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Author Topic: Eru's Files (OS COLLECTION) - COMPLETED  (Read 26999 times)

Offline Nakamii

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Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
« Reply #40 on: February 13, 2012, 01:35:29 PM »
MaYuki! :inlove: Soo Cute! :heart: I Love it! :wub: You got me there, Eru-san! :thumbsup

~ Btw,Update Soon! :bow:
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Offline LeNosferatu

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Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
« Reply #41 on: February 15, 2012, 03:46:53 PM »
I'll reply to everyone comments at the next part of mayuki  :cathappy: thanks for everyone comments btw. and this is my special valentine oneshot. SKE pairings Kuumin x Yuria :)

Stupid Love Letter

Hearts. Lots of hearts.

Everywhere I walk. Every street I pass. Every public place I stop by. Even in my school, my favorite shops and cafes, I find them. They are in form of everything. Posters, letters, banners, postcards, pamphlets, even in newspapers and magazines. They are everywhere.

They are made from anything. Papers, cartons, flannels, you name it. Their color is always the same. Pink, red, white, purple, all color that associate with girls. It’s pretty though, but it’s just too much being scattered everywhere. And all those materials would be just going away and ended in garbage trucks for the next two or three days. What an annual waste.

“Gyaaaah, I wonder what my senpai likes?”

“Would some chocolate gateau be fine?”

“I guess no. It should be something special! Ahh, what should I do…”

I rolled my eyes. Even though my vision was more interested to the view outside the window, I knew they were looking at some cooking magazines and recipe notes for some easy way of making tons of carbs and sugar being swallowed by their crushes in the name of Valentine’s Day.

They judged me as a person who hates Val’s Day, which I always responded with nothing. Practically I didn’t give a damn with another’s opinion but I could clearly deny that it wasn’t true. I didn’t hate the day Saint Valentine died. I just didn’t feel like celebrating it.

I mean, you can make love blooms everyday right? You can express your love everyday right? As long as you’re alive, everyday is a good day for being honest with your feelings, to be noted that you have enough braveness to do that.

Well I admit I’m not a feminine type of girl. I rarely got myself wearing skirt, school uniform doesn’t count, of course. I sometimes forgot to comb my hair and leaving my uniform untucked neatly. I often munched on toast on my way to school while running because of my lateness. I know nothing about fashion which makes me having no friend for lunch when other girls were busy talking about the latest item in every magazine they bring. Overall I am the type or girl they say would never have a boyfriend. But strangely I don’t seem to mind it though.

It’s not I don’t like boys. Same goes with Valentine day, I just don’t feel like having such kind of relationship at all. And honestly, boys are scary. They eat and sleep like pigs, stick with their games and devices, making girls scream in fright with their nasty jokes, and some other negative sides that support my judgment. But that doesn’t mean there are no good boys.

I’m still wondering and thinking about tomorrow, February 14th, while walking the school hallway. Actually I never give a thought too much into it, just like few past years. But somehow this year it’s pretty bothering me. I don’t know why.

My mom said it’s because I need somebody to love. She even said, “Go find boys, getting pregnant, steal something, or make troubles! I’m tired seeing you spend your life only going to school, eating, and sleeping.” I only sighed and think, was my mom a badass in her youth or was it only rhetorical command?

School bell rings. Thrice. Signaling I’ll get myself laying on my soft bed surrounded with snacks and good mangas to read. Yay. Right, I don’t really like school except three things, P.E, lunchtime, and after school. I’m no good at subjects. I fail on Math, I’m bad at Japanese, and I’m absolutely an airhead in English class. The only thing I’m good at is sports.

I need to change the indoor shoes with my own, so I’m walking towards student lockers room near the hall. I trace the name one by one in the lowest row to find mine. Yamada…Yamada…Yamada again…more Yamada… Oh just how many Yamada family in Japan? Yamamura…Yamashita…Yamamoto…Yamaguchi…Yamanaka…Yagami…yatta! I find it. I take out what appeared to be a pair of sneakers and replaced it with student indoor shoes I wore.

