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AKB48 Fanfics => AKB48 Fanfics => Topic started by: LeNosferatu on February 02, 2012, 09:03:38 AM

Post by: LeNosferatu on February 02, 2012, 09:03:38 AM
Aggressive Trance

“Just go confess to her! Your feelings are definitely mutual. I can guarantee that.” Nakanishi Yuka shoved her thumb in front of my face when I was finished talking to the phone. I bit my lips and lazily answered, “I wish I were braver.” I put my mobile phone in my pocket after I saw a certain name and closed the lid shut. Yuka sighed and grabbed me in the shoulders, eyes locked on me. I was sweat-dropping at her sudden actions but I could manage to keep calm when Yuka whispered in an offending tone,

“You don’t want Rena losing faith in you, do you?”

My eyes bugged out. I put her hands away as I felt my heart getting out of its usual way of beating when I heard her name being spoken. I suddenly felt a plump was getting in a way somewhere in my throat so I couldn’t gulped easily. My nerves commanded me to move my head constantly left to right left to right, signaling I wasn’t agreeing the idea of her losing faith in me, about Rena losing faith in me. I didn’t want Matsui Rena give up on me.

“Right, all you have to do is…um, a bit aggressive than usual I guess. Maybe you can take the initiative? Ask her out and tell her the truth.” Yuka winked and patted my shoulder before grabbed her bag and flashed away from my sight. I glanced at my watch. Right, it was already 10 pm. Nobody could hold to be in outside house in this kind of season when the warm bed and blanket ready to embrace and drifted you away to wonderland. I started shivering as the cold air brushed my uncovered face. Winter was really not my best buddy, though I liked snows.

After thanked the owner and bowed to him, I walked out the anime store Yuka and I had been working for months now. Needing money for living wasn’t the reason. I always wanted to give a special person a special gift. That’s what you do to your beloved person in his/her upcoming birthday right? Well at least this one would be a special one since I put so much effort in the way of getting it, I guess. But the thing is, what am I supposed to do if I already get the present? Would I be able to hand it to her? Saying happy birthday and shoving the gift in front of her wouldn’t simply do. It was more complicated than that. I couldn’t even explain it properly. I was no good with words.

I needed to go back to home quickly. My legs started freezing and thinking about warm bed persuading me to faster my steps. But something I couldn’t define logically just made me want to go to another direction contrary to my first purpose. I turned right after reached the particular intersection. Way opposite of my house. I enhanced my speed of walking for no reason. I glanced at my watch again, ten thirty, not too late, eh? Well I’m just going to check and go home. Check and go home. I repeated those words in my head and smiled.


I felt like a piece of meat being flipped over and over on a grill, like a yakiniku, in my own bed. Although this wasn’t a first time I experienced biological sleeping disease called insomnia, but it still kind of bothering me. It was rarely a chance I couldn’t sleep well when the surroundings are very supportive. What’s more perfect than breezing air and smooth bed plus warm blanket? Usually I could just fell asleep even before my head touched the pillow. But now? I already counted sheeps, drank some hot milk, plugged my ears with some soothing music that could calm my nerves, but all didn’t worked. I sighed and hugged my pillow, burying face in it. Not in three seconds I was craving for air, right I didn’t want to die yet. Not that meant I was in effort of commit suicide. That wasn’t a nice way of die, though dying isn’t nice at all. At least I wanted to die pretty, not silly.

Okay, the more I awake, the more stupid thoughts blabbering over my head like an unstoppable ferris wheel in the amusement park. I drifted my thought to the voice I heard half hour ago. It was simple and has no special meaning for other people. But not for me. How come a simple sentence of, “Goodnight, Rena-chan.” Could turn me into one of trouble sleeping victims?

Argh, I surrendered. I got out of the bed and clicked my table lamp, turned the dark room into a dim one. Watching some boring night shows on TV might become a drug for my withdrawal of sleeping. I walked to my window and opened the curtain a few inches, just speculated about the situation outside. Nothing interested me, I was in second floor. So all I could see was other houses, trees, roofs, and…wait. Something familiar and white falling over and over like a meteor shower.
It’s snowing.

I smiled. It’s nice seeing snow though I had no interest throwing myself to the piles of white like when I was a kid and the first time seeing snow. It was too cold.

Something caught my eyes. I saw a movement near my fences. Not sure what I was seeing, I opened my curtain fully and sharpening my night vision. Oh how I wish I were a Buddhist cat now, could see through the night and also, immortal. Plus if it died, it would die cutely.

It was her.

My eyes widened in joy and I immediately slammed my window open. Every seconds was very precious to me cause if lose one, that person would backed away and vanished from my sight. I didn’t want that.

“Airin!!!! Airin!!”

She turned to my house, immediately to my direction. Looked like she already know it was my voice and the source was so predictable, my bedroom. I could see a shock in face, as if I caught her doing something indecent.

“Stay still!! I’m going down now!” I shouted again and flashed my feet like Sonic the Hedgehog to downstairs. I didn’t even remember grabbing my coat and only stepped the cold road outside with a pair of slippers. Guess missing someone could beat your nerve system of thinking and acting properly.

Meters away, feet away, I reached the fence and opened it. I found her face, smiling to me.
“Airin, I can’t sleep.”


So here they are. Sitting in the bed side by side in front of the abandoned television while they enjoyed each other’s company. Matsui Rena had her head in Airi’s shoulder, while the boyish girl kept stroking her hair.

“Where are your parents?” Airi started a topic after such a while they were only watching the uninteresting shows while they had their mind having its own world. Rena snuggled closer, the blanket that covered their legs made her even warmer. After had minus ten degrees attacked her skin, nothing second best than snuggled with the ones she loved under the same blanket.

“Outside town for days, work stuff. Ne…Airin…” Rena sat up. Airi automatically stopped her action on Rena’s hair.


“Why were you outside my house?”

Airi suddenly looked like having a lump in her throat, unable to answer anything and just responded with an awkward smile which was being taken as an answer by Rena. She circled her arms to Airi’s neck and winked seductively, “Were you missing me?”

“Eh? I…I was just passing by…I was on my way home.” Airi gave a sentence in denial of truth. Rena smirked in her head, why are you so lame on giving excuses?

“Really? I think I’m smart enough to read map. There’s no way you were here after your part-time working right? Your house is on the opposite way of mine.” Rena intimidated the already sweat-dropped Furukawa Airi. She only blushed and nodded stiffly, “Well, if so is that a mistake?”

Rena smiled, Airi really knew how to make her heartbeat getting sprinted by her actions.

“A mistake that I love.” She leaned to kiss Airi’s cheek. Creating an awkward silence and steamed Airi as the result. Airi turned her head anywhere but her friend while keep balancing her pace of heartbeat. She remembered Yuka’s words then.

“…Maybe you can take the initiative? Ask her out and tell her the truth…”

The thing is, their relationship was really complicated. They acted like a couple, got jealous if someone gets clingy to other girl and such. Normal couple things do. But they never got it in a higher level of it, confession. They were never officially a couple.

“Ah…but really you don’t have to shout like that. You’ll wake three blocks from their sleeping.” Airi moved onto new topic. She kind of felt uncomfortable with the very intimate situation. Alone with the one she loved. Rena pouted, “Well, if I didn’t, you would just walk away home and I will be so tortured going through this insomnia alone.”

“…a bit aggressive than usual…”

Airi bit her lips harder as Yuka’s voice echoed inside her head again. Her friends already told her hundred times to make a move already. They said, a dog will leave its prey when it smelled another nearby. What a lame proverb she thought. Cause Rena wasn’t a dog and that just made things more complicated and harder for her. Talking to a dog much easier than to Rena even though she wasn’t Dr. Dolittle.   

“Rena-chan…” Airi heavily breathed while she took Rena’s hand. Knowing these actions made Rena felt like being given out a chance of journey to the past, which was impossible in her mind. This was the first time Airi dared taking her hand first.

“Y-yes, Airin?”

“Please don’t give up on me.”

Rena blinked few times, trying to find any meanings behind the words. She didn’t know why out of nowhere, all of sudden, her dear Furukawa Airi saying such things.

“I…don’t understand?” Rena slowly replied, afraid of hurting Airi’s feelings. Airi let out a bitter chuckle, she cursed herself for not being good at expressed herself. Right, no more days to waste, Airi. I gotta say it, thought Airi.

“Matsui Rena…I…” Airi inhaled deeply, unable to look in her opponent’s eyes. In the next seconds she felt a pair of warm hands on her cheeks, tilted her head so her eyes could meet the destiny,

“…Your feelings are definitely mutual…”

Airi remembered Yuka’s words again. The urge within her became stronger and stronger. 
“…definitely mutual…”

Airi gave an intense stare to Rena’s brown orbs. There were definitely love in those beautiful eyes. She continued her stutter,
“I…I just want to say. I-I love you, Rena-chan…”

Airi closed her eyes, waiting for the worst of the worst words would come out from another girl and turned her into an emo bitch with a bruised and scarred wrist in the other day, instead she heard Rena giggled.

“Awwh, that’s so sweet of you Airin. I love you too!” she jumped and hugged Airi tightly. Airi’s lips immediately formed into a frown and let go of Rena’s tight embrace.

“It’s not that! It’s…it’s…”

Airi clenched her fists and sighed.

Then everything was too fast for Rena to take.

Airi pulled Rena closer and landed her lips to Rena’s, stayed for seconds before rubbing it slowly. Tasting every millimeters of Rena’s soft ones, as she knew it was their first kiss. And she proud she could demolish all the coward barrier that been planted on her. As Airi heard Rena’s moan by the lack of oxygen, she pulled away slowly. Oh how she wished human had a pair of iron lungs. She could kiss Rena for eternity.

Their forehead touched as their panting got in steady rhythm together. Airi could see the red tint were over Rena’s cheek, she had no idea she could make Rena blushed so hard like that. It was always been the opposite.

“Got it? I love you, Rena…”

Rena nodded in agreement before circled her arms to Airi’s neck, “I love you too, Airin. Everything about you. I really do…”
She returned Airi’s kiss. This time harsher than Airi gave to her. They moved to something that can’t be called a simple kiss. Their tongues had a duel of dominance like there’s no tomorrow. Airi felt like someone cast a spell on her, she didn’t deny every action they both do and kept enjoying it with all her feelings. Their hearts pounding to each other as they felt a piece of heaven being poured by God tonight.

Rena suddenly pulled away from the kiss. Eyes slowly wandered from Airi’s longing black jewels down to her swollen velvet lips, observing carefully on those inviting flesh that begging to be pulled to an eternal kiss once again. An undeniable pressure gradually formed inside her, aflamed and needed to be satisfied. Rena slowly licked her lips. Tastes of Airi’s chapstick were like a drug for her. A legal drug that she wouldn’t be afraid to have some again and again. She deliberately leaned closer to a pair of warm addictive lips in front of her. She realized she wanted to explore more of Furukawa Airi.

Rena wanted Airi.

“R-Rena-chan…c-can I go home now?”

Airi saw Rena shook her head, her eyes said something different. There were a hesitant choice between want and need that certainly could be read by Airi.

“You promised me to stay here tonight.” She said seductively.

Airi’s eyes widened hearing the whispered sentence. There’s no way she didn’t know about those things. There’s no way she didn’t understand what Rena implies. They both like, fucking over twenty and those things weren’t illegal and alien for them. She realized they would reach point of no turning back, but oddly she felt having no urge to stop it at all.

"I'll take that as a 'yes' shall I?" Rena brushed a stray lock of hair behind Airi’s ear as a wide hungry grin spread across her flawless face "You were never good with words, were you Airin?"

Airi blushed and bit her lower lip. She still managed to stutter though her chest was on rapid beating, “R-Rena-chan…”

My first post! :cow:
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: Sydney W on February 02, 2012, 09:28:15 AM
New pairing ~~
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: kahem on February 02, 2012, 11:26:36 AM
I like Rena being agressive ^^
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: RenaChii on February 02, 2012, 02:14:26 PM
Rena X Airin~ (

Rare fic~ (
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: caghaunt on February 02, 2012, 07:57:52 PM
I recognized you from your account in
I've read all your fics in there, btw (except the korean ones)
Not reviewing because I'm too lazy.
But they are all great!!
I like your RenAirin fics, WMatsui and KumiYuria.

Well, keep writing!!
SKE pair need to be brought up.
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: LeNosferatu on February 02, 2012, 11:57:34 PM
@Sydney W ^^ and my new fave ones :grin:

@kahem me too  XD

@RenaChii  :D it's a rare pairing but i love em tho

@caghaunt omg really??  XD thanks for visiting my page  :lol: yeah i'm somehow working out for these cute SKE pairings lol

Well thank you guys for the comments  :cathappy: im new here and i hope you like my writings  :tama-laff:
Without further ado, here my 2nd story  XD

Love Slave

Soft palms grazing over the tender skin, earning strangled gasps and creating blissful tensions. Unsteady, heavy breathings had a duel of dominance and some metal clinging filling the quiet night air. Stray locks tangled to each other, the two reuniting to be one, becoming an inseparable bond filled with desire. The poisonous brown orbs tainted the black emeralds with a licentious gaze, swallowing the owner deeper and deeper to the land of pleasures. Every movement drove them into an enthralling dimension, forging to explore the untouched world.

The skillful hands deliberately played the figure like a musical instrument. Every touch was hypnotizing and breathtaking, elicited delightful sounds of moans by a pair of delicate lips underneath. A curve slowly formed in her lips, a ferocious grin that covet to emit something,

“Moan my name.”

No words were sounding as a respond instead, a sharp pained whimper caught her ears. Her vicious grin became wider as she saw the result of her deeds. But an unpleasing spark hit her heart as she detested her opponent disobeying her words. She distanced closer to the figure beneath and repeated her command in a vigor whisper,

“Moan my name!”

Her teasing whisper turned into pained hiss as she felt nails digging deep down her arm, leaving red crescent marks in her pale skin, but in the bottom of her heart she screamed in joy as she successfully satisfied her needs,



I hate when my ears being pierced by annoying and repetitious sounds of my alarm. It’s like my chance getting a piece of heaven being shortened knowing I have to wake up and survive for the new day. The 24 hours that I fully knew wouldn’t be any new day for me. Cause every day is the same. Same things happened, routines repeating, world rotating, and same daily burden I have to carry. Also the same love I have to reunite. The kind of love that they say, after I had been through these years, is sick.

