging from the bar, the laughing man headed to his car. On his arm was an equally drunk woman, his escort for the night. Well, he squinted into the bright sunlight, he guessed it had been morning for about nine hours now, but the night never really ended until he slept.

“What do you say to extending your services into tonight as well, huh doll?” the vapid, bleached blonde giggled agreeably to his offer.

“As long as you can pay, I’m yours!” She shivered a little in the frigid morning air and the man wrapped his arm over her shoulder, pulling her closer.

“Well, in that case, I might keep you with me for a couple of weeks!” The two burst into drunken laughter. The streets were surprisingly empty for the time of day and he could see clear down to where he parked a couple blocks away. He and his floozy made their way slowly, traveling in a fairly zig-zag pattern. Soon enough, he was fumbling with his keys in the lock.

He dropped them, once, twice, then a third time, before bursting into laughter. As he reached down to grab them the last time, a small, gloved hand collided with his. He turned to his right and met the eyes of an attractive young police woman. Fearlessly, he grinned at her, watching as her nose wrinkled from the smell of alcohol on his breath. He knew there was nothing the law could do to him and he could see, in her chocolate colored eyes, that she knew it too.

“You know, it’s dangerous to drive under the influence.” the cop said, pursing her plush lips teasingly and raising her eyebrows.

“I live for danger, miss.” he heartily bellowed, watching a grin spread across her face.

“Your friend look a little chilly, perhaps you should give her your coat, like a gentleman? She might catch a cold before you can get somewhere warm.” He furrowed his brows at her strange suggestion, what was she getting at?

“I like my bitches chilled. Not that it’s any of your business.” She shook her head, a little sadly.

“No, it really isn’t, but hearing you say that makes me feel a little better about doing this.” Before either could react, the sound of a gunshot echoed on the empty streets. The escort screamed as the man sunk to his knees, clutching his chest, eyes already beginning to go glassy. The cop watched him for a moment as she holstered her weapon and then tugged his long coat off, draping it around the woman’s shoulders. The terrified escort met her light colored orbs in stunned silence, taking in her regretful eyes.

“Why did you-?” But she couldn’t finish her sentence and the cop walked away through a nearby alley, shedding her disguise as she went.


The streets were crowded at midday, people scurrying everywhere trying to get to their destinations quickly, but having to wade through the human tide. It was impossible to walk without bumping against the person nearest you, so the short man didn’t even try to avoid anyone. He practically barreled through the crowds, intent on getting to his next ‘meeting.’ Some young punks had been trying to stroll into his territory and Takashi had told him to deal with it however he saw fit.

Grinning cruelly, he brought his hands from his pockets to crack his knuckles. He couldn’t wait to take care of this. Nowadays, being a gangster was all about politics and solving things without garnering the attention of the police. It was so rare to get a direct order to handle things without thinking of the consequences.

Just recently, a few men had been lost to a shootout and the police had been asking questions. There was nothing to be said, especially after the drug brothers had shut down their factories and disappeared. It was all very baffling and the man thought that maybe Takashi knew more than he let on about what was happening. It frustrated him to no end that he didn’t trust any of them enough to tell them important things. Well, now he would be able to work some of that frustration off.

His shoulder slammed into someone hard and he would have sent that person to the ground if it hadn’t been so crowded. He didn’t say a word, just kept going, ignoring any protests his rough demeanor caused. He didn’t notice a pair of chocolate colored eyes tracking his progress from somewhere in front of him.

Swiftly, she made her way through the human tide, weaving in and out expertly, focused on her target. From her pocket, she pulled a long dagger, gripping it in gloved hands tightly.

Oblivious to the impending danger, the man kept moving forward, shoving his way past anyone who got too close. He didn’t even see the woman as they slammed shoulders in the crowded sidewalk, but he did feel a sharp pain in his chest. He took a couple more steps before he had to stop, the unbearable, white hot pain shooting through his torso.

Looking down, he saw a large hilt sticking out from where a knife was shoved in through his ribcage, plunging deep into his heart. Before he could even register what this meant, he fell face first onto the ground, dead.

The crowds surrounded him, some people letting out screams and cries as they realized what had happened. The incident brought everyone gathering, except for a small woman with light eyes and plush lips, face twisted in regret.


Risa barely breathed, she didn’t move, the butt of her rifle was pulled tight into her shoulder and her whole being was focused on her objective. She was perched on top of a roof overlooking the shopping district. Every week, her target would take his children out into the city, leaving him vulnerable to this kind of attack, now it was just the waiting game.

It had been a long time since she’d last truly sniped someone, Doro-san always gave her these kind of exercises to teach her patience and concentration. She thought of the first times she had done this, against livestock to make her aim better and then against shepards in the middle east and Africa.

Risa shook her head, turning her attention away from the past at shuffling next to her. Eri lay beside her, head on her folded arms and looking as if she would fall asleep. She was unused to working with a partner and couldn’t resist the urge to take control of the operation. Luckily, the same aged girl had understood Risa’s true reason for wanting to take care of things herself.

“Why did you take me?” Eri suddenly asked, nearly startling the gunner. It was pretty much the only words she’d spoken all day.

It was understandable that she would ask, after all, she wasn’t really needed in any of Risa’s plans. After the first and second assassinations, she’d merely given the gunner clean clothes to change into, helping to ensure that no blood was visible. And now she was just laying around while Risa did the work.

“I had to take someone. Ai said so.” Risa responded quietly, her voice feeling croaky from disuse. She remembered sitting for days or even weeks at a time all alone while she waited for the perfect shot. When she was finished and went back to report, it would take hours for her voice to come back.

“But why me? Why not Jun? She volunteered to go with you first and I think you actually hurt her by refusing to take her with you. She really seems to look up to you.” Eri opened one eye lazily to look at her.

After she had detailed her plan, there had been  a few protests, the loudest of all from Ai. “You can’t go alone! I will not let you put yourself into unnecessary danger. Take at least one other person with you.” She had all but ordered and Risa had glanced around the room, taking in some eager faces.

Jun hadn’t wasted any time before she stepped forward, “I’ll go with you.” she sounded the most eager and that made Risa uncomfortable.

“No.” She had declared, “I’ll take Kame with me. You stay here.” The Chinese girl’s eyes had widened, briefly flashing with undisguised hurt, but the gunner forced herself to ignore it and instead turned to face the surprised cop.

“Me?” she questioned in a loud bark, as if unable to stop herself. Risa had only nodded at her and then gestured for them to leave the room.

“I needed someone purely for support. Jun is a very punch first, ask questions later kind of girl and I couldn’t use her talents here.” Once again snapping back into the present, Risa truthfully explained her reasons, “Also I guess I trust you.” She didn’t mention that she was trying to keep Jun away from the violence as much as possible.

“You trust me?” Eri asked as though this had never occurred to her. The gunner just nodded and they shared a look, “Maybe you shouldn’t.” the same aged girl finished forlornly, frowning for a second.

Risa just tilted her head to the side for a moment before she turned back to watching the ground below. They fell into silence again, the gunner becoming absorbed in her waiting game once again and Eri laying her head back onto her folded arms, closing her eyes peacefully.

The sun was nearly gone before Risa finally spotted her quarry coming out of a clothing store with two young children in tow. She didn’t let herself feel bad for what she was about to do, her mind went on autopilot. She pressed her face against the side of the rifle, staring down the sights. She led the target for a few seconds, lining up on the center of his head. There was no center mass, there would be no second shot, all that existed was this one, perfect prey.

Taking in a deep breath, Risa gently squeezed the trigger. The report from her weapon sounded loudly in her unprotected ears and down below there was an explosion of red. She took only that half second to confirm her kill before she began to disassemble her rifle with quick, practiced motions. Beside her, Eri had awoken with a start and was staring at the hysteria on the ground with wide eyes.

It was less than a minute later that they were leaving the rooftop, Risa’s rifle packed inconspicuously into a guitar case that was slung across her back. They traveled in silence back to the hotel, neither in any mood for idle chatter. For all that their mission had been successful, it didn’t feel like something to be celebrated.


After the abrupt dismissal of the morning meeting, the other girls had gone off to do various things on their own. Ai headed to her own room to try and fall back to sleep, but all she managed to do was doze lightly on and off for a few hours. Lin had turned on a police scanner, much to the suspicion of Reina, and her and Sayumi had crowded around it.

Jun went to sulk in her room, followed by Aika, who tried her best to comfort the older woman. And Reina left the hotel altogether to take a walk.

After quite a few hours of tossing and turning, Ai sat up with a groan. Her heart was heavy with tension and she wanted Risa to get back already. Flopping unceremoniously over onto her stomach, Ai pressed her face into the mattress and let out a frustrated cry, kicking her feet and pounding the bed with her fists like a child throwing a temper tantrum.

When she had satisfied herself at least a little, Ai stopped her thrashing around. She needed something to distract her attention from her worries. She glanced at the impressive electronic set up that her and Risa had put together over the past few days. It really should only have taken a couple hours at the most, but they had kept pausing to make out heavily.

The demolitions expert blushed at the memories. The younger woman made her feel like an awkward teenager again and she meant that in the best way possible. They had never taken that last step to cement their relationship, but that hadn’t stopped them from trying everything else they could do together. Nor had that stopped Ai from thinking about doing ‘it’ with Risa, just that both had an unspoken agreement to wait until the bean was older.

Well, now she was older and Ai was still having to wait to give her most precious gift to the woman. It frustrated her and excited her in a way, because she knew when it did finally happen, it would be amazing. Shaking her head, Ai realized her thoughts were definitely not helping to calm her, just that now she was tense in another way.

Rolling over, Ai grabbed her PSP off the bedside table, flicking on the power easily. Maybe a certain RPG game would take her mind off her problems.

Except that it didn’t. Ai was so distracted, she kept dying in every battle and fudged up a very important quest line. Shaking her head again, she shut off the device without saving, setting it back in it’s place. For lack of anything to do, she rolled around on the bed from one side to the other, finally loosing her restless thoughts in the mindless activity.

She wasn’t sure how long she did that, but Ai was brought back to reality by a knock on the door. Startled, she tumbled off the bed, just managing to throw herself into a roll to avoid hurting herself. Standing quickly, she blushed at herself, moving to answer the door. Reina blinked at her placidly from the other side and was ushered inside quickly.

“What brings you here, Reina?” Ai asked from her cross legged position on her bed. The younger girl took a seat beside her and sighed wordlessly. The demo expert smiled sadly at her, able to easily guess the cause for her distress. “Are you worried about Eri?”

“Aren’t you worried about Gaki-san?” the yankii shot back defensively, immediately seeming to regret her harsh tone when Ai’s face fell, “Sorry. I didn’t mean to say that. I just wanted some company.”

“It’s alright. And of course I’m worried, I can’t think of anything else and I’ve tried everything to distract myself. I’m just surprised you’d be so affected by this.” The older woman realized she’d said the wrong thing right away when Reina scowled at her.

“What do you mean ‘not affected?’ How could I not be when my partner is out there shooting lunatics with a lunatic by her side! Just because we haven’t known each other that long doesn’t mean I don’t care about her!” Reina stood and planted her hands on her hips, leaning forward to give Ai the full effect of her glare. “I don’t need to stand here and be insulted!”

“That wasn’t my intention. I was just surprised because it just doesn’t seem to be like you to worry so much. After all, Eri has gone on a mission without you already and you were fine.” Ai held up her hands in surrender, her words seeming to deflate the younger’s anger as Reina plopped back down into her spot. The demo expert breathed a sigh of relief.

“That was different and I know you feel it too.” Pouting, Reina crossed her arms, “Why couldn’t she have just taken Jun Jun?” she questioned sulkily.

“She wants to protect her, that’s why.” Ai said decisively, drawing a look from her companion, “Risa’s not a bad person, you know? She doesn’t want the others to suffer.”

“Suffer? What do you mean by that?”

“You’re worried that Eri might come back physically injured, aren’t you?” She cut Reina off before she could answer the rhetorical question, “Of course you are. Well, I know that Risa can take care of herself a hundred percent. I kept tabs on her after she left home and she filled me in on everything that happened first hand, so I know she’s done terrible things.”

“But I know she never wanted to do those things. Not really. She just thought she did. After her brother died she was so hurt, but maybe because of the way she grew up, to her back then, hurt translated into weakness and she was taught to never show weakness. All that hurt turned to anger, at herself and her situation and the person that killed her brother. I think being with me helped and harmed her at the same time, I kept her from letting it out and as a result all that pain began to fester.”

“When we bro- I mean when I broke her heart and we split up, it just came out in a frenzy. She attacked the man who had started it all and in the end, he took her in and turned all that repressed anger into a weapon. He taught her to kill and be ruthless and I know he hurt her physically, too, to enforce his lessons and also to make sure she could take it.”

“She did bad things, lost in her anger and the pain I caused, she felt no regret. At first. As things began to calm down inside her, she realized that she really didn’t like hurting people, but she thought it was too late for her, so she kept doing it. Until her mentor died and she went into hiding. After that, she had no choice, but to settle down and live a normal life. And she found that she liked the peace so much she nearly turned into a pacifist.” Here Ai let out a chuckle, becoming silent for a moment.

“Being in this situation hurts her. In the time that she had to slow down and look back at her misdeeds, she had finally begun to forgive herself. Now, I don’t know how to help her.” Silence descended again as the two let Ai’s last words sink in.

“Is that why you’ve been so annoyingly insistent about no one killing?” Reina asked, turning to face the older fully.

“Yes. I’m not naïve, Rei, I know how the world works, but I also know that not everything has to end in bloodshed. Sometimes, it’s harder to take the straight and narrow and I know it’s so easy for Risa to fall back into her old habits when she doesn’t truly want to. These sub bosses have to die, though, or we risk having one of them replace Takashi and then we’re back to square one. Except they’d know we were after them.”

Reina regarded Ai with a bit more respectful glance. Obviously the woman wasn’t just saying ‘Don’t kill ‘cuz it’s bad, eheh,’ she actually had her reasons. She was strong and had no qualms about defending her beliefs, even against someone she loved. “I see. Well, have you eaten today?”

“No, let’s go.” It only took Ai a moment to slip on some shoes and the two were headed down to the hotel’s restaurant. The conversed easily, as if they’d known each other for years, allowing trivial conversation to distract them from their true worries for a while.

“Uh, so, how is your…” Reina gestured towards Ai’s side and the older woman understood what she was asking.

“Oh! It’s fine, I should be fully functional in a couple more weeks.” Unconsciously, Ai placed her hand against the bandage hidden by her shirt. “The stitches have almost dissolved, which surprised me, I thought it would take longer. I can also already move around fine without any pain, as long as no one, you know, punches me there or something.”

“That’s good, but just a couple of weeks? Eri’s hasn’t even fully healed and it’s been over a month now.” Reina raised her eyebrow at her companion, watching as she rubbed her head sheepishly.

“I’m a pretty fast healer, I was always getting scrapes and cuts when I was a kid and my clumsiness hasn’t changed at all over the years. My body’s had lots of practice, especially since I started working with explosives.” Ai held up her left hand and Reina could see a faint scar around her pinky finger, “I had it almost blown off once and, when they reattached it, it only took a month and a half to completely heal.”

“Really? Wow.” Was all the suddenly queasy girl could think to say, looking down at her spaghetti and meat sauce. Ai noticed her glance and laughed.

“Wanna trade?” she pushed her chicken sandwich across the table and the younger girl gratefully took it. After they were settled and had begun to eat, Ai laughed again, “I wouldn’t have taken you for being squeamish.”

“Well, there’s not a lot that freaks me out, but missing appendages do the trick, especially fingers. I think it might be because my first crash course in first aid was sewing my dad’s fingers back on while under heavy gun fire. I was twelve at the time and my initiation went wrong. My dad had to save me and he got shot trying to protect me. He laughed, he always laughed, no matter how bad the wound was.” Reina shook her head slowly.

“Maybe he was trying to put you at ease? If you were so young and he started freaking out, it definitely wouldn’t help to calm you.” Though Ai’s words were said nearly off-handedly, Reina’s eyes widened as if she had never considered this before. “Speaking of, have you called him yet? We are getting very close to finishing with Takashi’s clan.”

“No, I haven’t. I’m not sure I should, I’m still mad at him and I’m sure he’s still mad at me, so why bother?” Reina crossed her arms and pouted grumpily, more upset that the demo expert was asking the same question that she had been posing to herself.

“You should, nothing will ever get fixed unless you talk. You need to suck it up and stop being such a selfish coward. Do you know how much I would give to be able to fight with my father again? To be able to argue and be mad and then forgive. Be lucky you still have a dad that loves you.” The cop was stunned by the harshly spoken words coming from the normally soft spoken woman. “Call your father and make up with him before he dies.”

After her mini rant, the table fell silent and Reina lowered her eyes to her lap, unable to take the burning pressure of the older’s intense stare. “I was thinking about it. Maybe I could call him after all of this with Takashi is over, if I do it now, then I’ll just be too distracted and I’ll end up hurt or getting someone else hurt, especially if it doesn’t go well.”

Seeming satisfied with the response, Ai nodded once and sat back in her chair, “Good, I’m sorry I was mean to you.” It only took another moment for both to shake off any lingering awkwardness and then finished their meals in amicable silence. As they left the restaurant, the had to pass through the main lobby to get to the elevators and both had a clear line of sight to the front door, just as two familiar figures strolled in through the sliding glass doors.

Ai found herself looking into strained chocolate colored eyes and felt her breath catch. Her girl had never looked so beautiful in pain before now. Risa and Eri quickly joined the two still women, the turtle immediately latching onto her partner’s arm and the bean throwing herself onto Ai’s lips.

When they parted breathlessly a moment later, Ai kept her arms wrapped around the younger girl’s waist, “Welcome back.”

“I’m home.” Was the tired response.

Forgot what I wanted to say....
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 14 12/17)
Post by: kuro808 on December 17, 2009, 08:01:57 PM
Killing off the bottom to get to the top, Ai seems to be holding a lot back from the rest for her planning, and Risa broke Jun's heart  :(

Good job, I need to study but i'll try to update before my exam
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 14 12/17)
Post by: amEthystx on December 18, 2009, 06:48:40 AM
Does violent blushing count?
- Even when i'm a baby?! Looks like you have been around the block~ LOL~! =X

Static electricity
- One that can power up a desktop? Teach me please~

I'd die if I had to even lay eyes on another beer.
- I will~ I got it so bad once that just by smelling Martell (Ain't i a little too young to be drinking sure an old man liquor?)  turns my tummy~ but recently i fall for Sambuca  :wub:

*Throws one shot to Ai*
Ai-chan~ You are gonna love it for sure~ One shot = to maybe 2 pint of beer? gets you to bed faster plus you wun have beer belly..~

ANYWAY~~~~~~~ back to the story~ LOL~

Nice action scene~! 3 in 1 story~ XD YAY! to the sniper scene~

TakaGaki is sweet as usual  :wub:

“I’m not okay with killing, but I trust you.” The simple words were all the younger woman needed to hear and a small, relieved smile graced her face.
- She's like an anchor isn't she? To anchor our bean-transporting tanker firmly in place from what the brutal sea have to offer in her young life..  ;)

The gunner just nodded and they shared a look, “Maybe you shouldn’t.” the same aged girl finished forlornly, frowning for a second.
- ohhh~ what is our little turtle trying to imply? Could it be that the government might not hold their end of the bargain? or just simply or turtle might like the bean? XD

Nor had that stopped Ai from thinking about doing ‘it’ with Risa, just that both had an unspoken agreement to wait until the bean was older.
- Ain't it worth the wait? The bean is smoking now~~~ Roasted~ XD

She was strong and had no qualms about defending her beliefs, even against someone she loved.
- *Throws Ai a shot again~* Anchor with strong will  ;)

“No, I haven’t. I’m not sure I should, I’m still mad at him and I’m sure he’s still mad at me, so why bother?”
- Reina Reina Reina~~~~~ Talk to your daddy soon~ Daddy always dote on daughters more.. and its true~ Anyway..even if he is mad at you (Was he anyway??), you just have to cry... i'm sure he will be freaking out and be all over you~ Maybe you can tease the big man~  XD

p.s: i was thinking maybe the alcohol is making Ai-chan heal faster (even though it shouldn't be that way) cause she have been drinking throughout her recovery~ haha.. maybe little turtle could get little drink too *Throws Eri a Sambuca too*   :mon evillaff:

 :mon bat:

EDIT: Page 11 GETS! i got your 200th comment post.. plus its my 100th post~ XD
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 14 12/17)
Post by: badsaints on December 18, 2009, 12:45:50 PM
God I actually felt like I wanted to give the bean a hug :( The pain she must felt as she kill take another life.

On the other hand, Eri's character is still a question mark to me. You know, the feeling of not knowing what she's really thinking? It's like, she's too, hmm...neutral? 8)

It really should only have taken a couple hours at the most, but they had kept pausing to make out heavily.
Oh yeah! :inlove:

Enjoy the mental torment
*Grab a jumbo-size popcorn* Oh don't worry, I will :twisted:

and be glad I don't off someone, yet, muahahaha.
Oh Do it! Do it! :twisted:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 14 12/17)
Post by: kRisZ on December 19, 2009, 02:05:25 PM
@KrisZ - Jeez, so much to respond to and I'm too lazy to do some massive quoting. I'll just say thanks you so much and I'm glad you found so many things to comment on. I promise I won't be so half-assed next time.

lol it's okay you don't have to  :D

“Please, I need your support. I need you to say you’re okay with what I have to do.” Risa was nearly whispering, feeling the pressure of everyone’s eyes on her.


“I’m not okay with killing, but I trust you.” The simple words were all the younger woman needed to hear and a small, relieved smile graced her face.


Beside her, Eri had awoken with a start and was staring at the hysteria on the ground with wide eyes.


It really should only have taken a couple hours at the most, but they had kept pausing to make out heavily.


Except that it didn’t. Ai was so distracted, she kept dying in every battle and fudged up a very important quest line.

Like a lone cat on mating season  XD

“What do you mean ‘not affected?’ How could I not be when my partner is out there shooting lunatics with a lunatic by her side!


“That’s good, but just a couple of weeks? Eri’s hasn’t even fully healed and it’s been over a month now.”

Oh yeah, Eri's injured too but...  :shocked  they had a dance battle with wounds  :shocked

“Call your father and make up with him before he dies.”

Reality bites

When they parted breathlessly a moment later, Ai kept her arms wrapped around the younger girl’s waist, “Welcome back.”

“I’m home.” Was the tired response.

 :) It felt so serene

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 14 12/17)
Post by: cogi_yoshi on December 19, 2009, 04:36:17 PM
it's time for a... KILLING SPREE!!!! Way to go Risa!!!
Man, they worked really fast there...
And Ai's right.. Reina should call her father as in NOW... before RIsa will kill him...ahahahaha.. well, after all he's her father.., just a final goodbye is enough...XD

The demolitions expert blushed at the memories. The younger woman made her feel like an awkward teenager again and she meant that in the best way possible. They had never taken that last step to cement their relationship, but that hadn’t stopped them from trying everything else they could do together. Nor had that stopped Ai from thinking about doing ‘it’ with Risa, just that both had an unspoken agreement to wait until the bean was older.
:mon bleed2: I think you should write a pervy chapter for them when that happens.. :grin:

BTW, don't get too excited about that orgy, I gots plans for them later.
Ok.. I won't.. *takes in some valium*  :D
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 14 12/17)
Post by: kawaii beam on December 19, 2009, 08:32:25 PM
MY GOD~! X3 such a good chapter~! X3

it took me a while to realize that risa was the one killing all of those dudes in the begining of the chappy ^^;

and risa's in ubber serious mode now!(i_i)*hides*

lol at ai XD she cant even beat any of those easy monsters in ff XDD to preocupied with wantin go to do the nasty with risa eh? XD

in all ubber great chappy! X3 cant wait for the next one X3
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 14 12/17)
Post by: lil_hamz on December 23, 2009, 10:29:15 AM
*reads first murder*

The cop who killed the drunken man, was she Risa?

*reads 2nd murder*

Ok, then who is the killer this time?

*brain processes*

I’m gonna guess that both of those girls were Risa. The chocolate eyes, plush lips and small size were my clues. And I remember how you wrote that she didn’t wanna involve the others in killing. This got me thinking. Can Risa live in the end and have a somewhat normal life with Ai? I mean, she has a lot of blood on her hands. Although everyone of them deserved it.

Like badsaints, I’m not sure where Eri’s character is heading so far but I think you’re gonna surprise us with something good.

She glanced at the impressive electronic set up that her and Risa had put together over the past few days. It really should only have taken a couple hours at the most, but they had kept pausing to make out heavily.

Ahhh, now I see what you mean XD

So Eri hasn’t completely healed huh? At first I was for Risa taking Eri along instead of any of the other girls. But now that she’s not at 100%, it might be dangerous if  something happens during the mission*worried*

It’s Christmas eve tomorrow!! And I’m so exicted more cuz it’s your update day rather that cuz of the holiday itself. I wonder if you’re too busy partying to write :panic: I don’t mind sitting beside you with a hairdryer aimed at your fingers to keep them warm if it can make you more comfortable. Aren't I a good fan of yours :P

MERRY XMAS in advance!
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 14 12/17)
Post by: rndmnwierd on December 24, 2009, 11:32:28 PM
@kuro-kun - They're trying to sneak their way in and ninja the gang. :ph43r:

@Baby Sticky - Actually, I think you might be older than me... Does that make me a baby tree?

Mastery over static cannot be taught, only learned. :mon nyah:

 :JD: :twothumbs

- She's like an anchor isn't she? To anchor our bean-transporting tanker firmly in place from what the brutal sea have to offer in her young life..
That's a very good metaphor, I like that. :yep:

Roasted beans!? :lol: :lol:
EDIT: Page 11 GETS! i got your 200th comment post.. plus its my 100th post~
Man, how's that for lucky?

@baddie - Yes, poor Risa is being torn apart. She can't help it.

 :yep: Distraction ftw!

Geez, don't tempt me to really kill someone. I've become quite attached to my characters!

@kRisZ - No, no, such a loyal reader deserves a loyal comment. BTW can I just call you kz? I think I've typed up your SN in every way except the right one. KriSz kRiSz KrIsz KRISz. I'm facepalming myself over here!





Exactly  :lol:

Glad you liked that XD

:X <.< >.> <.<

Harsh words, but true. At the same time, I think only Ai could get away with saying that to Reina in such a way. Anyone else would cause her to lash out.

Like a breath of fresh air. :D

@cogi - Yeah, Risa had the timing down to a tee. If you really think about it, the fact that she successfully offed three people in a day is really scary. And no one noticed until it was too late.

Hopefully Ai's words got through that thick, yankii skull, huh?

Perv chapter? Ehhhhh~ I'll think about it, but if I do it, it won't be up until after the new year.

Kawa-wa-wai-i-chan~ - I tried to make it obvious without actually saying her name so that I could change the POV up a little bit. I want you to actually realize that Risa isn't just killing nameless, faceless 'sub-bosses' but actual people who live actual lives. I want the reader to have a bit of a moral crisis too. Sorta. In a way, I want you to feel what Risa's feeling.

Yup, and let's just say, Ai is quite imaginative.

@Hammer Pants - Can you tell I'm having fun with your name?
Can Risa live in the end and have a somewhat normal life with Ai? I mean, she has a lot of blood on her hands. Although everyone of them deserved it.
Ah and we come to the underlying problem. I think both of them are slowly realizing this, though their feelings are strong and both still hold the naivety of first true romance, they haven't quite figured out that love does not conquer all. Sometimes, real life gets in the way or you have to really change yourself and your habits, especially such bad ones. I still have a lot in store for them.

Ahhh, now I see what you mean
:yep: :yep:

Okay, now that I've gotten your hopes up with a comment reply, I'm going to say that my update will be late. I've decided to combine the last two chapters of this arch into one big finale and then toss it at you. As of right now, the chapter is twenty Word pages and counting. I've been working on it for almost a month now and It's kinda slow going. That being said, I hope to have it up before New Year's.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays Everyone!!!
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 14 12/17)
Post by: kawaii beam on December 25, 2009, 12:02:41 AM
lol i like that nickname eventhough it must've been a bit to type XDD
and i see what you mean now..i still feel bad for those kids though, but it's not their fault that their dad was a bad guy XD,plus something got me thinking...whatever happened to risa's parents? or did i miss out on that? XD
O.O 20PGS?!!?!?! DANG WOMAN! XDDD this chapter must be awesome if you put so much into it X3 which makes me cant wait even moreX3

and merry x-mas to u too~! >3<
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 14 12/17)
Post by: kRisZ on December 25, 2009, 01:34:25 PM
BTW can I just call you kz? I think I've typed up your SN in every way except the right one. KriSz kRiSz KrIsz KRISz. I'm facepalming myself over here!

 :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  Damn  :grin:  Of course you can, I too sometimes use two letters when I'm too lazy typing the whole SN  :grin:

HAPPY HOLIDAYS  :mon santa4:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 14 12/17)
Post by: amEthystx on December 25, 2009, 09:30:27 PM
To: Baby Tree~

First thing first~

Merry Christmas!!!

a little late though~ XD

o.O how old is baby tree? I'm not that old~  :mon hanky:

Yup~ Roasted Coffee beans!! cause Risa is now smokingly hot~ XD

Anyway..just take your time to write.. =] But it's sad that the story is coming to an end soon~ i really like it though :P

 :mon bat:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 14 12/17)
Post by: rndmnwierd on December 25, 2009, 11:01:00 PM
^It's not ending, I'm just done with the first third of it. We still have two bosses to go afterwards!

BTW I just turned 21 in November.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 14 12/17)
Post by: amEthystx on December 26, 2009, 05:24:26 AM
@Baby Tree~

Ohhh~ scared me~ i thought it was going to end~ XD

I just happen to be a month older than you at most~ I turned 21 in Oct   XD

Happy super belated birthday!  :P

 :mon bat:

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 14 12/17)
Post by: rndmnwierd on December 26, 2009, 08:44:16 AM
^Lol, same to you! On the birthday part...
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 14 12/17)
Post by: lil_hamz on December 27, 2009, 01:25:02 PM
I had a dream of B&B last night. I must really be suffering withdrawal symptoms for not getting an update :P

When you say you have a lot in sore for TakaGaki, I wonder if more will be on the fluff side or the tragic/angst side :doh:

Whichever it is, I can't wait to read more. When I'm deprived of fics to read I'll just re-read yours and re-live the awsomeness :thumbup
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 14 12/17)
Post by: rndmnwierd on December 31, 2009, 02:46:04 PM
Chapter 15: "There's room for you inside."

It seemed to take forever to reach their room, but when they did, Ai and Risa wasted no time in sealing their lips together frantically. The older woman pressed her companion hard into the door, clutching her as though she would disappear altogether if she didn’t hold tightly. The gunner definitely did not mind, returning the gesture submissively.

Suddenly, Risa began to cry, causing Ai to pull away from her in concern, “I was so afraid, Ai. I was terrified that I would mess up and be caught and then Eri would have gone down with me. I was scared that I wouldn’t be able to go through with it in the end and then be arrested for not following through on my deal. I was afraid that if I did take their lives, it would feel good and I’d have no remorse. I’m afraid to turn back into the monster that I was before, killing women and children without batting an eyelash, regardless of their wrong doings. I’m afraid that killing out of necessity will lead me to killing for no reason again.”

By the end of her tirade she was sobbing like a child into Ai’s shoulder, the older woman shedding sympathy tears. They kissed again, slowly and thoroughly, tasting each other’s fear and love and comfort. They made their way over to the bed, still attached to each other desperately, and laid down on their sides. Their fronts were pressed flush with barely air between them and in the intimate position, Ai let her hands wander across her girlfriend’s body as if smoothing ruffled feathers and Risa began to relax.

The demo expert tugged at the younger’s thick top shirt, trying to pull it off her body and Risa obliged willingly, struggling out of the suddenly too hot article of clothing, leaving her upper body covered only by a thin tank top that left her bra visible. Just as Ai reached for the hem of the other shirt, a knock sounded heavily at the door. They exchanged a look and reluctantly agreed to pause their activity; the demo expert got up to see who was there, while the gunner put her over shirt back on.

Outside the door, stood Jun with Aika just behind her and the Chinese girl wore a determined expression, “Is Niigaki-san there?” Risa poked her head around Ai at the sound of her name, “Take us with you!” Jun immediately demanded very loudly, startling both women. At heir wide eyed looks, the hitter pressed on quickly, “When you go out tomorrow, take Aika and I with you, we can help you somehow, you don’t have to do this alone.”

“I-I’m not alone, I have you guys.” Risa defended with a stutter.

“Except that you’re not using our talents.” Aika piped in, “You’re not the only one who knows how to take care of business, even if we’ve never killed before. Let us help you.”

“Yeah, Gaki-san.” Sayumi’s voice called out from further down the hall and she and the rest came into view, “You don’t have to take this all onto your shoulders.”

“Exactly, how’re we supposed to succeed in our mission if we can’t even work together as a team?” Lin added her two cents in, “Besides, I’m feeling very left out.”

Under the gaze of the six in the hallway, Risa retreated slightly, turning to face her girlfriend and meeting her determined eyes as well, “I want to help also. I’m not saying I condone it, nor am I changing my beliefs, so don’t worry about that, but I know that it’s something we need to do. I’m not scared for you anymore, because I know you can handle this with our help. So let us.”

After being assaulted by so much pleading, what else could she say? “Alright guys. I’ll have to change my plans a little, so it might take some time.”

“There’s no need, I’ve already thought of some.” Ai spoke up, surprising the rest. “Hey, I’m leader, right? I gotta come up with something.”


With a sigh, the man reached across his empty bed and shut off his blaring alarm. Slowly, he sat up in his large bed and stretched his tired, aching muscles. He was not a young man anymore, grizzled from years of rough treatment, there was a scar over the left side of his face that had nearly cost him an eye, but paid him back in his current position in Takashi’s gang. He was old enough now and had been in this business long enough to start to regret his former actions.

He sometimes wondered what his life would have been like if he’d been less restless and gone to school like his mother had wanted. Would she have died disappointed in him if he had tried and failed? Or would she have just been proud that he tried instead of giving up on his childhood dreams? Shaking his head, he got up and grabbed his robe, it was far too late for what ifs.

For as restless as he had been in his teenage years, he had settled into a boring routine. Get up at six, get the paper, read over breakfast and then whatever was on his schedule. He laughed bitterly at himself, what a joke he had become, he wouldn’t have been surprised if someone tried to kill him for his position tomorrow, but who would attack an old dog with no teeth?

He made his way downstairs, on bare feet and in a thread bare robe, a shadow of his former self. His ruthlessness tempered with his age and experience, lonely and wallowing in his recent depression. When he opened the door to get his paper, he didn’t know what hit him.

Down the block, eight girls in high spirits crowded in a van to watch the fireworks. They knew they were successful when they could see the explosion wipe his large house off the map. Risa, in the driver seat, turned to Ai, riding shotgun and smiled at her. It had been with the older woman’s expertise that they had rigged up his front door with a huge amount of explosives that Ai had assured them would do the job and more.

Even though it was still murder, Risa felt quite proud of her girlfriend. Behind them in the back of the van, the other girls cheered and high-fived each other. Three left before they could go for the big boss.


It was lunchtime at this small bistro and the only occupants were a well dressed man and his two thugs. The place routinely closed down to give him his privacy to dine on his simple meal and he and the owner would chat. Today, the owner had not made his appearance and the man thought this was very odd. There was also a new waitress and his friend was not known for hiring people he didn’t know very well.

“Where is Katsumuri?” He demanded to the absurdly pretty girl as she brought him his spaghetti meal.

“He’s in the bathroom right now, he should be out in a little while. I think maybe something he ate didn’t agree with him.” she giggled vapidly, her black pigtails bouncing.

“Fine.” he said gruffly as he added grated cheese to his pasta. The girl giggled again and headed back into the kitchen, winking to another girl with chocolate colored eyes that the men couldn’t see.

The man dug into his meal with a gusto, slurping his noodles annoyingly loud and splattering sauce everywhere. Suddenly, he began to choke, causing his bodyguards to look at him in concern. All three stood and his hands went to his neck, foam poured out of his mouth and before the other two could even reach out to him, he hit the ground, body racked in convulsions.

It was over in seconds, and the man laid dead on the floor, bloody foam staining his lips. As soon as they had confirmed his death, the thugs drew their weapons and split up to search the restaurant. The first man went into the managers office, finding him tied up under his desk, a half eaten bagel shoved in his mouth as a gag. The second guard stormed into the kitchen, finding a mess of spaghetti sauce on the ground where someone had poured the pot and the cooks in an unconscious heap in the corner. There was no sign of the pretty waitress.

Far outside the little bistro, Risa and Sayumi ran, laughing as they made their way to the van. “Oh that was so much fun!” The con giggled, shedding her half apron and unbuttoning her collared shirt a little at the top and bottom, revealing her stomach and her neck.

The gunner gave a wolf whistle, playfully nudging the younger girl, “Oh, trying to look sexy for Tanakacchi?” She burst into laughter when Sayu blushed, “You are! You really like her, huh?”

“Of course! She’s so cute, how can I not?” The con said flippantly, but Risa knew that she was just hiding how deeply she felt.

Shaking her head, the gunner decided not to say anything else on the subject, “What did you put in his food?” she asked instead.

“Arsenic.” Sayumi held up a small vial of the stuff, “Neat, huh?”

“Has anyone ever told you you’re scary?” Risa said, shaking her head. They took a turn through an alley, the van in sight up ahead.

“Hey, madness runs in my family.” The con winked, a dangerous look in her eyes. Her companion laughed again, never a dull moment.


He hunched over his keyboard, fingers clicking away frantically. A noise behind him made him jump, but he realized it was just a computer. The warmth was comforting, surrounded by the emotionless CPU’s, he felt safe. He wasn’t sure how it had happened or why it had taken them so long to realize, but almost all his comrades were dead.

He was sure he was next, so he had barricaded himself in the security room and this building. It was impenetrable, no one could reach him and there was plenty of food in the connecting office in the back. He was watching every entrance to the building over the security feed and his hands were on the controls of the defensive measures. It was like something out of a video game, with everything from jolts of electricity to flame throwers and machine gun turrets.

Of course, no one outside his highly trained personal bodyguards knew of the extent of these tools. And every one of them was lying dead locked inside his office on the top floor. He couldn’t risk anyone getting close to him now, not when his life was at stake. And no one would find them for months, his office was sealed off completely.

He leaned back in his chair, finally allowing himself to relax. There was no way anyone could get him in here, he was too well secured. Satisfied with the lengths he had gone through to protect himself, he figured a little break wouldn’t hurt.

He got up and headed to the back office, not noticing the camera in the corner blink to life and turn in his direction. One of the computers that he had turned off whirred as it was turned on from an outside source and it’s electronic cry of protest was cut off as it was quickly and expertly controlled. The hacker on the other end chuckled, searching through the system for a possible solution on how to dispose of their problem.

She was pleasantly surprised as the information she needed was so easily found. None  the wiser of this intrusion, the man settled back down in his chair, a plastic cup in one hand and a sandwich in the other. All of a sudden, the power shut off, startling him into dropping his meal on the floor.

“Why hello there.” A satisfied feminine voice echoed through the speakers on his computer as the power flicked back on.

“What? How did you find me?!” The man cried out in alarm, standing so quickly he knocked over his chair with a crash.

“Well it certainly wasn’t easy. You completely deviated from your normal routine and we’ve been looking for almost a week now. You should be ashamed, screwing up our schedule like this.” Her lilting voice scolded in cutely accented Japanese.

“This is impossible! No one can get passed these security measures!” His hysterical rant was cut off by her musical laughter.

“Well, I’m no one then! Now, I’m sorry to cut this short, but you really have to die.” The man shook in fear.

“Are you the one that killed all my comrades?” He asked, already knowing the answer.

“We are the ones, yes. Hmm, such fearsome defense you have. Were you expecting an army to come get you?”

“Yes, not just a girl. You won’t get away with this!” She laughed again and he whimpered at the electronic warp his speakers gave her lighthearted tone.

“I already have.” She said nonchalantly. From the walls came a great mechanical groan and sections of the paneling rolled away to reveal the defensive measures he was so proud of. He barely had time to scream before his whole body was lit up by a paralyzing jolt of electricity. As if waiting for their cue, the flamethrower and the gun turrets exploded into action.

In the safety of her hotel room, Lin cringed as almost instantly the camera melted as the room exploded in a fireball. Behind her, Jun clapped her on the shoulder with a grin, “Nice work.” she said in quiet Chinese, “I think you got him.”

“I’ll keep the flames going until they run out, just in case.” The hacker replied in the same language. There was an awkward silence between them for a moment, “I’m sorry. For-It-I mean.” Lin made a gesture and Jun grunted in displeasure.

“I don’t want to hear it. I’m still mad at you.” Jun opened her mouth and took a deep breath as if to yell, but paused and clenched her teeth together, breathing out through her teeth noisily, “In the essence of harmony and teamwork, I’m not going to say anything else.”

Tension hung heavily in the air as they stared each other down. Finally Lin nodded and turned around in her chair, “Fair enough.”


“Okay.” Risa grinned, crossing another name off their list, “One more left! Now, Miyoshi is the only female and number three for a reason. She’s nuts, but she knows how to use it. Now, I’ve studied Takashi-dono’s notes about her and even he seemed stumped about how to stop her. The only thing interesting he mentioned is that the woman is a horrible pedophile. She seems particularly fond of teenage girls.”

All eyes turned to the youngest of the group and Aika nodded grimly, “What do you need me to do?”

“Well, we want you to get her attention, then get into her home. We’ll keep track of you with this,” Risa gestured towards Lin and the hacker held up a small, beaded hairclip, “tracking device. After you get into the room, put this on the window.” Taking her cue, Lin held up a square piece of plastic. “It’s infrared and will tell us where to go to get you.”

“Okay.” Aika nodded fearlessly causing Ai to touch her gently on the shoulder.

“If you’re not comfortable with this, you need to tell us now. It’s very likely that she will try to get intimate with you and who knows how long it might take us to get to you? She might have defenses we don’t know about. If you have any doubts about being able to perform, let us know now.” Ai looked seriously into the younger girl’s eyes, gauging her reaction.

“I can do this, no problem.” The thief replied without a flinch. Ai held her gaze for a moment longer, before nodding, apparently satisfied.

“Okay, now, she usually chooses her girls from this nightclub. We’ll go there and show you off.” Risa turned to Sayumi, “We’ll need your help with this as well.”


Aika sipped her drink in boredom, absently fixing her short skirt. She had been coming to this club every night for four days and there had not been one sign of their quarry. The others had taken their usual distance from her to watch over her and seemed to be just as tired of this arrangement. Sure it had been fun at first, the lights and music, dancing and laughing. But after so long of the same thing, even this had become tedious, it was hard to keep up the façade.

Sighing and forgetting that she was supposed to stand out, the thief hunched over the bar, elbows on the surface and face in her hands. She wanted to go back and sleep, it was nearly midnight, but they had to stay until at least one thirty just to make sure that Miyoshi would come. She didn’t even look up when someone sat down next to her.

“Hello there.” A light feminine voice said and Aika’s head snapped up in surprise, “What’s such a pretty girl doing here all alone?” It was Miyoshi! There was no mistaking her face, Aika remembered her picture well. Short, dark hair framed a strong jaw and dull brown eyes. Her nose was cute and rounded and small ears peeked out from the hair at the side of her face.

Recovering quickly, Aika answered lowly, “I’m waiting for someone.”

“Oh, you girlfriends?” The woman asked smoothly, “Or maybe just one girlfriend?”

“Uh, yeah, she said she’d be here thirty minutes ago, but I can’t reach her and she hasn’t called, so it looks as though I’m suddenly free.” Aika slammed her glass on the bar mock angrily, “So screw her, who needs a girl like that?”

“That’s the spirit. What’s say I help you forget her with a dance?” Miyoshi offered, holding out her hand. Aika took it without letting herself give a second thought and was led to the crowded floor. She let the older woman lead her, letting her grab her hips and press their bodies close together.

Over Miyoshi’s shoulder, she saw Ai and Risa across the room. They seemed to be kissing passionately, but Ai caught her gaze over the gunner’s shoulder and Aika knew they were keeping an eye on her. She threw herself into the dance, grinning easily as the older woman ground against her. In reality, she couldn’t stand the feel of her hands clutching her hips, wherever Miyoshi touched felt slimy.

After a few songs, they made their way to a free booth and Aika took a seat as her companion went off to get them some water. When she returned, the thief didn’t dare take a sip, she wasn’t stupid enough to think Miyoshi hadn’t slipped something in the glass.

“So, what’s your name?” the older woman asked nonchalantly as Aika pretended to take a drink.

“Aika. What can I call you?” the younger girl shivered when Miyoshi ran her fingers up the thief’s arm.

“Keiko is just fine. Feel up to another dance?” The woman responded with a false name and Aika acknowledged her question with a smile.

The combination of the hot dance floor and the pounding beat made Aika feel charged up, those hands running along her back and sides began to have an affect other than disgust on her. She couldn’t help it, she began to really get into it, losing herself in the music and the warm body grinding up against her. When Miyoshi whispered hotly in her ear an invitation to come back to her apartment, even if it hadn’t been part of the plan, she probably would have said yes anyway.

As soon as the older woman led her to the car, Aika felt her tiredness from before come back. Checking her hair to make sure that the tracking device was still there, the thief decided to take a nap, leaning her head against the window. She felt fingers running through her short hair and tried not to tense up at the tingles that slid down her scalp.

It felt like only a few seconds later that Miyoshi was gently shaking her awake, “We’re here, let’s go.” she whispered and all at once, Aika was alert. She tried to move her body, but felt like she was walking through molasses.

Everything was blurry and her limbs didn’t seem to want to cooperate. Looking down at herself in confusion, Aika saw what appeared to be blood oozing sluggishly from a puncture on her arm. She was drugged, she realized belatedly as the older woman nearly carried her into the apartment building, and the thief felt fear.

It was almost like an out of body experience, Aika was watching herself be brought into the apartment and back into the bedroom, where she was dropped unceremoniously onto the bed, “I’ll be right back, cutey.” Miyoshi said, her voice dripping oily sweetness as she left the room.

Desperately, Aika tried to spring to her feet to run away, but only managed to roll over. She spied the window leading to outside and remembered the last part of her mission; mark the window. Knowing she had little time, the thief threw herself off the bed with all the strength she could muster and began to crawl slowly towards the portal to the outside.

It wasn’t far away, but it took all her energy to reach into her pocket and stretch out her hand to just stick the little piece of plastic she’d been given on the corner of the window. Aika retracted her hand and sagged against the floor, energy spent. Now she had no choice but to wait for rescue and she prayed it came soon.

“What are you doing down there?” Miyoshi’s voice rang out from behind her and Aika felt herself being lifted off the ground and put back into the bed, face up. “You weren’t thinking of leaving me, were you? Not before we have some fun first.” Hands started to pull at her clothes, but Aika couldn’t open her mouth to protest, though inside her head, she was screaming.

She tried to close her eyes, but could barely blink as she was stripped down to nothing. Hands roamed her body and lips sucked on her neck and tears began to stream down her cheeks. Those hands traveled lower and Aika flinched as they grazed her thighs, pulling her legs apart. Moist lips followed and the thief felt her breath hitch in a sob.

This wasn’t supposed to happen, she was just supposed to distract Miyoshi for a while, until Jun and Risa could kill her. She wasn’t supposed to go this far! What was worst was behind all her fear and disgust, it actually felt good, the woman knew what she was doing. Aika’s throat began to hurt and she realized that she had been sobbing loudly, wrenching her vocal chords with the strength of her cries. She was calling out a name, calling out for help from the one person she truly trusted.

“Jun! Jun!” she called hoarsely and felt a sharp pain in her thigh. She looked down at Miyoshi, who had sank her teeth into her skin.

“No, I told you. It’s Keiko. So say my name.” She commanded, lifting her head up.

Aika couldn’t say anything else, “Jun! Jun!” and she saw rage sink into the older woman’s eyes.

Miyoshi stood up on her knees and reached down to slap Aika hard across the face, “No! Say my name! Mine!” she reared back to hit the thief again when she still didn’t comply, but was suddenly stopped as thick wire wrapped around her neck from behind and pulled tight.

Jun Jun stood behind her, gripping the garrote in strong hands and viciously pulling. Miyoshi thrashed wildly, bucking and swinging her elbows back into Jun’s gut, but the hitter wouldn’t let go, even when the crazed woman smashed her head backwards into her nose, causing blood to spurt out. Eventually, Miyoshi stopped moving and fell limp in her captive’s grip, Jun held on for a few moments longer to make sure of the kill, her eyes locked on Aika’s own teary orbs.

Risa came in after and immediately headed for the thief, pulling the blanket around her and holding her comfortingly. Aika began to sob anew, still unable to move and feeling more exposed than even being naked could make her feel. She wanted to reach out to her savior, but couldn’t even do that much, so she settled for crying out her name again, “Jun!”

The Chinese woman dropped the body in her grasp and went to join the two on the bed, wrapping her arms around the thief. She indicated to Risa with her eyes to give them some time and the gunner reluctantly left. “I’m here.” Jun whispered comfortingly and Aika buried her face in the older woman’s shoulder, sobbing like the child she still was.

Out in the hallway, Risa, Reina and Sayu stood while Ai, Eri and Lin kept the car going in the parking lot. The gunner paced worriedly while the cop and the con stood close to each other, shoulders brushing together. All of them had heard Aika calling out when they had broken into the apartment and were worried with good reason. The youngest girl was so mature and strong, that to hear her so distraught was like a bucket of cold water to the face.

The bedroom door open, catching their attention, and out came Jun with Aika, fully clothed and unconscious, curled up in her arms. They all shared a look and quietly decided to let the Chinese girl handle her roommate. They left the apartment and headed to the awaiting van trying to make small talk after the successful mission and to distill any lingering uneasiness.


“Well, that’s that.” Risa said at the morning meeting the next day. “All that’s left is the big boss.” Jun and Aika were notable absent, but she let it go. After they had gotten back and the drugs had worn off, Aika had clung to the Chinese girl like a koala.

“How are we going to do this?” Ai asked quietly. The two had discussed plans throughout the past week, but hadn’t come up with anything solid yet.

“Well, I was thinking a stealthy entrance. The manor is pretty well guarded, but I know the floor plan well and I still remember a few hidden spots. There are a few rooms we could get into, but the place we’re going is on the fourth floor. Now, we can do this two ways, the quick way or the slow way. The quick way is we climb up to the roof and punch a hole underneath us. And the slow way is we climb through a window and make our way up the stairs.” Risa looked around the room and the vote was unanimous, “Okay, quick way it is. The only thing we have to worry about is the dogs and snipers and any guards on the fourth floor.”

“What? Wait what? Snipers? Dogs? You didn’t mention that.” Ai shook her head at her girlfriend’s laughter, “This isn’t funny Risa.”

“I told you it was heavily guarded. Did you think I just meant security cameras?” Ai pouted at the teasing words and the gunner touched her shoulder lightly, “Especially after we’ve taken out his best men?”

“Well of course not, but snipers? Come on.” Risa shook her head, still grinning, “Alright, everyone’s dismissed. We’ll discuss more definite tactics later.”

The group scattered, everyone headed off to do their own things outside of the hotel. Ai and Risa decided to head back to their room to relax. “I’m a little worried about this mission.” The gunner mentioned quietly to her girlfriend when they had settled down on the bed.

“I think that’s pretty normal. I’ve been worried about all of our missions and this one is so big. When are we doing this?” The demo expert asked in the same tone.

“Tomorrow.” Risa replied simply, leaving Ai gob smacked, “What?”

“Tomorrow!? What about Aika and Jun? We can’t do this without them.” The older woman whipped around in surprise.

“We‘re not doing this without them. We need them both to infiltrate the manor and for manpower since you and Lin are staying here.” The gunner continued on nonchalantly.

“No way I’m staying here. I’m fine now and I can move just as well as you can. We can’t bring Aika with us because she’s still traumatized over what just happened and she won’t leave Jun’s side.” Ai scolded.

“Well, that’s tough. She’ll have to suck it up because we need to move on with the mission.” The older girl nearly gasped at Risa’s cold tone. “I mean, I’m sorry it happened like this, but we don’t have time to feel bad. That can come later.”

“How can you say that? The girl was almost raped and she was drugged when we finally got to her, she’s just a child still, she can’t handle things like that so quickly. There’s no way we can move on until she has.” The demo expert sighed, beginning to get angry.

“Well, maybe we can leave her here with Lin and you can come in her place.” The gunner conceded lightly.

“But she needs Jun Jun. If she leaves her side, Aika will freak out again and no one knows how to calm her.” Ai stubbornly insisted.

“Then we’ll just put her to sleep until we get back.” Risa shrugged.

“Drug her again, you mean?” The older woman clarified angrily.

“Well, we could just bring her with us then.” The gunner tried.

“No way. We can’t do this until Aika is better.”

“We have no choice, we have to do this now. We can’t wait because Takashi-dono might get smart and decide to leave the city until things calm down and then where will we be? I sympathize with Aika, really, but you have to make hard choices as leader.” Risa, getting a little mad herself, stated forcefully.

“Well I’m still leader aren’t I? And I’m pulling rank on you, sub-leader. I’m not going to let you go through with any plan until Aika is one hundred percent again!” Ai stood up swiftly and the gunner followed.

“But what if he leaves. We’ll never find him again! I don’t have hardly any contacts in the rest of Japan. Ai, if we can’t kill him, it’s like we’ve practically failed our mission and the consequences for failure were made very clear to me. So even if we finish the other gangs, I’ll still go to jail or worse, they’ll ship me out to other countries to be tried and serve in their prisons.” Risa pleaded, trying not to lose her temper.

“That’s tough, you’ll just have to suck it up.” The demo expert mocked and the gunner clenched her hands at her sides.

“Don’t be such a bleeding heart.” she hissed out sharply, watching anger and a little bit of hurt flash through her girl’s eyes, “You’ll never win if all you can think about is everyone’s feelings.”

“Being a bleeding heart is better than not having one at all!” Ai cried loudly, “Since when was this all about winning, huh? I thought you wanted to protect the others, what happened to that?”

“I have to protect myself first! We’re so close to ending this, how can I be satisfied with backing down now?!” Risa’s fingers itched to clasp Ai’s shoulders and shake some sense into the woman. It didn’t even occur to her what she was saying, she just wanted to hurt her girlfriend. “But at least my ideals are better than having half assed ideals!”

“Even if they have more flip flop than a group of preppy kids at the beach? You’re such a hypocrite!”

“And you’re such a hippy!” Risa snapped back and Ai instinctively raised her hand to prove her wrong, but paused. “Don’t like that word? Go ahead and hit me!”

“Get out.” Ai reached out and grabbed the gunner’s collar instead, dragging her around to throw her in the direction of the door, “Get out!”

“Fine, I will! And I’m not coming back! I’ll take care of this on my own. I don’t need you or anybody else!” Risa snagged her coat, wallet and keys on her way out, slamming the door almost hard enough to drown out Ai’s parting words, but not the thud of something heavy colliding against the thick wood.

In the hallway stood three wide eyed figures, two cops and a con, Reina poised with her key halfway in the lock. They had obviously heard enough of the argument to be concerned, but Risa ignored them as she stormed past. Eri and her partner exchanged a  look, communicating their intentions to each other quickly before the older woman took off after the pissed gunner.

Reina gestured towards the door that still hid the second screaming voice and she and Sayumi cautiously crept closer, hearing more objects being thrown around the room. They jumped when something heavy bounced off the door at head level and then everything went quite. Reina pressed her ear to the thick wood, hearing a faint sobbing through the material.

“I’ll take care of this.” The cop told the older girl and Sayu reluctantly nodded, taking a step back, “Ai-chan?” Reina cautiously knocked on the door, but the sobbing didn’t cease. She knocked louder and called again, but the response this time was something light pinging off the door. “Can you open this for me, Sayu?” The cop asked gently and the con pulled out a small black box, attaching it to the lock and sliding a blank card inside. It beeped once and then a light on the side flashed green and the electronic lock clicked heavily.

“There.” Sayumi opened the door cautiously and it caught on something behind it. The two exchanged looks and Reina muscled her way into the trashed hotel room.

“Ai-chan?” she called out warily, not hearing any sounds. The once familiar room had turned downright creepy, the thick blinds were closed to not allow any light to enter from outside and the lights were off, so it was nearly pitch black. Reina reached around until she felt the switch and flicked it on. From the floor came a flash and then the bulb burned out with a crack, causing the yankii to jump.

From her pocket, she withdrew a small keychain flashlight and pressed the button to turn it on. Almost immediately the light landed on a hunched form in the corner to Reina’s left and the cop jumped again. It was like something out of a horror movie and she took a deep breath to calm her nerves before crouching down next to the figure, “Ai-chan.”

The older woman looked up slowly with a tear streaked face and Reina leaned forward to embrace her, feeling fresh tears soak her shoulder, “Rei.” Ai whined, “What have I done?”

“Shh, it’s okay Ai. Gaki-san will cool down and be back in no time.” The small form shuddered under the weight of her sorrow and Reina could only hold on tight, praying for the gunner’s safe return.


Eri jogged lightly to keep up with the speed of Risa’s angry strides. She had pounded down the stairs to the lobby and didn’t seem to even be slightly affected by the impromptu workout, while Eri knew she was sweating and her hair was probably sticking up everywhere. And even though she was walking and Eri was the taller of the two, Risa easily out stepped the same aged girl.

Finally, unable to keep up with the pace, Eri lunged forward to grab the gunner’s arm and halt her in her tracks, “Gaki-san! Stop!” They were quite a few blocks away from the hotel and Eri rested her hands on her knees to catch her breath, not letting go of her arm for fear she would bolt. “Where are you going?”

Risa finally seemed t realize where they were and looked around in contemplation, “I don’t know, I just had to get away. I am so angry right now that I just…” Risa clenched her jaw and audibly ground her teeth together, “I just want to get away before I do something I’ll regret later. More than I already do.”

“Let’s go back for the van, then, and I’ll take you for a drive. What do you say?” Eri suggested gently, trying to smile for Risa’s sake. No one could resist such a genuine look and the gunner was no exceptions.

“Yes, a drive sounds good. Here, I’ll drive.” And without so much as a warning, Risa reached out and smashed in the back window of the nearest car, not even flinching when her knuckles started to bleed. In no time, she was in the driver’s seat, hot wiring the little coup and Eri was staring at her wide eyed. The car suddenly purred and the gunner let out a grim cry of triumph. “Well, get in.” she ordered the stunned cop.

Shaking her head, Eri scrambled to comply, this definitely wasn’t what she had in mind. Almost before she could buckle her seatbelt, Risa was stomping on the gas and the coup took off with a squeal. Eri shrieked as they swerved into on coming traffic to avoid side swiping a semi and held on for dear life when Risa weaved in and out of the lanes at a rapidly increasing speed.

“Omigod! Gaki-sanslowdown!” Eri screamed, nearly incoherently, “BecarefulwatchoutforthatcaaaAAHHH!” A jerk of the wheel sent the little coup darting dangerously between other vehicles on the road. Grabbing onto her left ear tightly, the cop began to do something she’d never done willingly before now. She prayed.


Jun flinched as she heard the door slam, watching Risa storm down the hallway from a crack in the door. She had heard the argument even across the hallway and poked her head out curiously to listen in, not really getting much except that the pair was angry at each other. She saw Reina enter the room, leaving Sayumi in the hall, and called the con over softly.

“What’s going on?” Jun asked, carefully trying not to wake Aika, would had finally gotten to sleep not long ago.

Sayu could only shrug, “I don’t know. It definitely didn’t sound good. I’m sure Reina will tell us later.” She paused for a second, “How’s she doing?” The con gestured towards the room that Jun was half hanging out of.

“About as well as can be expected for being nearly raped.” Grinding her teeth, Jun shook her head, “I wish that bitch was still alive so that I could kill her again.”

“I know, I know. How are you holding up?” Sayumi reached out to lay a hand on Jun’s cheek, “You can tell me. It’s okay.” She pressed when the older woman hesitated.

“Honestly I haven’t really thought about it. I guess I’m mostly just angry.” she gently gripped the con’s wrist, titling her head towards the warmth that radiated from her hand, “I’m more angry at myself than anything, I should have been able to protect her better, Aika is just a girl, she shouldn’t have to deal with this stuff.”

“I’m sure that she’ll recover with your help. You have such a kind heart, Jun.” They smiled at each other, Sayu trying to give her strength through her eyes and Jun taking it in willingly.

“What are you doing?” Reina called out from across the hallway from where she was exiting Ai’s room. The two broke apart from their intimate position to turn and address the newcomer, but Jun didn’t let go of Sayu’s wrist and they saw Reina’s eyes drawn to the contact.

“Just talking, what did Ai-chan say?” The con questioned, trying to distract Reina’s attention. She knew it looked bad, no matter how innocent the gesture had been, and the cop had just been beginning to warm up to her again. Sayumi didn’t want to do anything to lose her trust.

“She said that they were fighting over when to attack Takashi.” Reina reported, eyes still locked on the contact between the two. The con shook off Jun’s light grip and reached out with the same hand to latch onto Reina’s elbow and drag her forward, not letting go even when she struggled.

“When?” Behind Jun, they didn’t notice Aika jerk into awareness. She shook her head and sat up slowly, trying to get the nightmare out of her mind. For a second, when she realized Jun wasn’t beside her anymore, she panicked, then she heard her voice at the door, “Why would they be fighting about that?”

“Gaki-san wants to do it tomorrow.” Reina began, voice muffled slightly. Before she could finish, Jun barked in quietly.

“Tomorrow?! Why, but Aika can’t. There’s no way she could be ready by tomorrow.” Aika jumped at the harsh tone.

Without missing a beat, Reina chimed in, “That’s what Ai said. She told me Gaki-san gave her some really cold answers and they fought. Though to be fair, they’re both right, in a way. Just that Gaki-san isn’t taking emotion into account and Ai is basing her decision on it.”

“I can’t let her out of my sight until she’s better, but that might take a while, so if you go tomorrow, I can’t come.” Jun said with an air of finality. Aika could hear the others make sounds of agreement.

“We know, but we need your strength and Aika’s stealth in this. No one will be able to spot security measures and deal with them better than you two.” Sayumi spoke up.

“Yeah.” Reina again, “I think Ai’s more worried about Gaki-san trying to do this on her own. The girl’s just not used to working with a group that actually cares about each other which is why she’s having such a hard time grasping this whole, ‘Taking into account emotion’ thing. I guess.”

Aika lay down and turned on her side, what was she supposed to do? She was holding everyone back. She knew she couldn’t help how she felt, but at the same time, she didn’t want all their hard work to be for nothing. And if Niigaki-san tried to take out Takashi on her own, she could get seriously hurt or die and then Takahashi-san would be sad. Not to mention they needed both of their leaders in tip top shape to finish the rest of the mission. Just the thought of going outside again, though, made her feel a heavy spot of dread low in her belly.

She barely heard the low murmur of conversation going on behind her, but she did notice the room go dark when the door was closed and she felt Jun slip into bed at her back. She tensed instinctively when the older woman wrapped an arm around her middle, but the quiet voice in her ear soothed away her fears.

“I’m here. I’ve got you.” No promises, just simple fact. Jun always knew what she needed to hear and it helped Aika make her decision.

“Jun.” she said suddenly, “Let’s storm Takashi’s manor tomorrow.”


“Wake up.” Eri felt herself being shaken gently and lifted her head from where it had been resting on the car window. Disoriented, she glanced outside, noticing that it was probably late afternoon and they were definitely in an unfamiliar part of the city. After driving like a maniac for about a half hour, Risa had finally slowed down enough to brood quietly, leaving Eri nothing else to do but sleep.

“Where are we?” She had no idea exactly how long they’d been driving, so she couldn’t even begin to guess where they were.

“Yokohama.” Risa said nonchalantly and Eri nearly choked on her tongue.

“Wha- Yoko-? What are we doing here?” She certainly didn’t think they would wind up in another prefecture!

“I needed some advice.” Risa said quietly and the cop swallowed her other objections at the broken tone. They got out of the car and Eri took a closer look at their surroundings. It seemed to be just a normal neighborhood, quiet two story houses overlooking the serene street. There was one thing out of place and that’s currently where Risa was heading.

“Eh?” Eri examined the large crater that appeared to be in place of one of the houses on the block, “What happened here?”

It looked as if someone had cleared debris with a backhoe, as one could still see claw marks in the dirt, but they had not begun to rebuild at all. “I grew up here. I spent most of my time here with my brother. Ai-chan said she took down the house, I guess she wasn’t kidding.” Risa led Eri to the backyard down a single stripe of green still on the property and finally stopped at a small, square rock that had a name carved into it. Hiro Niigaki.

“This is your brother?” Eri asked gently when the same aged girl kneeled down in front of the stone.

“In a sense, yes. When I left that day, the police took away his body and I never saw it again. I had no pictures of him for an altar and I moved around too much to have one anyway, so I decided to put this here. I’m glad no one moved it, though this is probably why nobody will build here.” Reverently, the gunner reached out and brushed the stone with her fingertips.

Eri took a step back politely as Risa began to speak, “Hello, Onii-chan, it’s been a while since I was home, so I figured it was time for a visit. A lot has happened since I was gone, I’ve traveled a lot and done a lot of different things, not all good. But I’ve also learned stuff and had new, exciting experiences. I’ve changed, would you even recognize me now?”

“I need your advice, brother, now more than ever.” With a sigh, Risa sat cross-legged on the soft grass, “You’ve always told me to follow my mind and not my heart because it’ll keep me safer, but now I don’t know what to do. My mind is telling me that I’m right, but at the same time, I don’t want to hurt anybody. Especially not Ai-chan.”

The gunner smiled a little, looking upwards into the sunset stained sky, “You remember her, don’t you? She helped me a lot after you died and she’s helped me a lot now. I really love her and I think you’d approve of my choice. She very pure.” Suddenly, Risa frowned, “Or maybe you wouldn’t approve. She’s too good for me and I’ll only hurt her more than I already have.”

“But I want to be with her! I love her, even if we fight like cats and dogs sometimes. Even if we hurt each other more than we get a long. She’s my other half, my soul’s mate and you know I’ve never believed in that mumbo jumbo before, but she makes me think it could be true.” Her tone took on a pleading note, “So now I’m not sure what to do.”

“Ai, she’s says we need to take heart into account and I only want to ignore it. Because! In trying to save one of us, she’ll kill all of us!” Risa paused, stuttering slightly, “At the same time, though, I don’t care. I was thinking that maybe I deserve it. I’ve become what I hated, brother. I’ve only realized this recently, but I’m afraid of myself.”

“And Ai’s not afraid of me at all. She trusts me.” The gunner sighed forlornly, her thoughts were chasing themselves in circles and it showed in her frantic speech, “I’ve always valued your opinion and I’m not sure whether it was just my childish mind looking up to my big brother or if you really did know more about life and living than I ever could, but I think if you’d truly lived by your ideals, you’d still be alive and maybe I wouldn’t be.”

“Mind over heart. Mind over heart. It was drilled into me. And now the only thing I want to do is listen to my heart. I want to listen to my Ai. And I’m afraid to die.” Her shoulders sank low in defeat, “Tell me what to do.”

Silence fell over the yard, Risa’s last words hanging in the air. The sun was nearly gone and behind them, streetlamps began to flicker on. A dog’s howl echoed loudly in the quiet, being answered by a multitude of chirping crickets. A breeze blew and chilled Eri, the taste of snow in the air making the back of her neck feel prickly. “Gaki-san.” she finally said, breaking the eerie atmosphere, “Let’s go.”

“I don’t have my answer yet.” The gunner murmured brokenly. Eri walked up and grabbed her arm, tugging on her gently, “I said I don’t have my answer yet!” Risa snapped.

“You’re waiting for wait? A sign from God? Your brother’s voice?!” The cop yelled back, “You already know what to do! You decided before we even got here, the only thing you needed was to apologize to him for ignoring his teachings! Except that you don’t need to. How could he ever be mad at you for living your life the way you want to? How are you supposed to find happiness if you don‘t take the chance that the heart gives you?” Eri’s words caused Risa’s eyes to widen, “He loved you. And you love Ai. You know what to do.”

The gunner, still kneeling and with one arm being gripped by the same aged girl, felt her eyes fill with tears. Eri smiled down at her benevolently as she cried.


Ai jerked awake when a gentle weight settled down on top of her and warm, wet lips pressed against the side of her neck. “Risa? Did you just get back?”

“Yes. I went to Yokohama.” The gunner’s voice was just a husky whisper and Ai pushed her back slightly so that she could sit up.

“I’m sorr-” A finger against her lips cut her off.

“No, I’m the one who needs to apologize. You were right, I was wrong. You’ve always been right in the way you’ve handled things. I’ve done nothing, but hurt you with my stubborn ways, when I’m the one who needed to change, not you. So, I want to do this your way.” Risa sealed their lips together in a passionate kiss.

The demo expert felt a heat begin to swell in her body and moaned quietly. “Wait. You’re not the only one who said things they don’t mean. So, I’m sorry, too. Also, I need to tell you something about the mission.”

“It can wait until tomorrow, Ai, I want tonight to be about us.” The gunner smiled at her confused look.

“Us?” The older woman parroted.

“I want to make love to you.” Risa answered simply, chuckling when Ai’s breath caught.

“But what about waiting until after this is over? What about this not being the time for romance?” Already, the demo expert was beginning to squirm under hungry eyes.

“How am I supposed to find happiness if I don’t take the chance the heart has given me? If we were to die tomorrow, I would forever regret not being with you like this and not showing you how much I love you. Let’s make love, Ai. Now.” Not needing to be told twice, the older woman wrapped her arms around Risa’s shoulders and tugged her down to meet her lips.


Reina and Sayumi marched over to Ai and Risa’s room that night. They had just finished grilling Eri on what happened  and where she had been, but hadn’t gotten much out of her except that Risa had found her answers. So, they had sent the older girl to bed and decided to confront the source herself. As they approached the heavy door, Sayu’s finely tuned senses picked up some strange sounds from the other side.

She froze in her tracks, immediately recognizing the noises, and grabbed Reina’s arm to stop her from going any closer, “Wait, maybe we should come back in the morning.”

“Wait till morning? Why should we, that woman practically kidnapped my partner and I wanna know why!” Suddenly, from inside their leader’s shared room, a loud cry issued forth, startling both girls.


The cop and con exchanged a blushing look, “Was that Ai-chan?” The younger asked hesitantly. Sayu nodded and they jumped when another cry was heard. “Maybe… we should wait for morning.” They quickly scurried back to their room, finding Eri already asleep. Awkwardly, they changed into sleeping clothes and climbed into bed, for once, not cuddling together. Neither could get their minds off what they’d just heard and what it implied.

The cop and the con just laid back to back, trying to clear their heads enough to sleep. Finally, Reina rolled over with a sigh and wrapped her arms around the taller girl, “Stop thinking about it and just sleep.”

“It’s hard not to. I mean, we just heard them. And they were. And they’re both so, mmm.” Reina felt Sayumi’s body temperature rise from where her hands rested on the other’s stomach. A shiver went through them both and the cop pulled her so that they were spooned together snuggly.

“I know, just forget about it.” Reaching down, Sayu intertwined their fingers, moving Reina’s hand up and underneath her shirt. They let out twin moans as the cop’s fingers brushed against heated skin and her hand stopped when it rested squarely between Sayu’s breasts. Unable to resist, Reina grinded lightly against the older girl’s backside, forcing one of her thighs between Sayumi’s legs and lifting her knee up higher.

The con’s loud moan resounded in the room and both girls froze when the forgotten occupant of the other bed stirred. Immediately, Reina pulled her hand away and lowered her leg and Sayu gave out a frustrated sigh. They lay quietly for a little while, neither able to keep from fidgeting in the unresolved tension that filled their space. Finally, the con pulled away from her companion, “I need to use the bathroom.”

Reina shivered at the sudden cool chill that settled over her body in the absence of the older woman. She hadn’t noticed that she’d been sweating until Sayumi had gotten up and rubbed her thighs together with a blush, realizing that sweat wasn’t the only thing that covered them. She wondered how long Sayu would take in the bathroom, because she felt like she needed to use it, too.


Risa awoke to a pleasant ache in her muscles, pressed as close to Ai’s body as she could comfortably get. Both were naked and the skin against skin contact felt relaxing and arousing to the grinning gunner. She was sorely tempted to wake her lover up for another round, but Ai just looked so cute, she decided to let her sleep a little longer. Heaven knew they didn’t get much of it last night.

When Risa went to roll out of bed, she groaned as they separated with an uncomfortable ripping sound. The older woman let out an whimper, eyebrows knitting together for a second before she opened her eyes groggily, “Ow, what the hell?”

“Sorry.” Risa laughed lightly, “We were stuck together.” she lifted the blanket slightly and looked down at themselves.

“With what?” she let out a surprised sound when the gunner slipped her hand down low, fingers swiping at a sensitive place, before she brought them up, two digits covered in a red and clear mixture, “Is that my blood?”

“Yeah, we might need to change the sheets, too.”  The gunner gave a hearty laugh, “Well, they don’t talk about this in romance novels, do they?”

“Well, it’s kind of gross.” Ai replied, “I don’t think books would sell as well if they talked about things realistically. Let’s get a shower.” she gave the smiling Risa a gentle push, but at first she didn’t move, “What?”

“I love you.” The demo expert blushed at the conviction with which these words were said.

“I love you, too.” She replied shyly, “Now let’s go get clean.” They made their way to the bathroom and took a long, long shower.

When they finally emerged, mostly dressed and a little cold, Ai made a sound like she’d just remembered something, “I just remembered! What I wanted to tell you last night about the Takashi mission.”

“What is it? I told you it was fine if we waited for Aika.” Risa said, pulling on some sweat pants.

“No, no, I know. That’s what I wanted to talk about, Aika came to me yesterday. She wants to help us storm the manor.” Risa paused what she was doing and turned wide eyes on her lover.

“What? You mean today?” Ai nodded tentatively, “What!? Why didn’t you tell me this earlier?” The gunner cried and the older woman blushed and mumbled something. “What was that?”

“Well, you were very convincing last night.” Risa laughed and flopped on her back next to Ai.

A knock sounded loudly at the door and Reina’s voice called through noisily, “Oi! Stop having sex and open up!”

Risa laughed again at Ai’s flaming face and made loud exaggerated cries, “Oh Ai-chan! Yes! More!” Shaking her head, the demo expert got up to answer the door, “Right there! Harder!” Finally unable to keep a straight face, the gunner degenerated into giggles.

“Yes Reina?” Ai yanked the door open to find two mischievously grinning faces looking at her.

“We’re calling a meeting, love birds.” Sayumi said, her knowing grin making Ai blush harder, “So how was it?”

“How was what?” The older woman feigned ignorance.

“How was the mind blowing sex we heard you two having last night?” The cop and the con burst into laughter at the fierce red color that lit up Ai’s face.

“It was mind blowing.” Risa answered from behind her lover, swinging her arm around her shoulder, “In fact it was so great, we’re going to do it again. Bye.” And with that, the gunner slammed the door on the two. They immediately began to bang on the closed barrier, calling out playfully. “You okay?” Risa asked Ai gently, ignoring the ruckus outside.

“They heard us?” The older woman buried her face in her hands in embarrassment as her lover tried to comfort her without laughing.

“Don’t worry about it. I’m sure everyone knows by now.” The gunner held up her hands to fend off a swat to her shoulder.

“You’re not helping!”

Finally, the lovers left their room, Risa, with her head held high and a smirk on her face, and Ai, blushing and clutching the gunner’s hand. When they entered the war room, they were greeted with cat calls and wolf whistles from the rowdy group. Risa seemed to ignore them and shamelessly pushed the reluctant Ai down into a chair before she climbed possessively onto her lap.

“Oh a lap dance? So early in the morning?” Reina called out with a grin. The room burst into laughter as Ai buried her blushing face into the gunner’s back.

“You want a show Tanakacchi? I’m sure Sayumin would be glad to give you one.” Risa countered quickly and the two in question ducked their heads as some low ‘ooo’s sounded.

Someone began to play a techno beat on their phone and Sayumi perked up from her embarrassment, turning to Reina with a wicked grin. Immediately, the yankii scrambled to hide behind her partner, “Don’t you dare!”

Still wanting to tease the cop, Sayu turned to her left, eyeing Jun for a second before being warded off by Aika’s sudden glare. Finally, she turned to the innocently laughing Lin Lin and grinned wider, “What do you say, Linko? Though I’ll only except tens and higher.”

The hacker gave a surprised look, before recovering admirably and pulling out a credit card, “Sorry, this is all I have.”

The con just laughed, “Oh, even better, baby. You know what you can get with one of those?” She boogied towards the blushing Lin, laughing harder when she curled up in her chair. She leaned in close and whispered seductively, “It doesn’t matter what I’m saying, just look properly surprised and horrified.” Sayumi felt honestly happy when the younger girl played along with her request, giving a perfect mix of embarrassment and disgust, mouth dropped into an ‘O’ of astonishment.

Before she stood up straight, the con snuck a pointed look at Reina, taking in her scowling visage. Sayu grinned, glad that her little tease had the effect she was looking for. She sauntered back to her seat next to Eri as the merriment died down.

“Okay guys, we’re all in for this, right?” The room nodded to Risa’s question, “Okay, and since we already know the basic plan, we’ll just stock up on weapons.” From underneath the bed, Risa pulled out a huge trunk.

“Where the hell did that come from?!” Reina asked as the gunner opened it up to show it was full of weapons.

“Oh, it’s been here for a while. Now, we don’t want to kill them if we don’t have to so I want each of us to have a non lethal weapon on hand. We have batons, bokkens, and brass knuckles. I also have three nifty tranquilizer pistols that are fired using air pressure, so they don’t make much sound.” Risa handed one of these to Ai with a nod and held out the others to Lin Lin and Aika.

“Let’s see what else I have in here.” Jun reached into the box as Risa searched through it, pulling out her favored spiked knuckles, but also pulling out a metal baton. “Oh, I have some riot control shotguns for those that are interested, but they make a lot of noise, so they would be our second to last resort.”

“Second to last?” Eri asked as one was handed to her, “What’s the last resort?”

“Real bullets. These fire either beanbags or pellets. Oh, let me tell you, the pellets hurt worse, but the beanbags have more stopping power.” Two more were handed to Reina and Sayu.

“How does that work? You’d think the one that hurts worse would have more stopping power.” Ai tilted her head innocently.

“Well, the pellets hurt because it’s like having a bunch of little rocks thrown at you from a high rate of speed. The beanbags stopping power is better because it’s like having one great big rock thrown at you at a high rate of speed.” Risa explained simply, “I mean, it’s more complicated than that, but you get the picture.”

“Okay, the rest of the weapons are down in the van, we’ll get those later, right now, we have to go and deal with those guys that live in the apartment building. Yeah, remember that place? It’ll be a breeze.”


“A breeze, you say?” Reina, sporting a black eye, scoffed at Risa from the driver’s seat. “Stupid.”

“Well how was I supposed to know that some junkies were actually awake at this time of the morning? We got the job done, didn’t we?” Risa reclined in the back with her head on Ai’s lap, holding an ice pack to her bruised forehead.

“Poor Lin Lin is still out cold!” The cop cried, gesturing wildly and jerking the van around nauseatingly. Jun Jun nodded silently, holding the smaller girl in her lap while Aika pressed another cold pack to a bump on the back of her head.

The group has sauntered easily up to the roof, dropped the gas canisters into the vents and waited for the gas to dissipate, but on the way out, they’d been ambushed by a group who had apparently just come back from a long night of partying. The element of surprise was against them, though the ultimately won, and the resulting injuries followed.

Aika, Jun and Ai were the only ones who were unharmed, Lin had gotten the worst of the attack, having been the first to get clobbered. Risa had taken the butt of a gun to the face in her efforts to protect Ai and Reina had been unprepared for the fist that met with her eye socket.

Sayu and Eri only had a few shallow slashes from a lucky knife wielding guy before the tables abruptly turned and the now highly annoyed group summarily took down their attackers. And then limped back to their van.

“She’ll be fine!” Risa repeated for the third time, cringing in pain when her head throbbed.

“Maybe we should call this off?” Ai suggested quietly, but Risa shook her head.

“We’ve come too far to let this set back trip us up. We’ll take Lin back to the hotel, suit up and go take down Takashi.” The gunner slowly sat up, “This does not change our plans.”

A tense silence filled the vehicle as everyone became lost in their own thoughts. Suddenly, Lin’s voice cut through the thick air, “No, I want the one with cheese.” Everyone turned simultaneously to the middle of the van to stare at the still unconscious girl, “It’s blue!”

Jun began to chuckle, “Leave it to this one to actually be funny when she’s knocked out.” she murmured, shifting the younger girl in her arms.

The air in the van lightened as the others listened to Lin’s random mumblings, “I didn’t know she talked in her sleep.” Aika said, leaning over to peer into the girl’s face.

“It’s probably just a side effect of the concussion. Or she’s a weirdo.” Reina assured her as they pulled up to the hotel.

Slowly, the group filed out, gaining looks from the other patrons at their bedraggled appearance. They went upstairs to collect their things and left to many more stares than when they came in.

“What are you looking at?” Reina growled at a nearby patron, readjusting the large assault rifle strapped across her back. The man quickly turned away and went about his business elsewhere and the cop let out a satisfied smile.

The troops were mostly quiet on the long ride up into the outskirts of Tokyo, mentally preparing themselves for the battle ahead. They had gone over the plan again and again until it was drilled into their heads, so each girl knew what to do. Now, they just had to do it.

The sun had fully set by the time they reached the manor and they parked the van quite a hike away. The house was surrounded by thick woods, perfect cover, and they made their way through the brush to the gate that surrounded the manor. Through the iron wrought fence, they could see several dogs patrols on the large, well lit grounds. They noticed that from where they were to where they wanted to be had almost no cover at all. The only spots that they could sneak into were heavily guarded.

“Well, we either have to take down the guards or make a run for it.” Ai said quietly after a while of studying the predicament.

“We’ll never make it past the snipers.” Risa shook her head, eyes focused on something in the distance, “I count four from this angle, but I’m sure there are more that I can’t see.”

“Four?” Eri raised an eyebrow, “I only see two.”

“My eyes are good, trust me, there’s four that can shoot us from here.” As she spoke, the gunner leaned forward and grabbed a handful of wires that had been hidden in the dirt, “Luckily, we won’t have to tangle with them.” With a quick motion, she cut through the lines and half the yard went dark, “Let’s go!”

In the confusion, the group scaled the f
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15 12/31)
Post by: rndmnwierd on December 31, 2009, 02:49:29 PM
OMG, holy crap, man!!

30 pages!

Thank god I already did comment replies or else I'd be sad at myself. But speaking of.
I had a dream of B&B last night. I must really be suffering withdrawal symptoms for not getting an update :P

When you say you have a lot in sore for TakaGaki, I wonder if more will be on the fluff side or the tragic/angst side :doh:

Whichever it is, I can't wait to read more. When I'm deprived of fics to read I'll just re-read yours and re-live the awsomeness :thumbup
What was the dream about?
Well, if I told you, it wouldn't be any fun, now would it. XP
Aww, really? :oops:

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15 12/31)
Post by: kawaii beam on December 31, 2009, 05:01:04 PM
*faints* MY GOD RNDY I LOVE U~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! X3

the takagaki argument made me  :ptam-wub: :ptam-hbk: that was a seriously intense argument>.<

then with risa's way of getting a car made me seriously :shock: and then :rofl: just from the blunt-ness of it XD

then the  :mon waterworks: when she was talking to her brother >.< poor mame-chan!!!

plus poor aika >.< and of all ppl a byuden girl XD and my fave one to boot! XD

well i would add more but tere's so much awesomenes X3 keep up the good work~! ganbre~! >3<

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15 12/31)
Post by: kuro808 on December 31, 2009, 05:12:56 PM
Happy New Year

TakaGaki argument got me, that was pretty intense

Other than that more killing hehe
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15 12/31)
Post by: rndmnwierd on December 31, 2009, 08:50:58 PM
Haha, know what I just realized? I broke the forum! Essy-sama style!
My bad. :lol: :lol: :lol:


In the confusion, the group scaled the fence and darted across the yard, heading for the shadowed corner. Aika wasted no time in firing an air propelled grappling hook up into the rooftop and Risa began to climb. The thief held the rope still as, one by clumsy one, the girls all made it up until only Aika and Jun were left.

Now, this was no simple task, as every girl was weighed down by at least fifteen pounds of weapons, so even though they hurried, it still took a long time to reach the roof, four stories up. By the time only two were left, the guard had begun their patrol again, equipped with flashlights and dogs.

A loud barking from around the corner alerted Jun and Aika to the presence of one such guard and they turned wide eyes to each other. The hitter gestured for the younger girl to go up first, but Aika shook her head, “No, I’m faster, you go first.”

“Exactly, you’re faster and I’m stronger, go first, I’ll follow.” They had a silent gesture argument for a moment, before Jun shoved the rope into the thief’s hands and pulled out her metal baton, turning away completely from the younger girl. Aika scaled the rope like she’d been born in a tree and Jun frantically checked the nearest window as the barking got closer.

Not actually expecting one to be open, Jun almost fell backwards when a window slid up at her tugging, but quickly regained her balance and climbed through the portal, closing it behind her. Aika, seeing this, began to retract the dangling end of the rope, still suspended in mid air. When she grabbed the end, she wrapped the loose portions around her body and continued her climb.