But something caught my eyes.

Someone had clearly slipped what happened to be an envelope to my locker. It should’ve been inserted from the locker’s ventilations. One thing I simply hate about lockers cause in my school, bullies could easily fulfill them with soil or dirt onto the geek’s ones. I take it out and suddenly the area around me smells like strawberry. I raise a brow and sniffing it. Yes the envelope indeed smells like strawberry.

I take a look closely on it, observing every centimeters of the alien thing I ever got in the first place. The paper is unusual, I don’t know what kind of paper it is. But my fingertips sense it’s a peach-colored paper which has small dots engraved pattern, very cute. I open slowly, there appears a piece of paper that has the same pattern and also something familiar I’ve been seeing lately.


They are pink and scattered everywhere in the paper just like stars in the night sky. But that’s not the main point. My eyes babbling on its own to the handwritings upon it. Curiosity kills the cat.

I like watching dramas. Eventhough there are mostly cheesy ones on television, I don’t mind watching them. It’s just funny, seeing a geek girl being bullied by her schoolmates then saved by the coolest guy in school which is destined by the scriptwriters and directors to fall in love with the girl but their parents didn’t agree and separate them and ended up with someone committing suicide. Those cliché and corny storylines weren’t only making me laugh, but also teaching me to recognize that what I am holding on my grip is nothing but a love letter.

I know it’s a love letter.

That starts with “Dear, Yagami-senpai blah blah blah…” and ends with a punchline which simply asking me to go out to the neighborhood amusement park with the sender tomorrow. Yep, tomorrow on Valentine’s Day. It’s just merely asking for a date right? How sweet.

If you ask me how I am feeling right now, I can say I’m nervous. This is the first love letter I’ve ever got in my life and also the very first time someone asks me to go on a date. I feel a mixture of happiness, anxiousness, worry, nervous, and confused twirling in my stomach, spreading a pleasurable warmth in my chest. But then I feel really mad and being tricked when I realize it is anonymous and also, the handwriting is too cute to be a boy’s.

Just what’s the sender thinking? This girl, or so I think, writing something like this just because I am well known as Yagami Kumi the-one-who-never-gets-boyfriend girl? This is such a stupid bully and it’s not worth my worries. Popular girls are always the mean ones. Both in dramas or realities.

I close my locker and glance to the locker beside mine.

Yagami Ueno.   

Right. I have a classmate who has a same family name with me. I take a glance constantly to the letter and Ueno’s locker and something pops up my mind.

Maybe it’s a misplaced letter?

What if the writer is really a girl that supposed to be sent to Ueno’s? It’s only written “Yagami-senpai” it could be Yagami Ueno not Yagami Kumi, right? Since the sender is a girl, or so I think. Without second thought I immediately slip it onto Ueno’s locker and decide to watch the result the day after. But before I successfully insert the whole in, a hand grabs my arm and stops me from doing so. I startle. Afraid if that was Ueno caught me sneaking his locker, I turn my head slowly only to find a girl with a teary eyes.

I immediately rush the envelope to my pocket.

“Don’t…please…senpai…” the girl began. I see her legs are shaking. What’s wrong with this girl? I don’t even know her.

“H-hey, you okay?” I reply, referring to her condition and ignoring the past moments. She seems in a fever since I notice her cheeks flushed red.


“Yes?” I’m surprised that she knows my name.

“I’ve liked you since last year…please go out with me?”

Wait. Did I mishear? Was that a confession?

“That letter…it was me who writing it. I’m so ashamed so I tried to take attempt being anon. I’ve watched you this whole time. And…I’m sad when you treat that like nothing and put it in other’s locker…”

I only stunned in my position hearing her whole explanation. Unconsciously my eves devouring her. She’s a girl with black long hair, shorter than me, and her eyes are very pretty. I never saw this girl before, or maybe it’s just me being anti-social and not so concern with my surroundings.