They say I’m psychotic, insane, and foolish. I say I am madly in love.

Cold water running down my body, sweeping out all my fatigue and uneasiness away. I close my eyes and lean my head to the cold tile wall as I feel water splashing my scarred back. Yes I wasn’t misspelled. Scars. How I’m used to deal with that.
I’m not a wrestler or an athlete or doing a job that has to do with physical affection. I’m not a streetgirl who likes to beat and bully the highschoolers in the end of the streets and take away their belongings after laughing vindictively. No, I’m not that kind of person. I’m just a girl. A normal high school girl.

My hand slowly touches my back, feeling the uneven surface. My fingertips leisurely trace every coarse line as the witness of my life history. I stopped in my neck and twitched, feeling the new wet, still fresh lines on the outer layer of my skin. I have a new scar.

I groan slowly as the cold water feels like sharp tattoo needle inked the place where my scars at, though I never know what being tattooed feels like. The only thing I feel when I got these is, I’m being loved. Way opposite of what normal people do. Yes people could say I’m abnormal, I say I am just madly in love.

My name is Jurina and I’m madly in love with a girl named Matsui Rena.

They say my love for her is sick and dreadful. I say my love for her is pure and beautiful.

What is more than beautiful when you’re getting hurt but you still wanted more? What is more than pure when you’re used but you still longing for her? So what if I’m getting hurt. I’m in love with the pain. I’m doing it again and again and never have enough of it.

Loving her is never the reason all this time getting hurt inside out. I know it doesn’t make sense. It just hard to stop. Even I’m shaking up or breaking down, I still won’t give up. Because I know what kills me the most. It’s not the pains nor the bruises nor the scars. It’s letting her go. I don’t want having Matsui Rena far away from my side.

I still can’t believe that she is the one. She builds me up and tears me down. She lights my heart and burns it out. She turns my world upside down. She never realizes how I love her more than she know. But it’s okay. Being with her is enough. As long as she wants me, I’m happy. I don’t need anything else.

I want her love. I want her touch. I want all the bruises and scars caused by her. I want that pleasurable pain again. I don’t care if that causes permanent or temporary pains on me. All I want is Rena for myself. And I want myself to be only hers.
Well I guess I’m a masochist after all.   


“Where are you?” Jurina fidgeting in her seat, holding the cell phone while other hand playing with her hair. She bit her lips lots of times between the speaks. Frown never left her face.

“But Rena…It’s been two weeks…I-” she agaped as she heard Rena cut her talking. She only kept silent like a dog being hit by its owner. Some next seconds she dared to speak, whispered to be exact. Like Rena would mad if she has the guts shouting back to her,

“Do you…love him?”

Tears start welled up in Jurina’s eyes. Every word she said coming out in tremor. Her hands shaking and she tried to keep balance on her seat, though she preferred to drop herself down in her bed then bury her face in a pillow and make it wet by her tears only in seconds, just like she always did.

I’m fine with just being used. I’m fine if you only come to me for pleasure. I’m fine as long as I have a chance to be with you. Please don’t leave me like this.

She knew saying “I don’t know.” means two things, “Yes, but I don’t want to say it directly.” or “Just get over me and live your life, okay?”

You said ‘move on’, where do I go?

“If you can’t live without me, why aren’t you dead yet?” Rena’s voice kept going in repeat in her head.
Jurina couldn’t handle the upcoming tears that constantly rolling her cheeks. She closed the lid shut and threw the innocent device to the sofa before dragging her feet to bed. All she wanted now is crying and get over with it.

You made a wrong turn. He’s ain’t real, Rena. He ain’t able to love you like I will. He ain’t able to give you what I gave.


All she could do is screeched her eyes shut and curling her toe as Rena driving her to the peak. Her chained wrist turned red and bruised by the time she kept moving against the solid metal. Constant moans and muffled screams keep coming out from her throat. If she could speak, she would beg Rena to stop, but she couldn’t. She didn’t have the braveness to do that. The last thing she wanted to do is breathe but the black scarf was successfully gagged her.

“Are you tired? Nod if so.” A cold tone of voice drifted Jurina back to her consciousness. She hesitantly thinking before decided to give a single nod. Her heart wanted more but her body alerting of the very little amount of energy she had. She could even feel her own sweat drops dampened her hair. Jurina slowly leaned her arched back to bed, resting her head and closed her eyes while tried steadying her pace of breathing.

“You’re so weak lately. Are you tired doing this with me?” Rena asked again, Jurina could hear a slight of worry there. She opened her eyes immediately and shook her head persistently in denial. Jurina had a slight of apprehension that Rena doesn’t want to touch her again, and that was her biggest fear. Rena sighed and unlocked the manacles that hampered the blood circulation in Jurina’s wrist. Rena saw how deep the cuffs were tightened around Jurina that made her wrist bruised and leave circling red mark. She turned and threw the metal device to the floor. Its material made a horror echo as it banged the floor.

“Enough for today, go.”

 The grateful in Jurina’s face as she felt Rena lower her pressure gradually changed into a shock aura. She clearly heard disappointed and pissed tone in Rena’s voice. Jurina took off the gag and for the very first time after been a while not saying a word,


Rena suddenly felt a tight wrap around her waist and a steady pace of fatigue breathing blew her ears. She kept silent and caressed Jurina’s hands before letting them go.

“I’m not gonna see you again.”

Jurina felt as if the sky were falling upon her. World reverse rotating and tides changing. Her already weak arms weakened by the words. Her heartbeat was getting in an unhealthy pace as she tried to stutter,

“W-what’s m-my fault, Rena?”

No response. Rena kept staring at the floor.

Jurina hugged Rena tightly and started sobbing in her shoulder, soaking the pale skin bit by bit.

“Don’t leave me. Please stay with me-“

“Live your own life, Jurina. Live it as a normal teenager.” Rena cut her talking shortly.

“NO! I don’t want any life if it’s not without you! I’d rather die than living a life without your existence…Rena…Rena…Rena!!!” her tears rolled down like a river flow. Rena sighed.

“Do I have choice? I’m okay with just being like this, Rena. I’m happy with you just touching me. I’m happy just being your sex slave. I don’t ask too much, do I? Please, you can do anything to me! You can do anything as you please…then I feel complete. Just don’t leave me…” Jurina whined. She shook Rena’s body in vigor, silently asking for an uncoming agreement.

“Well…maybe…we can work things out for a while.” Rena nodded slowly.



Scribble. Scribble.

More scribbling sounds filling the pale yellow bedroom. Jurina couldn’t stop marking her wall calendar with a red pen. Shaping circles in every numbers furiously. There were formed sixty red marks in it, signing it was sixtieth day since Matsui Rena stopped seeing her.

Throwing the pen to the floor, she started pulling her hair and screaming desperately. If someone walks in, he or she would assume Jurina was in a withdrawal of drugs. Her appearance was so far from okay. Not having a well sleep for weeks successfully formed bags under her eyes. Jurina’s hair was in a huge mess. There were also some blood lines and parched scars across her wrist.

She screamed Rena’s name again before dropped herself in the bathroom. She fumbled her pocket and took out what happened to be a razor. Giggled insanely, she did again what she had been doing these times. Scratched. Scratched and scratched. She need more than permanent scars to beat the permanent heartbreak in her chest. Jurina kept scratching and screaming in agony until the pains feel like nothing for her. She panted heavily as she saw her own blood drenching her lap, reddening her pants and the floor. Letting out the last giggle, Jurina blacked out.


It’s cold but it’s warm.

Something strange kept hitting the spot somewhere in my arm.

I realized my sight was black. Total black.

Oh, did I close my eyes?

I fluttered my eyes open.

It’s all white. But it’s familiar.

Is that my bedroom ceiling?

Yes it is.

Ah, it’s cold again. But it’s also warm. What is this?

I drifted my vision to my arm.

Looks like water drops.

Oh, and there is bandage in my wrist.

How could it be there?

“Jurina! Thank God! I thought I could never see you again.”

I felt a hug.

I saw a smile.

I saw a pair of eyes.

I saw tears.

What. Tears?

Matsui Rena cried for me.

First time she cried for me.

I smiled.

My love isn’t one-sided.




Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: RenaChii on February 03, 2012, 06:59:33 AM
I'm glad it's a happy ending~ (
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: SharkAttack on February 03, 2012, 11:05:25 AM
I shall never get enough of this pairing. :<
That was a very intriguing story, and I love your writing style.  :twothumbs
Write some more!
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: msst28 on February 03, 2012, 11:46:23 AM
Really like this Wmatsui story
It's really dark story
but love it
and Rena is s type.. :thumbup
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: kahem on February 03, 2012, 12:00:58 PM
Euh... Wouah I didn't expect something like that but wow!!!!! It's great!!!
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: LeNosferatu on February 03, 2012, 03:49:38 PM
@RenaChii because Jurina doesnt deserve all the paiiiinsss  :cry:

@SharkAttack thank you  :love: i will!  XD

@msst28 thank you xD its my first time too writing something like thisss hahah because its inspired by >> (

@kahem thank you <33

Thanks for all the comments, thanks, and also votes  XD well pls enjoy my 3rd stories! it's SKE (again lol) Kuumin x Yuria

Congratulations, I Hate You

I, Kizaki Yuria, hate you Yagami Kumi.

Yes I hate you Yagami Kumi. I hate you with all might I can do. I hate you since that day. The day you kissed your oh-so-cute underclassman, Kimoto Kanon. I don’t even have any idea why you choose that girl over me. Well I guess it’s not choosing since we’re not together. Yeah, the sad part is we were never together. We can’t ever be together. I guess this is what they called by endings without stories.

I remember the time we first met. We were in front of taiyaki stall, queuing. You poked my shoulder and called your friend name only to find you were mistaken. I remember the blush you made with the taiyaki you held fell and you made those awkward cute faces. You apologized to me and you mumbled about something with ‘the last money’ and ‘hungry’ which I found out was really cute so I couldn’t help I ended up buying you one. At first you were rejecting it but you gave up after I convinced you. Then you thanked me and our meetings had to be ended as your friend called you out. You bowed and thanked to me once again before leaving me. I remember them all, Kumi.

Yes I hate you Yagami Kumi. When the chance of getting talk to you everyday is less and less, because of that girl. I hate it. You looked at that girl’s eyes intensely whenever you talked to her. I hate it because you were doing the same to me before. You caught me in the eyes. You made me fall for you. You made me feel the best thing about living. The best thing I realized when I’m in love with you. And I still do. And I hate it.

After our incidental meeting the other day, I found out that you are actually in the same school as me. At first I didn’t feel anything. I felt like, wow okay I’m able to meet that cute girl again. That was the only thing I thought that time. Then someday when I walked deliberately besides the school courtyard sipping my juice, you bumped into me. You seemed in a rush. Your bag fell and all the papers came out. We both let out surprised yelp as our bodies crashed down and fell in the butt. You said you were happy when finally meeting me again. And then you made those weird cute faces like I saw the other day while collecting the papers. You said sorry for several times and I only replied with smiles and helping you out and I saw your name in one of the papers.

Yagami Kumi.

That’s the first time we really known each other. And each day we became closer and closer. Since we both couldn’t make a lot of friends and talking to you was the fun thing. I wonder that time you must be feeling the same. Days passed into weeks and weeks sprinted into months. And now is exactly a year and seven months since we met, Yagami Kumi. Cause I remember those details. I treasure those details of you. Of us. Like I’m going to lose it if I didn’t do it. And I hate it.

When I was sick, you came to take care of me. And I did the same. We hugged, we cuddle a lot, we said I love you to each other countless times, you even stole my first kiss when you were sleepover. The precious moment that keeps rotating over my head till now. But I see you seemed not taking a big deal on it now. Maybe you think it was just the way we had fun.

A day when you said you are in love with someone making my heartbeat went faster. I was so self-consciously think that it should be me. But I was wrong. Totally wrong. You showed me the picture of Kimoto Kanon and you said all the time she is cute. Yes I admit she is, Kumi. She is. And I hate it.

I tried holding back the tears and I tried to stop seeing you with the best I can. I didn’t even attend school for days. I told my mom to say I’m sleeping whenever you came to my house. Our distance is wider and wider. I know I was the one who making it. I know I shouldn’t blame you. Because this is my own feelings. And you can’t force feelings to others. That’s too cruel.

Thousand mails you sent I didn’t replied to any of it until one day you stopped sending me mail. I sighed. Is this what I really want? Just who is the bad guy in this case. Me or you? Me for slowly breaking our friendship cause of my stubbornness of feelings or you for acting like you care, making me feel like I was the only one and ended up falling in love with others leaving me behind?

I walked to the school restroom. I needed to fix my eyes. I cried for too long and barely able to sleep in the past few weeks. I searched the eye gel in my pocket when I heard sound of girls giggling inside the restroom. I stopped or a moment and I realized it was your voice. I tiptoed and peeked inside. It was indeed you, with that girl, Kimoto Kanon. I saw her playing with your hair and the next moment you were pushing her to the wall. You caught her in the eyes, same as you did to me back then. You leaned closer and you kissed her right in front of my eyes! After such a forever kiss, you both parted and you whispered to her. A loud whisper. You said things I had been longing from you. You said sweet things that supposed to be mine. I had the urge to stop you from doing that, but I just couldn’t. Instead, I ran away back to my class, grabbed my stuff, and flashed to my bedroom. Cried all over again. Crying for something I can never get back. And I hate it.

Dear Yagami Kumi,

Congratulations, I Hate You.

P.S: I’m Still Not Over You.


 :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow:
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: kahem on February 03, 2012, 09:06:00 PM
WOW you're fast!
Poor Yuria T_T
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: Sydney W on February 04, 2012, 12:36:23 AM
Smell a huge jealously. It going to be a tough moment for Yuria. Awwww, pity her
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: msst28 on February 04, 2012, 12:56:39 AM
Poor Yuria..
Her jealousy really strong
Really love the way you write it   
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: Megumi on February 04, 2012, 11:49:14 AM
Waaa your SKE fics are great!
Your writing style between sweet love and angst  :thumbsup

Well hope to see more of your update...
Arígatou!  :kneelbow:
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: LeNosferatu on February 05, 2012, 08:48:13 AM
@kahem hehe...i just post my old fics here  :cathappy:

@Sydney W I dunno..I ship both KuuYuria and KuuNon  :cry: :cry: :cry:

@msst28 thank youu. I love Yuria too much but I like Kanon!  :bleed eyes:

@Megumi aaa arigatouuu  :bow: pls take care of my crappy fics  :banghead: hehehe :love:

Please join with the polling ^^ In the end of the results, i'll make the pairings in the top two!  :roll: so make sure your fave pairings be in that  XD

after reading my angsty KuuYuria, how about the next life of KuuNon? It's the sequel of Congratulations, I Hate you. KuuNon + Yuria. Kuumin's POV. hope you dont get bored with my SKE fics hehehe  :sweatdrop:

without further ado, enjoy!