Down below, the dog pulled forward on his leash, sniffing frantically at the spot where the group had been just moments before. Praying that the guard wouldn’t look up, Aika pulled herself hand over hand, seeing the edge of the roof in sight. Suddenly, two pairs of hands grabbed her upper arms and hoisted her over the side, pulling her fully onto the roof.

Stifling her urge to scream in surprise, Aika looked up wide eyed at her captors, realizing belatedly that it was only Eri and Reina that had a hold of her. Laying on her back, the thief took a breath of relief, noticing the edge of the roof light up where a flashlight beam was shining on it. The group on the roof hunkered down low and held their collective breath until the light went away and they heard the guard berating his dog, voice growing smaller as he walked away.

“Where is Jun?” Sayumi asked Aika, helping her up into a kneeling position.

“She climbed into a window downstairs.” From out of her bag, she pulled a small machine and began to set it up on the roof. It was a small tripod with, for lack of a better description, a saw on the end. She flipped a switch on the side and it started to chew a hole down through the shingles.

“Why didn’t we do that?” Eri asked, blinking slowly at Risa.

“Because it’s more opposition to fight up four stories that to just start on the fourth floor. No matter, Jun can handle herself; if she gets into trouble, we still have those earbuds. We won’t break radio silence to look for her because it might distract her, but she knows where to go.” The gunner looked down at the saw as it finished its job, a small round section of the roof falling inwards and landing with a muffled thud down below. “Tanakacchi, you first.”

“Why me?” Reina griped, but moved over to the impromptu entrance anyway. She stuck her head inside and looked around for a moment, before sliding in feet first and lowering herself gently to the floor below. “Ai-chan, let’s go!” she whispered up harshly.

Ai exchanged a quick look with Risa, receiving an encouraging nod, before following Reina’s example and climbing into the hole. She dropped down into the cop’s waiting arms, mumbling a quiet thanks before she went off to explore the area, small flashlight in hand.

One by one, the rest dropped down, aided by Reina, until it was Sayu’s turn. The con landed gently, but misstepped, stumbling on her feet. Instinctively, the cop grabbed her and held her close to steady her, but couldn’t help blushing when she realized just how close they were standing.

“My hero.” Sayumi whispered in her ear and shivers ran down Reina’s spine. Abruptly, the con broke away and the yankii found herself staring at Risa who had dropped down into her place. The gunner raised a knowing eyebrow and smirked, but said nothing.

With everyone safely down, Reina finally took a second to get a good look around. It was very dark, but lights from the other’s flashlights lit up enough for the cop to tell that they were in a very large attic. Boxes and knickknacks were placed randomly about, the only thing that was uniform was the dust that covered everything.

“Where do we go from here?” Eri was asking Risa. The gunner held a hand to her head for a moment, eyes closed in thought.

“Well, first, we find the stairs that lead down into the manor, then we make our way to the master bedroom. He should be there, entertaining some guests in the attached sitting room.” Risa shook her head slightly before straightening up decisively. “Let’s go, pick a direction and start looking.”

It only took a few minutes before Sayumi called out that she’d found the ladder downwards. Slowly and carefully, the girls maneuvered so that Risa could stick her head down and get a good look around without blowing their cover. She studied the darkened hallway thoroughly, before coming back up.

“All clear, let’s go.” The ladder was quietly lowered and they climbed down, pulling out various weapons and returning the attic access when they were all on the floor. They cautiously made their way down the hall after Risa, who seemed to know where she was going.

It was quiet and dark and it made the group uneasy. “This is too easy. Where are the guards?” Reina whispered, Aika clutching her side. It appeared in Jun’s absence, the girl had decided to cling to Reina instead, though the cop didn’t seem to mind, much to Sayu’s consternation.

As if on cue, a huge explosion was heard downstairs and the lights flickered out. All at once, the group realized what was going on. “Jun Jun.”

Beside them, a door jerked open and a man dressed in a dark suit stepped out. He froze upon seeing the girls and they turned wide eyes to him. Behind him, they could see a large group of similarly dressed men. Instinctively, Risa took aim and fired and the man fell with a dart sticking out between his eyes, unconscious.

The remaining men stampeded out of the narrow doorway and made as if to grab the girls, who took off. Reina, who lagged behind, turned and fired a blast of pellets into the clustered men, slowing them down considerably. “Where are we going?!” she cried to Risa.

“Uh, this way! I think.” The gunner replied, taking a sharp left into an even more narrow corridor.

“Oh that’s encouraging.” Sayu mumbled, rolling her eyes, but following anyway. It was a straight shot and at the end was a large set of double doors.

“Damn it!” Reina cried, jerking the pump on her shotgun, “It’s jammed!” Without the constant spray from the weapon, the angry guards were quickly gaining on them again.

Aika fired at one as he grabbed for Reina’s arm and he dropped, a dart in his shoulder. Reina nodded her thanks before taking a swing at another man with her useless shotgun. He deflected the blow with his arm, crying out in pain and backing off, but the force of the impact nearly sent the cop to the ground.

Having no intention of slowing down, Risa outstretched her hand towards the handle that was coming swiftly closer and lowered her shoulder in a ramming position. In a brilliantly smooth motion, the gunner grabbed and twisted the door knob, slamming into it at full sprint. She tumbled through the door, landing in a roll an hopped back to her feet, beginning to fire her tranquilizer gun at everyone around her.

There were at least twenty people in the room and all had risen at her entrance, eight dropping back down again as the rest of her darts hit home. Once the gun was empty, she lunged forward, clobbering the nearest person with the butt of the gun in the head and sending them out.

Now, the remaining guests were beginning to react and one swung wildly at Risa. She dodged the hit, barely, but the man hit the floor unconscious, dart sticking out of his back. The gunner turned her eyes up to her surprised lover, holding out her own weapon as if she couldn’t believe she’d just shot it.

Neither had time to think as the room exploded in a fury, Reina and Aika slamming the heavy door closed behind them and locking it quickly. There was a loud thud as the guards that were chasing them connected bodily with the barrier, the frame giving a great shudder, but holding for now.

Multiple, loud reports sounded as Eri and Sayu fired their riot guns into the crowd, standing back to back. Two more men dropped as beanbags drove painfully into their chests, knocking the wind out of them. Aika dropped to a knee and took a few carefully aimed shots, dropping two more people and Reina swung her AK-47 around to bare at someone trying to sneak up behind Ai, firing low into his legs.

The demo expert jumped and scrambled over to stand next to the two as Risa swiveled around to lock eyes with Takashi, standing still amongst the chaos. He glared at her, fists clenching in anger as she slowly withdrew her trusty Colt .45 from where it had been holstered at the small of her back. He was obviously unarmed, dressed in a dark robe that was opened at the chest area, showing off his still defined muscles.

His eyes darted to his side at a door farther back in the room, which Risa guessed led to his bedroom chambers, and when his eyes flicked back to hers, both darted into action. He turned tail and sprinted for the door, barely making it five feet before a bullet ripped into his back and he fell.

One way or another, the rest of the guests were neutralized and silence fell in the room, broken only by the constant pounding that the guards were doing at the door. With every blow, the frame began to crack, until it wouldn’t be long before they were inside.

Risa noticed none of this, focused solely on her target, futilely trying to drag himself away with his arms, legs hanging uselessly. “Please, don’t do this.” he begged and Risa paused. “I’ll do whatever you want, just don’t kill me.”

“Disband your gang and leave the country.” The gunner demanded and he nodded eagerly. She raised an eyebrow, “Really? You would really give up your life’s work, just like that?”

“O-of course.” he stuttered, obviously just trying to say whatever would appease her and Risa knew that he had no intention of doing what she asked.

“Liar.” she shook her head at him. “You would never.” Risa turned around to look behind her, meeting Ai’s eyes and asking silent permission. The older girl only hesitated for a second before she nodded once, firmly. Not needing anymore encouragement, Risa turned and forcefully leveled the gun at his face, “May you not need to lie in your next life.”

The sound of the gun’s report was almost drowned out by the door frame finally cracking and breaking as the guards finally gained entrance. The two groups bared their weapons at each other tensely as the men examined the scene. Finally, the one who appeared to be the leader addressed Risa, “You killed him?”

Nodding, the gunner holstered her pistol, shaking her head as blood began to sluggishly flow from her nose. The guard slowly made his way over to her, face severe as he studied her small form. Suddenly, he dropped to his knee and bowed his head, placing his gun at her feet, “We’re your’s.”

The other girls were stunned as the other guards immediately did the same, a grim smile coming over Risa’s face. “Jun?” she called, placing one hand to her ear. Static crackled on the other end for a moment before the older girl’s voice answered back quietly. “Are you hiding?”

“Yeah, Lin’s up and hacked into the security measures so that she could help me. Is it done?”

“Yes, it’s done.” And with that, Risa fell to the floor, unconscious, blood trickling from her ears.

Here's the rest.

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15 12/31)
Post by: kawaii beam on December 31, 2009, 09:34:08 PM
wait up here.. first off there was more!? and second.... OMG WHAT HAPPENED TO MY MAME?!?!?!
 :ptam-mad: :ptam-hbk: :OMG: :fainted: :frustrated: :gyaaah: :scared: :shock: :tantrum: :temper: :on blackhole: :on cloudeye: :on voodoo: :mon annoy: :mon ref: :mon freeze: :mon scare: :mon whine: :mon closeup: :mon spit: :mon duh: :mon POd: :mon chilly: :mon mad: :mon ghost: :mon runcry: :mon wtf: :gmon pissed: :pig cry: :pen_cry:

those are all of my emotions right now....WHY MUST YOU MAKE ME LIKE THID RNDY?!?!?!

and congrats on being like essy and breaking the forums XDD :mon santa2: :gmon flowers:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15 12/31)
Post by: Hart on January 01, 2010, 01:13:22 AM
Wow.  :shocked :shocked :shocked :shocked

That's all I could say for the moment. Too much to take in. I mean literally for an Estrea-level chapter. I almost freaked out when it suddenly ended midsentence.

What a great way to end the year. Can't wait for what happens next. Hope Gaki is alright.

btw Happy New Year!!!

(Is Miyoshi in this chapter Erika from v-u-den?)
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15 12/31)
Post by: chibilolli on January 01, 2010, 02:21:47 AM
*opens and closes mouth a few times*


I read the first half of the chapter and was blown away by it, what with the added TakaGaki and SayuReina interactions. In fact I read the chapter through about four times over the course of the day :oops: But now, after reading the second half I'm all upset :cry:

What's happened to Risa??? Please don't kill her. Please... *begs*
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15 12/31)
Post by: rndmnwierd on January 01, 2010, 04:21:43 AM
(Is Miyoshi in this chapter Erika from v-u-den?)
That, is completely up to you. :twisted:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15 12/31)
Post by: amEthystx on January 01, 2010, 08:24:30 AM
Happy New Year! Caught some fireworks? XD

Oh dear... 30 pages!! Just a little joke i wanna share~ LOL~

In the confusion, the group scaled the f
- I was back from all the celebration at around 5am.. I read the story even i was just a little tipsy~ Then when i got to this part.. I was like...

The group scaled the f?  "F"?! What "F"?!

After minor panic attack (You really can't blame me... a little alcohol + it's almost morning....) then i realize it might be the post limit XD but i went to bed after that i continued the rest this morning ~

So i went to bed still thinking what "F" was...but i was really too tired~ LOL~

Back to the story~!

GREAT! Other than all the fluffs~ we have action scenes too!

“I want to help also. I’m not saying I condone it, nor am I changing my beliefs, so don’t worry about that, but I know that it’s something we need to do. I’m not scared for you anymore, because I know you can handle this with our help. So let us.”
- Risa is the Bean-Shaped Kite.. Ai-chan is the flyer.. Tightening and releasing....soaring in the unknown..but all in all... the bean is still connected to the ground through her.. *Whoop! I such a good sweet talker!*  XD

Down the block, eight girls in high spirits crowded in a van to watch the fireworks.
- Yay! New Year Fireworks for them too!

The gunner gave a wolf whistle, playfully nudging the younger girl, “Oh, trying to look sexy for Tanakacchi?”
- Reina is getting jealous too!  :mon olympics: <- Probably Sayu is reaching the finishing line soon too.. LOL~ Anyway.. I'm trying to learn wolf whistle recently..for what uses? I don't know~ LOL~

“Has anyone ever told you you’re scary?” Risa said
- Me!

AIKA almost got Raped!  :OMG:

But i can see the point Risa is getting~ Get over it and do the job now or you can spend the rest of your life behind the bars.. It's not only her..but the rest too~

*WOLF Whistle at Ai-chan and Risa!*
The waking up part was cute~  :wub: Never thought the bloody part could be so cute as well XD

The wake up call from the two cuties is soooo hilarious!

“In fact it was so great, we’re going to do it again. Bye.”
- Oh~ and Gaki-san is all cool with the reply! XD

EDIT: I forgot about this!

Someone began to play a techno beat on their phone and Sayumi perked up from her embarrassment, turning to Reina with a wicked grin. Immediately, the yankii scrambled to hide behind her partner, “Don’t you dare!”
- LOL~ super funny! and Reina is getting jealous~~~ it's definitely a good thing! XD

 :mon bat:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15 12/31)
Post by: lil_hamz on January 01, 2010, 09:02:15 AM

You updated! Like finally :P

Gawd I'm telling you I couldn't wait to read this chapter. I was all excited and practically leaning forwards on the seat. Then when I got to the last line you ended with "In the confusion, the group scaled the f.." :huhuh

I was like F? :shocked Field? Floor? Fred? Fried? Fries? WHAT?!?!? I could NOT believe you ended like that. Then after calming down, and breathing deeply for some time I realized you must have hit the word limit. So I began grumbling that why the forum had such a tiny limit XD

I had to go through like ten over pages to read the first part. Blame the mini screen on my phone. Man I'll hate to see my bill for this month XD

So anyway, I just had to tell you how much I appreciate you posting on New Years. It took a lot of willpower to not dive into the 2nd half of your chapter which I see you have posted.

Gah, I'm not making much sense now right? A more coherent comment will come later. For now, I read :D

Oh yeah and to show my appreciation, I have a Midnight trailer up in my thread and its dedicated to you. Yes, the awesome you :twothumbs

HAPPY NEW YEAR gal! :thumbup
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15 12/31)
Post by: kRisZ on January 01, 2010, 09:40:17 AM
I was  :on_hot:  :luvluv1:  :on bleed:  and almost  :imdead:  and then this below quoted
Just as Ai reached for the hem of the other shirt, a knock sounded heavily at the door.

Bad timing  :smhid

“There’s no need, I’ve already thought of some.” Ai spoke up, surprising the rest. “Hey, I’m leader, right? I gotta come up with something.”

Yay!   :rockon:

Down the block, eight girls in high spirits crowded in a van to watch the fireworks. They knew they were successful when they could see the explosion wipe his large house off the map

Whoa! Ai's first. I don't know if I should be happy or what

she giggled vapidly, her black pigtails bouncing.

The Devil Sayu  :twisted:

a half eaten bagel shoved in his mouth as a gag


Over Miyoshi’s shoulder, she saw Ai and Risa across the room. They seemed to be kissing passionately, but Ai caught her gaze over the gunner’s shoulder and Aika knew they were keeping an eye on her.

Two in one go :twisted:  :mon trannie:

Looking down at herself in confusion, Aika saw what appeared to be blood oozing sluggishly from a puncture on her arm. She was drugged, she realized belatedly as the older woman nearly carried her into the apartment building, and the thief felt fear.


Aika calling Jun's name was heartbreaking

“Well I’m still leader aren’t I? And I’m pulling rank on you, sub-leader. I’m not going to let you go through with any plan until Aika is one hundred percent again!” Ai stood up swiftly and the gunner followed.

Very cute  XD

I find their verbal war cute  :lol: but my heart cringed at this part  *points below*
“Fine, I will! And I’m not coming back! I’ll take care of this on my own. I don’t need you or anybody else!” Risa snagged her coat, wallet and keys on her way out, slamming the door almost hard enough to drown out Ai’s parting words, but not the thud of something heavy colliding against the thick wood.

“What have I done?”
“I just want to get away before I do something I’ll regret later. More than I already do.”

Quoted quotes  :D  :heart:

“Yes, a drive sounds good. Here, I’ll drive.” And without so much as a warning, Risa reached out and smashed in the back window of the nearest car, not even flinching when her knuckles started to bleed. In no time, she was in the driver’s seat, hot wiring the little coup and Eri was staring at her wide eyed. The car suddenly purred and the gunner let out a grim cry of triumph. “Well, get in.” she ordered the stunned cop.

OMG  :rofl:  :rofl:

Grabbing onto her left ear tightly, the cop began to do something she’d never done willingly before now. She prayed.

 :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

“Mind over heart. Mind over heart. It was drilled into me. And now the only thing I want to do is listen to my heart. I want to listen to my Ai. And I’m afraid to die.” Her shoulders sank low in defeat,

Damn  :cry:

“How am I supposed to find happiness if I don’t take the chance the heart has given me? If we were to die tomorrow, I would forever regret not being with you like this and not showing you how much I love you. Let’s make love, Ai. Now.” Not needing to be told twice, the older woman wrapped her arms around Risa’s shoulders and tugged her down to meet her lips.

Continue please  :drool:  :twisted:


Blood boiler already  :twisted:

Awkwardly, they changed into sleeping clothes and climbed into bed, for once, not cuddling together. Neither could get their minds off what they’d just heard and what it implied.


The con’s loud moan resounded in the room and both girls froze when the forgotten occupant of the other bed stirred.


“Oi! Stop having sex and open up!”


“In fact it was so great, we’re going to do it again. Bye.”

inally, the lovers left their room, Risa, with her head held high and a smirk on her face, and Ai, blushing and clutching the gunner’s hand. When they entered the war room, they were greeted with cat calls and wolf whistles from the rowdy group. Risa seemed to ignore them and shamelessly pushed the reluctant Ai down into a chair before she climbed possessively onto her lap.

I gave up looking for the right emoticon for this  XD


a grim smile coming over Risa’s face. “Jun?” she called, placing one hand to her ear. Static crackled on the other end for a moment before the older girl’s voice answered back quietly. “Are you hiding?”

“Yeah, Lin’s up and hacked into the security measures so that she could help me. Is it done?”

“Yes, it’s done.” And with that, Risa fell to the floor, unconscious, blood trickling from her ears.

A very fine leader   :heart:

She's just unconscious right?

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15 12/31)
Post by: badsaints on January 01, 2010, 04:16:53 PM
OH...MAH...GAWD... :mon inluv: No words that describe how fantastic this chapter is. Btw, congrats for breaking the forum :mon thumb:

It was very touching to see everyone standing behind Risa and telling her that she's not alone. And I literally held my breath when Aika was almost raped (:shocked: <-- this is how I looked then, i think). Jun had her first kill for Aika and I like the small detail you put in like how Jun was looking at Aika when she kill that b****.

TakaGaki's fight :OMG: I was so scared when Risa said that she's not coming back. But they made up and ehem, make out after that :on bleed: TanaShige overhearing the love session was a slam dunk :luvluv1: Heehee too bad Eri was sleeping in the same room :wahaha: Why do I get the feeling that you are "torturing" us Tanashige lovers on purpose? :lol:

Cool fighting scene :knee: The girls totally owned the fight. And they now owned the group too, it could just make things easier for the girls in terms of manpower...or maybe not. But poor Risa, she must have pushed her body to the limit. Hope nothing will happen to her. We still need more TakaGaki!

:kneelbow: Can't wait for next arc. Bet it will be as good, no...better, than this one, if it's even possible. It will truly be test for the girls, especially Reina (but she can always turn to Sayu to take her mind off things XD)
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15 12/31)
Post by: lil_hamz on January 02, 2010, 11:41:01 AM
OK, I'm done reading this chapter in full. AND rereading. And I'm still not sure how Risa got hurt. At first I thought she was too near an explosion but nope, it wasn't the case. Was it cuz she took the butt of that gun for Ai? I NEED TO KNOW!!! I NEED TO KNOW HOW YOU PLAN ON TORTURING THE BEAN XD

GAH!!! I was hoping you wouldn't cut off the chapter at any crucial moments but you did!!! :banghead:

On the bright side, I thoroughly enjoyed the TanaShige and JunAika :P Reina should just confess already. It's obvious she was boiling when she saw that JunSayu moment.

The TakaGaki argument crushed me for a while but the joyride featuring the turtle was a nice distraction.

Now that the first arc is over, I can't wait to see what you have planned for the next few arcs. Koharu's appearance, Eri gaining importance and TanaShige finally making some headway? So many questions I wanna know but I can't do anything but wait. Oh you really know how to torture your readers. :smhid

How many days so I have to countdown till your new epic chapter? I need to go mark out the date on my calender :lol:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15 12/31)
Post by: rndmnwierd on January 02, 2010, 02:30:50 PM
@Stop. Hammer Time! - Yes it was that innocuous little bump on the head that did her in. Oh, that's a bad expression, sorry, but it also didn't help that she pushed herself through the injury and she was stressed to boot.
GAH!!! I was hoping you wouldn't cut off the chapter at any crucial moments but you did!!!
Haha, sorry, it was too tempting not to.
Reina should just confess already. It's obvious she was boiling when she saw that JunSayu moment.
Hmm, maybe next arc. Or I could extend the tension indefinitely. :twisted:
Koharu's appearance,
I'm surprised someone remembered her. I promise, she won't show up in the second arc, either.
Eri gaining importance
You don't think Eri's important enough? Good, good. :pimp:
TanaShige finally making some headway?
Maybe, we'll see.
Oh you really know how to torture your readers.
I do try, thank you. :lol:
I need to go mark out the date on my calender
I will update sometime in January 2010, so just write over the whole month. XD
Quote from: Reply to Hammerschien's First Post
I was like F?  Field? Floor? Fred? Fried? Fries? WHAT?!?!? I could NOT believe you ended like that.
Yes, I know I freaked some people out, but it makes me laugh when I see it and think of all ya'll's reactions.
I had to go through like ten over pages to read the first part. Blame the mini screen on my phone. Man I'll hate to see my bill for this month
Geez, don't spend more money on my part. :lol:
So anyway, I just had to tell you how much I appreciate you posting on New Years.
Believe it or not, it was the most fun I had. :sweatdrop:
Oh yeah and to show my appreciation, I have a Midnight trailer up in my thread and its dedicated to you. Yes, the awesome you
:heart: :heart: :heart:
I love it, though! :lol:

@baddie babe -
No words that describe how fantastic this chapter is. Btw, congrats for breaking the forum
Haha thanks. :oops:
Jun had her first kill for Aika and I like the small detail you put in like how Jun was looking at Aika when she kill that b****.
Thank you again, I really had a good image in my mind about that scene. Like, "It's personal, because it's you who's in danger."

Expect some more Takagaki headbutting. I just like writing out there arguments and just because they're lovers now doesn't mean they always get along. It just means making up is more fun. :twisted:
Why do I get the feeling that you are "torturing" us Tanashige lovers on purpose?
Probably because it's true. XD
And they now owned the group too,
There will be more on that later.
especially Reina (but she can always turn to Sayu to take her mind off things

@kZ -
Yay!  :rockon:
Leader Ai is finally taking some charge. We all know she's got it in her.
Whoa! Ai's first. I don't know if I should be happy or what
You should probably worry, but I haven't decided yet.
The Devil Sayu  :twisted:
Everytime I think of this Sayu, I always see her about ten years down the road, married to an overbearing husband and then poisoning when he least expects it. :twisted:
Like a boss!
Two in one go
Well, they needed to blend in, after all. :lol:
Aika calling Jun's name was heartbreaking
Thank you *bows*
Very cute  XD

I find their verbal war cute  :lol: but my heart cringed at this part
I toyed with the idea of a car accident,(just for some angst after their harsh parting words) but I changed my mind at the last minute.
Damn  :cry:
Apparently this worked just as well.
She's just unconscious right?
Haha, hope it was worth it.

@Baby Sticky -
Caught some fireworks?
Ha, I wish. but some neighbors had some going off.
I was back from all the celebration at around 5am.. I read the story even i was just a little tipsy~ Then when i got to this part.. I was like...

The group scaled the f?  "F"?! What "F"?!
Yeah, sorry about that. I didn't even notice until later. :sweatdrop: Then I just decided to keep that as it was because it amused me.
- Risa is the Bean-Shaped Kite.. Ai-chan is the flyer.. Tightening and releasing....soaring in the unknown..but all in all... the bean is still connected to the ground through her.. *Whoop! I such a good sweet talker!*
Again, nice metaphor. :yep:
- Yay! New Year Fireworks for them too!
:lol: I didn't realize until you said that, but it's true!
AIKA almost got Raped!
I just like torturing that one. Sorry~ :P
Never thought the bloody part could be so cute as well
Yeah, real life is gross. XD
- Oh~ and Gaki-san is all cool with the reply!
Gaki-->  :pimp:
- LOL~ super funny! and Reina is getting jealous~~~ it's definitely a good thing!
I admit, I had fun with it!

Lolli - Thank you for reading and commenting.
What's happened to Risa??? Please don't kill her. Please... *begs*
Ah, it's okay, it's okay. I won't kill her.

@Hart - Glad you liked it. :D
I mean literally for an Estrea-level chapter.
No, no ,no, not at all. I could never be that good. Thank you very much.

@kawaii-chan - Your comment made me :lol: Thank you so much for your support. :D
You know you love it. XD

@kuro-kun -
TakaGaki argument got me, that was pretty intense
Ah, thank you. I promise, more killing in the future!
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15 12/31)
Post by: rndmnwierd on January 02, 2010, 02:33:55 PM
Chapter 15.5: Down and Out

“Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Eri!” The group sang in all different keys as they presented the cake to the birthday girl. Sayu chimed in late with an ‘Eririn!’ causing Eri to laugh. “Happy birthday to you~~!”

“And many more~!” Jun sang deeply into the silence that followed, eliciting more laughter.

With a grin, Eri blew out her candles. “What did you wish for?” Reina asked her partner curiously.

“I wished for some singing lessons for you guys. Ai-chan’s the only one that can carry a tune at all!” Eri exclaimed, receiving bops on the head from the others.

Presents were distributed and happiness was shared in the following celebration. After a while, though, Ai excused herself back to her room, trying to sneak out quietly.

“Where are you going?” Though she wasn’t quite successful as the birthday girl caught up to her.

“I’m heading back up to the manor. I need to go now, as it’s a long drive.” Ai turned her back to Eri as she spoke, making a show of gathering her things.

“Stay, please. Gaki-san will be alright without you there for one night.” the cop countered, “You need to rest, too. You need to take your mind off her for a little while.”

“How can you say that? What if she wakes up? What if she needs me and I’m not there?” Ai frantically asked, turning and waving her arms around, brows knit in distress.

“What if she wakes up and finds that you’ve worried yourself to the brink like this. You look terrible, Ai-chan. I know you haven’t been eating or sleeping since she went into her coma.” The demo expert flinched at the word, but Eri paid it no mind, “You need to rest, you need to have some fun. And no drinking! Don’t think I don’t know about you doing that a lot more lately, too.”

“You don’t understand, I need to be there. I need to see her.” Ai held out her hands pleadingly.

“I understand more than you think. You are afraid that she won’t wake up at all.” Eri crossed her arms, “Well shame on you! You know Gaki-san won’t let a little bump on the head keep her down for long! She just needs some time to heal and she’ll be back to her old self in no time. What would she say if she knew you were losing faith in her?”

Ai chuckled, slightly tickled at the thought, “It would probably be something annoyingly cocky, but she might be hurt, too.” The smile dropped off her face, “I miss her, Eri. It’s been seven days since then and I miss her smile, her laugh, her voice. I just want her back already.”

“I know, Ai-chan, I know., but Gaki-san will be up and running around the city like crazy again in no time. Don’t worry so much.” The cop laid a comforting hand on the older girl’s shoulder as Ai pressed her knuckles against her eyes, looking every inch the sad little girl she felt like.

“You think she’ll be up by Christmas?” she asked, needing to be reassured.

“Maybe. I know she’ll want to be up by then. Who wants to miss Christmas, after all. And if she’s not, we’ll just have to go decorate her like a tree.” Eri joked, trying to cheer the demo expert up.

Ai laughed a little and let herself be lead back to the party. Eri was right, Risa would pull through this with all the vigor that she used to fight anything else.


Come Christmas night, Ai found herself hovering over Risa’s still form, continually searching her face for any signs of awakening. She’d spent the day with the girls, exchanging presents and stories of Christmas past and now she was here again. Ai found it very odd, still, how the occupants of the manor catered to her, doing everything she asked without question. She supposed the last master hadn’t been very well liked if there was no opposition to her and Risa taking over.

Ai shook her head, reliving the memory again of the aftermath of Risa’s collapse.

The room fell into stunned silence as Risa hit the floor, before Ai exploded forward, crying out her lover’s name. She pulled the gunner out of the arms of the still kneeling man in front of her and glared harshly at him, “Go find a doctor!” she ordered and he complied immediately.

With shaking hands, Ai checked Risa’s vital signs, sighing in relief as she felt a strong pulse at her throat and the steady rise and fall of her chest. After that, Ai felt lost, what was she supposed to do now? She never had to deal with this kind of situation before. She looked up with teary eyes and realized that all eyes were on her, looking for instruction.

Pausing in her frantically running thoughts, the demo expert took a look at the state of the room. Twenty people lay about in various forms of unconsciousness and injury, some clutching their chests, others rolling around in pain. Takashi lay dead on his back, a neat hole in between his eyes and blood and brain matter staining the carpet around him.

After assessing the situation quickly, Ai took another look down at her lover, eyes closed peacefully and blood no longer flowing from her nose and ears. ‘If it were me in her place, what would Risa do?’ She would take charge, she would deal with the bigger problem before worrying about one person.

With that thought in mind, Ai stood with renewed strength, eyes drying and hefting the gunner in her arms. “You!” she nodded at the closest suited man, “Do you know any first aid?”  He shook his head, no, and no one spoke up indicating that they knew any either, “Well go find someone who does!” she ordered and he scrambled to do as she said. “The rest of you.” she directed this not only to the suited men, but also to the girls, “Pick a person and make them comfortable until he gets back.” her tone brooked no arguments and the surprised group complied quickly. “Jun!” Ai struggled to hit the comm in her ear as she headed to what she thought might be the master bedroom, “Get upstairs. We’re regrouping.”

As gently as she could, Ai opened the door and set Risa down on the large, four poster bed. The room was fairly bare, as if no one spent much time in it, and the decorations were practically Spartan, but it was functional. The demo expert took off her lover’s shoes and tucked her in as if she were merely sleeping. With one last affectionate stroke to her head, Ai turned resolutely and left the room.

It had been so hard to focus on the task at hand, making sure everyone who was injured was cared for and dealing with damages and finally informing the entire gang of the leadership change. Technically Risa, who had killed the old leader, was in charge, but seeing as she was unable to deal with anything at the moment and no one had argued with her yet, Ai had been taking care of the paperwork, of which there was a surprising amount.

So far she’d had transferred ownership of his many investments, cars, and houses to her and Risa’s names. All of his money went to them, as well, and Ai’s mind still boggled at the amount. And that only covered his legal investments, the income of which she’d routed as much as she could into paying his many legal workers. Ai was no lawyer, though, and there was a lot about the books that she didn’t understand. She in no way trusted Takashi’s chosen lawyer, so everything else would have to wait until Risa woke up to help her.

With a sigh, she pushed away some hanging tinsel and grabbed her lover‘s hand; as promised, Eri had come over with her partner and Sayu to decorate Risa like a tree and the ornaments hung from every  available space on the bed. It made the room quite cheerful, but nothing could seem to make Ai any happier.

A knock on the door startled her and she called out a croaky welcome to the intruder. Reina opened the door and poked her head in, “You have some visitors, Ai. Those two agents are here.” Her voice showed her obvious displeasure.

“Let them in.” Ai commanded lightly and the two cheerful guests entered with well wishes.

“I see that you’ve been doing well, considering the circumstances.” Yossui said, moving closer to examine the prone girl on the bed. Rika simply wandered around the room, carelessly examining anything that caught her eye.

“Yes, since you’ve taken over, the gang has been very quiet, but we’ve noticed that you don’t seem to have any intention of disbanding them.” Rika followed up eerily from somewhere behind Ai.

“No, we don’t have any intentions of disbanding them. At least not yet. We can still get some use out them yet. Until such time as they become more trouble than they’re worth, we will keep this gang together.” Ai replied firmly, unflinching in the hard gaze Yossui was giving her across the bed.

“And you really think you’ll be able to control these thugs?” the woman asked seriously, face never dropping her slight smile.

“Yes.” the demo expert nodded severely. Two hands settled themselves on her shoulders and it took all her willpower not to jump. As it was, Ai flinched and watched the two agents exchange a look.

“As long as you’re sure, Ai-chan.” Rika’s amused voice floated softly into her ear, “We’ll leave this to you. Merry Christmas and remember, Big Brother is watching you..” A slim box was dropped in her lap and the two agents left.

Ai looked down at the object and snorted, “Final Fantasy Tactics.” Reina poked her head in again.

“Ai-chan? You okay?” the younger girl asked, sauntering over to her. Ai looked up at her fondly, Reina had been such a big help to her this past week and a half. She really didn’t know what she would have done without her support.

“Yeah, I’m fine, Rei.” The cop gave her a searching look and Ai chuckled, “Really, I’m alright. How about you? Have you called your father yet?” Reina looked down guiltily and Ai had her answer, “Take out your cell and dial it, now. That’s an order.” For a second, the younger girl looked shocked, but when Ai continued to give her a hard stare, she reluctant did as she was told.

“Okay, alright.” Slowly, Reina dialed the familiar number and held the device up to her ear. She paused for a long second, swallowed once and cleared her throat, “H-Hello? Daddy? M-Merry Christmas.” She gave Ai a wide eyed look, but the demo expert just waved her on encouragingly and the cop left the room hurriedly.

Ai was hardly alone for a minute, before Lin Lin scampered through the door quickly, scrambling over to sit at her feet and rest her head on Ai’s knee. Obligingly, Ai began to stroke her hair; the hacker, too, had been a great support system, seeming to instinctively know when the demo expert wanted to be left alone and when she wanted company. As she pet Lin, her free hand reached out to wrap comfortingly around Risa’s own cool appendage.


Hearing fireworks going off outside the window behind her, the blitzed Ai gave a half hearted blow on her noise maker, “Happy New Year, Risa.” she mumbled, draped across the side of the bed, an empty bottle dangling from her hand.

The pressures of running the gang with no idea what she was doing and Risa’s predicament had sent Ai back to the cold comfort of intoxication and the older woman had spent the last few days trying her damnedest to hide her habit from the younglings, as she affectionately referred to the other girls in her head.

“I wish you were awake.” Not for the first time did her voice flood with tears as she spoke to her lover’s prone form, “How could a simple blow to the head keep you out for so long? You’re stronger than this!” Ai clutched Risa’s hand in both of hers desperately, sobbing hopelessly into her shoulder. “Come back to me! I’m lonely here without you and I need your guidance. And your love.”

Her tiny body shuddering with the force of her emotions, Ai cried, pleading with her lover and to God and to anyone who was listening. Eventually, exhaustion and the alcohol caught up to her and Ai fell into a fitful sleep, still clutching Risa’s hand. She never noticed the younger girl return the grip slightly, fingers flexing weakly in her grasp.


Okay, for serious, I'm taking a break now! Though, the more I say that, the more I want to start on the second arc...
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15.5 1/02)
Post by: kRisZ on January 02, 2010, 02:53:53 PM
I know you haven’t been eating or sleeping since she went into her coma.

WHAT!!!!    :OMG:

“You think she’ll be up by Christmas?” she asked, needing to be reassured.


Oh no, she should   :scolding:

And if she’s not, we’ll just have to go decorate her like a tree.”

Damn  :lol:

“Final Fantasy Tactics.”


She never noticed the younger girl return the grip slightly, fingers flexing weakly in her grasp.

 :w00t:   :mon dance: :mon money: :gmon twirl:

Next chapter please  :D

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15.5 1/02)
Post by: DO Me DO Me on January 02, 2010, 03:06:30 PM
*standing ovation*

XD I know it's not over yet but that chapter deserves an award or something, I can't even begin to comment about it (partly because it's 9am and I still haven't gone to bed. LoLz XD) But that was awesome. So much action and drama. Aika's incident freaked me out and made me sad at the same time. Poor thing. Then Tanashige starting to get close, I think I'm starting to like them. hehe Then the big showdown. I knew it wasn't going to go smoothly. Things better look up soon, that's an order! hehe

Ok, I'm going to bed. LoL
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15.5 1/02)
Post by: badsaints on January 02, 2010, 03:54:34 PM
So heartwrenching :cry: Poor Ai. She has to be strong even though she badly wants to break down :( But Risa's gonna be alright right? Please say yes, or I'll haunt you in your dreams :twisted:

I'm torn between wanting you to take a well-deserve break and wanting you to start the second arc already :P
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15.5 1/02)
Post by: amEthystx on January 02, 2010, 03:59:31 PM
Sayu chimed in late with an ‘Eririn!’ causing Eri to laugh
“And many more~!” Jun sang deeply into the silence that followed
- Ohh~ this is soooo cute  :wub: Very Sayu-thing to do~ And a very Jun thing too~ XD

I wished for some singing lessons for you guys
- and more lol~

“H-Hello? Daddy? M-Merry Christmas.” 
-Reina finally finally called her daddy! I can imaging her speaking this in a few tone higher than usual ~

Ai back to the cold comfort of intoxication
- :(

Sob....sob  :mon hanky:

At last when Ai-chan is able to be with Risa.. calling her hers...Probably spending so much of those times alone when she was unable to locate Risa...i'm sure she did wish she was there by her side on so many occasions... thinking she can finally finally spend Christmas, doing gift exchange as a couple..watching fireworks as a couple.....(It's so heartbreaking to watch firework alone)..  but yet they are so near yet so far.... *Runs off to cry*  :mon runcry:

But~ since there are signs of Gaki-san waking up soon :) Hang on Ai-chan!

I'm taking a break now!
- Rest well!  :)

EDIT: Speaking of her .... Koharu! I saw her name somewhere in the comment and i was like.. "OH YA! What happened to her???" LOL~ Where is she? XD

 :mon bat:

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15.5 1/02)
Post by: kuro808 on January 02, 2010, 05:01:39 PM
Well hope she will be alright, just too bad it happened  :(

well Ai being drunk still has some sentimental value to it :lol: (weird thought)  :smhid
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15.5 1/02)
Post by: kawaii beam on January 03, 2010, 02:03:52 AM
eri's birthday~! yay~ :gmon bang:

poor ai-chan.. she's missing her smexy gun weilding mame :gmon tears: dont worry! i miss her too! >.< and with ai-chan having to be incontrol of everything while worring over risa can be pretty stressful,hence why she went back to her crutch.. or however u spell that which is the alchohol >.< poor thing.

and at the end with risa just slightly responding made me :gmon tears: but it gives me hope!! X3 :mon lovelaff:

and now.. with great regret... i say to u GO TAKE A REST WOMAN!(lol u know u desrve it XD) i can totaly imagine u like this after writing this: resting:on roll: playing games :mon gamer: reading ofther fics :on study: and then having writing withdrals from ur own story :on freeze: :on voodoo: :mon wind: :mon whine: and then finaly writing again XD :mon cigar: :mon fyeah:

lol so take a good rest and get back on that horse or pheonx wright monkey will object you! :mon geek:

 :mon inluv: :monk gboy: :mon loveflower: :mon kissy:

sorry for somany emoticons again^^;

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15.5 1/02)
Post by: FaqU on January 03, 2010, 08:02:41 AM
 :OMG: I haven't been commenting here in a while nee??? But I'm all caught up now.

First and foremost,  :mon firecrack: for breaking the forum limit, (I actually didn't know there was a limit to begin with  :sweat:)

Wow a lot has happened since I last commented like the multiple  :onionwhip: scenes and  :on beatup that come with them.  Of course we can't forget Ai's first major involvement where she blows up a friggin mansion since her first injury.

Aika almost getting raped  :on redcard: how could you????? But I am conflicted because if Aika wasn't almost raped then the development of JunAika   :luvluv1: wouldn't happen but damn Aika almost getting raped?????? I almost felt like  :gyaaah: when Aika was screaming for her saviour and she was getting  :scolding: and beat up for not saying the proper name.  I almost did believe that her companions won't get there in time

Risa and Ai's argument - What can I say, nothing ever really goes well when 1) there are different opinions and 2) when neither party is willing to let up their own choice of action.  I feel like rooting for Ai for taking Aika's condition into consideration but Risa does make a point, all of them except Ai and the cops are bound together because of a task, and in exchange they are given freedom.  I don't think they remember this point, the criminals have totally forgotten that the quicker they finish this task the faster they can live their lives again without living in fear or running away all the time.  They can go out in the open as they are once more.  If the targets are gone from the country, your task in not complete and you go back to where you were, so in that sense Jun would be back in that cellar away from freedom and definitely away from Aika.  Sayu would be locked up as well away from the fun she is having now and destroying anymore chances she gets from Reina because Reina will snap back into reality as her character is portrayed.  She may be a jealous one but she also decided to be a cop for a reason, if Reina wasn't stuck with these criminals, these TanaShige moments will never occur and might not continue.  Question would be if Reina is willing to throw her positive background that she has slowly developed away for a criminal.  Ai would have never met Risa again if they weren't bound by this assignment, if they fail Risa will go back to jail for god knows how long and Ai would have to wait and communicate through a glass wall.  Risa has been fighting for so long and so hard to finish the task and has done a lot in helping everyone achieve a certain goal has she not??? Yes she is on the unemotional side but logically speaking emotions can wait, your targets won't.  Because of these reasons I can't say I am not rooting for Risa's argument, heck I might have done the same she did, minus the coming back to Ai's side part that is.

Props to Aika for standing up against her fears and facing life as she should be instead of running away.   :on woohoo: and to JunJun "Kill that m*tha f*cker!!!!!" You sure made JunJun one cool, manly person in her rescuing mission, the image is still in my mind and I can totally image the scene.  NICE~~~~  :on GJ:

The latest fight scene was all over the place just like a movie scene, where something is happening on the side so the audience takes a look at whats going on for a few seconds over there, while something else is happening at the other side in which we all zoom in to the happenings there.  My mind was all over the place  :dizzy: at how many different positions and actions you were placing in the same place.

What killed me though is that Risa was put into a coma, that totally sucked because she has really been the one that they all trusted to guide them through and make the plans.  For the others this could be a good thing because they can finally relax hence celebrating Eri's birthday  :on BDay:, Christmas  :mon santa4: and new years  :mon santa2: whereas if Risa was awake god knows how that was going to happen.  But really did you have to put Risa in such a long coma???? Look at how Ai turned out??? She's in the worst condition ever...what will her reputation be like???? How do you expect others to trust her leadership skills when she is dwelling and not doing anything with a newly acquired gang??? She barely has the focus to finish what Risa started!!!! I mean seriously, Ai crying over a Risa that is not awake does not really help her in any way, you should realize by now what Risa's intentions are and fulfill them in case Risa does decide to leave this world.  Make the woman proud...WOMAN!!!! MAKE HER PROUD!!!!!  :farofflook:

Reina calling her father...will she finally tell her father to give up everything he has used his life to develop??? Will it really be the clash of father and daughter??? Reina's determination was softened before, will she soften up at the very last moment??? My personal guess, she will because everyone knows that at the end of the day, blood is thicker than water, there is no way Reina can pull through her own guilty conscience seeing upfront her father being killed by the ties she has created with this lot.  It'll hurt her even more wouldn't it??? Your friends being the killer of your father??? However, because Risa says the Reina's father loves her alot will he be willing to give up everything just to regain a daughter??? That would also mean the Risa wouldn't have to kill someone that she once respected right???  :prayers: :prayers: :prayers: :prayers: :prayers:

I wonder where Eri will fall in because every relationship that I saw prospects such as Gakikame and Tanakame, Eri seemed like she would be a third party in the relationship but yet not.  Maybe I am overthinking it because at the moment the relationships that are seem to be developing or developed and still not clear: Takagaki, TanaShige and JunAika but then I wonder if TanaShige will ever be because of Sayu's past???? Reina was always comfortable with Eri and although Eri doesn't show signs that she minds Sayu coming on to Reina, at one point in time I wonder if Reina felt anything for Eri??? Same with the JunAika situation, I mean at one standpoint it seems like Aika just trusts Jun as a companion, an older sibling but she also admires Reina and maybe hopes for more????  Takagaki may be official but Eri's close relationship with Risa in which they like to talk and understand each other must not be overlooked...Eri seems like she knows for a fact that Risa loves Ai and vice versa but can it be at one point in time because Eri understands Risa more than Ai, that feelings start to develop???  We must not leave out TanaJunShige either, because Sayu seems to be the playful character and is fully aware of the impact her actions have on Reina, does she really have feelings for Reina or is this all just for fun and games??? I sense that she doesn't have many friends in life, so her uneasiness about losing Reina could be that she doesn't want to lose a friend, a friend where she can mess with her mind  ;) Sayu's concern for Jun can be misleading of course because Sayu's con ways in the past is where she uses her assets to get what she wants isn't it??? But even more so, is Sayu just making sure her skills are as sharp as ever??? Will Reina finally know the truth or just let her jealousy be her final flaw??? Don't diddle-doddle anymore Reina, you obviously are affected by Sayu so just get up to her and  :ondick: her already!!!!! By the way, after Reina does Sayu she should find out if Sayu is only playing onegai  :kneelbow:

I wonder what is hidden behind Rika's attitude...I mean she seems so sarcastic that I'd be upset if I were in Ai's shoes, like "WTF do you want??? Stop beating around the bush and just talk to me!!!!" You know??? Yossie's character I wouldn't mind, all serious and skeptical about Ai's choice of action but Rika's slight smile might piss me off in a situation where I am worrying about my companion and here you are showing no remorse for those that are helping you out and giving me this bull crap about what I should be doing and who is watching me

Could it be??? Risa might be showing signs of waking up from her  :sleep:??? Or are you trying to trick us??? Giving us false hope that she will be waking up but in reality she falls back into a coma or a dream perhaps????  :on study: desperately trying to read in between to see if there are any traps for us readers
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15.5 1/02)
Post by: rndmnwierd on January 03, 2010, 01:09:12 PM
@kZ -  :yep: Coma, yes. But, really, this story wouldn't be very interesting if I just offed the main character.

@DO me-san - Sweet dreams! I'm glad you enjoyed my hard work and took the time to comment on it. Makes me :grin:

@baddie - *puts up dreamcatcher*  :twisted:

@Baby Sticky - Yeah, I just can't leave Takagaki alone, can I? And I probably won't later, either.

@kuro-kun -
weird thought
No, I kinda see what you mean.

@kawaii-chan - Yup, that's pretty much what I'll be like, I've really been holding myself back from the keyboard, here, but I wonder how long it will last? BTW, love emotes!

@FaqU - Holy crap, are you okay? That's the longest, most thought out comment yet!
:OMG: I haven't been commenting here in a while nee??? But I'm all caught up now.

First and foremost,  :mon firecrack: for breaking the forum limit, (I actually didn't know there was a limit to begin with  :sweat:)
Thank you, I'm quite pleased with myself.

Wow a lot has happened since I last commented like the multiple  :onionwhip: scenes and  :on beatup that come with them.  Of course we can't forget Ai's first major involvement where she blows up a friggin mansion since her first injury.
Yup, Ai killed someone. It gets easier the more you do it...

Aika almost getting raped  :on redcard: how could you????? But I am conflicted because if Aika wasn't almost raped then the development of JunAika   :luvluv1: wouldn't happen but damn Aika almost getting raped?????? I almost felt like  :gyaaah: when Aika was screaming for her saviour and she was getting  :scolding: and beat up for not saying the proper name.  I almost did believe that her companions won't get there in time
I needed to bring her and Jun closer and get rid of the sub-boss at the same time. For some reason, I got it in my head to take down Aika's confidence in herself a little. I think I might do something with that later. Or just use it to torture her some more.... Bad me, bad!

Risa and Ai's argument - What can I say, nothing ever really goes well when 1) there are different opinions and 2) when neither party is willing to let up their own choice of action.
Which describes Takagaki pretty well.
  I feel like rooting for Ai for taking Aika's condition into consideration but Risa does make a point, all of them except Ai and the cops are bound together because of a task, and in exchange they are given freedom.  I don't think they remember this point, the criminals have totally forgotten that the quicker they finish this task the faster they can live their lives again without living in fear or running away all the time.  They can go out in the open as they are once more.  If the targets are gone from the country, your task in not complete and you go back to where you were, so in that sense Jun would be back in that cellar away from freedom and definitely away from Aika.  Sayu would be locked up as well away from the fun she is having now and destroying anymore chances she gets from Reina because Reina will snap back into reality as her character is portrayed.  She may be a jealous one but she also decided to be a cop for a reason, if Reina wasn't stuck with these criminals, these TanaShige moments will never occur and might not continue.  Question would be if Reina is willing to throw her positive background that she has slowly developed away for a criminal.  Ai would have never met Risa again if they weren't bound by this assignment, if they fail Risa will go back to jail for god knows how long and Ai would have to wait and communicate through a glass wall.  Risa has been fighting for so long and so hard to finish the task and has done a lot in helping everyone achieve a certain goal has she not??? Yes she is on the unemotional side but logically speaking emotions can wait, your targets won't.  Because of these reasons I can't say I am not rooting for Risa's argument, heck I might have done the same she did, minus the coming back to Ai's side part that is.
Ah, you see the connections, "If" and "Then" again and again. Everything has a reason.

Props to Aika for standing up against her fears and facing life as she should be instead of running away.   :on woohoo: and to JunJun "Kill that m*tha f*cker!!!!!" You sure made JunJun one cool, manly person in her rescuing mission, the image is still in my mind and I can totally image the scene.  NICE~~~~  :on GJ:
Perhaps Aika's brush with violation will make her stronger instead of weaker...With a little help, of course.

The latest fight scene was all over the place just like a movie scene, where something is happening on the side so the audience takes a look at whats going on for a few seconds over there, while something else is happening at the other side in which we all zoom in to the happenings there.  My mind was all over the place  :dizzy: at how many different positions and actions you were placing in the same place.
See, the thing about that scene, is that it takes forever to write and describe, but happens in a matter of seconds. It played in my head again and again until I wrote it out in slow motion. Sorry if it was a little complicated.

What killed me though is that Risa was put into a coma, that totally sucked because she has really been the one that they all trusted to guide them through and make the plans.  For the others this could be a good thing because they can finally relax hence celebrating Eri's birthday  :on BDay:, Christmas  :mon santa4: and new years  :mon santa2: whereas if Risa was awake god knows how that was going to happen.  But really did you have to put Risa in such a long coma???? Look at how Ai turned out??? She's in the worst condition ever...what will her reputation be like???? How do you expect others to trust her leadership skills when she is dwelling and not doing anything with a newly acquired gang??? She barely has the focus to finish what Risa started!!!! I mean seriously, Ai crying over a Risa that is not awake does not really help her in any way, you should realize by now what Risa's intentions are and fulfill them in case Risa does decide to leave this world.  Make the woman proud...WOMAN!!!! MAKE HER PROUD!!!!!  :farofflook:
Well, maybe if the group had all mutinied, Risa might have gone along with the celebrations willingly. I mean, they do deserve a break, after all, and Risa needed the time to get the gang in order. Also, don't be so hard on Ai, she's doing her best for being thrust into a completely unfamiliar situation and then having such a blow to her heart like Risa falling into a coma. I like to think Ai's a bit of a pessimist, so she truly worries that Risa won't wake up. So I gave her this great support system in the form of Reina and Lin Lin. They'll hopefully be able to nudge her out of her depression long enough to finish getting the illegal affairs in order and then start the hunt for Tanaka-dono. Ai is perfectly capable of being just as ruthless as Risa, she just hasn't really shown it yet. I mean, no one really blames her for being sad, but they won't forgive her if she wallows in it.

Reina calling her father...will she finally tell her father to give up everything he has used his life to develop??? Will it really be the clash of father and daughter??? Reina's determination was softened before, will she soften up at the very last moment??? My personal guess, she will because everyone knows that at the end of the day, blood is thicker than water, there is no way Reina can pull through her own guilty conscience seeing upfront her father being killed by the ties she has created with this lot.  It'll hurt her even more wouldn't it??? Your friends being the killer of your father??? However, because Risa says the Reina's father loves her alot will he be willing to give up everything just to regain a daughter??? That would also mean the Risa wouldn't have to kill someone that she once respected right???  :prayers: :prayers: :prayers: :prayers: :prayers:
All in good time.

I wonder where Eri will fall in because every relationship that I saw prospects such as Gakikame and Tanakame, Eri seemed like she would be a third party in the relationship but yet not.  Maybe I am overthinking it because at the moment the relationships that are seem to be developing or developed and still not clear: Takagaki, TanaShige and JunAika but then I wonder if TanaShige will ever be because of Sayu's past???? Reina was always comfortable with Eri and although Eri doesn't show signs that she minds Sayu coming on to Reina, at one point in time I wonder if Reina felt anything for Eri??? Same with the JunAika situation, I mean at one standpoint it seems like Aika just trusts Jun as a companion, an older sibling but she also admires Reina and maybe hopes for more????  Takagaki may be official but Eri's close relationship with Risa in which they like to talk and understand each other must not be overlooked...Eri seems like she knows for a fact that Risa loves Ai and vice versa but can it be at one point in time because Eri understands Risa more than Ai, that feelings start to develop???  We must not leave out TanaJunShige either, because Sayu seems to be the playful character and is fully aware of the impact her actions have on Reina, does she really have feelings for Reina or is this all just for fun and games??? I sense that she doesn't have many friends in life, so her uneasiness about losing Reina could be that she doesn't want to lose a friend, a friend where she can mess with her mind  ;) Sayu's concern for Jun can be misleading of course because Sayu's con ways in the past is where she uses her assets to get what she wants isn't it??? But even more so, is Sayu just making sure her skills are as sharp as ever??? Will Reina finally know the truth or just let her jealousy be her final flaw??? Don't diddle-doddle anymore Reina, you obviously are affected by Sayu so just get up to her and  :ondick: her already!!!!! By the way, after Reina does Sayu she should find out if Sayu is only playing onegai  :kneelbow:
Again, all in good time. I think the relationships will really start to play out in the next arc, at least, that's the plan. I mean, most of the girls have only known each other for a few months. The really only have the kind of bond that pops up between soldiers who are in war together and dealing with attraction is tough enough, but love doesn't even begin to factor in for anyone other than Takagaki. And Eri and Reina were only partners for three months before they got this assignment, I can't remember if I mentioned that somewhere before.

I wonder what is hidden behind Rika's attitude...I mean she seems so sarcastic that I'd be upset if I were in Ai's shoes, like "WTF do you want??? Stop beating around the bush and just talk to me!!!!" You know??? Yossie's character I wouldn't mind, all serious and skeptical about Ai's choice of action but Rika's slight smile might piss me off in a situation where I am worrying about my companion and here you are showing no remorse for those that are helping you out and giving me this bull crap about what I should be doing and who is watching me
I don't want them to be likeable at all. I want them to scream "Bad People! Corrupt Agents!" and I want it to seem like they only consider the girls playthings.

Could it be??? Risa might be showing signs of waking up from her  :sleep:??? Or are you trying to trick us??? Giving us false hope that she will be waking up but in reality she falls back into a coma or a dream perhaps????  :on study: desperately trying to read in between to see if there are any traps for us readers
Oh I set some traps, but I hope you can't find them. :twisted:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15.5 1/02)
Post by: FaqU on January 03, 2010, 09:45:02 PM

@FaqU - Holy crap, are you okay? That's the longest most thought out comment yet!

I am definitely alright, as I have mentioned I haven't been commenting in a while due to external reasons such as the holidays, work, school you know the usual and since I haven't commented in a while, all comments get bunched up.  :bigdeal: Hope you don't mind  :kneelbow:

Do you mean the longest most thought out comment coming from me  :dunno: Gomen gomen  :sweat:

Yup, Ai killed someone. It gets easier the more you do it...

Totally agree with you there, lots of things get easier the more you do it...hint hint Takagaki love making hint hint  :hiakhiakhiak:

I needed to bring her and Jun closer and get rid of the sub-boss at the same time. For some reason, I got it in my head to take down Aika's confidence in herself a little. I think I might do something with that later. Or just use it to torture her some more.... Bad me, bad!

You wouldn't  :grr: But why Aika's confidence??? Why not someone elses??? I recall each person has their own sad story no? JunJun and Aika shared their stories between each other and it's not like they haven't suffered enough in their lives.  Also I don't think Aika has the biggest ego in her own capabilities, if anything I feel like she only took the assignment because she wanted to prove to herself and others that she can do more than just climb walls and steal things. 

Bad you!!! Bad, bad you *shaking my finger at you*  :on thumbb:

Perhaps Aika's brush with violation will make her stronger instead of weaker...With a little help, of course.

I'll be waiting for it that's for to make sure we're on the same page, who's help were you thinking about  :hee:

See, the thing about that scene, is that it takes forever to write and describe, but happens in a matter of seconds. It played in my head again and again until I wrote it out in slow motion. Sorry if it was a little complicated.

I don't see a problem with it, it made me anxious as to who is where, doing what and when, like it made my head turn but in a good way

Well, maybe if the group had all mutinied, Risa might have gone along with the celebrations willingly. I mean, they do deserve a break, after all, and Risa needed the time to get the gang in order.

But that's the thing, they will be celebrating except Risa because she would be too darn focused on what their next moves will be that she really wouldn't be enjoying herself.  It would be like her body is there at the party but her mind isn't.

Also, don't be so hard on Ai, she's doing her best for being thrust into a completely unfamiliar situation and then having such a blow to her heart like Risa falling into a coma.

I'm not trying to be hard on her, in fact I wanted her to pick herself up and be the leader that they all trusted her to be, the solid ground that Risa had seen in her, for her to be that guide that she has been for Risa to be transfered to the others.  Like Eri was concerned and I doubt that it was just her, most likely all of them are concerned about her personal welfare and it hurts to see that but even more so I wish for her to stand up and shine through this darkened time. Sorry if I am portraying myself as being hard on Ai  :kneelbow:

I don't want them to be likeable at all. I want them to scream "Bad People! Corrupt Agents!" and I want it to seem like they only consider the girls playthings.

I think you've done just that in my books with Rika's character, not so much with Yossie maybe because I am still seeing Yossie as the reliable leader she use to be.  So her reactions and facial expressions seem pretty normal and don't really give off the "the girls are only playthings" in my eyes.  But that could just be me....

Oh I set some traps, but I hope you can't find them. :twisted:

Even more so, I find this to be a better game to find those "traps", I'll be on my toes for these traps and hope I get to them before they shock me  :cool1: Game on???  :wahaha: Just joking though I doubt I can find them because my mind doesn't function well in these situations, more like they are set for physical fights
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15.5 1/02)
Post by: lil_hamz on January 05, 2010, 11:42:43 AM
OMG, the comments in this thread are just as long as a chapter of a fic :D I'm gonna need time to slowly read and digest.

But now I shall comment on the fic. I read it before today but only got the chance to reply now. GOMENE! :bow:

I seriously did not expect a .5 chapter. Surprising but still satisfying nonetheless :twothumbs

I remember what I wanted to say for the previous chapter but forgot. The answer to that question was answered in this chapter so there's no need for me to mention it again.

Isn't Risa out for too long a time? Especially since that knock to the head shouldn't be too serious. Are you just trying to make Ai feel that her girlfriend is too important and that she should think twice before arguing with her again next time?

Ai going back to the bottle. This was expected. Without the one person who could support her through the uncertain times and with the stress of being the one everyone looked to for instructions, Ai needed to find some way to release all that emotion.

The call between Reina and her dad wasn't too detailed. Are you going to tell us more about what happened later?

And nope, I don't think Eri is important as of now. She would be getting a bigger role in the next arc? :?

Awww, I would have wanted to read a car accident after TakaGaki's big fight. Although you decided against it, how about writing a short piece as an extra side plot? It could be a standalone of sorts. :grin:

You want a break right? If I send you a box of Kit Kat chocs, would that do the trick? :D
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15.5 1/02)
Post by: rndmnwierd on January 05, 2010, 02:16:04 PM
@Hahahammermusume -
I remember what I wanted to say for the previous chapter but forgot. The answer to that question was answered in this chapter so there's no need for me to mention it again.
  :thumbup Alrighty then!
Isn't Risa out for too long a time? Especially since that knock to the head shouldn't be too serious. Are you just trying to make Ai feel that her girlfriend is too important and that she should think twice before arguing with her again next time?
Well, I'm not sure if I'm going to touch on it later, so I'll just say it now: Risa took a hard blow to the head and suffered a concussion. Now, normally, if you rest and take it easy, there shouldn't be any problems, as long as you don't sleep, but Risa ignored the warning signs of headaches until it got so bad that it actually distracted her, but no one could tell.
Risa repeated for the third time, cringing in pain when her head throbbed.
The gunner held a hand to her head for a moment, eyes closed
Nodding, the gunner holstered her pistol, shaking her head as blood began to sluggishly flow from her nose.
Just three little innocuous instances that could be easily seen as something else. Maybe I was a little too subtle with it, but it's too late to change it now. Anyway, then she charged into battle like a maniac an pushed herself jaringly, making her injury worse. She's lucky she didn't suffer brain hemorrhage and die.

Ai going back to the bottle. This was expected. Without the one person who could support her through the uncertain times and with the stress of being the one everyone looked to for instructions, Ai needed to find some way to release all that emotion.

The call between Reina and her dad wasn't too detailed. Are you going to tell us more about what happened later?
And nope, I don't think Eri is important as of now. She would be getting a bigger role in the next arc?
Maybe, I might leave her as pretty unassuming, just for the hell of it.

Awww, I would have wanted to read a car accident after TakaGaki's big fight. Although you decided against it, how about writing a short piece as an extra side plot? It could be a standalone of sorts.
Sure, I'll start that right after the Takagaki perv.

You want a break right? If I send you a box of Kit Kat chocs, would that do the trick?
I like Reese's, please! :grin:

@Fork-san - I don't know why, but I wanna call you this...
Hope you don't mind 
Not at all, it's rather stimulating to read.

hint hint Takagaki love making hint hint
Haha, no kidding.

You wouldn't  grr But why Aika's confidence??? Why not someone elses??? I recall each person has their own sad story no? JunJun and Aika shared their stories between each other and it's not like they haven't suffered enough in their lives.  Also I don't think Aika has the biggest ego in her own capabilities, if anything I feel like she only took the assignment because she wanted to prove to herself and others that she can do more than just climb walls and steal things.
Oh, no, Aika's very quiet and it would seem as if she doesn't have a big ego, but that's totally far from the truth. I touched on it in her introduction that the reason she got caught was because she got too comfortable with her skills. She started thinking that she was invincible and that nothing could touch her when they gave her this chance because they needed her expertise. She's just good at hiding it.

Bad you!!! Bad, bad you *shaking my finger at you* 
*whimpers* :mon baby:

I'll be waiting for it that's for to make sure we're on the same page, who's help were you thinking about
Jun of course and Reina, too.

I don't see a problem with it, it made me anxious as to who is where, doing what and when, like it made my head turn but in a good way
Thank you.

But that's the thing, they will be celebrating except Risa because she would be too darn focused on what their next moves will be that she really wouldn't be enjoying herself.  It would be like her body is there at the party but her mind isn't.
But maybe she would have seen how much fun everyone else was having a been drug along into it as well.

I'm not trying to be hard on her, in fact I wanted her to pick herself up and be the leader that they all trusted her to be, the solid ground that Risa had seen in her, for her to be that guide that she has been for Risa to be transfered to the others.  Like Eri was concerned and I doubt that it was just her, most likely all of them are concerned about her personal welfare and it hurts to see that but even more so I wish for her to stand up and shine through this darkened time. Sorry if I am portraying myself as being hard on Ai
No, I see your point, but Ai doesn't think of herself as that capable. I mean, she'll get the job done, but later, when she looks back on it, she will always see where it could have been better. But isn't that why we love her so much?

I think you've done just that in my books with Rika's character, not so much with Yossie maybe because I am still seeing Yossie as the reliable leader she use to be.  So her reactions and facial expressions seem pretty normal and don't really give off the "the girls are only playthings" in my eyes.  But that could just be me....
Actually, Yossui was the one who was smiling, I reread your last comment and it seemed as though you thought Rika was the smiling one. Which she was, but Ai couldn't see that behind her...

Game on???
:lol: We'll see.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15.5 1/02)
Post by: rndmnwierd on January 05, 2010, 11:44:33 PM
you know, i went back and reread the whole story again. And I noticed something I didn't before. Jun's closest people (pre-story) were her boss and boss' daughter. Are they going to be important characters? or just a detail in the story?

Wakey wakey Gakisan!!
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15.5 1/02)
Post by: lil_hamz on January 06, 2010, 09:44:49 AM
She's lucky she didn't suffer brain hemorrhage and die.

Us readers should really thank our lucky stars that you didn't decide to kill the main character so soon :D

Maybe, I might leave her as pretty unassuming, just for the hell of it.

I was asked why Eri didn't have a love interest in this fic. And I replied that you ever mentioned that not all of MM was gay so that could mean that Eri won't be involved in any of the relationships. Am I right? :huhuh

Sure, I'll start that right after the Takagaki perv.

YEAH!! *throws confetti*

I like Reese's, please! :grin:

Roger that! *salutes* Just tell me how and I'll get on it right away :yep: Anything for the almight one :bow:

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15.5 1/02)
Post by: rndmnwierd on January 06, 2010, 05:18:54 PM
I was asked why Eri didn't have a love interest in this fic. And I replied that you ever mentioned that not all of MM was gay so that could mean that Eri won't be involved in any of the relationships. Am I right?
First of all, who asked you? Someone on here? And second, no, Eri will probably not have a love interest. At least, not one of the girls, but I doubt I'll create a guy just so Eri won't be lonely.

YEAH!! *throws confetti*
Still, don't hold your breath, I can't be held responsible if you pass out. :lol: :lol:

Just tell me how and I'll get on it right away
I will except cyber peanut butter cups!
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15.5 1/02)
Post by: alwaysYou on January 08, 2010, 06:08:21 PM
did i saw the phrase "Takagaki perv" XD
should i look forward to 2 of them?*coughbedcough* and *coughbathroomcough*..

this the first time comment here..although i have been following this fic since the start..LOL..
doesnt comment since i'm a bad commenter.. :lol:

but just to say..awesome fic..XD..
looking forward to the rest of the chp..XD

Awww, I would have wanted to read a car accident after TakaGaki's big fight. Although you decided against it, how about writing a short piece as an extra side plot? It could be a standalone of sorts.
Sure, I'll start that right after the Takagaki perv.
although it's gakisan who ran out..
somehow i hope it's aichan who get into the car accident..LOL..
so that we can see how gakisan handles it since now gakisan it's already the one who was laying there and doesnt want to wake up..
should let her taste aichan feeling too.. :lol:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15.5 1/02)
Post by: rndmnwierd on January 08, 2010, 06:17:27 PM
Ah, thank you for popping in, I really appreciate any feedback, so feel free to comment again later! I will get to that perv eventually. Sometime. I promise, I won't forget about it! And then maybe a jump into an alternate plot type dealie, with the accident and everything. Maybe I'll even do an Ai car accident part, but I can't guarantee that it will be in the B&B universe. Well, maybe I could work something out... *is having ideas*


But don't hold your breath, I refuse to be responsible for people passing out. :lol: :lol:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15.5 1/02)
Post by: cogi_yoshi on January 09, 2010, 04:43:45 PM
Congrats on you, breaking the forum with your longest chapter!!! :mon squee:

Coma Risa's really taking it's toll on Ai... Thank goodness that Reina's there.. and also, Eri to support her... and at the end of the chapter... FINALLY!!! Risa's waking up!!! (i hope   :mon sweat:)
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15.5 1/02)
Post by: rndmnwierd on January 09, 2010, 06:48:26 PM
Aha, thank you, kindly.

Oh, and Lin, don't forget about Lin.

Waking up? Hmm, whatever could have given you that idea? *sarcasmsarcasmsarcasm*
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15.5 1/02)
Post by: lil_hamz on January 09, 2010, 07:05:29 PM
What da...u mean Risa's not waking up yet??!! But her fingers moved!!! Lol Im being unnessasarily dramatic XD and apparently Im in a weird mood now so I shall post in ya thread. I refuse to use the word spam. How could my posts of admiration be spam right :P

Ah jumping crabsticks. I would have to wait till after e perv to read e accident fic?*pouts* not that I have anything against perv Fics. I guess I'm just a more angst kinda girl :P

Yep e person who asked me about Eri reads fics here. She just doesn't comment much. The lurking mode is rather popular no?

PS: I love that shot of e bean in ya sig. She Is too pretty <3  
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15.5 1/02)
Post by: rndmnwierd on January 10, 2010, 02:04:31 AM
Well, since you posted, I must reply, also refusing to call it the 'S' word.

I have ideas for ze Perv, it's mostly written out in my head, but ze accident fic is still on it's very bloody drawing board and it will probably be a two parter. Well, I guess I could call it that. More like an Ai ver and Gaki ver.

Lurker, you say? *pulls out flashlight* Time to put my lurker illumination stick to use! *shines the light in the corner, watches lurkers scatter* Aww, come on guys, comments aren't so bad. XD

P.S. Which shot? The new one? It was part of the Morning-Musume-is-dating-the-wall set. Lucky wall. -_-; I asked kawaii beamu to make it into a siggie. :heart: :heart: It is teh awesome.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15.5 1/02)
Post by: Hart on January 13, 2010, 06:12:43 AM
*pulls out flashlight* Time to put my lurker illumination stick to use!

*rubbing eyes* Will you turn that off. I didn't mean to busy reviewing my japanese notes for when my next class begins in two weeks and didn't have time to comment on the last short chapter where we find out that Gaki has been in a coma since their raid on that mansion last chapter which reminds me that I completely didn't realize that she had a concussion because of all that was happening what with Aika almost being raped by Miyoshi whom I've imagined being Erika from v-u-den and the girls killing off those guys in interesting ways like Ai rigging explosives in front of that guy's house or LinLin hacking into that other guy's computers and pointing his own weapons at him and don't remind me of the bed scene with Takagaki or Tanashige and Gaki's little drive with a terrified turtle in tow to Yokohama to where her brother's grave where Ai blew up their house and after all of this had happened they have control of the gang and the IshiYoshi agents came for a visit and Reina finally calls her dad which hopefully you'll tell us what their conversation is like in the next story arc all the while Gaki is in bed all dressed up like a Christmas tree probably as a result of a certain psychotic bunny that reminds me that I should've asked for a Christmas decorated bean last month and Ai has been going back to the bottle because she can't stand Gaki lying in bed in a coma and now I have an awful and probably pervy image of Ai doing things to Gaki while she's still in a coma as a result of all that drinking and stress with running that gang and the paperwork and planning what the girls are gonna do Reina's dad's gang and that other gang which I think you mention was Koharu's and I was wondering when she will ever make another appearance and please don't tell me that she's the mastermind who brought the girls together just to take out the other two gangs and once that's done she plans on eliminating them and now I've just realized this is the longest run-on sentence that I've ever written and I also didn't notice that I was holding my breath the entire time. *gasp for air*

Sorry about that. Hope it's somewhat readable. Can't wait till the next chapter. And the accident fic. And the perv, which reminds me that I keep forgetting to ask for access. Don't keep Gaki asleep too long.

*Goes back into the shadows*

*Comes back out of the shadows* Can somebody get me something to eat. I'm starving.

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15.5 1/02)
Post by: rndmnwierd on January 13, 2010, 10:37:05 AM
^ :lol: :lol: :lol: Thanks for delurkifying, you can go back to your 'studying' now.

I have an awful and probably pervy image of Ai doing things to Gaki while she's still in a coma as a result of all that drinking
:lol: :lol: XD

by Miyoshi whom I've imagined being Erika from v-u-den
Originally it was going to be her, then I was like, I'll just make it ambiguous. Hell, it could be Miyoshi Chinatsu, if anyone actually remembers her. :lol: :lol:

Sorry about that. Hope it's somewhat readable. Can't wait till the next chapter. And the accident fic. And the perv, which reminds me that I keep forgetting to ask for access. Don't keep Gaki asleep too long.
I'm actually on my way to write after I go through the forum. Promise!

*Comes back out of the shadows* Can somebody get me something to eat. I'm starving.
*Makes a cyber sammich for your virtual stomach* It's the best I can do or now. If I mailed it, the turkey would go bad. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15.5 1/02)
Post by: amEthystx on January 13, 2010, 07:34:25 PM
 :on polter: *floats by*

Lurker, you say? *pulls out flashlight* Time to put my lurker illumination stick to use! *shines the light in the corner, watches lurkers scatter* Aww, come on guys, comments aren't so bad.  XD
- LOL~ This is super funny! maybe i should try that too... i'm sure i have some on mine too *pouts*

 :on polter: *floats away*
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15.5 1/02)
Post by: Hart on January 13, 2010, 10:38:32 PM
*Makes a cyber sammich for your virtual stomach* It's the best I can do or now. If I mailed it, the turkey would go bad. :lol: :lol: :lol:

*Scanning cyber sammich for viruses, adware, spyware, e-salmonella.*
18 hours later...*Scanning complete. 0 threats present.*
*HartAKL85 wa rndmnwierd-san no sammich o tabemasu.* Oishi desu.  :twothumbs Arigatou gozaimasu!
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15.5 1/02)
Post by: rndmnwierd on January 14, 2010, 03:53:58 AM
^Lols, after 18 hours, I'd die of starvation. Or someone would kill me for repeating "I'm hungry." a thousand times. Glad it's virtually delicious!

^^ Ha, feel free to borrow it for a while.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 15.5 1/02)
Post by: rndmnwierd on January 14, 2010, 11:58:20 AM
Chapter 16: It can't be helped

The sun was shining cheerfully, early in the morning, birds chirping their happy songs. Reina sat with her head in her hands, quite hungover from her impromptu game of ‘Catch up with Ai’ the night before. She was quite tempted to down the bottle of aspirin in her pocket, sure that having her stomach pumped later could not possibly be as painful as what she was feeling right now. Alas, she could not afford the trip to the hospital, as she had a very important meeting this early morning.

“Can I get anything else for you, miss?” the cute waitress asked her in concern.

“Well, unless you sell hangover remedies here, just keep the milk coming.” Reina said, smiling weakly at her. She was quite pretty, but Reina didn’t even have it in her to flirt. Normally, she would turn on her considerable charms as a way to pass the time and if the girl responded to her in a way she liked, she would pass her number as she left. Though, not many women really tweaked her interest like that. Sayumi’s face flashed in her mind for a moment before she shook her head to rid herself of the image.

That was the last thing she needed in her mind today, that vexing con truly bothered her. Though sometimes they had a lot of fun together, when Sayu wasn’t teasing her like no tomorrow, for the most part, all she wanted to do was hit the girl. Among other things, but, again, she really didn’t need that in her mind today.

Today was big for her. The person she was supposed to meet, she hadn’t seen for ages and now, she was being thrust into conflict with him. She began to worry, belatedly realizing just what was about to happen. If this didn’t go well, at worst, her life could be in danger. Shaking her head, Reina felt her second thoughts begin to take over and was just about to leave, when the door to the café opened.

Inside stepped a giant of a man, big and wide, with arms like logs and a build like a refrigerator. Reina felt her breath catch in mixed happiness and apprehension as he looked around the small shop, before his eyes settled on hers. For a long moment, they locked eyes and his expression became unreadable, but after that passed, he grinned widely and rushed over to her.

“Reina!” He boomed and wrapped his meaty arms around her, lifting her clear out of her seat and engulfing her tiny frame in a bear hug, “Oh, Princess, I missed you.” he said a little more quietly, his deep bass still carrying across the café.

The cop couldn’t help but laugh joyfully at the familiar feeling of being in her father’s arms again. His voice rumbled in her chest when he spoke and his constant warmth filled her small form with comfort, just as it always had. For the first time in a long time, Reina felt truly safe from the evils of the world.

“Daddy.” she murmured, burying her head in his chest as he swung her around, feeling tears well up in her eyes. Finally, he set her down, both shining in happiness at being together once again.

“I’m so glad you called me, Princess, I’ve been missing you something fierce.” He set a small box on the table, “I know it’s a little late, but twenty’s an important number to turn, so I got you a little something.” Another box was set next to it, “And this one’s for Christmas.”

Reina eagerly opened the first box, forgetting for a moment why she had called this meeting. Inside the unassuming box was a set of car keys. “You bought me a car, daddy?” she asked, slightly stunned.

“Yup. It’s waiting for you in the parking lot.” He beamed at her as she tore into the other box, pulling out a small jewelry case. “You still like crosses, right?”

“I do, dad.” Reina breathed out as she picked up the delicate chain. The charm itself seemed a little worn with age and she examined it reverently. “Was this?”

“Yes, it was your mother’s. She asked me to give it to you when you were born, but I put it away and didn’t come across it until recently, but I figured it was perfect for this occasion. And before you ask, the car was obtained with legal money, so you don’t have to worry about that, since I know you don’t like that kind of stuff anymore.” He went behind her to place the necklace gently around her neck and all at once, Reina’s objective for this meeting came back to her.

“I don’t think I can accept this stuff, daddy.” She shook her head sadly as he sat back down across from her.

“I’m not trying to bribe you, if that’s what your implying. It’s just a gift from a father to his daughter. It’s not going to change the outcome of this meeting.” His face change to one Reina had rarely seen directed at her, “You want me to surrender.” he stated in a business like manner.

“Yes.” She replied simply.

“The answer’s no and I know you won’t give this up willingly, so I won’t even ask. I would like to, though, surrender, that is.” He surprised her with his last statement, “I can’t just give it up, though. Your brothers are already beginning to fight each other over who will take my place and if I simply give up to you, there will be a lot of opposition. I don’t think either of us can afford that.”

“If we fight, there will be just as much opposition, if not more.” Reina pleaded, placing her small hands over one of his large paws.

“My Princess, my favored child, I would have given this to you if you had stayed, I would have named you my successor easily, but now, since you have ousted yourself, you will have to earn my throne. It will not be an easy path and I will not let anyone go easy on you. I have faith that you and I will meet soon enough in battle.” he spoke formally, eyes welling with tears. His free paw patted Reina’s head as he smiled sadly at her, his massive hand nearly engulfing her head, “You look more and more like your mother every time I see you.”

With those last words, he stood up, dropped a bill on the table and left. Reina looked down, eyes closed tightly against the tears that threatened to fall. Why couldn’t she just hate the man? It would be so much easier to fight him if she could just find it in her to be angry at him.

Giving her head a shake, and wincing in pain, Reina looked down at what he had left on the table; a 10,000 yen note. Figuring that would more than cover her small bill, the cop got up from her seat and headed for the door. As soon as she stepped outside, keys in hand, she saw her present. A cute little, light blue coup sat in the parking lot, a pink bow on it’s hood and blue decals on the side of the numbers 017. Chuckling, Reina sniffled and climbed into the car. She might as well enjoy it.


Aika sighed as she lay in one of the guest bedrooms at the manor. She didn’t want to get up, though she had been awake for almost an hour now, and she just couldn’t seem to muster up the willpower to climb out from her cozy cocoon. Now, for anyone else, this behavior might be considered normal, but this was the habitually early rising Mitsui. The past few weeks had been like this, sleeping in late and not wanting to face to the day, to the point where she’d started having her meals in the room.

She knew, rationally, that this behavior was childish and borderline unhealthy, but whatever courage she’d felt that had originally brought her out of her depression long enough to defeat Takashi had left her. Every time she walked the halls of the manor, she swore she could feel the stares bore into the back of her head. To her, it seemed as if everyone knew what had almost happened to her and that she had been to careless to stop it. That if she hadn’t been so overconfident in her abilities to protect herself, that maybe it might not have turned out the way it had.

She shivered in disgust as, once again, she felt hands roughly caressing her body and she had to tell herself that it wasn’t real, that it was just a figment of her memories. In an effort to think of something else, her mind brought up her last major failure; the day she was caught and dragged into this whole mess.

Her contact had requested a small shipment of diamonds that had come into the country earlier that day and was set to leave again the next morning. The premise was easy, her intel solid, and the security was weak, so Aika foresaw no problems. It was just another day at work to her and the man was offering about twice what the diamonds were actually worth.

The high profit should have tipped her off at first that this wasn’t a regular heist and maybe she should take her time with it, but the thief ignored her instincts and hit the vault as soon as the business day was over. What little security that was in the vault was highly lethal and it was only by the skin of her teeth that Aika had escaped alive, sans what she had came for.

If only she had just taken the time to do a little research on the place, she wouldn’t have gotten caught in such a rookie mistake. The memory of being chased from rooftop to rooftop was still fresh in her mind and the scars from her rough treatment were just now going away. Her pride burned and Aika rolled over in an attempt to clear the pain from her chest.

She decided to think about her new friends. About Risa, laying in a coma down the hall and the strong, but breaking Ai at her bedside. About Lin Lin and her ever present smile, cracking bad jokes and puns at every chance she got and doing her best to be cheerful, even though Aika could tell that she felt utterly alone. Sayu, the poisoned tongue con and Eri, who’s smile truly scared her. About Reina and her scowling face, but smiling eyes, an unlikely ally to the law. And finally, Jun, who so reminded her of her beloved older sister.

Young Aika clung to her sister’s bloodstained pants leg, watching as fire engulfed their house. She wasn’t sure why she was crying, but she was sobbing like the child she was into her sister’s limp embrace. The older was currently focused on their third companion, a tall, slender woman who was coved in soot.

“I know that it’s not really any of my business, but I can’t stand to see such a horrid man hurting his children when he should be treasuring them. Maybe it might bring you some trouble, but I’ll put you under Tanaka-dono’s protection for now. I’ve got a safe house you guys can live at and I’ll teach you to make your own living. Let’s go.” Throughout the long walk, her sister made sure that she was in a position to protect Aika like it was an instinct, without any though.

They had trained under that woman for a while and then were given a simple assignment; acquire a ring without the use of money from a man who had no intention of giving it up. Aika’s sister failed, barely getting away, but Aika showed a knack for thievery, and obtained the item in no time.

“Very good, little bug.” Yajima Erino, their savior, smiled down at the young Aika, patting her on the head as the girl presented the ring to her, “You took to my lessons quicker than any student I’ve ever had. I’ll make sure you’re well paid for your efforts.” the woman promised as she took the prize and left.

“I did it, Onee-chan! I took that man’s ring!” Aika bragged to her sister as the door shut. In her excitement, she didn’t notice that the older seemed less than pleased about her accomplishment.

Their life had continued on in the same manner for a while, taking jobs from Erino until such time that they found their own fence and clients. Then, one day after a particularly close call that thrilled Aika, but terrified her sister, the older declared that they would walk the straight and narrow path. Both enrolled in school and made due with what money they had left over. Aika’s sister eventually got a part time job and Aika did whatever odd jobs she could to earn money, as no one would hire someone so young.

Still, that instinct ached and Aika’s fingers itched and she often found herself picking pockets in the hallway and stealing trinkets from fellow students. She’d lived by the rule of, ‘if you wanted it, take it’ for so long, that she almost couldn’t help herself. She tried to keep her habit from her sister, to no avail. The older had always been hypersensitive to her, always to keep her out of trouble and safe. And no matter how close she was to the older, Aika didn’t notice her failing health until it was too late.

The winter was cold and they had no money to keep the heat going in the apartment, but Aika was at the age where she wanted desperately to be independent and not ask for help, even when she lay shivering under her meager share of blankets. She briefly thought of crawling into bed with her sister, but her pride wouldn’t let her. Maybe if she hadn’t listened, she might have noticed the warning signs, the fever and coughing that assailed the older at night.

What she did notice, was that in the morning, she always woke up with more blankets than she went to bed with. Her young mind never connected that her having more, meant that her sister had less.

One morning, Aika was awoken by a terrible sound in the next room, a deep, wheezing sound, a wet and choking cough. Alarmed and frightened, Aika had followed the sound to the older’s room and found her sister sitting up in bed, both hands over her mouth, gasping uncontrollably into her cupped hands.

As she went over in a panic, her sister had gripped her shoulder with one hand, eyes flashing in the terrible knowledge that she was dying. Through her other hand, clasped over her mouth, blood flowed and gagging, coughing emitted from within her throat. Suddenly, the sound changed to a gurgling noise and the older began to gasp as if she couldn’t catch her breath. Aika didn’t understand what was going on at the time, but now knew that her sister had been drowning in her own blood as her lungs filled with it.

Aika stood helpless as in only a few seconds that felt like hours, she watched the life drain painfully out of her sister. After her heart had stopped and the terrifying noises had ceased did the body relax and fall limp, the only thing left behind on Aika was a bloody hand print on her shoulder

Shivering in the lingering fright of her memories, Aika rolled over again, back facing the door. That was her biggest failure, watching her sister die and being unable to even comfort her. A knock on the door snapped her attention back to the present and Jun entered the room with a quiet greeting.

“Aika-chan? The cooks said you ordered lunch up here again, so I thought I’d ask you if you wanted to take it somewhere quiet and eat with me?” The older girl waited patiently for a response, somehow seeming to know that Aika was awake. The younger girl just stayed quiet, letting her silence be her answer.

After a while, she heard Jun sigh and the clank of a tray being set down on the table. Soon afterwards, the door clicked shut quietly and Aika rolled over again to face it. Her eyes landed on the food, waiting patiently and covered for someone to devour it. The thought depressed her more and tears welled up in the thief’s eyes.