“Really? I’m sorry …because it was anon and I thought it’s a misplaced letter that supposed to be Ueno’s…” I give her proper answer. I’m still wrapped in confusion of sudden unimaginable happenings today.

I see her cute cheeks become even redder when she realizes I’m exploring my eyes on her top to toe. She’s a very cute girl.

It’s not because the sin of the issues or anything. It’s just some part of me still can’t believing someone, happened to be a girl, having a crush on me? And what did she say? For a year already? Wow.

“So…you’re the culprit then…” I say with a joking tone, making her even redder

“Please don’t say mean things, senpai!” she pouted. I feel something strange. I’m sure my heart just skips a beat now seeing her cute pout. What is this?

“Who’s your name?” again, curiosity kills the cat. I don’t know. I feel like having the urge of wanting to know more about her.

She doesn’t respond anything instead she steps forward and grabs the back of my head. She tilts her head and…Oh Kami-sama…I’m not in the drama right? She just stole my first kiss!

She smiled shyly, “Kizaki Yuria, class 2-A, yoroshiku onegaishimasu.” She bows and runs leaving me frozen.

Oh my God, I just got myself a girl…


wheres the mayuki??? no more updates??  :panic: nooo  :grin: it will be! its just another distractions  :)2

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Offline msst28

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Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
« Reply #42 on: February 15, 2012, 10:14:13 PM »
eh ending just like that..  :frustrated:
need more

Offline ny37z

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Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
« Reply #43 on: February 17, 2012, 11:01:57 AM »
yeah~ need more! :frustrated:
that was sooo~ sweet... :heart: :heart:

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Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
« Reply #44 on: February 17, 2012, 12:15:02 PM »

Ahhhh Why have I not properly leave any comments here until now :banghead:

I'm LOVING your "OH SHIT" right now and is wishing you to update it soon  :twothumbs
I wonder what will happen with Naachan seems like she is having a hard time finding a cure for her friend and cousin. It's okay she can take her time, I kind of want to see what else MaYuki will do. :twisted:

Actually going through this thread I realize I read some of these before on tumblr I think, but I'm sure
I read them before  :) I've just been bad and never floated to light LOL.

Thanks and hope you update soon

*fades back into the shadows*

Offline LeNosferatu

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Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
« Reply #45 on: February 19, 2012, 04:03:18 PM »
Lol part 5 gonna be posted this week. be patient guys! im just gonna reply some comments here sorry  :sweatdrop:

@Sieka thanks for the comment!  XD yes..i wonder what Neru would do to her in the next chapter... :nervous oh im sorry my english isnt so good  :banghead: but i promise i'll be better in thext chapter!  :thumbsup

@anzai48 yeah cant wait for the next thing they'll go through :3 btw i havent comment to your fic cause im still in the middle reading it lool there are lots anzai-san!  :cry: im sowwiee

@kahem yes yes, i start shipping Neru with Nacchan (??????)
@RenaChii but the one who develops the feeling first is mayu lol

@Nakamii yes thank you Naka-san! wait this week kay?  ;)

@msst28 im planning to make a  :?

@ny37z same with mss-san, should i make sequel?

@immortal_K ay ay Immortal Y U so cruel  :cry: :cry: loljk  :P yes you might be visiting my tumblr page ?

btw all, visit my tumblr pls. i post new mayuki oneshot which i cant put it here for some reasons (trolling like a boss)  8) gave a heart or reblog it or leave the comment here, will ya?  :yep:

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Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
« Reply #46 on: February 19, 2012, 05:41:39 PM »
Do kumin accept yuria feeling?
Their date?
Yuria ways to make kumin fall in love
Pls continue kuminxyuria couple

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Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
« Reply #47 on: February 20, 2012, 11:32:57 AM »
Nice hehehe Kuumin got a girl ^^

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Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
« Reply #48 on: February 21, 2012, 01:56:42 PM »
Curiosity killed the cat. I checked your tumblr when you said you posted a fic there, and I must had me there. XD
I'm...speechless... I'm perfectly and utterly speechless in a very good manner. :lol: Though I must say...I never knew you could write like that...
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Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
« Reply #49 on: February 21, 2012, 04:05:24 PM »
 :glasses: MaYuki eh? Gonna check it out....