Stuck To You





I gasped. My eyes forced open realized I was being dragged out to reality from that vivid dream. Same strange dream that I had for several days recently. Same dream which I couldn’t simply figure it out. I was standing in a dark room, to be exact in nowhere but darkness, so that I couldn’t see anything. Then tedious sounds invaded my ear. It called my nickname over and over. The thing is, the voice was familiar. Voice which I know well whose it was.

As my eyes recognized the morning light in my bedroom, I heard a grunt and a yawn. I turned my head to side to find out my girlfriend already awoken. She blinked few times and rubbed her sleepy eyes.

“Kuumin, what’s wrong?” she said weakly. Ah right, she must be awoken by my loud gasp, “Ah ohayou, Non-chan. I’m sorry waking you up.” I greeted her. She smiled and snuggled closer, “Were my Kuumin having nightmares?” her naked body embraced mine tightly under the blanket. I shifted a bit, “Ah no, it’s not that. I’m just having the same dream for the past few days.” I explained. She giggled, “Don’t think about it too much, it’s only a dream.” She smiled while encircling her arm to my waist, went back to sleep.

It couldn’t be only just a dream. My eyes were wide open staring at the ceiling. Thinking of any possibility signs from that dream. It could be something. Or it could be nothing just like Kanon said. I thought I need to clear my head out. I poked my girlfriend’s cheek and her eyes fluttered open.

“Non-chan, I need to go.” Kanon frowned and pouted, “Eeeh, already? But it’s Sunday…” I bit my lower lip, “That’s why, I think I’m go jogging. Come on let me go, I need to grab my clothes.” I struggled. She held me still, “I’m going too.” I sighed,
“Non-chan, just this time, I want to be alone. Please?” I said softly, afraid of hurting her feelings. She gave a look of disappointed but then nodded, “Well then, I’ll make breakfast later. I guess I’ll go back to sleep now” Kanon let go of her embrace and turned her body away so I was facing her back. I got out from bed, searched for my clothes that scattered everywhere in the floor. I grabbed a towel and flashed to bathroom. I actually never liked morning shower but I feel like having one this morning.

I went back to bedroom to find some trackpants and sweats. I glanced at my girlfriend who was still sleeping soundly. After that I immediately got myself out feeling the morning air of spring. I inhaled deeply while taking deliberate steps ahead after putting the headphones on. I decided to take medium route. Running around the three blocks and going back was quite burning calories. I looked at my watch, still six in the morning. No wonder there were not many people around. But it’s nice since I really wanted to be alone this morning.

While running, I thought about my dream. That voice echoed again in my head, reminded me of her. Yes, I knew well that voice. It’s the voice of Kizaki Yuria. Someone that had been an important person in my life back then. My ex-bestfriend. Also my secret crush.

A bitter laugh escaped from my lips, choked and strained but still harsh and grating to my ears. Three years, and I was still thinking about her every moment of my life. She just disappeared after I got into my last year of high school. I sent her tons of mails, mails that never got any reply. Leaving me puzzled with my own question about what was my mistake?

I remembered our first meeting. It was pure incident a little bit stupid. When I was queuing in a taiyaki stall on weekend, and poked her and mistaken with my friend. I found out she was pretty and warm. Made me nervous saying sorry and accidentally dropped my last hope of lunch. I was so regretful and embarrassed that she might be hearing my incoherent monologues and ended up buying me one. That moment was really a stupid also precious one that I couldn’t even forget.
What the hell was I thinking? It’s been three years. I’ve gotten into college, I had a cute and nice girlfriend, I lived with her, and I had a part-time job in the neighborhood CD store. Overall my life was okay. So why till now I still felt uneasy? I felt half alive.

I've always thought about Kizaki Yuria.

I could never stop thinking about her. Everywhere I'd walk, I'd see her ghost. She even invaded my very private part of living, my dream. I really missed her. I missed you, Kizaki Yuria.

If they ask why I am with a girl named Kimoto Kanon, I will answer it’s because I thought she is nothing but cute and sweet.
Made me falling in love with her since we first met. I made mistake by going out with her, I guess. Every day since the day I kissed her, my love for her became less and less until time flies around three years now and I still didn’t know why I am holding the relationship with her this far. When we had sex and she whispers passionately into my ear that she loves me I mumble half-truths that are darker than lies.

I’m so screwed. My life was full of lies. And I still felt half alive.

I had a thought war as my wind brushed my hair, my feet continue doing the calorie-burning, and my ears attacked by music I couldn’t even listening to. I could tell I wasn’t paying attention to the road I stepped.

People could call me pretty. Ironically I am anything but that. I am a monster, ugly and scarred on the inside, hurting and betraying everyone I know and meet.

Maybe Yuria left me because I betrayed her too. A betrayal that I couldn’t even figure out about. Was Kanon the reason you left me, Yuria? I realized you became colder to me after I had told you about Kanon but I never thought if that really the reason you left me.

I can’t unforget you if I can. But it’s too late. You were too deep in me. Your hollow was too deep in my mind.

As my mind flew everywhere, I didn’t realize I was already in front of my apartment again, end of my morning route. At the entrance I paused, fumbling in my pocket for keys that seem to have disappeared. I was pretty sure I put them into the left pocket of my pants, but they don't seem to be there, so I continued scrabbling for those damned elusive keys.

"Um, miss? You seem to have dropped your k-"

It's like a dam is being opened, a flood of memories that roared loudly in my ears as I heard the one voice I will always be able to pick out. The voice that been haunting me these days.

I turned around.


I didn’t dare to blink a second. Before my very eyes I was very wary this could be happen as one of my delusion again. It could be an illusion. But my illusions never spoke to me or reacted to my actions. This couldn’t be…

My breath caught in my throat. Her eyes were bright and clear, and she hasn't changed at all. And yet she's changed so much. Her eyes are so, so different. She’s getting taller and prettier.

I tried to gain strength saying any words. I could be so gladly talking about everything I had in my mind. But seems only a single coherent word successfully escaped from my lips,


To be continued  :cow:
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: AtsuNami on February 05, 2012, 04:32:05 PM
Hello. This is the first time I comment here in the forum and I choose to do that in your fics because I already read them (the KuuYuria) and I loved it.
Since I read it on I know the end and… Its brilliant. But I won’t say anything more about the rest of the fic.

Your Mayuki fics are really good and I honestly think you should put them here  :yep:

Sorry about the poor English but I’m Portuguese… Keep writing about KuuYuria and KuuNon please.
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: LeNosferatu on February 06, 2012, 12:03:49 PM
@anzai48 OMG I'm so sorry i gave you wrong link  :panic: thats Kuumin with Churi not Yuria. this is kuumin and yuria  :nervous sorry sorry (

The next part of Stuck To You :)

Stuck To You - II

Tears welled up in her eyes, and she took an awkward movement before she froze and simply stared at me. Her eyes are still the same with the one I used to stare deeply. It was soft and kind, but inside them there was a different, hesitant disbelief that certainly I could see.

It makes me wonder. Did I really know her anymore?

"Kuumin…" she whispered again, as if she needed confirmation from more than how I look and the way I instantly knew her name. My lips suddenly silent shut as I felt my heartbeat getting in an unhealthy faster pace. I could just jump into her and hug her tightly, but the gravity seemed holding my feet still so I only froze in place. My brain commanded me to form a curve in my lips. I smiled to her.

“How are you…Yuria?”

There are so many questions I wanted to ask her, needed to ask her, but at the same time, she was like a book I have forcefully wrenched closed every year, and opening it so suddenly now would be so completely wasteful of all the effort I had expended. And right now I really wanted to just talk to her. I wanted to do anything to calm or soothe these flashes of colorful memories that threaten to explode in milliseconds. How about a coffee? Or taking a walk? So we could talk…

I let out a bitter chuckle as I thought that might be no use. The words still caught in my throat. She was so important for me. And I knew exactly what had been going on between us. Asking for a coffee wouldn’t simply resolve these all.

“I’m fine. And you Kuumin?”

I didn’t answer. Instead I made fidgeting movements by scratching my unitchy head and let out my usual grin, my eyes seemed have interest to my feet more than her face. This was a really, really the most awkward and torturing moment I’ve had in my entire life. Never thought talking to my ex-bestfriend was this hard. I stole a glance at her, she kept staring at me.

A flash of pink tint spread in her creamy cheeks. Wait, she blushed? How could she blush? 

Finally I forced myself to talk, anything to break this unwanted tension. It was a hard battle, raw gurgles choking at the back of my throat, but I managed to burst out a couple of something called words.

“I’m good. What are you doing this morning?” my eyes roamed her figure, still not able to look in the eyes. So I just stopped wandering and kept looking at her sandals. She tugged her hair behind her left ear, “Um…I’m just taking a morning walk, I lived around here now. Seem you had your morning route, Kuumin.” Those words made me instantly looked her eyes. She still remembered my habits. Kizaki Yuria still remembered about me. That was just enough for eradicating half of my uneasiness I had these times.

“Yeah, you see…” I giggled.

Later in the day, when I pushed myself to the sofa I saw my girlfriend appeared with a questioning look, “Was the route you are taking same with national marathon ones?” I raised eyebrows, “” Kanon threw herself beside me, stared at me sharply “Your breakfast is getting cold.” Ah…yes. Kanon must me questioning my lateness. I touched her hand gently,

“I…ran into a friend this morning.”

“Eh? Who? Must be an old friend then.” Her sharp look suddenly vanished in a second. I smiled, “Indeed. She was my bestfriend at senior high. Kizaki Yuria is the name.”

“Ah I see.” she nodded and leaned her head in my shoulder. We continued watching the weather forecast on television. The thing that Kanon didn’t know, even though my eyes were glued to the screen, my mind had its own world.
Kizaki Yuria changed her mail address. Throwing out her number. Moved out the town. So that I was completely losing contact with her. But this morning, I managed to get her mail address. We planned to meet again someday. This was a thing that made me having something to look for tomorrow after for so long I hadn’t. At least I felt no more half alive.

Knowing she lived only several blocks away from me made me feel like I was the luckiest girl alive in this planet.

I smiled and pulled out my vibrating phone from my pocket, I opened it and typed deliberately. I sent it and smiled pleasantly. Kanon poked me, “Who are you texting with?” my smiled immediately disappeared. “Hm? Oh just my college friend, I’m asking whether we will have another test this week.” That was a fingers crossed answer. Of course I was texting Yuria, answering her invitation for a meeting the day after tomorrow. “Then, why are you smiling?” she asked again. “Because I get none!”

“Oh, that’s good.” Her eyes turned to the TV again. I smirked. Kanon was so easy to deal with. Lying to Kanon was my daily meal, and I felt sorry for her. I even lied about my own feelings and let them rusted into our relationship for three years. Great, Kumi. You are the meaniest person in the world.

Under my smile of victory, there was a slight of worry tickling. Would Yuria want to become my friend again? I knew we weren’t into a fight before she disappeared, but there must be something that made her did. And it could be my fault. I was so eager to talk about that to her but the other side I was afraid that might be tearing the old scars I’ve been avoiding at.
“…min! Kuumin!” Kanon’s voice snapped me out of my delusion. I turned to her, “Ye-yes?” She pouted, “Welcome back to reality.” I giggled, “Sorry I was just bored.” She grabbed my hands and squeezed them, “Accompany me tonight. I’m going shopping. Will you?” I only nodded, “Yeah, I will.” She clung onto me, “Yay thank you!” Haha, very cute.

“…which one you like better. This one or this?” Kimoto Kanon shoved two shorts at me. I nodded, “You look better in anything.” She pouted, “Liar. I’m serious.” I pulled her closer and kissed her cheek, “I’m serious as well, Non-chan.” and smiled watching she blushed. Honestly, I never lied about her appearance. And that might be the only reason I enjoyed staying with her. Yeah I know I’m mean. If being mean makes money, I must be the richest person in the world. Kanon wasn’t supposed to be treated like this. But what else I could do.

As we walked passage to passage, tracing path in every corner on women section, I saw the same long hair and a pair of beautiful eyes I had seen this morning, only meters apart in front of me. My boots suddenly felt heavier and made me hard to move. I hoped my eyes weren’t mistaken just like the first time I met that person. But they were not showing any signs of failure recognizing. I tried to turn around slowly so she couldn’t notice me but a hand stopped me,

“Kuumin, where are you going?” Kanon’s voice tore down my plans. I stuttered, “To-toilet.” Great, my 2536458th lie. Hearing my name being spoken, I saw Kizaki Yuria’s head immediately turned to us.


I immediately let out a fake smile and bit my lower lip. Kanon tugged my jacket, silently asking who the person it was. I forced myself to step forward approaching her. With Kanon still held onto me. This. Is. The. Most. Awkward. Moment.  I’ve ever had. Being in a same room with Kanon and Yuria was never exist in my mind. And it has to be happened like, now?

“I..uh..Hi, Yuria. Ah, you already know her right? It’s Kimoto Kanon. Non-chan, this is Kizaki Yuria.” I introduced her to Yuria. I saw Yuria narrowed her eyes to me when I introduced her to Kanon, but then it was fine when they were smiling to each other and did a little handshake. Our meetings had to be ended as Yuria quickly asked to leave. Thank God it didn’t last longer otherwise I might die unpretty cause of massive awkwardness.

The door screeched behind me as I slide it shut. I walked to the kitchen when a pair of arms hugged my stomach from back. Without looking back I stopped and sighed, “What is it?”

“Is that your old friend you told me this morning?” Kanon put her chin in my shoulder. I nodded. “Non-chan, what are we eating for dinner?” I flipped the topic. I didn’t want any conversation about her with Kanon. That would add the page of my sins list. She let go and stood in front of me, “Ah gomen, I forgot to cook as I promised. But there are some cup noodles. Is that okay?” I looked at her expression of worry. Ah Kanon, you shouldn’t be worrying a person like me.