As she walked into the dilapidated house, she immediately heard the sound of someone pacing frantically in the living room. Rounding the corner, that someone was revealed to be Risa, black hair swaying as she turned on her heel, one hand held up to her mouth, teeth gnawing painfully into a worn nail. The younger girl froze, her eyes locking on the source of her worry.

“Ai! Where have you been, I’ve been worried sick about you!?” The bean rushed over to her and grabbed her shoulders tightly.

She ignored Risa’s mood and instead, adopted an emotionless tone, “I’ve been doing some thinking.”

“A-About what? Ai-chan,” the younger continued when her girlfriend hesitated, “You don’t have to keep your pain from me.”

“That’s what I’ve been thinking about, pain. And how much pain I’m going to cause you when I tell you that I want to break up with you.” It was said bluntly, almost terrifyingly tactless, a harsh remark that was quite rare from the kind and gentle girl.

Risa recoiled as if she had been slapped, “What? You really…?” When she nodded at the question, the bean’s eyes instantly filled with tears, “But why? I thought that you, you loved me.”

“I do, but I can’t do this anymore. I can’t do us anymore. Please, don’t drag this out.” She requested coldly.


“That’s not even a reason.” Risa whimpered, bringing her clenched fists up to her eyes.


She watched through a façade of calm, own heart shattering, as the only person that made her truly happy, ran from the dilapidated house.

“Takahashi-san!” Ai jerked awake, feeling someone shaking her shoulder. For a moment, she was confused, still living in the memory she had just seen, tears leaking from her eyes in her sleep. After a moment, she realized that she had fallen asleep next to Risa’s bedside again. “Are you okay?”

Looking up at the speaker, Ai recognized the small girl from around the manor. She was apparently a well known member of Takashi’s gang, as everyone seemed to know her except for Ai. “I’m fine.” she replied, “How can I help you, er…?”

“Shimizu Saki, but everyone calls me Captain.” the girl introduced herself easily, “Actually, I was coming to ask if you had made any plans for us as a gang, Takahashi-san?”

Wiping her eyes clear of remaining tears, Ai gave the question some thought. Obviously the girl was worried about the gang being disbanded and that had been Ai’s original goal, but it apparently hadn’t been Risa’s. “I don’t know what she had planned for you guys.”

“Your not going to break us up, are you?” Saki asked, half fearfully. Ai shook her head slightly.

“No, I think I understand that’s not a good idea, but I really don’t know how to run this place. Why do they call you Captain?” Ai asked curiously.

“Well, it’s kind of a joke. I’m too young to be made into a lieutenant, so they decided to give me the title of Captain, instead. It stuck and now I think everyone’s forgotten my real name.” The girl shrugged nonchalantly, but Ai could tell she actually was pleased by the rank.

“You must have been here a long time to have that happen.” The demo expert commented, ideas turning in her mind.

“Yeah, my whole life and I’m 18 now. My parents were both members, both lieutenants in their time. After my dad died, my mom got out, but I just can’t leave this life behind. It’s all I’ve known.” Saki turned away for a moment, eyes darkening in sadness, before she turned back.

“So you must know how to run this gang almost as well as Takashi did, then.” Ai gave the girl a pointed look and her eyes widened at the implications.

“You want my help?” Saki questioned in surprise.

“Yeah, I mean, I don’t know the first thing about this type of business. Tell me what I need to know to run it.” the demo expert pushed.

“Uh, well, the main source of income is drugs, of course. Our main manufacturers were the brothers, but no one’s seen them since you guys stormed their factory. We have a few small time lab around the outskirts of the city as a sort of back up plan, but they only produce about a sixth of what the brothers usually do. We get 85% of the profits, out of the remaining fifteen percent, ten of it goes to supplies and the other five is to pay the workers.” Saki, now that she was started, explained to Ai easily. She was truly in her element.

“Now, out of the 85%, half of that is bribe money. Takashi had a lot of officials in his pocket; judges, station heads, and lawyers, as well as normal beat cops and a few detectives. What you probably need to do is get the brothers set up again and then reassure the bribed men that they will still get paid.” Suddenly seeming to realize that she had basically just given her new boss an order, Saki rubbed the back of her head demurely, “I mean, that’s just a suggestion.”

Giving a breathless laugh, Ai smiled, “Well, is that all? The drug brothers are under police watch somewhere. Get some people out searching for them, check hospitals first. The bribes will have to wait until Risa wakes up, but is there any other way he earned income?”

“Protection money was a good chunk of change. Each gang has a territory they operate out of, ours is the west part of the city, Tanaka’s is the north and Kusumi has the rest of the city. Twice a month, we go out and collect protection from businesses, you might need to reinforce your grip there, as well, but I think you may need to get those officials back in your pocket before that.” Saki answered, much less nervously.

“What do you think I should do first?” Ai asked the girl bluntly and Saki scratched the back of her head.

“I don’t think you should wait for Niigaki-dono to wake up before you start asserting your power. You’re acting leader for as long as she’s out, so everyone will listen to you. Just got out there and shake some people up.”

The demo expert gave Captain a wide eyed look, “But I’m not intimidating at all!”

“Exactly,” Saki replied, “You’re small and cute and unassuming, go in there and talk to them like you normally would. Be shy and sweet, be pleasant, even. Whatever you do, don’t back down and if they really piss you off or disrespect you, order them dead as if it’s the most natural thing to do. They’ll cave, they’re cowards.”

“I’m not sure I could do that.” Ai said, looking down into her lap.

“You can act, can’t you? You can lie?” When Ai shook her head, Saki let out an exasperated sigh, “I know you can be tough! I was there when you took charge of everyone, I saw it! You just have to do it again!”

“But, I…” The demo expert trailed off, gnawing on her lip nervously.

“You can’t give up. I know you’re scared, but you are holding our lives in your hands. You can’t just let us be, you have to take charge.” Saki said comfortingly.

“Alright, who is first on the list?” Ai reluctantly gave in, eliciting a cheer from her companion.


Ai perched delicately on the chair in his office, dressed in a pure white outfit, every inch the innocent lady she was. Jun, also dressed in white, stood still behind her, eyeing the man behind the desk warily. He was the head of the precinct they were in and the first on Ai’s list to buy off.

“Now, Minoru-san.” Ai said amicably, resisting a smirk at the way he bristled when she used his first name. “I understand that you had a business contract with Takashi-san. I’m here to renew that contract.” she began smoothly.

“And I heard that you’re not really the head of that gang, that the real head is lying unconscious somewhere.” The man countered venomously and the demo expert struggled to not let her emotions show on her face.

“You’re right, I’m not the head.” Ai narrowed her eyes slightly, “I’m co-head. My partner is jet setting around somewhere, getting some affairs in order, so she left me in charge of this. Really, a free spirit, that one.” she smiled fondly, chuckling lightly to give the image that she was unperturbed by his demeanor.

“Oh, is that how it is?” The man asked skeptically, “That’s quite unusual, don’t you agree?”

“Well, what is really usual about my partner and I?” Ai shrugged nonchalantly, “Now, about that contract?” Minoru nodded reluctantly, “How much was Takashi paying you?”

“400.000 yen a month, every month.” The man stated proudly.

Nodding contemplatively Ai made a humming sound, “I see. Well, then I’ll start off like this, 200,000 yen a month, every other month-”

“What?! Do you know who I am?! I could have you arrested for walking into this place! How dare you!” Minoru exploded and Ai rolled her eyes.

“The way it’s going to work is this; I will pay you what I’ve said and if you’re a good boy, you’ll slowly earn a raise, let’s say every six months. If you displease me, I’ll lower your pay and if you reach below zero, you’ll pay me. If you are a productive member of this contract, you could well earn three times as much as Takashi was paying you.” Without a hint of steel in her voice, Ai laid down her plan.

Staring agape at her audacity, the man couldn’t even find words at first, “Wha- You- No, I’ll tell you how it’s going to work! You show up here personally with 800,000 yen every first of the month or I’ll have you and your lackey thrown in prison so fast, your head will spin.”

Jun grunted in displeasure at the insult, jamming her hands in her pockets, but Ai merely clucked her tongue in disappointment, “Oh dear, I’m afraid that just won’t do. I fear I’m on a slight budget right now, until our business gets going again. Are you sure you won’t consider my deal again?”

“Of course I won’t! That’s ridiculous!” Minoru shouted and the demo expert put on gloved hand to her lips, biting on the tip of the white fabric for a moment, face scrunched up in thought. Finally, she smiled brightly and shrugged.

“Oh well, that’s too bad then, I really would hate to have you as an enemy, though, so Jun? Kill him.” Eagerly, the Chinese girl drew her hands from her pockets, spiked knuckles adorning her own gloves.

Flabbergasted for a moment, at first, Minoru did not take her seriously, but when Jun began to march towards him with a glare, he scrambled out of his seat, “Wait! Do you know who I am?!”

“In a minute, it won’t matter.” Ai said, yawning delicately into her hand. The hitter, now arms length away, grabbed the man’s lapel with one hand and reared back to hit him with the other, intending to smash his skull in with one hit.

“Wait! Stop, no! Okay, okay, you have a deal!” Jun looked over to Ai and the older girl gave a slight nod. Slowly, she let him go, even smoothing his wrinkled jacket before backing off to her place behind Ai. “I’ll take your deal.” Minoru grumbled and Ai smiled brightly, clapping her hands together and bouncing in her seat a little.

“Oh great! I’m very glad you did, now it will be delivered at the end of every other month, starting with this month, with a small bonus as a show of good faith. Nut only this month. Also, if you really help me out, I might throw in a bonus as thanks, so keep that in mind.” And without waiting for any reply he might have had, Ai hopped out of her chair and skipped out the door.

It wasn’t a very long walk to the van, where Saki was waiting in the driver’s seat, and the two climbed in without ado, Jun in the front and Ai in the back. Almost as soon as they were rolling, did Ai collapse on her stomach and begin to wail theatrically.

“That was scary!!” She cried, crocodile tears soaking the fabric of her gloves. Jun and Saki exchanged a look, half concerned, half exasperated.

“Well, only about thirty left to go, Takahashi-san.” Saki replied cheerily, eliciting more wailing.


The sound of quiet sobbing greeted Sayumi when she stepped out of the bathroom, clean and fresh from her shower. Unlike Jun, Aika and their two leaders, Sayu, Eri, Reina and Lin had opted to stay shacked at the hotel. Since Eri had just left to go to her precinct and do some much overdue paperwork and Lin was holed up in her room hacking traffic lights for fun, that only left Reina as the culprit.

Sure enough, curled up into a tiny ball in her bed was the notoriously grouchy cop, crying as if she had just lost her fortune in the stock market crash. The con was quite unsure of what to do, never had she seen the younger girl so distraught. Her shuddering, hitching breaths made something unfamiliar twist inside Sayu’s chest and she definitely didn’t like the feeling.

Her first instinct was to flee from the strange sensation ad without a second thought, she headed for the door, but that same brokenhearted sob made her pause with her hand on the knob. Sayu just couldn’t leave the girl like that, if she was sad, then she wouldn’t be as fun to mess with. Right? That’s what she told herself as she about faced and tiptoed over to the bed.

For a moment, she stood staring down at the small lump under the covers, contemplating how to approach the situation. Then she decided to just slip into bed with the other girl, immediately eliciting sloppily flying fists coming at her body. It was easy enough to grab Reina’s wrists and keep them still and soon, the cop was sinking into her embrace, sobbing on her shoulder.

“I-I don’ wanna to kill my daddy!” she cried in her natural dialect and that was all she could say before she degenerated into sobs again.

The con suddenly realized that this was a bit more serious than she had anticipated and that flee reaction reached out to her again. Before she could even think about moving though, Reina’s arms wrapped around her middle and held her desperately. That flight feeling calmed at the warmth that spread through her at such an action. The younger girl needed her. And so, Sayumi decided to stay.


Once again dozing at her lover’s bedside, Ai jerked awake when the door to the suite was flung open and Jun Jun burst into the room, something held triumphantly in her hands. With wild eyes, she searched the room for something, finally landing on Ai with a grin. The demo expert felt her eyes widen as the bigger girl darted towards her, but instead of being bowled over like she thought, the Chinese girl slithered under her chair to hide herself around Ai’s ankles.

Before Ai could even think to ask what she was doing, the door burst open again and Lin Lin skidded into the room, “Jun! Give me back my DS!” She cried out loudly. “I know you’re here, so don’t even think about trying to hide.”

Jun’s giggle gave her away and Lin exclaimed, pointing at the bed, “I wouldn’t have taken it if you weren’t so intent on using it to not socialize!” Slightly muffled, the hitter cried. She suddenly stood, knocking Ai forward out of her chair. Ignoring the manly scream this caused, Jun hid behind the slight woman.

“What do you care who I talk to or not?!” The hacker and hitter darted circles around the rapidly dizzying Ai.

“Since I’m not going to be friendly to you, you might as well find someone who will be!” Jun fired back, now getting angry.

“It none of your business!” Lin yelled, grabbing for the game. The older girl held it high out of her reach and the small girl jumped, unable to get it. “Cheater!” The hacker accused, beginning to get teary eyed.

“Am not!” Jun replied maturely, quickly becoming concerned. Her relationship with the girl was a warped complex of love, hate and apathy, and she didn’t really want to make her cry.

“Guys!” Ai cried, holding a hand to her head, “Stop it!”

“Now children.” A fourth voice croaked out in amusement, “Do I have to separate you three?” The three in question turned towards the familiar source so fast they almost gave themselves whiplash.

Sitting up in bed, hair mussed, face pale, but smiling brightly was none other than an alert Niigaki Risa.


 XD Now, show me some more love.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 16 1/14)
Post by: kRisZ on January 14, 2010, 12:23:08 PM
XD Now, show me some more love.

Will show mine on Saturday or Monday  :D  I'm very tired atm, and I'd like to savor each scene with extended time as possible  :D


That was the last thing she needed in her mind today, that vexing con truly bothered her


It would be so much easier to fight him if she could just find it in her to be angry at him.

He's daddy that's why

Aika's past is  :shocked  :(

That’s what I’ve been thinking about, pain. And how much pain I’m going to cause you when I tell you that I want to break up with you.” It was said bluntly, almost terrifyingly tactless, a harsh remark that was quite rare from the kind and gentle girl.


She watched through a façade of calm, own heart shattering, as the only person that made her truly happy, ran from the dilapidated house.

Ouches again. Why.?.

“The way it’s going to work is this; I will pay you what I’ve said and if you’re a good boy, you’ll slowly earn a raise, let’s say every six months. If you displease me, I’ll lower your pay and if you reach below zero, you’ll pay me. If you are a productive member of this contract, you could well earn three times as much as Takashi was paying you.”

Whoa  :rockon:

“That was scary!!” She cried, crocodile tears soaking the fabric of her gloves. Jun and Saki exchanged a look, half concerned, half exasperated.

“Well, only about thirty left to go, Takahashi-san.” Saki replied cheerily, eliciting more wailing.

OMG Cute  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

The con suddenly realized that this was a bit more serious than she had anticipated and that flee reaction reached out to her again.

Lol, coward  :D

The hacker and hitter darted circles around the rapidly dizzying Ai.

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Sitting up in bed, hair mussed, face pale, but smiling brightly was none other than an alert Niigaki Risa.

 :w00t:  :w00t:  :w00t:  :mon money:  :mon money:  :mon money:  :gmon twirl:  :gmon twirl:  :gmon twirl:  :mon roll:  :mon roll:  :mon roll:  :on gay:  :on gay:  :on gay:  :mon fyeah:  :mon fyeah:  :mon fyeah:

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 16 1/14)
Post by: rndmnwierd on January 14, 2010, 12:35:25 PM
Then I will reserve this spot for my reply to you. How's that sound?


Yes 'bothered'. :yep:
He's daddy that's why

Aika's past is  :shocked :(   

She should be more worried about her other family members.

Yes, I know, but it can't be helped.

Ouches again. Why.?.
It's just a flashback, it's all a flashback.

Good actress.

OMG Cute
But forever a big softy.

Lol, coward
More like, she's realizing that her playmate has real feelings. And she doesn't want to deal with them.

:w00t:  :w00t:  :w00t:  :mon money:  :mon money:  :mon money:  :gmon twirl:  :gmon twirl:  :gmon twirl:  :mon roll:  :mon roll:  :mon roll:  :on gay:  :on gay:  :on gay:  :mon fyeah:  :mon fyeah:  :mon fyeah:

*Gets back under the whip* Soon hopefully.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 16 1/14)
Post by: kRisZ on January 14, 2010, 12:38:09 PM

Cool  :D   :kneelbow:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 16 1/14)
Post by: amEthystx on January 14, 2010, 04:54:18 PM
 :mon kissy:

Comment might be i'll post this 1st! Show you some love...while i write the comment XD


First thing first!



Reina - Finally she met her Daddy! Her daddy is quite a sweet man..ain't he? Daddy just got a thing about daughters XD I really hope she will not have to end up killing him though... :( If inevitable...Rather under her hands than others. ~

Does Daddy-Reina knows that his daughter is gay? <-  lol~ I just thought of this question....
Did Daddy-Reina drove the CUTE coup there? LOL~ <- Sorry about the weird questions.. XD but if he did~ it will be really sweet and cute.. :P

*Knocks on Aika's cocoon* Aika.... you there?
*Digs* Aika~!
*Digs further* where are you?!
*Spits out strings of silk* AIKA?!

So watch your only kin...chocking to death by her every own blood...and the fact that Aika was too young to even understand it just saddens me more~ sob~

Glad that you include the fact that Aika is indeed very close to her sisters~~

Ai - I'm glad that Reina was there for her... Probably others are too..but i guess Reina is kinda closer to her than others~ :) Where as Risa had Eri being closer to her! Weeeeeeee! <- random

It's so cute~~~~~~ of Ai-chan to be acting all soooooooooo bad-ass (She did a fine job anyway!) and ended up wailing in the van~ LOL~

If you displease me, I’ll lower your pay and if you reach below zero, you’ll pay me.
- Ideal~~!

Sayu - Why is the girl fleeing anyway? Confused and unsure of how to handle crying Reina?  :(

Jun/Lin - complicating relationship ya? But actually Jun is quite concern about Lin~ Plus it's so cute that Jun decided to hide near Ai-chan... XD She is sooooo big.. and Ai-chan is so tiny... haha~ the whole scene is cute to imaging~~



wait....I already said that! LOL~ But she woke up! <- 3rd time XD

 :mon bat:

EDIT: Page 14 GETZ!
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 16 1/14)
Post by: kuro808 on January 14, 2010, 09:37:13 PM
It gets crazier after every update XD

well at least Risa is up :lol:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 16 1/14)
Post by: kawaii beam on January 15, 2010, 12:47:44 AM
 :luvluv2: :luvluv1:

I LOVE U~!!!!!!!!!!
i feel bad for reina, cus the truth of her actualy helping to kill her dad is finaly hitting her, plus you can tell that they love eachother,and if he wasnt a bad guy they would be the best family ever.... poor tanakachi :mon hanky:

poor mittsi too! why do u mess with the puppy~????? >.< it was so heart breaking feeling her regret to not save her sister (i-i)

yay~ CAPITAN~! SHORT PPL UNITE~! :mon XD: :mon thumb:  and LOL at after ai got into the van XDDDD she's too cute X3

LOL at junko and linko XD clearly fighting like siblings XDDD

and lastly......
YES~!!!! MAME'S UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mon fyeah: :mon trannie: :mon firecrack:

 :mon kissy:
thank you X3 XDDD are u gonna add her new short hair into this storry too? XDDD
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 16 1/14)
Post by: Hart on January 15, 2010, 01:27:27 AM
I'm having a lot of mixed emotions right now.

First, and most important of all, RISA'S AWAKE!!   :banana: :muffin: :strawberry: :taco:
I thought it was too soon for her to get out of her coma and I thought you would drag it out for a couple more chaps (just to make Ai suffer a little bit longer hehehe), but we can finally get to see some more TakaGaki lovin'.  :twisted:

Second, Reina and Big Papa Tanaka - hilarious and sad at the same time. I could imagine that scene at the cafe as though it was straight out of an anime. Big, scruffy, burly man with a serious face one moment, the next he's grinning with crescent moon eyes, all giddy to see his little girl. It must be really tough on Reina to have to take down her father whom deep down she really loves. Hope Sayu just admit that she really likes Reina and comfort her at this arc of the story. BTW shouldn't the numbers on Reina's new coup be 07 (0 being "Rei" and 7 being "Na")?

Fifth, no wait...Third, poor Aika. Horrible, horrible childhood. All these "mistakes" of her must be crushing her. Hope JunJun can snap her out of it. That is unless she stop with her love/hate relationship with LinLin (Hiding under Ai, what was she thinking?  :lol:). If Aika stays in that cocoon of her, what's she gonna turn into.  :D

Fourth, surprised to see Captain here. Nice to see here help Ai with what to do while Gaki was asleep. Will we get to see any other kids appear, either in Takashi's gang or in the other two gangs?

And finally, No. 9, Ai trying to act like a tough negotiator.  XD :lol: :lol: :lol: Good thing she has Saki and Jun beside her or else she would be freaking out all the time and speaking in her Fukui accent.

Hope things turn out all right for the girls as well as Reina's dad, but then again I don't know what to expect when you update.

My 100th post goes to you cuz you're just that awesome.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 16 1/14)
Post by: Haruka on January 16, 2010, 02:07:00 AM
OMG you area awesome xD

It's the only my head made up with =D
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 16 1/14)
Post by: Kuji on January 18, 2010, 01:33:19 PM

Yay for a Saki appearance now if the rest of the kids were to show up I wanna see Maasa pounding people's faces with Junjun. ...yeah. o.o

Reina's reunion with her father was pretty touching but the fact that they're on opposite sides suck. D: Seeing how Reina's her dad's unquestionable favourite, I wonder if her brothers resent her much. If they're fighting each other for leadership, then they surely hate the fact that if she'd just wanted it then their father would have given it to her.

I LOL'd when Risa just suddenly woke up with perfect timing to break up the squabble. Though I was under the impression that coma patients woke up in phases, the dramatic effect of a sudden awakening works pretty much as well as it does in the movies here.  Artistic license. :thumbsup Glad she's back even if Ai's been doing a good job of things - she really got that official good. I loved when she sic'd Junjun on him.

(Somehow, when you described Ai in the white outfit, it made me think of the "Computer Angel" in the movie So Close.)
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 16 1/14)
Post by: badsaints on January 18, 2010, 04:15:13 PM
OMG how could I not comment earlier?! *Badsaints kicking her own butt :shakeit:*

My heart really goes out to Reina. Poor kitty :cry: At least Sayu is there for her (just don't tell her that Sayu almost ran away :P) But she's there by Reina's side and so TANASHIGE RULES! :lol:

Aika is still dealing with her own issues, isn't she? It's not easy for a young girl for her, at the age where girls normally deal with typical girl problems and she was forced to grow up on her own. She blames herself for partially causing her sister's death and not noticing the illness soon eanough. But she was just a kid. I'm curious though. Is she then linked to Papa Tanaka? Does she knows Reina's connection to Papa Tanaka? I mean, Tanaka is a common name in Japan :O Yajima Erino??? XD

Captain! :w00t: Just the right person to be Ai's advisor XD

It's so sweet of Jun to worry about LinLin being alone though she didn't want to show her soft side to Jun. Kinda like love-hate tsundere sister relationship? Hmm am I making sense? :lol:

And RISA IS AWAKE!!! :cow:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 16 1/14)
Post by: Sancho on January 19, 2010, 03:40:06 AM
Hi there. I know dude. I've never been here for a long time. something really came up and that's the reason why I haven't check the story. Sorry. but the good news is I have progress on the promise I've made. I dunno when I'll be able to finish it.

Seeing how responsive your reader means that you are doing great. Please keep it up.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 16 1/14)
Post by: rndmnwierd on January 19, 2010, 02:49:56 PM
@Baby Sticky -
Reina - Finally she met her Daddy! Her daddy is quite a sweet man..ain't he? Daddy just got a thing about daughters  I really hope she will not have to end up killing him though...  If inevitable...Rather under her hands than others. ~

Does Daddy-Reina knows that his daughter is gay? <-  lol~ I just thought of this question....
Did Daddy-Reina drove the CUTE coup there? LOL~ <- Sorry about the weird questions.. but if he did~ it will be really sweet and cute..
Like Risa said, he's a good man, but a bad guy.
No he doesn't, but it doesn't matter.
And yes he did, lol, though how he fit, I don't know. Reina should just be glad he didn't forcefully install a sunroof.
*Knocks on Aika's cocoon* Aika.... you there?
*Digs* Aika~!
*Digs further* where are you?!
*Spits out strings of silk* AIKA?!

So watch your only kin...chocking to death by her every own blood...and the fact that Aika was too young to even understand it just saddens me more~ sob~

Glad that you include the fact that Aika is indeed very close to her sisters~~
Aika is still very young, she should be allowed to wallow in her self pity for a while, but don't worry, I'll have someone knock some sense into her later.
Ai - I'm glad that Reina was there for her... Probably others are too..but i guess Reina is kinda closer to her than others~ :) Where as Risa had Eri being closer to her! Weeeeeeee! <- random

It's so cute~~~~~~ of Ai-chan to be acting all soooooooooo bad-ass (She did a fine job anyway!) and ended up wailing in the van~ LOL~
Don't forget about Lin. Hmm, I'll have to focus on her some now...
Lol, she'll get used to it, I'm sure.
Sayu - Why is the girl fleeing anyway? Confused and unsure of how to handle crying Reina?
She doesn't like having to handle any emotions like that.
Jun/Lin - complicating relationship ya? But actually Jun is quite concern about Lin~ Plus it's so cute that Jun decided to hide near Ai-chan...  She is sooooo big.. and Ai-chan is so tiny... haha~ the whole scene is cute to imaging~~
Jun has a big heart, she can't stay mad at Lin long once she gets to know her.

@kuro-kun - Yep, Everything's Really Insane! :lol:

@Kawawa-chan -
i feel bad for reina, cus the truth of her actualy helping to kill her dad is finaly hitting her, plus you can tell that they love eachother,and if he wasnt a bad guy they would be the best family ever.... poor tanakachi
Yeah, I even felt a little bad writing it. :sweatdrop:
poor mittsi too! why do u mess with the puppy~????? >.< it was so heart breaking feeling her regret to not save her sister (i-i)
I can't help it, I was having fun writing her background... :twisted:
LOL at after ai got into the van XDDDD she's too cute X3
I lol'd myself at the thought. The sound I was thinking of was the wailing she made at Yossui's graduation. XD
LOL at junko and linko  clearly fighting like siblings XDDD
I labu JunLin.
Yeah, I couldn't torture myself any longer, so...
thank you X3 XDDD are u gonna add her new short hair into this storry too? XDDD
Eh? I actually... *lightbulb!* That's a good idea! I think her new hair is so sexy when it's flat and her bangs cover half her face. :drool:

@HartAKL -
I'm having a lot of mixed emotions right now.

First, and most important of all, RISA'S AWAKE!!   :banana: :muffin: :strawberry: :taco:
I thought it was too soon for her to get out of her coma and I thought you would drag it out for a couple more chaps (just to make Ai suffer a little bit longer hehehe), but we can finally get to see some more TakaGaki lovin'.  :twisted:
Yeah, I really wanted to, but I ran out of ideas...

Second, Reina and Big Papa Tanaka - hilarious and sad at the same time. I could imagine that scene at the cafe as though it was straight out of an anime. Big, scruffy, burly man with a serious face one moment, the next he's grinning with crescent moon eyes, all giddy to see his little girl.
I saw this image in my head a lol'd
It must be really tough on Reina to have to take down her father whom deep down she really loves. Hope Sayu just admit that she really likes Reina and comfort her at this arc of the story.
<.< >.> <.<
BTW shouldn't the numbers on Reina's new coup be 07 (0 being "Rei" and 7 being "Na")?
You can do it either way. Re=0 I=1 Na=7

Fifth, no wait...Third, poor Aika. Horrible, horrible childhood. All these "mistakes" of her must be crushing her. Hope JunJun can snap her out of it. That is unless she stop with her love/hate relationship with LinLin (Hiding under Ai, what was she thinking?  :lol:). If Aika stays in that cocoon of her, what's she gonna turn into.  :D
Aika just needs a good push, but her wallowing is actually part of the lot, not just me saying, 'I dun wanna write her anymore.'

Fourth, surprised to see Captain here. Nice to see here help Ai with what to do while Gaki was asleep. Will we get to see any other kids appear, either in Takashi's gang or in the other two gangs?
Perhaps, we shall see. I wonder if anyone can figure out who the second Kid that will appear is?

And finally, No. 9, Ai trying to act like a tough negotiator.  XD :lol: :lol: :lol: Good thing she has Saki and Jun beside her or else she would be freaking out all the time and speaking in her Fukui accent.

Hope things turn out all right for the girls as well as Reina's dad, but then again I don't know what to expect when you update.
Hmm, I hope everything works out too. This story is kinda writing itself.

My 100th post goes to you cuz you're just that awesome.
:wub: :wub:

@Haruka - Thanks! :welcome

@Kukukachoo! -

Yay for a Saki appearance now if the rest of the kids were to show up I wanna see Maasa pounding people's faces with Junjun. ...yeah. o.o
Lol, don't get your hopes up too much about Masaa making an appearance, I don't really know anything about her. :sweatdrop:

Reina's reunion with her father was pretty touching but the fact that they're on opposite sides suck. D: Seeing how Reina's her dad's unquestionable favourite, I wonder if her brothers resent her much. If they're fighting each other for leadership, then they surely hate the fact that if she'd just wanted it then their father would have given it to her.
Ah, noticed that, did you?

I LOL'd when Risa just suddenly woke up with perfect timing to break up the squabble. Though I was under the impression that coma patients woke up in phases, the dramatic effect of a sudden awakening works pretty much as well as it does in the movies here.  Artistic license.
Yeah, I know. Cliched, but it works. Besides, she kind of has been waking up in phases, just the no one has noticed... Yeah, that's my excuse.
Glad she's back even if Ai's been doing a good job of things - she really got that official good. I loved when she sic'd Junjun on him.

(Somehow, when you described Ai in the white outfit, it made me think of the "Computer Angel" in the movie So Close.)
I love that movie, I was actually picturing her as a perfect untouchable lady, sitting there, knees together in a tight conservative skirt and a vest with maybe a faux fur collar and a little tiny handbag with church gloves on. Oh, and those annoying little round hats with a few little flowers and half a veil hanging off the back and her hair up in a tight bun. Maybe even with glasses perched on her nose. All white, of course.

@Baddie -
OMG how could I not comment earlier?! *Badsaints kicking her own butt :shakeit:*

My heart really goes out to Reina. Poor kitty :cry: At least Sayu is there for her (just don't tell her that Sayu almost ran away :P) But she's there by Reina's side and so TANASHIGE RULES! :lol:
I know, I'm definitely not a Tanakame over Tanashige girl. Blame Alo Hello for that.

Aika is still dealing with her own issues, isn't she? [...] I'm curious though. Is she then linked to Papa Tanaka? Does she knows Reina's connection to Papa Tanaka? I mean, Tanaka is a common name in Japan :O Yajima Erino??? XD

Captain! :w00t: Just the right person to be Ai's advisor XD
Just what I was thinking. XD

It's so sweet of Jun to worry about LinLin being alone though she didn't want to show her soft side to Jun. Kinda like love-hate tsundere sister relationship? Hmm am I making sense? :lol:
Yes, quite.

And RISA IS AWAKE!!! :cow:
:yep: :yep:

@Sancho -
Hi there. I know dude. I've never been here for a long time. something really came up and that's the reason why I haven't check the story. Sorry. but the good news is I have progress on the promise I've made. I dunno when I'll be able to finish it.

Seeing how responsive your reader means that you are doing great. Please keep it up.
Better late than never, I always say. Don't stress yourself, I understand that real life gets in the way. When you do get finished, I'm looking forward to the pic! :heart: :heart: Thanks a lot!
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 16 1/14)
Post by: lil_hamz on January 21, 2010, 10:42:12 AM
Oh my flippin swordfish yogurt sundae!!

I’m waaaaaaaaaaaay late. But I can explain! *starts blabbering and rambling in sentences of non coherent words*

Did you understand anything I said? *sees you shake head* I thought so ^^; So I better let it be huh?

On to the story *marches*

P.S. Which shot? The new one? It was part of the Morning-Musume-is-dating-the-wall set. Lucky wall. -_-; I asked kawaii beamu to make it into a siggie.   It is teh awesome.

The shot of Risa in your sig. Alone. Well Ai looks mighty pretty too but the bean wins hands down. No contest here.

I know I should be commentsing about Reina and her dad, poor traumatized Aika, Captain appearance (EHHHHHHHHHH!?!?!?), kakoii Ai-chan, Reina being cute and admitting to being helpless. Okay, she didn’t exactly admit it but then it was close from how I deciphered that bit :P Unfortunately, I couldn’t…GOMENE!!! :bow:

My head is too filled with why Ai dreamt of breaking up with Risa and that last part.


Flying soccer baseball bats! :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

*glances at watch* Oh shoot I'm late for an appoinment. HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLPU MEEEEEEEEEEEE XD

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 16 1/14)
Post by: rndmnwierd on January 21, 2010, 11:05:08 AM
^I love you. Really, you're comment sent me on a rofflecopter tour over Liberty City.

Of course I ended the chapter like that. How could I not keep you guys in suspense for another couple of weeks. I promise to make up for it in the next chappie with some gratuitous fan service. ;)

My head is too filled with why Ai dreamt of breaking up with Risa
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 16 1/14)
Post by: lil_hamz on January 22, 2010, 07:36:28 AM
*pokes head in*

*acts innocent*

Oh look! It's the 7th day! Techinically it's the 8th for me from the 14th but you should be a day slower than me where you're know what to do :P


Oh you're ebil *narrows eyes* But I like XD

What have you got up your sleeve for this ill-fated/start-crossed/angsty couple? *excited*
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 16 1/14)
Post by: rndmnwierd on January 22, 2010, 01:15:34 PM
I'm uh, a little stuck at the moment, :sweatdrop: sooooo, the next chapter is going to be a while. I mean, not too too long, I just can't focus on what I'm writing long enough to get it down and then when I do focus, nothing comes out. :doh: :banghead:

What have you got up your sleeve for this ill-fated/start-crossed/angsty couple? *excited*
Do I need to put a devil emote again for you to get my drift? :P
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 16 1/14)
Post by: amEthystx on January 24, 2010, 04:07:54 PM
What have you got up your sleeve for this ill-fated/start-crossed/angsty couple? *excited*
Do I need to put a devil emote again for you to get my drift?  :P

- ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 16 1/14)
Post by: rndmnwierd on January 27, 2010, 10:59:15 AM
Chapter 17: but there's a lot of it about

“Niigaki-san!” The two Chinese girls exclaimed in unison, immediately piling on top of her as gently as one could dog pile someone. As she hugged the two, Risa only had eyes for the stunned Ai, standing in the middle of the room with one hand over her mouth and tears pouring down her cheeks.

Noticing her inattention, the Chinese girls pulled back, watching the veritable sparks fly between their leaders. Risa opened her arms in invitation and Ai wasted no time crawling into them, straddling her lover’s waist and sealing their lips together passionately. The hitter cleared her throat quietly and ushered Lin out.

“Seems like Mama and Papa need some grown up time.” Jun joked, bringing a blush to her smaller counterpart, “Here’s your DS back.”

The hacker took the device warily, eyeing the taller girl, “Thanks.”

“Do you want to go do something?” Jun asked amicably causing Lin to raise an eyebrow.

“Why?” The paused in the hallway to talk.

“Well, I’m bored and kinda hungry, I was probably going to go get something to eat.” The hitter didn’t mention that Aika wouldn’t go with her and she was actually lonely.

“Why me? I thought you hated me?” Lin questioned.

“Oh, right. Well, I don’t like you, but I guess you’re alright.” They had a staring contest for a few moments as Lin tried to read her companion’s mind. Finally, she decided that was probably as close to an apology as she was going to get and nodded.

“Alright. Where do you want to go?”


Crying loudly in relief, Ai buried her face into Risa’s neck, feeling hands running smoothly down her back. “I’m so glad-!” she choked on her words, but Risa understood anyway.

“While I was asleep, I dreamed, Ai.” Risa whispered into her hair, “I was in a dark, scary place, all alone. There was no one and nothing around me and no matter how far I walked, I couldn’t find anything. Then, I heard something that made me feel better. Your voice, Ai.” She swallowed past the lump in her throat.

“My voice?” Ai asked, recalling all the times that she had talked to the younger woman while she was out.

“Yes. At first, I couldn’t tell what you were saying, so I began to run towards where I thought you were and eventually, your words became more clear and louder. You were telling me about your day and about something amusing Lin Lin or Tanakacchi said. You were crying for me to come back, telling me how much you needed me and loved me. All I wanted to do was come back to you.” Risa had barely finished speaking before Ai had sealed their lips together again.

As they kissed, their tears mingled together on Risa’s cheeks and their hands clutched each other as if they would disappear otherwise. When the need for air finally became a pressing issue, they slowly broke apart. The gunner smiled sincerely at her lover’s trembling lip and they exchanged quiet, but heartfelt declarations of love, before Ai slipped under the covers and curled up next to Risa.

“So, how long was I out and how much did I miss?”

“A little over a month and you’ve certainly missed a lot. You inherited a gang! I’ve done my best to deal with everything, but I just don’t know what I’m doing.” Ai preceded to inform the gunner about taking care of the legal stuff, “I’ve also started dealing with the bribes. I’ve met with eight people in the last couple days and secured all of them in our pocket.”

Risa couldn’t help the proud smile that crossed her features, “It wasn’t my intention to force you to have to take care of this, but I knew you could do it.”

“What was your intention?” the demo expert asked neutrally and the younger felt the hair on the back of her neck raise up.

“Exactly this. Take over the operations, one by one, until we own the city. Then maybe disband, I’ve no use for a gang.” Sensing her lover’s displeasure with this answer, Risa swallowed noisily, “Why?”

“I thought we were supposed to take out the gangs, not help them.” Glaring openly now, Ai ground her teeth together. This was a question that had been bothering her since the attack on the manor.

“When I went to take out the drug brothers, they gave me something interesting to think about.”

Risa straddled her opponent and raised the knife high above her head, eager to thrust it into his throat. “Wait,” Kenjiro croaked out, “We can help you.” Despite herself, Risa hesitated, something she knew to be a bad move.

“I’m listening.” She said, but his eyes focused on the fight behind her, “Jun, stop!” Suddenly, the scuffle paused, “How can you help me?”

“What are you planning to do once you take us out? Your goal is to put a stop to Takashi’s gang, right? It’s impossible to do without killing every rat in the city. You can kill the bosses, you can dam the drug trade, you can even kill a lot of known gang members, but it will never be enough.” Kenjiro spoke quickly.

“You know, I don’t really like being told I can’t do something.” Risa raised the knife again and the man continued with a panicked burst.

“Wait! I’m just saying that someone will always be there to start over! To take over! The only way to stop the gang is to be in control!” Pausing on the downswing, the gunner considered this.

“What are you suggesting I do?” she asked.

“Take over Takashi’s gang, become it’s head. You’ve done a good job of stirring things up, but it’s not too late to fix things. Kill Takashi and his lieutenants and the rest of the members will have to put you in charge. And if you let us live, we can help you with money. The factories are the main source of income and we have dozens more.” Seeing that she was truly listening, Kenjiro grinned in relief.

“Alright, I agree to your terms.”

“That’s why?” Ai asked contemplatively. “Are you really planning on disbanding afterwards? You know they’ll just reform under a different leader.”

“Well, I guess we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.” Risa grinned lightly, using her favored expression. “Anyway, I have to pee and I could probably use a shower, so I’m going to need to get up now.” The demo expert slid out of the bed and the gunner followed, muscles aching from disuse.

Ai grabbed her arms as she stood and Risa stumbled against her, legs not wanting to support her weight. The two struggled towards the bathroom, the gunner leaning heavily on her lover, feeling like a newborn calf taking her first steps, “I didn’t anticipate this.” Ai murmured.

“Me neither.” Risa grunted, sweat beginning to form on her brow as they finally made it to where she could lean up against the sink. They exchanged uncomfortable looks, “Go away.” The gunner commanded, but Ai shook her head.

“You need my help.” she said, making sure the younger was propped against the counter securely, Ai tugged on her sweat pants, “Besides, it’s nothing I haven’t seen before.”

“Look, just because we’ve had sex, doesn’t mean I’m comfortable with you being in here while I pee.” Risa said, but cooperated anyway. She was soon seated and another uncomfortable silence descended, “I’m pretty sure I don’t need your help with this part.” The gunner said dryly and Ai left the room with a blush.

After she was done and struggled to her feet, pulling her pants up while she did, Risa hopped up onto the counter and washed her hands slowly, looking at herself in the mirror. Her cheeks and eyes were sunken in from being fed through an IV for a month, her hair was flat and lifeless and she was sure her breath wasn’t that great, if the film on her teeth was any indication. “Yuck,” she murmured, “I’m grossing myself out.” She absently rubbed her arm where she had ripped out the needle before she had spoken up earlier. “First thing’s first.” The gunner grabbed an unopened toothbrush packet and ripped into it.

On the other side of the door, Ai stood, back against the wall, listening to the water running. She had an appointment in about an hour with another greedy judge and then her day was filled with bribing people. It had gotten easier after the first time, but Ai still felt butterflies every time she thought about what she had to do. Deciding to distract herself, the demo expert knocked on the bathroom door twice, then opened it to peek inside.

She laughed on finding her lover furiously brushing her teeth, “Don’t press down so hard or you’ll make your gums bleed.” she entered the room and closed the door behind her. “Do you want to take a bath with me?”

“Yeah, why don’t you go start the water.” Risa suggested after she’d spit out her toothpaste. Ai headed for a sliding frosted glass door that stood in the back of the room.

The toilet area itself was quite average sized, but the bathing space behind it was massive, most of the room being taken up with what must have been a ten person Jacuzzi type tub. She’d been surprised the first time she’d seen it, but quickly gotten used to it. The shower area was simple, low stools stacked in the corner and the shower head attached to the wall low to the ground. There was a place to put your toiletries and a bar to hang your towel and not much else. It was apparent that the focus of the room was the tub.

“Woah!” Ai spun around at hearing the exclamation, “This place is nice.” Risa said admiringly as she took in the sight. The demo expert turned back to the tub and set the water at a comfortable temperature. “I’m going to take a quick shower first, then I’ll get in the tub.” the gunner said and Ai heard her shuffling around behind her.

When she turned back around, the gunner had stripped down and was sitting where she had crawled to the corner, gathering up some bottles. Ai felt a jolt run through her, but shook her head against it. Now was not the time for naughty thoughts, Risa was too weak to try anything now. Shedding her own clothes and placing them in a neat pile next to the gunner’s, the older woman helped her lover be seated before sliding up behind her. “I’ll wash your back for you.” she offered.

At the first touch of the soapy washcloth, Risa purred, shivering in pleasure. Ai couldn’t help the blush that rose across her face at her lover’s moans when she began to gently rub the cloth in circles. Taking in a shaky breath, Ai finished her task and dropped the cloth into her lover’s lap.

“Where are you going?” Risa asked huskily as the demo expert hopped into the tub.

“I’m just going to relax for a while.” Ai stuttered out, closing her eyes and leaning her head back against the side of the tub. The bath wasn’t yet filled up to her liking, so she left the water running for now, listening to the faint sounds of Risa continuing with her routine. Before she’d realized it, she’d dozed off.

“Poor, baby.” Ai jerked when hot breath brushed across her ear from behind her, “You must have been so tired.” She wasn’t sure how, but Risa had managed to maneuver herself behind the demo expert so that now, Ai was sitting in her lap. She felt arms wrap tightly around her middle, fingertips tracing circles on her highly sensitive stomach.

“I’ve just been a little stressed lately.” Ai mumbled and wet lips rained kissed down on her neck and shoulders. A shiver ran through her body and the older woman couldn’t stop the moan that sounded from her throat.

“You have great vocal chords, Ai.” Risa commented lightly, “I bet you could have been a successful singer.” A throaty chuckle made Ai’s inside feel funny, “I wonder what kind of song you’ll sing for me this time?”

“No, wait.” The demo expert said breathlessly as a hand began to slide down her tummy, “Risa, please, stop.” She was ignored and fingers playfully swirled in the thin stripe of fuzz she kept. Finally, Ai could move her body and she grabbed the wrist attached to the exploring hand, “Don’t, not yet.”

“Why not? You want this as much as I do.” Risa whispered lustily in her ear and the older woman almost gave in.

“I do want you, but I want to wait for you to get better. You’re definitely not a hundred percent, you can’t even walk without help, let alone do something that exerts this much energy. I don’t want you to pass out on me or start bleeding from the ears again.” Reluctantly, the gunner sighed, pulling her hand back and instead wrapping it around her lover’s middle.

“You’re right, I guess.” she mumbled in displeasure, snuggling against Ai’s warm back. They fell into an awkward silence.

“You’re not mad are you?” The demo expert whimpered and was hugged tighter.

“Of course not. If I was really mad, I could just take what I want.” Risa mumbled contemplatively, “Maybe you’d like that, though.” she teased, nipping at the nearest ear she could reach.

Smacking the gunner’s arm, Ai disrupted the water that lapped gently at her breasts and splashed them both. “You’re sick.” She declared to the younger’s giggling. “Wait, what time is it?!”

“I already spoke to Cap’n while you were sleeping, she’ll postpone your meetings for today, so don’t worry about that. Just stay and relax with me.” Risa soothed, licking the shell of Ai’s ear.

“Well, okay.” Leaning back comfortably against her lover, Ai placed her hands on her arms, lightly tracing her tattoo. “How do you know Saki-chan?”

“Well, I lived here for a while. Cap’n’s unofficially in charge of the manor. Even the other lieutenants respected that. She’s a good girl and not too much younger than me, so.” Shrugging as if the rest was obvious, Risa went on, “I’m glad that she’s been helping you out.”

They fell into a comfortable silence for a while, happy to be together again.  Finally, after the water began to grow cold, Ai leaned forward to pull the plug. They sat, waiting for the water to drain before getting out, “I’ll call the doctor after we get dressed, we’ll see if he can’t do anything to help you.”

The gunner made a face, “Meh, I hate doctors. Pompous bastards think they know everything when they’re wrong half the time anyway.” Risa snorted when her lover laughed at her, “Make fun of me all you want, but I’ve had bad experiences with doctors.”

“I’m not making fun of you, I just think it’s cute. A lot of people are afraid to go to the doctor’s.” Ai nuzzled the pouting woman’s cheek gently, her words eliciting a frown.

“I’m not afraid! I just don’t trust them. They only want your money, so they’ll do or say anything to get you to come back. Just like a mechanic, except for people.”

Laughing again at her statement, Ai stood, the water almost gone from the tub. “You know, I’ve never thought about it like that, but a doctor is kind of like a human mechanic.”

As the older woman wrapped herself up in a big, fluffy towel and reached for a second one, Risa rolled her eyes, “That’s all you managed to get out of my rant? ‘Human mechanic’?” The towel was maneuvered around her body tightly and then the demo expert lifted her with one swift move, “Uwaa~! Ai!” she called out in surprised.

“What? It’s easier this way. Man, you’ve lost a lot of weight.” Ai carried the blushing bean over to the big bed and set her down gently on the side, legs hanging over to brush against the floor.

“Well, I’m sure I’ll put the pounds back on soon enough.” Risa murmured, watching her lover flitter about the room, gathering up clothes for both of them. She watched with particular interest when Ai dropped her towel, standing naked for a moment as she hung it up neatly, to get dressed. “You know, if you really want me to not jump your bones, your not doing a very convincing job.”

“What do you mean?” The demo expert asked innocently and Risa couldn’t help but grin affectionately at her.

“Nevermind.” The older woman headed over and began to help the gunner dress, “You know, this is going to get real old, real fast.” Risa said as she struggled to lift her body up. When they finished, Risa flopped backwards, sweaty and panting. “I think I need another shower and not in a good way.”

Crawling up next to her, Ai wiped her forehead gently, “I’ll call the doctor now.” She reached for her cell phone.

Laughing lightly, but choking a little on the lump that was suddenly in her throat, the gunner joked, “You know, this isn’t what I had in mind when I pictured you and me sweaty on the bed.” Her lover just stroked her hair in response.


“You did not!” Jun exclaimed in surprise Chinese, laughing disbelievingly at Lin’s words.

“I did so! He was locked in that cell for two weeks before anyone realized it was him. I’m surprised he could eat with his tongue tied down like that. What’s more is they never realized it was me.” After her long winded story, Lin took a drink from her cold tea. An amicable silence descended between the two.

“I wouldn’t have thought you would be one to get physical.” Jun finally commented with a shake of her head.

“I’m not, usually, and I’m certainly not as good as you, but I’m no slouch either.” With a grin, the hacker pushed up her sleeve to show off her girl muscles. Her arm trembled with the force used to tense. Laughing lightly, the older girl reached up to squeeze Lin’s arm, immediately causing her to whimper exaggeratedly, “Ow.”

“You baby.” Jun said lightly.

“You brute.” Lin shot back teasingly. They laughed for a moment before settling back into silence. The park was quite peaceful and nearly empty of people, so after their meal, the two had decided to take a walk and enjoy the clear, still warm winter air. The hacker sighed as her silence turned contemplative, “You’re just like how I imagined, just like how Xiang described you.” she said in Chinese.

At the mention of her brother, Jun tensed, “I don’t want to talk about this.” she said defensively in the same language.

“I know, but I have to make you understand why what happened, happened. I never intended to make a friend, but I ordered a custom program from him and he showed up on my doorstep to deliver it personally. He said it needed instructions to use and since I was only a train ride away, he decided to teach me himself. He was surprised I was a girl, so he offered to mentor me.” Looking down at the ground, Lin wrung her hands together, feeling the older girl’s glare on her.

“We became fast friends and he tutored me every weekend, always bringing stories of what you and he did together. I’m an orphan and an only child, so I was a little jealous by how close you guys were, but he told me he’d be my family and so would you, once we met. I wanted to meet you guys in your hometown more than anything.”

“He used to talk about me?” Jun asked quietly and the hacker nodded swiftly.

“All the time. In fact, he talked about you so much, that I sometimes forgot that we’d never seen each other before!” Lin exclaimed, trying to gauge the older girl’s reaction, but unable to see her eyes through the bangs that now covered her face. “I found out later that coming to see me was expensive and that you guys were struggling to get by. I just wanted for you to be able to live comfortably, without any worries, so I hacked into a bank and started to transfer funds into different bank accounts all over the world. From there, the money would slowly consolidate into one account and it would happen so gradually that no one was supposed to find out.”

“A few dollars here, a few dollars there, it wouldn’t really hurt anyone. I didn’t take into mind what would happen if they did find out. The computer I used was a gift from Xiang and when the IP address was traced back, his name set off red flags. He just happened to be visiting me when they came for him. I guess they decided that he was too dangerous to live, so they… They…Opened fire when he came out of the house. I couldn’t do anything, but run.” Tears beginning to stream down her face, Lin gripped Jun’s shoulder tightly, “I couldn’t do anything! I couldn’t do anything!”

“It was your fault after all. You got greedy and sloppy and my brother paid the price!” Standing swiftly, the hitter, also with tears running from her eyes, grabbed the younger girl by the throat and hauled her to her feet, “If he had never met you, he would still be alive!”

Air being quickly cut off, Lin gasped, her hands instinctively coming up to grip Jun’s wrist, “He was my family.” she choked out lowly, “You are my family.” Her declaration made the hitter loosen her grip in surprise, “I just wanted you to have any easier life!” Lin sucked in a breath greedily, “I wanted to meet you! The sister of my brother, my family! I just wanted a family!” Her tears rolled down her cheeks and over Jun’s hand.

Feeling her heart wrench at the defeated look in the younger girl’s eyes, the hitter slowly began to tighten her grip again. This time, instead of fighting her, Lin merely relaxed, holding their teary gazes together as her hands fell to her sides. “He talked about you, too.” Jun confessed quietly and the hacker’s orbs widened, “He said he couldn’t wait for us to meet, I knew that he only wanted for his two little sisters to get along, but when I saw you at his funeral, I knew you were crying guilty tears, not mourning tears. I hated you for so long, without ever getting to know you.”

Jun used the grip on Lin’s throat to pull her forward, into an embrace, feeling her arms immediately wind around her tightly. She could only hold the younger girl as they both cried.


“Well.” the doctor said as Risa sat upon the side of the bed, “You appear to be in great shape.” He had just finished examining her, leaving the woman feeling more than a little vulnerable, as her lover watched on from the side, “It’s normal that you will have trouble with your muscles, but the thing that surprises me the most is that you seem to be thinking and speaking clearly. She hasn’t been stammering at all or unable to put sentences together?” He turned his attention to Ai, who shook her head in the negative. “That’s pretty rare, usually, patients have a little difficulty with that and mixing words up and such. As it is, I’ll just prescribe a couple weeks of physical therapy, I’ll send over the therapist tomorrow with a wheelchair for you, so that it’s easier to get around.”

“A couple weeks? Wait, what do you mean, wheelchair?” Risa asked, drawing a raised eyebrow from the doctor.

“Wheelchair? You know, chair with wheels and all that. Usually used by people who have trouble walking.” The gunner rolled her eyes.

“You’re sarcasm is not appreciated, do you mean I have to use the wheelchair?” The doctor nodded, giving her a ‘duh’ look. “Alright fine, but is there anyway we can speed up the therapy? I got things to do.”

“The therapy is entirely up to you. If you’re doing well, you might be able to finish early, if you don’t take to it well, then it could be longer.” He shrugged nonchalantly and scribbled something down in a folder he held.

“Well, thanks then. Just send me the bill later.” The doctor gave her a strange look, “What?”

“Dear, girl, I’m not on an official clock, there will be no ‘bill.’ I’m under your direct employment.” He raised his eyebrows suggestively and Risa blinked at him.

“Eh? You mean you work for me?” The gunner glanced unsurely at Ai, who just shrugged.

“Well, I guess you could say that my private practice was funded by Takashi and all of his, now your, associates are my patients.” The doctor said this carefully, but Risa was still a little confused as to what he was implying.

“Are we your only patients?” The gunner asked to a negative response, “Are you the only doctor in your practice?”

“No, there are at least one of every kind of doctor in the city ‘associated’ with my practice.” He watched Risa nod slowly, finally seeming to understand. Finally, the doctor said his goodbyes and left.

“So we have doctors in our pockets as well?” The gunner confirmed with her lover, “I what wonder what exactly that means?”

“He probably means that we can hide information on injured members easier and also get treatment for them underneath the law’s eye.” Ai guessed, coming over to sit beside Risa and stroke her hair.

Relaxing under the touch, the younger girl sighed, “I guess that would be useful.” She practically began to purr, slumping against Ai’s side. Gradually, her breathing slowed and the demo expert realized she was asleep.

“Hmm, you’ve had a long day.” she said in an affectionate tone, maneuvering the younger woman into bed and crawling in beside her to curl around her protectively. She almost wanted to sleep as well, but she feared that if she didn’t keep watch over her lover, the younger girl would somehow fall back into her coma, so Ai stayed vigilant, staring at Risa’s face and studying her for any changes.


“BE QUIET!!” Tanaka Reiki boomed out loudly, immediately stilling the disturbed chatter in his meeting room. He’d just brought back news of his meeting with his only daughter and all of his lieutenants were rippling with barely concealed excited energy.

“Father,” spoke Tanaka Akio, the eldest son and his right hand man, “We must act now, before they gather to strike at us. Allow me to lead the charge.”

“I think a physical strike isn’t a good way to start.” Yajima Erino countered swiftly, “I know Reina and Aika are a part of that group. Allow me to speak with them first and weaken their will.”

“I will take no part in your planning.” Reiki said firmly, “I’m giving you free reign to make your own plans, just remember that your actions have consequences. Also remember that one of those girls is your sister.” This last was directed to six of his eight lieutenants. “Dismissed, get out of my sight.” The room quickly cleared and the big man put his hand to his forehead.

A throat clearing got his attention and Reiki looked up to meet the eyes of his youngest child, the seventeen year old Fujita. “Father, do we really have to fight Reina-nee-san?” Reiki felt his heart ache a little bit at the forlorn tone, he knew that out of all of his children, Reina and Fujita were the closest to each other.

“It is inevitable, my son, it has been building for years.” Reiki also knew, that had it not been for the corrupting influence of his brothers, little Fuji would have turned to the same life as his beloved big sister.

“Then, I will do what has to be done, Father, you can count on me.” Fujita said with a slight tremble in his voice.

Smiling sadly, the head of the clan patted the boy on the head with his massive paw, a gestured saved for his two youngest, “I know I can count on you to do what you think is right, you take after your sister, after all.”


Took me forever to write out, but here it is!
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 17 1/27)
Post by: kuro808 on January 27, 2010, 11:21:55 AM
Well the bathroom part was amusing  :lol:

The Jun/Lin part was really kool and the doctor part was scary for Gaki-san trying to recover.

Well that was something good to read before I go to sleep :lol: thank you for the chapter
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 17 1/27)
Post by: lil_hamz on January 27, 2010, 01:26:27 PM

I noticed you posted it a little after I updated but I couldn't read cuz I needed to catch a bus and attend a talk. I couldn't sit still throughout the journey and finally I couldn't take it anymore so I read it using my phone when I arrived at the venue. But because I was in a talk, I couldn't be that rude and not pay attention right? That's the reason for the scanning the chap so please forgive me! :bow: But I'll reread it later tonight :)

When I saw the part in the bathroom I couldn't stop grinning like a fool :oops: Boy was it good! gah I'm not making sense now since I still a little crazy from being that happy that you updated. But before I go (I'll write up another comment when I have more time and after I'm back to thinking straight), there is something I wanna ask.

“You know, this is going to get real old, real fast.” Risa said as she struggled to lift her body up. When they finished, Risa flopped backwards, sweaty and panting. “I think I need another shower and not in a good way.”

Crawling up next to her, Ai wiped her forehead gently, “I’ll call the doctor now.” She reached for her cell phone.

Is this just because Risa just woke up so she's still a little weak or is it gonna lead up to something more?

And with this, Hammy signs out *salute*  :D
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 17 1/27)
Post by: badsaints on January 27, 2010, 02:36:12 PM
Yay it's hug-the-bean session! :cow:

“Seems like Mama and Papa need some grown up time.”

You were crying for me to come back, telling me how much you needed me and loved me. All I wanted to do was come back to you.
This line is soooo tooth-aching sweet :wub:

So much sexual tension in the bathroom :twisted: Oh well, there's always time for both of them; that is...if you don't kill them off :lol:

JunLin interaction :sweatdrop: Dunno, it's sad. Can understand why Jun is so angry with Lin. Wouldn't forgive Lin if I were Jun but at least both of them made up :thumbup

It's the Tanakas' interaction that caught my attention here. I feel so sorry for Reina (but then again, I'm just being bias :P)
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 17 1/27)
Post by: Hart on January 27, 2010, 07:59:18 PM
A lot of things were going on in my head while I was reading this. I think some of them included  :luvluv2: :shy1: :on_hot: :mon blood: :mon spit: :mon whine: :pleeease: and :on GJ:. You figure out which goes where.  :lol:

“Seems like Mama and Papa need some grown up time.”
Favorite line of the chapter.

“Look, just because we’ve had sex, doesn’t mean I’m comfortable with you being in here while I pee.”
Okay, maybe this is my favorite line.  :lol:

“Meh, I hate doctors. Pompous bastards think they know everything when they’re wrong half the time anyway.”
“Make fun of me all you want, but I’ve had bad experiences with doctors.”
“I’m not afraid! I just don’t trust them. They only want your money, so they’ll do or say anything to get you to come back. Just like a mechanic, except for people.”
I totally agree with Gaki on this. Makes me thankful that I didn't want to study medicine unlike some of my relatives and family members.  :yep:

I was actually hoping for some TakaGaki action once they were in the bathroom  :twisted:, but I can wait until Gaki gets her strength back.

Thinking about it for some time, keeping the gang together until all the gangs are eliminated is a smart decision. Even if you take out the leader and his top officers sooner or later one of the underlings will think about reorganizing, rise into power, and your back to square one. Getting the gang and all the associates to follow the new leader may be hard but its doable. Telling the gang to dispand is even harder. What the hell would they do? Lead a normal life? Be a productive member of society? Or like in dramas be the good samaritan gang that helps and protects the city. :lol:

About the Jun/Lin relationship - I guess they both got a lot of pent up emotions that were waiting to errupt. JunJun with hatred. LinLin with guilt. It really is sad that Lin was only trying to help Jun & her brother out. I don't see them reconciling that easily but at least they finally started talking about their shared past.

I really, REALLY feel bad for Papa Tanaka. Watching his sons go after their sister is heartbreaking.  :cry: Reina's probably gonna be devastated when she has to meet Fujita. Their encounter is not gonna end well.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 17 1/27)
Post by: kawaii beam on January 27, 2010, 11:37:37 PM
.......................................... YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I LOVES U~!!!!!!  *cant realy think of a good revies for what to say XD* TAKAGAKI CUTENES~!!!!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 17 1/27)
Post by: kRisZ on January 28, 2010, 05:12:03 PM
Risa only had eyes for the stunned Ai, standing in the middle of the room with one hand over her mouth and tears pouring down her cheeks.

Risa opened her arms in invitation and Ai wasted no time crawling into them, straddling her lover’s waist and sealing their lips together passionately.
So fast but  :wriggly:

“Seems like Mama and Papa need some grown up time.”

They had a staring contest for a few moments

Crying loudly in relief, Ai buried her face into Risa’s neck, feeling hands running smoothly down her back. “I’m so glad-!”
I'm glad too  :on woohoo:

Risa had barely finished speaking before Ai had sealed their lips together again.
:on bleed:

They exchanged uncomfortable looks, “Go away.”

She was soon seated and another uncomfortable silence descended, “I’m pretty sure I don’t need your help with this part.” The gunner said dryly and Ai left the room with a blush.
Cute  :nya:

“Do you want to take a bath with me?”

When she turned back around, the gunner had stripped down and was sitting where she had crawled to the corner, gathering up some bottles. Ai felt a jolt run through her, but shook her head against it. Now was not the time for naughty thoughts, Risa was too weak to try anything now. Shedding her own clothes and placing them in a neat pile next to the gunner’s, the older woman helped her lover be seated before sliding up behind her. “I’ll wash your back for you.” she offered.

“I’m just going to relax for a while.”
Can't take the heat  XD

She watched with particular interest when Ai dropped her towel, standing naked for a moment
:imdead:  :imdead:

“You know, if you really want me to not jump your bones, your not doing a very convincing job.”

You know, this isn’t what I had in mind when I pictured you and me sweaty on the bed.”
:imdead:  :imdead:  :imdead:

“I wanted to meet you! The sister of my brother, my family! I just wanted a family!” Her tears rolled down her cheeks and over Jun’s hand.
Ouches   :(

Jun used the grip on Lin’s throat to pull her forward, into an embrace, feeling her arms immediately wind around her tightly. She could only hold the younger girl as they both cried.

“Wheelchair? You know, chair with wheels and all that.

She almost wanted to sleep as well, but she feared that if she didn’t keep watch over her lover, the younger girl would somehow fall back into her coma, so Ai stayed vigilant, staring at Risa’s face and studying her for any changes.

Smiling sadly, the head of the clan patted the boy on the head with his massive paw, a gestured saved for his two youngest, “I know I can count on you to do what you think is right, you take after your sister, after all.”
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 17 1/27)
Post by: amEthystx on January 28, 2010, 07:25:18 PM
Baby Sticky Tree,

Just to tell you i have read it already~ but :( I'm really tired now.. i was packing for my trip while replying all the chaos in mine n K's thread.. I promise i'll comment once i'm back~ ok?  :mon cute:

Anyway~ a really short one for now!

BATHroom!  :oops:

Jun/Lin:  :)

 :mon bat:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 17 1/27)
Post by: lil_hamz on January 30, 2010, 12:58:19 PM
OKay, let's see if my brain remembers all that I wanted to say.

JL: Ahh this pair, I'm glad to see they made up. Somewhat. It was painful for the both of them and to be able to forgive and forget to a certain extent would no doubt help.

07: This insight into her family is interesting. So Reina not only has to deal with papa. There are her siblings too and a younger bro. I get the feeling it's not gonna turn out well.

TakaGaki: Needless to say I enjoyed this part the most!! :inlove: I couldn't stop grinning the entire time. I must be mad to enjoy reading about them so much. Is it to much to ask if their part just goes on and on forever? :P

Besides waiting in anticipation for updates of the original B&B, I'm also looking forward to those side chapters you were gonna write. I'm not putting pressure on you. Honest :twisted:

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 17 1/27)
Post by: amEthystx on February 06, 2010, 08:27:05 AM

Baby Sticky Tree!

Gaki-san just totally turn into a softy and sometime, even baby..with Ai-chan around  :wub:

“Seems like Mama and Papa need some grown up time.”
- XD

“Yes. At first, I couldn’t tell what you were saying, so I began to run towards where I thought you were and eventually, your words became more clear and louder. You were telling me about your day and about something amusing Lin Lin or Tanakacchi said. You were crying for me to come back, telling me how much you needed me and loved me. All I wanted to do was come back to you.”
-  Her beam of light in the darkness.. :)

Like i say before !!BATHROOM!!  :oops:
- Don't know where to say cause i like it all XD

Leaning back comfortably against her lover, Ai placed her hands on her arms, lightly tracing her tattoo.
- But i like how A-chan (sweetly) traces Risa's tattoo ~

“You know, if you really want me to not jump your bones, your not doing a very convincing job.”
- Even if she was dressed, she can be very unconvincing too! XD

Great that Lin/Jun is finally taking the first step out...I just so wanted to pull Lin into a tight hug...

 :mon bat:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 17 1/27)
Post by: lil_hamz on February 07, 2010, 06:17:18 PM
*hijacks PA system in e mall* There is a missing author. She was last seen in the fic section of JPHIP. Please escort her to the information counter if you have seen her. Thank you for paying attention to this announcement. *e hamz gets thrown off by e real people working there*

whew, it's a good thing I managed to finish before I got hurled off XD come back rnd! I need you to cure my B&B addiction :(
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 17 1/27)
Post by: rndmnwierd on February 08, 2010, 07:54:53 PM
*crawls out from the cardboard box behind WalMart* I'm alright, just a little brain dead. Don't worry about me, I'll be back soon enough and I promise, I'll overload the forum when I get back.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 17 1/27)
Post by: cute88 on February 09, 2010, 01:28:18 AM
okay,I just finished read this fanfics til the last chapter in one whole day.. And OMG, I just love it  :lol:
Takagaki is just  :love:
and so Tanashige  :love:
sorry for my bad english, that's why I didn't comment much.. hehe  :P
but I just want to say that this is one of my favorite fanfic.. So please keep it up..  :bow:
And I have a request for you, can you make anything about Tanashige's relationship clear?
Coz I find it confusing.. Like Sayu didn't like to see Reina cry and pretend to just runaway from her..
Sorry, but I love that couple, (the fact that I love both, just look at my profil picture..  XD)
especially the fact that they're hating each other at the first time, and now they're care each other, that was just too sweet  :D
Can I see more about them in the next chapter?
Thank you by the way..
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 17 1/27)
Post by: cogi_yoshi on March 14, 2010, 01:07:32 AM
YEY!!!FINALLY!!! RISA's AWAKE!!!!!!!! :bow: :bow: :bow:

and finally, JunLin made up..another YEY!!!

but.... Reina's really going to fight her family....let's see what happens....

Sorry for the short comment...But my time's running out..ahahahaha..need to go back to work..I'll just comment longer on the next post it!XD
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 17 1/27)
Post by: rndmnwierd on March 23, 2010, 04:15:43 AM
Chapter 18: With, without

It was late in the afternoon when Jun quietly entered the manor, Lin cradled gently in her arms, asleep after their emotional cleansing earlier. The other occupants barely gave her a second glance as she passed them, as if walking through the halls with someone unconscious in your grasp was quite normal and in retrospect, Jun supposed it was.

As she quietly entered the room she shared with Aika, she paused, staring hard at the lump underneath the covers, trying to determine if the younger girl was awake. After watching for a long moment, Jun deduced that she wasn’t, and headed over to put Lin down in her bed. As she stood over hr own mattress, a brilliant idea came to her.

Instead of setting the hacker into her bed, she instead slid the girl in next to Aika, ensuring that they would have the other’s company while she was gone. Jun watched with an affectionate smile as they turned to snuggle into each other in their slumber, nodding in a satisfied manner, she left to go get some food.

The unlikely pair continued to sleep, only aware of a comforting warmth around them.


When she woke, it was morning; Risa could tell by the bright sunlight streaming through the window. Squinting against the harsh rays, the gunner slowly let her eyes get used to the light. Suddenly, she realized what she was looking at and her eyes widened painfully.

The bedroom was quite large and mostly empty, the contents originally consisting of only basic furniture, and Ai had apparently decided to turn the most unused corner into her own personal gym. A large mat was set out and a mirror was propped up securely against the wall, the demo expert stood in front of this, studying herself critically as she danced.

Feeling her breath catch at the sight, Risa watched her hips twist and sway, the woman completely engrossed in her routine to the point where nothing existed except for her and her reflection. Risa hadn’t seen her do this since that one morning where they had run into Eri, so she was unprepared for the sheer power that her lover exuded as she moved to what must have been a particularly energetic beat.

Unable to tear her eyes away, Risa watched a single bead of sweat travel down Ai’s neck and disappear into the low collar of her shirt. The gunner imagined the little drop must have rolled between her lover’s breasts and felt the overwhelming urge to lick it off of her. She whimpered unintentionally, not catching the other’s attention through her earbuds. Finally, Ai spun around and froze when her own orbs landed on the darkened eyes of the gunner.

“Risa!” she called out loudly in surprise, unable to hear herself with the music going on. Hastily, Ai pulled the buds from her ears, “Risa.” she repeated much more softly, “How long have you been up?”

Instead of answering, the gunner just gestured for her lover to come closer, Ai complying instantly. As soon as she was within arms reach, Risa pulled herself close enough to latch her lips onto the older woman’s sweaty neck, sucking and biting gently on the sensitive skin. Becoming a little weak kneed at the attack, Ai climbed onto the bed a little, giving Risa more access to her throat.

The gunner began to kiss a trail downwards, following the path of that wayward sweat drop she’d been watching earlier. With a moan, the demo expert crawled ever closer, now straddling her lover and feeling the other’s arms wrap around her tightly. Ai cupped the back of Risa’s head, unconsciously swaying her hips and brushing her pelvis up against her lover’s chest. Reaching a hand between them, the gunner slipped it underneath Ai’s shirt to lightly scratch her belly, eliciting a choking gasp of pleasure.

As her hand moved south, though, the demo expert grabbed it with a frustrated groan, “Mmmnnnoo! Don’t, I told you I wanted to wait.” They pulled back from each other, panting breathlessly, “Don’t make this harder on me than it already is.” Ai pleaded.

“It’s your fault, you know.” The gunner growled out in a deep, husky tone that sent shivers and promises through the older girl, “Waking up to that, how was I supposed to control myself now that I know what that ass feels like in my hands or what those thighs feel like around my head?” To emphasize her point, Risa reached forward and squeezed the tempting butt lightly, making Ai gasp.

“Risa, don’t.” Her protest weakened, “You’re not strong enough yet.” The gunner sighed slightly, pausing her ministrations, “Just wait two weeks, okay? Two weeks.”

Reluctantly, Risa nodded, “Alright. You’re right.” her hands settled on those tempting hips and Ai relaxed, sliding down to cuddle against her lover.

“You really surprised me.” The demo expert murmured once their hearts stopped racing, “I wasn’t expecting to be assaulted so early in the morning.”

“We haven’t been lovers that long.” The gunner noted, “We really don’t know much about the other in that aspect and all I know is that you turn me on so badly. Ai, do you really even understand how sexy you are?” The older woman quickly denied the accusation, causing Risa to laugh, “You are sexy. You have perfect curves on your small frame, your skin is healthy and radiant without make-up, you’re toned and fit and your muscles are tight and…” The gunner swallowed hard to prevent herself from drooling, “Uh, well, lot’s more, but if I keep talking then I won’t be able to stop myself. It’s already going to be a hard couple of weeks.”

“Let’s talk about something else, then.” Ai suggested as she began to rise from her comfortable position, “How about a shower?”

“A cold one, yeah.” Risa said, squeaking when she was effortlessly lifted out of bed. She couldn’t help blushing at how dashing her lover looked, carrying her to the shower.


Aika opened her eyes slowly, an unfamiliar feeling causing her to rise to address it. There was a small, warm body wrapped around her torso tightly, shivering in the throes of a nightmare. Looking down at Lin Lin’s messy hair, the thief became confused, wondering how the girl came to share her bed.

Glancing over to the other bed in the room, she saw a Jun Jun shaped lump under the blankets. That didn’t give her any more clues, but her attention was taken again by the older girl clinging to her side. She mumbled some fast Chinese and her body shook in her terror. Unable to just ignore her, Aika pulled Lin closer.

“Shh, I’m here, I’m here.” She uttered the familiar phrase that often calmed her down and felt her soothing words take effect. Lin’s tense muscles relaxed and she snuggled against the thief comfortingly.

Looking back up, Aika met Jun’s unreadable gaze, though she was surprised, she held it unflinchingly. What must she be thinking? After a few moments, the hitter ended their little contest by closing her eyes and going back to sleep. Aika shrugged and did the same, welcoming Lin’s warmth.


Blinking slowly, Reina opened her eyes, fighting against the urge to succumb to the heat of her quilt. The reason she did this, is that she realized that for once, she was awakening in the arms of the person she fell asleep with, instead of being dog piled on by the lawless girls or just waking up alone. It was pretty rare that this happened and the first time she had been interrupted by Eri. Now she could see all that she had missed.

Stifling her giggles, she examined the unflattering expression on the con’s face, mouth hanging open, drool threatening to drip from the side of her lips, eyes half open and rolled up in her head. It was totally uncute, though the way she slept unabashedly was quite charming in itself and Reina found herself drawn in.

She wasn’t sure how long she watched the older girl sleep, blissfully unaware of her scrutiny, but eventually Sayu stirred, her face righting itself with an audible snap when her jaws came together. The first thing her eyes landed on when they opened was the cop’s amused expression.

“What?” she grumbled, eliciting laughter, “What?!”

“Not gonna tell you~.” Reina sing-songed, rolling out of bed. Feeling her playfulness was contagious, Sayu quickly sprung up and made a grab for her. Giggling, the yankii dodged out of the way and the con gave chase. They scampered around the room for a while, Reina managing to just keep out of Sayumi’s grasp, until the cop climbed up onto the bed and Sayu made a dive at her.

They collapsed in a tangle of limbs and laughter, the con on top with her fingers attempting to tickle her captive into submission. Reina was unmoved by the attack and sent her own digits digging into Sayumi’s sides, sending the girl squirming away. Tables turned, the yankii straddled the older girl, mercilessly keeping up her assault.

“Okay, haha, okay! I give! Haha, uncle, uncle!” Sayu cried, trying ineffectually to block those searching fingers.

“Reina’s not your uncle! Say, ‘Reina’s the world’s greatest cop!’” The younger demanded, increasing her attack.

“Reina’s the world’s greatest cop!” The con replied helplessly giggling.

“Now say, ‘Reina is definitely cuter than me.’” Reina shifted her weight backwards a little to give herself more expanse of tender tummy to work with.

“No way!” Sayu protested, only to gasp when those digits flew across her sensitive flesh.

“Say it!” The cop commanded.

“Reina has smaller breasts than me!” Sayu called out instead, eliciting a growl and harder tickling.

“What?! How dare you!” The cop said, but she was grinning.

“Stop, I have to pee!” The con appealed, but her captor was having none of it.

“You know what you have to do to get Reina to let go.” She teased, smiling a superior smile. Suddenly, Sayumi grabbed both of her wrists and twisted her body hard, sending the cop tumbling to the side. Before she knew what had happened, the older girl was sitting comfortably on her hips, holding her hands trapped above her head in a firm grip.

“Now, you say, ‘Sayumi is the world’s cutest.’” The con demanded mockingly.

“No way, I’m not ticklish, you can’t do anything to me.” For a moment, Reina thought she had won, but then a sly grin spread across Sayu’s face.

“Say it, or else.” she said devilishly and the cop felt a shiver run through her at the tone.

“Or else, what?” Reina swallowed hard when those evilly smiling lips moved closer to her own.

“’Or else,’ this.” Without further ado, Sayumi sealed their mouths together in a chaste kiss that quickly grew more heated when her tongue peaked out to run across Reina’s lips. Moaning quietly, the cop opened her mouth and let the intruder enter, caressing it with her own tongue.

With the kiss, both girls felt as if a weight had been lifted off of their shoulders, all of the unresolved tension finally getting an outlet. While their tongues battled, they weren’t a cop and a con, they weren’t on opposite sides of the law, they were just two young women with an attraction to each other. Reina moaned appreciatively when a hand stroked her side, her own still held above her head.

That hand played with the hem of her shirt for a moment before it slipped inside just an inch and scratched lightly at the warm stomach. Gasping into the kiss, the yankii arched into the touch, unintentionally breaking the kiss. She opened her hazy eyes and stared lustfully into black orbs, realizing belated what they had just done. She knew the moment it registered with the older girl because she saw the tender expression disappear and turn into something unreadable.

Without a word, Sayumi got off of her and headed into the bathroom and Reina sat up to watch her. When the door shut with a quiet click, the cop allowed her head to fall into her hands.

‘What have I done?’


“Push against my hand as hard as you can. Don’t let me move your leg.” The therapist instructed to Risa as she lay on her back on a mat on the floor. Grunting with the effort, the gunner complied, hardly able to do as she was asked. The therapist seemed pleased, though, and smiled at her, “Good, I can already see an improvement with our therapy today. I’ll come back at the same time tomorrow for more.” With that, she packed up her things and left Risa in her lover’s care.

As soon as the door closed, the gunner burst into tears. She couldn’t help it, to have worked so hard with so little to show for it was frustrating. Even if she hadn’t been so tired by her exertions, she probably would have cried. The comforting warmth of Ai’s arms around her slowed her sobs to sniffling hiccups soon enough.

“Shhh, it’s okay. You did good, I’m so proud of you.” A kiss was placed gently on her lips and Risa was picked up smoothly. In such a soothing embrace, the gunner found herself dozing, vaguely aware of being washed and barely being able to help with fresh clothes being put on her.

Finally coming back to a half aware state, Risa began to mumble deliriously, “I love you, Ai. You’re too good for someone like me. I love you so much. I’m sorry that I’m a bad person.”

“Don’t say that, you’re not a bad person. There’s no way I’d fall in love with a bad person.” Lovingly, Ai tucked the gunner into bed, crawling in next to her. Risa was asleep before she realized it.


Eri walked into the precinct for the second time in as many days, feeling a nervous sort of tension filling her body. “Oh, Kamei-chan!” She was immediately greeted by the many officers at their desks and she smiled back sweetly. Eri was quite well known, even though it wasn’t her precinct, and liked here, mainly for her cheerful demeanor and her one hit knock-out punch. She gave a pleasant smile to the only grumbling man in the room as she passed, heading to the back office.

She was here today to give a full report of her mission to the chief of police himself, so she was understandably unsettled. No one really wanted to have a chat with their boss, much less their boss’s, boss’s, boss. Opening the door to the outer office, she was greeted energetically by the small secretary.

“Kame-chan!” Exclaimed the woman who’s nameplate read ‘Yaguchi.’ “Back again so soon?”

“Yes, Yaguchi-san, I needed to give my report directly to the Chief.” Eri explained softly. If there was one person that intimidated her more then the head of the city’s defense, it was his secretary.

“Well go in!” the petite woman commanded firmly, fairly glaring at the younger woman behind her thick framed lenses, “He’s waiting for you!”

With a timid nod, the cop scurried through the door to the inner office, nearly colliding with the large desk at it’s epicenter. She looked up into the unreadable expression of Keichi Sawajiri, chief of police. “I’m here to report my mission status, sir.” Eri saluted and held the pose.

“Relax,” he said gruffly, “Sit.” The discussion was long and detailed. The chief wracked her brain for everything that had been happening and everything that could happen. Eri almost had no choice but to be honest with him and he seemed quite displeased at the antics the lawless girls had been up to. “You were supposed to keep them in line, not encourage them to wreak havoc.”

“They work well like this, though. They get the job done. If I try to suppress them, they could turn on me. None of them really have moral qualms about killing someone who gets in their way, even if I think they have befriended me.” Eri replied shakily. If he wasn’t appeased, the girls could go right back to jail.

“Fine, but try to keep the collateral down to a minimum.” After a long moment of silence, the Chief finally conceded and Eri let out a sigh of relief. A huge smile spread across his face in the next second, “So tell me, daughter, have you been keeping up with going to church? Strengthening your body?”

“Yes, father.” Eri sighed good naturedly, “I can honestly say I’ve never had a better work out than with these girls.” Now that the meeting was over, the cop felt the tension drain from her body. Her father was strict when he was at work and expected no less from her than anyone else. In fact, because of their relation, he pushed her harder than the others.

“How is your partner working out for you? Are you getting along? Do you have any complaints.” Keichi asked seriously.

“We’re fine, Reina-chan’s a good person.” The girl replied.

“I know she’s kind of green, so if she gives you any trouble, you come tell me. I’ve heard she has quite the attitude.” He leaned forward and Eri laughed at him.

“No, really, she’s a good partner and a good cop. She compliments me well, father. She always does the right thing, so you don’t have to worry.”

“Alright, I just wanted to make sure. Now, you better get going, no telling what those criminals are doing in your absence.” With a long suffering sigh, Eri rose and gave her father a hug. She was quite glad to be getting out of there. As she passed by Yaguchi’s desk, the older woman stopped her.

“By careful out there, Turtle-chan, you never know who your enemies are until it’s too late.” She warned and Eri shivered at the tone of her voice.


Reina glanced nervously at Sayu, by her side as they walked back from their very uncomfortable dinner. After they had calmed down, Sayumi had awkwardly suggested they go get something to eat at a diner not too far from the hotel. It was quite possibly the most uncomfortable dinner she’d ever had, at that included the one with her family after she’d come out of the closet when she was fifteen.

‘That had been like hell,’ she remembered with a roll of her eyes, ‘but at least I wasn’t in l-.’ stopping her thoughts with a veritable screech, Reina felt her orbs widen, not noticing the strange look she was receiving from her companion, ‘In what? What do I feel for her, lust? Like? L-l-love?’ it pained her to even think that last word.

Shaking her head, Reina tried to take her mind off the memory of that kiss, of how soft the con’s lips were and the taste of her fruit flavored lip gloss, and how her tongue had slid tentatively against her own lips as if toying with the idea of slipping inside her mouth. She also couldn’t help but recall the incredibly tender expression that had been on Sayu’s face.

Sneaking another glance at the con, Reina met her dark orbs and both blushed, looking away. Then the yankii mentally face palmed, what was she, a teenager? This wasn’t her first crush or whatever this was. She looked at the con again, this time holding her gaze, if she wanted to look, she would look. And if she wanted to kiss her, she would. And if she wanted to hold her hand, well. Reina looked down at the girl’s appendage, feeling her heart beating faster, she reached out and gently took it in her own. She would hold her hand.

Satisfied with herself, Reina turned her attention to her surroundings, observing the empty street. It was quite cold lately, the Tokyo skies threatening snow, and as such, most people were wise enough to stay inside or take other forms of transportation than walking. Feeling how cold her hands were, Sayumi slipped their intertwined appendages into her pocket, sharing the warmth that was seeping out from her body.

Reina gave her a grateful smile and when she turned back around, her eyes landed on a familiar sedan driving slowly around the corner. For a second, she couldn’t put her finger on where she had seen it before, but when the windows rolled down and she saw her brothers inside, she remembered. Before it even registered in her mind that they were training automatic weapons on them, Reina was tackling Sayumi to the ground behind some mailboxes and newspaper stands.

Gunfire echoed on the empty street and Reina covered her head as paper exploded around them. She heard Sayumi let out a shriek and curl into her tightly, the thunk of rounds impacting metal reverberating against her back. Suddenly, the noise stopped and all the cop heard was the roar of an engine as the sedan took off down the street.

When she could no longer hear the car, Reina finally deemed it safe to stick her head out of cover. The street was empty and calm once again.

“My ear! My face!” Sayu cried indignantly and Reina turned to see her clutching the left side of her head, blood seeping through her fingers.

“Let me see.” The cop demanded and the con reluctantly moved her hands. One lucky bullet had skipped off her cheek, leaving a long gash horizontally along her face and taking a chunk out of her ear. Both wounds bled sluggishly and Reina tore a piece of fabric off her shirt to press against them.

“My face! I can’t believe them! Look at what they did to my cute face!” Sayu cried, truly angry about the damage. She didn’t seem to even care that a few inches to right would have given her nothing to complain about, because she would have been dead.

To halt the on coming rant, Reina sealed their lips together, stopping the con mid sentence. She felt the older girl melt into her and pulled away, sure of her attention, “I still think you’re beautiful.”


Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 17 1/27)
Post by: rndmnwierd on March 23, 2010, 04:17:04 AM
Chapter 19: And who'll deny it's what the fighting's all about

Sitting on the lounger in the sitting room that connected to her new bedroom, Risa was idly flipping through tv channels, bored out of her mind. She still had about four hours left until her therapist got here and Ai was off somewhere doing paperwork that was apparently, “Too stressful for you to handle right now, Risa.” And so, the gunner had been dragged back to the sitting room to rot her mind with daytime soaps.

She hated soaps….

“Please,” she begged, watching the predictable drama unfold, “let something interesting happen.” As if on cue, the door to the hallway burst open and in came Sayumi, Reina, Ai and Captain, the con clutching her bleeding face and the cop favoring her right arm. Blinking placidly as they scrambled with a couple of first aid kits, Risa turned to the ceiling and glared upwards, “Smartass.”

Watching in silence, the gunner observed as first aid was applied that there was a tension running through the wounded pair. Reina was trying to catch the con’s attention, while Sayumi was steadfastly ignoring her. This was backwards, when had they switched roles?

“So, did you guys have fun?” Risa asked nonchalantly, gaining three glares. The con immediately launched into a rant about her wounded face and Reina turned to calmly explain.

“My brothers attacked us, a drive-by. We got lucky.” she patted her arm lightly, “I only jammed my shoulder when we fell and Sayu just has a scratch.”

“’Just a scratch!’ This is not ‘just a scratch,’ Reina! My face is going to scar!” The con screeched indignantly.

“If it had been anymore to the right, you wouldn’t have a face!” the cop screamed back, making everyone else jump with the hysterical edge to her voice. She breathed in like she wanted to say something else, but held herself back at the last minute, reaching out towards Sayumi to gently brush against her undamaged cheek.

The con jerked away from her, a fearful looking passing fleetingly across her features. She stood up, still eyeing Reina unsurely, and left the room. The cop wasted no time in following after her hastily. The room fell into a contemplative silence as the remaining occupants regarded each other.

“Is it just me or is something finally going on between those two?” Risa asked her lover curiously.

“No, I see it too. It looks like Sayu’s not very receptive to Reina’s advances. I wonder why, she was the one to first go after her, now that Reina’s showing interest, she runs away? Doesn’t make any sense.” Ai sat down next to her and Saki slowly packed up, pretending to be engrossed in her task, but really listening in on their gossip.

“I think it makes perfect sense. It was all fun and games at first, the way Sayumin always plays, but then her toy turned the game around on her. Now she’s being pursued and she’s losing control of herself because she really feels for Tanakacchi, something she’s not used to. She’s a con artist, an actress, she makes herself into whatever role she needs to be in, she doesn’t know how to be herself around someone and now with all these new feelings bombarding her, she’s confused. So she’ll run, it’s her nature.” Risa shrugged and Ai looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

“Where do you get all this incite from?” The gunner rolled her eyes.

“I’ve been watching this dramatic crap all day! Please get me out of here! I’ll do paperwork, anything!” the other two laughed and the serious air was broken, but still, her own words rung in her head.

‘I can’t believe you don’t see any similarities between our relationships. You were just the same as Sayumin when we were growing up.’

”Ai-chan! Talk to me!” Risa called, running after her friend down the darkening street. The sun had been setting behind the older girl as the two sat in their usual spot by the creek. The baby bean couldn’t help but to lean in and kiss her, Ai looking as angelic as she was. At first, her affections were reciprocated, but then, she ran. “We live in the same house! I know where you’re going!”

They’d been running for at least six blocks and the younger girl couldn’t keep up this pace for much longer. Finally, just when Risa thought she’d collapse from exhaustion, did Ai slow down, only half as winded as her counterpart, which annoyed the future gunner to no end.

Sucking in much needed oxygen greedily, lungs burning painfully in her tightening chest, Risa grabbed onto the older girl’s wrist, just in case she decided to take off again. “It’s not right, Risa-chan!” Ai finally spoke, her voice lilting frantically as her accent emerged amidst her panic, “We’re both girls and even if we weren’t, you’re too young for me!”

“I’ll be fourteen next month, Ai! That’s only a two year difference. And so what if we’re girls!? I like you for who you are, not what gender you are!” Regardless, her words didn’t seem to help and Ai shook off her grip, taking off at a run down the street again. This time, Risa didn’t give chase, her legs giving way underneath her, the image of her friend running into the darkness etched in her mind.

There was only one place she could go now and so she headed to where her brother had been killed. Ai hadn’t allowed her to come back here since it had happened, for which she was grateful, because the only thing that awaited her were painful memories. The front door was locked, but the sliding glass door in the back still had no glass, so she easily slipped inside.

Everything was just as she remembered it, only covered in a thick layer of dust. All of the hidden stashes were untouched, their owners all dead and rumors about the house being haunted keeping locals away. She headed up to Ai’s former room, grabbing a few blankets and dragging them downstairs with her. She decided to just sleep outside tonight, the furniture too dusty for her to stay on comfortably. On the way outside, she raided one of the stashes and brought out with her an American military issued Colt .45 that some lucky Blue had traded for at one time.

She crouched next to a large rock out in the backyard, chuckling mirthlessly when she realized that it reminded her of a headstone. From her position, she had a perfect view of the spot on the grass where her brother had lain before the coroner had taken the bodies away. Getting an idea, she pulled out her ever present knife and began to carve a name in the rock. When she was satisfied, she curled around the headstone and fell asleep.

The next morning, a twig snapping under a person’s foot sent her flying into awareness and Risa sat up, whipping the pistol to point towards the sound. The barrel pointed squarely at a surprised Ai. They stared at each other for a long moment before the older girl spoke, “My mom wants you to come home.”

“What about you?” Risa countered, “Do you want me home?” Her response was Ai turning her nose up and the baby bean turned angry, “Then go away, I’m fine here.”

“Come on, I’m not leaving without you.” The older said, reached forward to try and haul Risa to her feet. The other girl struggled violently against her grip and they grappled for a moment, neither gaining ground until Risa lunged towards Ai, pressing their lips together again. Her heart soared when she wasn’t immediately rejected, but then, the older girl shoved her away, sending her tripping backwards to the ground.

She landed on her butt, hands instinctively reaching out behind her to catch herself and Risa felt a sharp pain in her wrist. Giving a cry, she grasped the injured appendage and heard a gasp, looking up into Ai’s shamed gaze. Before she could say another word, the girl was running away from her, again.

Shaking her head at the memory, Risa watched as, once again, Ai was moving away from her. With a sad smile, she looked down at her left hand; that time, it had been broken and it never healed quite right. “Hey, Captain, wanna see something?” she grinned childishly at the younger girl and pulled her left thumb back to touch her arm. She laughed when Saki made a disgusted face.


“Sayu!” Reina called as she darted after the other girl, lunging forward to grip her arm, “You can’t just run away from me, we need to talk.”

Immediately, shaking off the grasp, the con spun around to glare at the cop, “There’s nothing to talk about, you’ve misunderstood. You’re just fun to play with, I’m not looking for anything serious.”

“Then let’s keep playing.” Reina declared, “You’re right, this is fun, I don’t want to stop.”

A hurt look flashed across Sayumi’s face before she could stop it and she took off down the hall again, the cop on her heels. “Go away. I said no!”

“Sayu!” Reina cried, not caring who was listening, “Please! Don’t turn away from me!” she managed to grab the older girl’s arm again, but the con turned swiftly and the sound of skin hitting skin echoed in the hallway.

Both girl’s looked surprised by the slap, Sayu clasping a hand over her mouth and Reina’s eyes widening, head staying turned to the side. Slowly, the stunned yankii looked back at the con and gave her a hurt look. Once again, Sayumi ran down the hallway, this time, leaving Reina behind.


“All right, if you wanna hang out with us, you can’t be such a nerd.” Aika declared as she paced in front of a wide eyed Lin. The hacker was dressed in old camouflage army greens that were about two sizes too big and swallowed her adorably. Branches were weaved in her hair and olive colored face paint was smeared under her eyes.

“I’m not a nerd!” the older girl protested, gaining looks from the thief and Jun, “I’m not!”

“Look at you, you’re so pale I bet you could float through a wall if you tried hard enough and I could knock you over with one hit if I wanted.” Aika continued, “So we’ve decided to teach you to be like us, starting with a bit of stealth.”

“Uh, is that why we’re here?” Lin questioned, gesturing around the park from her place sitting on the fountain, gaining odd looks from passersby.

“Yes. It’s very simple, you have the entire park to hide in, the point of the exercise is to make it back here undetected by either Jun or I. She will stay here to patrol the perimeter of the fountain and I’ll be out looking for you. If I find you or Jun catches you, you have to start over again.” Aika explained to the now confused hacker.

“Wait, so it’s like hide and go seek?” She immediately received two less than amused looks.

“No,” Aika drawled out like she was talking to a particularly slow child, “It’s not like hide and go seek, it’s like we find you and we kill you.” Lin gulped at the way Jun cracked her knuckles, “So try to do well, alright? Now, go.”

The hacker took one more shifty look at her companions, then darted off into the bush. After they were sure she was out of ear shot, Jun and Aika began to laugh, “This is a little mean of us, don’t you think?”

“Eh, best way to learn is to think you’re in danger. Nothing motivates like self preservation.” the thief replied and the two laughed again.


“I will not take no for an answer, Mr. Jones.” Ai said coolly, “It’s my way or the highway.” Saki sat in the darkened corner, looking as creepy as possible, short hair shading her face and cleaning her nails with a dangerous looking knife.

The normally unflappable man swallowed hard, Ai had spent the last twenty minutes slowly whittling away at his resolve with unflinching demands that bordered on stubborn. “Well, perhaps we can work out a deal, then.”

Almost instantly, her pretty face changed from nearly scowling to a beatific smile, “Well, now, that’s what I want to hear. So, you’ll accept my offer?” The man just nodded, unsure of what was the façade and what was real, “Good, isn’t that great Captain?” she addressed Saki, who also transformed from menacing bodyguard to excited teenager. “Well, then, it’s settled. Have a nice day!” And she marched out the door like she owned the place.

As soon as she settled into the car, though, Ai slumped forward, “You okay?” Saki questioned to her tired visage.

“Does this ever get any easier?” The overwhelmed young woman asked as she mentally crossed another name off her list.

“No and if it does, then you should start to worry. Once you get used to intimidating people, then you stop caring. I really don’t want to see that happen to you, Takahashi-dono.” The younger girl said solemnly.

“No, no, no, there will be no Takahashi-dono or even Takahashi-san for you. Just call me Ai-chan.” The demo expert waved her arms around and Saki looked at her askance.

“You’re my boss now.” She said flatly.

“Yes, but you’ve been too big a help for such formalities. I think we’re friends now, don’t you? Besides, Risa’s your boss. I’m just you’re boss’s, erm.” She blushed a little, thinking about her relation to Risa.

“Concubine? Mistress? Lover~?” Saki teased with a grin and Ai glared at her good naturedly.

“Sub-leader.” She finished pointedly and the younger girl laughed heartily at her. Ai smiled, feeling her mood lifting slightly.

“Well, I know my ‘sub-leader’ would never do that with me if I had one!” Saki just laughed harder at the demo expert’s pout.

“Aw, come on. I know I said we were friends, but I didn’t mean you could pick on me freely.” Whined Ai, crossing her arms.

“It’s just too easy, though.” The young thug replied with a grin. “And you are so cute when you pout, like a little girl.” The last comment sent red flaming up Ai’s face in embarrassment. “Haha, see?”

She pouted for a few more seconds before bursting into laughter. After she had calmed down, Ai smiled and patted Saki on the head, “Thanks.”

“No problem.” Now Ai felt ready for her next appointment.


Risa sighed, wiping sweat away after another grueling therapy session. Her body ached from the strain she’d been put through, but she was already showing progress. It was as if her body was slowly remembering things it had forgotten, like reviewing notes after not learning about the subject in school for a while. Still, she felt tears stinging her eyes and flopped backwards on the bed.

Ai wasn’t here to coddle her now and Risa couldn’t help but feel depressed. How could she not, lying with nearly useless legs, unable to care for herself. The only thing she felt like doing was curling up in a ball and crying until her lover got back. A knock on the door distracted her from her misery, she hurriedly wiped her face and called the visitor to come in.

Eri poked her head inside cautiously, lighting up in a cheerful smile when her eyes landed on the gunner, “Gaki-san~!” she called out, her happy tone making Risa smile despite herself.

“Kame.” She said back in greeting as the girl sat next to her on the bed.

“I’m sorry I haven’t been to see you since you’ve been up, I’ve been a little caught up in red tape.” Eri absently reached towards her friend to fix her mussed hair and pat her cheeks and forehead with the towel wrapped around the gunner’s neck, “You look like you could use a shower, need some help?” Before Risa could say either way, Eri had scooped her up and carried her towards the bathroom.

Giving the same aged girl a suspicious look, Risa glared at her, “Did Ai put you up to this?”

Genuinely confused, Eri shook her head, eyebrows knitting together, “No, I haven’t spoken to Ai-chan since yesterday.”

The response made the gunner’s expression soften and she allowed Eri to help her undress. It was always a little awkward to bathe with someone for the first time, but the cop ignored the atmosphere and began to hum, unaware of scrutinizing eyes on her face. Soon the two were reclined on opposite sides of the tub and waiting for the warm water to fill up.

Having relaxed since having the fruits of her labors washed away Risa felt a drowsiness slip over her and tears well up in her eyes. It was like this all the time, now, having to exert so much effort to do the simplest things left her feeling so drained that she just couldn’t help but begin to cry. Her sniffles filled the room, gaining Eri’s instant, surprised attention and the girl’s eyes snapped open from their resting position to see the gunner with her face buried in her hands.

Immediately, Eri moved over next to her and wrapped her arms around shaking shoulders, “Shh, Gaki-san, it’s okay.”

“I’m sorry, I feel like a baby. I’ve been doing nothing but crying and feeling sorry for myself, I’ll never get better if this is all I can do.” Despite her words, she clung desperately to the same aged girl, burying her face in Eri’s neck and taking in her comforting warmth.

“It’s okay, Gaki-san.” The cop said helpfully, “It’s natural to feel like this, you’re so independent and to feel helpless, you’re stronger than I am for dealing with this like you are.”

“Really?” Risa whimpered and Eri nodded firmly, smiling at her pouting face, “Eri, you’re a good friend.”

For just a second, the smile faded from the cop’s face, before coming back at only half power, “No, Risa, you’re the good friend.”


“Okay guys.” Risa said, sitting comfortably at the head of a large meeting table in an official looking room somewhere in the manor. Everyone was sitting in states of attentiveness in plush chairs, “Now, we were going to take out the Tanaka’s anyway, but this preemptive attack is as annoying as it is admirable. I say we don’t take this sitting down.” Sayu opened her lips to say something, but immediately found her mouth covered by two sets of hands, courtesy of Reina and Eri on either side of her.

“We’ll hit them where they think they’re safest at a time when they least expect it.” Ai picked up, tossing a folder on the table, “The club.”

“Wait, the club?” Reina said, retracting her hand in shock, “But what about collateral damage?”

Ai and Risa exchanged a look, before the gunner piped back in, “Try not to shoot anyone.”

“I’m not comfortable with that kind of advice.” The yankii glared, backed up by her nodding partner. “Think of another plan.”

“Look, here Tanakachii,” Risa said firmly, “Unless you can come up with a better place that they completely have their guard down and are more than likely drunk and distracted, you speak up with that helpful little bit. Until then, we do it my way. Just check your fire and shut up.”

The two had a stare down for a long moment, the atmosphere tense around them. Finally, Reina rolled her eyes and sat back in her chair, turning her head away in concession, “Whatever.”

“Okay, now that that’s settled, Ai, you’re in charge of this one.” The older girl looked surprised, “I mean, I’m not going anywhere yet, and you are technically leader, so…” Risa shrugged innocently, “You set it up, you figure it out.” She’d known Ai long enough to see the panic begin to set into her face, “I’ll be here if you need any help from the sidelines.” she finished quietly and that seemed to make her girl feel better.

“Aika,” Ai said in a no nonsense tone, “Do you still have contacts inside the Tanaka gang?” The girl nodded, wide eyed, “Good, find out when they’re going to the club next. Jun Jun, Lin Lin!” The Chinese girls straightened up at their names, “I want to know everything about the layout of the club. Blueprints, pictures, recordings, whatever you can find. I want to know where every booth, chair, table, pole and exit is, the whole layout.”

“Risa!” Ai turned to her lover, who had been watching her with a dreamy expression that quickly cleared when she realized she was being addressed, “Does your little box of goodies included enough assault weapons for all of us?”

“Not for all of us, but I know where to get more.” The gunner responded, voice a little husky. Ai gave her a long look before turning back to business.

“Eri, Reina.” Both saluted on habit, “Your job is to get Risa’s weapons from wherever they are.”

“Yes ma’m!” They chorused, dropping their salutes.

“You have your orders, get to it!” Ai commanded and they group scattered quickly out of the room. As soon as they were gone, the demo expert slumped slightly and turned to her lover again, who was still watching her with that expression, “So, what do you think?”

Risa immediately pulled Ai down into her lap, kissing her soundly on the lips, “It turns me on when you take charge.” She grinned after they’d broken apart, eliciting laughter from her girl.


“Okay, so even though we didn’t kill sis and that pretty girl, I’d say we didn’t exactly waste the day,” Akio said from the head of the desk, folding his hands behind his head with a smirk.

“You know she’ll be angry.” Baku, the second oldest son, commented, pausing in his bored inspection of his fingers to raise an eyebrow at his brother.

“Let her be mad.” Daisuke, the fourth son, sneered, the scar that ran down his face making him look wolfish, “She can’t do anything to stop us.”

Estuo, the fifth son, adjusted his glasses, his slicked back hair giving him an aristocratic feel. “I don’t think we should underestimate these girls. I mean, they did take out Takashi, they have to be worth something.”

Chion, the third son and by far the most cruel and calculating of them, examined the occupants of the room. The six brothers were there at their regular places, farther down the line was Toshio, the hulking eighth lieutenant, more brawn than brains. Near the head of the table was Erino, observing quietly, and next to her was her daughter. “What do you think, Maimi?” Chion asked lowly, gaining the room’s attention. Chion rarely spoke and when he did, you had better listen.

“Me?” Maimi asked uncomfortably, the thought of fighting against former friends not sitting well with her at all.

“You should tell us your input if you have any, after all, you’ll be one of us someday soon. Isn’t that why you came to this meeting? To learn how we do things at the top?” Chion expressed emotionlessly, his eerie tone sending shivers down her spine.

“I think Estuo’s right in that we shouldn’t underestimate them.” The girl said slowly, trying to gauge Chion’s reaction. The man was known to snap if something didn’t please him.

Smirking slowly, the third oldest brother leaned across the table, “You must have valuable insight on them, after all, you grew up with Aika and Reina and we all know about you and Saki-tan.” he mocked the name, sending Maimi bristling.

“I don’t think I have anymore insight into Reina-nee-san than any of you and maybe my mother knows Aika better than I.” She countered, eliciting snickers from the other men at the table, but even that didn’t make Chion’s smirk drop.

“And Captain?” He pushed, watching her bristle again.

“Is my problem.” she didn’t miss a beat, leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms with a finality. Her defiance seemed to amuse Chion and he settled back into silence.

“Well, for now, let’s forget it!” Baku exclaimed, “Let’s go out and celebrate!” His statement was met with cheers.

 As a super apology for my epic lateness and the shortness of each chapter I shall now commit cybercide *turns and cuts down tiny representation of myself* Good bye little friend, you will be missed.

Bring in the clone! *an identical representation scampers into the room*

Oh, and I'll also blow up the forum, figuratively speaking.

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 18&19 3/22)
Post by: kuro808 on March 23, 2010, 04:28:44 AM
I love the tickling contest XD
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 18&19 3/22)
Post by: writerjunkie on March 23, 2010, 03:56:12 PM
>.> I've been lurking for a while. Well actually...since the story started.  Sorry about that! ^^; I'll try to leave a comment again sometime. I figured I would reply now at least. I'm glad to see two new chapters! ^_^ It's been a while since this fic was updated, but that's fine because I know that sometimes writing isn't easy and well many people are busy or get suddenly busy. Even if these chapters may be short to you I still enjoyed them both.  :D I wonder what will happen later on in the story after I've read these chapters. They both interesting though.

For some reason in the first chapter I got the feeling that JunJun likes LinLin? Or maybe She likes LinLin and Aika? Well crap...a love triangle then? I just hope nothing bad happens!

Reina and Sayu's situation though, that's interesting. I look forward to their scenes all the time! Besides the scenes with Ai and Risa that is. I wonder if Sayu will just go with Reina because she knows she loves her. Will they end up together? I'm cheering for TanaShige! ^_^

I think it's cute how Ai takes care of Risa while Risa tries to get better. I feel bad for Risa though. She's bored out of her mind mostly and well she also feels helpless. I hope she can get better soon to get back into the action and well...get busy with Ai again. *coughs* If you get what I mean. >.>

My main concernt now, I just hope the mission everyone is one goes more smoothly than their last one and no one ends up bedridden for a while like Risa. Or it could be worse! I can't wait until the next chapter. ^_^
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 18&19 3/22)
Post by: Hart on March 23, 2010, 07:40:37 PM
Yay! You've updated.  :cow:
You're forgiven for the lateness. Those 2 chapters were so worth the wait. (As well as that perv.)
I'll comment later, on both chapters and *cough*TanaGaki perv*cough*
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 18&19 3/22)
Post by: kawaii beam on March 23, 2010, 10:18:49 PM
yay~ welcome back~!!*glomps you* X3 i'm happy that you've finaly returned and thank you for 2 chappies~!!!!! X3 if anything i'll message u~ X3
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 18&19 3/22)
Post by: Kuji on March 24, 2010, 06:49:16 PM
Updates! Oh sweet updates!  :bow:

But these two awesome chapters have brought up so many questions. Like is there some bigger reason for Sayu's reaction to Reina starting to reciprocate her attentions, other than soap opera drama (lol)? Saki and Maimi have some sort of history? WHAT IS THIS HISTORY? O.O I must know! Why was Eri acting sort of strange with Risa and making that you're the good friend remark? :O

Despite all the questions though, major epic win for throwing in TanaShige, lots of TakaGaki moments, CAPTAIN♥ and Risa's little moment where she looks up at the ceiling and hates on the powers that be for listening to her and making something happen. XD

“Well, I know my ‘sub-leader’ would never do that with me if I had one!” Saki just laughed harder at the demo expert’s pout.
Saki needs a subleader to prove her wrong now!  *cough*
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 18&19 3/22)
Post by: kRisZ on March 26, 2010, 03:06:03 PM
YOU'RE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There.  :D

A large mat was set out and a mirror was propped up securely against the wall, the demo expert stood in front of this, studying herself critically as she danced

Risa hadn’t seen her do this since that one morning where they had run into Eri, so she was unprepared for the sheer power that her lover exuded as she moved to what must have been a particularly energetic beat.

The gunner imagined the little drop must have rolled between her lover’s breasts and felt the overwhelming urge to lick it off of her.
OMG  :drool:

Finally, Ai spun around and froze when her own orbs landed on the darkened eyes of the gunner.
I bet it's darker than the moonless night  :D

Risa pulled herself close enough to latch her lips onto the older woman’s sweaty neck, sucking and biting gently on the sensitive skin.
Must be salty  :grin:

“Just wait two weeks, okay? Two weeks.”
How about one week  :grin:

“Reina has smaller breasts than me!”
:lol:  Good one Sayu  :lol:

“Say it, or else.”

“I love you, Ai. You’re too good for someone like me. I love you so much. I’m sorry that I’m a bad person.”

“Don’t say that, you’re not a bad person. There’s no way I’d fall in love with a bad person.” Lovingly, Ai tucked the gunner into bed, crawling in next to her. Risa was asleep before she realized it.

Sneaking another glance at the con, Reina met her dark orbs and both blushed, looking away.
Shy already  XD

Before it even registered in her mind that they were training automatic weapons on them
:mon freeze:  but they're siblings   :scared:

To halt the on coming rant, Reina sealed their lips together, stopping the con mid sentence. She felt the older girl melt into her and pulled away, sure of her attention, “I still think you’re beautiful.”
Nice move  :D

“So, did you guys have fun?” Risa asked nonchalantly, gaining three glares.

Saki slowly packed up, pretending to be engrossed in her task, but really listening in on their gossip.

TakaGaki memory's giving me a heart ache  :(

Both girl’s looked surprised by the slap, Sayu clasping a hand over her mouth and Reina’s eyes widening, head staying turned to the side.

“It’s not like hide and go seek, it’s like we find you and we kill you.” Lin gulped at the way Jun cracked her knuckles, “So try to do well, alright? Now, go.”

“It’s my way or the highway.”
Me likes  :rockon:

Saki sat in the darkened corner, looking as creepy as possible, short hair shading her face and cleaning her nails with a dangerous looking knife.
Again  :rockon:

Yay! There's Maimi  :w00t:

Next chapterS please  :D

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 18&19 3/22)
Post by: lil_hamz on March 28, 2010, 07:48:49 AM
I read this earlier but I didn't get to comment yet as it had been a crazy week. Even if I do say so myself ^^;

Chapter 18

Awwww, the cute AikaLin pair zzz-ing :)

Pervy Risa, staring at Ai dancing. It is a mesmerizing sight, although personally I find Eri is a more awesome sight to behold when it comes to dance :P *rans away*

See what I mean by pervy Risa? She's still wanting it when Ai specifically told her to wait XD

If Reina still finds Sayu cute after seeing how she sleeps, then it's certain she has fallen deeply in love with her :D

“By careful out there, Turtle-chan, you never know who your enemies are until it’s too late.” She warned and Eri shivered at the tone of her voice.

Oh boy, I don't like the sound of this. Please don't make Eri die :cry:

Hmmm, Like, love and lust. They are only separated by a thin line.

To halt the on coming rant, Reina sealed their lips together, stopping the con mid sentence. She felt the older girl melt into her and pulled away, sure of her attention, “I still think you’re beautiful.”

Woah Reina, smooth one. That sure beats any antiseptic solution/anesthesia. And it's definitely the best way to shut someone up. Someone you like that it *wink*

Chapter 19

I can't help thinking about Risa's memory of Ai running away from her and why you decided to include it. Is it a foreshadowing of something to come?

For just a second, the smile faded from the cop’s face, before coming back at only half power, “No, Risa, you’re the good friend.”

I call Kame one-sided love towards the bean!!! Am I right or am I right? :D Man, I hope you expand on this bit, I REALLY wanna read about it.

Well, since you are in little bits, why a super duper tube of glue help? Or do you prefer tape?  :roll:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 18&19 3/22)
Post by: badsaints on April 05, 2010, 04:36:57 PM
TanaShige galore! :w00t: You can't give them a break, can't you? Oh why must you torture them so?!! :banghead: It's a rough patch for the TanaShige as they finally realise their feelings but I kinda understand why Sayu was behaving the way she did. Then again, they will make it through this just like they made through the past few months...right? :panic:

TakaGaki so hot! :inlove: Could be hotter though, if you know what I mean :twisted:

I'm still keeping my impression of Eri's character :huhuh She's not who they think she is. I mean, look at who her father is. One thing that baffled me though...her father is not a Kamei?

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 18&19 3/22)
Post by: amEthystx on April 06, 2010, 06:43:55 PM
*Sticks Baby Sticky Tree to "Sticky"* <- don't go away again~ :(


“Just wait two weeks, okay? Two weeks.”
  :whistle: *waiting* 

She couldn’t help blushing at how dashing her lover looked, carrying her to the shower.
- Ai-chan with short hair + Prince image pops out~ XD

“Reina has smaller breasts than me!” Sayu called out instead, eliciting a growl and harder tickling
- LOL~ makes me remember the video that Reina commented that Sayu's breast ain't that big either~  :lol:

“I love you, Ai. You’re too good for someone like me. I love you so much. I’m sorry that I’m a bad person.”
This totally broke my heart :(

“I’ve been watching this dramatic crap all day! Please get me out of here! I’ll do paperwork, anything!”
<- Major LOL~!  :lol: I actually raised my eyebrow too when reading about Risa's conclusion.. I saw the video on the left thumb thingy too XD It was so random of her at that point of time.. lol

Hmmmmmm..... Actually... I'm quite interested in what's going on between Jun/Lin/Aika... Looks like a cute trio friendship~  :D But then again~ Eri is pretty interesting too... there is just so much we do not know about her........ yet? <- hopefully~ XD

I realized something... was it all plan that you already knew Koharu is going to graduate hence she is the only one missing (so far..only a little news) from the current line up in the story? haha.. or was it all coincident?

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 18&19 3/22)
Post by: SteelReality on April 07, 2010, 07:51:35 AM
Yo, sup, new commenter.

And now comes the fangirling...

My friends have had to sit through a lot of fangirling over the last ....2? 3? days. Gaki and Jun are so freakin epically awesome that I can't stop reading this, even if takagaki isnt a top pairing of mine~ (Don't hit me?)

Update...soon... or else... *insert uber evil smirk right here*

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 18&19 3/22)
Post by: rndmnwierd on April 08, 2010, 10:20:27 PM
@Kuro-kun - Thanks XD

@junkie-chan -
>.> I've been lurking for a while.
Oh really now?  :huhuh
well many people are busy or get suddenly busy.
I have been unbearably busy. Funny how busy sounds like lazy.  :P

I got the feeling that JunJun likes LinLin? Or maybe She likes LinLin and Aika? Well crap...a love triangle then?
No. Just, no. This story is already convoluted enough, don't tempt me. 8)

Oh I'm sure you'll get what you are looking for in due time, Sayu can't deny a stubborn kitty, after all. Or can she? :?

@Hart - Thank you, but I'm still~ wai~ting :lol:

@Kawaii-wai - *is glomped pats head*

@ 9 -
Like is there some bigger reason for Sayu's reaction to Reina starting to reciprocate her attentions, other than soap opera drama (lol)?
Well, when you put it like that, I'll have to think of something. XD


Why was Eri acting sort of strange with Risa and making that you're  the good friend remark?
  :twisted: :twisted:

Risa's little moment where she looks up at the ceiling and hates on the powers that be for listening to her and making something happen.
When I though of it, I chuckled and had to put it in.

@KZ - Yup, I'm back. Can't get rid of me that easily.  8)

What? What 'Hmmm'?

The rest of you comments made me lol.

but they're siblings
Sibling rivalry to the max.

@Hammer Mama -
Pervy Risa, staring at Ai dancing. It is a mesmerizing sight, although personally I find Eri is a more awesome sight to behold when it comes to dance :P *rans away*
XD Honestly, sometimes Risa out dances them both, although Eri and Ai are the two best dancers.

See what I mean by pervy Risa? She's still wanting it when Ai specifically told her to wait XD
Wouldn't you be turned on by a private show from your hot girlfriend? Unintentional though it was.

Well, since you are in little bits, why a super duper tube of glue help? Or do you prefer tape?
I like duct tape. :D

@HaPo-san - Thanks, all in due time.

@baddie -
Oh why must you torture them so?!
It's fun  :twisted:

Then again, they will make it through this just like they made through the past few months...right?
Well, Reina's gotta have a queen for when she takes over the underworld, right?

Could be hotter though, if you know what I mean
What if they were in a burning building? :?

her father is not a Kamei?
I'm not sure if I mentioned it already, but she's adopted. I'll put that in there again later.

  :lol: Omg, I'm glad someone noticed that. It helps me keep track of who's who.

@Baby Sticky - I'm not going anywhere, no more disappearances for a while yet. *pats*

- LOL~ makes me remember the video that Reina commented that Sayu's breast ain't that big either~

 :lol: Which one, she comments a lot on Sayu's breasts. :lol:

It was so random of her at that point of time.
I know, I was like, 'Uh, WTF mate?' but it's cute.

was it all plan that you already knew Koharu is going to graduate hence she is the only one missing (so far..only a little news) from the current line up in the story? haha.. or was it all coincident?
All a coincidence. I actually started this before the graduation announcement. I just find it difficult to write Koharu, so I didn't want to have to deal with her.

-  :welcome So nice of you to join our happy community.  :oops: :oops: Aww, that's sweet of you to say.

What is your fav pairings?
Update...soon... or else... *insert uber evil smirk right here*
Lol, uh wait, you are kidding right? :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Chapter 18&19 3/22)
Post by: rndmnwierd on April 08, 2010, 10:30:23 PM
No updates, but I come baring crappily photoshopped pics! XD Yay!

First, Aika, just something simple (

Then Eri, ignore the random blurring, I suck. (

Next is Reina, a little better. (

Then Risa, I'm happy with this, but I still suck. (

And finally, Ai. This one is hard to make believable because the light in the original is so damn bright. But the curtain on the right is there... (

The last one is the bane of my existence. Six tries and I finally figured it out on the last one, but I was too fed up to do it the right way. I invite anyone to create your own explosive, badass or otherwise cool photoshops and post them here.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Not an update, but worth a look. 4/08)
Post by: kawaii beam on April 08, 2010, 10:46:39 PM
yay~ i get love~ X3

and ur pretty good with adding stuff^^; i fail when it comes to edits like that but i will make u a cooler banner! dont worry! X3
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Not an update, but worth a look. 4/08)
Post by: kuro808 on April 08, 2010, 11:30:24 PM
nice PS works :thumbsup
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Not an update, but worth a look. 4/08)
Post by: writerjunkie on April 08, 2010, 11:59:25 PM
These are some cool graphics. I know you tried hard to make them good. I like them. ^_^ I think the one that seems more realistic to me is the picture of Risa and the shotgun. I do like the one with Ai since I think her face expression matches what she did in the story so I like that one too.

I can't make graphics, but I can try to draw. ^^; I don't promise that my drawings are good or if I will draw since it seems hard for me to draw recently too. T_T But if I get something I'll see if I can draw it and post it since I do enjoy thsi fic.  :D
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Not an update, but worth a look. 4/08)
Post by: SteelReality on April 09, 2010, 02:01:52 AM
Eh... Gakikame and SayuJun as of now (JunRei had an impact on me and thus caused me to start my fangirling in the beginning... however that market is kinda small, therefore semi died down in me... plus GakiKame made an appearance one day... sometime during my fangirling over MM)

Kidding? Who said anything bout kidding?! :D This ain't no joke, doll *Pulls out the newly bought throwing knives and starts twirling* Update...

(Just kiddin... I procrastinate (or used to procrastinate) on updating stories too... *laughs*)
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Not an update, but worth a look. 4/08)
Post by: rndmnwierd on April 09, 2010, 02:34:34 AM
Courtesy of kawaii beam.


That's going on my index!
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Not an update, but worth a look. 4/08)
Post by: rndmnwierd on April 09, 2010, 02:39:12 AM
Eh... Gakikame and SayuJun as of now (JunRei had an impact on me and thus caused me to start my fangirling in the beginning... however that market is kinda small, therefore semi died down in me... plus GakiKame made an appearance one day... sometime during my fangirling over MM)
Ah ha, pretty much nothing this fic centers around. Except for the slight mention of SayuJun earlier and the onesided Gakikame that everyone is convinced that they see. :roll:
Kidding? Who said anything bout kidding?! :D This ain't no joke, doll *Pulls out the newly bought throwing knives and starts twirling* Update...

(Just kiddin... I procrastinate (or used to procrastinate) on updating stories too... *laughs*)
Ehe heh hehe, *tugs collar* Gotta go to work now! *whoosh*
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Not an update, but worth a look. 4/08)
Post by: SteelReality on April 09, 2010, 07:21:50 AM
Ah ha, pretty much nothing this fic centers around. Except for the slight mention of SayuJun earlier and the onesided Gakikame that everyone is convinced that they see. :roll:
Yeah, I know. However, the plot's too intriguing for me to stop reading, even if the pairings aren't my fav.  :P And the whole 'convinced I see GakiKame thing'... works for me!  :wub:


he heh hehe, *tugs collar* Gotta go to work now! *whoosh*

*pats head* that's a good author  :P
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Not an update, but worth a look. 4/08)
Post by: Glasseyelashes on April 15, 2010, 11:54:08 PM
this is my first time posting here. after being linked to this thread, i decided to read every chapter in one go....well i stayed up till 5am and continued at noon today. i must say, this has been one amazing ride! so much tension! i love it! i hope there are more updates to this story, and the long overdue takagaki action.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Not an update, but worth a look. 4/08)
Post by: rndmnwierd on April 16, 2010, 02:13:01 AM
Wow! It's you! I'm quite flattered to hear that praise from one of my fav writers at H!O. :welcome
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Not an update, but worth a look. 4/08)
Post by: lil_hamz on April 19, 2010, 07:41:46 PM
Awww no Sayu? :D

I don't know about you guys but I can't put my trust in a cop who has hair like Reina XD

Hey these aren't bad. I couldn't even come close to PS-ing like this.

Sorry to bring this up. But I'm still hoping for that side story? *runs away* Yep, time to duck before you decide to throw something that would hurt in my direction ^^;
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Not an update, but worth a look. 4/08)
Post by: rndmnwierd on April 20, 2010, 01:45:21 PM
Sayu's there, she's just in disguise, squint at the Eri pic, she's a lamp. Lol, no I'm kidding.

Urgh, I know I can't even get the regular story out, so it might be a while, but I haven't forgotten.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Not an update, but worth a look. 4/08)
Post by: kRisZ on April 24, 2010, 07:52:59 PM
I love Ai's and Risa's... Is it because I'm a TakaGaki lover.?. Hmmm  :pimp:

Sayu's there, she's just in disguise, squint at the Eri pic, she's a lamp. Lol, no I'm kidding.
Sorry I'm quoting this one... but damn   :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Not an update, but worth a look. 4/08)
Post by: Beecubed on July 04, 2010, 11:15:35 AM

Finally read the whole thing from beginning to end (along with all the reader comments!) in 2 days... *phew*

I have to say rndm, I am super impressed by the story, by your writing and the characterisation.  :twothumbs I love that your chapters are longer too. I'm all for lengthy chapters! Thank goodness I read all this in one shot, I think it made that much more of an impact on me  :wub:
I'm a little afraid (as always when I've caught up and begin to read single chapters at a time...) that it won't have the same impact on me now that that I'm finished and am waiting patiently for the next instalment, but I have to trust that you'll come up with the goods every time, as you seem to have done with every chapter!

This is the first time I've read about the Musumes in such a badass world, and I have to admit I absolutely love it! The action, suspense, drama, romance interspersed with comedy... you've really got a pinch of everything in there to keep us reading! Really, really impressive.

My favourite members by a long shot are Ai-chan and Eri, but Gaki in this story totally steals the show  :inlove: She's so bodacious/badass/beautiful! I didn't think she could be so hot >.<
Yep, I'm loving all the characters and their respective specialities, the back stories (especially the flashbacks of how Ai-chan and Gaki first met etc.) and the pairings... I was going for KameShige, but definitely leaning towards TanaShige now. The whole deal with Aika and Jun is really interesting too, very cute!  :heart: But of course, nothing beats TakaGaki (not even the IshiYoshi here, but then you've hardly fleshed those two out so I'm not feeling guilty for saying that  :P). TakaGaki have gone through cute, bittersweet and sexy as hell, it's all there to take into stride  :luvluv1:

The best, most explosive and memorable chapter for me has to be 7.5 And the lines on the map moved from side to side!!!
 :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked:
I'm not exactly sure WHAT I was expecting, but certainly not what you put onto the platter right there. My heart was racing throughout most of this chapter... the action and suspense were top-notch and Gaki was so damn attractive to imagine, I think you really hit a high with this particular chappie... just plain awesome :tama-lotsaluv:

I'm really interested to see how things are going to play out from here... now that they have to take down Reina's father. What kind of confrontation is going to take place? Thinking about it alone is making me sit on the edge of my seat. I hope by the end of this story, we don't have any casualties to grieve over... but I have a feeling you may kill off a character or two >.< it seems like a

But yeah, whatever you're going to put out, I know it's going to be incredible!

Thank you muchly for sharing this story with us  :heart:

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Not an update, but worth a look. 4/08)
Post by: rndmnwierd on July 29, 2010, 11:53:21 PM
Chapter 20: Get out of the Way

Risa awoke to a shifting in bed that indicated her lover was rising once again. The first time had been to work out and take a shower, which the gunner vaguely remembered dozing through, but then Ai had climbed back in beside her and slept for a few hours more. Now, the older was moving about the room, gathering her things for the day. “Where are you going?”

Ai jumped, startled at the unexpected voice, spinning around with her hand over her chest, “Risa!” she let out a breath, “Whew, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you. The therapist isn’t going to even get here until one, so you can sleep in if you like.”

“Where are you going?” the gunner repeated, sitting up in bed, “It’s not even seven yet.”

“I have an appointment at eight, then another at ten, twelve, three and five.” Ai recited, looking up as she recalled the information, “Then I’ll be here to oversee preparations on the attack.”

“I can do that for you.” Risa offered, but was immediately rebuffed, “Why not? I’m not dying, Ai, just sitting around isn’t very strenuous. At this rate, the only thing that’s going to kill me is boredom.”

“Well, I don’t know.” Where it was cute and sweet before, Risa now found her over protectiveness annoying, “How will you get around?”

“Ai, no matter what you say, I’m going to do as I please. You’re my lover, not my keeper, it’s not your responsibility to tell me what I can and can’t do.” The older girl looked a little shocked at her tone and Risa softened her voice, realizing that she wasn’t doing it on purpose, “I know you worry about me, but I know my own limits better than anyone.”

Crawling onto the bed and embracing her gently, Ai sighed into her sweet smelling hair, “I do worry about you and I love you. I want to be here for you while you’re healing, but I can’t be and I know how taxing the therapy is for you. I don’t want anything to happen to you, I don’t think I could live without you again.”

They sat together in each other’s arms for a long moment before Risa reluctantly broke away, “You should go, don’t want to be late.”

“I’ll be done soon, I only have about eleven more after today is done. Then I’ll be home.” Pulling back, Ai finished getting ready, aware of her lover’s eyes on her as she did so. Without turning to face her again, she left, meeting Saki in the hallway, “Let’s go.”

Breathing deliberately, Ai tried to completely erase her mind of thoughts, finding herself unable to forget the sight of Risa’s face this morning. Unbidden, an old memory surfaced from her childhood.

It had been three weeks since Risa first kissed her, three weeks since the younger girl abruptly found herself without a home. It had only been about an hour, though, since Ai had seen her, curled up inside the old condemned house where both had spent the better part of their younger years. Ai simply couldn’t stay away from her, despite the fact that her stubborn pride wouldn’t let her apologize.

Sitting in her lonely room, everything around her reminded her of her companion. In the corner were Risa’s books, in her drawer were Risa’s clothes, the futon that she used was rolled up in the closet. Memories filled her head of them talking all night when they should have been asleep, playing games with each other and laughing comfortably. With a sigh, Ai realized that the only way Risa would ever come back was if Ai went to her first.

It wasn’t pride that kept Risa from coming to her, after all, it was fear. Fear of Ai being mad at her and fear of any retaliation she might incur. Flopping over on her bed and hugging her knees to her chest, the girl sighed again. She really missed Risa and she did want her to come back, but at the same time that kiss still bothered her. The baby bean was so innocent in her affection, never trying to hide it and always happy to show it. Really, this development shouldn’t have been any surprise to Ai, but it was and now she wasn’t sure how to feel.

On the one hand, her heart ached in emptiness without Risa’s presence, but on the other the thought of being with another girl when she’d been taught that it was a bad feeling to have just didn’t sit well with her. What’s more was that she wasn’t sure if she felt uneasy because she didn’t think two girl’s should be together or if she actually felt the same way and was afraid of what other people would think.

Her head was spinning with the weight of her confusing thoughts, not knowing what was right or wrong, not knowing the consequences of feeling the way she was feeling, not even knowing exactly how she was feeling. The only thing she knew for sure was that she wanted Risa there with her.

Looking over to the side, Ai could imagine Risa, laying on her stomach and smiling gently at her, reaching out to affectionately stroke her hair. The younger girl always knew just what to say to make her feel better, she really had a way with words. Unable to stop herself, a happy smile lit up her own face at the thought of her companion, only to fade when she realized what she was doing.

Risa’s birthday was coming up in two days, Ai remembered, and she had originally been planning an elaborate party, now she wasn’t sure what to do. Putting her head down into her folded arms, Ai sighed yet again, flashing back to the day at the creek. They’d been sitting quietly, comfortable in each other’s presence, and Ai had turned, feeling eyes on the side of her face. Risa had been staring at her with a soft smile that made a warmth swell in her heart.

Slowly, the future gunner reached out to draw Ai in close, staring straight into her soul with those chocolate colored orbs and the older girl had been powerless to resist. Gently, lips as soft as silk pressed against her own, moist and inviting, and Ai shifted closer as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Then, all at once, what she was doing hit her and before she could think, Ai was up and running. Now, when she thought back on it, she felt a deep regret and sorrow fill her. Rolling over and pulling a pillow over her head, Ai groaned loudly, torn about what she wanted to do.

The memory poofed away under Ai’s mental exercises, her mind clearing of all thoughts and uncertainties. Now, she was just an actor playing a part, she was no longer Takahashi Ai, whose heart belonged to Niigaki Risa, now she was Takahashi-dono, who had work to do.


Sitting on a bench in the manor’s gym, Aika watched attentively the two girls in front of her. As the second part of their ‘Make Lin Cool’ quest, Jun and her had decided to teach the girl some solid self defense. Currently, the oldest girl was showing Lin how to bob and weave, but instead of looking like a boxer, the hacker just looked like a spaz. Aika couldn’t help but laugh, “Maybe we should come back to that later?” she called out, to Jun’s agreement.

Moving on to other lessons, Aika observed and occasionally threw in her thoughts, but since fighting was the hitter’s expertise, there really wasn’t much for her to say. With nothing in particular to occupy her mind, her thoughts inevitably turned dark. Even though, with Jun and Lin’s forceful help, she was out and about, her trauma was not so easily forgotten. It was obvious in the way she jumped at random noises or if someone touched her.

A figure entering the gym caught her eye and Aika turned to see Reina making her way around some equipment towards her. She acknowledged the cop with an affectionate grin, her thoughts melting away under her pleased surprise at seeing her aneki. They’d become quite close over the holidays, both of their rather aggressive personalities fitting together easily.

“Hey kiddo,” Reina greeted a bit seriously, “How are you holding up?”

Aika blinked at her in surprise, the straightforward nature not bothering her so much as the fact that the older girl knew she was feeling down, “What do you mean?” She feigned ignorance and earned herself a stern look.

“I noticed that you were looking blue at breakfast, do you want to talk about it?” It appeared as though the older girl wasn’t going to take no for an answer and Aika thought hard about how to phrase her answer.

“I’ll be fine.” she began slowly, “I mean, really, it’s still hard, how does one get over something like that, after all?” Reina nodded in understanding. “Jun and Lin have been a real help, dragging me around and keeping my mind off of everything, but I still think about it sometimes. How can I not? It was a close call, if you guys had been five minutes later, then…” She shivered and Reina laid a hand on her shoulder.

“Hey now, we weren’t five minutes later, we got to you in time-” the cop was cut off by Aika shaking her head.

“But what if you weren’t?” She insisted, “I dream about it every night, each nightmare more horrible than the last. The things she could have done to me in just five minutes. Sometimes in my dreams, I don’t get the marker stuck to the window and you guys spend hours searching for the right apartment. Sometimes she kills me afterward and, worse yet, sometimes, she keeps me alive.” She didn’t even realize that the more frantic her speech got, the more tears threatened to spill from her eyes, until Reina’s hands gently cupped her face, bringing her attention to the older girl.

“We weren’t late, Aika, we’d never be late. It was a close call, true, but we all live our lives by close calls. There will be other times and it may sound harsh, but you need to get used to it.” As if to offset her blunt words, Reina stroked her face gently. “Now, what are you doing sulking over here? You should be out there, helping Jun.”

“She doesn’t need my help with that, I’m not nearly as knowledgeable. Lin’s in good hands.” Aika countered.

“I beg to differ. Teaching is good and all, but the only way to really learn is through experience, don’t you think? And you need to train, too.” Reina pointed out, “Why don’t you go spar with Lin Lin?”

“Spar?” Aika blinked at her, “Is that really a good idea?”

“Yeah, sure. Put on some gloves, a helmet and we’ll scrounge up a mouth piece or two, I know I saw some still packaged around here somewhere.” The cop ‘hmm’ed. “Hey Jun!” she called out to the taller girl, catching her attention as she caught Lin’s fist, “Let’s let these two gear up.”

The Chinese girl hesitated, but eventually, Reina talked her into to helping Lin into the bright red pads and soon the two youngest girls were facing each other on the mat. “I can’t hit Lin Lin.” Aika finally said after the two had a long stare down, “It just doesn’t seem right.”

“Yeah, I don’t want to fight against Mitsui-san.” Lin agreed, “I mean, it’s hard enough to throw a punch at Jun.”

“Well, why don’t you just pretend Lin is Miyoshi? It’ll give you a chance to work out some anger.” The little yankii suggested, “And Lin, pretend Aika is a cheeseburger.”

“Cheeseburger?” The hacker asked incredulously, not noticing Aika’s eyes unfocus at the mention of her former assailant, “Do you want me to fight her or try to eat her?” she didn’t even get a chance to chuckle before she was tackled to the ground by a possessed Aika, fists flying.

Blinking in surprise on the side lines, Jun and Reina watched the one sided battle, “Who’s bright idea was this?” The hitter finally asked dryly, going over to pull the thief away, the girl beginning to scream obscenities about Miyoshi.

Rubbing the back of her head sheepishly, Reina followed, looking down at the unconscious hacker, “Whoops, my bad.”


Later in the evening, Reina knocked on the door to Risa and Ai’s bedroom, entering when she got the go ahead. The two were curled up together on the bed watching a movie, Lin Lin between them, cuddled into Ai’s side and sporting a black eye. They looked like a family and the cop was surprised at the scene for a moment, before remembering her original intention for coming here, “Gaki-san, I need some advice.”

Turning towards Ai, Risa motioned silently for her to give them a moment. The demo expert gently led the still sore hacker out to the sitting room, “Is this about Sayumin?” Risa asked once they were alone.

Nodding, Reina sat down gingerly on the side of the bed, “I don’t know what to do about her. I was hoping you could give me some ideas.”

The gunner looked upwards as she thought for a moment, “I think you should pursue her.”

“Eh~?” Ai exclaimed from where she had been eavesdropping at the door, coming fully back into the room, “Pursue? That’s the last thing you should do. You need to give her space!”

“What the- she asked for my help, not yours!” Risa pouted at her lover.

The demo expert rolled her eyes, “Well, you’re giving her the wrong help.”

“What? You- Get out of here!” Risa shooed, throwing a pillow at the woman. The fluffy projectile impacted against the quickly closed door. “Don’t listen to her, go after Sayumin.”

“What makes your advice right? I was actually leaning towards giving her space.” Reina countered, eliciting a huff.

“That’s the last thing you should do for someone like Sayumin, if you back off, she’ll think you’ve lost interest. What you need to do is be there, let her know how you feel, let her know that you desire her.” Her words made Reina blush slightly.

“Desire.” she murmured and the bean nodded.

“Yes, get her alone tomorrow and corner her, state you feelings bluntly and honestly, take charge. She’ll melt, but it will take her time before she’ll come to you. Keep it up, let her know that you’re waiting, get up close and personal if you have to, but don’t go farther than she’s comfortable with or it will scare her away. The trick is to be in control while letting her feel that she is.”

“How do you know this will work.” Reina asked, just this side of desperate.

Risa smiled wryly, “Because she’s just like Ai-chan and this is the same advice your father gave to me when I asked for his help with her.”

That got Reina’s attention, “My father?” she repeated to make sure she’d heard right. Risa nodded and they sat in silence for a moment, “How did you two end up getting together? When my father and I went to Yokohama that time, you were living in the old house again. We had thought Ai-chan had put you up.”

“Ah, you never did get the whole story did you? I was living there because Ai freaked out on me when I kissed her. It took a whole month for her to let me come back, but when I did, I told her I loved her every chance I got. At first, she was surprised and I thought she might just kick me out again, but she didn’t. It took months before she stopped getting that wide eyed deer in headlights look when I said it.” Risa recalled with a smile.

“When she got used to it, then I stepped it up; I kissed her, on the cheek at first and whenever she wasn’t paying me any attention, which was often. Ai was a spacey kid.” The gunner chuckled, eyes getting cloudy in her memories, “The first time, well, second time I kissed her on the lips, I thought she was going to hit me, but instead, her face just turned completely red.”

“I waited six weeks before I did it again, then a month, then two weeks. Eventually, I was kissing her every day until I got into the habit of waking her up with a kiss in the morning.” Risa paused and Reina tilted her head curiously, fully engrossed in the story.

“When did it change for her?” She inquired eagerly and a love struck smile spread across her companion’s face.

The bean slowly came into consciousness, groggily becoming aware of herself and her position laying face up in bed. Just as her eyes began to flutter open, a soft pressure against her mouth caught her attention. Instinctively, she moved her lips, feeling the warmth try to mimic her actions. Finally, she realized just what was going on and focused on Ai’s face right in front of her.

Startled, she broke away, panting lightly, “Ai? What-?” but she was cut off when those lips fell upon her own again. This time, much more awake than before, Risa threw herself into the kiss, overjoyed when Ai responded in kind and even poked her tongue out to run across the bean’s lips. Before things could get too heated, the older girl parted from Risa’s mouth.

“I love you, too.” she said simply, before diving back in again.

Both girls sighed dreamily as Risa retold the story, “That’s so sweet.” Reina commented.

“I don’t think you’ll have to wait as long as I did.” The gunner replied, coming back to the original reason for their gathering, “Just keep telling her how you feel, push her boundaries a little and let her come to the inevitable conclusion on her own time. I know she likes you, she looks at you the way Ai looks at me. It will just take some time”

“Thanks for the advice, Gaki-san.” The cop impulsively hugged the older woman, “I’ll do my best.”


The pounding music echoed in the large VIP section, the Tanaka lieutenants laughing and talking as girls danced on silver poles in front of them. The room was large, half the size of the regular club and twice as nice, it rested on the second floor, overlooking the main area from the catwalks above, where the flashing lights hung. There were two entrances to the room, one door that led into the pounding club itself and an emergency exit that opened onto a small fire escape with a roof access.

The VIP room itself had it’s own bathrooms, nestled in between two of the stages on the left side of the room. There were six stages total, two each on the left and right walls and one each on the front and back walls. In the empty spaces were comfortable chairs, big enough to seat two people on top of each other. The top right corner was empty to keep from blocking the exit and the bottom right corner was filled with armless chairs for lap dance purposes.

Currently the room was filled with skimpily dressed women, some on the stage, some as accessories for the VIPs and a few walking around serving drinks. The Tanaka lieutenants, plus Maimi, were spread out in small groups around the room, Chion the only brother in the corner enjoying a lap dance. Maimi and Erino were leaning against the wall next to the bathrooms, talking to each other easily, while Fujita stood nearby, looking a little out of place.

The lieutenants weren’t the only VIPs in the room and there was a scattering of business suited men about, all seeming to enjoy themselves. The brothers laughed and drank and music filled the air with a pounding beat, blending into the din of conversation. Everyone appeared to be completely relaxed.

The atmosphere suddenly exploded into chaos as the door leading from the main club burst open and four familiar young women armed to the teeth pointed angry looking assault rifles at the crowd. The Tanaka gang wasted no time in grabbing hostages and taking cover, their movements seeming to snap the civilians out of a state of shock, for they immediately scattered into screaming masses for the emergency exit.

Before anyone could even reach the other exit, it flew inward and banged against the wall, three more young women standing there, dressed similarly, the middle one speaking up in an intimidating timber, “Hit the floor! Now!”

Her waving assault rifle convinced them to follow her instructions and everyone dove for the floor, crawling as far away from the drawn weapons as possible. By now, the oldest five brothers were clutching half dressed women to them as shields and aiming their pistols over their shoulders at their enemies. The hulking Toshio stood half crouched next to a stage cracking his knuckles, while Maimi, Erino and Fuji had overturned some chairs and peeked over them, weapons bared at the girls.

Chion and Akio exchanged a look and simultaneously aimed upwards, shooting out as many flashing lights as they could. The already dim room darkened to almost complete blackness, illuminated only by the small bulbs that surrounded each stage. The brothers wasted no time in firing towards the girls’ last known locations, muzzle flashes illuminating them in the dark room for an instant.

Screams echoed around the room as a few bullets tore into some innocents, sending even more panic rippling through the crowd. As per the plan, the girls split up, aiming to separate the brothers to make them easier to deal with. Saki and Jun headed towards where they had seen the bathrooms, while the others darted at the huddled group, swinging their rifles life bats and clobbering most of the brothers away.

Jun grabbed Erino and Fuji, and threw them as hard as she could away from Saki. About that time, the emergency lights flicked on, bathing everything in a red glow. Saki and Maimi froze, staring at each other for a long moment. Then the taller girl lunged forward, hands gripping her girl’s shoulder and tossing her bodily through the bathroom door. Saki regained her footing quickly and tackled Maimi into the sink, fists flying into her sides.

The taller girl tried ineffectually to stop her before finally bringing a knee up sharply into her gut, eliciting a gasp and forcing Saki to back away. Maimi wasted no time in slugging her girl in the jaw, sending her flying back again, falling to the floor. As she went over to start pounding her, Saki kicked her hard in the knee and Maimi fell on the floor next to her.

Saki rolled over on top of her and drew back her fist like she was going to punch her, Maimi glaring up at her defiantly. The captain paused, locking eyes again, fist slowly falling to her side. Then, she lunged forward, but instead of attacking in the conventional sense, she instead sealed her lips to Maimi’s, the other girl returning the kiss fiercely.

The taller wrapped her arms tightly around her girl, rolling them over so that she was on top. “Oh god, Saki.” Maimi sighed when they parted, “I’ve missed you so much. We haven’t even spoken since this whole thing started.”

“I know, I’ve missed you, too.” Saki replied, fingers running through her girl’s shoulder length hair. She tilted her head back to expose her neck submissively, an action she only did around Maimi, and the girl placed gentle kisses along the smooth expanse.

Meanwhile, out in the main room, it was looking like a free-for-all, Jun was expertly keeping Erino and Fuji from making any contact with her while simultaneously wearing them down with a series of quick blows. Reina was duking it out with Akio, using her assault rifle like a bludgeoning tool and having long ago knocked his pistol away. Ai was taking a beating from Etsuo, but was still managing to hang in there.

Eri and Sayu were pretty even with Daisuke and Baku, frustrating the men to no end and Chion was still across the room, trying his damndest to get a shot in, but there was so much movement, he couldn’t tag anyone. This left Aika with the hulking Toshio, the only one to rival the head of the Tanaka clan himself in size.

They stared at each other for a moment, Aika holding her rifle in a death grip and Toshio sizing her up. Then the big man smirked, reaching out a meaty paw to grab her. Aika snapped out of her fear and dove to the side, having to move again immediately once the man proved to be faster than he looked. The little thief could only dodge his enormous paws, his frustrated growl rumbling in his chest. She could barely get out of the way, much less think about actively going on the assault.

Finally, Aika stumbled and knew that he was finally going to grab her, probably intent on crushing the life out of her with his bare hands. At the last moment, Toshio shifted, unconsciously giving Aika the second she needed for her body to react. The loud report of her rifle sounded over the din of fighting and everyone froze on the spot in surprise. The most stunned would have been the eighth lieutenant himself, looking down at the blood that was quickly oozing out of his chest, where four holes had been punched out.

Toshio stepped forward jerkily, still reaching for his prey, but fell to one knee instead, hands going to his chest, “You shot me.” he mumbled in confusion, slumping down onto his butt and leaning against a chair behind him, “You killed me.”

Aika gaped at him, assault rifle falling from limp fingers, “I shot you.” she repeated, “I killed you.”

Ai, thinking quickly, darted forward and grabbed the young thief by the wrist, “Go! Go! Go! Now!” she called out boomingly, the whole group, including Saki, who had come from the bathroom at the sound of gunfire, made for the fire escape door. The Tanaka lieutenants all gathered around their fallen comrade, unable to do anything but watch as they life drained out of him. No words were spoken in the aftermath. None were need to know that they would not take this lying down.


Live~! I command you to live! *zaps this thread*

@Beecubed - You read the whole thing in two days?! Holy crap!
Thanks for the praise, though I'm not sure how I feel about the pressure, lol, but I'll do my best.
Risa really does dominate, but she's my personal fav, so why not ;)
Ah, thanks for more praise, you know, I could really get used to all this ego stroking. XD
Thanks so much for your review, it was really thought out well. Kind of embarrasses me to think someone put that effort in for little ole me. :oops:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Finally! Ch 20 7/29)
Post by: xanimefreak13x on July 30, 2010, 02:48:21 AM
*ish hyperventilating from happiness* I'm literally jumping for joy here  :cow: 
I've been following this for some time already...
Sorry for not commenting before :nervous but I really, really, REALLY love your fic :wub: it's single-handedly the best I've ever read~ I mean, not only is there romance, but there's awesome actions scenes also, which makes it  :heart: :wub:

sorry, I just really needed to get that out of my system  :oops: *goes to read the new chapter now*
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Finally! Ch 20 7/29)
Post by: kawaii beam on July 30, 2010, 03:26:50 AM
lsvduc  KVk ge YES~!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11


holy cow aika shot and killed him!O.O great another thing for the poor kid to have nightmares about! ur evil! D:

anf young takagaki~! X3 kawaii wants more please~!*puppy dog eyes*

maybe now the hcappies will go faster hm~? XD
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Finally! Ch 20 7/29)
Post by: oddball on July 30, 2010, 03:07:29 PM
Poor Aika now has to deal with killing someone! U just beaing mean to her now! :cry:

Operation 'make Lin look cool' wasn't much of a succes then?  :lol: I wonder if Jun will need to be there for Aika again?

Reina goint to Risa for advice, hmm so is ReiSayu on the cards then?
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Finally! Ch 20 7/29)
Post by: badsaints on July 31, 2010, 03:59:40 AM
Ooh yay an update! :cow:

The wait was so so worth it. Love the TakaGaki's history and the actions. And Risa is right! Don't give up on Sayu, Reina! :D
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Finally! Ch 20 7/29)
Post by: stefy on August 01, 2010, 10:52:25 PM
Yippie~ update! You lives too!

Takagaki history lessons were interesting.. Reina please make use of those word of wisdom from Risa in time to come! XD 
Oh no.. Another trauma for Aika to go through? Why do u torture her so?!

Btw.. Omg! Saki and Maimi was.. Whew weet!
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Finally! Ch 20 7/29)
Post by: rndmnwierd on August 03, 2010, 08:07:51 AM
@xanimefreak13x - Haha, thanks for the enthusiasm, :oops: but if you think I'm good, I might as well take some time to plug Essy-sama and rokun's fics. Both have more than a few stories floating around, so I hope you've read at least one of each of their's~!
Sorry for not commenting before
Like I always say, better late than never!

@Kawaiwai - I'm sure this isn't the last you've seen of me tormenting Aika(really, I do like her) and young Takagaki(whom are so cute to imagine)

@oddball - Mean to Aika? No way, you haven't seen mean yet. :twisted: And yes, Tanashige should start picking up.

@HaPo-san - Sorry for taking so long, inspiration left me stuck on just one part, but once I got past it, it all flowed again. Can you guess where? I'll give you a hint, it got really random for a moment. :sweatdrop:

@baddie - Yay! A cow! :cow: I'm glad you weren't disappointed! Don't worry, I'm sure Reina will take the advice she asked for....Right?

No, I'm just kidding, she totally will. Tanashige next chapter, at least, a little taste of it.

@stefy - I lives and my thread is as the Creature. I like to torture Aika for some reason, maybe because I really have nothing else to do with her. She's a pretty resilient kid, though, she'll probably be fine. Mostly. You know, I think you were the only person to comment on the SakiMaimi (Sami? Saimi? Maiki? We really need an official name for this pairing) Does that mean no one was surprised at the random make out session?  :lol: XD I'm becoming too predictable. XD :lol:

Expect an update in maybe a week. Maybe less if I feel like it :P
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Finally! Ch 20 7/29)
Post by: Kuji on August 03, 2010, 02:24:17 PM
^ Oh me! Me! I was totally suprised by what Panick and I call "The Shimijima" (because it sounds like a funky dance XD ). That made my brain explode a little but in a good way. Risa needs to get back into the action! As much fun as it is to have Risa confined to a bed. 8) Heh, I enjoyed TakaGaki's different opinions on TanaShige but I'm with the bean on this one. :3

Please feel like updating sooner. :P *leaves offering* (
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Finally! Ch 20 7/29)
Post by: rndmnwierd on August 03, 2010, 02:38:18 PM
^ Oh me! Me! I was totally suprised by what Panick and I call "The Shimijima" (because it sounds like a funky dance XD ). That made my brain explode a little but in a good way. Risa needs to get back into the action! As much fun as it is to have Risa confined to a bed. 8) Heh, I enjoyed TakaGaki's different opinions on TanaShige but I'm with the bean on this one. :3

Shimijima, I like that. I think I'm going to start using that, lol.

Please feel like updating sooner. :P *leaves offering* (

COOKIES!! *nom nom nom* <.< >.> <.< You persuaded me, but just this once.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Finally! Ch 20 7/29)
Post by: rndmnwierd on August 03, 2010, 02:42:00 PM
Chapter 21: It's a Busy Day

Ai’s eyes fluttered open at a sound from across the room. The bedroom was still dark and she lay in confusion for a moment, unsure exactly what had awaken her until she noticed that Risa was no longer beside her. The sound, a quiet groan, came from behind her and Ai rolled over to find the source.

On the floor, on a work out mat, was Risa, stretching out her legs with the aid of an elastic band. Sweat beaded on her forehead and Ai wondered how long she had been at it, obviously trying her best not to wake her sleeping lover. She lay on her back, one foot in the air with the band settled into her arch, pulling hard and knee shaking in an effort to not fold.

Her therapy had come far in such a short time and Ai couldn’t help but be impressed at her determination. She had always known that whatever the girl put her mind to, she would do with every ounce of herself. At this rate, Risa would be able to walk normally in just a few more days. As she watched, head propped up on one arm, Risa finally relaxed, legs falling flat to the ground and panting quietly.

The gunner turned her head and met the eyes of her intent lover, seeming surprised to see her awake. Ai threw the covers off and crawled out of bed on her hands and knees, looking very much like a feline predator. Risa lay there, as if a prey accepting her fate, waiting for this big cat to descend upon her. The demo expert reached her, placing her hands on either side of her ribs, their sides pressed together.

They stared at each other for a long moment, before Risa reached up to lace her fingers together on the nape of Ai’s neck, the older girl complying with the unspoken request by leaning forward to seal their lips together, her hand slowly slipping underneath the gunner’s shirt to rest on her belly.

Their tongues came together fiercely, each girl fighting for dominance. Despite the fact that the young bean was on top of her girlfriend, Ai was clearly winning the battle, her hands wandering underneath Risa’s shirt to caress her smooth back distracting the younger girl enough to let Ai control their kiss. Ai’s parents were at work and there had been an earthquake earlier that had sent the girls scrambling for cover and then comfort with each other, which had inevitably led to this.

Risa sat up suddenly, eyes hooded as she looked down at her girlfriend. Ai slowly slid her hands up underneath her shirt to rest on her stomach, she raised her eyebrows to ask for permission to continue and for the first time, got a nod in response. Hands suddenly trembling, she moved them up gingerly, aiming towards her goal with sweet anticipation. No sooner did her fingertips make contact with the silky bra did a knock rap loudly against the front door.

The two teens jumped apart, startled at their interruption. They stared at each other, unsure as the knock sounded again, but reluctantly untangled themselves from each other and headed towards the door. Ai swung the door open and greeted the uniformed officer, “Yes?” she asked curiously, Risa peeking at him from behind her, an ominous feeling filling them both at his somber look.

“Are you Takahashi Ai? Daughter of Takahashi Jin and Yui?” Now completely worried, Ai nodded slowly, “I’m sorry to inform you of this, but your parents are both dead.” he continued in an uncaring monotone, forging ahead at her shocked look and Risa‘s gasp, “The earthquake this morning collapsed their building and their bodies were among the first to be pulled out of the rubble. Neither suffered, they were killed instantly.” he said as if it were some kind of consolation.

Ai couldn’t speak, her mind kept repeating his words. Dead, dead, dead. Her parents were dead. Dead, dead, dead. Her parents were dead. She didn’t even realize that she was sinking to the floor, too shocked for even tears to come, too shocked to feel Risa’s tears on her shoulder as the younger girl joined her on the ground, too shocked to notice the officer close the door and leave, his grim job complete.

Her parents were dead. Dead, dead, dead. Her parents were Dead Dead DEAD DEAD!!! She shoved Risa away and ran, not hearing the bean give chase; she ran with only one thought in her head, dead, dead, dead.

A knock sounded on the door lightly, a familiar voice calling through to announce herself, “Ai-chan, it’s Saki.” The lovers broke apart, breathing heavily, “It’s time to get up, we have a few appointments today.”

“Alright, I’ll be right there.” Ai called out, planting one last kiss on Risa’s lips before she stood to get ready for the day.


Sayumi averted her eyes from the dark, intense stare that came from the cop across the breakfast table, keeping up a conversation with Eri next to her. Lately, Reina had seems to come to some sort of personal conclusion and ever since, she had been making eyes at the con. It made the normally unflappable Sayu feel nervous and she was definitely sure she didn’t like that.

Long ago having finished her meal, Reina was waiting for Sayumi to finish hers, staring intently as she picked at her eggs. She couldn’t help the smirk that crawled across her face at the obvious unease she was putting the con through. Suddenly, Sayu excused herself and beat a hasty retreat, Reina hot on her heels.

They traveled through a dark, mostly unused back hallway, Reina grabbing Sayu’s arm when she was close enough and swinging her around to trap her against the wall, “Sayumi.” she whispered, pressing against the struggling girl, “Why do you look so afraid of me?”

“I’m not afraid of you. Leave me alone.” Sayu reached up to push against Reina’s shoulder, quickly having both arms slammed against the wall, wrists constricted in a gentle grip. The cop slid her thigh in between the con’s legs, pressing upwards and causing her to gasp. “Reina.” she breathed when the yankii ground slowly against her.

Warm lips pressed against Sayumi’s ear, “I want you.” was whispered harshly, teeth taking a nip. “I want you like this.” Hips thrust forward and the con felt her knees weaken, “And I…” Reina paused, pulling back a little to stare into Sayu’s now open eyes. Her own dark orbs conveyed a million feelings that neither could name exactly.

The con moaned and Reina released her, backing away a step, one hand lingering to caress Sayu’s cheek. Then she turned and walked away, leaving the con mostly stunned at the event and wanting more.


Eri was sitting on the couch in one of the manor’s numerous living rooms, watching television placidly until Sayu stumbled into the room, looking quite dazed. The cop blinked at her slowly, sleepily as she flopped down next to her, “You look like Reina just trapped you in the hallway and did naughty things to you.” When the con turned wide eyes to her, Eri matched them in size. “She did?!”

Sayumi could only nod and they were quiet for a long moment. Suddenly, the stunned con burst into laughter, catching a surprised look from her companion, “I can’t believe she did that to me. I thought I had a docile little kitty on my hands, only to find out that big housecat was actually a wild cat!” She held her stomach as she continued to chuckle, “I think I like it. She suddenly became that much more challenging.”

Eri laughed quietly at her hilarity, not quite understanding, but feeling amused anyway. Suddenly, a subdued ringtone sounded throughout the room, wiping Eri’s smile away. She answered it quickly in a business like tone, “Yes, Chief.” She received her instructions seriously, “I understand, sir.” Sayu watched her curiously as her expression changed to a suddenly lighter one, “Yes, father, I know. I will. I love you, too, bye.”

“You usually call your father ‘Chief’?” Sayumi asked quizzically.

“I do when he’s the Chief of Police.” Eri said ironically, to the con’s surprise.

“Keichi Sawajiri is your father?” She exclaimed, “But you don’t even have the same last name!”

“That’s because I’m adopted.” Eri explained easily, “I grew up on the streets and in an orphanage. My father adopted me when I was fourteen, when his wife was still alive. She couldn’t have any children of her own, so he wanted someone at least. Before my name could be changed, though, she died in a car accident and he decided to just keep me anyway.”

“Heh~” Sayu hummed in understanding, “Did you ever know your real parents?”

“My father left my mother when I was really small, so I don’t know him at all, but I remember my mother clearly.” She absently reached up to clutch her left ear, rubbing it gently, “She died of illness when I was ten.”

“Did they take you to the orphanage after that?” The con inquired, quite interested in the story.

“No, I lived on my own for a while. Believe it or not, most street people take care of their own, kids especially stick together in large groups. Kids are also the most violent.” she finished ominously, dropping her hand from her ear. Not sure what to say to that, Sayumi just kept quiet. “But I’m here now, none the worse for wear.”


“Wow!” Lin exclaimed as Aika quickly and expertly shed herself of the locked handcuffs, “Show me again!” she pleaded, causing Jun to chuckle from the sidelines.

Aika, who seemed to recover quickly from the shock of her first kill, grinned and locked her hands together in front of her, “Okay, watch.” she held out a bobby pin and began to bend it as she spoke, “Make it look like this, after you pull the plastic ends off, and shove it into the lock, using this bend to push down the little post. Then just twist until…” and she did, the handcuffs opening as if by magic.

“That’s so cool~!” Lin exclaimed, clapping her hands, “Now show me the other way again!” she grinned eagerly.

Aika plucked a safety pin from her collar, locking her hands in front of her again, “If you can’t pick it, shim it.” she continued with a smile at the hackers infectious excitement, “*Handcuffs resize automatically to fit their captives by means of serrated teeth that go through a one-way ratchet. If you have a thin, stiff piece of wire- say the tip of a safety pin-” Aika said ironically, “you might be able to shim the ratchet open. To do this,” she went on, demonstrating as she talked, “slip this between the teeth and the ratchet. If done right…*” she gave a little grunt and the cuffs opened enough for her to slip her hand through, “Viola!”

The hacker applauded again, “Okay, I think I get it. I can try now.” She allowed Aika to cuff her hands in front of her and accepted the already bent bobby pin. She gingerly placed it in the lock and wiggled it slowly, adjusting it to press down on the little pin inside. After a few minutes of fiddling, Aika and Jun watching her closely, the handcuffs clicked and opened widely, “I did it!” Lin exclaimed, jumping up and down, “Yay!”

“Good, now try the shim.” Aika instructed and the hacker complied quickly. It only took her a few seconds to be able to slip her hands free and she cheered again, not noticing the other two exchanging an evil, mischievous look. “You know, Lin,” The thief began as the hacker allowed Jun to guide her into a chair, “Usually they won’t cuffs you with your hands in front of you.” The chair was simple and wooden, with three vertical beams connecting three horizontal beams to make the back.

Lin squeaked when her hands were forcefully pulled behind her, the cuff chain slipping against one of the vertical beams as she was cuffed. She tugged on the metal entrapments, unable to move them at all. The bobby pin was placed in her hand and the safety pin was clipped onto her belt loop, “If you can’t pick it, shim it.” Jun reminded her, “We’re going to get some lunch,” she said, placing the hacker’s cell phone on the floor about twenty feet in front of her, “Call us when you get free and we’ll pick you up something.”

“Guys? Wait!” Lin tugged at her cuffs as they walked out the door, “Guys!? Guys! This isn’t funny!” But the only response she got was their laughter as they left. “Damn it.” she muttered when she was sure she was alone. Guess she had no choice now.

*This explanation is taken, pretty much verbatim, from the book More Forbidden Knowledge by Matt Forbeck* Good book, really interesting.


Ai was passing through the hallway, having just come back from her duties, when she heard a familiar voice belting out an unfamiliar song. “**Well, if they freed me from this prison, if that railroad train was mine, I bet I'd move out over a little farther down the line. Far from Folsom Prison, that’s where I’d want to be.**” Her English accent was actually pretty good and Ai stuck her head into the room where the voice floated out and found Lin, handcuffed to a chair and singing loudly as she played with the cuffs behind her.

“Lin Lin!” Ai exclaimed, catching the girl’s attention and causing her to jump, dropping her bobby pin on the floor, “What happened!?” she marched over and kneeled in front of her.

“Oh, Aika is teaching me how to pick handcuffs.” Lin explained, trying ineffectually to reach the fallen bobby pin. She sighed when she couldn’t and reached for the safety pin on her pants, “It’s hard to do this when you can’t see, so I think she wanted me to practice. I haven’t had any luck so far though.”

“Where are they?” Ai asked, knowing that wherever Aika was, Jun wasn’t far behind.

“They went for lunch.” The hacker made a face when she stuck herself with the pin in the hand, “Ouch. They’ve been gone a while now, though, I wonder what they got.”

“They just left you here?” The demo expert asked, appalled, “Handcuffed to a chair!?”

“Um, yeah.” Lin replied as though that was obvious, “It’s good practice.” Her eyes popped open and the cuffs clicked, “I did it!” she pulled her hands forward, cuffs still hanging off of one of them. It was gone with a few quick pokes, “I did it!” She stood and jumped around, then dived for her phone, clicking a number in her contacts. As the phone rang, she bounced on the balls of her feet, face a perfect figure of innocent happiness, “Jun! I’m free! I want cake! Buy me cake!” she demanded of the older girl before hanging up. She turned to Ai, still on the floor, “Let’s go get some lunch to celebrate, Ai-nee-chan.”

Getting to her feet, Ai patted the hacker on the top of her head affectionately, she really liked it when the younger girl called her that. She really was like a little sister to Ai and the demo expert strived to be a good big sister for her, “Sure, anywhere you want.” she let the girl take her by the hand and drag her off, following behind cheerfully.

**This song is, of course, Folsom Prison Blues by the indomitable Johnny Cash**


“Okay guys, time to talk more strategy.” Risa said, sitting at the head of the war table, “You all did good on the attack on the club, minimal civilian casualties and we gave them a huge blow by taking out their muscle. Good job, Aika.” Risa nodded at the young thief, who appeared a little uncomfortable at the praise, “Now, we have to press the advantage, Tanakacchi?” she nodded to the younger girl, who stood and spread out some papers on the table.

“I’ve just received some intel on a shipment of weapons that are coming in from Vietnam to a port in Tokyo. Now, it’s taking a very roundabout way to get here, but there it is and it should arrive at about noon tomorrow. According to my intel, it’s a very big shipment and a target that could set them back at least a few weeks, maybe long enough for us to do some more damage.” She pointed out a building, “This is where they’ll unload the cargo and store whatever they can’t carry that day, this would be the best place to launch an attack, but I think we’ll face heavy resistance.”

“And to best deal with that resistance?” Ai asked as she studied a map of the dock.

“Start high and take out the spotters first, then work our way down and take out everyone else we come across as quickly and quietly as possible. Once we hit the first floor, whoever’s down there won’t have any back up and we can take them out easily.” Reina finished, sitting down and crossing her legs.

“Sounds like a good plan to me, but it’ll just be you seven again.” Risa reminded, “Will you guys be okay or do you need more support?”

“I want to go this time.” Lin suddenly spoke up, catching the attention of the whole table, “I want to help you.”

“No way.” Ai answered immediately, “It’s too dangerous.”

“I’m a big girl Ai-chan, I can take care of myself.” Lin reasoned gently, “I know I’m not as able as Jun Jun or Gaki-san, but I’m no slouch. I’ve been training with everyone else and learning how to shoot. I’m as good as Aika is and you let her go.”

Ai faltered, unable to argue with such reason, “I- well. Alright, you can come, but you stay with me.” she compromised. Lin was too happy to argue; her first field mission. How exciting!


So it's a bit of a filler, but I still think there's a lot going on here. What do you guys think?
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 21 8/3)
Post by: kawaii beam on August 03, 2010, 07:44:56 PM
....thats the worst way to find out that ur parents are right when ur gonna do it with ur gf only in the next min find out that they're gone?! god! ur so evil to ai-chan! shame on u!

plus LOL at linlin, she just talks so casualy to ai while she's tied up XDDD its pretty cute~ XDD AILIN SISTERLYLOVE FTW~!

and tanashige.....dont get me started plz~! XD

and eri could never be more right, kids are pretty brutal...atleast she's out of that now?
 :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :thumbsup :wub: :inlove:
kawaii loves u~ X3*hugs* XD
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 21 8/3)
Post by: stefy on August 04, 2010, 09:04:50 AM
Hahaha I so love the way you write LinLin.. SO CUTE! Even when she's being 'bullied' by Aika and Jun she's still somewhat oblivious to it XD

“And I…” Reina paused, pulling back a little to stare into Sayu’s now open eyes. Her own dark orbs conveyed a million feelings that neither could name exactly.

Woo tanashige~ "And I..." What? And I what~??? Why did you make Reina end her words that wayyyy~?!
One thing tho... can you pleeasee pleaseee write more events that include more of Eri????

Btw.. ShimiJima sounds funky-funny. But somehow for some reason I keep picturing a zebra.. Cuz in japanese zebra is shimauma, doesn't sound alike tho *shrugs* XD
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 21 8/3)
Post by: Kuji on August 04, 2010, 12:03:22 PM
Yes! Operation cookies is a success! Sad TakaGaki history, I hope Ai doesn't think of this everytime she's with Risa now.

Wow, Sayu just confused me. Was avoiding Reina just one big trick to attract her? @_@ I don't know but either way, TanaShige is super fun to read. Awww, Linlin is so naive and cute. I love how happy she is when she gets out of the cuffs and lets Junjun know she wants cake. X3 ...Junjun better buy her cake! Nothing had better happen to her on this upcoming mission... ergh, I'm worried. D:

Everyone do the Shimijima! :cow:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 21 8/3)
Post by: oddball on August 04, 2010, 04:22:16 PM
Ha nice to see Reina's true nature come out  :lol:

Poor Lin, left on her own while Jun and Aika got food  :cry: glad she got out though :cow: Hope she gets her cake! I hope she dont get hurt on the mission, why do I have a dad feeling about it? :panic:

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 21 8/3)
Post by: WhiteMeat89 on August 05, 2010, 12:21:32 AM
I'm so glad you're back to regularly updating!
about where you mightve gotten stuck on the previous chapter...the fight scene to move the attack on the next gang closer?
haha I'm loving how Reina's starting to make the moves on Sayu, its frikkin adorable!
I had myself a pretty good laugh at LinLin's handcuff "training" too cuz I can so imagine that whole scene in my head

btw, im still wary about eri telling gakisan not to trust her however many chapters ago. i hope shes not gonna turn into an antagonist!

looking forward to your next update!

btw, this is my absolute favorite fanfic! just thought id let you know that!
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 21 8/3)
Post by: amEthystx on August 06, 2010, 07:21:40 AM

BABY TREE~~~!!!!!!

A little late, am I? XD   :on drench:

C.20: Ohhhh... 2 weeks have not pass yet?! <- LOL! :P Risa had always been the "leader" of the group and Ai-chan only had it in name..but seems like Ai-chan is up to it now.. She is running the whole gang now~!

An insight on their younger days.. I thought their first kiss happened when they were watching a sunset? and Ai-chan ran away before the bean went to hide at her old house?  :?

Training Lin2 is  :lol:

“Do you want me to fight her or try to eat her?”
my god~ lol

Lin Lin between them, cuddled into Ai’s side and sporting a black eye.

C 21: :( so the next part of the flashback would be how Ai-chan had left the bean and how the bean had crumble to the "dark" side?

“I can’t believe she did that to me. I thought I had a docile little kitty on my hands, only to find out that big housecat was actually a wild cat!”
nice description XD and it proved that Risa's advise was right~ haha.

Haha~ Lin's is really the prefect material for jokes. Everything that is going on around her sounds really hilarious and cute at the same time. XD I would love more of educating Lin to be a "bad-ass" lessons! lol

Take care tree tree~

 :mon dive:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Not an update, but worth a look. 4/08)
Post by: Beecubed on August 08, 2010, 10:54:09 AM
@Beecubed - You read the whole thing in two days?! Holy crap!

Well yeah, I did say I was going to read this - been interested for too long. ^__^
It's not hard to read something if it manages to hold your utmost attention, you know  :nervous a bit of a long read, yes, but at the end of it I still wanted more... much much more!  :thumbsup doesn't matter if it's long (actually better if it would be!) as long as it's GOOD.

YAY for the updates!!!!!!!!!!!
 :heart: :heart: :heart:
Thanks rndm! *squishes you*

Thanks for the praise, though I'm not sure how I feel about the pressure, lol, but I'll do my best.
Risa really does dominate, but she's my personal fav, so why not ;)
Ah, thanks for more praise, you know, I could really get used to all this ego stroking. XD
Thanks so much for your review, it was really thought out well. Kind of embarrasses me to think someone put that effort in for little ole me. :oops:

No pressure!  8)
You have the whole story planned out, or are you letting the events unfold as you go along? Just a little something I'm curious about all writers. :P
Yeah, just that I haven't really read a fic where Risa's THE BOSS, so this was a real pleasant treat to read!  :wub:
Hahhaa, I wasn't really meaning to stroke your ego (T__T) or anything like that, but when I'm very happy and pleased about something, I will go on a rave. It's all honest too, so I damn well think you deserve it!

You're welcome!  :love:
It really wasn't an 'effort' at all, no... I love writing up comments for other people, especially when I've enjoyed their stories so much. I think it's only fair that if you read something that somebody has put in a lot of effort to accomplish, you ought to show your support and appreciation. I guess I do that through comments :)  (that and the fact that I know, as a writer myself, how much a good comment can motivate you!).

OK, now onto the chapter comments...