Later on.... :on bleed: I'm drowning in tissues.. :on blackhole:

Hahah that was unexpected...   :on gay:

Thank you for the ehrrm MaYuki fic.  :on GJ:

Arígatou!  :kneelbow:
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Offline LeNosferatu

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Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
« Reply #50 on: February 22, 2012, 05:34:38 PM »
@msst28 cant help! Yuria is so cute and Kumi likes her in real life too!  :cathappy: well maybe~~ so this i want to make an extra for them as a sequel :)

@kahem wait for the extra :)

@anzai48 *gives tissue*

@Sieka thanks for reading omg omg its because of melon-lover, he/she is my fave writer and she/he indirectly taught me how to write something like that  XD sorry if its cheesy or even disgusting  :nervous

@Megumi YAY thanks for reading  :love: :love: *throws tissues*

Sorry for the waiting guys!!! Here's the part 5 of Oh, Shit! and im sorry if its not a long and satiable one cause final tasks and schools and final exams holds me down  :cry: :cry: being a last grade in high school is really a hell  :(

Eru is waiting for you love, hate, comments, and corrections!

Oh, Shit! (V)

“Wake up! Wake the hell up you sleepyhead rat!”

Watanabe Mayu was so sure she wasn’t in a Nazi camp which every sleeping prisoners being hit to make them wake and continued work in order to survive during the World War. But she was also sure someone would increase the ordeal level on her if she kept following her sleeping instinct for a little longer. So she decided to open her eyes and found out a face of uncanny witch frenziedly hitting her back with a pillow. Somehow she could give a summary what people feel being hit by a cushion.

“I’m awake! I’m awake! STOP IT KASHIWAGI YUKI!”

The one being shouted stopped the ministration and stood up with hands on her waist. Looking at the yawning person in the lower bunk made her want to repeat the nurture but she could handle herself not to show her black side that much.

“Feel what I feel.” Yuki scoffed seeing Mayu rubbed her back. Mayu mumbled an apologize. She kind of regret hitting Yuki twice in head now, never knew a pillow could give her backbone an avalanche for seconds. She glanced at the bossy aura of herself. She never knew her own face could be that scary sometimes.

“Eww, I’m so ugly. Stop frowning, Yuki-san. You ruin my face.” Mayu rubbed her eyes. Yuki only facepalmed and hastily replied, “Yes you are. Come on, we gotta do something!” Mayu stared at the clock wall and realized something, “Oh My God, Yuki-san it’s still eight in the morning and it’s damn SUNDAY!! Please don’t ruin my life for a day. Just, please?” Mayu glared to the glaring girl, and it was kind of weird since she felt like having a glaring contest in a mirror.

“Okay, but I won’t be responsible about your life for tomorrow and the day after.” Yuki shrugged and started walking out the room but a hand stopped her, “Wait, where are we going again?”

Yuki smirked in victory, “I know I’ll always win. Just go change, I’ll wait you outside.” She walked triumphantly to the door leaving the mumbling Watanabe Mayu,

“Where does your motherly side vanish, Yuki-san?”


“I’m sorry, Miss. But really, I’m afraid we can do nothing about that. Do you have any backup account or another payment report? Let me check if you want incidental cash.” A well-suited officer smiling warmly to a well-frustrated Hirajima Natsumi. He would assume that a young woman in front of her had just having a rough day, and Nacchan could guarantee his face-reading was totally accurate.