“Mm. It’s okay. We could go by that.” I smiled. She smiled back and leaned closer, kissed me. I closed my eyes as I felt her warm lips rubbing against mine. I kissed her back delicately and she landed her lips on my jawline down to my neck. I moved myself to our room while she kept nibbling on my neck. I stumbled backwards and I landed smoothly on top of the medium sized bed with Kanon on top of me.

She stopped and panting, “Kuumin, Kizaki Yuria…”

My heartbeat faster as that name being spoken, what the heck was she wanting to talk about?

“Yeah, Non-chan?”

“Did you use to love her?”

I didn't know how to respond to that. Why was she asking that? If I said no it would be a lie, and yes would imply that I don't love Yuria anymore, and that is an egregious lie too. I say nothing instead, I pulled her closer. Asking her to keep kissing me.
But seemed like Kanon’s sense became stronger or all my lies became revealed smoothly when she took my silence as an answer. She smiled bitterly and kissed my cheek, “Have a nice dream” before threw herself beside me with her back facing me. I inhaled and exhaled deeply. And that night, I decided to hold her waist as we slept, something rare I did. Guiltiness ran through my blood spine, giving me internal shock of stressful thinking.

In the morning I woke up to the smell of coffee. Kanon was sitting at the kitchen table in the corner, munching on toast. “Ah you awake. Your coffee is there.” She pointed at the table. I walked slowly and sat down after pulling a chair. “Thank you” I mumbled as I began to sip the coffee.

"I'm moving out in a week," she announced. I stopped drinking and blinked at her in surprise. She shrugged.

"You should call Yuria up," she said. In her face was resignation. I felt horrible. It’s been years I lied to her but this time was the first time I felt so…guilty about her.

"Listen, Non-chan" I started. I didn’t want to lie anymore, "I haven't talked to her for years, and-" She cut my talking.

"You should talk to her then," she said sharply. Her voice is shaking. She put down the mug and I saw she tried holding back the tears by clenching her jaw. I stared at her wordlessly. There are bags under her eyes. Oh My God, was she silently crying last night?

“But, why Kanon? I didn’t do anything…”

“I checked your phone. You still have her picture in your wallet. I heard your sleep-talking, Yuria’s name always came up. And you always looked like thinking about someone else every day, it must be her. And yesterday? You two blushed as you began talking to her. Am I right?” Kanon’s words stabbed right in my heart. I’m going to apologize. I MUST apologize.

“Non-chan, I didn’t mean…”

“No, no need to say anything. Not all is your fault. I supposed to break up with you two years ago after I found out all the traits. But I just couldn’t. I love you too much, Yagami Kumi. I thought it was okay after all as long as I’m with the one I love.” Tears welled up in her eyes as she clenched her jaw tighter, tried holding the tears as hard as she could. I only stayed silent in my place, shocked. This morning was too much for me to take.

"Your breakfast is going to get cold," she realized I was staring at her. She walked into the fridge and avoided my eyes.
A week after that, in the morning, we did the breakfast together. My last breakfast with Kanon.
Silence fulfilled the room. Only the clinging sounds of spoons roaring the kitchen.

“Ne…Kuumin, can I talk to her sometime?” she asked suddenly.

“I…think so.” I responded properly.

We lapse into silence again before I helped her carry her stuff and she kissed me on the cheek and left using taxi.

Five months later…

“No, you’re like a grandpa!”

“Eeeh, try putting this on you!” I replied and gave her the fake beard.  She giggled and ran away. I caught her by the waist and kissed her. We both laughed.

“Yuria…I love you”

“I love you too, Kuuchan”


 :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: msst28 on February 06, 2012, 04:11:26 PM
Happy ending but poor kanon
Well I like both KuuminxKanon and KuminxYuria..
Well Kumin like both of them maybe yuria more.. :lol:
Title: Re: Eru's Collection: Newest - MaYuki Series
Post by: LeNosferatu on February 07, 2012, 12:22:55 PM
@anzai48 yay Dance and...oh i forgot Non's cast in Majigak  :banghead: here i post ur mayuki  :)2

@msst28 in real life, kumi indeed likes yuria more :3 >> ( but judging from this... ( i think Kumi cant help with Non's cuteness  :cathappy: lol but in the end she apologizes to Yuria  :grin: their lovelove heat are so cute  XD

this is my "safe" *cough* Mayuki which is still ongoing  :cathappy: enjoy  :love:

Oh, Shit!

“…it’s not my fault. And we’re done here. Case closed!”

“No! It was yours! Who else have done it? You’re such a pain in the ass!”

Hirajima Natsumi facepalmed watching two of her friends, Watanabe Mayu and Kashiwagi Yuki being in a fight once again today. Nacchan let out a long sigh as she saw they folded their arms and their back facing each others. It’s kinda funny how they were enemies but still managed to have same pose in the same time. She let out a bitter giggle while shook her head in disbelief motion,

“Is there anything I can get to make you both up?” she rhetorically asked.

“SHUT UP, NACCHAN!” both Yuki and Mayu burst on her in the same time. Nacchan’s eyes widened as she had a what-the-hell expression carved in her face. Even though Yuki and Mayu had been a nemesis since they first met, they almost always have harmoniously movements and actions. Such as the recent ones. That’s what made Nacchan never get bored teasing them both everyday though she knew that would just reignite the hate sparks between them.

Nacchan remembered the time Yuki met Mayu.

It’s all started when Yuki and Nacchan were in the first day of college. Yuki and Nacchan were roommate in college’s dorm. Yuki was the person who really believes in fortunetelling and the night before, she had a dream of bumping into a faceless girl with twin ponytail wearing red spectacles. Of course Nacchan couldn’t give Yuki any satisfying answer when she asked the meaning of her dream since she had no interest in such thing. Then they went to a nearby fortuneteller, which was Yuki’s favorite ones cause the fortuneteller, Yuki called her Neru-sama, always gave Yuki a good luck in every fortunetelling she attended.

But once in a lifetime Neru-sama gave Yuki a bad news this time. Yuki walked with a shock look all the way home. Nacchan couldn’t help but hide her laugh seeing her roommate turned down only because of crappy prediction they just paid with hundred yen.

“Get over it, dude. Being like that takes you nowhere.” Nacchan rolled her eyes. Yuki’s frown became clearer and she turned to Nacchan, “But Neru-sama said it’s a bad omen! Bad omen, Nacchan! And who would the person be? Who’s wearing red spectacles and twin ponytail? I shouldn’t bump into her!” Yuki banged her head to the wall. They were only meters away from their dorm when Nacchan thought about something familiar with those traits.

“Ne…Yukirin, I think I know who that is. Maybe it’s my…UUAHHHH!” Nacchan didn’t manage as she felt someone jumped to her back and choked her neck with a pair of arms.

“NACCHAN!! I miss you!”

Nacchan and Yuki turned immediately to the source of the voice. Yuki almost died unpretty as she jaw-dropped and her brain picturing something she intended to avoid.

The girl in her dream was snuggling with her roommate. The girl with red spectacles and twin ponytail was hugging Nacchan. The girl that she would know as Watanabe Mayu. Her bad omen was right in front of her eyes and sooner became their roommate.


Nacchan giggled as she remembered those times. Yuki was still believing that fortune till now, that made her acted so silly by avoiding Mayu and blaming every bad things that happened to her because of Mayu.  One time Yuki ever asked Nacchan to evict her cousin from their room, but rejected by Nacchan. She indeed didn’t believe such things and evicting someone because of that was just too much.

Watanabe Mayu was Nacchan’s cousin. She lived alone after her parents died in a car accident. Living by herself made her bored, so she decided to stay with Nacchan after all. Well, after such a hard refusal and warm welcoming from Yuki and Nacchan. Since she stepped in their life, Yuki was the one she doesn’t want to see the first time in the morning. That could ruin her mood instantly. Though she could move to the neighborhood apartment near the dorm, but as the older sister and the only relative nearby, Nacchan decided to take care of Mayu since she was underage and used to be spoiled by her parents. Nacchan let her bed to be spared for herself and Mayu, since, of course, Yuki would quickly object if Mayu dared to climb up her bed.

There’s this time in the morning when Yuki wanted to look for food in the kitchen and Nacchan too lazy to show where she put down the all the snacks they bought the night before. Nacchan only mumbled on her bed, “Box besides the fridge…” Yuki smiled and flashed happily to the kitchen only to find Mayu was there, staring at the microwave which was heating a slice of pizza. Her smile immediately disappeared.

“You again.”

It was only seconds after Nacchan having conversation with Yuki and now all Nacchan heard were two girls screaming each other and kitchen utensils being thrown anywhere.

“They’re so lively in the morning…hhh” Nacchan yawned and went back to sleep.

Nacchan couldn’t help but smile at those two. Although they were like cat and dog—-well, worse than that, when Nacchan remembered a video she watched about a female dog breastfeeding a kitten—-they actually helped each other. But they were too arrogant to admit it.

Like when Yuki was staring desperately to her laptop, as the viruses kept eating her files and she didn’t know how to crack the files up, Mayu passed by. She peeked behind Yuki’s shoulder and found out the problem. Mayu pushed Yuki’s shoulder, gesturing Yuki to back away. Only in minutes Mayu typed something in Yuki’s laptop, then stood and walked away like nothing happened. The astonishing Yuki then back to check what Mayu just did. She stoned when found out all her files were recovered, the viruses being crack down. As a payback, Yuki then considered Mayu not totally bring bad charm for her at all.

Or when Mayu couldn’t find her socks, they were actually being carried to the Laundromat by Yuki. Yuki was a neat freak so she couldn’t help but picking all the dirty socks that scattered in Mayu’s drawer since she had the duty with the washing that day. Later in the day when Mayu mentioned how all her socks magically appeared in her room, clean, no odor, and neatly folded, Yuki was blushing mad. Nacchan teased Yuki and voila, no fight in a day. But tomorrow was another story. Life rolls on.


“It’s all your fault.”

Nacchan’s sharp eyes sent an unfriendly stare to a girl in front of her. An early 20’s woman wore black hood and robe, completing her already mysterious look. Her eyes didn’t even stare back at Nacchan but to the scattered tarots in her desk.

“What is?” the mysterious woman asked while her hand tracing every closed cards, as if she was reading the meanings behind.

“Neru-sama, you made your beloved customer which happened to be my friend, hates my cousin. Because of your fortunetelling that day. Remember?”

Neru’s head turned quickly to Nacchan, make her startled and almost jumping from the chair.

“I knew it from the start. You never interested with this aren’t you? And now you come just for confronting me.” Neru’s eyes widened. Nacchan rolled her eyes.

“Yes. I admit I don’t believe such thing. I don’t believe ghosts, spirits, fortunetelling, miracles, sparkling pixies or whatsoever. Now, can you tell Yuki that the girl-with-red-spectacles-and-twin-ponytail which is destined to be my cousin, isn’t a bad omen? At first it was fun but now I’m tired listening to them every day.” Nacchan sarcastically said.

“I can’t”

“Eeeeh? Why? You need Yuki to be brought to your face right now? I’ll call her then.” Nacchan fumbled her bag to find her goddamned hiding phone.

“No need. Give them these. You’ll get them made up after a little something-something happened.” Neru threw two plain silver rings to the desk. Nacchan stared at them questioningly,

“A little something-something? Why do I smell a non-exist magic being used here?”

Neru sighed, “You’re an arrogant one, missy. Someday you’ll realize they are exist. And I’ll have you begging on my knees asking for a good luck charm. Just go, attach them in their fingers and let your wish granted. Now from the bottom of my heart, I’m asking you to, LEAVE THIS PLACE!” Neru couldn’t help but yelling at the stubborn guest such Nacchan.

Nacchan stared at those rings in her palm, wondering how things are going to work since she didn’t believe in any cheesy magic tricks like this. Well but trying wasn’t a bad bet, right?


Kashiwagi Yuki fluttered her eyes open, something uneasy bothered her lower part. She needs to pee.

Getting out from the bed, Yuki yawned and stretched her body a bit. Since it’s still three in the morning. She then realized she wasn’t sleeping on a bed, but a sofa. Since when she started sleeping in sofa when she had a soft bed to be laid on, she asked herself. Shrugged, she might be too sleepy and fell asleep in the sofa. She dragged her feet lazily to the bathroom. Cold tile freezing her feet palm, forced her to stay awake in the bathroom. Done, she tiptoed to reach the highest place of cabinet, taking her daily vitamins though she knew it was too early to have some.

Wait. Something wasn’t right here.

Since when she tiptoed to reach the cabinet?

Ahh, no matter, must be only my feelings, Yuki thought. After swallowing some, she walked back to the bedroom. As she walked passing the mirror on the sink, she stopped.

Since when her hair became so long?

Yuki walked backward slowly and stopped to see the reflection.

She blinked once. Twice.

The sleepy girl in the mirror stared at Yuki. She’s fully realized she was Kashiwagi Yuki.

Why was she now staring at her nemesis’ eyes deeply instead of her usual brown orbs.

More importantly, why there was a Watanabe Mayu in the mirror?

Oh, shit. I must be dreaming.

Yuki grabbed her hair.

She saw Mayu was doing the same exactly as her.

She smiled. Mayu smiled back at her.

One second. Two second.

Oh, shit.

Oh, shit.

OH, SHIT. Yuki kept cursing when she realized she WAS in Watanabe Mayu’s body. 


 :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow:TO BE EFFIN CONTINUED  :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow:
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: Megumi on February 07, 2012, 03:00:35 PM
Hahahahaha! I saw your fic on tumblr OMG LoL
Hahahahah and I just reread this again because fun fic is epic! :rofl:

Thank you for your update!
Arígatou!  :kneelbow:
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: kahem on February 08, 2012, 01:10:13 PM
Oh how I like body swap~
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: msst28 on February 08, 2012, 08:06:12 PM
Body Swap...
like it... :twothumbs
Hope you update soon..
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: LeNosferatu on February 09, 2012, 12:58:46 PM
@Megumi lol thanks for visiting my tumblr  :love:

@anzai48 OMG REALLY  :w00t: ahh i want to read the body swap side of yours too  XD pls write it  :bow: and yeah for Nacchan...omg i cant stop my namidas  :cry: why she has to graduateee  :banghead: well i write this story long before the graduation btw  :( ahh i'll miss her.