Chapter 20: Get out of the Way

Ummm... I think this is something good that all writers should do, especially those who take a bit longer to update... provide mini previous-chapter/story recaps just so readers can follow on more easily  :nervous

With all the fics I've been reading lately, it's been hard keeping track. I had to go back and skim-read the previous chapter to remember. Or maybe that's just me and my horrible memory.


Poor Gaki. She was born to take charge and lead and be all awesome. Her having to take things slow and sit around on her ass all day must make her feel so hopeless. She needs to be in the thick of the action, where she belongs!
But but but! TakaGaki! How much Ai cares for her Gaki!  :wub: I loved the little flashback too, which delved a little more into their past's uncertainties.

Aika  :cry:

“And Lin, pretend Aika is a cheeseburger.”


The two were curled up together on the bed watching a movie, Lin Lin between them, cuddled into Ai’s side and sporting a black eye.


“Ah, you never did get the whole story did you? I was living there because Ai freaked out on me when I kissed her. It took a whole month for her to let me come back, but when I did, I told her I loved her every chance I got. At first, she was surprised and I thought she might just kick me out again, but she didn’t. It took months before she stopped getting that wide eyed deer in headlights look when I said it.” Risa recalled with a smile.

“When she got used to it, then I stepped it up; I kissed her, on the cheek at first and whenever she wasn’t paying me any attention, which was often. Ai was a spacey kid.” The gunner chuckled, eyes getting cloudy in her memories, “The first time, well, second time I kissed her on the lips, I thought she was going to hit me, but instead, her face just turned completely red.”

So gorgeous!

The bean slowly came into consciousness, groggily becoming aware of herself and her position laying face up in bed. Just as her eyes began to flutter open, a soft pressure against her mouth caught her attention. Instinctively, she moved her lips, feeling the warmth try to mimic her actions. Finally, she realized just what was going on and focused on Ai’s face right in front of her.

Startled, she broke away, panting lightly, “Ai? What-?” but she was cut off when those lips fell upon her own again. This time, much more awake than before, Risa threw herself into the kiss, overjoyed when Ai responded in kind and even poked her tongue out to run across the bean’s lips. Before things could get too heated, the older girl parted from Risa’s mouth.

“I love you, too.” she said simply, before diving back in again.

 :wub: :inlove:
That is so romantic. *sigh* I'm loving every moment of TakaGaki here. You rock with these scenes!

Thank you for the advice, Gaki-san.  :bow:

I love the action that takes place next, you really have a knack for writing this kind of stuff~! Kick-ass Musumes are totally my kinda thang  :yep:
I was kind of hoping for some TanaShige moments (much like TakaGaki had their awesome moments during chapter 7.5!) amidst the chaos...

Saki & Maimi =  :shocked:

Poor Aika, another trauma to go through.
When will you give her a break?!

Chapter 21: It's a Busy Day

I adore the first TakaGaki section of the chapter. It was really powerful, and definitely gives Ai-chan & Gaki even more edge to them. This is what I like about your writing - the way you slowly reveal these things, how it adds to the characterisation. It was such a  :inlove: flashback scene between TakaGaki, until the officer came bearing that devastating news. Loved the way you wrote the thoughts and feelings that took place right after!

Awwww, feisty kitty-cat Reina finally taking some initiative. Glad she's sorted out her feelings, I also have a feeling these two getting together isn't going to be too much of a problem.  :grin:

“And I…”

And I...


What did Reina want to say????

Damn, you better make sure you don't end up just leaving that hanging now, OK? I'm so very curious...


“You look like Reina just trapped you in the hallway and did naughty things to you.” When the con turned wide eyes to her, Eri matched them in size. “She did?!”

:rofl: The turtle is psychic!

More Kame onegai  :bow:

Good to see Aika in higher spirits, which is a little strange considering she has just murdered somebody for the first time... hope she's not keeping all her feelings bottled up!

She and the Pandas are so cute together  :love: I also request more of these three  :twothumbs

LinLin is absolutely precious here during her handcuffs training. ZOMG. You're spot on with how you write LinLin, really!  :nya: I can so imagine all of that happening.

And you threw in a bit of AiLin sisterly love too!  :luvuluvu:

Pity we won't be seeing Gaki-san in action, but looking forward to seeing how LinLin is going to fare, and what's going to happen from here... so far, most of their plans have been seen through to the end without too many complications. I wonder if these girls will face a situation where everything will go wrong (e.g. they can't make it back to headquarters, they're split up and barely surviving/being captured etc..........). Yes, I'm shamelessly asking for more drama.  :twisted:

Definitely didn't feel that this was a filler chapter... filler chapters usually aren't so awesome  XD Lots of things did happen, and more time spent on developing characters, so no complaints on my end!  :heart:

Great updates! Thank you very much!

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 21 8/3)
Post by: badsaints on August 12, 2010, 01:50:53 PM
Filler chapter? No way! :smhid

So we see a little of TakaGaki's history :love: Too bad it has to marred by the terrible news. Ai got some consolation from Gaki right? Please don't tell me this was one of the reason they broke up :(

Oooh I like where this TanaShige is going. The bunny gonna strike back? *being hopeful here* :lol:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 21 8/3)
Post by: rndmnwierd on August 26, 2010, 04:19:28 AM
Finally getting around to comment replies, sorry for the lateness.

@Kawaii Kunai? - Um, yeah, that was kinda evil, sorry, :sweatdrop: but it still happened that way...
Lin is so innocently cute. I'm really stressing the whole sisterly bonding thing so that you guys won't be like, "I want AiLin romance!" that is one pairing I totally cringe at, not because I don't like it, but because Lin Lin is so.... Innocent. I just have trouble putting her together with Ai9romantically), who always seems a little jaded to me. I actually like Lin with Risa, if that makes any sense. The bean has an innocent streak to her as well. At least, in my eyes... Fun Fact: I also like to see the Pandas paired and Aika Lin together.
And Eri doesn't live on the streets now, at least, but can you ever really leave a gang?

@stefy - Lol, I like Lin a lot so I'm happy to portray her in a way that makes other people like her, too. :D
Haha, yeah, I left the Tanashige like that on purpose, don't worry, a couple more chapters and everyone will be happy about that, I promise.
Eri... I will try to concentrate on her some more in the third arc. As for now, I have the rest of this arc planned out and I can't really fit her in as a major role. But I'll do my best.
ShimiJima, zebra. I laughed XD

@Kuji - Yeah, just for you, though. XD
Maybe Ai does think about it sometimes, but it's not so bad that it'll keep her from getting it on with the bean.
Sayu is crazy.... Period. I don't even know why she acts the way she does, but as long as you're enjoying it.
Lin Lin... I like Lin Lin, but this is only fiction....
 :cow: ShimiJima!

@oddball - Reina is the yankii, after all. Every seems worried about Lin Lin for some strange reason. Could it be because I haven't proven how evil I can be? :twisted:

@HaPo-san - Regularly is all in the perception, I guess, but I'm trying to get back into the groove. As for where I got stuck, actually, not there. It was the sparring session with LinKa. I have trouble writing the pup for some reason...
I love Tanashige, they both have the potential for such poison tongues, makes for some great convos between them.
Maybe I will turn Eri bad or maybe she's just so good that she imagines herself as having sinned. I haven't decided yet, but I had her say that for a reason, real or imagined slight, though it may be.
Aww~ This isn't that great, but thanks. :oops:

@Baby Sticky - Late? You? Nooo~ :roll:
Ai just didn't know she had it in her. Now she's learning that maybe she does!
They did share their first kiss by the stream, Ai just misspoke.
I like Lin Lin~! XD
I'm not sure when I'll put in Risa's assault on her brother's killer. Maybe in a few chapters yet.
But Lin can never be truly badass XD

@B^3 - LONG REPLY IS LONG!! :panic:
Again, thanks mucho for the praise. I loves it. :wub:
I have the rest of the arc planned out, basically, but I keep tweaking a few things here and there that inspire me. I have a little notebook and in  that I have the basic scenes of each chapter written down in short hand. Some things are written on the side sideways, some stuff is crossed out and yet other stuff is written over. It's a mess, pretty much XD

I'm interested in seeing some of your fics up here. If you write as well as you reply, you'll probably put us all to shame!
Yeah, I probably should recap, but the problem is.... I can't always remember what I wrote before... :sweatdrop:
So I usually have to skim read my stuff while I'm writing the next chapter, since I think I've contradicted myself in a couple spots already.

I'm hoping to reveal past Takagaki slowly like this, with random flashbacks and such. It's my lazy way of avoiding a side story. XD XD

Yeah, I'm mean to Aika. Really, I don't have a problem with her, so I'm not sure why...

But I love Lin! I think I've said that, like, six times now. :lol:

Yeah, sorry about the lack of personal interaction in the action scene at the end, I couldn't really think of anything...

Reina will maybe get to finish what she was going to say someday. Or maybe I'll just drag it out a while. :lol:

I'll see what I can do about more drama, maybe you might get more than you can handle in the last arc...

I love your replies.  :wub: :wub:

@baddie -
Please don't tell me this was one of the reason they broke up
In her own way, she'll strike back. Like a subtle snake, she is.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 21 8/3)
Post by: rndmnwierd on August 26, 2010, 11:12:03 AM
This chapter is a little graphic(at least I think so) so here's fair warning for the squeamish. (Or maybe it's my imagination, but I think this warrants a warning...)

Ch. 22 : And I've got things on my mind

“There’s the dock.” Reina said quietly as the team sat perched upon a building across the way from their target. They had decided to scope out the lay of the land together before splitting into groups, “I count three floors total. Four men on the roof, at least three on the top floor, five on the second and the bottom is unknown.” She looked to Ai, sitting next to her for their next orders.

Those two sat kneeling on the edge of the rooftop with the others gathered in a semi circle behind them, holding onto their favored non lethal weapons. Aika and Sayu both had a single, metal baton extended and ready, while Saki held two. Jun fiddled with her brass knuckles and Eri double checked the laces on her heavy boots, her dart gun holstered at her side. Reina also had a tranquilizer in addition to a long bo staff that was also carried by Ai and Lin Lin. The younger cop had been sure to teach the girl some basics in it before handing it over to them.

“Reina, you and Sayu take the first floor main entrance; Saki and Eri take the side door. Jun, Aika, second floor and work your way up. Lin and I have the roof top and we’ll move down to help with the third floor. First floor group, wait for the signal that the other guards are taken out before you move in and we’ll all meet downstairs to help out.” Ai ordered seriously, face scowling just a little in anticipation of what they were about to do. They all headed off to do as instructed, trying to remain inconspicuous in the broad daylight.


It was too easy for the inexperienced duo to make their way up to the roof via the fire escape that had only been guarded by two men. Ai went first up the final ladder, peeking over the brick lip of the roof and spying a man standing right in front of her, but looking away. The demo expert took the chance to get a look at the landmarks, a few very large ventilation units that made for perfect hiding spaces.

Looking around to make sure the coast was clear, Ai climbed the rest of the way  up and wasted no time in swinging her staff into the back of the man’s head as hard as she could. He dropped like a rock with a muted thud and she pulled him down the ladder and onto the fire escape, motioning Lin to follow her back up.

Once they were on the roof, they skittered to the nearest unit, hiding in it’s massive shade. Scoping out the roof again, they spied one man walking in a slow perimeter and the other two leisurely talking to each other next to the door that led into the building. They decided to wait for the walking man to make his way to them before striking and then split up to deal with the other two.

They slowly tracked the walking man’s progress, trying to time their attack to when he rounded the unit they were using for cover, “Hit him hard.” Ai whispered, gesturing for Lin Lin to take the shot. Their hearts were pounding in their chests as their target made his way ever closer, gripping their weapons white knuckled. Finally, the hacker darted from her spot and swung her staff as hard as possible, the poor, unsuspecting guard walking head first into the impact.

He was out before he knew what hit him, beginning to fall towards the edge of the roof. Eyes widening, Lin grabbed the lapels of his jacket and tried to pull him backwards, his dead weight almost knocking her off her feet instead. Ai scrambled to help, grabbing Lin with one hand and the unconscious guy with her other. It took a mighty effort, but they finally managed to drag him to fall onto the rooftop, falling on their own butts at the sudden shift in weight. The quickly glanced around to see if the other guards had noticed the commotion, but they were still engrossed in their conversation.

Breathing a collective sigh of relief, the two relative rookies exchanged a look and then carried on with their plan. They split up, slowly making their way behind two a/c units closest to the remaining men and looking towards each other for the signal. Ai held up three fingers and slowly counted down; when she closed her fist, she rushed from her hiding place and swung her long weapon at the guy who’s back was turned to her, seeing Lin do the same from the corner of her eye. The guards barely had time to register what was coming from behind his buddy before they were out on the ground. Pleased at a job well done, the two high-fived and then made their way into the stair well.

The stairwell opened out smack in the middle of a long hallway, Ai cracked open the door just a smidge, straining her ears to pick up any nearby sounds. When she heard nothing, she poked her head out enough to have a look around; empty. She quickly gestured for Lin to go left and she would go right and they scampered to the end to the hallway, peeking around the corner.

Both saw one guy walking away from where they were currently were, slowly patrolling the third floor, and turned to indicate it to each other. Ai nodded and motioned for them to go in for the kill, both running on light feet after the guards and clobbering them over the head. They drug them across the tiled floor back towards the stairwell and into an empty office.

“Let’s search the rest of the floor for the last guy together.” Ai suggested and they slowly made their way down the hallway, back to back, checking each of the rooms they came upon thoroughly. When they had made it back to where the stairwell was and still no sign of the last guy, they paused, letting their guard down.

“Where is he?” Lin asked, poking her head into the closest room again, Ai peering over her shoulder, “Do you think Tanaka-san was wrong?” A sudden click of metal made them freeze, the unmistakable sound of a hammer being cocked echoed in the hallway.

“She wasn’t wrong.” Said the missing guard menacingly, “Now, come out into the hallw-gerk!” He was cut off as a powerful blow from behind sent him sprawling to the ground.

“Looks like you guys could use a little help.” Jun commented cheekily as Aika relaxed her baton at her side.

“Thanks,” Ai sighed, pressing a hand to her chest, “Is the second floor taken care of?” When she received nods from her companions, she grinned, “Alright, time to give the signal.


Eri fidgeted with her dart gun, adjusting her grip as she and Saki stood outside the side door, “What do you think the signal will be?” she finally asked the other girl. They had been surveying as much as they could and had deduced that there were only three men inside the door, but who knew how many farther in.

Saki shrugged and before either could say anything else, the sound of glass breaking caught their attention and they looked up to the unconscious body of a guard fly from the second story. They weren’t the only ones who heard the noise and they heard the concerned chatter of the other guards as they came close to the side door.

Both smirking at their luck, the two girls kicked in the metal doors as hard as they could, the force sending two of their opponents to the ground. A well placed dart sent the third one out before he could even think to retaliate and Saki knelt down to bash the one closest to her with her double batons. As he tried to scramble to his feet, Eri casually shot another dart into his head and he flopped backward, out cold.

“Too easy.” Saki remarked and they headed farther into the building.


Reina and Sayu exchanged a glance as the body hit the pavement behind them. The guy would undoubtedly live, but her would have a few killer aches when he woke up. They’d been standing rather quietly before, savoring the tension between them, when the signal had landed near them. Now the charged into action, busting through the doors and running into the first open room, which looked like it was meant to be an office.

Two men stood inside, looking up in surprise at their intrusion, but the girls marched over to them, brandishing their weapons before they could raise any firearms. Reina’s bo staff made contact with the guard’s knee first, sending him down, before connecting with his head.

Sayu jabbed her baton into the second man’s gut and as he bent over in pain, pulled her knee up hard, one hand on the back of his head insuring that she met her mark. Both men collapsed to the floor in what was only an instant. The girls grinned and shared a high five before moving on.


The larger group burst from the stairwell into the main room in a flurry of action, immediately meeting a group of five men leaning up against some crates. On the far side of the room were four more men who looked up at the commotion, but had no chance to move before the other doors in the room burst open to admit Sayumi and Reina and Eri and Saki.

Having the advantage of reach, Lin and Ai took the two men farthest away, extending their staffs into a practiced thrust that landed on gut and chin respectively. Lin swung her weapon upwards as her opponent bent double and connected with his forehead, while Ai had no need to when the guard hit the ground face first.

Aika and Jun drove forward towards the last three, the thief swinging her baton widely and the hitter jabbing both fists at once. One of Jun’s reinforced knuckles came into solid contact to the nose of the guy on the right, blood spurting out as he gave a cry, while the other just barely missed the slightly faster guard. Not missing a beat, Jun recovered with the hand that had missed and sent it careening into the jaw of the wounded man, knocking him flat.

The unharmed guard fumbled at his belt for his sidearm, dropping it in his haste. Both looked at the gun on the ground and then up at each other, the man grinning sheepishly and putting his hands in the air in the motion of surrender. The hitter just chuckled and planted her fist hard enough in his forehead to send him out cold.

Aika had missed with her first strike, but pressed the attack, her wild, wide swings keeping him off guard enough to not be able to retaliate. Finally, she stepped forward, kicking upwards hard, and the man groaned, crossing his eyes and clutching his sensitive parts. As he sunk to the ground, Aika smirked and gave one last swing, delivering a mighty blow to the head.

The thief and hitter high fived cheerfully and Lin bounced over to latch onto Ai as they all turned to find the last four opponents summarily dealt with.

“Way to go, guys!” Ai called out as the group hopped over the low crates to join up in the middle of the warehouse.

“Looks like we found what we came for.” Reina chimed in, pointing to a massive stack of 2X4 boxes against the far wall that were stamped with ‘Military Surplus.’ One box stood out from the rest, waiting on a tabletop, apparently removed from the rest of the pile to have been inspected. Ai made her way over to this one and grabbed a nearby crow bar, easily prying open the top. What she saw inside made all of the mirth drain from her face.

“Check the other boxes.” she ordered, tone brooking no arguments and the group scrambled to do as she asked, picking up crow bars and hammers to do the job. Each pulled out and pried to crates open as Ai removed one of the boxes contents and examined it in her hand.

“What is this?” Aika asked, lifting a brightly colored video game controller in the shape of a small shot gun.

“A decoy?” Saki murmured, pulling out a tiny child’s cowboy revolver. She clicked the trigger a few times and the chamber rotated.

“This can’t be, my intel was good!” Reina cried, throwing an orange capped Beretta replica to the ground, “My man-!”

“Is probably dead.” Eri finished for her, sliding the lid back into place.

“But why would someone go through all this trouble?” Jun asked quizzically. They all jumped when Ai suddenly shoved the crate full of toy guns to the floor violently, spilling the contents over the concrete.

“Can’t you see!? They wanted us out of the manor! They’ll attack the manor now! They’ll attack…” she choked on her words, sending a panicked look to the group, “Risa.” she finally breathed out, as though pained.


Reina pushed the van’s gas petal to the floor, the vehicle charging valiantly back to the mansion. Inside the girls all clutched various firearms to their chests, solemn looks on their faces. Sayumi suddenly gasped out from the passenger seat, directing everyone’s attention to a plume of thick black smoke that rose from over the tree line. Unconsciously, they all turned to Ai, watching the worry flood her features and then leave, a murderous look remaining behind. Her resolve seemed to solidify and it gave them strength, they were determined not to lose the manor. Or Risa.

The van screeched to a stop in front of the gate, now hanging off it’s hinges, panting in exertion and the girls all piled out, taking just a second to assess the scene. The large, beautiful front grounds which used to be lush and green now bared scorch marks and blood stains. The extensive fountain spurted red, a body floating in it face down. All across the property, screams rang out; of pain, of fear, of loss. Glints of shell casings littered the grass, shining in the midday sun.

The manor itself was riddled with bullets holes and blood, bodies hung half out of windows and the front doors were blown right off. The whole third floor was engulfed in flames, smoke pouring from every broken window. The girls saw suited men chasing down housemaids, laughing all the while as if they were playing a game and then shooting them in the back when they got too tired. The ones that survived, immobilized, were pinned down and raped, screaming and sobbing hysterically throughout the heinous act.

Any gang members were hunted down mercilessly and either shot or stabbed to death, and those were the lucky ones. As the girls moved into the house, gunning down every Tanaka member they saw, they spied a few men with flame throwers strapped to their backs making their way slowly through the rooms and corridors to set fire to everything and everyone in their path.

Coldly, Ai took aim at one with his back turned, smirking at a few young, cowering cooks in the corner of the kitchen, “So you’re chefs, huh? How about I do some cooking now?” he chuckled, fingering the trigger.

The demo expert unloaded on him with her assault rifle, tearing into his back and immediately paralyzing him before killing him outright, the flame thrower tank hissing as the flammable gas escaped, but not exploding, “Get out of here.” Ai commanded the frightened girls, “Go! Run!”

They heard louder screams coming from out in the backyard, so they headed in that direction. It was a massacre, Tanaka members were mercilessly murdering the innocent household workers and ganging up on the actual members of the Niigaki group. Even when they tried to surrender, they were still killed, execution style. Ai shook her head and took aim at the nearest Tanaka member, shooting him in the head and watching it explode like an overripe melon, “Kill them all!” She ordered cruelly, marching out farther into the yard, the others not hesitating to follow her order.

As Saki began to make her way out to join them, to her right, three people came down the stairs in suits. She turned and took out two of them instinctively, but paused, pointed her rifle at the third one. Maimi gave her a wide eyed look of fear, eyes crossing slightly as she focused on the barreled leveled at her nose. They froze, regarding each other in silence, then Maimi turned and ran up the stairs, Saki hot on her heels.

As they came to the hallway in the east wing second floor, the Tanaka captain picked up speed, but Saki paused, reaching behind her to pull out her baton and extend it in a swift movement. She took only a moment to aim and then let it fly true, striking Maimi in the back of the knee. The much taller girl toppled to the ground and Saki sprinted over to her, rolling her over and punching her hard across the cheek.

“How could you take part in this?!” The little Niigaki Captain cried, tears welling up in her eyes as she buried her fist in her lover’s abdomen again and again. Finally, Maimi seemed to gather the strength to push her off, planting her feet up in the middle of Saki’s chest and kicking hard. The smaller girl flew through the air and landed against a half open door, swinging it all the way open and falling inside.

Groaning, Maimi rose and stumbled over to Saki, grabbing her by the collar and picking her up easily. The Niigaki Captain kicked hard, aiming for ribs, her left foot bounced off a hip, but her right made contact and air whooshed from Maimi’s lungs as she dropped her lover. The smaller girl immediately dove forward, fists flying in a frenzy. Maimi brought her arms up to shield herself and was slowly forced to back away, stumbling over the edge of the couch and causing one of Saki’s blows to miss it’s mark.

The Tanaka girl took advantage of the miss and lunged forward, grabbing onto the still extended arm and pulling Saki towards where her force was already heading, driving her knee up hard in the process. It drove home into the smaller girl’s chin, clacking her teeth together audibly and knocking her dizzy for a crucial moment. Maimi pressed the attack, raining kicks against her lover’s lower unprotected half.

Saki stumbled, reaching down to try and fend off the assault, but Maimi just switched her target, now kicking higher into shoulders and chest. The Niigaki Captain fell backwards, balance lost, and hands immediately grabbed her collar again, hoisting her up. Saki kicked ineffectually, her feet bouncing harmlessly off Maimi’s elbows. Looking to where the Tanaka girl was heading, Saki ‘s eye’s widened when she saw the window. The other girl was intent on throwing her out of it!


Eyes narrowing, Ai leveled her rifle at the frantic Tanaka member that was trying to crawl away on his hands, broken legs hanging uselessly behind him, “Please! Mercy!” he cried, clawing the grass and dirt.

“Mercy?” Ai scoffed, “Would you show us any? Have you?” She kicked him over onto his back to glare at him in the eyes, wanting him to see his killer fully before she pulled the trigger and pumped three rounds into his heart.

The grounds fell quiet as the rest of the Tanaka members in the backyard had been dealt with. A sudden bellowing laugh caught all their attention and the girls turned to the place where the back double doors had previously stood. “Wow, I’m impressed.” Akio applauded, “I had to admit I didn’t think you had it in you. Though, she knew you would come.” He yanked hard on something held in his right hand, revealing that he had Risa’s hair in his grip, still attached to the gunner.

Ai gasped, taking in the sight as her lover was dragged on her knees painfully to kneel in front of Akio. Blood poured sluggishly from numerous wounds across her body, her left sleeve was ripped off and dark bruises marred the lightly tanned skin of her upper arm, slashes criss-crossed her torso and thighs, showing more bruising beneath her clothes. Her head hung low and one hand weakly grabbed onto the eldest son’s wrist.

“She was quite adamant, you know. ‘Ai-chan will come for me.’ she insisted to me again and again, no matter how many times I hit her and cut her. She must love you very much, but she was right, here you are. And now you’re going to die.” He shook his captive, gaining a mewling cry, “Put your weapons down and kneel down in a line facing me here.” When they hesitated, Akio pulled a pistol from the place next to the hilt of a short sword and pointed it at Risa’s head, “Do it!”

Ai could barely hear him, eyes locked so intently on Risa as they were, begging her silently to lift her head and let her know that she was alright. As if sensing this, the gunner jerkily raised her eyes from the ground, something that seemed to be with colossal effort, and made eye contact with her lover. She had a shallow  cut on her jaw and eyebrow and there was a gash on her lip, but she’d never looked so beautiful to Ai than at that moment. Slowly, Risa shook her head in the negative, begging the demo expert to not give up.

Ai was just satisfied that her beloved bean was alright, “Go ahead.” she motioned to the others and they began to slowly put their weapons down.

“Good, now over here.” Akio demanded, pointing with the barrel of his pistol to a spot just a the bottom of the stairs that led to the backyard. Ai was the first to comply, the others following suit uneasily. When they were all kneeling, the eldest Tanaka son smirked, “Good, now, who’s first?” he chuckled, pointing at each girl in turn, “Eenie, meenie, minie, moe.” he chanted, finally landing on Ai, “You are it.” the pistol cocked back loudly.

Without any warning, Risa reacted to the sound, whipping her seemingly useless arm around to grip the sword hilt that was sheathed on his belt. In a smooth motion, she brought it high behind her head, blade skyward, and Akio gasped as they hair in his grip suddenly went limp with nothing now attached to the other end. Risa continued her arcing motion, the sword sinking into his gun hand and knocking his shot astray, his bullet and thumb flying to the side.

Akio cried out as the captive he thought he’d beaten into submission twisted around on the balls of her feet and thrust his own sword into his gut, his air choking off in pain, “You were right about one thing, Akio.” Risa hissed, turning the sword painfully and pulling with all her strength to slide it through his soft belly, “I do love her, very much.” the eldest Tanaka son looked down uncomprehendingly, hands going down to clasp his stomach. Risa pulled the sword out of him and he jerked, choking now on the blood welling up his throat. He moved his hands away from his wound and stared at his intestines falling on the outside.

Reina cringed as he fell to the ground, looking away from her brother’s unseeing eyes. Sayumi grabbed her gently and helped her up, gently leading her back to their weapons. Ai lunged forward and embraced her bloody lover, sharing a short and sweet kiss, “Let’s finish cleaning up the rest of the trash.”


“We’re enemies now.” Maimi whispered, pausing at the window. “I’m sorry.” she looked at her lover with teary eyes, then hoisted her higher.

Saki was ready and grabbed onto the thick window pane, using the leverage to pull herself even higher, the hands popping free of her collar. She wrapped her legs around Maimi’s neck and twisted hard, sending the taller girl flying out the already broken second story window herself. The Tanaka girl gave a cry that was quickly cut off with an oof as she hit a prickly bush and bounced off, hitting the ground hard enough to knock the wind out of her.

Slowly, Maimi crawled to her feet as, above, Saki righted herself and the lover’s met eyes, both more than  a little relieved. Suddenly, gunfire erupted downstairs and Maimi turned her attention to the lower level, her mother running out of the building with a few bullets chasing after her. Erino grabbed Maimi and yanked her in the direction of the gate, “Akio’s dead! He’s dead, let’s go!”

They were quickly followed by the surviving lieutenants and gang members, all running frantically for their lives. They were followed by the angry occupants of the manor, gunning down as many of them as they could before they scurried off the grounds. Looking down, Saki saw Ai, Risa and the rest emerge from the broken doors, the gunner and demo expert with their arms wrapped around each other, “Hey!” she called down, “The manor’s still on fire.” she motioned upwards, but they seemed unconcerned.

“It’s alright, we still have the hotel.” Risa explained, smirk on her bloody face, still dragging the short sword behind her, glinting red in the sunlight, “And soon, we’ll have a new manor to play around in. The Tanaka manor will be ours!” she pumped her fist in the air, the sword flashing, and the rest of the gang cheered.


I actually wasn't planning on posting this tonight, but a sudden burst of inspiration helped me complete it. So here you go! :D

BTW, here are some awesome banners, courtesy of Kawaii Beam! :wub:



Thanks girl! *patpats*
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 22 8/26)
Post by: kRisZ on August 26, 2010, 02:39:03 PM
“Ai, no matter what you say, I’m going to do as I please. You’re my lover, not my keeper, it’s not your responsibility to tell me what I can and can’t do.”

What’s more was that she wasn’t sure if she felt uneasy because she didn’t think two girl’s should be together or if she actually felt the same way and was afraid of what other people would think.
Hmmm... nee

Now, she was just an actor playing a part, she was no longer Takahashi Ai, whose heart belonged to Niigaki Risa, now she was Takahashi-dono, who had work to do.

And Lin, pretend Aika is a cheeseburger.”
Damn  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

“Do you want me to fight her or try to eat her?”
Holy cow  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

she didn’t even get a chance to chuckle before she was tackled to the ground by a possessed Aika, fists flying.
Now, that's ouches  :lol:

Rubbing the back of her head sheepishly, Reina followed, looking down at the unconscious hacker, “Whoops, my bad.”

“Yes, get her alone tomorrow and corner her, state you feelings bluntly and honestly, take charge. She’ll melt, but it will take her time before she’ll come to you. Keep it up, let her know that you’re waiting, get up close and personal if you have to, but don’t go farther than she’s comfortable with or it will scare her away. The trick is to be in control while letting her feel that she is.”
Nice  :D

It took months before she stopped getting that wide eyed deer in headlights look when I said it.
Very lovely  :D

“The first time, well, second time I kissed her on the lips, I thought she was going to hit me, but instead, her face just turned completely red.”
She knows how to move  :D

“I waited six weeks before I did it again, then a month, then two weeks. Eventually, I was kissing her every day until I got into the habit of waking her up with a kiss in the morning.”
Hmmm... very educational  :D

“That’s so sweet.”
Indeed  :wub:

Sayumi averted her eyes from the dark, intense stare that came from the cop across the breakfast table, keeping up a conversation with Eri next to her.
Now, she's working FIGHT~O!  :onioncheer:

The con moaned and Reina released her, backing away a step, one hand lingering to caress Sayu’s cheek. Then she turned and walked away, leaving the con mostly stunned at the event and wanting more.
Very clever  XD

“You look like Reina just trapped you in the hallway and did naughty things to you.” When the con turned wide eyes to her, Eri matched them in size. “She did?!”
:lol:  :lol:  :lol:

“We’re going to get some lunch,” she said, placing the hacker’s cell phone on the floor about twenty feet in front of her, “Call us when you get free and we’ll pick you up something.”
Tsk tsk tsk  :lol:

“Jun! I’m free! I want cake! Buy me cake!” she demanded of the older girl before hanging up
Very innocent  :D

Lin was too happy to argue; her first field mission. How exciting!
Really innocent... Reminds me of Dancing, Sing, Exciting  :D

They’d been standing rather quietly before, savoring the tension between them

“Can’t you see!? They wanted us out of the manor! They’ll attack the manor now! They’ll attack…” she choked on her words, sending a panicked look to the group, “Risa.” she finally breathed out, as though pained.

“Kill them all!” She ordered cruelly, marching out farther into the yard, the others not hesitating to follow her order.
She's now killing people  :(

Saki ‘s eye’s widened when she saw the window. The other girl was intent on throwing her out of it!

“It’s alright, we still have the hotel.” Risa explained, smirk on her bloody face, still dragging the short sword behind her, glinting red in the sunlight, “And soon, we’ll have a new manor to play around in. The Tanaka manor will be ours!” she pumped her fist in the air, the sword flashing, and the rest of the gang cheered.

Damn, that was bloody entertaining to read  :D
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 22 8/26)
Post by: kawaii beam on August 26, 2010, 11:58:32 PM
holly shi~ girl! XD so much drama! XDDDD i loved how ailin were just smaking dudes left and right XD plus i cant believe risa is so swift! XD thats a creative way of cutting her hair though XDD ubber nice. plus now ai's killin ppl?! shiaa~! o.o note to self never piss ai off....u could "dAi"*shot*

ubber great all together and i cant wait for more rndy~ X3 and you're oh so welcome my love~! X3*hugs*
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 22 8/26)
Post by: kRisZ on August 27, 2010, 01:34:34 AM
Previous comment deleted  :D

My question was too much, sorry about that  :kneelbow:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 22 8/26)
Post by: Beecubed on August 27, 2010, 06:38:44 PM
@B^3 - LONG REPLY IS LONG!! :panic:

I hope that's not a sign of distress  :(
If I ever distress you with a LONG REPLY! again, let me know  :thumbsup 'Coz yeah, I'm pretty good at summarising too  :lol:

Again, thanks mucho for the praise. I loves it. :wub:

No problem. :) Those who deserve, will get.

I have the rest of the arc planned out, basically, but I keep tweaking a few things here and there that inspire me. I have a little notebook and in  that I have the basic scenes of each chapter written down in short hand. Some things are written on the side sideways, some stuff is crossed out and yet other stuff is written over. It's a mess, pretty much XD

It sounds a lot more organised than my way of doing things  :nervous
I have yet to come across a fanfic author who writes things bit by bit. Thought it would be interesting to ask. Thanks for the insight!  :)

I'm interested in seeing some of your fics up here. If you write as well as you reply, you'll probably put us all to shame!

No no no... please don't place such high expectations on me! I'm not that good...
You think I reply well? xD I mean, I can see that I might ramble on for longer than the average commentator... but I'm not sure that translates into me being good at writing  :lol:
I still think at the end of the day, the writing itself doesn't matter much if you've got a story to wow your audience with. So I'm working on my stories. ^__^ But I might ask you guys what you'd like to see out first so I can focus on that, since I have so many (20+ stories @_@) in the planning process right now >.<

Yeah, I probably should recap, but the problem is.... I can't always remember what I wrote before... :sweatdrop:

That's... kind of strange  XD
You would think that you'd have to remember what you wrote before so you can continue writing!  :lol:

So I usually have to skim read my stuff while I'm writing the next chapter, since I think I've contradicted myself in a couple spots already.

Oh, I see. I haven't noticed any contradictions yet, if that's of any comfort to you  :sweatdrop:

I'm hoping to reveal past Takagaki slowly like this, with random flashbacks and such. It's my lazy way of avoiding a side story. XD XD

Lazy it might be, but I think it flows very well and fits nicely into the structure of the story. If you chuck it all in at once, I don't think it would have the same effect. Keep up the good work!  :yep:

Reina will maybe get to finish what she was going to say someday. Or maybe I'll just drag it out a while. :lol:


Only kiddings. ^__^
You can play with your readers all you want. I do have a pretty vast store of patience. As long as you let us know someday.

I'll see what I can do about more drama, maybe you might get more than you can handle in the last arc...

Bring it on!

I love your replies.  :wub: :wub:

I love your story.  :wub: :wub:


Well, enough blabbering (and you certainly do not have to respond to that blabbering!), onto the chapter comment!

Ch. 22 : And I've got things on my mind

Time for some kick-ass Musume action!!!  :yep:

As usual, LOVE LOVE LOVE the action. Even inexperienced Lin Lin & Ai-chan are totally :brucelee:
I wonder what kind of sissy men they must have encountered here to be able to secure so many K.Os  :lol: You know, because sometimes, a little extra work, sweat and blood can really help liven the imagination  :w00t:
Although it's still very nice to see them all open a can of whoopass without putting a strand of hair out of place  :drool:

the two relative rookies exchanged a look...

I had to put on my thinking hat here...
What kind of look did they exchange???

Like....  :bigdeal: or :onionwhip: or :cool2: or :shy1: or :on woohoo: or  :mon sweat: ???

I dunno. I guess it's just my curiosity at play again. I like being able to see all the character interaction in my head, and when I came across this one little line, I seriously had to stop and think for a moment. Lol.

“A decoy?” Saki murmured

All smooth sailing since the beginning of the chapter, this really made me  :OMG:
Finally! The extra suspense I've been looking for~!  :tama-apeshit:

“Can’t you see!? They wanted us out of the manor! They’ll attack the manor now! They’ll attack…” she choked on her words, sending a panicked look to the group, “Risa.” she finally breathed out, as though pained.

:mon scare:


I actually wasn't thinking that far ahead just yet, but of course you can count on Ai-chan to be worrying over her bean... holy crap!  :shocked:

The manor itself was riddled with bullets holes and blood, bodies hung half out of windows and the front doors were blown right off. The whole third floor was engulfed in flames, smoke pouring from every broken window. The girls saw suited men chasing down housemaids, laughing all the while as if they were playing a game and then shooting them in the back when they got too tired........

 :mon scare: :mon scare: :mon scare:
That was.... kind of disturbing to picture in my head, actually... but nice, effective descriptions. I could see the chaos and terror  :panic:  and amongst it all, truly concerned for Gaki-san  :bleed eyes:

Ai shook her head and took aim at the nearest Tanaka member, shooting him in the head and watching it explode like an overripe melon, “Kill them all!” She ordered cruelly, marching out farther into the yard, the others not hesitating to follow her order.

Oh my... I was thinking that Ai-chan would be fretting all over looking for Gaki-san and landing herself into trouble as a result... yet she's just transformed into a killing machine herself. As always, it's hot when she's this ruthless :inlove:

I also want to know the deal between Maimi and Saki. I can't remember if you'd ever elaborated on their history together? Because I can't seem to remember...  :sweatdrop: We know a little bit... they're lovers (or ex-lovers?) and they're now on opposite teams... but did you ever give us more information than that? Maybe this warrants a read through again if you've already done the explaining... >.<

Ai gasped, taking in the sight as her lover was dragged on her knees painfully to kneel in front of Akio. Blood poured sluggishly from numerous wounds across her body, her left sleeve was ripped off and dark bruises marred the lightly tanned skin of her upper arm, slashes criss-crossed her torso and thighs, showing more bruising beneath her clothes. Her head hung low and one hand weakly grabbed onto the eldest son’s wrist.

 :mon wtf:
She must've really put up a fight!  :farofflook:

Ai could barely hear him, eyes locked so intently on Risa as they were, begging her silently to lift her head and let her know that she was alright. As if sensing this, the gunner jerkily raised her eyes from the ground, something that seemed to be with colossal effort, and made eye contact with her lover. She had a shallow  cut on her jaw and eyebrow and there was a gash on her lip, but she’d never looked so beautiful to Ai than at that moment. Slowly, Risa shook her head in the negative, begging the demo expert to not give up.

I loved the way you described this.  :heart: :heart: :heart:
TakaGaki love is truly something to be reckoned with, hey?  :mon cry:
Gorgeous moment!

Without any warning, Risa reacted to the sound, whipping her seemingly useless arm around to grip the sword hilt that was sheathed on his belt. In a smooth motion, she brought it high behind her head, blade skyward, and Akio gasped as they hair in his grip suddenly went limp with nothing now attached to the other end. Risa continued her arcing motion, the sword sinking into his gun hand and knocking his shot astray, his bullet and thumb flying to the side.

I was expecting somebody to die here. T_________T
But other things work well too... like how::::: Gaki-san in a moment of creative pwnage, swiftly cuts a lock of her hair, embeds the blade into Akio and proceeds to disembowel him...
Have I mentioned before HOW HOT GAKI IS IN YOUR STORY?
 :mon crazyinlove:

“It’s alright, we still have the hotel.” Risa explained, smirk on her bloody face, still dragging the short sword behind her, glinting red in the sunlight, “And soon, we’ll have a new manor to play around in. The Tanaka manor will be ours!” she pumped her fist in the air, the sword flashing, and the rest of the gang cheered.

I can't wait to read about how they're going to go about claiming the Tanaka manor! Aiming high!  :bow:

Hope we get lots of sexy Musume action (of all sorts!) in the coming chapters!
Thanks for updating, rndm, I enjoyed this chapter immensely and WANT YOU TO UPDATE LIKE NOW!
But as always, I will be patiently waiting...
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 22 8/26)
Post by: badsaints on August 28, 2010, 10:23:02 AM
Wow I really feel bad for Reina, seeing your brothers going down one at a time :O

So Ai changed her mind about killing evils? Bad-ass Ai sure is damn hawt :lol:

“Let’s finish cleaning up the rest of the trash.”
Cool line XD
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 22 8/26)
Post by: Sancho on August 28, 2010, 10:14:18 PM
Man how I missed this story and it's more than 5 months. Thanks  rndmnwierd for continuing. This is one of my favorite piece and i will feel bad if it left hang.  I'll get this one finish as much as I can then i'll do the same for the other old and new stories as well. I feel good that I'm back with you guys.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 22 8/26)
Post by: xanimefreak13x on September 01, 2010, 01:58:14 PM
Omg, I read this a while back and haven't commented on it, sorry! :sweatdrop: sooo, hmm, I can't remember my first reactions/impressions right now... let's see here...
Aww, cute Takagaki moment in the beginning~ :wub: Ahh, so that's what the back story to their past is... I'm guessing that moment made quite a huge impact on their lives? I mean, it's like their first? make-out session... and BAM! this horrifying news hits. :cry: it's quite a hurdle to get over.
Ooo, hehe, Reina is finally making her move!  :cow: That was one HAWT scene!  :wub: Awesomeness to the max~!
“No, I lived on my own for a while. Believe it or not, most street people take care of their own, kids especially stick together in large groups. Kids are also the most violent.” she finished ominously, dropping her hand from her ear.
WOAH~ A shocking revelation from Eri.  :O

I REALLY LOVED THIS CHAPTER!  :wub: :cow: Maybe that's cuz I'm a little crazy and sadistic... :P Or that I just really love fighting scenes, especially when they involve deadly weapons. Ahaha.
AiLin taking down the guards  :onionwhip: was super cool~ but I felt like it was a little TOO EASY... and I guess I was right. :( I couldn't seem to picture the inexperienced duo knocking out some buff guards that are like twice their size with one hit, there HAD to be something to it! The guards were a little 'unguarded' much? :smhid
BUT danng AiLin going in all stealth mode was awesome~ MetalGearSoild style! w00t~ :on crazygran::shifty:
Saki shrugged and before either could say anything else, the sound of glass breaking caught their attention and they looked up to the unconscious body of a guard fly from the second story.
LOL! I love the signal :lol: it's so creative~
“Can’t you see!? They wanted us out of the manor! They’ll attack the manor now! They’ll attack…” she choked on her words, sending a panicked look to the group, “Risa.” she finally breathed out, as though pained.
OMFG! :mon wtf: I KNEW IT WAS TOO EASY! I think my heart stopped and went into major panic mode when I got to this line. :frustrated: Way to keep up the suspense~  :cow:
Your description of the manor... is so darn awesome. It's so descriptive and graphic. I love it.  :wub: It's written so perfectly, as if I read it out of some action novel. :) Not that I like massacres or anything, (or maybe I do?) but yeah. It's all good. :twothumbs
Ai shook her head and took aim at the nearest Tanaka member, shooting him in the head and watching it explode like an overripe melon, “Kill them all!” She ordered cruelly, marching out farther into the yard, the others not hesitating to follow her order.
I seriously love all this graphicness. You are really amazing for coming up with all these scenes! And, personally I like this cruel and cold-hearted Aichan that's killing people and blowing people's brains out. :P It adds more pizazz than just knocking em out cold. No more Mr. Nice Guy. Even though it would hurt them... for cruelly killing others :(
“Mercy?” Ai scoffed, “Would you show us any? Have you?” She kicked him over onto his back to glare at him in the eyes, wanting him to see his killer fully before she pulled the trigger and pumped three rounds into his heart.
Oh gosh, I really love this line. Sadist Aichan...mmm...
“She was quite adamant, you know. ‘Ai-chan will come for me.’ she insisted to me again and again, no matter how many times I hit her and cut her. She must love you very much, but she was right, here you are. And now you’re going to die.”
:gyaaah: NOOOO~ Gakisan!!! Aichan loves you! Don't give up and let that guy kill you!
Slowly, Risa shook her head in the negative, begging the demo expert to not give up.
Noo... :cry: I knew it would come down to this. ACK. If I was in Risa's position, I would advise Aichan to not give up either, cuz people like that are heartless and even if you do give in, they'll kill you. :smhid
Akio cried out as the captive he thought he’d beaten into submission twisted around on the balls of her feet and thrust his own sword into his gut, his air choking off in pain, “You were right about one thing, Akio.” Risa hissed, turning the sword painfully and pulling with all her strength to slide it through his soft belly, “I do love her, very much.”
OMFG! CRAZY AWESOME SKILLZ!  :mon woo: I love this line too. lol. Actually, there's a lot of lines that I love, but if I quote them all then... it'll be too long, yeah. ahaha.
Ai lunged forward and embraced her bloody lover, sharing a short and sweet kiss, “Let’s finish cleaning up the rest of the trash.”
Another line that I love.  :nervous I like how Aichan called em trash. :lol: It's too cool. This line's like one of those in them action movies near the end when the sun is setting or something. lol.
Not gonna quote the end, but I loved how Risa pumped her fist in the air with her victory sword. Too awesomely cool.

All in all, this chapter was soooo COOL! All the suspense kept me on the edge of my seat! (well, I wasn't in a seat, but you get my point) It was soo exciting~ all of the action kept blood rushing through my system and left me in a panic mode, so I needed to catch my breath a few times after holding it for too long. :lol: You write this wayyy too well.  :mon lovelaff:

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 22 8/26)
Post by: oddball on September 01, 2010, 03:16:17 PM
Well I think it's safe to say that chapter wasn't dull  :lol:

Man Ai in angry pissed off mode is pretty scary, Risa going all Kill Bill with the sword was cool however, I wonder how Reina will react now that big brother is dead?

Hmm why is Maimi so  determind to hurt Saki now especially after the last chapter?

Well back to the hotel it seems....

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 22 8/26)
Post by: kano-chan on September 02, 2010, 02:48:58 AM
Wow! I was really behind, but finally caught up to everything! :w00t:

Your story is really awesome! :on GJ:

Maimi hurt Captain, her lover!  :(

So what's gonna happen to Kamei? There's TanaShige now... :( Just saying, but I thought there would be TanaKame. :yep: :heart:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 22 8/26)
Post by: rndmnwierd on September 06, 2010, 01:56:54 PM
Comment replies go here! Eventually!
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 22 8/26)
Post by: rndmnwierd on September 06, 2010, 01:59:58 PM
Happy one day late anniversary B&B! So I failed in finishing the arc in time, but I might as well put up what I have. I like to call this one the flashback chapter. :lol: I tried to do it all movie scene like, but I'm not sure if it came out cheesy or not.

Ch. 23: For want of the price of tea and a slice

Pacing around the neighborhood, Risa ran frantically back to the place where she had last seen her girlfriend, the old Blue’s hangout, but the older girl was nowhere to be found. She was always faster than the bean, always leaving her behind and this was no exception. Sinking to her knees in the familiar backyard, Risa finally allowed the tears to leak from her tightly shut eyelids. Where would she go? What would she do without Ai? The other girl had literally been her life and now she had disappeared.

The teenage gunner patted the sidearm tucked into her belt affectionately, a mirthless chuckle bubbling up from her throat, “Guess it’s just you and me again. It’s been a while, but I’m sure it’ll come back to me. Like riding a bike.” Ai had taught her how to ride a bike. “You never forget.” The pain in her heart was still as fresh as it was two days ago.

Voices from inside the house caught her attention and Risa snapped to the ready, recognizing the voices as those coming from prepubescent children. Slowly, she crept closer, not making a sound, intent on finding out who was on her turf. She peeked around the corner into the living room and spied two young boys dressed all in blue talking on the couch.

“So some lieutenant from the Takashi gang is in town.” the one on the right said conspiratorially, “If we take him out, we can make a name for ourselves and get the Blues back on the map.”

Risa could barely control her gasp, knowing that not one of her brother’s gang had survived the massacre that night. To hear this was like poking a bruise, it was small now, but the pain was still there, “I don’t think so.” the kid on the left said cautiously, “You’re talking about murder.”

“So?” The first boy replied, “We didn’t get into this for kiddy stuff. Besides, I heard that it’s actually his right hand man that’s here.”

A face flashed through Risa’s mind, a man mouthing sorry to her brother as he pulled the trigger on his gun, the barrel pointed at Hiro’s frightened face. “How do you know that?” the second kid asked, shifting a little in his seat.

“My brother is planning the same thing, so I know where he’s staying and I even have the maps right here, I copied them down.” He pulled two sheets of folded up paper out of his pocket.

Her brother’s smile, his laugh, his warm hugs, his gentle chidings. If he hadn’t died, none of this would have happened, if Hiro was still alive, Risa would never have had to suffer like this. This pain in her heart and in her mind wouldn’t exist. It was all that man’s fault! She pressed her hands against her temples, a burning, throbbing sensation growing behind her eyes as everything began to turn red.

“Why not let your brother do it, then?”

“Why should my older brother get all the glory. I hate that asshole.”

Without thinking about it, Risa pulled the Colt from her belt and marched into the room, “Where is he?” she demanded as both boys stood in shock.

“Who the hell are you?” The second kid asked snottily and she didn’t waste a second shooting him in the arm. He cried out in pain and fell back on the couch, clutching his wound.

“You think this is a game of glory?!” she roared, “You think being in the Blues is all about making a name?! You selfish brats don’t deserve to kill that man! He’s mine!” she pistol whipped the first boy and he fell to the ground, a fresh bruise already forming around his eye, “Now tell me where to find him!”

“Alright!” The kid with the maps cried, throwing them at her, “He rented out a mansion just north of town. The address is written there, that’s where he is. Crazy bitch.” he mumbled and she jerked the gun at him again, “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”

“If I ever come back to Yokohama and find that you’re still playing at being Blues like it’s some game, I swear here and now that I’ll kill you myself. The Blues aren’t some two bit street thugs, they did good things too and they looked out for each other. Remember that. My brother died for that.” She whispered harshly before storming out of the house, not realizing it would be the last time she’d ever see it. She didn’t care, now she had a purpose.


Ai looked down at her hands as they sat in their original war room in the hotel. She couldn’t believe the way she had acted at the manor, she had so easily broken her own creed and took someone’s life. Each bullet retort, each splatter of blood, each death remained in her mind constantly revolving around each other. She should feel bad, she should feel like a bad person, but she didn’t. She felt nothing except a sense of satisfaction.

Those men had been bad, they had hurt and tortured people and killed without provocation. They had deserved to die! She should be awarded for ridding the world of them. She wasn’t in the wrong because there was no way they could have been saved. They enjoyed the pain they put other people through and she had done a service in killing them.

Nodding to herself, satisfied with her justification, Ai raised her eyes up to survey the room, taking in the others in quiet conversation with each other on the two beds. Reina and Sayumi were exchanging flirtatious looks and touches on one side and Ai couldn’t help but roll her eyes. Really, now they were just playing around.

Eri and Jun were talking about something or another across the gap in beds and Aika was showing Lin something with a gesture, the hacker’s eyes lit up in understanding. The only one that wasn’t enjoying herself was Saki, sitting across from her on a chair.

“What’s wrong?” Ai whispered, leaning closer to the girl. The Captain looked up, slightly startled out of her thoughts, and shook her head, “You look like you need someone to talk to.”

“That would probably be smart, huh?” Saki commented mirthlessly, but said nothing more. Ai stared at her expectantly for a moment and then shrugged.

“Well, I’m here if you need to.” she offered, gaining a grateful nod in return. At that time, the door to the room opened to finally admit the last of their group and the most anticipated presence.

Ai almost gasped at her lover’s dramatic appearance, her chopped hair was cut to just below her jaw and dyed a deep brown, so dark it was almost it’s original black color, but with noticeable highlights. She was wearing stretchy black, formfitting pants and a light blue tank top covered by a vest that matched her pants. Her tattoo stood out strikingly on her bared arm, the rotting dragon seeming to shimmer strength as it was slowly devoured by the parasitic snakes that weaved in and out of his body.

Her body still bore the marks of her recent treatment, the red standing out against her lightly tanned skin, but she smirked underneath the brim of a black and light blue fedora, cocking an eyebrow upwards. Her cuts stretched precariously on her face as she did so, but the slight pulling sensation didn’t bother her as she said, “We’re back in business, ladies.” She put her tattooed hand on her hip and held up the other to show the files she was holding. “This is where we attack next and no more of this Mister Nice Guy act.” here she turned to Ai for confirmation.

“Right, I’m pissed.” was all the demo expert said, growling out the last word. The others in the room seemed shocked, even after the brutality that she had showed at the manor, just the fact that she was so heartily endorsing killing someone was so foreign to them. They all knew that there was a limit to how much someone could take before they lost whatever morals had been holding them back from giving it their all.

“We will bomb and shoot and throw rocks from a catapult if we have to, but we are going to level every one of these warehouses to the ground.” Risa declared, tossing the files on the bed, two on one and two on the other. The girls shifted forward to pick up the files and look through them. “Not all of them are on the warf, though the first two are. The other two are on opposite sides of the city.”

“Get me some blueprints.” Ai suddenly piped up from her position leaning forward with her elbows propped on her knees and fingers steepled together in front of her face, “Bringing down buildings is my expertise, after all.”

The gunner grinned at her lover’s initiative and flipped through a few pages she swiped from the bed, “Here you go.” she said, handing them over with a flourish. Ai looked up and met her clear gaze with her own stormy one and a part of Risa cried out loudly before it could be stamped down. There was something missing in her eyes that was only lost with your first kill. She hadn’t wanted this for her, she hadn’t wanted this for any of them, even sweet Lin had taken a life.

There was no going back for them now, as if there had been an option before, but they wouldn’t hesitate to use lethal force after all of this. Risa knew that it wouldn’t stop at the warehouses or the Tanaka clan, they were truly gangsters, they were truly criminals and they were soon to take the whole city in their hands. The gunner had realized when she became head of the Takashi gang that she was going to have to continue the business and become what she had been long ago, once more.

She was running, trying to keep her panting breaths quiet. It was only her and probably a hundred of them, but she had the advantage of night and silenced weapons, leaving their bodies where they dropped. Up ahead, she spied another guard and reacted instinctively, firing two shots into his head at close range. The man next to him couldn’t even get out a shout before he joined his companion on the ground.

She was finally at the mansion, after a full day of preparation, and not a moment too soon. Doro-san was due on a flight the next morning, if she was going to exact her revenge, it had to be tonight. She had a brilliant plan, something so crazy, there was almost no way for her to be stopped.

Full frontal assault. Charge in the front door and kill as many men as possible on her way to the master bedroom on the top floor, which was actually only the second story. She rounded the corner and took out a man having a smoke break in front of her entrance goal. Before she could even reach for the handles, it swung open, revealing another man coming out with his head turned back to talk to his friend. Grinning and not believing her luck, Risa capped him, shoved him aside and shot the second man point blank in the face.

Leaving the faint thud behind her, she charged onwards down the main hallway, aiming for the stairs at the end. Her footsteps were muffled on the padded carpet as she ran, pain beginning to shoot up her side. She encountered no one else on her trip and finally paused outside the door to the master bedroom. She reached out to test the knob and found it unlocked, her heart jumped, her jaw clenched, she adjusted her grip on her pistol.

She pushed the door open and walked inside, eyes widening at the view. The room was empty! Her eyes darted left and right, taking in what was in front of her. On the bed was an open suitcase, filled with clothes, next to the bed was more luggage. On the other side of the room was an empty couch with a tv remote on the arm and the television in front of it on mute.

Behind her, she heard the door close firmly and jumped, spinning around to find her target pointing his own weapon at her. “Well, well, well, what do we have here? A lost little school girl?” Where had he been?! Risa’s eyes fell on the minibar and fridge that sat behind the door and felt like smacking herself. He had been there the whole time, having gotten up to get a drink as she entered. What luck! And it would be the end of her, she realized.

Glancing at his weapon, Risa involuntarily dropped her eyes to her own, “Ah ah ah! Don’t even think about it.” But she had and she jerked her hand to point at him. A loud retort sounded and a white hot pain filled her gut. With a groan, Risa fell to one knee, her free hand clutching her side, where a very big bullet had passed through her, “Now, now, I told you not to.” Her enemy said, almost apologetically as he approached her.

Shakily, she tried to raise her pistol again, but her just grabbed her wrist and pointed it harmlessly to the side. She’d never been shot before and she felt the excruciating pain sapping her energy, “Why are you so determined, child?” he whispered and she looked up into his painfully curious gaze, “What have I done to you to make such hatred seep from your eyes?”

“You don’t remember me?” she rasped out, glaring with her whole being at him. His eyes suddenly widened and she knew he did, “You killed my brother.” Talking hurt, so she left it at that, looking down and waiting for him to strike that final blow. He pulled her weapon out of her hands and tossed it aside, behind him, the door burst open and men crowded around the doorway, shouts filling the room and becoming indistinguishable as words.

A warm feeling engulfed Risa and it took her a second to realize that he had surged forward to embrace her instead of finishing her, “I’m sorry, child. I took everything from you, didn’t I?” he whispered against her hair. Her brother’s warm scent flashed through her head for a moment, followed by Ai’s cold face as she had broken up with her, “I left you with such anger and pain and no outlet for either. Let me rectify that, let me give you that outlet now. Join me.”

Risa couldn’t believe her ears; the man she had hated for so long, who she had come here intending to kill, was asking her to join him? How could she? Why would she ever?! She had nothing and it was his fault! She had nothing.

Tears sprang to her eyes, even if he killed her or really took her in, it wouldn’t matter, she had nothing to live for now. Had she really expected to escape the mansion alive anyway? What else could she do?

Her vision swam and then went black, the pain finally taking it’s toll. When she woke up, days later in Africa, she would give him her answer. She would become a part of his gang.

“Thanks.” Ai said softly, taking the plans from her hand. Risa blinked, the memory playing in a flash.

“Okay.” The gunner cleared her throat, “After this, we bring the fight to their doorstep. We kill the lieutenants and take over the clan. Tanakacchi?” Risa questioned, turning to the cop to confirm.

“My younger brother.” she said quietly, looking at the gunner pleadingly, “Fuji’s not a bad kid, even if he was at the manor, I’m sure it’s only because they forced him to be there. He used to cry when we came across road kill, there’s no way he could take a human life.”

“He wasn’t there, actually.” Risa said, smirking at the surprised look she got, “He refused to go and your brothers set him up. He’s currently sitting in a cell awaiting sentencing, supposedly three years in Juvie. He’s a minor and his crimes were all petty, at least the ones they can prove, the only reason they’re going to give him that much time is because they’re so numerous.”

“How do you know that?” Reina breathed out. Risa just laughed.

“What? Did you think it took that long to get a hair cut? I still have a few connections in the city, anyhow.” The yankii’s look turned grateful and she just nodded. “And Captain.” The gunner turned to the solemn girl, “When you face you’re opponent, try not to do anything rash, remember your feelings.” Saki slowly nodded and the others looked intrigued by the vague conversation. “Alright, if that’s settled, let’s head back to our rooms to rest up, we do this tomorrow.”

All except for the two cops and Sayu got up and shuffled out, Risa catching Saki’s arm out in the hallway, “I’m fine.” Saki preceded, trying to forestall any questioning.

“You and Maimi have been in love with each other for ages.” Risa said seriously, “I know you’re hurting about what happened at the manor, but don’t do anything rash.”

“Like what? Kill her?” The younger girl laughed mirthlessly, a low sound filled with unshed tears that didn’t show on her face, “Kill my lover, my heart?”

“She’s just as trapped as you are, Saki-chan.” the gunner said compassionately, “This doesn’t have to end with death for you two. Once we take over the Tanaka clan, she’ll retain her position, just as you’ve retained your’s.”

Saki knew Risa wasn’t just talking about their gang status, she meant that their relationship would go back to normal. Sure everything hadn’t been all stars and rainbows for them, but this was quite possibly the worst fight they’d ever had. Mostly because they were physically fighting! She hadn’t laid her hands on Maimi like that since the first day they’d met.

It had been almost ten years ago, the three gangs had met up for a huge annual party and for the first time, Saki’s parents had allowed her to go. She’d been so excited, but tried to play it cool in front of all the adults. They’d ruffled her hair and laughed and called her cute, but thought nothing of her, so she’d been able to listen in on all their conversations and learn a bunch of juicy secrets. She’d also learned that there was another girl her age around here, somewhere.

Deciding to search for her, Saki had set off around the huge building, turning a corner and immediately running into someone, “Watch where you’re going, midget!” the person had said rudely and Saki didn’t give another thought to landing a fist square on the much taller person’s jaw. She’d been hit back and they’d fallen to the ground in a tangle of arms and legs.

It was soon very obvious that they were a perfect match, unable to best the other, and they finally stopped, winded. “I’m Saki.” She’d introduced and gotten a beautiful, bruised smile in return. It had been love at first sight on her part and she’d constantly beg her parents to take her to the Tanaka mansion, where Maimi’s mother was a lieutenant. Eventually, love blossomed on both sides and they’d gotten together, becoming partners in crime quite literally. They’d beat up dead beats together and gotten arrested together, their first kiss had been in a jail cell.

Remembering all this, Saki sighed; Risa was right, she loved Maimi and Miami loved her. There was no way the other girl enjoyed them being on opposite sides, but the fact was that they were. They’d never been able to beat each other in a fight, so hopefully, when they met again, Saki would just be able to keep her busy long enough for the others to win the day. Hopefully.

Gasping, Risa spit out the blood that was filling her mouth from the cut on the inside of her cheek onto the dusty, African ground. She was kneeling on all fours in the dirt, where she had landed when the fist had connected to the side of her face. It wasn’t the first time Hyoki had hit her and it probably wouldn’t be the last, the older man didn’t like the favoritism Doro-san showered her with when she proved herself more than capable over the few weeks she’d been with the group.

The gunner wasn’t a very confrontational person, though, and she hadn’t fought back yet, “That’s right, little bitch, take it. Take every thing I give you like a woman.” the rest of the gang, crowded around them in a circle, just laughed at his words, also thinking her weak for her gender and the fact that she wouldn’t stand up for herself.

Now, Risa definitely didn’t enjoy being hurt like this and a part of her that sounded and awful lot like her brother begged her to hit him back, but she also wasn’t stupid. She was no match for him and at her current state, a punch would barely sting. For now, she would let it go. “Fuck you.” she spat, lips turning bloody, before she got up and trudged away, their mocking laughter behind her.

Not far from the disturbance, Doro watched the fight and shook his head, disappointed.

Gunfire erupted all around her as the girls opened fire on their targets. The first warehouse was well guarded, but no match for an all out assault by the determined and pissed off group. Sayumi cackled next to her ear as her shots hit home and a young man collapsed to the ground. Risa glanced at her lover, a few feet to her other side and spotted her grim face as she took practiced aim and fired a single shot at a time, just like the gunner had taught her.

A high pitched squeal of triumph from inside let her know that the other group had infiltrated the side entrance. “Let’s go!” Reina commanded from the far side of Sayu and the four charged forward, laying down some fire to ward off any returns. The were inside in no time.

This was what she had been waiting for, Risa tried to keep her face calm as Hyoki sidled up beside her as she sat on a stool at the counter in the mess hall and dragged a finger up her back. All these months of training on livestock had honed her gunning abilities to the point where she didn’t even need to see her barrel in such close quarters to know where she was aiming. Her eyes never left the counter top she was glaring at as she eased her pistol up in her lap.

“Well, well, little bitch. Happy birthday.” The young gunner flinched at his words, a calculated move that had the effect she was looking for, he laughed and began to let down his guard, “I think I have the perfect present for you, eighteen’s a big number, ya know. In America, that’s adult age.” One of his hands began to run up her thigh, she smirked.

“No thanks.” She waited until his fingers touched the cold metal of her weapon and recognized the feel before she pulled the trigger. The bang echoed on the aluminum walls of the small shack they were in and the other people around came crowding over. Hyoki screamed as his crotch exploded n red and fell back onto the dusty floor. “Ah, that’s satisfying.” Risa smiled, rising slowly and turning to address the writhing man. “Now, fuck you, Hyoki! You’re the little bitch now!” she growled, her face morphing into a cruel mask as she raised the pistol to his face and blew him away with a well placed shot between the eyes.

When she turned to leave, the men parted for her like she was Moses, all feeling the pride that wafted off of her as though it were tangible. Across the shack, Doro smiled and nodded to himself. She was ready.

Blood splattered her face as Ai took out a man that wandered a little to close to Risa with a machete, the gunner nodded her thanks to her lover. It had been too easy to rig up the explosives in the first building, but the second one was putting up a better fight. A bullet whizzed by her ear and Risa swiftly turned to find the sniper before he could do any real damage.

The group was on the bottom floor of the concrete warehouse, fighting in fours again. The gunner’s group, affectionately referred to as the lover’s group, were to provide distraction so the others could creep in and hit the targets from behind. While they were reeling, Risa’s team would charge in and finish them, but these men were proving to be numerous and resilient.

Looking up through a hole in the ceiling, Risa saw the sniper, fumbling with his apparently jammed rifle. He jerked the bolt, but it wouldn’t budge and Risa’s laughter caught his attention, “Oh, bad luck there, boy.” She said, taking aim between his eyes. He only had a second to realize his fate before her met it.

”You are going to kill this man, without the use of your guns.” Doro ordered, pointing to a terrified looking farmer he’d had chained to a wooden pole, buried in the desert ground. The man began to babble in an incomprehensible language of fear, his dark skin paling noticeably. Risa furrowed her brows together as she watched him in concern.

“Who is he?” The gunner inquired curiously.

“His name is Jabar Kulim, he is twenty-two, has a wife and three kids. He is a farmer of cattle and a devout Catholic. His parents and grand parents both live in that village and are farmers as well.” Her mentor offered easily.

“What has he done?” she asked quietly.

“It doesn’t matter, I want him killed.” Doro answered swiftly. “And I want it to be carried out by your hands.”

“Why tell me all about him if you want me to kill him?” Risa replied incredulously, “Getting to know him just makes it harder to do it. He hasn’t even done anything serious, has he?!”

“No, I just want you to kill him.” He cocked his head at her indignant growl.

“He hasn’t done anything wrong, though? Why?” Risa implored. “He’s innocent.”

“No one is ever innocent!” Doro snapped, turning on her and gripping her neck in one hand, “Even if he hasn’t wronged me, it doesn’t matter, I still want you to kill him. The crime will never matter, neither will their families and friends. All that matters is that he has been marked!” He shook her thin frame and she sucked in a breath, “Rest assured, they will all have families and friends, they will have and be brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, mothers and fathers! And you will kill them anyway! Because that is your order and that is their mark!”

“The reason I have done this,” his voice lowered compassionately at her sudden tears, “Is so that you can learn this lesson now instead of later. Most times, you will need a lot of information on a target to get the job done properly and you will begin to feel sympathetic. That’s fine if you feel bad for killing them, as long as you finish the job.” He released her throat and she sobbed once, pulling a large knife from her belt, “Kill him, he is your target.”

“I’m sorry.” she whispered as she walked towards the frightened man. He began to slowly shake his head back and forth, pleading for her not to end him. ‘He has a family,’ a part of her pointed out, ‘he has loved ones, something you will never have again. He deserves to die for being so happy when you can’t be, he deserves it!’ It growled and she latched onto it’s words, taking any justification she could get, not matter how much she didn’t believe it.

She raised the knife high and the man screamed when it plunged into his chest. ‘Monster! Monster!’ Familiar voices cried out in her head, only to fade away as though having dirt shoveled over them. Tears dripped down her face for the last time for four years.

“This only leaves one more to go, right?” Sayu asked as she leaned up against the doorway, ostensibly to be lookout.

“You could help out, you know?” Reina grumbled as she helped hold up the huge chunk of C4 while Eri taped it onto a support beam.

“But then how would we know if anyone was coming?” The con asked innocently, batting her eyelashes at the yankii cop.

Reina opened her mouth to retort, but was quickly cut off by Risa raising her voice over them, “Yes! One more after this. Just one…”

’One shot, just need one shot.’ Risa kept repeating in her head as she lay still as death upon the ridge. It had been days since she’d moved, though she wasn’t sure how she knew anymore, her entire being was focused on the building she saw through her scope. She was pausing to look away only ever few hours so that she wouldn‘t lose herself to tunnel vision.

Her target wasn’t stupid and he had taken himself into protective custody and into hiding. She’d tracked him halfway around the world and now here she was in snowy Switzerland! She was freezing her ass off on this mountain and she had to pee like nobody’s business, but she couldn’t leave until she got her shot. He would get bored soon enough and open the window to take a look out at the amazing view of the mountains and when he did, she’d bee ready.

The explosion was magnificent, a mini mushroom cloud licking the sky before dissolving into flames, the building practically disintegrating from the force. It was brilliant and fierce and exhilarating and Risa pulled her lover close to her side as the group stood on the rooftop of another building to watch the fireworks. No matter how many times she saw something like this, it always got to her a little.

“Great job, baby.” The gunner whispered into Ai’s hair, feeling an appreciative squeeze on her behind for it. “This is it, guys. We’ve sent our message, now we just wait for their response.”

Risa raced through the mansion, popping off a few shots from her pistol as she ran. It was like a flash back to her teenage days, but the gunner was in too much of a rush to appreciate the irony. She’d just gotten into LA from her last job and had been so excited to see her mentor again after so long, but to come home to this news. The mansion under attack by Takashi himself!? She’d hurried immediately to find Doro-san.

She made it to his room in no time, most of the other occupants of the mansion and the attackers were too busy with each other to pay her any attention, so she’d slipped by them easily. When she reached the familiar door, Risa kicked it in as she entered and raised her pistols to fire off a few rounds at the men standing over her mentor. They dropped like bloody rocks and the gunner rushed to Doro’s side.

“Doro-san! Doro-san!” she called, sliding on her knees painfully to come up beside him. He grinned at her weakly as she took in his appearance, two bullet wounds in his chest, multiple other lacerations and bruises on his face and visible skin. “Oh, Doro-san, no.”

“Welcome home.” he rasped, “Sorry I couldn’t have cake for you, Happy Birthday. There’s a present for you in my dresser drawer.” He pointed above his head and they both looked up at it.

“Is now really the time?!” Risa cried, tears welling up in her eyes, “I’ve got to get you out of here, come on.” she tried to move him, but her groaned loudly and she stopped, resting him back on the carpet.

“I’m afraid I’m not leaving here, child.” he intoned ominously, “Now, my drawer.” he gestured again.

Sighing and rolling her eyes, Risa raised up on her knees and opened the dresser, grabbing a heavy box from inside, “You want me to open it now?” she asked, when he nodded, she lifted the top. “Oh.” she breathed. Resting inside the box was an old American military issued Colt .45, “You kept this?” She hadn’t seen it since she was seventeen and first assaulted his mansion in Japan.

“Figured it was time to give it back. It’s a reliable weapon and works effectively, too. I’ve been repairing any damage it had sustained over the years recently so that I could return it today. Talk about timing, huh?” He began to laugh, but cut himself off with a gurgling couch, “Now, go. Go! Use what I’ve taught you and live how you want, now.”

Reluctantly, Risa rose to her feet, “What about you? I mean, how could Takashi betray you like this!?”

“Oh, it’s been a long time coming, child, but don’t worry. This old bear still has some fight left, yet.” From his pocket, he pulled a cylindrical object with a single button at the top, a detonator, “Get as far as possible from here, I’ll try to give you five minutes.”

She shared one last look with him before bolting out the door, tears sliding down her cheeks. There was no need for more words, everything that needed to be said already had been, without any words at all. The explosion was magnificent.


“Those bitches not only took out our brother, but our four biggest warehouses, too!?” Baku screamed, reading the report handed to him.

“Fuck this!” Daisuke cried, standing up to slam his hands on the table with more force. Everyone looked unimpressed by his show of power, Etsuo adjusting his glasses, Chion examining his nails and Maimi and Erino sitting there with grim faces. “Let’s take the fight back to them, then! Rocket launchers! Grenades! Mines!” he shouted.

“It’s always explosions with you, little brother.” Chion murmured, emphasizing the ‘little’, “When will you learn?”

“Maybe when he starts thinking with his upped head?” Estuo chimed in with a chuckle.

“Oh, you’re one to talk,” Baku sneered, “You just like to pretend you’re all high and mighty, when the truth is you’re just as base as everything you say you hate.”

“No.” A deep voice barreled out, instantly silencing brewing arguments, “We will not attack them head on again, I will lose no more of my men. It’s obvious that you cannot be trusted to do anything right, so I will take command again.” Reiki ground his teeth audible. “We will wait.”

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 23 9/06)
Post by: oddball on September 06, 2010, 03:34:22 PM
So Ai and the gang arn't taking any more prisoners  :panic:

So Risa was trained as a killer by someone in the Tanaka group? she has quite the tragic backstory, I wonder how much of what Risa does if for revenge for her old master.

Big brother is back in comand then, I wonder what new plan the Tanaka brothesrs will come up with?
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 23 9/06)
Post by: rndmnwierd on September 06, 2010, 03:49:28 PM
Actually Risa's mentor was the right hand of Takashi, betrayed by his leader because he was too dangerous. I think I said that quite a few chapters ago, but just in case I didn't, there ya go~! :D
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 23 9/06)
Post by: oddball on September 06, 2010, 04:12:19 PM
Ah Sorry thats what I meant to say, was obvoiusly thinking about something eles when I wrote that  :doh:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 23 9/06)
Post by: kawaii beam on September 06, 2010, 05:52:51 PM
yay~ happy belated b-day~! that probably explained why i didnt talk to u much yesterday :nervous

flashback niigaki ftw~! its pretty good (and sad) to see how risa pretty much grew up gunner wise,she was one tought bean/cookie! u could really feel the emotion and everything through it. and u can tell she feels kinda bad that ai (and even linko!)had killed someone
i almost cried at the part where she killed the farmer cus i was like "no~! dont do it~!D:"

darn u for making such lovely epic works that i cants stay mad at since u spoil me so much >.>

 :bow: :bow: :thumbsup :love: :heart:

now kawaii shall wait till great master rndy does the next one!
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 23 9/06)
Post by: rndmnwierd on September 06, 2010, 06:19:28 PM
 :lol: :lol: I know I tend to have a lot of typos and such, but this one amused me enough to mention it.

NG:  He began to laugh, but cut himself off with a gurgling couch
Ok:  He began to laugh, but cut himself off with a gurgling cough

I haven't changed it because, one, I'm lazy, but also it is just too funny.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 23 9/06)
Post by: kRisZ on September 08, 2010, 04:40:42 PM
She felt nothing except a sense of satisfaction.
:mon freeze:

Reina and Sayumi were exchanging flirtatious looks and touches on one side and Ai couldn’t help but roll her eyes.
Very lovely  :D

“Bringing down buildings is my expertise, after all.”
Time to show off  :bounce:

shot the second man point blank in the face.


“Watch where you’re going, midget!”

their first kiss had been in a jail cell.
Ain't that lovely  XD


As always, very impressive  :bow:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 23 9/06)
Post by: SarangAi on September 12, 2010, 01:27:26 AM
omg I just finished this fanfic after my computer shut off and i couldn't write Chigatte anymore  :D
I read everything on my cell phone cuz i couldn't stop reading!!  XD

anyway, it sounds SOO GOOOD SO FARRRRR  :heart: :heart: :heart: :thumbsup

you HAVE to give us more, MORE MOREEEE  :cow:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 23 9/06)
Post by: kano-chan on September 12, 2010, 02:08:26 AM
Uh oh...sounds to me like they're going to plan something that will totally put the girls in danger. :mon chilly: :panic:

But then again, these girls are way too tough. :mon kungfu:

I need MOAR of this! :twothumbs
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 23 9/06)
Post by: Beecubed on September 12, 2010, 02:37:34 PM
Firstly, happy belated anniversary to B&B!

 :yossi: :cow: :otomerika:

It's a pity I wasn't here from the beginning, but I'd just like to congratulate you, rndm, for all the work you've put into this story and how awesome it has turned out.  :yep: And thank you too, truly, as it's been such a joy reading this.  :heart:

Ch. 23: For want of the price of tea and a slice

Firstly, interesting chapter title   :P
I kind of like to make assumptions as to what the chapter may be about from the title alone, but it sure is difficult sometimes! >.<

She should feel bad, she should feel like a bad person, but she didn’t. She felt nothing except a sense of satisfaction.

Sadistic Ai-chan  :twisted: I like.
I'm not surprised that she's taking it this way though, that she's not simply crumbling into a sobbing heap about it. She's been through a lot too, so it's hardly surprising.
I guess she's beyond the point of caring as well, seeing the terror and the chaos that she'd just walked through. Kill or be killed, a survivor's instinct!  :yep:
We know Ai-chan has a pretty gangster side to her already anyway  :nervous

They had deserved to die! She should be awarded for ridding the world of them.

Although when I read this part, I became kind of worried for some odd reason  :sweatdrop:
Is Ai-chan becoming some remorseless killing machine? You know, I'm just getting Light/Akira vibes there...
I guess in a way, it might be that she's just trying really hard to console herself. She's probably thinking what in the heavens overcame her like that... I know I'd be worried  :O

Reina and Sayumi were exchanging flirtatious looks and touches on one side

Awww, why no details?

You could've spent a few more sentences elaborating that, rndm...  :P

Ai almost gasped at her lover’s dramatic appearance, her chopped hair was cut to just below her jaw and dyed a deep brown, so dark it was almost it’s original black color, but with noticeable highlights. She was wearing stretchy black, formfitting pants and a light blue tank top covered by a vest that matched her pants. Her tattoo stood out strikingly on her bared arm, the rotting dragon seeming to shimmer strength as it was slowly devoured by the parasitic snakes that weaved in and out of his body.

 :drool: :drool: :drool:
Holy smokes, I just can't keep my imagination from running wild and freely fangirlsquealing whenever I think of Gaki-san in your story...  :wub:
Descriptions like this certainly don't help to calm me down xD
She sounds so sexay...  :w00t:

black and light blue fedora

Does that have anything to do with the title of the story?  8)

“Get me some blueprints.” Ai suddenly piped up from her position leaning forward with her elbows propped on her knees and fingers steepled together in front of her face, “Bringing down buildings is my expertise, after all.”

I've been waiting for a while for Ai-chan to put these delicious demolition skills to use!  :inlove:

There was something missing in her eyes that was only lost with your first kill.

I guess going through such an experience would really harden you as a person...   
It's kind of sad that we've lost such a gentle, innocent side to Ai-chan...  :cry: But you can't expect her to continue to carry such soft an attitude, not when things are this intense and crazy explosive as they are in this story!  :shocked:

Eventually, love blossomed on both sides and they’d gotten together, becoming partners in crime quite literally. They’d beat up dead beats together and gotten arrested together, their first kiss had been in a jail cell.

Awwwww, that little description dedicated to Saki & Maimi was really cute!  :oops:
They must be going through some rough times right now, literally having to beat each other up and all, but hopefully you won't be so mean and they'll be back in each other's arms soon enough  :heart:

“No thanks.” She waited until his fingers touched the cold metal of her weapon and recognized the feel before she pulled the trigger. The bang echoed on the aluminum walls of the small shack they were in and the other people around came crowding over. Hyoki screamed as his crotch exploded n red and fell back onto the dusty floor. “Ah, that’s satisfying.” Risa smiled, rising slowly and turning to address the writhing man. “Now, fuck you, Hyoki! You’re the little bitch now!” she growled, her face morphing into a cruel mask as she raised the pistol to his face and blew him away with a well placed shot between the eyes.

Ruthless Gaki-san!  :shocked

I honestly don't know whether to be afraid or to find her callousness attractive >.<

But it was somewhat satisfying to read this part - some guys can sure be infuriatingly... annoying. I'm all for girl power and trampling on men (especially those who deserve it)  :lol:

So I guess... nice one, Gaki-san, going for the jewels  XD

“I’m sorry.” she whispered as she walked towards the frightened man. He began to slowly shake his head back and forth, pleading for her not to end him. ‘He has a family,’ a part of her pointed out, ‘he has loved ones, something you will never have again. He deserves to die for being so happy when you can’t be, he deserves it!’ It growled and she latched onto it’s words, taking any justification she could get, not matter how much she didn’t believe it.

 :OMG: :err: :fainted:

Our poor Gaki-san has been through soooo much. That must have been a real pivotal point in her criminal life - to kill scum is one thing.. but to kill somebody entirely innocent is on a whole other level. Look at all the justification she had to make for herself just to push forward and commit the evil deed.  :thumbdown:

I'm glad she's no longer like that though. I can stand her killing evil criminals, but innocent civilians is a no-no.  :smhid

The explosion was magnificent, a mini mushroom cloud licking the sky before dissolving into flames, the building practically disintegrating from the force. It was brilliant and fierce and exhilarating and Risa pulled her lover close to her side as the group stood on the rooftop of another building to watch the fireworks. No matter how many times she saw something like this, it always got to her a little.

Great description!  :w00t:
I could really picture this in my head vividly. This is no average romantic gathering to watch celebratory fireworks... this is destruction. Pure, utter destruction. Man, these girls are KICK-ASS.  :love:

“Great job, baby.” The gunner whispered into Ai’s hair, feeling an appreciative squeeze on her behind for it.

Quoted for the yum yum TakaGaki moment.
 :mon fyeah:

He began to laugh, but cut himself off with a gurgling couch


I actually didn't notice this at first - regular reading has trained our minds to anticipate words and make sense of stuff pretty naturally. You pointing it out like that... LOL.

A gurgling couch... the image rocks  :lol:

As to all of Gaki-san's flashbacks ----

Great job with weaving these into the chapter - they flowed so well, and was really fluently expressed. And of course, as your flashbacks always do, they really add more layers to your characters and I'm continually building my impressions of them. Gaki-san was the prominent one in this fic, and I enjoyed reading about her past. She's been pretty badass for a while now, huh? As expected from someone who's pretty much grown up in such a dark, underworld kind of environment. I can really see where a real chunk of her drive is coming from now too, with her mentor's death. I hope Gaki-san is able to fulfil herself in every respect by the end of the story. I'm sure you will give her that satisfaction!  :heart:

Again, congratulations on the fic birthday, and here's to another year (hopefully?) of Black and Blue. *cheers*

Thank you for the wonderful chapter, and as always, I'll be here cheering you on and waiting patiently for the next one to come out and savour. 
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 23 9/06)
Post by: badsaints on September 15, 2010, 06:11:34 PM
Papa Tanaka taking over control? Horrors! :shocked This mean Reina will have to face off her daddy soon :(

Oh I can actually imagine the chapter in the movie scenario as the past flashes in between the present :yep: So stylo lol XD

Ya know, I really hope this story will go on for another year, or better still, it'll never ends cause it'll mean we get to read it forever and ever and ever :D
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 23 9/06)
Post by: rndmnwierd on September 27, 2010, 12:34:31 PM
I don't have a chapter ready as I'm suffering some serious writer's block right now and everything I write comes out like a mud dragon in the toilet. I just thought I'd give some replies, since I didn't do it last time. Usually I say I will and then stare at the reply box for twenty minutes before giving up. XD Sorry I'm so lazy, guys.

@Kawaiw00 - You know I adores you, my padawan. *patpats*

@HaPo-san - Yeah, a year. I can't believe it either. I just happened to be in the first post, fixing up my index when I noticed the date. I was like, WAO! :O :lol:
I'm trying to make it epic, buts it's not really coming out that way. I asked a friend for some help and everything he said was in contradiction of what I wanted, so now I'm back to square one. The suck square. XD

@KZ - Thanks, your emotes and minimally worded response to quotes is always so charmingly simple and yet so eloquent. A real 'I couldn't have said it better' post.

@SarangAi - Dang, your poor phone. Though I'm glad for the interest! I'm definitely not going to abandon this story, so more will come. Just not sure when... :sweatdrop:

@kano-chan - Uh-huh! That's right! There's nothing these girls can't get past! .....Right..? :O

@B^3 - Thank you. This is the longest running story I've ever done. Usually my brain just fires up for a quick one shot, but I have to say, I'm more impressed with myself for keeping it going rather than the content, which can always be better. :lol:

Firstly, interesting chapter title   :P
I kind of like to make assumptions as to what the chapter may be about from the title alone, but it sure is difficult sometimes! >.<
Actually, wanna know a secret? The titles are the lyrics from a song I like. I hadn't done titles in the beginning, but I decided to do it for one chapter and I picked a lyric that matched, then the next chapter had the next line that happened to match. Then I had a lightbulb and went back to edit my posts and it all happened to lay out evenly. Ironically, most of the titles match the chapters. Though the next chapter might not.... Or maybe it will. If you can find the song, I'll steal you a dino cookie. XD

*sadistic/scary Ai-chan comments*
This will play out later. Hopefully I can make it satisfactory.

Awww, why no details?

You could've spent a few more sentences elaborating that, rndm...
Yes. Yes I could have, but I didn't. :twisted:

She sounds so sexay...
Can you tell I'm a Risa fan? I've actually thought about this a lot, her character, I mean. All it is, is nature vs. nurture. I truly believe she has the potential to be bad ass, just as Sayu has the potential to be a little psycho and that Ai has the potential to change herself to suit the circumstances, even these. Things just manifest them in different ways due to our life experiences, the things we're taught as children and the things we see others close to us do.