“Err…I guess no? Well then, thank you, Sir.” Nacchan bowed and lazily dragged her feet out of neighborhood bank in Kyoto. Of course she couldn’t get any access to her own account since she even forgot her own PIN number and she didn’t carry any identity or payment report that actually could help her, since it was already rotten deep down the lake.

No money, no tickets, no phones, no nothing. Only a few bucks that she luckily left in her bag but already spent for this morning food and a very cheap and stinky motel she stayed until tomorrow. She never felt this wretched before. The one and only who could make her life miserable like this was…

“Can’t…? Go…? Home?”

A whisper in her ear successfully made her almost in heart attack. She was lucky she wouldn’t end up in Kyoto’s newspaper the day after with a ridiculous headline about an unknown girl dying in the park because of the whisper of…


Nacchan stared in terror. She didn’t want Neru anywhere near her if she would only spend bad and bad and more bad moments. Nacchan’s finger sharply pointed at the now smiling fortuneteller,

“You…you…how dare you…showing up in front of my face again…I WON’T DO ANYTHING YOU SAY! LEAVE ME ALONE!”

She was in her highest boiling point and could throw anything to the now astonishing clairvoyant. But it wasn’t until Neru laughed.

“It’s not my fault. You chose to have a bad luck. You deserve it, girl.” Neru said in mischievous tone. She wanted to know more Nacchan’s reaction.

“WHAT LUCK? SCREW YOUR LUCK! WHO ARE YOU? GOD? JUST GO AWAY!” Nacchan shouted madly at her, she couldn’t think anything straight right now since the urge of killing the favorite fortuneteller of her roommate overflowed like a river stream.

“Have you ever watched The Matrix trilogy? You can say, I’m the Oracle.”

The sudden cold tone of Neru’s voice chilling Nacchan’s bone. Nacchan could sense something had changed with the bizarre woman in front of her but she could define what. She just felt scared of Neru right now.

“And no, I’m no God. And that statement, Hirajima-san, was very insulting us the fortunetellers. Just so you know,” Neru smirked

“I’m Yuki’s childhood friend.”

Nacchan’s jaw couldn’t be more dropped than now,



“Where are we going?”

It was already the 7346583th time Mayu asked Yuki since they entered the car and Yuki only responded with nothing and kept straight faced facing the road. Mayu got bored being abandoned and she took her mobile phone from her pocket and opened the lid. She turned to Yuki and started taking pictures of her which for the very first time Yuki responded,

“What the hell are you doing?”

“Don’t move! It’s cool seeing me driving a car. I’m gonna film this and take some pictures for my blog.” Mayu kept angled her phone to the confused Yuki. Mayu checked the result for a while, not satisfy with the photo, she took another one with different angle, again and again until Yuki snapped,

“Could you please stop that? I can’t concentrate!”

“I would stop if you smile.” Mayu answered shortly. In her head she smirked, I’m so gonna win this time, Yuki-mean. (it’s a pun actually, from Yuki-rin I change into Yuki-mean) Deep in her heart, she actually wanted to see Yuki smiling though she realized it won’t happen once she got trapped in her body. Before the whole crazy body-swapping happened, she rarely saw Yuki smile. If so, it was only to Nacchan and a quick and half-heartedly one. Mayu sometimes wondered if Yuki’s character was indeed cold-hearted and stoic one but after what happened last night when she hugged Mayu, she believed Yuki was actually a nice person.

“Say cheese!”

“No! Please be normal.” Yuki kept rejecting the childish leech beside her. She really hated cameras. About taking pictures, if Nacchan didn’t ask, she never took a picture of herself and now seeing herself being attacked by camera and she couldn’t help because she was behind the wheel, somehow irritated her.

“Just once! And hey, that’s my face. You don’t have to worry.” Mayu convinced again. She couldn’t help to stifle her laugh seeing Yuki steamed like that. The evil sounds inside Mayu’s head started roaring again to give Yuki one final push.