@kahem yay ^^

@msst28 here it goes...  :cathappy:

Okay guys!! Again I remind you to join in the polling pls  :thumbsup i'll make fics of the two top  :yep:

Thanks for reading my *cough* crappy things called fic  :nervous and enjoy the part 2 of Oh, Shit! (MaYuki)

comments and critics make me write faster  :)2

Oh, Shit! (II)

“Neru-sama! Neru-sama! Open up! Neru-sama!” hundred times Nacchan slammed her fist to the old maple door in front of her. Its aging surface creaking every time the clenched hit it hard, if Nacchan kept going with the ministration on the innocent door in the next couple minutes, Neru might have to buy a new one. Nacchan never had her heart boiling as ever as now while her mind tried consuming illogical information she just retrieved hours ago. She breathed in furious rhythm wanting to meet that goddamned fortuneteller and beat her to death. She stopped knocking as she felt her knuckles started burning and sighed in desperate. Her eyes slowly wandered to the top and found a canopy. What made her eyes widened was a huge plank attached near the canopy. There was written:

“Temporary Closing Due to Holiday”

“I’M SO GONNA KILL THAT GYPSY LATER!!” Nacchan banged her fists in a raging might to the door. What had been predicted earlier happened, there successfully formed holes in the place where her hands were at. Now everyone could easily peek inside, though it was so dark and smelled like a mixture of dying animals and burned incense. Not a nice place to stop by. That’s why Nacchan questioning Yuki’s interest of place while knowing Yuki was a neat freak.

“Ahh! Doushiyo!” now Nacchan had a double regret. For making her friends’ life a hell and for cracking down Neru’s door.

“Nacchan! Nacchan! Nacchan! Help us please!” Yuki and Mayu’s voice attacked her morning routine of human hibernation. Still sleepy, she responded to them half-heartedly, more exact, half-consciously.

“WHAT? Y-you must be joking!” she let out a stifled disbelief laugh. After she asked to both girls for umpteenth time and detected there were no jokes and no sign she was waking up in the first day of April, Nacchan was sure her normal world became upside down. It was clearly Mayu’s soul trapped in Yuki’s body and Yuki’s in Mayu. She tried to taking off the rings without them knowing, but that was useless. Nacchan wondered if it’s a permanent magic.

All the barriers she built about magic just instantly destroyed in seconds. Guess “the trying” was a bad bet then. She intended to hide the truth from Yuki and Mayu that was all her fault attaching the rings the night before and made things even more complicated. She decided to speak to Neru for solvency but seemed God didn’t let things happening easily.

Now she believed in magic.

Something popped in Nacchan’s head. She knew there was something she could do.


“Where?” Yuki in Mayu form asked. She confused seeing Nacchan went back home and started packing things. Nacchan said she would go for a week but without any further explanation she just grabbed her stuff and stuffed them in her small backpack. Nacchan didn’t answer until she put on her backpack and walked to the door then smiled to Yuki, “Please take care of yourself and Mayu. I know you don’t hate her that much.” She teased a bit making Yuki blushed. “Um y-yeah. I’ll make sure she’s not dying hungry.” Yuki folded her arms and looking at another direction. Nacchan smiled, “I know I can count on you.” She leaned closer and hugged Yuki.

Nacchan smiled, “I’m sorry for everything, Yuki. I’m leaving now.” Yuki felt something strange with this goodbye, she shook Nacchan’s shoulder, “You! You’re not going to die right? Right?” Nacchan laughed, “Heck, silly!” she flicked Yuki’s forehead and made Yuki jumped backwards while caress her reddened forehead, “Ouch!! Well you act differently today. In the dramas they do that kind of goodbye before they die. So where are you going?”

“Kyoto. Wish me luck.” Yuki’s eyebrows couldn’t get any higher than now. Before she could ask for further information, she saw Nacchan was already vanished, leaving superhuge question mark on Yuki.

“Many unexpected things happened today…I wonder what’s going to happen next.” Yuki sighed.


“Nacchan? Huh…she’s not anywhere.” Mayu searched her cousin in the entire house only to find the fact that she had the house with Yuki alone. Not a situation and condition she wanted. A frown formed in her lips. She decided to go back to her bed, watching some animes on her laptop might rejuvenate her mood. She walked to the fridge to take some cans of juice and chips and went back to the room. Before stepped in, Mayu heard something rustling inside. She opened the door slowly, only to find a figure of herself, kneeling down in front of her drawer. Some of the contents were scattered on the bed beside the drawer. And when Mayu sharpened her eyes to find out what it was. Her face couldn’t get any redder knowing they were familiar,

“Yuki! Wh-what are you d-doing with my underwear!!!”

Kashiwagi Yuki turned in horror to find Mayu caught her sneaking in her drawer. Taking her most private things. Yuki immediately threw back to the drawer what she gripped. It was Mayu’s bra. Mayu only watched those actions in shock, she unconsciously dropped her snacks. Unable to say anything. She grabbed a nearby pillow and hit it to Yuki like there’s no tomorrow, “PERVERT! HENTAI! I HATE YOU!”

“WHOA! WHOA! It’s not like thaaaat! Mayday! Mayday!” Yuki tried to resist the repetitive hard punches in her face with her hands. Though it was only a pillow, but Mayu’s power was amazingly unbearable so it quite made Yuki’s head dizzy. Yuki tried to speak between the hits, “Stop! Please, I can explain! Watanabe Mayu!” hearing her name being called, Mayu stopped the rage and panting unsteadily.

“It’s not like what you see. It’s…” Yuki scratched her unitchy head. Wanted to find the decent words to explain without feeling embarassed. Silence filled the air and Mayu’s patience started running thin.

“It is what?”

 “I…m-mine doesn’t fit yours. Eh…so…” Yuki stuttered. Mayu blushed as she caught implications of Yuki’s statement. Come to think about it, since their body-exchanging happened, of course they had to use each other’s clothes since their measurements and heights were extremely different. Mayu thought it was kinda sad that somehow she realized she was lost to Yuki, in breast size.

“F-fine. I let you just because of this. But next time, don’t sneak out like that. It’s a crime.” Mayu looked away, avoiding Yuki’s eyes. She had to loosen up since she needed Yuki’s too. Yuki bit her lower lip and hesitantly took away some and flashed out the room after said thank you. Mayu sighed. Things would be going more complicated from now on, she thought.


“What in the world is this? How come you find me?”

“Everyone has Facebook and I’m smart enough Neru-sama. Plus, you’re updating status in every five minutes.” Nacchan smirked.

“You’re insane, girl. Fine…what’s wrong?” Neru sighed in defeat.


should i continue?  :?
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: msst28 on February 09, 2012, 01:35:47 PM
you need to continue soon.. pls dont stop right here... :bow:

“What in the world is this? How come you find me?”

“Everyone has Facebook and I’m smart enough Neru-sama. Plus, you’re updating status in every five minutes.” Nacchan smirked.

“You’re insane, girl. Fine…what’s wrong?” Neru sighed in defeat.

Lol Neru-sama..
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: Seigus on February 09, 2012, 04:57:08 PM
Please continue "Oh, Shit!" It's not everyday that we get to see Mayuyu and Yukirin constantly at loggerheads XD Plus their interactions really crack me up! Keep going!
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: ny37z on February 09, 2012, 06:32:00 PM
I've read all ur fics here, so far the wmatsui one is my favorite. let's say... it's kinda different (I like jurina being tortured here, lol XD )

so~ if u dont mind.. can I request for yukko or matsurina's fanfics? I think u know ske members quite well..  :P
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: kahem on February 09, 2012, 07:06:14 PM
Of course you have to continue! You can't let us like that! Because it's awesome lol
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: LeNosferatu on February 10, 2012, 11:05:11 PM
@anzai48 lolol iknorite  :rofl: :rofl: btw im start reading you human vs vampire, anzai-san! (cause there's mayuki  :grin:) and what you imagine is rite. we technically see mayu sneak in her own drawer with yuki inside it and getting hit by yuki with mayu inside it (ahhh body swap is indeed confusing but lololol)  :banghead:

@msst28 yay i will  :cathappy:

@seigus hehheehe yeah its rare seeing them fighting rite   :sweatdrop:

@ny37z its the frst time i write sado-maso like that  :doh: haha and i like the idea jurina being uke  :P2 ah yukko is kinoshita yukiko right? im not really into her so i guess i cant write about her lol sorry  :doh: ah about matsurina, i already put it in the vote  :) so make sure she's on top two and i'll make it  :heart: :heart:

@kahem oookaaay  XD

ookay! seems you guys cant wait for other part of Oh, Shit! (im awesome and i know it :P2 loljk) soooo without further ado, here's part three!

Oh, Shit! (III)

“I.D card please, Miss.”

That simple sentence was meaningless to Kashiwagi Yuki. It was only a sentence which demanded her to proceed some actions as a good citizen. It was only a sentence that supposed to has no affection of her sweat-dropping behind the wheel just like now. Simple words came from a well-uniformed civil servant called policeman that only ever got in her lowest part of worries, because she never really dealt with. And pretty sure she had been a very good citizen in twenty years living. But after two times twenty four hours fighting with a very fresh condition of human living, she had to face some peeved troubles. Never she cursed God just because a policeman asked for her I.D card.

“W-what’s my fault, Sir?” Yuki responded properly. She tried to balance the nervous tremor of her voice so the police wouldn’t catch any suspicious action as if she was smuggling piles of drugs to another secret destination. Her eyes caught the smiling policeman, signing Yuki to calm her nerves a bit. Yuki gradually loosening her death grip to the steering wheel that now dampened by cold sweat in the place where her palms at. The cop shook his head,

“None. We just need to clear and identify this area. There was a murder here and we the cops need to gather information of everyone who’ll pass the street.” Yuki’s eyes followed where the police’s was pointing. Indeed, there were some blockades ahead and Yuki could see the yellow police line surrounded the particular area. Yuki’s mind spun. She had no choice but passing another direction though it’s farther than the usual ones. She took out her cellphone from her jeans pocket and gave a grin to the police, “Ahh, it’s vibrating. Excuse me, could you give a minute?” The police only nodded.

“Hello…Yes. What? Now? Okay. Yes…I’m on my way!”
Yuki closed the lid and turned to the waiting policeman. She gave a look of worry and bit her lower lip, “I’m sorry, Sir. But my friend really, really needs my help. And I have to go back right now.” Yuki gave a gesture by swinging her hand back and forth. She hoped she could trick the police by faking the call and giving a pleading look so she didn’t have to pass the street. Yuki almost jumped in joy when the police nodded and let her turned reverse without any stipulation. What a dumb, Yuki smiled in victory.


“Neru-sama, I’m tired.”

“Nuh-uh. Keep going. Been only thirty minutes and it’s already the third time you whining.”

Hirajima Natsumi sighed in irritation. She couldn’t help but doing all Neru’s requests since the day she stepped in Kyoto. She didn’t know that the cost of finding such important information for their friends’ life sake is being a slave. And it wasn’t last in a day. Today was the third day of the torture and she already: treated Neru a special jumbo super ultra parfait that she couldn’t even say the name (it was in French) which price could make Nacchan’s eyes almost dropped to the ground, brought Neru to a five-star traditional onsen, and now, giving Neru a free massage with extra complaints.

“What’s your angle here, Neru-sama?”

“Angle wh-OUCH!” Neru yelped as she felt a furious pressure in her back, which made her nerves become slightly shocked and astounded. She knew Nacchan did it on purpose. She smirked and peeked what happened to be a sweat-dropped and dejected Hirajima Natsumi.

“Keep doing that and I’ll make your life a hell, how?” Neru said in a mischievous tone. Nacchan’s insides couldn’t be any hotter than now as she felt her guts boil with anger. She closed her eyes and exhaled deeply, hoping that her resentment would flew away with the air, and replaced her frown into a coerced smile,

“Yes, Neru-sama. Anything you want.” Nacchan rolled her eyes in defeat.

“Good girl.”



“Yes, Mayu-san. It’s been three days. We don’t know when our condition could be normal. Furthermore, I don’t know what Nacchan is doing in Kyoto and when she coming back. So, be a good girl and cooperate with me.” Yuki kept talking to a standing Mayu while her eyes glued to the television screen. Mayu only standing still and having a silent O formed in her mouth. Swapping bodies was indeed unimaginable, yet real thing happened to them, but Mayu never thought things could get any worse knowing she also had to swap their life. Going to college with Yuki’s form and Yuki back to high school in Mayu’s body wouldn’t simply do. A little mistake could ruin their entire life. But by taking no risk in doing that, was also the bad choice. They can’t forever staying home and do nothing. Something had to be done to keep living their life though it’ll take forever.

“I can’t! I can’t Yuki-san. I don’t know what a university student does. I know nothing about college!” Mayu hardly agreed to the plan. Yuki turned the television off and turned to Mayu, who was still spacing out in her own twisting mind.

“A-also. What’s with that second rule! I don’t want to stick with you, like, every time!” Mayu added with a higher tone.

“You think I want to re-enrolled in high school? What is hell if high school never ends? And, I’m almost going to jail tonight for driving with…with this BODY! Luckily I didn’t have to shove my I.D card. Kashiwagi Yuki’s card!” Yuki argued.

“But I can’t drive a car…”

“Exactly! That’s why you have to stick with me everywhere I go. Deal with it you brat.” Yuki crossed her arms pissed off with the ungrowing woman in front of her. Mayu is really still a child at the heart, thought Yuki.

“Can you please be nice with me?! Don’t shout at me!” Mayu’s being defensive. She really detested the way Yuki talk to her, like she has no dignity at all. Yuki is really a brute slavedriver, thought Mayu.

“Listen, Watanabe Mayu. If you don’t agree with my plan, you better come up with a brighter idea. Your time is twenty seconds starting by now.” Yuki glanced at her watch and shrugged. Mayu agaped at a sudden command and swam deeper in her mind to find any brilliant suggestions and successfully wasting every precious seconds Yuki gave with nothing.