Does that have anything to do with the title of the story?
I...have no idea what you could mean. :sweatdrop:

I've been waiting for a while for Ai-chan to put these delicious demolition skills to use!
I've been trying to think of some way to make her pwn, but it's just not coming to me. :nervous Maybe next arc I'll have something better.

Our poor Gaki-san has been through soooo much. That must have been a real pivotal point in her criminal life - to kill scum is one thing.. but to kill somebody entirely innocent is on a whole other level. Look at all the justification she had to make for herself just to push forward and commit the evil deed.
Risa is regretful for a reason. She was a bad person, she did bad things; she killed two hundred something people and maybe not all of them deserved it. People hire snipers/mercenaries/weapons experts for many reasons, sometimes petty reasons. I imagine that she has a lot of innocent blood on her hands, not because she wanted to be a killer, but because she felt she had no other choice. And even though she's 'free' of Doro-san, she still thinks there's no hope for herself.

I've seen a lot of good kids do bad things because they thought they had only one way to live by and that they couldn't change themselves.

Gaki-san was the prominent one in this fic, and I enjoyed reading about her past. She's been pretty badass for a while now, huh? As expected from someone who's pretty much grown up in such a dark, underworld kind of environment. I can really see where a real chunk of her drive is coming from now too, with her mentor's death. I hope Gaki-san is able to fulfil herself in every respect by the end of the story. I'm sure you will give her that satisfaction! 
I was trying, at first, to get everyone in equally, but my love isn't exactly equal, so my favorites shine through. :sweatdrop: Gaki and Ai and Takagaki are the ones that I've put the most thought into, so of course they have the most and best, but I'll try better to give everyone a little closure. Or not give them closure. I haven't decided yet. :twisted:

Again, congratulations on the fic birthday, and here's to another year (hopefully?) of Black and Blue. *cheers*
Gosh, at this rate, I'm sure it'll be another year before I finish this. :lol: And thank you for another long and apparently inspired review. :D

@baddie - Yep, face off. 'Twas inevitable. Ah, I'm glad I got my idea across as smoothly as everyone keeps saying I did. XD This is the story that never ends? It just goes on and on my friends! :lol:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 23 9/06)
Post by: rndmnwierd on December 13, 2010, 05:06:42 PM
I'm back biotches!! And with a new chapter, too! I apologize for the crappiness of the first part, but I rewrote it, like, four times before I was at least satisfied with this. I hope the last scene makes up for it.

Chapter 24: The old man...died?

The music was pounding in Reina’s ears as she sat alone at the table, nursing her drink and watching with burning eyes as Sayumi grinded up against a good looking man on the dance floor. She didn’t even notice Risa and Ai close by, practically making love in public, lips sealed together and hands wandering. She probably wouldn’t have noticed if someone came up next to her and blatantly spiked her drink and she jumped when Eri tapped her on the shoulder.

“Where did everyone go?” The turtle asked when she got her attention. The five of them had decided to go out and celebrate together, leaving Saki at the hotel with the children, even though Jun was actually older then them. Tomorrow, they would assault the Tanaka Manor, having received their message loud and clear when one of Gaki’s contacts showed up at their door, half dead and bearing a note, his tongue long cut out.

“Off to dance.” Reina grumbled to her partner, nodding her chin to Sayu. When Eri looked up, her eyes widened and she scanned the rest of the club for their other companions.

“Where are Gaki-san and Ai-ch-”she cut herself off when she spied the lovers with their hands shoved down the front of each other’s pants, completely oblivious to the world around them. “Oh, ahem.” she blushed as the throbbing crowd swallowed their forms, seeming to become more energized by the sexual energy they emitted. “Why aren’t you out there with Sayu?”

“I don’t like to dance.” The cranky cop grumbled. “Ow!” she cried when a hand landed hard against the back of her head, turning around to glare at her partner, “What the hell, Eri!”

“Idiot! Who’s cares if you don’t like to!? Get out there with her before someone steals her away!” The turtle cried, shoving her friend out of her chair and making her stumble, “Now come on!”

“No!” Reina cried in panic, tugging against the grip her partner had on her wrist, “I can’t dance, Eri! I can’t!”

“You can have sex, can’t you?!” The older girl cried out surprisingly, spinning around and eliciting a fierce blush. When Reina tentatively nodded, she continued, “Then you can dance. Now, let’s go!” The turtle’s face turned serious as she went into mission mode.

They took up a spot nearby their targets, Eri grabbing Reina’s sides and pulling her almost uncomfortably close so that they could roll their hips together rhythmically. Neither were looking at each other, though, like good tactical partners, they were focused on their next move, slowly sidling into position. Sayumi was grinning and carrying on a conversation with the man through gentle whispers in each others’ ears. Reina’s temperature skyrocketed in jealously and Eri patted her lower back comfortingly.

“Excuse me! Can we cut in?” Eri shouted over the music, gaining their attention. The handsome man looked delighted at the attention and nodded eagerly, not having a chance to say anything before Eri grabbed his arm and ripped him away from the con, twirling Reina into his place in Sayu’s arms. “Come on, handsome.” Eri giggled, tugging him away, “You’re mine.”

“Hello there.” The con grinned, tightening her grip on the blushing Reina, “Guess you decided to dance, after all.” She slid one leg in between the yankii’s two and pressed close to her, beginning to grind to the beat.

Unexpectedly, Reina placed both hands on Sayu’s round lower cheeks and squeezed, eliciting a surprised squeak. She used her grip to pull the con in and lifted her knee up higher to grind against a sensitive part. “Only with you.” Reina murmured into her ear, nibbling on the lobe.

“Oh, Reina.” Sayumi moaned, falling into the grinding motion happily and trying to return the favor as best she could with her legs quickly turning to jello. Their months of foreplay were taking effect and both girls felt a strong desire building low in their bellies. Sayumi let her hands slowly stroke up and down the cop’s back, scratching through her thin shirt and sending tingles down her spine. Reina responded by dipping her head downward and trailing kisses across her smooth neck.

Throwing her head back, the con brought her hands up to thread fingers in the other girl’s hair, rocking her hips in a sensual mimicry of an ancient act. Reina felt so warm even through so much cloth and she definitely seemed to appreciate the action, if the way her hands massaged Sayu’s ass was any indication. The yankii pulled back to stare into the con’s dark, half lidded eyes, seeming to try to convey a million thoughts to her. Sayumi felt something inside her chest tug almost painfully for a moment, in that way that made her want to run away, but she ignored it; instead, she leaned forward to close the distance between their lips.

Their bodies stopped moving as both girls concentrated on the kiss, Sayu slipping her tongue inside her willing victim’s mouth and energetically beginning a duel. Reina felt a cloud of happy feelings form inside her as her wet muscle slid against the con’s, keeping up with her energy with sheer intensity. There was a cheer and a catcall from beside them and the noise made them break apart, but their eyes never left each other.

“Stay with me in my bed tonight.” Reina offered in a voice that really made it sound like a command and Sayu eagerly nodded. Across the floor, looking over her dance partner’s shoulder, Eri pumped her fist in victory and made a mental note to be far away from the room later.


“Thanks for letting me stay with you guys tonight.” Saki said gratefully, bowing to Aika and Jun and causing them to scramble to return the courtesy.

“No, no, really, it’s a pleasure to have you here, Shimizu-san.” Aika said politely as Jun finally turned to flop on her bed. “We don’t mind sleeping together and you can take my bed, though I’m quite surprised that Kamei-san asked to stay in Lin Lin’s room.”

“I’m not, would you want to be in the room when Tanaka-san and Michishige-san get it on?” The hitter giggled, rolling onto her back. She turned to Saki, “And if you don’t want to sleep by yourself, Shimi-chan, you can bunk with me instead.” she winked at the suddenly blushing girl, “I’m sure Aika wouldn’t mind, right?” Jun grinned at her young companion and received a pillow to the face in return.

“Quit it, you.” Aika grumbled to her muffled laughter. As if to spite her teasing, Saki hopped onto the bed next to the hitter and laid her head on her shoulder, “Oh, don’t encourage her.” The thief sighed as they batted their eyelashes at each other playfully.

They fell quiet for a moment and began to notice a few sounds coming in from the room next door. When they realized what they were hearing, they scrambled for the television remote to drown out the noise.


After a night of much needed levity, the gang found themselves approaching the manor in their most comfortable and movable outfits while clutching their weapons warily close. Risa could see, as they entered the wide opened gate, many eyes watching their trek from the windows as Reina led the way. The cop marched up to the door and prepared to kick it in, but it opened suddenly before she could, nearly causing her to stumble.

“Welcome home, Ojou-chan.” an older man said pleasantly, “Your father and brothers await you in the dining hall.” Reina glared while, behind her, the others traded uneasy glances. Of course they had known they were expected, but this wasn’t the reception they’d thought they would get. The yankii led the way down the hallway and to their destination. The large double doors swung open easily to admit them.

“Welcome.” Reiki boomed out as they entered the giant room, “We’ve been waiting for you.”

The dining hall was huge and round, the floors and walls were marble and the ceiling a thick crystal with lights behind it to always give the illusion of daylight shining in. The massive table that took up most of the room could have easily sat everyone there and still left space between them. The walls were covered in an eclectic, but extensive collection of art, everything from paintings of Greek Gods and European Kings to abstract shapes and landscapes. There were usually pedestals that seated statuettes, but they had been removed in preparation of the coming battle.

At the far end of the room, spread out near the entrance to the hall that was used by the manor’s residents, were the Tanaka higher ups. On the far left was Maimi, holding Saki’s gaze as unwaveringly as she could manage. On her left was Etsuo, then Chion, both looking quite bored. In the middle was the towering Reiki, hardened eyes on his daughter from across the long table in between them. Further down the line was Baku, Erino and Daisuke, each grim faced.

Lined up across from them were the girls, standing in front of the guest’s entrance and gripping their various assault weapons firmly. Next to Saki was Ai, sizing up Etsuo and Risa was watching Chion. Reina, of course, only saw her father, but she acutely felt Sayu’s encouraging warmth as she and Eri stood across from Baku. Aika, Lin and Jun seemed unconcerned with their opponents and their noncommittal attitudes seemed to irk Erino and Daisuke.

For a long moment, the two gangs just stared each other down and with the forever noon time lighting and the stiff atmosphere, Eri felt a sense of déjà vu. She was certain she’d seen a movie like this, once, but she wasn’t sure she had liked the ending. She remembered the most of the heroes being decimated in the fight.

“You are on my turf now, Princess, we fight my way.” Reiki snapped his fingers and a handful of servants came into the room, all holding swords, “We will do battle the way you were trained, the way I was trained and my father and his father. We will fight like warriors.” Reiki commanded, his booming voice leaving no room for arguments, even from his opponents. His lieutenants already carried their favored weapons on their belts, but the girls had to trade in their firearms. Risa was especially reluctant, but in the end, each girl took a single, finely crafted long sword.

“You kept these?” Reina asked breathily as she was handed two customized blades, one long and one not that much shorter, in dark blue sheaths. This was her specialty, two swords, and the only person who had ever bested her when she had these particular blades was her father. He didn’t answer, only giving them a moment to secure their sheaths to their sides before pulling his massive broadsword from his back.

Taking their cues, the others in the room also readied their weapons and took up their stances. Tension rose thickly into the air. Suddenly, Reina gave a cry and ran forward, hopping up onto the long table to sprint down the length towards her father. This was all that was needed for chaos to break out in the hall. Reiki swung his broadsword as Reina came within reach, missing as she jumped over it and tried to bury her long blade in his head.

He may have been big, but Reiki was unbelievably quick, leaning back out of the way of the surely fatal blow with a swiftness that he shouldn’t have been able to pull off. He twirled his body and extended his sword in the same motion, forcing Reina to fall backwards into a practiced tumble, but he kept his momentum going and twirled again, his sword aiming for her waist as she righted herself.

The little yankii knew there was no way in hell she could block a brute force like that, the only way to keep herself from being chopped in half would be to use her blades to deflect his energy in another direction. She crossed her swords in an X and thrust them out to the side, slipping them underneath his broadsword. Then she jerked her arms upward and his blade scraped off her own, flying harmlessly upward and pulling his body closer to her where she gave his meaty middle a swift kick.

Reiki laughed, “Well now Princess, I’m glad to see you’ve been keeping up with it while you’ve been away.” He brought his sword back to his original offensive position, held out in front of him and she readied her own crouching stance, her long sword held horizontally above her head and her short sword parallel to it at her waist. She waited for him to make the next move.

Taking Reina’s cue, Saki began her own charge towards her estranged lover, katana held up straight, parallel to her body, elbows bent and held out evenly. Maimi, grim faced, met her rush with much the same stance. Even before their blades clashed, Saki knew it was a hopeless battle. They had trained together, so they knew every move the other would make. There would be no victor in this battle, so the little captain could only hope to talk her girl back to her senses.

“Maimi.” she grunted, pushing back an overhead blow, “Please, we don’t have to fight!”

“What do you want me to do?” The taller girl asked with a quick slash, “Give up? Surrender?” She jabbed, but was easily deflected, “You know I can’t do that,” she blocked a swing at her head, staring down into Saki’s face as they pushed against each other, “Not anymore than you can.”

Ai held her sword awkwardly, repeating in her head the brief lecture she’d had from Reina in defense. She understood the concepts, but had serious doubts about her own abilities to survive. Etsuo ran at her with his naginata lowered, apparently confident in his ability to break her guard. Good thing she had no intention of letting their blades connect if she could help it.

The demo expert had already decided that the less time their weapons locked, the less chance there was of this obviously much stronger and more experienced man overpowering her. Ai had been a dancer for a long time, she bent her waist around his first thrust, those reflexes didn’t just go away. Letting instinct take over, Ai swayed to the music of battle.

At the same time the monkey was avoiding her opponent’s weapon, Risa was having a much harder time of it. Sure, melee weapons weren’t her forte, but the gunner was no stranger to an old fashioned sword fight, she could hold her own. Unfortunately, this was no sword fight; she swore when a sharp tip poked a hole into her baggy cargo pants, narrowly avoiding impaling her knee.

Chion jabbed at her with wild eyes in much the same style as his brother beside him, but his piercingly sharp trident offered thrice as many things to look out for. She’d never encountered such a style or weapon before, so Risa really had no idea how to defend against such speed and maneuverability; in the face of her panic, her lessons fled her mind. A stiletto tip just grazed her side as she jumped away, arms flying up in time to miss becoming skewered.

Letting go of her sword with one hand, Risa grabbed a chair and flung it at the scarily grinning Chion, hoping to catch him off guard enough to press her own attack. With one swipe of his trident, the chair continued flying, landing somewhere behind Ai as he continued his relentless assault. She knew he was just playing with her; she was the mouse and he the hungry cat, sharp claws at the ready.

Baku stumbled backward under the dual pressure on his sword from Eri and Sayu, who had wasted no time in getting the upper hand in their battle. The older man found himself more than a little terrified and distracted by Sayu’s maniacal grin; she was obviously enjoying the struggle, while Eri was more concentrated on defeating him. The bunny pushed on frantically, keeping his attention on her while Eri came in to strike while he defended.

Using much the same tactic, Aika and Jun engaged Erino and Daisuke while Lin dealt out the real damage to them. They wanted to make this a short fight, but the swordsmen were skilled enough to deflect any killing blows and whatever did hit them, they ignored. Jun dealt an overhead chop that was easily blocked and Erino directed her sword down to clang against Lin’s thrust. At the same time, Daisuke pressed towards Aika, who stumbled a little under his strength.

In a slight pause in the battle, Aika and Jun looked at each other and gave a nod, deciding to switch partners. The youngest rolled under a slash and darted to the side, coming up underneath Erino’s guard and kneeing her in the stomach. Lin followed with a quick slash across the woman’s back which elicited a cry, and the thief used her distraction to get in a jab of her own. Erino quickly recovered, blood dripping from a cut on her face, which darkened into a heavy frown.

Daisuke grunted when Jun’s sword clashed hard against his own, sending a shockwave down his wrist. She was obviously much stronger than he was, which was not good. He wasn’t nearly as refined as his brothers, relying on brute force in his style, rather than grace and skill, and Jun found this out rather quickly. They were evenly matched, she realized with a grin, but she never played fair, she played to win.

He tried to keep up the attack, but she easily blocked every clumsy move he made. She allowed him to wear himself out for a while, before outright sidestepping a particularly violent, overhead slash, causing him to go stumbling forward right into a well placed knee. The air left him in a huff and Jun slammed the hilt of her sword down hard onto the back of his neck, sending him to the floor. When she went to cut off his head though, he rolled out of the way.

“I’m not going to that easily.” he growled, getting to his feet. Before he could properly ready himself, though, Jun was charging, sword held high. Daisuke jerked his arm up and moved into a more defensive stance, expecting her blade to come arching at him from above, but she surprised him by kicking him hard just underneath his right knee.

With a sickening crack, his leg bent backwards and his upper body fell forward as the broken leg collapsed under his weight. Jun turned and swung with all her might and Daisuke’s head rolled to a stop against the wall. The hitter turned away with a satisfied smirk as the rest of him hit the ground, blood spurting out as his heart continued to beat for a moment.

Out of the corner of her eye, Erino noticed her comrade’s demise, noticed Jun stalking closer. She dodged a swipe from Aika, blocked a jab from Lin and then backed away, hands shooting into the air when the hitter began to lift her sword, “I give!” her blade clanked as it hit the ground, “Three on one? No way. This isn’t worth dying over.”

The three girls exchanged a glance, lowering their own weapons, “Alright.” Jun agreed, “I won’t kill you, turn around.” Reluctantly, the female lieutenant did so and the hitter grabbed her in a choke hold, squeezing her neck until her struggling ceased and she fell limp in her arms. “Don’t worry.” Jun hurried to ease the horrified looks she got from her companions, “She’s just knocked out.”

Ai gasped as a sharp blade ran against her side, barely slicing into her sweater. That was too close, she gave a half hearted swipe back in return. Her plan had been successful so far, she’d sustained no injuries at all, but then she realized that she really had no means of dispatching him. He was more skilled than she was, stronger too, and she was beginning to feel dizzy from the constant twirling she was doing.

The only thing was that he was becoming quite frustrated by her uncanny ability to dodge his pole arm’s attacks. Ai could only hope that he made a mistake soon and she would be fast enough to exploit it. Suddenly, he gave a loud growl of anger and pressed forward furiously, jabbing with seemingly lightening speed. Ai shrieked and scrambled backwards, knowing there was no way she would be fast enough to dodge everything.

She jumped, throwing her weight hard behind her as a swipe came for her head, just missing her nose, unfortunately, Ai didn’t see the chair that was toppled over behind her. With another short scream, she fell on her ass, feet scrabbling for purchase on the wood underneath her, but finding none. Instead, her movements sent the chair flying forward and colliding hard with Etsuo’s shins, knocking his feet out from under him.

As he flew forward, Ai gasped and instinctively threw her sword out at him. The tip slammed into his chest, dove between two ribs and protruded from his back in a split second, Etsuo was dead before he even realized what had happened. Ai stared up at him in amazement, his naginata clattering to the ground beside her head, what luck! She almost couldn’t believe she had so easily pierced his heart like that.

Her arms began to shake from holding his full weight and Ai struggled to direct the body to fall to her side, planting her feet on his torso to pull her blade from him. It wouldn’t budge, no matter how hard she tugged; her eyes fell on his pole arm. Well, it was pretty cool, she supposed she could take it and use it. With a shrug, she grabbed the naginata and stood, where was Risa?

The gunner hissed in pain as three points speared her right bicep; it actually hadn’t hurt when the needle like tips entered her flesh, but damn had she felt them ripping out. She held her sword awkwardly in her left hand, her right hanging uselessly by her side. Slowly she began to back up, still feeling like a hunted animal and even more so when her heel hit the wall behind her.

“No where to go~!” Chion sing songed to her cheerfully. Risa glowered at him, trying not to give him the satisfaction of looking as terrified as she felt. “I’m going to enjoy this, let’s see how long I can drag it out.”

With a cry, the gunner swung at him wildly, clenching her jaw when he easily knocked her blade aside. His face suddenly went angry and he jabbed forward hard, thrusting his weapon into Risa’s forearm. She gave a silent cry of pain as the tips were forcefully ripped out of her skin, her blood splattering across the floor as he jerked his trident to the side. Her numb fingers fell away from the hilt of her sword, the weapon clattering to the floor.

“Aw, perk up!” Chion chuckled harshly, his face back to it’s psychotically cheerful visage. In a way, he really reminded her of Sayu when she fought. The thought kind of made her laugh, so she did, not really seeing why she couldn’t do whatever she wanted if she was about to die, “What’s so funny?”

“I can’t believe someone as pathetic as you is about to end my life.” She couldn’t help letting loose on him, seeing his face darken.

Face going angry again, Chion jammed the trident through Risa’s shoulder, “Bitch!” It was excruciating, but she kept laughing anyway, knowing that it infuriated him, “Shut up!” The three points kept her pinned to the wall, so that when he kicked the side of her knee, even though her leg buckled, she didn’t fall.

He buried his fist into her abdomen again and again, but Risa was beyond caring, eyes rolling around to find the rest of her crew. She noticed that most of them were cleaning up, she saw Sayu hacking away at what must have at one point been her and Eri’s opponent, while Eri just looked a little green. Reina was still trading blows with her father, neither really getting the upper hand.

Ai, where was Ai? Worried for her lover, Risa turned her head to her left trying to find the older girl. Chion gave a stunned cry when Risa grabbed his hand with her seemingly useless right arm, holding his limb outstretched with a smirk. Before he could even begin to struggle, a naginata blade slashed down swiftly and chopped the appendage off below the elbow.

Ai was glaring at him with all the strength of her anger, twisting the pole arm and bringing it up on the backswing, the blade embedding itself in his throat. He gave a gurgle of surprise, backing away quickly and causing the sharp edge to remove itself with a sucking sound. Blood spurted from his severed artery and his head lolled as his muscles and tendons were no longer attached enough to control the movement. The gaping wound only bled more and within few seconds, he collapsed backwards, dead.

Wasting no time, Ai didn’t even pause to watch her handiwork, more concerned with her pinned lover, “Risa!” she cried, dropping her weapon in favor of gripping the trident, but the gunner’s cry of pain when she so much as twitched it caused her pause, unsure.

“It’s going to be hard to get it out.” The bean warned, “I’ll probably scream, but it has to be done, I can’t stay up here all day.”

About this time, Jun materialized at her side, “Gaki-san!” The two youngest weren’t far behind while Eri was busy trying to pull Sayumi off the bloody pulp she was basically playing in.

“Good, alright, Jun! Put both hands on my shoulders, don’t worry about hurting me, I guarantee you will.” Hesitantly, the hitter did as she was told, “Aika, get some cloth strips ready, Lin, you help her. Ai, you have to pull this out.”

Saki held her sword up, panting in exertion; as she had guessed, neither girl was gaining the upper hand. She had to do something or this battle would go on indefinitely and she didn’t want to hurt Maimi any more than she had already. Seeing blood dripping from various shallow slices along the taller girl’s body was already so painfully to see.

The both ran towards each other again, Saki’s sword raised high and Maimi’s held at her mid section. The captain knew that her girl would go for a thrust, just as Maimi knew that she knew and would be able to easily block. This time, though, Saki had a plan; she knew what would end this once and for all.

As Maimi neared, Saki readied herself for the blow to come, locking eyes with her opponent. At the last second, instead of swinging her arms downward to block, Saki simply dropped her weapon, letting it hit the floor. Maimi’s eyes widened and she started to put on the brakes, but it was too late, with a meaty thud, the two girls collided, the sword protruding from Saki’s back shining red with her blood.

“Saki!” Maimi’s cry was nearly drowned out by Risa’s scream of pain across the room, but the captain still heard the concern in her girl’s voice. Tenderly, Saki embraced the Tanaka captain, feeling the action returned as she slumped into Maimi’s arms, “Why did you-?” the taller girl trailed of with a tearful choke.

“I didn’t want to fight you.” Saki replied weakly, looking into her girl’s eyes with a loving smile, “Don’t cry, I know you didn’t have a choice. If we had lost, they would have hurt you for not fighting properly.” Her eyes closed suddenly as she grimaced and Maimi shook her once.

“Saki, don’t-!” She breathed a sigh of relief when the older girl just opened her eyes and smiled again.

“You didn’t want to hurt me either, did you? This wound isn’t even fatal.” It was true, though painful, Maimi hadn’t been aiming for anything serious and the sword just jabbed into her side, missing her vital organs.

“Stupid.” Maimi sobbed, “You’re so stupid!” She was happy to feel familiar lips press against her own and kissed back hard.

Reina panted harshly as she dove over a wild swing, apparently, she wasn’t the only one getting tired; the sword pulled up a little slower than normal and she easily ducked the backswing. She darted forward and poked her short blade at Reiki’s arm, but he just swatted at her as though unconcerned. She knew he was feeling at the wounds she had given him, though, as he was positively soaked in blood and sweat. He had to be woozy at least!

Rolling out of the way of another swipe meant to decapitate her, Reina again tried to reassess her strategy. If little slashes wouldn’t do then she would have to try big ones, but he was so thick that all she was likely to hit wouldn’t kill him. The only place he was really unprotected was his neck, but she couldn’t get passed the stupid broadsword.

The thing was so huge, it looked like a diving board to her, she probably couldn’t even lift the thing. It was sharp, though, and he swung it like a pro. Like a light bulb going on, an idea suddenly came to her and she paused. As she expected, he tried to take advantage of her apparent lack of attention and swung at her extra hard, but Reina was ready.

She crossed her swords and locked them together on his blade, using his own momentum to send the sword over her head and slamming into the floor with a dull thud. As Reina pressed her attack, Reiki tried to raise the weapon, but it was stuck. His eyes widened as he realized too late that she had used the broad sword’s size and his own strength against him.

He tried to let go and raise his hands in defense, but Reina had already run along the length of the blade up to his face. Jamming both swords into the top of his shoulders, Reina jumped over his finally defensive hands and, using her weapons for leverage, swung both feet into his face. Reiki tumbled over backwards and landed hard against the floor.

The cop tore her swords from their fleshy sheaths and crossed them like scissors against her father’s neck. “Well?” Reiki asked when she didn’t move, “Aren’t you going to kill me?” To his surprise, she dropped her weapons and started to cry.

“My brothers are dead. Fuji’s probably going away for a while, but I can at least visit him. I don’t want to kill you, papa. I don’t want you to die.” She sobbed, falling to her knees and throwing her arms around him, ignoring the blood that seeped from his wounds.

Reiki hugged her back, petting her hair gently, the way he used to when she was a child. She only cried when her brothers picked on her, he remembered fondly. “Alright, you win. The gang is yours, princess. I’m too old for this shit anyway, but I’m not going back to jail.”

Slowly, he began to sit up, watching as the others gathered around. Before anyone could so much as take a breath, though, the door burst open and paramedics rushed inside, immediately beginning to tend to the wounded. A tall, slim teenager followed behind them, clapping her hands enthusiastically, “My that was an impressive show of your skills!”

Most of the girls reached for their weapons, but Risa didn’t bother. No one tries to patch up their opponents, “Who are you?” she asked as Ai pushed her behind her defensively.

“Me? Oh, I’m Kusumi Koharu!” she gave a peace sign and grinned cutely, “And I have a proposition for you.”

“And what might that be?” The gunner inquired with a tilt to her head, Ai finally letting the EMT’s close enough to begin examining her.

“I want your help to kill my father.” Koharu said, her smile never faltering.


Oh and a side note, the song lyrics I used were to Pink Floyd's Us and Them. In case anyone was interested (I know your not, but that's just my narcissism kicking in). XD
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 24 12/13)
Post by: gracula on December 13, 2010, 08:49:50 PM
Hey, you remember when I used to lurk? i carried this story in my phone and ipod (saved on my opera browser). I didn't realize it was you, or rather, i probably knew but didn't connect the dots because I am so far behind my reading list. I swear, its still in my phone which I will take out to read from time to time when I'm idle.

I love this story. I love the premise of the story. My preference in TV shows, movies and books revolve around this theme.

So. You cannot imagine how ecstatic i am that you've updated.

Thanks, Rndy. Fantastic update.

Looking forward to Arc the Third.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 24 12/13)
Post by: kano-chan on December 14, 2010, 01:10:07 AM
I love how your story is so descriptive! It makes the story seem more real and believable! I really enjoyed reading this chapter!

Oh dang... All the action, with Ai-chan dancing around, Eri/Sayu, Jun/Aika/Lin teaming up and Gaki just being a little too awkward with the sword.  XD

Aww...Saki let Maimi stab her.. :O

haha! And Koharu just jumped in, telling them to help kill her own father! :lol: Why do I find this funny? :roll:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 24 12/13)
Post by: SarangAi on December 14, 2010, 03:09:25 AM
Oh sweet lord, that was GREAT!!!  :thumbsup :cow:

The beginning was just... jw;oiekjfmoa.lksfmsSEKUSHII :drool:

And you wrote everything with such detail, i loved it! :inlove:

And at the end, you threw in Koharu, and now you've got me wondering what will happen in the THIRD arc! :bleed eyes:

Can't wait for more, rndy, you have failed... in losing your readers.   :lol:
KEep it up! :twothumbs
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 24 12/13)
Post by: oddball on December 14, 2010, 12:45:23 PM
Randmnweird, you brought black and blue back!  :twothumbs

and you brought it back with a bang! These were denfinatly some of the best action secene I've read in a while, It makes me wanna wirte a action fic myself!

and to finish it off with Koharu, wanting the gang to kil her dad?!?  :shocked, I'm wondering where the third arc wil take us.....
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 24 12/13)
Post by: kawaii beam on December 14, 2010, 04:17:29 PM
olbbgwy d by4wfvuhnnue FINALY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ yay~~~~ and omg poor everyone!!!!!!!!!! :cry: poor saki and maimi >.< and i wait for the day risa actually passes out from all of the beatings she gets XD fight scene was epic and ai-chan fighting always makes me laugh for some reason^^;

cant wait for moar~~~~*huggles*

and LOL for koharu-like entrance XDD
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 24 12/13)
Post by: Shiawase_Honoo on December 17, 2010, 07:51:38 PM
My first reply for this fiction HA! :nervous
I've read these for long time but I didn't have a chance to leave my comment.
I love this fiction! :wub:
Thanks for your fiction that I can get my idea :inlove:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 24 12/13)
Post by: Fushigidane on December 28, 2010, 07:03:22 PM
OOH :shocked: :w00t: Now isn't this an exciting fic ^^ I'm so glad Reiki didn't get killed :lol: :heart:
And lol! :D Koharu wants her father dead, does she mean YOSSIE?! XD (Ribbon no Kishi the musical~)
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 24 12/13)
Post by: kRisZ on December 29, 2010, 08:37:40 AM
Sayumi grinded up against a good looking man on the dance floor
:drool:  wait, man? I take that  :drool: back lol

She didn’t even notice Risa and Ai close by, practically making love in public, lips sealed together and hands wandering.
OMG  :inlove:

half dead and bearing a note, his tongue long cut out.
Poor man

she cut herself off when she spied the lovers with their hands shoved down the front of each other’s pants, completely oblivious to the world around them.
Oh gosh  :imdead:

“Idiot! Who’s cares if you don’t like to!? Get out there with her before someone steals her away!” The turtle cried
I miss the Turtle  :(

“You can have sex, can’t you?!”

 :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

Eri grabbing Reina’s sides and pulling her almost uncomfortably close so that they could roll their hips together rhythmically

“Come on, handsome.” Eri giggled, tugging him away, “You’re mine.”
Pull his nails out lol

Very hot dance floor  :mon bleed2:

“Stay with me in my bed tonight.” Reina offered in a voice that really made it sound like a command
Yay! Go Reina  :onioncheer:  :onioncheer:  :onioncheer:

When they realized what they were hearing, they scrambled for the television remote to drown out the noise.
:lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Wow! Sorry I didn't quote any from the battle scene, just too focused to pause  :grin:  :twothumbs  :twothumbs  :twothumbs
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 24 12/13)
Post by: badsaints on January 08, 2011, 01:48:28 PM
Oh shucks I'm really late in reading this! You'll forgive me, won't you? :mon sweat:

*Club scene*
Woohoo for TanaShige! Lol and I'm guessing they did woohoo'd after the club? :drool: *pats the turtle on the back* Well done Eri. But TakaGaki was hot *coughcough*

*Fight scene*
Guess that was hard for Reina. But oh shit, Koharu!
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 24 12/13)
Post by: sunc on February 16, 2011, 02:21:33 AM
Since i decided to delurk today i thought it was fair to confess that this is my fav fanfic  :bow:..and i apologize for all this half year or so of lurking that i enjoyed reading your fanfic without saying thank you very much and sorry for my english,it's not good
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 24 12/13)
Post by: rndmnwierd on February 16, 2011, 05:09:36 AM
Well, since this thread has been so graciously bumped, I've decided to put forth some effort and make comment replies.

@grac - It really flatters me to hear all this praise.  :oops: That someone thinks this is good is enough to keep me (attempting) writing, but that you carry my story, my baby, if you will, around on your phone is something else.

@kano-chan - Thank you. I try to be as descriptive as possible, but I always feel as though I'm leaving out some important fact that brings everything together. XD I'm glad it's understandable.

@SarangAi - More praise. :oops: I was trying to make a cliffhanger type dealie there. Glad it worked. Let's hope my next chapter will be interesting enough to top this.

@oddball - I have some ideas, but nothing with enough form to write out yet. I'm trying to think of a properly explosive opening chapter to the next arc.

@Kawaiwai - Fighting Ai-chan is just so unlike her. Or is it? Hearing all these reports of her breaking furniture and screaming at her sister makes me wonder just how her temper really is.

@Shiawase_Honoo - Ah, welcome. I'm glad I gave someone some inspiration. Thanks.

@Fushigidane - It would be pretty funny if Yossie led a double life. :lol:

@kZ - Thank you, glad you enjoyed. I always love your quoting reply style.

@baddie - Hey, better late than never, right? Glad you liked it!

@sunc - Welcome to the forum and thank you for posting here! Your English seems fine to me. I hope this means we'll be seeing more of you around here?

Currently, I have about a quarter of the first chapter of the third arc typed up. And now ideas for how to make it exciting. :lol: Hopefully work won't kick all my ideas away with tedious monotony and I'll eventually pull something out of my ear. Then I just have to get it down. :lol:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 24 12/13)
Post by: Ada XD on March 01, 2011, 07:05:53 AM
Okay I just HAVE to bump this up x__x
I read it till 1 am last night and I resumed the rest of it this morning 8D I kinda skipped the arts class for this lmfao <3

Okay so this was just too good, got me hooked from the very start  :inlove: I love how we got AiGaki fluff + hawt stuff in almost every chappie, and it always made me grin like a retard in pure pure delight   :w00t: :drool:
Too good I say *fidgets* >_>
UPDATE! UPDATE! UPDATE! *chants*  :D Now who's joining me lol  :twisted:
Moar AiGaki loving before the action comes in again?  :oops:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 24 12/13)
Post by: aya-chii on March 01, 2011, 11:21:44 AM
i spent my little spare time for the last three days reading this fic too !!!
i love the action scenes and everything... i can clearly imagine every single moment of those bloody scenes <3
i love the rabu rabu and--- yeah XD i can clearly imagine those too hahah

so i'm joining ada:

update update update
update update update
update update update
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 24 12/13)
Post by: Ada XD on March 16, 2011, 06:37:18 PM
Now that I`ve proclaimed this fic my fave of all time, you must understand how anxious I am to read more xD
Please rndy, give us a new chappie~~~  :heart:
*re-reads in the meanwhile*
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 24 12/13)
Post by: rndmnwierd on March 17, 2011, 05:33:52 AM
I'm sorry, I know I've made ya'll wait, but my inspiration has gone away, for, like, life and stuff. I don't have nearly as much going on as some people, but my financial situation is driving me crazy and I think that worry is not helping my stuff getting written. So, I love all those that have continued to support my fizzling storyline and I hope that soon, like within the next few months or so, I will get back to writing with a lighter heart.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 24 12/13)
Post by: oddball on March 17, 2011, 11:10:03 AM
Don't worry about it buddy, you take your time and come back when you are ready too

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 24 12/13)
Post by: Ada XD on March 17, 2011, 02:30:14 PM
Awww I'm sorry D: I didn't know that ;_;
Well if that's the case, I'm gonna be patient and wait 8D Ada is still going to support you, whenever you'll be back :heart:
This still is my all time favorite series lol xD
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 24 12/13)
Post by: badsaints on March 17, 2011, 04:14:57 PM
Hope everything will be fine for you :wub: Hang in there!

Miss this story much much too but we know that when you make your comeback, it'll be a blast! :deco:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 24 12/13)
Post by: kawaii beam on April 01, 2011, 05:37:17 PM
frizzle?! frizzle my behind lady! you know we (mostly me cus i nagg u...) will wait for your comback X3 and it shall be as epics as ever X3.......did i just make sense there? XD
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 24 12/13)
Post by: Sancho on August 05, 2011, 10:46:23 PM
Hi rndmnwierd. It's been awhile. This story was one of my favorite but I have to admit that I haven't finish it yet. sorry. But don't worry. I'll be checking it this couple of days. Yey!  XD
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 24 12/13)
Post by: Sora-chan on August 06, 2011, 03:39:00 AM
Risa with a gun is hot lol !!! xDDDD :)
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 24 12/13)
Post by: rndmnwierd on August 06, 2011, 04:09:53 AM
I can't believe people are still coming back to this story. :sweatdrop: makes me feel bad for not updating in so long. And it has been a long time... but I promise all ya'll faithful readers that this is not not not on hiatus. I'm just a wee bit blocked at the moment...  Soon though, I will have a chapter up, as soon as I get some time off work that doesn't last until I have to be back again in four hours... slavedrivers
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 24 12/13)
Post by: Sora-chan on August 11, 2011, 11:26:24 PM
ya~hoo. I cant read it whenever you upload.. ^_^ this is a very interesting and action packed story. :)
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 24 12/13)
Post by: rndmnwierd on August 12, 2011, 05:08:02 AM
Just signing on to report to y'all that my update may take a bit longer than I anticipated. My computer officially died this afternoon, may it rest in peace. Let's all have a moment of silence for my hardest working compatriot in fanfiction, quietly taking all of the verbal and emotional abuse I have dished out over the years and only complaining every once in a while.

Hopefully I should be able to replace the bad parts quickly, but I'm not sure. Until then, any projects I had been working on are dead in the water. Le sigh, just a waiting game now.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 24 12/13)
Post by: SarangAi on August 12, 2011, 05:23:29 AM
RIP rndy's computer.   :prayers:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 24 12/13)
Post by: Beecubed on September 05, 2011, 07:48:44 PM

:onioncheer: :onioncheer: :onioncheer:

Was going to bump this eventually, but I thought it would be nice to do it today! For some reason, I haven’t commented on your last chapter…  :nervous so I’ll be doing that now xD

Anyway, belated R.I.P to your computer, must’ve been really worked, that one… I hope you’re still working on an update though.  :mon cute: ‘Coz I’d be completely thrilled to see one from you. I’ve told you already that I miss B&B. ABLOODYLOT. :cry: We need more excitement around here?  :deco:

Now, it’s been a while so my memory is a little foggy here, so please excuse me if I forget anything or mix up details, etc.   :sweatdrop:

Chapter 24: The old man… died?

The first scene was hawt!  :drool: I’ve acceded to the TanaShige in this fic (though any mention of KameShige is still very much appreciated xD) so I was stoked reading this scene all those months ago… and even now, with this reread, it’s still so damn wonderful. :inlove:

Oh oh oh! I do love the way you sneak in the TakaGaki.


…she spied the lovers with their hands shoved down the front of each other’s pants, completely oblivious to the world around them.

:mon spit: ... :mon bleed2: ... :mon angel:

“You can have sex, can’t you?!” The older girl cried out surprisingly, spinning around and eliciting a fierce blush. When Reina tentatively nodded, she continued, “Then you can dance. Now, let’s go!”


Whut, Eri? Is that turtle logic or is it something that she's picked up somewhere...  XD

But Eri always makes such a lovely friend!  :heart: D'awwwww. Cute to boot and always so dorkily encouraging.  :tama-yeeaah: *sighs blissfully*
Uuuuh. I can't remember - does Eri have a love interest in this story?  :nervous I think I will be doing some rereading soon!

And then the TanaShige moment on the dancefloor -  :shy2: :luvluv2: finally, a proper acknowledgement of their mutual (*cough*sexualtension*cough*) feelings. . . as far as I remember.  :lol:  gahhhhh! MUST reread!  :D

When they realized what they were hearing, they scrambled for the television remote to drown out the noise.

:lol: sooo cute.

Also - was there ever a TanaShige perv from you? You’re my absolute favourite perv writer around here, I have to read more from you  :wub:

And then the action! Blood and guts! LOTS OF IT!  :bleed eyes:
The whole set-up for the action in this chapter was fantastic.

This was her specialty, two swords, and the only person who had ever bested her when she had these particular blades was her father.

Reina, so badass here.  :cool1:

The Saki X Maimi confrontation was also really entertaining to watch!  :love: (Yes, watch, because I could really picture everything going on here, your ability to put everything into action, to really show things happening... wow  :w00t:)

Okay, so I have an extreme Ai-bias, but I just wanted to say, I LOVED Ai in this scene. Clumsy with a sword (her vulnerability is just as sexy as her ruthlessness :inlove: ), but swaying and dodging and dancing around every swipe like a pro… it was really exciting to read.  :tama-excite:

Risa grabbed a chair and flung it at the scarily grinning Chion

Lol, maybe Sayu would’ve been a better match for Chion xD


With a sickening crack, his leg bent backwards and his upper body fell forward as the broken leg collapsed under his weight. Jun turned and swung with all her might and Daisuke’s head rolled to a stop against the wall. The hitter turned away with a satisfied smirk as the rest of him hit the ground, blood spurting out as his heart continued to beat for a moment.

:mon wtf: YOUCH. BUT QUITE POSSIBLY MY FAVOURITE FEW LINES IN THIS CHAPTER. (*besidestakagakiwiththeirhandsdowneachotherspants*)

All the girls here are so formidably cool.  :shocked:

Reluctantly, the female lieutenant did so and the hitter grabbed her in a choke hold, squeezing her neck until her struggling ceased and she fell limp in her arms. “Don’t worry.” Jun hurried to ease the horrified looks she got from her companions, “She’s just knocked out.”

Brute!Jun is amazing to read. More please!  :bow:

Gaki-san VS. Chion.  :shocked:
I love Gunner!Gaki and imagining her effortlessly taking out guys with firearms is oh-so-hot, but it was amusing to watch her have to relinquish her speciality and take up a sword. Still hot.  :heart: :yep:

“I can’t believe someone as pathetic as you is about to end my life.” She couldn’t help letting loose on him, seeing his face darken.

Even in her fear, she can be like this... :mon crazyinlove:

Ai, where was Ai?

Oh, you know, Gaki-san, just about to sashay over to save you.

Before he could even begin to struggle, a naginata blade slashed down swiftly and chopped the appendage off below the elbow.

Ai was glaring at him with all the strength of her anger, twisting the pole arm and bringing it up on the backswing, the blade embedding itself in his throat.

WOOOOO! Hottie!  :wriggly:
TakaGaki's protectiveness of each other will never get old!

“My brothers are dead. Fuji’s probably going away for a while, but I can at least visit him. I don’t want to kill you, papa. I don’t want you to die.” She sobbed, falling to her knees and throwing her arms around him, ignoring the blood that seeped from his wounds.

:mon waterworks:

Nice moment... though I really was expecting somebody to be cut here.  :nervous wonder if Reiki will have any role to play in the future...

“Me? Oh, I’m Kusumi Koharu!” she gave a peace sign and grinned cutely, “And I have a proposition for you.”

:shock: Oh shit, it’s Koharu!

“I want your help to kill my father.” Koharu said, her smile never faltering.

Another daddy to hunt down. And kill. xD

Hahhaaaa... I can't wait for 3rd arc. :otomerika: :yossi: Looking forward to Koha's character - we don't get enough of Koha around here at all. She's got a lot of potential to be a great character, and I'm sure you're going to do great with her  :twothumbs


Wow. WOW. Such an action-packed chapter. I’ve read enough from you already to know how good a writer you are, but I’m always impressed by how much you’re able to squeeze into all your chapters, and how well you do it too. You had a lot of girls to cover here, but your writing's top notch as usual. I loved the description; fluid and detailed enough so that I could really imagine everything going on, but at the same time, crisp enough not to distract. Showing action through a camera lens is one thing, but trying to describe it through written words is a whole other ball game. Kudos to you, rndy, for taking the time to write all the action and for writing it so well. :bow: I’d totally struggle with writing action, even after having read dozens of Buffy serials..  :lol:

Ganbatte, rndy!  :onioncheer:
We're all waiting for the next instalment with bated breath!  :tama-yeeaah:
Totally looking forward to the next chapter! :heart:

Random closing remark: ‘Fleshy sheaths’ was an especially awesome image.  :grin:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 24 12/13)
Post by: kimino-me on September 17, 2011, 05:03:39 PM
Just wanted to say, I really liked this fic that I read almost all the chapters in one day.  :nervous

I hope you may continue this fanfic one day, because it's really good. ^^ I love all the characters.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 24 12/13)
Post by: all6th on September 18, 2011, 02:34:37 AM
This story is very great.. I like Tanashige couple the most actually, they're hating each other and then loved each other.. please update soon author-san  O0
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 24 12/13)
Post by: rndmnwierd on October 07, 2011, 12:49:27 AM
Chapter 25: What the hell are we going to do with all these coconuts?

Risa sat behind a desk in the manor, the smell of smoke still lingering even after three weeks and the sound of construction loud around the house. She was waiting for a very important piece of information to come her way, so had gone through the trouble of heading off by herself while Ai helped Reina with some paperwork. She looked up from her absent study of her fingernails when she heard the door open, but the people who entered only made her expectant face fall into annoyance.

“Oh, you don’t look happy to see us, Gaki-san.” Rika said, moving to the windowsill to place down a vase of pretty purple flowers.

“Yeah,” Yossui followed up cheerfully, “We just dropped by to see how you were doing.”

“You mean you dropped by to check up on me.” Risa grumbled, looking down at her injured arms. Her left arm was in a sling, forearm and shoulder bandaged tightly, while her right bicep was similarly made up.

“Well, of course,” Rika picked up, coming up behind her to begin to pet her hair, “there hasn’t been much activity lately and you seem to be concentrated on actually fixing things instead of taking them apart. And then with Koharu approaching you and all…”

“I need to get us all situated within the gangs before we can destroy them.” The gunner defended, shaking her head.

“Have you given more thought on the younger Kusumi’s proposal?” Yoshizawa asked seriously.

“I have.” At their raised eyebrows, Risa sighed and went on, “I’ve decided to help her. If we allow this in fighting, it will make them weaker.” She didn’t feel the need to elaborate any more than that, though she was already lying about her reasons for helping.

The two agents shared a glance, speaking to each other without words, “Well, then.” Ishikawa finally began, “When will you put these plans into motion?”

“I’ve asked her to postpone them for a while.” The gunner replied, “Reina still doesn’t have the full support of her men, so we need time there, but also,” she lifted her arm up, “I’m still practically useless in a fight. I don’t plan on missing out anymore.”

“It sounds as though you really do have everything under control, Gaki-san!” Rika clapped her hands, face stretching into an innocent smile, “I guess we should leave you to your healing then.”

“Feel better, Gaki-san.” Yossui waved to her and then closed the door behind her.

Shaking her head, Risa let out a breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding, those two made her nervous. Before she even had a chance to relax, though, the door swung open again, this time admitting the person she was waiting for.

“Boss?” Saki asked, poking her head in, “Were those the government people you were telling me about?”

“Yes, they just felt the need to remind me of their presence. Come in.” The younger girl did as she was told, under the warm smile of the gunner, “How are you feeling? I’m glad to see you up and about.”

“Better, you know Maimi’s been babying me ever since. It was a struggle just to get out of the house today!” Saki said, but she laughed, obviously enjoying the attention.

The air turned serious, “Did you do as I asked?” Risa inquired as the captain moved closer, handing over a manila file.

“Yes, the only person that’s seen inside there is my contact and he doesn’t care what you do with the information.” Saki replied, but the gunner noticed that she certainly cared about the contents of the folder.

“Forget.” Risa commanded, “Never speak of this to anyone, not even Maimi.”

For a moment, Saki looked like she wanted to say something, but held herself back. She gave a stiff bow and then left. Once the door had shut again, Risa sighed and looked down at the name on the folder: Kamei Eri.


Ai knocked lightly on the door frame to catch Risa’s attention as she sat in the newly rebuilt study, watching something burn in the fireplace. The gunner turned in her chair with her eyebrows raised, her expectant expression turned pleased when she recognized her lover, “Ai-chan.” she greeted warmly, “I thought you were the foreman, come to argue with me about the construction again.” Here, her look turned quizzical, “I also thought you were out with Lin Lin today?”

“I was earlier, but I decided to come and check up on you. You’ve been hold up here for a few days, so I haven’t seen much of you around.” the older girl blushed, “I’ve missed you.”

Grinning from ear to ear, Risa stood and moved to embrace the demo expert with her mostly good arm, “I’ve missed you, too.” they took in each other’s warmth for a moment, before Risa stepped back some, “I’ve just been doing boring paperwork and trying to keep the construction crew in line. There’s just so much stuff that needs to be fixed and upgraded and I’ve been trying to keep a lot of the old fashioned look to the manor, while the foreman seems hell bent on making this place a modern masterpiece.” she rolled her eyes, “I just figured you wouldn’t be interested in all these technicalities, considering how much you had to deal with when I was out before.”

Also she had wanted to be alone with the information she had received, so she had bribed Aika, Jun and Lin to take turns keeping Ai busy for as long as possible. She had just finished with the file when Ai had walked in. She felt bad for lying to Ai, but she had a very delicate situation on her hands now and she wasn’t sure what to do about it.

“Well, yeah, it’s boring, but you and I are in this thing together.” Ai countered, “Next time, don’t try to leave me out of the tediousness.” she gently pushed Risa backwards until she bumped her hip against the edge of the desk, “Okay?” Ai propped her right arm on top of Risa’s shoulder, her fingers playing in the short strands of hair at the nape of her lover’s neck. Her left hand slipped behind the gunner to rest against the desk top as the younger girl leaned against the surface.

With her left arm tucked securely between them in her sling, Risa felt that she was at a distinct disadvantage to her lover’s attack. Not that she really minded, but she was afraid of what she might agree to if the demo expert asked her, “Okay, we’ll be bored together from now on.” Her right hand instinctively wrapped around Ai’s slim waist as the older girl closed the gap between them and kissed her.

Both moaned at the contact, it really had been a while since they had kissed so leisurely and deeply. With all the craziness in the reconstruction the hadn’t even found the time to make love again since the night on the dance floor, which had been anything but slow and passionate. Ai shifted a bit more forward, straddling one of Risa’s legs while pushing one of her own up against the apex of the gunner’s thighs, eliciting another moan. They probably would have gone quite a bit farther had Saki not chosen that moment to burst into the room frantically.

“Boss!” she took in the sight of the couple making out practically on top of the desk and cringed, “Um, I’m really sorry to interrupt, but that crazy foreman is trying to replace all the walls with some weird tin foil or something.”

Risa let out a frustrated sigh, “Did I say bored?” she grumbled as she disentangled herself from her lover, rushing downstairs to deal with the next home improvement crisis.


Reina was slowly settling in to her new role with much and surprising support from Sayumi. There was still a lot she didn’t understand, though, and basic accounting was one of those things; she’d been trying to figure out the payroll of her legitimate business, but it was like staring at Russian to her. “I hate numbers!” she finally cried, leaning back in her chair and frantically ruffling her own hair.

From the chair next to her where she’d been reading a magazine, Sayumi looked up with a smirk, “What are you having trouble understanding?”

“Everything!” The yankii cried, “I don’t know if I’m just not adding things up right or we’re really missing this much money.”

“Here, let me see.” Sayu gestured for her lover to hand over the papers and when she did, the con examined them carefully. Reina was astonished to see the wheels turning so fast in her head, her lips moving silently as she worked out the math in her head. “Looks like someone was embezzling money from the company.” She concluded, “There’s money missing regularly.”

“Who would have done it, though?” Reina asked, “The gang was making more than enough on the weapons shipping, which is why the regular shipping company was the perfect front. Why risk discovery?”

“Probably it wasn’t someone who was reaping the benefits of the weapons smuggling, so it would have to have been one of the regular workers. Doesn’t look like the books were doctored very well, so probably not the accountant, but still someone with access to the money.” Sayumi hummed for a moment, “We’re going to need personnel files if we’re going to figure this out.”

Reina stared at her in amazement, “You’re incredible.” she murmured, “I would have never thought of that. Maybe you should be handling the money, since I’ve got no sense for it.”

Blinking in surprise, the con replied, “Well, I mean, I could. If you really think you want me to.”

“Yeah! Yeah.” The cop nodded frantically, “I mean, I don’t want to just foist this stuff onto you, but you can take care of the money portion and I’ll take care of anything not involving numbers.”

Laughing a bit ironically at the new found partnership, Sayu agreed, “Okay, whatever you want.”


Saki crept quietly into the dark room, intent on her goal. It was quite late, the occupant of the large bed sleeping, her body bathed in moonlight. It was a welcome sight to the weary little captain and she began to tug off her clothes, stripping to just her under garments in the heat of the spring night.

As she began to slip under the blankets, though, her companion stirred and threw an arm around her, “You’re getting in awful late.”

“I know, sorry, it was just too amusing watching Gaki-san explode on the construction foreman all day. Then she roped me into helping keep everyone in line, this whole renovation is becoming a mess.” Saki explained, “I should have escaped while I had the chance.” She settled into Maimi’s side with a sigh.

“Sounds like you had a more interesting day than I did. Everything’s on hold until Reina-chan finishes going over all the ‘paperwork’ we have.” Maimi groaned.

“Paperwork?” Saki questioned.

“Yeah, I don’t know, she sure is determined, though.” The Tanaka girl shrugged, “I was thinking, though, maybe we should take this opportunity to take a vacation.”

“Yeah?” the smaller girl asked in surprise, “Did you have a place in mind?”

“The beach? Somewhere far away. We could just hop a train going south.”

Saki gave this idea a moment of thought, on a beach with her sexy girlfriend? “You have to bring that blue bikini I like.” She demanded huskily, thoughts already drifting away.

“Deal!” Maimi giggled, snuggling closer.


Eri stared at her phone quietly, contemplating the conversation she’d just had with her father. Everything was coming out exactly like he had predicted, the girls were not disbanding the gangs like they had been ordered to. Instead they were fixing them, making them stronger, getting rid of the bent nails, so to speak, so that they could make the greatest profit possible.

She didn’t know for sure, but Eri suspected that Risa was already putting drugs out on the street again. And she did know that Sayu had been at the docks just the other day, overseeing a shipment of weapons. The lawless girls were already reaping the benefits of their hard work.

Unfortunately, that wasn’t what they were contracted for and her father had reminded Eri of that in no uncertain terms. She had her mission, she was to keep them in line, one way or another. The only thing her father didn’t take into account when he put this plan into motion was Eri’s own feelings.

She really loved these girls. In only six months, they’d bonded and become close; Eri wasn’t used to having a lot of close friends, so knowing what she would eventually have to do made her feel physically ill. She wanted to cry, she wanted to hide. She really wanted to throw up.

How could she hurt these girls? How could she continue to do her job after she’d come to know their dreams and fears, after she’d seen them at their best and worst? On the other hand, how could she go against her father’s orders, after everything she owed him? He could have left her in the orphanage or on the streets to rot, but instead, he gave her a warm home and familial love.

She felt faint and before she realized it, Eri was lying on the floor. She wasn’t sure how long she lay there, fading in and out of consciousness, but eventually, she heard her name being called by a familiar voice. The voice came closer, tone turning worried, and she was picked up off the ground by strong arms.

“You’re burning up, Kame!” Risa cried, hand touching her forehead and cheeks. “Let’s get you into bed.”

“Risa.” Eri whimpered as the other girl took care of her, tucking her into bed and placing a damp cloth on her head. Tears sprang unbidden to her eyes when a kiss glanced her nose and a hand stroked her hair, the gunner sitting with her until she fell asleep. How could she choose sides? How could she hurt the ones she loved?


Risa shuffled through some documents, propped up in bed against some pillows. Across the room, Ai stretched, preparing to do her morning dance routine. It was quite early, but Risa was eager to make this a normal routine, watching her sexy lover workout was high on her list of things that made her happy. When Ai popped her earbuds in her ear, somehow making even that slight action seem a tad self conscious, Risa put her papers aside and settled in to watch the show.

Ai gave her a quick nervous look out of the corner of her eye, just a small shift, before she let out a breath and focused on the mirror in front of her. Risa had asked her once where she came up with the choreography for the songs she listened to and Ai had shyly revealed that she had copied from the actual footage of the groups she listened to.

Risa thought it was pretty amazing that she would go through all that trouble just to have a workout routine, whereas Ai seemed to think it was a bad trait. “I’m too OCD.” the older woman had said dismissively, “I’m not even interested in being an idol, but I still force myself to perfect the dances.”

“I think it’s important to show attention to detail.” Risa had countered, before Ai had ended the argument with a kiss.

The gunner focused intently on her red faced lover as she began to sway slowly, starting off with a slow song to ease into the routine. Risa could see Ai begin to shut out her surroundings, her face returned to it’s normal color and her moves became more fluid and certain. The slow song transitioned into a faster one and Ai didn’t miss a beat, changing her style to fit the song. She began to mouth the lyrics, then sing under her breath.

For the demo expert it was as close to meditation as she could get, her rebellious thoughts were quelled with the focus on her body and her worries melted away. The only other feeling she’d found to rival this was the one she got when twined together with Risa the couple times they’d made love. Thinking about that made a familiar heat fill her and she nearly faltered, but then she allowed the memories to wash over her pleasantly. By the time the song faded out, Ai was filled with the urge to hold the gunner.

She clicked off her music and turned around with determined eyes, meeting Risa’s own dark gaze as she stalked closer. In no time, they were wrapped around each other, lips sealed together, hands wandering. Risa couldn’t keep her hands off Ai’s abs, loving the feeling of the sinewy muscles contracting under her fingertips at every touch, and the demo expert returned the favor by slowly massaging the gunner’s behind.

As Ai began reaching for the hem of her shirt, something small and round suddenly crashed through their window and slipped under the bed. Risa, driven by her well honed instincts, wasted no time in grabbing Ai and hauling her bodily out of the bed. They stumbled through the bathroom door and dove into the deep bathtub just as the grenade exploded.

All over the house, similar explosions sounded, followed by screams and cries of terror and pain. The barrage lasted for maybe thirty seconds, but to the huddled girls, it felt like a lifetime. Eventually, they realized that all they could hear was a faint ringing and muffled yelling and they slowly sat up and began to take stock of their body parts. Finding herself fine except for a pain in her stressed wounds, Risa turned to her lover, who was saying something to quietly to be heard over the aftermath of the explosion on her ears.

For now she ignored the older girl and began to check her over. They had been so close to the blast, they were lucky to have escaped intact, their hearing would return fairly shortly. Ai had a bruise forming on her jaw, probably from when they were scrambling into the tub, but other than that, she appeared fine. Untangling themselves from each other, they cautiously began to check out the bedroom, slowly opening the thick bathroom door to peek into the room.

The first thing Risa noticed were the nails imbedded in the bottom of the door. She blinked in surprise, eyes drifting around and seeing a similar trend around the bottom portion of the room. Other than that, there appeared to be no other damage.

“What the hell?” she murmured to herself, stepping fully into the room. Her eyes fell on the steel framed bed, the center of the blast radius. The frame was a monstrosity, a custom built testament to paranoia, and Risa had been planning on getting rid of it. Now she examined the four post bed with new eyes.  What the mattress sat on was a little over six centimeter thick steel plate, apparently designed to resist explosions. The posts had slots in them that seemed to allow more plates to be installed around and above the bed for added protection, probably while asleep. She’d asked about the strange design and Saki had told her it was still a work in progress.

It did it’s job, though, protecting the bed from the grenade, which Risa also correctly assumed was wrapped with nails. It also had the unintentional side effect of keeping the blast contained to no higher than the bed was off the floor. Shaking her head slowly, she turned to gauge Ai’s reaction, seeing a similar look of disbelief.

Before they could do anything else, the bedroom door burst open and a dripping, towel clad Eri ran in, waving one arm frantically, while the other clutched her towel. “Are you guys alright?!” she screamed.

“We’re okay!” Risa yelled back, still having trouble hearing clearly. It seemed that Eri was as well, since she cried something about trying to reach the others. “Where are they?!” Risa asked loudly, worry suddenly swelling inside her.

“It’s just us here, the others left early this morning!” Eri replied and the gunner breathed out in relief. How lucky was that?

Deciding to check out the rest of the damage, she started to head out of the room. There would be time to worry about who was behind this after she assessed the manor and her gang. “Get dressed and contact Tanakacchi!” she ordered Eri, watching her nod and run off. Exchanging a look with Ai, Risa sighed, then buckled down and headed for the nearest cries.


Much much later that night, the lawless girls all gathered in the war room at the hotel. The Tanaka manor had been hit at the same time, with quite a few casualties, so Reina was understandably pissed as well. Luckily, she and Sayumi, as well as Maimi and Saki, who were out of town, escaped any harm. The Captain and her girl had been contacted and were on their way home.

“I was content to let things brew for a while between us and the elder Kusumi, but he apparently wants this fight to start earlier than later.” Risa began her speech, standing in front of the solemn gang. Good men had lost their lives today and they were prepared to take revenge. “I give him props for launching a preemptive attack, but the cowardly way with which it commenced is unforgivable. Let’s show him what it means to go to war.”

The others nodded in agreement before their special guest spoke up, “He’s holding a small celebration in two days time.” Koharu spoke, “I’ve managed to get my men on the guard detail outside his compound, but once inside, you’ll probably meet heavy resistance.”

“What is this celebration for?” Sayu asked curiously. The younger girl looked at her from her spot in the corner, Jun posted against the wall by her side. It appeared that old habits died hard and the hitter could not forget her previous roll as this girl’s guardian.

“He holds one every time he gets a new shipment.” Koharu explained, “It’s a good way to get everyone together to examine the goods.” The few people in the room familiar with the gang felt their faces darken.

“What kind of goods?” Lin asked innocently. Sayu was the one who answered her, exercising her surprising knowledge.

“The goods are young women he’s recently acquired.” She explained, fury simmering in her voice, “Young women that he kidnaps or have been sold to him.” Watching her, Risa suddenly remembered something the girl had said to them quite a while ago.

“Well, when my family lost their fortune, my father couldn’t deal with the ridicule.” Sayu shrugged nonchalantly, but the others knew it was a hard subject to talk about. “He sold my sister off and killed my mother and himself in a blaze of glory.”

Eyes widening in sudden realization, the gunner appraised Sayu with new eyes. She began to wonder if the con coming along on this attack was such a good idea. The girl was no exactly known for being able to hold her temper. Then again, maybe her insanity would be an asset. “So we need to find a way to be closer to the action.” she spoke up, “Maybe we need to be the goods, huh?” she glanced at the con, who seemed to be considering this idea seriously. That was a good sign. Or maybe a bad one.


I'm baaaack~! It only took me a year to finish this chapter! :lol: I hope it doesn't disappoint. :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 25 10/06)
Post by: kawaii beam on October 07, 2011, 01:19:37 AM
*cheers* YAY~! :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: that title made me lol XDD
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 25 10/06)
Post by: Sora-chan on October 07, 2011, 01:53:33 AM
This story is so amazing its crazy!! arghhh! I have so many questions so many uncertainties i wonder what will happen next!!! IM REALLY REALLY REAAAALLLYYYY looking forward to it! I love the Tanashige (which is RATHER surprising because im completely into Tanakame) I love the action i love the girls' roles in this i love the suspense (i hate suspense but it makes me want more so its like a love/hate relationship) lol And i just love it all i love the idea (i could go on and on but i'll shut up here and wait for the next upload which i hope wont take a year as well LOL.) :)
Big question though is WHY did Risa have to look at Eri's folder. That has made me go crazy ever since the name was revealed Haha!
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 25 10/06)
Post by: gracula on October 07, 2011, 10:48:22 AM
You're back!! There wasn't a sobbing in joy emoti, so I'll use this one instead:  :sheep love: (I've always wanted to use it, but could never quite find the appropriate moment to.)

Re: The title
"No! You know what is a serious problem? All those fucking coconuts!" Ayaka yelled from her seat on the left side of the table.
"You know, I though the same thing '99. Fucking Coconuts." Yuuko declared.

Never can a reference to coconuts be ever made without me associating it with Ayaka screaming: "What the fuck am I going to do with five truckloads of coconuts?!"
(Another day at HP is my crack bible.)

I love how Risa has to deal with mundane issues like home improvement to more serious ones like gang war and the fear of Erispionage in the same breath. Of course it helps to have a hot girlfriend around.

And Sayu. Ugh. Why is Sayu so cool? When did Sayu get so cool? I want to marry your Sayu too!

The story is going perfectly, I can hardly wait to see what happens next.

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 25 10/06)
Post by: KirikomoriHime on October 07, 2011, 06:52:17 PM
UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPDATE :D yay thank you!!  :cow:


but holy sh*t Sayu is a badass ._. she hasn't done anything but she's going to be a bamf in a chapter or two my Sayu-senses are tingling -twitch-
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 25 10/06)
Post by: SarangAi on October 08, 2011, 12:04:06 AM

I was so happy when I saw you made an update, i had to read and refresh the link a couple times before i realized the date changed  XD XD
and then i was so happy so i decided to just read it off my cell during lecture... but i didn't get caught so it's all cool~  :D :lol:

I LOVE the takagaki interaction here (well, i love any takagaki interaction but w/e).  they're so cute~~ and dominant Ai?  YES.  :cow:

but then of course the bombs interrupt... dammit it's always bombs  :bleed eyes:

can't wait for more~~ welcome back RNDY~~  :heart: :heart: :heart:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 25 10/06)
Post by: aya-chii on October 08, 2011, 10:37:14 AM

rndmnwierd! I.M.I.S.S.Y.O.U.

your story is really full of awesomeness!

and takagaki seem just can't get any action recently ! XD
and i just feel so sorry for the turtle..

the girls as the goods ? oh boy~ where to buy ? XD
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 25 10/06)
Post by: lil_hamz on October 16, 2011, 03:39:20 AM
You gave me hope by updating!

Hee at how AiGaki never let anything get in theit way of a good make out session. But I guess bombs are a little tricky. Good thing most of the girls aren't in the mansion when the shells came flying in.

My mind went "omg hawt!" when you wrote Eri burst in dripping wet with only a towel around her =x
I loved the little KameMame moment. Has the turtle recovered from her fever already? I wonder how Risa will act when it comes to this issue. She not gonna *gasps* kill Eri is she? @@

Crazed Sayusuke is hawt! Or maybe I'm just biased xD

Thank you for updating! I look forward to more from the amazing you.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 25 10/06)
Post by: kimino-me on October 23, 2011, 08:29:49 AM
Looking at previews from Sayuminglandoll of Sayu in all those "disguises", I couldn't help but think of a particular "vexing con" and how Sayu's new PB is very much a realisation of her character in this fic!  :P Well that's how it seems like to me!  :lol: (Will Risa's new PB happen to have her holding a shotgun or anything??  :bleed eyes: )

Anyways, I am willing to wait no matter how long it takes for the next chapter. Looking forward to it!  :twothumbs
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 25 10/06)
Post by: kjpop on November 21, 2011, 04:14:26 AM
pardon the mega-hyper-crazy-ass bumpage im about to ensue on this fic, but it had to be done lol

i read this in 2 days and man, what a ride it was LOL hopefully the brainstorming and getting-everything-down-on-paper process going for you! i really can't even stop fidgeting as I type this ahha i'm such a nervous wreck and constantly in the need to be in the know. WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN NEXT?! rofl im scaring myself into crack-addict-esque addiction with ur fiction (see, i apparently start rhyming too lol). I just really need to now how this will all end, what path eri will take (her character has been bothering me, not necessarily in a bad way either >_<), what will happen to our beloved cons and all that good stuff. THE MADNESS WONT STOP UNTIL WE GET CLOSURE *shakes fist in the air*

...and now that that's out of my rabid system lol lookin' forward to the next chapter! ^_^
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 25 10/06)
Post by: gracula on December 05, 2011, 05:08:12 PM

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 25 10/06)
Post by: mochi.rini on March 16, 2012, 04:51:18 AM
Seeing as this fic is approaching the second page, I've decided to take the liberty to make a post/bump so others can appreciate Black and Blue :)

Oh, and of course: rndmnwierd needs to update soon~ :onioncheer:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 25 10/06)
Post by: WinterAir on March 29, 2012, 11:51:11 PM
Hello! =D new reader here! lol and quiet a late follower haha... but this is so good! So glad that i got introduced to your fic! (HashirePomeranian recommended me to read this!) lol over the past 3 days i just kept reading your chapters one after another whenever i had time. Your story and characters are so good! I really like this plot idea and the scenes you throw are so exciting! and then there are those steamy + cute scenes hehe ^^ really enjoyed reading this, and I can't wait for the next chapter!!
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 25 10/06)
Post by: badsaints on March 30, 2012, 07:43:31 AM
Why you no continue??? :bleed eyes:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 25 10/06)
Post by: rndmnwierd on March 30, 2012, 06:47:37 PM
Ok ok, I guess I should address my commenters. I have been so busy with my work, I hardly have any time to write, and when I do sit down, I only get a few sentences down. I have dozens of stories started and even my oneshots are taking forever to get finished. I really have been trying, really, cuz I want to continue as much as you want me to continue, but I seriously hate my job and it's not helping my inspiration any. So I have not put this on hiatus, I refuse to, but my updates are going to take quite a while.

My apologies :kneelbow:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 25 10/06)
Post by: kjpop on March 31, 2012, 06:28:22 PM
^ ugh real life. it sucks, doesn't it? lol i'm on the same boat, so i can definitely sympathize =]
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 25 10/06)
Post by: gracula on March 31, 2012, 08:03:04 PM

what in
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 25 10/06)
Post by: rndmnwierd on March 31, 2012, 09:24:15 PM
Oddly enough, that doesn't ruin the song for me...
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 25 10/06)
Post by: gracula on March 31, 2012, 10:04:24 PM
But He-Man... why

There goes my last fond childhood memory and the pinnacle of masculinity.

I'm just rewatching some of these old clips. He looks like a bondage club reject. No wonder the cat looks so terrified when it's not tripping out on the power of greyskull.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 25 10/06)
Post by: mochi.rini on April 01, 2012, 12:37:58 AM
Rini doesn't understand this April Fools joke :(  OH well~

 :deco: Don't worry too much about it rndm~  Real life and their (usually boring) responsibilities come first ^^  We shall wait here like the good children we are :D
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 25 10/06)
Post by: gracula on April 01, 2012, 11:29:15 AM
Just so you know, I would've clicked the Thanks button a million times just because of this:

Oddly enough, that doesn't ruin the song for my giant cock...

Our fandom rocks. I love Aprils Fool on jphip. So. Much.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 25 10/06)
Post by: risa_ai on April 02, 2012, 03:01:13 PM
Daijoube~! Take your time! It may be hard, but school work is piority! Ganbare, ne?? We'll be waiting and cheering for you~! ^^
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 25 10/06)
Post by: kRisZ on May 01, 2012, 11:29:01 AM
Chapter 25: What the hell are we going to do with all these coconuts?
:lol: That's so epic  XD

Her left arm was in a sling, forearm and shoulder bandaged tightly
:gyaaah: Poor Bean

Rika clapped her hands, face stretching into an innocent smile
Look at that, so Rika.?.  :D

Risa sighed and looked down at the name on the folder: Kamei Eri.
:scared:  What's that for?  :scared:

Grinning from ear to ear, Risa stood and moved to embrace the demo expert
Lovely  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:

Ai shifted a bit more forward, straddling one of Risa’s legs while pushing one of her own up against the apex of the gunner’s thighs, eliciting another moan.
Okay, I just had a shower and so I'm cool but hmmm, I need to turn the ac on  :on_hot:

hey probably would have gone quite a bit farther had Saki not chosen that moment to burst into the room
NOOOOooooooooo!!!!!  :angry1:

to deal with the next home improvement crisis
I love this line  :D

she’d been trying to figure out the payroll of her legitimate business, but it was like staring at Russian to her. “I hate numbers!
Employ me!  :on woohoo: lol

her lips moving silently as she worked out the math in her head
Yay! Go Sayu!  :otomerika:

Eri wasn’t used to having a lot of close friends, so knowing what she would eventually have to do made her feel physically ill. She wanted to cry, she wanted to hide. She really wanted to throw up.
Aww Eri, don't beat yourself up, maybe your hunch is wrong  :(

“You’re burning up, Kame!” Risa cried, hand touching her forehead and cheeks. “Let’s get you into bed.”
All the more confused, I'm sure  :(

How could she choose sides? How could she hurt the ones she loved?
If you really had to, choose them :angry:

Ai stretched, preparing to do her morning dance routine
:w00t: I wanna watch!

It was quite early, but Risa was eager to make this a normal routine, watching her sexy lover workout was high on her list of things that made her happy.

Har Har  I'd be up all night to wait for that if it was me  :D

Ai gave her a quick nervous look out of the corner of her eye, just a small shift, before she let out a breath and focused on the mirror in front of her
Cute :wub:

Thinking about that made a familiar heat fill her and she nearly faltered, but then she allowed the memories to wash over her pleasantly. By the time the song faded out, Ai was filled with the urge to hold the gunner.
Then hold her already! Hurry  :angry:

She clicked off her music and turned around with determined eyes, meeting Risa’s own dark gaze as she stalked closer. In no time, they were wrapped around each other, lips sealed together, hands wandering. Risa couldn’t keep her hands off Ai’s abs, loving the feeling of the sinewy muscles contracting under her fingertips at every touch, and the demo expert returned the favor by slowly massaging the gunner’s behind.
:on_hot:  :on bleed:
Quoted the entire thing  XD

something small and round suddenly crashed through their window and slipped under the bed
WTH!!!!!!!!!!!!  :scolding:

grenade exploded
Can we kill that grenade   :ptam-kill:

Let’s show him what it means to go to war
Yay!  :onioncheer:  :onioncheer:  :onioncheer:

“He sold my sister off and killed my mother and himself in a blaze of glory.”
Ho! That's something

Then again, maybe her insanity would be an asset.
I love the bolded word  :D

“Maybe we need to be the goods, huh?” she glanced at the con, who seemed to be considering this idea seriously.
I love how the leader thinks  :fap

That was a good sign. Or maybe a bad one.
lol I wanna know the result  :w00t:

I'm baaaack~! It only took me a year to finish this chapter! :lol: I hope it doesn't disappoint. :sweatdrop:
That was a very good read  :yep:  :twothumbs  :yep:  well you're the writer so that's expected   :)


Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 25 10/06)
Post by: kRisZ on May 01, 2012, 02:28:54 PM
 :k-thrilled:  Peace   :k-thrilled:

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 25 10/06)
Post by: rndmnwierd on June 09, 2012, 10:21:19 AM
Wh-what is this?! A new chapter?! ...Does anyone even remember this story, because I don't think I do either. XD

Chapter 26: When life gives you lemons...

“Yay! I wanted to come back here someday!” Aika shouted, grabbing Sayu’s hand and dragging her to the door, the con laughing wildly at her enthusiasm.

“Alright, alright!” Sayumi chuckled, unlocking the door and letting her inside, the rest of the gang piled out of the van, Jun pausing to help Koharu down as though she were some sort of nobility, though the younger girl didn’t seem to mind. In fact, she seemed pleased, Reina noticed, clinging to Jun’s arm once they were on solid ground.

It seemed like it had been so long since they had been here, the cop thought, letting memories wash over her. This had even been before she’d developed any real feelings for Sayu beyond scorn. Now, Reina thought, watching her lover be dragged into the cottage by Aika, she couldn’t imagine letting her go off on a mission where she pretended to be Jun’s girlfriend.

Shaking away the jealousy that those memories caused her, Reina headed inside, but instead of following all the other’s into the room with the costumes, she began to explore the rest of the place. There wasn’t much else, since most of the cottage was converted into closet, but there was a small kitchen, bathroom and living room.

The living room seemed quite bare, the only thing on the low coffee table was a photo album. There wasn’t even a television, only a couch and the table. Curiously, Reina seated herself and picked up the album, flipping it open gently. A large family portrait greeted her, a severe looking older man, a pretty older woman and what must have been an eight or nine year old Sayumi and her teenaged sister. The resemblance between the three females was quite uncanny, they had the same eyes and lips and nose, even their postures were the same.

Flipping quickly through the book, Reina noticed that every picture was meticulously placed, as though telling a story without words. Deciding to pay more attention, she returned to the beginning and went through it more slowly. The first page were pictures of the man and woman shaking hands, apparently meeting for the fist time. The second page was of their wedding.

Blinking, Reina checked the dates penned in neatly beneath each picture, only a week between the two pages. Was it an arranged marriage? Another flip took her about nine months in the future. The woman was swollen in the late stages of her pregnancy. Eyebrows shooting up, Reina studied the photos of the hospital room, they sure didn’t waste any time.

There were a few pictures of the baby as she grew up till about the age of four. At that time, the woman began to take on the appearance of being pregnant again. Sayumi, Reina guessed, glancing through the hospital pictures until she got to the first glimpse of the new baby. She felt a soft smile spread across her face at those big, innocent eyes stared up at the camera.

She flipped a few more pages, watching the girls grow before her eyes. Finally, she reached the last page where a picture of Sayu at fourteen and a young man who seemed only a few years older were photographed shaking hands. The next picture was their wedding.

Frowning, Reina studied the picture; they seemed very professional in their official shots, but it still made the cop feel jealous. “You’re so expressive.” A voice from her left startled her, “It’s amusing to watch.”

The mistress of the cottage came over to sit next to her, peering over into the book. Reina grumbled at bit, “I had forgotten, in all that’s happened, that you are technically married.”

“You know, I only have to be married until I’m 24. Then I can get divorced and get a nice chunk of change. And since he and I don’t love each other, we’ve agreed that it’s alright to see other people.”

“I don’t really like the idea of being ‘other people,’ Sayu.” Reina grunted, closing the book and putting it back on the coffee table.

“Aww, don’t be like that. You know how I feel about you.” the con whispered the last part.

Reina nodded slowly, she knew, she didn’t need to hear the words. “Still, you’re mine. I don’t like to share, even symbolically. Besides, you don’t even need the money.”

“I know, but I’ve invested too much time in this to just quit now. I’ve been married since I was fourteen, only four more years to go!” Sayumi curled up close to Reina, wrapping her arms around her tightly and placing her chin on the cop’s shoulder. In the other room, a raucous burst of laughter followed by a bit of whooping and an angry sounding Ai shouting at Jun Jun floated out to them.

Surrounded by Sayu’s comforting embrace and the joyful sounds of the others, Reina couldn’t help but relax, allowing the con to pull the album from her hands and put it on the other end of the coffee table. “The marriage didn’t bother me, you know? I’ve never had a problem with it. Until now.” Sayumi confessed quietly, “It was always expected that I would have an arranged marriage that would benefit the company. Even if we had to go out of country to do it.”

Reina remembered her file, she had been on her honeymoon when her father had decided to kill himself. Her file also indicated that she’d gone to live with cousins in Tokyo until she’d popped back on the radar as a perp rather than a victim. “So what exactly happened to get you into a life like this?”

“Well it certainly wasn’t easy!” Sayu began in that confident tone Reina had realized she took when she really felt anything but. “I got pretty lucky, though, since I learned the trade from my Aunt Emi and managed to push myself into her business after her death.”

They settled back to into the couch, facing each other from opposite ends, their legs entwining in the middle. “Uncle Ryo was a pimp and the only woman in his life he hadn’t sold was Emina Tachibana, a woman who was her own pimp, in a way. When I went to live with them, Aunt Emi protected me, took me under her wing, taught me the best ways to manipulate everyone around me.” A slightly sad smile tugged at the corner of her lips, “As with most things, the good times have to end somewhere.”


Sayumi wasn’t sure what it was that had awoken her, but it startled her enough that she quickly dove for the hidden trap door in her wall, dropping into a tiny crawlspace beside her bed. Concealed behind wallpaper, it was invisible to those who didn’t already know about it. Once in the safety of this hideaway, Sayu paused, shaking her grogginess away and listening to what was happening inside the house.

Bloodcurdling screams issued from the various rooms in the brothel she called her home, a few punctuated by crashing and rifle bursts. Now awake enough to realize what was going on, the bunny found herself too frightened to move. She could only listen to the terror that was going on in the house, hearing her family being literally torn apart.

Just as a bit of courage kicked in and she decided to crawl out of her hiding place to try and help, she heard the door to her room getting kicked open and angry male voices enter loudly. Shortly thereafter there was crashing and scraping of heavy furniture and Sayu felt her breathing quicken in the beginnings of panic. Escape was the only thing on her mind now and she turned as quickly as the small space would allow, reaching for an already packed bag.

The brothel was once an old hotel previously owned by an eccentric who had secret passages installed in the whole complex. Living the life they did, Emi and Ryo had drilled the evacuation plan into her head until her body could traverse the route without any input from her adrenaline ridden brain. As she ran on autopilot, her mind began to process what was happening; they were under attack. The who and how were still a mystery, but there were any number of reasons for the why.

The young bunny slipped through cramped passages, sometimes crawling, sometimes barely able to squeeze past the walls, but moving instinctively until she was pushing open a hidden panel and darting into a nearby bush to survey her surroundings. The grounds were silent, the peace of the night offset by the terrifying screaming coming from the now obviously burning brothel.

She saw a few lucky shadows creeping out of similar panels along the side of the house; all of the working girls knew the escape route as well, so anyone who was able to get out, surely would. For a moment, Sayu was at a loss, getting out was the easy part, but without Emi, she had no idea what to do next. Obviously waiting for them to find her would soon be out of the question, but where would she go? The only things she had in her emergency bag were four changes of clothes and 10,000 yen.

Above her, a window suddenly burst, sending glass spewing across the yard and flames belching towards the sky. The noise startled her into action and Sayu sprinted away from her home as fast as her legs could carry her. She didn’t stop until she hit the end of the pier, 6km away.


Reina watched Sayumi with rapt attention as she recounted the harrowing tale like it was a rumor she heard about someone else. She could have never been so calm about something so traumatic, but the con seemed almost unaffected, at least to those who didn’t know her well. To outsiders, she was anyone they wanted her to be; to friends, she was a girl touched with insanity; to Reina and those who understood her story, she was simply coping with a horrible childhood.

The cop felt a new respect for her lover wash over her at these revelations. She was silent for a moment, then asked, “So what happened exactly?”

“Kusumi.” Sayu hissed, “I wouldn’t find this out until much later, but Kusumi always felt that Uncle Ryo was a threat. He was this upstart from Yamaguchi, trying to muscle in on his territory. At first, they had a tentative agreement; Uncle could run his business if he shared a hefty percentage of his profits. Of course Uncle agreed, then kept half of the money a secret. Or tried to, it’s hard to keep anything away from Kusumi, though, he even had eyes among some of our girls.”

“When he found out Uncle was making more money than he was admitting to, he decided to destroy everything out of spite, even though he could have just absorbed the brothel and used it himself. He somehow managed to fill the brothel up with his people that night and then, when everyone was asleep, they attacked.” Here she hummed and tapped her chin, adopting an informative tone, “I guess I should describe the brothel a bit more.”

“It was once a five story hotel, about a dozen rooms on each floor. Now, the reason Uncle got away with this is because he advertised it as a love hotel and he gave hearty discounts to any interested officials. It was really popular, too. He managed to fill almost every room with a working girl and some guys would even rent out rooms for months at a time. Usually until they went bankrupt.” Now her tone changed to a dangerous growl. “Somehow, Kusumi managed to get a man into every single room one the first through fourth floors. Four dozen men.”

Reina let out a breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding, “So, how did you survive from then until you got into trouble the first time?”

“Well, Aunt Emi taught me some valuable skills while we were all together. See, at first, Uncle Ryo really hated me, he didn’t like kids and he definitely didn’t want to be saddled with his older brother’s brat, but Auntie had always been kind to be as a child and she was the one that convinced Uncle to take me in. When I asked her how she did it, she told me something I’ve never forgotten, ‘Men are easy to manipulate. All you have to do is find out what they like and use it against them.’ Then she taught me how.”


’Some men like meek women, others like dizty girls. Some like party animals, and some like to be dominated. Finding out who likes what is easy, once you recognize the personality types.’

Emi’s words echoed in her head as Sayumi watched the man at the end of the coffee bar. She noticed his slouch, the way his hair shined with thick gel, his numerous rings and necklaces and that predatory look in his eyes. This man thought highly of himself, but he was deluded; he was perfect for her first test.

’Now, his stance and attire is the first thing to notice. How much confidence does he have in himself? That will determine how to approach him.’

She made her way to his end of the bar and sat with one seat between them, crossing her legs demurely as she ordered a hot tea and took out her phone to pretend to type on. This kind of man would either make the first move or leave an opening for her to. As he eyed her up and down, Sayu realized quickly that it would be the first option.