“Okay, so I’m just gonna take my pictures then. Whoopsies, it’s your face anyway!” Mayu teased.

Yuki’s face couldn’t be more red than now. She surrendered,

“Okay! Okay! Just this once. Come on before I change my mind.” And there it goes, a new blog post of Watanabe Mayu pictures and videos driving a car. To be noted, with the usual cyborg smile.

“See? It’s not that hard.”


I know I’ve always been smart, Yuki-mean. And someday I’m gonna make you smile for me, with your own face, thought Mayu.

« Last Edit: February 24, 2012, 10:46:34 AM by LeNosferatu »

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Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
« Reply #51 on: February 22, 2012, 09:32:37 PM »
 :on woohoo:  Update!

Hahahha OMG

Neru-sama is Yukirins childhood friend?!
I wonder where Yukirin&Mayu will be going....

Arígatou!  :kneelbow:
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Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
« Reply #52 on: February 23, 2012, 09:07:39 PM »
LOL Yuki-mean~

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Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
« Reply #53 on: February 23, 2012, 11:04:53 PM »
At last I found some time to read this!!!

I read all of your stories in one go...


 :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

Your MaYuki is awesome!!!  :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1:

And the body swap is just.... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

And the SKE couple is really sweet  :thumbup :thumbup

Waiting for more!!!!
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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Re: Eru's Collection xD AKB and SKE + Majisuka stories ^^
« Reply #54 on: February 24, 2012, 09:03:00 AM »
Seriously, Yuki needs to smile and loosen up. Also, reverse techniques sure works well when you have your body swapped. :lol: I'm also shocked though, Neru is Yuki's childhood friend? Seriously? Why didn't Nacchan knew? :huhuh:

Anyways, I'm not disgusted of writings like that since I'm mostly used to it, being involved with anime and all makes you used to such thing, its like you just saw a normal picture. :lol:
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Re: Re: Eru's Collection: Newest - MaYuki Series (Oh, Shit!)
« Reply #55 on: February 25, 2012, 08:18:39 PM »
Hahaha the car scene is so funny
Mayuyu drinving must be cool ^^

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Re: Eru's Collection: Newest - MaYuki Series (Oh, Shit!)
« Reply #56 on: July 21, 2012, 06:29:09 PM »
You should update this someday, Eru-sama. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's waiting for continuation. Though I'm not pushing you or something
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Re: Eru's Collection: Newest - MaYuki Series (Oh, Shit!)
« Reply #57 on: July 22, 2012, 02:34:49 AM »
want more of Mayuki's love-hate relation!!!~ I find Mayu annoyingly cute and funny when she's with Yuki.  :on GJ:
Pls update soon..
Ja ne~

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Re: Eru's Collection: Newest - MaYuki Series (Oh, Shit!)
« Reply #58 on: July 22, 2012, 06:03:15 AM »
 :ptam-wub: oh my....i didnt know there lots of ppl still reading and waiting for this dumb series  :ptam-hbk:

should i continue this?  :OMG:

well maybe...i'll start writing this again. thank you guys for the support!!! i wanted to cry uwaaaaah  :ptam-cry:

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Re: Eru's Collection: Newest - MaYuki Series (Oh, Shit!)
« Reply #59 on: July 22, 2012, 08:21:27 AM »
Eh~ don't tell me that you thought of putting this series into a full stop just right in the midway? :shocked No way~! :smhid

I was actually confused as to why you didn't update this for so long. :?
And as much as I don't like you saying it a dumb series, I think the series would finally deserve getting the word 'dumb' if only you break it without a proper ending (unless the circumstances get too difficult and urge you strongly to stop right away).
After all unfinished stories aren't cool yow! :D We're waiting for your 'flare' for this series awakened again. Good luck! :thumbsup
« Last Edit: July 24, 2012, 04:58:37 PM by aruka »
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