“See? Relax, I’ll teach you some college stuff to do starting tomorrow. Goodnight.” Yuki slowly walked towards bedroom. Mayu couldn’t help but staring at her own figure and realized something,

“Is that the way I look from behind?” she mumbled with amazement, making Yuki stopped and turned, “What?” Mayu shook her head, “Nooo, it’s nothing.” And saw Yuki shrugged and closes the door. Mayu nodded in admiration,

“I never knew I have such a nice butt”, she giggled.


any comments and critics or just love, hate, and boredom make me write faster  ;) thank you  :cow:

Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: Megumi on February 11, 2012, 01:00:54 AM
waaa! I miss Nacchan!
Poor her being a slave for Neru-sama LoL

“Is that the way I look from behind?” she mumbled with amazement, making Yuki stopped and turned, “What?” Mayu shook her head, “Nooo, it’s nothing.” And saw Yuki shrugged and closes the door. Mayu nodded in admiration,

“I never knew I have such a nice butt”, she giggled.

LoL in real Mayu even stated that she indeed liked her butt. hahaha

THank you for your update!
Arígatou!  :kneelbow:
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: Seigus on February 11, 2012, 08:24:52 AM
“I never knew I have such a nice butt”, she giggled.

Best. Line. Ever.

Mayu's right and the real Mayu knows it (as what Megumi said).

I really enjoy seeing my OTP bicker endlessly here. It makes it all the sweeter when the two of them finally get together 8)
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: LeNosferatu on February 11, 2012, 12:14:52 PM
@anzai48 PM sent :)
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: RenaChii on February 11, 2012, 10:00:19 PM

“Is that the way I look from behind?” she mumbled with amazement, making Yuki stopped and turned, “What?” Mayu shook her head, “Nooo, it’s nothing.” And saw Yuki shrugged and closes the door. Mayu nodded in admiration,

“I never knew I have such a nice butt”, she giggled.

What's with that comment?! Hahaha! (

You are the BEST MAYUYU~!! (
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: kahem on February 11, 2012, 11:11:06 PM
LOL! The 3 of them spend really a bad moment hahaha!
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: Sieka on February 12, 2012, 04:48:49 AM
Body swaps are interesting. Its funny when its placed on two angry people. Hehehe....I love how Mayuyu and Yukirin fight, and bossy Yukirin is bossy, I love it when Yuki has total power over the situation now and Mayu's like helpless because indeed, their situation is unusual and that it could destroy their lives in a blink of an eye.
I kinda hope they won't be switching back soon, not until they start developing some feelings for one another at least.... :shy1: I wanna see how they struggle with their feelings for one another while their in the body of the person they love. Hehehe, pure sweet torture. :shy2:

Also... Nice one Mayuyu~ :lol: Pure win win.  XD
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: JinMario on February 12, 2012, 05:58:00 AM
Hey guy! Can I translate Aggressive Trance to Vietnamese ?
I really like it and i want everyone to read it.
Would you mind?
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: LeNosferatu on February 13, 2012, 09:37:02 AM
@Megumi haha yeah i know that too  :shakeit: yay for Mayuyu's oshiri! *share beer*

@anzai48 ay ay captain!

@seigus  :grin: :grin: :grin:

@RenaChii yay!!  :heart:

@kahem lol blame Neru!

@Sieka thank you for reading  :cathappy: yes lets see how are their lovehate heat gonna work out  :grin:

@JinMario whoa! youre the second person who wants to translate AT into vietnamese  XD thank you and can :) hope your friend like it

part four dudes!!!

Oh, Shit! (IV)

Rewriting it like...three times lol sorry if it still no good *weeping in corner*

Mayu couldn’t help but staring at the empty space beside her. She patted the other side of white pillow that she used to share with Nacchan all the time, feeling the barrenness of nighttime chats and giggles she usually had. It’s not like she got insomnia, but laying in the lower part of bunk bed alone with Yuki’s back stick on the mattress just few inches above her for three days made her feels a bit lonely. Mayu not used to sleep with the lights off where the only light source was her cellphone on her grip. And because she hated the idea of extending the arguments with Yuki about the room, she chose to stay silent and kept her eyes open staring the wooden top that separates her with the sleeping Yuki.

That’s why Mayu needed Nacchan like now, the bedtime conversations between them usually, slowly but sure, made her feel relaxed and fall asleep easily even though lights off or on, raining hard and thunder sounds so horror, or the sound of late night Yuki mumbling and typing furiously on her laptop, finishing her thesis. Mayu flipped her body right, left, laid on her stomach, burying face in the pillow, and bunch of sleeping styles she could try, all just useless. Grabbing her phone and flipped it open for the umpteenth time after got bored with browsing, she texted Nacchan.


Nacchan and Neru happened to be in a floating gazebo above the lake.

“Let’s just be straight right here, you don’t know how to stop the urgh-that-magic, right? You only take advantages of me and-“

Nacchan stopped her accusation when she heard a mocking chuckle escaped from Neru’s mouth. She raised a brow and staring oddly at the bizarre girl in front of her. The girl that successfully turned her into a slave for days, the girl that always wear a black robe which smells like weird mixture of graveyard and a hint of ginger, also the girl that practically made her friends and her own life turned upside down.

“What’s so funny? I’m talking to YOU.” Nacchan emphasized her words. Her patience threatened to flashing thin.

“You.” Neru replied shortly.

Hirajima Natsumi felt like her insides twist with the same awakening she had in a day she broke Neru’s door. She pulled Neru’s robe collar, making her hanging innocently in Nacchan’s fist.

“Whoa dude, relax.”

“I’LL PAY YOU WITH EVERYTHING YOU WANT IF YOU JUST THE HELL TELL ME HOW TO GET THINGS BACK TO NORMAL!!!” Nacchan burst out. Neru’s face almost fully covered with every drops of Nacchan’s spit of saliva and made her cover her face with both hands.

“Whoa, I need an umbrella.” Neru said in a cheeky tone. Nacchan immediately dropped the sly fortuneteller and dropped herself to the chair after panting furiously.

“Fine, Hirajima Natsumi-san. I’m sorry for these times. I’ll tell you how.” Neru said calmly as she wiped her face with her silk robe. These made Nacchan’s mood adjusted and kept locking eyes at the weird gypsy.

“I give you choices. I’ll tell now but you’ll have the bad luck, or I’ll tell later and you keep with your happy life.” Neru smirked.

“Happy life? How’s this called happy life? Don’t play games with me!” Nacchan was about to go on Neru again but a palm stopped her,

“Uh-Uh. Please choose.” Neru shook her head in a bossy gesture.

“Fine, tell now. I don’t care about bad luck. Screw you with your fortunes.” Nacchan apathetically said.

The next thing Nacchan saw was something familiar on Neru’s raised grip. Her eyes bugged out knowing what they were. She drifted her vision to Neru’s menacing sneer,

“Bad decision.”

“Wh-what, how, How did you get that!! Neru-sama, WAIT!!” Nacchan shakily pointed to what happen to be a cellphone and a wallet in Neru’s grip. She hastily looked at her pocket and found out something missing from the place they were at.

“You daughter of a-“


“You made your choice, missy. Go dive in. See you tomorrow…” Neru whispered mischievously to the stunned Nacchan and walked away in glory with her unstoppable “OHOHOHOHOHOH!”

Nacchan felt like the whole sky were falling upon her. She just had her only wealth which kept her surviving of Neru’s uncanny requests, being thrown to the lake. She immediately looked down the shadowy water below her, sorta hoping those things could swim and float by theirself, but of course it wouldn’t happen. The lake was too deep and dark and kinda scary so she didn’t dare to jump and sacrifice her life for the already useless device and soaked money and plane tickets, since she always got D on swimming classes. Instead, she gripped the gazebo’s fence and screamed,



[Your message(s) could not be delivered]

Mayu stared at her phone in desperation. She hoped little late night texting with her cousin could somewhat heal her loneliness, that she missed Nacchan so much. What disappointed her was she got no chance to speak with Nacchan in the day she departure to Kyoto.

“What business keeping you there, huh?” Mayu mumbled randomly as she closed the phone lid shut and threw it to the side. She wondered whether Nacchan is already asleep so she turned her phone off. Mayu got out the bed and opened the door so slowly so she wouldn’t wake the nemesis up. She peeked the upper bunk two times to ensure Yuki is still in wonderland.

There’s something wrong with the door.

She pulled the knob once. Twice. Not moving.

Locked? Mayu thought strangely since there was no key attached to the door. She turned her head slowly to the sleeping figure of herself,
Daughter of a b*tch! Mayu cursed when realized Yuki had locked the door and hid the key somewhere in the room. She climbed Yuki’s bed. Found her own body hugging the bolster facing the wall. Mayu suddenly shook Yuki’s body in vigor,

“Yuki! Yuki! Where’s the key?”

Kashiwagi Yuki felt like an avalanche occurred in the room and forced her eyes open. When she was up she found out it was only a childish rat that whining for key caused the disaster. Grunted in discontentment, she sat up, “Y-Yes!! What is it?”

“Where is the key??”

Yuki rolled her eyes and grumpily stumbled back to bed, “I don’t know. You won’t go anywhere. Sleep. Now.”

Mayu couldn't be more pissed hearing Yuki’s words. Yuki clearly had hidden the key somewhere. She pulled Yuki’s blanket roughly and shouted, “Since when you’re my mother!!! Give me the damn key!!” she grabbed the pillow and once again, hitting Yuki mercilessly.

“Mayu! Mayu! Stop! Ouch! Ouch! Mayuuuu!!!” Yuki felt her head was inside the washing machine, being spun over and over. After Mayu’s assault stopped, Yuki shook her head constantly to normalize her blurry vision. She wondered why Mayu always choose pillow as her weapon every time they got in a fight.

“You’re under my responsibility now. Please behave properly and not bothering me. Go sleep.”

“Since when?? Yeah, since when???” Mayu stated angrily to the older girl. Yuki sighed in disbelief. Mayu really has to be treated like a kid. She ever wondered if Mayu actually a ten year old kid trapped in teenager body.

“Since Nacchan told me to. Please, Watanabe Mayu. I don’t want Nacchan mad at me for getting you lack at sleep.” She said in a softer tone. Mayu pouted,

“Only if you let me turn the lights on.”

Kashiwagi Yuki’s eyebrows couldn’t get any higher than now. You know when the time Mayu acted like a child, this one of those times.

“But we always sleep with lights off. Why?”

“It’s because…I was with Nacchan. Can I?” Mayu walked to the switch. Yuki immediately jumped down from the upper bunk and stood up beside her. She got the point. Yuki grabbed Mayu’s hand and led her to bed.

“You are such a kid. I can’t sleep with lights off.”
Yuki shoved Mayu to the bed and landed herself beside her. She encircled her arm in Mayu’s waist and whispered,


Mayu only stunned and didn’t say anything of those actions. She still perplexed with suddenness of Yuki’s deeds earlier. She put Yuki’s arm away,

“Yuki-san! What are you doing? Get off!” Mayu pushed Yuki aside while her legs busy kicking her nemesis. Yuki only grunted and stayed still. Which made Mayu wrapped in confusion as she heard what the bossy slave driver whispered,

“I know you can’t sleep alone with lights off.”

She stopped her ministration and let the words hazing over her mind now. Mayu glanced to her side when she found Yuki already asleep. Unsure why, for the very first time Mayu saw Yuki’s caring side, which well hidden under the unkind behavior she always shown towards Mayu. She started thinking maybe Kashiwagi Yuki is a nice person at all. She drifted her eyes shut and for the very first time of her life, she felt safe in Yuki’s arms.


*author is sleeping*


Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: Sieka on February 13, 2012, 10:29:00 AM
Interesting... Very interesting... I can see some developments already~
Now all we need is a push on both sides and we're good to go. I wonder though.........what will happen to Nacchan now...hope she comes out alive in the next chapter. XD

Also, you have a few errors here and there in your post, but anyways, thanks for updating.
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: kahem on February 13, 2012, 11:26:05 AM
Hahahah!!!! Poor Nacchan!!!!
Yuki is so cute with Mayuyu when Nacchan is not around maybe she should leave them more often xD
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: RenaChii on February 13, 2012, 01:17:06 PM
oooohhh~!!!! KAWAII~!! (

Finally you make a move huh~ Yuki~ (
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: Nakamii on February 13, 2012, 01:35:29 PM
MaYuki! :inlove: Soo Cute! :heart: I Love it! :wub: You got me there, Eru-san! :thumbsup

~ Btw,Update Soon! :bow:
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: LeNosferatu on February 15, 2012, 03:46:53 PM
I'll reply to everyone comments at the next part of mayuki  :cathappy: thanks for everyone comments btw. and this is my special valentine oneshot. SKE pairings Kuumin x Yuria :)

Stupid Love Letter

Hearts. Lots of hearts.

Everywhere I walk. Every street I pass. Every public place I stop by. Even in my school, my favorite shops and cafes, I find them. They are in form of everything. Posters, letters, banners, postcards, pamphlets, even in newspapers and magazines. They are everywhere.

They are made from anything. Papers, cartons, flannels, you name it. Their color is always the same. Pink, red, white, purple, all color that associate with girls. It’s pretty though, but it’s just too much being scattered everywhere. And all those materials would be just going away and ended in garbage trucks for the next two or three days. What an annual waste.

“Gyaaaah, I wonder what my senpai likes?”

“Would some chocolate gateau be fine?”

“I guess no. It should be something special! Ahh, what should I do…”

I rolled my eyes. Even though my vision was more interested to the view outside the window, I knew they were looking at some cooking magazines and recipe notes for some easy way of making tons of carbs and sugar being swallowed by their crushes in the name of Valentine’s Day.

They judged me as a person who hates Val’s Day, which I always responded with nothing. Practically I didn’t give a damn with another’s opinion but I could clearly deny that it wasn’t true. I didn’t hate the day Saint Valentine died. I just didn’t feel like celebrating it.

I mean, you can make love blooms everyday right? You can express your love everyday right? As long as you’re alive, everyday is a good day for being honest with your feelings, to be noted that you have enough braveness to do that.

Well I admit I’m not a feminine type of girl. I rarely got myself wearing skirt, school uniform doesn’t count, of course. I sometimes forgot to comb my hair and leaving my uniform untucked neatly. I often munched on toast on my way to school while running because of my lateness. I know nothing about fashion which makes me having no friend for lunch when other girls were busy talking about the latest item in every magazine they bring. Overall I am the type or girl they say would never have a boyfriend. But strangely I don’t seem to mind it though.