He put on a suave smile and cleared his throat, “Hello there, I don’t think I’ve seen you around this shop before and I know I’d remember such a pretty face.”

The bunny giggled, meeting his eyes with a carefully calculated slightly embarrassed, yet pleased smile, watching his eyes darken a bit as he thought he had her right where he wanted her. ‘Bingo.’ she thought, beginning to reel him in.

’After the first words are spoken, the rest in child’s play. If you say the right thing or smile at the right moment, you can get a man to do anything you want. Anything as simple as buying your meal to buying your car.’

“My name?” Sayumi repeated the inquiry, faltering for a split second as her natural inclination to introduce herself normally rose within her.

’Above all else, though, never ever tell him your real information.’

Remembering those words, that serious warning from her otherwise easygoing aunt, jolted her back into her character. ’You are merely playing a part. Make sure you have your story straight before you lay down your cards.’ Smiling brilliantly, Sayu answered with a false name, the lies only becoming easier from there.


“She told me that every time you do something like that, you need to be prepared to live the part, not just act it. That’s how I ended up with my closet that way it is, it’s why at my peak I had thirty different cell phones and ten different apartments. I’ve been every profession under the sun, from librarian to physicist and I understand at least the basics of each one.” She wasn’t bragging, Reina realized, Sayumi was simply stating facts. “In a way, jail was a blessing, it had been so long since I had been myself, I almost forgot who I was.”

“So, how did you get into credit card fraud and such? Doesn’t seem like your cup of tea.” The kitten inquired curiously.

“Well, one day I got too cocky and my mark bit back. He saw right through me at the end and I had no choice but to abandon my plans and run away. Somehow, he kept finding me, though, he stalked me for months until he finally caught up to me. I think he was going to kill me, probably, but I got luck enough to be caught in the open where a concerned citizen came to my aid with the cops. My mark was sent to jail and I was knocked down a peg.” Sayu shrugged like it was no big deal.

“After that, I decided to take it easy, but I had to make a living somehow. I knew a few hackers who taught me how to steal personal information without even having to be computer savvy, though they did hook me up with a few card readers and micro cameras to get pin numbers and the like. It was pretty fun to go on shopping sprees or take out loans and credit cards in other peoples names. Usually I just used it to pay my bills and stock my fridge, but sometimes, when I was bored, I would just ruin someone’s credit.” The con said this nonchalantly, no remorse in her voice. Before Reina could think of anything to say to scold, her, though, Sayu continued.

“I would find a few cheating husbands and make them pay for their misdeeds, or abusive parents and separate them from their kids. Amazing how easy it is to tip a custody battle one way or another when one party is up to their ears in debt. I’ve broken up marriages and households like some kind of vengeful lover or something.” The cop had to shake her head at her lover’s brand of justice.

Over the course of their talk, they had moved closer so that now they cuddled on the couch, Sayu tucked in the corner with Reina on top of her. It was a surprisingly tender scene that neither would normally be caught dead partaking in in public. Luckily, the only person who saw them that way was an eavesdropping Risa, who had come to the corner in search of the conspicuously absent couple.

She stayed out of sight as Sayu explained her childhood, listening sympathetically to her hardships. No wonder she was the way she was, no one could have come out of that unscathed. “I’ve never told anyone this.” She heard Sayu confess quietly, “I’ve never trusted anyone with this.” When she peeked at them again, she noticed they had locked lips, their kiss steadily growing deeper.

Taking this as her cue to interrupt, Risa cleared her throat and made herself known, “Sorry to break up the love fest, guys, but we’re having a bit of trouble finding some suitable clothes for all of us.” The two quickly untangled themselves from each other and stood, heading towards Risa with matching red cheeks. The gunner couldn’t help but grin at them teasingly, earning some grumbling threats from Reina in the process.

About an hour later, Sayu was examining the other girls critically, taking in their new outfits with a practiced gaze. “It look like what he usually brings in, girls with no money, girls who’ve been roughed up, girls who’ve been kidnapped outright. All a little dirty from the ride over.”

“He transports them over in cars,” Koharu piped up, “That’s his cover business, so when he imports cars, he hides the girls inside them. We need to be there to intercept his next shipment and take their places. I’ve already got most of the men in my pocket, but there’s still going to be a fight. Nothing I think you guys can’t handle, though.”

“We’ll take care of it. Do you know the lay of the land and the work detail?” Risa responded as Sayu held a different shirt up to her torso, apparently unsatisfied with the current one.

“Yes, the shipments are received at the docks, our docks are number 9, the very last one on the right. There are usually about 70 workers total, 35 of my father’s men, 30 regular dock workers and five customs officers. All except for 15 of my father’s men are now in my pocket.” Koharu obediently recited off the information.

Risa nodded, pleased, “Good, we’ll do a quick scouting of the area before we head in, but I don’t foresee any problems, as long as no one was tipped off. Of course, we always have to plan for that eventuality.”

“Well, I’m ready to get this done.” Reina huffed, “That slimy bastard is going down for what he did to my men.”

Risa noticed Sayu go uncharacteristically stiff, hands beginning to tremble with, what the gunner quickly realized was, fury. She reached out to touch the younger girl’s shoulder, “Soon.” she promised when their eyes met. Sayumi gave her a dangerous grin.


Risa surveyed the dock from her high perch through her scope; the girls were all gathered at the top of a shipping crane some kilometers away from their target. On her left was Sayu, eyes glued to a pair of binoculars and on her right was Ai, chatting quietly with Lin Lin about her place in the upcoming battle.

The gunner was trying to keep focused on their mission, but she couldn’t help but lament how things were turning out for the girls themselves. It hadn’t been all that long ago that the majority of them were all no-lethal criminals, and now even the sweet hacker was totally comfortable handling a pistol and shooting people. There really was no turning back for them…

Shaking out of her depressing thoughts, Risa forced herself to think about assault and escape strategies that were provided by the dock’s landscape. It was filled with a maze of shipping containers, forklifts and people flitting back and forth unloading cargo and such. The cars weren’t the only thing being offloaded here, many crates were brought out from the hold and large metal containers were being lifted off deck. The cars were some of the last things driven off and they were all lined up neatly for an ‘inspection’.

Before she could process any more about the scene, though, a gasp from her left turned her attention to Sayu, “What is it?” The gunner questioned, seeing the con’s pale bloodless complexion.

“That girl down there in the suit? That’s my sister…”

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 26 6/9)
Post by: kuro808 on June 09, 2012, 11:00:16 AM
I had to reread from a certain point to catch up to here :lol:

Well it still interests me that it has been slowly updated but good job :thumbsup
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 26 6/9)
Post by: risa_ai on June 09, 2012, 12:21:37 PM
IT'S AN UPDATE. Ohgosh, so happy~ I LOVE YA SO MUCH.
Sayu's sister. O.o oh no!! Author-san, update! Update! With takagaki raburabu and some action too~ QUICKLY. xD
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 26 6/9)
Post by: kjpop on June 09, 2012, 01:42:56 PM


There's so much heavy in all these fics recently LOL mah poor heart  :err:

Honestly, I'm totally glad I re-read this recently~ Things are flowing again in my head haha But whoa buddy, the HEAVYYYYYY with Sayu X__X Yowzas yo. Who'da thought? I love how you mold Sayu into some conniving manipulator, but then give her a heart and a soul somehow. It's like, WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO FEEL FOR THIS PERSON YARGHHHH!!!!!

Like, I mean this for all the girls really. I don't even know if I'm supposed to sympathize or what have you, but they're all so tragic and rotten...i think I'm just bipolar LOL

And I have a feeling, since Sayu saw her sister in this, we're gonna have the bunny go ape-shit crazy soon. And I'm looking forward to it  :thumbsup

Now, it's only appropriate that I do this, since you've listened to our cries for updates <333 I will proceed to shower you with love and affection because you deserve it <333 This song has been stuck in my head since yesterday and I feel as though it verbalizes exactly what all your readers probably feel for you right now HAHHAHA If you don't mind, I'm gonna go ahead and recite some choice lyrics from said song, because I love you.

"I don't wanna move too fast, so I pour some bubbly in your Hederlig 'cause I know you can't wait for what's next~ I'm gonna look in the bjoa, then I'm gonna turn out the torna, gonna toss you in the Sultan from Ikea, ikea~ Then we'll roll up in the Knoppa 'cause I'm gonna be all up on ya~" LOL I'm done being embarrassing and bribing authors with sex now LOL

Suffice to say, I am willing to get kicked out of Ikea for you until another update rolls around  :wahaha:

The Ikea Song (

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 26 6/9)
Post by: arisa03 on June 09, 2012, 03:35:13 PM
I just totally went "askjdakhsakajs OMFG IT'S AN UPDATE AM I SEEING THIS CORRECTLY?!" so I went off and post. I'll edit it later.

 I love you~ ; A ;
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 26 6/9)
Post by: kawaii beam on June 09, 2012, 04:02:02 PM
OMG YAY U UPDATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 :cow:

sayu's childhood is so sad ;3; no wonder she's as "crazy" as she is now. hopefully she felt better letting it out to reina though. plus along with gaki still getting that depressed feeling at everyone prettymuch getting more and more desencitized(is that how u spell it? XD its way to early for me to tell or check lol). ;3; it sucks ;3; gah now that u finally have this chapter i cant wait for the next one~! you know i'll nag and persuade/modivate u till u do~ :deco: now i can get my fantasy date gaki on~! :yossi:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 26 6/9)
Post by: mochi.rini on June 09, 2012, 04:42:19 PM
I dragged myself out of bed to see if Quietriot updated, but wait...I end up in some sort of "alternate unvierse" and there's a rndy update :O  PRA~AAAAISE!  :bow:

Man...after reading this chapter...Sayu is so cool hehe :3  Sneaky woman...she could probably run away into a cave and still know how to take care of herself with all those jobs she's done.  I've never really seriously thought about TanaShige until I'm definitely seeing the chemistry here! :)

Still curious about why Risa needed Kame's folder :) 

EPIC BATTLE COMING UP?  -pleasedundieminiSayuthatistheoldersibling-


You could/should totally join the competition with kjpop and QuietRiot :3
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 26 6/9)
Post by: Koei on June 09, 2012, 07:42:02 PM
Woahhh !!!!!! Story revival and update and rndmnweird and GAAAAHHH !!!!!
Ok lets calm down my dear Koei-ness and properly comment.

So now that everything has seemingly calmed down they are planning for revenge and Kusumi is their new target. Sayu's story is up and Reina begins to understand more about her. They are growing into this world and Risa is worried since she knows what it like to lose onself by becoming an assasin but still they will do what needs to be done.

And what's this ?!?!?!


Sayu's sister is there?! Will they waver??? Can Sayu do the deed even if her sister is part of the target??? Oh the suspense!! Oh the drama!!

...I just sounded like an announcer didn't I?? Lol sorry about that it's just that this fic is intriguing and exciting Keep it up!!  :cow:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 26 6/9)
Post by: Quietriot on June 10, 2012, 07:42:09 AM
So I forced myself to stay up late again in order to re-read this story from beginning to now~ Holy cow I forgot how awesome it was and lol when I saw you had updated it finally I did a weird dance that was probably more spazzing than dancing and yeah I may have screamed a little.

TANASHIGE. :heart: uwahhh~ the insight into Sayu's past is heartbreaking but she's got Reina there being attentive and such a good girlfriend~ or whatever they are at this point. How come there's no Tanashige perv for this story? I'm sure I'm not the only one interested in what happened after they danced together at the club eheheh~

I'm sorry this comment is so half-assed and lame. T___T I think it has to do with sleep deprivation but I'll rest easy after reading this. :heart:

Eagerly waiting for more~
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 26 6/9)
Post by: lil_hamz on June 10, 2012, 01:25:13 PM
Frankly, I don't remember  But that gives me reason to read the story all over again ne~ *wink*

I gotta tell you, your update made me post a comment. And that's a huge accomplishment since I had disappeared from this forum for so long ^^;
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 26 6/9)
Post by: arisa03 on June 10, 2012, 02:54:48 PM
asjdkasj Why hello there TanaShige. Since the earlier chapters for the third Arc I've been wondering "I wonder what happened to TanaShige?" Since if I remember, before the time skip (of sorts) there weren't anything mentioned about them anymore.

I am not pretty much answered. LOL. Now... who could Sayu's sister be.... ; A ; (Koharu? I feel like I'm missing something. LOL)
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 26 6/9)
Post by: Kuji on June 11, 2012, 01:20:37 AM
You know what I had forgotten? HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS FIC. All the characterisations are fantastic, the story's emotional and funny and when it's violent, I cringe at the imagery it's able to give me.

When I saw the new chapter posted, I just had to go reread the whole thing. I started yesterday and finally finished up to this point.

Everyone has such sad pasts. ;A; I feel like even before Sayu's dad lost it, her life wasn't so perfect either what with her arranged marriage and all. Question though, since Sayu's sister is older, was she married off as well? A husband wasn't mentioned and she was obviously around for her father to sell, so if not why didn't she have an arranged marriage but Sayu did? Hmm...

ShimiJima vacation got cut short. AW. :cow:

I really liked reading about Sayu's first test though. I find those skills hot. :nervous Please let us see more of it. :wub:

But oh god, now Sayu's sister is there with Kusumi's gang. :shocked Was she bought and now somehow worked her way up to actually be part of the trade she was victimised by? Most importantly: DID SHE MISS HER BABY SISTER EVER OH HUMANITY :bleed eyes:

Man, it was fun rereading all of this and of course the new bits. STILL EPIC.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 26 6/9)
Post by: rndmnwierd on June 13, 2012, 10:42:07 PM
Comment Replies go here! After work...

EDIT: Gah!

@kuro-kun -  Yes, slooowly updated. XD thanks for sticking with me

@risa_ai -  Action I can certainly promise you!

@Kiji - Oh my god, this comment is so much what? I don’t even XD Your surprise at my update had me rolling already, then I continued to scroll down. Oh my lols. I’m out of breath now.

Love and affection helps the writing process!

That Ikea song is super catchy, btw. *hits replay*

@arisa - XD Did you forget to edit?

@Kiwi - I know, I’m so mean to my girls, aren’t I? XD The Fantasy is coming soon… Just gotta pop that DVD in again…

@Rini - May the updates continue! Sayu is a bit of a Jack of All Trades, master of none. In short, she’s a great bullshitter XD

@Koei - You say things have calmed, but it’s just heating up!

@Fimmy - I’m surprised no one got on me for no Tanashige perv before now, lol. I may get right on that. Geez, my promised stories keep piling up.

@Hammzies -  *tackles* OMG! It’s been so long! I feel so accomplished, I do! I’ve missed you around here! Glad to see you at least sorta semi-lurk.

@arisa - Oh, wait, here you are. XD Uh, I probably forgot about them, I have a tendency to do that when there’s so much time between chapters.

I haven’t introduced Sayu’s sister yet, lol. You’re not missing anything there yet.

@Kuji - For everyone else, Sayu’s life before her dad’s, uh, blow up, may seem not that great, but it was pretty normal for her. After all, normality is different for everyone. It’s not like she had a bad life… Or did she?

There will be more on Sayu’s sister soon, I promise. XD As for Sayu’s skills, I find it incredibly difficult to bullshit verbal subterfuge… since it’s totally the opposite of my normal self. XD I will try to accommodate at least once later in the story, though.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 26 6/9)
Post by: rndmnwierd on June 13, 2012, 10:43:12 PM
Chapter 27 part 1: Wings of the Dove

The con’s pronouncement hung in the air and Risa was understandably startled at this information, “Uso~!” slipped from her lips, perhaps a bit louder than intended.

“I thought I would never see her again and now, here she is, as my enemy.”  Sayumi murmured quietly, eyes intently following the progress of the group down below.

“What do you want done with her?” the gunner asked gently, finally gaining a questioning look. “I mean, it’s your call. Do you want to take her out yourself, do you want to spare her? I could even get rid of her from here if you want.”

She saw the wheels turning in Sayu’s head as she weighed the options in front of her, “Leave her to me, then. I’ll take care of it one way or another.”

Nodding, Risa picked up a walkie talkie that had been on her belt and activated it, “Koharu, go ahead and begin evacuating your men. We’re heading down.”


The girls were equipped with Kevlar vests and had the element of surprise, so taking out 14 unsuspecting men was like shooting fish in a barrel. The only one left was Sayu’s sister, and she had the good sense to hide as soon as she figured out how severely out numbered she was. Unfortunately, killing 14 men was a lot easier than killing one woman in a place as large as these docks.

The shipping containers gave their prey the advantage and Risa quickly forced the other members to pull back to a safe location at the perimeter to wait on her and Sayu to finish the job. There was no way for the woman to escape, after all, so they were bound to catch her eventually. As long as she didn’t catch them first, that is.

Glancing up at the containers that were stacked two high, Risa thought that perhaps she’d have a better vantage point from up there. Unfortunately, the top of each container was about three feet over her head and the gunner was pretty sure she wouldn’t be able to pull her up one crate, much less two of them. So she was running around, practically blind. For a sniper, being blind was terrifying. “Sayu, have you found her?” she hissed into her handheld.

“Niigaki-san!” A voice came over her talkie in place of her comrade, “I can help!”

“Aika?” Risa exclaimed, then hesitantly, “I don’t know…”

“Niigaki san, trust me. Please.” Her earnestness shown through heavily in her voice and Risa knew that she could rely on the younger girl.

“I need eyes. Get up high and find our target.” She ordered after a moment, “I need silence until you find her, though.”

“Hai!” The gunner couldn’t see, but her lover would later regale her with the ease with which Aika hopped up onto the containers. As soon as she had her orders, the girl began sprinting towards a staggered stack, running up the side and gripping the edge, easily hoisting herself up. The second one took her only another moment to scale and then she was running off, quickly out of sight.

Risa was pretty close to the edge of the perimeter, so as Aika made her rounds, it didn’t take long for her to pass overhead, making good time as she hopped the gaps between the crates. The gunner watched as the girl hit a corner and dove off the side of a container across a large aisle, expertly gripping the top of the metal and lifting herself up. She headed left and Risa, raising an eyebrow, impressed at the show, turned right.

The search continued fruitlessly for the gunner like this as she mentally mapped out the area, the containers formed an almost square so she had divided the dock into quadrants based on the sun’s position. She was currently working her way through the southwest portion towards the east, but this was beginning to feel like looking for a needle in a haystack.

All three had been searching for maybe a half hour before suddenly, her talkie exploded into static, Aika’s panting voice coming through loudly, “I found her! We’re running east from, uh, uh, the north west? Yes, northwest! About 25 meters from the water!” Risa immediately turned and headed north, “I’ve got her, I’m going to get her!” Suddenly two gunshots rang out and the talkie went silent.

Now panicking, Risa sprinted towards where she had heard the shots, hearing a third, then a fourth before the docks fell totally silent. It only took her a few minutes to cover the ground between the areas, but for the gunner, it seemed like an eternity. When she rounded the last corner, she stopped short.

There on the ground was Aika and Sayu’s sister, both still. Blood pooled on the dusty concrete beneath them. Heart shuddering fearfully, Risa moved closer to the pair.

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.1 6/13)
Post by: kjpop on June 13, 2012, 10:51:27 PM


Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.1 6/13)
Post by: Quietriot on June 13, 2012, 10:56:01 PM
.................FUCK. NO. HELP. WHY? -meltdown-
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.1 6/13)
Post by: kawaii beam on June 13, 2012, 11:23:22 PM
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.1 6/13)
Post by: risa_ai on June 14, 2012, 04:02:01 AM
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.1 6/13)
Post by: KirikomoriHime on June 14, 2012, 04:19:55 AM
have I ever commented on here? I've been stalking this fic for a few months... :3

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.1 6/13)
Post by: kuro808 on June 14, 2012, 07:05:13 AM
Didn't expect that....  :(
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.1 6/13)
Post by: arisa03 on June 15, 2012, 12:17:22 AM
OH GOD WHY -insert meme-  NOOOOZ AIKUH!!!

Reply: I see. It's totally hard to try and remember everything OTP
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.1 6/13)
Post by: Shiawase_Honoo on June 15, 2012, 10:10:22 AM
You can't let my beloved Aika die!!! :cry:
No!! Not my Aika :cry: :panic: :cry:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.1 6/13)
Post by: rndmnwierd on June 15, 2012, 09:04:26 PM
Well, since pretty much everyone said the same thing, I'll just reply to all of you my thoughts.

Ahem.... Mwuahahahahah!! Haha! Ha!

I so love to troll, and now, some more troll.

I will be on vacation this weekend, so no update then. I'm planning on posting it when I get back, but that's only if I have enough time to write it while I'm out of town. I'm assuming my friends will keep me plenty busy though so y'all will have to wait a little while longer until you see whether Aika lives or not.

I do think this story has gotten a little too lighthearted recently. Maybe some character death would fix that... *cackles* :lol: :lol: :grin:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.1 6/13)
Post by: arisa03 on June 15, 2012, 09:37:41 PM
Oh dear .asldkjaskjlkasa.

In any case, please enjoy your vacation! (; ;) /
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.1 6/13)
Post by: risa_ai on June 16, 2012, 02:41:34 AM
Ohmahgosh. TAT
Buuut~! Do enjoy yourself!
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.1 6/13)
Post by: mochi.rini on June 18, 2012, 06:45:37 AM
...not sure if I should thank you for updating...or virtually punch you for potentially hurting/killing Aika....we'll see rndy...we'll see  8)2

But do enjoy your vacation~  :heart:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.1 6/13)
Post by: rndmnwierd on June 21, 2012, 10:18:44 AM
Alright, enough torture!

Chapter 27 pt. 2: Bearing an Olive Branch

From the top of the containers, Aika had a great view of the entire dock. Her sharp eyes and quick reflexes made her perfect for this kind of scouting and she leapt, climbed, rolled and ran, an acrobatic dance high above everyone’s heads. It took her a relatively short time to locate her target, but the older woman spotted her immediately and began to sprint in the hopes that she would lose her.

Aika was hot on her trail, though, lifting her talkie to alert the others, “I found her!” She panted out harshly, “We’re running east from, uh, uh,” she looked around frantically, trying to discern where they were. The setting sun behind her made it easier, “the north west? Yes, northwest! About 25 meters from the water!” She was closing in fast and grinned, “I’ve got her, I’m going to get her!”

The thief gasped when two gunshots went of in quick succession, the second one making her talkie explode in her hand, some shrapnel cutting painfully into her face. Adrenaline surged through her, she was only a few meters away from the older woman, who had taken a turn down a slim alley. She thought that the thief wouldn’t be able to maneuver, but she was wrong.

Pulling a long knife from her pocket, Aika flicked it open and jumped off the top of the container at an angle, using her momentum to run along the side of the one across from her for a moment. When that energy began to decrease, she pushed off the metal, somersaulting in midair and planting her feet on the side of the first container.

Her target was so stunned at her impressive acrobatics that she paused in her steps. She quickly realized her mistake, but by then it was too late, she tried to fire her pistol at the thief. The first shot bounced harmlessly off the metal container. As Aika pushed off a second time, catapulting herself at the older woman, knife raised for her strike, her target fired a second shot, hitting her square in the chest.

Luckily, the Kevlar vest she was wearing made the shot non-lethal, but the wind was still knocked out of her at the pain. Her aim was thrown off a bit as they crashed together, the older woman frantically swinging her gun into the side of her assailants head as they went down. The impact sent both girls into darkness.


“Aika. Aika. Aika!” The thief mumbled incoherently as someone began to shake her shoulders, “Hey, no sleeping on the job!” Groggily, the girl began to come to, realizing that she was laid out rather uncomfortably on the hard concrete. And her chest hurt. Also her head. And it was hard to think straight,

“What happened to the truck that hit me?” she grumbled as Risa helped her to her feet.

“Damn, you really had me scared for a second there.” The gunner exclaimed, not letting the girl go quite yet. Aika seemed to not mind as she was still a little unsteady on her feet, “I saw all that blood…”

“Blood?” The thief questioned as her most recent memories began returning.

Risa pointed to the ground and the woman that still lay on it. Aika blinked, taking in Sayu, who crouched on her target’s torso like a gargoyle, staring intently into her face. Now that she had a moment to slow down, Aika realized that the left side of her face was covered in burn scars. In her bicep, sticking straight out, was Aika’s knife, one source of blood, the other source seemed to be the back of her head, probably where it had hit the concrete.

“I don’t think Sayu’s decided what to do with her yet…” Risa whispered.

“Should we call Tanaka-san?” The thief questioned, inching her way to the siblings, “Is she dead…?” About that time, the older woman let out a loud groan, “Zombie! Kill it!” She shouted, scampering back to Risa’s side like a frightened puppy. The gunner shushed her, intently watching Sayu’s face for any change in her unreadable expression.

The older woman groaned again as she tried to lift her injured arm up, quickly giving up as pain lanced through her. She suddenly seemed to realize the pressure on her chest and her eyes focused on the con above her, “Sayumi.” she greeted quietly.

“Erina.” The younger returned in much the same tone.

“Are you going to kill me…?” Erina asked a little bit fearfully.

“Maybe, if I’m not satisfied by what you tell me.” Though her expression was still blank, Sayu let her muscles relax, “So you’re a lieutenant now?”

“Yes. I worked my way up. I’m still the lowest, but the last one to have this spot was my former owner.” Erina revealed, “His name was Mano Yuusuke.” After a slight pause she mentioned, “I’ve taken his name, as well. I’m no longer a Michishige. Well, I guess I haven‘t been one for a long time now.”

“Mano Erina?” Sayumi raised an eyebrow at her. There was a few seconds of silence, until, “Have you even looked for me at all?” The con whispered in a hurt sounding tone, the real reason for her animosity coming out, “I searched for you for years! I could understand when you were a slave, but now that you have freedom? Did you even miss me at all…?”

“Of course I did, but you didn’t make it easy. Every time I would pick up your trail, you would change your identity and cover your tracks. I finally found you when you were sent to prison, but you were released before I could make it up there to visit you.” Erina defended herself, glaring at her sibling.

“I was there for months!” The con shouted back, reaching around to grip the knife’s handle as though she was going to twist, “You could have come anytime!”

“I was afraid!” The Kusumi woman yelled right back, “I wasn’t sure if you wanted to see me after so much time.” Sayu slowly released the knife, “I wasn’t sure if things had changed too much, if we were even related anymore!”

“Of course we are.” The con whispered, hurt flooding her features, “You’ve always been my precious Nee-chan. Time apart doesn’t change blood and neither does slavery.”

Erina was silent for a moment, blinking back tears, “…sorry. I’m sorry.” she half sobbed, struggling to a sitting position to embrace her sister, “Forgive me!”

Sayumi gripped her back just as hard, mumbling into the other woman’s shoulder. Watching on the sidelines, Risa and Aika shared relieved smiles, the gunner slinging an arm around the thief’s shoulders in a half hug of camaraderie. Finally, a sort of happy ending.


They had decided, after much debate, that instead of killing Erina, they would simply kidnap her for a while and the woman complied willingly. Reina guessed that it wasn’t really kidnapping then, but she kept a wary eye on her lover’s sibling as they drove back to the cottage in high spirits. They had chosen the cottage as something familiar for the two so that they could catch up while Erina’s wounds were treated.

For some reason, the whole gang had squeezed into one van, resulting in Aika curled up on Reina’s lap, dozing against her shoulder. The cop stroked her hair soothingly, being careful of the deep purple bruise that had formed around the top outer edge of her left eye and temple due to her face’s meeting with Erina’s gun.

To her right were the reunited sisters, awkwardly conversing as they tried to catch up on lost time. Both were pleased to see the other, but it had been so long, that they were different people. They weren’t entirely sure what to say or how to say it, but they struggled through the talk admirably. Reina merely observed them closely.

The ride back seemed to be over more quickly than the cop remembered and before she knew it, she was struggling to pull Aika from the van without jostling her painfully, Jun coming to her aid after a moment and scooping the smaller girl up like she weighed nothing. Suddenly freed, Reina felt a little cooler, now that she was away from Aika’s radiating warmth. Rubbing her arms, she headed inside after the siblings.

They had set up in the living room, a large medical kit out on the coffee table. Sayu was tending to Erina’s wounds, while Jun had brought Aika in and sat her in a large chair. The little thief whined fussily as the hitter tried to clean the cuts on her face, “Hold still.” The Chinese woman growled lightly as the younger girl jerked her head away again.

“Let me.” Reina decided to rescue them both, taking the disinfectant spray and a cotton ball out of Jun’s hands, “Why don’t you go get changed?” She gestured to the Kevlar vest still adorning the other’s torso. After a moment, Reina gently began to pat Aika’s shoulder, “Hey, we need to get you cleaned up, ok?”

The girl murmured tiredly and the cop pressed on, soaking the cotton ball disinfectant. The first swipe of it on Aika’s cheek made the younger girl flinch and her eyes half opened, “Nnn~ Yada~” She tried to turn away, but Reina had firmly grabbed her jaw, wiping at her face like a mother trying to clean off her errant child. The thief squirmed and cried at the stinging sensation, but the experience was over quickly enough.

“Jeez, you’re just like my little brother.” Reina mumbled, setting the cotton ball aside. A few sharp tugs had the vest opened up, “How is your chest?”

“Mmmhurts.” Aika flopped around in tired cooperation as Reina removed the Kevlar.

“Probably just bruised, but still lift up your shirt a bit.” The cop commanded, fully in nurse mode. The thief complied, lifting her slim a-shirt enough to show off an impressive purple blossoming from the bottom of her sternum. Reina placed four fingers on the left side of it, touching against her ribs where they connected to the bone. “Take a deep breath and hold it for a second.” Aika grimaced as she did, but managed it and Reina put a bit of pressure on the place underneath her fingertips, “Okay, let it out slowly.” Satisfied with what she felt, the cop moved her fingers to the right side, “Again.”

After a short moment, Reina nodded, pulling her hand away and pulling Aika’s shirt back into place, “Doesn’t feel fractured at all, like I thought, probably just some bad bruising. It may hurt like hell for a while, but it’ll go away soon enough.” The thief mumbled her understanding, slumping back into the big chair. Reina chuckled as she stood, turning to find Erina watching her interestedly. Sayu had apparently gone into another part of the cottage. “What?” She asked defensively, noticing the older woman had the photo album from the coffee table open in her lap.

“Nothing, never mind.” The woman shook her head, “Just reminiscing.”

Reina wasn’t sure why she felt so on edge around her lover’s sister, watching as she flipped the page in the album to where Sayu was meeting her husband. Then something dawned on her, “Aren’t you the eldest? Shouldn’t that be you there?”

“It almost was.” The woman smiled sadly, “That marriage was supposed to save Father’s company, but he had a lot of enemies that really didn’t want that to happen. When the merger was announced, they took me and made me… Like this.” She gestured to the scars on her face, “Of course, these are just aesthetic enhancements,” she described sarcastically, “He wouldn’t have turned me down just for this. No, the real damage was down here.” Erina touched her lower belly, “After all, you wouldn’t want to marry a woman who could never continue your bloodline. Since I was made unusable, Sayu took my place.”

Finally, a little sympathy settled in at the woman’s story and the cop found herself a bit lost for words. She stood awkwardly, shuffling her feet a little as Erina smirked at her, “You don’t like her marriage at all, huh?”

“Why would I like the fact that my lover is already spoken for?” Reina responded quietly, watching the woman nod understandingly. Before they could continue their bonding, the rest of the gang came back into the room, changed into their disguises. “Are we going?” The cop questioned Risa, who simply nodded.

“Get Sayu, but leave Aika. We don’t have any time to waste.” The command came from Ai, “Besides,” she continued after catching the protesting look on Reina’s face, “What she needs most is rest for that concussion.”

They all began to file out, Sayu reappearing after a moment to follow. Reina was the last to head for the door and she paused when she felt a hand touch her wrist. Turning back to look at Erina, she raised her eyebrow questioningly, “I’ll watch over the girl, good luck.” The cop gave her a small, thankful smile before turning around with determination in her eyes. Time to put an end to all of this.


This story is quickly drawing to a close finally. Let's hope I can keep up the inspiration!
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.2 6/20)
Post by: arisa03 on June 21, 2012, 11:14:30 AM
Aikaaah thank goodness. And I totally forgot that ManoEri was totally like Sayu's twin. LOL Glad they're reunited ; A ; justhopesheain'tbetrayin'themyo ; A ;
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.2 6/20)
Post by: risa_ai on June 21, 2012, 02:47:08 PM
THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH FOR AN UPDATE THAT WAS KILLING MEH. XD Coming to an end? T^T That means more action, desho? Hopefully more Aigaki raburabu too? >< HOSHI NA~ <3 Arigatou for an update~ AND MAY WE HAVE SOMEMORE SOON.  :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.2 6/20)
Post by: kjpop on June 21, 2012, 02:58:53 PM

WOOOO!!! Love kickass Aika yo

And i love seeing mano in here <3 The zombie thing made me laugh xD and think of On Call xD
But man, maybe I'm just paranoid to death but I dont think I wanna leaving Aika and Erina together. Idk, i'm just paranoid and convinced myself she's evil still LOL

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.2 6/20)
Post by: kawaii beam on June 21, 2012, 05:01:51 PM
woot~ update~! atleast aika's not dead im happy for that LOL and reika bonding is forever cute ;3; manosayu reunion is good, yet sad at the same time ;3; but atleast they're together now~!
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.2 6/21)
Post by: kuro808 on June 21, 2012, 06:05:19 PM
Sometimes it takes a little time to recover aka playing dead :lol:  it was good that she wasn't killed
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.2 6/21)
Post by: gracula on June 23, 2012, 10:14:30 AM
Goddammit! I don't even have time to read thisss.


Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.2 6/21)
Post by: mochi.rini on June 23, 2012, 07:56:43 PM
ya~aaaaaaaay we didn't have to beat you up! :D  Aika lives!

MANO~  I totally thought she and Sayu were the same person when I first got into H!P!  I was like "Woooooow Sayumi sings really good when she plays the piano but she sucks when she's in Morning Musume :lol:" :3  Michishige Erina...that's totally her true name XD

ReiKa bonding + MichiMano twins bonding=:heart:

Is this the final battle? :O  don't die anyone~ especially Risa and Aichan~
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.2 6/21)
Post by: Quietriot on June 25, 2012, 05:44:06 AM
So much awesomeness~ though you're still a major troll for scaring all of us like that  :catglare:

Still, Manoeri on board? Hellz yeah.  8) I think I trust her, hopefully it's not misplaced XD

But damn, you've still kinda left us hanging, like that was the calm before the storm (and if that was the "calm" I'm bracing myself for a hurricane, man.)

Can't wait for more~ :heart:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.2 6/21)
Post by: gracula on June 25, 2012, 10:58:39 PM
I love you, maybe in a head patting or an affectionate nibble of the eyebrows way.

You know what is so great about this story? I didn't even have to read from scratch because I'd already read it so many times and loved it to so many bits. Okay, so maybe I love you in a sex way.

Each character is so wildly different from what we are used to, yet with such a familiar feel about them that when I picked up from where I'd left off, I immediately knew and remembered them all.

Frowning, Reina studied the picture; they seemed very professional in their official shots, but it still made the cop feel jealous. “You’re so expressive.” A voice from her left startled her, “It’s amusing to watch.”
I missed your Sayu. This gave me a warm fuzzy feeling. The mundane and quiet nature of this scene was absolutely perfect. And the fact that it really has been a long time since we've seen them interact like this IRL (not in fictime). It's almost like watching a TV series where that one scene you'd been waiting for forever pops up and your heart melts and you kick your feet up and grin like an idiot.

All this, and I haven't even read past this sentence. A quick glance downwards and I think my heart might explode once I finish reading this part. This is like fluff, but with guns and killing. *kicks feet up and grins*

Okay scratch that. This is like that much-anticipated second season of your favorite show and it's even more awesome than you thought it could ever be. Sayu's backstory is told very well. It jives with what we know of the Sayu we've gotten to know through past chapters.

That little bit of Risa and her own conscience, as she leads them into war- it's gonna break our hearts isn't it?

(Just to be clear, I am reading your updates for the first time and writing this simultaneously)

Chap 27: Pt 1

“What do you want done with her?” the gunner asked gently, finally gaining a questioning look. “I mean, it’s your call. Do you want to take her out yourself, do you want to spare her? I could even get rid of her from here if you want.”

She saw the wheels turning in Sayu’s head as she weighed the options in front of her, “Leave her to me, then. I’ll take care of it one way or another.”
Gah. So exciting. I demand a TV series to be made out of this.

Okay, so I got so engrossed in the action until I didn't come back here to say I loved it and I've now already reached your cliffhanger. I know why they call it that now- both excellent ways to kill yourself when you come across a scenario such as this.

Luckily, I know you have another update and so I am smug and laughing at all the wailing and gnashing of teeth that followed this chapter. *skips happily to next chapter trala*

Chap 27: Pt 2

Ah, this is what I wanted to say last chapter. Parkour!Aika is awesome- I am glad I have a vivid cinematographic imagination because the action is just visually stunning.

About that time, the older woman let out a loud groan, “Zombie! Kill it!” She shouted, scampering back to Risa’s side like a frightened puppy.
AHAHAHAHAHAAA! It's 5am here and I laughed loud enough to startle my dog into barking. Where is Ai when you need her to deck ManoEri in the face?

Aww, I like how this whole buncha baddasses are fussing over the baby of the group. I do not trust ManoEri as far as I can separate her head from her body. Hope things turn out well for them.
Thanks, Rndy. This story is one that I really enjoy and stands upon rereading. I look forward to more with much anticipation.

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.2 6/21)
Post by: MsSmigge on June 26, 2012, 01:23:20 PM
*A new lurker comes out*
Hiii :P I found your story some days ago and i got addicted to it very fast XD
You have done very interesting story and I also like your way of writing (plus i love the TakaGaki :wub: :wub: :inlove: *cough*). Though it's a pity i found this story when it's almost over... But hey better late than never! xD
Keep up the good work!  :)

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.2 6/21)
Post by: rndmnwierd on July 02, 2012, 10:20:04 AM
@arisa - Yeah, I actually hadn't planned anything about Sayu's sister.... So I'm not even sure if she'll appear again XD

@risa_ai - Haha, you usually don't have to ask me to put love in a story, especially when Takagaki is the main pairing!

@kiji - I seem to remember you promising me your first born...? XD

@Kiwi - Yup, SayuEri2 is together again!

@kuro-kun - Yup, dead is no good for anyone!

@grac - XD I'll wait

@rini - I wasn't worried about getting beat until you said something :sweatdrop: Also, I totally don't think Mano can sing either. XD Also, Also, not the end yet

@Fimmy - I think I trust ManoEri, too! I actually didn't mean for that teeny cliffie to end up there, though XD

@grac again - Oh my, two sentences in and I'm grinning like an idiot.  :lol: You make me simultaneously laugh and blush. I totally heart you and your comments.

@MsSmigge -  :welcome Actually it's probably a good time to get into my story, considering there was a very  long period where I wasn't updating. XD Thank you for the praise, I always love to hear it! And your English is just fine. Hope to see your name pop up some more in here!
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.2 6/21)
Post by: rndmnwierd on July 02, 2012, 10:21:16 AM
Chapter 28: Alpha and Omega

The tension in the air was palpable, Risa stole another glance around the dining room, taking in everyone’s positions once again. To her left was Ai, Jun, Lin and Eri; on her right were Reina and Sayu. All seven of them were on their knees, hands cuffed behind their back while five burly guards pointed uzis at their heads. In front of them was a large rectangular table, at which sat the elder Kusumi, his seven remaining lieutenants and Koharu, all were laughing and conversing happily. Surrounding the table were eight more, shotgun toting guards.

Giving out a sigh, Risa wondered how they had gotten into this position in the first place. Everything had been going according to plan; they arrived on time, had been handcuffed and each given the key to their cuffs. They didn’t have any weapons on them, but the guards that brought them in had weapons for them, when the signal was given, they would all drop their cuffs, take a gun and clean up.

It was supposed to be quick and easy, they would dispose of the elder and install his daughter in less than an hour. Unfortunately, it appeared they had a mole; as soon as they had been led into the showing room, the guards leading them had been replaced by the five with sub machine guns and the keys to their cuffs had been confiscated.

“Did you think that this would really work!?” A deep voice had called out, entering the room before the man did. Kusumi stormed into their presence, righteous fury evident in his movements, “My men are far too loyal for all of that!”

Risa’s first thought had been that Koharu was the traitor, but when she locked eyes with the girl, tuning out the rest of her father’s speech, she noticed that the younger looked just as surprised as she felt. Glancing around at the others in the room, Risa quickly deduced that it was the smug looking guy on Kusumi’s right that was to blame.

“So now, I’ll make you all an example of what happens when someone tries to cross me.” Still only half listening, Risa wondered why Koharu wasn’t kneeling right next to them. Did he know and just wanted something different for his daughter or did he not know that she was the mastermind? “When I give my men the signal, they will execute you right here! Niigaki!” he roared when he noticed her inattention.

“Huh? What? I’m sorry, I wasn’t listening to all your boring drivel.” she yawned, turning her focus back to him. It gave her a small degree of pleasure to see his face turn that shade of red.

“Father!” Koharu suddenly interjected, “Don’t let her get to you! You have to show her who’s boss! I know, let’s have a meal first and make them watch us eat before we kill them!” Ever the enthusiastic speaker, Risa couldn’t help roll her eyes at the tone that entered Koharu’s voice.

“That’s a great idea!” Kusumi bellowed, grinning brightly at his daughter, “Let’s all eat first!” Shaking her head at his change in demeanor, the gunner wondered if the man was bipolar or something.

And that’s how they all ended up in the dining room, awaiting the cooks to bring out their meals. Risa sighed, shifting on her knees a bit, until she felt the guard nearest her poke his gun barrel into the back of her head. She turned to scowl at him, then sighed again. This was only delaying the inevitable.

A drunken cheer rose from the table and the gunner looked up to see servants bringing out large platters of delectable looking food. The plates had barely touched the table before the lieutenants were stuffing their faces, some not even bothering to use their own plates. Risa noticed that Koharu didn’t touch a morsel. Suddenly interested, she sat up straighter, watching with interest as the girl encouraged her father to eat more.

A loud hacking cough filled the room, the smug lieutenant clasping his hands over his throat, face alarmed as he was unable to stop. After a moment, blood began spurting from his mouth in time with his cough and pouring from the corner of his eyes. One after another, the other lieutenants joined him in agony until they all collapsed to the floor, dead.

Kusumi began gasping and coughing, stumbling out of his chair and clutching onto Koharu, “What is happening?” He choked out, blood bubbling and frothy falling from his mouth.

The girl shook him off coldly, “Plan B, daddy.” As he fell to the ground, the six guards that were surrounding the table pulled their shotguns and fired at the five that were standing behind the girls. The gang was quickly released from their bindings as all around the manor, more gunshots were heard.

“Plan B?” Risa questioned Koharu as she approached, rubbing her wrists.

“A whole lot of poison!” The girl giggled, “I have the cooks in my pocket, too~!” she began to skip out of the room, a symphony of violence playing around the house.

Blinking in surprise, the gunner exchanged glances with the rest of her crew, “Is… Is it over?” Eri murmured, attached to Ai’s arm.

“I think so.” Risa replied, surveying the aftermath. Slowly, a grin spread along her lips, quickly shared by the others. “Yeah. I think it’s finally over!”

A cheer went up around the room, the girls hugging and congratulating each other. Jun and Lin chattered to each other in excited Chinese, Reina and Sayu stood close together, shyly holding hands. Ai turned to Risa and kissed her for all she was worth. “I can’t believe it, I really can’t believe it.” The demo expert muttered and the gunner had to agree. They were free, now. It was almost to good to be true.


Risa sighed, shifting through some reports in her study. It had been about three weeks since they had taken out Kusumi and the gangs had settled into a bit of a routine. Things were beginning to settle down for Risa and Reina, enough so that they could resume the gangs previous activities. Since the gunner didn’t know much about real estate and the cop didn’t know much about shipping, they both had a lot of homework to do.

Luckily for them, their better halves were much smarter than they were and were willing to lend helping hands when needed. Although, Sayu was much more involved in the illegal shipping than Ai was in the drug business. The demo expert didn’t really agree with drug usage, but she wasn’t too adamant in trying to stop the gunner’s business, so the younger girl tried to keep it away from her.

Just yesterday, the drug brothers had paid her a visit to give her a personal update on their product and distribution. Already they were turning a significant profit and Risa was pretty pleased, though the boys had been pushing her to try the product out before it left. The gunner had never really been into that sort of thing, though, so she declined their offers.

Sighing again, she focused on the documents in her hands; she’d had a couple of her men keeping an eye on a potential threat. The two government agents had yet to show their teeth, but Risa could guess that they were not happy with this break in their agreement. The gunner was trying her best to get herself established here so that they couldn’t touch her or the others. She certainly had enough officials in her pocket, but still, she worried about the inevitable confrontation.

Suddenly, her door burst open and shut in the same breath, admitting her lover into the study. “Ai-cha-.” she started to greet before the older girl was in her lap, kissing her furiously. The documents fell to the floor as Risa quickly adjusted to the assault. This was also something that was becoming routine; the two had a lot of time on their hands now and that usually translated into one of them finding the other in the middle of the day to make love wherever they could lock the door.

Beginning to tug off Ai’s shirt, Risa let herself focus on the woman in her arms. Everything else could wait, she thought, but life had no habit of waiting for anyone.


Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 28 7/2)
Post by: kuro808 on July 02, 2012, 10:44:05 AM
Koha bails out the group and I guess she is not really a traitor at this time

She must be laughing that her father got crossed by her own daughter
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 28 7/2)
Post by: arisa03 on July 02, 2012, 10:51:59 AM
So the traitor was Eri after all? /shot

asdkljadklasda It's ending soon ; A ;

And LOLOL Ai and Risa making love at wherever, that's something they would do. xD
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 28 7/2)
Post by: risa_ai on July 02, 2012, 11:57:35 AM
THE BEAUTIFUL STORY IS ENDING. :panic: The last paragraph got me there. xD YOU GO AICHAN! GO GO GO!
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 28 7/2)
Post by: kjpop on July 02, 2012, 02:04:27 PM
Apologies ahead of time for making kiwi my go-between and bugging you to write HAHAHAH <3


POISON BABY! I dig it~ Who knew Koharu could be so conniving? I dig it, lots <3

The gunner had never really been into that sort of thing, though, so she declined their offers.

 :lol: Smart girl

Lovin' that Takagaki sexy time, but Risa knows whats up. I guess it's only natural though xD I mean, they could have all died, so it's like OHMAHGAH WE ALIVE, SEX ME. And now it's a matter of, OHMAHGAH WE MIGHT DIE SOON, SEX ME. It's only the calm before the storm, better put it to good use  :P

For the record, I totes 2nd grac's motion to make this into a TV series. We gotta send this as like an epic screenplay to UFA or something hahha How could they not say yes???  XD I will petition and give them my second-born if they so please hahahah

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 28 7/2)
Post by: MsSmigge on July 02, 2012, 03:27:46 PM
Buahaha Koharu tricked her dad XD And I think she left everyone confused...

And the ending was like: :inlove:  :drool:
Aichan wanted action immediately and I think Risa didn't complain about it  :twisted:

Chapter 28: Alpha and Omega

This was also something that was becoming routine; the two had a lot of time on their hands now and that usually translated into one of them finding the other in the middle of the day to make love wherever they could lock the door.

 :on bleed: You just made my imagination run very wildly.... (lol I'm perv.... XD)

And my name will pop up in here again muahaha :twisted: (though not so often now because I will be busy for one year after next monday...) But i will still lurk around ;)

Nice chapter again! I really liked it. :) Keep up the good work! (And spread Takagaki love some more  :inlove: *ahem*)
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 28 7/2)
Post by: gracula on July 02, 2012, 08:06:12 PM

“That’s a great idea!” Kusumi bellowed, grinning brightly at his daughter, “Let’s all eat first!” Shaking her head at his change in demeanor, the gunner wondered if the man was bipolar or something.
KY is genetic.

“A whole lot of poison!” The girl giggled, “I have the cooks in my pocket, too~!” she began to skip out of the room, a symphony of violence playing around the house.
Crazy Koha *shudders* It occurs to me that I have never done this ( here. 

the two had a lot of time on their hands now and that usually translated into one of them finding the other in the middle of the day to make love wherever they could lock the door.
How are locked doors a hindrance to your motley crew?
*jiggles doorknob* Gakisan? Oh. *picks lock* Hey, your door was locked ohmygodmyeyes
and somewhere linlin is cussing because her hidden cam recording is ruined

Ignore me, am tired.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 28 7/2)
Post by: kawaii beam on July 02, 2012, 08:33:38 PM
at 1st i wondered why they were all cuffed, then i remembered it was part of the plan, and i found it funny that plan a failed XD ky koha is crazy too dang lol

aigaki sexytimes is  :drool: and aichan just barging in like that is pretty  :drool: worthy too
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 28 7/2)
Post by: Quietriot on July 03, 2012, 02:56:30 PM
“A whole lot of poison!” The girl giggled, “I have the cooks in my pocket, too~!” she began to skip out of the room, a symphony of violence playing around the house.

Favorite line, hands down. I was dying at this point XDDD and couldn't help but imagine Koharu running through a field of flames, singing merrily to herself as people go down left and right XDD I love her <3

So they've taken care of the gangs! Fabulous! Now everybody can chill out, relax, have lots of sex... Lololol yeah, no, I foresee this not lasting. The Ishiyoshi duo scares me more than all three gangs combined so the worst is yet to come imo. The final battle, as it were. I also predict that someone will die, but I hope I'm wrong T___T

Cannot wait for more~!
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 28 7/2)
Post by: rndmnwierd on July 08, 2012, 10:04:35 PM
I just wanna say, damn you Grac!! XD I haven't been able to write because of tv tropes!  :lol: :lol: I had to open another window just to hold all of my tabs from that website. But I love it~!~!~!
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 28 7/2)
Post by: arisa03 on July 08, 2012, 11:41:20 PM
^ oh dear, that site rocks. LOL
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 28 7/2)
Post by: rndmnwierd on July 09, 2012, 10:29:46 AM
@kuro-kun - Yeah, Koharu is laughing at a lot of things. Most notably, her new power and her new powerful, friends.

@arisa & risa_ai - Yeah, ending pretty soon, all good (?) things and such

@kiji - You make me laugh XD You really do.

@MsSmigge - Lot'sa loving to go around. It's okay to perv about it.

@grac - You. You and frickin' tv tropes. XD My god, this has been the most distracting week.

@Kiwi - Krazy Koha! It's crazy!

@Fimmsicle - I'm glad you like my Koharu, cuz that's exactly how I imagine her too.

Kay, time to troll, ahem, post.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 28 7/2)
Post by: rndmnwierd on July 09, 2012, 10:31:01 AM
Chapter 29: And on the Seventh Day... Party!

“So, I could give you guys about 8% each in exchange for some of your goods.” Risa was saying to Reina and Koharu as the three gathered around a large table in the gunner’s newly christened war room. Scattered in front of them were papers vaguely detailing their underground activities; they were using these as a reference guide to drawing up a business agreement between them.

“That would be about equal to 5% of my stuff.” Reina mused, “Should we be writing this down?” Behind her, Sayu cleared her throat and help up a notepad, gaining grateful smiles from the gangsters.

“I guess I could just give you guys whatever vehicles you needed, within reason.” The youngest nodded thoughtfully, “Up to, let’s say, 60 total?”

“And if we find that this agreement isn’t working on any end, we’ll meet again to discuss it some more?” Risa was quick to clarify, looking to the others for agreement. When they nodded, she smiled in satisfaction, “Was there anything else that we needed to talk about?” They had been in this meeting for about two hours now, throwing questions and concerns back and forth; Risa had even told them about her worries with the government.

“I think that’s it.” Reina yawned, “We can probably go, I’m already sick of looking at your mugs.” she joked, earning herself a cuff on the shoulder by the gunner.

Sayu joined them with a laugh, “Let’s go out to eat!” she suggested, swinging the door open, “Ai-chan~!” she called down the hall loudly, waiting a moment for the older girl to poke her head from one of rooms down the hall, “Let’s go~! Where’s Eri? Let’s make a party out of it.”

“Oh god.” Reina and Risa exchanged an eye roll, “Keep a tighter leash on your girl, why don’t you?”

“Ha! I’d have an easier time herding cats.” The yankii replied, hurrying to catch up with the con.

Giggling, Risa linked arms with Ai as she came closer, leading the older girl after the others. They were all enjoying the peace of the last few weeks, thankful to not have to plan another assassination or battle; not having to look over their shoulders all the time. Sure there was still that one big problem with the officials, but they were certain to be more direct in their confrontation.

For now, they would make merry and paint the town red however they wanted; they owned the city and the power made them all a little light headed. It was even to the point that certain underground bars and clubs recognized them by sight. It was exciting, Risa thought, it was exhilarating, they could do anything. They could handle anything.


Groaning, the gunner opened her eyes slowly and tried to stretch, once again hung over. She became aware of a lot of weight pressing down on top of her and focused her gaze on the two bodies sprawled against her. Neither were her lover, though she doubted she’d done anything untoward with Aika and Lin.

The world began to come into more focus, they were in her bathroom, in the bathtub, shower curtains pulled around them, empty beer bottles scattered around them. They were all fully clothed, with the exception of Aika missing her pants. Shaking her head, Risa began to extract herself from underneath these two.

After a bit of a struggle, she finally made her way out into the bedroom, pausing to take it the sight there; Sayu, Reina and Eri were curled up together, laying sideways on her bed, the three cocooned in blankets with Eri in the middle. The girl she was looking for, though, was nowhere in sight, so she continued on her trek, stumbling out of the room and into the hallway. She was greeted by several half naked people covered in various colors of paint laying in piles on the floor. Somehow, she though this wasn’t the oddest thing she’d seen, so after a moment of trying to figure how to navigate over the sleeping bodies, Risa moved on.

She headed to her lover’s study and peered inside, instantly closing the door back when she registered what she was seeing. Cheeks colored with a faint blush she quietly walked away; that was really more of Jun’s bare skin than she wanted to look at, though the handsome guy she was with certainly seemed happy enough, even in his dreams.

Deciding to head to the kitchen for some nourishment, the gunner continued on down the hallway, listening to the relative silence in the manor. Rounding the corner after what seemed like ages, Risa laid eyes on the one person she had really wanted to see, the demo expert looking up from her cereal and newspaper with big, round eyes, “Good morning.” she greeted in a low tone, trying to be respectful of any potential sound sensitivity.

“Gurgh mornfdr.” Risa grumbled, tripping over her dry tongue. She immediately headed for the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water, taking a small, cautious sip to whet her whistle, “I mean, good morning to you too.” she finally said properly, under her lover’s amused gaze, “Been up long?”

Ai’s eyes followed her as she made herself comfortable across the table from her, “Not too long. I’m surprised to see you up at all at this hour.”

Risa had no idea what the time was. Come to think of it, she also had no idea the date, either, “Hey, what day is it? Thursday?”

The older woman gave her a strange look, “No, it’s Tuesday.”

“Tuesday?!” Risa cried out, then clutched her pounding head, “But it was just Tuesday two days ago.”

Shaking her head, Ai clarified, “It’s the 14th.”

Blinking incredulously, the gunner breathed out a strangled, “What? You mean, we’ve been drinking for more than two weeks!?” She let out a loud groan, “What the hell, how?!

“Well, the first week was because someone said that the best way to fight off a hangover was with more alcohol.” Ai rolled her eyes, “But I’m afraid the second week was my fault.”

“Your…?” Risa struggled to remember anything, coming up with only bits and pieces, “How come you’re so unaffected?”

“Ah, I guess you don’t remember, huh?” Ai gave a tired grin, “I quit drinking.”

“You did?” The gunner felt her eyes widen at this surprising news. Granted, she hadn’t seen her lover drinking as much since they really started getting into this gang business, but that was only because they’d needed to be mostly clear headed to avoid dying in many cases. Still, there had been some nights recently where the woman would down almost an entire bottle like it was nothing.

“Yeah, after the whole incident on the roof, we decided that maybe it would be a good idea to quit. That it would be safer in more ways than one… And ever since then, you’ve done your best to keep me from temptation. Ever time a cup was shoved into my hand, you would take it and drink it yourself.” Ai explained, with a pained smile “It’s worked, though, I haven’t had a drink in eight days. Eight long days…”

The more she thought about it, the more delighted Risa became. She hated what the drink did to her lover, hated how she became so different and even when they made love it was still good, still amazing really, but the woman was rougher and always left marks. Risa had fallen in love with Ai’s gentle soul, so anything that hid that away made her a bit uncomfortable.

Smiling widely, Risa clasped Ai’s hands on the table and twined their fingers together, “I know it sucks now, but I’m proud of you.” she said and the two locked eyes meaningfully.

Before anymore words could be spoken, though, they were drawn to a cabinet in the corner by a rustling noise. After a moment, the door popped open and a light colored head of long hair came into view, slowly crawling out of the pile of food inside. When she stood up, Risa lit up in a smile of recognition, “KonKon!” she exclaimed happily, standing to greet her friend.

“Ah, Gaki-san~” the chubby cheeked girl returned airily, “Glad to see you back in the land of the living.”

“When did you get here?” the gunner questioned, going over to throw her arms around the older woman, “I haven’t seen you for ages! Come, have you met Ai-chan yet?”

“Actually, we met yesterday,” Ai revealed, “She had said she wanted to speak with you, but I didn’t know she’s stayed for the party.”

“More likely, she stayed for the pantry.” Risa joked, “KonKon doesn’t drink, but sweets are another story.”

“Ah, I’m sorry, I was just going to come back later, but then I found a cake… And some donuts and then some cookies.” She sheepishly rubbed the back of her head, “I couldn’t help myself.”

“Ah, you know I don’t mind.” The gunner waved off her semi apology easily, “My home is your home. Oh, what does bring you here, though?”

“Well, I had a present for you. One of my new designs that I though you might be interested in.” Asami headed back to the cabinet and began to dig around in it for something.

“I guess I should explain,” Risa turned to Ai, “KonKon is the person who supplies me with all of my gadgets and various weapon like things. A lot of it, she makes herself and since we’ve been friends since we were teenagers, she usually gives me previews of anything new she comes up with.”

“Ah, here it is.” Asami placed a small case on the table in front of them, gesturing for Risa to open it, which the younger did eagerly.

Inside was a series of black elastic straps connected to a slim, plastic box. The box was attached to a long, thick piece and on either end the elastic were in loops. When she settled her eyes on the straight dagger resting above the straps, Risa gasped, “Is this…?”

Grinning eagerly, Asami nodded, “Yup, it’s your design after all, so you should have the first successful one.” She motioned to the contraption, “Try it on.”

Reverently, the gunner picked it up and slipped her left hand through the straps, securing the box to her forearm. “Does it have the sensors on the wrist, too?”

“Yup.” Asami confirmed, “It has the safety, the hammer, the trigger and an override button. To lock and unlock it, you have to touch the front sensor twice.” She grabbed Risa’s hand and moved it back so that her wrist connected more firmly with the elastic until a tiny click was heard. “To engage the spring, touch the sensor under the base of your thumb twice.” She demonstrated on the gunner again, “Then to fire, tilt your hand to the other side and either let fly, or be ready to catch.” Again, she moved the younger woman’s hand and there was the sound of the spring releasing. “The override is this little button, here.” she clicked something a little further down.

Risa looked delighted, “You are an amazing genius, a wonderful person and an all around great friend.” she threw her arms around the inventor and hugged her tightly, “Thank you, really really thank you.”

Chuckling and returning the embrace with a friendly pat, Asami responded easily, “Well, it was your idea, after all, I just built it.” They separated, still grinning at each other, “I have to leave, though, I have another appointment to get to.”

“Of course, I’ll see you out.” The gunner turned to where her woman was watching them silently at the table, “Ai-chan.” she called affectionately, holding out her hand.

The older woman shook off her jealousy and made her way to them, accepting the bean’s offered appendage in a tight grip. The three made their way from the room, unaware of eyes following after them from a crack in the door.


Eventually, the manor got back into some kind of working order and Risa found herself holding a meeting with the drug brothers and a few of their associates in her study. “So, I’ve been looking at Takashi’s original plan and thinking that it’s incredibly inefficient. Having two suppliers is fine, but there are way too many dealers in the city and the distributors serve no purpose except redundancy, so it’s time for a change. I’ve put a lot of thought in the changes that I’m going to make, so listen up.”

She looked around the room at the five intent faces that met her’s. Since she had rescued the drug brothers from their impending jail sentence, an operation that had been done without anybody’s knowledge except Ai’s, Yasuyuki and Kenjiro had proven themselves loyal to her and amicable in their dealings with her. They came to her with reports every two weeks and often stayed after business had concluded to chat and smoke and offer her some. It seemed they were determined to get her to take even a tiny hit of weed, at least, and she wondered if the two had some kind of completion between them.

Their three foremen she’d never met personally, but Risa liked to know who was working for her and she kept tabs on all the people in her employment. All three were young, a little older than she was, with clothing, demeanors and faces that just screamed ‘thug.’ Though, recently, one of them had been up to some very interesting activities.

“I’m doing away with the distributors all together.” She dropped, after a dramatic pause, “That alone will increase our profit margins by twenty percent. Then, I’m slimming our dealers down to nine total, two of which will be new meat.” She watched the shock pass over their faces with a bit of satisfaction, “And finally, I want to expand our advertising to a wider range of consumers.”

“That’s certainly ambitious.” One of the foremen said quietly, “I don’t think you’ll be making any friends, though.”

“Maybe not with a select few, but with my plan, we’ll be able to increase our own profits and lower the prices on the street products too.” Risa waved her hands excitably, “So, right now, it’s impossible for anybody to make a big profit because we’d have to sell stuff at exorbitant prices and no one would buy them then.”

“If the suppliers wanted to make a 200% profit, the distributors wanted to make a 100% profit and the dealers wanted to make a 75% profit, they couldn’t. I mean, right now the profits sit at about 100, 100 and 50%, right? With each group giving up 75% to me. If we cut out the distributors, the suppliers can sell to the dealers for three times what was put into the product and the dealers can sell to the clients and make about 75%. Then, I can ask for 55% from the suppliers and 20% from the dealers.”

“Now,” Risa waved her finger, “It might sound like I’m making less of a cut, but that’s where the last part of my plan comes in. Expand our clientele. Currently, we’re targeting the 20 to 35 aged demographic, but I want to get older and younger people into what we sell.” She tossed a picture on the desk in front of her, watching the men lean over to get a better look, “This is Hiroki, one of our dealers in Ginza, he’s the middle of two brothers, the youngest is 14, the oldest 42. I want to put them under my employment.”

Leaning back in her seat, Risa crossed her hands behind her head and smiled in satisfaction, “Actually, I already have taken them in. They just won’t start until I clean up the mess Takashi left behind. And that’s where you all come in.” She knew she had their attention without having to look, “Someone needs to deal with the people I’m firing, after all.”

“You want us to?” Yasuyuki exclaimed in surprise.

“Not by yourselves, of course, I’ll send men with you, but you know these guys better than I do. You know how to best break bad news to them.” She locked eyes with all of them in turn.

“How do you want us to deal with them?” the foreman that had spoken up earlier chipped in.

Rolling her eyes, the gunner responded sarcastically, “I want you to ask them nicely to leave my city, of course.”

“And if they don’t want to go?” he hesitantly pushed.

“I know you’re not stupid,” Risa said, pulling her gun out from underneath her desk and leveling it at him, “So they must have you wearing a wire today.”

Instantly, the other men had their own weapons out and trained on the foreman, obviously in on the same information the gunner was privy to. “W-Wire? I don’t-” He cut himself off with a whimper when Yasu’s fist drove itself into his gut. The same hand then lifted his shirt up enough to expose the black microphone taped to his chest.

“You see, I’m not stupid either, in fact, I’m very well informed by my own moles at the various precincts.” She paused to consider, “Also, I’m a bit paranoid, so even had I not known you had a deal going with the cops weeks ago, I also have the whole manor electronically scrambled. Haven’t you ever wondered why your cell phones don’t work, why there’s no wifi? The only way information travels in this house is through landlines and Ethernet cables.”

“And don’t think you’ll have back up, either,” Risa interrupted as the man went to speak, “Your friends in the van down the street are about to meet an explosive end. I’m not the only one that wants them out of the picture, you see.” About that time, an explosion sounded from somewhere outside. Risa grinned wickedly, taking in the man’s terrified expression, “Now the question is what to do with you…” She gestured to the men around her, “Take him to the basement, it’s quieter there. Besides, would hate to get his blood on my new carpet.”


Quite a few hours later, she waved to the two remaining foremen as they drove off with some squishy trash bags in a pickup truck. Turning to look at Yasu and Kenji, she shared a grin, “Well, didn’t you guys have fun?” She hadn’t actually done any of the punishing, much preferring to let the guys work off some steam.

“Yeah, boss, it was a blast.” Yasu, ever the excitable talker, answered her with wild eyes. Kenji chuckled and clapped his brother’s shoulder amicably.

“Hey, now that I have you two alone, I have something I want to discuss.” Risa began seriously, gaining their apt attention, “You guys seemed a bit confused as to why I would leave you to handle my business with the distributors, so I wanted to clarify. It’s a test for you two.” They raised their eyebrows, now even more confused, “You see, I seem to find myself in need of some more lieutenants and I figured, if you two handled this job well enough, it would prove that you are ready for the position.”

The brothers looked excited by the prospect, “We won’t let you down, boss.” Kenji promised, since it seemed even Yasu couldn’t come up with the right words.

“Good, now I think I’ve kept you guys long enough. I expect another report in two weeks.” She dismissed them with a smile, watching them go before heading back inside the house to find her lover. Ai was in her study, pouring over some papers with furrowed eyebrows.

She didn’t look up when Risa entered, but did greet her quietly, the gunner going around to sit by her side, trying not to read over the other’s shoulder, since she knew it annoyed her. The sat in companionable silence for a few moments before Risa began to speak up.

She never got the chance; a small canister smashed through the window and rolled to a stop in front of the desk. Before either woman could register what was about to happen, it exploded with a bang, a bright light filling the room and blinding them. Then, their whole world descended into chaos.

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 29 7/9)
Post by: kuro808 on July 09, 2012, 10:34:22 AM
The chaos continues with more action and yeah Koha gains a shitload of power now :lol:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 29 7/9)
Post by: risa_ai on July 09, 2012, 01:27:11 PM
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 29 7/9)
Post by: arisa03 on July 09, 2012, 03:03:51 PM
Oh dear. Some AiGaki akshuns. alksjdkasdasdsdsa

I'm sort of brain dead so not everything kind of registered (but I;m sure my subconscious understood anyway) aksjdaksds update soon! Real men wear pink yo.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 29 7/9)
Post by: kawaii beam on July 09, 2012, 05:16:54 PM
i demand an omake of those drunken 2 weeks from ai's pov or something XD crazy stuff must've went down for aika to be pantless XD

you love to trol dont u! D: dat flashing light! why?!?!? :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 29 7/9)
Post by: Quietriot on July 09, 2012, 05:18:06 PM

-twitch- wat. XD

“Ha! I’d have an easier time herding cats.” The yankii replied, hurrying to catch up with the con.


After a bit of a struggle, she finally made her way out into the bedroom, pausing to take it the sight there; Sayu, Reina and Eri were curled up together, laying sideways on her bed, the three cocooned in blankets with Eri in the middle.

OT3~! :heart:

Blinking incredulously, the gunner breathed out a strangled, “What? You mean, we’ve been drinking for more than two weeks!?” She let out a loud groan, “What the hell, how?!

Hot damn, that musta been quite the party to put them all out for so long XD jeez.

“More likely, she stayed for the pantry.” Risa joked, “KonKon doesn’t drink, but sweets are another story.”

“Ah, I’m sorry, I was just going to come back later, but then I found a cake… And some donuts and then some cookies.” She sheepishly rubbed the back of her head, “I couldn’t help myself.”

Ahaha~ I feel you, Konkon. So cute :heart:

And damn, badass weapon for Risa? Then badass dealings with gangstas? Then explosions of the terrible and non-sexy variety? Oh my. What will happen next?? :?
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 29 7/9)
Post by: gracula on July 09, 2012, 07:45:55 PM
This cliffhanger is revenge isn't it? Just you wait. I haven't even scarred you with animal pictures yet. No wait- here you go:-

Cat Herders (

Two week long drunken orgy. I love it. I swear if you can write a new spinoff series based on that alone. Especially if they were out in the streets. Bet you the city is terrorized.

She became aware of a lot of weight pressing down on top of her and focused her gaze on the two bodies sprawled against her. Neither were her lover, though she doubted she’d done anything untoward with Aika and Lin.
lol!! but nekkid is always better. Also, an inflatable raft.

After a moment, the door popped open and a light colored head of long hair came into view, slowly crawling out of the pile of food inside.
Ahahaha. This was too funny.

New weapon (!! Like the man said- guns will run out of bullets, but knives will never run out of sharp. Self-defense aside, I feel slightly unsettled for the day when we witness Risa using these. Cos gunners gun. But hahaha (

And now back to the business of evil. I stopped finding criminal Risa disturbing a few chapters back. Makes me wonder when Ai found it alright enough not to remark on anything, girlfriend aside.

Okay, I go now. See you soon.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 29 7/9)
Post by: Fushigidane on July 09, 2012, 10:19:25 PM
whaaaaaaaaaat XD Risa and Ai ;_;
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 29 7/9)
Post by: kjpop on July 10, 2012, 03:15:03 AM
So this:
“What? You mean, we’ve been drinking for more than two weeks!?”

Sounds like undergrad  :lol:

The whole KonKon scene just made me LOL more than I should have xD but what up with those sketchy eyes at the end?  :?

t seemed they were determined to get her to take even a tiny hit of weed
Yep, just like undergrad  :lol:



Does this mean sexytime is over?  :cry:
Jokes  :P

I'll give ya twins if you update soon  :twothumbs
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 29 7/9)
Post by: badsaints on July 11, 2012, 04:32:51 PM
Woot! I caught up!

Dawwww I was hoping Aika died in the previous chapters. I love this girl to bits but some sacrifices have to be made *evil laugh* So what happened to Mano Erina now? Is she helping the gang with their business? I'm hoping to see Sayu's husband to make an appearance (as long he doesn't happen to be Tsunku. That's just so wrong!) coz I wanna see jealous Reina goes into rage hehe.

The gang are overlording the underground business now. Even Reina's into it. I noticed you didn't mention much on Eri. Is she still being a mole for her father? That's why Yossie hasn't step in yet?

So many questions & conspiracy theories in my mind right now :shocked
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 29 7/9)
Post by: all6th on July 11, 2012, 04:59:47 PM
woaaahhh there's a lot of an update, I'm a little bit late though, but I love you author-san :D, thank you,..

so it's nearly end huh?? :(

^ I agree with you, just let Reina meet Sayu husband at least.. I want to see her jealous... lol.. I'm actually love this couple so much that I want to see a little romance scenes between those two.. and as I remember a whole story, I still haven't catch "love" words from them.. it just happened like that, the two are suddenly a lover.. :D

keep it up author-san.. :)
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 29 7/9)
Post by: mochi.rini on July 12, 2012, 11:24:56 PM
KonKon~ :3

Those two weeks must've been pretty boring for Aichan if everyone else is off getting wasted everyday XD  Although seeing a drunk Risa save her must've been amusing :) 

I'm worried for the gang.  There's just gonna be more danger for them if they stick with the business Dx  Hopefully, everything will be okay...or I cry :(

Cliffhanger...very very bad rndy :P
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 29 7/9)
Post by: MsSmigge on July 20, 2012, 09:44:00 PM
I have been away so long that I had to read the former chapters so I could remember where is this story going on....  :depressed:
But I remember now x)

I REALLY would like to know what happened before Risa ended up in the tub with Aika and Lin XD They must have had one hell of a party...

And AAARRGGHHH cliffhanger  :frustrated: What happens to Ai and Gaki??!!  :cry: Please don't hurt them or if you hurt them please let them survive in the end.... Lol I just can't stand sad endings xD

But great chapter again though I had to read it a few times (and some former chapters too...) but I finally got back into the story! :onioncheer: But it was still great! Keep up the good work! I am waiting for the next one  :)

And I think my English sucks again because I haven't had a change to practice it for 2 weeks and I am tired as hell.... :err:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 29 7/9)
Post by: kRisZ on August 26, 2012, 06:25:14 PM
Chapter 26: When life gives you lemons...
Sell them and buy some booze  :D

Finally, she reached the last page where a picture of Sayu at fourteen and a young man who seemed only a few years older were photographed shaking hands. The next picture was their wedding.

6km away.
Pretty far

eavesdropping Risa

“That girl down there in the suit? That’s my sister…”

“I mean, it’s your call. Do you want to take her out yourself, do you want to spare her? I could even get rid of her from here if you want.”

There on the ground was Aika and Sayu’s sister, both still. Blood pooled on the dusty concrete beneath them.

“Hey, no sleeping on the job!”

“Mano Erina?”
Eh? She was somewhere at previous chapter, yeah.?. will look it up later

wiping at her face like a mother trying to clean off her errant child

In front of them was a large rectangular table, at which sat the elder Kusumi, his seven remaining lieutenants and Koharu, all were laughing and conversing happily

“Plan B, daddy.”
Evil daughter lol

Luckily for them, their better halves were much smarter than they were

Beginning to tug off Ai’s shirt, Risa let herself focus on the woman in her arms. Everything else could wait, she thought, but life had no habit of waiting for anyone.

the best way to fight off a hangover was with more alcohol.
Ain't that true.?. Been hearing that a lot lol

but the woman was rougher and always left marks
Rough is good xD

unaware of eyes following after them from a crack in the door.

Then, their whole world descended into chaos.

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 29 7/9)
Post by: rndmnwierd on September 20, 2012, 08:52:43 PM
@kuro-kun - Yup, more chaos.

@risa_ai - XD Chill, it's not going to be that bad. Maybe...

@arisa - Thanks for replying anyways XD

@Kiwi - Yeah, I love to troll, what can I say? XD

@Fimmy - Less explosions this chapter, but still, some troll. :lol:

@grac - That video XD I think I'll get into Ai's feelings about stuff in later chapters...

@Fushigidane - Yeeeeeeah.... XD

@kiji - No sexytimez this chapter... Sorry, maybe laters  :P

@baddie - I wouldn't be so eager to see someone die XD What? Tsunku as Sayu's hubbie? The thought hadn't crossed my mind, until now, that is  :twisted:

@all6th - they're too stubborn to say 'love' XD

@rini - Oh, Ai-chan wasn't bored, too many shenanigans for that to happen XD And yeah, it is a dangerous line of work, just how it is.

@MsSmigge - Yeah, to tell the truth, I don't always remember what has happened lol.  :lol:

@Kz -
Eh? She was somewhere at previous chapter, yeah.?. will look it up later
Was she? *can't remember own continuity...*
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 29 7/9)
Post by: rndmnwierd on September 20, 2012, 08:55:22 PM
I'm baaaack!! On to the chapter!

Chapter 30: On the Wings of Doves

“Tea?” Risa turned at the familiar voice, smiling at Eri as the cop held out the offered beverage.

“Thanks, Kame.” she responded, taking the Styrofoam cup from the other’s hands. “This place is pretty nice.” she commented, gesturing to her view. Currently, the girls were standing on a concrete balcony that overlooked a small town that was a part of a secret underground society. The buildings were light and easily destroyed, but they were far from simple lean-tos. Most people had no idea that their sewers could house this kind of clean and wonderful place.

“Yeah, it is, isn’t it? I’ll be sad to leave again, it’s nicer than when I left.” The younger girl commented, “And it’s nice to see everyone working together.”

“I take it that’s not how it used to be?” The gunner questioned, interested in the story behind her words.

“No, this community is a lot older than even some of the people who’ve lived here all their lives know. After World War II there were a lot of homeless people and children in the south that came up here either looking for opportunities or looking to just get away from bad memories. A lot of them ended up staying on the streets and in order to survive, banded together with people they already knew and traveled with to create some kind of large family unit.”

“Now, Tokyo already had it’s share of homeless and when they saw these outsiders group together and do well, they decided to follow suit. But there was a lot of animosity between the groups and a lot of fighting began to happen. Nothing quite so brutal as full on gang wars, after all, they had to keep beneath the notice of the people who lived above ground, but a lot of people got beat up and food was stolen. After a while, some people from both sides began to think that all of this fighting was unnecessary and decided to form their own group away from this fighting.”

“That formed the basis of the three groups I grew up with.” Eri paused for a moment to take in Risa intent look before she continued, “Of course the third group couldn’t stay neutral for long and in the 60’s it was pretty crazy between them all. There were so many people that were a part of these groups that even their own members couldn’t tell who was who. That’s when someone got the idea to start branding their people.”

“Each group already had an established symbol, the original Tokyoites called themselves the Children of the Sun, the original outsiders refer to themselves as under the moon’s guidance and the other group thought of themselves as the stars watching over two warring heavenly bodies.” She turned her head and bent her ear to show Risa the star that was burned into the soft skin above the back of her jaw. “To be unbranded was to be valuable. It meant you hadn’t chosen sides and you were free to come and go as you please.”

“I was too young to understand all of that, though.” Eri straightened up, stretching as she recounted her beginnings nonchalantly, “I was searching the dumpsters behind a nice restaurant for a meal when I was about, oh, ten or so when I was grabbed by the ankle and swung around to the ground. These older kids were yelling at me, asking me to show my brand and threatening me. I was scared, I didn’t know what they were talking about. One of them realized that I was unbranded and asked if I wanted to come back with them.”

“Their whole demeanor changed, they offered me food and shelter and family. I couldn’t say no.” Eri shrugged, “They branded me at the end of that day.”

“So, what changed?” Risa prodded gently, eager for the rest of the story. She’d never could have imagined this kind of place was right under everyone’s noses.

“Mother nature.” The cop shrugged, “There was an earthquake a couple years later that collapsed huge sections of the tunnels. It was chaos, especially since we were all right in the middle of fighting when it happened. No one could tell who was who in the dust and the dark. No one cared. All we knew was that there were people trapped and they needed help, so we started digging.”

“We actually managed to save a few people, but then, in one of the tunnels, we ran into city workers. They chased us, screaming at us to stop. We bolted and I got separated from the people I was with. I was so afraid that they were going to take me and put me in the system, but I was so little and pretty malnourished, I could barely keep away from them. Just when I thought that I was done for, this girl scooped me up and put me on her back.” She recounted softly.

“She was amazing, but I had no idea who she was; even so, I still trusted her. She told me that we would have to make for the surface, that we weren’t the only ones. We met up with a small group of people and she slowed, putting me next to another girl who immediately took my hand and spoke to me gently. I felt an odd scar in her palm, that I gathered was her brand, but I couldn’t tell what it was. We didn’t walk for long before we came to a ladder that led up.”

“It was early morning and the sun was so bright that it took us a while to get used to the light. I was still squinting when I heard a couple of the guys arguing with each other, having noticed that they weren’t of the same brand. There were six of us, the two that were fighting had visible brands, the girl that was holding my hand had a crescent moon on her palm, the one that had picked me up had a sun tattoo on her forearm and wore sun charms on all of her jewelry. I realized I was the only one with a star.”

“The guy next to me grabbed my shoulders and started yelling at me, forcing me to show him my brand. I was terrified, convinced that they were going to beat me into the ground, but then, the girl wearing all the suns stood up on top of a box and practically roared at everyone to calm down. She said that right now, our brands didn’t matter, that what did matter was surviving and carrying on until this whole mess was cleaned up.”

“She made us all introduce ourselves to each other. She told us her name was Miki and the girl with the moon in her palm was Aya.” Eri went on and Risa’s eyes widened a bit.

“You mean…?” The gunner questioned quietly.

“Yes, the six of us were the beginning of this huge colony.” Eri gestured grandly, “It took a little while to unify everyone, but, ironically enough, the devastating earthquake was all that was needed to combine all three groups. Now they’re less nomadic, but more self sufficient. In fact, there is even a great number of people down here that have high paying jobs and don’t necessarily need to be homeless. Everyone is welcome, so long as they can contribute to the colony.”

“And I mean, why wouldn’t you want to stay? It has all the amenities of the surface world without any of the bullshit. They’ve even recently set up wifi down here, thanks to a few computer techs that asked to stay here.” The cop smiled a bit sadly, “It makes me wish I had been able to stay. This place has become wonderful while I was away.”

Both girls looked up when a tall man joined them on the balcony, “Kamei-san, Miki and Aya want to speak to you.”

“Ah, alright, I’m coming.” Eri acknowledged him, then turned back to the gunner, “Do you mind waiting here for a little while? I’ll be right back, but it’s easy to get lost.”

“No problem.” Risa agreed amicably, turning back to the view as her friend departed. She thought over, once again, the miracle of how they had all ended up here, safe and sound.


Risa knew a flash bang when she saw one, but countering it’s affects were another matter entirely. The whole room was blurry and the only sound her ears were picking up was a constant, high pitched ringing. She was lucky that she hadn’t been directly facing the damn thing when it had exploded, like poor Ai had, or she would be just as panicked as her lover obviously was.

When the bang had gone off, the gunner had immediately grabbed Ai and began to run. She knew from painful experience that they were most likely surrounded and fighting back was going to be of no use against what was probably a large team of highly trained men. Now the two were just trying to escape the manor, but finding themselves trapped at every turn. That’s how they ended up in the far corner of the basement, in a small concrete room with absolutely nothing inside of it except for the two of them.

Risa had gone to this room for a particular reason, but first, she needed to calm Ai down. The effects of the bang were already beginning to fade for her, but it was still quite noticeable, especially in her hearing. She could hear well enough to tell that Ai was close to hyperventilating. She turned to her lover, finding her crouched and huddled in the corner, back to the wall, eyes wide and darting around almost unseeingly.

She called out to Ai, gaining her attention immediately as it seemed her hearing had also returned sufficiently. “It’s ok, we’ll be out of here soon enough.” She yelled, seeing Ai nod and mouth an affirmative back. The older girl began to try an even out her breaths, concentrating on becoming grounded again. With her lover sort of taken care of, Risa walked over to the far wall and began to search for something on the floor.

It didn’t take her long to find a small button that caused a section of the wall to slide up, revealing a narrow passageway. “I didn’t even know this was here.” Ai said as she approached quietly, still blinking more than normal, but otherwise seeming ok now.

In the short time she’d been searching, the effects of the flash bang had completely worn off of the gunner and she now smiled, feeling relieved, “Yeah, Captain was just telling me about this the other day, I didn’t think we’d have to use it, though. It leads up to the side yard. Let’s go!”

They jogged forward until they reached a ladder that, sure enough, ended right where Saki had said. When they emerged into the light, it seemed like most of the men were inside the manor, now, allowing them to sneak by the remaining guys and head for the front gate. The driveway was covered in dozens of police vehicles, which confused Risa a bit.

She had thought the men were from the government, not the local law enforcement. Something struck her as wrong, but she couldn’t place her finger on it and she didn’t have time to dwell on it either. No sooner had she and Ai made it onto the pavement, did a familiar voice call her name in a forced whisper. “Gaki-san!”

“Kame?” she responded, seeing the other’s relived smile peeking out from behind a cruiser. The girl was crouched next to an open man hole, “What are you still doing here, you should have been gone already?”

“I couldn’t leave without knowing you two were safe. Most of the others are already down here. Now that I don’t have to find you, we can go too! Come on.” she gestured downwards.

“You’re a lifesaver, Eri.” Ai breathed, taking point and patting the younger girl’s cheek affectionately as she passed.

“Yeah Kame, don’t know where we would have gone if you hadn’t been here.” Risa mussed Eri’s bangs with a grin, before following her lover.


Eri had led them through a maze of tunnels, after they had acquired the rest of their group from the Tanaka and Kusumi manor’s, until they had ended up here. It seemed almost too good to be true, finding safety for a few days for all of them. True, some of their non essential members were in custody, but not a single higher up was missing.

Still, something wasn’t quite right with all of this and Risa couldn’t put her finger on it. Still, she was relaxed, leaning over the balcony and watching the world below her until she noticed something strange. No one was outside of their houses.

Except for the gang and some bulky, well dressed men.

The door closed behind her and she turned around to see Eri, accompanied by two large, suited men. A great wave of sadness washed over her at the sight, “Eri?”

“They said we need to leave. That being here puts them in danger of being discovered by the police. I told them I would deal with it.” Eri’s words were punctuated by a familiar cry of anger down below that was quickly silenced.

Risa met her eyes for a long moment before turning her back and leaning against the railing again, “I’ve always trusted you, Eri.” She started, feeling the other girl come up behind her. As she looked down, she noticed that no one was left in the small town, making it seem eerie, “And I trust you now, too. I know that, in the end, you’ll do the right thing.”

“You’re the bad guys.” The cop said, a little exasperatedly, “Introducing drugs into the schools like you are. Making illegal weapons even more accessible. Kidnapping men and women alike and selling them as slaves. I am doing the right thing.”

“I never said we were the good guys, but your father’s not a good guy either and I have plenty of evidence to suggest that he’s been planning to assassinate his opponent in the gubernatorial race. We may not be the good guys, but we are at least-” she was cut off when arms wrapped tightly around her middle, “We are at least decent people. And we are your friends. I know you’ll do what is right in the end, Eri.”

There was nothing more said and Risa felt one of the arms release her, only to have that hand come up and cover her mouth and nose with a damp cloth. The smell of chloroform filled her head and then, everything went black.