It’s not I don’t like boys. Same goes with Valentine day, I just don’t feel like having such kind of relationship at all. And honestly, boys are scary. They eat and sleep like pigs, stick with their games and devices, making girls scream in fright with their nasty jokes, and some other negative sides that support my judgment. But that doesn’t mean there are no good boys.

I’m still wondering and thinking about tomorrow, February 14th, while walking the school hallway. Actually I never give a thought too much into it, just like few past years. But somehow this year it’s pretty bothering me. I don’t know why.

My mom said it’s because I need somebody to love. She even said, “Go find boys, getting pregnant, steal something, or make troubles! I’m tired seeing you spend your life only going to school, eating, and sleeping.” I only sighed and think, was my mom a badass in her youth or was it only rhetorical command?

School bell rings. Thrice. Signaling I’ll get myself laying on my soft bed surrounded with snacks and good mangas to read. Yay. Right, I don’t really like school except three things, P.E, lunchtime, and after school. I’m no good at subjects. I fail on Math, I’m bad at Japanese, and I’m absolutely an airhead in English class. The only thing I’m good at is sports.

I need to change the indoor shoes with my own, so I’m walking towards student lockers room near the hall. I trace the name one by one in the lowest row to find mine. Yamada…Yamada…Yamada again…more Yamada… Oh just how many Yamada family in Japan? Yamamura…Yamashita…Yamamoto…Yamaguchi…Yamanaka…Yagami…yatta! I find it. I take out what appeared to be a pair of sneakers and replaced it with student indoor shoes I wore.

But something caught my eyes.

Someone had clearly slipped what happened to be an envelope to my locker. It should’ve been inserted from the locker’s ventilations. One thing I simply hate about lockers cause in my school, bullies could easily fulfill them with soil or dirt onto the geek’s ones. I take it out and suddenly the area around me smells like strawberry. I raise a brow and sniffing it. Yes the envelope indeed smells like strawberry.

I take a look closely on it, observing every centimeters of the alien thing I ever got in the first place. The paper is unusual, I don’t know what kind of paper it is. But my fingertips sense it’s a peach-colored paper which has small dots engraved pattern, very cute. I open slowly, there appears a piece of paper that has the same pattern and also something familiar I’ve been seeing lately.


They are pink and scattered everywhere in the paper just like stars in the night sky. But that’s not the main point. My eyes babbling on its own to the handwritings upon it. Curiosity kills the cat.

I like watching dramas. Eventhough there are mostly cheesy ones on television, I don’t mind watching them. It’s just funny, seeing a geek girl being bullied by her schoolmates then saved by the coolest guy in school which is destined by the scriptwriters and directors to fall in love with the girl but their parents didn’t agree and separate them and ended up with someone committing suicide. Those cliché and corny storylines weren’t only making me laugh, but also teaching me to recognize that what I am holding on my grip is nothing but a love letter.

I know it’s a love letter.

That starts with “Dear, Yagami-senpai blah blah blah…” and ends with a punchline which simply asking me to go out to the neighborhood amusement park with the sender tomorrow. Yep, tomorrow on Valentine’s Day. It’s just merely asking for a date right? How sweet.

If you ask me how I am feeling right now, I can say I’m nervous. This is the first love letter I’ve ever got in my life and also the very first time someone asks me to go on a date. I feel a mixture of happiness, anxiousness, worry, nervous, and confused twirling in my stomach, spreading a pleasurable warmth in my chest. But then I feel really mad and being tricked when I realize it is anonymous and also, the handwriting is too cute to be a boy’s.

Just what’s the sender thinking? This girl, or so I think, writing something like this just because I am well known as Yagami Kumi the-one-who-never-gets-boyfriend girl? This is such a stupid bully and it’s not worth my worries. Popular girls are always the mean ones. Both in dramas or realities.

I close my locker and glance to the locker beside mine.

Yagami Ueno.   

Right. I have a classmate who has a same family name with me. I take a glance constantly to the letter and Ueno’s locker and something pops up my mind.

Maybe it’s a misplaced letter?

What if the writer is really a girl that supposed to be sent to Ueno’s? It’s only written “Yagami-senpai” it could be Yagami Ueno not Yagami Kumi, right? Since the sender is a girl, or so I think. Without second thought I immediately slip it onto Ueno’s locker and decide to watch the result the day after. But before I successfully insert the whole in, a hand grabs my arm and stops me from doing so. I startle. Afraid if that was Ueno caught me sneaking his locker, I turn my head slowly only to find a girl with a teary eyes.

I immediately rush the envelope to my pocket.

“Don’t…please…senpai…” the girl began. I see her legs are shaking. What’s wrong with this girl? I don’t even know her.

“H-hey, you okay?” I reply, referring to her condition and ignoring the past moments. She seems in a fever since I notice her cheeks flushed red.


“Yes?” I’m surprised that she knows my name.

“I’ve liked you since last year…please go out with me?”

Wait. Did I mishear? Was that a confession?

“That letter…it was me who writing it. I’m so ashamed so I tried to take attempt being anon. I’ve watched you this whole time. And…I’m sad when you treat that like nothing and put it in other’s locker…”

I only stunned in my position hearing her whole explanation. Unconsciously my eves devouring her. She’s a girl with black long hair, shorter than me, and her eyes are very pretty. I never saw this girl before, or maybe it’s just me being anti-social and not so concern with my surroundings.

“Really? I’m sorry …because it was anon and I thought it’s a misplaced letter that supposed to be Ueno’s…” I give her proper answer. I’m still wrapped in confusion of sudden unimaginable happenings today.

I see her cute cheeks become even redder when she realizes I’m exploring my eyes on her top to toe. She’s a very cute girl.

It’s not because the sin of the issues or anything. It’s just some part of me still can’t believing someone, happened to be a girl, having a crush on me? And what did she say? For a year already? Wow.

“So…you’re the culprit then…” I say with a joking tone, making her even redder

“Please don’t say mean things, senpai!” she pouted. I feel something strange. I’m sure my heart just skips a beat now seeing her cute pout. What is this?

“Who’s your name?” again, curiosity kills the cat. I don’t know. I feel like having the urge of wanting to know more about her.

She doesn’t respond anything instead she steps forward and grabs the back of my head. She tilts her head and…Oh Kami-sama…I’m not in the drama right? She just stole my first kiss!

She smiled shyly, “Kizaki Yuria, class 2-A, yoroshiku onegaishimasu.” She bows and runs leaving me frozen.

Oh my God, I just got myself a girl…


wheres the mayuki??? no more updates??  :panic: nooo  :grin: it will be! its just another distractions  :)2
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: msst28 on February 15, 2012, 10:14:13 PM
eh ending just like that..  :frustrated:
need more
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: ny37z on February 17, 2012, 11:01:57 AM
yeah~ need more! :frustrated:
that was sooo~ sweet... :heart: :heart:
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: immortal_K on February 17, 2012, 12:15:02 PM

Ahhhh Why have I not properly leave any comments here until now :banghead:

I'm LOVING your "OH SHIT" right now and is wishing you to update it soon  :twothumbs
I wonder what will happen with Naachan seems like she is having a hard time finding a cure for her friend and cousin. It's okay she can take her time, I kind of want to see what else MaYuki will do. :twisted:

Actually going through this thread I realize I read some of these before on tumblr I think, but I'm sure
I read them before  :) I've just been bad and never floated to light LOL.

Thanks and hope you update soon

*fades back into the shadows*
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: LeNosferatu on February 19, 2012, 04:03:18 PM
Lol part 5 gonna be posted this week. be patient guys! im just gonna reply some comments here sorry  :sweatdrop:

@Sieka thanks for the comment!  XD yes..i wonder what Neru would do to her in the next chapter... :nervous oh im sorry my english isnt so good  :banghead: but i promise i'll be better in thext chapter!  :thumbsup

@anzai48 yeah cant wait for the next thing they'll go through :3 btw i havent comment to your fic cause im still in the middle reading it lool there are lots anzai-san!  :cry: im sowwiee

@kahem yes yes, i start shipping Neru with Nacchan (??????)
@RenaChii but the one who develops the feeling first is mayu lol

@Nakamii yes thank you Naka-san! wait this week kay?  ;)

@msst28 im planning to make a  :?

@ny37z same with mss-san, should i make sequel?

@immortal_K ay ay Immortal Y U so cruel  :cry: :cry: loljk  :P yes you might be visiting my tumblr page ?

btw all, visit my tumblr pls. i post new mayuki oneshot which i cant put it here for some reasons (trolling like a boss)  8) gave a heart or reblog it or leave the comment here, will ya?  :yep:
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: msst28 on February 19, 2012, 05:41:39 PM
Do kumin accept yuria feeling?
Their date?
Yuria ways to make kumin fall in love
Pls continue kuminxyuria couple
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: kahem on February 20, 2012, 11:32:57 AM
Nice hehehe Kuumin got a girl ^^
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: Sieka on February 21, 2012, 01:56:42 PM
Curiosity killed the cat. I checked your tumblr when you said you posted a fic there, and I must had me there. XD
I'm...speechless... I'm perfectly and utterly speechless in a very good manner. :lol: Though I must say...I never knew you could write like that...
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: Megumi on February 21, 2012, 04:05:24 PM
 :glasses: MaYuki eh? Gonna check it out....

Later on.... :on bleed: I'm drowning in tissues.. :on blackhole:

Hahah that was unexpected...   :on gay:

Thank you for the ehrrm MaYuki fic.  :on GJ:

Arígatou!  :kneelbow:
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: LeNosferatu on February 22, 2012, 05:34:38 PM
@msst28 cant help! Yuria is so cute and Kumi likes her in real life too!  :cathappy: well maybe~~ so this i want to make an extra for them as a sequel :)

@kahem wait for the extra :)

@anzai48 *gives tissue*

@Sieka thanks for reading omg omg its because of melon-lover, he/she is my fave writer and she/he indirectly taught me how to write something like that  XD sorry if its cheesy or even disgusting  :nervous

@Megumi YAY thanks for reading  :love: :love: *throws tissues*

Sorry for the waiting guys!!! Here's the part 5 of Oh, Shit! and im sorry if its not a long and satiable one cause final tasks and schools and final exams holds me down  :cry: :cry: being a last grade in high school is really a hell  :(

Eru is waiting for you love, hate, comments, and corrections!

Oh, Shit! (V)

“Wake up! Wake the hell up you sleepyhead rat!”

Watanabe Mayu was so sure she wasn’t in a Nazi camp which every sleeping prisoners being hit to make them wake and continued work in order to survive during the World War. But she was also sure someone would increase the ordeal level on her if she kept following her sleeping instinct for a little longer. So she decided to open her eyes and found out a face of uncanny witch frenziedly hitting her back with a pillow. Somehow she could give a summary what people feel being hit by a cushion.

“I’m awake! I’m awake! STOP IT KASHIWAGI YUKI!”

The one being shouted stopped the ministration and stood up with hands on her waist. Looking at the yawning person in the lower bunk made her want to repeat the nurture but she could handle herself not to show her black side that much.

“Feel what I feel.” Yuki scoffed seeing Mayu rubbed her back. Mayu mumbled an apologize. She kind of regret hitting Yuki twice in head now, never knew a pillow could give her backbone an avalanche for seconds. She glanced at the bossy aura of herself. She never knew her own face could be that scary sometimes.

“Eww, I’m so ugly. Stop frowning, Yuki-san. You ruin my face.” Mayu rubbed her eyes. Yuki only facepalmed and hastily replied, “Yes you are. Come on, we gotta do something!” Mayu stared at the clock wall and realized something, “Oh My God, Yuki-san it’s still eight in the morning and it’s damn SUNDAY!! Please don’t ruin my life for a day. Just, please?” Mayu glared to the glaring girl, and it was kind of weird since she felt like having a glaring contest in a mirror.

“Okay, but I won’t be responsible about your life for tomorrow and the day after.” Yuki shrugged and started walking out the room but a hand stopped her, “Wait, where are we going again?”

Yuki smirked in victory, “I know I’ll always win. Just go change, I’ll wait you outside.” She walked triumphantly to the door leaving the mumbling Watanabe Mayu,

“Where does your motherly side vanish, Yuki-san?”


“I’m sorry, Miss. But really, I’m afraid we can do nothing about that. Do you have any backup account or another payment report? Let me check if you want incidental cash.” A well-suited officer smiling warmly to a well-frustrated Hirajima Natsumi. He would assume that a young woman in front of her had just having a rough day, and Nacchan could guarantee his face-reading was totally accurate.

“Err…I guess no? Well then, thank you, Sir.” Nacchan bowed and lazily dragged her feet out of neighborhood bank in Kyoto. Of course she couldn’t get any access to her own account since she even forgot her own PIN number and she didn’t carry any identity or payment report that actually could help her, since it was already rotten deep down the lake.

No money, no tickets, no phones, no nothing. Only a few bucks that she luckily left in her bag but already spent for this morning food and a very cheap and stinky motel she stayed until tomorrow. She never felt this wretched before. The one and only who could make her life miserable like this was…

“Can’t…? Go…? Home?”

A whisper in her ear successfully made her almost in heart attack. She was lucky she wouldn’t end up in Kyoto’s newspaper the day after with a ridiculous headline about an unknown girl dying in the park because of the whisper of…


Nacchan stared in terror. She didn’t want Neru anywhere near her if she would only spend bad and bad and more bad moments. Nacchan’s finger sharply pointed at the now smiling fortuneteller,

“You…you…how dare you…showing up in front of my face again…I WON’T DO ANYTHING YOU SAY! LEAVE ME ALONE!”

She was in her highest boiling point and could throw anything to the now astonishing clairvoyant. But it wasn’t until Neru laughed.

“It’s not my fault. You chose to have a bad luck. You deserve it, girl.” Neru said in mischievous tone. She wanted to know more Nacchan’s reaction.

“WHAT LUCK? SCREW YOUR LUCK! WHO ARE YOU? GOD? JUST GO AWAY!” Nacchan shouted madly at her, she couldn’t think anything straight right now since the urge of killing the favorite fortuneteller of her roommate overflowed like a river stream.

“Have you ever watched The Matrix trilogy? You can say, I’m the Oracle.”

The sudden cold tone of Neru’s voice chilling Nacchan’s bone. Nacchan could sense something had changed with the bizarre woman in front of her but she could define what. She just felt scared of Neru right now.