Hmm, shorter than I though it would be... But, another cliffhanger. XD I'm evil, I know.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 30 9/20)
Post by: risa_ai on September 21, 2012, 12:47:04 AM
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 30 9/20)
Post by: darkacex99 on September 21, 2012, 12:51:45 AM
Omg ur bakk?!? OH HAPPY DAYS   :on gay:  i kept checkin jphip everyday for any signs of life in the fanfic section XD im sooo  glad you updated!! :on woohoo:

Nooooo...eri betrays risa?!? Theres gotta b a better explanation DX

And ur cliffhanger is evil indeed :twothumbs
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 30 9/20)
Post by: arisa03 on September 21, 2012, 03:10:22 AM
I wonder if Eri is gonna betray Risa, or save her. ; A ;

Also, thank you for the update and welcome back! ; A ;!!
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 30 9/20)
Post by: kuro808 on September 21, 2012, 05:52:54 AM
Cliffhanger indeed hope for the best from Risa  :nervous
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 30 9/20)
Post by: MsSmigge on September 21, 2012, 07:16:47 PM
WELCOME BACK!!!!!  :onioncheer: :onioncheer: :cow: :cow:

Yay, Black and Blue goes on but DAMN WITH YOU YOU LEFT A CLIFFHANGER!!!  :angry: :angry: :angry:

Arrrr Eriiii.... Why did you do that?  :cry: Though I don't remember well (once again.....) what happened earlier so before I start blaming anyone I should go check out what happened in the earlier chapters xD

But what ever happens keep Takagaki together  :wub:

And if you have time write some perv chapter about Takagaki xD Lol okay I shut up now...

Keep up the good work!  :)
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 30 9/20)
Post by: kjpop on September 25, 2012, 10:22:46 PM

god, i really gotta get back to writing too ahha

No seriously, what the hell just happened  :shocked

Now, You may have done an excellent job making me feel for the Risa crew~ but I do realize they're the "baddies" hehehe It'll be interesting to see which side Kame turns to  :panic:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 30 9/20)
Post by: rndmnwierd on November 09, 2012, 05:21:28 AM
risa_ai - Eri, yeah, she definitely shouldn't have done it.

darkace - Mwuahahaha!

arisa - The betrayal has already happened. Things can't go well after that...

kuro-kun - All we can do is hope.

MsSmigge - Well, I do have one more perv up my sleeve, but it's not exactly happy...

kiji - Where are you!? :panic: :panic: :cry:

Sooo... I've been working really hard on the next chapter. It's going to be a doozy, guys! Maybe not by length, but it will make an impact, I'm sure. And it will also put us one step closer to the end of the story. So stay tuned, I should have it up, uh, sometime before next weekend? :sweatdrop:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 30 9/20)
Post by: arisa03 on November 09, 2012, 04:03:40 PM
I swear I was drunk (not really) when I commented that lmao. We'll be waiting! /o/
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 30 9/20)
Post by: darkacex99 on November 10, 2012, 01:52:17 AM
Aww man i cant wait to see what u have in store for us next  :thumbsup  ima go back and re read juss for the heck of it :peace:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 30 9/20)
Post by: kRisZ on November 10, 2012, 04:55:34 AM
*grabs some popcorn and reads before the new chap arrives*  :on drink:

Was she? *can't remember own continuity...*
She was not.?.  XD

Children of the Sun
under the moon’s guidance
stars watching over two warring heavenly bodies

She told us her name was Miki
Miki-sama!!! Kicks ass!!!  :inlove:

They said we need to leave.

The smell of chloroform filled her head and then, everything went black.


Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 30 9/20)
Post by: MsSmigge on November 10, 2012, 10:15:19 AM
Yay, new chapter is on it's way!  :cow:
I can't wait what happens next!

A sad perv? awww man xD I am very bad with sad stories (both writing and reading).
But maybe I will like it because it's takagaki xD

But anyway, keep up the good work!!  :cow:

*Sits down with some popcorn and waits for the next chapter*
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 30 9/20)
Post by: rndmnwierd on November 19, 2012, 05:53:39 AM
Chapter 31: The Beginning of the End

Coming back to consciousness from drug induced means was a bit like traveling through fog if the fog was a liquid. It’s not an experience that makes sense to anyone who hasn’t felt it before. Risa had this feeling twice before today, the first time in Russia, when she almost ended up on the wrong end of a slave trade/weapons deal and the second was in Los Angeles after a particularly persistent CIA agent pegged her as a stepping stone in his career. For some reason, she had thoughts on the ATF agent, now former, that had rescued her.

‘I wonder what Makoto is doing now?’ floated through her head lazily as her head gradually cleared, still not really registering any outside sounds. ‘If I had taken up her offer for a partnership instead of coming back to Japan, how different would my life be?’

Before she could dwell any longer, the world suddenly came into sharp focus around her, via a lancing pain on her cheek, “Wake up, Gaki-san!”  a familiar voice shouted, and the gunner found herself staring straight into Eri’s dark gaze. “Wouldn’t want you to miss this.”

The room was barren, except for the occupants, with concrete floors and walls of a dark grey. Eri stood in front of Risa, dressed in her uniform. To her right was Reina, suspended and bound in a standing position, and Sayu and Jun, both secured to chairs. The yankii was screaming obscenities at her partner, struggling vehemently against her handcuffs.

To her left was Ai, in a similar position as Reina and passed her was Aika, the only one not secured with handcuffs. The younger girl struggled against the ropes that entrapped her arms. Across from Risa was Lin Lin, Captain, and Maimi, all handcuffed to chairs. In the middle of the room was a small, locked, fiberglass case filled with wires, what looked like classic dynamite and attached to a digital timer that slowly counted down from a little over 17 minutes. Eri watched the gunner’s eyes widen in realization and began to speak before being rudely interrupted.

“Let us go, you bitch!” Reina cried, breaking out into hysterical laughter that quickly turned low and dangerous. Risa turned and realized that tears were flowing down her cheeks in hot rivers. “Who would have thought,” she growled, trying to sound commanding, but falling a bit short, “That a goody-goody like you would be capable of betraying us like this?”

Eri’s face contorted angrily and she stormed over to Reina, clamping a hand around her throat harshly. “I’m not a goody-goody!” And in a move that surprised everyone in the room, she kissed Reina deeply, thrusting her tongue past shocked lips. Then, after only a moment, she pulled away and without missing a beat, socked the yankii in the jaw, knocking her out.

Her dead weight slumped forward and Eri side stepped as the frame she was chained to broke, sending the girl to the ground with a painful sounding crash. Sayumi snapped out of her surprise by this point to take up screaming where Reina had left off, struggling against her own bonds in her effort to get at the cop.

“Enjoy the fireworks.” Eri glared at them all before heading for the door. She paused when there was a clattering of metal from behind her, followed by Lin’s voice.

“Kamei-san! Wait! You don’t have to do this.” The cop turned, eyes wide, to take in the hacker that was rising from her chair, handcuffs open on the ground beside her. “Whatever it is that you’re afraid of, we can all face it together.” Eri shakily drew her sidearm and pointed it at Lin, but the Chinese girl just smiled benevolently. “It’s alright, you don’t have to do this. We can all get out of this and then we’ll go take care of whoever it was that put you up to this.”

“Back up and get back in your chair, Lin Lin.” Eri warned sternly, but her shaking pistol told of her reluctance to use force on the sweet hacker.

The girl noticed and her smile grew more warm, “You don’t really want to do this. I know you don’t.”

“You are all bad guys.” The cop said in a strained voice, “Your deaths could at least help my father out.”

“We’re your friends, Kamei-san, even after this, if you asked us for help, we’d give it to you.” Lin reassured gently, watching Eri’s eyes begin to soften, “Just let us get out of here. You can come with us and we can help you. With whatever you need.”

Eri was silent, contemplating Lin’s kind words. Looking around the room, she met hopeful stares, everyone holding their breath at the confrontation. When the cop’s eyes landed on Risa’s, the other girl encouraging her silently to listen to the hacker, she seemed to come to her conclusion. A small smile touching her lips, Eri began lowering her gun, turning back to Lin to nod once. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The shot that rang out in the stillness seemed to echo louder than any other sound Risa had ever heard. She took in Eri’s horrified expression, Lin’s almost comical surprise, the red stain quickly spreading across the hacker’s blouse. She heard Ai screaming as though she were very far away, the gunner barely registering anything that she was seeing.

All at once, she realized what had just happened, but by then Yaguchi, holding the still smoking pistol, was already dragging Eri out the door saying, “That’s how you take care of that.” to the still stunned cop, locking the door shut behind them.

“Lin Lin!!” Ai was screeching, sobs wrenching her throat as the girl began to collapse. “Lin!! No! Lin!”

Jun gave an anguished yell, followed by the sound of twisting metal and splintering wood, and she appeared in Risa’s field of vision as she fell to the hacker’s side, picking the girl up and cradling her gently with one hand while the other tried desperately to put pressure on her wound. The younger girl looked confused as she chattered quietly in Chinese to the hitter, blood quickly pooling around them.

Finally noticing Ai’s yells, the hacker turned to the older woman and tried to smile, “It’s okay, Nee-chan, it’s okay. I’m just a little cold. I’m just cold.” Her smile began to fade and tears seeped from her eyes, her voice becoming weak, “I’m just cold, I’m just cold, I’m just-” her breath left her and her eyes stared unblinkingly at the demo expert. Jun choked and set her on the ground, leaning over her to begin doing CPR.

For the first few compressions, Risa held her breath, hoping that maybe, just maybe  it would help. As Jun continued on unsuccessfully, though, the gunner realized with a sinking heart that it was too late. Lin Lin was dead. Slumping her head forward and letting the tears flow, Risa tried to choke back her sobs, but it was hard, especially hearing Ai howling her pain right next to her.

Now was not the time to mourn, though, they were still in big trouble. Gathering herself, Risa sucked in a breath and called out to the one of them that was actually free to move around, “Jun. Jun! Stop, Jun. You can’t help her anymore.” The hitter looked up at her with the most distraught face Risa had ever seen on her, “Let her go, you have to help us now.”

“No! No!” Ai screamed, “Keep trying! Maybe it will work! Maybe it will work!”

“Ai.” Risa said sadly, “Ai, you know it won’t, she’s gone.”

“You don’t know that! You’re not a doctor! We can still help her!” the older girl begged piteously, gaining sympathetic looks from the others in the room. When Jun began to move away from Lin’s body, Ai lost it. “No! You’re as good as killing her if you don’t try! You’re as good as killing her!” Then she just degenerated into screaming Lin’s name again, almost unintelligible through her sobbing.

Jun, eyebrows knitted together in pain, eyes filled with tears, stood up slowly and looked to Risa for guidance. “Free Aika first, she can help the rest of us.”

The hitter did as she was told, quickly untying Aika, who handed her a small key, and the two got to work on the other girls. Ai was freed last and she immediately went over to cradle Lin’s body, her screaming having calmed to light crying.

As Sayumi went over to tend to Reina, the other four girls looked at Risa expectantly, “What should we do?” Aika asked what was on all of their minds. “Should we try for the bomb or for the door?”

Risa glanced behind her at her lover, now nearly catatonic, still clutching her friend. None of the others knew about bombs, Ai was the only one who could really do anything about the threat. “Go for the door.” The gunner commanded and Aika immediately got to work.

“It might take me a while, my tools aren’t suited to this lock.” Aika warned unnecessarily, holding out a hair clip and a safety pin and beginning to gently work them into the slot.

“We still have about ten minutes.” Captain hastened to reassure.

Risa knelt down in front of Ai and lightly touched her shoulders. “Ai-chan?” The girl reacted to neither the contact or her name. “Ai, you need to come back to us, we’re probably going to need you. Ai? Ai?” Bending forward, the gunner tried to peer into the older woman’s eyes, but met only a vacant stare. She decided to continue with her ministrations, if only to give herself something to do.

Maimi crept closer to Sayumi and Reina, the kitten with her head being cradled in the grifter’s lap. The Tanaka girl helped to move her boss onto her left side, citing something about the ‘recovery position’ to the quizzical Sayu.

A few tense minutes passed before Aika finally gave a cry of triumph, quickly followed by a dismayed sound. Risa looked up to see the problem, though the deadbolt had been opened, the door was also locked with a latch and padlock on the other side. “Jun, can you bust it down?” Risa asked the hitter hopefully, but the Chinese girl shook her head.

“The door and frame are both sturdy metal.” She gave a few knocks to demonstrate, “And I can even see the screws holding the latch on from here, they’re huge! I’d probably break my shoulder before I’d break the door.” Risa wilted a bit at her words.

“So what to we do, Niigaki-san?”

“What now?”

“Give us an order, boss.”

The questions came from all sides, everyone staring expectantly at the gunner. Risa looked around the room, taking in the broken wood, the bomb, the handcuffs, the chairs, rope. The floors and ceiling were all concrete. Everyone was counting on her to get them out of this situation in tact, expecting her to have the answers, but Risa’s mind was blank. She had no answers to give.

The hopelessness of everything hit her hard and she turned her back on all those hopeful looks, again looking toward her lover’s distraught state, “I-I don’t know…”

Everyone was quite for a moment, the fact that they were all probably about to die sinking in now that their leader had seemingly given up hope. Maimi stood and reached out for Saki, Jun put her arm around Aika, Sayumi gently began to stroke Reina’s hair. “And to think, this is all Eri’s fault. I never would have pegged her for a two timing, yellow bellied, ass kissing, mother fu-”

“Hey.” Said a voice from her lap, startling the grifter into silence, “Don’t talk bad about my partner.” Reina mumbled, reaching up to her mouth and removing a small key. “She was trying to help us after all.”


”Come on, guys! You’re way too slow!” Lin cried from the corner of the street, where she had marched off ahead of her two companions. Ai and Risa exchanged amused looks before increasing their pace a bit to catch up to the whining Chinese girl. Since it had been a while since the couple had spent any time with the hacker, they had decided to invite her along on one of their dates.

They both really loved the girl and the three were so comfortable together that Lin wasn’t even like a third wheel. Reina often joked that their family was already complete. “What’s the rush? There’s plenty of time till the movie.” The gunner chuckled as the couple came to walk next to her.

“We have to get snacks too!” Lin cried, “And I can never decide what to get, everything looks so yummy.” She grabbed each girl by the wrist and started to jog forward, pulling them both, “So come on~!”

Ai and Risa both burst out into surprised laughter as they were led along. Looking at the back of Lin’s eager head and then over to her lover’s smiling face, Risa wondered if this was what happiness felt like. Nothing could be better.


“Ai-chan.” The gunner called to the demo expert gently. Behind her, the bomb case lay open ,the key Eri had given them having fit perfectly, “We need you. You’re the only one who can do anything with this.”

The older girl said nothing, blank stare focused on the body in her grasp. Risa placed her hands on Ai’s shoulders and began to gently shake her. Still no response.

“Ai, please.” Risa begged, despair coming back over her. “Ai!” In desperation, she grabbed Lin’s body and started pulling it away. She was wholly unprepared for Ai’s hand coming at her, nails first and faster than she thought the other girl capable of. Everyone gasped at the angry, red lines that appeared on Risa’s face and the hateful look on Ai’s. The demo expert gathered up Lin’s body again and turned away.

The gunner was absolutely stunned for a moment, unable to process exactly what had just happened. She stared at the turned back of her grieving lover for a long moment before resolutely wiping away with the back of her hand the little bit of blood that had begun to seep through her wounds. Ai wasn’t going to be of any help to them today.

Risa moved over to the bomb and began to examine it a bit closer, ignoring the tense silence and the eyes that were glued to her. The set up seemed simple, but ambitious; twenty four sticks of explosives connected to a gutted timer, when the clock hit zero, the alarm would go off, the electronic spark triggering the blasting caps in the explosives. Boom.

Turning the timer around, Risa noticed that the wires were securely soldered to a chip set on the back. She thought that maybe she could just take the batteries out of the timer, but then she noticed that all of the wires involved were just bare copper, even the connections on the batteries. One wrong move and a spark would be produced anyway. Then, boom.

So, take out the blasting caps? Still, Risa had never dealt with explosives before, she only knew what little she had gathered from Ai and movies and, though she trusted one more than the other, she still had no idea what to do. She didn’t know how sensitive the caps were, if she disconnected the wires, would it spark? If she pulled out the blasting caps the wrong way, would they go off? The only bright side the gunner could see was that, being so close, she would at least die instantly.

Letting out a breath and trying to ignore the last two minutes counting down on the timer, Risa reached into the box and gently gripped one of the explosives. She dug her nails lightly into the top of it, just where the wire disappeared into the stick, and began to slowly pull it out. The cap was longer than she thought it would be and connected securely to the wire she loosely held as she unsheathed it. When the explosive was free, she set it aside, out of the box.

The whole process had taken her about 15 seconds and Risa, quickly doing the math, realized that, at that rate, she would never pull all the blasting caps and have enough time to get away from the still explosive threat. Resolutely she continued with her tedious work, the other girls huddled in the far corner for, hopefully, protection.

About three more caps in, though, a familiar presence came and sat next to her, toned hands reaching into the box and expertly disarming the explosive sticks. Risa didn’t look up at her lover, both concentrating on the task at hand, but her form brought about a feeling of relief and comfort. She knew they would get out of here alive. She knew it.

~@@~ Six Months Later ~@@~

Risa crept quietly into the dark bedroom, a defeated feeling still lingering from her fruitless day. It had been nothing but arguments, anger, and failed negotiations and all the gunner wanted to do now was to take solace in the only person that offered her understanding and love after everything was done. She slipped off her dirty jeans, shoes and socks already discarded on the way in, and climbed into the bed with the blanket covered form that already occupied the space.

The other girl turned at the first contact of skin to skin and Risa promptly buried her face into the other’s shoulder and let her tears flow. She was embraced gently, her companion rubbing her back soothingly as she sobbed sorrowfully into her skin, “It’s okay, I’m here, let it out…” The kind words relaxed her and Risa continued to cry.

Eventually, after her tears were spent, the gunner settled into a more comfortable position, on  her belly, half draped across the other girl’s front. Risa sighed as dexterous fingers wound in and out of her hair in an almost subconscious fashion. Her eyelids felt heavy and she knew the other noticed when a gentle kiss was placed atop her head, “Good night, Risa.”

She wanted to respond, wanted to say something, anything that might show her gratitude to her savior. The girl had done this for her literally every night for two weeks. There were some many things that needed to be conveyed, but the only thing Risa managed to say in response before succumbing to sleep was, “Good night, Eri.”


To Be Continued...

Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 31 11/18)
Post by: kawaii beam on November 19, 2012, 06:24:59 AM
WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST READ?!?! This is too much for my soul at 12:30 am on my phone dude
 :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 31 11/18)
Post by: mochi.rini on November 19, 2012, 07:05:21 AM
...I'mma punch you in da smirk-y face rndy >.<  I have an essay due in nine hours (which I've just started) and now this is going to be in my mind all night long~  :catglare:

WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON!?  :panic: Random keys? LinLin...Kame...Risa...Aichan...Kame?  HUUUUUUUUUH?  :? 

maybe this is a dream...within a dream?  within another dream... please tell me you has the next chapter all ready to go and you just wanna screw with us for a few days :O

EDIT: from TanaKame smooch :P  Way to be creative Eri!  Still annoyed at her though XD

diiiiiiiiiiiiie Yaguchi  :angry:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 31 11/18)
Post by: kuro808 on November 19, 2012, 07:11:40 AM
Wow Lin going down and that last part really interests the mind :thumbsup
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 31 11/18)
Post by: kRisZ on November 19, 2012, 07:31:15 AM
Eri’s dark gaze.
No!!! Not Eri!   :panic:

In the middle of the room was a small, locked, fiberglass case filled with wires, what looked like classic dynamite and attached to a digital timer that slowly counted down from a little over 17 minutes

Lin’s almost comical surprise, the red stain quickly spreading across the hacker’s blouse

I’m just a little cold. I’m just cold.

Lin Lin was dead.

“No! No!” Ai screamed, “Keep trying! Maybe it will work! Maybe it will work!”

“Ai.” Risa said sadly, “Ai, you know it won’t, she’s gone.”
Lovely AiGaki moment but painful to imagine  :depressed:

When Jun began to move away from Lin’s body, Ai lost it. “No! You’re as good as killing her if you don’t try! You’re as good as killing her!” Then she just degenerated into screaming Lin’s name again, almost unintelligible through her sobbing.

Don’t talk bad about my partner.” Reina mumbled, reaching up to her mouth and removing a small key

nails first and faster than she thought the other girl capable of

The only bright side the gunner could see was that, being so close, she would at least die instantly

About three more caps in, though, a familiar presence came and sat next to her, toned hands reaching into the box and expertly disarming the explosive sticks.
:gmon twirl:

“Good night, Eri.”
WHAT THE F*CK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I was happy reading that ~@@~ Six Months Later ~@@~
, thinking it was an AIGAKI MOMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JODEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 31 11/18)
Post by: arisa03 on November 19, 2012, 10:26:05 AM
Linlin R.I.P. Where did all the energy go ;__;

First there was TanaShige, shortly into TanaKame, then there was AiGaki into GakiKame, Wow, What bromance. OTL
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 31 11/18)
Post by: risa_ai on November 19, 2012, 03:12:50 PM
My feelings are all jumbled i cant even.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 31 11/18)
Post by: Kuji on November 19, 2012, 03:48:53 PM
omg dude, what happened? WHAT IS THIS?

Lin Lin, oh no. You killed her off. Yaguchi shot her? WTF Yaguchi :angry: T_______T Poor sweet Lin Lin. And poor Jun jun too. Ai was sort of a dick saying what she did to Jun jun. A full of hurt because she just lost someone really dear to her dick, but still kinda a dick.

But I'm so confused right now. Eri was trying to help them even before Lin Lin started talking to her since she passed that key to Reina via liplock (good plan Eri! probably would have worked if Lin Lin hadn't DIED sending Ai into craycray land) but it seemed like she wasn't totally on their side either. Then Ai supposedly comes to her senses and helps disarm the bomb but that whole 'she knew they'd get out alive. She knew it' bit just SCREAMED that it was NOT going to be okay SOMEHOW. D: (Authors here have made me paranoid).


...still sad about Lin lin! BUT WHAT NOW?

(oh yeah, but I'm really super happy to see this updated :wub: )
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 31 11/18)
Post by: darkacex99 on November 19, 2012, 04:16:03 PM
Omg omg omg wat da heck is going on???? :panic: :panic: linlin WHY??? WHY MUST THE GOOD DIE YOUNG? :cry:

That ending...  :shocked 
SOOO much happened in this chapter and it wuz awesome!! Cnt wait to see wat happens next
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 31 11/18)
Post by: Quietriot on November 19, 2012, 04:52:49 PM
-rises from the dead-

I don't know what just happened XD when I figure it out, I'll be back ahaha
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 31 11/18)
Post by: MsSmigge on November 19, 2012, 06:18:30 PM

Ok, first Lin Lin, NOOOOO!!!! Why did you kill her??!!  :angry:  :cry:

And then.... The ending....
WHATTHEFUCKISTHATGAKIKAMEINTHERE??!!! Where is Ai?? xD I was in my "my little pony land" thinking how everyone got out and got saved because Ai came to her senses and helped with the bomb, then some time passed and Risa is tired as hell and Ai is there for her, BUT NO!!! XD ARRAR, I'm torn. I love this story it's great and all but my inner Takagaki shipper wont let this go.
Arrr, you better have a very good explanation for this or at least repair the takagaki Ok lol, maybe I should accept the fact that Takagaki can't always win. But I just can't  :tantrum:

Please update more soon! I want some answers, I want my takagaki (Seriously I stop now.....) xD
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 31 11/18)
Post by: Koei on November 20, 2012, 01:38:29 AM
Lol awesome chapter!
I had thought Eri had done something with the kiss XD glad to see she did!

Ai's reaction to Lin is flawlessly portrayed!!  :shakeit:

and WHAT WHA WHAT !!!!!

If you wanted reaction queen mode from all the Hipsterz you got it!!! Those reacitons from that last parragraph are equal to the ones people had to Ai's graduation announcement XD

This year is huuuuhhh fuuuuullll of surprises!!!

1: Risa grad
2: Surprise 11th Gen.
3: Reina grad.
4: Eri replaced by Ai in a fic's relationship!!!

But let's mmmm kind of defend poor Eri since the little hate is felt when one sees her besides Risa and not Ai
(in this particular fic lol I know nobody can hate the all powerful Aho-Kame)

Eri gives her understanding and love, she's her companion (not lover), and her savior.
So what the heck happened to Ai after the incident !!! Six months dudeee SIX MONTHSS!!!! such a long time has passed !!! WTH HAPPENED !!!!
I just love this hahaha but I'm brain dead from this  :bleed eyes:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 31 11/18)
Post by: kjpop on November 21, 2012, 04:11:07 PM

i gotta sit back and re-read xD i am so lost lol GLAD YOU UPDATED <3 I'll be back with the usual commentary hahah
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 31 11/18)
Post by: kawaii beam on November 24, 2012, 06:07:01 AM
Robot Chicken: Happy Birthday to You! (

leaving this here cus of reasons and i hope u wont atleast punch me XD
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 31 11/18)
Post by: rndmnwierd on November 24, 2012, 06:15:56 AM
Omg :lol: I :heart: You
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 31 11/18)
Post by: kRisZ on November 24, 2012, 07:11:06 AM
:mon huh2: It's your birthday?  :mon huh2:


:onioncheer: :on BDay: :onioncheer:     :onioncheer: :on BDay: :onioncheer:     :onioncheer: :on BDay: :onioncheer:     :onioncheer: :on BDay: :onioncheer:
:mon sundae: :mon firecrack: :mon sundae:     :mon sundae: :mon firecrack: :mon sundae:     :mon sundae: :mon firecrack: :mon sundae:     :mon sundae: :mon firecrack: :mon sundae:
:gmon love2: :gmon flowers: :gmon love2:     :gmon love2: :gmon flowers: :gmon love2:     :gmon love2: :gmon flowers: :gmon love2:     :gmon love2: :gmon flowers: :gmon love2:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 31 11/18)
Post by: rndmnwierd on November 24, 2012, 07:52:43 AM
 :deco: You get hugglelove too!
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 31 11/18)
Post by: risa_ai on November 24, 2012, 10:09:39 AM
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 31 11/18)
Post by: MsSmigge on November 24, 2012, 09:05:13 PM
Omedetou, Hyvää syntymäpäivää, (That's how you say happy birthday in my mother language xD) Happy birthday rndmnwierd!! I hope you have a great year ahead!  :on BDay:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 31 11/18)
Post by: rndmnwierd on November 25, 2012, 09:58:44 AM
Huggles for you all!!~! :wub: :wub: :heart: :heart: :deco: :deco: :cathappy:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 31 11/18)
Post by: rndmnwierd on December 01, 2012, 08:34:45 PM
No comments replies today, I'm running seriously late.

Chapter 32: No Rest for the Wicked

“Thanks for letting me stay. Again.” Feeling refreshed after her bought of crying last night, Risa threw on her jacket that she didn’t remember removing and headed for the door. In the early light of the morning, Eri’s bleary gaze was barely visible from it’s place in her blankets.

“It’s the least I can do, but-” Eri mumbled groggily, only to be interrupted swiftly.

“First of all, quit saying that. I already told you, you don’t owe me. I was just coming through on my promises to you. Second, I know I need to work it out with Ai, but that is easier said than done.” The gunner had one hand on the doorknob and she clenched it tightly when a pain shot through her heart, “I can’t even find her sober anymore, not even in her sleep.”

With a sigh, Eri let her go, rolling back over to try and finish her shut eye. Risa made her way through the back hall of the empty dance studio, waving to the woman in the kitchen as she passed. Bunko was an old friend and she had been more than happy to welcome Eri as one of her jazz instructors, even offering her a place to stay.

Risa tried to shake away the memories that plagued her thoughts, but the train ride back home was too long to do anything other than think. Of course her mind went back to the day everything had changed.

After Ai had come to help her disarm the bomb, the job had been finished quickly and they had used the blasting caps themselves to blow open the latch holding the door. Getting Lin’s body back to base unseen was a hassle, but they’d somehow managed that too. Afterwards, Risa had done some digging and figured out the whole reason they were in that mess to begin with.

The Chief had decided that he wanted to assassinate his competition and get rid of the thorns in his side at the same time. The room they had been held in just happened to be two floors directly underneath the campaign headquarters of one Matsue Tadashi, the city’s most likely candidate for the next governor. The explosives had enough power to collapse most of the building, leaving only corpses in it’s wake.

It would have probably been chalked up to a terrorist attack gone wrong, especially since the Chief would have more power than ever to cover up their restrained bodies. Since that had been thwarted, though, Sawajiri had gone down hard. Turns out he was already under investigation for various reasons, the internal affairs division suspecting him of corruption. The room may have had traces of the gangs in it, but the bomb, which had destroyed most of the fingerprints and blood, could be directly connected to Sawajiri.

Risa and Reina had pulled some strings and managed to steer the police clear of them, but the damage had been done. Their ranks were decimated in the raids, many of their men behind bars, their illegal activities would have to be halted, which would decrease their cash flow considerably. And Lin Lin…

They all mourned her loss, none more so than Ai and Risa, but while the gunner was trying her best to live day by day, Ai had retreated, deciding to focus on tracking down the hacker’s killer and Eri, for her part in the whole situation. Risa had tried time and again to get her to move on from her obsession, but the woman had convinced herself that nothing was more important.

Risa had no intention of letting her lover lay a hand on Eri.


The former cop had been easy to track down, Risa had found her at her apartment, frantically packing her things. When she realized that she wasn’t alone, she’d taken on this deer in headlights look of surprise and fright locking eyes with the other, “It’s alright.” The gunner had been quick to reassure, but she’d never forget the resigned look on her friend’s face.

“I was hoping it would be you. You would at least be merciful.” Risa’s heart broke at Eri’s half whispered words.

“I’m not here to kill you, I’m here to save you.” This made the former cop look up, “I told you, you’re my friend and I remember making a promise to you that I would put in a good word for you with my dancer friend.”

“Why?” The younger woman choked out through the lump in her throat, “I deserve to die for what I did!”

The guilt was plan on her face and Risa found that she had instantly forgiven Eri for what had happened. She realized, in that moment, that there was no use in being mad at the girl since no one would be harder on her than herself. “No, you don’t. You didn’t pull that trigger.”

“I might as well have!” The familiar argument almost brought a wry smile to the gunner’s lips. She sounded just like Ai, but the amusement quickly faded.

“You were going to help us, you did help us! If it hadn’t been for you, we probably wouldn’t have made it out of there.” Though Aika could have picked the lock on the bomb easily, Risa didn’t mention that.

“If it hadn’t been for me, you guys wouldn’t have been in that position in the first place!” The former cop collapsed to her knees, tears streaming down her face.

Risa kneeled next to her and wrapped her arms around the other woman gently, “What were you supposed to do? I understand, better than anyone, what it’s like to owe someone your life. I’ve done terrible, regretful things for the man who saved mine and, you know, I would probably do things differently with the hindsight that I have now. The only thing left to do is to move forward with those feelings of guilt and use them to become a better person.”

“You’re really not going to punish me?” Eri asked softly, feeling Risa shake her head, “Why not? You should.”

“There is no punishment I can give you that would be more harsh than the guilt you are going to put yourself through. In fact, keeping you alive to feel that pain will seem like a punishment for you. But you will live. I will make sure of that. If not for yourself, then you will live to keep Lin Lin’s death from being meaningless.” Risa vowed quietly. Eri finally gave up her struggles and began to weep in earnest.

It hadn’t been that difficult to get the girl a new identity and she had set her up with a job with Bunko, it was all about who you knew, but Risa knew that the healing was the hardest part. Even after six months, she still watched the girl closely for any signs of suicide. She still had bad days, though, and sometimes yelled at the gunner. In those instances, Risa would have to sit quietly and take it until the girl was satisfied and apologized.

She knew Eri didn’t really mean the things she said, that she just needed to vent. Risa was fine with that, it showed that the girl needed her.

Ai was another story all together, though. She had taken every resource that Risa had available and put them out there to find Yaguchi and Eri. She seemed to be more upset at Eri’s betrayal, though, since the majority of her time was spent hunting the girl instead of tracking Yaguchi, who, it seems, had left the country all together. Risa had tried time and again to get the woman to shift her focus, but Ai was obsessed.

The only thing the gunner could do was to make sure that any info on Eri went through her first. She’d made it quite clear through threats and force that the information brokers were to either lie to Ai about Eri’s whereabouts or give the reports to Risa so that she could censor them. It actually wasn’t that hard for so many dedicated brokers to find the former cop, she may have changed her name, but her appearance was still much the same and Risa was harboring her in her hometown.

She knew that she couldn’t keep this up forever. Something was going to give sooner or later and bring this precarious balance between her most important people crashing down. Risa could only hope that she was there when it did and that she would be able to resolve it without blood shed.


Saki sighed as she poured over the paperwork in front of her. Ever since their illegal business had slowed down, the gang’s legal cover had taken off to compensate. Risa usually left Saki in charge of dealing with the real estate details and the Captain had to admit, it was going very well. They owned most of the city, actually, which was no small feat.

It had taken them months of bribes, threats and blackmail, but the Niigaki Corporation was now the head in the realty business. Risa’s aggressive business strategy had come in and caught the major real estate dealers off guard and she had knocked them off their feet and bought out their businesses while their heads were still spinning. She left the companies mostly unchanged, though the profit distribution was tweaked just a bit, as well as the company’s title. There were five major real estate companies based in Tokyo and three of them were now ‘Proud subsidiaries of Niigaki Co.’

It was practically criminal, Saki thought with a bit of a grin, and definitely cruel, but she couldn’t deny the effectiveness. Every transaction that went on under those companies gave a 10% cut to the Niigaki Corporation and that was in addition to the profits they already made under Takashi’s former business. And now they were putting plans in motion to begin their drug trade again.

They’d also done quite a bit of bolstering their ranks, beginning to fill out the empty lieutenant positions as well. There was Saki and the two drug brothers and now Tokunaga Chinami and Okai Chisato had joined their ranks. The two girls were people that Saki knew and could vouch for and Risa, as her test to them, had put them in charge of recruiting more bodies into their gang.

They had taken to their job with a gusto, hitting the schools and poorer neighborhoods like a tsunami, washing over everyone with promises of power and money and family loyalty. Now, after their successful recruiting spree, the newly made lieutenants were to focus on strict training. Risa’s goal was not to raise the crime rate in the city, but bring it down instead. She wanted any illegal activities to either go through her approval or be stopped dead.

It was ambitious and Saki had her doubts, but Chinami and Chisato had seemed optimistic in getting the recruits to follow their lessons. The recruits were split up into groups and given parts of the city to watch over. If anything needed to be done in those parts, they were to take care of it. If a shop keeper needed to be shaken down or someone needed to pay their debts, it was up to the group in that part of the city to take care of it.

If districts were crossed in the pursuit of their goal, they were to work together with whoever’s paths they crossed. On the other end of that, though, was a strict ban on any unapproved activities, including but not limited to; thievery, assault, even bullying in schools. When they were not given any missions, the groups would patrol their areas and make sure that nothing was happening that wasn’t supposed to happen.

And in return, they all picked up a hearty paycheck, even when not on missions. If anyone was deliberately not following instructions, though, punishment was severe. Risa had already made examples of several people who felt like they were big enough to disobey her rules on violence for the sake of violence. It hadn’t been pretty.

Thus, Chinami and Chisato had few problems with their new recruits!

It was one thing less that Saki had to worry about, at least. Movement in her peripheral vision made her look up sharply and the Captain met eyes with Risa, who had paused for a moment outside of the door to Ai’s study across the hall. Saki smiled encouragingly at the older woman, who returned the gesture a little weakly. The trouble between the two was the worst kept secret in Tokyo. Everyone knew that they were on the rocks and while most people just hoped that they would be able to work things out, the young Captain had also been hearing some worrying whispers from the dark.

Risa slipped inside after a breath and shut the door behind her. Many rumors floated around about the two, like they were fighting over control of the gang or even that Risa was seeing someone else behind Ai’s back. And, while it was true that Risa had been undermining Ai’s orders secretly and had been disappearing from the manor after every fight, usually for the night…

Actually, the more Saki thought about either option, the more likely they seemed. Ai had been determined to find Yaguchi and Kamei, but Risa had explicitly told their information brokers that any info on Eri was either to go through her, her not make it to light at all. And no one knew at all where she went after she and Ai fought. Shaking her head, Saki tried to clear those thoughts. She knew both of them personally and knew that Ai was only having trouble moving on with her grief and that was taking it’s toll on their relationship. Risa wasn’t the kind to be unfaithful, if she really held no more love for the demo expert, which Saki highly doubted, she would have left the girl already.

The Captain was sure that her boss was just trying to keep her lover safe. At that moment, though, she became aware of raised voices from Ai’s study. Alarmed, Saki focused on the commotion, just in time to hear Risa scream loudly, “Lin Lin is dead!!” followed by the sound of skin hitting skin.

The shocked silence seemed to permeate the air for a long moment before there was the sound of shattering glass farther in the room. Now Saki half stood from her desk, prepared to intervene, but hesitant to do so. She flinched at another loud crashing sound, but stayed unsure. Saki had never heard Risa raise her voice like that, usually it was Ai screaming or shouting and Risa responding too low and quiet to hear. It wasn’t that the gunner didn’t lose her cool, just that she had a different way of showing it.

There were no more alarming sounds coming from the room, so Saki slowly sat back down, eyes still glued to the doorway. She wanted to make sure they were ok, wanted to know what the hell was going on, but something prevented her from doing so. Suddenly, a loud cry more sexual in nature echoed from inside the room. The Captain jumped with a blush and looked down at her desk, so that’s why it got so quiet…

Just a few more minutes past before the door was flung open and Risa stormed out. Saki just caught a glimpse of her, but her appearance made her gasp; tattered clothes barely covering her torso with blood dripping heavily from one hand. The Captain got up and headed into the hallway, wondering if she should go after Risa or check on Ai, but Risa was long out of sight, so the choice was already made.

Poking her head into Ai’s study, her eyes widened as she took in the older woman’s swollen lips, the bite mark on her shoulder, her bruised neck and ripped up clothes barely covering her decency. When Ai looked up, she had tears in her eyes, “I’m an idiot.” The older woman confessed quietly. Saki gave a sigh and entered the room fully.


“Come in.” Eri answered the knock at her door without looking up from her book. When she did, she gasped at her friend’s appearance, “Gaki-san! What happened?”

The gunner looked miserable, her cheek had a purpling bruise, her lips were swollen and blood dripped steadily from her hand. Eri quickly ushered her into the bathroom, wondering how she even managed to get this far looking like some kind of mugging victim. “Ai.” Risa whispered in response to her question.

The former cop sighed and began to clean her friend up in silence. Once her hand was wrapped securely, she led the other girl back to her bedroom and sat her down on the edge of her bed to examine the rest of her wounds. Once Risa had shrugged out of her blood stained t-shirt, Eri gently applied antiseptic to the deep scratches that raked down her shoulder blades.

“Things got out of hand.” Risa suddenly said and then half turned to meet eyes with Eri, “I asked her to marry me. She said no.” The gunner struggled against her tears and the former cop embraced her gently.

“It’s okay, Gaki-san, it’s okay.” She wasn’t sure what else to say.

Risa welcomed the touch, Eri had been the only one she could turn to in these tough times. Even her own lover was one of the problems, leaving the gunner feeling so lonely and unwanted. Eri had helped and Eri had needed her in return and Risa felt so grateful. She was tired of being lonely and after everything that had just happened, the rough treatment and Ai’s rejection, her head was a total mess. Maybe that’s why she began to lean into Eri, maybe that’s why she wanted to kiss her.

They were already so close to each other, Risa just had to close the few more centimeters between them and their lips would touch. At the last minute, though, Eri tumbled away from her, “What are you doing?” she asked in surprise, snapping Risa out of the trance she hadn’t realized she’d fallen into.

What she had been about to do hit her suddenly and she let loose with a quick string of apologies, “Oh god, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean, I just wanted, I don’t even know! You’ve been there for me this whole time, the only one in my corner and I was just feeling so grateful and lonely and I didn’t mean to! I’m sorry, I’m really sorry! I-I-”

“It’s-It’s okay, Gaki-san, you just surprised me. I know you love Ai-chan and it’s been really hard on you lately. Just, I don’t feel that way for you and even if I did, I would only be a replacement for her. That’s not fair to either of us.” Eri managed not to stammer too much, face a brilliant red.

“I know. I’m sorry.” Feeling like an ass, Risa stood and pulled her shirt back on, “I’m going to go back home, okay. Thanks for patching me up.”

“I think that would be best. And no problem.”

With the atmosphere more awkward between them than it had ever been, Risa made her escape. She couldn’t help feeling like she’d lost two important people today.


Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 32 12/1)
Post by: MsSmigge on December 01, 2012, 09:55:18 PM
Woah.... what a chapter...  :shocked

I read 70% of this chapter with my jaw open.  XD

 “I asked her to marry me. She said no."


 “I’m an idiot.”

OH YES, YOU ARE AI!  :angry: Ok, maybe it's not so easy to say yes, if you lover asked you to get married with her, when you're in that kind of situation. But I hope that this would open Ai's eyes a little bit and she would go back for her Risa~

And the great thing is that Risa is only protecting Eri, not going out with her and she's also trying to get Ai back to her senses.

Very good chapter, though Ai rejected Risa and GakiKame almost got true (My inner TakaGaki would have died then  :bleed eyes: )! I am impatiently waiting for more!  :cow:

Oh, and I just have to pray that AiGaki marriage would become true~  :wub:  :pleeease: Lol, here we go again... *shoos inner TakaGaki fan girl away*
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 32 12/1)
Post by: kuro808 on December 01, 2012, 10:34:05 PM
I feel that something will happen between the two, especially what Eri has done, although I find Eri will stay sane after this :nervous :nervous
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 32 12/1)
Post by: arisa03 on December 02, 2012, 01:28:14 AM
Yes, Ai-chan, you're an idiot. And because you know that, it's time for you to fix your shit up. ; A ;
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 32 12/1)
Post by: darkacex99 on December 02, 2012, 01:30:01 AM much has happened :shocked Ai has gone cray cray! Eri wuz funna go insane from guilt and fear! Risa with this heavy weight on her shoulders...and yaguchi high tailin it outta the country before ai gets

Thanks for the update this chapter was awesome as always :w00t: i have to agree with MsSmiggie my jaw was open for majority of the chapter :O cuz i juss couldnt believe all of the epicness that was happening in this chapter

Keep up the awesomeness rdw :thumbsup im luvin it, cant wait til the next chapter :)
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 32 12/1)
Post by: kRisZ on December 02, 2012, 02:46:37 PM
Eri’s bleary gaze was barely visible from it’s place in her blankets.
Lovely to imagine  :love:

“I can’t even find her sober anymore, not even in her sleep.”
Aw  :(

Ai had retreated, deciding to focus on tracking down the hacker’s killer and Eri
:shocked Nooo!

When she realized that she wasn’t alone, she’d taken on this deer in headlights look of surprise and fright locking eyes with the other
Aw, poor Eri  :cry:

followed by the sound of skin hitting skin.

there was the sound of shattering glass farther in the room. Now Saki half stood from her desk, prepared to intervene, but hesitant to do so. She flinched at another loud crashing sound
What's happening in there.?.  :shocked

There were no more alarming sounds coming from the room, so Saki slowly sat back down, eyes still glued to the doorway.
All the more reason to be alarmed, yeah.?.

Suddenly, a loud cry more sexual in nature echoed from inside the room.


so that’s why it got so quiet…

attered clothes barely covering her torso with blood dripping heavily from one hand
SH*T  :shocked

older woman’s swollen lips
Made me giggle  :grin:

the bite mark on her shoulder, her bruised neck and ripped up clothes barely covering her decency
Results of a rough ahem  :drool:

When Ai looked up, she had tears in her eyes, “I’m an idiot.” The older woman confessed quietly.
Good sign.?. Like she's now facing reality and ready to move forward.?. I hope

her lips were swollen
Yay!  :grin:

deep scratches that raked down her shoulder blades.
Again, Yay! lol

“I asked her to marry me. She said no.”

Eri had helped and Eri had needed her in return and Risa felt so grateful
Eri, Eri, no Eri, okay Risa!?

maybe that’s why she wanted to kiss her
OH-MY-Ggggggggggggg!!!!! That is so unacceptable Risa!   :OMG:

Eri tumbled away from her, “What are you doing?”
Good job Turtle!!!  :onioncheer:

Just, I don’t feel that way for you and even if I did, I would only be a replacement for her. That’s not fair to either of us.”
Good thinking! Yay!  :deco:

Feeling like an ass, Risa stood and pulled her shirt back on

She couldn’t help feeling like she’d lost two important people today.
Aw~  :gmon tears:
But on second thought, I'm still here for you Risa  :luvluv1: lol
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 32 12/1)
Post by: rndmnwierd on December 29, 2012, 09:59:00 PM
Comment replies go here.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 32 12/1)
Post by: rndmnwierd on December 29, 2012, 10:01:00 PM
Chapter 33: And that's when things went worse than expected...

The manor was enclosed with a black, wrought iron fence that stood about ten feet high. The surroundings were filled with lush plant life and thick foliage, while inside the compound the grass was kept meticulously neat. There was a single sakura tree that hung over the yard and dropped it’s petals on a modest flower garden in one corner of the compound. It was here that they’d laid Lin Lin to rest.

And it was here that Risa found herself after the blow up with Ai and the whatever with Eri, a liquor bottle in her hand that was much lighter than when she started. It was something she rarely did when she was depressed, since drinking always just made her feel worse, but Risa decided to take a page from her lover and drink until she forgot who she was.

Luckily the nights were comfortably warm, the grass at the base of Lin’s tombstone soft and cool against the gunner’s skin. Risa had passed her time away chatting to the grave and singing random songs, trying to imagine how the younger girl would have smiled at her and struggling to keep her spirits up. It had worked at first, but now, she felt more depressed than ever.

“I don’t blame you, Lin.” she was saying, laying down on her side. She could practically see the other girl mirroring her, as she had done so many times before. “Or Eri, or Ai. I guess I blame myself. You never deserved any of this. If there was anyone who deserved there fate less, it would be you. Maybe if I had died instead, Ai wouldn’t be like this. You always had this way of getting to her that I could never hope of replicating.”

“I’m too impatient.” Risa continued, stretching out her hand to gently pat the ground above her friend’s remains. “I think they would all be better off without me instead of you. You could temper Ai, I only fuel her. You were learning what I was, but faster. All those times you helped me study all those crazy real estate terms and strategies, I was always really grateful.” She took a long drink from the bottle, spilling a little  and chiding herself, “Ah, you never liked drinking too much. Aika and I were the ones that got you to even try some that time.” This memory, fuzzy as it was, was what finally brought on her tears. “Oh, Lin Lin.. I’m so sorry.”

She curled around the headstone, sobbing like a child. All of her failures crashing down on her head with no one there to help pull her from the wreckage. The pain was worse because Risa felt as though she could have prevented the outcome. There were so many opportunities to confront Eri that she never took for one reason or another. A good leader would have never let her crew end up in a situation like that, she would have dealt with the problem swiftly, despite friendships.

She had failed and the world had lost a wonderful child. There was no way she would ever be able to make up for that.

Ai’s study overlooked the garden, one of the reasons she had chosen the room in the first place. It was  a sight that she usually enjoyed, now turned bittersweet by the addition of the gray stone jutting up out of the ground. Still, she often looked out the window when she needed to think. Tonight was no different.

She had been watching her lover for many hours now, sober for once after their fight earlier. Seeing Risa tear herself apart like this was breaking her heart, but she felt as though it would be best to stay away, since she thought it was mostly her fault for the gunner’s current state. So Ai kept her distance, feeling her chest squeeze painfully with every sob that floated to her ears as she forced herself to watch her lover’s pain.


“Boss?” Risa groaned as she slowly came back to consciousness, “Boss? What’re you doing out here?” Strong hands were sitting her up, “Have you been out here all night?”

It took a few more moments than usual for the gunner to realize her surroundings. She was still outside, having been propped against Lin’s grave, if the crick in her neck was any indication. Her head throbbed mightily and her stomach churned, causing her to groan as someone tried to lift her up. With unexpected speed, she darted to the side, flinging herself overtop of a bush and emptying the contents of her stomach over the other side. Twice.

She stayed in that position for a few moments, waiting for her strength to return and already feeling a bit better. “You gonna throw up again?” Yasu asked her roughly, not doing much to mask his concern. Kenji stood silently nearby, holding a blanket he’d folded neatly.

“I’m alright.” she croaked out, feeling Yasu begin to maneuver her onto his back. She didn’t have the strength to resist and allowed Kenji to wrap the blanket around her as she rested her head on Yasu’s shoulder.

“It looks like you were planning to spend the night outside, Boss.” The younger brother was saying, “We were surprised to find you all curled up in that blanket like some homeless puppy.

Risa rolled her eyes at the comparison, but didn’t say anything. It was funny, she didn’t remember having the blanket when she started drinking. She looked up to the study window suddenly as a thought came to her, had Ai-chan..? She shook away the thought as they entered the house and were greeted by a concerned maid.

“Oh goodness, Niigaki-sama! Are you hurt?” She immediately began checking for injuries, much to the gunner’s annoyance.

“No, I’m fine, I’m fine. Just a bit hungover…” she swatted at the intrusive hands and the maid finally drew back.

“I know you knew she was out there,” Yasu began to scold the young woman, “Why didn’t you try to bring her in?”

“Well, Takahashi-sama said it was better not to wake a sleeping bear…” The girl said, a bit uncertainly.

“Does this look like a bear to you?” Yasu nodded to his weakened boss. The girl hesitated in her answer and the tattooed man chuckled, “More like a kitten, now.”

“Still, I fear what Takahashi-sama would do if I disobeyed her.” The maid whispered conspiratorially.

“You are right to fear her.” Risa spoke up, sliding down off of Yasu’s back, “But don’t forget who is the master of this manor. Ai-chan might kill you for not listening to her orders, but I’ll let you live.” she met the girl’s eyes with her own dark gaze, “I’ll let you live and kill the rest of your family instead.” The young woman gasped, demeanor turning subservient. “Now go.” and she skittered off as quickly as she could.

“Aw, come on, Boss, you didn’t have to scare the poor thing.” Yasu whined as the three headed upstairs to her own study. “Besides, she was cute.” Risa sat down on one end of the couch and Yasu on the other, “Anyway, say ah~” the younger brother told Risa, placing a small pill on the tip of her tongue when she opened her mouth.

Kenji closed the door and took his normal seat on the armchair next to Risa, watching her swallow the pill, “That’s our newest batch of Ecstasy, it’s particularly potent, with the high now lasting an average of 3 to 3 and a half hours instead of 2 to 3. The only catch is that it’s more dangerous to new users.”

“We’ve set our dealers up with the new and old batches and a warning for consumers, promise.” Yasu was quick to add when he say the reproachful look on Risa’s face. He knew she wanted as few overdoses as possible, not just because it would bother her conscience, but because they wanted returning users. That’s why she had all dealers sell measured doses of their more dangerous products to their customers.

The gunner had very strict policies that were put into place to protect as many as she could. Her dealers were all highly trained in first aid and carried various tools with them to potentially save a life in need. A lot of them thought it was unnecessary, but Risa had made it clear. If you work for me, you follow my rules. If you disobey me, I’ll kill you and everyone close to you. It only took one or two families to be made examples of before people finally caught on.

She even did personal inspections from time to time and always held meeting with the brothers like this in order to get news from her employees that she might have missed. They had just as many ears to the ground as she did, after all, and knew more of their dealers personally. Besides that, they always brought samples by when they reported in and the gunner had begun taking up some light recreational use to help her deal with her current depression.

Ecstasy was her new favorite, but she still smoked from time to time. Yasu was much like she was, she noticed he had taken a similar pill right after she had, but Kenji much preferred coke. Even now, he was pulling out his personal stash and tools and setting up on the table in front of him and Yasu stood and headed across the room to fiddle with the radio.

The boring parts were somehow made entertaining by the younger brother, who usually did all the talking anyway. Yasu knew what information she wanted to hear, how much of what was being sold for what and profit margins, blah blah blah. He always interjected with amusing anecdotes about his workers or jokes or gossip and Risa always found the 30 or so minutes it took before their highs kicked in to speed by. She could tell when the tattooed brother’s hit because he always started to dance.

And when her’s happened, she joined him; they would usually do an energetic jig or maybe exaggerated twirls and both would end up giggling for hours on end. Today, though, something was different. Instead of dance music playing, it was slow and Yasu took her into his arms in an enveloping embrace.

They rocked slowly together, Risa feeling absolutely electrified everywhere their bare skin touched. She knew he felt it too, that chemistry, that connection; Yasu was much taller than her and her head tucked comfortably underneath his chin. He had to crouch down to touch his lips to her throat and she rubbed against him in appreciation, feeling like they were floating, like she was finally at peace, feeling like she wanted him.

How long had it been since she had this kind of intimacy with someone? How long had it been since someone had taken care of her in this way? She wanted it, she wanted to feel it, she wanted to feel it inside of her. She wanted to feel his love inside of her. His kissed her neck, trailing his lips down to her shoulder, pulling aside her collar to get more access to her skin. She moaned and slipped her hands underneath his shirt, touching his taut muscles.

Another body pressed against her back as Kenji joined them, his lips assaulting the other side of her neck, his hips grinding against her butt. He reached around and cupped her chest, causing her to groan and thrust into his hands. Not to be outdone, Yasu cupped her warmth through her jeans, rubbing gently and eliciting a gasp, “Ai-” Suddenly, her lover’s face flashed through her mind, breaking the pleasure induced trance she had been in.

Like being hit with a bucket of ice water, her high disappeared and Risa realized the position she was in, horrified that she had been on her merry way to betraying her lover. She surged out of the room like a whirlwind, kicking herself harshly for her actions. By the time she was peeling out of the garage, tears were running down her face. There was only one place she could go.


It was still quite early in the morning when Risa burst into Eri’s room, so the other girl was understandably startled when the gunner had flung herself into her arms, sobbing like a child. “What’s wrong?” she croaked out, struggling to sit up with Risa’s weight against her.

“I’m horrible!” The gunner replied, pulling back and awkwardly confessing, “I-I almost had sex with the drug brothers.”

“What?” Eri was completely flabbergasted, she hadn’t been awake long enough to process this, “Which one?”

“Both of them. At the same time.” Risa whispered, watching Eri’s jaw open and close without making a sound, “We were all high.”

“High?” Eri asked slowly.

“I’ve been… Taking a lot of drugs recently. To help with my depression.” The gunner said slowly, looking away from her friend’s eyes.

“Oh, Risa, why?” Eri breathed out, reaching out to cup her cheeks.

“I’ve been so down lately and they kept offering it to me and offering it to me until one day, I didn’t say no. And it’s worked so far, I mean, I feel so much better when I’m high, now I can understand why people do this. And I understand how it can get you into so much trouble.”

Eri opened her mouth to respond, but before she could, the door to her room slammed open and Ai stormed in, gun drawn, “So this is where you’ve been hiding her…”

Risa dragged Eri up off the bed and pushed her behind her protectively, “Ai, stop!”

“No, you stop! You think I don’t know how you’ve been hiding my information from me. Did you think I wouldn’t find out where you’ve been keeping her?!” The demo expert waved her pistol wildly, “Now step aside and let me kill her, then you and I need to talk.”

“There is no way in Hell I’m letting you harm Eri.” Risa ground out, “Do you really think that killing her is going to make you feel better? That it will somehow make everything alright?”

“It’s justice.” Ai growled.

“It’s vengeance!” Risa cried, “Justice would have been killing Yaguchi! You’re just more upset at Eri because her betrayal was personal to you! If you really cared about justice for Lin Lin, you wouldn’t have let Yaguchi slip through your fingers!”

“Eri first, then Yaguchi. If it hadn’t been for Eri, there would have been no need for any of this! Now move aside or I’ll shoot you both.” The older woman threatened.

The gunner narrowed her eyes and began to stalk forward, “You’ll kill me? You will kill me?” Ai began to back up as Risa moved forward, only stopping when her back hit the dresser behind her. Risa planted the barrel of Ai’s gun under her chin, “You had better kill me then, because it’s the only way you’re getting to her.”

“Why?” Ai’s voice shook, “Why are you protecting her like this? She killed Lin Lin!”

“No, Yaguchi killed Lin Lin! Eri would have never harmed her, in fact, if Lin had stayed seated, we would have all gotten out of there in one piece. I still had my knife on me. Eri gave Reina the key to the bomb. What happened was unexpected and tragic and Yaguchi, not Eri is the one to blame!” Tears were flowing from both of their eyes now as Risa’s voice dropped low on the next sentence, “Beyond that, I would protect her because she was there for me when I needed you to be. Do you think you were the only one to mourn Lin’s loss? She was my friend, my family, too! You withdrew from me when I needed you and Eri is the one that comforted me.”

That was not what Ai wanted to hear and she pushed Risa suddenly, causing her to stumble a little backwards. Before she could make any other moves, though, Risa had repositioned them, putting Ai in a bear hug that trapped her arms and left the gun still pressed against her head, “Is your vengeance worth this? If it is, then take my life now.”

They stood in tense silence for a long moment, before Ai let out a sob, her pistol falling from a nerveless hand. She buried her face against Risa’s shoulder as the girl whispered to her soothingly for a while, “Go home, Ai, I will meet you there.” And the demo expert finally obeyed turning and leaving the room.

A few minutes passed in silence before Risa heard a thump on the carpet behind her, whirling around to find Eri collapsed on her knees, crying. When the gunner went over to comfort her, she was shoved violently away, “Look at this! Just when I was finally starting to think that I could start over, you keep bringing this back into my life! You keep coming back into my life! I don’t need your drama! Go away!” When the gunner hesitated, hurt, Eri glared at her, “Why are you still here? Go fix your own life! And leave mine alone!”

What else could she do? Feeling her heart crumbling, Risa picked up the discarded pistol and left. Now, more than ever, she dreaded the next conversation that she needed to have.


She found Ai in the study where only hours ago she’d been on the verge of betraying the demo expert. The older woman’s back was to the door, she was looking out the window the overlooked the side of the manor opposite the small garden where Lin was buried. As soon as the door clicked shut, Ai began to speak.

“All this time, you’ve been hiding her away. Protecting her. After she betrayed us.” There was a pause, “Why?”

“Because Eri is my friend. The only one, other than you, to ever touch my heart that deeply. And she was there for me when I needed someone.” Risa responded tensely.

“And you didn’t think to try and reason with me about this?” The demo expert spat caustically. “Aren’t we adults, here?”

“Ai, you haven’t been reasonable for six months. And to be perfectly honest, neither have I.” She watched her lover’s shoulders shake a bit, but couldn’t tell if it was from anger or pain, “Lin’s loss effected everyone and beyond that, it’s been hard to run this gang practically alone at the top. Saki’s been great, but she’s not the one I want to hold me at night.”

“Is that why you started using?” Ai accused through gritted teeth.

Risa felt her eyes widen, “How did you-?” the older woman half turned and threw a small vial at her, the gunner catching it with ease. It was about as long as her palm was wide and as thick as her middle finger, filled three quarters with white powder. She instantly recognized it as Kenji’s and tried to explain, “This isn’t mine. I-”

Ai scoffed, cutting her off, “Even now you can’t be truthful? Do you think I’m stupid?”

The gunner bristled, “And do you really think that I wouldn’t own up to something once I’m caught? I won’t confess to doing something I didn’t do. Besides, how is what I do any different from your drinking?”

“Because I can control it!” Ai yelled and Risa rolled her eyes, spoken like a true alcoholic.

“That stuff will kill you as sure as this stuff will.” The gunner gestured with the vial, “That’s not the point, though. Look at us, we can’t say two words to each other with out it degenerating into an argument. What is wrong with us?” She crept closer to Ai, who had kept her back to Risa this whole time, and placed her hand gently on the older’s shoulder, “It shouldn’t be like this.”

“You’re right.” Ai nodded, allowing the touch for another moment before coldly shaking the hand off, “You’re right, it shouldn’t be like this. I’ve been giving it a lot of thought and I think maybe we should take a break.” Risa couldn’t stifle her gasp, “Time apart is what we need to settle our problems. No matter how long it takes.” Ai was saying something else, but the younger girl couldn’t hear it above the sound of her heart breaking.

Her mind was blank, her chest was tight. She didn’t know what to do, what to say. This wasn’t something she could shoot into submission and so, Risa did the best thing she could think of. She ran.


The little coup sped down the road like the driver was being chased. Somewhere along the line, it had started raining and Risa was glad that even the sky was matching her mood. The same rain fell hot down her own cheeks.

Where could she go? What could she do? Was it really only yesterday that she had asked Ai to marry her? Maybe her answer then should have been an indication of today, but it wasn’t. Risa had held hope that things would work out, that, even if they had to start over, they would do so together.

Suddenly, Risa realized that she was still clutching Kenji’s vial in her hand. She had never tried coke before, but she thought there had to be a first time for everything. Maybe it would help sooth her. Maybe it would help numb her. She didn’t care at this point, she needed something to wash away the pain. She was just crossing a small back road bridge leading out of the prefecture when she popped open the vial, held it up to her nose and inhaled over half of what was left.

The effects of her overdose were nearly instantaneous. She blacked out, her eyes rolled back into her head and convulsions seized her body. She involuntarily jerked the wheel and the little coup crashed through the wooden side railings of the bridge, diving into the deep water below.


I'm sorry, I really am evil... But I just love everyone's reactions to my cliffhangers.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 33 12/29)
Post by: MsSmigge on December 29, 2012, 11:46:00 PM
 :fainted: :imdead: :stunned: :on_puddle: :cool2: :scared: :stoned: :on blackhole:
Some emotions I had during the chapter and after reading it.

Just one word: Amazing.
I would like to rant about how you really like to kill TakaGaki (shame on you) and how you should bring them back together immediately, but at the same time, I just have to say that you just blowed my mind with this chapter. It was just... just... something awesome. I can't even dscripe it.

You better not kill Risa, or I will come to you and...  :shifty:

And dammit, stop killing my jaw! My workmates thought that I finally lost it, when I stared the laptop's screen like this: :mon scare:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 33 12/29)
Post by: arisa03 on December 30, 2012, 01:23:01 AM
I've been wondering lately.... just how many lives Risa has. LOLOLOLOLOLOL.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 33 12/29)
Post by: kawaii beam on December 30, 2012, 02:08:39 AM
omg this is like :panic: idk what to even say...u made ur padawan speechless ;3;
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 33 12/29)
Post by: risa_ai on December 30, 2012, 03:30:32 AM
NONONONONO WAIT. HANG ON. HANG THE FUCK ON. WHAT ON EARTH I CANT EVEN. NONONOOOOOOOOOOO. Aichan what are you doing and Risa why are you taking drugs. ;___; Dont kill risa. Kill those two drug brothers i dont give two shits about them. ;A; FEELS. FEELS. AND MOAR FEELS.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 33 12/29)
Post by: darkacex99 on December 30, 2012, 05:55:32 AM
OH. MY. GAWD. :panic:  OH. MY. GAWD....risa...doin drugssss ohh lord Dx. wat an AWESOME chapter!!!! ai n eri confrontation had me super scared cuz i thought ai wuz gunna go all commando...and eri.....risa saved her once again yet she rejects her like water does oil  :smhid ...i mean how can u do dat gurl  :angry:

ai's decision leads risa to try a new drug and run offa cliff :cry: that cliffhanger iz pullin at my heartstrings  :shocked: i hope risa is ok

rndmnweird u r amazing!!! the story iz getting sooo interestin :thumbsup i cant wait to see wat happens in the next chapter XD
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 33 12/29)
Post by: yunagi on April 28, 2013, 03:47:11 PM
I know I’m super late with the comment but I just finished reading this... so I guess I’m like giving it a little bump(I am using the term right, right?)

I got really curious after chapter 1, so like any other reader I continued reading(and rereading). Now after I don’t know how many days and 32 chapters later, with about 70% of the time I had my face near the screen all I can say is… WHOA!

Drama, angst, romance, action, tragedy all rolled into one neat fic. Can I just say you are one awesome writer! :bow:

Risa!!! The suspense is killing me! ヘ(;´Д`ヘ)
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 33 12/29)
Post by: rndmnwierd on June 05, 2013, 12:23:04 AM
Chapter 34: Finale, Yet Not the End

Everything was white. It wasn’t that everything was painted white or covered in white, there was simply an absence of all color. Also, there was nothing. No walls, no ceiling, no floors, even though Risa wasn’t floating. She could feel something solid underneath her bare feet, but she couldn’t place the material. She wasn’t sure how long she had been here, time had quickly lost all meaning, but she was sure of one thing.

She was dead.

She was dead and this was her hell. She was going to go mad eventually, trapped in this space with no one but herself and her memories. She was sure that she would be haunted by her past misdeeds as a self inflicted punishment, forced to relive her worst days forever and ever until her mind simply stopped functioning. Here was the insanity already!

She crouched down, hugging her knees to her chest, feeling herself begin to hyperventilate. How was she supposed to come to terms with this? She was afraid, more scared of anything in her life. The one thing she never wanted to face was herself.

She sat like that for a long time, rocking back and forth, sobbing into her legs, scared and confused. After a while, she finally began to calm, now laying on her side, her mind a pleasant blank. Maybe, if she could just stay in this state, things wouldn’t be so bad…

“But don’t you want to go back?” a familiar voice sent Risa nearly jumping out of her skin. “Don’t you want to see Ai-chan again?”

She knew the speaker before she had even looked up, but her shock dictated that she had to make absolutely certain, “Lin Lin?” The younger girl smiled down at her gently, “Oh, god, I am dead!”

“Well, not quite.” Lin began to explain, reaching down to help Risa up, “Right now, you are actually laying in a hospital bed, being kept alive by life support.”

“So I’m in a coma?”

There was an uncomfortable pause, “…Sure. Although, you weren’t supposed to survive at all.”

“I wasn’t?” Risa wracked her head, her memories after the fight with Ai were pretty hazy.

“What’s the last thing you remember?” Lin asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

“Um…” Risa wracked her brains, after the fight she had left the manor. She remembered driving angrily… The coke! “Oh man, did I OD?” Her friend just nodded, “I knew it was stupid, but I still did it anyway. Getting involved in all of that stuff.” Risa looked down for a moment, then turned back to Lin in confusion, “This doesn’t feel like what I remember my last coma to be like. Last coma, sounds stupid when I say it like that, but I remember darkness, punctuated by people talking to me.”

“Well, your ‘last coma‘,” Lin curled her fingers like quotation marks, “was just a thinly veiled plot device the author used to get you out of the picture long enough for Ai to come to understand how to do what was needed for the business to thrive.” There was a pause.


“I mean that was different, see, this time it’s not really a coma, per se. Although coma is probably the best word to describe your body’s position right now, you aren’t waiting and struggling to go back like before. This time, you’re trying to move forward.” 

“I’m trying to die.” Risa sighed dejectedly, “Why haven’t I?”

“Well, the life support is keeping you tied down, but that’s not the point. The point is, I’m here to offer you a second chance.” Lin grinned happily at her own declaration, but Risa frowned.

“Is that really such a good idea?” At her friend’s questioning look, she continued, “I mean, you said I was supposed to die. Is it really okay to mess with the future like this?”

“Well, if I wasn’t supposed to do this, then why do I have to power to help you?” The Chinese girl asked seriously, “Ultimately, it’s up to you. If you say no, then I’ll stay with until they finally decide to unhook the life support. If you want to go back, though, then I will help you to do that.”

“I need to think about this.” Risa said slowly. There was a long pause in the conversation and finally, Risa asked, “How am I not dead?”

“What do you mean?”

“You said I wasn’t supposed to survive at all. Why did I?”

Lin gave an enigmatic smile, “Free will.” When Risa looked confused, the Chinese girl just smiled wider. “I guess now would be the time to fill up the rest of the chapter with meaningless dialogue, huh?” She sat down on what appeared to be nothingness, continuing with her words before Risa could analyze her strange question. “Life, no, the world, no, EVERYTHING is like tree branches.” Lin held her hands up in front of her, palms together and fingers towards the sky.

“It all begins at the same place, but also not, as a tree also must widen as it grows. Maybe you’re born into this world on the wrong side of the tracks. Maybe you are normal and live a simple life with a loving family. Maybe you decide to become an idol in your favorite Japanese girl group. Maybe you fall in love with a girl or guy your own age, or two years older, or a year younger, or maybe you don’t find anybody in your life to share yourself with.”

“No matter what life you live, you will make choices.” Lin split her hands apart, the heels of her palms touching to form a ‘V’ shape, “Maybe they’re small ones.” she put her hands back together, instead only splitting her left index finger away, “Maybe you decide to have chips for lunch or maybe a sandwich that happens to have bad mayonnaise.” She split her other index finger apart so that both were now separated outward from her hands.

“Maybe it wasn’t chips, maybe you had nothing, maybe it doesn’t really effect how your day goes.” Lin curved her right index finger so that it rejoined her hand, the tip touching just above the knuckle of her middle finger. “Or maybe that bad mayonnaise sent you home early and you avoided that twelve car pile up on the free way.” She closed her right hand into a fist with a quickness that made Risa jerk.

“Most of the time,” she continued swiftly, “two trees will intersect.” Lin held her hands up, crossed together like an ‘X’. “Sometimes they just cross each other, but other times, they will become intertwined together, like vines.” She closed her hands together, fingers locking, “Not necessarily romantic, but indicative of a bond all the same.”

“How do you know all this?” Risa asked incredulously.

“Well, no matter how many lives we live, there is only one soul. And only one Heaven and Hell.” Lin chuckled at something only she seemed to find humorous, “When you die, all of those lives come together on this plane. Time and space don’t exist here, so I know and have experienced everything my other selves have and will experience.”

“Is there a God, too?”

“No, and Heaven isn’t really Heaven, either. It’s just a place that souls collect so that they can either move on or do stuff like this. I mean, miracles happen every day, right?”

“What about Hell?”

“Oh, Hell is real, but whether or not you go there is up to the soul. I mean, if you have all of the knowledge of every life you’ve ever lived or will ever live, you have to be able to judge yourself. Hell is really only a place of self punishment, the soul stays until they feel that they have repented and they’re ready to move on to their next life. That’s why every life, while fundamentally the same, will make different decisions.”

“But, if you have already lived every life, how do you become reincarnated?” Risa felt her eyebrows pull together as she tried to puzzle that question out.

“Try not to think about that too much.” Lin laughed gently, “You don’t need the headache. Anyway, I was telling you why you hadn’t died. There was a man who was also supposed to die that day, you know?” Risa shook her head, becoming engrossed in Lin’s words again, “He was going to jump off the roof of his apartment building and kill himself. He even dragged himself all the way over the safety fence and stood on the edge, looking down. Then he realized something.” Lin paused for dramatic effect.

“What?” Risa asked when the silence had stretched a bit too long.

“The time. The man realized that the first people to find his body would probably be the kids leaving home for school. His conscience wouldn’t let him do the deed there, around all of those people, so he thought of the most secluded place he knew of.”

“The bridge.” Risa breathed out. It was off a seldom used back road, perfect for some privacy.

“Yes, the bridge. He traveled all the way there with only a quick pit stop for some rope and cinderblocks. Just as he was getting ready to tie the rope to his ankle, he heard it. A screech of tires, the roaring engine. He looked up to see your car barreling towards him. The man was certain that, one way or another, he was about to meet his end.”

“Instead, the car swerved at the last moment, crashing through the rotten wooden railings and over the side, down into the river below. The man couldn’t believe his luck! Then he thought of the driver and, after calling the police and paramedics, dove over the side. He pulled you over to the river bank and performed CPR on you until the ambulance arrived and took over. Somehow, you managed to survive the ride to the hospital before you flat-lined. And, miraculously, they managed to bring you back long enough to hook you up.” Lin smirked a bit, “Both my doing. Not bad for someone relatively new to the whole ‘Guardian Angel’ thing, huh?”

Risa hummed in contemplation, “If I die, what would happen?”

“Well, Ai-chan would leave the gang, which would be absorbed into Reina and Koharu’s groups. You’re really more interested in Ai’s future without you, though, aren’t you?” Lin said knowingly, “She would get a job as an OL and wallow in her self pity and hatred for years to come. Eventually, she would say yes to a suitor of her’s, go on to marry him and have a few kids, grandkids and great-grand kids, but she would never feel truly fulfilled. Your ghost would haunt her throughout her life, the guilt she had for her part in your death never leaving her. She would have an average life of safety and security, if never being actually happy, she would be content.”

“And if I live?”

“Well, things between her and Eri are being worked out on their own, you know? So you don’t have to worry about that one. Convenient, I know.” Lin rolled her eyes, “When you come back, you two will make up, that I know for sure, but beyond that, there are so many choices. You have the potential to unite the entirety of the Japanese underworld. The unity between the three Tokyo gangs is notorious all over the country and the strength of your influence will continue to grow. If it continues down this path, you will begin to attract attention.”

Risa was unsatisfied with her vague answer, but didn’t push once Lin fell quiet, “So, what would you have to do to bring me back?”

Grinning slowly, Lin replied, “Well, I would need a bit of help. I’ll go get her if you were interested in that path.”


After thinking about everything that Lin had said to her, Risa decided that, yes, she really would very much like another chance at life, so the other girl disappeared for a while, promising to bring back someone who could help. This left Risa some time to think.

She’d absorbed a lot of information, but she really wondered if it would all matter. She had decided here to make things right and to do what needed to be done, but would she really be able to keep to this decision? Was this selfish? Was this what was best for everyone? Was this what was best for Ai?

After thinking for a long time, Risa could only come to one conclusion. “I want to see her.” Her heart had been aching these past six months that she hadn’t felt that intimacy with her lover and it ached now at the thought of never feeling that again. Was it selfish? Yes, but she didn’t care. Her whole life she’d done nothing but what she wanted and that wasn’t about to change now.

Besides, she was confident that she could work things out with her lover. She had never thought otherwise about that. Nodding to herself, she began to practice in her head the things she would say when she saw Ai next.

“Risa-chan?” Lin Lin’s musical intonation of her name brought her attention to the younger girl as she reappeared with another figure in tow. Risa was surprised that the other figure was a girl even younger than Lin, maybe about 15 or 16, with short black hair and a small, round face. “I brought my friend. This is Sakura-chan!”

The girl bowed, “Please take care of me.” She said quietly, then shared a knowing look with Lin. Before Risa could ask what that was about, the two girls placed their hands on her shoulders and began to glow radiantly.


“Ai-chan?” Ai looked up at the sound of her name, meeting Eri’s sympathetic gaze, “It’s time.”

“I know, but that doesn’t make it any easier.” the older woman felt her eyes drawn to the comatose body of her lover, laying still in the hospital bed. The decision to turn off the life support and let her go had been made a week ago after months of deliberations. The doctors were convinced that Risa would not only never wake up, but never be able to survive without the aide of machines ever again.

Even Ai had to agree that was no way to live. As much as it pained her, she felt that this was ultimately the best thing to do for her proud lover. She felt a light grip on her arm and looked up at Eri again. Over the months that Risa had laid in this bed, the two had slowly worked out their differences. Ai felt that it was her fault that Risa was even in this bed and her guilt was, surprisingly, only assuaged by the former cop’s words.

“You are both only human, the mistakes you made affecting each other equally. If you really want to repent, then you have to find a way to move past your guilt. I need to, as well. I want to start by making things right between us and that way, we can have each other to lean on.”

Ai needed the forgiveness from Eri as much as she needed forgiveness from Risa. Now, though, it appeared that she would have to let her lover go before getting that forgiveness and she’d been trying for weeks to come to terms with that.

“I’m ready.” She wasn’t.

“I know.” She did know.

Ai held Risa’s unresponsive hand in a tight grip as the doctor began to shut off the various equipment that kept the gunner from going to the other side. Finally, the respirator cut off with a click and the ventilator slowly drained of air. Ai held her own breath as she waited to hear the fading beeps from the heart monitor.




After a moment, Ai blinked in surprise; her lover’s heart was still going strong, even though everything that had been keeping her breathing was gone. Apparently the doctor realized this too, because he called in a small team of nurses to begin checking over the gunner in amazement. Ai was vaguely aware of them saying that they were going to run some tests to check for more brain wave patterns or something to that affect, before they were wheeling Risa out of the room.

It wasn’t until Eri shook her did Ai realize that she was staring at the open doorway with tears running down her cheeks. Risa would live, she would be alive, she would have a chance to come back to her. The relief she felt brought Ai to her knees.


Even though Risa was making a recovery, it was still very slow. She would be in a coma for another six months, Ai at her bedside constantly. Even through the inactivity, though, the gunner was still finding ways to surprise her.

“Pregnant?!” Ai cried at the doctor’s diagnosis, four months after the beginning of the younger girl’s recovery. “What do you mean? How is that possible?”

“To be honest, we don’t know.” the just as bemused man confessed, “We’ve confirmed that’s she’s four months along, which would mean the pregnancy would have happened while she was in the hospital, but there were no signs of any penetration, forced or otherwise. Even then, you’ve been with her night and day, so I think you would notice any strange visitors to her room.” It was true that Ai had become something of a permanent fixture to her lover’s room, having left most of the gang’s day to day operations in Saki’s capable hands.

The doctor eventually left Ai alone to let this information sink in by herself. At first, she was repulsed by the thought of the inconvenience, but then, Risa’s baby bump began to show. That’s when it really hit Ai that her lover was having a baby, that there was a tiny life growing inside of her. With her ear pressed over Risa’s steadily beating heart, Ai gently stroked the gently sloping belly. She decided it was their baby, no matter how it came to be.

When Risa awoke the next day, Ai took it as a good sign.


Recovery was slow going, but the gangs continued business as usual. Saki began bringing reports to Risa as soon as she was able to entertain guests, but Risa pretty much left everything up to the girl’s capable judgment. “Maybe I should just let you take over for me permanently.” Risa said, semi jokingly to the girl one day after it had become apparent that she didn’t really need any help from Risa or Ai.

Saki was vehemently against the idea, though, “No! I mean, no, that’s ok, I’m just keeping your seat warm for you. Besides, I don’t have what it takes to maintain order the way you do.”

“Don’t sell yourself short, Captain, you’re doing great.” Risa chuckled at her, “But I do plan to be back on my feet soon enough, don’t you worry.”

Reina also had some new developments, that she went over on one of her very rare visits. Risa and Ai knew she cared, since Sayu sent her thoughts whenever she visited, it’s just that her love for them was outweighed by her hatred of hospitals. Seeing her in the room was drove home the importance of her news.

“New members.” Reina said without preamble, dropping a few files in Risa’s lap. “Eight pieces of fresh meat.”

“Why so many?” Risa asked curiously, skimming through the dossiers and noticing that most of them had been given high ranks in their two groups in the few short months they had been with them.

“They were a package deal. I decided that we needed some new hackers and when I went looking for the best, I came across these kids. Iikubo and Ikuta are the hackers, the others have various other skills. Fukumura is a chemist, Ishida is a master swordswoman, Sayashi is a ninja, Suzuki is a master of disguise, Kudou is a mixed martial artist, and Sato is, well, something…” Reina rolled her eyes at the thought of the last girl, “They all apparently grew up together, so they were more than simply reluctant to leave each other, but I took four into my group and the other four went to yours. Kusumi wasn’t interested in any of them, since she’s still sorting the mess left behind.”

Risa took a little while to skim through their files, looking at the notes Reina had left on her thoughts on each of them, chuckling a little as she reached Sato’s file, “Looks like they’ve grown on you.” She smiled knowingly, watching Reina blush a little and grumble at her, “If you trust them, then I trust them.” she finally concluded, getting raised eyebrows from both of the girls in the room. “What? You’re a good judge of character, if you think they’ll be helpful then I trust your judgment.” Reina nodded and that was that.

The gangs were in good hands and Risa was free to concentrate on her recovery.


Two Years Later

She was on the hunt. Her prey was somewhere on the premises, also hunting for her. She knew that she had to be quick, there were no room for mistakes. She peeked around the corner, back to the wall, checking to see if the coast was clear. She was so absorbed in her task that she failed to hear the muted foot falls behind her.

Before she could react, hands closed around her waist and lifted her in the air with a squeal, “There you are you little escape artist!” Erina cried, pulling the little girl into her arms securely, “We gotta get you washed up for the party, Sakura-chan.”

“No-pon! Don’t wanna-pon!” The soon-to-be two year old cried, squirming in the hacker’s arms. Erina tended to be the default babysitter for the girl, all too happy to do so due to her massive admiration of the girl’s mother and the fact that Sakura was just too cute.

“Well, that’s too bad-pon~!” Erina responded playfully, taking the girl back into the bathroom to finish getting ready.

Downstairs, Risa was surveying the impressive mound of Sakura’s birthday presents with a slight grin. There were offerings from their allies all over the country; the Nakazawa clan in Kyoto, the clans in Sendai, Saitama, Sapporo and Hiroshima, even the newly appointed clan in Yokohama, which came about at Risa’s behest. In just 2 short years, they had aggressively spread their influence across the nation and had even made contact with a few foreign organizations, thanks in part to an old friend of Risa’s with international contacts.

“It looks great.” The gunner turned at the sound of Sayu’s voice to see the very pregnant woman waddle into the room, her lover and the MaaDuu combi on her heels. Reina was bickering playfully with the younger two, one arm captured by the grinning Masaki and the other arm resting lightly against Haruka’s shoulders.

As soon as they entered fully, Masaki broke from her beloved Tanasa-tan to run over to Risa at full speed, crying out her name jovially as she latched onto her waist. Duu was only a moment behind her, having turned to look to Reina for permission first before joining her partner in crime. The two only separated from their excited retelling of some story when Reina gently chided them not to crowd the gunner as she came over.

The dining room began filling with people as more and more guests arrived, Risa casually chatting with whomever as she waited for her wife and daughter to come down. The gangs were on top of the world and even though that meant that they were never really safe, today was a day of celebration for all. The gunner turned when a familiar presence appeared at her side, Ai slipping against her as naturally as puzzle pieces would, their daughter held against her hip.

Things could only go up from here, Risa thought, embracing her wife and slipping her hand against the other woman’s slight baby bump. The ride was only just beginning.


OMG it's been so long, but I've finally finished this thing.(even though I know it's crappily short and not at all awesome) I don't really have much to say, other than my understated thanks to everyone who has read this thing and stayed with me up to this point and my great relief that it is finally over. My great epic is finished after so many years! *dies*

Now onto my next one. XD
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 34 6/4 The End!)
Post by: kawaii beam on June 05, 2013, 04:26:57 AM
im happy, yet sad that its over omg ;3;

to many things to quote, and to many feels ;3; i cant even think of what to properly say XD well done! it's over! :deco: XD
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 34 6/4 The End!)
Post by: risa_ai on June 05, 2013, 07:18:47 AM
HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT. Sakura is so cute. x'D So she reborned thanks to the Guardian Angel Linlin LOL. And those little Aigaki moments. <3
Rihoriho is a ninja. Gosh that made me laugh.  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Now that this story has ended,  :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: do take a good break and come back with more!
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 34 6/4 The End!)
Post by: MsSmigge on June 05, 2013, 10:24:44 AM
OMG and update!

I am sad, very sad, but at the same time I'm very happy how things turned out~ Especially takagaki  :wub: Everything is perfect when they are married and having kids~ (Here we go again....)

This has been a great story! Very good job there! :thumbsup

I would have liked to quote many things, but I just decided to do only one, for it would have taken forever to quote almost the whole chapter XD

But this:

and Sato is, well, something…”

LOL! XD Everyone got some kind of a description of their skills, but Sato was just something...
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 34 6/4 The End!)
Post by: darkacex99 on June 05, 2013, 07:24:19 PM
i saw the update and i got so excited!!!

WOW!!!!! one word...AMAZING!!!!! :thumbup cant believe this is the end,wow :thumbsup

its so cute how linlin became risa's guardian angel XD

im glad u finally got to finish ur fanfic O0, i am eager to read other fics you plan to write  :cathappy:
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 34 6/4 The End!)
Post by: yunagi on June 08, 2013, 02:49:17 PM
Aw poop… I have such a crappy timing.

Anyhoo… When I read the title I was like "So it's the end, but it's not the end? If it's not the end then what is it?" Then went  :shocked after the 2nd paragraph.

Such bitter-sweet ending. Bitter only cause it’s the end. I love the Guardian Angel Lin Lin part, though her explanation made my head spin a bit.
“Well, your ‘last coma‘,” Lin curled her fingers like quotation marks, “was just a thinly veiled plot device the author used to get you out of the picture long enough for Ai to come to understand how to do what was needed for the business to thrive.”

Little TakaGaki babies! FTW :cow:

Loled at Masaki’s description. She is something.
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 34 6/4 The End!)
Post by: aya-chii on June 12, 2013, 05:11:51 AM
wow. it's over? but not yet the end...? do you mean there's something yet to come-up ? XD
nawww~ i still wonder how these girls got pregnant you know! lol. or it was just your story that allowed them so?

thanks a lot for this story. i love all the actions and amazing group coordies and all those sexaaay times. it was so much fun~
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 34 6/4 The End!)
Post by: H!PShipper on June 12, 2013, 05:24:47 AM
Title: Re: Black and Blue (Ch 34 6/4 The End!)
Post by: arisa03 on June 12, 2013, 02:12:20 PM
At first, I didn't realize this Sakura, Sakura is, yeah that Sakura and I went OOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhh and yeah. This has been amazing and informative and yeaaahh. This is awesome and it's not a crappy ending at all.

; w ; / I am happy to have waited until the end ; w ;/