“And no, I’m no God. And that statement, Hirajima-san, was very insulting us the fortunetellers. Just so you know,” Neru smirked

“I’m Yuki’s childhood friend.”

Nacchan’s jaw couldn’t be more dropped than now,



“Where are we going?”

It was already the 7346583th time Mayu asked Yuki since they entered the car and Yuki only responded with nothing and kept straight faced facing the road. Mayu got bored being abandoned and she took her mobile phone from her pocket and opened the lid. She turned to Yuki and started taking pictures of her which for the very first time Yuki responded,

“What the hell are you doing?”

“Don’t move! It’s cool seeing me driving a car. I’m gonna film this and take some pictures for my blog.” Mayu kept angled her phone to the confused Yuki. Mayu checked the result for a while, not satisfy with the photo, she took another one with different angle, again and again until Yuki snapped,

“Could you please stop that? I can’t concentrate!”

“I would stop if you smile.” Mayu answered shortly. In her head she smirked, I’m so gonna win this time, Yuki-mean. (it’s a pun actually, from Yuki-rin I change into Yuki-mean) Deep in her heart, she actually wanted to see Yuki smiling though she realized it won’t happen once she got trapped in her body. Before the whole crazy body-swapping happened, she rarely saw Yuki smile. If so, it was only to Nacchan and a quick and half-heartedly one. Mayu sometimes wondered if Yuki’s character was indeed cold-hearted and stoic one but after what happened last night when she hugged Mayu, she believed Yuki was actually a nice person.

“Say cheese!”

“No! Please be normal.” Yuki kept rejecting the childish leech beside her. She really hated cameras. About taking pictures, if Nacchan didn’t ask, she never took a picture of herself and now seeing herself being attacked by camera and she couldn’t help because she was behind the wheel, somehow irritated her.

“Just once! And hey, that’s my face. You don’t have to worry.” Mayu convinced again. She couldn’t help to stifle her laugh seeing Yuki steamed like that. The evil sounds inside Mayu’s head started roaring again to give Yuki one final push.

“Okay, so I’m just gonna take my pictures then. Whoopsies, it’s your face anyway!” Mayu teased.

Yuki’s face couldn’t be more red than now. She surrendered,

“Okay! Okay! Just this once. Come on before I change my mind.” And there it goes, a new blog post of Watanabe Mayu pictures and videos driving a car. To be noted, with the usual cyborg smile.

“See? It’s not that hard.”


I know I’ve always been smart, Yuki-mean. And someday I’m gonna make you smile for me, with your own face, thought Mayu.

Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: Megumi on February 22, 2012, 09:32:37 PM
 :on woohoo:  Update!

Hahahha OMG

Neru-sama is Yukirins childhood friend?!
I wonder where Yukirin&Mayu will be going....

Arígatou!  :kneelbow:
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: RenaChii on February 23, 2012, 09:07:39 PM
LOL Yuki-mean~ (
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: sakura_drop_ on February 23, 2012, 11:04:53 PM
At last I found some time to read this!!!

I read all of your stories in one go...


 :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

Your MaYuki is awesome!!!  :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1:

And the body swap is just.... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

And the SKE couple is really sweet  :thumbup :thumbup

Waiting for more!!!!
Title: Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
Post by: Sieka on February 24, 2012, 09:03:00 AM
Seriously, Yuki needs to smile and loosen up. Also, reverse techniques sure works well when you have your body swapped. :lol: I'm also shocked though, Neru is Yuki's childhood friend? Seriously? Why didn't Nacchan knew? :huhuh:

Anyways, I'm not disgusted of writings like that since I'm mostly used to it, being involved with anime and all makes you used to such thing, its like you just saw a normal picture. :lol:
Title: Re: Re: Eru's Collection: Newest - MaYuki Series (Oh, Shit!)
Post by: kahem on February 25, 2012, 08:18:39 PM
Hahaha the car scene is so funny
Mayuyu drinving must be cool ^^
Title: Re: Eru's Collection: Newest - MaYuki Series (Oh, Shit!)
Post by: sakura_drop_ on July 21, 2012, 06:29:09 PM
You should update this someday, Eru-sama. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's waiting for continuation. Though I'm not pushing you or something
Title: Re: Eru's Collection: Newest - MaYuki Series (Oh, Shit!)
Post by: kiruchi on July 22, 2012, 02:34:49 AM
want more of Mayuki's love-hate relation!!!~ I find Mayu annoyingly cute and funny when she's with Yuki.  :on GJ:
Pls update soon..
Ja ne~
Title: Re: Eru's Collection: Newest - MaYuki Series (Oh, Shit!)
Post by: LeNosferatu on July 22, 2012, 06:03:15 AM
 :ptam-wub: oh my....i didnt know there lots of ppl still reading and waiting for this dumb series  :ptam-hbk:

should i continue this?  :OMG:

well maybe...i'll start writing this again. thank you guys for the support!!! i wanted to cry uwaaaaah  :ptam-cry:
Title: Re: Eru's Collection: Newest - MaYuki Series (Oh, Shit!)
Post by: aruka on July 22, 2012, 08:21:27 AM
Eh~ don't tell me that you thought of putting this series into a full stop just right in the midway? :shocked No way~! :smhid

I was actually confused as to why you didn't update this for so long. :?
And as much as I don't like you saying it a dumb series, I think the series would finally deserve getting the word 'dumb' if only you break it without a proper ending (unless the circumstances get too difficult and urge you strongly to stop right away).
After all unfinished stories aren't cool yow! :D We're waiting for your 'flare' for this series awakened again. Good luck! :thumbsup
Title: Re: Eru's Collection: Newest - MaYuki Series (Oh, Shit!)
Post by: kiruchi on July 22, 2012, 08:27:31 AM
:ptam-wub: oh my....i didnt know there lots of ppl still reading and waiting for this dumb series  :ptam-hbk:

should i continue this?  :OMG:

well maybe...i'll start writing this again. thank you guys for the support!!! i wanted to cry uwaaaaah  :ptam-cry:

oh please do...  :on GJ:
just got addicted recently... need some fic to sustain my addiction... hahah
Title: Re: Eru's Collection: Newest - MaYuki Series (Oh, Shit!)
Post by: mo-chan on July 22, 2012, 02:34:43 PM
yeeaaaaaaa I like it  :on GJ:
update soon  :on drink:
Title: Re: Eru's Collection: Newest - MaYuki Series (Oh, Shit!)
Post by: korisunyan on July 24, 2012, 02:17:24 AM
Please, continueee, i'm waiting for more  :ptam-kiss:

~sorry my shit english  :cry:
Title: Re: Eru's Collection: Newest - MaYuki Series (Oh, Shit!)
Post by: Megumi on July 26, 2012, 05:10:45 PM
 :bath: still waiting...  :fainted:  :err:  :cool2:  :depressed:

Title: Re: Eru's Collection: Poll Winner - WMatsui (Preview)
Post by: LeNosferatu on August 02, 2012, 05:37:07 PM
Minna! Remember the poll above?  XD Sorry for the late update but this time I'm gonna post a preview of a fic based on the poll above. And so the winner is WMatsui  :lol: and an anon requested the same so...why not killing two birds with a stone?  :cathappy: by the way, this is only preview. If you are interested, please go to the link i've provided below. But before you proceed to read, please read the warnings after clicking the link  :) Hope you enjoy it!



I’ll stay here forever. So look at me. Just look at me only, please.

Matsui Jurina slightly gasped at her sudden retreat of her daydreaming. She realized she was staring at nothing out the window for a long time, long enough to make the window become misty by her warm breath. Creating a large blur spot in the middle of the material, evidence of how freezing the temperature outside.

Her finger unconsciously landed on the surface of the glass material, right at the center of the hazy smudge, and started randomly dragging it across and down. She repeated the action several times until she stopped and saw how she had successfully made a misty window became a canvas painted with surreal grass.

Jurina sighed again and buried her face in her palms. It was that again. It was that haunting feeling and random delusions that always come and go without her permission at times. The feeling that stuck up every time she wanted to throw it out, forgetting it all. She thought it would just disappear by the matter of time but on the contrary, the older she got, the same disturbance became fossilized and almost driving her to zero sanity.

Maybe it would vanish if she vanished as well but, as long as she still stood here, with her. That most likely impossible to happen.

Jurina withdrawn from her hands slowly as she felt a soft tug at the edge of her shirt, she turned her head over only to find a frown and pair of big eyes, stared back directly at her.

“Are you hungry, Rena-chan?”

>>> click here to continue (

Waiting for your opinion (if you continue to read)  :P
Title: Re: Eru's Collection: Poll Winner - WMatsui (Preview)
Post by: msst28 on August 02, 2012, 07:17:35 PM
already read it...
nice story.. but poor jurina...
nowadays most wmatsui fanfic has tragic ending

I bet epiclulz already read it so many time :lol: :lol: 
Title: Re: Eru's Collection: Poll Winner - WMatsui (Preview)
Post by: sakura_drop_ on August 02, 2012, 07:57:14 PM
Eru-sama... I can't put together all the emotions inside... I can't write about how I feel... It's...too PERFECT of a story...

Good job... There are no words to explain or describe anything...

Thank you...
Title: Re: Re: Eru's Collection: Poll Winner - WMatsui (Preview)
Post by: kurogumi on August 02, 2012, 10:26:21 PM
Eru-san i want the part 2 (hahaha sorry but this story is just to good to have tragic ending)

I want happy ending...(T^T) eru-saaaaan...~
Title: Re: Re: Eru's Collection: Poll Winner - WMatsui (Preview)
Post by: Kamen Knight on August 03, 2012, 07:43:59 AM
This is definitely great.. The emotions in the story are so strong.. You should write more WMatsui again, you are so great in this! I love them all!

speaking of which,all of your WMatsui stories have strong abnormal relationship theme, don't they? The first one is Love Slave and then.. this.. lol
Title: Re: Re: Eru's Collection: Poll Winner - WMatsui (Preview)
Post by: kahem on August 03, 2012, 01:01:18 PM
Wow! Really wow!!!!!
A bit sad but it's great
Title: Re: Eru's Collection: Poll Winner - WMatsui (Preview)
Post by: masokun on August 12, 2012, 07:53:33 PM
It's kinda late to commebt..

I haven't read all shot, but your story at the 1st page force me to comment here.. :oops:

Your RenAirin fic really made my day! Looking at clumsy airin really cheer me up..

Arigatou Eru-san!!

YuriXKuuminXNon story is quite fun(?) to read   :otomerika:

I see your characterization over SKE's member is so real..great!

And about Miscomprehend surprisingly I've read that from your tumblr before  XD
Title: Re: Eru's Files: Poll Winner - WMatsui (Preview)
Post by: hitsuji_14 on August 15, 2012, 06:53:12 PM
I've been reading almost of your one-shots from your tumblr.
And Miscomperhend, it's really good! Since I like angst and this kind of story XD
Eru-san, I'm waiting for more one-shot stories!
Title: Re: Re: Eru's Files: Poll Winner - WMatsui (Preview)
Post by: Archer1992 on July 11, 2013, 09:42:24 PM
ooooo Continue Oh Shit!!!

hahahahahahaha please

Update soon!!!
Title: Re: Eru's Files: Poll Winner - WMatsui (Preview)
Post by: kenjoy12 on July 12, 2013, 10:23:15 AM
Yeah! I second on that.. :fap

Please continue Oh Shit! :bow:

Heehee :oops:
Title: Re: Eru's Files: WMatsui OneShot - Hush
Post by: LeNosferatu on February 13, 2014, 01:16:03 PM
Hello!  :lol: Been a long time not posting a fic here, because i've been absent from making "safe" wmatsui fics lol (check my other works in my site) but here it is, one very short oneshot, enjoy!  :)


Your floral skirt was beautiful as always, along with your graceful steps as the wind blew your long hair when you put down pots of colorful hydrangeas and roses in front of your tiny store, carefully sorting them by order. It’s always your habit to become so neat in everything. And I remembered you always said you didn’t want to confuse the customers by putting them at random because it wouldn’t look lovely either.


Once in a while, you smiled at the passerby, no matter whether they would take a look at your healthy morning glories or just walked away ignoring your blossoming potted lilies. Your warm smile just never left your face. 

But lately, I didn’t see them. I’d been sitting here, watching you as usual, and waiting for the charming smile as you usually gave out free roses to the kids and elderly people passing by. Today as well, same like the past three days since I sat here, even the roses were still in your hands. Their stems seemed about to crack in your mighty grip as your knuckles started to turn white. And instead of smile, there were the downcast eyes. You couldn’t be forgetting to hand them out like usual, could you?


A woman in her mid-thirties, the owner of a small Japanese sweets parlor beside your shop, came to you. There were remains of flour on her pastel-colored apron, which I bet she just made some ohagi or daifuku, as I saw her bringing a box while walking towards you. It was weird that your enthusiasm to both confectioneries was nowhere to be seen and instead, you run into her as you saw her face. And here I was, seeing what I’d been seeing for the past three days since I sat here, what I always hated coming from you.

Your tears.

You seemed not to care that people started to stop by, staring at you, questioning the scene of two women hugging while crying in front of a flower shop. I remembered you ever said you would be embarrassed if people were looking at you like that. You would be just averting your eyes or simply hurriedly went back to the store, pretending to fix your bonsais. The woman had dropped the box; it accidentally opened and revealed the insides. Just like what I’d thought, there were your favorite wagashi, and mine too. I remembered your laugh always returned once you bit the tiny chunks of daifuku after a tiring day taking care of the flowers. You couldn’t be forgetting how Japanese sweets taste like, could you?     

I wanted to pick them up. I wanted to see the laugh in your face again. I wanted to see you taking a bite of ohagi in my hand again. So I stood up, walked towards you and the woman whose eyes teary as well as you, muttering you comforting words. As I was about to take a step forward, a hand landed on my shoulder. I turned only to find a man wearing all white standing beside me, smiling.

“Matsui Jurina, time to go now.” 

My eyes widened in surprise,

“You can see me?”

Title: Re: Eru's Files: WMatsui OneShot - Hush
Post by: sakura_drop_ on February 13, 2014, 02:03:47 PM
oh boy... so touching and sad...

Eru-sama, welcome back  :bow:
Title: Re: Re: Eru's Files: WMatsui OneShot - Hush
Post by: Kirozoro on February 15, 2014, 03:10:58 PM
It so sad..

Please update soon